Market Close: The Bears Are Here
Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs
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We gon na take on the world is know we're gon na take on the world. We're gon na take what is going on. Moon gang markets aren't looking the best right now. Markets are a little bit red.

Hey crypto markets are green, so we're going to talk about everything going on we're going to be taking a look at the markets, we're going to be talking about some individual equities. If you guys want, i could pull up some of the short interest numbers all that good jazz. You know, i'm i'm here, i'm a people, please i'm here to do what you want me to do uh. So a lot of things to talk about.

I want to give you a friendly reminder that, when the market closes today, 4 p.m et tuesday march 1st, if you happen to be watching this live and after an hour after that, amc will be having its earnings announcement. It's q4 earnings announcement. Basically the fiscal quarter that ended on december 31st, 2021 they're going to be giving us a wrap-up of what happened in that corner and there's a lot of excitement for it, because there's a strong belief that they actually might have went positive. Ebitda positive on the quarter, so that's some exciting stuff and i will be living streaming that that starts at 5 pm et the earnings call.

I will be starting the stream at 4 45 to get everyone. I guess more up-to-date of like what to look for what to listen for what to be prepared for uh for that earnings announcement once again. Basically, 45 minutes after the market closes today me this guy right here with all of you listening right now, we'll be streaming. The amc earnings announcement so quick reminder of that, but before we get there, we have about 30 minutes until that bell goes ding ding, ding, ding, ding and the stock market.

It's looking a little bit sus right now, a little bit sus and obviously it does directly relate to the tensions that we are seeing in ukraine. Obviously, putin is basically still being a dick uh, so that's not looking the best, but before we get to all that, i want to share a story with you uh. I guess i want to share two stories with you how's the best way i should pitch this they're amazing stories, and i want to make sure that as a storyteller, i'm getting this all right for you folks, folks, folks, you got ta, listen up whatever you're doing With your ears make sure they are opened up, because i have two stories for you that both came out today and i need to share them because i don't know which one's more wild yeah. No, i know which one's more wild but you're gon na see why i'm a little bit confused in just a second.

You know, let's not even wait, just a second, let's hop right over and you can. Let me know your thoughts on which is more crazy. Man. Oh man, i'm excited to see how this plays out congress to conduct a formal hearing on banning lawmakers from trading stonks.

It's about darn two in time now, just because they're having a formal hearing. Does that mean that it's going to break in the way that almost all constituents in the u.s want it to break? No, not necessarily, but it's at least a step in the right direction? It's at least a step in the direction that politicians on both sides left right in between. I don't care they're starting to realize how much their greedy gluttonous financial decisions are pissing off the public. Will this lead this particular hearing lead to what we want? I don't know i'm gon na be optimistic about it.
I want it to um. This is way overdue. In my humble opinion, uh we're gon na get into some of the details here and i need to stress some key stuff that i'm i'm really really worried that they're gon na get away with. So just you know a u.s house panel.

Remember if you ever watch that video like for a bill to become a law, it has to go through, like committee house, senate blah blah blah, then the president that type of thing so remember this is early early on. So this is basically a panel like one of the earliest steps. Just so you know, uh lawmakers have introduced several bills to limit or ban their own stock trades more than one. In 10, members of congress have violated a federal conflicts of interest law.

You heard that right more than one in 10 members of congress have violated a federal conflicts of interest law. 10, 10 of our elected congressional members have violated a conflict of interest law, don't think about it too hard or you'll get extremely pissed off a hearing is in the works for next week to debate the merits of banning members of congress from trading individual stocks. Ah man, man, man, man, the merits of it, debating the merits of it. Why can't i get invited? I i don't understand, invite me i want to be a.

I want to be a part of that debate. What's the merits of it, your insider training, that's the the debate's 10 seconds that why why are we discussing the merits of it? That's it! That is the conclusion you mcgee are insider trading. You have information not privy to the public and you are financially benefiting off of it. You don't need a debate.

I need one sentence. I could fit that in a tweet. Just give me the 240 characters or whatever it is. I could end the debate right there.

I'll save the taxpayers money boom i'll, save them time. I'll save the taxpayers. Money case closed. That's the debate.

You have insider information, don't train on it right there boom. I should man sign me up. Where do i sign up? The hearing would represent a dramatic acceleration in the now bipartisan push to combat congressional conflicts of interest and tighten flaccid enforcement rules. I like this the now bipartisan push.

This is no hit on the author whatsoever. It's more of a hit on politicians, but we're going to circle back to that. Just so you know no date has yet been set, and this is all about the 2012 stop trading on congressional knowledge act, uh the stock act. The committee's review is of this act.
That basically said hey, don't do that. No hearing has been noticed at this time, so this is kind of like some insider information that i guess was given to insider oddly enough about that. It's going to be happening next week, but no particular date, so obviously, as the storyline plays out i'll, keep you up to date on it. An early version of president joe biden, state of the union called for congress to pass a ball bill.

Excuse me that would restrict or ban lawmakers from trading individual stocks. According to the washington post, the issue of banning congressional stocks is backed by most voters on both the left and the right does. No one find that as funny as i do so you're telling me in one of the most polarizing times in all of the history of the united states. There is a particular issue that both the left and the right agree upon and congress is there and they're they're just like i don't know what they want like seriously they're just there like almost like a doctor like help me help, you tell us what you want And they're like we are telling you independents, democrats, republicans all of them across the board are saying: don't do that and they're like.

Ah, i just can't hear you my like my phone service, you're, really sounding staticky like do you have me on speakerphone or something? This is lunacy. Folks, pelosi in december appeared unwilling to entertain legislative debate on a congressional stock ban and affirmed her stance that members of congress should be allowed to trade individual stocks. We are free market economy. They should be able to participate in that um.

I don't know i'm not the best word smithsonian out there, but uh. I don't think it's necessarily a free market economy, if you're trading on insider information, but who knows i'm not a lawyer, i don't speak legalese by january. However, pelosi faced significant pressure from republicans and democrats alike to change her mind. She shifted course uh.

No, it's because she said she wants to keep trading, and then she decided she saw the poll numbers of the fact that american voters constituents are getting pissed off she's like well. I do want to be a politician for longer and i want to get reelected. So i guess i just have to do this and i think what the beauty in all this is coming back to this little piece of verbiage up here, the now bipartisan push. I like that, and i like that, for this exact reason you know we we sit here and we debate and we argue with strangers on the internet strangers on the street family members, friends, spouses, significant others, politics is very polarizing and a lot of the times.

It comes down to actions of elected politicians, but it's events like this that i can't stop thinking about. We have no idea their actual opinion. These people are literally just staring at the poll numbers and saying: okay yeah. Maybe i should do this.
That's all it is. How do i keep my position of power, so i can abuse the power that the public has given to me. That's the name of the game. I honestly i i would bet any amount of money if you are a staunch republican, a staunch democrat, if we did personality tests of every member of congress of every president ever i guarantee that they are so absurdly similar and right here us, the dumbass plebeian citizens Of the world think that they're so different, you might think one side is moral and altruistic and the other side is the worst people ever and you don't even know how they're there i'm telling you folks, i feel so vehemently strong about the idea that i bet They're all the same level of douchebags.

I believe that with every ounce of my heart that i think they're all in it for personal gain across the board, all these people. How are we to what is the debate of marriage on this? You are insider trading. It blows my mind they're across the board. They are greedy from both a financial standpoint and a power standpoint.

We have no idea if they actually give a about making their locality their town, their whatever their state, their country a better place, they're in it. For them. That's it across the board; they are in it for them. You are not going to find a single politician on this planet that doesn't have some sort of sketchy such decision of skeletons in his or her closet.

The other thing i have to say about this before we go on just because it's that important individual stocks from trading individual stocks, it blows my mind that no one is calling them out. We already know from various studies that they are going down in their stock trading they're, going up in options trading and even without that are we saying they can still trade etfs. It does not make sense, do not let them get away with this concept of hey. Look look at what we did for you, public we're, not trading individual stocks.

Okay, are you trading the s p? 500? Are you trading gold etfs? Are you trading oil etfs? Are you trading tech etfs? Are you trading options on individual stocks? Are your spouses still trading individual stocks? Do not let them get away with this verbage of like it is not a win if all if you could mage wave a magic wand and all that all of a sudden tomorrow, congress is no longer trading individual stocks. That does not fix this problem. I cannot be more clear about that. They, that's the workaround, we're gon na trade options, we're gon na trade etfs our spouses will trade it do not lit.

All of these politicians left right in the middle. I do not care. Do not let them get away with this they're gon na pass it and pat themselves on the back and be like man tough day at the office. We really did this country some good.

That is a load of sorry this, this just it's so it's so insanely infuriating it's so insanely. Irksome like this is such the fact that this has to even be discussed and then they're like it's. This is one of the biggest. This is a loophole.
The size of an elephant - this isn't some like little technicality, they're going to get off. This is so obvious, and the fact that, like just no one is standing up that has like a big enough voice of big enough position and power to do something about it. It's it's truly astounding. You know what it is astounding.

This story, i don't know which one's more crazy, but i need to share this one with you as well. Ken griffin talks, russia, market chaos and a move to go public. If you don't know who ken griffin is he's the ceo and founder of citadel hedge fund and also citadel securities, ken gerfin has encountered multiple challenges since founding citadel three decades ago, including the 2008 financial crisis that came close to like his fund actually went almost under. For this now, the world is facing a very different order of the threat of with russia's invasion of ukraine and one of his biggest threats, also currently the apes markets.

This is a commentary from him on this bloomberg. Article marcus had a very vital inflection point: yeah dude, though the world's well aware of that one griffin has pulled off a rare feat of building a second dominant business market maker citadel securities. That's the one! That's messing a lot of things up and it's uh an abuser of pfoff payment for overflow, which in january, announced the first outside investment worth 1.15, a billy from sequoia capital and paradigm. Uh.

Remember the paradigm, one that it was actually announced earlier, that they are looking to get into the world of market making for crypto and paradigm is more of a like investor that relates to crypto. So people kind of saw that coming that valued it about 22 billion. Just for a little bit of background on our boy kenny g, here griffin, who grew up mostly in florida and went to public high school in boca raton, you know public high school he's just a down to earth. Guy boca raton, literally one of the most wealthy areas in florida, where it's known that wall street money goes to retire, also spoke about.

The prospect of citadel security is going public. I want to bring that up. Who knows? Maybe you think it's a failing business. Maybe you want to take a bet against it.

I don't know i'm not a financial advisor. You got to do what you want to do with your own money, the leadership of securities and exchange commission, the best advice he's received and a secret to his firm success. I read through all this: i don't really care you can read through it. If you want the key thing, i really the reason i'm talking about them.

The reason we're bringing this up the reason i'm spending your precious time and my specialist time on this right now is because it's something all the way at the end: scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll and more and more More and more bam bam. Oh wham right at the end, mr ken griffin. What do you do for relaxation and exercise? I know many of you day in and day out i get dms letters, myspace messages. What does ken griffin do for relaxation and exercise? Well boy? Oh boy, the answer is now upon us.
One thing that surprises people - i love to play, call of duty and i'll play it, while on the on the elliptical trainer, takes a bit of work on balance to do both at the same time, maybe a bit of multitasking, but i'm always trying to find ways To stay in shape and stay engaged, what what i too am a human person who does human person things as i work out on my elliptical trainer, and i am also playing a video game that the youngins play called call of duty. I do both together because i like to relax and exercise and stay in shape to stay engaged. Thank you for this interview. I appreciate your time wild wild folks.

You got to entertain this in your mind, you have to. How does that look? You know that that elliptical thing we're going we're going. Imagine now sprouting two extra arms, so you can also play your call of duty, fascinating, fascinating, fascinating, fascinating. For obvious reasons.

I had to share this with the remainder of the world, because this is the type of stuff you need to know about. Obviously, i think i know which story's a little bit more crazy, but i would love to get your thoughts in a comment below hey and if you enjoy this stuff, don't forget to hit that like button shout out. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. I need to know your thoughts in a comment below that's what i have for you now. Let's take a look at the markets, the markets, the markets, the markets, the markets did i take it a little too far with the arms sprouting.

I think i might have. Maybe one on one: we challenge ken griffin to an elliptical call of duty off. We need gerardo for this. I demand a 1v1.

This is an official challenge, hear ye hear ye. I will sign this with blood on the dotted line i will follow through on this bet. I am challenging sir sir, mr kenneth alfonso griffin to a call of duty, elliptical showdown three rounds best out of three winner. Take all.

If you win, you get my youtube channel and my collection of vintage duck shirts. If i win, i get citadel and citadel securities, but you are allowed to stay on the premises as the barista, because i like cappuccinos, that's the trade-off either i get citadel or you get my duck shirts and my youtube channel once again. Call of duty ellipticals show up showdown best out of three. You pick the maps name the place in time.

I will be there get this over to ken griffin, so unclip that and send it to him. Let's do it i'll put it all on the line. I will i will do an elliptical call of duty playoff against ken griffin right now. Am i showing earnings for amc? Yes, i will start that stream at 4.
45, so in about an hour, seems like an unfair trade. I 100 agree. My shirts are worth way more than cindado, but that's what i'm gon na do it is it's unfair, i'm taking a bigger risk, but also you have to take a bigger risk if you're as thick as i am like, come on, come on it's it's a handicap. Matt how's everything hope all is well uh, just aspiring into a mental abyss.

Just like a normal tuesday. It is what it is. Uh he's a huge camper uh, the spy is going down it is, it is, were any of you impressed in the off time when i told you to watch 428 and it hit 427.93. Was that just me patting myself on the back? You can be honest.

It might have just been me patting myself on the back. Speaking of amc. Amc will be reporting earnings today at 5 pm e t 5 pm et, and i will be streaming it be there or be square uh. We're seeing a lot of the markets fall right now, folks, folks, folks, folks, oh just so, you know the lockheed martin trade uh, we locked in 20 on that on this pump above 456., we locked in 20, if you're at all curious about that trade.

You got to get yourself over to, it's kind of like only fans, but not as good. Oh, even seth crushed it with a gold trade um. So the lockheed martin right here um, i posted it. When i got in about four hours ago, i put the expiration date, the strike, the premium, my goal and then i said: hey i got out at 1.75 and then also they have been crushing it in gold.

Shout out to seth shout out to fuzzygene shout out to everyone else: who's been crushing it on some of them gold plays. Do i have any calls on amc? No, i have no calls or puts on amc or gme. I just don't think it's a good market time in the market to play options on them. Um.

I just have my stock. I work for lockheed martin jeremy. I appreciate that for a moment in time there i was very, very bullish on your company and i actually still am. I just wanted to lock.

In those i mean if you make 20 in a day. That's that's nice. That's a nice day, faze kenny, griffin, 1v1, rus versus xx thick course xxx. Oh, i like it.

Hey kenny, i'll, take a double decaffeinated: double half calf, with a twist of lemon, a double decaffeinated, double half calf. Oh i love it. I love the shenanigans. You guys make my day so much better.

The scary thing about this from a mental perspective is, i would be doing this even without a camera, even without the internet. I just i'm just i guess, a crazy person who's yelling at my wall anyway. It just turns out what just happened there. Why did my background? Just hey uh? Oh, am i getting ddosed ddosed by the market makers like this guy he's not going to challenge us to an elliptical call of duty off this? Is i i think i'm having a moment like i, you hear these stories of people going around in their lives and then something happens and they realize what they're meant to do with their life, like, like i've, read various biographies autobiographies uh like biopics uh watch, those And there's certain people on this planet who they're like? I just knew at that instant time what i was meant to do with my life - and i think you guys just witnessed that, and i obviously it's great that we captured that live.
I am meant to be in a one versus one winner: take all elliptical call of duty off against the ceo and founder of the world's largest market maker. I have now found purpose for my life. Oh man, that's exciting! That's exciting! Let's see how this goes. Effort spin, the wheel guys i work at a stripper pole at night and has a fusion phase, hey folks, very, very important thing before the bell goes: ding any ding, ding ding.

Today everyone listen up. If you had opened your ears and then you closed them. I need you to reopen them, as you all damn well know, across the entire internet. It has been voted on by every person on this planet and there's a 100 unanimous consensus that this channel has the best thumbnails, not one dissenting opinion.

I do not do that. Myself, i know you guys look at me and you're like hey, that looks like a guy who really enjoys the elliptical in call of duty. I wonder if he does them together. I get that a lot, but what i don't look like is a thumbnail creator, and what i would like all of you today to do is wish a very, very happy, actually legitimate birthday to austin.

Who is the creator of all of my thumbnails? I don't make them folks, i don't. I am not that artistic. If you want to see mine scroll back a year and you'll realize my thumbnails suck, but seriously um. We wouldn't be where we are as a channel without all of his amazing amazing designs and efforts.

So if you guys could all all join me in saying happy birthday to austin uh, he crushes the thumbnails day in day out and he does far far more than that behind the scenes. So everyone take a quick second and let him know that we appreciate everything he does shout out, austin, happy birthday, cappuccino, don't forget your cappuccino all right and as we're doing that the happy birthday well, it sounds like the ranting made the market go down and now The happy birthday is making it bounce back. Where are we at? Where are we at oh ooh to mark where the time flies when you're having fun time flies? Uh sunset, best thumbnails on youtube? I think you mean best thumbnails on the internet, that's just kind of how it works kind of how it works, inverse head and shoulders on amc, hey, i'm seeing the same thing, you're seeing uh i'm going to be curious. Well, we're all we're kind of seeing everything pop in and close right now, this by the queues, amc lmt, it sounds like feels like it looks like somebody's pouring back into the market before uh.
The bell officially goes: ding ding, ding, ding, ding, jackie uh man. Can you play grillionaires as you close the stream, please you're the man i if i can find it, we could play a portion of it at least for a minute. Nice pop in amc as we're getting into close people must be a little bit excited about the earnings. Let's see how this goes, the casino is closed.

All right folks, it is a special special special day. Remember in 45 minutes we're streaming again wherever you're watching come back watch it again. Amc earnings starts uh i'll, be starting the stream in 45 minutes. The actual earnings starts in about an hour 5 p.m.

Et we will be streaming it so i'll be catching. You soon come back here in 45 minutes um and then remember also tonight. Just something that can have a big impact on the market is the state of the union address from president joe biden starts at 9, 00 p.m, e t um and then also beyond that. Don't forget to check out what i pinned to the top of chat and it's also in the description of the video if you want to become a better trader or investor check out ttg.

What's that link is it's a week trial? That's only three bucks. It's not going to recharge you or anything like that from there. If you want to sign up, you have to actually go back and sign up, but it's a one week, trial of their platform, their education, you're gon na get some courses all that stuff check it out. It's only three bucks but shout out to ttg and more importantly, shout out to all of you shout out to all you beautiful apes.

I very very much appreciate all of your amazing amazing support shout out to everyone who dropped a like shout out to everyone who's already, a member of the moon gang and a special shout out to everyone who joined up with the moon game today. I do appreciate the good vibes i will catch you in about 45 minutes and from me and share until then best of luck in the markets. Peace out, you.

3 thoughts on “Market close: the bears are here”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flixsymmetry says:

    Happy Birthday, Austin!! Don’t forget your cappuccino! The thumbnails are truly the best.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Good Video says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DebtDivaDime says:


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