Crypto Plummets, Stocks Rip & It's My Content Birthday!
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Foreign sometimes I guess it's a mess to go sing with my love and I will be somewhere I live inside such a mess that I was trying to disease oh brother oh brother oh brother happy Friday happy Friday Hope everyone's having a fantastic Friday! Today is the third birthday of Matt Core's content creation. It was on this day March 3rd all the way back in 2020 that I made this YouTube channel and look at how far we've come. We had an absolutely horrific first year, a truly insane, record-setting second year, and since then things haven't been going the best. Oh man, hello, hello, hello hello hello oh I Want to share a little bit of a personal story? Um folks, I have a busy day ahead of me.

There's a very good shot that I have to do this and then I'll probably be doing an interview and then we're probably gonna be on the streets of Manhattan just chatting with people seeing what kind of content comes from it. So I figured with such a busy day I needed to be one of those people. Get up at the crack of dawn, go to the gym early. you know, like do my brain games on my phone.

do like take my notes like I I gotta and I'm here to tell you that that sucks. These people who get up and tell you like, don't drink the night before, get up early, go to the gym, get your workout in. like structure your life. What? What are they smoking? It sucked the whole time my alarm went off I was like this sucks I put my clothes on I was like this sucks I went to the gym at the gym I was like this sucks I came back I was like this also sucks and I like just getting my life in order and doing everything I was like expected to do and was the appropriate decision to do.

it all sucked it all 100 sucked. Um so I don't suggest it I don't suggest it in the slightest if you're out there wondering like should you attempt to be like that kind of person who makes your bed in the morning like just symbolically that person I'm gonna go with a hard no I'm gonna go with a hard pass. Do what you want, party, be a degenerate. be late, don't get your work done, Whatever.

Do what you want like come on. let's just be realistic about all this. Oh good morning, good morning, good morning. Hey I hope everyone's having a good day.

Alex Murdaugh was found guilty he was. That was some big news as of yesterday. Uh I haven't seen the documentary or the docu-series or whatever you want to call it I believe it's on Netflix about that family. but I guess that they're just absolutely horrific people I I guess that they're truly just like all kind of, you know, like pieces of shit.

Um, so it sounds like it was good that he was found guilty. Uh, but I don't know? should I watch it I don't know if you guys saw is it on Netflix but I heard it was pretty good and I would love a little bit of your feedback of if I should be checking that out or not. Is this a little high today? My hair is a little high today. Maybe we'll we'll lower it a little bit like that.

Maybe I should be in the top of the frame Goonies in chat stocks, we're gonna get to stocks Lisa hold your horses. it's Friday I'm not saying that we ever take any day like particularly important. uh, but we really don't take them important on. Fridays Documentary was decent I've been following the story for a while.
just decent. A lot of people were saying they liked it. King Kyle Now you're coming in just kind of cooling. it.

just kind of cooling it all right. A couple things we need to get into. We're going to talk about the overall. Market We're going to talk about seasonality.

We're going to talk about issue two of the newsletter that went out. Basically the trades that I opened my current trades and the trades that I Closed locked in 300 yesterday on a ten thousand dollar account. You two could do that. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

The newsletter is completely free. It is in the description of the video where you could just go to Pin to the top of chat is a link to Weeble. So if you want 12 free stocks and you don't yet have a Weeble account, sign up. You get 12 free stocks.

And if you don't like it, whatever, no harm, no file, you at least got 12 free stocks once again pinned to the top of chat. so that's pinned up there and then just so you know in the description, you're going to find the link to Weeble But you'll also find the link to the free newsletter where yesterday we could go over it. But I mean I Detailed literally every single aspect of how I was able to lock him three hundred dollars. Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezies I Think the the robot made like 60 bucks yesterday when I was like throughout the day.

What's it doing right now? Let's do a little. Quick Check And here's the robot this morning. Um, this one. Whenever it goes long, that's the Pelosi robot and when it goes short, it's the Kramer robot.

So Pelosi's long right now and she's making me another 40 bucks. Looks like we have 92 locked in thus far today. Uh, you can't see it because it's down here where my mouse is. but my closed P L is 92 buckaroos and we'll see how this one plays out.

Um, we will definitely see how this one plays out. Uh uh. One thing I wanted to bring to your attention and I'll probably talk about this in more detail in just a second. There is a downside Gap though on both the spy and the queues this morning.

So for any of you who likes playing those Gap fill plays, that might be something of interest to you when the market goes dingy ding ding ding this morning. Downside: Gapville, Let me just quickly get those levels for you. on the Spide is the downside Capital to 398.69 and on the cues it is a downside Gap filled to 394.43 so we could talk about the overall Market We could talk about everything going on there. but I really think the big news of the day is that crypto is getting its nuts kicked into its pelvis.
It is painful and this is just my thesis on the situation. but I think it all relates to Silvergate. We talked about Silvergate a couple times over the past couple months and it all got started by our interview with Mark Cohotis who basically said he's taking a massive short position against the company because he thinks it was fraudulent and based on some recent developments, it looks like he was absolutely spot on. So I mean already this morning you see so many other crypto companies in damage control mode trying to be like no, no, no, like we don't work with Silvergate.

We don't know who Silvergate is, blah blah, but in reality they were one of the two main banking options for all of crypto. Like they were so ancestrally related to everything going on with crypto. It's a bad situation. It is a very, very very bad situation.

so we're going to be going over that. Obviously just the normal prep work. A couple of things about earnings. We actually had some decent earnings if you looked at AI Uh, they are gapping up right now C3 dot AI ticker symbol AI They're doing well.

just kind of catching the hype face currently of AI And then we have some recent developments on the political scale. We could also talk about some interesting things I found on Twitter but overall it's a Friday it's a Friday it's a Friday Did someone say incest? You guys are so messed up. You got you guys have a problem. You know that, right? Like it's already been well established that I have a problem I Mean hell.

I yell at a camera for a living. No one's in here I'm in this room by myself I Just talk like that's insane I Don't know if you guys are here for all I Know months ago I hit my head I'm in a coma and my brain's just firing and this is it. like I'm in my own little Purgatory right now. So I get that? I potentially have a problem I'll admit that the first step is admitting you have a problem.

but like, what's the deal with you folks that you're here listening to a crazy person be crazy I Just I Just want to throw that out there cheer cheers with you. Chair is with me, Chair is definitely with me. We have a lot of conversations. A lot of conversations.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the markets or crypto or the channel or business or making money or losing money or robots or newsletters or anything. But what I want to say is some of you my astute viewers. You know that I've had recently a pretty bad streak of luck when it comes to the game. Hogwarts I had my character Toby Keith and I got them to about level 15 and I was playing.

it's a fun game I Think it's a really really well done game that you could do a lot of cool things and and I was doing like a resizing thing on my monitor for the actual gameplay and in that process whether it was corrupt code or just a user error. uh, I deleted Toby Keith Toby Keith got Bert It was really, really sad I was really, really angry I tried to recover it from save files on the cloud they didn't exist blah blah blah like the list is, it just goes on and on and on of how many bad things happen. So anyway, I had to restart and as of last night, I am pleased to announce that my new Toby Keith Toby Keith Version Two. Well technically version Three if we really count the original Toby Keith So Toby Keith Version three has now surpassed where Toby Keith version 2 was.
So I'm back to where I should be. Um I'm actually now past where I should be. So that just a little bit of a win in my life. A little bit of a win that I wanted to share with you.

and I think a lot of people in this world they don't like to share their wins with other people because maybe it's not going to be received with open arms and adulations or just general. Elation So hey folks, that's my my big win of the day. and if you guys want you should feel share your big win with the community. why not? Maybe your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, kids don't want to hear your big wins.

but here in the Goonie Community we want to hear it. We want to hear it. We want to hear it. We want to hear it.

So oil's taking glyphster don't say that to me. Early in the morning it's at 76.60 like it's down two percent. That's not good, but at least it's not below 70. Should I name should I name my son Toby or Chip? probably chip.

that sounds cool I like that name at that. that's a good name. Name them Chip uh UAE is having internal debates on leaving OPEC per Wall Street Journal Probably nothing I say facetiously because it's probably actually massively huge. But anywho, take a look at the market.

Whew, that's green. That is green The last time I saw this much green I Pissed off my girlfriend by making fun of it too much and she went full Hulk mode and just beat the shit out of me. That's a lot of green. The Spy: rippity skippity doodah from 392 to 400 Tesla 186 to 196.

coins coming down. but this relates to Silvergate. we're going to be talking about that and Sylvia getting absolutely marked. But overall, like I mean the spies the cues the Russell looking good.

A lot of our big blue Chip stock favorites they're doing pretty well. Um, actually I haven't checked in on some of the small caps, so maybe we're going to do that in a second. But overall, we are getting that bounce back. I do want to call out obviously this downside Gap Fill on the spy from the day traders in chat.

there's a downside gap on the spider 398.69 and on the cues there's a downside. Gotfield to 394.43 as discussed yesterday and also in the newsletter. We had a horrific, horrific, horrific, terrific Bearer influence pre-market session yesterday and then everything. Rip.

We opened low. We got the upside Gap Bill and everything just continued to rip and rip and rip. This created on The Daily Candles This created what's referred to as a bullish engulfing. Channel I Don't know who names them I'm never invited to the naming committee because I would come up with like such cooler names like this.
you know I call this I wouldn't call it a bullish engulfing Channel I would call it pork chop McGee that's what I would name it I Don't get it I Feel like a lot of people lose, like they miss opportunities in life. They really really do. So some like nerdy fuckers were sitting there and they're like, well, it is bullish and it's engulfing and this is a proper adjective for the current environment. I'd be like shut the fuck up nerd, sit down.

This is called pork chop McGee that's the name of this chat. Like this particular technical development, this charting development, but they don't invite me I think I'm actually probably banned from those meetings. but anyway, whatever you want to call it, and I'm not saying you should call it the bullish engulfing candle. but I'm also not saying you shouldn't call it pork chop McGee either.

Anywho, it's bullish. obviously to gap down, recover, and then push above the previous day's High That's pretty bullish. It's obviously bullish and then when you consider that, yesterday we had a strong candle technical analysis development on top of the fact that today March 3rd seasonality is very much favoring the Bulls I mean that's it. Just seems like that's the way we're going today.

Um, and who knows. Yesterday things were feeling really bearish in the morning by the end of the day was crazy. Both today might be a complete inverse of that, but I'm saying when you consider the bullish engulfing Channel candle, excuse me yesterday with the fact that today from a seasonal perspective is crazy, crazy crazy bullish. Well, today might I mean my cue puts and my Tesla puts are probably going to be under a serious amount of strain and pressure.

so uh, not the most excited about that, but we'll see how it goes out once again. this is in the newsletter I Posted it last night I'm gonna post a newsletter every single trading day of the month of March to see if you guys like it or not. So check it out. Check it out.

check it out once again in the description of the video it's free. You just sign up I just need your email and I will send you and basically what I do is say I give you seasonality I give you an update on my account I give you an update on the closed positions yesterday I made 324 dollars I gave an update on the new positions on coin I sold to 72. this relates to what's going on Silvergate I feel very strongly that coin is going to be below 72. I also got out of Tesla and now with the upswing in Tesla I'm a little bit worried about it.

but I have all the way till March 31st. then I review all the current positions blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and then I basically just say thank you and I call you a Beautiful Bastard So hey, if that's for you, uh, check it out. But anyway, as of now, stock futures climb on Friday as S P 500 tries to snap a three-week losing streak. My question to all of you is do you think it's going to happen? Do you think yesterday we started off horribly.
We rallied all day, the Bulls fought like a motherfucker and we ended green and now in pre-market we're even more green. But as you're about to see, there's three different Fed members speaking today, Are they going to ruin the party for us? That's the question. Are they gonna ruin the bullish party? Big question. And I'm asking all of you that even though we're going up right now, how do you think the day is going to end? Are we going to be pretty red? Pretty green, Or like chopping somewhere in the middle and more of a premium burn type of a day? What's everyone's current opinion? Because you guys are my financial advisors and I take all the random chaps on the interwebs to heart and I'll probably be placing thousands of dollars of bets based on what you guys are telling me.

Hey Matt look I Got a free chat. Cheers Jmvs I Appreciate that. Thank you for being a bot fighter. Thank you thank you thank you Good morning Family Green Gonna end up red red.

No Crypto's down. If crypto was up, the FED would not ruin it. Bureaucracies to blame, no leadership leadership positions are bad colors until they wear out the benefit of doubt. short term we might have a cool experiencing a chopped a flat red red Bear candle.

Low volume, all right. Looks like a little bit of a mixed bag, but we have some negative nancies in here this morning. Anyway, as of now, the Dow, the S, P 500 and NASDAQ are all up between 0.5 and 0.7 oil down to 76 a barrel. Definitely diving right now on the report from Wall Street Journal that apparently apparently the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia considering leaving OPEC which would definitely be a big deal.

Uh, thank you for sharing that lipster and yields taken a little bit of a breather right now. we'll come back to the newsletter. But the main thing you need to know before the Bell opens that's on the newsletter is the seasonality of today. Over the past 25 years, the Bulls have won This particular day 68 of the time.

That's a huge fucking percentage of the time. The profit factor is 2.64 and the bias is clearly bullish. Today clearly clearly clearly favors the Bulls. That doesn't mean it has to.

Obviously, there is 32 percent of the time that the Bears did end up winning. so I'm not saying that they have to win the last two years they actually lost. but overall today it's a Polish. Let's just say Tailwind type of a day.

Now what you need to know is at 9 45 We're also going to get the PMI final report and then at 10 A.M we're going to get the Ism services. So two macroeconomic reports and on top of that, we actually have three Fed members speaking. So Logan she will be speaking at 11 A.M 3 P.M We have Bowman and there is one more. Let me find it.
Let me find it. Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? At noon we have Bostic so it goes 11, 12 and 3 ET Uh, Logan Bostic Bowman So pay attention to that because obviously these people, if they all sound pretty hawkish, not going to be good if they're all sounding a little bit more dovish. That could actually cause the market to rip even higher and higher and higher. Now this has nothing to do with the overall Market or anything.

Um, it's just because I'm a petty motherfucker. But the person who was calling out for AMC to hit 142 weeks ago now officially deleted their stuff because they were, uh, charlatan. We got to come back to this video. Please please remind me this video is hilarious And I want to show it to all of you.

Uh, we have time, we have time. We might as well just do it. Now let's get ready for this. Let me make sure all of it all right.

Probably the best financial Tick Tock I've ever seen. So how do we make money from home? For starters, this is not a sponsored video. We just get this question all the time and honestly the answer is really simple. So basically I just trade stocks on an app called Robinhood which I left a link in our bio.

If you want to check it out, it's free to download free to sign up. They actually give you a free stock so they're paying you to sign up but again, not sponsored and I know trading sounds intimidating. Here's my strategy in a nutshell: I see a stock going up and I buy it and I just watch it until it stops going up and then I sell it and I do that over and over and it pays for our whole lifestyle. Um, if you're wondering how much you can make doing this.

in this month I turned about 400 into 14 000 and in this month I turned less than a thousand into twenty thousand and of money you can make. But just the fact that we don't have to go to a nine to five job. Yeah, we can focus on things that we actually enjoy doing. So if you have friends that like want to make money from home, you can tag them or send them a link.

or if you make money this way, share it in the comments so other people know like there's more people doing this now. So how do we make money from home first now? Various things to go over in this video. Various things we should cover. but I Just because the Market's about to open in eight minutes? I Want to review the main trading technique that this guy probably couple found.

Where was it? How did he do it Free to sign up? They actually give you a freestyle all right after. Shilling Robin Hood So they're paying you to sign up, but again, not sponsored and I know trading sounds intimidating. Here's my strategy. all right right here.

So 22 seconds in. This is really where we get into the strategy. this is now. I'm going to give you guys a second if you guys need to break out a notepad.
Maybe you need a pen. um, but listen up. Maybe your manager was talking. Maybe you were driving your kids to school.

Maybe you want to pull over to the side of the road because this is where we're really getting into the strategy and this this is what you need to know. This is a secret that a lot of people that aren't going to share in the world of trading and the fact that this got out there it. I Think we should take it as probably a sign from God herself Regina Nutshell: I see a stock going up right and I just watch it until it stops going up and then I sell it and I do that over and over and it pays for our whole lifestyle. Maybe one more time because it is Advanced it it is.

Advanced So one more time I see a stock going up and I buy it and I just watch it until it stops going up and then I sell it and I do that over and over and it pays for our whole lives. All right. So I think we could break this down into a couple. Steps Step one: Find a stock that's going up.

Step two: Buy said stock. Step three: Sell it when it stops going up. That's a good one. That's that.

That's a that's a good one. Fine to stock going up. Buy stock, Sell it when it stops going up. We should give that a try.

We we we should give that a try. Uh, we should definitely give that a try. Well I want to get into All right we went over all this. You know that there's three Fed members speaking today? Um, earnings? Just so you know.

Yesterday, Uh, actually gapping up right now in pre-market Uh, going up. So if you are looking to employ a strategy, um AI technically I don't want to be that guy. But if we're thinking of the Steps step one was: find a stock going up. Step two was to buy the stock going up to buy it right here.

We'll say that we're buying it. So step one: find a stock going up. Step two. Oops.

Buy the stock that is going up and then step three would be to sell it when it stops going up. Uh, do we have a question mark? Is there a question mark in here? Because we don't quite know when it's going to stop going up? But we're done with 66 percent of the strategy. Find a stock going up, Buy the stock, sell. We just have to wait to sell it.

It's it's interesting, something to consider. but anyway, AI crushed its earnings. Uh, we had a couple other ones. Uh, there's going to be a couple more earnings next week, just so you know, want to throw that out there? But the main story it seems today is the fact that very, very quickly crypto is getting shit on very much.

Bitcoin Ethereum is not so good Bitcoin Down: 4.62 Ethereum down 4.5 percent I Personally believe it all relates to Silvergate Capital Silvergate Capital Ticker symbol Si drops 57 after the crypto Bank delays its annual report. We're going to be getting into it because it's absolutely wild, so we'll do that right after the Market opens. And we should also talk about how Biden was kind of caught lying. Five things known before that: Bell goes dingy ding ding ding today Friday March 3rd.
What the FED uh I mean the FED members are as flippy floppy as any politician that you could possibly imagine. But right now people, it really feels like once again, the market is going up well. oil is coming down a little bit which is helping it out. but really, people are like oh no, maybe the FED is really Devin They're not dovish, they are not I Think this ends very poorly in the short term for the Bulls ESPN aims to be a live Sports Hub ESPN The self-proclaimed Worldwide Leader in Sports is working on a way to get sports fans to go to its site and app to find out where live sport events are being streamed or broadcast even if they're not being shown by ESPN Could be kind of cool.

ESPN Owned by Disney Recharging In Progress so Ford just recently having some issues with the lightning, so hopefully they can fix that. Crypto making big trouble. Massive trouble, Massive, massive, massive trouble. So we're going to be covering Silvergate a little bit more later on.

Snow business Like snow business. Um, so weird storm ripping through the U.S and if any of you are being impacted by it I Hope it's easy, peas and lemon squeezy and not I Don't know what the saying is I Haven't had enough coffee ready this morning, but let's just get back to the market. Stop embarrassing me. Stop embarrassing me.

All right, let's get going. let's get going. We're zooming in. Uh, I'm watching Tesla because I have those puts that are costing me a shitload of money.

Um, and we're just watching the Spy just to see if there is that. Downside: Gaffle. once again. Downside: Gap Fill on the Spy Two Two: Let's clean this up.

Let's clean everything up. Uh, Downside: Gap fill on the Spy right here to 398.69 the high from yesterday. and for the cues, it is down to 394.43 So that's what I'm watching on the spy and the queues this morning for. The downside: Gap Phil And we'll just get the Spy up there.

398 69, 398 69 Let's mark that out. Three nine. You just have to find something going up and then buy it. So so simple a caveman could do it all right.

So we have that set up. Uh, Tesla We're seeing how it's doing. I mean recently got rocked, but then it popped pretty hard yesterday. so let's see how that one plays out.

SI Currently down 57.72 Si in the bottom left of your screen got so absurdly murdered in the past trading day I Don't know how it's legal? Well, it is legal because it's potentially absurdly fraudulent. So we'll see how it all goes. But get ready because that Bell is going to go dingy ding ding ding in less than a minute. So everyone prep up.

Everyone prep up before we get into it. Hit the like button very much helps me out with the leaderboard over there on Rumble and very much helps out with the algorithm over here on YouTube. So if you haven't already please please please I would greatly appreciate it. Hit the like.
hit the Subscribe and if you want 12 free stocks it just pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video. But potentially more important than that is to get onto the free newsletter where just yesterday we locked in 300 buckaroos. Did Murdoch get his hands on as hi uh I Was gonna say too soon but honestly not soon enough. not soon enough.

I Got it. The bear crossing the screen is subliminal Message today is bearish. The casino is open. Best of luck to all.

Play responsibly if not have fun. let's go. let's go. let's go.

That was a little too loud. Is my robot long right Now it is. and in fact it was up. 50 bucks for an ounce break even.

Well that's super. Not cool brother. Let's break even now. Uh Target Well we'll see how that goes When in Rome right? A little bit of a negative opening if you will.

Not the best opening for the Spy or Tesla but we'll see how it goes. We'll see how it goes. crap. I'm late.

you're late to class. Demerit Wow wow wow wow. You thought you would go unnoticed being late to Today's Show Out of all shows, this is the one you chose to be late on demerit. Two demerits.

In fact, you're not getting away today so easily. with one simple demerit, you're getting a double demerit. Uh. Matt Blockrock stock is up one percent.

Yeah, I mean so to me. I Don't interpret it as a good sign that Ray Dalio is laying people off. but recently we've been seeing a lot of companies actually do well right after they announced it because the market is thinking okay, yeah, like leadership is like kind of cutting the fat and just kind of cutting the the dead weight that they're carrying around. But uh, I don't know.

I think BlackRock personally got a little bit too overextended by investing in China That's my own opinion. Maybe I'm horribly wrong. Maybe the investment of the decade is investing in China I just don't see how though it just doesn't add up and that's my opinion. Like I said, maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong.

but Ray Dalio is a big big supporter of like putting more money into the Chinese economy and like investing there and taking advantage of their opportunities. But something is weird when we're at an 18-year low of foreign investment in China's economy. Like some things, something's weird. Ray Dalio retired.

Yeah, no, he retired but like it's his thing that he started and he definitely has like quite a bit of influence. I know he's not running it anymore, but if you think that he's not still like he goes on, he was just on. TV still talking about China if you think he's not like so heavily at least behind the scenes saying like here's what we should be doing with my brainchild. Oh, Bsv is up 100 great.
You're probably taking money at least BlackRock doesn't invest in our dirty oil and gas industry right? Fair Fair Point Fair Point Fair Point All right. Um, so I'm gonna need a little bit of your financial advice team. the Gap bill right here. The high of yesterday: 398.69 Uh, can you guys? what value? Who do you think? Who in here thinks they know the most about the market? What value do you think the Spy is going to close at? Do you think it's gonna be 399 398 397 400 41402 Let's play the game of who can get the closest and you're allowed to go over.

This isn't Price is Right Rules of like oh like without going over no I just want to see who like by magnitude is the closest to calling the closing value of the Spy today: 350 Trex Maybe that would be bad I think the market would be shut before that. What call outs are you guys doing? 394 388 45 389 357 402 28 Some 400s, some 408s time for light you are one optimistic Oscar 392 390, 9 385 40041 Above 400 600 Stay puffed. That is the most optimism. That's an optimism level of nine thousand, an optimism level of 9 000.

Oh, you're ordered to buy Netflix has been partially filled with two contracts. so part of my Netflix call Credit spread I locked in Nflx Um, how do I get that up there for you guys to show you? uh, something just happened. Orders filled. um maybe it's better if I just read it off my phone I had I think I had five Nflx I had five and two of them just got filled at 15 cents I sold at 38 buying back at 15.

two of my five Netflix spreads Um, once again, all in the newsletter. Two of my five, uh, just gotta fill so hopefully the other ones get it filled today. so I can make some money today so I can blow it away on UFC bets tomorrow I'm not the biggest UFC Gambler by any means. um, but I am a fan of Penn State because that's my alma mater and Bo Nickel who is by far one of the most decorated Penn State Athletes one of the most decorated Penn State wrestlers for sure and one of the most probably just decorated wrestlers in like U.S History is about to make his Whatchamacallit his um USC debut and I think it's 285 285 Oh, just got it filled has been partially filled with four contracts.

Now we're done with four out of five. That little dinging you here is the Weeble account. Um did I shower at Penn State No never in the eight years I was there to graduate with an associate's degree. Uh, never showered once.

They I appreciate the question though. Great question. Phenomenal question. Uh, but anyway Bo nickel do we have any UFC MMA fans in here am I smart to bet on Beau nickel.

The fight card is great. can't wait for the pay-per-view I'm excited so probably whatever money I make today I'll probably just end up betting on bow Nickel. Go! Big Red Joe do Matt Oh mighty Megatron Do we have an Ohio State fan in here? You know I'm fine with Ohio State I really am I truly am like I Think it's just like a good rivalry and recently it's not even that much of a rivalry, especially because Ohio State's football team is just. it's been way better than ours ever since the whole Sandusky thing.
but you know what? I can stand? It's just Michigan like I have an issue with Michigan fans Nebraska I'm fine with Nebraska I'm pretty sure we kicked Nebraska's ass though. so like, uh, you're you're talking a big game there for being from Nebraska Buckeyes for Life dude, it's fine. like I will give it to you guys. you're like way better than we've been recently.

like you are. but Michigan I mean the first thing I say or the first thing I think when I'm speaking to any Michigan fan is about how can I quickly end this conversation you live in Michigan I Feel bad for you folks like what's it like being brainwashed? Honestly to the Michigan fans in here Jimmy h What is it like just being so like deeply brainwashed and being a fan of such just like a shitty School Michigan for life you guys are crazy you guys like hey, I it feels like you guys all recently hit your head and I feel for you and I hope you get the medical care that you need but uh I hope it works out I really Do I really do Joe Paw sucks though You mean one of the most winning coaches of all time. Are you saying like morally? he sucks? morally? It might be in question, but in terms of his prowess as a coach, not really in question. One of the best schools around.

See that's the issue with Michigan is they think they're good dude Michigan Students truly act like they're at some sort of like ivy League like in their mind Michigan truly actually. oh man, like fucking we're coming for Harvard Like that's always the vibe I give from Michigan like Michigan students are the same students who are like you know it was between MIT Harvard and Michigan and I ended up at Michigan. It's like all right, let's calm down there. Tonto it's a it's like a fine school like come on you know.

Uh, it was really close for me but uh, it was going to be Harvard or Michigan and I just figured I wanted to go with the stronger football program. Yeah, is there a promo code for locals? It's free Nick So there is a premium thing but you could put in the code goonie to get the premium for free. but it's free. Like you could get the premium for a free month.

but it's free to get the newsletter Michigan is a good school, but come on man, it is a good school. I'm not saying it's a bad school I'm just saying that the differential between how good it is and how the student body thinks of it is hilarious. It is absolutely hilarious. Is it a good school? Yeah, it's a good school.

It's a top rank school, but when you talk to them about it, there is no difference between them. and like MIT or Stanford or Harvard or like Oxford But yeah, yeah, I go to Michigan Uh, Football Worship is a cult. Oh, it's serious. like I've been to like on the premises of Michigan Ohio and obviously Penn State My time there and it's a hardcore.
it's a hardcore cult I Think we can all at least admit that I need a story from the PSU Michigan game when I was there in 2014 and beat them and we flooded. College Ave I'm trying to think of the year that I went to me I went to Michigan It must have been 2015. because it goes back and forth every year like one. like every single season Ohio is home and then Michigan's away and it always flips like every single year.

And I'm trying to think because like, consecutively like one year I went to Michigan then the next year I was at Ohio and it went back and forth. But I'm trying to think of the actual year. um, when I was at Michigan it blew my mind. when I went to Michigan it blew my mind because in Pennsylvania it's a rarity to have any sorority houses in the state of PA there's only a couple colleges.

It might just actually be the University of Pennsylvania that actually has like a structure, a building for sorority like for example, if you go to Penn State sororities. they just get a dorm floor. but it's not like its own building, its own house. like for whatever reason.

like I think there's archaic like brothel laws or some shit like that. So that was the first thing that struck me was that we walked around and I was like oh, I've never heard of that frat like what's that and they're like oh, it's a sorority I was like yo in Michigan like you guys lit women live together. that's crazy like I guess it's just Progressive relative to PA that like uh Michigan Apparently of the opinion that women are smart enough to live by themselves, blew my mind. Blew my mind for sure.

Uh, and then that day ended pretty poorly. Not only did we lose at that point Hackenberg was the quarterback and it was a close game, but we lost and when we lost, it left the same. We almost got into a fight and we got into a fight earlier that day. It was just so aggressive.

Michigan gets like really really aggressive I have one buddy who's about like this tall you can't see it. it's out of frame and he's really tall and a freshman like a pledge at a frat punched him because he like like I don't I don't know why he punched him and then obviously my buddy just like fucking annihilated him. It came out of nowhere. It was wild.

It was absolutely what Michigan something's in Michigan's water. um I don't know if they're like pumping Flint Michigan water to the college I don't know how it goes I I try to spend as minimal time in Michigan than I possibly can. uh, but something's going on there. Uh, hello Texas named Aggies technically I was in Aggie for a bit I was doing a stat masters from Texas A M so I I think I can support Texas I think that's allowed for me I took multiple classes there until the Rona period ruined my life and then started my life.
It's Vinyl chloride. Stop hating on Michigan Um, Why joking about Michigan water? Yeah, there's nothing off bounds here if you can't If he can't laugh at other people's Misfortune What can you laugh at? What am I supposed to do? Laugh at my own Misfortune and make myself even more sad. That's crazy. That's a crazy suggestion.

Man, they need a house funny Matt As a fellow Michiganer I don't appreciate the slander I think my hatred for Michigan started early in life like really early in life before I even cared about Penn State before definitely before I went to Penn State My neighbor growing up we had neighbors that moved in. They had children that were like roughly my age and my sister's age. so we were at their place a lot. They came to our place a lot and the one day I walked in I was young like I was young, young like I had to be like maybe eight or something like in that range like I think I was sub 10 and the people who moved in were huge Michigan fans are huge Michigan fans and I remember they were like they were moving him and I was just there for whatever reason and they were hanging up a giant Michigan fan like a big blue fag with the yellow and and they're like I was like oh like what's that stand for and I was little I was very very little and I was like and the mom of the family was hanging it up and she's like oh you don't know what it stands for why didn't you guess and I was like I don't know M for Mom like I remember guessing mom and she laughed at me and then she called the husband over and he laughed at me sorry at the age of eight growing up in nowhere Pennsylvania that I didn't know college football Flags or really just College Flags in general and I was laughed at I was laughed at and I don't know I don't know if I've ever really got over that I thought it was a good guess when you see that flag and there's a big M on it and you see a mom hanging it up I think you can guess Mom I thought like in retrospect I probably could have come up with a better guess but I was like eight and then instead of her just saying no it's Michigan she calls over the husband and she like re-explains it all that I guessed mom and then he laughed at me too.

So I think just like from early life whenever I found out about this organization it since day one I've been carrying that if you if you need a good understanding of how Petty I am I apparently from the age of eight because I didn't know the flag, have decided that I hate it and that's that and that's this. shower crying started Mike knows what's up. To be honest, you deserved it. I Think if you interviewed all rural eight-year-olds Across America and asked them what the Michigan flag is I don't I don't think they would know I don't think they would know I don't think they would know.
But so that's what all the Michigan supporters in here I Think you definitely owe me an apology I Graduated a mocha cum latte from Michigan uh I Also, laugh at my own jokes. Well, I do it because none of you guys do. If I don't laugh at my own jokes, who is? That's the that's the real question. Honestly, that's why I like Ohio State fans better because I don't think there's really a difference between Ohio State and Penn State fans I think Ohio State fans are the same.

They just happen to be in a different state I think a lot of them have the same backgrounds, the same interests, the same enthusiasm for their team. like I Don't think there's a difference really between Ohio and Pennsylvania or Ohio State and Penn State It's just like those kids grew up in Ohio So they go into Ohio State and Penn State kids a lot of them grew up in PA so they go to Penn State Um, Michigan's different though. Michigan's different and they need to have a more descriptive flag if you ask me. like just it's bad branding a giant Yellow M as if like no if or from random eight year old kid can't figure it out.

Who can, who can man? Uh, classic Friday Show going massively off the rails. the market was looking pretty crappy. Am I still in my position? Is the robot still long? The robot is long. Whoa.

Whoa. All right folks. the robot's doing its thing. Uh, here you guys go.

The robot went long. uh I don't know. 9 A.M this morning I think you guys heard it. Maybe maybe you didn't maybe you didn't Uh, but it's currently up 85 buckaroos which will all be directly funneled to betting on a Penn State wrestling Phenom As long as this gets all the way up to apparently the price Target that it's going for and remember this is this is not me.

this is all. this is the Pelosi trading robot so let's hope that it keeps going. What? I would love to see I Would love to see this go to 12 194 I get my fill I get my money and then I want to see the market completely vomit. That's the perfect scenario.

If I could write the script, you know what I might do I actually might call up Ken Griffin and ask him to do that and like be like hey buddy uh I know we've had a great relationship recently. Uh, like hey, thanks for those massive paychecks. Uh, if you guys could help me out there, if you guys could, run the markets up to 12 194 the second that that hits, sell it off from there. So I might be doing that later on.

uh, maybe we'll do it during stream I don't know we're gonna see how it plays out. uh but I might have to get on the phone with Kenny boy just to see just to see if it's possible I want a Pelosi bot said no one ever uh why call when his internet is watching or yeah I guess I could just to see what he said is like he might say no, we can't do that. maybe they're over positioned in one way or another. What about Wisconsin you a Bucky fan I just don't know much about I have nothing against Wisconsin um I know I was at the Big Ten Championship when Penn State played Michigan I was physically there mentally I was so blackout drunk all I remember was trying to barter with the cop in the bathroom during halftime so I think that makes me a fan of Wisconsin I'm pretty sure we won that game too.
it was in Indianapolis What year was that? 2014 2015. it was either 2014 or 2015 I'm pretty sure. um, but it was a good game. A good game that I'm told.

what they need to warn people of is there's no open container laws in Wisconsin and if you're coming from Pennsylvania if you're coming from Ohio dare I say it even if you're coming from Michigan as a college student for the Big Ten Championship They need to like warn you folks honestly I Don't even think that one's my fault necessarily I Think there should be warning signs in the city of Indianapolis in the general metropolitan area. they should tell people before you go like on the highway. If you're driving like for that particular weekend, they should have banners or road signs to be like hey Bucko Just so you know things could get a little bit dicey. Do you know how I had to find it out that there was open container laws I Was walking from a beer shop to the hotel room and a homeless gentleman I Guess you're supposed to say unhomed I think is like the proper terminology.

Now an unhomed gentleman was like hey in my buddies and I went and then the homeless gentleman said the unhomed gentleman said hey and then once again my friends and I were like and then a third time he said hey I know you can hear me give me a beer and at this point my emotionally unstable friend couldn't handle the pressure and needed to respond to the unhomed gentleman and said sorry man Kent you're not allowed to drink that outside it's against the law and he said no, it ain't and we said what are you talking about Of course it is I said no, it ain't you can drink here. You can drink here in this city I'm really is that true like and we didn't really ask him that because like obviously at this point he wanted beer. So we kind of looked around each other and we're like oh maybe we should check into that and we stopped and we opened our phone and in fact in Indianapolis at that time you could drink whenever the hell you wanted. Uh so we gave him beer before sharing that information and that was the start of the day that led to various problems in my life.

Uh, one up for the unhomed. Is this going to make me my money yet? Let's go. let's go. Hell yeah.

Pelosi Folks, that's how you do it. You just get a little slave trading robot to trade for you? Uh, obviously. Ken I know you're listening in. Uh, money locked in? Uh, it's time to drop the market now.

Time to drop the market now. Wall Street Got their eyes on me Wall Street No one does it like Pelosi No one does it like Pelosi Folks, you can't do it like Pelosi easy. That's that's my money on the day and we're gonna well. I Was gonna say we're gonna double it but I don't think we will I don't think we will be able to double it because I think Bo nickel is the favorite.
Uh so maybe I just need to bet on the round. Do you think Beau Nichols Just gonna win in round one. Is that possible? Is that possible? SI Going down, coin going up Tesla Going up Bitcoin Here let's go to a little bit of a better time frame. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezies Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezies Lico Look at this last night.

Crypto just got its face kicked. Got curb stomped last night at 20 o'clock Can you believe that 20 o'clock Trka is sniffing Butts is trk still going kind of. It's not dead. Um I would have been a little bit worried yesterday when it punctured at 2PM when it broke this low.

I've been a little bit worried here. uh, sold off into post Market but it's trying to fight. If it can get above 54.49 might have a shot, but if it doesn't get about that, um, obviously as more time passes, we're closer to the end of this thing running than we are to the start. Um, because that's how the linear nature of time plays out.

Ape Nation gets banned, but butt stuff doesn't. All those disgusting perverted jokes. Oh no, you're allowed to make disgusting perverted jokes. You just can't be a douchebag.

That's the difference. I Didn't know if you didn't understand that, but jokes or like you even said it, all those disgusting perverted jokes. So they're jokes. Do you see the difference there? That's something's, a joke.

and then sometimes other people are just douchebags. You see how that works. I could try to draw it in a diagram for you if that would in any way benefit you. Bow Nickel minus 1425.

Yeah. I would have to do some sort of like weird, specific bet on the fight. All right, All right, All right. Uh, hang on to foreign I Want to get into an interesting story where Biden was caught lying? but I need to get into that in one second.

Then we have to go over Silvergate and I also wanted to. Uh, actually, when we played that, did you? Did you guys need to hear this one more time? Yes or no. The the strategy. Just let me know if you guys needed to hear that one more time.

Um, because it starts around 22 seconds is when the strategy really gets going. A strategy in a nutshell: I see a stock going up and I buy it and I just watch it until it stops going up and then I sell it and I do that over and over and it pays for our whole lifestyle. Um, if you're wondering, write that down someone. Someone write that down.

Oh, here's a good since: Crypto is absolutely getting plummeted. Uh, I Thought you guys needed maybe potentially a motivational speech about crypto. Fuck crypto. You don't need the anxiety Before you bought the bullshit fantasy coin, your life was good, but then you made some money and became greedy.
Now the bullshit coin, is fucked and nobody can tell you when it is going to be unfucked. Even the motherfucker who convinced you to buy the bullshit coin who told you that it is going to be the next big thing. That motherfucker is nowhere to be found. You are on your own and all you can do is cry about it in the shower and hope and belief.

It feels oddly pointed at me again so that you can sell it and make some money and buy some more and then get fucked all over again. That is crypto. Fuck. Probably the best explanation of random crypto coins that we've heard in a while.

Probably the the best one. Uh, what was this one? Oh, is this the thing that's going to get me kicked off of YouTube Medical Science Experts from Harvard John Hopkins and Stanford testifying before Congress The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the US government. Now if I play this video, there's going to be no issue on Rumble. But YouTube If your Bots are watching this right now, please please understand I am not making these claims I Matthew Kors am simply sharing a video from Robert F Kennedy Jr of people testifying in Congress I am making no claims whatsoever about Rona I'm not saying anything you like or anything you dislike I Just want you YouTube overlords to know that I'm not saying anything I'm watching a congressional testimony.

That's that's it. That's it. YouTube All right. I Just I Just want that out there I Just want that I I Just want that out there misinformation.

The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government misinformation that Kovid was spread through transmission. that vaccinated immunity was far greater than natural immunity that masks were effective. Now we have the definitive Cochrane review. What do you do with that review? Cochrane is the most authoritative evidence body in all of medicine and has been for decades.

Do you just ignore it, Not talk about it. That myocarditis was more common After The Infection than the vaccine. Not true. It's 4 to 28 times more common after the the vaccine that young people benefit from a booster misinformation.

Our two top experts on vaccines quit the FDA in protest over this particular issue pushing boosters in young, healthy people. The data was never there. That's why the CDC never disclosed hospitalization rates among boosted Americans under age 50. the vaccine mandates would increase vaccination rates.

The George Mason University study shows it didn't. It did. One thing it created never vaxxers who are now not getting the childhood vaccines they need to get huh over and over again. We've seen something that goes far beyond using your best judgment.

With the information at hand, we've seen something which is unforgivable and that is the weaponization of medical research itself. The CDC Putting out their own shoddy studies like their own study on natural immunity. looking at one state for two months when they had data for years on all 50 states. Why do they only report that one sliver of data? Why did they salami slice the giant database? The result they wanted.
Same with masking study. Well, the data has now caught up in giant systematic reviews and the public health officials were intellectually dishonest. They lied to the American people, thank you. That's pretty brutal.

That's pretty brutal for some reason. I liked it and I just want to share with you. and I'm sure my YouTube band's coming in soon. but what's really cool? So one of the biggest creators on Rumble right now and actually obviously very very large on YouTube is the actor the Entertainer Russell Brand the comedian Russell Brand I actually had the pleasure of just recently meeting him down there in Florida Well, he's now on a U.S tour so he's doing many, many shows including The Joe Rogan Experience and on The Joe Rogan Experience they actually got into a discussion about Rumble and I wanted to share it with all of you because I think it's pretty awesome.

that rumbles getting to the level of adulations from the biggest podcaster in existence traversal because we never we never changed shit. But they they do things to get people to self-censor of course and Rumble doesn't do it. was that What? Yeah, exactly what was difficult for us when we were when YouTube was our primary platform is something we would look at. your content.

All right, that's the title of this Rogan video. Um, this is the content. Okay, well we can try that and then we would get demonetized and it becomes like a weird algebra. You change this word.

you change that word. you have to order it, you have. There's certain things you just you know that you can't say and you still get some money from like YouTube Red Yeah you still get. but it was like they were doing things and I mean they were running a business I Understand it from their perspective.

of course you know they're running a business. they have advertisers I understand it from their perspective but from a Content creation perspective you just couldn't trust them. This is what uh Rumble of fundamentally offered. They gave me a good deal and the Assurance That We're Not Gonna censor you now obviously coming from where I come from politically and in terms of my background even as a person has been in the public for a while and I I know how rumbles being portrayed.

It's been portrayed as a right-wing like you know, far right it was plays Conspiracy Theorist yeah you and Glenn Greenwald Super far Road Yes like this is married Gay Pulitzer Prize Winning a Journalist Tulsi Gabbard Super right Work Yeah, Like it's nuts. It's nuts what people call it. it's just anything alternative to the censorship model they'll talk of as right wing. Yes, so true.
I mean I talk about stocks and finance and business and I've been terminated from YouTube three separate times and I don't think it was necessarily like a human who's like oh, we need to get rid of Matt cores I Think it was just like their bot system of like as soon as you say something that like is potentially an issue, they just get rid of you instantaneously. Uh, we just listened to obviously Congressional testimony about the US government being the biggest liar in perpetrating falsehoods related to The Rona and their what is now accepted as fact. There are many, many channels on YouTube who have been deleted and are still deleted because they made those claims early on and like you're not allowed to do it. but now it's proven that they're right.

But anyway, massive shout out to Rumble to get this type of exposure and just to once again slightly Echo and like it's a very small Echo because I recognize I'm way way smaller than Russell Brand in terms of not only his Rumble Channel's YouTube channel but just general like cultural influence I'm far far smaller but when he said they gave me a good deal and also the insurance that we're just gonna not randomly be taken down I mean I could say that as a rumble Creator That's exactly what happened with me Rumble gave me a good deal. but the best part of the deal is that they're like no, like, just actually stick to the terms of service and you are good to go. They are clearly a free speech absolutist platform and as a content creator at first, that might not seem that important. When I started my career, I was like why does it matter to me really because like I'm talking about stocks like I care about Free Speech But in terms of content Creation in terms of my business model, I just never thought it was going to be an issue and even for me now I'm like oh wow, that's actually probably what I care about the most is an assurance that I'm not going to get randomly taken out by the needs for absolutely no reason.

And the real kicker of why I personally think YouTube is on, its like kind of descent while Rumble is ripping higher and higher in terms of popularity and usage and really other. every other valuable metric is because when things happen and I get it. My background's in software engineering. I get that sometimes code's not going to be perfect.

The biggest issue is with YouTube there's no one to reach out to. There is absolutely no one to reach out to They if you have over a hundred thousand subscribers, there's like this help, chat and all they do is copy and paste FAQs Like if you're like hey, I'm having a problem with this, this and that no one actually helps you, they're like hey, did you check this article out? Did you check this article out? Did you check this article out and the crazy thing is if you're terminated, you then don't have access to the account to talk to them Anyway, it is wild. What they do is they basically have a relationship with maybe the top 50 top 100 content creators on YouTube People Like Mr Beast Massive People and that's it. As long as those people are happy and getting views, they seem to not care about anything else.
On the flip side with Rumble it's actually really easy to talk to a human. It's phenomenal. If you have problems or anything like that, you actually have a person who can truly solve whatever the issue is, not just like some crappy system that they just say hey, here's an FAQ Here's an FAQ Uh, it's wild and obviously this is more more of a long-term bet to see how this all plays out. but I Just people are getting really mad.

especially recently. I Don't know if you guys caught that video from the Quartering, but recently ever since February 1st YouTube made a very public spectacle of the fact that they're going to be fighting Tick Tock By basically hey, we're putting more money into shorts and like we're gonna give more people blah blah blah blah blah So anyway, in doing that now, every video that's not shorts is essentially getting cut by 50. Especially like what? I see in the finance sector obviously the sector I care the most of views are down horrifically for everything that is not Shorts. Their algorithm is just boning all these people now and they just seem to absolutely not care I Thought there was one more thing I Wanted to share in here.

We did that. We did that. We did that, We did that, We did that, We did that, We did that, We did that, We did that, We did that. Uh, we'll talk about Silvergate in a second.

So let's get to: Biden Rut Roast Spaghettio Looks like Biden was caught lying or maybe just woefully uninformed and for someone who is leader of the Free World I Honestly don't know what's worse I Don't know if it's worse to be a liar or just to be dumb. Biden says he cut national debt by 1.7 trillion when he actually increased it by 3.84 trillion and I'm saying trillion with a T. he thought they cut the debt by 1.7 In fact, they raised it by 3.84 All this information is publicly available, but here's the video and why in God's name are they threatening not to pay it now? So folks, it's not all the other team I'm not saying everybody another team says that, but it's just politics. I've got no business playing politics.

for the lives of the American people in our nation's economy folks. And by the way, you know you hear ads of a big spend in Joe Biden in two years I reduced the debt 1.7 billion dollars Liar, liar, liar, Pants on fire, fire, fire science. The cool thing about that is you can easily check it for yourself. So anywho, President Biden Wrongly claimed Tuesday February I believe 28th that he slashed the national debt by 1.7 trillion despite increasing it by about 3.84 trillion.
Once again trillion with the T over his first two years in office, the 80 year old President made the error apparently as a result of confusing the terms debt and deficit while bashing House Republicans as irresponsible for demanding spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt ceiling later this year. Do we all make mistakes? Yeah, I make these videos all the time and I commonly misspeak, but it's a little bit less impactful when someone like myself does that versus once again, the leader of the Free World who seems to have more Mis spoken sentences, words, paragraphs, entire days then he does have accurately accurately getting across any cohesive thought or statement. you know when you hear ads with the big spending. Joe Biden In two years, I reduced the debt by 1.7 billion 1.7 billion.

he kind of doubled down on the thing that he was wrong on. It's the largest deficit reduction in American history. Biden Also said he intends to propose tax increases on higher earners when he releases his annual budget proposal on March 9th though, the plan stands no chance of passing the Republican held house. So another political thing I Want to make it clear: I'm going to raise some taxes.

If any of you are billionaires out there, you're going to stop paying three percent. Not a joke. Once again, just because you're a billionaire, you pay on your income, You pay on your profits. You're not paying on just the fact that you're a billionaire.

Do they find loopholes that should be fixed? Without a doubt? I'm not disagreeing with that. There are various loopholes that maybe our tax system should fix. The issue here is those loopholes and a lot of the people who take advantage of it are people in Congress like they're the ones who have the power to change it. That part blows my mind.

without a doubt. That blows my mind is you have politicians complaining complaining complaining about loopholes and taxes. You're the ones who can fix it. Not the person on the other side of the monitor on the other side of the screen was like yeah, that's kind of crazy and we all like, just want to rip our hair out 100 They're creating the loopholes for their own cronies and I would argue that this happens on the right and the left side of the political aisle.

I Don't think this is specific to one side. they're just so full of it. So anyway, what is the actual difference betwe

2 thoughts on “Crypto plummets, stocks rip it’s my content birthday!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitchel veno says:

    Love the jokes even if they’re not yours. I think you’ll get NOT douche when you get to the black gates lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars digus says:

    Love your content- but…
    Please increase your microphone gain about 15%. Always a volume shocker, going from your livestreams to other videos with average volume levels.

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