Markets Bottom Out?! Santa Coming To Town?!
Holiday Giveaway #3
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Foreign, Foreign foreign folks. We have a massive problem. We have a gigantic, gigantic problem it's not working on Rumble Massive problem. Massive problem.

Why is it not working on Rumble Why is it not working on Rumble Uh, how can I fix this? Do I need to restart? Do I need to restart? We're having a problem. Is it working sending data? Rumble Team: We're coming for you No man Left Behind No man Left Behind Rumble What is the problem he? I'm getting a keyframe interval issue. Is it working now? Rumble Did I save you? Did we save? Rumble We saved Rumble Christmas Miracle Team We saved them. We saved them, We got him.

We we got him a little bit of water to get today started. a little bit of water to get today I mean I'm already stoked. We already had one technical issue and then we already saved it. Shout out to the Rumble Family.

We saved it. You missed the intro I Know that was a little bit upsetting you didn't get the exciting pump up music. but here we are nonetheless for Holiday Giveaway Number Three Folks, we did it. We did it.

We did. Ice Water Of course ice water. You think I'm gonna drink normal water? You think your boy's gonna drink normal water folks I Hope everyone's ready for today. I Very very much do because not only is it going to be a fun day in the market, things are looking pretty green.

After one, two, three, four, five red days in a row, it looks like we might finally be turning around. Maybe just maybe the Bulls are gonna be able to pull something off today. at least I Hope they're able to. We're gonna find out.

I Want to point out a couple things. We had five red days in a row, so it's not that crazy to think that maybe today is going to be a green day. you know, some sort of normal mean reversion. So we have that as a setup, more of a technical mean reversion setup.

So that's a positive thing. Number two, we have the fact that today seasonally trading day of the month 15 is a bullish day, so seasonality wise, we're looking pretty good. Just a little bit of a side note here: tomorrow is a very seasonally bullish day. I just want to throw that out there so everyone knows.

uh and then also Friday is pretty bullish. Uh, tomorrow is the most bullish. Friday's still pretty bullish, but it's also very, very bullish for oil. So anyone who's slinging those put credit spreads on any gas or petroleum play something like oxy or Exxon or Chevron I think are going to still be pretty good.

But first, let's see how things really end up playing out today. The only thing I'm seeing going on in the chart that makes me like I Guess a little bit concerned is more of an intraday setup if we do have a downside Gap fill on the Spy Obviously I will be going over all this, but we do have a downside. Gap So about one full dollar to 382.23 So if you're like ah, I'm not really buying this bullish pump, you might be looking for that Capital So I just want to put that out there. There's also a way that we could get the Gap fill right out of open and then bounce off of that and rip all day.
Totally totally possible. Uh, we have some reports at 10 A.M today relating to the world of Housing and real estate, so be on the lookout for that. There might be kind of a pop in volatility in the market right around 10 a.m just want everyone to be fully prepared for that one. Uh, and then we're going to talk about kind of what's going on.

The big news of today, which is not really that big, is kind of the craziness related to Elon Tesla and Twitter. Um, we're kind of in a slower financial news cycle right now just because we're getting into the holidays and most people are mentally in Holiday mode. Uh, speaking of which, yes, we are giving away another present. Uh, so on.

Monday Tom got it. Trading slash gaming monitor yesterday Nick got 300 to Texas Roadhouse and today there's still a lot of things up for grab. We're talking about a PS5 a Nintendo switch, an espresso beats over the ear, headphones, and even more. Texas Roadhouse gift cards.

The giveaway is going to be around 10 30 a.m today. All you have to do literally super simple. get on attendees 100 free free options flow free, social sentiment analysis, free research, lots of free stuff no credit cards or anything like that and then also to be directly entered into the raffle or the giveaway or whatever you want to call it. For today, get onto Locals.

Many of you figured out how to use the code Moon Gang select monthly. There's a free version of Premium Version Premium version is ten dollars a month, 100 for the year or you can get the premium version for free by putting in the code Moon Gang All One word: you're gonna see a pinned Actually I can show it to you right now instead of just explaining it all. why not show it off? Uh, as soon as you come to you're gonna see a pin post holiday giveaway three and it's very easy. All you have to do is exactly this as you see many other people doing.

either post your Instagram post your Twitter post whatever. Just a place where I can reach out to you if you are the winner. So we're going to be selecting five people and then we're gonna roll the wheel and then whoever's the winner among those five. We're gonna then roll the gift wheel and they get whatever it lands on so it's going to be an exciting, exciting, exciting day.

Link: Just type in it's in the description of the video, it's in the uh pinned I mean if you're on Rumble there's a giant red button that says join Locals Just so you guys know, Rumble owns Locals It was an independent business, then they bought it out. Um, but it's pretty cool I like it and obviously this is a I love to give away I love to say thank you We've had a phenomenally year here at The Goonies in Industries Goonies LLC So yes, I'd love to give back to all of you guys because inherently it's all of you that make my life and my job possible. But also, this serves as like kind of like a private group where I can basically grow an email listserv. and obviously that's also what I'm attempting to do.
so like I think one hand can watch the other hair in this scenario, but like no money is required whatsoever, there's free codes. we're giving away free stuff. Zero money whatsoever. Um, so I just wanted to put that out there and with all that being said, let's get ready for the trading day.

I am leaning bullish today folks. I'm looking I will myself if I see the opportunity present itself. I will be going for some long intraday trades on the Futures Market If the opportunity rears its head up. So I I'm looking for it I'm absolutely looking for it now.

before we get into the breakdown of what's going on with the market. I'm confused. reverse stock splits are a bad thing CEI Just went from nine cents to four dollars. um I can explain this So you said CEI went from how much went from nine cents to four dollars because I I Think this might be a little bit of a confusion of what a reverse stock split is.

the best way I can explain it is. um, you okay. Imagine that you have twenty one dollar bills and then you just switch it into one twenty dollar bill. so you still have 20 bucks.

You just have a different amount of bills. In the first scenario, you still have twenty dollars. It just happens you have twenty one dollar bills. so you have 20 bills.

In the second scenario, you still have twenty dollars. but it's one bill. It's one twenty dollar bill so there's no Financial change here. That's what CEI did it did a what was it I Think it was a one for 25 or a one for 50.

So in this scenario Imagine One Fifty dollar bills getting transformed into one fifty dollar bill. You still have fifty dollars. but instead of 50 bills, you now have one bill. That's what happened with CEI or that's what's happening literally right now with CEI Um, so there's no money being made.

There's no money being lost in this scenario I Want to be explicitly clear about that? You should still have your fifty dollars the amount of money people have invested into Ci or even shorting against CEI you have that same amount. Now why this is bad is because they did the split. So the value per share. So there's a lot less shares, but the value per share went up it.

It's they're basically trying to avoid getting delisted off the NASDAQ if you're taking these types of steps to get to avoid getting delisted. Well, it's signaling to the world that you're not running like your Stock's not performing well. If you're at risk of getting delisted, companies that are functioning well and are not a fear of getting delisted. don't do reverse stock splits, So that's why it's bad.

This is a very good question. but financially, no one made money. In fact, if you have a good charting brokerage, this is what I use as trading view. You're actually down like you're like, well we're gonna find out.
I Guess today is the one for 50 where people are already acting like it. but this was trending down, down, down, down down and the prices are now adjusted accordingly. And you see that I mean a lot of these ones. You see it all the time in Marine shipping companies.

Like if you scroll back it looks like they were trading at some ungodly amount. Like what is this? 8 million? Yeah tops. Was never trading at 8 million. But when you I guess adjust retroactively for all the reverse splits that you're doing.

It looks like it was inflated to some crazy crazy number even though it never ever traded there. It's just certain trading platforms go through the steps to be like, oh, okay, but right here, like you're just seeing all these different reverse splits. which retroactively, when you account for it properly I Mean look at all these. That's bad.

That is the sign of a company that is doing everything it can to not get delisted. And that's exactly what is happening with CEI From every fundamental perspective, CEI is a failing company. Fundamentally, this is a trash company. There is almost no argument for you to be invested in if you want to actively trade it.

That's a completely different story. Remember active trading swing trading day trading. Very very, very different from investing. CEI I Have not heard a single coherent argument of why you should be invested in it and even they know it.

The company knows that. That's why they're doing a one for 50 reverse play because it's trash. It is worse than trash trash. We might be able to recycle.

Make some money. This you can't even do that. You should never, ever just compare price values. You should never be like, well, this is worth four dollars So it's like more valuable or less valuable then like whatever.

So for example, if you look at Apple right now, Apple is trading at 133. Okay, the market cap of this company is the largest market cap. It is trading at 2.1 trillion dollars. But then if you compare it to Amazon well that's not a good example.

What's a high stock right now? Microsoft Microsoft is trading about a hundred dollars higher, but Microsoft is actually a less valuable company. It's worth 1.8 trillion dollars. That's why you never simply compare price of a stock because there's a different. Not every company has the same amount of shares in existence.

So when you're seeing these reverse stock splits and stock splits, you're changing the amount of shares which changes the price. but the market cap is theoretically staying consistent now. obviously there's the market. Can look at these moves and either think it's bullish or bearish so it could change a little bit.
But the proper way to look at all of this stuff is to pay attention to the market cap if you're simply looking at Price That's not accurate because the amount of shares can either be going up or can be going down. So just a little bit of a side note there on CEI because I know I Guess we're getting up to this crazy one for 50 reverse stocks. But uh, once again, to summarize all this: CEI is Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Trash Absolute Dumpster Fire trash. You might be invested in this company and I hope it works out for you, but you are very much fighting the odds I refuse to invest anything if I had to play this I would have loved to short it on.

yesterday yesterday as soon as it broke below five dollars. that was a beautiful short and I I wish I shorted it like this is absolutely trash now. Anyway, very quickly for the overall. Market Soccer Futures rise helped by Nike and FedEx earnings.

so Nike FedEx The market reacting well to what they said. but with the crazy thing about Nike is also as we got their earnings yesterday, there was some scathing internal reports about basically just horrific management, horrific leadership. A lot of pretty bad things going on in the company, which makes me a little bit uneasy with it. If you look at Nike right now, the stocks up is actually doing pretty decently.

Um, big Big gap up I mean we're up how much percent right now we're gapping up a crazy amount. It gapped up 13. Um, I Am concerned though if it will hold or not I guess time will tell the Big Big Gap up on Nike and it's basically it crushed earnings. But as it crushed earnings from a like a business standpoint, there were some internal uh, like kind of HR related things that come out.

and where is FedEx sitting right now? FedEx FedEx FedEx FedEx FedEx is currently up 6 point. Five percent went from 164 to 175. so we're kind of I wouldn't really count this as earnings season, but some companies are reporting their earnings and Nike and FedEx helping things out. Definitely helping some things out.

Uh, check. Walter Bloomberg AMC Tried to acquire Cineworld from the cash from Ape shares, but with the Fallen shares couldn't price couldn't get what they wanted. Seriously. I must have missed that early this morning.

What's going on here? Uh uh Walter Bloomberg You say? where is Walter Bloomberg's account? Wait these are not the real Walter Bloomberg's why is it? it's just Delta one Delta one are they like hiding the account folks? Did I get is Delta one up? Can someone help me here? Where are we am I either I got blocked by Walter what happened? Did he block me or did his account get murked Delta one Delta one I typed it in What's going on? Did they Shadow ban this guy Delta one Holy wait, why check this out? How crazy is that that? It's just not coming up? So I'm on it at Delta one Walter Bloomberg but when I searched Delta one people not there. they are not a fan of this guy. That's that's interesting. Um, okay and I'm even following him and it didn't pop up.
Did not pop up at all. Anyway, you said something about AMC AMC Entertainment held talks about acquiring movie theater rivals in World Filing says AMC discussed financing acquisition by using Ape units. Finally said declined in decline in AMC Ape units. makes deal uneconomical is that for now Source says Jesus So right there the poor performing nature of AMC stops any positive or not.

AMC Really ape I mean they straight up say that it's ape That sucked. Um, do you think the Japanese bond yield is a signal that Global inflation is worse than uh, expected? Do you think that it will bring markets down as big players move into new positions? I find the JP 10y to be huge news stories that no one is talking about? Um, well first of all, thank you for that massive Super Chat that's incredibly kind of you. Um, I do agree. Uh, we were talking about this in more detail yesterday and for just the tldr of it like obviously this deserves a much more in-depth conversation.

but the best way I could sign it or I guess summarize everything: the Boj, the bank of Japan They're basically finally admitting to the world that they even have to be more hawkish in a certain sense. and it's an interesting signal because For the Longest Time time Japan was the holdout country that was like, no, we are not folding our hand here. Uh, we're not going to go to this crazy hawkish restrictive policy, but now even they're swaying a little bit and the only reason it's an interesting thing is because they were kind of like the Last man saying. But now, um, as you pointed out, he Japan is finally kind of caving him and do I think that the global inflation is worse I think Global inflation maybe was worse than the world was telling us mid-year June July and it's still really bad right now.

but I do have I think globally, we are trending in the right direction. Now just because we're trending in the right direction, does that mean that everything's going to be fine, not necessarily like I think 2023. The Market's still going to get really, really hurt I think we're gonna bottom out in mid 2023. Do I have any reasonable estimate of where that bottom will be? Unfortunately not.

But what I can tell you is I am not adding to my long-term account because I think more pain is on the horizon and I think mid 2023 is when we're going to get that opportunity to add to our long-term account when we're going to be able to buy some of our favorites. Microsoft Apple Tesla Nvidia um Bitcoin and we're going to be able to add it on discount I Do not think our pain is done I Want to be very, very, very clear about that and once again shout out I Really, really appreciate that Uh Super Chat that's super kind of you. Uh, right now the Dow the S P NASDAQ are all green oils up going back to 80. as we expected it would I'm still invested in Oxy uh, almost every actually every single oxy put credit spread has been crushing it.
So shout out to everyone who's been taking those five things to know before that stock market Bell goes ding ding ding ding today Wednesday December 21st All right, a glimmer of holiday cheer. So Nike did well FedEx did well we're seeing Futures Market pop up and I do actually at this point want to share some stats and figures with you. So starting Friday or whatever. the final five trading days of the year I think it's Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I Believe those are the final five trading days of the year.

if you go back from 1990 until 2021, the market has rallied 17 out of 32 years in the final five days of trading and the average move was a gain of 0.5 I Just want to let you know the situation that we're currently in. 17 out of 32 We have seen a rally in the final five days and out of all those 32, the average gain was 0.3 So yes, there is a seasonal bullish bias to conclude the year. and I also want you to know from 2018 to 2021, every single one of those years was green. Every single one of those years was green.

So that's the current. like I guess seasonal situation we are currently in NFL Sunday Ticket deal is near I believe they are partnering up with YouTube TV so shout out if you guys enjoyed that. Nike makes inventory progress Yes, good earnings. That's why it's up a lot.

SPF on the Move Uh, Allegedly, as of now, he will be meeting in a Bahamas courtroom. kind of just like uh, par. For course, it's just expected of what you have to do. 11 A.M today and the assumption is right.

After that, he will be extradited to the U.S So we're going to find out more a little bit later on this morning, but it's just the meeting is nothing too too special. It's just exactly what you have to do for this extradition extradition process. uh, and Zielinski in Washington So yes, obviously the Ukraine Russia thing is still very active in the world. speaking more specifically about today.

Just so you know, early this morning, current account deficit that came out not the biggest report, not too many people paying attention to it, but we also do get the consumer confidence Index This morning at 10 A.M the expectation is 101.2 and then also existing home sales they're expecting 4.17 million. These both come out at 10 A.M So a half hour after the market is actively Trading Both of these are not Mega important, but we should watch it because at least in the intraday time frame, it could definitely prompt a little bit of volatility. So I Just want to put that on everyone's radar for today. Pay attention to 10 A.m Uh Thursday We're getting the normal Thursday stuff.

Uh, you're also going to get a revision of GDP so that is very much important tomorrow. and then on Friday you're gonna get the next inflation report, the personal consumption expenditure report the Pce an hour before the Market opens. So even though we are getting into I guess holiday mode if you will, there are still very much important things coming out the remainder of this week. So make sure you are staying on your toes now.
speaking a little bit more about I guess real estate. Um, and home sales and all that good stuff. Mortgage refinance, Demand search six percent as rates drop to the lowest level since September So in 2021, we saw many things ripping. Many things ripping, many many bubbles being created.

Crypto, stocks, real estate and that's been one clear Finance Story of the Year at least of pretty much all 2022 is the cooling off in the world of crypto and Futures and stocks and also real estate. And if you had to ask me right now and I am by no means some real estate Guru If you want to know more about real estate, you should probably be watching channels such as uh Graham Stefan Andre Dick Me: Kevin Those are all guys who like have actively like personally been in the world of real estate. but I can at least report on the facts and figures and share some of my opinions. But if you're looking for more of a like a hardcore detailed conversation or I guess information, definitely check their videos out.

But anyway, we've been seeing a big cooling off I mean supplies too high, demand's too low, mortgage rates are too high, we're just seeing a big big cool off in the world of real estate. and I don't think that it's close to being over. Uh, I think this will kind of bottom out when the economy bottoms out. and as of now, my strongest prediction is that we are not bottoming out anytime soon.

I think the earliest we're gonna bottom out is mid 2023.. I'm not calling for early 2023. by any means the earliest in my opinion that we will bottom out is mid 2023. Another industry that's actually been a bullish one maybe not for good really reasons is oil.

Dan Jurgen says oil prices could hit 121 a barrel. When China fully reopens, we have Goldman who lowered their estimate from 120 to 110. So even with this lowering Investments there are many people who know very much what they're talking about saying: oil going higher and I think it's as basic as supply and demand. as demand goes up and our supply is being constrained, it's not the craziest thing that I think that oil will go higher.

We also know that there's pretty much a floor at seventy dollars, and that's because of what's going on in the U.S and Biden or at least the administration. We know that there is the Strategic petroleum Reserve that they're going to refill at 70 and that's exactly why the second it got to 70.ity ding ding ding here. Friday The 9th it bounced at 70 dollars and eight cents and ever since then we have an inverse shoulder head shoulder I am very much invested in Oxy I Want to be clear about that I think my investment's around 68 and beyond that, we've been talking a lot about selling put credit spreads. It's been crushing it.
So we have the inverse shoulders. I Think oil is about to rip I Thought it was going to rip. uh here. Unfortunately, it lagged a little bit.

but I'm still very much bullish on oil. I'm playing it through Oxy You might like Oxy you might like Chevron You might like Exxon You might like some sort of ETF to that tracks the sector at a whole. Maybe you have a Futures account and you're playing CLL contracts I Don't know there's many ways to make money in the scenario, but I think the smart money is betting on at least for the first half of 2023 oil going higher. So I just wanted to bring that up and also, um, it's just we're talking about supply and demand like it's not some sort of big brain call out by any means.

Dwayne Johnson says Black Adam too won't be part of the new phase of DC movies at Warner Brothers Now at first you might think this has nothing to do with the market and you're kind of right. But also there could be a direct connection to obviously like all of this like there are these companies. So and movie theaters like I don't know. and but beyond that, there's like a little bit of the drama aspect of I think wasn't there like a lot of fighting of what's going on with Henry Cavall like why did they put them in the Black Adam movie and I mean I don't know how many of you saw Black Adam but I thought it was bad like I thought the the writing was really cheesy.

the acting was I'm like maybe average, maybe a little bit of subpar the writing I don't know, it's just for whatever reason. DC is just so much more underwhelming relative to Marvel. So yes, there's a lot of drama related to what's going on with this and their universe and yada yada yada. but I guess I just don't care.

it's just I don't know. It wasn't bad. it just like wasn't It was just nothing. It was just it was a big nothing.

Burger I suppose in my opinion. But anyway, I just want to bring that to your attention because maybe some of you are making trades or Investments or something like that. Um, but yeah, the drama may be coming to an end, but I I Highly doubt that it will. I think either.

to me and my interpretation of this story, there's a lot of egos fighting a lot of big Egos and this is kind of the awkwardness that happens now. I Know we're a little bit out from the bell ringing, but I want to talk quite a bit about Tesla Uh, Tesla's been getting absolutely annihilated lately so we're going to be talking about that I want to share my thoughts and feelings and all that good jazz on? Tesla After that Bell goes dignity. ding ding ding. We are about 45 seconds out.

So here's your reminder. At 10 30 today we are doing another present giveaway. Get on: Mac Find the pin post it's at the top and all you have to do is comment either your Twitter your Instagram something like that. That's all you have to do.
Don't spam, you'll get disqualified and I would also so kindly ask of you not to comment on your own because it messes up the comment amount. So all you have to do is exactly like this of how this group has already done it. But yes, we're going to be doing that around 10 30 today. We're going to be doing another giveaway and remember the opening bell is brought to you by true Trading Group This is an entire trading ecosystem.

Well that was very loud and scared the out of me. Um, the true. Trading Group right now is pinned to the top of your chat. Uh, it's an entire trading ecosystem.

It's an education system. They have live. Traders They have trade alerts. they do meetups.

They do a lot of cool stuff. but anyway, they do. If you want to see if it's right for you, you can get a trial. A one-week trial for three dollars.

So if you're thinking to yourself, okay, cool, 2023 is coming around I Have this New Year's resolution of trying to take my trading more seriously. That might be a good option for you and you could try out the first full week for just three dollars. That's it. There's no Auto renews or anything like that, so maybe that's appropriate for you, but it's pinned to the top of chat.

it's in the description of the video. shout out to TTG Um, if you're just basically looking to take your training a little bit more seriously. All right. So here we are here.

we are the Spy opening green. We have a nice Gap up. Do not forget that there is now a downside Gap fill on the Spy downside Gap fill to 382-23 About a dollar to uh, the South Side Uh, just to hit that high from yesterday. So there is a downside Gap that would in no way be surprised if that hits.

and I don't think that's really naturally contradictory to even my bullish stance on today in reality I Think a perfect scenario is we get that downside Gap fill and then we start to bounce off of that. and then if the bounce is confirmed I would love to go along and see if I could ride it up all day. LOL My call I swung overnight is up a hundred and thirty five percent. Lock that in.

Lock that in SPF Free! Congratulations everyone! let's give a round of applause to SPF Re crushing a 100 extra 100 bag or 100 percenter. Uh, good for you. Congratulations! Congratulations! Um, who else is making any crazy moves this morning? Anyone else making any big banger trades? We're basically we just need to not really kill, but we should monitor the market for the first 10, 20, 30 minutes. So in the meantime, who else is crushing it? Let's let's celebrate some of these: Good Vibes of everyone making some money, making some money here and there took profit.

Yeah, walking in over a hundred percent my SI puts are way up. Congratulations Tronic I'd buy Ryan Reynold Nfts though endorsed by wait, wait YouTube chat thinks Reynolds rap is the kind of brand casino is open. Yes, wait I'd buy a Ryan Reynolds Nft Sometimes when I come back to either of these chats, the things that you guys are talking about blows my mind. blows my mind.
So on a reverse plate, can you claim that original investment as a loss? No. because you have the same amount of money invested, you just have a different Share account. Your investment isn't theoretically doesn't go up or down. You've invested the same amount of money.

Don't focus on the amount of shares you have in anything. Focus on the amount of money you have invested in something. Or if you're shorting same thing, you don't focus on the amount of shares you're short. You focus on the amount of money you put into the total short position.

Why no one hitting the like? That's a great question. Why is no one hitting like what are you guys doing YouTube Chat buys Logan Paul Nfts Oh Drama drama drama. Have you guys seen how bad the Logan Paul situation is getting of his like uh, Nft game dude, that guy I mean I Don't know if he'll get canceled because like in this day and age you just to not get canceled. all you have to do is refuse to get canceled.

but it feels like he scammed the out of people. like got a bunch of people to buy some sort of like egg nft and then it never even hatched. and um there was many many content creators probably led by coffee Zilla But now I'm seeing a lot of content creators kind of like hop onto the bag went bandwagon. but dude it is.

it is bad. Like he over a lot of people. Basically he got people to buy this egg project that he was working on and then it was nothing and like he's just kind of dropping it. Logan Paul is canceled on Tick Tock I mean I think canceling in general is kind of dumb.

like I think what Logan Paul did is actually like really really messed up. But the canceling like what I mean canceling is silly. no more. AMC No we talk about AMC when there's something worthwhile to talk about.

but it's kind of sad to talk about it because it literally just hit a new 52-week low. and I think um, it remember talking about AMC now is very different than talking about AMC in 2021. Very different than talking about AMC in 2021. Um, because money is more expensive, interest rates are higher, the chance of something just ripping faces off is way way lower.

And right now the leadership has proven themselves to be a bunch of asshats like. Let's be honest, they took us all to the Woodshed made millions and millions and millions of dollars and now they're not even like the money that they got from us. They're not even using it to save the company like it's just it's ass. AMC Not buying dead theaters now because they don't even have the money to do it.
That's how bad their situation is. Um, just remember once again, the Gap fill is 382-23 I'll mark it out right here in the top left of your screen. Uh, 380 to 23 23 23 23 right there. That's the Gap though.

that is the gap fill. Uh Tesla Soul Pop cosm. Remember, this has another strong pump and dump vibe. Uh Logan Paul is the Alex Jones for YouTube kids uh I sold mine and my Gme share is the play is over until the economic change.

I mean that's fair? Uh I I Folks I'm literally I Never have I told you to buy or sell something and I'm never going to tell you to buy or sell something, you have to be in charge of your own decisions just because I do something that doesn't make it appropriate for you to do. In fact, a lot of you. for example, whenever I do anything with Tesla you like to do the opposite and I'm fine with that. do in trades and Investments that you think are right just because someone else out there is doing something, it is very silly to just generically follow someone.

It really really is. So I understand that you're thinking okay, the economic situation is now different and you're not wrong. The economy is wildly different in 2022 than it has been in 2021, and there's a lot of people specifically on Twitter Twitter and Reddit that seem to just not understand that they think the chance of AMC going to the upside is the exact same on any given day. And it's not the exact same, especially when you have a leadership team that is now I Wouldn't say unanimously disliked, but the disdain for the leadership team of AMC is taking a big big hit and I would argue the same thing happened with Gme just to a lesser degree because of what Ryan Cohen did with Bed Bath and Beyond.

He definitely screwed people over on that one pretty hard. Um, so I'm not in any way comparing them in terms of degree, but these people who were put on pedestals such as Ryan Cohen and Adam Aaron they're they're losing their following. They still have a following. They're still sick of fans who are going to show for them at any moment they possibly can, but those numbers are definitely waning.

Tesla will dip under 90 by January February Uh sad what Elon did to the company I Feel bad for the employees and their families um I don't know where it's gonna dip to and I understand what you're saying in the short term, but I am still actually pretty happy to buy that dip if I see Tesla's sub 100. I'm going to be putting in my long-term account because I Still Believe by 2030, EV as an industry is going to be exponentially larger and I am I'm happy to be involved in that. Definitely happy to be involved in it. so the cheaper it goes I'm I'm just going to get involved.

Um, hang on I'm waiting for my opportunity to get in and I'm not seeing I'm looking to Long the market but I haven't gotten my signal quite yet. I'll let you know when I do it. Um I'm probably gonna wait either until like 9 45, 10, 15 Something like that. um dip rip I Don't know if this will hold so.
Patience, patience, patience, patience, patience patience. Uh Tesla Microsoft Looking exactly like the overall market around. a little red s I a little red Jimmy little green AMC a little green AMC or ape a little green Uh, no clear clear moving quite yet today. but let's see how it all goes.

Remember: 10 A.m we get the Consumer Confidence index report and we also get the existing home sales so that's going to be in about 20 minutes. All right. Uh, there were some questions in here that I think I missed retail should turn on AMC and go short I Think that would be very, very hard to pull off because there's too many people who, um, they're too emotionally invested in AMC so they're not going to ever throw in the towel. Um, they're There's a lot of people in the AMC and Jamie Community who refuse to change their thesis on this situation.

Uh, but Matt You told me to sell my house and invest solely into penny stocks. Macors Is this the valley? Um, it was a valley on the one minute time frame, but not on a larger time frame. I Mean clearly you had a valley, but one minute like that's a tough time frame. and sometimes when you're on too short of a time frame, things like this happen.

It sells off. You think there's a pop and then you get rocked real quick. It's very, very easy to undo shorter time frame movements because they're exactly that. A shorter time frame I mean it doesn't take much to undo a five minute push.

To the upside, uh, what else do we have? What else do we have? What do you genuinely think will happen with AMC Also, without fundamental news, purely looking at the chart, is there ta You can you see in the long term I Mean inherently, you don't do Ta for the long term, long term and stuff is investment. So you're looking at the Um kind of success and or failure of the business. You wouldn't use Ta for long term. That's more of a short to medium term type of a tool.

So or at least how I view it. What do I genuinely think will happen with AMC Well if they turn it around. There's obviously a big supporter base, so maybe the thesis of a squeeze is still there because there's still over 20 short interest. but the company has to turn around.

The shorts have to have a reason to be scared. As of now, Literally, no short is scared. We just hit a 52-week low. As in any short, who was short in the last 52 weeks is in money.

literally. At 1.2 days ago, 100 of shorts were in the money. How crazy is that they? They just felt no pressure. Now with all that being said, on the flip side, if things don't turn around, how do I see it playing out? That's like the positive submit scenario.

The negative scenario is the bondholders end up owning the company because they have to declare bankruptcy and then Adam Aaron will most likely step down as a disgraced. CEO I think those are that's the positive case and then obviously the negative case I think support for AMC is bleeding away. Uh I don't think you're wrong. Um, I will ask a poll, start a poll.
Are you less or more supportive of AMC AMC relative to 2021? More Less? All right. I Put up a poll. You guys can see your numbers. The question is, are you less or more supportive of AMC relative to 2021? Uh, cash your vote.

I'm curious I'm personally less supportive because of the obviously the macroeconomic environment is not as conducive to something ripping. But also I think that the leadership team I think they're kind of scummy and by kind of I think they are scummy. but cash a vote and cast it honestly I Think it's important for everyone to know I think it is very much important for everyone to know. Uh, a quick and final reminder to you guys, Shout out to today's stream sponsor: I'm talking about true Trading Group Supercharger trading.

You can get a free or excuse me a one week trial. seven trading days for three dollars. There is no Auto renew or anything like that. So I think this is the perfect kind of New Year's thing where it's three bucks to see if it's for you.

if you want to trick your trading more. seriously, pin to the top a chat in the description of the video. If you have any questions about it, you can reach out to me or you can reach out to the Head Trader Michael Edward he's on Twitter You could also reach out um to Adam AKA Sugg who is also running this company. but a one-week trial for three dollars? In my opinion, it is a perfect perfect New Year's gift.

It's three bucks and maybe there's a Trader in your life that wants to try this out for a week see if it is appropriate for them all. right? where are we at? It is almost 9 45. it is almost 9 45. I am waiting I'm kind of watching the 15 minute chart to see if I want to go along kind of waiting and if I do go long, it'll be in the Futures Market But I'm waiting to see how this all happens.

I'm a little bit nervous if I'm being honest because of the 10 a.m report. but hey, scared money. Don't make no money. Scared money don't make no money.

They found a workaround to shareholders and screwed them in my opinion. I don't think that's your opinion I think that's definitively what happened. The shareholders said no, we don't want dilution and then Adam Aaron said okay, go yourself. We're gonna dilute you anyway.

And what has that dilution got in them? They've raised 162 million. That's it. They raised 162 million and everyone who owned Ape is now down in excess of 90. You've lost 90 of your eight value and the benefit to the company was Raising 162 million.

When they have over 5 billion worth of debt, they couldn't even buy another bankrupt movie theater chain because of how shitty Ape is. So the dilution and you might be arguing that, oh like, maybe the shareholders just don't get it. and this was good for us in the long run. How how was it good for us in the long run when they haven't been able to do anything with the thing we didn't want them to do anyway? It's it's Wild uh, right.
9 45 All right. I'm getting ready, getting ready, getting ready, getting ready, getting ready. I might be going long soon I might be going long, might be going long. All right.

let's see if I'm letting you guys know I'm looking at the micro contracts on the Futures Market Order filled. All right. You guys just heard it order filled and if you are very curious about uh, I got in at 3879 two micro contracts and I am risking 3870.. So basically uh I did it in the Futures Market just because there's no day trading rules and I like to trade a lot So that's where I am uh in my life right now and I just went long.

What did uh I am long at three thousand eight? Wait, what was my fill value? My fill was 3879. that's what I got filled at. Um, so this is this is my fill. This is my average value I am long.

Um so I will make this green. So you guys I don't know I feel like green means long and my risk is going to be a point below the recent low. Uh, one point. I'm gonna give myself a little bit of wiggle room but that's it.

I am long. Oh actually I think I could just show you guys this uh uh I think I could show you right here. Um, this is where I trade my Futures So as you can see, I'm long at 3879 I have two micro contracts on the S P 500 and I am now up five bucks and I'm risking the recent low right here and we'll see how it goes. I mean I'm a little bit nervous because in 12 minutes we're getting that report but we'll see how it pans out.

Um, and obviously this is an active day trade. This is not a swing trade or anything like this. this is an active day trade. So I'll let you know how it all goes and what I'm doing here is basically I'm working on a new strategy that's kind of been in the works now in all reality for a couple months, but it's really picked up over the past week as I've been collecting data and basically, um, it's kind of a combination of the 15 minute chart and the daily chart.

but I see a couple things that I like and also when I pair that up with seasonality, it tells me to be long and I'm trying to take the emotion out of it. I'm trying to trade like a robot and exactly when we broke above that, Wick I knew that the strategy would tell me to go along. the strategy is not fully live. That's not why.

that's why I'm not trading many contracts. if I was confident in the strategy, I'd be trading minis I'm trading micros right now which are a tenth of the price and I'll obviously a tenth of the risk, a tenth of the reward. Everything is kind of ten percent. Um, just as I work out the details of this strategy, uh, so we'll see how it goes.
Uh Matt Please look this up. Look what up. Look what up. Look what up.

Look what Up Ape Nation AMC is a pop culture stock. It's a nostalgic stock. It's why AMC uh stock that taught a lot of young people out of trade. You never forget your first and John I agree with you and that's exactly why I'm still in it I am not in AMC for a fundamental reason because fundamentally, things are a little shaky right now.

I'm in it because of Community Support I'm in it because I know a lot of you guys are in it and I kind of whether right or wrong I view it as like the same Mantra of like a captain goes down with its ship. so like to me I put enough money in AMC that I'm comfortable with it going to zero I'm not comfortable with it, but I will accept it. It's not going to ruin my life. Um, very very different.

I think of AMC and Jamie as very different than any other trade or investment. I'm in. Um, very very different. Basically I'm just not going to get rid of them and that's just where we're at.

but something like Oxy, which is now kind of a medium-term investment for me. No, that's an active trade I have reason I'm looking at oil like I'm I'm putting a couple things together and all of a sudden if I'm like quote unquote, proven to be wrong, like if the price action tells me that okay, I'll have to throw in the towel. but really, my risk on AMC is going to be zero dollars. That's where I'll throw in the towel.

because it's zero and I'll be forced to throw it in. But for something like oxy, no, I'm not going to let it get that out of hand like that's more of like a legitimate um, swing train. Well, AMC it's just so different. It's just what it is and what it means to me and what it means to so many of us.

like I'm just in it But that doesn't mean that I'm just gonna go around like all these little like wads telling you everything's grape and like putting hopium and copium into your veins I Refuse to do that because they're lying to you there. It's one of two things. They're either actively lying to you or they're too stupid to know that they're lying to you. all these like dumb asses.

Oh, it's gonna go. it's gonna rip. No, they're they're lying to you Like let's be honest. Good morning Matt Happy holidays.

Hopefully you and your family are doing well. Shout out Dark and Flame that's so nice we are. Everything's phenomenal I Hope everything's great in your life. Uh, Endpol 75 of you think 75 of you have voted that you are less supportive of AMC relative to 2021 CEI is halted.

Geez Upside Hole Is that what happened? One two three four Yep. huge pop pushed a little bit more halt Hall uh do the same poll with Tesla okay uh with you asked with like do the same thing with Tesla uh a startup poll Tesla more less? Okay, cool Uh folks, if you haven't already I would kindly ask of you to hit that like button. Uh, the more likes you hit, the higher the market goes. which means I make more money.
Um, obviously it also helps out with the YouTube algorithm. It also helps out with the battle Leaderboard on Rumble So make sure you are liking and obviously if you like this kind of content, stocks, crypto, breaking news. If this is your cup of tea, make sure you're hitting that subscribe button and become a goonie. A goonie and goonie a goonie.

All right. where are we at? Um So as of now, like I said, my risk. Let me set up an alert just so I can be on my toes. actually.

I think I could set up an Oco right now? Anyway, uh, an Oco an Oco All right I'm long to. Um Okay, Uh so I'm risking 95 on this train I set up a stop loss. uh, a market sell on the Futures Market just below that Wick Uh, my stop loss is set up at 3869.5 uh and I'm just barely positive right now as we speak, barely positive. But basically my risk is either this week or this week I forget which one.

Uh, let me, it's the low of the day. basically. I'm um, from 9 30 to now I'm not counting pre-market but that's essentially what I'm risking is this low 38269. which hey, maybe it's gonna get go from there because I do recognize that we have a report in six minutes.

Maybe people are a little bit worried about the report. Uh, maybe the report's bad and we sell off naturally. Anyway, uh, there's there's various things that could be going on. There's also that downside Gap fill.

but hey, just in case that's not happening today and this is a runaway train I wanted to be in it and I'm I'm ready to reload I have my risk set I I've put on what I'm willing to risk and I it's enough that I could if I'm wrong on it I can reload and play again. Reload and play again. Let me switch to the three minute here. and also I just want you to know the way that this has been kind of constructed.

the risk is dynamic. So basically every single 15 minutes, there's a chance that I would be moving my risk up. Uh, and that's actually really what I like is because then, um, with every I guess new bar, my wrist should be getting less and less and less. but I'll let you know how that goes in real time because it'll be easier to explain with a legitimate example.

A legitimate example. The market. Uh, things are getting a little bit wonky though as we go into this 10 a.m report. A little bit wonky Matt is a human like the rest of us is Matt Jewish according to my 23andMe I Am 3.8 Ashkenazi Jew that's what my 23andMe report says.

so I don't think that's quite enough to uh, get any solid Hanukkah Presence five percent like format smash the Goonies oh what's going on Dallas uh I got 11 percent Matt You have a light bulb out which one of my light bulbs is out, is one of my light bulbs burn out? Do I need to install a new light bulb here? Let me check it out. Are you saying in the lower, the lower corner? that purple one? I Don't know maybe I just didn't pay my light bulb bill. it happens more than Elizabeth Warren Dude I mean whether you like Trump or not like as a human being, you have to admit it was very comedic when he started calling her Pocahontas he means the light bulb in your brain I mean that's been out for a minute and that's been out for a hot minute I Don't think that's any new. anything new.
Um, so 75 of you are less supportive of AMC but it's a 50 50 split with Tesla Uh, 50 50. all right we're seeing how this is gonna go team. Getting a little spicy, making me uncomfortable, but trying to trade like a robot trying to take my emotions out of it. And it's just these large wicks.

You know what's going to happen I Can already feel this coming is I'm gonna get stomped out because of the anticipation of this 10 a.m report and then it's just gonna rip anyway I bet just knowing my luck, that's how this goes is it's going to come down, barely make a new low? Maybe we'll get that Gap fill and then it's gonna rip anyway and I'll lock in a loss, but hey, if it ends up getting worse, at least I'm out of the position and if it does turn around I could always re-enter so it is what it is. Sometimes that's what training is like Matt needs to build a time machine so we can all sell AMC the day before Adam Aaron did. If only. if only if only if only all right folks, buckle up because we are about a minute out.

a minute 15 out. Uh, what's going on I Want to see some of these out of the money? SMH So some people getting some puts on the semiconductor industry SMH is an ETF that tracks things like Nvidia Intel uh AMD all those processing trips so people betting some decent money against them for early next year A Tesla put 140 for mid next year Apple Some calls long time out 2024 Hmm. All right, what do we have Weeklies spy put. We have some serious money.

Big money's coming in today. Big money coming in today. Let's see the millions A Nike Call for this week: 1.6 Milli 4.2 Milli for June of 2023 some cue calls. Dude, some people are throwing down some serious size this morning.

All right, let's get ready. The reports will be coming out in a few seconds a few seconds. Walter Bloomberg I Don't know why this guy wasn't coming up. Wait no, this is the wrong.

Walter Bloomberg what the dude they are Shadow Banning this guy without a doubt they are Shadow Banning Walter Bloomberg Well let's just judge it off the market said hey, did I get saved? Is this going to keep going? Is the pop gonna hold? Did I make a good trade? Did I make a bad trade? Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. come on. Remember I'm in at this green dash line and then this red dash line is my risk. Uh so I'm long at three eight seven nine.

so I'm roughly break even right now and my risk is three eight six, nine point five and it looks as if maybe we just got another little bit of a valley set up too. A little bit of a Valley setup right here, so lower lows but then also also lower highs. so not the best thing. I Would love to see it get above three eight.
Whatever. This high is three eight eight, four point, two five. Uh, once again, this is the S P 500 on the Futures Market if it can push above that I'd feel a lot more confident just to get rid of. Right now the pattern's not the best.

lower lows, lower highs that's not good. Um so I would love for this to push but I'm basically break even right now I am in at 3879 to micro contract. so I'm not really playing with big size today. uh as I'm I'm never playing with big size he says looking at the mirror.

uh can you explain the small white line and there are three points on your chart. um basically I like to draw out the valleys and the Peaks so Valley Valley uh Valley like it just helps me sometimes I think with candle charts sometimes you miss like just basic Peaks and valleys. so I like to especially when I'm day trading saying okay Peak or Peaks are up here. Obviously valleys are here.

um this was a peak just it helps me track are the lows getting lower or the highs getting higher or what are they doing I like to know the trend of the highs and the lows? uh check Twitter DM from Seth AMC Entertainment Health talks okay yeah I got a declined AMC yet because Apes worthless thank you Seth wait what is this? The market did not return it lost this year despite being read yeah someone coming to the some of these troll comments on Adam Aaron are hilarious. Great job Adam Aaron dude am I making money yo your boy's up 65 I might be able to afford the gifts we're giving away today. Check this out guys! I'm rich. You are now officially viewing the stream of an of a 50 error I have tens of dollars.

Tens of dollars of a fifty dollar Fifty five. Who knows. Maybe if things go right I might even make 60 bucks today. or maybe it's gonna go the other way as soon as I get cocky.

um you know when in Rome man is this what Elon feels like just unlimited money I feel like I could buy anything right now I feel like I could buy a country if I wanted to the life of a rich person. that's me right now. It feels good. Honestly, it feels good.

am I the best Trader ever. Probably am I the most successful Trader ever. Also, most likely first move is often the wrong one Charlotte Just give me this one opportunity to enjoy my success. You don't have to spit such hardcore, hardcore facts at all of us right now.

Foreign because I'm not confident with the strategy that I'm using right now I'm still trying to work out the Kinks if you will and also using the strategy yesterday I lost like a thousand dollars. So uh I have reason to believe that maybe this isn't the best strategy hence why I'm playing it with small size and then as I'm able to kind of figure out the specifics of it I will go up to my quote-unquote normal size I'm basically playing with like a tenth of a unit like of what I'll normally actually I'm playing even smaller than that. Hey, when you're trying to figure out something and if you don't want to use a paper count, just bet crazy small I'm making small bets that I can like work out what I need to work out without getting becoming an emotional mess I think Tom is selling Myspace though I think Myspace actually got bought by um, what should we call it some like music like Justin Timberlake was like an owner for a bit Matt did uh did Matt ever do the trade-off with Martin shkreli Uh, neither of us hit the goal. Neither of us were able to double the account in the time frame uh expressed I think we gave ourselves two months.
it's just neither of us were able to pull it off. uh oh eight Nation got timed out I wonder what he did uh oh Pico trades Pico trades with pico Matt with pico influencer Matt What if AMC had a subscription model? It does. It has like that. A-list It does have a subscription model.

He attacked you. You're gonna attack him back. You're gonna let him in. You're gonna let him step on you like that SPF re attack him back.

Call him. call him a keyboard Warrior Get into a classic internet fight that will happen with you and Trey um, nothing really happened with us. he just quit the internet I think he was a victim of his own hopium and copium I clap back with sass. Always clapping back dude I am I'm rich right now folks.

You're looking at a 10 error. I'm almost a hundred dollar error I'm up 80 bucks. What? What? I've almost made back 10 of what I Lost yesterday. All right Anyway folks, just so you know in less than half an hour holiday.

Giveaway Number three here I will pin everything you need to know to the top of the chat. So hold on. hold on to your butts. Uh, right here.

All right. Just commented it and pinning it right now. Uh, it's already pinned on Rumble just so you guys know and also on Rumble There's already a giant red button. but for all you YouTube peoples.

uh I Literally just commented it, just pinned it. Click on it. That's it when you sign up. If you're not already signed up, there's a free version.

a premium version. The premium version is ten dollars a month 100 a year. Or if you want a free month, you put in the code Moon Gang all one word. There's still 300 giveaway codes, so you should have no issue with it.

The issue is, make sure you're on monthly and not annual when you're signing up. If you do annual, for whatever reason, it. doesn't work. But anyway, you use the code Moon gang.

um and then you could enter and if you don't want to enter, okay, that's fine. I'm just saying I'm We're trying to give away a PS5 an espresso. a Nintendo switch beats over the ear headphones Texas Roadhouse gift cards. Uh, today's day three.
If you missed today, we're doing day four. we're doing day five. We're doing it every single day of this week. Spfree loves to use her power and can't handle the truth and then immediately gets timed out this: this is kitten really really harsh.

Um, does it auto renew? Not if you use the free one um I I don't really know of like with the code or not but I'm I'm unaware because I haven't signed up for my own platform but there there's a free version. It's basically I mean obviously nothing's gonna auto review Auto renew if you picked the free version. All right. Oh wait, no one told me we're not playing Christmas music.

This is the only month of the year that this is acceptable to do on every stream. folks. let's get rocking. Let's go deeper into the list because um I think it restarts here every day Twinkle Bells Oh, this will get us feeling some sort of way.

All right. I Should note to you that right now my risk on the trade I'm gonna move it up I'm moving my risk up to Three Eight Seven Three Three Eight Seven Three Three Eight Seven three. I'm moving it up a couple points and I would explain to you my reasoning. but I don't want to scare the children in the audience.

but I'm moving my risk up to Three Eight Seven Three. Uh, which means I'm now risking 60 instead of 90 and the trade is currently. Dude, that music is hard. Uh, up 122 risking 60.

I'm in at Three Eight Seven Nine. My risk is Three Eight Seven Three currently trading at Three Eight Nine One. Um. and I'll let you know how things adjust accordingly on the next bar.

Yeah, we should have started deep into the playlist before. What is this? What is this man? No one told me this before that we should start deep into the playlist deep into it. Uh, All right, very quickly. let's chat a little bit about Tesla which is currently trading at 140.

Uh, year to date. Oops, Year to date Tesla's getting its face kicked in. Year-to-date Tesla is down 63 percent. Uh, over the past month it's down 20.

Three months down 53. The sell-off is obviously the velocity is getting worse breaking. Tesla to implement a hiring freeze and start a new round of layoffs? Not good. We're seeing this out of a lot of Tech players right now and Tesla is I guess relative to them.

Nothing special. A lot of companies falling on hard times, especially within the world of tech. Elon Musk says he will step down as CEO of Twitter when he finds someone foolish enough to replace him. Um, so obviously everyone knows about the poll and then he's looking for people blah blah blah I Think this was a plan all along I Truly truly do I Don't I Really don't believe that he did this randomly I think as soon as he bought it, he knew he didn't have enough time in the day to run Tesla and neuralink and boring and SpaceX and Starlink uh, it's just Twitter was a little bit too much so.
I think he did it at first because it was probably beneficial in terms of like media and noise and all of that. but I I Don't think he was doing this on a whim I think he knew he needed someone one else to run Twitter so he can focus his energies on Tesla and all of his other companies. Tesla stock has plunged nearly 70 from its peak. Big short investor Michael Burry called the crash so to be fair, he's been calling the crash on everything every single day, seemingly forever.

And if you always do that, I mean eventually you're going to be right. But it is down a lot. It is down a lot and that's tough because like I'm invested in Tesla uh, in the long term and then stomaching this blow right now. it's by no means ideal, but hey, we did that poll and it sounds like 50 of you are still kind of interested in holding your position for the long term.

I Don't want to misquote any of you, but that's kind of the vibe that I got. Elon Musk hits back at being blamed for Tesla cratering towards its worst year ever since people are saving instead of buying stocks. Well, yeah, the whole situation is not good in simple terms as Bank savings account increased rates which are guaranteed start to approach stock market returns which are not guaranteed. people will increasingly move their money out of stocks Into Cash thus causing stocks to drop.

That makes sense. That's basic economics and I think that's even though he's saying this relative to Tesla that's true for everything in the market right now. this is it. Not specifically, but like on a very high level, we're going from a risk on to a risk-off environment.

We've kind of been in a risk-off environment ever since the FED started to be some restrictive Hawks and that's just what we're dealing with right now. That's clearly what we're dealing with right now. So I don't think he's wrong and I don't think it's necessarily specific to Tesla but Tesla's taking a noteworthy hit because your highest growing stocks always take the worst hit. So that's exactly why Crypto Tech Meme sucks.

That's why they're performing the worst Now is because they were performing the best in 2021. Snap up. Tesla Shares of Elon Musk's chaotic Twitter takeover drags the stock below 125 according to a veteran strategist. Um, I don't I mean we all have opinions and you kn

3 thoughts on “Markets bottom out?! santa coming to town?! holiday giveaway #3”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Parabolicfomodiprip says:

    Sorry I missed class today. Just watched the replay and I can't believe someone actually puts ketchup on their well-done steak. WTF?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Bagwell says:

    I’m more supportive

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thee Robby says:

    Strong work! Lucky guy getting TXRH! Jelly over here.

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