FOMC Minutes: The Results Are In!!!
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Foreign, foreign. Let's go Goonies Get ready for a very vital, hopefully fun, hopefully profitable day in the market. We have some fun things going on, mainly the Fomc meeting minutes at 2 p.m ET today. Now, as long as I don't blow up my account between now and then, I will be streaming the whole thing live just so everyone knows.

So that's the main thing. I Want to get out of the way is like be prepared. higher volatility day. probably higher volatility than yesterday.

Right now in pre-market things are actually looking pretty good. We're seeing a nice recovery to the upside, so hopefully it can continue in the overall Market But we have some other individual things to go on. I Have a little bit of sad news to report. Obviously you guys know I've been bullish on energy specifically petroleum specifically Occidental for a hot minute recently and Kramer just came out saying that he's also bullish on energy.

so I'm not really feeling the best about that. I'm also a little bit bummed out. probably more bummed out about the fact that like all that soundboard noise, I was playing yesterday though like die, die die um I just got so many copyrights from yesterday's singular stream. that was kind of funny.

I Also kind of got a lot of heat from the Mmat community in the Trch community uh, saying that it wasn't a fundamental play and I still believe that? Have you guys seen the numbers? Just the basic money coming in? the basic money going out? I Still don't believe it's a fundamental play. That doesn't mean that there can't be nefarious manipulative fraud going on. They're not mutually exclusive by any means, but uh, if you're at all curious about Trch MMA T Mmtlp. Too many letters in there, make sure you're checking out the video I think it's in the description? If not, you'll find it.

But um, let's focus on the now let's live in the present. You know, let's let's be here to get gather and mainly see what we can do to get ready in the next 27 minutes. And maybe we could just make some money. Maybe we can make some money.

Um quick side note: if you're on locals, make sure you get on locals if you're not. First of all, ten dollars a month, 100 for the year? Uh, I'm gonna. we've already been using it to I post my thoughts, my trades, my ideas feel free to do yours. but I want to kind of expand this community into more degeneracy if you so choose.

So what? I'm going to really use it as is. Yes, okay, like my trades, my Longs my shorts, my premium selling all that stuff and you could do the same. But I want to make two other interesting add-ons to it. Um I want to add on all my sports bets? I'm getting more into sports betting and I'm trying to come up with some systems that are hopefully have a positive expected return.

so feel free to like whatever your great bets are there. post them and hey, if we win, we can laugh together and if we lose, we can cry together and then he also and I just want to put some feelers out there because I know know. Apparently, if you're here day trading, gambling like the degenerates that we all are, there's probably a good chance that a fair amount of you enjoy poker. I Want to start setting up Moon gang poker tournaments.
Um, and a lot of that will happen through there. and I'm just bringing it up because I was I was on a run last night. There's a couple of people through the Discord slash locals that were paying attention to it and I was just every single every single hand. I was being dealt like the nuts.

It was awesome. it was. I mean there's there was one hand that really messed me up. but overall, it was a great poker session last night.

So I want to throw that all out there. and if you don't know what locals is, it's basically a private group so it's pinned to the top of chat. It's in the description of the video. it is ten dollars a month.

It's a hundred dollars for a year. If you really want to check it out and you're not in the best financial situation, that's fine. Reach out to me DM me I will create a free coupon code for you. Um, I Don't want the cost to be prohibitive to anyone who's interested in joining whatsoever.

Just reach out to me. You know how to give me a next explanation or anything. I'll just generate a code and I'll give it to you. Okay, so we have all of that out of the way.

Uh, fomc, that's a big thing. We have some news to get through. Kramer Apple Tesla Kathy Wood Uh, what's going on? I Guess in politics right now the Republicans are not having the best of time. Uh, and then at that point it should, we should be ready to rock.

We should be ready to rock team. Um, I guess before we get into that, maybe we should start start. Today's show off a little bit differently. I Know sometimes we can get a little bit caught up in the money, going up and down, in your sports teams, and your basket hoops, and your bets, and your trades and all.

Why don't we? just why don't we all just say one thing we're grateful for for me today: I'm grateful not only for duck mugs, but I am grateful for whoever figured out espresso. It's just that simple. Just just honestly, that simple. Let's put out a little positivity.

a little bit of gratitude. I'm grateful for the person who invented espresso and feel free to send tracks duck mugs. Look at that. I'm grateful for my parents I'm grateful for you Matt Kevin that's absurdly nice Kevin I'm also grateful for you fam.

Look at that. We're just spent a little positivity out there all right now. As you guys are thinking of your gratitudes for the day, let's get uh, let's let's get a little bit rocking Stock futures rise as Wall Street tries to recover from Tuesday's Rocky session. Yeah, not the best session yesterday.

The Spy dropped point four percent, the cues dropped 0.7 their small cap sector job 0.5 Apple down 3.7 Tesla got Merc down 12.2 more of that to come oxy unfortunately for me got beat up a little bit. Rum was green. Shout out to everyone watching on Rumble uh s I down not surprising I do not like it. uh we have Gme down 6.8 AMC down 3.4 ape down 15 Uh, it's interesting on days like this that people get real quiet like they're quick to talk smack on like in you should never in my opinion whether you're right or you're wrong.
If people have differing opinions, you should never focus on a one-day movement because one day movements a lot of the times are just random. So when people are like oh I'm bullish and like they try to smack talk because it's going up or if you're bearish and you try to smack talk because it's going down I Just am of the opinion that you need a larger Dan like data set than just one day because the whips of it is just absolutely crazy. But overall the market is in pressure. There's very few things that are actually performing Rum perform I Believe the big news out of Rumble yesterday.

especially to the people paying attention on Rumble right now. Uh, big news there is Donald Trump Jr Just signed an exclusivity deal to do I think two live streams a week um I Forget the name of the show, but it'll be starting somewhat soon. so anyone who wants to listen to Donald Trump Jr with his show that will be exclusively playing out on Rumble just so everyone knows um so just want to throw that out there. But yeah, right now as you can see in pre-market we're getting a little bit of recovery.

We're getting a little bit of Bounce action. The question is, is it going to hold? Then we're going to get those answers momentarily. Unfortunately, Will the answer stick? I Have absolutely no clue. All I can tell you is be prepared for volatility because especially especially as we get to the later half of the day, there is going to be some movement As of now.

the Dow, the S P and the NASDAQ are all green green oil taking a breather down to 75. I Do not think this will last long. It might come down dip offs to 70 again. but just if you look at the U.S Strategic Petroleum Reserve If you look at basic supply and demand I Do believe oil is going higher, probably considerably higher.

Five things to know before that stock market bill goes ding ding ding ding dong today Wednesday January 4th Apple's market cap fell below 2 trillion. How many of you are old enough to remember Circa 2021 where everyone was talking about Apple passing 3 trillion. We're talking about trillion with a T. We're not talking about million with an M billion with a B.

We're talking about trillion with the T. It was like right there, like 2.9 whatever trillion. It's lost 900 billion dollars worth of value. That's just Apple We're not talking about tech.

We're not talking about the market. We're talking about one company that creates these little boxes we're all addicted to has lost 900 trillion dollars. What? That's crazy Regulators Warn up Banks About crypto fraud. The house has no speaker.
holiday hangover. Basically the market was down yesterday. We were waiting for the Jolts report today. We are also waiting for the Fomc meaning minutes and then on Friday so skipping tomorrow on Friday we have the unemployment report from December Apple falls under two trillion.

Yep, getting beat up Regulators Warn banks on crypto. it's only a minute. 54. We could share this hey, when in Rome we're here depleted, not guilty on all accounts.

The judge also granted Bankman Freed's application to seal the names of additional Bond co-signers So he had been released on a 250 million dollar bond that was signed by his parents and then two other Anonymous names. his legal team had requested earlier today to redact the names of those people, citing security concerns of the government plans to interview both of those people in the next couple of days here to figure out the terms of that Bond. It also set a January deadline for the media and the public to contest the ceiling of that information if they want to, so that we may see that in the next couple of weeks here. and there are some new terms Sarah to his bail.

So the judge ruled the banquet Freed is now prohibited from accessing or transferring any FTX and Alameda cryptocurrency anything related to either entity or any of the subsidiaries related to FTX. He had tweeted about that over the weekend, denying some reports that Sam Beckmanfried had moved money around. So that's an update to the bail agreement and then the next step here. The prosecutor says the government will now provide Bank Benef defense team with hundreds of thousands of documents in evidence in the next two weeks, so that would include materials from some of the FTX debtors investors and FTX has also mentioned political campaigns as well.

We've also got a potential trial date that's set for October 2nd, it's expected to last about four weeks. Sarah So does he fly back to California now to his parents home? He goes back and forth. That's where he's been on house arrest. So part of this bail agreement uh, the 250 million dollar Bond And he's been in Palo Alto where his parents live and their house is is part of that Bond agreement, part of the collateral there.

but he is restricted to parts of Northern California and Manhattan And right now it's just sort of that Discovery phase where his team will now get documents, hundreds of thousands of documents to look through, and really build their case. And they've got until October Okay, thank you Kate Rooney A very quick recap of that. So for those of you paying attention to the Sam Bakeman freed FTX Saga Very sad Saga Uh, the court case appears to be going on October 2nd of this year. So we have actually over half a year for this to play out.
almost the better part of a year he is living in San Francisco or I should say LA California he's living in California somewhere I don't know where. um, so he's allowed there. He's also allowed in Manhattan He was recently in Manhattan to go through this whatever the next step in the legal proceedings were and that was the decision Kind of. The interesting thing coming up is yes, his parents house was part of the bond deal, but then two other people either put up assets or money and as of now, he got the judge as of yesterday to keep those names redacted.

they are not publicly available. It'll be kind of I don't know I'm curious to see if that will hold, but also I don't know. Do you think that that information should be publicly available? I don't know enough about bonds and like I guess the legal system. It is it odd that the co-signers are being kept in the dark or are those normally publicly available? My knee-jerk reaction is that they should be publicly available.

Who paid I Want to know? Is it a politician? Is it a random rich person? Was it an FTX investor? Is it some oligarch out of Russia I don't know I Kind of want to know and my knee-jerk like I said without speaking legalese I'm no lawyer I feel like we should know what? Like why not I think they should be made public I guess my my question is is there any good reason of why they shouldn't be made public? Um, let me know I don't know. Definitely. Joe Biden Mortgage demand slides. We'll be talking about that in a second.

Three votes, no speakers. So we're going to be talking about this. but what you really need to know is uh. minority leader Kevin McCarthy uh Three votes as of yesterday did not get elected to be speaker of the house.

Uh, kind of awkward for the GOP Kind of awkward for the Republicans and I mean there was like funny videos of people they like were carting in Pizza as like they were all still trying to vote. It's basically just a show. Um, and I'm gonna have to find this one meme oh man, where I'll find it here. Let me write it down because there was a meme about the whole thing that I think you guys would get a good chuckle of.

um I need to find that Democratic Republican or Democratic Republican The Colorado Republican lady who I said seemed to be like a fun mom to drink Margaritas without like a Chili's or something. But anyway I digress. Other important stuff to get into. We'll save that stuff for the lull.

So for today, what you need to know: 10 A.m we're gonna get the jolts Job Openings quits. all that good stuff coming out at 10 A.M So a half hour into the training session today, be on your toes for that one. At 2PM we get the Fomc meeting minutes. the Federal Open Market Committee meeting.

Basically, for those of you who don't know, the Fomc is a meeting that happens typically eight times a year. The fancy schmancy voting members of the FED get to decide what to do with interest rates among other things. And after the event, you end up getting the full meeting minutes. So the meeting minutes from the previous meeting basically Circa mid December I think December 13th 14th.
Uh, we're gonna get the full meeting minutes from that Now Historically this is boring AF No one pays attention to it. No one cares. But as of the start of last year, if you rewind the clock 12 months, they started putting things in those meeting minutes that were incredibly important that weren't publicly discussed right after the meeting. So now it's kind of the a big, important volatile event that people pay attention to.

Um, so we're going to be paying attention to that once again. 2 P.m ET Today tomorrow we get the normal initial jobless claims trade deficit Bullard Speaking and it: these are important things, but they're not like massively volatile. What is massively volatile is Friday January 5th when we get the unemployment rate an hour before the Market opens. So uh, kind of important stuff.

today, tomorrow, normal day, tomorrow, and then Friday Very, very, very important. Now, if we take a step back and take a look at everything, uh, we'll do. Tesla's already getting rocked Dude, No. China risks Loom over U.S Tech Giants Tesla and Apple.

As share prices plunge, Apple and Tesla are facing major headwinds in China Tesla Shares tank 12 on Tuesday after the electric car maker reported deliveries that fell short of analysts expectations Apple fell more than three percent as concerns resurface about iPhone demand serious problems like billions and billions and billions of dollars just disappearing. Not a good situation, but hey, for us in here, Yeah, you might have a long-term investment account I implore most of you to have most of your money in your long-term investment account, but maybe you're playing around with a little bit of disposable income? Maybe you're doing a little active trade, Maybe you're being a little bit degenerate and you know that you can make money in any direction. Hey, you can definitely help your long-term investment account by in the short term. If you believe that we are running into headwinds, you know what to do.

You could sell calls, you could short, you could buy puts, you could sit on cash if you want. You have many tools at your disposal to whether any potential economic slash Market downturn I Want to be very, very very clear about that? Let's see what this dude had to say: Arjun There's so much talk about in the space you've got Tesla You got Apple. I'd love to hear your take on like this evening with Apple now because it's raised a few eyebrows over the last month retesting lows it hasn't seen for quite some time. And I I think one of the big questions is whether this is Apple specific text specific or a sign of what's to come for broader markets.
Yeah, there's so many things. Turn his mic up the Outlook towards go stocks, you've still got interest rates on the rise. There's still that concern I Think with Apple specifically, there's a number of issues. Firstly, um, investors now have an eye towards the December quarter results which are likely to be released later this month and the December quarter was was pretty bad for Apple because of supply chain disruptions and a lot of this is about.

China We saw a coveted outbreak at their main uh, world's largest iPhone Factory in Zhengzhou In October We saw restrictions there which hampered production. Then there will work a protest as a result of a pay dispute. lots of workers walking out and still not yet has that factory fully come back to 100 production. It's close according to a Reuters report earlier this week, but it's not a hundred percent yet, so that has had a huge impact.

Analysts estimate somewhere in the region of five to eight million. Uh, uh, sorry. five to eight billion dollars of Revenue shortfall in the quarter. and the consensus is that actually Apple's now going to see a decline in revenue for the December quarter.

If you look back the decline dude that is. Hey I mean we'll find out. We'll see if it can weather the storm, but it it's brutal and it's very much a storm. and it's not specific just to Tesla not just to Apple It is a market and obviously Tech is getting hit pretty bad because of the high growth nature.

So yes, those are kind of The Darlings of everything that was ripping Circa 2020, 2021. Well, more so 2020. Um, no and 2021. They were both doing very very well.

then. um, but the ones that really rip and the good times are the ones that get abnormally hit in the bad times. But that's not dissuading everyone right here. Kathy Woods Arc Funds plow another 19 million into Tesla stock after Elon's Evie maker missed delivery targets.

So uh, Kathy Wood she is running an ETF and a lot of it is in Tesla Uh At one point because of Tesla's rip, she almost cemented herself as a legend on Wall Street 2020 2021 everyone was talking about Arc Everyone was talking about how Kathy Wood and her, uh, disruptive investing um made her amazing and I don't know her her Arc her character Arc It was an explosion to the upside and now that we're looking to the downside, it's been pretty pretty brutal. Two of Kathy Woods Arkham Best Funds snapped up another 19 million worth of Tesla shares. Tuesday Tesla stock closed over 12 percent lower Tuesday after Elon Musk Automaker missed delivery forecast would spend December scooping up shares of Tesla which lost 65 over a tumultuous 2022. So I view it this way: if Arc invest slash Kathy Wood can survive.

Basically this year, this downturn I mean they're getting in at a cheap, cheap price and their average cost basis is going to be crazy low. And if they can just weather this storm, they're going to make a lot of money because I do believe that everything comes back. Uh, this is temporary. This pain that we're feeling, it's tempering I don't know how temporary.
but I wouldn't hold your breath on it. but I don't believe it's going to last forever. but it is going to be a pretty rough year if if they can survive. if they're not going to get margin called by their favorite brokerages I think it's going to be a really crazy Arc for her of like kind of legendary status and then embarrassment back to even more legendary status.

but it's just can she survive this down draw. Uh I mean it's a brutal down draw. You think that she would want to hedge it one way or another and I guess as of now they aren't but this is I don't know what's your thoughts on it like do you think right now it does seem crazy like you're plowing money into something that's just not paying out for you. Do you think she's just kind of playing the long game of like no I I have the money I need I have my bills paid for a couple years now so I can withstand this or do you think she's just kind of a crazy person on? Wall Street Who like got lucky at One Moment In Time I'm very curious to see what your thoughts are.

Apple and Amazon lost a staggering 800 billion in market cap in 2022. here's what that looks like. So between the two, just two companies 800 billion in one year, that is quite the speed run. Uh, I guess that's what is nearly the market cap of eight.

Intel's 10 paypals, 18 snowflakes, 49 rivians. A quick side note about Ravine it I believe. Also misses deliveries just reported Uh, either last night or this morning. Uh, but pretty pretty brutal.

Now with all that being said, there is still opportunity if you are not of the bearish mindset. Uh, I still think that there's going to be things that are going to perform. For example, last year Texas Roadhouse still crushed it up seven percent. Um, if we look to our boy, Kramer these 10 Dow stocks will perform well in 2023.

so if you're on the side of Kramer you might want to look into these 10. Or if you're of the mindset that Kramer is best to be inversed, you might think that these could be some of the worst performing ones. but anyway, he's calling out Chevron I myself am still bullish and long on energy. That's Chevron uh Honeywell Procter Gamble traveler companies Johnson and Johnson Disney American Express excuse me Express Cisco Salesforce Goldman Sachs um on this whole list.

I Do agree with Chevron I Also agree oddly enough with Salesforce Um, I should probably make a standalone video on this, but I just want to give you a little tldr right now I mean even look at things like chat GPT AI is exploding Salesforce is a big utilizer of AI I Think those types of companies are going to perform? Will it necessarily perform this year? Well I don't know Salesforce It's up this morning because I think they just cut two percent of their stuff. They cut some number of their staff. so if you look at the ticker symbol of CRM it's up right now because they're cutting people. so the market likes that.
They're like kind of trimming the fat type of the situation. but if they have to do that, that tells me that something isn't so good if they know that they have to do it. So an interesting situation I Do like that the leadership team is, um, I guess willing to bend with the current situation, willing to be flexible so they're getting rid of I would assume they're lowest performing employees, but I do like just the fact that it's in the world of AI someone. Uh, obviously there are many other AI companies that are worthwhile to look into, but I just wanted to talk particularly about the list charts suggest oil, natural gas, and wheat could be due for a boom According to Jim Cramer You know me.

I've been invested in Oxy now for a couple months I've kind of piggy to back off of Warren Buffett I Like what was going on in the world of energy, particularly petroleum, particularly O x Y, there's many ways to play it. You don't have to do that one. and maybe you just think I'm completely wrong and this is honestly the first thing that I've seen in a while that makes me wonder if my play is wrong I don't know if I want to be saddled up. It was okay for me to be saddled up with Warren Buffett but to now also be saddled up with Jim Cramer I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know like is is The question is is Warren Buffett's prowess enough to outweigh inverse Kramer like it's not.

Is it just plus one minus one and I'm at neutral and oil is going to go nowhere or is Buffett like plus 1.5 and Kramer's minus one I just don't know the units of skill set here and I don't know how to properly wait the inverse Kramer versus Buffett and also just a basic understanding of the Strategic petroleum reserve. the Spr I don't know I'm still on Oxy I'll let you know if I get out, but it does. It makes me worried. It makes me worried for sure.

Mortgage demand plunges 13 to end 2022 as interest rates head higher again. So real estate in 2021 was ripping, rip and rip and rip and ripping ripping. It was a great time to be a seller and I think now 10 months in a row we've had mortgage demand come down, down down down down. And part of the reason for that is yes, the economy is getting a little bit more iffy people aren't making that, obviously aren't making big purchases and it's being even more hindered by the fact that the FED fund rates going up.

which means mortgage interest payments are going up. Um, within a year's time, people were getting locked in from like, anywhere from like 3.5 and then a year later, they're above seven. So like when you're doubling up your interest payments, you're buying a whole heck of a lot of less house for the same money. And people don't like that so you're just seeing the demand quickly quickly dry up as the supply is still pretty strong.
So when Supply strong demands, of course, it's going to drop. That's just what happens once again. again. Will It Last Forever Absolutely not.

But this is just the current cycle we are in Manhattan Apartment Sales Plunge in Fourth Quarter as Brokers fear of Frozen Market Manhattan Apartment sales fell by nearly 30 percent in Q4 Brokers are concerned both buyers and sellers are staying on the sideline. They clearly are all reasonable. Data metrics are pointing towards that. Once again, it's momentary.

This is the cycle we're in. It'll eventually come back. The goal in question is just when. uh, what time is it 9 27 Okay, so what we're going to do is I want to talk a little bit about this political stuff? Well, what you need to know I Usually honestly, we could just read the headline: Kevin McCarthy has lost three ballots for house speaker with 20 Republicans voting against them to show the would-be leader who's boss.

So this dude right here getting severely severely severely embarrassed and that's just part of the game. Uh, it's like I don't know what's going on. We were watching some of the votes yesterday, just a lot A lot of awkwardness. His responses to it was even more awkward.

and I guess uh, does anyone know or are there any more hardcore political people in here? Do you want to give us any information on if in any way like is it continuing today? Do they just keep doing this day over day over day until we have a Speaker of the house? I mean at one point that Matt Gates guy the guy who looks like Jimmy Neutron he was writing some I don't know Congress art like some Department the fact that McCarthy was in the speaker house office he's like he shouldn't be there. he's gonna like they're just doing like Petty schoolyard things. uh which. hey it's fun for us, but it's kind of sad for the nation in general.

All right. with that being said, let's prep up a little bit for Market open. Uh I'm gonna be trading the same strategy that I started trading uh or that we were discussing yesterday I've been trading it now for a couple weeks. uh just to collect some data, see if I like it? see if I don't like it.

But anywho, uh, the Spy right now 383 I Just want to show you the daily chart of where we're at. We're pretty much in the middle of yesterday if we get above 386 387. Very bullish if we broke below 377 375 Pretty bearish right now. we're mid-range I wouldn't say necessarily I'm pretty neutral, and honestly, even from a seasonal perspective, today is kind of an awkwardly neutral day.

The accuracy favors the Bulls, but the profit Factor favors the Bears. It's a weird, just kind of scratch type of a day. So I'm not really going into today with any particular bias. I'm just going to take the trades as the chart sets up if the chart doesn't set up for any nice trades.
sorry, did I just kill everyone's ears? My apologies. Um I If no trades come, no trades come. That's part of it. Especially with today, we're gonna have more volatility around the Fomc meeting minutes at 2 p.m Uh, so for me definitively, I'm going to be sitting on my hands even though I'm standing um, for the first 15 minutes.

I'm going to be seeing how things play out till 9 45. So we're gonna do that, then see if any trades come to us in the meantime of the lull today. I Don't know how many of you have been staying up to date on the whole coffee Zilla versus Logan Paul thing and Logan Paul officially responded I haven't watched the video yet so I want to respond to all that or I want to watch it and kind of respond to it with all of you I think it's going to be an interesting one? Um I want to check that out? Uh, we need to see what's going on with Wall Street bets I want to do kind of a trading Essentials breakdown with you about what cup loaded calls are because I want to build out an entire playlist of all the major options, training strategies, among other things. Of course we'll be going over the Fomc meeting minutes at 2 p.m Uh, there's an interesting Tick Tock about Citadel and their AI usage that I want to share with all of you and that's what I have planned for now and I'm sure crazy things will be coming.

but as we're waiting for the market to open and really get going today if you guys haven't already, if you could, please help me out by hitting that like button. It very very much helps with the YouTube algorithm and it helps out with the rumble leaderboard. So if you're watching right now, just take one quick second out of your day, hit the like button. Hit the Subscribe button if you enjoyed the stock crypto, breaking news type of content.

Uh, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. All right and we'll see how this goes. Just waiting, waiting, waiting waiting. Let's get some Oh music back here.

Modern background Is that the kind of music we want? Modern background? Just a little something to get our brain juices going. Uh folks, what is The Vibes and opinions of do you think Tesla's going below 100 today is the old Tesla Is the old Tesla going below 100? Uh, five? Uh buckle. uh YouTube does not like that I have Steel in the title I Guess they're just not a fan of Nicholas Cage Oh, that's actually probably something. Uh Richard shout out I appreciate that I appreciate that.

Ooh Tesla bottle opening thus far oxy and I like the pop uh rum not doing too too much. uh what do we have ape is green up three percent. AMC's down or up 0.8 Uh, Gme is up 0.6 Do we have any big movers? Apples Up 1.3 We could check in on the dollar to see what's going on there. The dollar is moving up makes sense Market coming down.
Remember a more expensive dollar? Not so good for the market and it just has implications on international business. When you're converting your money back to USD If the dollar is higher, you're losing out on that conversion rate. Hey Matt what's the number you're looking at for Tesla to start loading up shares? Um I don't have an exact number, but I can tell you it's gonna be below 100 I'm not buying here. Uh, I think Tesla we're just in January and I think this year is going to have quite a bit of pain? Uh I at some point I would in zero percent at all be surprised for Tesla to go below 100.

So it's kind of different if you're talking about a long-term investment. I'm gonna be loading up below 100 for sure. maybe even lower in terms of an active trade though. that's different.

So I think that's one of the biggest things that I think sometimes there's like confusion about and whenever we're talking about anything I think we should all be very, very specific. Are we talking about a day trade? Are we talking about a short swing trade? a longer swing trade, or in an actual long-term investment? Um, so with Tesla with respect to investment I already own Tesla I own quite a bit of Tesla I'm happy with it and I will add more to it. Definitely below low 100. No, no chance would it be above 100 when I add to my position.

Um I mean the right now seeing how things are going and just the apprehension in the market. If you had to ask me at this moment in time, maybe 75 maybe I don't know I have to think about it a little bit more. Um, but I for me, I'm not really even going to be considering it too too much unless I see it below 100. AMC is sucking.

It's been sucking. That's what hat like. Just the the box office relative to 2018 2019 is just not there. It's just not performing.

Matt This was my prediction: Tesla Every stock will hit under 70 and we will see similar to Crypto Winter Arc Investments will declare bankrupt Joe Rogan will start trading options Uh I mean equivalent to a Crypto Winter I mean that was already the stock market all of last year I mean the overall spy lost 18. We were in a bear market for a decent portion of the year. Tesla has a 75 Gap film. Maybe it'll buy off that capital with me.

Please understand that a lot of this when you're doing a long-term investment. That to me in my book, the way I think it's easier to pull it all off. it very much relates to dollar cost averaging when you're doing an investment. I I Don't need a bottom ticket if you end up bottom ticking it.

That's awesome. And congratulations to you, you're very, very lucky. But when I look at my investing. I Just kind of dollar cost average over a certain period of time, so something like whatever Apple Microsoft Tesla Amazon those types of plays I Would prefer the dollar cost average.

In the latter half of this year, we still have probably two more interest rates to go through. hikes fed fund rate hikes I should be very specific about that and then we're probably gonna pause. And then even if you look at what happens with everything historically, even when you start to Pivot it's not like the market magically rips on an individual day it might Rip But the overall trend is you still have a little bit of pain even when you start the pivot. So if you're looking for something a little bit that you could be earlier on bullish on, maybe just look at 20 30-year bonds something like TLT They'll probably end up having some nice positive movement before the classic like high growth sector of like Tech or something like that.
So I think if if you're looking for that medium term swing I mean I think we're closer to bonds having that swing than we are Common Stocks Uh David You need to start watching last year's videos to understand ketchup. David Oh, why does appear Some stocks move in the same manner as the same time? Am I Imagining it? No, it's called paratrading. A lot of them. Aren't this like it's It would be more odd for like Nvidia and AMD to not have similar movement.

they're in the same sector. They're very comparable businesses. Uh, there's things called pair training like, uh, a lot of the times it would be more odd to me if related things didn't trade in like a similar manner. Um, what do we have? Why would AMC not go down? Movie theaters are no longer a big thing.

Uh, if you're speaking from a fundamental perspective, the fundamentals of AMC are questionable. but I would argue that the fundamentals of many companies right now. That's why we're seeing the whole Market go down because a lot of Market participants the market Collective is a little bit suspect of where we're going. Um, so like I are things looking good at AMC from a fundamental perspective? No, but I don't think that's unique from a fundamental perspective.

I mean we're looking at Big Tech Giants laying off workers we're looking at Financial behemoths laying off workers like it's it's not so specific. Matt The new Kramer bearish mention of Tesla and then it starts to rip. Uh, I mean you're talking about what? eight minutes of trading once again I'd be very very careful with smaller time frames because the smaller the time frame, the more Randomness involved. and also Tesla lost 15 yesterday, right? I mean and that sucks like I'm not happy about it I know a lot of you in here are bullish on Tesla I'm invested in Tesla myself.

every dollar Tesla goes down I lose more and more money. but I also my thesis on it. it has nothing to do with a couple minutes I'm going to be in Tesla for decades. I'll either be extraordinarily right and we get to 20 30 and Tesla like really delivers on what it's attempting to do in the world of EV And it's an absolute Behemoth and it grows even more with its Robo taxi Network yada yada yada or it's a complete failure and I lose all my money like I Don't really think there's going to be much of an in-between Um Mullen will get delisted before it squeezes I haven't seen Mullen today I'm I'm not a fan of Mullen I I Don't I think a lot of people are going to end up being bag holders on Mullen whenever I see penny stocks moving like out of nowhere? It's just not a good scenario.
Like it's just it's there's so many I'm not necessarily saying they're like pump and dumps like Atlas Trading Group but I'm saying something like Mullen just generically of the chart pumping up and then dumping down. It happened so so commonly in the penny stock world, the penny stock plan. There's no reasonable in my opinion. There's no reasonable thesis to think that Mullen is going to Buck the trend of the overall Market of tech and EV especially right now it's a penny stock.

It's a very small Eevee company that is barely hanging on. Is there some sort of percentage chance that it might squeeze and burn all the shorts? Yeah, it's possible, but it's not that high and I would prefer to play with like higher odd scenarios. and if you're in it I Know there's people in Mullen right now who you're probably steaming. You're like, how could he not be absurdly bullish on the thing that I'm invested in? Well, folks, like we're just calling it, how we see it like there's no I'm just sharing my thoughts.

maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong I am not a god of trading, a god of investing I Know a lot of people call me the best Trader on this side of the Mississippi but it's just a moniker that I've earned. It's not necessarily based in reality. a lot of people take it so so personally when you just share an opinion on this. Mullen It's a small Eevee company that is burning too much cash in a very bad overall economic and EV environment right now I Don't see the positives and yet everyone's like no, no, it has to go.

It has to go. That's kind of what's going on with Mmat. I Made a video yesterday explaining how do I think something illicit happened with MMA or specifically Mmtlp? Yes, I do I don't know who's to blame I don't know if we should be blaming the leadership of Mmat trch Finra right now. My bias is kind of pointing at Finra and I explained it all in the video yesterday.

but I also brought up the fact that I don't think Mmat is a good fundamental company as of now. It's not, and it's tough for things to be a good fundamental company in this environment. It's not a positive growth, bullish environment that's just not the current economic cycle we're in. and then people still lose their mind.

They act as if there are people on Reddit Twitter Youtube who act as if we're still in Just like this hyper growth bubble cycle that we saw with quantitative Easing folks, we're in a quantitative tightening cycle. It is very, very extraordinarily difficult to see a high growth setup. It's just the cycle we're in. I Don't make the rules.
we're just playing the game. and at the end of the day, you know you're playing the game right. If your bank account, your P L is going up and up and up. or is it going down and down and down? because you can't be right about something being high growth and amazing.

and yet your account is going down and down and down. You're not interpreting reality in the proper way. and I think sometimes that's a a tough pill to swallow. and I've been there myself and I mean at certain points, even at certain points throughout the day.

Yesterday I was there myself because I think humans have a very difficult time admitting they're wrong, whether it's in the market, whether you're whatever in school, take taking a test, arguing with your significant other. That's just a part of human psychology. We have a very, very difficult time admitting that we're wrong. and you want everything to be perfectly right in the way that you view reality.

And what's interesting about the market is it's kind of the great equalizer. No matter how loud you yell, you know no matter how much you scream, no matter how much you want something to happen, it does not care. This is a cold un. Like it's just like it's almost like a a cold robotic mathematical system.

Your wants and desires. It just doesn't care about it at all. Uh, did you see Prague Boro Therapeutics one for 25 reverse plate? Yeah I did. That's not a good sign at all.

Uh, b-i-o-r Uh, the artist formerly known as Prague is something that I was involved in. Well, I still have all my shares and I hate it I wish I shorted it. It's absolute trash. Oh, speaking of absolute trash, Um, there's I Forgot to tell all of you guys this Do you guys remember yesterday when I was basically quoting Taylor Swift and I was saying we're going into our villain phase.

raise your hand if you remember that when I was like oh, we're going into our villain phase and we're gonna just like all these pump and dumps. we're gonna shorten all these Penny stop scams, we're gonna short it I was talking about that yesterday and then I was getting dm'd on my Twitter p people the world we live in people They had no clue that that was sarcasm. They made actual videos saying oh my God Matt admits he wants this short stocks he's going into his family face. There is nothing There is nothing more funny to me than people who don't get sarcasm like you have to see these videos.

Is it really that funny? Yes. Kate It is really that funny. There are a few things in this world I find more funny than when people just don't get that as a joke. There are very very like this.

seriousness looks like they act like it's some big news reporter. uh today on the five o'clock news Breaking news uh Financial Commentator Matt Corrs says he's going into his villain phase will be shorting pump and dumps, potentially putting the entire stock market at risk. Please prepare not understanding it's a joke whatsoever which makes it 10x as funny like dude people uh yeah I live for those types of things so if those ask if any if those people reach out to you say oh yeah no totally villain face. you gotta be in on the troll with me.
You gotta 100 be in on the troll. Oh oh, was I supposed to trade? Where's my I have lipstick everywhere now? not lipstick, chapstick, whatever we call it. Not yet. not yet.

The algorithm didn't fire. Good shot I'm not sarcastic really. I'm not sarcastic. Um, all right algorithm didn't fire.

We're waiting. We're waiting. We're waiting. We're waiting.

Breaking news Matt Course puts entire stock market at risk. When the stock fills the Gap does. It usually fell at the top of the gap or the bottom I Mean a gap doesn't really have a gap as a gap. you either filled it or you did it I don't quite understand the question.

You either gapped up or you gap down and like you're just either filling the gap or you aren't. There's not a top like you're saying the top of the bottom. but obviously if you Gap up the it's the downside. Gap fill And if you gap down, it's an upside Gap Fill You're playing the opposite way to fill the gap.

Do you ever wonder if they're trolling us? No. I don't There's just kind of like sad people out there. uh Matt how are your sinuses doing lately? Cheers to good Health in 2023. recently my sinuses have been great.

like if we take a larger time frame. Uh, but over the like I Noticed I had some sniffles last night. so D Wayne I appreciate you for noticing that. But yeah, last night I had a little bit of Sniffles I'm gonna be honest with you I'm not gonna hide it I'm a human I'm not some sort of robot system that has perfect sinuses and I know a lot of you.

You might tune in for that. You're like ma'am this guy is the beacon of Health I bet he hasn't used a tissue once in his life and I didn't want to bring this up Circa 2022. But as you guys know, 2023 is our villain phase and part of my villain phase is being a little bit more honest and I have normal sinuses just like you. Honestly, when I was a youth, if you had all youth sinus issues like a bell curve a gaussian distribution I was probably on the left side.

not good I probably had worse than average sinuses as I got into adulthood I think I outgrew some of my basic allergies and whatnot. Um, but that I don't know I just hope this is a safe place that I can share all of that with you folks because I don't know I'm just another normal sinus person like all of you. What do we have here? True that duck? Unless one is self-employed no one aren't real. Please support my Channel Truth Exposed What truths are you exposing? Um, where am I supposed to be shorting? All right? I'm gonna put up an order.
Hang on I'm moving slow this morning I Want to try something crazy today? Just a little bit crazy. Hang on I'm just getting my order set up okay I have an order to go short on the Futures Market of the S P 500 I'm 55.5 it might hit. it might not hit I'm trying to do something a little bit funky today though, so I'll let you know how it plays out. Um, you could trade the Spy I trade the Futures Market My reasonings I Guess multi-faceted if you will.

Uh, part of my reasoning is the fact that there's no pattern day trading I like the Leverage I'm a little bit more of a degenerate, but I'm I'm waiting so it's trading at 68 right now. Once again, I have an order to go short if f for all of my math nerds out there. If and only it if it hits three, eight, five, five point five. So we need to drop another 11 points.

Might it? Yeah, maybe I don't know I never know the next bar. What derivatives basket are you looking to get into in 2023? Um I don't know before I Get into derivatives basket I need to figure out how to hedge my calls with more calls. Does the job report manufacturing come out at 10? A.M Eastern Today Yep, we have about nine minutes for the jolts. Job openings quits all that good jazz I wonder if I'm about to get chopped up in that there might be a little bit of volatility at the 10 a.m report and I wonder if it's going to get me my position and then like screw me over.

All right, we're gonna have to do something I might have to be quick here. we're gonna see how this goes. Ah, so we're gonna I think we're doing something particularly stupid, but there's only one way to find out. Uh, I'll as the time gets closer, I'll let you know or maybe I'll just get completely 100 utterly steamrolled by the 10 a.m report which we have uh, seven minutes and some change.

Seven and a half minutes till we find out Tesla Decent day, Oxy Mullen Swinging around, let's see what Mmat is up to. Uh, it's trading at a dollar Eleven. pretty much a penny stock. Oh okay, time to explain.

Is it time to explain my stupid stupid idea? It's either it's either straight up so stupid. Okay, maybe a better way for me to explain the current strategy is this: I if I were to ask you is intellect a line or is it a circle because the strategy that you're about to see is either so stupid, it's just stupid or it's so stupid it's coming back around the circle to almost being smart. So really, that's in the eyes of the beholder. I Guess it's up to you.

It's that's the question. Is it a linear scale or is it a little bit more circular and with reference to intellect? So when is the Meetup this summer to watch the Barbie movie with the gang? Meme Maker will let you put that together. We'll let you put that together I'll be there. isn't that with Ryan Gosling And the first one? Oh so stupidity is a straight line.
Okay, then the strategy is stupid. It just just normal run-of-the-mill dumb. All right. I'm a little bit nervous to see how this.

Matt when you make merch, just copy Venom make jumpsuits just straight up jumpsuits Margot Robbie's in it Oh, were they around a movie together before? probably redacted news joins Rumble Exclusives: Uh I Want a chair with Ryan Garza Oh Travis stupid is as stupid does. Yeah I mean it worked out for Forrest Gump Who knows. maybe this trading strategy is going to lead to me having an entire bubble gum shrimp fish Empire how's the apple look into Apple's not looking good Tesla's not looking the best. Oxy's coming back down Microsoft Kind of coming back down.

things are looking a little bit heavy. how is the dollar looking the dollar Index I Should say the dollar Index is coming down though. interesting. so we have apple coming down Tesla coming down Microsoft Coming down.

but the dollar is also coming down a little bit counterintuitive. There a little bit counterintuitive. Life is like a box of chocolates. All that is left are the nasty ones.

Foreign. All right. You haven't shown rum in a while. Lemon: It was literally on the screen this morning and yesterday because it was the only green thing yesterday.

Lemon: Is this a test? If you lose on a covered call on AMC Do you lose your shares and have to re-buy Sorry for my ignorance. What do you mean by lose on a covered call? Like how are you defining a loss on a covered call If you lose on a cover call on AMC Do lose your shares and have to re-buy it rebuyen. Sorry for the ignorance. Um I Guess losing in that scenario is in the eyes of the beholder.

Whenever you're playing a covered call, the worst case scenario is less profit. So if you sell a covered call at let's say six dollars and it rips up to seven, you only get to capture the profits to six dollars plus the premium cost. Um, but if it stays below six, you keep your shares and you also keep the premium. So it depends on whenever you're selling covered calls.

The ideal scenario is it gets right up to but does not cover your strike. So it kind of depends on how you define it. So once again, worst case play out in the world of covered calls is less profit. Hang on.

it's getting hot and now we can rock our official D Gen shirt I Don't know if you could read it but just rock. and D Gen today Rock and D Gen I don't know I Don't like it's just it's hot in here in the the Windy City of New York today. Oh yeah, take it off. All right.

this is gonna get interesting. We have two and a half minutes. Two and a half minutes. 150 seconds, 150 big ones.

What else do we have? Tickets to The Gun Show? Yeah! you guys are getting a free preview just for getting up early and hanging out with me today. And by early Yes I do mean 10 a.m ET How many people are on the west coast right now? like I Understand that a lot of us on the East Coast are here just like degenerately training, but at least it's 10. I Feel like it's a special level of degeneracy to be getting up like you were up at what like five this morning just to do this stuff? How many California Alaska Hawaiian people do we have because it is early? Boise County Sacramento to look at you guys getting up early West Coast represent Market is just waiting. We are waiting for the report to come out.
should be very very soon. We are waiting for the job openings quits. and ISM Manufacturing uh job openings. the Line in the Sand is 10.1 million ISM Manufacturing 48.5 quits I I guess I don't have the number prep for us.

Looks a little pop. Oh, we got a little bit of a pop in here. higher lows same high. Will it break the wedge to the upside? or is it going to get smacked? To the downside.

we're gonna be finding out very very soon. 45 seconds. Let me switch you guys over to this. All right? So here's my very, very stupid idea of the day.

This isn't any particular strategy I just want to see what happens to see if I can get lucky. So if we were to break the intraday low, my order is to go short three and a point and a half later to quickly go short and then buy back two of the said three with the difference of 1.5 points. If I hit that on two separate contracts, that's three which is a hundred fifty dollars. Uh, because right now I'm on the mini, not on the micro but we'll we'll see and then I would still just be net short one.

So basically I'm trying to short three and quickly buy back two for a hundred fifty dollar profit. Let's see if it happens. Let's see if it happens. Is it is stupidity linear order filled or is it circular order? Oh, stupidity is straight.

uh, locked in wait it says 134 I should have got 150. so I shorted three at five five four two and I got out at five four. whatever. I made money 134 dollars in profit and I'm still short one at 55 I guess a little bit messy because of high volatility but let's see how it goes.

Sometimes my my intellect support like surprises me. so we locked in 134 on the day which I think is basically what I made yesterday when every when it all came down to it all came down to it and now I'm probably gonna lose all that money I should have just got out of all of them. Son of a catch son of a gun having issues charging my phone over here. Team: Uh, definitely should have just got out of every one of those I wonder if the first move was the wrong move.

It feels like maybe the first move was. Oh okay. this is going south very very quickly. Uh yeah, no this one's turning on us.

Team turning on us real quick. In fact I should probably put a stop in. Oh okay. well out of sight out of mind.

Let's just pretend that that's not happening. Damn it dude. I'm gonna get me order filled. Yep I just took a big loss.
Order filled all right now I'm long I'm just trying to go with the trend. All right. Oh um. okay, so uh.

here's the dealio. I was up 130. now I'm down 660 which means I locked in a loss of like 800 for me to be down net 662. So I I was plus one I don't know what was it.

What did I say? 134 136 Something like that. Now I'm down 662 which is a huge swing. Uh uh. yep.

all right now I'm starting to think that stupidity is more of a line rather than a circle. What is going on? No, no way is it gonna me like this. It is. through.

This volatility is huge. Holy these bars are so big. Yeah. I'm playing with too much size because it's really not that big of a movement.

I'm just like playing way too big for my account size. When in Rome Well that bar sucked. Like look at the volatility we made in that one bar. This one three minute bar.

we made a new intraday High and a new intraday low. So I guess the lesson there is just what's the lesson. What's the takeaway? It's only a loss if we don't learn something from it. and oh my God dude, this is going to blow me up even more.

Holy oh my. God This can't be good I think I need to cut I think I just need to get the out order filled. All right I got out I Cut Holy team that's crazy. Order rejected.

Uh oops, my bad wrong button. Holy Order rejected. Why can't I get anything in? Oh I know why duh I was playing the wrong way. Order filled.

well, less than ideal Team: You don't want to know the number I'm down right now. You definitely don't want to know. But I'll tell you. Uh, currently down, two, eight, four, three, Two thousand Eight Hundred Forty Three dollars.

Man that volatility. I Still like my initial position, my initial like dumb position. um, still a fan of it and it's just that volatility ripped me out. Uh, as of now, down: Two point Eight thousand, Two point Eight Five thousand, Two thousand Eight hundred Forty Three dollars.

And now the question is is do I just hold on to this one. Is this like a prey methodology and just pray that I can make the 3K back from this one trade or do I take it in chunks. Do I just go like a thousand at a time of like okay, a thousand a thousand a thousand or do I do two at one point five thousand. Dude, this is so brutal I need to put that in there so they don't Margin Call Me Uh, just out of my own curiosity.

how far does this need to drop for me to make money? Dude, this is really really far. Oh wait, no. I did the math wrong. All right.

38 20. if we can hit that, we could put something together. 3 8 20 is where I go positive on the day. if it falls all the way down here.

that is quite the stretch. and I'm doing this when I only have it has to play out in four hours because we have the Fomc result. All right, All right, All right. All right.
All right. All right. Oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man. Ah okay.

just to that was a lot of movement. So I'm at 3850.25 3850.25 is where I'm short right there. I'll make it yellow. Okay, that's my short position and for me to be break even on the day I need this to hit right here I'll make it green so you guys know that that's where I go green on the day.

All right. So if you are not in here rooting for the market to go down in the short term to 3820 I Don't know what to tell you because you need to be. You know before when I was talking about how the market is a cold, lifeless, mathematical robotic system. That was all a lie.

It is currently all just faith and prayer. Faith and prayer is what's going to bring us. Oh brother oh brother oh brother Faith and prayer. We're throwing up a yellow I mean the the dollar popped hard there I Guess we should review what the news was.

Um yep, higher. Um so job openings came higher than expected. ah at all tracks at all tracks I'm with you Matt thank you Christian No, we just need even if we could just chill in like the low 30s I'd be happy like I'd be calm if we could just follow a quick 15 points and just chill there. We need to put a positive spin on this.

The positive spin here is at least I Had a big loss early in the day which gives me more time to catch up. If I mess this up late in the day, I wouldn't have much time to catch up, but now I have ample time to ideally make good, reasonable, solid risk to reward setups. If I did this at 3 pm, I'd be screwed I'd only have 60 Minutes to fix it, but now we have all day to fix it. all all day to fix what we need to fix.

Chorus is a shill. Don't believe all the fake chat GPT Bots hyping him, you know chat GPT like isn't a comment bot system right? like you're You're aware of that like I I Very much hope you understand what jet chat GPT is. Come on. Okay, if if we're even in the 20s like low 30s 20s and if we're just chilling there for a second I think we could be calm.

All right, we're We're 10 points away from my entry. Not that I can move it Jesus Come on, just keep going. Why did I have this as an alert yesterday? I Don't know why I had that as an alert 33. 21 This could get a little bit iffy.

Team: this could be a little bit dicey. Extend to the right. do this bounce bounce. oops sorry just trying to get some good trend lines going on in here so we can maybe get a hopefully a better indication of how things could go.

We're just kind of in this wedge and unfortunately for me, just to be break even I Need like a peek below this wedge which essentially means I'm playing with fire definitely means I'm playing with fire I Don't know why I'm mapped out 41 here Tesla's starting to bounce Apple getting a little bit of a bounce but the Dollar's still strong I don't know why I'm looking at it like this because like it, that means I'm being emotional. Probably I should just be basing it exclusively off of These Bars Uh, put in your stop limits. capture some gains that's just not I mean that's like an emotional thing that's not systematic as of now. My risk should actually be the recent Peak which unfortunately is also the high of the day because that's how large the range is.
Um, if I change it now I'm changing the system which is in a certain sense, like corrupting the data set of this system. I Guess lesson learned to just not play because the volatility spikes or maybe don't have the trade before. If you do do it before, get your full position out. Ah me.

Um, decisions, decisions, decisions. if you're just tuning in. I am hemorrhaging money and I'm praying. Nope, that's not good.

I am absolutely hemorrhaging. Money go down. die die die die die die die die die die die die die. Come on.

just go down. It's snap. What is this? What's this low? 36.50 Just snap it. For those of you who don't know this, what I'm looking at right now is the S P 500 on the Futures Market the Futures Market magnet jelly sandwich.

Do you think a magnet will work in an environment like this? foreign I like I mean this is just I understand what's going on. This is such like a reaction that we're just getting some basic mean reversion right now. But I Literally cannot afford to lose more money on this order. I had to take some profit I got out I probably took a hundred in profit, 100 in profit? Uh yeah.

I Couldn't let that go against me I Would the account would just get margin called? All right? Lessons Learned Playing with way too big a size, way too much volatility I Did not expect that type of a pop, but it is what it is. Hopefully we get a nice tradable Trend out of this 28 points I Need this thing to move 28 points in my favor? Do that another 27 times. Uh, possibility possibility. Go to this I Think it's cleaned up a little bit better.

Yeah, things are starting to bounce now. the Dollar's starting to come back down. Uh, don't forget that at in just under four hours, three hours, 45 minutes we have. Is this gonna recover right in front of our faces.

Brutal. absolutely brutal. Just go leverage 27 times I mean that's a lot of Trades Like if I screw one of them up the accounts that like 27 is a lot to do, it's like one. It's even difficult to do like.


8 thoughts on “Fomc minutes: the results are in!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A G says:

    Thank you for the video. Uhm, may I ask if there’s some hope to shorten your amazing content somehow? Not sure if all of us have 7 hours to watch… or of it’s kind of a β€œradio” on YouTube, then sorry to bother

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rlwhite55 says:

    Palo Alto is a city in the Bay Area/San Francisco… south of SF.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diamond Duck says:

    Good job today buddy

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mulu452 says:

    What platform is Matt using to trade futures on?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Far Rider says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vince Sanders says:

    I've been away for a while. Are you still holding AMC?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IdntWnt2eatZbugZ says:

    It's because they're lizard people

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Borkowski says:

    Matt sellout kohrs

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