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00:00 Intro
03:00 The TLDR
04:38 Wall Street Breaks Trend!
05:23 It Paid to Be A Degenerate
06:00 Seasonality and The Week Ahead
08:39 Earnings This Week
10:23 The SPY
13:40 Biden vs McCarthy
21:31 BTC News
22:46 AI News
24:50 Ken Griffin Said WHAT?!
26:05 Citadel's Trade Secrets LEAKED!
27:00 All of The Insanity Going on Right Now
27:35 Elizabeth Holmes Will Report To Jail Soon
28:00 My Thoughts on Stocks This Week
35:30 Q&A

#Stocks #Crypto #LiveTrading #BreakingNews #Live #AI #AITrading #Ethereum #Bitcoin

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Why yes, how come genius is doing? What genius do? She's a genius too. Let's go meet him. let's see his blueprints. Let's take a picture.

Genius! Ever since I came in who I would wreck the game the day I met the microphone Shit, life ain't been the same intellect on Cosmic levels was born with two brains higher than a NASA astronaut saying that they better than me knowing that they ass is not no like Can't See Me Now Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome back to the Matt Core show where I hope you have your protective eye gear on because the market is absolutely Rip City and that's what we're going to be talking about As always, if this is your first time on the Mad core show, we talk about breaking news, what's going on in the world of the stock market, the economy, and also random things I find on the internet and feel like sharing with all of you I hope you're having an absolutely phenomenal day and I think that you're gonna really enjoy this one. We have a lot to go over, namely the headline. The tldr of the situation is the fact that the Market's ripping I Want to talk about not only why the Market's up, the huge Market breakouts we're seeing and potentially some money making opportunities. So I'm going to be breaking down everything going on in the market today and then also I'm going to be letting you know what to look forward to for the remainder of the week.

We're talking about seasonality. For those quantity nerds out there like myself, we're going to be talking about earnings. We're going to be talking about the overall. Market We have a lot to get in to, but obviously if you enjoy this type of a thing, you found your home base become a goonie.

Hit the sub button, hit the like button and as always, let's get rocking very quickly just to kind of show you where we're at. On the day the Spy we had a low of 410. let's just call it 60 and we ripped all the way up to 416. even Regional Banks looking pretty good.

we have rum sitting over 10. we have Tesla ripping to 174. lots and lots and lots of opportunity I Want to let you know what's going on on the daily? so at first this might not seem that special to you. could be like hey man, it still kind of looks a little range bound to me.

but the thing I want to point out is more so this: if you look at the two hour the four hour, we have this clear wedge scenario: lower highs, higher lows and we've just been ping-ponging back and forth. I'm telling you, this looks like the gold medal match in the Olympics of whatever High tier ping pong match and we're going back and forth back and forth very, very rapidly. Well today on the news of what's going on with the debt ceiling, the debt limit, and potential agreements within the negotiations. Well, not only did we get this breakout, but then we broke one resistance, two resistance, three resistance, and even snapped through four.

But as of now, we're still kind of holding there. so that's it. That's the tldr of what's going on obviously within this. I'm going to get into more detail before we get into your specific questions and I also want to let you know all the updates I just did in my portfolios I did a complete portfolio makeover today so I'm going to be letting you know about that.
but I really just wanted to get into all the action here because we are absolute Rip City Green Rockets exploding Definitely the market going Hulk Mode Wall Street breaks trading low with S P 500 up one percent. Yes, ripping I mean we were all getting a little bored there. Like let's be honest with each other. if you were looking at the Spy look at like everything's just flat.

The moving averages are flat. We've been range bound ever since the start of April and then within this range that roughly goes from 404 up to 416.. we were in another range a range within a range, and when you get range squared, it basically just ends up equaling boredom. So finally, we got some action.

The Dow, the S P, and the NASDAQ are all up over one percent, the Russell, the small cap sector up two percent, and volatility getting absolutely crushed. Interesting thing here is the degenerates made money. That's to really be the title of this video. It paid to be a degenerate today.

So this is, uh, basically a miniature and you can see what's going on here as the Spy is actually it's overlaid with what's going on in the options. Market As the Spy started ripping, there were heavy, heavy heavy bits on the Zero DT SPX calls right here at 12 30. people just went nuts with zero. DD SPX calls and guess what? It paid off big time.

Now, before we get into more details related to that, I Do want to remind you of where we're at. Overall, in terms of seasonality, the middle two-thirds of May actually does favor the Bears And also, if you're paying attention this morning, today's individual seasonality as in buying it open and selling it closed favored the bears, but obviously season Led doesn't always work out. With that in mind, I Do want to just give you a little bit of a tip of what's going on tomorrow? This is for Thursday May 18th. This is leaning Bearish.

Obviously, it's been trending down, down, down, down, down. but over the last three to four of years, the bulls actually got some momentum and actually pushed the equity curve almost back to break. Even so clearly it used to favor the Bears and it still kind of does. But ever so much.

and I'm going to use this moment To shamelessly plug joining the Locals Community The producer will put it in chat. it's in the description of the video I'll even pin it to the top of the chat. you can join it for free. There's also a premium version that you can join.

It's ten dollars a month or a hundred dollars for a year. Or you could get the premium version for free. but by using the code goonie, G-o-o-n-i-e So free version, premium version, or premium version for free if that's something that you'd be interested in. But uh, beyond the fact that it'd be nice if you supported me.
Obviously we do other things in here and I'm going to be talking about this. but as you can tell, I've made big, big big changes to my account I got a pack W for 100 gain I got out of all my bank positions I was even trading the Spy a little bit which is now at 50 I'm still swinging that I'll give you all the details and that's one advantage of being in the community which once again, you could get it for free. Moving on to tomorrow, you know that the seasonality of Tomorrow is leaning bearish, but I want to let you kind of know of just other macro economic events that are going on. At 10 am? we're getting existing home sales and the US leading economic indicators.

but potentially more important than that is the fact that we have two Fed members talking and recently Fed members haven't been as dovish as you think they would. in fact, one recently uh, Barkin he was talking about hey, we don't want to repeat the 7 so we don't want to stop this whole rate hike thing too soon. Now the other members have been more of AKA We're going to wait for the data to come in to decide what we should do or shouldn't do. But just so you know, before the next Fomc meeting which is mid-june we're getting another PC report, another CPI report which is just a really nerdy Financial way to say that we're getting two more inflation reports.

So obviously there's a lot that could change between now and the actual next meeting where they decide what they're going to do with the Fed rate hike and then also on Friday another actually two more Fed members speaking. so feel free to check that all out. But the fun does not stop there. So recently we've had some important earnings, but we're really in terms of earnings season.

things are calming down. So yesterday Tuesday Home Depot reported not good. In terms of Revenue they had the largest The worst Miss they've had in Revenue in the past two decades. Today we had Target reporting Target did actually pretty well.

they beat on earnings. they beat on Revenue they beat on sales. Good stuff. The thing that I found surprise Rising is they're expecting this year this calendar year as in 2023 for over 1 billion that's billion with a B one billion dollars worth of product to be stolen.

That's crazy. Last year was 650 million and this year they expected to increase by another 500 million. So we're talking about 1.1 billion dollars in products that they think are going to be stolen from their store. Absolutely insane.

Tomorrow before the Market opens, you should know that Walmart and Alibaba are reporting the fact that Target did well Walmart A similar business, but on top of that a little bit well more known for groceries. I The fact that Target beat I'm expecting Walmart to be I'm personally not trading it I'm not long. I'm not short I have no position. but for those of you who are degenerate earnings players and you're looking for something to do, I would be kind of checking out Walmart and I would be bullish on it.
given all the recent developments especially Target right here Target reported quarterly earnings of 205, which beat the estimates of 176. And then there was some other things going on there right here. You can see 205 176 and sales 25.32 billion versus 25.29 So Target a good win. That's why I'm really expecting Walmart to be, especially probably to beat even by wider margins once again, because of more people shopping at Walmart for groceries opposed to Target so just wanted to share that with you.

all right now. and I think it's probably an appropriate time for us to talk about the Spy This Let's get to the 15-minute chart. This is the 15 minute chart on the S P 500 and the ETF tracking the major index and as you can see at 10 AM it started going and then around 12 30 someone put gasoline on the fire, threw down a couple matches and exploded this thing to Kingdom Come I Hope you got a piece of it I hope you're absolutely crushing it because what a trade it was and honestly might continue to beep very quickly. From a technical perspective, I might as well get this out of the way now.

I Showed you how we were in a wedge. We had lower highs, we had higher lows, we broke above the high, and as of now it seems as if we're holding could tomorrow. It completely change obviously. but you can only deal with the current information and your path pass information unless you're curler.

unless you could tell me the future. Uh, we have to sit and wait to see how tomorrow plays out. Now What? I Want to point out here is: how did people know to take profits right below 416. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezies I Don't think that there's any reason to over complicate this.

Well, first of all, you could have scaled out some of your profits at 4 15 27. That was the Gap Filled from Monday May 1st and actually when that was happening, I was pretty much live tweeting it. So make sure you follow me on Twitter too because I get pretty excited when we get some Gap fills. On the other side of that, this is just clear resistance.

This was pretty much the high of Tuesday April 18th. and then we also have some highs and just general resistance that was run into basically back in February. The only reason people thought it was going to get rejected here was because it got rejected at those same levels not that long ago. In the world of trading, it is commonly a self self-fulfilling prophecy.

If enough people think something's going to bounce at a certain level or get rejected at a certain level, it commonly does because you have people actively making financial decisions at those levels as in buying and selling. And inherently that is what is price action. Remember all these fundamentals, all these technicals really what we care about is the price action. Just because you see something bounce or get rejected or a good report or bad report or anything in between, what really matters is price action.
So if enough people are willing to buy and sell at certain levels, that's when we get this self-fulfilling prophecy type of a situation. and that's why I would argue we got rejected. There is because we already broke out of a couple different important levels. We got a gap bill at a certain point, there's only so much money to be buying in a certain day.

There's only so much degeneracy to be had in a certain day. so I don't think it's the most. Wild Thing To be like okay, yeah, a little bit of a rejection and hopefully we're knocking on the door once again tomorrow as I alluded to this morning. I Really don't care if the trends to the upside or to the downside I Just want a nice Trend You make more money, you make more money and you make it more easily when there's beautiful Trends to be riding when things are chop City that's when your account gets chopped up.

So anyway, I'm gonna be clearly watching these levels tomorrow. I'm going to be looking for support to hold around 4 14. but what a day. What a day! So that's why we got rejected.

and I suppose in a strange sense I'm doing this a little bit backwards. A better question might be. well, why did we get going? What happened here? Well, that all pretty much comes to this: Biden Quote-unquote confident on reaching debt deal as the GOP the grand old party bashes Japan trip or another way to put that Biden McCarthy say U.S won't default as debt talks inch form. so when you looked at Market close yesterday Tuesday right into close the final 15 minutes, it was a vomit Fest it was me on a roller coaster.

It was an ugly ugly ugly site and that was because everyone's like oh wow we just noticed Biden was saying that he's going to cut his trip short so everyone quickly jumped on the train that they're not going to have a deal figured out in time. Well today we'll really started in post market yesterday. so post Market pre-market and then throughout the day today we have more and more government officials kind of alluding to the fact that they're confident a deal will get done. Now Does that mean a deal will get done? Well, Yeah probably.

I mean if you think about it, the US government has never lied to us before so I think we could take them out. There were that the deal is pretty much like done because the government doesn't lie. and if you think the government lies, that's crazy because they don't They always tell us. They always tell us the truth 100 of the time they tell us the truth.

If you're listening to this right now, government officials I Matthew Korres believe you always tell the truth and there's no way there's no situation and there's no evidence of you ever deceiving us lying to us or anything in the middle. 100 I Believe the US government tells all the citizens a hundred percent of the time a hundred percent of the truth and you might be seeing some naysayers in my chat. but that is on them. Look up their names, don't look at me.
I Believe that you tell the truth and this is what was said about it this morning. Representative: Kevin McCarthy It's been great to have you on uh, thank you Mr Speaker but it was noted that I think yesterday morning you sounded pretty pessimistic and it was a real change in tone. Uh, by after the meeting what happened exactly? Can you give us any insight into that? Well the difference is, um, our meetings before were staffers are the four leaders and there was no time that we were going to get an agreement. Continuing that way, what we really have to do is what every time before was able to do, the President should appoint either himself or people from his administration to negotiate directly with myself.

Something that Mitch McConnell has said something that and this is what they ended up doing with Nancy Pelosi part of the reason we went so rip City today. that is a structure that could actually find a way that we can come to fruition. The challenge here is the President waited 104 days till he came to this conclusion. I went in February 1st I said no new taxes and no clean debt ceiling but everything else is on the table.

I Want to be reasonable I Want to be sensible but more importantly we want to be responsible and he ignored us said we couldn't have a negotiations. Now is the final time that he finally admitted we're going to. of course, negotiating. The problem is the timeline is very short, but Republicans are the only one who have passed a bill to limit, save and grow to raise the debt ceiling and actually make the economy stronger.

What do you think the final bill looks like Mr Speaker And we ask uh, leader Jeffries about the the two-year spending caps the Democrats would seem to be amenable to versus the tenure that you're insisting on. How what does a compromise there look like I Did the math that'd be six years. two plus ten is 12, right? Not no. In between.

Whatever, you're not going to get that from the good job. What would you be satisfied with? What do you think? I'm not going to negotiate with you. We started last night already in the room, but look, we could be really sensible and responsible about this. Um, how much is too much? You're sitting almost at a 32 trillion dollar debt? Your debt is now larger than your economy.

You're going to pay more in interest in the next 10 years than you paid in the last eight. The Interesting: We're not going to solve this because we're not tackling the biggest items, but we have to put a trajectory that we're actually curving the spending level and we've got to be ability to build things in. America So what I'm looking to and where the Democrats say is Draconian We're talking about spending levels of what we spent five months ago. They think that Draconian we're talking about work requirements that bring people out of poverty and remember, this is only on able-bodied people at the certain age that have no dependence.
Otherwise, what you're saying is you want to borrow more money from places like China to pay people not to work I Want to get people back into the workforce, help the supply chain make us less dependent upon China And let's count this inflation by bringing back money that is simply wasted. We spent billions of dollars on covet money that hasn't even been spent and they're arguing about bringing that back when it sat there for two years. That's the difficult part here. Even the most common sense Things become so difficult for Democrats to make a decision on speaker McCarthy we just had Hakeem Jeffries Feels like he might be calling a mentally challenged without actually saying that.

but hey, that's just the way I interpret it. now. you might like him. You might not like him in terms of Biden in terms of McCarthy in terms of any politician in that of like in general I'm not here to tell you who's right I'm not here to tell you who's wrong I Am here to frustrate all of you to let you know that this entire concept of debt and the debt ceiling understand our government, especially the FED have absolutely no plans.

Zero plans to ever get this down. This is a thing that isn't properly taught in the U.S education system. So I guess I have an issue with our U.S Educators and the system as a whole. but understand we are in a forever expanding credit system.

The money that we have in our system. it's always loaned into existence by the Fed. Their plan is to never let this really run off. It's alone.

More and more and more. The plan is never, ever, ever to let it go down and in reality without getting into the weeds of it. You don't want that to happen because if it does, it increases. Really, it's referred to as counterparty risk.

And then you have a lot of people defaulting on the debt that they owe and then everything blows up anyway. And you get this like deflationary Spiral And that could be brutal too. Deflationary spirals are as bad as like hyperinflation and sagflation themselves. The whole point of our system, the way our economy is built, is for this to happen.

You just want it to happen at a reasonable rate as in two percent. That's why we always talk about two percent inflation because they know we're always supposed to be expanding this balloon. but recently we were expanding it a little bit too fast to keep things under control. So when we see those charts of the the like I guess devaluing of the dollar of like, oh, it's falling off 95 in the past 90 years or like whatever it is that was built by Design You might not like that.
You might think that's stupid, but I'm just letting you know that our government, no one in the government, no one in the FED, no one involved in the FDIC treasure. Any of them. No one is ever expecting this to come down. It's it just isn't That's not how it is.

and maybe I should do like a different video on it, but understand that I mean by the time we're like two decades out, look at 2040, we're looking at almost 80 trillion in debt. Understand, our debt will do nothing but increase. And obviously, when you're doing on percentages, that means the magnitude is increasing at an exponential rate. This is it.

This is where we're going and honestly, that honest like it inherently brings up an interesting argument of why we should be getting into Bitcoin uh, something that they're not going to just print infinitely. Now, obviously this is a very nuanced discussion, but the tldr of it is: I'm a supporter of stores of value outside of the USD because call me crazy I Don't trust the government and I don't necessarily think that we have the smartest people really at the helm of this particular ship. So maybe you like Bitcoin maybe you don't make illegal. Maybe like silver, Maybe like tulips? I'm not here to tell you what you should like I'm here to tell you that probably you shouldn't be in love with the USD and for sure you should just not be sitting on US dollars if you simply sit on US Dollars It does nothing but get devalued because of the economy we're in.

A lot of people think storing money under your mattress is like a safe thing to do. It is not a safe thing to do because literally every year you're doing that, you're losing money. You're losing money and you're losing money even more rapidly in an inflationary environment. That that is something we should do a whole independent video on.

but understand the dollar is always going to get devalued and you should look at alternatives to store wealth in. And yes, I'm a fan of. Bitcoin I'm not saying you should be I'm not saying you shouldn't be I'm just letting you know that I am. And we do have some exciting news in the world of BTC Tether says it will buy Bitcoin for stablecoin reserves using realized profits.

The company which issues 82 billion Usdt Stablecoin reported 1.48 billion in net profits of 2023 q1 and revealed 1.5 billion in BTC Holdings Obviously that is quite the whale of purchasing. Moving on to the next interesting thing: I came about just in terms of the market and rich people and AI because it is the hottest thing since sliced bread Steve Cohen is pretty bullish on markets thanks to AI so if you don't know, Steve Cohen Kind of an interesting pass. Super super successful in the world of Wall Street He's currently the owner of the Mets among many other things. uh, billionaire multiple times over and very, very good at Trading Some say a little too good Steve Cohen Said investors are too worried about a market downturn and that focusing too much on recession odds may cause them to miss the big wave quote unquote of opportunities brought on by artificial intelligence I'm making a prognostication we're going up I'm actually pretty bullish.
The billionaire added that he's worried about the types of jobs that will be displaced obviously in reference to AI but more broadly he expects profit margins to improve, which would reduce pressure on the Federal Reserve to curb inflation with additional interest rate hikes that would in turn boost markets. And then this is from Duncan Miller Another person who is highly respected in the world of Wall Street related to Ai, Ai is very, very real and could be every bit as impactful as the internet. So it's not just the retail djend Community that's hopping onto this AI train. Obviously we're seeing in Wall Street We're seeing it as the economy as a whole.

This is the next like revolution in the world of AI. Is it going to to be exactly what Black Mirror predicted? Well I Pretty much hope not because that was always some negative stuff. But I don't think this is a flash in the pan I think in one way or another, AI is here to stay. And like many times in history before, there are technological developments that shift the entire job market.

and I think that's what's going on now? Yes, Will AI get rid of certain jobs without a doubt. But will it also create new jobs also without a doubt? So I'm not negative if anything I'm positive I'm excited about AI because I think it's going to open a lot of exciting different doors. So I just wanted to share my thoughts on that I also wanted to share them just because we're talking about rich billionaires in Wall Street A little bit of a clip that we found from our boy Ken Griffin who is the CEO of Citadel hedge fund and also Citadel Securities the world's number one market maker profits and how they are made in high frequency trading I Don't know what to think of it. Um, I get that it's legal.

but is it moral? So it's absolutely moral because basically saying Market making is absolutely moral. What we do in the market increases liquidity and by increasing liquidity, you bring down the cost of capital for Corporate America I'll give you a very simple thing to think about mutual fund managers, institutional money managers when they think about how big of a position to own in a company, they think about days of traded volume I'll own liquidity is of trade of volume I'll own five days of trade Divine It's used as a proxy a shorthand for how difficult it is to get into or out of a position. and everybody thinks about liquidity and values liquidity. So the quote, high frequency profits, and how they are all right.
So I understand what he's saying. liquidity is a very good thing to have. Very good thing to have. but to say it's moral.

Absolutely moral. I Think that's a little bit of a stretch, like a kind of a little bit of a Jesus figure I Suppose also related to citadelicidal security alleges ex-employee stole Trade Secrets Maybe it's just Karma who knows the company claims Leonard Lancia and Alex Casimo started raising capital and building their high frequency trading firm. Port Portofino Technologies It relates to crypto while still working at Civil. Securities With access to proprietary information it is Seeking a trial to determine the extent of monetary damages and potential restitution.

The pair engaged in a Brazen scheme to steal Citadel Security Trade Secrets Lie to their Citadel security colleagues and raid the ranks of Citadel Security employees classic billionaire multi-millionaire everything in between fight. I Honestly don't care who wins because I don't think any of them are necessarily moral people. So I think this is a good summary of all the craziness going on right now. Financial System currently Regional Banking system is in turmoil.

record 1 trillion in deposits left banks in one year large Banks paying 0.01 interest Apple's entering the banking business PayPal Stock just hit a six-year low. Alternatives to bank deposits are everywhere and it really is an interesting time potentially for Elon who has gone on record many times stating that he is looking to turn really Twitter into company X which would be equivalent to WeChat in China like a one-size-fits-all type of application so wanted to share that with you I did think it was a pretty good summary I Also wanted to share this. it was literally just a piece of breaking news within the past couple minutes. Disgrace Therano CEO Elizabeth Holmes will report to jail on Monday or excuse me on May 30th I Have no idea if it's a Monday I don't even know why I said that.

but yes Elizabeth Holmes Theranos I know many of you know her I Just want to share that. Yeah, she just kind of got kicked in the ass by the old justice system here in in the U.S A couple things I want to conclude with here before we turn it over to questions. so we see that the market is ripping faces ripping faces. If you have a face on, there's a good chance that the market ripped it off the market squeezed today.

Really like the shorts clearly got squeezed clear. When the market moves over one percent. That's a big move. understand that's trillions of dollars added in market cap and then look at things such as Apple ripping that's billions of dollars.

Look at things like Tesla that's up 4.4 billions of dollars. So the overall Market was squeezing today. But I do want to bring your attention to something that we've been watching for a while. Rum Shout out to everyone watching on Rumble We are knocking on the door of a very, very interesting level.
So pretty much it's been range bound between 10 and 780. a two dollar range. wide range for a 10. Stock when it gets above this and ideally it does I am watching 10.50.

Now I'm watching this for a couple reasons. First of all, it's a key technical breakout as in anyone who shorted it from November until now just based by pure math will be underwater because we're gonna be higher than where we ever were all the way back to November which includes new player who's called Culper research right here Tuesday to the 25th Wednesday the 26th. This sell-off is because of Copa research. They came out with a short report they were short rum and now obviously they're underwater and I think things could accelerate? If we get above and hold above 10.50 why do I think that things could accelerate Well, Basically this right here: utilization is maxed out a hundred percent all of the shares that could go out on loan to potentially be shorted against the company are the cost of borrow is 63 if we look at the average today 63 last week, we saw it spiking over 200.

Absolutely crazy and hang on. Let me get back to where are the short numbers? Overview right here and then the other thing I Want to dive into is the estimated short interest of the free flow now. I Think that's actually wrong In fact I Know it's wrong because I went through and I read Rumble's filings. Really when you look at the shares on loan of this 12 million I think that that number by the best of my calculations, should be computed against 35.

I Believe that when we're talking about the public float of Rum, it's closer to 35. So Based on that math, 12 divided by 35 is 34. I Actually think the short interest a better way to talk about rum. short interest is 34 rather than nine and I think that it's just a miscalculation in what they're accounting for as publicly traded shares versus closely held shares.

and remember, those two added together equals the outstanding share count. So Utilization maxed out shares on loan 12 million estimated short interest when we're talking about ratios. I Think nine percent is wrong I Think it's closer to about 35-ish percent within that realm. and some of these days we see the cost of borrow.

Really? Spike So when I put that together with the fact of we might be knocking on the door of a considerable breakout the same highs, higher lows, it might happen. it might not. I want to let you know I'm long on rum. My average is 950 955 like somewhere in there I it's I'm not actively training it I bought it twice.

That's it I haven't sold any, haven't played any options, but I'm particularly watching this for a breakout above 950. if there is a massive squeeze, if we get up to these levels of almost pushing 20, of course, I'll lock in my profits I'll let it come back down and then I'll reinvest once again because this is meant to be a long-term hold for me. But if, like, in a crazy squeeze event, if we end up doubling tripling, just doing something nice, of course I'm gonna take my money. so I just want to let everyone know about that.
and I also want to let you know about some other changes in my portfolio. So the first thing you need to know is I did a fire sale of everything. The big update of why Regional banks are ripping today if you're looking at Kre if you're looking at Western lines if you're looking at past West if you're looking at First Horizon Any of them is because we just got a report yesterday from Western airlines that their deposits are looking pretty good. In fact, it increased by two billion dollars.

That's B billion billion 2 billion Qtd quarter to date. So the it looks as if there's no longer an exodus in deposits. So my thesis basically got heated off of a clip. So what I did was I cut everything I cut my spy puts I cut all my bank stuff I cut it all I even accident I didn't mean to I did have apple puts this morning I cut that even by accident because I was just going through a fire sale.

so much so I basically went flat on everything. Then what I did was like okay well the bank is good I bought some calls I bought calls for June nothing too crazy, slightly out of the money so I do have some of those. what do we just have here? Interesting. So I do have some calls on wall now I had put I now have calls.

The other thing that's been going on is when I saw this breakout in the Spy today things got gnarly in around 12 or 1 I bought calls on that those are currently up 50 so I was talking about that in the Discord I was talking about on locals and that's exactly why you should join up with locals to know when I'm doing things because some of these decisions have to be made in real time opposed to in the update video. So make sure you're signing up for Locals I wanted to keep you updated to all my positions. the things that we talk about day in and day out: I'm in no way attempting to hide something from you so cut all my banking positions, switch my wall position and also now I have calls for not this Friday But next Friday on this buy and those are already up 50. Absolutely crushing it.

So with that all in mind, the market. basically the shorts are getting squeezed I think there is a scenario in which the rum shorts might get squeezed. but overall I'm liking the action. I'm hoping this leads to a bigger Trend because that's where we make our money.

We any nice Trends to make nice money, especially if we don't want to play that big because we want to keep our wrist a reward in check. So what? I'm going to be watching for tomorrow is essentially right here. I'm looking for the continuation above 460. if we get that I'm then watching 417 and some change I don't know if it'll happen I'm not Clairvoyant I Can't tell you all I can tell you is my risk and reward.
obviously with all of those spy calls I have if it keeps going yeah, I'm going to sell half for a hundred percent gain because then it's a lotto ticket. Why would I not do that? So I Can see some positivity here. The market did close just so everyone knows. Dingy ding ding ding on the day.

Great day, Very bullish. I'm excited with what happened today I think there's a lot of opportunity and I think hopefully hopefully there's some fireworks for the remainder of the week. Now with all of that being said before we wrap things up because the closing bell did go dingy Ding ding ding someone said Bitcoin pumping yeah Bitcoin look at this bouncing off at 26.5 000 all the way up to 27.5 so a thousand dollar bounce even Pepe is bouncing like we're just seeing this. The optimism return we're seeing.

The only thing getting crushed right now is volatility because we're such a turnaround in the world of the market. So with that being said, that's pretty much everything I had planned for you I Want to let you know why the market was squeezing I Want to let you know what's going on rum I Want to let you know what's going on with the banks I Want to let you know what's going on with Cohen with Ken Griffin What's going on with Biden What's going on with Markarthy? That's your wrap up for the day before we head out. Are there any questions from You Beautiful People Now that we're here doing this live, this is the one advantage of streaming the wrap-up video opposed to just filming it is I can answer any of your questions in real time. So as I'm waiting for your questions to come in, let me know, let me know, let me know, But as they're coming in, destroy the like button.

Don't forget to subscribe like on Rumble like on YouTube subscribe on Rumble subscribe on YouTube Like And Subscribe Shout out to that actually I think we're even now streaming on Twitter Are we on? Are there people on Twitter right now portfolio Market Squeeze Yeah there's 40 people over here. Hey I'm looking at the people who are over there on Twitter Uh, so shout out people I Hope you're crushing it I hope you're crushing it giving out Financial advice again. Well that deserves a band because that person's an absolute dipshit. When have I ever told anyone to do anything like what? It's so weird when people try to like, really pitch that concept just because it feels like they're actively against random of speech.

As if people shouldn't be able to talk about their portfolios. I'm no one's paying me to like, run money for them or do that I'm I'm not qualified to do it I Don't want to do it. it's crazy. Uh, any questions, any questions, any questions, any questions, any questions AMC Price targets don't have them don't really care about AMC it's uh, the people who are watching now just hardcore cult members at this point.
Matt You told me to buy Texas Roadhouse I meant by a Texas Roadhouse not the stock I was like saying you should go buy the franchise because we everyone should own one, Everyone should own one. What are your thoughts on C3 Ai and Mstr? so AI just right now that's a hype cycle. uh I'd be careful of like overpaying on it because I obviously all these AI names not even just C3 like a lot of small Caplans are just raping because there is such a hype cycle. Yes, that means you can make money, but I wouldn't be falling in love with any of these.

and uh, Mstr kind of the same. Vibe I mean right now we just see a lot of strength in tech. There is a exuberance in a lot of text so it depends on your time frame right now. the momentum.

clearly to the upside. so I would inherently be bullish on it. I mean look at things like Nvidia they just don't stop ripping. but I don't know if I would be investing at these levels I want to invest when things are cheap but if you think in the shorter time frame however you would Define that if you think the momentum will continue will obviously have at it, have at it.

have at it. Have at it all right? Well team. That's what I have for you today. Don't forget to sign up for locals.

It'll be put in Chat There's a free version, a premium version that is ten dollars a month or a hundred dollars for a year and you get access to not only what I'm saying but other members of locals but then also on top of that, you could get premium for free by just putting in the code goonie, G-o-n-i-e and you will get a free month to see if it's appropriate for you. But I think that you really will like it I Truly believe that. Uh, so that's what I have for you now. I Will get to tomorrow morning 9 A.M Bright and early.

Be there or be square I Appreciate all the Good Vibes Peace out.

10 thoughts on “Market squeeze alert!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Myles says:

    Matt didn't drop his pen

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FordMoorePerformance says:

    How much do you need to deposit to get 5k? Is the gold really 10 times better than premium seeing as it's 10 times more expensive? Does it matter what level of subscription you get as far as the 5-5k is concerned?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars texan says:

    That was awesome to have some questions end of the video.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars texan says:

    $1B stolen product? Holly cow! Hate shopping at Walmart. Love Target

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr Really says:

    MSTR is a BTC proxy. Can buy when BTC tanks and it outperforms when BTC rallies. I watch for $270 buy opportunities.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 👉 BUY YOUTUBE VIEWS 👉 Link in Bio says:

    Your channel is such a breath of fresh air, keep doing what you're doing.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Marshall says:

    I believe

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Smith says:

    You seem to have decent ability to talk through a chart. That being said, you’d literally go on fox to talk about nothing BUT AMC… I personally think the way you act so against it and so offended when one mentions it, is likely you either feeling guilt about roping people in or worse, you feel nothing and are just kind of awful.
    Don’t be surprised to be asked about something you spent a year talking about basically exclusively. Not to judge, but you are well aware most your viewers do not understand much of anything with the markets and look to you for guidance. That’s why people made videos saying you and Trey are traitors. You both kind of have an F U rather than explaining why you stopped

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MIMS207 says:

    I think the markets are closed Saturdays (the 27th)

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prabh Singh says:

    It will squeeze on 24 or 25 May 2023 Brother and on 26 or 27 there will be a big correction.

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