Rip City Is Back, Live Tilted Trading & Davos Day 2
The MK Show (Jan. 18th)

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We sorry for the way that I act but we are not perfect people I need some money? Oh understand to Deliver Us from this evil I'm work I'm I'm working over time little bit byit in by ining little bit by bit, in by inch I make more more by little bit by bit it's in by inch I'm making more Oh brother oh brother oh brother Good morning Vietnam grab your coffee cuz we have a lot to talk about. He couldn't make up his mind again. Honestly, a lot of my early shows stuff has been happening because this little girl can't really see her right now. Where is she? You could kind of see her head a little bit right there.

Oh, you could see her eyes a little bit. She wakes me up. uh and I don't know. she seemed a little cold so I wrapped her up in my cardigan this morning.

You could kind of see her eyes that little that little gray jungle cat down there. Uh, she very much decided that she wants to get get going early today. so we got going early today. but that's what happens when your head analyst is like yo.

we got to check out the market. That's what you do you check out the market. uh yeah, we're going to talk about AMD which was ripping even Nvidia Nvidia is gapping up to a new all-time high so Pelosi's having herself quite the day today. Um, but I in all reality I want to start a little bit early because there's a 20 minute video speech that I want to go through listen to uh I haven't done the whole whole thing myself? Uh, but the president of Argentina the guy's like really popping off a lot of viral Clips uh, he was at Davos yesterday and apparently he just completely trashed him like the Davos equivalent to when Ricky dvas was at the Golden Globes or Oscars or whatever and trashed all the Hollywood Elite Well, I guess uh Malay Malley or whatever the hell his name is the president of Argentina Uh, he completely trash all them.

so uh, there's a cool new AI that can convert the voice and it still sounds like their voice but converted to English so I want to give that a listen I think it'd be fun and then I want to give you the update of all the insanity of Davos Like this is, it's a clown show. Honestly, it's worse than a clown show because at least at a clown show they know that they're clowns. This is interesting because everyone at Davos they seemingly don't even know that they're clowns which I think is particularly hilarious. Uh so I want to go through that? We have some interesting Battle of the billionaires in the world of Bitcoin the billionaire Bitcoin battle uh Jamie Diamond in one corner and then we have Michael Saor in the other corner and they're kind of being snippy back at each other.

Also, some interesting commentary on the world of Cbdcs Uh, the Central Bank digital currency and Trump basically saying if I get elected, that ain't going to happen. So those are the overall story threads of the narratives that I kind of want to just discuss and get your thoughts on your opinions and all that. and of course we're going to have degeneracy. As you could tell here, we have a new wheel of Destiny I at least new coloring.
uh and I plan on doing something new with this today. So uh, at least you have something positive to look forward to in case I mess everything else up on today's show. At least you have a new wheel of Destiny to kind of, let's see how positive it is. So that's kind of the plan I Hope you guys are cool with that and if you're not, um, do me a favor and just lie to me and tell me that you're good with it.

Uh, just now we got the initial jobless claims. We'll go over that. We have a couple reports today, but really the major thing going down is we have some fed speakers talking, some popped off earlier this morning some later, but the major thing is at 2 or 2:15 I believe it's 2:15 p.m. ET today.

Uh, we have Biden President Biden speaking about the state of the economy, so we'll be doing a separate stream for that. So hope everyone's ready. Hope everyone's ready to rock and roll very quickly. the Spy is looking great ever since about 2 p.m.

yesterday we started to rip. the Qes started even holding even better. So that's pushing. uh looks like thus far I mean if pre-market is in indication, it looks like things are pretty bullish.

pretty strong. We are bouncing back S&P 500's Futures rise as Wall Street tries to rebound from another losing session so not really giving us much info there. but apparently that is what's going down and I am once again in the sad, sad situation of having way too many tabs open. But hey, that is okay.

So like I said, the major reason I'm starting. oh I Just wanted to share this because I had all right to clarify to set this video up has literally nothing to do with my normal show, has literally nothing to do with the economy, has literally nothing to do with the stock market. It just made me laugh. So sometimes you got to watch that type of stuff.

And as a little treat for those of you who are joining me so early, in fact, half an hour early today I Figured you should be able to enjoy this video as well. Obviously we have two women here and kind of funky look dresses that probably think they're they're something something special and then it gets very rapidly disrupted. And it's a very short video. so you're not going to want to turn away, you're going to want to catch this whole thing.

This is sp that dog bodied her bodied her one more time just for the people in the back. I Watched this video so many times today and I don't know why but just it was. it was a full it like the sparta kick was like a on leg thing. This poo used all four paws.

man it was a drop kick aore that shit got so boded. Oh anyway nothing to do with this show, nothing to really do with anything. Be on the fact that it made me laugh and I just need to share that with you. uh anyway.

uh so the president of Argentina uh Malay Malay e uh so I guess there's a new piece of software haen that can rerender a speech in a new language but still uses I guess like their voice. Uh so anyway this is like I said the Ricky deras equivalent of when he was basically dun ding on Hollywood well same thing except for the president of Argentina here dunking on literally the world's Elite uh so uh I gave it a couple minute listen. but I want to listen to all of it with you fine folks early this morning. so grab a cup of coffee, kick back and let's listen to a dude roast the world's most powerful look at those glasses.
dude that's the glasses of a G. Good afternoon Thank you very much today! I am present to inform you that the Western World is facing a significant threat. It is in danger because those who are supposed to defend the values of the Western world are co-opted by a world view that inevitably leads to socialism and consequently to poverty and economic deprivation. Unfortunately, in recent decades, motivated by some well-intentioned desires to help others and others by the desire to belong to a privileged cast, the main leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism.

We are here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world, but rather they are their cause. Trust me, there is no no one better than us Argentines to provide testimony on these two issues. When we Embrace Freedom in 1860, in 35 years, we became the world's first dominant power. 35 years we became the first world power.

While when we embraced collectivism, over the past 100 years, we saw how our citizens began to systematically impoverish themselves until they fell to the 140th position in the world 40 in the world. But before we can have this discussion, it would be important for us to First Look at the data that supports why Free Market Capitalism is not only a possible system to end World poverty, but also the only morally desirable system to achieve it. If we consider the history of economic progress, we can see how from Year Zero until around 1800, the world's per capita GDP remained practically constant throughout the reference period. If one looks at a chart of the evolution of economic growth throughout human history, one would be seeing a chart with the shape of a hockey stick.

An exponential function that remained constant for 90% of the time and exponentially shoots up from the 19th century. The sole exception to this stagnant history was at the end of the 15th century, with America's Discovery. Except for this, from year 0 to 1800, Global Per capita GDP remained stagnant without any significant changes. Now, not only did capitalism generate an explosion of wealth from the moment it was adopted as an economic system, but if one analizes the data, what is observed is that growth has been accelerating throughout the entire period.
During the entire period between year 0 and 1800, the per capita GDP growth rate remained stable at around 0.02% annually. That is practically without growth from 19th century. With Industrial Revolution growth rate reaches 0.66% Given the current rate, it would require a time span of approximately 107 years to achieve a two-fold increase in per capita GDP in 1900 1950 growth rate Rises to 1.66% annually 150 growth rate Rises to 1.3 36% Annually, we no longer need 107 years to double per capita GDP but 66 If we take the period between 1950 and the year 2000, we can see that the growth rate was 2.1% annually, Which would mean that in just 33 years, we could double the world's per capita GDP This trend, far from stopping, remains alive even now. If we consider the period from from 2 to 2023, the growth rate increased again at 3% per year.

meaning we could double our per capita GDP globally in only 23 years. Now when studying per capita GDP From 1800 to today, what is observed is that after the Industrial Revolution Global per capita GDP multiplied by more than 15 times, generating an explosion of wealth that lifted 90% of the world's population out of poverty poverty. We must never forget that by the year 1800, about 95% of the world's population lived in extreme poverty. while that number dropped to 5% by the year 2020 prior to the pandemic.

The conclusion is obvious. Far from being the cause of our problems, free Market capitalism as an economic system is the only tool we have to end Hunger poverty and destitution throughout arguing for socialism at this. Therefore, as there is no doubt that free market capitalism is Superior in productive terms, the Left's Doxa has attacked capitalism for its moral issues for being according to them as its detractors say, unjust. They claim capitalism is bad because it's individualistic, and collectivism is good because it's altruistic towards others and and thus they strive for social justice.

But this concept that has become trendy in the developed World Recently in my country, it has been a constant in political discourse for over the issue is that social justice is unfair and doesn't contribute to General well-being On the contrary, it's an inherently unfair idea because it's violent. It's unfair because the state is financed through taxes and taxes are collected coercively. or can any of us confidently say that they pay taxes of their own free will? This implies that the state is funded through coercion and that the higher the tax burden, the greater the coercion leading to a reduction in Freedom Those who promote social justice start from the idea that the economy as a whole is a cake that can be distributed in a different way. But that cake is not given.

It is wealth that is generated in what for example Israel Kersner called calls a market Discovery process. If the good or service that a company offers is not desired, that company goes bankrupt unless it adapts to what the market is demanding, create a high quality product at a good price or attractive, succeed and produce more. So the market is a process of discovery where the capitalist finds the right direction on the go. But if the state punishes the capitalist for success and blocks him in this process, it destroys his incentives and the consequences are that he will produce less and the cake will be smaller.
Generating harm to society. Collectivism by inhibiting Discovery and hindering appropriation ties the entrepreneurs hands, preventing him from producing better goods and offering better services at a better price. How can it be then that from Academia International Orgs politics and acon Theory an Econ system is demonized that not only has lifted 90% of the world's pop out of extreme poverty and does so increasingly faster, but is also fair and morally more sense than this. obviously not thanks to capitalism.

The world is currently best moment. There has never been a moment in history one we live in today, which is inherently inter. Today's world is Freer richer, more peaceful, and more prosperous than ever before. This is true for everyone, but particularly for those countries that are free where they respect economic freedom and individual property rights because free countries are 12 times richer than repressed Ones saying goes that in countries with freedom, people live better than 90% of population.

in repressed countries, it has 25 times fewer poor people in the standard format and 50 times fewer in the extreme format. And if that weren't enough, citizens of free countries live 25% longer than citizens of repressed countries. Now, in order to understand what we come to defend, it is important to Define what we mean when we talk about Libertarianism to Define it I take up the words of the greatest proponent of the ideas of Freedom in Argentina Professor Alberto Venas Lynch Who says that Libertarianism is the unrestricted respect for the life of others based on the principle of non-aggression and in defense of the right to life, Liberty and property whose fundamental institutions are private property, Free Markets without State intervention, free competition, division of labor, and social cooperation where one can only be successful by serving others with Goods of better quality at a better price. In other words, the capitalist.

The success uccessful entrepreneur is a social benefactor who contributes to the well-being of society as a whole. In short, a successful entrepreneur is a hero. This is the model that we are proposing for the future of Argentina a model based on the fundamental principles of Libertarianism The Defense of Life Freedom and Property. Now if free market capitalism and economic freedom have have been remarkable instruments to eradicate poverty globally and we are presently experiencing the most favorable period in human history, it is worth inquiring why.
I Assert that the West is in Jeopardy I Argue that the West is endangered as in countries defending free Market, private property, and other institutions of libertarianism. Sectors of the political and economic establishment due to errors in their theoretical framework and ambition for power undermine Libertarianism opening doors to socialism and potentially condemning us to Poverty misery and stagnation because it should never be observed that socialism is always and everywhere impoverishing. Failed in all countries where attempted, it was a failure. Economically, it was a failure.

Socially, it was a failure culturally, and it also killed more than a 100 million human beings. The main problem of the West today is that we not only have to confront those who, even after the fall of the Wall and overwhelming evidence, continue to advocate for impoverishing socialism, but also our own leaders, thinkers, and academics who sheltered in a misguided framework undermine the foundations of the system that has given us the greatest wealth and prosperity in our history. The theoretical framework I am referring to is Neoclassical Economic Theory which designs an instrument unintentionally functional to the intrusion of the state socialism and the degradation of society. The issue with Neoclassicals is that since the model they fell in love with doesn't match reality, they attribute the error to the supposed market failure.

Instead of revising the premises of their model on the text about a supposed market failure, regulations are introduced that only generate distortions in the price system that hinder economic calculation and consequently savings, investment, and growth. This problem essentially lies in the fact that not even supposedly libertarian economists understand what the market is, since if it were understood, it would quickly be seen that it is impossible for there to be such a thing as a market failure. The market is not just a graphical description of a supply curve and and a demand curve on a graph. The market is a mechanism of social cooperation where property rights are voluntarily exchanged.

Thus, considering this definition, discussing market failure is a contradiction in terms there is no market failure if transactions are voluntary. The only situation in which there can be a market failure is if there is coercion present and the only one with the ability to coers in a generalized man is the state that possesses the Monopoly of violence. Consequently, if someone considers that there is a market failure I would recommend that they check if there is State intervention in the middle. If no State intervention found, suggest reanalyzing us.
It is definitely wrong. Dude, Biden's probably punching market failures do not exist. An example of the alleged market failures described by Neoclassicals are concentrated structures in the the economy. However, without functions that demonstrate increasing returns to scale whose counterpart are the concentrated structures of the economy, we would be unable to explain the phenomenon of economic growth from 1800 to the present day.

Look how interesting. Commencing from the year 1800 and extending onwards with the population experiencing a multiplication of more than eight or nine times, the per capita income underwent a growth of more than 15 times in magnitude. To clarify, there are more returns, this caused poverty to drop from 95% to 5% However, the presence of increasing yields implies the existence of concentrated structures, which would be referred to as for example, a monopoly in the market economy. How can it be that something that has generated so much well-being according to neoclassical theory that is considered a market failure? Neoclassical economists think outside the box when the model fails.

don't get angry with reality, get angry with the model and change it. The Dilemma for the neoclassical model is that they aim to enhance Market functioning by targeting perceived failures. By doing so, they not only open doors to socialism, but also undermine economic growth. For instance, implementing regulations on monopolies, dismantling their profits and obliterating increasing returns would inevitably annihilate economic growth.

In other words, each time you want to correct a presumed Market English The Typical: This is actually the market. Because you have become attached to a failed model, you are opening do to socialism and condemning people to Poverty. It's not a speak in the face of the theoretical demonstration that state intervention is harmful. Theal evidence that it failed because it could not be otherwise.

The solution that Collectivists will propose is not greater freedom, but greater regulation generating a downward spiral of regulations until we all become poorer and the lives of all of us depend on a bureaucrat sitting in a luxury office. Given the resounding failure of collectivist models and the undeniable advances of the Free World Socialists were forced to change their agenda. They left behind the class struggle based on the economic system to replace it with other supposed social conflicts equally harmful to community life and economic growth. The first of these new battles was the ridiculous and unnatural fight between man and woman.

Libertarianism already establishes equality between. Sexes. The Cornerstone of our Creed states that all men are created equal, that we all have the same unalienable rights granted by the Creator among which are life, liberty, and property. This radical feminism agenda has led to increased State intervention hindering the economic process.
It provides jobs to bureaucrats who haven't contributed anything to society, whether through women's Ministries or International organizations promoting this agenda. Another conflict that Social Isos is that of humans against nature. They argue that humans cause harm to the planet and that it must be protected at all costs, even advocating for population control mechanisms or supporting the controversial agenda of abortion rights. Unfortunately, these harmful ideas have strongly permeated our society.

Neo-marxists have managed to co-op the common sense of the Western World. They achieved this through the appropriation of the media, culture, universities, and yes, even International organizations. The final case is very serious as it involves institutions with huge influence on the political and economic decisions of the countries in these multilateral organizations. Fortunately, more of us dare to raise our voices as we see that if we don't confront these ideas headon, the only possible Destiny is more State more regulation, more socialism, more poverty, less freedom, and consequently a worse quality of life.

Unfortunately, the West has already started down this path. To many, it may sound ridiculous to suggest that the West has embraced socialism, but this view is only ridiculous if one limits themselves to the traditional economic definition of socialism, which states that it is an economic system where the state owns the means of production. In my opinion, this definition needs to be updated to reflect the current circumstances. From my perspective, today states don't need to control means of production to control every aspect of individual's lives.

With tools such as monetary issuance, debt subsidies, interest rate control, price controls, and regulations to correct alleged market failures, they can control the Destinies of millions of human beings. This is how we have reached the point where with different names or forms, good parts of the politically accepted offers in most Western countries are generally collectivist variants whether they openly declare themselves as Communists Fascists Nazis Socialists Social Democrats National Socialists Christian Democrats, Keans, Neans, Progressives, Populists, nationalists, or globalists. In the end, there are no substantive differences. Everyone argues that the state should control all aspects of individuals lives all Define a model contrary to the one that led Humanity to the most spectac progress in its history.

We are here today to extend an invitation to the other Western countries to resume the path towards Prosperity Economic freedom, limited government, and unrestricted respect for private property are vital for economic growth. The impoverishment that collectivism produces is not a fantasy, nor is it fatalism. It is a reality that Argentinians have known very well for at least 100 years. Because we have already experienced it.
We have already gone through this because as I said before, since we decided to abandon the model of Freedom that had made us rich, we are trapped in a downward spiral where we are getting poorer every day. This is. We have already experienced it ourselves and we are here to warn you about what can happen if Western countries who became rich with the model of Freedom continue on this path of servitude. The Argentine case is the empirical proof that regardless of Natural Resources population, capability, education level, or the amount of gold bars in the central bank's coffers, these factors do not guarantee success if measures are adopted that hinder the free functioning of markets.

Free competition, Free Price systems If trade is hindered, if private property is attacked, the only possible destination is poverty. To summarize: I Want to convey a message to all entrepreneurs present and those who are not but are following us from around the globe, whether they're here or not. Physically, don't be intimidated by the political cast or the parasites who live off the state. Don't yield to a political class that only wants to prolong its power and preserve its privileges.

You are social benefactors. You are heroes. You are the creators of the most extraordinary era of prosperity we have ever experienced. Don't let anyone say ambition is immoral.

If you earn money, it's because you provide a superior product. Better Price Contributing to well-being Do not yield to the advance of the state. The state is not the solution. The state is the problem itself.

You are the true protagonists of this story and and know that from today you have Argentina as an unconditional. Ally Thank you very much and long life. Freedom Damm it Long Live Freedom Damn it. So this was the president La of Argentina uh rendered in English I believe it was initially in Spanish but and it was rendered with haen I Haven't heard of it but does seem pretty cool so that went down a little bit earlier.

People obviously really enjoying it. Um, but but other than that in Davos even crazier stuff has been happening. So this happened yesterday and the jokes being made about it I was I was crying so Elon Musk and everyone was making this joke. wow I didn't know Elizabeth Warren was at Davos and obviously it's mean and some form of racist but that doesn't mean it's not funny.

Every was like dude. Elizabeth Warren They should have used Haen to translate this for us. You kind of get the idea. she kind of does this blow thing on all of them.

uh but obviously the jok's way more funny. uh of I guess Elizabeth Warren AKA pocah So this happened at Davos Davos is crazy. These Davos performances are getting out of hand. um I believe this is from Indiana Jones It's either that or Scooby-Doo It's one of those two, but I'm pretty sure it's Indiana Jones and everyone's just dunking on it because it's like almost an embarrassment to be there.
But it's so funny it's so so funny. We watched this yesterday. obviously the parody one of when uh they were like he basically said f you Well, we have an update we have an update on folks. We have an update on the WF the Davos meeting infiltrator when he told everyone to f off Well, we have an update on how that went and so yesterday I stood on this stage and said some things that I should not have said, but we all deserve a second chance.

So I would like to apologize to absolutely no one. None of you were elected to show us how we should leave our lives. All of you motherfuckers took your private JS to show up to this meeting. so Don't lecture us about the environment I ain't eating bugs.

You can't eat these nuts and once again you and your fake climate agenda can go fuck dude. So funny. And so yesterday OMG they made me apologize. This guy is so freaking funny.

you got to follow I ain't eating buggins. You can eat these nuts. Yeah so Davos it is is. uh, it's popping off folks.

you know who else was popping off was last night was Trump he's now kind of ramping up the whole campaign Trail and all that stuff. Uh, so talking a little bit about Banks and I thought it's somewhat related because of the banks of what we had going down in Davos and the talk and the people in power and Trump being Trump being the populist voice I suppose. But we're also going to place strong protections to stop Banks and Regulators from trying to debank you from your you know your your political beliefs. What they do, they want to debank you and we're going to debank.

Think of this: they want to take away your rights. They want to take away your country. The things they're doing. All electric cars.

Give me a break if you want an electric car. Good, but they don't go far. They're very expensive. They're going to be made in China That's why I think I'm going to get the Auto Workers to vote for Trump You know we're having great great talks.

Well, Musk is you like that. But think of what they want to do. They want to take away your rights upon taking off. but we're Al talking about the banking and I more so wanted to tie to this so I don't know if you guys know anything about Sean Strickland He's a UFC champ.

but I feel like his social media Fame Over the past I Don't know one two, three months has really been popping off and it's because he's saying things that either people are really, really resonating with or they're hating him. But regardless, it prompts him to go absolutely viral. So this is Shan Strickland It's just a portion of him uh I would say verbally jousting with a reporter and it somewhat relates to being debanked. Thanks! Sean Neil Davidson From the Canadian press welcome to Canada Oh Congratulations! Speaking of Debing Canadi man, were you a uh, were you a uh, a covid bank account stealer too? Were you on board with that? no Are you left wi or rightwing? Were you a Were you a Trudeau we got one of we got one of the fucking commies with the Press we got to know where this man stands.
were you non Fighters just pop up. they just don't care cuz like what's going to happen he think she oh we fucking know maybe I should just pass on this motherfucker, he's going to go back. he's gonna go back and fucking give my bank account information of fucking Trudeau it's G to give my banking information to trudo and then it went on. It was a multi-e like it was multi minute clip and then he like one guy asked him about his commentary of being gay in the past.

he's like are you gay like like dude, he was it popped off uh this is just a small clip of it but Sean was and like Dan like like whatever happens happen So those were just some random things between Davos and Trump and all that that I wanted to get into before the Market opens. But obviously we should break down all the major macroeconomic events of the day. we'll talk a little bit about earnings. We do have some updates on some other individual companies and whatnot.

And as I alluded to before, we're going to get into the newest Battle of the billionaires over Bitcoin not Bitcoin billionaires battle the billionaires battling over Bitcoin Uh, as of now, it's Jamie Diamond versus Michael sailor who are exchanging some thoughts and words and jousts at each other. But before we get into that early this morning initial jobless claims 187 versus 207 expected Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index a drop of 10.6 They were expecting a drop of seven little later today at 11 A.m. ET we are getting crude oil inventories. A little bit more interesting now just because of the developments in the Red Sea And then at 2:15 p.m.

ET today in the afternoon, President Joe Biden will be making a speech on basically Bomic and how he's made the economy amazing. And if you don't think the economy is amazing, it's because you're wrong. and you're a racist and you don't know what you're talking about because our economy is in a fact, amazing. There's no such thing as inflation, it's only price gouging and has nothing to do with the government spending money like a drunken sailor.

If you are F feeling a Financial pinch uh, you're making it up basically. so that talk will be going down at 2:15 p.m. today. I will be streaming it and then tomorrow.

um around 10. we're getting the existing home sales existing home sales coming out uh and a couple fed speakers between now and then as well In terms of earnings early this morning to SMC I Actually haven't seen their numbers yet so I want to check that out? We have some banks and some energy plays tomorrow before the Market opens and then we finally get some of the major Tech plays started next week we are in the middle of earning season. Please don't forget. Um, Speaking of companies that not reporting right now but will be Reddit to launch its IPO in March So Reddit if you guys want to be bullish, bearish, trade options on it Reddit Making its public debut in March of this year just so everyone knows.
uh I Thought this was a little interesting Tom Nash He's a fellow content creator I'm a personal friend with him I think he's an awesome guy uh, Paler, he's a big fan of Paler Founder Alex Karp is about to go Cat Williams on the entire Silicon Valley Mafia exclusive Paler billionaire Alex Carp slamed Silicon Valley in new book in the technological Republic the software CEO and his longtime Deputy will decry the West complacency and implore Tech Executives to help the US government. Uh, he just so you guys know Tom also did make a secondary channel that is a little bit more politics and updates like that and it is popping off like out of nowhere already 50,000 Subs So Tom is obviously crushing it over there. But the main reason I'm bringing this up is because uh, the paler CEO was actually on squawkbox in Davos this morning. What? Wait, who? Who is this will? I Am they brought? will I am on the squawkbox this morning? What in the world is Will Is he a tech dude? What's going on with Will I Am You can't walk 6 my um, what have you learned on this on this journey this trip? And and are we at Peak AI Or you think this is just the beginning? No, we're not at Peak.

we're Pac-Man Pac-Man If anything, it's Mario Brothers We haven't even got to Halo or Xbox I Love these analogies Got that yet? So this is a uh, it's 1984 as far as in a good way. No, both ways let's go to that though. Let's go straight to the show. Give us the in the good way.

Us fantastic fully age. Well, it hasn't gotten bad as what social media has done to society. We haven't seen that yet. And let's hope that Regulators policy makers get their stuff together so it doesn't end up that way.

We can't have it to where companies lead with greed because we're just going to have some version. even worse Break 2.0 Social Media Society Where our civil liberties are compromise democracy's compromise privacy compromise. We shouldn't repeat that with this level of tech where we have dup machines teolog on the other is spectacular. Once a black eyed get to talk about on who gets access to the best education I Do think he's been getting more into the world of Entrepreneurship though theast like 5 to 10 years it will the industries that we know now you you just came from a lunch I think where Sam Alman was and open AI is become the sort of the gold standard for AI at the moment.

but it has gone through even the last three months. People looked at it originally as seems like he does being led by literally falling asleep. Now there's a whole new question about what that what open AI even is whether it's really a company effectively controlled by Microsoft and a lot of people saying this is fundamentally actually just. it's a business like no, like any other if not more so I Like to look I always have optimistic lens yeah although how I look at the world.
the amount of compute alone for that and entrepreneur it has to have make money it can't It cannot be a a non for-profit and have that level of compute. Who's going to pay for everything right? So I understand that perspective now to say that it's it's be. It's going to lead with greed. Uh, it's too early to say that and that's why having these discussions.

Sam's a good guy at the core. He's a good person. So tell us how you're going to be using Ai and how you already are using AI Well first I invest in companies um and I want? You might not know this about me, but I'm the communities that I come from a lot to be competitive in this space. Build companies solve problems with this technology.

So mentoring kids I'm getting a little bored of that and the show was diverging I wanted to I mean they had once again the CEO right here of Paler. All right. So he talked a little bit about Iran Russia Uh, like as you can see, it got pretty political right off the bat. um and I Think this all most likely just to give you a little bit of the backdrop of when the whole Israel Palestine war broke out paler and Alex particularly the CEO was one of the first major CEOs public leaders to basically like State a public good opinion.

Remember that awkwardness of they're like wait, whose side are we supposed to be on? Like So all these companies, they didn't know what side to support all these influencers, all these people who virtue signal everyone's looking around and they're like I'm confused on what side's the good side right now and there was awkwardness. Well Alex was one of the first people to be like uh yeah no uh, we stand with Israel Um, so that kind of like put him into the political sphere and then on top of that obviously paler a tech company. um has a lot to do with the government I believe 65% of its Revenue comes from the US government US Government contracts. Um so I Just thought we should give him a little bit of a listen.

We corporate leaders especially corporate leaders who are running public a companies need to stop just paring things we don't believe. uh, when it's popular and then being silent when it's a little more controversial. What do you mean by that? Well, we have all these. We had a movement I think is fading away, largely understood as wokeism where people said quite frankly in public lots of things that no one believed they believed in private.

Now with Israel most people realized that what happened on October 7th was one of the worst Terror attacks the West has ever seen. Arguably the worst Terror worst act of terrorism, sexual barbarism the world has seen in a hundred years and it is incumbent on us to actually not only speak loudly in private, but occasionally show what we mean in public. And so core to defending the West for me was not just me going to Isra I'm very well known there, our products are used there I'm proud of that. but bringing the whole board and saying look, you know you can you can debate lots of things about Israel but the people who are attacking it are calling into question the very existence of a thoroughly Democratic Western country that is to defending our rights and we cannot just speak loudly in private And one of the key issues that you find including here is you know they people want to talk about rebuilding.
Trust the elite. No one trusts the elite yes but how could you trust the elite if everything you're saying is a half Truth at best you ran a full page ad in the New York Times After truth the tragedy that we saw in Israel you were the only company that I saw do anything like that. What was the reaction to that from your fellow? CEOs um look there are a lot of people who are like you're beep beep crazy You're going to get in a lot of trouble. A lot people are going to call up and yell at you and my reaction to them was is never would the two beeps be mean bat shitzy is like it was always history to stand up against discrimination, brutal acts, prrum, sexual violence, crazy.

We are at the point where you have to's thing isiv not to be that people agree with me their position is but you can't say it in public because you'll offend something someone and this is exactly wrong. You can no longer live in a world where you are not saying something that will you only say things that will offend no one like you. If you're going to defend something, you have to defend it. But then what's your view about companies that we're speaking out on? Lots of other social issues that I think you don't think that they believed in.

So the the core? the core reason why people who are basically decent wonderful people in America have basically no trust in the elite is everyone senses that they spoke out on things they actually don't believe on believe in and they set a precedent. The precedent that they set was I'm going to speak out about moral causes. Okay now you have one of the a crucial moral cause like you can be against what I'm saying you could. you could be against standing with Israel You can't say you don't have an opinion, You don't have an opinion on this.

You have fallen on your head and like and if there are people in Corporate America who say look I never have an opinion. my opinion is a shareholders I actually am sympathetic with them. but if you spent the last five years lecturing us about all sorts of Things That No One Believes you believe in private, you can't just wake up the next day and say oh, I can't speak about this thing I believe or say I have no opinion and it is crazy ridiculous and it undermines the fabric of our democracy because No One Believes it pretty valid point I Think people. Um, there's a couple other good videos where he popped off at Davos this morning, but overall, it's the same sentiment of: I Think the average person is kind of like wow, we're getting preached at a lot by people who are not telling the truth who are proven to be Liars who are proven to not really know what they're talking about or just like in one way or another.
It's like some strange form of virtue signaling. I Think the average person is starting to say f you But anyway, as more stuff comes out from Davos Um, this is Davos Day two, Day three. Whatever it is. Uh, we could check in on it now obviously.

Newsletter: it's out there. Check it out. Macar Um, just sign up for locals. It's free.

Well, there's a free version and a premium version. The premium version is how you get into the Discord But anyway. uh, the macroeconomic events for today. Uh, we have one more coming down the the pipeline.

Initial jobless claims Philadelphia F Manufacturing already out crude oil. So for the energy Traders Just so you know that's coming out 11:00 a.m. tomorrow at 10: A.m. we have the existing home sales between today and tomorrow I Believe we have two more fed speakers.

You might want to fact check me on that. And today at 2:15 p.m. ET President Joe Biden will be talking about the economy so we will be streaming that. obviously these are the earnings this is from at E Whispers on Twitter Feel free to screenshot it.

Feel free to go to his Twitter account. Feel free to just sign up for the newsletter where I put it there I also highlight all the major ones that I think you'll be interested in I give you the S&P 500 seasonality for each individual trading day of the week. Um, so you can look at the individual days there and then I kind of give you just the breakdown of the zero DTE strategy and I do want to let you know just to remind you that I'm working on a second one Speaking of the zero DTE strategy. Here's the daily Dgen report for yesterday: personally: I made two trades, one made 80% One made 64 and then obviously all also both of the strategy call outs uh also ended up working.

so my posted real-time trading call outs printed. Uh, basically it was enough to pay for three years of the Discord membership in one day's worth of Trades So before we get to that, here were the call outs. obviously yesterday January 17th you can see uh, 10:17 in the morning. Uh, a call Credit spread that's what CCS stands for call Credit spread PCS is put credit spread so anyway and there's videos and everything explaining it.

But here is the call out at 10 17 in the morning a little later in the day I give the exact details just cuz it's hard to do it in real time here. But the important thing is actually the signal. Um, so there's two systems being he built right now. Uh, there's a signal one and then one way to take advantage of it I choose to take advantage of it in a different way.
But anyway, even this, uh, it's it was a two unit multiple so there was four total units they hit. Um, so it was a $44 return for every unit of 356. So you could scale it as you want. Like if you had 3.5k you could have made 44 $40 Anyway, that was purely the system.

My own trade was right here. 27 Here's 20. Here's 7 I unloaded 20 I unloaded the other seven two different trades. Uh, but it just happened to be at the exact same strike price.

So 27 call Credit spreads on the SPX And as you could see here, well, you could do the math. I got in at 55, unloaded at 20, got in at 50, unloaded at 10. Uh, so ended up making 700 on one, 280 on the other. That adds up to 980.

Obviously 3 years of access the Discord and then I like to just be as transparent as I possibly can show you my own account every single day, every single week, every single month. Uh, so thus far on the week up 1.5k and last week I think it was 3.9k So I just like to be transparent whether I'm winning or losing I like to show you exactly what I'm doing my thought, my process, all that stuff and also just kind of put my money where my mouth is by being so transparent. Uh, if you are doing well, everyone sees it. but Al obviously on the other side if you're not doing well, uh, everyone also kind of sees that and obviously there's been good patches right now.

I think it's on a seven or eight day win triak and then there's sometimes that you take a loss. But I figure if I'm ever going to talk about trading and try to get you guys in the Discord which obviously you can get in for free, you just need to use the code gooni. uh mawar it's in the description of the video. Just use the code gooni and you will be a premium member for free.

So obviously when you're a premium member, you get the signals. You get my personal trades, other people's trades, you get the newsletter, you get private discussions, uh, private lectures in the Discord on the weekend. Uh, trading competitions. a lot of chitchat about Texas Roadhouse All that good stuff.

But my point is that you could get in four month for free and in literally one day of trading. I paid for three years of it. So like, mathematically, business-wise is it worth it? I Would attest yes because there's realiz like it's on. This is Week 15th, the market wasn't open 16 17th.

So in the past two days up, 1 uh, 4, 1.5k Five things to know before that stock Market Bell goes dingy ding dingding today Thursday January 18th Before we get into that, shout out to Meta PCS to being a partner. Um, so Metap PCS Obviously great computer systems, great technological systems. A lot of the times when people you've heard of Metap PCS in the past, it's commonly in the world of like gaming gaming setup. Well, obviously with our community, we are officially the first one where they're getting into the world of trading.
So someone like me, lot of tabs, lot of compute at night after the stream. I'm doing a lot of back end statistical analysis that could be Heavy on a system. So Metap PCS actually created me my own system. That's what I use to stream to trade to do all that I am using Metap PCS and the team was phenomenal to work with.

Uh, so because of that, they made a good, better and best system. Feel free to check it out and I'm just bringing it to your attention because I know that with with Meta PCS Uh PCS In general, it's not something you're buying every day. It's not a service you're paying for every month. So the next time you need a computer or anything related to a computer, a mouse, a keyboard, a laptop, anything like that, keep Metap PCS in mind.

it's spinned to the top of chat. it's in the description of the video and I'm just particularly excited because we are their first trading community that they've ever worked with. So the next time you need a computer or anything like that, check out Meta. PCS Don't forget to tell them I sent you and if you use the code gooni, you will also get a discount.

Now with that in mind, let's get into the five things that you should know: Rate cut come down well. basically. uh, the fact that things were still a little bit stronger, especially retail sales, that type of stuff. Uh, it's kind of dampening.

when are we going to get our first rate cuts? and what will the size of the First Rate Cuts be powerful forces? All right, we're going to talk about this a little bit later and this is the Battle of the billionaires over. Bitcoin That's a lot of bees Battle billionaire Bitcoin Uh, battle or wait. what's that bear? What's that other thing? Bears What's the BBC Bbbbb Battle Stars Beats Beats I Don't know. Some someone in here has to know it.

Someone in here has to know. Oh, time to vote Shoot I Can beat Battar? Yeah yeah. I am way behind All right Uh I need you guys Market at open Uhoh I need you guys to comment real fast today? I'm putting up the poll right now I'm so far behind. but we can't mess this up because it has to happen before the Market opens.

So uh, very very quickly on. Rumble Uh Green green, red, green, Green green. Come on. I need more votes? the first 10 Green green.

Okay so Rumble is going bullish? Uh, you need to vote over here here. Uh why is this not working? Why is my Ninja Trader not working? Oh no, Oh no no no no no no no no uh uhoh Uh Oh folks. Ninja Trader I Got to shut it down I Gotta Ninja Ninja Ninja Ninja Ninja Ninja. What is going on? Dude? The program Unhandled exception.
What is? Oh no, no, no. The Program Ninja Trader Ninja Ninja I Need to just crash the program. End Task: Come on. Get out of there.

Get out of there All right. Reopen it. We're going for a Speedrun I Need you guys to vote while we're doing this? Come on. Come on.

Come on. Come on. Come on. come on.

come on. come on. come on. come on.

come come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.

Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.

Faster. faster. Load it. Load it.

Load it. Come on. connections. Come On Load Load load.

No. I'm running out of time. Why is it not loading load there. We go there.

we go. Uh new. Apex Copier. Uh you guys are bullish at Open.

Uh 47 is YouTube 48 is Rumble Okay, okay okay okay. 47 is YouTube 47 is YouTube am I good on time. where am I at on time? where am I at on time? Okay, we just got it in. All right.

so 47 is YouTube YouTube is 73% foolish. okay. and Rumble I Associated the Rumble account with it. the only other thing is my new account which I need to do and as you can see, I changed up the wheel a bit.

So on minute two, it came in at a two right there on minute two I need to make my trade. So basically I'm letting the wheel tell me what to do and when to do it. So I need to be bullish on minute two. All right.

And with that being said, Target Order Canell. All right. you guys already hit yours. So I just put your trade in at Market open.

So YouTube's hit and Rumble's hit. You were both right. You guys already crushed it right out of the gate just like that. Just like that.

YouTube there is slippage and sometimes you're lucky. sometimes you're not. but YouTube made 145 and uh, Rumble made 115 and now you guys are just only $10 apart from each other. Uh, so Rumble's now ahead by $10 so Rumble's in the lead by 10 bucks.

YouTube's in second. Um, and then uh, my account has not yet yet traded. today. My account has not traded today.

I Am 49 And on that note, we need to figure this out. We need to figure this out. We need to figure this out. All right.

Dude Piper What are you doing Dude Piper Just climbed up my leg. We're trading. This is a show. We're professionals.

We're professionals. Dude. We got to trade. Yeah, calm down.

Oh calm down. Oh calm down. Oh brother. All right we gota.

we got to do this All right. Minute One: Minute two. Well, technically at the end of this minute is when the wheel is telling me to trade. So I'm waiting for this minute to conclude we have about Piper You need to act like a professional here.

Please stop Piper Piper Stop Piper Piper Piper we're this is so unprofessional. This is why I'm never invited on Good Morning America All right. Piper we're supposed to buy when This Bar opens All right I have am I on the right account I Don't want to mess this up anymore. Okay I think we should be good I think we should be good Piper You need to calm down.
Order filled Target filled. All right. That worked too. So um, all three of us were right.

YouTube's was 47 made 145. Uh, obviously Rumble was there went the same as YouTube There was just luck of slippage and then the wheel was right getting 140 on minute 2. Uh, so we had that. The only other thing I need to do is now trade on all of these other accounts.

Uh, 62 six. How many do I have? Dude Piper What? What are you doing? She just keeps climbing up my leg like she's just straight up claws. Dude, Just chill for one second. we're working one 2 three, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 17.

Uh so we could do eight and nine Eight and nine 62 62 Uh, one, two, three, three, four, five, 6 78 N9 1, 2, 3, 4, five, 6 78 n Uh, so 62 is now the lead account 62. Uh, and what minute are we at? all right? I know when we're going to fire this tradeoff so we're doing it in different chunks now. Piper It's all right. it's all right.

we're making money. We're making money. It's okay. Oh, it's okay.

She gets nervous if she thinks we're losing losing money. but it's all right there brother. It's okay there brother. Wow.

Wow. Why don't you lay down? Why do you lay down on the chair here? You take a nap, take a nap. She's getting frustrated. Um, where are we at? I was supposed to also probably make I was just waiting to fire this one off in about a minute.

Uh, I'm trying to chunk it. So basically, in terms of the tradeing competition, that's over for the day. everyone now we all hit again. Um, so the way this works is: YouTube is in the lead.

no Rumble's in the lead, YouTube is in second by $10 behind. and then my account is behind by even more $110 Uh, so that's a that's a little suspect to say the least. little suspect to say the least. And then on this note, all right Am I on the right account.

There's so many accounts to manage here. Uh, 47 by market order submitted. All right. So I'm putting that up for the other chunk of them and then I just need to do one more after that and we will be good there.

So while we're waiting for that to happen, I shouldn't H Who cares about the top five things to know about today? Uh, we are opening up above yesterday's close. Actually on the daily chart, things may be rebounding. Nvidia literally opened to a new all-time high today, so Pelosi's definitely swimming in money right now. I've been watching Rumble a little bit more.

Nvidia's up. Apple's up quite a bit right now. How's Bitcoin looking? Bitcoin's still just chilling at 42.5 All right. All right.

All right. All right. we are learning. We're learning.

We're learning. We're learning. We're figuring out what in the world is going on. We're figuring it out.

and I should be 40 40, 40 4. Is that right? 40 Uh. I can't click these numbers fast. fast enough.
All right. Did that trade not hit yet? Almost hit. Then got a little scared Nvidia is going dude Nvidia An absolute Monster uh the second trade is not in yet. second trade.

not in quite yet waiting to see if there's a breakout here I Was just looking for a new intraday high on the NASDAQ on the NQ contract on the features Market uh for the second trade? come on, let's just go. Let the kids play. Let the kids play. I guess we're not going to this well now I'm kind of freaking out because what if it just barely Taps it and then I top ticket and then it dumps all the way to the intraday low I'll get blown out.

Oh stress levels. Maybe the fact that it's hang on? My fiance's flight just got cancelled? Uhoh this is a lot to manage a disgruntled fiance whose flight just got canceled supposed to be going to Los Angeles here I am in the middle of Trades Piper's attacking my leg. There's already like a lot of little puncture wounds in my thigh right now. You guys are here for the show trying to figure out what's going on.

They said they're they have to find a new plane so they don't know what's going on they I guess were supposed to be on a flight and they were servicing it and they told everyone it was delayed and now they said they don't no like yeah we whatever guys, it's crazy right? It's crazy that we? have to find a whole new plane. Jesus What is going on with Airlines Lately it makes no sense what airline? Um I assume it's United but I don't know United it is United That's crazy dude. Airlines Have been having the worst run lately. The worst run.

Okay, uh, maybe we should focus on the other task at hand. What in the world is going on? What in the world going on right now? All right. So look at the daily chart. Uh, we obviously have kind of a weird now.

We gapped above the Gap from yesterday. Little bit of a weird setup, but just so you know, on the Spy an actual Gap and I'm not talking about the Clos Gap I'm talking about an actual Gap There is a a gap down to 473. We're trading at 474, so just below 473 and on the Q's we now have a gap all the way down to 40760. Uh, so large downside.

Gap fills. The odds of them getting filled are very high. uh, but obviously not a guarantee. So just looking at the spy and the Qes there some craziness up and now we're going off.

Wait, Do I need to go back to this? Are we Off to the Races Are we Off to the Races All of a sudden, I I was planning on doing this in two different chunks, but now I might just do it in one chunk. Uh. I was going to trade the all these accounts I now have 20 accounts that are approved to like actually make money if I trade well enough on them. Um, so before it was just a three, uh, obviously the wheels account, YouTube's account and Rumble's account these top three and then the other 17.
just like slow and steady and obviously on the um I suppose the approvals or whatever deal Apex is current, Well, hang on one second. I'll explain the deal that Apex is running that concludes tomorrow, but let's see if this chunk of Trades actually gets hit. I'm getting a little nervous here because like it keeps getting hit right at this level. so I'm worried that it's going to go up, get me a bad fill, and then get smacked.

and I'm trading nine of these accounts right now. Uhoh uhoh Spaghetti Ados even Piper just left the room. She doesn't even want to deal with it. So is the flight cancelled or delayed? At least it's early in the morning, so if she does like, there's a chance she'll be able to get on to another flight.

All right. Uhoh uhoh Spaghettio trade Numero dose of the day. Uhoh uh oh, we got it 150 across the board. That's looking good.

So now we just need to go to 65. Uh, 65 and then the rest of these. All right. Cool cool cool cool cool.

65 is now the lead account. One more trade to do and we're going to be good. We're going for hopefully another day of perfection. Um, so I'm going to wait a couple minutes to execute the last and my idea of doing it in different trunks rather than all the extra 17 Accounts at once is just diversification.

So if Sun blow out, I'm not blowing out all the accounts. Really what I want to do is so there's there three competition accounts and then a leftover 17. So I just wanted to do a group of four, four, four, and five. So I want to do really? what I'm working on is coding this up in Ninj script on the back end right now I'm trading on ninja Trader So they do have the ability to do more systematic algorithmic trading.

so what I want to do is assign the accounts to different algorithms in the morning and then hopefully they all hit. but if one misses, at least there's the other one. So just a little bit of like diversification. Um so I just have one more to do and that would be these chunk 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 so eight more to do and then I'll be good on the future stuff.

As I'm waiting for a bit of time to pass, I do want to let you know um, what's happening? So basically all all those 50k accounts I'm trading for real money but it's not my money that's on the line. I'm using a prop account Apex Trader Um, right now I Just want you know that they're currently running a deal that ends in a day in 7 hours, so it concludes tomorrow evening. 80% off in a one- day pass. Uh, generally it's not 80% off and generally takes seven days to pass the test.

So I've already passed the test on all 20 of those accounts. That's the max you could have I choose to use the 50k account, but you could use whatever you want. um. I Also, do it through rhythmic and connect that to ninja Traders Some people like to do it through trade ofate and connect it to something else.
Really, it's up to you. but if you use the code goon, you can get 80% off. Uh, what's spot GMA Telling us this morning? All right thus far. Little bit choppy in the world of options.

no clear Direction Quite yet. the Spy is very, very much sideways. very evidently sideways. Uh, the Q's the tech sector a little bit stronger and that's most likely because Apple just got an upgrade on some of.

uh, an analyst upgraded. Apple Uh, so the tech sector seems to be the bullish one of the day. Tech sector seems to be the bullish one of the day. Let's check out some of these other ones.

XLE Is looking a bit weak right now. We have crude oil. Dro Uh, crude oil is up, but the energy sector taking a little bit of a hit, the financial sector also taking a slight hit. The utility sector flat Industrials was good but now looking weak Healthcare looking a bit weak I'm trying to think of any other though.

The main ones I look at are Tech Xlk which is looking good I look at XLF which is looking weak and I look at XLE those are the three major ones that I pay attention to um so energy looking weak, financials looking weak but kind of neutral and then Tech looking good. So that's why the Spy looks sideways while the cues are going up because like it's the specific Tech names that are looking a little bit more dominant this morning. On that note, coinbase is getting smoked again. Uh, hang on.

where's my final trade of the day? Where is my final trade of the day? Uh, what are we at? Order submitted: Nope, that is wrong. Order cancelled. Did I do it 65 I don't think I switched it I need to get better at making sure I'm on the right account. we don't want to debacle like we had last week.

Order submitted: Um, all right. So I should have properly 65 is the lead account 437 blah blah blah blah 43 Okay, yeah, I think these are all properly in order now. All right. so one more trade to go there and then.

Other than that, just a couple um, options trades today. Uh, I Already executed the first one on a new strategy that I'm working out. the first strategy Piper is pretty much done. It's either 100% done or 99% done.

I'm very comfortable with that strategy I'm now working on a second zero DT strategy which which I'm referring to as Rue Um, and they both involve I guess an overall signal and then I'm choosing. It's kind of like a M. The system itself each is

3 thoughts on “Rip city is back, live tilted trading davos day 2 the mk show”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nicholasnorris1452 says:

    See you at 2pm

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @reliantoppo says:

    Ppl say do your own research/Due Diligence (DD). So, please make a video with how to do some of these fundamental steps. For instance understanding EPS how to compare it to other companies & how the P/E ratio is calc’d. Break the vids down by historical data vs near real time.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ericstevens7548 says:

    matttttttttt its been awhile ! whats happening with FLT drone delivery ? this volume cant just be buying

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