A Terrible Take From Gen Z
The Matt Kohrs Show
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#Inflation #Entertainment #NewYork #Capitalism
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The problem is capitalism. The problem is the exploitation of the working class. The problem is that the system has been set up so that you can work And work And work for hours and days and weeks and months and years on end and not see any gain or any benefit from it. Your work doesn't benefit you.

It benefits the people that you're working for. The problem is that the people in power and the people who make the laws are having their pockets filled by companies and corporations so that they do exactly as they're told. The problem is that we live in a sociopathic economic system where some people are deemed more valuable than others and if you don't have any economic value, then you deserve nothing. You don't get health care, You don't get housing, You don't get your basic human rights respected or protected.

All you get is exploited for all the money that they can get out of you and then you die. We need to dismantle the system that treats us like we're only valuable if we can help make rich people richer while we ourselves are struggling to even survive. This is a system that is trying to take away our human rights. It is our duty to to overthrow the system and replace it with one that values human life over profit.

It is our duty to get rid of the people that allow the system to continue. Well, she's wrong. Because of capitalism, we have so many things. Think about all the advancements in medicine alone.

just like one little industry of the fact that like we're not going to die from a common cold anymore that SS to capitalism folks like how stupid do you have to be to actually believe that and I get it, she was just there like reading and she's like probably like oh my God my college friends are going to love that I said this like it is absolutely one thing if you're just doing it for stupid, content and like someone like Hanan who he has to say because that's what his audience wants. but imagine like actually believing that. imagine growing up in such a privileged world that you can like sit there with like the money from your daddy and you're using his iPhone in between college classes that your parents are paying for just to be like oh my God down with capitalism like it's so bad. Shut the f up.

It's one thing to about it which I think most people are hyper uninformed, but then name a better one don't waste a minute of Our Lives sitting there telling us how bad capitalism is present a solution because as soon as you ask them to go through that little brain teaser there, that little brain exercise they're going to be like well I don't know. Socialism is good. Why don't we just share everything I Likeed her One line of how like people are, uh, different socioeconomic value Yeah, people are different socioeconomic I value She was appalled to think that we're like not equal. Of course, we're not equal right here.

I'm a living example of it. I'm here providing a certain amount of value and I just yell out of camera there's a brain surgeon by me in New York Saving a life most likely as we speak, that is a better benefit to society And that's why he makes a gazillion more dollars in me. We are not equal. We've never been equal, and this new NE libtard opinion that we're all equal and we're all perfectly the same is actually idiotic.
We are different and the point of life is to find out what you like. What you're particularly good at the vend diagram overlap and you excel at that and you take advantage of that as much as you can. As much as I would want to be a major league pitcher, a quarterback, it it doesn't matter cuz that's not me. I don't have that skill set.

All right. We're not all equal. We're not all going to be the best golfers out there. We are not all equal golfers to Tiger Woods And to act like oh no, no, no, we provide the same We we.

We're the same out there. We're not the same. What? What the is? The point of acting as if everyone we are not equal and this bullshit of the new political regime trying to say we're all equal and we all deserve the same thing. No, some people, when they're born, they're lucky with the environment that they're born in.

Other people hit the genetic Lottery other people work harder, we're not the same and the fact that everyone's trying to like fit us into this exact same cookie cutter and these people haven't thought it through because they like no no no let me put content out there to get some sort of like social points and I'm going a virtue signal to like my followers it is dumb I Don't even think there's like a word in the English language to properly articulate how many advancements we have on every Frontier of medicine, technology, real estate travel because of capitalist.

29 thoughts on “A terrible take from gen z”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @P2055516 says:

    She might be more convincing if she dressed up like Velma

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MatthewBournival says:

    Who gave this zoomer a script???

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @raffhd3571 says:

    I think that this is right to some extend. But still not one of these extremes is the answer to the problems. Europe is not as capitalistic as the US and the people live way better lifes than in the US.
    And there are actually solutions for all these problems because you asked for them. Just look at other coutrys. In Austria you can go to most schools, most universitys even if you don't have a ton of money, or without having to live in dept for the next 10 years. It's a system where actually everyone has (or should have) the same opportunitys and with the ammount of work you put into your life, you get a reward. That's actually the "american dream" that doesn't exist in the US because there you either have to have luck, or rich parents.

    And even if everyone tries to convince you that it is that way, in europe you don't pay 50% taxes. If you have a standard job, you pay probably around 35% of your income for tax, health care and retirement provision. And on top you get (if you work enough months) insurance to get unemployment benefit to not end up poor in the time you try to get a new job.
    And there are problems in these countries too with tax payers money getting wasted, but these are not problems of the system, but with the politicians.

    So please don't try to tell me that there is no alternative and everything is thanks to capitalism. Europe has some of the best scientist developing groundbreaking medication with tax payers money on european universitys and US companies take these achievements and sell this vitally important medication at incredibly high prices to people in need.

    And socialism even communism doesn't say that "we are all equal". It says that everyone should get the same chances and everyone should get what they deserve. So a brain surgeon would still make way more than "normal" people. But I don't think it's wrong to tell CEOs to pay their employees enough so that they are not poor with three jobs in which they do hard work, while the CEOs make unbelievable ammounts of money. Because I hardly think that Jeff Bezos works 630,000,000 times harder than his employees. Don't get me wrong: I think that a CEO has the right to make way more money than his employees, but not while they get payed so little that they have to worry about every bill they have to pay.
    And if you say "Yea they should have started their own business or gone to college etc." How? Not everyone has enough luck or rich parents.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @libbyduo1419 says:

    Lol….thats right

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kevinthomas26 says:

    She wrote this shit down lmmfao she can read good 😂 Maybe she should try to start a business and try to be the capitalistic asshole at the top of the food chain 😢

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TMacFPV says:

    Matt, thank you for your commentary on this uninformed TikTok video. Scary to think there are people out there in our great nation who actually believe this stuff (and are possible in positions of power within our federal government). Just a little bit of effort to acquire knowledge of past history and forms of government/economic systems other than our own (in the U.S.- i..e. a comparison) would easily disprove her "thesis." Keep fighting the good fight my friend!💪

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @defiantrascal6214 says:

    We don't live under "capitalism" my boi. This is crony capitalism masquerading as capitalism. In real capitalism, you run your company into the ground due to stupid economic decisions or high risks it's over. If however you are AIG you get a bailout because "too big to fail." so now all their stupid decisions are "socialized" and paid for by the taxpayer. Like AIG there were several other companies that benefited from the bailouts like citigroup, bank of america, fannie mae, bear sterns, chrysler, general motors, lockheed,That is NOT capitalism. Secondly we have the Federal Reserve which is a PRIVATE corporation that printed $ like crazy giving it to their friends on Wall Street to pump up the stock market so that companies can buy back their stocks to increase their profits so that their CEOs can get fat paychecks without having to provide any value through their products or services. We have a rigged game here, Matt. I don't want communism or socialism but what we have is a pig with lipstick on.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kryptography8397 says:

    I'll say this. Theres a difference between capitalism,, which America rose on, and corporatism, which is killing our country.. My grandmother died from being unable to afford insulin when Medicaid has an issue due to id theft. A medication developed for the people, funded by the people, and yet corperate greed is killing innocent people in need of medicine. Tuberculosis kills how many a year? WE CAN TREAT IT, IMUNIZE AGAINST IT, AND PEOPLE DIE BECAUSE OF CORPERATE GREED. so yeah, it's not some capitalist dream world over here.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kryptography8397 says:

    My grandmother died from being unable to afford insulin. A publication funded and developed for the intent of being at cost, is now rewiring

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @theerobby9714 says:

    She looks like she wipes back to front

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-bd6bh5mg2t says:

    Gotta take down companies to have free things
    Girl math

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tocarules says:

    She doesnt realized that she is the top tear 1%. People in India making 25 cent an hour. Some of Apple's top tear devs are making sub $200 a month. My dad and Uncle born the the 20's would talk about bread pudding being a massive treat and how they would spit on any extras to disincentivize the other getting any seconds. As a kid I never met a millionaire, never ever thought I'd be one, but yet here I am. Its not that Im worth a million, but the money printing sure made a mockery out of our dreams. Go listen to what W. Webb said about BTC. Its not your boss your working for, but the Biden regime you voted for. Its the criminals like Christine Legarde and the elites looting us like 2008.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JeffDrennen says:

    She hasn't even lived her live yet. Shut the fuck up kid, and let the adults in the room speak.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Ai_Make_Money says:

    80085 yummy

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kutsy3785 says:

    Capitalism is good except from one distinction. Living requirements should not be part of someone elses investment. This includes food, utilities and roof over your head.
    The fact that someone can purchase all of the houses in your city to drive prices up is ludicrous.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @stuartabel5710 says:

    I don’t think she understands capitalism. Bless

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dyor-always says:

    The problem is that muffin top .

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @trailguy says:

    did she say something? i was looking at her boobs.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cromcccxvi3787 says:

    SHE IS RIGHT, ABOUT THIS CAPITALISM… (which isn't Capitalism). Your Generation Matt Kohrs created labels to slap on everything as a form of manipulation. Our current form of Capitalism is not Supply/Demand, is not Survival of the Fittest, it is a corrupted system of Preservation controlled by Debt Sorcery, Subsidies, and Regulatory Politics—- For Capitalism to thrive, the only way is within a strongly regulated framework….. but any attempts to regulate monopilization, corruption etc.. is SOCIALISM!… It's ignorant & it is stupid. Every nation in the world, even China & Venezuela are essentially the same. The all have private ownership, they all have some degree of Gov't intervention, we just label it, point fingers and claim our system is the best! Even though for example the Chinese stock market is far less corrupt and more traditional Capitalistic than ours.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Pdtuning says:

    Sounds like you need to get a job where your seen to pull your weight and earn that money and not expect to get money for min effort

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @patricioolivera4002 says:

    Famously no one dies from preventable illnesses under capitalism

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @jasonsherry5925 says:

    …Universal basic income…

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @IamTonyStark1 says:

    All these working class folks commenting, in a few decades they will reach an age where they realize that lady was actually making a good point

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Dodo-eg6gk says:

    You just dont understand the statements she is making. Also if you think the US is currently capitalistic you are sadly mistaken..

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @LELECUBA1 says:

    socialism and communism don't work, i can tell you by experience

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MountainMenace420 says:

    Matt you actually help create more powerful brains in one day then a surgery will in an entire year

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @davidgalindez2751 says:

    Oh and that's Marxism that values life, oof they're so crazy

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @davidgalindez2751 says:

    Girl, the problem is you buy too much Starbucks and don't save, period

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @joey1291 says:

    The problem is that she thinks is right. If what she said were right, America wouldn't have millions of immigrants risking every thing to come here.

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