Up, Up & Away!!!
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The Matt Kohrs Show

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Foreign, foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign. I Hope you're having an absolutely fantastic day. I Hope you are breaking out that rake to be bringing in all the money that you hopefully scored today. The market is up, up and away and I hope you're getting a piece of it.

We're going to be going over why the market is Up Up and Away the not only the macro events but also the price levels that you should be paying attention to next and then I have some updates on really all the major things coming out for the remainder of today and tomorrow. Maybe a little bit of what to look forward to next week. and I also have some big announcements for you: there's a couple I want to share. there's a couple that are a little bit more super secret and maybe I don't know I don't know I don't know I'm I'm thinking I'm thinking there's an Avenue in which we can repair our relationship with each other and we might get back to giving away gold stars.

So depending on how the positions go, that I'm in right now. if I'm feeling like I'm in a good mood I I feel as if enough time has passed and we've seen a little bit more eye to eye on everything and I I do see I do see a way in which we could maybe get some gold stars back. so I just want to bring that up. but overall the market is up up and away I Want to share my positions with you I've been updating it in locals and we have a couple other that I need to close out today and as of now it looks like for a pretty hefty profit.

So with all that being said I don't want to waste too much time, let's hop right into everything. The market is rippity skippity doo dah as I'm filming this to you live right now we are trading at 418 and this was an easy peasy lemon squeezy type of a trade. Now before you saw this breakout, let me go here. Let me go here a couple things I want to talk about.

First of all, you saw this downside trip I was paying attention to this lower highs and the reason I was looking to go bullish is because we saw the good old red, white and blue. Brew I probably need a couple Brews after this one the old red, white and blue stacked on top of each other we were lean Bush that was the trend as soon as we saw this breakout, this breakout right here I was thinking to myself I want to go long and I'm going to risk the recent low and that's exactly exactly what I ended up doing and here's proof of it and I also shared this in local. So if you want some of my trades of like what I'm doing and I'm not saying you should follow me, it's all up to you. I just like to keep you updated what I'm doing uh I did lock in 700 right here this one to this one.

that's why it's a blue long of blue line. and yes, I did put that also in locals and then I let you guys know that I entered once again on this breakout. We're up enough that I'm now set to break even up another 700 buckaroos. This is in for the Futures Market but I still have the Spy calls on the Weeble account and also in the interactive brokers account just to show you where I'm at.
I Had some Tesla calls by calls Tesla is up 21 and the Spy calls are up 47. so up 600, up 1500, it's up another 2K there and then uh, the interactive brokers account. this is delayed data I'm in at 190 four and I have about five left. I sold half for break even as in 100 gain.

so I'm not gonna lose anything. Uh, but where are those training at right now? Let me just make sure I'm on the right one. I'm in at 194. they're trading at 450.

I As you can see, have a Target to sell three more of them at five. I started with ten I sold half at 100 gain so it's a lotto ticket and then I'm selling three more at five. Hopefully that hits today and then I'll have two as an extra Runner Uh, so that's obviously all in this account and then here. I'm gonna swing the Tesla and the Spy to tomorrow.

Uh, just because I don't really want to burn any day trades on it. So overall, an absolutely freaking fantastic day. I'm excited to see what the rest of the day brings as of right now. Just so you guys know, I am watching the high of today I Should probably put an alert there just in case anything happens during this wrap up.

but overall we are up, up and away and it has to all do with the debt limit. So let me explain everything. S P 500 Rises as hope grows for U.S Debt ceiling deal I Don't get why we've never defaulted before I Don't think we're going to default now, especially heading into a very tumultuous presidential election year. I Don't think either side could possibly risk us not getting this all figured out.

So the fact that the market was basically pricing in a realistic chance of that happening and now that it's not, we're going up I Find it a little weird, but hey, it's a good trade. regardless. remember, buy the rumor, sell the news on the announcement that they figured it out I'm not expecting the market to continue and continue I Think this anticipation is really pushing it to the upside and in fact, we're coming up to some major resistance levels and that's why I've been peeling off my profit I sold one of my future positions earlier today I put that all in locals locked in 700 and then I sold half of my other position on interactive brokers which I just showed you proof of that locked in 2K which was the cost of the position. So the rest of the position is an absolute freebie and then just as a little kicker, a little bit of the sprinkles on top here.

I still have the Tesla calls and I still have those other spy calls I Am not all of a sudden thinking that I'm going to YOLO back into this on the announcement that in the sun I'm playing the anticipation that's going to be done now. this isn't always true, but there's a very real reason that in the markets we say buy the rumors sell the news when the news is actually announced I think we're going to be closer to being done with the whole movement than we are to like really get going I think the move is now. So as of now the Dow the S p the NASDAQ are green green the NASDAQ really crushing it I mean you saw what was going on here. Look at this Nvidia crushing it Microsoft crushing it and then we also have Tesla Absolutely crushing it.
This trade on the overall Market was an easy one. You buy the breakout, you risk the most recent low. you have more than two to one odd setup and you just lit it. ride.

Uh, the oil oil Market I Want to talk about that in a second? Not so good. So what to pay attention to for the remainder of today and tomorrow? So tomorrow 8 45 A.m President New York Fed President William speaking and then we also have pal and Bernanke speaking at 11 A.M if you guys so choose on Fridays We kind of dial things back, but if you want to listen to this tomorrow at 11AM if you want to do it as a group group to kind of like continue our parasocial relationship, you know me. I am always game to do so. So that's at 11.

So we basically have three different Fed members speaking tomorrow. On top of that, we still have some earnings after the market closes today. If any of you care, we have Ross Uh, Applied Materials Maybe some people talk about them before the Market opens. I'll be paying attention a little bit to John Deere next week is NVIDIA So I'll be listening to that.

but we are pretty much getting to the end of this earnings season. Also, in terms of seasonality for tomorrow, it's neutral. It was a little bit bearish, then it got bullish and then we came down. So it's a neutral day.

Pretty much 50, 50 profit Factor Barely over one. so I wouldn't say seasonality is really influencing much tomorrow. I Just want you to know about this. And obviously while we're here Macquares.locals.com I give out the seasonality of every single day for free.

so sign up Macross.locals.com it is pinned to the top of chat. it's in the description video. If you want to be a premium member, it's ten dollars a month I put extra content or it's a hundred dollars for the year. Or if you want to be a premium member for free, just put in the code.

goonie. But once again, the seasonality for Friday May 19th. Based on the 20 last 25 years worth of data, it's pretty much a neutral day. Um, I'm feeling good I'm seeing things break out I'm seeing money absolutely rip right now and I'm in a good mood.

and because I'm in a good mood I'm thinking I locked in 700 if I get 1300 right there, that's going to be 2K and honestly I'm not even real like I'm feeling good about today and that makes me want to maybe repair our relationship. Obviously things have been on the rock. You guys frustrated me I frustrated you and I I think one of us ended up lashing out I Don't want to rehash history here, but I ended up taking away all the gold stars and just because I'm feeling good I Feel like this is going to end up getting locked in and I might get another 1300 there on top of the 700. On top of the 2K it's just been a money day and I think we should do it I think that there is an Avenue in which I could give you back your gold stars.
and how about this? How about the way in which we give back gold stars? Ah, it's gonna relate a little bit to what we talked about this morning, but maybe I should show you instead of tell you uh I didn't really want to do this yet. Should I do it Should I do it Should I do it Should I do it I think we should I think we should I think we should. All right? fine. I'm gonna do it I have a bit of an announcement.

so boom right here and this at first might look like nothing but. uh, as we were alluding to this morning. I think there's a way where I cannot only lit the Evergreen content live. So basically the channel you're on right now if you're on YouTube you're good to go.

This is going to be basically Mac Core's live. but over here is where we're going to put some of the Evergreen content. and dude, my producer is going to kill me for letting you guys know this. Okay, yeah, we have some really cool interviews like lined up, but we're also going to be doing a huge AI trading account challenge.

Basically I'm putting a bunch of money into a trading account and we're gonna let it rip. This is going to be powered by Street beans. This is going to be powered by Chachi BT I Really wasn't supposed to tell you this uh, but this is where it's all going to go down much more of Evergreen type of content. so if you're at all interested in it.

oh, hang on something. just hit order filled. uh that was on the street. Beep there it is here.

I'll pin it um I will give you back your gold stars if this gets to a thousand subscribers by tomorrow. like including tomorrow's stream and everything I'll remind it but really cool Evergreen content obviously related to business. We have some interviews we're talking to some people on Wall Street some trading stuff but more of Evergreen Not necessarily like streams like this. Uh, but you will get your gold stars back if this hits a thousand subscribers by the end of day tomorrow.

Um I Just put it. it's like if you go to Youtube.com like at Matthewcourse. Uh but hang on, are we still ripping here? Oh we are still ripping here Dude I had a lot that I wanted to talk about I had a lot that I wanted to talk about but this is just going. this is just going team.

This is just freaking going. Oh wait. I definitely don't need I don't know what this trade is. That's crazy dude.

Are we locking in 1300 right now? No, not dude. Is it really gonna just be that easy Peasy Lemon squeezies. Is it really gonna be that easy peasy Lemon squeezies. All right.

Keep going. You can do it. You could just go. Just lock it in I Gotta pay for dinner.
Somehow lock it in Dude. Lock. Go. Go Go.

You could do it. You could do it. You you? Well uh oh yeah. What are we doing? What are we? What are we room? Two points one one point.

Oh I Feel dirty I Feel like I have to go take a shower or something. That was disgusting. Oh so freaking easy. Training is so incredibly easy folks I Told you about my book idea your Buy Low and you sell High Look it, you'll buy low.

you sell High Even almost? Oh oh my. God yeah yeah I know uh oh yeah. shower shower after that one. that was a that was a little disgusting that was that was Wall Street Wall Street foreign.

That was something. And for those of you you're like dude, you keep telling us about this whole like Locals thing an hour ago right there I told everyone I was getting in and get oh wait, what was this one paid for another month of locals I Always jump before the real rip. Can't be sad about profits. Just so you understand, locals is ten dollars a month, a hundred dollars a year and today you could see I told everywhere I got and that just made me thirteen hundred dollars as in the trade I called out paid for 13 years worth of locals access.

So like if any of you are wondering like hang on like is it really worth the the money there it lit literally for 13 years worth of access it it just paid for it. It's ten dollars a month or it's free. If you're like I don't even want to spend money. of course it paid for it.

It's free. But anyway, obviously I'm getting a little bit deterred. The main thing here is if you want your gold stars back, get this to say a thousand. By tomorrow you're at 56 right now it is pinned to the top of Chat just go to at Matthew Coors this is where we're going to put some Evergreen content.

obviously that stuff is still going to be on Rumble If you were so curious and with this my idea of like using AI strategies to trade I'm going to do a big account challenge. It's going to be powered by open Ai and I just want to share this open AI Launches Chat Gbt app for iOS Android coming soon I Saw this earlier today and I got the big brain idea of oh yeah no, we should definitely be doing some sort of AI trading challenge. You guys see my trading robots I Just want to make it bigger and better and make more and more money. It's a thing.

I Don't think AI is going anywhere I Don't think this is a flash in the pan I Think this is here I think it's here to stay I think it's just going to get better and better and I think we can make money off of it I think we have the opportunity to be the leading retail AI Community that's what I want to do because hey, I'm lazy I like making money and I want to make money with AI So why not do it put in The Upfront work to get your AI up and running and then let it trade for you? That is 100 my goal and that's what I want to do with all of you. So why is the market right now? rippity skippity dude? I mean look at this thing. like I said, it's like we need to take showers I Don't know if this is legal in most countries because the Bears are getting they are getting murdered, they are getting killed and the last time I checked it is illegal in most countries to rip off faces but that's what's going on right now I mean we just see the Spy absolutely ripping off the faces of the bear like I said I'm not a lawyer I know a lot of you, look at me and you're like that's the guy who seems like a lawyer I'm not a lawyer I know I'm surprising a lot of you, but even without being a lawyer, I'm pretty sure what we're witnessing right now, at least in a couple areas is illegal. Why is everything so exciting right here? McCarthy Says house could vote on debt ceiling deal as soon as next week.
People are getting all hot and bothered about this concept of us getting the debt ceiling fixed negotiated so people are like yeah, why not be optimistic about it McCarthy and Schumer I debt limit votes ahead of June 1st deadline Just some nice positive news joining us. Now it's Bloomberg's Amory over in Japan amh walk us through the latest awkward delay. The latest Jonathan is the debt ceiling negotiations are obviously a little bit of anxiety here at the G7 as well for foreign leaders, as the President is going to be sitting down with his peers, especially talking to them about getting on board what the U.S wants to do in terms of uh vis-a-vis China At the same time, leaders are concerned about their own economies and protecting them if the U.S were to default. so obviously the President is going to be as he said before he departed, he's going to be in contact with his negotiators in Washington It's a smaller team they have the authority to really hammer out the details with Republicans but it's looming large on him and it's even meant that he had a scrap part of his trip after Hiroshima he was supposed to go to Papua New Guinea he was also supposed to go to Australia I Think all eyes are also going to be this afternoon on Washington with the Vice president.

Kamala Harris alongside Lail Brainer is going to be giving a briefing about where they stand in these debt ceiling negotiations and it's something obviously the President and his core team he here at the G7 are watching and Marie as you watch things play out. Is this just improving mood music? or can you identify something specific that you think we have made some progress on? They've definitely made some progress. Well I Think the fact that it's a narrower groups, the market is still just having this negotiations and a number of leaders have come out on both sides of the aisle and say we will not default. That does seem like they are making progress.

Uh, the President also did have a moment where he said he does not want to see work requirements Jonathan when it comes to access to medical care, but he didn't say that about other issues. Work requirements are a big issue for the Republicans in the social safety net, but he didn't draw a red line for anything else. So you do see potential movement from the White House The issue of course is going to be once they Hammer this out, are they gonna be able to get the votes through Congress But of course if this is a deal done by Republicans and Democrats then you're going to have both sides likely signing up to vote for it. But obviously the concern is Jonathan And that is not lost on the global leaders here.
In terms of the risk they see to the global economy is that June 1st is fast approaching Maybe go again and the fact that people think it's going to get all figured out is exactly why things are rippity, skippity doo-dah We're rip it to almost 420. the levels I'm watching right now are basically 424 1996. we'll just call it 420 so we could all laugh about it. And then past that I'm watching 421-22 The upside: Gap though from mid August of 22.

uh, I locked in my two Futures positions today that was 2K Uh, just to see what's going on right now I just sold um on the Interactive Broker account I had 10 calls I've sold eight I sold five at 100, gain three more and now it's just still cruising and then that has nothing to really do quite with. uh, what we have going on in the Weeble account right here. Uh, so these ones are up 94, 95 I have five of these or I have 15 of these and then Tesla I have as well Tesla I'm looking for that upside Gap fill where is Tesla at Tesla hasn't quite hit that gaffle yet I'm looking on Tesla like specifically what I care about just so everyone knows I know we're all over the place, but there's just so much incredible stuff happening. so my apologies.

but I think you guys are cool with it. You're kind of used to the chaos that we all present. So I'm looking for this upside gaffle to 177.65 the gap down from Wednesday the 19th to Thursday the 20th. I'm looking for this upside gaffle.

I'm thinking it's either going to be hit today in the next seven minutes or more likely tomorrow because we have a whole another dollar to go. Uh, but we call that out this morning too. So I'm happy that I don't have to burn a day trade on it. but I got all these other calls and they're up 94 so they're in the money 418 for next.

Friday So I think I'm going to be swinging those as well. So if I wanted to into this Incredible strength. maybe the best move for me to do is to just cut that entire. they're trading all right.

I'm gonna sell the final ones at six. That's what I'm gonna do. You know I've been too greedy lately I have a position of two. We're gonna sell it position to limit price of six dollars I Got in at a dollar ninety one or excuse me, that's a lie I don't mean to lie to you I got in at a dollar ninety four and I'm selling my final two Runners at six.
Submitting that. Hang on. Let me just make it a good to cancel in case it doesn't go today. Uh, submitting that override and transmit.

Okay, um, yeah, if they go, they go. We'll see. You'll hear it. You'll hear the British guy go order field.

Uh, but that will most likely happen if we pop up to 420, ideally sooner rather than later. So this morning you might be thinking yourself, why Was there a bit of a downturn? What's going on? Oh well. the jobless claims number came in a little bit later than expected. But more important than that was the FED Out of nowhere came up with two pretty hawkish comments.

Number one came from Barkin who basically said hey man, hey brother uh I don't want to repeat the 70s and I'm not talking about the copious amount of alcohol I used to crush and all the weed that I used to like. you know, enjoy all that Devil's lettuce All That Jazz cabbage. He was talking about how in the 70s they kind of took their foot off the pedal a little bit too early and he's saying hey, don't want to repeat that so that was Barkin and then Logan said yeah, no I Kind of agree Dallas Fed President Logan says current data doesn't justify pausing rate hikes yet. remember as they are hiking up rates that puts downward pressure on the economy, It lowers demand, which hurts the stock market, So that's why this morning it was a little bit bearish.

but then apparently we have the memory of a goldfish and we're like oh, a debt ceiling solved. So everyone just started buying and yoloing and that's exactly what we saw in the options Market too. Everyone was just. they did what they did yesterday.

they just went hard in the paint on zero DTE calls and we started ripping ripping Ripping Feds Logan doesn't yet see case for June pause with prices still high. Basically he doesn't want stack inflation. He doesn't want a situation where like everyone's getting like unemployment, getting like jacked up GDP gets cut and then we also have high inflation. We don't want that.

We also don't want what the Bank of England was complaining about this morning. the Bank of England governor. that is of how they might be seeing a wage price spiral so they're basically saying hey, we are willing to put everything else at risk. We just need inflation to very much come down Dallas Fed President Lori Logan Said the case for pausing interest rate increases at the central bank's June meeting isn't yet clear while her colleague Governor Philip Jefferson sounded ready to be patient.

So even now the FED is at odds. It's like kind of a nerdy Financial version of The Bachelor where everyone's trying to impress pal and they all have differing opinions on how to do it. after raising the target rate for the federal funds rate at each of the last 10 Fomc meetings, we have made some progress. The data in coming weeks could yet show that it is appropriate to skip a meeting.
as of today, though we aren't there yet. So just so you know, the next meaning is in mid-june particularly Wednesday June 14th and as of now, two-thirds to a one-third shot 64 chance they do no rate hike. which would? it's not really Dove It's not really hawkish, it's just neutral. It means you're not changing the rate, you're not raising it, you're not cutting it.

and there's about a one-third chance that they actually raise rates by another 25 bips. so that could get a little bit. Saucy Now in terms of just more of the microscopic scale of things, because things like are looking really good Nvidia Crushing it Microsoft Crushing it Tesla Crushing it Nflx Nflx Netflix Also crushing it up nine percent Netflix Stock jumps ten percent as it boasts add tier growth Netflix Like it's just like you have basically eight stocks keeping everything alive. We figured it out yesterday.

What was it? Apple Amazon Google Netflix Salesforce Meta Microsoft and maybe Tesla in there I Don't know I think that's pretty much the eight, but pretty much eight major stocks Mega Cap stocks keep rippity. Skip No in video is definitely in the list I Don't know if I said that, but Nvidia needs to be on the list they've all been rippity skippity. Duda Go and go and go. Will the party continue forever? Probably not.

But for right now, ride the momentum. I'm looking for the upside: Gap Fall on Tesla In terms of Apple, we're now looking for the test and break of 176. Uh Tesla we went over the upside: Gap fill Microsoft you're looking I mean Microsoft's a runaway train Uh, absolute Runaway Train At this point it's at resistance. If it can break 3 18, 320.

the next level I'm watching is actually all the way up to 3 30. like we're just ripping. It's absolutely insane and I truly hope you are getting a piece of the action Menopause the current backed on its AI chips for the first time. Worthwhile to pay attention to if you are paying attention to Meta.

Very interesting stuff. Disney World's costly Star Wars Galactic star Cruiser to close in late September I Just want to share this with all the Star Wars fans out there. Queen Elizabeth The second funeral costs over 200 million. You know, for a country that's not in the best financial situation, maybe they shouldn't have pissed away 200 million dollars on a funeral.

Seems a lot. Seems like a lot A lot so wanted to share that as well. Oh, and I'm also now in a fight with Roger Hamilton of Gns I Just called him out. uh, he's getting pissed off at me.

Join us tomorrow for at 10 A.M Um, for whatever he's he's talking about his company going down because of naked shorting when in reality they were caught lying about their revenue and paying for analyst targets. So if you're watching Gns, if you're listening to Roger Hamilton Understand the guy. He's a proven liar. His company lied to the tune of 50 about their revenue.
There's a really, really good reason that Gns is getting absolutely murked right now. That's pretty much what I have for you. The market is Up Up and Away subscribe to the new Evergreen Channel We're gonna do some training challenge stuff. We're gonna do some interview stuff as soon as this gets to a thousand subscribers.

You guys can have back your golden stars. It is pinned to the top of chat. it's in the description of the video. Or you could go to Youtube.com at Matthewcors that's the current name for it just so everyone one knows.

I'm trying to think of anything else. There we go: Dignity, Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. That is all she wrote. The fat lady is officially singing that's what's going on So I don't think that final trade ever got filled on.

Weeble Let me check it out. No, it went as high as like 550 and I have an order in at six so hopefully that gets filled tomorrow. We have two little Runners on the interactive brokers account in terms of Weeble I Don't mean to hide this from you guys at all. We are up 2.8 K up 85.

We never got that official double up and I'm fine with that because I wasn't really I got in at 220. I'm interested in selling maybe five of them at a double up. maybe if we get to 440 450 and then Tesla I'm looking to sell everything when we get that upside Gap fill, which will most likely be tomorrow. So I'm not looking to really be too overly egregious on Tesla I suppose if it jumped a lot, I'd be willing to sell half at 100 just so I have another lotto ticket.

As you can tell, I'm a big big fan of when I'm playing options, especially degenerate options if I'm in that mood, I'm a big fan of letting them double up if it so happens and then cutting half at 100 gain because literally it then becomes a riskless trade. But overall, I mean what a great day! What an absolutely phenomenal day! Phenomenal day. In terms of the market tomorrow, you know that it really is a neutral day in terms of seasonality. We have three different Fed members speaking two of them together.

uh Jerome Powell the chairman the FED will be speaking at 11 A.M I could start my stream a little to early tomorrow if you guys so choose because there is another Fed member speaking at 8 45. So if you want to start like 15 minutes early, I am all game to do that In terms of the market I'm looking for the Spy to test 420 After that, we do have an upside: Gap fill 2, 4, 21, 22 Right now, this very much seems to be a situation where it's by the room or sell the news by the rumor of the debt really ceiling debacle being solved and then maybe sell the news of the announcement that it was successfully solved. But ever since that beautiful breakout yesterday I've been long. I've been calling it out to all of you and hopefully you've been making some money.

Sign up for Locals Macquares.locals.com That's where I called out the trade today That made me thirteen hundred dollars and I'm sure you could have made even more because you're probably a better Trader than I am. Remember, it's free. there is a premium version for ten dollars a month 100 a year. or you could get the premium for free by putting in the code goonie.
But potentially more important than that, Today is what's going on with the new Super Secret Channel. Uh, just if you want to get your gold stars back, remember we're going for a thousand. Subs So um, at Matthew core Resorts Pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video, that's what I have for you today. I Hope you had an absolutely phenomenal day I Hope you absolutely kicked ass I Will catch you early tomorrow morning.

You know when the sun is rising up. have a Bea beautiful day. Peace out Thank you.

4 thoughts on “Up, up away!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Neal says:

    That move was Better than the moonwalk

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LemonGF says:

    Not a lawyer?! FML, I been on the wrong channel for months

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert T says:

    Gns needs to go to jail

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CjJohnWynn says:

    Locked in a 100% spy call. It ran another 100 of course. Lol I'm happy

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