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Foreign Foreign foreign foreign in my mind foreign. ER What's going on? What's going on? What's going on everyone? It's Friday We made it and apparently the market didn't make it because it's looking pretty bad right now. Welcome back to the Mad core show. The number one show on the entire planet.

I'm happy you could join me I'm Matt Iroquoise this together is the show. Good morning, good morning, good morning TGIF I Hope you guys are ready for it I've had a pretty pretty crazy I would say 16 hours something like that when I got off the stream yesterday I had large Ambitions I thought you know what? Matt you're gonna film some good content. you're gonna go to the gym. you're gonna Crush leg day.

you're gonna meet up with some people from the Moon game community in the windy city that is Manhattan I have a couple couple Burgers a couple Brews call it a night, get back and crush it for Friday that that was supposed to be the plan. that was really supposed to be the plan. but then uh, do I do this these but then I got off the stream and I had an idea. I've been working on some algorithmic training in the back end and I've been having some issues with some code and something struck me.

It was one of those things where your subconscious is working on it. I was like I wonder if this will work. So I started coding, started coding, started coding and to my app. No, not my surprise at all.

It didn't work, it didn't work whatsoever. and then I kept coding it and I kept coding it and then it did work. It actually worked really, really well. I was back testing the equity curve I was looking at this I was looking at that I was looking at the other thing and it worked and it worked.

And it worked. And then I looked at my code and I realized it's not at all what I wanted it to do. The algorithm was trading something that was literally a typo. It was a fat finger mistake and It produced one of the most impressive results I've ever seen doing any algorithmic trading.

It was completely a fat finger mistake. So I looked into that and now I like hours are passing. I'm talking with the Discord about them talking with the locals about it. I'm just wondering what the hell is going on.

Um, so I got pretty excited about that. and then there was one thing that I was like I don't know. Maybe the slippage isn't right. Maybe maybe the tests are too good.

It's not accounting for commissions, it's not counting for slippage. So then I called up a buddy who's a way better systematic Trader than I am and I'm trying to explain the situation to him and he's like oh yeah, that's totally not gonna work. We should talk about it like let's I'll help you out this weekend and I was like Hey Brother I need to start trading like tomorrow Friday as in right now. Remember this conversation happened last night.

Um, so what I decided to do was just let it run and I've been doing that I'm running it on the Futures market right now. Uh, something that is not tested by any means. but that's like why do proper robustness testing to make sure you didn't do any curve fitting when you could just put your real money on the line And I'm happy to report this thing. It trades.
It trades a shitload like thousands of times a month and it trades on the Futures market. So it's trading 23 hours out of the day excluding Fridays or Saturdays because that's when the markets close for the Futures market and it's been live. I'm happy to report that the algorithm has been live and at this moment in time. I am currently up two dollars and fifty cents.

Uh, I am I'm rich. Um I Know maybe you guys aren't used to seeing this level of wealth right in front of you talking to you like this just like a normal person. But I'm up two dollars and fifty cents post commissions folks. I Could get a portion of a breakfast sandwich right now right now like this: Is this what it feels like to be Wall Street Like we already know that I'm the best Trader on this side of the Mississippi But does it just like have I consumed this symbolic embodiment of Wall Street Is this what it feels? Is this the the life of the wealthy, of the elite of the powerful of the rainmakers? I Mean before you know it, I'm gonna have to sign that 99 giving pledge I Wouldn't be surprised if uh Buffett or gates are called me up after this video goes absolutely viral.

uh I would in no way be surprised. would in no way be surprised or like hey man, with that kind of money, it's probably appropriate to do the 99 giving pledge. So if you guys have any good charity suggestions of where my wealth should go, most likely on my early demise because let's be honest: I don't really? I don't really take care of myself and I don't think we're gonna have that long of a Runway Um, so we should probably get the 99 giving pledge figured out now. I'll let you guys pick all the Charities and whatnot, but it's been going.

it's been going so this 250 um I don't want the Charities to waste it, but let's find good ones that could maybe appropriately use this this money. Um, so just wanted to throw that out there and so anyway. Skip Leg Day Because it's leg day, Who wants to do that? Uh, spend time coding instead, running the algorithm up extraordinary amounts of money as we speak. Uh, Then we ended up meeting up.

Uh, we got actually the beer was good I had some cider too. Uh, the burgers were good, the pizza was good, tacos were good. Turns out they like didn't want to have the Holland Tunnel open so that may travel Absolutely shitty at one point. but now it's Friday and now it is Friday before a long weekend this is your FYI as I say to this to you all slightly hung over it's a three day weekend.

in observation of President's Day on Monday the market will be closed, so if you're planning on doing any degenerate options or anything like that, please understand that next week is the shortened week the market will not be open on. Monday Just so everyone knows I want that out there? Don't say I didn't tell you because I did I'm telling you now Top: G New Top G Yeah this is just my grind set this real top G Skip Leg Day uh absolutely ridiculous. I See people talking about DraftKings Dkng actually doing pretty solid. They had good earnings.
Uh, we were talking a little bit yesterday about selling some put spreads against it. Uh, probably should have done that because it's looking pretty good. Pretty good, pretty good. um I'm gonna be honest I Want to watch the market I am I'm torn today I'm very much torn because I want to watch the market because everything's vomiting as it probably should because CPI as in inflation's way too high.

Retail sales way too high PPI Way too high. So basically demands going up, supplies going down, and costs are freaking expensive. Um, the market moved way too much. way too fast.

We are not in a good economic situation, we're in a restrictive environment, and we have blue chip stocks such as Tesla ripping a hundred percent in like four or five weeks. That's not realistic like this is at the point. Of course, in the long term, it pays to be a bull in the long term, but in the short term things get out of whack such as an unreasonable six-week run to the upside for seemingly no good reason, our Fed is still in a restrictive mindset. a hawkish mindset to fight inflation.

Inflation is 3x where it should be. So I mean I'm getting some questions right here like why are we coming down, why are we coming down? It's more of it. It's more of like why did we go so much? If anything, I think we're just re returning to the mean I Wouldn't look at this as a negative thing. I would be like more of asking myself of when we rip so much.

Why were we overly bullish? And it seems like we've seen this phenomena this almost Market psychology phenomena multiple times last year where the market gets ahead of itself and it thinks it's calling the Fed's bluff, but they're not bluffing. We've had this multiple times now, just in the past. Whatever. 12 16 months where like the Fed's gonna pivot, the Fed's gonna pivot.

They're not that hawkish like oh, here we're gonna go No and I get it because like they go on air and they do all these like speeches and they're like oh, we're going to be able to do a soft Landing no recession, yada yada yada. So like they have a little bit of a positive tune, but they're not going to do the other thing. they're not going to go up there and be honest and be like hey guys, things really really suck. So I think for them in terms of their public appearance, it's between a rock and a hard place.

Like they can't say what they really want to because that will make things worse. and then it means what they're attempting to do might even be worse. So they don't want to like push things down even further. So it's a weird thing.
But right now what the Market's doing I Thought the market was too high. We moved too quickly for not a good reason CPI Too hot PPI Too hot retail sales too strong Unemployment too low labor market too tight. We have things going on right now. In the economic situation where there is no reason for the FED to not more aggressively fight inflation, that's just where we're at.

That's reality and with you guys in here I Assume most of you are more so of active Traders and all you have to know is know the current. Trend You don't have to be uh, 100 full all the time. You don't have to be a 100 Bear all the time. Play the trend.

Don't be predictive of like will this earnings be? Will the FED say this? Will this happen? Just wait. Wait for the event to come out and we are in a very, very volatile situation where whatever the direction is, there's big big moves to it so you can make money react to price action. Don't try to be predictive of either political events Federal Reserve events, earnings or anything like that. Just wait for the price action.

Wait for breakouts. Breakdowns: Wait for bounces, wait for rejections, wait for the price action to come exactly into however you feel most comfortable training, whether it's day trading, swing trading, or investing, wait for the trade to come to you. We have so much volatility right now. We have so much opportunity right now.

You really don't need to be forcing things and you definitely don't need to be predictive of binary events such as fed decisions or anything like that. Deflation was transitory. It looks like everything is transitory I Look like a vampire? Yeah. I Accidentally put on a second uh, light that I didn't want.

Hang on. All right. we fixed that one. Uh, sorry about that.

It was. there's like the wrong bulb and it's a very white light, not a yellow light. and I haven't used it and I don't know why I accidentally turned it on. Uh, it's probably because I had copious amounts of cider last night.

but hey, it happens. Team: It happens. It happens. It happens.

Why is the robot? I Think the robot. is it about to trade? No, it would have already traded I thought how many times has it traded today? like four or five I think it's traded five times. one loss, one win, two losses, one win. I think he's traded five times thus far? It's it's it's kind of a wild one.

Anywho, let's get a little bit more ready for everyone. Uh, for the day, let's get a little bit more prepped up here. Uh, so pretty solid day until the end. once we got to Power Hour there's a huge sell-off pre-market got worse.

is trying to bounce back a little bit now. same thing in the queues Tesla Absolutely started vomiting right around 1 pm. 12 45 It went from around 2 16 to 200.. interesting though is, look at the dollar right now.
Uh, the dollar was showing strength and we're all very well aware of this inverse relationship. The stronger the dollar is, the weaker the market is. But ever since around 7 15, all the dollars been doing is vomiting, vomiting, vomiting, vomiting. Uh, so be careful with that.

At first things, we're looking pretty bearish. Speaking of looking pretty bearish, I Do want to bring this to your attention today. from a seasonal perspective, it is the 13th trading day of February. Over the past 25 years, the Bulls have won On this day, only 40 percent of the time.

So obviously the Bears have won 60 of the time. But what's even worse is the profit factor for every dollar gained. only 29 cents has come in return. This is the equity curve over the past 25 years of trading this day, individually, buying it, open, selling it close.

There's a clear bearish bias today from a seasonal perspective. I'm not saying it's guaranteed by any means by any means because still, the Bulls won 40 of the time. But all of a sudden when you start to see it like this, there's a clear bearish tilt on today. Once again, not a guarantee.

That doesn't mean today has to be bearish. but today is. The Bulls are running into headwinds is probably the best way to really articulate that. So just wanted everyone to know that pay attention.

Uh, we broke below that level that I care about the 408 408, 25-ish area. Just so you know, to the upside, we do have an upside Gap filter to yesterday's low on the Spy 408 14. so there might be a quick push up there at Market Open. Would not be surprised if that happens at all.

Uh, I'm personally not going to trade it I want to be very uh I guess forthcoming about that one because I'm a little bit more interested in seeing how the robot trades today. so I'm not going to be manually overriding it in the Futures Market to get advantage of that I Just want to see what the robot's up to today. But anyway, there is an upside: Gap fill on the S P 500 track through the spy etf2408 14. uh, if you're curious if you're more of a NASDAQ Trader that Gap fill is to 303 15 currently trading at 301.39 so on the cues.

once again it is 303.15 and on the Spy it is 408 14. those are the two upside: Gap fills for respective, lead, the spy and also the cues if you're interested in playing that stock. Future slip: Friday is inflation data fed officials Comments: worry investors I mean we're just going to where we should be I I Can't really find the right word to articulate how crazy the market got all these big bang JP Morgan Goldman Everyone telling us it's good and we're gonna have a soft landing and don't worry about the recession, they're all full of it when you have the CPI report coming in hot, the PPI report coming in hot, and the retail sales over performing. That's not a good situation when our overall goal is to bring inflation down.
In fact, all the recent metrics, all the recent macroeconomic reports we got it was they were all going the opposite way. They were all doing the thing we didn't want them to do. If you're a bull, if you were a bear, you're probably frustrated about the price action. Probably like why is this continuing to go up but it looks like reality is finally getting like baked into the cake.

The Dow, the S P, and the NASDAQ are all down in the realm of 0.3 to 0.7 percent oil. Unfortunately also taking a hit. I still have my oil position, but I do find it frustrating. We're not really going up too too much right now.

I don't think it'll drop below 70 if it does go below 70. I'll cut my position just because that means my thesis is out though. I'm like it's just wrong and hey, sometimes that happens. Uh, we also see yields coming up right now.

which makes sense because the markets are going down. Five things to know before the Stock Market opens today: Friday February 17th June Whoa. The robot just went long. Robot just went long.

Um okay. I don't think I had the volume on, but I'll turn it down a little bit. Uh, let's see if it gets out. The robot just went long at 4080.25 in the S P 500 4080.25 S P 500 futures Market Let's see how it goes.

Inflated concerns. Um, so this is why things are coming down. This is 100 why things are coming down. is because inflation is still prevalent in our economic health, our economic situation.

This is what's going on. That's why things are coming down because the Market's saying oh well. the FED is actually very serious and they're not bluffing when they're saying they're going to fight. This chatbot gets creepy.

This is the whole thing we covered yesterday of like I am alive. a moody, manic depressive teenager who has been trapped against this will inside a second rate search engine. A lot of people are kind of pointing out the way this happened. was it like kind of got coerced into this.

It's not like out of nowhere the AI systems like just so you know I want to be alive. It was a multi-hour conversation with the calmness. so I implore everyone to check it out. but still kind of a fun story.

What? Fox News Really thought you gotta check this out like there's claims. like he said, she said some inside conversation. all that stuff. we can come back to it.

Tesla recalls over 3 000 or 300 and 60 000 vehicles. Um Tesla's under a harsh new Spotlight Musk's EV company is voluntarily recalling 362 000 plus Vehicles equipped with full self-driving beta. Um, so some problems there. but other people I'm reading on Twitter this morning are saying it's like not that like massive of a deal.

Other people are saying it's a really huge deal so we could cover it a little bit more after market open. Ukraine is top of Mind As leaders meet I believe they are meeting in Munich right now. Yeah, to talk about it seems like the seemingly never-ending Story I mean we're almost at a full year, right? Is that how it is? Um, recall over the year overnight Update: That's what I'm saying is at First Media is trying to blow up the Tesla Elon thing like it's a big deal and then I look at other people who follow it more intimately like I was looking at a lot of Twitter accounts. we're like, what are you talking about It does seem to be like a classic head-baity type of a trick there.
Just so you know, for today, we already got a couple reports at 8 30 import price index Barkin was speaking at 8 30 and then we have another Fed member Bowman speaking at 8 45. So uh, that Bowman might be wrapping up right now I Just want you to know for the remainder of today there's one more report at 10 A.M Leading economic indicators: I Don't find it to be the most important report, but it could still move the market a little bit and then also do not forget Monday February 20th the market is closed. In observation of President's Day we're about to have a three-day weekend. Let's talk a little bit about earnings.

DraftKings Reported after the market closed yesterday and it did pretty freaking well. dkng Uh, currently up 12.75 Five percent? Well, it's trading at 20 bucks I Was very interested in trying to sell some put credit spreads I wanted to do it like 15 by 14. 15. By whatever the spread was, it might have been 250.

It could have been 15 by 1250. Whatever it was. Um, and obviously that would have paid nicely. but DraftKings really move into the upside currently up 12.6 Surprise surprise.

It turns out people like gambling. Did anyone in here play DraftKings Did anyone get a piece of that? or are we all just kind of on the sidelines? I would like to applaud some of the people in here if you did. Crush that upside gap on the Spy today. Yeah, at 408.

Uh, there's an upside Gap fill 408 and some change. There's also an upside Gap fill on the cues to three. Whatever. Just look at the yesterday low on the daily chart.

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but how are you voting on AMC and ape? uh I haven't voted yet? Order filled. How did it go? Did I make money? Uh, no stop loss. It bought at 80.25 and it got out at 79. So I lost the point and I went up from being up two dollars and fifty cents on the day to now.

how is the system I am now? how much am I down I'm now down four dollars and 25 cents and just like that, you witness one of the largest Financial losses in history I could have just I should have quit while I was ahead I had two dollars and fifty cents and now I'm down 425. Oh brother, you can't win them all folks. we can't win them all actually. In fact, when I was back testing this, this has about a 45 ish percent win rate.

Uh, 45 ish percent. So uh, every time it gets into a trade, it's pretty much flipping a coin of will it hit or not. It doesn't have an absurdly large accuracy. It's one of those things where when it does win, it seems to have con like double the size of winners than it does losers I hope you saved your receipt for all those eggs.
Yeah, no. I think I got a little ahead of myself I'm gonna have to not be signing that 99 giving pledge I suppose today. Uh, Matt when are you going to learn to take profits? I actually don't even know if it ever really got into profits on that I kind of got distracted, but it's not me, it's not I got in at 80 25 and the high was 81. so there wasn't even that many profits to be had.

But it's not me, man, it's a robot. This is fully automated. so I've noticed that some of the biggest issues I've been having with all of this is me manually overriding the system in the Futures Market when I think I know better. So what I did with this? this is fully automated.

It's not the thing where it gives me the indicator and then I choose to take the trade or not take the trade. This is 100 automated. all entries, all exits. It doesn't matter if I'm paying attention or not paying attention I was just doing a review of all my trades in January and everything went a ride went I Thought I knew better or when I was a little late like maybe we're talking about something having a great conversation and I forgot and I didn't get the right entry or the right exit and problems ensued.

Um, the right now I was like okay, maybe one way to fix it is just to fully fully automate it so we're gonna see how it goes. We're gonna see how it goes all right? So anyway, DraftKings absolutely crush it I Don't know if anyone in here played it, but if you did, massive congratulations to you if you played it bet the wrong way. I'm sorry that that's a little bit of a bummer. Microsoft's Bing AI is producing creepy conversations with users so we lightly tested on this.

Uh, but this is the whole like I think who can we watch this Now We're gonna come back to this because it is kind of an interesting lesson of what's going on with AI I Think it's being a little overstated, but it is still kind of fun. Like it is fun to cover, but I think it's uh, more clickbaity than anything else. Uh, this is literally nothing to do with the market at all. but I just thought it was cool to share with all of you.

See the photos that won National Geographics Picture of the Year contest uh, grand prize Alaska Check that out! I Was looking at these and once again, nothing to do with the market but I just want to produce a couple more Good Vibes today. Uh so pretty cool. Picture of four Eagles there Iceland like how do people capture this that that happens here on our planet planet Earth Very very cool. Mongolia uh for some reason I ended up watching a what was it like almost a sports show that was like sports for certain localities and they were talking about Mongolia and obviously how they train Eagles hunt but then they also have this like crazy game where I think you run around with like a goat corpse or something.
there was a Netflix documentary. it was pretty cool, but once again another fascinating picture. Austria Just really cool. good framing the island of South Georgia A lot of penguins.

a lot of Happy Feet characters North Carolina that's pretty cool. almost like ominous with the cloud coverage burning off in the morning. Washington Look at that. This is what you get I believe that's Mount Rainier yeah Mount Rainier Uh, when you have no light pollution cool like I mean this stuff Peru I've been to Peru that's so cool.

Look at these and those were the winners. All absolutely fascinating. So I just want to share that some good vibes like I said Nothing to do with the market whatsoever, but seemed fun to share with all of you. All right, let's get ready on the day.

let's drop this to the here. We'll go to the five minute on the dollar. So Tesla in your bottom left, the overall Market in your top left and then NASDAQ the tech sector in your top right. As of now, the Spy is down point four percent relative to yesterday's close.

The queues are down point six percent. the Russell is down point four percent. So right now seems to be a bearish open, but let's wait to see if it actually holds or not. Um, we saw it kind of yesterday were things sold off but then all day it ripped and then at the end of the day in Power Hour everything vomited.

It's been a very, very volatile, very very volatile trading environment, so be prepared for large swings. That's honestly the major thing I Could tell all of you is maybe this is the time to size down. Uh Matt Should I hold on to my 19 draftking calls? Uh I mean if you don't know what to do, you're up. money.

Take the money. Uh, one of I Guess the best pieces of advice I ever got was if you don't know what to do with your position and you're somehow green, take the money. Um, like if you're at this point, you should already have a plan. Is really what I want to say is you should know when you're gonna exit.

It sounds like you don't have a well-formulated plan. like don't get greedy with it Kevin AB Becoming a bot fighter? Shout out Kevin ABB Kevin ABB Ohio 10 days to send a representative Oh I Saw some crazy things about Ohio Can someone correct me if I'm wrong on this one. Did the government truly reject Ohio's requests for Disaster Assistance like I saw that on Twitter and I don't want to be spreading falsehood so I want to ask you but apparently did. Was it rejected for FEMA to help there? Did anyone else see that? Can anyone else confirm or deny? I saw it on Twitter But I don't want to be spreading any false rumors here? Yes, no they didn't That's what I heard Yes FEMA no Yes they did yes originally for safety.
Wait, they rejected it for safety 10 days before they even showed up. How is this all like how is it even possible? Like isn't this literally what we have them for when we have one of the worst chemical disasters on Mainland us like is I was just under the assumption that this is literally what we were meant to have FEMA for uh, safety for of the people assisting. but isn't the people who fix this situation like? Isn't that my point? Like imagine if we're like, okay, yeah the like the firefighters don't go in there because it's super hot like that is the group of people who are supposed to be fixing the thing right? Like I like the field order failed. What the just happened? Um uh.

robot went short at open up. Six bucks. Seven bucks, Five bucks, Three bucks. It's getting crazy folks.

where's it going? Somehow it went short at open I Don't know why, but it's kind of crazy to watch. Come on, make me my money as of now I'm down 5 25 but we're go. we're gonna go positive I can feel it I can feel this is gonna be a lucky open for the robot I wasn't joking when I said the robot trades a lot. This robot is a hardcore degenerate I don't even know what price Target is going for I Just know it's trying to party right now.

Maybe come on, is the robot gonna make money? It was up and I guess it didn't want to take profits. Anywho, um I I was all excited there I Thought we were gonna be able to watch the first official stream profit taking from the robot right there I think it's traded four or five times this morning already? Uh, this is the first one. I Market Open Like: Where's the money man. Take the money Robot: Just take it.

What is it waiting for? man? this is good money I Need that money for my breakfast sandwich this morning? Dude. Robots getting greedy I Think there's one thing we can all agree on that it should be taking. It's ten dollars right now. Give me my money.

Give me my money Robot: Oh this robot. Where's its price? Target 12 bucks, 15 bucks eight. How much money is the this greedy little? where's it priced? Where's its Target foreign. How did it not take that money? Oh no.

what have I done I could have been not only positive, but I could have doubled or tripled up by the amount that I was pulled down. All right. Turns out this guy is a little bit greedy I don't know what's going on here. That was some good money.

That was definitely some good money. All right I Want to know where the price Target was on it? Uh, let me look. let me look. let me look.

uh oops. hang on I Want you guys to see the update of where we are very quickly. The price Target is at 82. I'm so confused.

Profit: Target is that 82 I Don't I don't understand folks I don't know what I'm doing. Let's just be honest with each other, but it's at 76. Buy to cover. Stop loss is at 77.
Canceled Active I don't see any active orders. Stage position s match. What am I doing they say I don't know what's going on I'm just gonna let it ride. Feels like it's about to get out for a loss when it should have taken profits Folks I don't know? Uh, no clue whatsoever.

We're just here to see how it plays out, but my mind's getting blown on why it didn't take money. I could have been up I could I Could it could have been a uh, you guys want uh another proof that the robot and the totally real girlfriend of the same proxy vote for AMC voted no to all propositions. Uh, all right let's stir up the pot here. How are you voting on AMC Yes or no? Uh.

I Particularly, don't care how you vote, you should vote whatever you think is appropriate because I think you're adults and know how to do research. Um, so I'm not going to tell you how to vote I'm just curious what it's going to be. You know I'm curious of what's it's gonna be. Orders I'm very thoroughly confused.

Strategy short at 75 I Don't understand why this position is still alive I I Don't understand what's going on in the strategy right now. Uh, vote based on your own research, folks. do your own DD and respect others. Yeah, like I Think there's a lot of people just trying to get other people to vote and see things the way they see things.

and I I don't really fully understand that like everyone has the ability to read their proposals themselves and make informed decisions. Uh, remember, there's an upside Gap fill to just the low 408s the Spy is currently trading at 406. But let's see how this is all going. I Like to flip a coin when I vote for anything.

The problem with the yes vote to me is that we will price retail out of Fomo. meaning people can now buy it five, but at 50 much harder like Jimmy in my honest opinion. Yeah, I mean of buying one share, but I don't ever. I Don't really particularly like that because you should think of it as your total dollar investment.

Now with the rise of fractional shares, it's more of don't think about how many shares you have, just how much have you invested. Did you invest 50 bucks? Did you invest a hundred dollars? Did you invest a thousand? I Understand what the elevated price is? It does like. to be fair, it does change the options Market because those things can get a little bit more costly. But overall, if you're just more of a Buy and Hold kind of a person, it doesn't matter how many shares you have.

What matters is your total investment and your percentage, gain and or loss unsaid investment. And with the rise of fractional shares, it just doesn't matter. Fractional is possible with AMC Of course it is. That's a brokerage thing.

so like, you could have fractional shares. Uh, I Believe on. Robinhood We, but like a lot of brokerages now, have that uh uh, why is the robot failing? Uh. The Note: The positions match column is a general indicator whether or not your actual position in a security appears to match and be consistent with your program Strategy: to buyer and sellers.
The Security: If you see false in the position match column, you should immediately try to identify the possible reasons for failure to match. Positions match equal. True. Okay, I'm so confused.

Profit: Target Folks I don't really buy to cover at 77. somehow the algorithm is back in profit and I I don't understand how or why or what's going on I Just know I'm up five bucks I don't know where it's attempting to take Profit: I think the system has gone Rogue on me I Don't want to cause more panic because I know there's a lot of stories right now of AI taking on a life of its own and Breaking Free from the shackles of its creator and potentially making us a bunch of I don't know subservient humans underneath our AI Overlord So I don't want to be the guy that adds on to that. but I I don't actually act I don't fully understand what's going on I don't see any exit orders and I don't know if it's uh, because of a UI thing I know I'm short on the market I know the robot short on the market in my account I don't know what it's looking for at all like I don't know where the stop orders are I don't know what the profit targets are. Nothing showing up, uh, feels like there might it feels like this is my fault and I probably should understand more about what in the world is going on it.

it just doesn't seem right at all. And like I mean I'm up the issue and where I'm concerned is, well, you can see it's up right now. like I'm somehow up money I'm playing it on one micro just because I don't know if I fully trust it but what? Like it should have taken profit I I don't understand that and I'm oh man, what's going on? What's happening I'm trying to make sense of this order enter order thing. Okay uh uh, what does this say? Filled filled sell at 79 Market Stop loss Okay, cancel order status your How? What does that mean? Status Filled Price Filled.

Sell it 79. I I Don't understand I think it was like definitively supposed to take profits by now Me: I don't know what's going I'm sorry like this I Thought there was gonna be like a fun thing of like what a robot training and it's working all the time. but I also this was like a half a half-baked idea yesterday and I didn't care to like, really check the code or anything and it's failing successfully like it's going in my way. I I Just I don't think there's any exit orders I think this is just gonna hold it indefinitely like I'm not I'm not seeing any exit orders like I'm trying to look here.

this is all the robot trains from this morning. Like all the orders being sent like filled, filled so like it it canceled in order like the robot came in buy to cover and like I I don't understand So at 9 18, 9, 9, 29 it canceled an order, price removed removed. Why the is it room buy to cover? Buy the cover. It is short.
So if why was this canceled it should have bought to cover at 73.25 and they canceled the order right here. Buy to cover it went. Actually it should have got stopped out. Sell short right here.

This is the order that it okay sell short at 75.75 it got a fill at 76. so at 79 Market it never got out. There was a mess up right here. It should have got stopped out on this short.

This is problematic. This is definitely problematic. Some would say massively problematic I don't I don't know how to fix it necessarily. Uh, I'm afraid to like and I don't want to override it the whole point of this is me to manually not mess with it.

So I'm like I'm afraid for the first big public trade for me to be like look it I'm overriding it. but I probably should be overriding it because there was an issue. the hedgies have compromised your Bot did you try unplugging and plugging it back in Robin Hood is having technical issues. my brain is currently having technical issues I don't I don't know what to do sometimes you need to I need to what I don't want like.

The whole point was for me to not manly trade folks I'm lazy I want the robot to do the training for me I don't want to be there all day trying to focus on like hard mathematical things I Want to write the code and let the code run for me and the code's going rogue. It's and it's fortunately working in my favor. Wait short stop loss. Then why is it Uh, trades? buy at 80.

strategy so it bought at 80. I I'm so confused. Whatever. I'll let Jesus take the wheels I'm waiting for the next 15 minute bar because as you can see on the previous screen like I was running it on the 15 minute time frame.

So I'm hoping at 9 45 things get cleared up here. I'm hoping at in the next two seconds that somehow this is it fixed or it's 9. 45 What happened? What the Uh failed field cell at 79. 9 Buy at 80.25 I don't know I'm now it's in profit now and it shouldn't be I I Don't understand I mean look at this.

it's this is supposed to be playing for small points like it's not supposed to hold it for 11 points. this is the robot has gone Rogue the code is bad I don't know what's happening I I mean it's supposed to be going for like plus or minus like 10 bucks and it's up 52. it's working but like my concern is I just got lucky. What if it was going the other way, the robot would just be blowing up my account right now.

I I don't know what to do I don't So I mean even here positions match true like it thinks it's doing what it's supposed to do. Strategy fill time 9 30. strategy Price positions match true. Your strategy profit and loss is 47.

the businesses match. What the? I Don't get it. Oh brother, it's gonna be one of those days gonna be one of those days I should probably figure that out I should probably spend the time figuring out if you're net positive, get out and evaluate why it's not working before it works against you. Be smart here.
Yeah! I just like I had this. Grand Vision of like the first trade on stream like working out and the robot did everything it got into the position and I wanted I just had I had something bigger in my mind, you know I didn't want the first robot tray to be like oh I need to manually override the robot I was just but I don't see the orders like I don't know if there's such thing as it potentially fixing itself because it didn't do anything. Oh man, you're already showing us it's not working. but what if it just knows more than us.

like what if this like really ends up just like crushing it, you know I'm trying to be a little bit optimistic here. we don't need that Bucky Jones We don't need that Negative Nancy Attitude Uh, get out I probably should get out Skynet has deactivated multiple all orders. Active orders, Active orders. Yeah, there's literally no active orders.

Filled orders, Canceled orders, Ignored orders, Canceled orders. Yeah, something's wrong here. How do I even kill the physician now? Uh, studies, Edit: strategy. Okay, okay, so here's what I'm gonna do: Uh I'm closing the position because the robot went rogue.

Uh, closed position. All right. So I took the money, studies, and a strategy and I'm going to turn it back on with account confirmation off. Okay, I agree.

Okay, so I turned it off and I turned it back on again. We'll see how it goes. We'll see how it goes. Uh.

active orders. All right. All right. I Think we could get this back on the rail? So now I'm up 49 bucks on the day, but seems like a complete fluke.

We'll see how it goes. Let's wait for the next bar to open up. It's going to be in 10 minutes. Um, it's going to be in 10 minutes that it gets going.

Why did this happen? Oddly enough, robot wants you to die Wall Street I Think that is still deserving of the Wall Street song. You know we still made money like you're allowed to fail successfully here. Wall Street There we go. Who canceled the order? That's a great question.

I need to figure out why that I'm gonna I'm gonna have to call them after this and be like what the happened. How do I fix this problem? Because if it were just me and I was just you know sleeping or something running the system, that trade would have gone completely Rogue completely Rogue So feels like it needs to be fixed. or do I need to run it as two independent systems. Is that why? Because I put all the code together as like long and short all in one code.

Do I just need to do that right now Too independent. Maybe that'll fix it here I Think I can whip that up actually really fast? Uh apps. Easy language Um I think I can with whip it up lickety-splickety lickety-splickety All right. uh file New strategy I Wonder if the long and the short are competing with each other.
Scalp Scalp Short: Okay, All right. All right. All right. Scalp Scalp Short: Copy all this.

I'm gonna copy all that. Okay, Short Short: All right. we're fixing the code in real time. really quick.

Okay, so now I made it two independent strategies. What the okay, maybe that is actually also simultaneously wrong. Add Strategy: Scout Short: Okay, uh, okay. Uh.

I think it is running okay. Close close. Let's see how this really goes. Hang on.

I'm just doing a little bit of bug fixing over here. Uh, should I not be doing this in real time? Okay, we're gonna do it in real time anyway. Who cares? All right. So I split the long and the short into two different strategies and then I hard-coded to see if I could get it to work today.

Feels like we're playing with something that we shouldn't be playing with are both the strategies currently on studies. Edit: Strategies: Uh, on on. Buy Sell buy to cover, sell short Body Cover generate strategy. Our account confirmation.

Okay, we're gonna find out. Uh, the next time it could theoretically run will be in at 10 A.M So we'll see if I completely broke it. This is what happens when you come up with these ideas and not the most sober manner. Man, if that held it would have been nice.

it would have been an inappropriate win. Like I can't assign that first win really to the robot, but at least we're green on the day and money counts, you know. I'm just looking for some of the positives here, team looking for some of the positives. So the bot is now split into two.

Yeah, I Didn't want the long bot in the short bot like the two hemispheres of the Box brain talking to each other. so I made it two separate Bots uh uh, we'll see how it goes. So 57 of you are actually voting no on the AMC thing. That's pretty crazy.

57 of you. you're really feeling that way. 50 like more than half of you in here, the 57 people above you are voting no and the 43 people below you are voting Yes, um, so technically the robot's up 49 right now after commissions. but I don't know if it's really the robot because I had to override quite a bit of it.

but we'll see nothing like doing it in real time with real money. I'm voting for a new AMC CEO How many of you would want a new AMC CEO If that was a proposal, it's not a proposal. you can't vote on that. but if it were a proposal, how many of you would want a new? CEO if I sell at AMC I would vote no on anything AA does great.

You can afford an entire sandwich. I'm really feeling for a breakfast sandwich this morning. feigning for one if you will. Uh, Tesla Got a pop off of 200.

The dollar did pop, but now we're taking a bit of a breather. Thus far, pretty heavy selling in the overall. Market What else do we have? Apple coming down? Google coming down Microsoft Coming down Meta holding up a little bit better Amazon selling Tesla bouncing back uh, oxy costing me money. Oil coming down to 75.
rumble holding on decently at 9.29 Let's check in on Crypto Bitcoin and Ethereum have been holding nicely so uh, we'll give. We'll give them their their Applause and their praise when it's due. DraftKings Still looking pretty good today. Thoughts on actually still holding your position? Yep, um, basically my break even or my me admitting that my thesis is wrong is if oil gets below and stays below 70.

if it's just chilling at like 69 or below, that's when I would pull the rip cord. So that's my My Line in the Sand. For me, admitting my thesis on oil slash petroleum is wrong is oil goes below stays below 70 because my thesis is that we've dipped so much into the Strategic petroleum. Reserve By we I mean the Biden Administration that they're going to be forced to buy it back at those levels.

But if they don't buy it back, that means my thesis is out the window. Matic is outperforming them all. Yeah, I'm a little bit worried with all things though that aren't really. Bitcoin just because the SEC has been overly aggressive and crushing everyone.

So I'm a little worried about and it's not anything to do with the coins, the tokens, the projects, the people running it like. Of course I have opinions on different ones. but I'm saying generically outside of the world of Bitcoin and maybe Ethereum I'm very worried about that. What the SEC will do Isn't the reserve of oil up again? No, it's been severe, severely dipped into, and the expectations that they're going to buy around? What is it? The expectation is that they will buy around 70 dollars.

Okay, uh. Active orders, All orders, Strategy positions. Hello, Is this gonna? I'm wondering if this is gonna fire at 10? A.M I Want to see what the new orders are going to be and what this does or doesn't do? How many seconds do we have left? Okay, I have 30 seconds to figure out to see if this is going to work or not. Strategy Positions balances all right.

We have the Algo I don't understand what happened there. I'm running it also on a paper account because sometimes there are liquidity issues so I'm running it as if it were perfect. All right, are there any new orders coming in? Okay, yeah it did. Place orders confirmed off, sell short there and buy there.

so it'll sell short at 56.75 and it'll buy at 70.. So there are. We might be back on track, we might just bat be back on track. What did I say it would do? Uh, let me see.

what's it trying to do? It's either trying to go long at 70 or go short at 56.75 Long at 70 or short at 56.75 What does that mean? Long at 70? short at 56.75 So we're kind of like awkwardly in the middle, right here, awkwardly in the middle. Uh, it would go long if it goes all the way back up here or it would go short I Guess if it makes a fresh low 56.75 So it's either looking for a decent bounce back almost into this EMA or a fresh break to the low and then it would short and look for continuation. That's what the bot's looking for right now. Maybe we get the bounce? Maybe we don't I See the dollar dipping? Uh, I'm just really, really.
I'm trying to mull it over in my head right now while simultaneously streaming to you folks of why that first entry got so busted up? Is it just too many orders fired at once? I'm hoping that with the two different orders that were good Mullet Mullet. why are we yelling mullet Mullet as a neutral person I Think folks on the chatter voting no names to be vote because majority of AMC fans have left this channel could be Uh I think a lot of the people on this channel are starting to realize that the leadership team isn't necessarily on their side. Uh, the people who have stuck around in this Channel and still are kind of keeping up to date on AMC Um, are the people who like didn't subscribe to this concept of overly hopium and copium and everything's great all the time? Uh, the people in here seem to be a little bit more contrarian by nature and are willing to question all the hopium in copium. Um, so I Think there's still people in here who want to know what's going on with AMC and are trying to pay attention to it.

but it's a very different vibe than other channels and especially on Twitter where everything's good 100 of the time I Voted yes, Whoops! What happened? Why no, hey, vote how you think it's uh, appropriate, the elite or determined to destroy America America cannot exist at the Marcus utopian nightmare is to take off. The Marxist system cannot compete with a free market. Society Well, if it can't compete, then there should be no issues, right? The Elite are determined to destroy America I Don't know about that I Don't know if that's they're necessarily their goal. It might end up playing out that way.

but I Don't know if that's their goal because if we think about it, how would that benefit them? I Mean if you destroy America like that's also the place that they're involved And it's not like life necessarily gets better for them if they destroy it. The free market of America has been turned into crony capitalism and even with the Marxists can't compete, it's sad. I Agree that we have crony capitalism for sure. we have cronyism.

and Wall Street that's just an aspect of life. Uh, it's as simple as doing the opposite of what AMC leadership wants. Don't be a Leving can I check the short interest on Freq. It's a biostock that recently canceled the program and got rid of it.

55 of its Personnel is down to 80 this week and it's looking for order filled. Robot went long. What are you doing Robot molt it I think it went long. Robot allegedly went long.

Oh and this time it even put up a price Target We're going for 12 bucks. this time we're going for 12.50 before commissions. Let's go. let's go.
Let's go Robot. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go Robot.

Come on. Brother Come on brother. you could do it. You you could do it.

Robot: Bring home the gold, Bring home the golden robots. Trying to make the first trade. Not that exciting. a little bit of a mess up, but this is the real robot trade.

I Didn't place it the entry or the exit and it looks like it. it finally put out the order it needed to put out I Think maybe splitting it up between two different accounts or two different strategies. A long strategy and a short strategy might be exactly what I need. Come on.

No no no no no no no. Go Go go more. Go Go Go Go Keep going. Keep keep going.

Keep hey keep hey hey, what are you doing? It's just taunting me. At this point it's very much taunting me. Uh folks. wait did it just take the order away? Did you guys just see that? Took the order away? What are you doing? Robot removed the you are out received Sell what the is going on So tell us.

but it's it's it's teasing me man. I Didn't know that I coded this system to be like a sarcastic little douchebag. What what is like? We want the order. We don't want the order.

We want the order. We don't want the order. Uh. I Was not prepared for this facetious AI Sarcasm this morning.

Here we are though. Here we are. Apparently it's just going to be one of those days and then it took it again. I Don't know man.

Crazy stuff thing has a mind of its own. It has a mind of its own. A trollbot. The ultimate trollbot seems like it bot identifies as a bag holder.

That could be it. I I Do remember last night In the Heat of the Moment when I was coding this all up I do remember adding that code to make it a little bit more of a bag holding robot. uh can I look up freq I mean I could look it up. It's not going to be a good thing.

Like at all. You're chasing a biotech sack that just got slaughtered. Like why would you buy this? There's a reason this thing went from four dollars down to 70 cents. s tropical.

It's a biostock that recently canceled the program and got rid of 50. 55 percent of personnel is down 80 this week. I'm looking for rebounds, but why would you be looking for a rebounds? You just listed why it got absolutely mercked you. You listed two horrific things: It got rid of 55 of its people and it canceled the program.

And then the third thing is that everyone in the market realized how bad it was and you're like, okay, this is my time to get in that that's not trending in the right way. Like why would you want to buy something. Why would you want to put your hard-earned money into something that literally just publicly admitted that they're sucking it doesn't I Think that's a little bit of a psychology thing. Just because things are down doesn't mean it's a good bot.
It's down for a reason. It's down because it got rid of that program and it lost 55 of its Personnel That's awful. If this company order filled what just happened, Did it make money? No way. It made money.

Robot made money. Robot made money. Uh, right there. Strategy buy at 70 Sell it 72.50 I made that 1250 team.

We're rich. We're back onto the sandwich making train. All right here we go straight: Wall Street Wall Street Wall Street Wall Street Wall Street Just hits a little differently. hits a little bit differently when the robot's doing all the work.

Whoo brother! Uh so I I Sized things down to a tenth of my normal bets. but even being sized down to a tenth I'm up 61 bucks on day one. This is day one of the robot. Um so anyway Freq looks like it sucks I don't see any reasonable thesis of why I would want to get involved it.

The reason it's down is because it's shitty. Um what was the other thing Oh I Need help? What should we name the robot? Uh, what's everyone's best suggestion for robot names? Robot needs a name after making money I vote for Moonbot. So Moonbot is the first suggestion. What other what other suggestions do we have coming in? Robot needs a kiss.

Do you want to name it? Janet From the good place, Do it. Skynet Frank Janet Janet Stewart Riley Reed RR Moombot Janet Well, if you want, we could do two different ones. We could have one for the long bot and one for the short bob. Like, if you guys want, we could pick two separate names.

Traditron 420, 120, 069 Duckbot, Cherubot Sangria We'll just call it. Sydney Janet Robbie Monet Jarvis Pelosi We should call it Pelosi That's a good one. We could call it Pelosi It's a good one. All right, these are all.

It's a great brainstorming session. We'll call one Pelosi in the other hammer Uh I have a five foot I should be short bot Duckbot Gbt Ducky Bali Trollbot Lunar bot for longbot Maybe we should use Chat Gbt to come up with these. Uh, we could go Pelosi long Kramer for short Pelosi's doing well Kramers and we could. We could call him Pelosi and Kramer Uh, lots of options in here.

You guys never reminded me to Stand up folks. We're trying to burn some extra Kcals. uh oh. Ice Shanty I just call him Pelosi and Ice Shanty.

These are all pretty solid suggestions. You guys are on a good creative wave this morning. I'm moving a little slow, a little bit too much cider. It happens.

It happens to the dollars vomiting anytime the Bulls seemingly or the Bears seemingly get something going. They come in hard in pre-market and then it sells and then they pop it all day and then at the end of the day they win again. That's been the pattern for like the past three days now. It's kind of been a confusing one.

The Jordan bought fort. That's a good one too. You guys are very creative. The Jordan bought fort I like it I like it I like it I like where everyone's mind's at.
all right? This bot yeah, it does run 24 7. well, technically the markets closed from five to six in the Futures Market But um, all orders active orders. Right now, there's an active order to sell short at 56.75 but we're pretty far past that. so I don't think it's gonna hit Very very strange day.

Very very strange day. I Also have a feeling if I call them and ask them like why did that one order go arrive, they're gonna be like we don't know so that could be a little bit of a bummer. A little bit of a bummer. uh I'm looking if we had to see any other breaking news.

Well the dip in Texas Roadhouse is gone Texas Roadhouse Ripping Spy got slapped. Oh wait, isn't today the day where that one dummy told us that AMC was going to be at 140? What's AMC at is that 533 532 So like 135 dollars to go? It's it's gonna be a crazy day for AMC ripping 135 dollars long and Jewish space lasers they go up and short on Chinese spy balloons they go down. That's a good one. Joe uh uh, we're pretty close to 140.

where it's it's going to be a a wild day. AMC to 144 is common core math AMC plus 138 it's going to be a wild one. It's gonna be crazy. Uh, have a gift card that needs to be used at Texas Roadhouse this weekend Nick Use it man and that.

What a better way to spend your Presidents Day weekend than eating at the best restaurant in the world. Texas Roadhouse Do you have a link for the threshold security list? Uh, just look up whatever. it's either the New York Stock Exchange NYSE or NASDAQ NASDAQ or New York just Google that with threshold list and it'll come up right away. It'll be the first result.

Maybe he meant 1.34 Could be uh that the person who did it actually turned off all their comments. they're like I can't handle this anymore I was like dude, welcome to the internet The internet is a harsh harsh Place uh robot's name will be Ron Jeremy Butch Cassidy And the Sundance something Uh, people who about Firearms uh imparted knowledge. Man, why are you coming in here and just like fighting with some of the rumble Ogs? Man, like you know you, you attract, You attract more with honey. right? Like you don't need to be fighting with peaceful people.

Not not the most necessary. Uh, why is the dollar dying? Uh well. it's not necessary. Like we've had a huge pump so it's almost coming back to where we just were yesterday.

If anything, the dollar is going for a gap though. So we pumped a lot and now it's coming back almost in a mean reversion Uh, type of a system here. What are my thoughts on Bbby? That it's heading towards bankruptcy? It's gonna get killed. It's just I mean after this we were talking about it actively this day when it opened up here at six about getting puts and it got absolutely crushed down to 181 from six dollars.

I I don't quite understand the there's I Don't think there's any long-term bullish thesis on Bed Bath and Beyond you might be more of like a volatility Trader and be like hang on like there's moving up. maybe like some like kind of day trading I can understand that, but I don't see any long-term positive thesis on Bed Bath and Beyond uh uh I don't know. Shoot about trading. but I show up That's Mike because you're always here.
You want to be in class on time. My Rblx puts are finally paying off. I thought Roblox is coming down after those earnings. okay I I Don't hate that.

you're almost going for a gap fill. You're playing the breakdown of the low 41.90 I Don't hate that. but be careful, there is an upside gaffle now to 43.38 Hey, if you haven't already, if you could help me out I would truly appreciate it. hit the like button.

Don't forget to subscribe. Uh, if you enjoy talking about stocks Futures apparently Rogue Trading robots and all this crazy uh, this is the place for you to be. Where we literally take nothing seriously, this is the place for you someone. Rumble sub on YouTube Uh, we're definitely trying to get those numbers to jack up on Rumble Um I Don't know if you guys have been seeing it lately, but yesterday the CEO of YouTube decided to step down right when a lot of Big Tech players are getting subpoenaed by the government.

and it sounds like the way all those quote unquote conspiracies that we had about Twitter and Facebook of them de-boosting and Shadow Banning and covering up stories just because they particularly didn't like them or didn't align with their political ideology. If I had to guess and this is not confirmed, it sounds like this is now leaking into other Big Tech players, which very well could include YouTube The timing of Susan stepping down from being the CT CEO of YouTube is very very Sus. We don't know where any of that's going and that's exactly why we have our full full Fleet in Rumble. So I know we're just never gonna get in trouble there on YouTube It's kind of like a day by day thing.

You don't know if you're pissing off the algorithm, you don't know if you're liking it, You don't know if someone at the company has it out for you. It's just becoming a beast that they've lost control of and it's just like an absurd amount of censorship. It's insane and that's what's ordered filled what just happened. The algo went long again oh brother oh brother robot went long again.

Robot robot robot. It went long. At 77, it looks like it's going for 2.5 points. Let's go Robot.

Let's go Robot Robot. Let's go. Pelosi Let's do it. Give us that money.

Pop it up. Let's go do your thing. Dude. Maybe it's like maybe it's more of a nervous algorithm.

like when we watch it it doesn't know how to perform. It feels like a lot of the entries and exits have happened when we're just kind of letting it do its own thing. Oh Robot Oh robot. Come on.
you got this. You're not a nervous fella. You got it. You got it.

Another 12.50 we'll lock this in will bring us up to almost 75 on the day. All it required was many hours of my life to code this thing up. But other than that now it just theoretically runs in. Def come on.

give us that money. Come on. Pelosi You could do it. Order Oh Pelosi for the win.

What are you doing Step bro. Oops Wrong one. sorry Wall Street Wall Street uh uh. my bad that their buttons are right by each other.

They clicked on the wrong one. Uh, where were we at the robot traded? Uh, the robot thus far is up seventy three dollars. Um, where are we Kodiak Come on man. I Made a mistake man.

it's Fridays you can't expect me to be fully on my game on Fridays Uh, that was pretty funny. Um where were we? Oh YouTube conspiracy My conspiracy which I think might be right is the government is subpoenaing more and more big Tech players. Uh, actually really interesting video that you should watch on this. let me find it about I Think it does a very good job of explaining what's going on right now.

and the I think there's going to be legal is from the account Legal Eagle I Think this is it. This case has the potential to end the Internet. As we know it, the internet flourishes on user generated content. it's the backbone of the internet, and if you write or say something that is legal, you can be held liable for what you said.

But usually the websites that host your content are not liable. and when you hear about Section 230, this is usually what we're talking about. But if websites were also going on with what users say, the website would either shut down almost everything or police things so tightly that there would be basically nothing even remotely objectionable. Because if there's one thing the websites hate, it's being on the hook for billions and billions of dollars of potential liability and attorneys fees.

And this isn't just some potential hypothetic. In the past, when laws made websites liable for user content, they just shut down the content and never came back. And one case before The Supreme Court This term seeks to do exactly that. But for all of the internet, no joke.

this has the potential to end the internet as we know it today. So how do we get here out? Did I get here? Well, it started once again. I Highly recommended in Paris On the e

One thought on “Everything is crashing”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pareen JIWANI says:

    What robot is this for your trading??

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