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Holiday Giveaway Day #1
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Foreign, Foreign foreign foreign. What is going on? Happy Holidays Happy Day One of Hanukkah I Believe that Sundown This evening will be on today too. So happy! Hanukkah To everyone who celebrates and to everyone else happy all the other holidays because we are rocking, rock and rocking. What's going on this morning folks, How's everyone doing? We got to get the Santa hat ready.

Oh my hair is already all messed up. it's gonna. Honestly, if you're looking at my hair and you're thinking to yourself, This is Gonna Be A wildly off the railstream I could guarantee you it's already going that way. It's just as people are coming in as people are coming in.

I Need to let you know that your boy had a weekend and a half. A weekend and a half. Weekends are Two days. I mean it's as if I had a four day weekend.

That's how many things happened in my life and I just need to vent because you guys are my online digital therapists. so there I was there I was Mac whores in the big city life for show and some people that I know some friends from my old life. well one friend who knows many other people in the city. they're like yo, we're playing poker do you want to play I was like yeah I want to play 100 buying I was like all right let's do this thing.

um and then I get ready and you know me I wanna I wanna get in the zone So I'm looking up basic things like what poker hands are better than other poker hands and I'm like okay, yeah it goes blah blah blah and I'm I'm getting ready I'm I I want to be a good guest so I get some whiskey I was hungry I found a good like buffalo chicken pizza so it was a long ride. so I'm on the the subway for a while and I'm just looking at basic poker rules and etiquette and I was like okay I could do this thing like why not and I get there and out of nowhere I'm taken by a surprise. there's a kitten named Piper and this kitten is like a kitten kitten I don't just mean like a cat I mean like a straight up kitten who is a menace but she was also pretty cool. So I'm like.

All right. I Like the vibe of this place where we're slinging some poker cards, we're playing with this cat, we're drinking some whiskey and one thing leads to another. this is just for reference by the time like poker started at seven, so I was there at seven and one thing leads to another, the Whiskey's flowing, the cats are meowing, the cards are flipping flopping, and before you know it, it's three in the morning and this was now early early Sunday morning. So at this point I had too much whiskey I played with the cat way too much and then I also played way too much poker.

side note: that literally has nothing to do with this story, but I was up I ended up doubling up I went in for I got busted up on the first hundred, bought back in with 200 made a net 300. so I left with 604 after buying in for a total of three. So I doubled up my money which doesn't really matter because I got my ass handed to me betting on to Sean Watson this is like a Side Story of a Side Story of a side story, but seriously fuck DeSean Watson Um, not as a well actually as a human she I think he's like a pretty bad human as well I don't know I don't really follow like the life of star or like sports people. but anyway I'm saying just from a sports betting perspective DeShaun Watson owes me like three to five hundred dollars.
But anyway, back to The Other Side Story Uh so I was up on poker and I finally got home at three in the morning. and the reason this is relevant to this story, the actual story you're about to find out. Um, for whatever reason I got up like way too early and just because it's the holidays and whenever you have a complete completely real girlfriend like for all those in relationships, you know the holidays are weird. It's like are we going to your families or are we going to my families? Is everyone coming our place blah blah blah So just to like balance things out with the holidays, I Was going to her family last like Sunday night just to celebrate, have a good meal to see each other.

Obviously holidays can get rough. um just like with timing and convenience and all that stuff. So I had guy on home at three in the morning I barely slept and then we have to get our butts in the car and we start driving. and then for any of you in the area you might know that there's a big big Highway called 95 So we're on 95 and we're driving and we're driving.

and um before that for whatever reason I was in the back and like because we were with her friend, we're with her like her friend needed a ride as well. Uh so we're there and I had put in my headphones because they were singing and I didn't want to listen to them singing. so you know me. I'm just on Tiki Taki I'm just I'm just wasting my time Ticky tacky ticky tacky ticky tacky scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll and then out of nowhere it sounds like someone opened the window, Sounded like they opened the window and I was like why would you open the window when we're on the highway and it's December and it's 30 degrees out? That just doesn't make sense And then I took my headphones out, took a break from Tiki Taki and remember I get home at three in the morning so I'm a little I'm a little surprised about what the hell is going on.

maybe my brain's not firing at 100 efficiency and they look at me and they're like what's that noise and I was like well I'm looking at you to find out what that noise is and then I was like maybe we should pull over because no one had opened the window and then they completely real girlfriend she pulled over and I get out of the car and the tire is completely blown. It's not just flat, it is non-existent and I know a lot of you look at me. You come into these streams and you think that's a man's man that is a guy who knows to take some duct tape some WD-40 and he could fix any problem. Physical Emotional: I Get it.
I Know you guys look at me and you're like that is a rugged Mountaineer that is a guy who in his free time is slinging Lumberjack porn and he's chopping down trees for all the people on. Tiki Taki I get it. But I don't want you guys to be surprised I I'm not that guy, not that guy. but what? I am is a guy who has an overwhelming amount of confidence.

In fact, right before I got into the tikitaki part of this drive, I was just exclaiming to them of like how I'm bored and I was bored on the drive and blah blah blah But now there's there's something for me to do. And folks, I mean it can't be that hard to change a tire right? But anyway, they're like no, don't get out of the car, it's not safe, It's dangerous. We're on 95, people are flying and also when you're on 95, you can't get a tow truck. You can't do anything like you specifically have to call like this New Jersey authority to handle it So they called it and I was like I'm bored I'm gonna figure this out and I know this Bear's in the back.

Honestly the hardest part about this is just finding where they hide the car jack in your car. um which it's literally a fucking in Narnia which is crazy like you're going into like The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe to get all the various things you need to jack up your car. it's hidden like you have. you have to go on like an 18 part Quest within your trunk to find out all the stuff you need to do this.

But anyway I found it eventually like I Unearthed Pandora's Box I found the Holy Grail I found where they buried Jesus and underneath all of that is finally in your trunk is where you find the Jack and I did it and it's easy. I mean the biggest thing is they just want you to reinstall the donut in like a very strange, like kind of like pentagram pattern type of thing. So anyway, I'm thinking I'm like uh, it's Sunday it's getting late on a Sunday we're going into a holiday season. should we keep driving? Maybe we should just go find a place to get an actual Tire So we found a place that's within a mile and they were so incredibly nice.

so incredibly nice. They're like, you know what, we're booked but like we could fit you in like it's just. we get it, it's tough times. like you blew your tire, we feel bad for you.

Incredibly incredibly nice. But unfortunately, even though it was a mile away as the crow flies. and then for all the people who don't know what that saying means, it means like directly in line it's a mile away. But unfortunately on the highway we just had passed it.

so we had to drive all the way down and then all the way back up to just go that one little mile away that it actually was. So it was like actually in reality about like a 30 to 40 minute drive. But anyway, we get there and you you we we bottomed out. You know we hit rock bottom and we were coming back even though we're way behind schedule and nerves were high because everyone's driving best us on the highway.
No one thinks I know how to trade into Tire in reality it's not that hard I mean it's in owner's manual like it's like two pages of whatever like I mean I've had a more difficult time building Ikea furniture in reality so we get there and the guy's like yeah, no problem. half hour I was like oh sick like it's on the up and up like you know you can feel it when the day is turning around. you're like great. We got rid of all the bad stuff like it's just gonna be good from here on out.

That's the vibe and this little town we were in. It's a town that I think was exclusively made by Transformers not the things by our electrical boxes I mean Transformers like the movie because every single store was car related. An auto body shop, a tire shop, a different tire shop, a car dealership. Everything was car related.

So amongst all this Transformer based Village there was one Duncan One Duncan this must have been the only food source for humans because other than that I think all these car people or like the car Transformers I assume just eat nuts, bolts and like oil and that type of stuff. So anyway, we're like okay, we have to kill a half hour as they change the tire over like no big deal. We'll go to that. Duncan folks I don't know how to accurately explain this to all of you, but as we were outside and remember it's the winter time, there's wind, it's cold, it's blistery.

You could hear a faint sound on the outside of this Duncan and you're thinking to yourself, what in the world could that be From an outside vantage point, you could see there was someone behind the counter and you could see a little kid. That's what you could see. That was my early reconnaissance because I'm on edge, my adrenaline's still going I'm a man's man I changed a tire I Scout things out I'm ocularly clearing all situations from here on out I'm basically enrolled in the U.S military at this point I'm like at all points I'm just on my toes and I hear this I'm like huh I wonder what that sound is I Really wonder what that sound is So we get to the Duncan We walk in and folks, some of you are going to think that I'm being facetious, but I want you to know that this is 100 accurate. The volume of Music in this Duncan was no different than any club you've been to and it is just going hard with.

Spanish DJ Music This Duncan is popping. So now within this Duncan there's a little random kid in the corner who I'm sure if I talked to him he would have given me an additional Quest There was one guy behind the counter. there was me. my completely real girlfriend and my completely real girlfriend's friend.

So the five of us are in there and it's just a club. it's like and then it's just Spanish music going crazy and we're like What did we actually I took a video of it here? hang on let me know if you guys photos where's my recent videos that that was the Duncan that was in a Duncan and I go up and I'm like I don't know like what do you guys do Red Bull vodkas here and he's like no sir, this is the Duncan obviously you get coffee and donuts and I was like oh sorry like I just I misread the room like I know what your sign says but this is kind of crazy. Um so I get obviously some munchkins just to keep the Vibes going. You're getting some additional health for this journey that I was on.
I got a hot uh no, not a hot chocolate hot coffee just because it's cold as shit out and we're we're sitting there just three kind of. we don't know what the music is I don't speak Spanish too well. uh and it's just way too loud so we couldn't speak to each other and this is a desolate Duncan And then I realized that they must have been on some folks. the fact that this happened on the first day of Hanukkah I wish like you can't make this up.

this is how you know this is real is because I am not creative enough as a human being to pull this story out of my ass. We were sitting there in silence because it was so deafeningly loud and whatever station they were listening to it paused for an ad break and this folks was the most confusing ad break I have heard in my life and I can't speak for all of you, but this also might be the most confusing ad we've all collectively heard ever and this is just playing over the intercom at an excessively NFL stadium level. This is how it was just so crazy. Here's the ad: s Spanish DJ Music going crazy random little kid worker and then the three of us in my Posse my cohort, my gang pause Advertiser Is it anti-semitic to criticize Israel no and then fucking right back into the music I Folks right back into the music added Duncan Is it anti-semitic to criticize? It's real fucking what.

Why in the world is going on at this? Duncan And then we just sat there like what is going on Since when did Kanye West invest into a donut-based franchise I Didn't even know he was in the donut game and this guy is already buying the singular Duncan In the world of Transformer Like Transformerville So at this point, like I'm already knocked off edge because I'm doing something I'm not qualified to do changing a tire, driving on a donut, going down a highway, back a highway. It's cold, tensions are high, adrenaline's pumping, anxiety is there, so we're not already in a mental state of homeostasis. We're not. And we think, finally, you're at the end And it was a false peak of a journey.

It is exactly a false peak of a journey you get into this club. Spanish Duncan and no one told us that Kanye owned it. We didn't know it at all and then we just get hit with this ad where the fuck is this going and then from there. Fortunately, fortunately that was the mental boss level of this particular story because after that I'm proud to report there were no particular hiccups.
Um, besides the fact that the night before was up till three in the morning, my brain wasn't functioning properly and then I was still up. like coming back. and then my computer decided to just like not work. It's like nah, man.

I'm going on break early this year. I'll see you in the new Year. So like I've been up scrambling to get these freaking lights to work. which you don't even want to know the electricity bill and the new lights that are around this.

but it's been a week in and a half. It is absolutely been a week and a half. So I don't know what kind of show we're gonna have for you today. I don't know where my brain's at either.

It's going to be a great one because I'm just deprived of all energy and maybe you're gonna get golden content. but there's also a legitimate chance that like I end up just passing out am I on my fourth Double Espresso Yes, Will that be enough? I Have absolutely no clue folks, we're just we're running on fumes in here I Don't know where this is gonna go and what's crazy is that this is all happening on our first big holiday giveaway. Today is Holiday Giveaway Day number one and we there's we're gonna pick one of you one of you watching right now who can properly follow the steps and get on attendees and then all you have to do is also be on locals. Drop your Twitter handle.

One of you is going to win something Ops and ah, option something. even. look at that oxygen leaving my brain, my brain's not functioning. One of you is going to win something awesome.

We have a PS5 Up for grabs. We have a Nintendo switch up for grabs. We have Beats over-the-ear headphones up for grabs. We have a new training slash gaming monitor up for grabs.

We have an espresso up for grabs and we have varying forms of Texas Roadhouse gift cards up for grabs. One of you right now is gonna win it. You're gonna crush it. and I don't know who that's going to be.

That's going to be around 10 30 just so everyone knows. So about in an hour. Well one of you lucky people is going to be the first winner and then we're going to be continuing this obviously until the end of the week. So Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Um so every single day someone's going to be winning something.

Ops and and all you have to do is put your name into locals and be attendees user which is all. um International viewers. Well, sounds like we're gonna have to get you over here to really figure out this whole Texas Roadhouse Extravaganza if that's what you're asking about. if you happen to be an international viewer, that's something that we could discuss.

like if you're the winner, like maybe we'll do like at costs or something like that. Uh, we'll figure that out folks. If you've learned anything from my entire monologue to start off today's episode, you know that I Can think on my toes. So Eugene that's a very, very fair and valid question.
But look at me guys. I'm ready to improv. We will make this work one way or another and we just gotta get us to the weekend. I Know it's a rough starting Monday But folks, focus on the goal.

You just have to work this week as many of you are already just like working remotely moving your mouse every single 20 to 30 minutes because your manager is doing the exact same thing. How funny is that? Actually, How many can you raise your hand? Raise your hand if you're that? person this week, you're like yeah, I know I'm working from home and really, you're just like you downloaded a program to make it seem as if like you're on. But what's funny about it is that you're doing it and your manager's also doing it like I Don't get that because like you're like, oh man I hope they they don't see that I haven't been working this week, but that's what they're thinking too. I Just want that to be very, very clear out there.

especially for all my corporate workers. You, the people above you who you don't want to see you, the fact that you're not producing anything this particular week or next week. let's be honest. uh, they're doing the exact same thing I I think literally all the way up to the CEO level and then probably that CEO he's doing it too.

He's like I just owned. The shareholders don't notice. uh, but folks, we're gonna make it work as a team effort. I don't think I'll be able to carry this entire show or particular week like I'm gonna already set you up like the next five major morning shows I think I'm gonna be relying quite a bit on all of you.

Uh, this is going to be a team effort to get us through this wild stuff coming. but yes, Holiday giveaway Day one, we gotta talk about the market. It's looking kind of kind of all right. Maybe upside Gap those we have to talk about Elon Who is apparently going to be quitting Twitter um or at least running Twitter he ran a poll Uh, shout out to everyone who wants to World Cup The craziest World Cup game ever Uh, shout out to all all the Argentina fans in here I Believe that we can all say Messi has officially made himself the greatest soccer player of all time I Know there was room for debate before this, but I think it is now I don't I don't see any other argument any other argument I think he has now solidified himself as the greatest soccer player that has ever walked the face of this particular.

Planet Uh, so shout out to everyone and honestly shout out to France like it was such a good game. Like you don't get those kind of games if like one team is clearly dominant I think we saw two absolute Titans go at it and it was a phenomenal game to watch I mean it had everything you needed so uh, shout out to both teams. Uh, it's just crazy crazy stuff man man, oh man. so that's another big thing.

Oh, speaking of that, like I've just been getting my ass handed to me on sports betting. so if anyone has any good ideas about the Packers game tonight, you know, send them to your boy. I need to win some of my sports betting money back. Um, so if you guys know what's going on there, Uh, definitely.
Oh, we also have to talk about the newest Twitter files drop. Dude, there is so much to get into. So much to get into AA tweet kind of a nothing. Burger Are you surprised by that? Are you? Are you really surprised that I mean of course it is.

Were you inspecting anything out of that guy? Okay, so uh. first things first, before we get into all the craziness, we'll hang on. We'll wait for it. Uh, but if you want to get into this holiday giveaway opportunity and any of you watching right now can do it, go to and find Holiday Giveaway Number one and all you have to do is put in your Twitter handle.

Please Don't spam. If you end up spamming and you're selected, you're not going to be in the winner I'm just going to the next person. If you win one of the days this week, you're not eligible for the remainder of this week, then you can only win once this week and then obviously after that it doesn't really matter. but I just don't want to be giving away presents to this same person if you have I don't know a spouse or something.

That's a different story, but it's just we're trying to spread a little bit of the giving. so please don't spam. And if you are the one of the winners, you're not going to be another one of the winners. Um, but everyone come in here.

post your Twitter handle. Uh, just because I'm gonna need your address, your information, that type of a thing. But anyway, Find this one. it's pinned to the Top If you're not already on locals the code to get into the premium version for free F-r-e-e is the code Moon Gang M, O O-n-g-a-n-g and then just make sure you are also intended.

So all this stuff is free and we're going to be doing that around 10 30. So shout out to that also on here I Think we talked a little bit about the Upside Spy Gap film. Uh, just so everyone knows it is Upside On Friday We took care of the downside Gap fill from Wednesday November 9th to Thursday and the 10th right here. Downside to 381 14.

uh, we already cleaned that one up. So now the two closest Gap fills are upside ones to 387 89 396 31. now you guys cannot see this at all. You guys actually can't see shit about what I had up.

sorry my apologies. like I said I'm functioning at like three percent brain power today. but I think it'll come around. something about this fourth double shot of this breath.

so um, it's really starting to click like I think if you guys give me to like 10 I think I might be back to where I need to be. But anyway, as you can see on the screen here the Bell we're a couple minutes out from opening a little under four. Uh, we took care of this downside. Gap fill on Friday So now the two closest gaps.
those are upside Gap those 387 89, 396 31. now I Want to just add a little bit of a caveat here. A little bit of an important note: Today this training day is Trading Day of the Month 13. this is the 13th trading Day of the month.

This is seasonally if you look at all the other December Tdoms 13 Trading Day of the month, the 13th trading Day of December. Over the past two and a half decades, this is a bearish day. Tomorrow is a bearish day and then out of nowhere Wednesday's a bit more bullish like it's bullish. I would say it goes from very bearish, very bearish, kind of bullish and then extremely bullish on Thursday and also pretty bullish on Friday.

So just think bearish Bearish. Bullish. Bullish. Bullish and then also a thing I wanted to throw out to you Friday of this week is also very bullish for oil.

Now these are just seasonal patterns. None of them have 100 accuracy. None of this is guaranteed. I'm just telling you a little bit of the bias.

Bearish Bearish. Bullish. Bullish. Bullish.

So that's for the overall market. And then oil itself is also seasonally. very bullish at the end of this week. Once again, this is how we've just seen things play out in the past.

Just because something's played out in the past, does not mean it has to play out that way once again in the future. I Just want to let you know a little bit of the seasonality bias that we have going on today, especially for people who are looking for some of the degenerate trades. Now before that, Bell goes dingy ding ding ding. Could you guys show a little bit of love to today's stream Sponsor: I Am talking about Public Free Stock Trading Commission Free Stock trading.

On top of that, when you sign up and create a valid account, make your deposit. You will get a free stock from them, valuing anywhere from three to three hundred. On top of that, you can get up to ten thousand dollars when you transfer your account from another brokerage. The amount is dependent on how much you're transferring, so it's like a whole scaling thing.

The major thing you need to know is no payment for order flow. No market makers. Uh, recently there was a discussion with Dave Lauer and the SEC of the chairman Gary Genzer. They were speaking on Friday and a lot of it had to do with Pfof payment for order flow and how it's potentially negative.

It even Gary Gensler himself is has stated it produces conflicts of interest If you want to trade on a brokerage that does not engage in payment for order flow, Public is a very, very solid option. It's pinned to the top of chat. it's in the description of the video. Beyond that, they also have some social media aspects.

For example, you can follow my account at Matt underscore course you can see what I'm buying. You can see what I'm selling. You can see what I'm investing in. You can see that with other friends and family who are also on public.
so it's free to sign up. You get a free stock. You get more depending on how much you transfer. No payment for order flow.

No market makers. It's awesome pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video. You might as well go for it because you're getting a freebie on top of being on a brokerage that you know seems to actually care about their clients. which I don't think can be said about many other brokerages, especially the ones who are kind of taking retail to the Woodshed by only engaging in payment for order flow.

So once again, shout out to public for sponsoring today's stream pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video. Now with all that being said, of course we're going to be talking about Elon and the I guess pull that Iran And then we're also going to be talking about the Twitter files. Then we're going to be doing a giveaway. it's going to be a jam-packed show.

so if you're excited for it, if you want to help me out a little bit with the algorithm, destroy the like button on YouTube and rumble on YouTube. It helps with the algorithm on Rumble. It helps with the battle leaderboard. And obviously, don't forget to subscribe if you enjoy this type of content, stocks, crypto, breaking news.

Become a goonie by hitting that subscribe button on both Rumble and YouTube. And with all that being said, dingy, ding ding Ding! The casino is open. Alrighty Uh so I Saw a lot of people talking about CEI I Like just commenting it this morning. Uh, it's a reverse split This? Yeah, it's a one for 50 reverse split That is bad.

Jesus Uh, that's not good. So it's not a massive Gap up. It's because there is. Now it's a reverse split that is not the sign of a successful company.

Um, it is now roughly 50x the value. but that's there's also a 50th less of the share. So for every 50 shares you owned of CEI as of Friday, you now only own one share. So it's actually not some Mega gain.

Uh, it's a re. Like, they must have just announced that they're doing this on the 21st. Uh, so in two days. So I think people are like front running it or something like that.

But be careful. So the reverse split coming on. Wednesday It's not enacted quite yet. uh CEI We actively know that was another one of the targets of the Atlas trading.

Uh, like pump and dump scam so please be extraordinarily careful with it. We know CEI which is in the world of energy and all that stuff. energy, gas patrolling, blah blah blah was another one being manipulated by Atlas trading the Zack Morris group PJ Matlock be careful with it I hate it whenever it goes up I think it's coming back down I would not go long on that company I wouldn't really trade it at all because it's a penny stock and I don't like penny stocks but that is not something I'd be putting money into I would watch it the higher it goes the more excited I would get because you know big trees fall hard so I would look for it to rip and then as soon as it shows weakness, if I had to play which I will not be playing it I would bet against it it looks like it's going to be another pump and dump. Please be careful and just because it is.
even if you're of my opinion and I'm not saying I'm right I'm not saying I'm wrong I'm just literally sharing my opinion. If you want to play it long, go for it, but just be on your toes. Don't be married to the play. Don't be caught being a bag holder.

If you want to ride it, Write it. Write it. If it shows a little like just get out. quit.

Like just because you've identified something as a potential pump and dump, that doesn't mean you don't. You don't have to not play like you can actively play it. I'm just saying be very, very cautious. like watch it like a hawk and if it starts to turn on you, you have to respect your risk and be willing to pull the rip.

But uh I don't think it's gonna end well. Same with Cosm. So CSM was another one like reverse split that gap down and then it got back to its like normal level and now it just got slaughtered Like look at that. it went from 20 to nine like it just getting slaughtered like CEI is now getting slaughtered like all the it's pumping dumps like it's it's pumping dumps like and you can choose to avoid them.

You can choose to be able to identify them and play them a little bit better. but I'm just begging you to express a little bit more caution because I think there's too many people getting sucked into these get rich quick schemes and it's just disastrous. Don't be caught being a bag holder. I was in Cosm for 0.4 with about 50 shares.

You said it was going, it wasn't going anywhere. So I sold at 0.5 Um, I Never said it wasn't going anywhere I said it was probably a decent active trade and I probably said the same thing about CI I've like trade it but beyond your toes, these things can move and they can move a great amount. It's just be careful to not get caught on that disastrous move. To the downside, if you're long, these have high volatility.

I'm personally would never be willing to invest in something like Cosm. CEI Are they decent active trades? Well, yeah, because there's big swings and you need big swings in a short time to make big money. So they're out there for active Traders This is in no way an investment. Um, but you're who said that I don't even know who said it.

but you're not going to find me saying oh, it's going to go nowhere I mean I think they're all pump and dumps, but listen to the first half of that pump and then a dump. Uh, big volatility I mean I would never say like what the peaks of these types of things are, but geez, uh. Tesla Unfortunately, looks like it might be cratering below 150. doesn't look like the Spy is too too interested in that upside Capital at least thus far this morning.
but granted, we're only about four to five minutes into the trading day. so Tesla it's green. It gapped up because of people investing in Tesla being excited that maybe he'll step down from Twitter which would allow him more time to focus his energies on Tesla oxy slightly green? uh, trading just below 63. They're the only green things on my watch list.

Happy Freaking. Monday What are your short-term one-week thoughts on Vix? and Tesla since you're the best Tesla Trader On this side of the Mississippi uh, that's really, really tough. Um, just because uh, I would to answer your question I would base it off seasonality because I know Tesla's going to generically be tracking with the spy uh, maybe not perfectly correlated, but at least a high enough correlation that I would I'd really be thinking okay, bearish bias to start the week Monday Tuesday and then Wednesday kind of bullish and then Thursday and Friday like pretty noteworthy bullish. So bearish.

bearish, kind of bullish. and then bullish bullish. So in a weird way, I think that's a a volatile way of going nowhere and that's just from seasonality. If we were to look at the charts though, I'd be leaning more bears just because we're at the support of 150 key level.

And if that doesn't hold, I know we have a downside gaffle to 137.48 My big call out was back in mid-november I was saying hey, I think it gets into the 150s We did that and in fact, we're going to break through the 150s so that's I Feel like the play? it's a little bit Chasey right now in reality because it's already been selling so much that you want to be a little bit earlier to the party if you're making that type of a directional trade. But hey, if you're feeling a little degenerate, you could watch that snap of 150. look for the break and if it doesn't recapture, maybe you want to bet it. um, maybe if it does break recaptures and then show some weakness, maybe you could throw your bet on there on Tesla I'd basically be playing that 150 key psychological level.

but just be careful because if the Spy does try to go for that upside Gap they'll most likely that'll be beneficial for Tesla. So so I'd be watching the spy and Tesla simultaneously and also paying attention to the Tesla news and what I really mean by that is the Elon news. uh, SI dumping of course it is. I mean SI is trash I am in no way a fan of it I have no position on SI but if I did I'd be betting against it I would definitely be betting against it.

All right. What else? What else? What else? good morning? um I asked about you earlier I mean that's what you say I'll be your farmer who uh I don't want to Google what did Elon quit Okay So in a couple minutes, we'll switch it over to some of the other news I just think is pertinent to what the hell is going on in the world right now. but basically the Tldr of it is over the weekend. Just yesterday Elon ran a poll asking if he should step down from Twitter and he said he would abide by the results of the poll and over 50 voted yes that Elon should step down from running Twitter not necessarily sell Twitter but just probably not be the active CEO So what I would assume is going to happen from here? Honestly, if you really ask me: I Think he already had someone selected of who he wants to run Twitter for him so he would still own the company, but someone else would be managing the company I think he already identified exactly who he wants and then he kind of just put it in a Twitter poll knowing that people would vote Yes but I don't think I I think all of this was already in motion.
uh I really do uh AMC goes even lower with good news. Uh what was the good news I haven't seen good news Uh. Chinchilla Estuardo a star though. What was the good news? Kushner yeah Elon Musk was photographed with Jared Kushner uh the Trump Trump's daughter's husband uh at the World Cup but hey I did I miss news on AMC The only news I saw on AMC was not good I saw that Avatar missed expectations Uh, what is the future looking like in AMC in the short term? not good in the medium to long term I Have no clue am I still holding? Uh yes.

um I'm not a fan of the leadership in the management though. I hold because of what it represents to retail. But in my mind I've mentally written off my AMC investment as basically zero. but uh, I'm still holding.

You could see it on public. You can see that I'm invested in AMC You can see that I'm invested in Ape. But to me in my mind I don't think of it as a I guess an investment. At first in my mind it was an active trade and then the community got like very very warped and then there's just so many psychological things going on that I think you can't think of it as a normal like trade and or investment.

So right now I view it as like the price of an admission to uh, being involved in their like retail trading slash investing community. No, but more legitimately what What did I miss on the AMC What's your aims the average I don't know. Um, because remember I had to transfer all I had to manually transfer all of mine to Weeble like I tried to transfer it from Weeble to public and then when I did that Weeble denied it two times. So then I basically had to manually do it I had to get rid of all my AMC and then instantaneously, um, buy it back on public.

So with that the fact that it wasn't transferred I Don't know my average right now, but I know roughly the range I think it's in the 30s Like give or take. That's like my rough guess I believe in the lower to mid 30s, Is your average still positive on AMC No, definitely not between AMC stock and options because remember I was trading a lot of AMC options. Um between the stock and the options I'm down over half a mill on AMC And right now I have a four figure Share account on both AMC and Ape is like my current position I haven't traded I haven't bought any AMC or Ape in quite a while and I haven't traded any options on AMC or Ape in quite a while. Uh, uh.
Matt has 30 shares left of AMC What? No, No. I have a four figure Share account I have like thousands of AMC of thousands of eight. uh on. Friday During the last few minutes of trading, tide went from Red two percent to Green 14 three times within seconds.

Why would that halt? Um, there? Or different. depending on your the time of the day. There's different widths of the volatility bands for a halt so there's more there. Oops, There is a larger range that something can move at the end of the day in the start of the day.

Um, then it can midday. And once again, that's all on the limit up, limit down rules which you can find with an easy Google search. No, but in reality, what in the world is going on Someone just said wait, where was what was what is the positive AMC News What is the uh Chinchilla Chinchilla please Um am I missing something because this is the only news I found on AMC from over the weekend uh avatar The Way of the water opens to 134 million just missing box office expectations Uh, the expectations were 175. so I see a Miss of 40 mil which is not positive Someone said that he tweeted Adam no Adam Aaron some wall streeters play Such shameful games with AMC leaked to the Press AMC Liquidity Fears they're fun uh spreading is not illegal, but it is evil and irresponsible challenges ahead still.

But we announced today that we that having a that having Apes let us raise 162 million of new cash in the past 90 days. as in he's deluding all of us myself included where that 162 million come from. the 162 million came from all of us individually, all of us were he sold it to the public. He's deluding us at our financial expense.

He raised 162 million which how does that help with 5 billion worth of debt especially when movies are missing right now folks. I Know this is an unpleasant thing to say and I wish it weren't true. but I have to say this because I'm not here for Adam Aaron I'm not here for AMC I'm here for you and if AMC is successful, great, that's a benefit for you. But these people who are sick of fans for AMC, they're sick of fans for Adam Aaron As if he could do no wrong.

In my opinion, this is just my opinion. This guy right here Adam Aaron is fucking all of us. He raised 162 million off of our backs after they've already raised hundreds of millions after we already saved the company at multiple times and now he's saying to do it again, leak like what's the fuck Like their fud spreading is not illegal, What's the fuck, Call it out, you know I'm not the biggest fan of what's going on with Mmat right now because I think more people are going to get fucked. but I at least have respect for the Torchlight and Mmat.
Leadership for at least speaking their mind and putting on the facade of defending their sharehold holders of saying hey, we're going against these shorts Like what is Adam Aaron doing I I Just don't get it. Why do you hold AMC to support this guy Makes no sense to me. I'm not doing it to support Adam Aire And that's why I'm doing it because as I've already explained and maybe you agree with it, maybe you don't agree with it. but I view it as my ticket to ride with the world of retail trading and investing.

I View it as kind of a digital collectible I view it as a public representation of my support for what the Retail training Community has done the retail training Revolution Um, at this point right now I Don't know if it's going to make money or not I Guess you never know because you can never predict what it's going to be. and that's exactly why you only put the money on the table that you're willing to lose. If you are thinking like, if you kind of have that like pit in your stomach because of your ANC investment, that means you invested too much. No one thing shouldn't financially destroy you.

If you're feeling like that, you need to fix your situation. You have to at the end of the day, especially when it's in the markets. Worry about Numero Uno Which is you yourself. No one else is paying your bills.

Do what is appropriate for you. Sad that Adam Aaron is truly not what we thought he's a suit. He is absolutely a suit. and I think he was intentionally deceitful to the public.

Uh, not in terms of lying about filings or is it intent, but I think the way he played the community. Um, he he duped a lot of people. He duped a lot of people and I think there were people early on trying to call it out and they just got absolutely demolished by the Community like the community didn't want to hear it. it was, uh, had some very cult-like natures and I think that's sad because people are getting very financially hurt I mean the amount of people? well it's gonna squeeze.

this is gonna it. has to go up tomorrow tomorrow. I'm hedging my derivatives basket with my thumb up my ass like there's so many people who don't know what they're talking about folks. I'm 28 I am not an expert Trader I am not a financial advisor I'm a dipshit who yells at a camera with a Santa hat to share his own opinion.

but what I can tell you is whatever comes out of my mouth is something I truly wholeheartedly believe and if I make mistakes as I have in the past I will let you know as soon as possible I will own it. It's gonna happen again in the future. I'm in this with you I hate this concept of people. like thinking that there's some sort of like special Guru and like you have to like no, I'm just in this with you I'm shoulder to shoulder with you and all I do is I go out of my way to try to get accurate information such from people such as like Dave Lauer or Marco Otis people who've been around the block once or twice, people who work on Wall Street and can maybe educate us a little bit more.
That's the only difference is I go out of my way to email them and say hey, uh, would you be willing to speak about this? That's all it is. uh AMC officially sub five dollars Jesus Fuck me. Did ape ape fuck that man? Well what's uh, what's the best guess on what Adam Aaron will do about it because my best guess is he's gonna do absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing.

We're gonna hear crickets. He's not going to do shit because he doesn't care if hey time, mark this December 19th, 2022, 9 50 A.M Here's my opinion on how this will go down: Adam Aaron One day he's gonna tweet, he's going to make an announcement that he's just retiring. He is going to leave this cluster fuck of a situation to just his predecessor. He is going to leave this absolutely in shambles.

After making extraordinary amounts of money off of our back. he's made 40 million dollars in profit from selling AMC Over the past year year and a half the Insiders to AMC have sold over 100 million dollars worth of stock. That's the Insiders to the company. My best prediction of How This Ends is he's gonna kind of just I don't know Scurry away like so many people in this community have.

When things go a little bit awry. He: he's not fighting for any greater good. He's fighting for his own bank account. He's already jacked up his bank account.

He's gonna leave this hot shit mess to the next person. That's how I think this goes. Oh successor, sorry I said predecessor. My apologies I meant successor.

Um, all right on spy. The closest support is basically 381. I Would love to see turn around above. Thus far it's an inside day, but the bearish seasonality is something we're definitely seeing thus far.

Uh, what else do we have? Is there any other chart? well here? I Could have the AMC a combo up here. Dude just got brutalized brutalized Adam Aaron's such a piece of shit and all the honestly I think the bigger pieces of the shit are the people who are still actively telling everyone else to buy and it's fine and this is fun and so like. Adam Aaron's a part of that. But to me, what we're seeing is just highway robbery.

I I Truly believe we're what we're seeing is no morally better than that. And these people who are pumping hopium and copium and tell you no, no, this is fine, this is good. Like I just I Just bought a hundred thousand more I Buy calls and you gotta hold. You gotta hold.

They're they're fucking Liars Man they're lying to you. They like and that's exactly why I mean you guys have seen me publicly do it I'm like what's your thesis? Let's talk I want to hear your thesis I know I'm not perfect I know I'm really stupid I would love to be informed about a different Viewpoint and like, no, no I can't talk about it publicly I I can't do that I I can't They're scumbags. Can you explain what happens to Voyager's stock with Finance buying their assets for one billion? Um, most likely. So you have to think about the priority table.
Uh, stock. Equity Holders are very low on the priority table, so if you're lucky to get anything, it's gonna be very small. You'll probably get Pennies on the dollar in a lucky scenario in this type of bankruptcy. Uh, a someone is yelling at me Adam Aaron tweet I Mean, but look how many people are jacked up about it? 2.5 000 people are like hell yeah man, hell yeah dude.

This guy. man, he's just not a good guy. But whatever. that's my opinion.

If you're still stoked about it, have at it. It's all. I'm not telling anyone how they should be. If you, if it gets your rocks off to think that that guy is fighting for you I hope he is I Don't want him to be a bad person I'm invested into it myself I Don't want it to be true.

It's just my opinion of what's going on right now. Am I still holding Oxy and Rum? Yes. Rum. It's I Don't care about what it does in a week, a month a year.

it doesn't matter. Rum is a long-term investment I Will be in Rum for many years to come. Um, Rum. I'm not focused on anything in the short term I'm not focused on anything in the 2020s.

Uh, so that's a long-term investment. Oxy's medium term. If I could get out of Oxy I mean I think oil is going to go higher, especially into 2023, so it's more of a medium term. It's kind of a longer duration swing trade If I could get out of Oxy.

Ah, I'm even afraid to put out a price level, but I'm looking to get a decent percentage gain somewhere in 2023, so that's a more of a medium term swing trade. Rum is an official long-term investment. My only active trades on rum will be one of two things: I'll either be adding shares if it goes lower or I'll be selling covered calls against my core position to just collect premium in the short term. That's all I'm gonna do.

Um Rum is not an active trade I'm holding I'm holding I'm holding. Why all they hate? He did his split, no one wanted and tanked the price. Ben Holland You get a gold star for the highest level of sarcasm we've seen in a hot minute. Why all the hate? He did a stock split no one wanted and tanked the price.

Oh geez, jeez, Oh Ben Ben Betty boy uh Bitcoin Right now just a quick crypto check Bitcoin uh 16.7 000 and then a Bmbi just had that up because I don't know if you guys saw it but the recent discussions with CZ the CEO of Binance he did a CNBC interview last week. It was as sus as it could possibly get. Makes me very, very uncomfortable with what's happening with finance and I would in no way be surprised if Binance is the next. FTX I Really wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.
Uh, five things we were supposed to know before that bell went dingy. ding ding ding today holiday Blues Yes, Yes yes yes. SPF Expected to wave extradition. We'll be talking about that.

Elon loses his own Twitter poll. We'll be talking about that mystery at Sea The Avatar the second installment of Avatar uh missed expectations. It pulled him 134. They were expecting 175 mil.

It just missed. That's not good. It's also because it's too long. uh I haven't seen it yet I Would love to get everyone's thoughts if you've seen Avatar Please tell us your your score of the movie one to ten one being the worst, ten being the best if you've seen Avatar I would love your feedback.

um I'm very very curious what will be going on with that. Wouldn't Avatar be the sixth biggest December open of all time? Be positive: no because it missed by 40 million dollars. That's a big percentage. Remember, it's all in the line of expectations.

They expected 175. It hit 134. it missed it. That's not good.

I Wouldn't call it a flop, but in that's how is that positive? It's all relative to what people expected. And it missed those expectations. nine. Great movie.

Five out of ten, A Seven, Six Eight Nine Four ten. Uh, the biggest thing I heard of it was it was good. but it was too long. I Mean it's three hours and 10 minutes? Who wants to sit there for a 190 minutes? Um.

I Heard It would have been way way better if it was about 45 minutes shorter. You talked about Rum before you're talking about the rumble stock, right? Yeah, Rum is the ticker symbol right here. RDU M is the ticker symbol for rumble. My average cost is 9.50.

Uh, one third of the country is getting blizzard conditions that has to be accounted for. Yeah. I mean whatever it is, it doesn't matter what the reasoning is is. you set expectations and if you exceed them, that's good.

If you miss them, that's bad. That might be a reasonable explanation of why it was missed. But unless we see a dramatic turnaround when the weather calms down, that's not good and like. But yeah, that does that leave the door open.

That there could be some sort of considerable turnaround? Well, of course it does. but I'm not going to be betting on that. I'm holding my sock as I have now for whatever another. I'm just sitting I'm just waiting.

It took them 13 years to make 26 movie minutes of movie per year for that sequel. That's awkward. That's awkward All right. It is almost 10 a.m which means let's take a quick break from looking at the charts to see what the news is.

And the big big news is right here as it relates to the title. The thumbnail Mr Elon Musk Billionaire Extraordinaire pulled Twitter on whether he should step down as CEO most voters said yes so this is news awkward timing. The poll ended at like four in the morning. In fact I didn't see it until this morning.
But right here should I step down as head of Twitter I Will abide by the results of this poll. 57.5 said yes, 42.5 said no. What is this one? If you're going to keep doing stuff like this? Yes, what is the violation policy at both the Twitter level and the account level. We will remove any free promotion of prohibited third-party social media platforms such as linking out using URLs to any below platforms on Twitter or providing your handle without a URL prohibited platforms Facebook Instagram Mastodon True Social Tribal Post linktree link Bio: Follow me blah blah blah blah blah I Honestly don't understand why this is that big of a deal.

This is a private, for-profit company. Okay, put it this way: if you were running a Texas Roadhouse as I know many of us in here one day aspire to do, would you allow Longhorn or Outback to be advertising in your company like in your restaurant of like hey, you liked our steak You might even like these steaks over here, especially a direct competitor such as true Soldier or Truth social or Mastodon like literally those are like Toe to Toe competitors they're doing the exact same thing I I don't understand that at all like I there's weird things going on that like okay I wasn't the biggest fan of Elon I guess suspending certain journalists other journalists I could see how it was considered doxing but then there were ones where I'm like dude, like we need journalists to be able to speak like it is still a media platform. um and I didn't quite agree with that. but this one about not being like it's called fucking business it's cap capitalism.

Don't advertise your competitor's stake I I Just don't understand the backlash to it like at all. I I I I Guess if someone wants to explain it to me that maybe if you want to take the other side of the discussion it's a it's a private for-profit business. Why would people be surprised that he doesn't want you to promote other competitive businesses? uh Jimmy please damn me I can't explain. He already reversed course and this is the most important poll in history.

We need to keep Elon as CEO he's not saying step down his head of Twitter he'll still own it I What I think really is going on in the background is I believe he's already identified someone he wants to run Twitter and everything's already figured out and then he's just gonna make it look like he did it on the whim of the poll when in reality I bet things have been in motion ever since he was buying. Twitter if he's like okay I don't have the bandwidth to run all the companies I'm attempting to run. obviously someone has to step in and I think he's I think this is not the poll I think this is the end result of something we've already seen in play for quite a while. I truly truly do.

Uh, the soccer shootout was beyond awesome. Um, we can get into the Twitter files if you want. Those who want Power are the ones who least deserve it. I I think that's fair Matt Tommy Sotomayor A well-known content creator says Hi in chat Tommy shout out here Tommy I'll try to give you a follow somewhere uh I appreciate you Tommy I appreciate you Uh, it's coming up as your Instagram is the first hit but then I got a page is not working I don't I don't know if your Instagram got taken out or something but the page is not responding unfortunately.
But anyway I appreciate you being here I Appreciate everyone being here. Shout out, Shout out, Shout out Shout Out! All right. So the other thing do you guys want to get into this really quick? We have like what installment I Want to say seven? The Twitter files and is this Twitter's number seven? Whatever it is, it's around seven. Plus or minus seven I would say Um, but anyway, this just all dropped yesterday.

Uh, Twitter files supplement in July of 2020 San Francisco FBI Agent Elvis Chan tells Twitter executive Joel Roth to expect written questions from the Thorn Influence Task Force, the Fitf, the interagency group that deals with cyber threats. The questionnaire authors seem displeased with Twitter for implying in a July 20th DHS Odni FBI industry briefing that you indicated you had not observed much recent activity from official propaganda actors on your platform. One would think that that would be good news, and obviously, yeah, you don't want that to be spiking. The agency seemed to feel otherwise.

Chan underscored this: Uh, there was quite a bit of discussion within the USIC to get clarifications from your company. He wrote referring to the United States Intelligence Community The Task force demanded to know how Twitter came to its unpopular conclusion. Oddly, it included a bibliography of public sources, including a Wall Street Journal article attesting to the prevalence of foreign threats as it shows: Twitter they got it wrong, both receiving the questions. uh, excuse me Roth Joel Roth is the guy who is like the head of Twitter Safety and something else and he stayed for a little bit after Elon was there, but then he stepped down and now people are accusing him of like they're digging up things from his past and like what he seemed to be supporting in the world of like tar like sexuality related things or sexual related things especially for kids like he was supportive of it, especially like his pH like weird things were coming out about this character just so everyone knows what's going on.

But anyway Roth Receiving the question, circulated them from with other company Executives and complained that he was frankly perplexed by the request here, which seemed more like something we'd get from a congressional committee than the bureau. He added he was not comfortable with the bureau demanding written answers. The idea that the FBI acting as a conduit for the intelligence Community is interesting given that many agencies are barred from domestic operations. He then sent another note internally saying the premise of the questions was flawed because we've never.
We've been clear that official state propaganda is definitely a thing on Twitter note the italics for emphasis oh, I didn't read this part of it were the italics. def definitely a thing on Twitter Ross Suggested they get on the phone with Elvis ASAP and try to straighten this out to disabuse the agencies of any notion that the state propaganda is not a thing. This exchange is odd among other things because some of the bibliography materials cited by the Fitf were sourced to intelligence officials who in turn cited the public sources. The FBI responded to Friday's report by saying it regularly engages with private sector entities to provide information specific to identified foreign malign influences, actors, subverse Undeclared covert or criminal activities and then finally, uh, that may be true, but we haven't seen that in the documents to date and said we've mostly seen requests from moderation involving low follower accounts belonging to ordinary Americans and Billy Baldwin Who's Billy Baldwin watch Barry and chilling? uh for more Twitter files Billy Baldwin What? Who is this? I don't know who Billy Baldwin is, but anywho, that's the Twitter files that came out over the weekend.

Uh, we just have wild stuff. Wild stuff. All right. So that was the news in terms of public announcements I Just want you know at 10 A.M Today we got the Home Builders Index.

It came in at they expected 34, came in at 31. We know the housing real estate sector is under Alex brother Billy Legendary B actor. why were they? Why was Twitter and the FBI against Billy Baldwin Anyway, uh, Home Builders Index lower than expected I mean the housing sector is under quite a bit of pressure. We'll get more insight into the world of real estate.

Uh, tomorrow morning, an hour before the Market opens, we get building permits and housing starts and then, uh, just so you know, on Friday of this week we get the next inflation report, the Personal Consumption Expenditure report. It's like the CPI report a little bit more broad, a little bit more timely. and if you trust in everything that the Federal Reserve tells us they like to use, they wait the Pce report more heavily than the CPI report. So both our inflation reports the media loves the CPI report, but uh, apparently the FED uh likes they use both.

I'm not saying they don't use the CPI report. What I'm saying is they just have publicly stated that they kind of favored the Pce report a little bit more. Um, homebuilder sentiment drops for the 12th straight month, but a bottom may be near. real estate is very much.

Under Pressure Would I say it's like some housing bubble pop? No. But I would say prepare for Real Estate to continue down into 2023. It's just this is what happened when you have interest rates through the roof. This is what happens when you have Supply like kind of outrunning demand.
This is just kind of basic economics at this point. Do I think it eventually bounces back? Yeah, 100 100 I do. But that doesn't mean I think it happens tomorrow. Sam Bakeman Freed will now surrender himself for extradition before Bahamian Court Monday Former crypto billionaire SBF will no longer contest you exercise tradition is Source familiar with the matter says a change of heart.

Just days after his legal team planned to fight Bankman, Freed has Uh was indicted in New York Federal court on eight counts including Securities fraud and Monday laundering. It was like a wire fraud. Conspiracy to commit wire fraud Commodities From it was eight and apparently if he gets hit with all of them, if he's proven guilty on all of them, it's over like a hundred years in prison. Pretty brutal stuff.

His crypto exchange FTX included last month with billions of dollars in customer assets missing allegedly used to finance Big Man Freed's lavish lifestyle which is kind of funny because he, well, it's not funny I don't mean funny in like the haha way I mean funny in the like wow, he's a lying piece of shit way. um, he clearly got big crypto channels to like create positive videos about them of how like he lives with roommates and he drives a Corolla uh like look at he's just so normal. like he's such an altruistic guy who's uh, effective altruism, like he wants to raise money to give it all away when in reality he was just another rich person acting and behaving like a rich person like he's just a fucking liar. Uh, but anyway, uh, sounds like he's gonna get extradited.

Wait, what is this one? I Was wondering FDX Pacific tries again for bail. The dude's coming back to the U.S He's coming back to the U.S Does anyone? Is it just me or does anyone find it a little bit crazy? Just a little bit crazy that right before he was supposed to make public testimony to Congress that that's right when they stepped in, right when our government stepped in. Um I Have no skin in the game. But for Cosm, it is offering news.

Just came in. Cosm got offering news like a stock offering like they're deluding it. Where here? I Might have to track down this news elsewhere. Uh late

2 thoughts on “Breaking! twitter votes for elon to quit holiday giveaway day #1”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Hickcox says:

    Movies are to woke and therefore go broke.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R H says:

    F that cat

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