MK Power Hour (Sept. 5th)
The Matt Kohrs Show

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The Best Day of The Week To Trade (w/ Proof):

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00:00 Intro
01:54 The Calm Before The Storm
07:12 Tesla
10:00 The Market
12:19 S&P 500 Falls
12:51 Mitch McConnell's Brain
14:21 Government Shutdown Incoming?
17:03 Important This Week
20:41 Oil
21:29 Earnings This Week
21:57 Rumble
28:06 Seasonality & Chart Review

#Stocks #LiveTrading #Options #Futures #StockMarket #Trading

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Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I'm part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future.

No cheese in the club. we throw cheese thickness easier. Good afternoon campers. Oh I just woke up to Kitty you guys can't see her but she's real sleepy right now.

oh hey what's up? look at her. she's so freaking tired. Oh kitty wants to go back to bed here. you could lay down.

oh dude already out. It took her like force. Oh it's okay, it's okay. they're more afraid of you are than you are of them.

Don't you worry? Don't you worry? don't you? Oh yeah, she's out. She uh she had a very stressful day to say the least at the vet. she was not feeling it this time. I don't know if she like somehow remembered that she got shots last time but she was pretty good most of the day like we walked her there took her down the elevator and the only reason I bring that up is last time we were in an elevator she wasn't feeling elevators.

this time around she was great with the elevator. no problem, no issue, all good. uh and then we got to the place and at first she was good. Then we got into the room and she kind of did that exploratory puppy kitten young animal thing and then like you could tell that she was thinking about it for a second and she's like oh these are the people who shove that needle into me uh so she wasn't feeling it after that point and they she was not letting him wear she like we were trying to bait her with all these treats and everything and then she ended up getting her second like cat flu shot or whatever the freak it is and then what else is it? Uh I think the first rabies shot or maybe there's only one rabies shot but I don't know the cast now rabies certified but she had herself quite the afternoon so while she's been sleeping for a couple hours now uh I decided to refine my RuneScape account from whenever I was playing it and I think I might be the best fisherman in all of RuneScape uh I'm not saying that I'm level 99 or anything like that, but just out of honestly respect for my little kitty here Piper who happens to be a big big fan of fish in general I figured I should just fish all day so I caught her some some trout and some salmon.

Granted It's All Digital property at this moment so I don't really know how to like transfer it to her. um, but that was my day. uh I also managed to lose money trading so that was sick that was sick, that was sick and I think I'm finally set up with TOP Step So if you are interested in using TOP Step as your prop trading basically if you're looking for a good test in between paper trading and using your full account with your own real money I like to think of prop trading as that good in between and understand. Please understand that the test is very difficult to pass, but if you do pass it, it means you're probably doing something right.

So anyway, if you're at all interested in that. I I'm not sponsored by them or anything I do have an affiliate deal if you want like 50 off or something. it's pretty similar to Apec So if you're looking for a discount, uh, the code like just click on the link in the description of the video. just so.
whatever. but what? I I Don't care dude I I have so many fish I have so many uncooked trout and salmon right now then it honestly doesn't matter to me if you sign up or not. I am I am fish rich as they say in the business they don't say that actually but it's gonna. it's gonna become a thing.

It like if we all say it enough, it'll become a thing. It'll become um uh. someone said drop my name. how do you find out your name? uh do I have to log in or something? Maybe log out.

Log In. Log Out. Log out to login. Come on my.

For anyone who wants that world, click here to log out. For anyone who wants to At Son of A I think it's Moon Man147 m-o-o-n-m-a-n147 I Believe it's that moon Man one four seven password obviously the duck Boy let me see if this is right. Yeah, um, any of you. Nope, that's not right.

Try again. What did I put in my password wrong? I Literally just got this all recovered today. Uh, hopefully I'm not putting my password in the chat here. This has to work.

unless that's not my name. we're having problems. We're definitely having some technical difficulties. if you upgraded I think it's that I don't know I'll figure it out.

We have some Market stuff to talk about. You know, a little a little bit more important than my absolute fishing prowess in the digital game. So let's put a pin in all of that and let's see what's going on. Let's see what's going on besides the fact that I have a sleepy little kitten here I'm the best fisherman.

Let's talk about the fact that Tesla crushed it. Please raise your hand. Don't do it quietly. Do it very loudly because you deserve it.

Who crushed Tesla today I Know at least one of the degenerates in here. You woke up after the long weekend and all weekend you're like I'm gonna follow the rules I'm gonna follow the rules. risk, risk, reward management. Follow my trading strategy.

Follow the rules. don't get crazy with it, don't over bet, don't be a degenerate And then a mere five seconds into the day, a mere five seconds in the day you're like, you know what? I think I'm in a full port zero DTE Bet on Tesla and it worked for you. So I'm happy for you I'm not saying what you did was a smart bet, but I would argue that it's at minimum Applause worthy. so stand up.

Take Your Bow Obviously, the whole audience will applaud you, but I just I'm assuming someone in here had to do it. Who did it? Just tell us. Just tell us I know someone before 9, 31 even him it was within the first minute I know someone in here Zero dte'd some Tesla calls, tell me, just tell me who did it and I also want to know how much you made because I just want to be jealous I'm in one of those moods within the closest Tesla DT be Friday Look at this guy. look at logical chaos, calling out the linear nature of time.
You have so much to learn. You have logical chaos. Are you even degenerately trading if you haven't figured out a way to jump forward to Friday And for Friday get some Zero Dtes, think about that. Can I blow your mind right now? Are you even truly degenerately trading if you haven't literally warped the space-time Continuum So you can trade zero DTS every single day of the week, including the weekends.

I Get it? You might be considering yourself some level of a degenerate because you're buying that week's expirations. But in here and it's cool chaos I Appreciate that Logical Chaos. It's all good. Um, but in here, we kind of bring it to the next level.

We don't like this. We don't like to be considered investors when we're buying expiration dates for that. Friday When we do it in here, we do it for that day. And in all reality, there's some murmurs of people in chat who are actually working on getting hourly expiration options going just just for us to get a little bit more crazy with.

So let's let's all. I Get it. We we were all first, even myself at one point in time I was even new to this stream. But let's just let's remember what this stream is for.

Let's remember that it's for the most hardcore, insane degenerates out there. So let's just let's just put that out there for a second. But anyway, the market. This is the definition of consolidation.

Um, you know how you have the definition of a male boy that needs to get his life on track? Go to the gym, get a tan, maybe do a little steroids, get a job, dress better like That's a clear definition. Well, the market consolidating today was a clear definition. lower highs, higher lows. The tech sector did a bit better, but basically we're just flirting.

We're just flirting with the breakdown of basically what we saw on Thursday and Friday of last week. You know how at your family reunions you get really close to kissing your cousin? but then you don't because for some reason you just know it's wrong. so you don't do it? That's what happened with the Spy today. It got real close to the breakdown.

It got real close to Kiss and its cousin, but then it stopped at the last second because it didn't know if it was technically illegal. But it definitely felt immoral. It's one of those things. I'm not sure everyone in here is necessarily going to get the metaphor for the analogy I'm going with today, but some of you will wait.

You don't All right? anyway? S P 500 It's so up. This is why I never get invited on Kelly Ripa this is she's like I just don't know when the kid's gonna pop off. This is why I Just oh Joe's like I was with you for a second there. There's someone in here who gets what I'm saying and everyone else is acting like no, no, I wouldn't do that I wouldn't I wouldn't do that.

None of us get it. Hey, the people on Rumble get it right. Rumble Rumble tell YouTube chat that this totally makes sense. You know? Come on come on man.
Rubble let YouTube know what's up. It's an analogy. This is a very common trading metaphor and it's not my fault. If you do, don't get it.

It just means you're not that aware of trade. It's cool. It's guys. it's cool.

Uh, it just. there's no quicker way for you guys to tell me that you're not an expert. Trader If you haven't been kissing your cousin wrong, why does it feel It Feels So Right All right. So hey, this is a professional show.

Let's bring it back on the tracks. S P 500 Falls To start the week pressured by Rising oil prices and yes, we're going to be covering that but oil when absolute Rip City today at one point getting as high as 88 on the news that Saudi Arabia is going to keep the oil production down by an additional million for the remainder of the year. so oil going up. obviously sometimes the correlation is direct, sometimes it's indirect.

so it's more of paying attention of what's going on with monetary policy. what's not going on with monetary policy and all that good jazz. So uh, worthwhile to pay attention to, to say, the lease. Mitch McConnell Brain scans found no stroke seizures after second freeze.

Doctor says talk about kissing your cousin. This sounds like a doctor who maybe was kissing his cousin a little bit too much Mitch McConnell Brain scans found no stroke or seizures after a second freeze. Um, this is I believe the same Doctor Who's basically saying he was dehydrated. So now you better understand why.

I Say this is the type of doctor who's also kissing his cousin. Brain scans conducted by Senate on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell How funny would it be if he conducted his own brain scans? He's like scanning scanning scanning. Okay, I'm good and he's like, seriously guys. I Think it was just dehydrated.

Found no evidence he had a seizure disorder or experienced a stroke in connection with his second public episode of Freezing Up as He spoke Dr Brian Monahan The attending physician for Congress also told McConnell that he there's no evidence he has a movement disorder such as Parkinson's disease McConnell froze up all speaking to reporters on one day he experienced a similar episode while speaking to reporters on July 26th Folks: I'm telling you, it's just dehydration. Don't look into it. Don't point out the fact that he's as old as time himself. Don't point out the fact that he recently hit his head.

Don't point out the fact that he's a geriatric that has way too much power. He's the Senate Minority leader. It's dehydration if you think anything's going on here besides the fact that he just hasn't crushed a couple. Diet Cokes that day, you're wrong.

I Want to make that explicitly clear? There's nothing else going on. Congress Returns with a clock taking to avert government shutdown I Wanted to bring this up because it feels like our government is always trying to avoid a shutdown. Which makes me think maybe we should just shut it down. You know the U.S government will shut down at midnight on September 30th.
Mark your calendar, set an alarm, Let's get ready for a party. Let's celebrate it. You know? let's get the streamers and the poppers. Let's do it all.

Uh, midnight on September 30th Congress fails to pass spending legislation. the White House and the leadership of the house and the Senate support a stop Gap measure to keep the government running but far right Republicans Want to attach conditions that include Crackdown on undocumented immigration and a vote an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden Dude, the fact that they go for this stuff like I kind of understand the undocumented immigration. They're literally talking about illegal immigration. It's interesting that depending on the new source you're reading, has anyone else noticed this but I find it I don't know.

I Guess a little bit funny of how depending on the news source, it very quickly goes from either being an illegal immigrant or they like to use a legal alien uh to an undocumented immigrant like it's the same. Man, it it just you know. And it's just to see the media Bend things in one way or another because that's what they think they want, their base, it just. it's kind of sad because it really just tells you that the news source isn't necessarily telling you what they perceive to be the truth.

They're always telling you through a lens to make you happy because they want to make you keep coming back because they want to Bullet boost their own bottom line in terms of Revenue So it still all comes back to the almighty dollar rather than truth which nah. I Don't think that will end poorly ever. The Federal Emergency Management is also running low on money as the agency responds to multiple natural disasters including the guy who himself so bad on a plane from Atlanta to Barcelona that two hours into the trip, they had to turn it around. Definitely a natural disaster that at least deserves a couple billion.

I Mean if we're giving Ukraine over 100 billion I think every passenger on that plane deserves a milli imagine being two hours into a flight and it gets turned around because someone blew up the bathroom. and I'm not even talking like with the whole terroristic bomb stuff I'm talking about biological warfare where the dude just his pants. um, bad stuff. the White House also asked for separate funding to bolster FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund Once again, I Think the government needs to step in with this plain debacle because there's only so much a person can take only a so much.

PR The flight was sponsored by Taco Bell that's a good one I Like that. All right. So that's just your little bit of a political update in terms of today and the remainder of the week. I'm looking over at the market right now.
Uh, catching a little bit of a bit into close, but nothing too special. The Spy is battling it right around 450. The queues are just below 379., the market internals are favoring The bears, but the Market's not really falling because the tech sector is still up. So the S P 500 itself and really the broader New York Stock Exchange just going sideways just we just don't have really the most going on at the moment.

But this might be a trend that we see for the remainder of the week. I Do believe that relative to whatever happens this week, some intensity, some volatility. we'll pick up next week because of increased volatility. So macro economic announcements we do have some earnings this week and next week we'll go over that.

but the seasonality really starts to favor the Bears excuse me the Bulls green favor the Bulls starting next week. So I'll go into the seasonality and all that. but I want you to know that tomorrow 9, 45 and 10 a.m We get some reports. So into the market trading: Thursday We have the normal Thursday stuff and then Friday nothing this particular week.

but next week we will be getting more inflationary reports and that makes this particularly interesting that Governor Waller agrees. The Central Bank can proceed carefully on interest rates that Governor Christopher Waller told CNBC on Tuesday that a hell of a good week of data will buy the Central Bank some time on policy decisions. While he was encouraged by recent reports on where prices are trending, he said that they also indicate that the FED can afford to hold rates higher until its sure inflation is on the run. So this is the concept.

Uh, and it's more so, like breathing some life, breathing some oxygen into what we've been talking about of how when we raise interest rates, it's not like we come down right after. Generally you raise interest rates and then Coast for a bit and then cut. If we were to raise interest rates and then fall right away, that would most likely cause a very severe adverse bearish reaction in the market. Most likely Market participants would be like whoa.

if they're cutting right away, that must mean that they know something bad going on that we don't know about. so it would most likely prompt a little bit of fear and panic. and I would bet a lot of money that the market if we were in the scenario where we hike, hike, and then instantaneously cut cut cut I bet the market would be a just like an absolute bearish. Feast So this is kind of backing up this concept of maybe them pulling off the soft Landing hike, hike, hike, pause, pause, pause, pause, and then when everything settles down and they get enough data points over enough time that makes them confident that yes, in fact, the week got it under control, then they would cut from there Because remember, we're always going for that two percent.
Target We're always looking for two percent inflation and right now, yes, we've made great progress. coming from nine percent all the way down to in the threes. But you know what they say that last one percent, the most difficult rate hikes curve output for at least a decade increase in interest rates cast a long shot on the economy. Effects of lower policy rates vanish after a few years.

I Just want to bring this up. We're not going to necessarily be doing a deep dive into it I Just wanted to bring it to your attention. Hey, if you're a little bit more of a monetary policy nerd I Found this on Bloomberg I Think it's actually a pretty good read of just what is or isn't going on and how there are longer lasting effects than maybe just the average person really even knows about or discusses or anything like that, so just wanted to bring that to your attention Saudi Arabia To expand Voluntary cut of 1 million barrels per day until the end of the year. That's exactly why oil went Sky High and it's been going Sky High You know it hasn't really paused since late.

June All of July Yeah. I Guess there was a period of it coming down, but since then, like pushes up, phase down, pushes up again. We got a clear breakout. the next stop at this level.

potentially 90 itself. Oil is ripping now. I Know a lot of you aren't necessarily trading crude oil itself, but I do want you to know that even like the related industry Exxon Chevron Occidental Uh, you could look at XLE the ETF tracking at all. it's just been ripping.

So for all the energy oil Traders out there, if you've been bullish on the sector, you've been making some good money. now, let's turn it up to turn it over. I Should say to some individual companies I Want you to know that after the market closes today, get lab. Maybe some of you coders in here care about that.

Tomorrow we have C3 we have GameStop we have chargepoint. we have Dave and Buster's American Eagle docusigns on Thurs Thursday Kroger's on Friday We're not technically in earnings season anymore, but there are some earnings reports coming out so I just wanted to put them on your radar in case they're in your account or anything like that, so just wanted to quickly share that. Now let's talk about some individual updates that came out today. This right here is a great example of how a person should be leading a company.

This was posted today: September 5th Chris Pavlovski Rumbles founder CEO and largest shareholder comments on upcoming lockup expiration Rumble Inc The popular video sharing platform today announced the company's founder and CEO Chris Pedlowski plans to continue standing firmly behind the company and its Mission. It will therefore not sell any of his Rumble shares When the lock-up agreements that were part of the company's business combination with CF acquisition Corp expire on September 16th. So remember Rumble ticker symbol. rum was actually first trading under the Spax symbol Cfvi Rumble went from being a private company to a public company through SPAC acquisition and actually when it did that, it was one of the few that was actually successful in quite a while.
Just we've seen a lot of spec deals falling on their face. So when you do this back deal, there is a lock up period. And right now as you can see that lock up period for a lot of the people who were with the company for a while members of the board, their period ends on September 16th, which at the time that I'm recording this about two weeks away. obviously they can all do what they want.

There's now no rules, so the members, the officers, the board members, they can sell stock if they so choose. But right here, the single largest shareholder of the company, the CEO and founder Chris Pavlovski, publicly stating today that he has no plans to do so because that's how much he believes in the company. When the lockup is lifted, it will become evident who truly stands for free speech and who has other motivations. I For one, remain deeply and passionately committed to our mission to protect a free and open internet.

I Did not take Rumble public Justice on my shares as soon as I can and therefore have no plans to sell as presented in Rumble's proxy statement related to its most recent annual Shareholder Meeting as of April 21st, 2023 Mr Pavlovski has the beneficial ownership of over 140 million shares of Rumble stock, all of which are subject to lock up investing requirements representing 44.6 beneficial ownership of the stock. So the founder of the CEO Chris Pavlovski owns almost half the stock it's in his hand, which makes the direction of it pretty interesting because as the single larger shareholder, he could kind of do what he wants and then obviously if you look at other board members and other officers that could represent actually more than 50 percent. So they're not necessarily going to be beholden to the whims of larger players such as BlackRock or Vanguard because they simply own so much of the stock and if you really dive into it I don't know the exact number off the top of my head but the way the shares are Chris The CEO owns about 80 of the voting. so basically what he wants to do, the company is going to do which I personally makes me more comfortable.

I Think it's a good thing as an investor in Rumble myself as a content creator on Rumble I Like the fact that he's not necessarily going to get bullied around by the classic Wall Street entities that like to do that type of a thing. So the fact that he owns so much and has so much of the voting right means that he can take it in the direction he truly seems fit opposed to outside forces pressuring him in One Direction or other. Obviously, those are my thoughts. But once again, as an investor in Rumble myself as a content creator on Rumble I think this is actually really good news, but it will be interesting come mid-september or really the filings after mid-september to see how all the dust settles on this particular situation.
Moving on: Med Employees are back in the office three days a week. As part of a new mandate, Meta's return to office mandate went into effect today: Tuesday The company began notifying employees in June of the coming change, which will not affect Meta's current roster of remote workers. So Meta Going the way of Amazon Zoom Many tech companies telling people to come back into the office. We believe that distributed work will continue to be important in the future, particularly as our technology improves, but for now, they want people back in the office because you tend to work a little bit better.

United Airlines Resumes U.S flights after temporary grounding on Tech issue if you were flying today I Feel bad for you because at one point in the day all of United's fleets were just delayed pause not going on because of a tech issue and I don't know what's going on with United In general, it just seems like it's been an absolute dumpster fire of a situation for them. It truly seems like a horrific dumpster fire. All this stuff right now because they are just left right and Center their problems and problems and problems. Some are weather, some are computer outages and some are just is their own.

like poor like logistical planning. So anyway I just want to throw this out. You could see what is going down with the stock. The ticker symbol for United is Ual, obviously taking a bit of a hit, but then on the news that they were turned back online, it didn't.

The price did revert a little bit. so more so I Just want to commiserate with you if you were impacted today. Illumina Names new CEO Months after Icon proxy fight over Grail deal a woman is born named Jacob Thaison. The new CEO of the DNA sequencing company stays in a 48 year old long time executive and medical devices firm.

uh Agilent Agilent Whatever it is all these biotech names and they're strange. We'll step down in as CEO on September 25th. So this all proxy Fight icon we talked about IEP We talked about Hindenburg So as soon as I saw icon I just wanted to bring it up to all of you and a little bit more excitement for an individual company. Next week, the Arm IPO Chip Design Firm Arm seeks up to 52 million valuation in Blockbuster us.

IPO This will be priced on Wednesday and then the IPO It'll actually start training on Thursday of next week just so everyone knows the pricing in between 47 and 51, which probably means it's going to open up even higher 60, 70, maybe even 80. so should be interesting to watch personally. I Have nothing against Arm, but I do have something about against training IPOs So I'm going to avoid it. but I'm definitely going to be watching the fireworks with respect to tomorrow.
Wednesday September 6th The Bulls have won this day 42 percent of the time It was neutral. A little bit bullish, but over the past couple years it's turned bearish. so I wouldn't say it's clearly bearish. but for tomorrow Wednesday September 6th I Do want you to know that the seasonal bias slightly favors the Bears I Wouldn't say it's overwhelming.

Definitely not neutral, but definitely not bearish somewhere in the middle. If you want this type of information, I do give it up for free on It is in the description of the video once again. Matt in the description of the video if you want the seasonality for free. On that particular note, shout out to today's stream sponsor.

if you haven't signed up already, what are you doing? Street beat pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video. They're the reason I'm able to do this. All of my sponsors are the reason I can do this. So if you are ever in need of whatever I'm doing the sponsorship with, if it's something that could benefit you, this that the other thing.

Uh, I Personally thank you because your engagement with the sponsors allows me to keep doing the show and not having to put it behind like a paywall or anything like that. So anyway, if you're looking for a Robo Advisor, if this is something that is particularly interesting to you, we'll try it out for three 30 days. Use the code Matt M-a-t-t It's free to download on your iPhone on your Android Um, if you don't necessarily want to put money into this Robo advisor. you can connect other brokerages to use it and then you could use their pre-bay pre-built AI copilot.

You could build your own Ai copilots and be using the money that's technically in a different brokerage or if you just want to keep this as your own Standalone thing to track how it goes. Hey awesome! Check it out. Check it out. Check it out.

so show them a little bit of love pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video. But the key thing is to get this 30-day trial, just use the code Matt M-a-t-t On that note, things are ending a little bit bearishly. The market is about to go Dingety ding ding ding and Golly Golly G Willikers golly G Williker's team. This is what's going on here.

What's what's going on with the sell-off into the end of the day? Um I'm gonna wait for this to kind of go. Dignity Ding ding ding and I'm going to talk about really a little bit of hindsight bias but maybe how you would have known to like avoid today. So first of all we know today could have really broken Anyway, if we look at the Spy coming in, let's erase what happened today. we had higher Highs but then we had a little bit of almost an engulfing candle on Friday but right at the end of the day it kind of reverted so I could realistically see okay, it's topping on this trend line or maybe we're going up to touch it so I did.
I Don't think I would have come into today with a bias which probably means I would have been like okay sitting on my hands till about 10. So here's 10 right here. Well here's how I would have looked at it be like okay I'm gonna go with whatever the market tells me right away the EMAs are pointing down and I see that the market internals are a little bit red so down down down. I Want to wait for reversion I think right here.

at 10 20 then 10 30 we almost get this breakdown: I Think this was a legitimate opportunity to short I Really really do technically this bar. Unfortunately, the very next bar would have stopped you out. so even if you were short at like 449.70 you probably would have been knocked out about 30 cents higher. So you would have taken a paper cut on the day.

I Guess in my opinion I'm trying to walk you through this of like how I will. Actually, we could do it. Let's do it as if we don't know the days. Uh, forward.

So this one probably maybe okay. it goes up. Now you're interested, you're it's pointing short. The internals are negative.

All right. Cool. cool. So now we're just waiting for a little bit of weakness.

We get weakness on the very next bar. You could go short and we're looking to hold it in case there's a capitulation. Unfortunately, right here on the next bar, it did pop up. so you were probably knocked out with a 30 Cent loss.

So let's just keep watching it not knowing how things are going. All right. Cool Where EMAs are still down. We're looking for a breakdown.

Does it come? No. In fact, it gets stronger. But we're not buying the breakout because all the EMAs are down. the trend is still down.

The internals are still negative. so even right here. yeah, if you're a little aggressive, you could have gotten into that. but who knows.

maybe it's changing like I don't necessarily like when it's hanging out up on top of the cloud. So you're right now. We just sustained like one loss. All right.

Maybe we should have shorted it, but the EMAs are now going sideways. They're not really bearish. It's a neutral day. Like we're not really getting any signals.

See how all these lines are just going perfectly sideways? Why take the risk? wait for a clear evident Trend All right, getting a little bit more bullish, Maybe. But the internals are still bearish. not feeling the best, and then it broke down. but these are even pointing green so you're still just sitting there.

Interesting. Now we're back to a situation that, in my opinion, is actually tradable. The EMAs are now down, The internals are still bearish. All right.

What do we have? What do we have? All right, a pull back up into the EMA Cloud at about 150.. let's see if we get a breakdown. We kind of do get a breakdown. Technically a push a bit higher.
So this is basically how specifically do you want to be following your rules? Do you want to be very conservative? Or do you want to be a little bit more loosey-goosey So I Don't hate the idea of a short on this particular bar, but if you wanted to be a bit more conservative, you would have waited for the next bar to actually break down. which never happened. So even in this one, you're short at 4482 and you're out. so that's another 30 Cent like hit.

So you have two paper cuts thus far today and let's see if there's another breakdown if now it's kind of hanging out up there, so maybe it it's neutral. we're just going sideways like there's just not much range really here. Now on this one. I was going to say as we were starting to go, it started to go red a little bit more so maybe right into closed and even if you took that, that basically would have made back either one or both of these little paper cut losses.

My point in going through this exercise with you is as we see it play out without necessarily knowing the next piece of data. There just wasn't much opportunity today. The opportunity today was selling premium around the range above 451 or I mean arguably below 449 and if you sold premium above 451 or below 449, both of those would have hit today. So understand like I wish there was beautiful, tradable Trends every day.

Unfortunately, it just doesn't exist. Some days are not meant to be traded, you're not always going to be like oh, this is great. This is great crushing, crushing, and crushing. No, some days you just get shitty like sideways consolidating days.

and if you think that's the kind of day you're gonna have I mean it is more than okay to be selling premium against it I Don't think I actually posted it today, but there was a signal to actually sell 452 premium and obviously that would have printed I mean you could have sold 451 premium. You could have sold 450 premium. Whatever it was this morning when we were going down down, this is where the signal was being produced to sell. whatever.

Like I said, it was technically 452, but you would have got more money at 451. Even 450 would have worked. I Mean at the end of the day, it was almost looking like 449 would have worked. So I wanted to go through this because I don't like this concept of how people feel pressured to trade every single day.

If anything, it leads to over trading. It leads to Revenge trading. It leads to chasing some days. There's just not good moves, just simply not good moves.

Iron Condor Yeah, you could have done an iron Condor Today it this was technically just a credit spread. A call Credit spread. Um, a bearish call spread. Like they're all essentially synonymous with each other.

It would have triggered right around 10 a.m today. Obviously you would have been sweating a little bit come like right around 11, but then for the remainder of the day you would have been feeling pretty good as Theta Decay Just eats away, eats away, eats away. So I just wanted to share that with all of you because I think today was a good example of yeah. some days it's just you're not getting reasonable signals paper cut so you would be slightly down on the day.
Please remember that good trading doesn't always mean profitable trading. Sometimes good trading means you cut a loss before it became even worse. You can have a good trading day that you're actually down money and then you could have a bad trading day that you're actually up money because you might have made a bad trade and maybe you just got lucky. So I just wanted to share that thought with all of you because I think sometimes it It is very, very easy to think that like oh, you're only good if you're making money and you're only about if you're losing money.

No, you could have good trades that lose your money and you could have bad trades that make you money. and I don't think it's a thing that's really discussed enough. so I just wanted to share that with all of you and hopefully there's just some better opportunities that we can dive into tomorrow. Now on that particular note, obviously, uh, don't forget to show Street Beat a little bit of love.

It's free to download and a free 30-day trial with the code m-a-t-t so make sure you're using that and then also I instead of using Apex I'm trying out TOP Step just because the people couple people DM me and they said that they like it better I Want to make it explicitly clear I am no prop trading expert This is only the second prop account I've ever really used I used Apex a couple of them I think I blew up six accounts before I got one that was profitable or like passed the test and now I'm trying it on top step. Just random people gave it to me and they said hey I think I like this a little bit better. so I figured I would give it a try if you're at all interested in it. If you're trying out Apex and you want to try TOP Step or if you've heard me talk about prop trading and you want a discount just to try it out.

Like I said, the best way I could describe it is it's a little bit in between paper trading and actual full-fledged trading. Uh, and the concept of it is you pay to take this test so you're trading a paper account and then if you do well enough, they fund your account for you. Uh, it's hard to pass the test I Want to be completely honest and transported and forthcoming with you? These tests are not easy to pass, but I think that's kind of a good thing because it's ensuring that you're following good risk reward management. You're not over trading.

You're basically taking like a lot of singles and slowly adding to your account. so I have no idea if I'll be able to pass I Don't want you guys to think that I'm somehow coming off as some like expert dude who crushes every single prop account. no it on Apex, it took me like six times to get one. Well, technically it was the seven times that I actually hit the requirements.
So this time around, maybe I'll do it. Maybe I won't. but that's in the description of the video. That's what I have for you.

We're going to be posting some content later on today. we're going to be streaming once again tomorrow morning 9 A.M Bright and early so you better be there if you haven't Checked it out already on both Rumble and on the second Um channel the second YouTube channel Matt Core is number two. Uh I Posted a video with some data and some science and some proof of the best day of the week to be a bull and the best day of the week to be a bear. So if you want to know which day gives you the best Edge I Highly recommend you check out that video.

Uh, once again, it's both on the secondary YouTube channel and the normal Rumble Channel That's what I have for you now. I'm gonna hang out with my Sleepy Kitty I Appreciate all the Good Vibes talk to you later. Peace out, have a good one! Oh foreign.

One thought on “The calm before the storm mk power hour sept. 5th”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Nichols says:

    Fish Rich Degenerates!

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