But, have you ever tried Stonks?
Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs
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Do done no hello, hello, hello, but have you ever tried, stonks, hey, we are coming at. You live from the matt coors experience, we're here to talk about stonks and what it does to your system. Does it make you feel better? Does it make you one of the the best podcasters in the world? Does it make you a high level fighter? Does it do any of that join me today with my special guest me myself, and some of my other personalities we'll be going into it? We have a variety of questions that we should be asking. We will be asking, but it's all going to center around.

Have you tried stunks, that's what we're going to get into and we're also going to be getting into a little bit of political commentary from our girl aoc as it relates to trading, and should government elected officials be able to train. We have some updates on the geopolitical conflict coming from russia and the ukraine we're going to be diving into what this. What in the world is the 20 for one stock split with google, and then i also have some commentary about robin hood, just because i don't know i enjoy talking about it. I enjoy the fact that it spikes my blood pressure.

I like the way it makes me feel so with all that being said before we get into, if you haven't already destroy that, like button, don't forget to join up with the moon gang by hitting the subscribe button, and with that we are off so right here. Kind of a weird day in the market, if i'm being completely forthcoming spy up, one percent cues up 0.8 percent, the russell down 1.1, so the small cap sector is definitely struggling uh compared to the spy on the qs and volatility is definitely dying off right now. Spider or excuse me, amc did get that gap bill at 1625 and it tried to kind of fight back, but unfortunately, it's getting hit right now same with gme. Both amc gme getting hit jimmy actually as we're doing this.

Unfortunately, breaking below 100 hopefully can bounce there. Uh we know amc uh. I was watching that 16 16 25 level. If it keeps going south uh remember we have that big support at 14.50.

But if you are underwater on these positions, hey do what you need to, but for me the way i'm handling it is by keeping what i have and trying to make other trades. Early. This morning we called out the gap fill on the s p. 500.

We also called the gap-fill bounce. Obviously, if i held, i would have made a butt load more money, but hey could a wooden should i'm just happy. I stuck to my trading plan. Remember the concept of going all in on one thing and not paying attention.

Anything else. Is it's silly. It's absurdly silly at a certain level, you have to have some form shape of diversification, and you also most likely want to have some capital on the side. So when you're faced with opportunities, you could take advantage of said opportunity, because you never ever ever know when opportunity is gon na come knocking all right.

I do want to give you a quick update here, just quick run through uh amc. Today they borrowed at least 1.58 million against it uh estimated short interest 20.63 for gme. They borrowed 639 000 against it at least 639 000, with an estimated short interest, really pushing going back higher we're looking at maybe 19. Now now, let's talk about my theory of potentially an overall market squeeze s, p, 500 short interest: 32, the nasdaq 100 estimated short interest 23 and the russell 2000 aka iwm estimated short interest.
42, the spy, the qs and the russell all have extraordinarily high short interest, especially when you consider these are indices that mark the overall market. This goes one or two ways way one. The bears are right, the bottom falls out and let's say: let's: maybe you heard some of the recent commentary to about meet kevin. If, if these bears are right, if he's right, things could be going down and people playing the bearish bets could make a lot of money or people like me.

Kevin are just waiting to weather the storm they're staying like kind of cash position heavy and then waiting to buy the ultimate dip. Another way this could play out is that the bears are wrong. Things start to repire. The shorts feel pressure.

They end up throwing in the towel buying their position, which like allows them to cover it's, how short exits and then that pushes the market even higher and higher and higher. Now i'm no financial advisor. I have no ability to tell the future, but obviously like if i did, i tell you uh, but you have to prepare for extreme volatility. I wish i knew if it were to the upside or the downside.

Once again, i would tell you if you knew it. I just don't, and no one on this planet knows the name of the game is to make the best bet and hope that, like the die falls, how you want it to fall uh. So i just wanted to give you that quick update and then we're gon na go over these stories but uh after the stories we'll go and if you have some like questions about the terminology. If you want to do some chart breaks downs for tomorrow.

More than happy to, but also very very quick reminder do not forget. Meta also form the artist formerly known as facebook will be reporting after the market closes today and then, tomorrow, after the market closes, we have amazon and there's also some other ones in there. But those are like the two big names that could have a big influence, especially on the nasdaq, but also potentially on the overall market so worthwhile to pay attention to now before we get into those stories. Just a quick update on the heat map for crypto.

A little bit red right now and then also a heat map on the s p, 500, mostly green. I mean google crushed it and we're gon na be getting into that 20 to one stock split like what does that mean? What does that not mean, but a little bit of red as well, but um? I would argue more so of green now. Here's what i want to share with you, let's uh a little bit ago january 24th, remember that there was 27 28. Maybe people in congress who wrote this letter to the honorable nancy pelosi telling her we are writing to you to swiftly bring legislation to prohibit members of congress from owning or trading stock um.
This is coming on the tales of the fact that nancy pelosi said nah. I don't like that. I like to trade, it's a free market, that's her vibe and it's kind of weird, because obviously these people in elected positions of power, they're, privy to very important information that can sway individual stocks can sway. The overall market we've throughout 2021, saw an entire group of federal reserve members who were making very astute.

I guess observations of their own job and like shrewdly trading on it like a week before big news would be announced. We are seeing a group of federal judges, they're trading, the stock of cases that they're presiding over as it relates to those companies. That's absurd we're seeing a borderline 200 high-level congressional staff members who are not reporting their trades when they're supposed to when they're the staff, members of congress, people who have the information and then finally, we have the congress people who it's just absolutely absurd, and i've made My feelings on this super well known to all of you and i think anyone who's looking at it from the outside they're like just what what the going on here. This is crazy house like, but you have to remember they're the ones who make their own laws.

It's not like the it's not like, there's like a citizen vote and like okay, certain things pertaining to what they can and can't do. We should vote on. No, they make the rules for themselves and before we get into some of the recent commentary from aoc, i just want to remind you of one thing. One of my biggest fears is that this does get traction and then congress is like okay cool we're not going to own a trade stock.

My worry is that that's what it's going to end at they're, going to be like oh okay, stock, when they still have crypto when they still have futures when they still have options i just like it should be from trading like i don't want them to put In that little specialty word of trading stocks, because there's so many other asset classes and derivatives that they could get their hands into that they could still trade on we've actually seen. Last year 2021, there was an explosion, not in stock trading. The explosion was in options. Trading so let's be very, very careful and pay attention if any of these rules do hit the floor to be voted on.

Let's make sure that there's like no little work around they're. Like okay, look, look, i never bought apple stock. I bought apple options. It's completely different, so that's one of my worries that i just want to like once again reiterate because i think if we do get traction and these people stop trading well, i don't want that uh for the time being, because of that fear, i think a better Solution would actually be they have to report what they're about to trade i either want like.
I want front-running reporting tomorrow. Whatever date i will be buying apple, but the report has to come out like, let's say at least 24 hours in advance. I think that's a more fair system because, like like nancy pelosi, said hey, hey, sometimes i just want to buy stock. I like i'm, a member of like whatever.

Let me trade in the free market, i'm a member of the us. Let me do it. Uh dan crenshaw crenshaw with some like similar statements. Why not have them report and 24 hours beforehand there has.

It has to go public, it has to be publicly available and after that, 24 hours later they're allowed to follow through on it and they have to follow through on it um. I think that could be potentially an interesting middle ground where they can still trade, but maybe the public public feels like okay, a little bit more trusting in what the hell is going down. One person who isn't trusting about what's going down is aoc. If you don't know who she is, i guess you haven't been paying attention to politics for quite a while history to me why it's difficult to pass an enormous amount.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a majority of members of congress, uh hold and trade individual stock. I don't know the actual numbers, but it is a very large degree and you know the key again. Let me make this bigger for you and let me jack up the volume, so you can hear it hang on. Let me max everything out.

I possibly can all right the video you're about to listen to is very recent comments from aoc kind of showing a little bit of. I guess confusion well to her no confusion, you're about to hear from herself a little bit of disdain for her fellow. I guess. Colleagues in congress and what they're doing with trading and to her it is no mystery why they are not willing to really uh.

I guess listen to the public on this particular issue, really a mystery to me why it's difficult to pass an enormous amount. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a majority of members of congress, uh hold and trade individual stock. I don't know the actual numbers, but it is a very large degree, and you know the key here is that it's not to say that you can't have a retirement fund or a college savings account or a blind trust, a blind trust. A mutual fund, an index fund - these are vehicles of investments that are broad, that individual members of congress don't have direct control over, but even last year there was at least 75 members of congress that held individual stock in johnson, johnson, moderna and pfizer, and we're talking About in the last one to two years, and so that is where we should be drawing the line - i am a member of congress.

Members of congress have access to very sensitive security clearances. We have access to very detailed tailored briefs. We our job, is to try to anticipate and legislate for what we see is coming and we should not have the ability to both have access to that information and be able to hold and trade individual stock, and that's really what this is about. It's about our ability to direct and hold trades in individual stock, with access to the sensitive information that the public has given us now.
I really do like the sentiment of what she's saying here, and this is no political commentary for me if you like, aoc great, if you dislike her okay cool, that's your opinion as well. I'm not here to change your opinion on aoc, i'm here to specifically talk about government and trading and congress, and all that and similar to the article we were looking at of okay. We want them to not trade stocks, and it seems like this is being. I guess once again a kind of microphone from her of like individual stocks, but that's not it folks, that's really not the solution.

We saw this, so they keep talking about like etfs and overall indices. What no! No! No! No! No - and this is, i think, the issue of where maybe someone takes the mantle for a particular fight, but doesn't really understand the nuances of what's going on. Even with this, we see shady things going on, just, for example, the federal reserve, right before they announced one of the most insane policies of quantitative easing. Ever we saw very well-timed trades of them switching from bonds right over to stocks and a lot of those stocks were actually exposure to the overall economy.

Another example in february of 2020 right before everything went kaput in the stock market. You have people in congress who obviously were coming out of meetings talking about how bad this virus was, and the public wasn't really privy to that yet and they were selling everything, including their exposure to the s p 500 to the nasdaq 100 to the russell 2000. So right here i don't know, i don't know if this solution of like hang on, like okay, they can still trade the overall market. They still get information that has a huge impact on the overall market and i see how it's a little bit different from like individual companies.

I get that, but is it really that different, like they're gon na get information on? What are they doing with the build back better program? Is that gon na get passed not passed? What's the fed doing, there are various large macro economic decisions and events that even if you're, not playing individual companies, you can still be privy to information that is going to have a huge impact on the overall stock market and they can trade on that. So i understand the sentiment of where she's coming from and i agree with her, but there was some i guess little asterisk marks that i would make and be like okay. We need to think about this a bit more and that's why i'm saying potentially a solution here is okay. Well, no training whatsoever; okay, blind trust! You have no touching, no training done solid or the other one is let them do what they want, but make it.
So they have to announce it and has to be publicly filed at least a day before the trade happens, and they have to follow it through. So it's almost like a special congress government brokerage where it's announced it goes public and then 24 hours later. The trade is executed, something that is publicly available to all of us, whether they want to do it with indices etfs, this industry, that industry, individual companies - i don't care it's more of this transparency thing and if you give them that leeway of still trading etfs, i Don't know how much that's still like: that's not that transparent. They can still be training on information that i would define and remember i'm not a lawyer, not legalese that is insider training.

So that's my thoughts once again to reiterate i'm on board with the sentiment that she's really carrying here, but i think it needs to be a bit more specific and maybe um a bit more informed about like okay. How can some of these tools be used because she might just not have had the person explain to her that hang on etfs and overall indices? There still is potentially some complications there, but hey shout out to aoc. It seems like in this particular fight she's on the side of retail, which, obviously i am a big fan of. Let's talk about a different, crazy government political thing that is going on biden deploying thousands of troops to eastern europe amid tensions with russia over ukraine.

The us is now deploying to eastern europe amid tensions with russia uh the troops aren't being deployed to the ukraine, which isn't a nato member uh russian president vladimir putin has rallied against nato expansion in the region um. So it seems like this was posted six hours ago. Uh tensions are getting hot, they're, they're bubbling and yes, you can get into. I guess like more of a deep dive conversation of like is this real? Is this not real in sense of the tensions i mean? There's some people who have been pointing out hang on the current levels of tension.

We're at is what we've always been at. It's just getting more media attention right now, so media attention is making the perception of tensions going higher, whether you subscribe to that concept or not, it doesn't matter because the effects of media picking up and talking about it the way they are talking about it. It might have real world consequences of like a true geopolitical conflict so right here, whatever whatever came first, the chicken or the egg, it doesn't really matter the end result for us at least right now of just being humans of this planet. Apes of this planet is yeah.

No, the the tensions are getting high. You have to follow this storyline because obviously there could be impacts on various global markets throughout the world. Obviously our market, their market and also pay attention to the oil market. Google parent alphabet is splitting its stock 24.1.
Here's. Why and what it means for investors. Google's parent company alphabet announced a 20 for one stock split in its blockbuster earnings report, tuesday january 1st. It was a surprise announcements aimed at making shares more affordable and appealing to small investors.

Here's what a stock split is, why google is doing it and what it means for investors. So if you read this, it's full of baloney, here's what you really need to know - and let me highlight that part, because it's actually important. What's a stock split, okay, a stock split is not every stock. Has the same amount of outstanding shares.

That's the total shares in existence. There's different, google has x, amount, apple, has x, amount, amc has y amount, gme has z amount, they don't have the same amount of shares in existence uh the total number of like how many shares could you theoretically buy? If you had all the money and everyone was willing to send it to you, those numbers differ well think about this scenario of like uh a bill like a like a true currency bill. If you have one twenty dollar bill right, that's one share. Let's call the amount of shares equivalent to bills and then the total value would be equivalent to like the market cap of this company.

So if i have a 20 bill, that's one share and the total value is 20.. A stock split is simply this. It's you taking that twenty dollar bill and putting it into twenty one dollar bills. So now you have twenty x the amount of shares, but the total value is the same.

All you've done is go from a twenty dollar bill to twenty one dollar bills. So the outstanding share account increased by 20x, but the overall value isn't the same. That's how everything would happen if we lived in a vacuum and everyone realized what's going on, but it doesn't really play out that way because it does have a psychological implication. When people hear this well they're like oh, google was three thousand dollars, and now, if we there's 20 for one like, oh my god, google it, it seems a lot cheaper.

It's only 150 bucks right now it was just 3 000.. That's a huge discount when, in reality it isn't the market cap is the same. The company is still being valued at the same price. It's just now, because you have so many more shares.

The price is less, but because of the psychological implication of people think that they're getting a better deal they end up buying so because of it, it is very common that, with stock splits, you actually see the price run up. In fact, in 2020 we saw apple and in vid you know apple and tesla do a stock split and it ran up all the way up to the event of the actual split and then in 2021, similar play out with nvidia. So over the last three major stock splits i personally know about apple tesla and nvidia. We saw this thing this phenomena from the point of the announcement until the actual split there was a very bullish trend.
So i just wanted to explain that some things that we've seen historically - but i also want to dive into this sentence, appealing to smaller investors at one point, this was true before the rise of fractional share trading. Yes, if you wanted google right now, you'd have to pony up 3k and if you make it cheaper, that gives you more exposure to people who might not have three thousand dollars into their account, but right now this is kind of a weird way to look at It because fractional share trading is very much a thing uh, with the rise of various brokerages. You no longer have to buy a full share. If you only want to put five bucks into google right now on many brokerages, they allow you to do that and you would buy five three thousandths of google, so it's kind of a little bit not necessarily of a red herring, but it is a little bit.

It's a little bit misleading to say it's appealing to small investors, because really right now, you can invest as much money into google as you want, without having to buy a full share. If you want to invest a buck, you can go, invest a buck like um. So a little bit misleading, but i wanted to cover what's going on. I want to talk about some of the previous trends and i want to explain what it does.

It doesn't mean. Theoretically, this shouldn't change the market value, the total value of google, but it does have psychological implications that tends to increase the value and but that's all psychological - and it's not fundamental - just wanted to cover that. That's the hot news. It was a surprise announcement from google.

Yesterday and finally, last but not least, i want to talk about robinhood. Robin hood looks to cut spiraling losses with more offerings, as retail investor interest wanes waynes. Is it really investor interest waning or just hear me out little hot take? Maybe they just don't have interest in your company, maybe the dumpster fire of a situation that you have going on is making people think eh i'd rather take my money elsewhere. Obviously, if you're watching me there's a very good chance, you know my thoughts on robin hood.

There's a very good chance, you know what robin hood did and there's a very good chance. You know why i'm explaining robin hood as a dumpster fire as a company they've lost the public's trust, but beyond that i mean payment for order flow is one of the main revenue drivers for robinhood them receiving money from citadel securities. In return, they send the order flow from robinhood to citadel, well that business practice payment for overflow, pfoff pfof, whatever you want to call it there's a very like it's actively being discussed right now by the sec of like, like kind of nixon, the whole thing. It's already been in the uk, it's already banning canada, it's already banned in australia.
It worked like the us is actually the slow one on this uh just so. Everyone knows like this, wouldn't be an abnormal thing that, like oh, my god, like the us band payment for waterfall, no, no, it's more of like wow. They haven't banned it yet, like that's the vibe in the rest of global markets, they're like oh, okay, that's weird! So anyway, that's this business practice of sending that order flow. It it's going to be discussed like there's going to be a big fight on capitol hill, most likely about it this year and if that gets taken away, i mean robin hood as like.

Fundamentally, as a business doesn't have much else to stand on over the past year, they had some decent quarters uh, but they were all because of crazy events, for example at the start of 2021. It did so well because of the explosion in training such as like really spurred by gamestop, spurred by gme um. They made quite a bit of money off options, trading of just like the premium that they or the portion of premium that they were gon na get paid from there. We had a abnormal event with dogecoin.

That was the very next quarter and they allowed people to buy and sell dogecoin. So they were getting a bunch of money off of that and then, as the year went on there weren't these weird black swan events that they were ready to capitalize on. They could have capitalized on shiba inu, but they just refused to list it, so they didn't get that money and now there really hasn't been anything in the most recent like business quarter, the recent fiscal quarter at it's hemorrhaging money, it's operating at a massive loss and They try to cover it up in their investor notes by instead of having green bars for positive quarters and red bars for negative. They just make the negative ones like a dark, green and they're, like maybe people won't notice it um.

So now they're trying to like get a little bit more into the world of crypto and they're, also trying to take on. I guess like more of like what you would think of as a classic bank offering like debit cards and like bank accounts and that type of thing, but i i just don't, buy it uh i mean if we take a look at its chart. I truly just don't, i think it's gon na absolutely fail. It lost the public's trust and ever it ipo'd in late july, around 38 ran up to 85 and ever since then got absolutely crushed and most recently, the day after its earnings, it made a new all-time low of 9.94, currently trading at 14.

um. I think in the future there's another. I think it's statistically likely that robin hood once again goes sub 10.. I'm telling you it's a dumpster fire, it's hemorrhaging money from a community standpoint and a fundamental standpoint.

It's running into super serious headwinds. I just can't come up with one thing that could potentially save it. I really can't come up with it just because uh once you lose the community's trust, once you lose in the community, i'm referring to larger than the moon gang larger than the apes, but the retail community people are like no i'll go somewhere else. Now.
There's too many well-known competitors that i just don't see, somehow them winning the people back and there's competitors who are pulling it off better than robin hood is so when you have an inferior product and the public hates you. What what do you have going for you? I i guess what the icing on the cake is that your one revenue driver is now potentially going to get outlawed by the sec. I mean that's not the best situation, uh, so crazy stuff going on there just wanted to share that with all of you all right, that's the main stuff i had for you. I wanted to cover, what's going on in government uh, both from aoc and also the whole ukraine.

Russia thing i also wanted to talk about google, because i was just getting questions about what the sock split means or doesn't mean - and i just found that interesting article about robin hood and i wanted to share my thoughts on that. So that's what i have for you and we have a couple minutes left until that bell goes ding ding, ding, ding, ding, uh, very quick reminder if you haven't already destroy that like button hit. That subscribe button really helps me out the algorithm in the background and also um. Now, let's just turn it over to some of your questions, oh speaking of robin hood, and that don't forget to sign up for public uh public.com course.

It's pinned top of chat, no payment for order flow, no market making. There is also no option trading, but if you're just a stock trader, it's free to sign up you'll get paid to sign up, and on top of that, you can see. What's, in my account, just type in my name on public, and you can see the stocks that i am currently holding, who else does fractional share trading um? A better question right now is who doesn't really do fractional share training? There's like a lot there's a lot. There's a lot almost like all the main i guess retail focused ones do offer it check your twitter dm email.

I got from okay i'll check that, after stream, happy to happy to happy to happy is too in new zealand uh. Currently it's only in the u.s. I signed up for public under you didn't get paid. Remember you have to uh oops.

That was probably extremely loud. My apologies, you have to remember. Um, like i think, deposit a hundred makes you an active user. Maybe you have to trade a hundred it's.

I think it's something with a hundred dollars, something like that. Well, the bell did go so i just wanted to let you know. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Amazing vibes today, amazing support today, uh crazy day. We are now over the hump. We have two more training days.
I hope you made some attendees today. Early this morning we had some nice trades. We were calling out the gap bill play that played the quick bounce off of it locked in some money. So i hope you also were able to make some attendees today uh pretty interesting day.

Let's see what tomorrow brings let's see what the market gods decide to uh, i guess bestow upon all of us as always seriously honestly. Thank you for the support. I truly truly appreciate it all of you in here right now. Let me tell you, i know you are my ride or die moon gangers it really seriously.

It means a lot to me um. I will catch you right and early tomorrow morning. 9. 00.

A.M. For the next stream we will be posting some extra content. Don't forget, we have that crypto stuff that i want on crypto course. I also shared one of my favorite ideas for like metaverse nft play to earn games that video just went, live and then we're going to be posting some um, some of the most exciting stuff from today's stream on this channel.

So if you want to check back, if you mixed any of it, namely the golden corral, brawl uh, we definitely got ta get that up there. First, i've rewatched that, like 10 times, and it just continues to make me laugh overall. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Have a beautiful morning evening afternoon night, whatever time it is for you i'll catch you in the next video and as always from me and chair best of luck in the markets, peace out, you.

3 thoughts on “But, have you ever tried stonks?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A.GARCIA PHOTO says:

    this Thumbnail was done too well and I missed the live chat.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Georg Fuchs says:

    To the moon

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Avoider says:

    I finally agree with AOC on something….. do you think she'll date me now?

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