Bitcoin Pushes Higher & Stocks On Edge Post Earnings
The Matt Kohrs Show (Oct. 25th)

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Yeah, he w he oh brother oh brother oh brother good morning, good morning, good morning it is Wednesday October 25th and you have stumbled your way into the Matt chorus show. Some would say this is the best show ever created. Others would argue that this is the worst show ever created and if you're were my mother you'd say yeah my son Matt his podcast thing. So hey, we we'll see which one of those three options that we actually end up falling into today.

but it is Wednesday which is important because every single Wednesday I Rely on you folks to help me win a football in NFL Football Pickham League and that's what we're going to be doing again today. I Need you guys to tell me who's going to win the game? We're going to do that before we get into an update of the stock market, the economy, politics, everything in the Middle East There's a lot to talk about, but before we get into all of that I Want you guys to tell me who's going to win the game not to cover, not to spread anything like that I Just need the football team that's going to have higher points when the fourth quarter is over. The first option is the Buccaneers versus the Bills Buccaneers versus the Bills Buffalo is favored by 8 point five and they are actually playing in New York um I Feel like I need to go with the Bills? Is that right? Regretting when I didn't listen to the weird kid in Middle School who said to buy Bitcoin it's going to be big. That was 15 years ago.

Oh, that's a rough one. That's a rough one. You guys are saying the Bucks Bills have been crap lately. Bucks bucks Whoa.

We really have that many more Bucks fans in here. Hey I'm on time today. Shout out Bills. 100% bucks Bills Dude, you guys are Bills.

You guys are a little bit torn on this one. Not even CL Okay, I'm going with the Bucks I'm going with the Bucks uh Falcons versus Titans. Next one is the Falcons versus the Titans. The Titans are not favored.

The Falcons are favored 2.5 but it's in Tennessee It's in ten. Tenee Falcons are favored Falcons Titans Falcons Falcons Falcons All right, I'm seeing more Falcons votes All right. Next one is the Texans versus the Panthers. The Texans are favored by three and they're playing in Charlotte they're playing in North Carolina So very similar to the last situation where the away team is favored by a couple.

Texans Texans Texans Texans All you guys are feeling Texans again. okay, Jags versus the Steelers uh Jags are favored by 2.5 once again and it's the away team is favored. It's in Pittsburgh Uh, so away team favored by a little bit. So what do we have? Jags versus Steelers favored Uh Jags are favored Jags shag shag shag shags shags Couple Steeler votes.

but I'm seeing more Jags votes I'm seeing more Jags votes. Um I Don't think anyone or we even on Rumble right now cuz I Don't think Rumble's actually cast a single vote on this Rumble People are you watching because you have not been participating whatsoever? and if I lose, it's it's not because of YouTube this time around like they're they're at least trying. But the the Rumble crowd, they're like we've never even heard of football. we've never ever heard of it.
Next one up: LA Rams versus the Dallas Cowboys The Dallas is favored by 6.5 and it's in Dallas Dallas Cowboys versus LA Rams It's in Dallas and the Cowboys are favored. Uh, how are you guys? Rams Cowboys Rams Cowboys Rams Both suck. Well, that's not an option Rams Rams Rams Rumble Chat follows Croquet Dallas to win the Super Bowl Serena Williams I. Don't think Serena Williams is on a team this year.

there's more Rams voters in here. Well, Christina says Rams so I'm going with Rams. Okay, um Vikings versus the Packers it's in Wiscon Dude, the Vikings have been picking it up a little bit. It's in Wisconsin and it's a neutral game.

Uh, no one's really favored. It's in Green Bay though. Vikings Vikings Vikings All right, we're going with the Vikings Pats versus the Dolphins. We have to go with the do I Know the Pats are showing a little bit of strength, but I Don't think they're showing enough strength to beat the Dolphins right? I mean the Dolphins like they lost to the Eagles but the Eagles are stacked who? I don't know who else they lost to, but I'm going with the dolphins on that one.

Saints versus the Colts I Haven't watched either of these teams play this year. The Colts are favored by one. Saints Colts Saints Colts Saints Colts Saints Colts Saints Colts Colts Saints All right, we're 50/50 coin flipped. saints.

Saints Saints Saints Is it where it's it's in Indianapolis Uh, this one's going to be a close one. Power rank is literally 21st versus 22nd. Oh lordy lordy lordy lordy. Colts Indie I'll just go with the home team.

That's a tough one. Uh Jets versus the Giants I Feel like it's going to be the Jets right? Who for the the New York Showdown Who do you guys have Jets versus the Giants the Jets Not the best start to the year, but they're making a comeback. They're making Jets Okay, we'll go with the Jets Eagles commanders. Obviously the Eagles Browns versus the Seahawks.

That's an interesting one. It's in Seattle and the Seahawks are favored by three. So Browns versus Seahawks in Seattle Seattle Favored by three Browns You guys are going with the Browns brown. Interesting.

Uh, dude. screw football. Well, we do this once a week because I'm trying to win this league. All right.

So I need to Browns are hot right now. They're so hot right now. Um Ravens versus Cardinals I Feel like that's a pretty obvious one? Ravens uh Bengals versus the 49ers I'm going to go with the 49ers uh Chiefs versus the Broncos I'm going with the Chiefs Bears versus the Chargers. Both are trash.

Who do you guys have? Bears versus the Chargers Um, it is in California Englewood and the Chargers are favored by 8.5 Chargers All right, we're going with the Chargers and then last but not least, Raiders versus the Lions I. Feel like the obvious answer is the Lions but you guys tell me, Dear Bear Bears, All right. Raiders versus Lions and the lions are favored and it's in Detroit Lions Lions Okay, cool. Well, we got them in and just so you guys want to know, like just so you know how you're doing.
Currently in fourth place? Uh, one point behind third place and Five Points behind first place and I don't want to be that guy, but my fiance is in second. so you guys are actually performing worse than my fiance who doesn't really follow football beyond the Eagles. Last week, your performance was horrible. Last week you got four of the games right.

Four actually tied for last place. Last week, you only got four of the game. You guys sucked last week. Um, but hopefully you just got the crappiness like it was.

By far your worst performance. You guys should all feel awful. Absolutely awful. Tied for the worst performance last week I'm I'm disgusted.

That's you. guys. Better be better if you're not better. This upcoming week, you all get a demerit across the board.

no questions asked, no appeals. Everyone will be getting a demerit. The entire Community will be getting a demerit. If you don't get above, well, call it eight games.

You have to have at least eight or everyone's getting a I mean that's a horrible performance. Four, It's like you didn't even try you. That's offensive. I I'm offended.

You should be offended. You should be offended and sad. You know when your parents yell at you and they're like I'm not mad I'm just disappointed. No, I'm mad and I'm disappointed and I'm disgusted.

So be better. learn more about football. And if you don't just it's going to be a slew of demerit. So hey, I'm sorry we had to start Today's show off on an aggressive note.

but I just I Want you guys to know that there's a couple things we have to take seriously. and if my fiance beats me in this, pick them. League there. there's going to be hell to pay.

There's going to going to absolutely be held to pay. So on that note, let's talk about the market. Now Now that we got that out of the way, the spies in a decision Zone This is the ETF spy tracking the S&P 500 aka the overall market and as you can tell it's decision time we last week broke below an important support level after getting rejected at the 48. EMA got rejected.

uh, sliced through One support sliced through. a second support broke down the previous low little fake out liquidity grab. Now we're bouncing right back up. Look at where we closed yesterday right above this important level obviously at 423.

So what I'm going to be watching are these two Wicks Roughly just below 425, we'll call it 42450 if the bull Camp can get above and close above that I Think there's an interesting argument to be made. It gets somewhere between 426 and some change and 428 I'd be looking at that as the next region. So once again, if if this spy gets above and holds above 424 and some change, we'll call it 42450 I Think that could be some nice upside potential to somewhere around Uh, we'll just call it 427. but it's really the range of 42650 to 428.
So looking in this region on the other hand though, if we push up and it cannot hold here which could happen for a m of reasons such as all the earnings and yes, we're going to be talking about Microsoft and Google and Snapchat and visa and Boeing, those are all earnings that just came out last night and this morning. If the Market's not really liking the numbers, if they're not really feeling the vibe, well, we could start to Crater back down. So if this buy gets below and closes below 422, 421 Market could be in danger of another leg to the downside. So those are the major technical levels I'll be paying attention to S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100 Futures fall as Traders weigh Microsoft alphabet results on top of that Snapchat Visa Boeing will be going over all of those.

But before we get to that, a little bit of an update of the Middle East US Press's Gulf Allies to help stem fresh fundraising for: Hamas Us Golf Group calls special meeting to curb Hamas cash inflows Aim is to stop Hamas Building on October 7th deadly Israel attack So this, as of now, it does not seem as if we are trending in the direction of things getting solved in the short time. In fact, it does seem as if the intensity, the ferocity, just the violent nature of what's going down. Israel Palestine Hamas Specifically, the Gaza shrimp is getting worse, so pay attention to it. Very important in news, not a good situation.

Latest GOP Speaker Nominee: Emmer ends bid after Trump criticism So Yesterday Tom Emmer was the Hot Topic everyone's like Tom Emmer. he might be the new Speaker of the house and I thought it was pretty funny how a lot of people within fin twit right away started to point out how this dude takes so so much money from basically warmongering companies. Like if you look at who's sponsoring, like if he had a NASCAR jacket on that showed all of his sponsors like this is a guy who would definitely be pulling for war. Former president called Emmer's nomination a tragic mistake.

Republicans meeting Tuesday night to vet new candidates. Well, he did not make it representative. Tom Emer dropped his campaign for house Speaker Tuesday after criticism of the former president Trump becoming the Third Republican nominee for the leadership post to be dragged down by seething divisions within the party. Emmer a Minnesota Republican decided to end his B shortly after an earlier closed door session with Republican lawmakers.

five Republicans are now competing for the nomination. all Southerners who voted against certifying the 2020 presidential election Results: Emmer's Frosty relationship with Trump traces back to his vote for certifying Joe Biden's Victory The candidates include Mike Johnson of Louisiana Byron Donalds of Florida who lost Emer in the previous nomination contest and are more conservative than him Mark Green of Tennessee Chuck Fleshman of Tennessee and Roger Williams of Texas also launched bids according to statements from the Republican conference representative Kevin Hearn of Oklahoma had planed to run again, but later threw his support behind Johnson who emerged as an early front runner. The Louisiana Congressman had been the front runner to Emmer in the previous nominating contest. Honestly, all these people I feel like we're just picking random people at this point.
None of these people I've heard of it. It's just an absolute clown show. Like this is truly an embarrassment. We can't It seems like we're just going to be running through all Republicans and I None of them are really close to getting a person right now.

This is absolute chaos prompted by The Exodus of Kevin McCarthy And don't forget it took him 15 different votes like attempts at votes to even get in, so it was tough to get him in and then finally that settled down. But then obviously he just got ousted by Matt Gates and and Company and now it. we're just running around like a chicken with our head cut off like it's just absolutely crazy. Republicans Nominate Mike Johnson for house Speaker in the latest attempt to break GOP impass.

So I mean obviously Emmer was the hot name yesterday. Mike Johnson is now the hot name so maybe it's going to be this guy. but I'm saying that a little tentatively. a little bit of a uh, gingerly statement just because it it seems to be as volatile as everything else going on in the world right now.

like I Wouldn't be holding my breath on any of this getting solved soon. and who knows it? Maybe it's just going to be a random other Darkhorse candidate that just no one knows about going. International China Signals zero tolerance for Sharp Economic slowdown with rare steps Chinese President XI Jingping signaled that a sharp slowdown in growth and lingering deflationary risk won't be tolerated. Making a series of rare policy moves to boost the economy while refraining from massive stimulus.

So unlike here in the US with our Central Bank think where they're more than happy to step in and print money like no other. the people in charge of China's economy really the President of Xinping, but there is a another like I guess grouping of people. they're not so interested in the idea of being like that manipulative to the market as in I guess showing that much stimulus They're much more of the mindset of hey, sometimes you have some painful medicine to swallow and you're going to do it So Very different outlook on E Iomic monetary control than here in the US. The government increased its headline deficit on Tuesday to the largest in three decades and unveiled a sovereign debt package that marked the shift from its traditional model of fiscal support.
X Also made an unprecedented trip to the Central Bank, sending a strong message about his focus on the economy. The 1 trillion Yuan budget boost and willingness to exceed long adhered to 3% limit to the deficit to GDP ratio suggested determination by Beijing to shore up growth for 2024 and avoid complacency. To summarize this, basically, they're becoming a little bit more like the US and like kind of using the strength of their Central Bank. It comes even after strong economic data published this month put the government on target for its goal of about 5% this year Will they hit their growth? Uh I mean they're going to say that they are, but similar to the US Like the government can lie about their numbers pretty easily.

so um, the number will most likely be reported that they hit their goal. Now are they actually going to get hit goal? I Doubt it. but I also have like the same I guess apprehension when I look at the US government's reports like I mean we have to take them all with a grain of salt. I mean it's the same government that's literally redefining recession.

It's the same group of people who are telling us that inflation is transitory and we're crazy to think otherwise. Like so across the board, these people are as wrong as they are. right? it's 50/50 Jamie Diamond rips central banks for being 100% dead. wrong on Econom Damic forecast.

Prepare for possibilities and probabilities not calling one course of action since I've never seen anyone call it Diamond Added that he doesn't think it makes any difference whether the FED hikes rates another quarter point. so Jamie Diamond the CEO of the world's largest bank JP Morgan basically calling out our Central Bank our fed members really Jerome pal himself saying 100% dead wrong. You've never been right before. you're not going to magically being start being right now and I have to I have to admit I kind of agree with them on that uh I I Kind of agree with them on that one.

Uh, just commentary on the overall economy and really, we're talking about we We end up focusing more on real estate and just so you guys know, by no means am I some sort of real estate expert I've never owned a property I've never rented out a property. That's just not my forte. My forte is much more of being a degenerate Trader But it is interesting to see what's going on in the world of real estate because that's one sub sector that is clearly impact Ed by the FED fund rate we're seeing right now. mortgages are above 8% which is, uh, in excess of a two decade high.

So when we're seeing big gyration within this I guess field of Finance uh, it's interesting to start connecting the docks. Adjustable rate mortgage demand hits highest level in nearly a year as interest rates continue to climb. The average contract interest rate for a 30-year fixed rate mortgages with confirming loan balances increased to 7.9% from 7.7 The average contract interest rate for um I guess 5 over1 arms increased to 6.99 from 6.52 Applications for a mortgage to purchase a home fell 2% for the week and were 22% lower than the same week one year ago. What does this add up to? Once again, not an expert on this, but yeah, when your monthly payment is greatly higher, when you're spending a lot more money to get a lot less house, there's going to going to be lot a lot less people interested in it.
Now it's kind of I Don't know. Uh, from my understanding of the situation, it feels like the big winners in this are going to be people who have a lot of cash on hand, which is a rarity. But the people who have cash on hand, they're going to be able to scoop up properties for cheap. The issue is is really the interest payments.

People who don't have all that cash on hand. which is a lot of us. So who's going to win in this? I I Wouldn't be surprised once again if it's just massive massive conglomerates like Berkshire Haway. Black Rock just buying up a bunch of property for cheap because they are the ones with cash on hand.

Speaking of individual companies, yes, we are in the middle of earnings season Microsoft ticks up on faster Cloud growth and hopeful revenue forecast. so Msft crushing it EPS 299 versus 265 expected Revenue 56.52% feet. But it's the growth of their cloud computing that people are really, really stoked about. Uh, right here.

Um, the Azure which is their cloud computing sector, jumped 29% when the expectation was 26. So really, it was the beat there. And then the cloud segment 24.2 Six million in Revenue up 19% So really? AI Cloud Crushing it. People stoked about that and for good reason.

And that's exactly why the last time I checked Microsoft was up 4% in pre-market currently up 4. 4% in premarket. As we're talking about it. Uh, here's a look at Microsoft after it's reporting I mean it went from 3:30 getting as high as 352 currently hanging out at 345.

So if you were degenerate who swung Microsoft calls congratulations to you! Alphabet shares drop as Cloud Miss overshadows better than expected overall results. So you have Google AKA Alphabet. They did beat on EPS 155 versus 145 Revenue 76.6 n versus 75 .97 Uh, if you look at the YouTube advertising a slight beat, 7.95 versus 7.81 but their Cloud ended up missing 8.41 billion versus 8.64 billion. So when you are looking at that, first of all, not a good situation.

But then when you look at it on the exact same day that a competitor business reported Microsoft and they crushed their Cloud segment, that tells you something. Maybe is a little bit funky with Google. So obviously uh Shares are down right here down 6.5% So Microsoft The big winner Google The Big Loser Snap shares seesaw amid concerns about the war's effect on Advertising. So their EPS 2 cents versus four.
they were expecting a 4C loss Revenue 1.19 billion when the expectation was 1.11 If you look at the Uh Global Daily Active Users Daus 406 and the expectation was 45.7 I Can't believe that many people who still uses Snapchat Am I just like too old now Am I just like a grumpy old kudin I'm like who's on social media these days? Uh I am surprised that there are 400 million people using this app daily. It actually blows my mind. Who uses Snapchat Do any of you in here actually use Snapchat Who are these 400 million people I Want to know I very much want to know general what you do, What are you doing sending inappropriate pictures to your like wife or something like what's going on kids, drug dealers? Gen Z I I just don't get it 390 million Bots Plug walk Tony I what do you use it for I don't I thought it was dead I thought it was like all The Fad in college and I just don't get it. But anyway, their average revenue per users 293 The expectation was 274 Telegraphing that forward After the market closes today, we hear from Meta, the artist formerly known as Facebook Snapchat Meta still kind of in the same world of digital advertising.

so I see YouTube's Revenue beat I see Snapchat's Revenue beat in terms of advertising. So my expectation is that Meta's advertising will also beat. So uh, just kind of telegraphing what we heard from Google and Snapchat forward to Meta that comes out after the market closes today just so you know. Boeing Also reported this morning and let's see how it's actually doing right now currently up 2.8% So Boeing an aerospace defense play one that's actually been lagging behind the other ones such as Locky Martin north of Grubin General Dynamics and Raon uh, lagging behind but up a little bit now and once again, that's IBM.

So after the market closes, uh, we are going or excuse me, that was Boeing After the market closes, we hear from Meta and IBM and then tomorrow we're going to get Royal Caribbean UPS Hershey Southwest north of Grumman Valero Amazon Enas Intel Ford Chipotle SK Cers Capital One So Veil as well. Actually, tomorrow's going to be a pretty busy day I Didn't realize it was going to be that busy. Well, with respect to today, we got a report a little bit earlier this morning on building permits slight slight under shot there. Uh, but what's going to be interesting here is in about at 10:00 a.m.

we're going to get new home sales in the US and also the Bank of Canada Their Central Bank is coming up with, uh, their decision of the FED fund rate. So like their version of it, expectation is it stays in line at 5% But once again, that decision coming out at 10: A.m. 10:30 crude oil inventories and then after the market closes, we're going to hear from the Fed chair pal. He'll be speaking at 4:30 435 after the market closes today.
Then tomorrow the party kind of gets going. We get the GDP report 8:30 in the morning so we will be streaming early tomorrow and then on Friday We're also going to be streaming early because we get the next inflation report the PC E the personal consumption expenditure report similar to the CPI media cares about it less, but allegedly the FED cares about it more. so I Think we should be paying attention to it. So uh, this evening tomorrow Friday we have some big macroeconomic things to pay attention to.

But for all you dgen traders in here, let's go over what you really care about: Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Historically, if you were to take the past 25 years into account the past 2 and 1 half decades, on this day when Wednesday October 25th, the Bulls have only won this day a third of the time 34.6% of the time and the profit Factor far below one one would be Break Even Profit factor is 0. 22, which is telling you that the Bears dominate. This is a look at the equity curve of buying at open and selling at close in the S&P 500 futures Market on this exact day and clearly the trend is to the downside. Now, do the Bears win this day every single year? No, they win it about 66% of the time and the Bulls win it about 33% % of the time.

So is that A Is this ever a a guarantee of how things are going to play out? No, that's not how this stuff works. It's more of okay. Understand the seasonality, understand some of the other things going on, and really I like to have this in the back of my head. so if I all of a sudden start to see that trending like for example, the 3 minute below its EMA Cloud the 10-minute well now below its EMA Cloud the 30 minute below its EMA Cloud the daily below its EMA Cloud So all of a sudden if break below yesterday's low.

Okay, all all of a sudden we're starting to pair things together that maybe today is a day that ends up favoring the Bears And on that note, let's get ready. Actually on that note, tell me what you're feeling. Are you bullish? Are you bearish? Are you neutral? Are you just watching Bitcoin Rip to the high heaving Bitcoin Trading at 34.5km Bol for the Ey shares AKA Black Rock Bitcoin spot ETF was once again on the Dtc's website and that is what is necessary for something to trade on the NASDAQ. So uh, it was there, then it was taken away, then it was there again.

as in this is like maybe what happens for registration purposes and then there was also ones involving AR invest. So there's definitely some positive not only momentum in the price action, but I would say in terms of media and cultural interest. once again, Bitcoin has some positive momentum. Uh, I am in it I don't actively trade it I own some Bitcoin I'm sitting there I hope it explodes to the upside.

Uh, but I I'm not an active Trader I'm going to be in Bitcoin for many, many years to come and I'm just going to hold what I have. Uh, so we'll see how it all plays out. But on that particular note, Ding ding ding ding. The casino is open.
Best of luck to all. Play responsibly and if not, have boatloads of fun I mean YOLO right? Like you only live once, So like, who cares. According to the Gregorian calendar, how's it possible for it to have October 25th on Wednesday for 25 years? Uh, because that's not how you normalize seasonality. You normalize seasonality by looking at a metric referred to as trading day of the month.

Is it the first trading day of the month? Is it the second trading day of the month? Is it the third trading day of the month? Is it the fourth trading day? So you're always going to have a first trading day of the month, but the calendar date and the day of the week can change. So that's how you do seasonality. You don't do seasonal by like the actual Gregorian calendar date because sometimes the 25th might be a Wednesday. sometimes it's a Thursday.

Sometimes it's a Sunday Like whatever. you do it by looking at a metric known as trading day of the month and then you look at the first trading day of the month and You compare that to all the other first trading days of the month. You have the 15th trading day of the month and you compare that to all other 15th trading days of the month. I'm shocked you don't trade the Cycles when it comes to Bitcoin.

Um, dude. I do a a lot of things that would shock you like a lot of things that would just that's if if that's the thing that you find most shocking about me. I think we should just leave it there because if if you had more insights into like what I'm doing, you'd be like dude, this this guy is unhinged. Absolutely unhinged.

But anyway, very very quickly as we're waiting for the market to open. As always, I plan on doing some degenerate trades today, but I want to see how the Market opens the first 10, 20, 30 minutes type of deal. So while we're waiting for that to play out, there's a couple things I want to go over. but first of all, show a little bit of love to today's stream sponsor folks.

If you've listened to me for pretty much any amount of time, you've heard me talk about Tree Be. if you heard me talk about Tree Be, but you haven't tried it out for yourself, you're A, you're a crazy person. You just try it out. It's pinned to the top of Chat.

it's in the description of the video. It's free to download. It's on the Apple App Store. It's on the Google Play Store And when you use it, you can get a free one month trial.

A 30-day trial by using the code Matt M A will get you a free one-month trial. now. Why should you be doing it? Why should you care about Streetbeat? It's a robo advisor. What does that mean? Yes, you can buy and sell stock the way you normally would.

No, they do not accept payment for orderflow. I Know that's important to a lot of you, but that's not what sets it apart. What sets it apart is that they leverage AI specifically Chat GPT to allow you to create your own trading strategies. You create a strategy you can see how it would have theoretically performed in the past and if you so choose, you can put money behind it.
and then the algorithm takes care of the buying and the selling for you, so it takes away the emotion. Now as you're working on your own, they already have some pre-built ones, a bond lading one one for AI and generative Tech They have the one that mimics Congress What? Congress is buying and selling. That's actually my favorite one. so you could choose to just use some of their pre-built ones as well.

So anyway, check it out. No payment for orderflow. It is international. You can connect some other brokerages to it, so if you don't want to put money in this one, you could use the strategies from Streetbeat on the money in other brokerages.

So check it out. It's free to download and you can get a free 1- month AKA 30-day trial by using the code Matt matat. so pin to the top of chat in the description of the video show. A little bit of love to shy they are the sponsor of today's stream and on that note, the Market's not looking the best at open.

Uh, not looking the best at Open by any me. Oops I wanted to do the 15 minute on Bitty Bitty Bitcoin Bitcoin Going from 33 3.8k up to 34.4k Microsoft up by 3.4% is Google still getting merked Google very very much getting merked right now. Uh, just so you know, if you're trying to pay attention to bitcoin and ether up here in the top right of the screen just so you can watch it. Sometimes they don't move like the most intraday so just needed two different ways to show that off.

But uh Google Snapping yesterday's low. That's what this solid red or not Google The Q's the tech sector. Uh, hang on, let me bring this up for all of you. This is what the solid red line is.

That is the low from yesterday. The solid green line is the high from yesterday. The dash green line is the high from two trading sessions ago. and then the dash red line is the trading like the low from the trading session two days ago.

So anyway, the Q's slicing through the low from yesterday and the Spy potentially in route to its low from yesterday which happens to be 4 2074. Below that, there's a bit more support in the low 420. so definitely watching this region. 420 421 If the market gets below and closes below that, it's very much opening up the door to 418 the market it It's shown a little bit of love to Microsoft but not the rest of the world in all reality.

Uh, Matt what is Street beats interest rate on cash? Well, they have the bond ladder thing that I think targets 6 or 7% so pretty much in line with all those other ones. Uh, but that would be like their Maximus that would be their bond ladder one. All right, Do we get those? Lo Yes, those Pcks are locked in picks. Okay, yeah, all the pics are made I Appreciate everyone who helped me out with that I app.
Appreciate you, appreciate you I appreciate you. Oh, the Spy is still going down. Uh, are you guys bearish today or you bullish? Let's check out how the options Market is feeling about this one. Let's let's see.

let's check this out. Let's just set this up for the day. We don't need this. We don't need this.

Hello I Guess it's acquiring the dude. So the Q's clearly below the low from yesterday. The Spy is getting there and it's about to hit it and it just hit it. It just very, very much hit it.

dude. the Bears are feisty this morning. feisty. Dare I Say it.

Um, options Market is flat as of now, but I don't Is this not updating properly? I Think we might hang on. Do I just need to do the Spy I Don't think we're getting recent data? There might be indices. Something's up with the hero? I'm not. Are we just too early on the day thus far whenever I take out included hours? All right.

I'm going to reload this in a little bit. Uh. but for now, let's see if the Spy is catching a little bit of support for per chance. Perhaps at its low from yesterday.

that is brutal. open dude. the Q's are getting smoked. Uh, but let's see if there's uh, a fighting chance.

I Mean, when you come up to key levels like this: key levels of support, Key levels of resistance. A lot of people do love to throw in orders there, because it's a lowrisk trade. If you go long, right here? Well, you're just risking the recent low, so you're not risking much. But if it works to bounce well, then that's a nice risk reward trade.

So don't be surprised if there's a bit of reaction to the upside here. Um, as I'm saying that it's actually getting sliced, but for me, doesn't matter the most because I'm still trying to wait those first like I said 10 20, 30 minutes. Uh I Don't need to be chasing it. There's going to be a lot of opportunity throughout the day.

Uh, hang on I Want to see if there's any other thing I Wanted to go over with you. What is this one? I Swear New York Folks call anything drip. Is this true? Is this true? I Swear New York Folks call anything drip. Walk me through your fits, Tell me how much everything cost.

Raap Simmons Virginia Creeper Nine racks good. three racks on a good day Goard bag but for two racks, it goes for like five. whatever one of one. Capital Pants Priceless Few racks Mason Mar Jellas don't gabana be backpack retail.

it's like 2,000 or some helmet L 2004 cowboy shirt Vivan West wood mermaid necklace LGB back cross DOL Gabana hybrid pants Mason Mar Jellas on the feet C bandana hoodie Rick Owens crutch caros Jill baskets on some light. yeah, he got that on Manet Come on you got to come. correct me through your F wait. Is this satire? Did they really spend thousands of dollars to look like they're homeless? Did they? no, no no no no, you're just screwing with me.
Whoever sent this in, you're just like no way would you spend thousands of dollars in General on clothes, but then thousands of dollars to look like a a street urgent to actually look like a homeless person. No way, No No no. This is why you folks come to me for fashion advice. You don't need to go to these people.

I I'll steer you guys the right. No way. No no way. I Don't Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope.

I'm just going to get angry. We're not going to talk about it. No way. No way.

What is this one? This is another one classic. TTI Leverage on Leverage on Leverage Sign me up I have 200 houses today, right? Yeah! Do I care if the prices Dro to 20% No I don't because I'm not planning on selling those as long as I have tenants in place. as long as I'm getting cash flow, as long as I'm getting depreciation I know over time they will always be worth more and that's the beautiful thing. And then once you have more, once you have a portfolio of 50 million, right or 100 million, the market goes up 20% a year.

How much Equity did you make 20 million bucks? 100% right? And then what can you do with that? Equity Well, you can borrow up to 70% so you can borrow 14 million against the new 20. Well, what do you do with that 14 million? Spread it across more real estate to get more cash flow. It just is beautiful. Circle Real estate buys you more real estate.

Imagine not ever hearing of 2008. Ever ever imagine. be like yeah, no, we don't know what caused that. but I'm just going to keep leveraging all of my houses to buy more houses.

Um I don't think anything could go wrong. Also I think his math was wrong. Hang on. They will always be worth more and that's the beautiful thing.

And then once you have more, once you have a portfolio of 50 million, right? or 100 million, the market goes up 20% a year. How much Equity did you okay I Didn't know that he said 50 or 100. so when he did 20% I was like that's 10 million 20 million bucks. but he says 20 million for the hund.

So I can't really call out his mouth there. Um, but also ballsy to assume that the real estate market goes up 20% a year. Um, actually a very ballsy assumption. Yeah, no, that works in fairy terar land where markets just go from the bottom left to the top right.

But that's not how markets actually work. So um, that is a little bit ridiculous. Uh, and by a little bit I mean a lot of bit ridiculous Google is getting crushed Google the old Googler getting crushed. Girl math? Yeah that it.

definitely. It definitely feels a little bit like girl math on that one Google down 99.5% The only thing I have green right now is Microsoft and now actually a little bit of Tesla Tesla's up by 30% Uh, spy getting crushed Q's getting crushed The Danger Zone on the Spy is basically 420 and we're at 420 40 right now, the Danger Zone on the Q's is. well, we're actually already kind of breaking down if it doesn't hold 354. I mean uh.
353. watch 353. If we don't hold 353, we're going to 350 351. So watching this Zone but the Q Tech sector already getting smoked.

the only thing doing somewhat well in micro is Microsoft. But Google getting smoked apple down 1% Well Netflix just went green Netflix at 1414 after its good earnings from last week. Nvidia is down 1% giving back some of its gains. Uh, Meta is down 1.9% How's Snap doing this morning? Snap is up 2.5 after it's okay earnings.

how's Boeing doing after its earnings Boeing very quickly back giving back all of its gains. Dude, call your mom, call your grandma, call your great grandma, call who whatever maternal figure in in life you need to call, but things are getting a little bit Saucy Today things are getting a little bit. Saucy Wow Wow. Wow.

Wow. So we have a couple names trying to keep the market up. Tesla's trying to do it Netflix is trying to do it Microsoft's trying to do it Snapchat's trying to do it. but it's there's some pain.

There's clearly some pain. The energy sector: XLE Uh, kind of flat energy oil oil coming down. Oil's now at 83. so oil going a little flat.

the financial sector trying to recover but technically still in the red on the day. utilities flat, slightly green Industrials are getting shoked uh XL Healthc Care is getting smoked Speaking of Healthc Care: Speaking of healthcare folks, it's apparently like almost enrollment season or something like that I Just got my Healthcare So for a little bit of context here: I Am in unwed man in good health at the age of 29 as of now I pay $475 $485 a month for very, very, very poor coverage. So I pay a lot of money for poor coverage I Just got a bill for or like an idea of like what my insurance is going up to. They're going from 475 485 to 550 and they're making my coverage even worse.

What What world do we live in where there is a V like so across the board in the US health insurance is. But why is it that corporate health insurance on a relative basis is so much better? Like why can't I just go buy the same insurance I had when I was working in Corporate America America The way health insurance is, uh, structured in the US it is basically saying go f yourself if you work for yourself. Like it. It's the dumbest thing the group rates.

So there should be a giant group rate for self-employed people. They should put all of us in a group together. I I Just don't get it. It's the health insurance company is very very very much biased against people who work for themselves.

I Just I I Just don't get it. I I Just don't get it. My coverage is getting worse and my prices are going up. Um, it's BS My car insurance with GE code just went up 42% Oo uh the Spy once again getting smoked.
We're at that danger zone of 420 and then uh, the Q's are quickly getting to their danger zone of 3 53. Is this going to load today? Uh, I don't know why this isn't Yeah I'm I'm not getting any new hero data uh, indices. Maybe if I do it under equities instead I'm having an issue getting some of this stuff in real time. Uh, maybe they're doing like attack update but my, my hero thing is just not.

It got paused at 6:35 this morning and has not been up. Let me do like a hard reload. if I do this, does anything load, no shoot. All right.

well, tough to know what's going on in real time in the options at the moment. I'm assuming it's some sort of like Tech update and I just need to be a bit more patient. Um, but looking for the Spy to potentially recapture this? Uh, looking at all the EMAs uh, you can literally see the dagger esque scenario currently playing out. the three minute vomiting, The 10-minute vomiting, the daily I mean we're under the Ma Cloud we broke below yesterday's low.

Uh, the Bears are in control right now. the Bears are very much in control. So I'm willing to bet that TLT is in the red. I'm willing to bet that yields are in the green and I'm willing to bet that the dollar is picking up.

Bada bing bada. Boom. Those are the things on the larger economic scale to be paying attention to. Dollars going up, yields, going up, bonds going down it.

It's no surprise that this overall Market is getting slapped right now. Absolutely slapped right now, so continue to pay attention to that. can especially yields. look for: if the yields and the dollar are both going up, there's going to be a quite a bit of downward pressure on the equities.

Market Um, so gold gold might be going up right now. Let's look at the Futures Market H Gold gold is going up. Look at this breakdown: Strong recovery runs right up to the chend line, gets smacked, goes up, comes back retests the 8 EMA now ripping off of that so gold looking good. If you're trading that on like an equity account, you could look at GLD but gold shown some strength for sure.

Uh, maybe worth buying TLT and Tlh for the next at end of next month. So I actually don't dislike that it's more of your time frame. I Actually think right now is a good like I if you're able to White Knuckle it for like a year. two years, three years, 5 years, you're buying Bonds on the cheap.

So um I I'm not necessarily I've never never actively traded Bonds in the short term. but I mean you, you could get bonds cheap cheap I mean TLT it's gotten so smoked. this is something like a Six Sigma deviation. This never happen.

So if you can withstand potential more pressure. to the downside, I I really I I I Understand the thesis of investing in bonds at this point. if you have the balls to hold it for a decent amount of time. uh, and we're talking about like multiple years.
Uh, and in the short term, you might be bottom ticking it. there might be more pain on the horizon. All that is 100% possible. Um, but I I Really? I I Think that's an interesting thesis for sure.

An interesting idea. I was thinking maybe June next year might be a selling point. Uh, well you would want to wait for the fed the the rate cut cycle to end. Like if you get into a bond position, you're going to be not really married to it, but you're going to be putting in a longer College effort for sure.

Um, because what? you you want to buy bonds when the Fed rate is peing and then really, you want to get into it right before they start cutting. so I don't know when they're going to cut they're probably going to cut next year, but you want to get in right before the first cut and you want to hold it through all those cuts and then that will cause yields to go down and bonds to go up. at least that's how I look at it and I'm definitely no bill. gross expert.

Bond Trader But just from basic monetary policy, yields are going to plummet as the the FED is cutting the rate so you would want to be holding it through all of that. do you have your Masters No. I Dropped out of my master's program in U during The Rona period because it got put on hold and I was going to go back. but then my YouTube career my content career took off.

so I just never returned. but I also wasn't getting a masters in finance or economics or anything like that in my opinion. and like maybe some of you agree with this, maybe some of you don't I actually think a lot of those like Finance business degrees are actually kind of worthless. Uh, that's actually mean I shouldn't say worthless I think there's more valuable degrees? my masters was going to be in statistics um I would rather be professionally and educationally taught as a masters in statistics and then I could just go read about everything I need to know about the economy anyway.

Um, to in my opinion that high-end math is a more valuable skill set to be taught in an academic situation. and then if you want to learn about monetary policy and this and that there's book like you just go read the book like I I don't know I'm getting my MBA and I'm thinking the same LOL Is it really worth it? Like to me and it depends on what you want to do and we're all in different situations so I can only speak to my own but I think it's more valuable for me to continue my stem education spe specifically in the world of coding and Mathematics and I can just go re like I Know a lot of people who do an NBA program and they do it for the pedigree. They're not doing it to actually learn anything. The biggest value from what I've heard.

Once again, these are all just my personal experiences. but the biggest value add to an NBA is your pedigree, your resume. Like all of a sudden, if there's companies who just filter out like you have to have an NBA, that's a good thing. But the major thing from an NBA program is the network you create.
You're getting connected with like people. obviously in the world of business. Strong connection. so it's more of in my mind, a great networking opportunity and a check mark on your resume than an actual educational experience.

What? I Hear from my friends doing an NBA program? They're like we're not really learning much. It's not like like rigorous teaching. it's your networking and it's your pedigree and that's that's valuable to certain people. so it's up to you and what you want to do and that type of a thing.

But in terms of the educational part of it: I Would rather continue my statistics career um, in education than um, being educated in business. What is this spot Gam is showing you on spy in the cues. Uh Joe For some reason it's just not loading for me. We're in the dark.

We're we're flying dark. Ghost Rider Oh, it loaded up. finally. Good question.

Good question. Joe Um, Actually, the DAT is now just coming in at 950. so we're We're still kind of in the dark. We're in the dark and there's like a little bit like we're in the dark, but our eyes are adjusting like we're getting some of it.

We're like, is there more light or are my eyes just like getting used to the darkness. So some data is coming in so we're not completely um, in the dark, but not much data at the moment. Uh, do you have the same view for CFA chart holder as a valuable education? I Actually haven't looked much into it. So I am not a person who is aware of what doors that actually opens for you.

So I can't comment on getting I've never considered getting a CFA so I haven't really looked into it I don't know the cost I don't know the duration I don't know the difficulty I don't know what doors it opens I I'm not the person to ask about a CFA uh like I've the most I've thought about CFA is just talking about it with people in here. but I'm my opinion on financial advisors is not a positive one I Understand the value of financial advisors in everything I Guess that they do, but not the stock market. If you talk to a financial adviser and they're helping you set up trusts for your kids or helping you uh, budget money to say for college like I Get that and that's awesome. That's a value ad I Like that I Actually love when there's financial advisers and accountants and lawyers all in one company and they help you structure everything The financial adviser says you need to do this, your the accountant person helps with your taxes and the lawyer gets all the legal structures.

I totally get that I totally support that and I love that I Think that's good. What I don't like about financial advisers is when they come to the world of stock picking because because all you have to do is buy the spy and over the long run, you're going to outperform most financial advisors in existence. So I Like financial advisors for what they do outside of stock picks when it comes to financial advisors in a general sense and picking stocks, most most of them are not going to beat the market in the long run. Like it like it's the same with hedge funds.
I Don't understand most hedge funds. Most hedge funds do not beat the overall stock market it with. With enough time, there might be one year here or there where they outperform and then they're going to hang their hat on that for the rest of their career. But I Don't get the purpose of hedge funds I Don't get the purpose of stock picking.

Financial advisors like I could save you guys time right now, buy the market, invest, and just come back many years later. and you're not going to beat everyone. But you're going to beat a huge, huge percentage of people. There obviously are very good hedge funds.

There obviously are very good financial advisers, but that's what you have to do. The the onus is on you to seek those funds out. The onus is on you to seek those financial advisors out and just ask them for their performance. Do you beat the S&P 500 in a multi-year Outlook If the answer is yes, Okay, maybe they have some legitimate Alpha but if they don't, we save yourself money and just invest in the market.

Dude like it's not like, oh, just do that CPA for accountants is definitely worth it. Opens up so many opportunities and industries CPA for account. Okay that yeah once again. I'm not the Mo I don't CFA CPA all that stuff I'm that's not me I've never really considered it.

Cat Mois would make a good carnival game operat Ator It's funny you bring that up because Kat Mo's uh, that's actually his main job. he's a carnival game operator on Carnival Cruises that's why he only comes on once in a while because he's typically busy being a sea. Cowboy Uh, too easy to do it on my own unless trust. Etc taxes so like I guess I don't speak legally so that's what I really like for financial advising is them assisting you with getting the trust set up and holding companies.

This that the other thing I don't feel comfortable doing that for myself. so that's when I use those and also like I There's actually some really cool outfits out there that function as like a financial adviser, but there's also lawyers in the building so they kind of work together to say okay, we need to get this structure. The lawyer does it and they talk it over. So I really, really like that.

but I'm not going to use a financial adviser to pick stocks for me because of my long-term account. I Know I could beat them by literally just investing in the S&P 500 and forgetting about it. Will accountants even exist? If The Fed Cbdc is implemented most likely, but I Also don't think that the Cbdc will be implemented. Um, just because I think as people learn about it, they're like this is BS Would you believe me if I said I'm outperforming the Spy by 23,000 per.
Yeah, I mean because anything ever written on the internet's true So like, why would you say something that's not real I I Believe you I mean dude, you're in here. You're talking with some of the best Traders and investors in the Common Era So I mean you're amongst fellow trading and investing Titans It makes sense like you're you're with your your community here question. Looking for good stock long-term with nice EVS I Jumped into Jpq Any others on the top of your mind: Uh, dividends? long-term Big fan of micro soft, Big fan of Unh. Depending on where you think energy and fossil fuels are going, a lot of big energy plays have nice dividends.

something to consider as an industry as a whole. Uh, Microsoft and UNH as individual equities are ones that I'm particularly like. Very, very comfortable with holding in the long term and just like collecting the dividend. Uh, I Really like Jpq, you can look at ji uh, what's another good dividend? I mean Waren Buffett classic COC Cola but I don't think there's much growth opportunity in Coca-Cola Like really a lot of his money in Coke just comes from the fact that he collects the dividend so much.

Uh, said it a million times. Can't beat Krp for the dividend. I don't even know what Krp is K Okay, apparently it's not loading up. Why is it not loading up? Is it a secret? Krp Kimble Royalty Partners Investment Trust It's a mutual F I this might be awesome I just don't know what it is has a 10.5% dividend.

That's a high dividend. Um, it's it. doesn't move much. so you're literally just collecting the dividend.

like one year it's down a little bit, but three months it's up. A little bit is owning and acquiring mineral and royalty interest in oil and natural gas properties. Um, so it's still somewhat an energy oil play. Uh, but like 10% div in? um, that's the first time I'm hearing about it.

it might rock. it might. Rock Uh oh brother oh brother. uh.

cancel order. Do this. Do this. Do this.

my. One D Gen trade of the day. it is past 10 a.m. Oops Why uhoh uhoh where did it go? Ah why did I lose my chart? That got crazy there for a second.

Huh? Team Here we go. Okay, now we're doing what we need to be doing. Um I don't have much of a strong thesis on this one in all reality. if anything I think I might have been a little bit uh, trigger happy I just see I just saw the Spy get smoked I saw the q's get smoked this Q's didn't get smoked as much I was like okay, let's do the one that maybe hasn't fully reacted probably should have checked the options Market on this, the options Market is going down.

Uh, we don't have the data back to 9:30 but we do have the data back to 953. Let's just check out the cues really quick. Uh, the cu's really quick. Okay, same thing data starting at 953 but there is a dip from 957 to about now so a five minute dip seems like it's going down I'm still I'm still happy with the trade I am uh 422.
There is another trade that I need to be doing chart spy options. Today's the 25th, uh, 25th, 25th I need to do a vertical I need to do a vertical a call Credit Spread All right. Then let's just do five of these. Actually, let's do eight of these all right.

That just got filled so this is a spy call Credit Spread 422 was sold 423 was bought I sold the 422 for 54 cents I bought the 423 for 34 with the average credit not debit credit of 20 cents AKA $2 I have eight of them. So if this hits I get the $20 for each one at eight. So I make 160 bucks. That's my Max profit.

My Max risk is the difference between the spread 422 by 423 A do minus the credit so a do minus 20 80 80 * 8 So I'm risking 640 I'm risking 640 to get 160 with about an 80 85% accuracy. Um, actually on this particular play, we could be even more specific and look at the Delta the Delta the Delta the Delta. As of now it's actually 75% chance. but I this is just based off the Delta um the strategy itself.

From just like Back testing it, the realm of accuracy is a little bit closer to Um 80 to 85% Um, so there was a report at 10 that I thought was going to keep the market going down, but on at 10: we got the vomit and now this has been a 4minute recovery. so that's not the most cool thing for me. Let's go check out that. Uh, we had a slew of reports coming out at 10.

Let's just see what the numbers were. Okay, what do we have? 10:00 a.m. New home sales coming in little bit higher than expected. So once again a good economic report based on the current state of monetary policy is bad for the market.

That's why when new home sales came out higher than expected which you would think is good and that is good for the economy. Stock market took a hit and then also we got the decision from Canada their Central Bank the Bank of Canada Boc interest rate decision. the expectation was 5% and it did come in at 5% interesante. Um so the jolt was to the downside and I think I was a little bit too slow to take advantage of it.

but we'll see. We'll see, We'll see, we'll see. Let's set up a tag for a new low on the spy and let's set up a tag for a new low on the Q's Uh, so we have some alerts that will fire off just in case we're missing it. Uh Microsoft just kind of going flat.

Q's kind of going flat Microsoft is the one that's still in the most screen just because it had pretty good earning related to Microsoft Azure Uh, so Microsoft just holding at 343 Google getting pummeled down 88.5% That is definitely one of the largest drops in recent history for the old Googler the old Googler. All right, let's actually load this up a bit better to see what's going on in the options. Market All right. Spy.
Let's look at the spy. Let's look at the cues. All right. Drop this.

Do this. Do this. Do this. Do that.

That's for the cues and then this is for the Spy Okay, so 420 Huge level level of importance options Market Going flat in the spy Uh. options Market Did dip in the cues bounce back up going flat. So as of now, the recent movement in the options World is Flat The options Market Seems to be pretty indecisive with this overall move. breaking President Xiin Ping meets with: US President Joe Biden Is that is that happening? I could get Saucy could get a little bit Saucy Ukraine Assistance Let's let's talk about where the money is really going.

It's significant. Hang on Market's dipping right now. shoot I don't want to miss this I don't want to miss this I don't want to miss this. All right.

My trade is back to Uh I Got in here at 10:02 I was a little bit late I should have been quicker and then if I wasn't I should have waited till here. But you know what? we could actually be smarter with this. Uh, order filled, order filled. All right.

This is the prop account. the other one. This is ninja Trader whenever you see Ninja Trader just for I Guess like future purposes, just know that that's my prop account trading and then the other one the black screen trade station which is my own personal funded account. Uh, so we're going for it.

This is my moment to shine today. Target Fil there we go. One of six. There we go.

Uh, one of six hit. Come on, don't don't do this. The Q's are the Q's going to Triple bottom. Please don't do this.

Let's see. let's see lots of Trades going on at once. The Cu's be cool man. be cool about this.

Is it just saving itself? No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no options. not really suggesting anything random fluctuation. it feels like in this uh the spy caught a little bit. Oh the Spy options buyers are coming into the Spy right now a little bit.

Let's see how this. Trends but for the come on, dip back down. keep dipping down. I Don't want the options Market to go bullish against me? Come on.

what's the next update going to be Down Down Down. Go down Go down Go down Go down. It's making a decision. We'll see if I'm lucky or not Today we'll see if I'm lucky.

Uh, feel free to give me your hang on let's set this up. Uhoh yeah. Options buyers are seeing if this is the bottom. Come on you got to stop that man.

Feel free to give me hopium and like support my pod be like oh man you're like totally wrong. What's your position again? So um, the position that like I'm working on with the strategy and like kind of care about the most is the premium selling one and that was 422 by 423. That was a call Credit spread for expiration today. um and then I'm in the meantime just for a little bit of fun.
A little bit of degenerate fun I took a on the prop account and also on my personal account. I took I sold es uh contracts and Mq contracts. So some options trades and some Futures trades and I spread the Futures trades across two different accounts one prop account and one um personal account. and now I just have to wait.

the spy catching a little bit of an options bid ever since 10:07 not what I want to see the Q's now also potentially catching a little bit of an options bid I just I I need to see this spy turn back around I Was it was looking good until it wasn't it was looking good until it wasn't Come on, just go the other way. just go the other way. Got hit pretty hard at 10 with the new home sales uh, that came out at 10: a.m. and then also so did the decision from the Bank of Canada uh but the one minute the Ma Cloud still read I mean I'll be nervous above 4237.

just that's the 48 EMA the 10-minute obviously obiously read the 30 minute obviously read the daily obviously read so I'm trading with Trend Happy Birthday Mark hey I appreciate that M for 29 months shout out Cter everyone give a give a little bit of a Applause to Cterie one of the mods here keeping this ship tip toop tip toop shape Tip Top Tip Top O It's Mike's birthday again uh range bound since 945 between two ATR using oh the ATR level indicator yeah just oh. here we go Are we finally going to go down trade taken a little bit longer than I wanted it to come on, get smoked. Whoa! I Did not realize how close that got to getting stopped out. I've locked in one of these uh, six.

So I'm down to five. so two on the NQ three on the es. Let's see if I can actually make this a little bit bigger just so you guys can see it. Target filled all right.

Four or two of six hit nice tget nice. Three of six halfway down, halfway down and then this one. I'm going for just below 14600 and this will be locking in 310. so let's see if we could do this in one foul swoop.

Come on. come on. come on. Show me the money.

Show me the money. All right. So half of the prop locked in locking in 175 is the realize Pnl on the top left of the screen. Um, so halfway done, we're halfway there.

Do you still have Pepe I'm pretty sure I Do. let me double check. Uh, let me double check. Uh, what's my password? Uh, got it? Got it? Got it? Got it? Pepe I

One thought on “Bitcoin pushes higher stocks on edge post earnings the mk show”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Society Customs NZ says:

    Thanks Matt for the brain juices I now have dimonds

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