Stocks Are Getting Destroyed (Know This!)
The Matt Kohrs Show (Oct. 23rd)

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Oh brother oh brother oh brother. Good morning, good morning, good morning, Howdy campers! Welcome back to Camp Stock Market Casino where we learn how to degenerately lose, lose money. Promise ourselves we will never make those mistakes again. and then the very next day make those exact same mistakes again.

Uh, today's funfilled activities do include yoloing zero DTE options around the campfire. They include getting yourselves into weird option positions that you never thought you would on the lake that yes, does have a trampoline, and last but not least, it involves finding random cryp crypto projects that are most likely going to get rugged and we'll be doing that at the archery range. So uh, it's going to be a fun day. Fun day, Fun day, Fun day it is Monday October 23rd and this is the day after the Eagles beat the Dolphins which I was actually really really stoked about.

I Uh, I I was going into it a bit nervous. You have to understand coming into the trading or into the football day. Um, I was still a little and by a little me very very upset about the previous day when Penn State made an embarrassment of itself against Ohio State So I think I already went into it just with like a super super negative attitude and then I was pleasantly surprised. So that's going to be awesome.

That's going to be that was really awesome. So shout out to the Eagles and shout out to my fantasy team I Actually don't even know how I did this week I just I've not been having in one fantasy league I'm doing really well and in the other league I Actually don't know if I've won yet and it it's it's been something. so hey, at least we'll be able to. Maybe potentially there is the verified potential of turning things around.

Maybe in the stock market today? the potential is there will we be able to execute on it I Don't know. it's going to basically be up to you guys, my financial advisers. uh and hopefully you guys are on the ball. Hopefully you guys got your discipline in check.

Hopefully you did all your research of the macroeconomic situation and of the equities we're going to be talking about. I'm basically relying a lot on all of you watching this, listening to this right now to uh, make the best decisions for my money. So I hope you guys are ready more than I am ready. Uh, but I hope you had a good one.

uh I hope you had a good weekend Friday night Saturday Sunday Whatever you're doing I Hope you got to hang out with family, friends, loved ones. and if you didn't maybe you don't have any family, friends, or loved ones. I Hope you got to hang out with a cat. and if you didn't get to hang out with a cat I hope you enjoyed some solo time.

you know, just kind of taken in the world for what it is. but I hope you crushed it I Hope you are happy, healthy and if you don't even have any of that I Hope you are ready to degenerately trade in the stock market. Uh I'm going to be breaking down everything going on in the world of earnings. We have some macroeconomic updates this week and next week we have some big updates of what's going on in the Middle East There's actually a lot to talk about.
A lot to talk about. The Chiefs can handle the Eagles. uh I mean at this point maybe I don't know like they're it'll be a close game. I mean uh, what do we have at this point? The Dolphins are really good, but the Eagles just beat them.

Uh, so obviously the Eagles are really good, the Chiefs are really good and the 49ers are really good. I Feel like those are like the four teams that have like a legitimate shot at this point in the season to being like Super Bowl contenders Chiefs 49ers Eagles Dolphins Uh, now with the Eagles beating the Dolphins obviously that puts him like a notch up. But don't forget that recently the Eagles lost to the Jets. That was a little crazy.

but there's no undefeated teams. Everyone has a little bit at a minimum of a blemish on their record. but the Chiefs are stacked, 49ers are stacked. the Dolphins are stacked.

the Eagles are stacked like we have a lot going on. Cowboys No, let's be realistic. the Chiefs are mediocre. the Chiefs are not mediocre.

You can't like. You might not like the Chiefs but they're not mediocre. And don't the Cowboys You really think the Cowboys have a shot. The Cowboys they're not.

They don't have a shot folks. I'm telling you right now there those are the four teams that have a shot. The Eagles the Dolphins the Chiefs the 49ers. Those who we should be looking at, we're not.

We're not talking about no cowboys. No. Panthers uh, it's not happening. It's it's not.

It's not happening like let's I'm all one for jokes and some laughs and some hahas. uh, but it's not happening. Ravens I mean they're fine, but it's not happening. They're not on the same tier as those other teams Falcons Going to run the table? All right you guys.

I Didn't know you guys were taking some standup comedy lessons over the weekend I Didn't know you guys were up here going to be ready to bust some jokes Monday morning 9:00 a.m. So let's all right. All right. Get your laughs out, get your jokes out, get your your five, your tip five opening mik night jokes out.

but it's not going to happen. it's just dude. Ravens the Panthers the Cowboys Yeah, maybe one season down the line from now, but not happening now. it's just.

let's let's be realistic. You know, let's just be. Let's be realistic. Uh Trev trades I Just subscribed to Spot GMA I have questions? what are your questions or wait Trev trades if you want, uh, want? don't you hold your questions till we get go over spot Gamma today and then we'll pop back to you and we I'll do my best to try to answer your questions.

but uh yeah. $1 says the chief loses to the Packers Chris C I will take you up on that bet Chriss C You and I are digitally shaking hands right now. A dollar says the Chiefs lose to the Packers I Do not think that the Chiefs will be losing to the Packers a dollar on the line. Uh and Egg will be handling the transaction.
so Egg will be the bookie handling the money and Chrissy is now in a bet with me. With the Chiefs and the Packers I I'm saying that the Chiefs will win. You're saying that the Packers will win. There's a dollar on the line and Egg here will be in charge of the money.

So that's that. I'm happy to take that. The fact that you're giving me like one to one odds on that is actually crazy. It's actually crazy.

but I'll take it. Hey I'll take it Chris Chris see if that is your I'll put it on Mullen Yeah Egg, you take our $2 and you throw it on mullet. We'll We'll be able to turn that $2 into 2 Cents Real quick. Real quick.

All right with that We should probably talk about the market because things are not looking the best this morning. Uh, let's see if this ever switches over. I have way too many tabs open this morning. Uh, the Spy we are below Friday's low 42108 What does that mean? What am I going to say? What is the call up? What is the trade idea? I'm about to pitch to all of you before I even say it I know it's early I Know I know many of you are on the stair seer right now I know many of you are getting your gym session in right now.

Maybe the caffeine hasn't hit your system. but to the early risers in here or the people who are just maybe in Europe and it's already there. a Gap Full Almost. We're almost at a gap full.

But we are going to talk about the Gap fill trade idea of the day. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezies 42108 currently trading at 41924 That's the upside T A135 That's a nice little upside capill Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezies so that's that's free freebie right there. Um, if it doesn't work well, don't don't come complaining to me. But if it does work I would love the accolades I would love the Applause I would love just really to bask in the glory of chat saying wow, maybe that Matt kid does know what he's talking about.

But once again, if it doesn't happen if it doesn't go that way, let's maybe just pretend that I didn't even talk about it. Or maybe we'll just be like oh man, like the dark pools and the market makers, they're really doing anything they can to like. make Matt look like embarrassed. They're doing everything they can to embarrass them.

You guys know all that. You guys know the name of the game. The name of the game for this particular show is if I get the call right. it's just confetti.

It's fireworks. It's celebration. But if I get it wrong, it's um, all like micro cases of Amnesia Like let's just do our best to forget it. That's the name name of the game.

That's how we're going to do it. So anyway, the the market not looking good Now you might be thinking to yourself, but Mr Mato Professor Mato hola Professor Mato What gives? Why are things looking so negative? Well there there's a couple things to talk about. and the major thing I want to talk about is the US 10 y the US government bond 10year yield. Remember yields and bond prices move inversely so.
if Ys are going up, bond prices are going down. If bond prices are going up, yields are going down well, yields are going up. In fact, in the overnight session, they were cruising for a little bit above 5% Now for those of you who are astute viewers of the show, you might be thinking hey man, you've been calling out for the US 10y to get above 10 5% Excuse me above 10% We'd have problems. Well, we arguably already have problems, but you might be like you were the kid who was saying Ginger usually.

Oh I Wouldn't be surprised if it gets above the 10 and boom it got above the 10. So that's that's not good As these rates are going up. People are just any interest pairing thing. people are paying more money.

So anything that has elastic pricing, it's just getting tough. Think about anything you buy that you usually pay for like on in a loan situation. cars, houses. Um Texas Roadhouse bills.

Whatever it is. Whatever you're paying off on an interest based situation there, it's going to get more expensive. Those interest payments are getting higher. No buo.

So when we see Yields going up, that is basically going to end up putting a like a it's the party pooper. it's the Negative Nancy It's dampening demand, so that's going to be important. especially for expensive things. Whether you're buying a car, a computer, a house, all that very real world impact.

so Yields going up, bonds continuing to get get destroyed. Here's a look at: TLT These are the 20year bonds. Just absolutely nose diving. Remember, bonds and yields moving inversely.

Uh, another little I Guess sprinkle on this confection of bearish disaster is the fact that the dollar has been ripping. Now this is the dollar Index Dixie dxy This is the US dollar versus a basket of other currencies namely the Euro And then the second one in the basket is the Yen. The third one in the basket is the pound. And there's many other things in this basket of currencies, but no one really memorizes what's past the third one because no one really cares.

But what you need to know is, if the dollar is becoming expensive relative to other currencies, what does that mean? Why is that negative for the market? Well, think about it. Any company that is doing business in another country, they're going to be conducting business in the local currency. but by the time they convert it back to US Dollars Well, if the exchange rate's not in the favor, they're It's actually hurting them because they're not going to just be changing prices in the other country. I mean I Guess it could, but it's just not really typically how businesses run.
So if you're selling it for A1 EUR selling it for1 EUR selling it for1 EUR But if the dollar Index is ripping by the time you convert those 100 EUR back to USD. Well, if the dollar keeps ripping, you're actually getting less because the conversion is not in your favor. Once again, just hitting your bottom like hurting your bottom line. So if we're in a weird situation where we're seeing Yields ripping the dollar Index ripping.

Of course, it's fair to assume that there's going to be quite a bit of downside pressure in the overall stock market. So these are some economic things, and why are we seeing them prevalently right now? Well, this past week, the Chairman of the FED Jerome Powell had a speech at the New York Economic Club and he continued to Echo his favorite verbiage over the past couple months of rates are higher for longer. He sounded very, very hawkish. And in this particular circumstance, this particular situation of the economy and all that good jazzz, it does seem as if, well, we know it, that hawkish is equivalent to bearish in the stock market.

So the Federal Reserve the people in charge of our monetary policy are currently very, very hawkish, and they're not necessarily showing any signs of taking their foot off the gas. Now, we do have another Fomc meeting coming up next week. Wednesday November 1st we get the results of the Fomc as of now. As of the time we're chitchatting live.

It does appear as if there's going to be no rate change this time around, but there's about a 30 to 40% chance in the December Fomc meeting that they raise interest rates by another 25 bips. What will this do most likely yields, Keep going up. The dollar keeps going up, putting downward pressure on the stock market, and definitely putting a particular amount of downward pressure on banks. Remember when we saw a couple banks.

blow up what? 6 months ago? that was all because bonds are plummeting. So when the FED is increasing the Federal funds rate, that causes yield to go up. Thus, bond prices to go down. So all these banks that YOLO into Bond positions when bonds were pretty expensive, Well, bonds are dropping, dropping dropping dropping.

So on paper, they have a big hole. like a big unrealized loss. Now you could say well, hang on. if they hold it to maturity, they're going to be fine and that would be true.

But sometimes when you can't hold it to maturity, you have to do something such as I don't know a stock offering This that the other thing and it could cause people to feel a little bit worried, maybe a little bit of panic now just to be as balanced as I can. To be fair, the Chairman of the Fed Jonp and also the Secretary of the Treasury secretary Janet Yellen both have said hey, there's nothing to worry about. In fact, what was it Harker or Jeff One of the FED members was saying hey, like my base case, isn't even a recession Now are they telling the truth? Maybe. but I don't necessarily want to bet my life on that.
And then even if they are telling what they perceive to be the truth, are they good at what they do? I Mean it wasn't long ago where they're like yeah, no, everything's fine. Market's going to like just rip and rip and rip and rip and it's obviously not. So I Don't necessarily believe them that what they tell us is what they truly believe and even if they truly believe it I don't necessarily believe that they're right all the time. because if we look at the government, if we look at the Federal Reserve if we look at a lot of things, they commonly mess it up so uh, just trying to be balanced there that as much as you and I don't know anything I feel like our government the Federal Reserve Wall Street as a whole I think we all equally don't know a lot of things I Think that's a pretty fair statement, so that's a little bit of a wrap up of what happened last week for this upcoming week.

Obviously, we still have earnings. We have a bunch of macroeconomic announcements and updates and reports this week and next week, so let's dive a little bit more into the specifics. What is this? Gaza Health Ministry says death toll surpasses 5,000 EU Foreign Ministers talk Israel Hamas in Luxembourg Dow Futures tumble 200 points on Monday as 10-year treasury yield tops 5% Uh, so obviously not only do we have earnings, not only do we have inflation and yields and all this and that and the other thing there's a war in Israel Us: pushes for release of hostages May delay Israeli ground war but won't stop it Israel Us demand unconditional release of those held by Hamas Isra says it won't wait long to start ground Maneuvers Uh, let's give this a listen. Uh.

ground invasion of Gaza may be delayed and why is the audio not playing some movement on on the front of getting some of those hostages released? Yeah? Paul The Um on on Friday an American woman and her daughter were released um and I Think this idea that it's possible to get people out potentially uh before any attack Um perhaps has has. Um has reshaped the calculus a little bit. for Israel there's more than 200 people is understood to have been taken hostage states of of Health Some some are wounded, some are old, some are young. um so it's unclear what would go on there.

but yes, that's the that seems to be the word coming out. that um that Israel was is prepared to allow these to to take their course and um and perhaps it might even reshape its ground campaign based on on this idea and we're finally seeing that Rafa Crossing into Gaza play Um, how much Aid have we seen trickle into Gaza and what's the situation there? Yes. Sherry There's been two lots that have gone through and uh and a workers are saying this is a this is a drop in the ocean compared to what's needed Uh, my understanding was there's about there's about 40 40 trucks that are supposed to come through and and uh today I think is the is the Hope for that and uh and a workers were saying they're going to need at least 100 uh to be passing through a day to to sort of meet the uh the requirements of the of the humanitarian crisis there. Obviously we've had a lot of people move from northern Gaza down to the south towards that rough our Crossing uh these people are displaced.
They they don't have access to food and water as they would in their normal home environment so it's a very difficult situation. But the fact that that Crossing is open is is good news in terms of the humanitarian front. But still we're seeing a lot of deaths going on um from from the bombing campaign that's going on there one Hospital reported that it had 170 dead people come in and that's just from a bombing on a Sunday. So yes the civilian casualties are very very high.

And then meanwhile in in Northern Israel and Southern Lebanon we've got this sort of Shadow Boxing Shadow campaign going on between Hezbollah and and Israel um Hezbollah saying it's not going to allow Israel to uh to Um to to achieve its goals in terms of rooting out Hamas Uh and of course the you know sorry Hezbollah is is backed by Iran as is Hamus And so this again comes down to this question of whether we see a widening of the conflict there. So yes, there's a lot lot in train at the in terms of the rougher Crossing it it is open kind of in One Direction uh why the hesitation from Egypt to to allow refugees to flow the other way? it's a it's a good question Paul And the basic idea is that in sin in that area that they'd be going into Israel Egypt had a lot of uh instability there with um with not Muslim Brotherhood but militants who've been there and they they were really afraid that if they get a big influx of Palestinians that's going to exacerbate that problem there. so they're really Keen that uh no one's coming out, only eight is going in there just to just so they can control that area. All right.

So a little bit of an update over the weekend. it does seem as if the conflict is getting like it's worsening. It feels like the trajectory the velocity is picking up in the negative Direction So obviously it's just it's horrific. Israel says hasah dragging Lebanon toward War as Town MC So that is to the North of Israel.

So remember what's going on geographically here, but to the north you have Lebanon That's where has is uh, they are a militant group clearly sponsored by Iran Hamas is on the west southwest side of Israel. That is a group that's not necessarily directly sponsored by Iran but it's kind of like the enemy of my enemy is a friend thing. So it's thought that Iran is helping them out and then to the Southwest that's Egypt and that's what they were talking about with the peninsula and refugees and all that stuff. So uh, just a little bit of an update there.
The US and Israel weit a future for Gaza without Hamas. So the reason I want to touch on this is this is probably one of the reasons why things are continuing to get very, very bad is at this point Israel is straight up saying well hang on Hamas wants to wipe us off the face of the Earth so we're going to wipe them off first. So if you look at the map of Israel, we could do this after the Market opens. Remember in Israel, the Palestinian region is split into two different parts.

On the east side, you have what's the West Bank and I. Know that's a confusing thing, but it's on the east side is the West West Bank that's under the Palestinian Authority control. It's a little bit more developed. It's a little bit more like what we would think of like Western culture of bars and restaurants and that type of a thing.

But on the west side of Israel you also have another Palestinian region. This one's controlled by the militant group Hamas and that's the Gaza Strip And it's basically third world. It's run down. It is not like it's just not a developed area like it was pretty bad before and now the bombing, the fighting, it's even worse.

It's very much think of a third world developed area. Uh, so that's where Hamas is and now the world is kind of talking about. Well Israel is saying hey, we're going to take them out. they want to take us out.

We're going to take them out. So uh, with this it's kind of the connotation that the fighting is going to get more serious. unfortunately. Uh, so we're going to come back.

There are some major Updates this morning I Just want to fit this in before the market Bell does go ding Andy ding ding ding So bringing it back to the stock market, we are in the swing of earning season. Last week we had Netflix beat Tesla also reported got beat Uh this week continuing we have Microsoft we have Google we have Snapchat we have Visa we have meta we have IBM we have Amazon we have Exxon Uh, we actually have another update on some oil stuff. Uh, so we are in the middle of it. Uh, if you're in more of the world of Esports playing Esports stocks uh Logitech reports after the market closes today.

Uh, but feel free to take a screenshot of this. Uh, feel free to just go to E Whispers on Twitter It's a great account. Uh, in terms of news related to individual companies individual equities Chevron to buy hes Corp for 53 billion in second oil Mega merger in week so Chevron buying hes recently Exon bot Pioneer We're kind of seeing, uh, interesting development of right now is apparently a prime time for Mega oil Mega Energy companies to be absorbing smaller ones. so uh, similar to the Exxon Pioneers deal, the bigger company taking a little bit of a hit while the smaller company the one being acquired is obviously shooting up in price.

Taylor Swift Aist Tour Concert film adds another 31 million to domestic tally in week two. Taylor Swift's a tour's concert film snared a 31 million during its second weekend in theaters, the most of any concert film at the domestic box office. The weekend figure is a 66% drop from the first weekend, which is on par with Blockbusters hits from Dar Mar Marvel DC and Star Warss. In total, that ARS film has secured an estimated 129 million at the domestic box office.
Well, this is better than nothing, but it's also not as good as like I heard people calling out billions of dollars. So some money is better than no money. Obviously with this the distribution deal, people going there buying concessions. Some money is better than no money.

The issue is, is it enough money coming into the movie theater to help with its $4.5 to5 billion dollar of debts? And as of now, that answer is no. But once again, this is it's helping alleviate the situation. It's just the question of how good is this particular medicine. Um, on this note, well, not particularly related to AMC but related to Taylor Swift I'm starting to get to the point that I really believe that the NFL is like really using her if you watch any of the Chiefs games.

I think they show Taylor Swift and her reaction more than they show the actual football game at a certain point. like just dude, she's a person. like just let her be there and watch her boyfriend play football. Why does there have to be a secondary screen all the time showing us what Taylor Swift is doing like chill.

she she's a person litter watch football but the NFL is so far up her ass on everything she does. they're like oh my God look at her celebration oh my God look at her drinking water. oh my God look at her just sitting there with hair like chill like I I don't understand why they keep doing it and I in no way blame it on her. she's just being a human going to a football game, watching her boyfriend who's one of the best tight ends ever play football.

That's cool, but why is the like Dude, it's just it's my issue is 100% with the NFL and not with her I think she's living her life. she's doing what I would expect her to do and I I just don't get what the NFL is doing. They just need to chill. They just they really really just need to chill.

Gaza Health Ministry says death toll suppress. Oh, we read that unfortunately. um, Mattc pinned to the top of chat or no, it's not. it's in the description of the video.

What's pin to the top of the chat is strey more on them in a second. Um, but this is a free newsletter comes out every weekend I Break down the previous week What? I'm looking towards the upcoming week. All the major macroeconomic events for today. There are none scheduled.

Uh, but near the end of the week, it does get exciting because we get the GDP report and we also get the Pce report on Friday so Thursday and Friday respectively. So uh, even though there's no major macroeconomic events today, we do have fed speakers pretty much this whole week. Obviously, we're in earning season. so I write down all the ones that I think you're going to be interested in.
the seasonality for today. Monday October 23rd is bullish. Over the past 25 years, the Bulls have won this day just over 61% of the time. Here's a look at the equity curve.

Uh, once again, buying it open selling at close this day has favored the Bulls later on this week. A little bullish, uh, bearish, neutral, and then once again bullish. So uh, mixed situation. Uh, here's how all the zero DTE trades went last week.

The signal went was batting a thousand uh, 10 out of 10 trades it hit, it was awesome. and then I just do a chart breakdown. If you're more interested in this chart breakdown of Tesla the NASDAQ Bitcoin Tesla Nvidia and Disney uh, feel free to watch the stream from yesterday. Uh, definitely went in more detail there five things to know before that stock market goes dingy ding ding ding today Monday October 23rd bond yield boost the 10 years got above 5% and everyone's W Acting as that the world is going to just straight first class ticket to Doomsday and that's why we're seeing things negative this morning.

Do I Think it's going to hold? Not necessarily there is the upside Gap Fill There was a lot of put premium that ended up expiring worthless on Friday So I think you're going to have a lot of options market makers who are in the middle of balancing out their books. so I think that could maybe not necessarily be bullish, but it could not be adding to the bearish situation. So I wouldn't actually be surprised if we see a little bit of a re mean reversion taking a breather type of Bounce this week Um, I'm not going to like bet my soul on that. Obviously you never know what these earnings are going to be.

You never know what's going to happen in Israel Like there's a lot of unknown. so I'm not necessarily married to that, but barring any craziness just looking at the options. Market I Wouldn't be surprised if there's a bit of a a bounce. Uh, Tech Torrent.

Just a lot of earnings CS This week we went over that. eight arrives in Gaza. We'll be covering that in more uh, detail. in a second, oil consolidation ramps up.

Well, we know Chevron buying hes recently Exon buying Pioneer more Google Scrutiny This is from Japan and their FTC their Fair Trade Commission Just another big tech company getting accused of monopolistic practices, so something to pay attention to there. Uh, I Do have an update on Kathy Wood and Arvest but we're going to come back to that after the Market opens because we have a couple seconds left. Now before the Market opens, you have less than 1 minute. Let me know.

let me know. Let me know because you guys are my financial advisers. Are you bullish or bearish? Today we are opening up below the low from Friday which does set up the opportunity for an upside. Gap If you were playing the upside Gapville, You' be playing it to the low of Friday which is 42108.
We're currently trading at 41958 so you have the upside Target of about $150 Um, so there that's a playable thing if you were thinking whoa, this got a little overextended. if you're looking for maybe a little day trade reversion type of a thing. it's going to be all the way up at once again. Oops, 42108, let me just make sure that's marked out here.

It is okay, we have that marked out. so I'm actually kind of interested in it. As always though, I'm still waiting those first 10, 20, 30 minutes for Market Open before I really make any decisions I just want to especially over the weekend and on a Monday and all that I just want to see how the big money is like really positioning itself. But anyway, 42108 is kind of what I would be interested in.

but that's just my opinion on the situation 50% of the time I'm right 100% of the time. And on that note, ding ding ding ding the casino is open. Best of luck to all. Play responsibly if not, have fun.

Now while we're waiting for the market to open, shout out to today's stream sponsor! I'm talking about Streetbeat. Streetbeat is a robo adviser. They do not accept payment for orderflow. Yes, you can buy and sell stock the way you normally would, but that's not what sets Street Beat apart.

at least in my mind. In my mind, what sets Street Beat apart is the fact that they have Ai and you could use it to make your own trading strategies and it will rebalance it. Auto updates based on what you want it. I Have a lot of videos on the Channel showing you how to do it.

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this is pinned to the top of chat. It's in the description of the video so no harm, no foul. Try it out for a month, see if it's for you and if it's not okay, no harm, no foul. But I Do really think you're going to like it.

It's free to download. Get it on the Apple App store. get it on the Google Play Store You could scan this QR code. You could just search it right now, but use the code Matt M A when you are signing up.

very important to do that because that's how you get the free 30-day trial. I Think you're going to like it? Uh, one new thing that I just think is important. They are continuing to expand their Partnerships with other brokerages. So if you don't want to put money in street, but you want to use Street be trading strategies, you could connect various other brokerages to it.

Obviously they're not connected with every Brokerage in the world, but that is continuing to expand so that's something to pay attention to see if it's with your brokerage if that's the thing holding you back. and also I want you to know just cuz I've been seemingly getting this question more lately. It's not just in the US um, it's not necessarily worldwide, but it is available to a lot of places in Europe So check it out. Pin to the top of chat in the description of the video or just download it.
It's free to download and use the code Matt when you're signing up if you want to use AI in your trading. I'm a personally big fan and I think you're going to enjoy it if you give it a try. Matt Matt Matt I can sell a call at 200 strike for 1735 Well, if you think Tesla's going below 200, that's a good way to be neutral on it I suppose uh, but it's ballsy. It's ballsy.

It's ballsy all right. I think I missed a couple other things I just want this Market to open uh Jason Jason Texas Roadhouse preferences if it's your birthday. half rack of rib um, either sweet potatoes or mashed potatoes and some green beans. but I did have a wild idea and I think that this is an idea that is so Grand that it actually might save the overall economy.

So when I was watching the National Football League yesterday I noticed that there were commercials for the dollar. Rita I Believe it's an Apple bees drink where you pay a singular dollar for their version of a margarita and hear me out. What if we took the Dollarita and created a partnership? Texas Roadhouse What if as you're enjoying a perfectly cooked medium rare steak at Texas Roadhouse What if when you're enjoying a perfectly cooked half rack of ribs, what if when you're enjoying a perfectly cooked chicken sandwich, you could also be washing it down with a dollar? Rita when I saw that commercial I thought wow, that's a great idea. How can we make it better? How can we improve it at an exponential level by a merger? What if we merge these Concepts a dollar Rita at Texas Roadhouse Something to consider? Well done.

Check. Shut your mouth. A well done steak. You guys better not tell me that there's well done steak lovers in here.

That's disgusting. TX Did you recently per chance fall and hit your head? Did you re recently get your head knocked into a wall that caused your brain to get hit off the internals of your skull? A wellone steak. We are a developed species. We're not little like amoeba, frog like things still in like the molten goo of the world millions of years ago were were developed.

We have taste butts, We can communicate. We can share ideas well done like at that point. Why even eat food like why not? If you're going to get a well done steak, why not just sit home so you don't ruin like our obviously your day is already ruined. But why ruin other people's days that's just CRA medium well or well done? What is wrong with you people? Why don't you just go to a hockey game and ask to eat the puck afterwards? Wait, people are complaining about ads running these.
dude. why is it getting so messed up? Uh, it says it should be running every 30 minutes. which makes sense because we're about 30 minutes into the show. so like sorry I have bills to pay wait second ad in five minutes.

All right, that shouldn't be happening it. You at maximum should be seeing an ad every 30 minutes. I'm on six ads. You've watched three ads.

All right? Should I just turn them off? I Mean obviously something's up. that should not be how it's going I'm on six ads. Um, one to two every five minutes I've had five ads. Are you guys like messing with me sometimes I Feel like you guys troll me just because.

like that's the relationship we have I'm on two ads, three minutes. All right? Well, I just changed it so let's try this. It is 9:36 so the next time you guys get ads, can you just let me know? Like from here on out, like let's not cry over spilled milk water under the bridge I Don't know if you're trolling me or not trolling me, but here from here on out from 9:36 onward. Like if you guys could just Like spam ad or something.

So we get an idea of when they're running. but I'm mine is set to uh, the widest window in between them running which is 30 minutes. Uh, zero for me add block. Well that's one way to do it.

Tell them Rumble's ad free I Got an ad spooky? You got an add-on Rumble Really, they don't really seem to run ads. it's more of like the host pitch ads. You can't watch ads all day if you don't start in the morning I Like that Joe that that's a positive way to look at the situation. That is a positive way.

Mike Get on Rumble Next, you guys should all be on Rumble there is I mean obviously danger I could get kicked off YouTube at any second. Uh, but that's not going to happen on Rumble No I am on seven ads since Nine jth Woods you're not really the person who would troll me. so you're on seven. What are they doing? Are they just pumping up their numbers for their earnings? They're like dude, we need like a couple extra million dollars.

Let's just run ads to everyone. Is that what it is? Uh, Tesla is getting close to me to want to add my position Holly Uh I Feel you sister I Hope I can call you sister Uh, but I'm of your mindset I think in the medium term it can actually go lower. That's my opinion and I might be right. You never want to take anything I say with any real seriousness, take it with many, many grains of salt.

Um, but with I think there's going to be I think Tesla's going to be forced to continue to cut prices to hit their delivery goals. If they do that, it's going to hit their margins. And if their margins continue to take a hit in the short to medium term, that's not so good. I Don't think necessarily 200 is going to act as a support in the medium term.
in the short term, it might. But I'm kind of targeting early to mid next year of when I'm going to continue to add to my long-term Tesla position in conference call and all of a sudden dingy ding ding ding the casino's open forgot to mute my mic. who's that awkward silence after that? GTA Nation If you need me to hop on that conference call and just set everyone straight I I'm more than happy to do it. Um, I am If you need me to call in and just get it running effectively efficiently and get them all like at the dude, bring us all in, there's a couple thousand watching right now.

Let's just all hop in the conference call together and let's just let's get GTA's Nation work done for the day. Let's let's help him out so he can enjoy his entire Monday Statistically speaking, when someone uses three or seven, there's a high chance of being a lie. So if I say I have three or seven friends, you guys would be like liar. Li Liar Liar Here are my three friends and you're like, no, they're not all right.

That's a good question. Turle Tom Turl Tom Wants we need? Uh oh okay ads again, add add add first ad. Now just all right. So let's set the timer.

We're setting the timer right now. let's see how long in between ads I appreciate that. So obviously, uh, let me know when the second wait. where's my timer? Everyone shut up for a second.

Stopwatch started. All right. Stopwatch is rocking, We're rocking, We're rocking. we're rocking.

Uh, let me know when the next one comes down. No ad, no. Well, so some of you are getting ads and other ones aren't Are you guys ruining my life? Oh did I tell you guys about my elongated eyeballs? I'm pretty sure I did. but I just don't know if people ever listen to me.

Um, the biggest mess up in my life is that I now apparently have a long at elongated eyeballs cuz I look at my screens and apparently it's like too close and apparently you're supposed to look at something far away for 20 seconds. For every 20 minutes you look at a monitor which is something I don't do at all. So now my vision has gone from .5 to .75 which is just bad enough to be annoying in your life where you actually have to wear glasses especially if you're walking around in the streets of New York and don't know the corner you're on because you never really like care to pay attention. Um, so your boy is suffering from elongated eyeballs and I just want to be honest with you cuz I I just I don't want there to be a smear campaign against me like before you know it Reddit ends up trolling you or maybe on Twitter or even worse.

even worse, like what if Forbes or Wall Street Journal picks UPS on it. World's Best Trader Caught lying: Entire audience believed that Mr Matthew Kors had normal eyeballs when in fact we have proof he has elongated eyeballs. So folks I need to get ahead of this I need to get ahead of this before it hits the wire before hits the fan I'm telling you guys now my ride or die audience cuz I'm never going to lie to you that my vision is no longer perfect and I I just want you to hear it from me before you hear it from someone else cuz I don't want you to feel duped I Don't want you to feel Hoodwinked I Don't want you to feel bamboo Boozled I Don't want you to feel as if I've been living a secondary tertiary fiary life behind your backs. that's I I Want you guys to be in this with me and if anything, I'm sorry that it took me this long to tell you I should have been live streaming from the doctor's office.
You guys should have gotten the diagnosis when I was there. You should have helped me try to pass the test where they're like oh, cover one eye like can you see that in the mirror and I'm like, no, it's kind of like actually blurry. You should have been there with me and this. This is my apology.

Recently I've been told that I don't communicate emotions well and worse than that, I've been informed that I do not I guess validate other people's emotions well, apparently I get combative verbally before acknowledging someone else's emotions. So on that note, on the journey for me to be better. I Want you guys to know that I I hear you I understand your emotions I understand that you could potentially feel betrayed by this and I don't want you to feel betrayed so I hear you I acknowledge your feelings. Your feelings are very real feelings.

They are real feelings. I Don't agree with it because I think you're being a bunch of babies, but your feelings are real regardless. Um, so I hear you and that doesn't necessarily mean I agree and that's fine I'm I'm I'm allowed to feel as if I don't agree apparently. Um, but I do acknowledge that you have feelings on the situation.

So there there's that Oh jeez, Good morning Bro. What's the next level of support on the Spy You think calls are too risky? Show us a nip. That's a lot of different things packed into one message. Good morning Bro, What's the next support level on Spy? You think calls are too risky? Show us a nip.

Oh man. well there's just so much to unpack there. It: it was so so small, yet so long. You know, like it was such a small message but had such a wallup to it.

If you will an ad, you guys are seeing another ad in only 4 minutes and 42 seconds wait. Wait. Are you guys the same group though who saw the ad for minutes and 43 seconds ago? Cuz if so, that's messed up. Or are you like a whole new group of people? So did any or any of you within the same group that saw the ad four minutes ago? Four minutes and 40 seconds ago, Raise your hand if you're like oh, I Got an ad just now, but I also got one four minutes and 43 seconds ago.

ninth ad this morning. Dude, that's more ads than there is show. Yes, the nose of Dallas got screwed and J and jth you're a member. I Thought: I Thought: members don't get any ads.
This is ridiculous. All right, let me just completely turn them off from this. Uh, let me switch it over to manual insert mid roll ads manually. All right, we're switching this up.

Um, so someone at like 10:30 remind me to hit that button? There we go. So now it's it's on me, at least for the remainder of the show. Uh, that's how we're going to do that one. All right.

We're back about 15 minutes into the day, which is a perfect time to check out what's going on in the old options. Market The old options Market Uh, Options Market is starting to bounce right here. you can clearly see it. Someone I don't know decided to smash the buy button at 943 9944.

Uh, so options starting to Peak and we're seeing price starting to Peak as well. Let's check this out on the 5 minute. Nah. on the 3 minute.

Okay, well. 3 minutes still looking bearish. 10 minute looking bearish. 30 minute looking bearish.

Daily looking bearish. But maybe just maybe the one minute's going to turn around which could help the three minute turnaround. Dude, even the one minute is below its 50 ma. Dude.

the Bulls have not gotten out of bed yet today. the Bears are still very very much in control. but I'm wondering if this is maybe the start of a bounce I Mean we're just seeing options buyers start to come in. Uh, the Delta is starting to push a a bit more positive.

Let's find out. is it call buyers or is it put sellers puts are getting sold and calls are not getting picked up. So uh, someone, someone just decided to sell a bunch of their puts. Uh, they were long puts.

So right here, you could see this dark blue line shooting up very rapidly. So it's not like people are getting necessarily more bullish on calls. Someone is getting out of a big put position. literally like as as we're talking right as we're chit chat.

and right now someone is hitting the rip cord on their put position. Uh, good to know, good to know, good to know, good to know. The Biden Administration has designated 31 regions across the country as technology hubs. Okay, Microsoft will invest 3.2 billion in Australia to expand its cloud computing and AI infrastructure over the next two years.

Imagine still thinking that Australia is real. Uh, what? Someone got jumped on stream. Hell heel, Mike gets jumped by Cuam Citrus and sweater God that's the name. someone's name is sweater God and they fight on stream.

We're just watching someone get assaulted. which one sweater. God And who are these people? I think I Now have more questions than I Do have ansers. Um, three things to know this morning.

Oh Yahoo Finance Is that the NASDAQ This morning? That's kind of cool. Hey, that's kind of neat. That's kind of neat. Are we missing anything? I Did find this uh, cool thing with Kathy Wood Stock falls on Monday as 10year treasury yield tops 5% The number one question Arvest Kathy Wood gets on her website.
The most popular question on Arvest website has nothing to do with investing in the US. The number one question on our website as we track these questions is why can't we buy your strategies in Europe according to the founder and the person who runs the shop Kathy Wood We found this little gem of a company inside of asset Code which philosophically and from a DNA point of view is very much like Ark that they know what's in their portfolios. They're very focused on the future thematically oriented. They do have a sustainable orientation which is absolutely essential in Europe We're terribly impressed with the quality of their Rise ETF own research and due diligence.

We saw it during the deal and I think we're going to hit the ground running if The Regulators approve our strategies there. and of course we'd like to distribute their strategies throughout the world, including the US. Here's what Kathy has to say: you recently entered the European market. You bought Rise ETFs in the hopes of bringing I I think thematic investing strategies to Europe Can can you convince European investors to buy into your philosophy of very concentrated Tech bets I Know you're still pretty small over there.

Yes, So uh, well. we we don't have any product offering out there in the form of a uset ETF and that's what we were missing missing since we were formed. I'm going to say for the past seven years Market little bit of a pop on those puts 25% of our the subscribers to our research. Now we give our research away for free, but 25% of the demand is from Europe And the number one question on our website as we track these questions is why can't we buy your strategies in Europe And so here we found this little gem of a company inside asset Co which uh, philosophically and from a DNA point of view, is very much like Arc They know what's in their portfolios.

they're very focused on the future thematically oriented. They do have a sustainable Uh orientation, which is absolutely essential in in Europe and in fact, uh, more than half of their funds are Article 9 funds, whereas I think only 4% of all the funds in Europe are Article 9 funds. So we're terribly impressed with the quality of their own research uh, and due diligence. Uh, we saw it during the deal and uh, I think we're going to the ground running.

um, if The Regulators approve our strategies there And then of course we'd like to distribute their strategies throughout the world, including the US Tommy European distributions. You know, a challenge even for a big American companies. how is it different us getting it out in Europe got big brand name recognition. Is that enough to to to break into the European market? Well I Think like Kathy was saying they know of Arc they know of Kathy She's a rock star here in the States but also so over in Europe as well.
The problem is how do I get invested a lot of Europeans actually find a way to buy the ETFs the AR ETFs listed here. But fast forward. this new Usit strategy is really a mutual fund or ETF strategy for Europe. The problem is every country has different regulatory rules and regulations that you have to jump through.

The good thing is the usage product can be sold throughout Europe and I think Kathy's going to find a way to do that. The great thing is people already know her and there're also people that love the research. Yeah, she's certainly a well-known name here. and in Europe sorry about a little bit of that Interruption What I did was I Like the situation enough that I took a little bit of a play in the cues.

My one kind of D gen play of the day, the Q's popping. Here's the NASDAQ um the tech sector on the futures market and what I'm doing is a quick little scalp up to 250 not on the prop account. This is my own fully funded account and uh, 21 21 I think this is the risk I think you can risk like 46 points. Basically I'm looking to a pop of just above where we saw the high in premarket.

um a little bit risky here just because here this is what I'm looking at right here. Nope, not right here. Uh do I need to open up the Q's load layout QQQ Let me show you what I'm looking at. So the 10 minute is really what I'm paying attention to Uh, and the 10- minute is battling it out at its EMA battling it out at its EMA.

So I'm wondering Okay, went up, got smacked, went up, got smacked, went up, got smacked, went up, got smacked, went up, got smacked. so that's one, two, 3, four five times and went up to this and I'm just thinking okay, even if it is smacked like will, there'll just be like enough in of an attempt right now. especially when we're seeing the options Market getting a little bit bearish or excuse me, we're it's losing its bearishness. The options Market starting to pick up, you could see it uh, more easily right here.

this is on the Spy but look it, you have the zero DT and the all exporation continuing to get less bearish. I.E get more bullish o I'm seeing ever since really this low at 943 uh, 943 till now we're seeing some bull step in. It's a bit of a risk, that's why I already have my risk set I'm not like if it just gets smacked here if this ends up being a fake out. Okay, that happens.

Um, but just trying to read some of the tea leaves. Uh, and wondering if this will pump just a little bit more. Um, not necessarily swinging for the fences of it. I Have a a set return I have a set risk and we'll just go from there.

Um, but hopefully it hits sooner rather than later. Um, the reason I was playing it in the Q's rather than the Spy was, uh, just I Saw the bids is coming in first on the cues. Uh, the cues were popping a little bit more so hopefully this will follow through. Hopefully this will follow through.
Uh, let's switch it to the one minute just so we can see this go and then after the after the first half hour bar. Come on. I Just need a little bit of a pop right here. A little bit of a pop right here.

Let's go. Just need to get my payday. Just need to get my payday. Let's go.

let's go. let's go right there. Come on. So no, no, is it going to be one of these days? Is it going to be one of these weeks where I get extraordinarily close and then I just don't get my fill? Come on, don't do this to me.

Just give me my 250 and we'll call it a day. we don't have to fight. This is not how I like to start. Mondays Mondays we should start without so much conflict.

Look how close that got. Just give me my money. Seriously, it got as high as 146 33.25 I'm trying to get at 146 33.5 I was as close as you could be without getting your money. No, no way.

Are we starting the week off like this? No no way. Is it going to be one of these things where the market Gods above are like a no, no, no and then like smash it in my face. Come on. I Get it.

I Get it. It's a joke. It's a cosmic joke from the market overid. hahaa I'm in for a joke too.

Let's screw around with Matt the way we always do. We'll make him sweat a little bit. but anyway, no, this is. this is sobriety Matt this is what a guy looks like who has been doing sober October now for 23 days I'm not going to it Chase I I Got that money I Could have made more, but look at this.

shutting it down Clos The workspace. Save the changes. Dunzo locked in the 250 Bada bing Bada Boom! Was it my fastest trade ever? No, it wasn't a classic Matt Kors 22nd trade but I made it in about five minutes. $250 in about five minutes putting up with some Monday jokes some Monday morning comedy where the metaverse wants to like ha like we'll just make like some some Monday laughs type of video I Get it.

Get the laughs out of your system I get why that stuff once in a while has to happen. But there bada bing Bada boom 250 Bada bing Bada boom. And when you make 250 that easily you guys are already calling for it. You got to celebrate a little bit.

you got to celebrate just a little bit. Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Street. There you go there you go. So about five minutes and really I mean Beyond I mean I don't know sometimes I don't know if you guys like when I break character.

If you don't like it's fun to be the D gen. but on a like a note of seriousness of like what I saw that made me comfortable. taking that bet was first of all, let's review on the daily chart: I Know there's an upside Gap fill I Know that the odds of Gap fills are very high. Are they guaranteed no.

But we opened up below the low of Friday Which means there's a gap. There's an untested region of supply and demand. and for whatever reason, there is a phenomena within the markets that they like to test those untested regions. So there's an untested region all the way up to 42108.
So before the market opened, I had that in my mind. Okay, Upside: Gap Though looking at that, another thing in my mind is the natural proclivity if you will of markets to revert to the mean as in the average price. Well, the average price on the Spy is all the way up. Here on these are various EMAs the eight, the 13, the 21, the something, the other.

these are all the EMAs all the way up here. Basically the lowest one is at 429, we're trading at 4250. So I Also know in terms of a mean reversion play. maybe just maybe we're a little bit too overextended to the bottom side.

so that's number two, making me comfortable to the upside. Number three is we on Friday There was a metric F Load a metric F load for all my European viewers. Uh, for my Us viewers, a metric F load. It just means a lot.

But you know how they sound funny, like they have weird accents and stuff so they can't say a lot. They have to say like up like metric they make up their own measuring system so they can feel important in the world. But regardless, um, it it just means a lot. It means a lot.

It means a lot. So we know that there was a metric F load of puts that were tar targeting 420 on Friday they expired out of the money. they went bust. Which means that the market makers in the options Market no longer have to have those sizable short positions on to hedge.

So I Can't say that there's going to be bullish momentum to the upside, but we can say quantifiably that there's less bearish momentum than there was relative to Friday. So looking at the options Market that's a positive thing, mean reversion? That's a positive thing. Upside: Gap Fill. That's a positive thing.

So right now I'm starting to three things. I'm like H maybe the Bulls are going to get a little bit of control here. and then the final thing that did it in was I saw the options Market officially turn at 943 Whatever was going on the options Market The purple line is the all expiration for in the world of options while the teal line is the zero DT uh. As you can see the Delta just greatly starting to improve as in quite a bit of bullish momentum and guess what price is now following suit.

So I see positivity I see bullishness in the options Market there's an upside Gap full. There's this thing called mean reversion and then also just knowing the structure of money and really gam exposure from Friday I thought that that could produce not necessarily bullishness but less bearishness. and then I saw it a line and then prices started to take hold. So I took the trade.

Does that? I Feel like that? makes sense? You know, like and is that going to work every time? God No, there's no such thing as everything that works every time like that just doesn't exist. But I saw the ad odds stack in my favor and when I was happy with the situation I took an over leverage bet in that direction. It lasted about five minutes I made $250 and then I moved on with my life. about I don't know any questions, any questions from the students in the back, the students in the front even though you're like trying to be teachers pet I do appreciate it.
It's always nice to have quality conversation. but what about the students in the back back? Like who? you're always showing up the class late I See you guys I see you but why you're in the back? Any questions from the students in the back and remember class participation it. It is an important part of your overall semester grade. so maybe you want to pipe up with a question now because your participation grade relies on it type of a thing.

or you're going to be cool. You're like sorry I was so busy at that frat party I was just busy rushing like 18 different frats and I'm uh this 9:00 a.m. class is like too early for me bro cuz I'm just like smashing natties with my Bros cuz I like Rush frats and I'm cool and I have friends and I got invited to rush and not everyone else did like that kind of a thing. What? what's the vibe of the day did you make? Do you make one trade today? generally I make more I'm going to end up making more today.

probably. um, but I've made one trade thus far. well thus far thus far. Raise his hand.

Spooky you sir. That sounds more like Catm Mores. Catm Mores is way cooler than Mtor. How do you explain Market Bamboozlement One word: Dark Pools Thought: this is a past fail class.

Uh no, that is the class next door. Underwater basket weaving is Mullen is Mullen I Got stock is Mullen I got stock I'm going to go with yes It just feels like you want me to say yes if a Candlestick has a really long Wick that means a small number of people placed large trades. no not necessarily I Guess to get a better idea of that, you would have to also look at the the volume bar for that trading candle. Um, in terms of like the like to understand I Guess the biggest take way I would have is that the market rejected that price.

the price try to go up somewhere. Let's find an example of this. This is actually a really good question. Uh, let's look at this day right here.

So what can this actually tell you? So the question was when we have a large Wick What does that like actually mean Does that mean a lot of large or a small amount of large players Pce a big bet? No, not necessarily. Um, because this can happen in a very liquid environment where there's a ton of trades. Or it can happen in an illiquid environment where there's not many trades. So if you can't really take if that's not the proper takeaway, at least the way I look at it when I See this, it means that the market tried tried to do something.
It pushed to a new price and that was not equilibrium of supply and demand. It pushed up and the markets. No, this is simply too costly and then it sold off. So it tells me that there was a an attempt at momentum in One Direction or the other that the market basically said go f yourself and it started to revert a lot of the times.

not all the times, but a lot of the times when you see situations like this. it could be called like a hammer candle or an inverse Hammer depending on like which direction it is and it a lot of people view that as a the wick is more of oh, it could get rejected and keep going the opposite way. And in this random example on Tuesday August the 10th it went up, then got smacked producing a wick and guess what, it continued to sell off. Um, so a lot of people look for the market to go the opposite direction of the wick.

Um, that would have failed you greatly Here on Friday July 7th Huge Wick to the upside and it ended up exploding. Where's another big wick a wick right here on Monday May the 1st Wicked up got smacked, sold off. Um, so once again, you're You're always going to be able to find counter examples of any strategy. We have a wick here on Tuesday October 17th tried to break up Market did not think that was a fair price and it got smacked and then we sold off.

We have a wick here on Tuesday the 10th Wick got smacked, went sideways, then sold off. Uh, so it's more. Oh, here's another one. a wick.

To the downside, they tried to push it down. the market said nope, we think the fair price is higher and then it went sideways down a little bit and ended up bouncing. So I'm not going to say I don't know the odds off the top of my head I wish I did, because that seems like actually a useful thing to know. Um, but it does seem at least anecdotally, which is a very dangerous thing to do.

I mean as a person who tries to make all my trades based off of actual fact, um I hate using like anecdotes as like proof, but it does feel as if you have a large Wick that it's about to go the opposite way of that Wick cuz the market just for whatever reason, rejected it pretty hard at that level. Thoughts on: Netflix Uh, Netflix Very high now because of how it beat on its signups. its password after its password. Crackdown They thought there was going to be 6.2 million new signups in the past quarter there was 8.7 million.
3 thoughts on “Stocks are getting destroyed know this! the mk show”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Les Ram says:

    Hey Brother 👋 that ending theme song makes me feel sad for some reason…come back.. 😭

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaybo3314 says:

    Dogelon Mars going 🚀🚀🚀🚀💯💯💯

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaybo3314 says:

    Dogelon mars going 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀

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