Bitcoin Is Ripping Higher!
The Matt Kohrs Show (Oct. 24th)

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Name set them free. Help them believe in the power of the one who sets them free. Come walk with me. We'll show them love how to be carriers out hope and peace Here it does no good to.

B If we don't have Love Sweet Love we set the C free. Love Sweet Love will help them to believe Love Sweet Love is giving them. Come sing with me. We'll shout with praise.

Family is adding a name We Are One Salvation has come we w stop till every heart has come home. Love Sweet Love We set the count. Love Sweet Love will help them to love Sweet Love. Giving me what's up duties got something in my throat I suppose oh what's up duties that was scary.

My apologies I hit the wrong button. What's going on? Hello hello Internet friends it is me Matt Coming you coming to you live through the interwebs. Today is Tuesday the second day of the week October 24th and man oh man if you have been yoloing into bitty bitty bitty Bitcoin just white knuckling the trip to the upside the trip to the downside, the trip to the upside, the trip to the downside. the the roller coaster is officially once again climbing Climbing Climbing climbing climbing.

So congratulations Congratulations congratulations to all of you Now if you have not been on the ride, well maybe you don't care about it or maybe you are looking at the fun of the theme park with jealousy. But even if you are feeling a little bit jealous, maybe you were properly getting some YOLO spy calls recently. And if you did that, congratulations to you too. Basically, congrats across the board if you've just been crushing it, and if you haven't been crushing it, well, think about it this way: if day by day by day goes by and you're getting crushed by the markets School your job, perhaps life in general, Hear me out.

Statistically, you're one day closer to you yourself, crushing it. So if you've been on a bad streak recently, once again, not performing in school, not performing at your job, not performing in the market, if things have just been not lining up for you, you should still be stoked because you are one step closer. You are one day closer to you yourself, actually finally, finally crushing it instead of getting crushed. So that makes sense, right? Like you're You should be stoked too, cuz you're like ah, Another Bad Day Mark that one off the calendar one day closer to making a good good day.

So I think that's I think I Know it makes sense in my mind. Maybe it's not logically sound, but um, the way I view reality If we're really going to call it that, it makes sense. So once again, congrats across the board. if you've been yoloing some of that bitty bitty Bitcoin Uh, congrats.

If you've been yoling some calls the spies up the Qes are up Tesla's up Nvidia is up RTX is up Ron is up because they crushed earnings Coca-Cola is up. They had earnings did pretty well. So we're going to talk about earnings. We're going to talk about macroeconomic uh.

updates. We're going to break down some charts. We're going to go over to some Bitcoin news: I have some updates on Tucker Carlson he has some new advertising I have some updates on Advertising related to Twitter I have some updates related to Elon Musk getting investigated by the Doj or not him directly but Tesla is updates on the Middle East We have a lot of updates. Uh, at a certain point this this we should just call this the update show because it's basically me updating you on important stuff.
and then I get bored and start finding random things on the interwebs that I want to share and laugh about. And then enough time passes where I eventually go Okay, bye, see you tomorrow. That's pretty much the the vibe of the show. Good Morning The Shan son Christina Propet crapface have to kill me first.

That's aggressive. That's an aggressive name. Have to kill. Have to kill you first to what is that? Like your rule of like to get into the Starbucks you have to kill me first.

If you want an ice pumpkin latte, you're going to have to kill me first. That's just very aggressive. that's a very aggressive uh I guess username for this early in the morning. Maybe your name should be more along the lines of like have to have a reasonable conversation with me first where we hopefully see eye to eye and understand that we have different life experiences so we might receive reality from different Vantage points.

but at the end of the day, we're all just trying our best. Like maybe that's a name that isn't taking you must be Woke 77k I Love Tucker Carlson Episode about the George Floyd Lie Remember the gold casket funeral that Millions given to his family in the name of a Woke Lie? You must be woke What? Uh, xrp pumping without Bitcoin Well, Bitcoin's been pumping so I don't really know what you're talking about but Ripple's up too I Mean there's a lot of just think about what's going on. There's developments in the world of reg. The Regulators the SEC and that's going to benefit directly Bitcoin because of the spot ETF but then also Ripple because they'll probably most likely be winning their lawsuits as well I Know they've already won a couple, but they might be winning all of them across the board.

So there are reasons for this all going up. Uh I Want to make it clear that I don't actively trade crypto I'm invested in crypto but I'm not like going long and short on a daily basis I just kind of buy it and then hope that the next time. I Check it, it's up even more money. Early this morning I actually switched some of my Ethereum into Bitcoin So I still have Bitcoin I still have Ethereum but uh, the ratios I was like, you know what? let's go a little bit heavier into Bitcoin Uh, just to see how big this fad can really get? Uh, so we'll see.

We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. So I Want to break down what's going on there? Interesting update related to K Cathy Wood and her personal Bitcoin holding So a lot of fun stuff to talk about I Hope you guys are ready.
We're about 5 minutes into the show, people are finally starting to pour in. Um I Suppose if anyone's joining after this point, could you guys do me a giant favor and let them know that they're getting a demerit? I'm not really going to have time in this pre-market show. Uh, to like? pay attention to you guys and do the show. So if you guys could pay attention to yourselves and anyone that you see that's joining from here on out, just feel free to sling the merits.

I I'm basically going to deputize all you right now. Uh, to give out as many dearit as you want? Uh, so just throwing that out there dementia. So with that being said, let's rock and roll. Let's take a little looky see at the Old Ston Market the old Crypto Market spy up ever we pumped yesterday a fake out breakout.

To the downside, we got this nice upside: Gap fill kept cruising, went right to that important region of Supply got smacked pretty hard and also at that point it was announced that maybe just maybe we're going to go to the mat again with Iran so the market didn't like that but then in postmarket, a nice drift to the upside. similar situation in the Q's Tesla got crushed at Market open made a nice recovery Nvidia they announced like new work so that with CPUs so Nvidia stock doing very very well going from 412 all the way up to 437 coming down a little bit in pre-market and the positivity of this news was actually negative news for AMD Intel just obviously increase competition but I think a lot of you are here today to see what's going on in the world of digital gold and the answer to that is it is ripping. Not so long ago Bitcoin was training at sub 27k. It is now trading at 34.5km mism of a Bitcoin spot ETF being approved and that is important from just a supply demand thing.

Just because we know the supply of Bitcoin is finite, the demand. well if we have the spot ETF approved, that means that retirement accounts and Wall Street can actually finally invest into this via the ETF. So really, just think about 401ks. IRAs They will finally have direct access to this if they didn't want to go out and buy their own.

Bitcoin So it's just you're lowering the barrier to entry, which should theoretically increase demand. So we're going to be talking about that, but let's just kind of rip through. Let's see what's going on. Stock futures rise as investors await Tech earnings.

Uh, we're going to be going over that. but big like last week we had Netflix and Tesla to kind of get us started in the world of tech. this week after the market closes I believe today Microsoft Google Snapchat Tomorrow we have Meta. The day after that we have Amazon So lot of tech names treasury yields are little Chang after 10e slips back below 5% so yields were ripping Bonds were dropping.

Not so good for the St Market especially with the dollar going up. But yesterday the CEO of Persing Square Mr Bill Amman said that they covered their bond short and for whatever reason that actually caused the market to pop a little bit. So people pretty stoked about that. Amman and gross abandoned bearish Bond view with yields bouncing off of 5% Incredibly gigantic, very liquid bond market.
To Bill Amman's um, little little blog post here Yeah, he said today that they covered the bond short between 9:49 a.m. and right now uh, 1:37 P.m. you've seen a a 15 basis point move in the 30-year Bond said that he was shorting. Now what's interesting about this Matt too is if you take a look at just appr forward actually well below where he said in August that he thought it would go Remember the reason he is taking off this short position now is he says there's too much risk in the world to remain short bonds at current long-term rates.

The economy is slowing faster than recent data suggests, so that implies uh worries about a further bid in the bond market? perhaps a Haven bid as the economy starts to slow down, but we are well ways off from that 550 that he said that it could reach Uh given the supply Dynam Dynamics he is seeing in the market longer term and Chanel should we prepare for more of the Wall Street Titans you track uh posting their views on X on what they feel the outs like at this only because this did really feel like the Acman effect in a market that was at least we saw in the equity worlds was uh, deeply in the red to start the trading day. Yeah, many big Bond Traders have certainly taken to X to voice their views about the direction of travel and bond markets and not just treasuries. although treasuries have certainly come. Center Stage You know you look at Boaz Weinstein who just months ago really take took to Twitter in a much larger way also talking about CDs markets but also I would keep an eye on as well.

Bill Gross has also been taking yest we covered our can call Twitter on this program you can feel pretty but yeah I these are very, uh, specific views and you have to also look at the timing here. That was interesting when Bill Amman initially made that comment on X it was really days after the treasury had already boosted their expectations for quarterly funding and you think about the increased demand since August already in terms of how much what he was talking about may be exacerbated. So I think it's really worth noting the rationale and not just the call itself on this idea of why he is taking off the short position and why he thinks it will go to 550 and why he still thinks frankly, it'll get there. So that was some big news about 15 minutes into the trading day yesterday caused bonds to go up yields to go down.

That very much helped the overall equity's Market actually pop uh Jamie Diamond criticizes Central Bank for dead wrong long forecast So Jamie Diamond the CEO of JP Morgan thrown a little bit of shade at the people in charge of our monetary policy. Obviously the Federal Reserve JP Morgan's boss voices caution at a conference. Bridgewater boss Dio adds he's pessimistic on the 2024. Outlook These things are important to pay attention to what we're covering right now.
these couple stories because these are people with big money and big influence, but also they're more in the No arguably than we are. So I think it's beneficial to understand where they're coming from and their thoughts on the situation. if it political situation as complex as we've seen I I Don't know if it's 1948 or 1938. obviously all hope it goes away.

I Think it's a little bit of wishful thinking. It's going to take real leadership on the part of many people out there. And then I look at the financial situation. the the fiscal spending, which is more than is ever.

I'm talking about the United States But almost true. around the world, it's more than it's ever been in peacetime by a long shot, with the highest debt levels we ever had by government. and there's this kind of omnipotent feeling that central banks and governments can can manage through all this stuff. I I I'm cautious I Don't think it makes a piece of difference where the race go up 25 basis points or more like zero none.

nada. I think whether the whole curve goes up 100 basis points, you know I would I be prepared for it. I Don't know if it's going to happen, but I look at what we're seeing today. more like the 70s.

A lot of spending. A lot of it's going to be wasted. I'm in favor of this whole uh ESG effort. On the other hand, if you look at the way we're going about it, uh, it's almost like governments want to whack them all and force it.

But no carbon taxes. No rational way to go about it. That would be more important in the United States For example, you know you can't build pipelines to reduce coal emissions. You can't build.

Uh, you can't build. Get the permits to build solar and wind and things like that. So we we better get our act together. I'm hopeful when I listen to all the R&D see around the world we will will make the breakthroughs we need to be climate, but it's going to be a day later and longer than it should be because of our own basic uh incompetence.

I Also want to add add one last thing: I'm taking this from Bob Gates to fix this. it's going to take real leadership from the Western World in particular. Uh, America but leadership which is not just military, diplomatic, development, finance, and this development Finance I Know if AJ is still here, what we need in development Finance dwarfs what governments can do so it it can't be done without private capital and private cap you know isn't going to come in if they you know you build something, it gets taken from a government or something like that. So we have a lot of work to do.
It's one of the reasons I think these events are positive. Uh, but I I would be quite concerned. And the other thing about when you look at economics I think people prepare for possibilities and probabilities not calling one course of action since I've never seen anyone call it I Want to point out that central banks 18 months ago were 100% dead? Wrong. Okay, so maybe there humility about financial forecasting I I Would be quite cautious about what might happen next year? All right.

So recent commentary from very, very influential people who recently have been making a pretty penny obviously. Bill Akman crushing it on the Bond short Jamie Diamond The recent JP Morgan Numers pretty good, but not everyone is fairing the best in the current situation. World's largest Sovereign Wealth Fund loses 34 billion as all asset classes fall in third quarter. You thought you had it bad, but I'd be willing to wager that you didn't lose 34 Billy The so-called government Pension Fund Global returned a loss of 34 billion in the third quarter.

the stock market saw a weaker quarter compared to the two previous quarters. Imagine that. Imagine if you're like yeah, yeah, just the market didn't do well. So like there goes, 34 billion dollar just like that out of Thanos snapped out of The Ether like Mar not the best.

Uh, honestly, if we were to track this actively, the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund I wouldn't be surprised if it actually like gets even worse for them. So they're like we don't know. The market just didn't do so hot so we didn't do so hot. Um, so I Just want to set a baseline for you.

You might be thinking you're trading poorly in your own account. Uh, folks, don't worry it, it could get worse. It could get way way worse. All right.

So we do have some earnings. RTX Reported this morning it is up a lot. This is Rathon. this is Aerospace Defense Company so obviously in the current Global tension the current Global Climate This stock is doing very very well up last time I checked 8 to 9% Coca-Cola Also reported this morning doing very well before we go on that.

I Just want to let you know after the market closes today Microsoft Google Snapchat Visa big Tech plays and then another just Finance play before the Market opens tomorrow Boeing after the market closes. Meta on Thursday we have Amazon Uh, this is all all in the newsletter. so MCAT sign up for free but I just want to go over Coca-Cola Coca-Cola beats earnings estimates raises Outlook as volume grows despite price hikes. So the ones we got this morning Coca-Cola Ron Doing pretty well.

This is the newsletter Mc. It's in the description of the video. Sign Up. It is Free Free free.

If you're watching this right now, you have no reason not to sign up because it's free. I Give you a breakdown of what happened the last week What? I'm looking forward to the upcoming week. Speaking of which, Today Tuesday October 24th 15 minutes into the trading day, we are going to get the SNP Global Services PMI So don't be surprised if the market has some impact there. And then at 100 p.m.
today, we have another treasury auction. Two weeks ago we had the 30-year auction and that was the day that randomly at 1: P.m. the market started to vomit. so just be on your toes around 1: p.m.

Today later on this week we get the GDP report. We also get the next inflation report report. The Pce obviously I give you all the earnings and then in terms of seasonality for today, I would argue that today's leaning bullish. It's not the most bullish day we've seen over the past 25 years worth of data, but it does somewhat favor the bulls.

The bulls have not won 50% of the time, all the way down to 42. but recently when they do win, they're winning at like a sizable chunk. So that's why I put leaning bullish but not straight up bullish. Uh, Wednesday is bearish Thursday is neutral Friday is once again bullish.

This was the report from last week's zero DTE Trading Strategy It was the first week since we've publicly been talking about it that it batted a th000. It went 10 out of 10 trades so that was nice. Thus far this week there was just two trades yesterday I posted them also on locals. Thus far two for two.

So this living streak is 12 for2. We are on a 12 run heater. Very excited to see how far it can continue. Anyway, back to some individual companies: Tucker Carlson Media Company signs its first ad deal former Fox News Host Tucker Carlson's New Media Company signed its first advertis Iing deal The agreement is with conservative friendly Marketplace app Public Square who shares went public in July The ads are set to error on Carlson show on X starting in November and through the 2024 election.

Once again, first ad signed for Tucker Carlson The Media Company and it's with Public Square We recently talked about Public Square because they are now in partnership with Rumble uh with some of the conferences and stuff they're doing in Florida so that it's just that's where we've heard it. Uh, but apparently going public in July Most of the world's biggest advertisers have stopped buying ads on Elon Musk's X according to new data. so a little bit of he said she said. but it's interesting an overwhelming majority of the world's biggest spending advertisers have stopped advertising on X following Elon Musk's acquisition of the company EA Equity E e Equity I don't know even how they say and I don't like the name of this company at all eBay Equity I think it's eBay Equity, which works with 70 of the top 100 spending advertisers.

Said that just two of its clients had purchased ads on X last month that was down from 31 brands in September last year prior to Musk's takeover of Twitter in October, The number of clients at the advertising agency on X has steadily declined ever since the company didn't name those advertisers. The clients include Google Walmart GM and others. The company Drew its X data from its Digital Media Solutions unit through which it gathers digital media investment data from agencies and platforms. This is a jop we have not seen before from any major advertising platform.
Kind of interesting because recently the word from both Elon and uh Yaro Linda Yaro have been like no advertisers are coming back and we're strong and we're solid, but this data is actually suggesting the exact opposite. Uh, The company said its analysis appears to contradict statements made by ex CEO Linda Yaro who said in an onstage interview last month that 90% of the top 100 advertisers have returned to X in the last 12 weeks alone. In the same interview, she cited Visa, Nissan and AT&T as among the 1500 brands that had resumed spending on X. An Ex spokesman clarified that the 90% figure referred to Exit's Top 100 Spenders from the prior year.

So like I said, a little bit of he said she said, but I just figured the connection with Tucker Carlson and his show being there and advertising. so does some of it have to do? Maybe with Brands not wanting to be associated with Elon Musk Yeah, maybe. But also don't forget that just our economy is heading into more of a rough patch and when that happens, generally you see less spending on Advertising So kind of maybe like the old onew combo going on right now. Tesla Discloses Doj Pro over vehicle range, personal benefits, and more Elon Not having the best of days Tesla Disclosed multiple subpoenas from the US Department of Justice The Do has pressed Tesla for information about the range of the company's EVS as well as quote, unquote, personal benefits, related parties, and personal decisions Tesla Shares were ticking slightly higher, recovering from a decline of about 15% after CEO Elon Musk Struck a pessimistic note on the company's thirdd quarter earnings call I Don't want to get all fired up about this again, but dude, that earnings call arguably the worst earnings call of all time.

It was absolutely crazy how bad it was. Elon Musk if he tried could not be more pessimistic than he was. and obviously with that Tesla took a big hit, but it is recovering a little bit now, but we're still not back up close to where we were. It ended the day before earnings at 242 vomited all the way down to 202.

That's a big percent percentage loss. Um, so it's in. it's a 10. I Mean it was down 16% Uh, it's bouncing back a little bit right now and if it gets above 231, Yeah, you have a shot at the upside Gapville, but it was absolutely brutal.

And the fact that the Doj is looking into him, it's not going to make it any better. Tesla Disclosed that the Doj has been investigating and in some cases issued subpoenas to Elon Musk's Automaker regarding its driver assistance systems marked as autopilot and FSD the range of the company's EVS as well as personal benefits related parties personal decisions at the company and this is kind of adding to the various other things that have been reported in the past. One such thing was the Wall Street Journal talking about how they were being investigated for The Glass House project for Musk. Uh, Reuters was talking about recurrent and others have revealed that Tesla's cars frequently failed to achieve the mileage Shad in range estimates and shown in the in vehicle display.
So various things going on that is just probably just another headache I would assume for the company leadership, the board and all of that. But enough with the negative, let's talk about the positive: Bitcoin crosses $334,000 to the high since May 2022 on ETF hopes the price of Bitcoin breached 34,000 level to hit its high since May last year voided by optimism around the possibility of a Bitcoin ETF Anticipation of a Bitcoin ETF grew after the court sided with Grayscale over the US sec in a to turn its huge Gbtc Bitcoin fund into an ETF. So here's the skinny on the situation. Many many big companies have been applying for a Bitcoin spot.

ETF We already have Bitcoin future ETFs For those of you who don't know, an ETF is an exchange traded fund. just think of it as a basket with various things in that basket. The Bitcoin Futures basket literally has Bitcoin Futures in it. That's not the Real McCoy that's a thing that tracks Bitcoin's price, but Bitcoin itself is is not in it.

A spot. Bitcoin ETF would literally have Bitcoin in it. So people would buy the ETF then the ETF would take that money and go buy Bitcoin not Bitcoin Futures This is interesting for various reasons. The first most evident one is the potential increase in demand.

Now that there's an ETF you could look at it as a highway IR ramp that big Wall Street institutions retirement accounts we're talking about, trillions of dollars will now have access to Bitcoin that previously didn't so even if a small percentage decide to go buy Bitcoin Well, that would obviously represent more demand. More importantly is what I just alluded to of the highway on ramps. Now that there's a bit more regulatory Clarity A lot of people aren't necessarily going to be operating in that Gray Zone that they have previously and can have a clear Playbook of what is allowed What isn't allowed. And is this going to happen overnight? No, No, no no.

But we're obviously getting a bit closer and I guess to State the obvious here: the fact that it's just not straight up getting rejected. Well, this is just a win for the crypto Community specifically Bitcoin Now obviously there's going to be some sympathy plays I know there's things going on with Ripple AKA xrp so if you're in that, congrats, that's really not my cup of tea I Myself: I'm in Bitcoin I'm in Ethereum I don't actively trade it I just hold hold hold. And actually on that note, I Want to ask you guys at this moment in time 9:24 A.m. ET October 24th how many of you own Bitcoin right now like you whether you're actively trading it which I don't know, necessarily if you have quite the edge there, but maybe you do.
Maybe you have a strategy that makes you a lot of money and if you do, congrats, uh. but for me, I'm just invested in it, just invested in it. and I want to know how many of you are of maybe a similar mindset or maybe you are actively trading it I just kind of want to get an idea I have part of one me, none, me, me me. yep I do own both I own Bitcoin not me I have some Satoshi and a okay a wallet just xrp I have a small about so what I'm interested in and I've been kind of noticing this and I don't know.

Just an interesting thing that like caught my attention was can someone explain to me why I guess like the rumble community and I'm not necessarily talking about like you guys specifically, but why does it seem like Rumble as a whole has more of a a negative uh, idea or taste in their mouth for crypto in general. Maybe it's specifically Bitcoin I don't know I I Just feel like on YouTube there's a lot more positive stuff going on with crypto and then on Rumble I mean I look at some uh, like crypto creators and they get trashed on. They get absolutely trash on on Rumble and I don't know. Maybe if it's just the person that they don't like or if it was actually like if Rumble's just hating on crypto or I don't know maybe I'm just conflating a couple instances that like isn't actually statistically significant.

it's because we've been in it longer LOL Road through the pumps and the dumps I Like crypto because YouTube is full of dupes dopes cuz it's a worthless scam. Um, they got burnt by FTX Well at FTX or not, you shouldn't be keeping any of your crypto on any exchange. Um, when it comes to FTX like obviously that was absolutely horrific Voyager 3 AC Celsius Like all this is a very good example of not your keys, not your coin. If you you need to be in charge of your own money, you need to control it.

Don't put yourself in a situation where you could lose it all if that company goes under. I mean there's too many examples of it. So for I mean years now I Feel like I've been preaching it from the rooftops. Not your keys, not your coin.

Yeah. Use whatever exchange you want to go buy your crypto, but store it in a legitimately safe place. Um, but I In no way would call Bitcoin a scam. and if you are calling it a scam I Think Logically, we could admit that it's less of a scam than the US dollar.

I Think a lot of people who argue that Bitcoin is a scam I I Just don't know if they necessarily understand the math behind it or what it's like. Everyone's like, well, what's it Backed by What's any fiat currency backed by trust in the government? I Trust The mathematical algorithm that is Bitcoin more than I trust are Federal Reserve Printing dollars. Look at inflation Right now. Whenever you have inflation, it is 100% man-made That's how you have inflation.
It doesn't happen naturally. someone makes the decision at the money printer to inflate which is devaluing our dollar. That will never happen with Bitcoin. We know at maximum there's only going to be 21 million in existence.

There is not going to be inflation. ever. If anything, there's going to be less than 21 million because people lose their crypto. So that's the maximum value.

We're never going to exceed it. That situation does not exist in the US dollar or really any other government currency. to me. and I don't know I don't know if this is a thing that, like all guys, go through in their 20s and 30s like a Libertarian phase.

But to me I don't like that the government is in control of everything I don't like that for anything above $600 they're basically like just probing you for it. Like uh, this concept of the government having so much power and one way they can successfully pull that off is because they're in control control of the money source. To me, Bitcoin is a money Source outside of the world of any government and that's I Guess what's enticing to me? and once again, I don't actively trade it I just hold it I absolutely hold it. But when we talk about things that are people are yoloing and maybe there's a bit of risk to it when I hear about Gme or AMC or Mullen or any of this.

if I had money and like Bitcoin was an option or even really if ether was an option. but I prefer Bitcoin I would put money in that before I put it in these other ones because once again, if you look at these other companies, there's an individual human in control. Maybe they're good, Maybe they're bad. We don't know.

But with Bitcoin it is run by math. It is 100% run by a mathematical algorithm that all of us could read. It is open source. It's not.

It's not going to alter like there. There's no hidden decisions. There is no person like behind the curtain that can make a decision that you agree with you don't agree with. We all know it so that's my opinion.

I hope it goes up I don't have a crystal ball I mean I Remember when I was first involved with Bitcoin it was training at $250 and that's back when I was like gambling with it. um and obviously I wish I wasn't gambling I wish I just like held on to it. but it is what it is and hey I know some of you like it I know some of you don't but I think there's a great great opportunity here, especially if you're a little little bit dubious of people like I guess in government and the central banks. Um, no it's not.

lol Matt 100% wrong. Uh pip pimps pppy pimps pip pip PPP Imps I don't know what your name is Uh, if you think I'm wrong, feel free to correct me I'm down to learn. but like you just saying that, I'm 100% wrong. like show me what I'm wrong like what did I state that was inaccurate or wrong or misinterpreted? Um I I'm more than happy to learn.
Maybe you know something I don't and hey, maybe you could save me and a lot of other people listening. A lot of money. but just to say someone's wrong? like you have to have some sort of thesis like you can't just be like Oh wrong. Like that doesn't prove that you're right.

Uh, I Explained my thoughts and my reasoning. So what are your thoughts and your reasoning? And on that note, Ding ding ding ding. The casino is open. Uh, but now that the Black Rock is involved with the ETF, can they influence big coin? No, they're just managing the ETF and they're not going to be the only one.

I Mean Grayscale is going to have one. Fidelity is going to end up with one. Um, there's going to be a lot of companies, so if you're like, specifically, not a fan of Black Rock you're going to have more than Black Rock as an option. Anyone who truly understands crypto knows that it's a scam that is more centralized in the US dollar and control by exchanges than nefarious centralized early adopters.

I Mean, mathematically, that's not accurate. It's just like, like you're just saying it's a scam like that. show how it's a scam. A lot of people make a lot of money off of it.

So like, wouldn't that be a Counterpoint To you saying that it's a scam, it is more centralized than the US dollar. That's actually impossible because the US dollar is fully centralized by our like. It's literally called the Central Bank the Federal Reserve Like it, it's in its name, the central bank. So to say it's more centralized than the US dollar once again, just quantifiably inaccurate.

It's controlled by exchanges. No, no, because you don't have to trade on an exchange, so that doesn't make sense. And nefarious centralized early adopters. That's a stronger argument I'm not even saying it's true, but you would have a stronger argument trying to prove that with like Ethereum.

and once again, I don't agree. But to say that with Bitcoin like mathematically, uh, there was Mount goau there was bitfenix. Okay, yeah, there there's are scams in it. So like I don't think you can participate in this world assuming everyone's good.

But that doesn't mean that the other underlining technology is bad By that same logic, you would say because nefarious people have used weapons, we should have no weapons. No, it comes up to the individual people using it. So the underlying technology of Bitcoin is something that I support and I understand where it's going. And then just to point out that there are criminals in this world, there's criminals in the US dollar.

Now it's Usdc. Well, the digital currency is probably never going to get approved. exchanges. don't set the price.
That's impossible. That's not how exchanges work. Exchanges are in charge of connecting buyers and sellers, But what sets the price are people buying and selling. If they set the price, there would be Arbitrage against them and it would.

People would love that there it would. that would cre create an Arbitrage opportunity. if an exchange were to set a price that the rest of the market doesn't agree with, it would be Arbitrage Trad away. So that's the exact same thing as the stock market.

Uh, the entire bitcoin price and all their cryptos are a derivative of Bitcoin in my exchange, artificially manipulating the price of Bitcoin in US Dollars No, you have no proof of that. That doesn't make sense like at all. If if an exchange were erroneously setting a bitcoin price different from like if you have exchange a if bitcoin's at 34k and then exchange B is at 35k, it would be Arbitrage away it would be PE Bulls would go into the the one that's cheaper and bears would go into the one that's more expensive. they would Arbitrage it away.

That literally happens all the time right now when you're trading Tesla you could trade it on various exchanges. So then the question is, well, how do how do we know that the exchanges have the same price Because if it ever gets out of whack by even a portion of a penny, it is arbitraged away. So the exact same thing that you're I Guess arguing that they could happen. That's a money-making opportunity so people would be taking advantage of it right away.

People would love for what you're saying happens to actually be happening and it might happen on a small scale. Like once again, there's a chance that you could be buying or selling Tesla on the New York Stock Exchange or ARA or NASDAQ and it could be off Like right now it's $28.27 28. So you're like, well, hang on. If there's various exchanges, how do we know that it's the exact same price on other ones and it doesn't have to be? It theoretically could trade at different prices on different exchanges, but as soon as these people who are very very like expert in their skill set notice that there's a slight difference.

even a portion of a penny like I'm saying like a like an actual fraction of a penny, it's traded away. the one that's cheaper. everyone goes long on it. the one that's more expensive.

Everyone goes short on it until price parod met. So there's no difference in that functionality in the equities Market than in the crypto. Market Um OMG This guy is lost. I Mean you could say whatever you want, but you haven't like.

All you've done is like successfully like cry on in a chat and you've not shown uh, like any like logic to it. I've explained to you the actual functionality of Why Are Like exchanges don't set prices. No one sets prices on anything. They're not just like oh, we're going to sell Tesla At 218 buyers and sellers set prices, It's the highest willing buyer and the lowest willing seller.
That's how exchanges in the entire world work. No one's coming in. It's not like exchanges never set prices. That's not how exchanges work.

Um, and you might think it. It works that way. and I Guess you're entitled to that thought. You're entitled to that opinion.

But you're also wrong. It's just that's not understanding the functionality of exchanges after. EMP How will you trade it? Well, of course there's draw Downs. So this is inherently related to the internet and network.

so an EMP. but every form of currency in store of value also has its draw down. So you're talking about an EMP Well, draw Downs of gold is the fact that it's bulky and cumbersome and you can't move large amounts of it quickly. So that's a drawback there if you look at the US dollar.

Okay, big issue there is the fact that it's controlled by a government. It's devaluing. um, a lot of the times when it comes to money. Similar situation of like yeah, we do print dollars that represent it, but a lot of that is still digital.

If there's an EMP, it's going to and also hurt just the US dollar. cuz uh, 90 to 95% of all money lives in like like a digital form, not in physical form. So that is. um I Guess an issue that would like none of this is perfect across the board.

like if the argument is oh hahaha I Found one Con Well yeah, no. Sherlock The issue is weighing out the pros and cons of what you think is net best. Uh, the EMP argument I mean people bring it up and like I Guess it might happen but to this point in my life I've never been impacted by a singular EMP so uh I I've gone about three decades thus far and have not had to battle it out with an EMP so I guess it's something to consider. but another thing to consider is a tsunami, a volcano explosion, an alien invasion like yeah, they could all happen with like differing degrees of accuracy and like I Guess if you want to like, consider it.

But just because it could happen doesn't mean that it's the chance of it happening is statistically significant. Um I'd just love to explain. No. I mean you've already explained your point enough.

Let me call in and explain. I mean you've explained it I've been reading all of it and I've poked holes in all of your explanation and then you just sum it up with oh my God you don't know which is not the sign of a M person trying to have an actual conversation. It's really, really easy just to be like oh my God you don't know and then like you like people just like what finally decide to settle on like personal attacks when they like can't have a point Dude, if you don't like okay I mean I can like Bitcoin you can dislike Bitcoin so then you short it I'll go along and we're going to see who wins like that's the cool thing is like I'm not here to necessarily convince you I'm here to to share my own opinions. Maybe I'm right.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I convince people. Maybe people convince me. That's the beauty of having an open Forum where people can discuss it.

But my point is is, if you feel confident enough in your opinion, go short it and we'll see who wins in the long term. I Feel confident enough in the long term that I own Bitcoin and I think it's going to go up if you apparently feel confident enough. we bet against it. But if you, if you don't feel confident enough to be betting against bit, there's no point in us talking because this is how much I stand for my opinion I Put my money where my mouth is I'm long on Bitcoin.

We're not of the same magnitude of opinion if you're sitting there saying negative things on it, but don't actually if you're not betting against it like at all. So I don't give a um, do what you want and hey, I mean I I hope you make money in this particular circumstance I hope you lose money because you're directly betting against me. But that's the cool thing about the market is is if people are confident enough, you could put your money where your mouth is. um, so whatever.

I'll let you explain to me and I'm sure you'll understand what I'm saying. no I've read all your comments and it it's just not um, uh, an argument based in reality or facts or details and on top of that, you would have to put up something that you think is a better store of value. So are you going to argue gold honestly I Think that would be more interesting than USD But whatever your issues are with Bitcoin the issues are worse with any fiat currency, any fiat currency. So you could just be like, well, Bitcoin's a scam.

Well, whatever your argument is I guarantee it would just be applied to the US dollar. So at this point you're just saying all currencies are a scam. So if you're saying all currencies are a scam, okay, cool like I I what like I have no response to that cuz we still live in a world where we need currency. So unless you're going back to like trading beaver pelts, whatever, you're BTC shill.

Okay, I'm in on Silver Okay, good luck moving a bunch of silver. No, you're wrong. sorry. I mean congrats with your silver.

Congrat! Let's look at this. So here's Bitcoin uh here. Silver. Nope, not that one.

Here's silver. So this is just from the start of the year. Um, Bitcoin's up 107% Silver is down5 so good luck to you. You've made no money on it and the actual commodity itself which no hate on Silver but similar to Gold You're not going to be able to like move sizable portions of it.

so you're still using a middleman I Can travel around with a borderline infinite amount of money in my pocket by just putting Bitcoin on a flash drive. You can't travel with silver like you're not going to move large amounts of it. So you're still using a middleman. and at the end of the day, maybe you're right.
Maybe we fast forward x amount of time and Silver's doing way better. but at this moment in time, you're wrong. and really, in any time frame, you're going to be wrong. I Mean it doesn't matter where we're looking like you're a year, two years, 3 years, bitcoin's higher.

So whatever you want like you could say that it's worthless. but how can you argue that when people are making very real money, you're like, well, it's it's worthless. It's like no people are up thousand thousands of dollars from yesterday to today. Like that, that's very real money which then could be transformed into something that they want to go buy with like the difference is.

and I Understand why you're salty is because from October 23rd to this moment, people in Bitcoin are now up 14% So if someone had 10 CR invested they're up 1.4k while you if you had 10 grand in silver, you're actually down money. So like I you're just salty that that's fine and obviously no one knows where the future is and to the point of being a bit Bitcoin shill what am I I Don't give a if people buy I'm sharing that I buy because I'm open and transparent with what I'm doing. and if you want to buy, go buy. Dude like have fun dude.

like if people want to buy buy if people want to short short I Whatever you do with your money, do it with your money. I'm just letting you know what I'm doing with mine. But to argue that silver is better than Bitcoin Uh, you're you're You're going to have to do some like Simone Biles mental Gymnastics to really like pull that one off. Can we talk about something else? Yeah, actually I did want to go over that uh stock.

Rises Tuesday after sh earnings report so rathon beating. we also have Coca-Cola beating uh president Xi Jinping of China makes unprecedented Central Bank visit In sign of focus on economy, top leaders visit the People's Bank of China and the Sovereign fund on Tuesday China Battles to boast growth gruth China battles to boast boost growth, stabilize financial markets. Obviously we've been talking about it, but their economy on til between the shadow banking what's going on in their real the real estate sector is a debacle and then if you fast forward uh x amount out in time like their population decrease is going to be a big big problem China Facing very very serious issues. On that note, China repeats its view that Israel must protect civilians when Wang ye had separate talks with Israeli Palestinian officials Beijing hasn't condemned Hamas for its assault irking the US Well I don't know.

it's like the newest version I suppose of like the Cold War except now between us and Russia it's between us and China like probably a lot of backdoor things going on Israel Hamas War Live updates Francis Macron proposes anti-is cations fights Hamas Release Hostage speaks on abdun so two I believe two us hostages released so that's pretty good L Uh Israel latest Macron calls for coalition to fight against Hamas Uh, that's a little too long. We're not going to listen to that, but the I mean the tensions are getting worse. unfortunately. Um, they are not trending in a direction that you necessarily would want it to be trending, so that's a wee bit of a bummer.
Uh, the Spy the 945 PMI results came out profit. Do you have those? The numbers were okay, they were good, so thus good numbers setting us down. Uh, but that came out at 9:45 So just now let's look them up. They were expecting 49.8 came in higher at 50.9 So why did a beat send the market down? Well, it's because of monetary policy.

Remember, the Central bank is currently saying hey, uh, we're fighting inflation so they are doing everything they can and this is more of like a sledgehammer tool. It's not really a scalpel, but they're doing everything they can to lessen demand. And they're doing this by quantitative tightening. They're doing this by raising up the FED fund rate.

So basically whenever we get a good sign that is in one way or another representing of the fact that demand isn't lessening, people are like uhoh, That means that the FED is going to be more hawkish in their stance as in more aggressive in dampening demand because it could be taken as a sign of what they're doing is not so good or it's not so effective or maybe not aggressive enough. So that's why we live in the upside down world of currently this isn't always true, but currently when we get a good economic report, the market goes down and then when we get a bad economic report, the market goes up. We're in the upside down. Tipsy Turvy opposite world because of the current state and the current phase of monetary policy.

Um, so I Know it's a little bit confusing and it's not always like this. but just right now, we got this 945 report Market drops on the news and you could argue that it was because it was a good report and everyone's like uhoh, and what it really is doing more directly is it's increasing the chances of the FED continuing to keep their rates higher for longer. So at the next Fed meeting where we get the result at the from the Fomc meeting on Wednesday November 1st, there's a 99.5% chance that there's no change to the Fed rate, but slowly and surely we're getting an increase in the chances of another 25 bips in December now, even though it's currently coming in at 24.7 I Don't think that that number is currently stated with like high confidence just because there's a lot of things are going to happen between now and December 13th so that could greatly change the odds. so it's more so of just showing you I guess like the vibe of the situation.

Uh, but in terms of like confidence would I be like oh no those numbers are like spot on. No, not necessarily. No, not necessarily. Um, so the market taking a hit after that number.
uh, where am I at o I did not close the position that I meant to close o and that's cuz I didn't have an order. Oh it's because when I did have an order yesterday, it was a daily order. It wasn't a good till cancel. Well hang on.

let's see if I could close this out. I was doing a little bit of work yesterday. This isn't as zero DT this was a 1 DT I sold 25 of these put credit spreads 420x 419 so I just wanted above 420. obviously it's expiring today I got into it yesterday I had 25 obviously I was able to unload 11 and I'm just trying to unload these 14 right now and I probably could have this morning when the market was going up.

um, but I got in to too much of I guess a Bitcoin conversation to properly manage it. so I just threw up an order uh I'm in at 22, it's trading at 18 I obviously want it to go down I'm trying to get out at 16 uh to collect the premium there so that ORD in and I'm very very worried that I'm not going to be able to get the F if the market Falls right here. That actually might kind of screw me on the position for the day. Uh, but if there's even a little pop back to 42340 I should be good.

I mean the spread is 420 by 419 Um, but I the this report did not benefit me by any means. Shout out to today's stream sponsor uh Spock Amma if you're interested in kind of the up-to-date happenings in the options Market Spock Amama. there's no better tool than this. Uh, that I found and I've been looking for this stuff for ever and ever and ever.

uh Spock GMA A free twoe trial if you use the link Pinn to the top of chat I Love this hero tool just because it shows you in real time. What's going on with the zero? DTE What's going on with the all expiration and what I'm seeing here is the options. Market Kind of in no way reacted to this 945 report I Mean it popped this morning and for about the first four minutes the options Market was bullish. but ever since then 9304 4 minutes since then, we're just perfectly flat.

so not much of a move there in the S&P 500. But what's interesting is the cues are getting a bit more bearish. so the spy's been flat. but the tech sector ever since 941 kind of drifting to the downside.

So the white line is the price, the teal line is going to be the zero DTE and then the purple line is all the expiration dates kind of put together. Um, so those are the three major lines. So once again, the tech sector showing a bit more weakness while the Spy kind of sideways it just took a little bit of a dip. Um, this could be the classic maybe fake out liquidity grab breakdown.

so I wouldn't be chasing this, buying it intraday High shorting at an intraday low it might work out for you. but I Personally think if you do that time and time again, you're asking for trouble. I Mean it's just eventually. it's going to probably really, really mess you up.
Um, so watching for this just I mean Wick Wick Wick Wick Uh, options Market is favoring the Bears though. so the options Market if they have to. If this Gamma gets really negative and the market makers have to. hedge it out, that could be putting some downward pressure on it.

So watching this, we'll set up an alert just to know if this is actually breaking down and we'll do the same thing on the Q's which it looks like the Q's did have a liquidity sweep. Uh, kind of fictitiously just made. Um, a new low was only there for a second popping up. How are we seeing this? Are they? Is it starting to come back up? Starting to come back up a little bit.

a little bit. a little bit. a little little bit. a little bit.

Let's see if it can collect itself here and start to bounce out of this. So here's what some of the major time frames look: look on: the Futures Market The 10minute is actually bullish. maybe potentially bouncing off of its 48. EMA Obviously the daily in the lower right here still a bit bearish.

Looking for it to get above 42881? That's the high from yesterday. The Q's Tred to get going but still holding I mean the EMA Cloud Still to the upside and the smallest time frame the 3 minute trying to decide it was bearish. it was bullish now. Kind of bearish, but really effectively just going sideways.

So as of now, we're about what 23 minutes into the day? no clear Trend kind of up, kind of down. kind of canceling itself out. so more so seeing if we could recover after this and you know what? do I want to take a stab at it? I kind of do. oh brother oh brother oh brother so just took a long position.

Let's switch it to the one minute. All right. we'll do that there and then actually this one's running. This is my own features account but then I also have the prop account.

so going for 260 there basically just to pay for commissions, order filled and then we'll do some prop account stuff just to try to get this all. Did I do it on the right account? I did do it on the right account. uh just to get hopefully another one passing the test. Target filled all right.

So this is the profit account and I did six contracts? Four of them have already hit, four of them have hit thus far, locked in 175 with two more to go. So it was six contracts, four of them locked in and hopefully these final two end up hitting. uh, but the q's getting smacked a little bit. that's not so good.

it's one thing if that hits, but this is the one I really wanted to hit and similar to yesterday, it got crazy crazy close and then just got smacked. Uh so my order was at 14,853 and it got as high as already hit. Come on, come on, come on. little bit of luck.

Never heard anybody here we go. The S&P is starting to pick up a bit more. Uhoh, that might be all she wrote H the options Market the cues are settling down. the cues are now going flat.
so it was selling from 941 to 951. Now it's a bit flat on the Q's and the Spy is actually picking up from 951 till now. You can see that the options Market's getting a bit more bullish, so I might have a fighting chance here. Um I don't like the fact that it might be a double top, but so I'm hoping that the options Market can actually bring this through because the options are holding in the bullish.

Direction the cues are just flat. Come on, come on, come on, come on here we go. Target Fill there we go. one more left on the quees.

So five of the six hit uh 250 locked in on the propit count and so that's getting kind of close. So one more to go. five out of six hitting here. Okay, one more, one more I just need the Qes to get right above.

like if it hits 358 like 20. I'll be good. Uh, hit 358. What did we get to 08? So I just need it to like.

Kind of take out this recent high at 954 which the Spy looking good spies options are getting even better. While the Q's I don't know the Spy the Spy is continuing to show some strength Target filled There we go there. We go. Which brings us to our last one here.

We go here, we go. Let's make it easy. So close, so close. Here's the payday.

Here's the payday. No No no no no no no no no, Let's do it. Let's show the world why I'm the best Trader On this side of the Mississippi No, Come on. we're right there.

Just lock it in, Lock it in. stay focused, stay focus. there. We go there.

We go. Bring it home. Bring it home. bring it home.

Come on man. don't do this to me. We went through this yesterday. Come on there.

We go there. We go here. We go here. We go there.

We go there. We go 260. So two. Uh, I guess 258 after commissions on that one, shutting it down, staying discipline.

yes to all. and then on this 325 locked in. Um, so between the two, like what's that? almost $600 Not bad for about five minutes worth of work. Uh, we're going to save that So shutting that all down because hey, you don't want to overstay your welcome, you don't want to overstay your welcome.

So 600 and about 5 minutes. Also, this hit. uh I was able to get my fill on the one that I was holding there. So this is the premium selling account.

Slowly but surely going up. So from 30k, um from last week to this week up a nice 680. So what's that up? Just over 2% in about a week? So this is more of a slow and steady type of a thing, but that one's working as well. So as of now, no active positions? Um yeah, look at that.

look at this move would have been nice to stay in. Um, actually it's getting so nice that I kind of I'm a little bit worried about the treasury bond sale at 100 pm.. at 1 P.m. we could see H there's a 2-year treasury auction today that the results of it coming out at 100 p.m.
and generally this is something that most people don't pay attention to. But a week or two ago they had one where it got problematic because I think they were left with 18% of their supply. So that's not so Bueno and if that happens again today, it could Rock the market. H So do I want to sell premium? The only other thing I would do today is sell some premium.

check your options, play I already have it got filled I have no more positions left on my options. like everything got a fill. Um and now I need to come up with the zero DTE for today for today, for today for today. U Here, let's switch it all.

Switch it. Switch it. Switch it all right. Easy Peasy Lemon squeezies.

Easy Peasy Lemon squeezies. Uh, it is 10 A.m. It is 10 A.m. and today's the 24th right? Yeah, Vertical all right.

So I threw in one for this by I'm trying to do a 22 spread. By 21, a put credit spread has not gotten its fill. I Don't know why it hasn't gotten its fill because it should have uh and then on the cues. Let's see how that one goes.

There's a lot of volatility in the market today. What? What? 57 Okay, just getting things set up I don't know why I can't get my I mean it's I'm Is it just really that a liquid modify. Okay, so nope. didn't get a fill.

Seriously. I'm hitting the bids selling premium and I'm not getting my fail. Well that's super. Not cool.

All right. Just got my fill on one of them. Uh, so this is the zero DTE I'll show it to you guys. Uh, this is a put credit spread.

Sold the 422 for 80 cents, bought the 421 for 55. The net difference was a credit of 25 and I chose to get five of them. So basically what I'm risking is $75 my Max risk is $75 per spread. My Max return is $25 per spread so risking 75 for 25.

And then the way I get this Max return is if the Spy is above 422 by the time the Bell goes dingy ding ding ding at close today Mon or excuse me Tuesday October 24th So this is referred to as a put credit spread. You could also call it a bull credit credit spread. Um, bullish put credit spread I mean there's a lot of names for it, but anyway. um, just selling some premium.

Sold the 422 bought the 421. Net difference being 25. That represents my Max return. I have five of those.

So basically, if we get to the end of today and the Spy is above 422, this will be an extra $125 Um, so that is how I could explain that. and I think I was a little early on the entry here a little early on the entry because if I waited till now I probably could have got like 30 cents instead of 25 cents per spread. What is this volatility? do? We are all over the map today. uhoh SpaghettiOs uhoh SpaghettiOs uh Bitcoin hanging out at 34.4k actually while we oh, hang on, the Market's like now vomiting I got a little over exuberant with this push to the upside, but the double top was pretty harsh.
Uh, as we're waiting for this to play out, just I Know a lot of you are very excited about crypto at the moment, but what else is up? Tesla's the main Gainer up 3.7% That's why I have it up. Netflix is up 1.6 trading at $413 Apple's actually in the red Microsoft's slightly up Nvidia slightly up Meta: slightly up how's Rumble doing Rumble slightly up as well Trading at 524 Amazon slightly up so we're seeing some slight green across the board. Some slight green across the board. Uh, interesting.

Well, what are we seeing Oh Yeah, this. look it. So the options buying or the bullishness within the options Market Kind of peaked at 958. Price peaked a little bit later.

uh, 2 minutes later and ever since then, price is diving with options diving. Let's see what they're actually doing doing though. okay, they're actually doing both. They're taking profits on their calls and they're loading into puts.

It's kind of a double whammy. Uh, type of a situation. What are we seeing in the Qes? The cues are still just flat. Man, the cues are just flat today.

Spy. let's look at this. uh, the cues Hedge wall up here at 360, but flat. Not really much action going on in the the tech sector's options today.

Uh, puts people just took their profits on puts at 10:04 I mean puts were getting a little bit more aggressive and then actually sizable bounce right there. Someone was trying to push it down and they quickly locked in. So I think a lot of people probably took a lowrisk opportunity. They're like, well, if we buy puts at the intraday high and it gets rejected, Well, great.

That's pretty much riskless profit. And then if it breaks above, they only take a paper Hut paper cut and as we are dipping down to this like where we opened up, uh, it looks like I mean you could literally see it you could see that people were taking their profits off their puts right here at 10:04 is when they decided to start taking their profits. Um, but the calls are still going less so we have some puts, profit taking and calls. people are just throwing in their Talon calls.

maybe starting to load back in, but we'll pay attention to this. This, we'll pay attention to it and the cues are still just flat, flat flat flat. All right. Other things that I thought were of Interest right here.

What else do we have? This is real story. Yesterday a mere one day ago, my head research

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