Hello Bullishness, My Old Friend
The Matt Kohrs Show

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Thank you Foreign! Thank you Oh brother oh brother oh brother. Let's Ride Good morning, good morning, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, Good. whatever freaking time it is for you. This is the Matt Corey show.

Today is Tuesday August 22nd aka the day you finally follow your training rules and make a butt load of money. Can I get a Huron chat? I mean I Think we need to be a little bit more militaristic in here. We're gonna run it the way we would run any particular platoon or whatever unit size would be appropriate for about three to four to five thousand people. So whatever that size in is in military terms, uh, that's how we're going to be running this.

That's 100 how we're going to be running this folks. It's Tuesday not a turnaround Tuesday because yesterday was already pretty good. but maybe it's the turnaround week in. August I mean things have been brutal this month.

we've been selling and selling and selling. oh my mic's a little low. my apologies, is that better? sorry about that. sorry.

like before you freak out and lose your mind I think the Mic audio should be a little bit better I was clocking in at like negative 10 decibels and I should have been negative six. So I think we're better now it's I it's I tracks. You're always always optimistic. always in here with Good Vibes I Appreciate that folks before we get rocking today.

I Want you to know that the sponsor of today's stream is public pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video Public.com That's where you need to go and that's where you could get a 5.5 apy from the Old Government which is a very, very high yield. So if you're looking at the market and you're like, well, maybe just maybe that high in July was the high of the year and you still want to get a nice return on your money, check it out. It's low risk. it's backed by the government Public.com Where's pinned to the top of Chat in the description of the video? More on them in a second.

But I Just want to let you know that oh, you guys can't see her But we'll put it this way, we'll put it this: oh oh dude, why does this button not work? This is embarrassing. If anything, if you want Piper to eat, you're gonna sign up. Look at her. She's hungry.

She's unfed. She's upset that no one's signed up for sponsors. It's a pissed off Piper That is actually for real though. Like? On a separate note, uh, sign up if you want.

I Mean it's all you guys. but uh, she's been horrible this morning. So I think she, she's a kitten. Obviously, she's a kitten.

Look at her. She's small. She's an infant cat. She's an infant feline And that means she spends a lot of the hours during the night awake.

So when humans like us sleep, kittens are commonly awake. and she's been using this time I believe to study anatomy and physiology books because she has learned even at her size, the weak point that she can attack on a said human is your Achilles tendon like the thing down there like right on the back side of your heel. your Achilles that many NBA stars blow out. She's learned that if she goes for it, even a full-grown adult male, she can take down.
She's learned this in the past couple days and she's just going with it. Now she's just she. Whenever she'll hide under a couch, a bed behind something and when you walk by her, she goes right for the Achilles She goes like claws into the side of your leg and then she tries to bite her. she tries to take you down.

She's been doing it all morning and in fact, that's why she's tired. Now is because I've spent at least an hour this morning fighting with her. So I just finally tuckered her out. which is crazy because she's five pounds I'm 185 pounds.

You'd think that I just have a sheer size Advantage but I don't because she's so quick. she's so agile and then whenever I start winning in the fight, she makes me look like makes me feel bad because then she starts crying I'm like oh sorry like I'll lead up lit up a little bit and then she attacks me again she goes for the other Achilles So bottom line is, sign up for public unless you want an ankle biter in your life and I don't want to put this negative Karma on anyone. You're going to sign up for public pin to the top of chat in the description of the video no payment for order flow risk. Very very low risk 5.5 Yield from the people of the US government on the news of the U.S government this evening, there's going to be no afternoon show.

We're going to still be posting some content for you. but your boy right after this morning show needs to get on a plane. It's undecided if I'll be piloting or not. Obviously United hasn't gotten back to me on it.

Um, but it's up in the air If I'm going to be flying the bird or not, but I'll at least be on it at a minimum might be flying I don't know waiting for United but I'll be taken off from the state of New York and I'm going to be going to Milwaukee Apparently there's two Milwaukee's I'm going to be going to the one where the primary presidential debate is that's happening tomorrow I need to get there today so I can do my show from there in the morning tomorrow so we will be posting content tonight if I get to the hotel in time if there is good enough service. I will do a post-market wrap-up for my phone or something like that. so be on the lookout for there whether you're watching on Rumbler on. YouTube Make sure you're subscribed, make sure your notifications are on.

so I might be doing some sort of Hotel thing. It depends on the Wi-Fi but then I'm going to be doing this the stream from the debates tomorrow morning. the debate Arena I don't know. we'll see how it goes.

should be an interesting show. Uh, make sure for that when you're specifically subscribed on Rumble Obviously I'm there as Rumble's guests I'm doing it with Rumble so it's going to be an exclusive on Rumble So if you're watching on YouTube right now at minimum, make sure you have a Rumble account just for tomorrow to watch it. It will be featured and everything. It's really fun! I Feel honored I Mean this is a crazy opportunity.
Never in my life that I think did. Generally trading on the interwebs will lead to doing my show from a presidential debate that's absolutely insane And shout out to Rumble for making it possible so that's going down tomorrow morning. then I'll be there for the debate then I'm coming back on Thursday really really early. but I don't think I land till 9 30 because of the time zone switch and everything.

So the Thursday show I'm still gonna have a morning show but it's going to be in the realm of like 9 45 10 a.m So I'm still going to do the Morning Show on Thursday It's just going to be a little later than you guys normally expect so just want to throw that out there. So you guys know my schedule so you guys know Piper schedule and feel free to give me your schedules I Feel like a lot of the time this is almost like a a two to many way relationship like you guys know about me and Piper but I don't know about you guys so like what? What's your schedule today? What's your schedule tomorrow? What's your schedule Thursday like I Feel like it's kind of awkward at a certain point. Like I tell you guys my schedule, but what's your work schedule? What do you guys doing? Do you have to pick a kid up from soccer practice? You have a soccer game? What about baseball? Are you gonna miss one of my streams because of baseball? So it's things like that that maybe? We need to make this a little bit more of a a reasonable, uh, multi-way relationship if you will. So that's what's going on.

Uh, just want to get that all ready. Just a little bit of housekeeping if you will for the goonie community. And other than that, we have some things to talk about because as you can see from the title, hello Bullishness my old Friend it seems as if we're doing some deep space exploration with our favorite bullish astronaut because things are having a nice nice bounce. If you haven't seen it, let me switch this over right here.

Spy had kind of a Nike Swoosh recovery Bottomed out around 11 45 yesterday at 4 35 32 and now we're up about six bucks. I mean the cues bottomed out at 359 all the way up to 366. Tesla Ended up gaining 7.3 percent yesterday, up an additional four percent in pre-market trading Nvidia gained 8.5 yesterday, up an additional 2.4 So it's really the tech sector that's leading the charge, leading this gooning platoon higher just going up and up and up. Other sectors are a little bit weak.

energy, financials, utility, health care. They're not absurdly weak, but they're not really over performing. It's very much. Tech Look at your major Tech plays and that's what's keeping the NASDAQ up.
That's what's keeping the overall market up. Things are looking very good right now because of major Tech plays. So the major ones the two are Tesla and Nvidia. That's why they're on the screen right now because they've just been ripping Higher and Higher and I do want to remind you and I have more information on this in a bit, but Nvidia's reporting its earnings after the market closes tomorrow, so that's a big one.

But I also want to remind you that on Friday of this week Friday TGIF the day we all go to Texas Roadhouse Jerome Powell the chairman of the FED will be doing a speech from Jackson Hole not with Jackson's hole but from Jackson Hole one is a dude's body part, the other one is a place so they're they're close but it gets confusing I Just want to throw that out there. that drum pal the Chairman of the FED will be speaking Friday morning just past the 10 a.m hour ET Uh and the last time this happened a year ago, we were looking good. We came to that day the market sold off after his speech and then we kept selling and selling and selling for the coming days and weeks. So please please please please please please please please please please pay attention this meeting and understand going into it.

there's a good chance that we have some serious serious volatility so just want to put that out there that this week it's kind of a unique week. like I know for one reason or another we always seem to have like crazy amounts of volatility and I'm fully expecting that again. But the reasoning for this week is a little bit unique. In fact, you could say this honestly only kind of happens once a year so we're waiting for our Nvidia That's a big one because on the last earnings that's when it went from 300 to like 400.

So we're gonna see if they could do like a repeat of an amazing amazing amazing performance right now it's looking crazy strong cooking at 481 in pre-market training Nvidia is ripping so want to see what's going on with that obviously Tesla making a nice rebound Uh I know some people on Twitter and Reddit were talking about how they bought so much at like 290 and it was amazing and now I'm seeing them posting shots of the recovery from yesterday even though it was like a one day recovery and they're still very much down now. Obviously as a supporter of Tesla myself I want it to come back I'm not necessarily saying I like those people, but I am more of a supporter of my own money and my own Investments and I do like Tesla in the wrong long run. so will this keep going? I Mean there's a lot of optimism right now, but I want to throw out there that there are two things happening this week: the Nvidia report and the Jackson Hole meeting. So Wednesday evening after the market closes so we'll call it Thursday and then Friday morning those two things.

I'm not saying you should go into it being bullish I'm not saying you should go into it being bearish, but those two things have the capability of a massive swing to the upside or the downside. so pay attention so you can have your risk in check at those particular events. Stock futures are higher after Nasdaq's Best Day in August Well, I mean we are trending back to the upside which is looking nice. Uh, it had a huge push from March until about the end of July the start of August Until now we sold, sold, sold, but we are making a classic Valley shape recovery off of that when I say Valley I mean this middle bar on the left, on the right, the highs are higher and the lows are higher.
Both the highs and the lows are higher relative to this middle bar. I Like to call it a valley setup and we're going to see if we can get a continuation. For me, a Telltale sign that this would be continuing is if we get above and close above 441.43 the high from Thursday August 17th. If you're looking at the queues, the cues were even stronger.

I Do want to let you know that there's a downside gapville opportunity on the cues this morning. If you're a little bit of a like mean reversion day trader, you could play down to 364.59 if you so choose. Once again, a downside. Capital Not necessarily saying it's my favorite play right now because things are very much trending to the upside, but maybe if there's a bit of a weakness this morning, it might be something for you to consider.

But once again, another classic Valley setup and I'd be looking for the cues if they continue to the upside I Want to see the test around 368. now, if you're looking for solid reasoning of why we bounce I don't think there's like a particular earnings announcement or macroeconomic report that suggests it. If anything, we're getting some negative reports. To me, this is classic price action also known as mean reversion of when you get over extended in One Direction Whether to the upside or the downside, it is statistically common to see some sort of reversion to an average value.

That's why it's called mean Read version. It doesn't mean mean reversion as like a douchebag. It means mean as an average now I Know some of you guys might find that shocking. You might be like dude I Thought like we were like reverting to mean people like I Thought we were going to be talking to some of the biggest jerks on Wall Street and sometimes we do do that.

but when we say mean reversion, most of the time we're talking about price action Coming back to those average values. The moving averages whether it's an EMA is SMA But sometimes you get such an overextension. sometimes you can measure it on like a multiple standard deviation move and you're just looking for it to come back and just kind of cool off whether you rip into the upside or really plummeting. To the downside, that type of price movement is really tough to sustain for a large amount of time.

It's possible, but when you keep pushing in either direction it becomes more difficult. People are literally just running out of money and you're getting more and more overvalued. Or on the flip side, you're getting less and less valued. Like you're getting more and more undervalued.
So at a certain point it's kind of like a rubber band. Like you pull the rubber band out, it gets more and more difficult, and then all of a sudden snaps back to the middle. That's your mean reversion. So just want to throw that out there.

because if anything, we do get some negative reports before we go into that. I Want to show you I Think one of the coolest little videos I've ever ever seen when a helicopter's propeller is synchronized with the camera frame. So for those of you who maybe don't know about cameras, there is a certain frame rate of like how much is coming in basically per second. or there's some really high quality ones.

But as soon as you line it up with the exact speed of the propellers, it actually looks as if the propellers aren't moving at all. It almost looks as if there's like Magneto is just moving the helicopter. How freaking insane is that? How incredibly cool is that? that? Hey science man, what will scientists come up with next? That's my question. First, they give us sliced bread.

Now they give us helicopters that just float. What are they gonna do next? Scientists? scientists are just absolutely crazy. Absolutely crazy. Reminder: Tomorrow Not today.

Tuesday But tomorrow Wednesday August 23rd in the evening, there will be a primary Republican Debate: Eight candidates qualify for the first Republican Presidential debate. I Think a lot of people are looking forward to listen to what's going to be said or not said from DeSantis and Vivek. It seems like those two and I'm not telling you that if you like them, you're right or if you dislike them, you're wrong. I'm not sharing my own opinion here, but it does seem as like if the two people who have a decent amount of traction going into this are DeSantis and Vivek.

Um, actually. DeSantis even though in magnitude, he has a lot of Attraction, he's been kind of trending down for a couple, uh, weeks slash months while the Vic has been coming. On the upside, and you might see an evident person who's missing from this list by the name of Donald Trump who is choosing to not attend this and he's citing the fact that he's just so far ahead in the polls. Um, kind of interesting.

I'm recently reading like early this morning think that during that exact same time, he's going to be doing a live stream of the Tucker Carlson show. Like with Tucker Carlson I'm talking about Donald Trump Donald Trump going on the Tucker Carlson show. uh, on Twitter So this is a complete Fu to the whole system that he's literally just saying hey, I'm not going to be there because I'm so far ahead and then he's even gonna squash the popularity of the debate itself. Uh, it's a brutal move and it kind of I don't know.
like I wish more people were paying attention but that's completely selfish because I just want more eyes on my show. Um, but in terms of just like being a Savage move, it's a little bit of a Savage mood. It really really is. So anyway, who's going to give Trump the biggest run for his money now I could go through this and I did go through this and I could read what all the numbers are saying I mean look at this.

Trump already has 72.6 million DeSantis is the second place one is that 17 Nikki's at 14 but she's been kind of petering out. While the Vic is starting to pick up, he's at uh, three mil. Mike Pence doesn't even have a mill yet. he's at 888 000.

where does this money come from? Uh, so DeSantis is number two trending down? Uh, the Vic is starting to pick up. Nikki Haley's there, but she's kind of flatlining. It'll be interesting to see how it goes. I in my opinion I think we're kind of a little too far out to really get like a solid statistical understanding of who's doing well and who's not doing well.

Um, it'll be interesting. All I can tell you is that our political scene right now is basically a soap opera. and the wildest stuff seems to happen when you least expect it. So I'm gonna give it a bit of time and I kind of want the field to I don't know, thin itself out a little bit before I dive hardcore into like research.

obviously the major names right now I've been reading about it just because like as a human I want to know what these people stand for, what they don't stand for. so the major ones that I see on social media I feel like I already have like a good grasp on. but for example, like Chris Christie is that who it is? the old? yeah Chris Christie the old I think Governor from New Jersey I haven't really read much into him, but hey, I'm going to because you might as well be prepped up. But really, I'm bringing this up once again if you're just tuning in a reminder right now, I'm not going to be doing the normal Power Hour stream today because I need to fly myself to Milwaukee because I'll be doing my stream tomorrow morning from the debate Arena Very excited for it I Think it's going to be an awesome show and I'm very honored that Rumble invited me to do this.

so just want to throw that out there. and before I move on to the next thing I did want to get your thoughts on this exact question: who's going to give Trump the biggest run for his money? I'm not telling you you should like Trump I'm not telling you you shouldn't like Trump I'm not giving any opinion personal opinion on Trump right now I'm asking you who you think the legitimate competitor is because right now I don't know it's it's in my opinion. Clearly, between the santis and Vivek, those two are the people who really seem to have some sort of traction in one way or another and I just don't think that the other ones necessarily have critical mass. It is somewhat of a popularity contest, so it does seem as if it's between DeSantis and Vivek.
but I just wanted to know where you guys are at and it seems like JFK and four. Christy Interesting. So you do think Chris Christie has a shot a fine scene I Could appreciate that fine scene. she's gonna come in the Dark Horse candidate Pence I Don't think Pence has a shot here.

he's just not popular enough. Well I guess we could screenshot this and see who's going to be right in the future. But anyway, back to a little stock market stuff: S P Downgrades multiple U.S Banks sending tough operating conditions so S P going the way of Moody So Moody's recently downgraded some small to medium-sized Banks and they put the bigger banks on Watch And then before that we know that the Fitch rating agencies there's three major rating agencies. The S P: Uh, then we have Moody's and then we have Fitch with the Fitch one being kind of like the least influential.

But anyway, Fitch downgraded the US economy's credit worthiness. This was followed by Moody's downgrading Banks and putting bigger banks on Watch. And now the S P 500 has followed suit with Moody's in terms of the bank. so generally not a good sign.

but yet the market did have a decent recovery this was last night. So I'm gonna see if this gets baked into the price. today. S P joins Moody's in cutting U.S Banks amid tough climate in 2007.

in September 2007. it was a physical run on a bank. It's an image that will always be indelibly etched on my mind. It was Northern Rock These kind of downgrades are We inching towards a more another electronic moment of another disruption in flows.

Good morning, hey good morning. I Mean that's the big question. Weird ordering there. It's not really an existential crisis yet.

but again, more bad news for these small and mid-sized U.S lenders. so the Co-americas the key corpse. they're all being downgraded and a few more kind of having their outlooks. uh, sort of cut by S P comes after a Moody's move as well.

I Think you know there are these negative Trends and that is obviously not good for these smaller Banks. But in terms of when you look at the broader banking systems, uh, you know I think again. Sort of off a bit of a buffer as well. All right, so just want to give you a little quick synopsis: I guess of what's going on with SMP but not too much different from what's gone down with Moody's on the world of macroeconomics I Want you to know that at um, when was this at 10? AM we get the existing home sales and then we have the normal weeks worth of stuff and then Friday we hear from Jerome Powell at 10 in the morning, so mark your calendar for that.

also this week U.S Commerce Secretary said to visit China next week as high level talks to continue. So this was just announced when I say this week it was just announced a little bit before 7 A.M this morning. Interesting, especially because tensions with China especially in the world of semiconductors have been pretty high and I'm personally interested to see what Nvidia has to say about it. And then on top of that, we just know their economy.
China's economy has definitely been a little bit on tilt between Shadow banking, their real estate issues, their lack of growth issues. Uh, just definitely some problems. U.S Secretary of Commerce Gina to set to visit China From August 27th to the 30th, both countries announced Tuesday The Chinese sides readout said that she will be forthcoming. Visit was the invitation of the Chinese minister of Commerce Wang Wen Tau so we might be getting some sort of update for it I Just want to put it on your radar I'm not expecting it to have some sort of massive massive impact, but in case it does, I Just want to put this out there that this is going down next week.

Now to talk about some individual companies: low sticks by full year earnings forecast despite weakening sales as spring projects offer a boost. So Lowe's recently reporting earnings per share 456 versus 449 expected. And then if you look at the revenue, it was a slight slight miss, both coming in just below 25 million. Dude, Piper is losing her freaking mind this morning.

On top of that, there are some other earnings before the Market opens tomorrow, we hear from Peloton Advance Auto Parts Kohl's uh, Analog Devices After the market, the big ones Nvidia also be paying attention to Snowflake. Other than that, we have Dollar Tree on Thursday we have a firm Ulta Beauty. There's some important ones. Um, Lowe's already reported.

That's a nice one to know Macy's already reported. That's a nice one to know. but the major ones right here. Nvidia after the market closes on Wednesday Now not necessarily having earnings, but big updates in terms of just individual companies Microsoft pushes to get Activision done with fresh UK after.

So this is kind of the will they won't They think time and time again I Feel like Microsoft's been trying to acquire Activision Activision Blizzard For the longest time, it feels like this has been going on for two years and Regulators keep saying no, no, no, no, no no no no no no and they just are not giving up on it. So something to pay attention to. but it's going to come down to Regulators deciding if it's monopolistic if it violates Anti-Trust rules or not, so definitely paying attention. I'm a big fan of Microsoft Activision They should probably get unloaded.

They've been kind of bogged down uh, not only with some poor game performance, but on top of that just as a company they've been accused of some like just inappropriate behavior from higher ups and things like that. A little bit of a messy situation, but as a Microsoft Fanboy and investor and supporter I wouldn't mind them like kind of being a little bit more serious in the world of gaming I mean I obviously know they have Xbox but I think there's multiple ways that they could approve upon that arm. uh, arm right here. Will has filed to be listed on the NASDAQ right now they are kind of doing their tour basically trying to generate money for the IPO Remember there's three ways for a private company to hit the public market at least I should say three popular ways: IPO direct listing and and then you also have SPAC deals so this one will be an IPO Some signs of Lipio Market Chip designer arm filing to list on the NASDAQ Deidra Bosa joins us right now with more on that.
Hey Becky signs a life. But now the hard part Arm is gonna have to deliver. We got that F1 yesterday after the closing bell and it will list on the NASDAQ under the ticker arm targeting about two weeks from now. So now we have the financials.

We have the AI case, the business model. Now it is up to the bankers and ultimately the markets to decide. Yeah, this thing is worth 60 billion. That is the bottom end of the reported range that our is looking for.

That puts its trailing Revenue multiple between an AMD and an Nvidia. On one hand, it plays right into the AI hype cycle that has underpinned the Market's rebound This year, the filing pitches Arm as the quote foundation of the semiconductor industry, and it says that its own CPUs will be Central to the transition toward AI, But for now, revenue is declining as demand weakens in its main end markets. Currently that's smartphones and profitability has also narrowed. There's also a few yellow flags in the risk factor section.

This is an over 200 Page document. Among them: competition from free Open Source Technologies like that of Risk Fives its dependence on revenue from China and keep in mind that this is a unit. it's armed China unit that operates completely independently and also its SoftBank ownership whose interest Arm says may not coincide with their own interests or the interests of shareholders. There's also caution about the company as an AI play quote.

New technologies such as Ai and Ml may use algorithms that are not suitable for a general purpose CPU such as our processors now something that could drum up interest over the next few weeks as we get closer to that listing as arms. Bankers embark on a road show is Anchor or strategic investors. We've heard about this. We've talked about it: interest from an Nvidia or an Amazon for a small piece of this IPO That could bode well.

That could get the valuation up, especially if you have such a pure play like Nvidia interested in having a piece at this company? Perfect timing and on that note, the market is about to go Ding in Ding Ding ding I Just want you to know that for today: Tuesday August 22nd the seasonality is neutral. a bit sideways so we're not really being supported by headwinds or Tailwinds we're not really. nothing's really going on. It's a neutral day, so I wouldn't worry too much about seasonality.
Today yesterday I've been kind of over the past month or two. I've been working on the statistics relating to a zero DTE option strategy. This is a premium selling strategy I Posted the first one of it in the locals Community yesterday and it hit. So thus far we are one for one.

Um, thus far up one unit. so I will be if the signal fires again today. I will be posting it in here once again. Matt Cores.locals.com and on that note, you heard that my algorithm just did something.

my other the Piper algorithm. Uh, hang on first. Dignity. Ding ding ding.

The casino is open. Best of luck to all. Play responsibly if not have fun. And what did Piper do out of the gate? Uh, not only is the strategy feisty, but the cat herself is feisty.

Where are we at? Uh Piper went short. she went short right out of the gate. right out of the gate here. I'll give you a little a little lookie-see at what's going on with Piper So lots of problems yesterday.

this was all the action from yesterday here. I'll consolidate this a little bit. It went Hog Wild and it was really underperforming the statistical expectation and it was about two-thirds of the way through the day. I realized that the difference between reality of what the strategy was expecting in a paper trading account or excuse me in theory was very different from reality.

and then after thinking about it for a bit I think I honed in on what the problem was. So now we're on version like gazillion of this code to see what's actually happening or not. but right out of the gate Piper did go short I'm turning on the micro right now just because that's what I do when I'm trying to figure out the specifics of this code and as soon as I like it, I'm going to go over to the mini contract. But anyway, Piper is currently short on the S P 500 at least the micro S P 500 contract.

so you'll hear the oh brother when she's getting in when she's getting out around 10 am today. If there is a signal, I will let you know for the zero DTE Trading Strategy: If you're interested in a premium selling strategy that has roughly a 70-ish percent accuracy, um, it'll be there. We've done it once so far. we're thus far one for one and we're going to be tracking it obviously over a period of time.

so we're going to be I'll put that in there macross.locals.com But as the Market's opening up, uh, obviously the most important thing is today's stream sponsor Mac course that's me. If you don't know who math course is, you're looking at them in the bottom right of your screen invites you to earn 5.5 yield. This is all through public-public.com is pinned to the top of chat in the description, the video, and it's easy Peasy Lemon Squeezies I Could explain this so a five-year-old can understand. Hello five-year-old Are you having a tough time in the markets right now? or your degenerate options not working out the way you want it to are your crazy? Futures Trading Algorithms just not showing the statistical variance that you expected it to be? Well, boy oh boy, do I have a product to talk to you about Mr or Mrs five-year-old 5.5 That is what you can get from the government.
The old U.S of a government. The reason I bring that up is because it's not riskless. but in the world of money and yields and interest rates, the US government has never really missed anything. It's as minimal risk as you can get.

So I'm not going to sit here and promise you zero risk to get this 5.5 yields on your money. but it's as minimal risk as you can get on top of it, there's it's very flexible, there's no minimum hold periods, no settlement. So if you want to go in for a week or a month and not hold for the whole year, you can it. This is all done through government bonds, notes, bills, and they take care of all that laddering for you.

So instead of going to a website that was seemingly created in the 80s, you don't have to create the account here. worry about your own lettering, blah blah blah. They take care of it all for you. You just put your money in and you say yes.

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very, very, very flexible. This is all possible through public managing all the stuff going on with government notes, Bills, bonds, all that good stuff. So if you're interested in this, obviously, you've heard me talk about Public before if you watched any of my shows because we've been partnered with them for quite a while. They are on top of that, a normal stock brokerage.

You can buy and sell stock. They do not accept payment for order flow Kickback if that's a concern of yours. But anyway, Public.com if you want to get a 5.5 yield on your money I Highly recommend checking it out. It's at least worth a little read around and see if it's appropriate or not appropriate for you, pin to the top of chat in the description of the video Public.com to get 5.5 ideally from the Old Government So shout out to public, show them a little bit of love.

All right, where are we at in the market Right now? Where are we at in the market? Where's Piper at Piper It's still short and still somehow positive. Still short and still somehow positive. Uh, and as the market moves, the risk, the algorithm the way Piper works and this is kind of fascinating because I didn't know cats knew this about the market. The way Piper decided to trade this was the longer she's in the trade the less risks she's willing to take.
So at first when she gets in, she's like, okay, we'll give it a little time to breathe And this was like a mind-blowing moment for me. not only to know about another Trader doing this, but literally to talk to a three-month kid and who just apparently understands the market better than I do. But the longer she's in the trade, the less risk she's taking. So the more it goes, the closer it is to either being Break Even or having a stop loss.

Actually, that's positive. So right now, uh, the risk that she was taking has actually already cut down by 75 percent. Like just from it being in this long. the initial risk cube is willing to take already cut down by 75 percent.

Um, it's a strategy that I wasn't aware of. but I Have to admit, it's impressive in theory. Now, obviously she doesn't have an opposable thumb. If you guys don't know that about cats, they don't have an opposable thumb.

so she's not necessarily the best. Trader Uh, well, she's the best Trader But not necessarily the best coder. So her theory of how things should work is spot on. and honestly, the downfall with it is me and my lack of coding prowess.

So I just want that to be very clear with everyone in here. Um I Wish if only she could figure out how to code a little bit better. Sorry the she's just going a little crazy I have the guitar in the corner of my room and apparently she's trying to become a musician. She's just losing her mind ever since she got a little taste of blood after she bit some Achilles heels.

you want to say hi Oh you do? Oh okay. well here she is. Look how much she's growing. Dude: that's a long cat I don't know how long your cats are, but she's definitely I think she's on.

HGH the amount she grows per day is insane. Oh, what are you doing? You want to talk? You want to talk to everyone, huh? You wanna? you have anything to say? Just gonna take another nap because you're a kitten and that's what kittens do. Um, anyway, dude, she's jacked up on HGH like her growth does not. It doesn't make sense.

It should not legally be allowed. but she's just dude. she puts on Mass she's up 20 25 30 in like two weeks. If anyone did that, if we did that, everyone would know what are you doing.

you just kind of chilling. She's just dude. she's just. she's so chill.

See, it's a switch. She's either calm and relaxed and like just more than willing to like cuddle and nap. Where she's in full kill mode. she does.

There's nothing in between. She's either trying to murder you or she's trying to nap on you. It's a mountain lion the vet told me she's a blue tabby I thought she was like a blue tabby mixed with a like a blue Russian because she has short hair, she appears to be hypoallergenic even though I'm a little nasally. uh oh, what are we doing? What are we doing? You want to go down.
You want to go down. You want to talk to everyone. Say hi. Piper you're a star.

Say hi. Piper Nope. She likes to watch the market open. She wants to make sure her strategy is working the way it should.

All right. Peace out brother, have a good one. Peace out Dude. Rock on man.

you want to come back up. Okay I didn't know that was something that interested you. What are we doing? You gotta make up your mind I've recent what are we doing Simba Simba Here Do you want to sleep? You're gonna bed man. She's just I think she's close to getting back into kill mode today.

It's either she's napping, cuddling, or she's biting. Bite in Achilles Yeah, she's going into fight mode. This is gonna be something. It's gonna be quite the stream we have going on.

Anywho, spy and cues about to get their downside? Gap though. uh, we are. What? Three cents away? How close are we? Six cents away spying the cues despite just got it sounds like apple And the cues. Uh, not far away from there.

So once again, dude, don't bite. She just really likes to go at it. Um dude. Stop.

Oh wow. Okay, now she's climbing up. This is not me, look at hand. she's just she's making a climb for it.

She's learning how to climb now. dude, what is she doing man, what are we doing here? Piper you really just want to see your own strategy? no, no, don't drop. you're not. She's not that good at jumping yet.

she's just like, honestly, I need to teach her how to jump a little better. I've been trying to show her myself but she's just like she's just going crazy man. dude, stop biting Dude. dude.

not cool brother. oh my. God All right. Well uh, she's just asking about her strategy.

her strategy no matter what. Oh, she is feisty. Chill man. um fun fact: This doesn't have to do particularly with today, but it does have to do with um, she's she's trying to fight dude.

she she woke up and chose, woke up and chose War Uh, you guys said AMC halted. Is anyone surprised? That's what happens when it sells off. It gets halted. A limit down halt.

it's just I Mean, do you guys even really want to talk about this? It's like it's Adam here and us. You want to know how this got Regulators Market Makers Adam Aaron and the leadership team. Those are the three people. As much as the on Reddit and Twitter will have you believe that these influencers man If Only They just If Only They Just tweeted a little bit harder.

We would have been fine. No, we're talking about a three billion. Well now it's a oh my. God It's now a 1.4 billion dollar company.

Well, not long ago is a three billion dollar company. It's trash. The leadership team is trash. Regulators are trash.

Market Makers are trash when you have three important things that are all trash. and then you pepper in a little bit of dilution. And by a little bit of course I mean a lot of it. This is what happens if you want to point the finger at someone.
If you want where did this go wrong, It's not people in chat. It's not people on Twitter it's not people on Reddit There are people who are hyper in, uninformed and some pretty informed people. But look at the leadership team. look at Regulators Look at market makers like it's just none of it is going the right way.

It's already uphill battle. enough with Regulators alone just Regulators alone. That's enough of a difficult battle. But then when you add in things such as a leadership team that's endlessly deluding, somehow sycophantically pumping all this, um Piper just got out.

How did Piper do? How did how did Piper's trade go? Um Piper Piper Piper Uh, let's see. So Piper went short at 28 and covered at 22.25 So she made a 5.75 points. Uh, also known as 141 post hello did she really wants to see her own trade? Uh Piper Um, uh, that's you. You just bought your own food for the month.

She doesn't eat much. She eats about three to four dollars of food a day. Um, but okay, are you happy you saw your trade? You good you good brother? No, no, All right. Well anyway, uh.

141 dollars on the first trade of the day? Uh I'm gonna go get her food or a snack or something. Dude, she needs something I'll be give me 30 seconds. 20 seconds. All right.

We just gave her, gave her a little snack to chill her out. Uh Pipers Take over the stream is intensifying. Yeah, no it. uh I I Understand One of these days I'm gonna be God and you guys are going to demand here.

Uh Matt What do you think of the Michael Burry short? Well, he's really not that short. so when they report those, that's the notional value of how much you would have to pay to exercise all the spy and cute puts but the actual cost to him. like how much money he put down on the line I think he's managing over like what a billion dollars it was about 20 to 25k. excuse me, 20 to 25 million? sorry I missed a couple zeros there.

just a couple zeros. Uh, but yeah, about 20 to 25 million is roughly how much money he put down. Um, so I It's interesting. so if he's using the last Jackson Hole Symposium as his reasoning, I get that because if you look at the last, I mean I could show it to you.

Uh, right here we are about Tuesday August 22nd. The last Jackson Hole Symposium was right here. Was it this one? Yes. If you go back in a time machine this day, right here.

Does no one else see the similarities that I see going on? So here, I'll meet you. double screen this one for you. Let me double screen this for you. Okay, anyone anyone else see a vibe from here I'm trying to line it up so it's essentially the exact same.

Call me crazy. this is the day in question right here, right there and then basically this is it. Anyone anyone else in chat anyone like I get it? Maybe I'm the one on crazy pills I get it. But just because I'm taking crazy pills doesn't necessarily mean that I'm wrong in noticing a pattern here.
This is how things played out last: July We ripped faces off. We ripped faces off and granted the start of August was a little bit stronger, but halfway through August we started to sell. We opened up strong on the day of the Jackson Hole Symposium and then it got crush, sold off more try to bounce and then it really got crushed. Okay, am I saying that? That's how this has to go down this time.

No. I would never say that because I'm not so egotistical to think I know exactly where the Market's about to go I Don't think anyone in this world can accurately predict where the Market's about to go I'm just saying I see a lot of freaking similarities. So in terms of do I what do I think about it. Okay, I understand where he's coming from.

he's basically just saying hey, no like I think they're still going to be pretty freaking hawkish and that's totally possible. But once again, I think it's important to remind I mean okay. I get it. Statistically, there's probably a couple thousand billionaires in chat right now.

Once again, statistically, there's probably a couple thousand billionaires in chat right now. Those people that cohort of people have the ability to influence the market truly influence it going up or going down. Now for the rest of us, for people like myself: I have no ability to influence the market I simply trade too small on two liquid of like underlyings whether it's the Spy the accused Tesla and video to actually truly have an influence. So because of that, why I Don't need to be predictive folks unfortunately.

I'm I'm getting updates from UPS that my crystal ball which was sent in to be repaired is somehow delayed in transit. It's it's at the whatever the shipping facility right now unfortunately. So right now I'm without my predictive crystal ball. Which means my only realistic option is to be reactive like all of you I need to wait to understand.

Are we breaking out and trending to the upside? or I need to wait and understand to see if we're breaking down and selling off. There's enough of a move that you don't need to be the first one to the party. In life. In life, in life, in life and in trading.

you don't need to be the first one at the party. and you also don't need to be the last one to leave. You can enjoy the meat of the party. That's kind of a Logan Paul joke or I guess I should say Logan Paul's fiance the meat of the party Uh, that was funny I should be a stand-up comedian.

Um, hang on one second. I I don't want to ignore these speak on AMC AAA Trader not the Silverback I Agree. Dream big I think you are also correct. Big A A is a traitor.

He's not the Silverback and I would add on one more adage there: I think he's just a piece of AMC and ape combined to be less than a dollar before September it's possible. Uh, it's unfortunate for me because I'm still invested in AMC I'm still invested in ape Um I don't have calls I don't have puts on I haven't played options on AMC or ape in many many moon um I disown it and I kind of forget about it. My reasoning for not getting out is the same Mantra of like a captain goes down with its ship and I'm not saying that's right I know financially it's not right, but emotionally morally it feels like the appropriate thing to do. but yet that doesn't stop me from telling you guys the truth I Built my following from people who pre who I thought appreciated me telling the truth I Understand I've lost some of my following because some of them didn't want the truth.
they wanted Hopium. People who want to follow me and listen to me and know what I'm doing thinking or whatever. If you're here for opium I'm just not the guy because I've seen it time and time again. Hopium does not make you money I'm doing this to make money I am in the market to make money I don't know how to be more clear about this I trade to make my net worth go up I Don't trade to have likes and a group of sycophantic cultists liking my on Reddit and Twitter I don't care about that.

their likes their admiration does not improve my trades I Trade to make money I don't know how to be more clear about this I Was very excited about AMC because I saw it as a money making opportunity and on top of that, it seemed like a good way to not only Stick it to the Man but potentially reform some of the downfalls of market and Market structure. For example: I'm against pattern day trading For example: I think Ftds are ridiculous I think the opaqueness of the reporting is insane and I think the delayed nature of the reporting is insane I Think political politicians doing political insider trading is borderline treasonous. It doesn't make sense to me. There are many things that go on in and around the market that make no sense to me.

and until my final breath: I will fight to get that fix. That fight does not necessarily necessarily correlate with gargling. Adam Aaron's balls all day, every day like I See on: Twitter I am seeing some of the most strange beta behavior from grown men who literally want to walk around behind. Adam Aaron all day, every day just holding his balls, Sir sir, Is that okay sir? Oh oh, are we sitting down now, sir, sir, we're We're Oh, where where would we go? These are grown men.

literally. Given the opportunity for half an ape share, they would follow this guy around and hold his balls for him now. I Find that strange I Find that strange on many, many different levels. but I don't have the time to get into the psychology of it all.

I Can tell you is when you have an opinion. Whatever. Maybe there's certain things in life that when you have an opinion you should stand by it. in a steadfast manner such as hey, be a good person Okay, cool.
That seems like a good rule that maybe you shouldn't change. But when it comes to the market, if you are incapable of changing your opinion, if on any aspect of your trading investing career, if you think you should come up with an opinion and stick with that opinion in that thought process every day, every single trading day for the remainder of that investment, you're stupid. Like absolutely stupid. With new information.

You should always, always, always like you should. Always reconsider. What's going on is probably the best way. Whether you're long or short, whatever you're in, whatever you're not in, you should always be on your toes thinking.

Is this smart? Is this not smart? Has it run enough? Has it not run enough? What is my risk? It's always a game of reevaluating if you are incapable of reevaluating based on new information. I'm telling you this and I know you're going to think I'm a prickly for saying this I Understand that. but I'm saying this because I'm actually trying to help you. The market is not a place for you If you come into the market and you think I'm coming up with an opinion, I'm never going to reevaluate and I'm just going to stand there holding some old dangif ridden dudes balls in my hand.

This is not the place for you I am gonna save you money by telling you don't be in the market and that's crazy for me to say because I think a lot of people should be in the market I Think the market is the best wealth generating tool mankind has ever come up with. but that doesn't mean it's appropriate for every single person. And right now, there's a very loud minority of people, particularly on Twitter and Reddit who don't understand that they are going to be just losing money. They're going to sit here and the market is going to eat them alive.

They are not only going to end up worse from engaging in the market, but they're gonna end up exponentially worse. It's just going to be, um, almost like a degenerate gambling downfall. Like a true gambling addict is losing money. Losing money losing money losing money I feel for them even though I don't like them as people even though I think they're stupid even though I don't think that they are just inherently good people that I want to talk to I'm still going to respect them to a certain degree because they are a retail Trader I Do defend retail Traders I Do defend what's going on in the world of being an individual Trader and in that attempt to help them, I'm informing them the Market's not the place for them to be.

The market is clearly not the place for them to be if they want to be out of The market and continue to gargle Adam Aaron's balls and think that he's some sort of financial. Messiah Go for it. But they're wrong. They're clearly wrong and that's an interesting thing about religious faith.
And financial faith is with religious Faith no one's ever going to be proven right. No one's ever going to be proven wrong because a lot of the answers are kind of existential. They're beyond a barrier that we put even know the answer to when it comes to financial faith. We have this thing called charts that tells us charts tell us who's right and who's wrong.

So when you have absolute losers telling you that the gamma squeeze is a day away, trust me. I've been trading for years. The gamification is the takeaway just a day away. oh trust me man, just buy more.

You better buy more because it's looking real good looking, super super good guys. We should just uh oh Grandma squeeze. Hey guys, it's just a day away. just just one day away.

just stop stop to follow me because it's so weird. They're wrong, They're wrong, and they're stupid. They I don't understand how anyone but I actually do I Get how people fall for it. It's other people who want opium.

It's other people who are as uninformed about the market that put way too much money into a play and they just need it to come around because of the negative ramifications of what could happen if it doesn't turn around for them they went to they broke the cardinal rule. don't bet more than you're willing to lose. So they're they're going around and they're just on Twitter and Reddit they're jerking each other off for hopium. It is what it is, dude.

but it's a play. Adam Aaron's a piece of Regulators are a piece of market makers are a piece of. There's three giant pieces of. and if you can't see that by now, dude, What? Matt Coors pushed AMC to get big.

He lost retail billions Moto GTE There's a problem. There's a problem. There's a problem. There's a problem.

And this might be a technical issue On YouTube's part, Moto Moto GT I'm talking to you. This might be a technical issue because generally before you get into the street there is a a disclaimer a Warner like a warning message that to understand the show you have to have a certain IQ and it it's up or double digits like you need to be above like 80 or 90 IQ But then sometimes people like you just like I think you're lying or like I Don't know if maybe like, maybe YouTube didn't show it this morning so you didn't have to pass that waiver. I don't know if you had a pass like I mean the fact that you somehow trickled in here tells me that I guess there's just my speed. A technical issue like generally generally we just brother we I don't I don't know what happened there as the computer just said oh brother because like even my trading system is sometimes just dumbfounded at the lack of intellect of some of the people in here.

Uh and Moto uh I Don't know if you're leading the charge this morning or like what's going on, but it it makes me sad. Uh I don't know if you were genetically predisposed to it, maybe of fetal alcohol syndrome? uh, you could have been dropped as a child I I don't know I hope it wasn't an accident and I feel for you I'm not necessarily against you. Um, but it it makes me sad knowing that just by Pure Luck here I was born not being dropped on my head and then clearly there's people who are born and then they are dropped on their head. So I feel for you man and like if you need me to like slow down my speech or if I need to explain it with like crayons or what help me help you I think I could help you understand some of this so like, help me help you So stupid crayons.
How do you guys say it? Crayon Crayon. A crayon. A crayon crayons. Do you guys really say crayon? Like are you that fancy? Do you guys also drink your like? do you put your tea out? Oh crayon, have you seen my crayon? What's wrong with the crayon? A crayon? Yeah.

Is that like? Is that how you order it from all your butlers? Charles Fetch me my art supplies from the Cryon room. The Cryon for room trolls bring Bring the Queen and I some crowns and drink. Mega Pints get. oh geez, Next some caramel, Bring the queen and I some caramel.

I Didn't know is such hoity-toity billionaires in here today. but my sorry and I know so many people were watching from their High Castle perches over there in Europe this morning you guys are up late. but hey, it's all good. It's all good.

I Don't have a butler? No that's not me. That's not how I talk to my butler. I Did one of you think that right away you're like that's not. that's not my butler's name.

Uh, be honest. Who in here thought they're like my butler's name is in Charles he got the name Matt doesn't know me Matt doesn't know me at all. Wait until you hear how we say aluminum. Bring me some of that aluminum.

My my daddy invested in aluminum and that's how we afforded our fourth. Butler The crayon. Butler We have a caramel Butler a crayon Butler And it's all because my daddy and my daddy's daddy and my daddy's daddy daddy are invested in aluminum. Good day sir I Said good day All right.

Where are we at now? that mode see this is Moto this is what is he still in here Moto Nope. This is why Moto shouldn't be in chat see what you 've done. This is Moto's fault. don't blame me.

Fun fact: Uh, my mom. There's certain words that she to this day does not say correctly. So obviously when you're growing up, if a parent says a word incorrectly, there's a pretty good chance you say it incorrectly. So it was pretty much in high school and college that instead of saying Mercedes my mom always says Mar Sadies So for a lot of my life until the age of like 12 14, 15.

it was my Mercedes it was always Mercedes a Mercedes go go to the Mercedes uh which fortunately for not me, didn't really negatively impact my life because we didn't have a Mercedes and then instead of breakfast she says breakfast like just really fast but she's a New Yorker so she needs to say things fast I Think a lot of her unique words is because she needs to get it out in about a third of the time like she just doesn't have the time. Instead of saying oh, could I have some breakfast, she says breakfast like it's just she always needs to get it in in about a third of the time that most of us she just doesn't have time. she doesn't Dude, she's in New Yorker Through and through my mom, she grew up in Queens and actually she says a lot in New York words. especially now that she's getting a little bit older.
I think she's almost reverting back to her like sub 10 year old speech patterns and like when I talk to her now it's so many like hardcore. New York Words Uh I Don't know if my mom is possible of saying human I I Don't think she's capable of saying the word human as anyone in here would know if you've ever spoken to in New Yorker It's human. Yeah, that's not a good human. I'm like, do you mean human and she's human.

They're always trying to cut out like syllables and just sounds and like it just needs to be quicker. human. What else? Dude, she's been really popping off with some New York words lately, but human was the most recent one that I noticed instead of a human, it was human. She she's a busy lady.

She is a busy busy. she doesn't have the time. She does not have the time to sit there and say human. Uh, it's no, she doesn't say pop, she says soda.

She is the soda person. So she spent like the first 15 years in New York which I think is where you're going to develop most of your like vocal patterns. Uh, but then she spent most of her life in Pennsylvania and where I'm from in northeast Pennsylvania are vernacular is actually particularly known or it's signified by a lack of accent or words. Um, so we don't in in Northeast PA We actually don't say like many strange words like we just don't have an accent.

um so I think she ended up getting a weird mixture of her life of like some New York words and then a lot of just like non-accent words. We don't really say anything too fun. um I Recently well we've talked about this in here of how my fiance she's from Philly so she definitely has some Philly things but not Delco uh I don't want to offend anyone in here if you're from Delco I don't think I couldn't ever be with someone from Delco Do they say some wild words? uh, does Philly have a Philly has multiple accents depending on where you are from Philly So oh, Ubu knows uh Matt say Mary Mary So where I'm from uh, marry the person Merry Christmas and like getting married those three separate Mary's I say those Mary's the same I say merry merry merry like I'm saying the same word but she has like it's that e a sound like the first one that she actually pronounces them all differently. She'll go like I don't know something with the like when you say the word Australia there's the three a sounds in that word Australia those three A's there.
Those are three separate A's and she'll use those three separate days in the merry merry merry. But what's interesting is I say Don and Don as in Dawn the person or Dawn early in the morning I do say those separately which is like I guess maybe not the most common thing, but I say Don and Don Don and Don so don the guy or lady woman or Dawn in the morning. Um so I don't know if that's necessarily like a PA thing or if we all say Don and Don separately. but with Mary Mary I just say Mary which I think I saved the way the lady's name like the woman's name Mary I think I use that Mary for Merry Christmas and getting married Uh, but Philly people don't they're spelled different Well, a lot of words are spelled different and so sound the same.

Daryl Delco is wild I went to college at PSU with someone from there. a different Brew that's where I went to Penn State and I think Delco kids literally just travel around in packs together at Penn State like I think there's something in their blood that permeates into your local area and other Delco kids just know I don't know how they know I think there's like a weird sixth sense going on with Delco kids but I think Delco can spot other Delco Delco has a little bit of a look it does like for the trained eye. You can spot a Delco person from about three nautical miles away. I would say is the extent to which you could really spot a Delco person.

And once again, obviously the more you train, you could spot them at a farther distance. But when they get in close proximity together. my going theory is it's similar to bats where they have like impressive sonar. So I think it's like that type of a skill set where the rest of the world doesn't know that they're giving out their own location.

But I I that's that's my reasoning. That that's definitely my reasoning is some sort of sonar Delco signal that you get if you grow up there. and I don't even know if they notice it in other Delco people, but they're just like kind of like a moth to a light. I think they're naturally attracted to it.

Um, so that's delico, which is still very different than other areas of. Philly Philly I Don't What was the comedian who said it? Who's the comedian that does it with Andrew shorts on his show? Wh

3 thoughts on “Hello bullishness, my old friend the matt kohrs show aug. 22nd”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Green says:

    He’s going to talk about AMC again? Damn this guy has no shame! Lol! AMC is the biggest rug pull on retail investors in the past 20 years.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abahaa says:

    AMC ???

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abz says:

    Any video links to any amc talk this week or you done and out?

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