Bullish Stock Market Open (Live Day Trading)
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The Matt Kohrs Show
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Thank you! 1.5 million points Cutery! What did you do that? You got so many points. She's not stopped gambling all day. So here's gonna be the fun game. We are gonna double Cutery's points or we're gonna send her all the way to zero.

No, are you kidding me? That is so unlucky. Oh I'm a scary shark. am I a shark with a toy that's not even that scary. Oh now I'm a big bag of werewolf I'm a velociraptor.

Have you ever seen a velociraptor laugh? Those are great sales numbers. Mr Smith Yeah, the divorce isn't going so well. Um, why don't I have friends? Goonies Goonies Goonies Welcome back to another episode of the Matt Corey show where I'm at your course and this is the show where we're here to talk about stocks, crypto Futures options and let's just say a little bit of life in general it is: Monday January 23rd the final full week of trading in. January I Hope the first part of the month has been great for you, but let's see if we can end it on an even better more green P L type of a week.

I Hope you had an absolutely fantastic weekend and I guess before we get into any of that good stuff of the market, because yeah, we gotta talk about earnings and inflation reports and what's going on at Citadel There's a lot of stuff going on, but before we get into that just because it was kind of an interesting weekend I Hope you got a little rest and relaxation I Hope your favorite NFL Team won I myself I'm very, very happy that the Eagles won, but my sports betting account is not happy at all in the Jags Chiefs game I took both Mahomes and Lawrence over in yards. Neither of them did that in the Giants game. I was taking Sequon to just run a little bit and he didn't do that I Took last night McCaffrey to get over like 68 yards rushing and he just quit. Um, it's been a rough patch for me.

Been a rough patch like absolutely fantastic games. super fun games to watch, but my bets have been subpar to say the least. Absolutely subpar. So in terms of my sports fandom, super happy! Philly's Still Rocking it! Very very happy that they're playing the way they are I Think this is going to lead uh the next I guess couple iterations as we get to the Super Bowl I mean it's gonna be fantastic games of football.

so I'm very very excited for that. Uh, but I need I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing with my betting like it's just like none of these numbers make sense. Ezekiel Elliot Slime got down to like 33 yards I don't even know if he hit it but the last time I checked he did not hit it. So I don't know the cow like Cowboys it's just who knows.

Dude, Who knows, Who knows, Who knows, who knows anyway. Um so I hope the teams that you wanted to win won I hope even more importantly, that your sports bets were smart Sports bets so that's kind of. Did anyone do anything fun over the weekend? Um uh, hang on. Why is this not updating? I can't see my Rumble shot yet? There you guys are.

Good morning, good morning, We want lemon I don't know who Lemon is? Nah, it's just good, clean, fun. Howdy Lemon! You've been on fire this morning with YouTube chat lines. Wait, what did you guys say? Lemon Lemon, What did you say about YouTube Chat YouTube Chat replies with no I don't YouTube chat goes to Vegas to play the change machine YouTube chat is constipated because their thumbs are always stuck up their asses. Feels like Rumble woke up and chose some violence today Rumble Chat woke up and chose some violence.
So I'm assuming that they also had a tough time with their Sports bets over the weekend. but hey man, it happened. Uh, it happens I you. It sounds like you're very much taking it out, but hey, we're gonna turn around with some fantastic trades today.

So before that Bell goes Ding ding ding ding ding today. I Kind of want to break down what you need to know about today in terms of what to pay attention to in terms of the macroeconomic events: What's going on with the earnings season? Some important support resistance. There is a little bit of the gap down play which kind of lines up with seasonality so we'll be getting into that. and then the Bell is going to go dingity ding ding ding.

The casino will open, the Apes will rush into it and we're gonna see how it plays out. I'm hoping today is a nice Trend day. It might be a little bit more of a consolidation just because there was a pretty nice trend on Friday but this week there's going to be some craziness. We have inflation reports.

We have very important earnings reports. Lots and lots and lots of stuff going on. So I want everyone to be mentally prepared for that and we'll see if we can make some money from there. There is going to be an interesting discussion today.

live with Dave Lauer the I guess ex-ceo of Trch which turned into Mmtlp and then also the current CEO of Gns. They're going to be talking about naked shorts so if you guys want we could stream that live. There's a lot of kind of like a round table discussion about naked shorts and Market structure and all that that's happening midday today. Um, in between everything.

Uh, so we could talk about that one. And then, as always, um I actually put this in locals right now. Ooh, before I forget if you're on locals which everyone should be if you're on locals Matcors.locals.com Uh I Put up a couple polls. Not only did I put some like trading ideas for the day, but blah blah blah.

There is a poll right now I'm attempting to put together a video that I I need some math I need some information I need all of your votes I want to put it again together A video that just talks about like mathematically why Pattern Day Trading is stupid? Um, so if you haven't already, please vote on the poll on locals basically and it's all Anonymous But for not your retirement accounts, but for your active trading accounts, if you have one, tell me just like what how much money is in it basically I put a poll of just, um, different buckets there. If you have multiple, please add them together. Basically it's Anonymous But I'm just trying to actually mathematically show why Pattern Day Trading is one of the stupidest things we possibly could have. So make sure get on Locals Macross.locals.com please post your vote over there.
Uh, if you're already on locals, you should have gotten an email this morning. and then obviously when you're in there, you could look at the trade that I called out for the day. the seasonal bias of today we are on trading day. uh of the month of 14 I Believe Tdom 14.

Um, so we got all that information up there, but we got lots going on. We got lots going on. So I hope before we really really get into all this I Hope everyone here had an absolutely fantastic weekend and I hope you are ready to kick ass this upcoming week. But before we do all that I can already feel my lips like absolutely cracking cracking Rumble Trap prefers Stevia in their Kool-Aid That's weird.

Uh, pattern day trading keeps people from making money I 100 agree with that and I'm just to kind of like put together a more cohesive argument. That's why I put the poll in locals so like I actually have some math and numbers and stuff to back it up. but I mean does anyone in here think pattern day trading is good I Know many of you think it's bad. What are what are your thoughts on pattern day trading? for those of you who don't know within the U.S If your account is less than twenty five thousand dollars, when trading equities and options, you can only open and close a position, open and close a position daily in the same calendar day.

You can only do that three times every rolling five trading days, but if you're over twenty five thousand, you can trade as much as you want. If you want to get in and out on the same calendar today, you could do it. literally an unlimited amount. But if your account is below 25 000 in the US when talking about equities and options, you can only open and close a position in the same calendar day three times every rolling five days.

So if you get into a position, you're like wow, I hit my risk I Want to get out but I entered it this morning. You actually can't. You have to just wait or you'll get like you'll violate it and most brokerages give you like a one-time like freebie pass and they'll reset it for you. Uh, but other than that, if you do violate it, it could be a 90-day day trading ban.

It's kind of wild. Uh, it was created many years ago and I understand the initial sentiment of like Hey We're gonna try to protect people. but as many things going with the government when they're making bills and then when they're signing it into law, um, the theoretical idea that they have in the actual reality are two very, very different things. I'm 100 against pattern day trading.
If you want to trade, you should be able to trade. I was always of the mindset that our Market is supposed to treat everyone equally. But right there it's signaling to the world that if you have more money I.E over 25 000, you're being actively treated differently. I Think everyone in the market should be treated the exact same.

but um, when you're trying to play on the same field, but you're playing by a different set of rules, To me, that's a little messed up. It's actually very, very messed up. Not just a little um. I Actually think it's completely stupid.

Like it's not like you go to a casino in the U.S It's not like if you show up to Vegas right now and then after playing like three hands of blackjack. it's like, okay, we'll see you next week. No, that doesn't exist at all. That that would actually be like really like that would be wild.

Um, but that's currently how it is laid out in the stock market. If you open and close a position in the same calendar day three times within five rolling days, that's your maximum amount But As time as you do it, a fourth one within that five day trading like window. Um, that would be a violation, but over 25k, you could do whatever you want. You could do a bazillion within one day.

Um, so PDT Pattern day trading I Think it's one of the dumbest rules ever made for the market, and it's a clear, clear indication that they treat people with less money differently than they treat people with more money. Um, so this is all a giant roundabout way for me to say get onto Macquares.locals.com you if you're already a member. Whatever. there's a free version.

There's a premium version, but for the point of this, anyone can answer I'm just trying to collect some data so I can make a better video. Um, catch accounts still have you wait for funds to settle before you can make a new trade. Yeah, so this is the difference. Like it does impact margin trading accounts, but with a cash trading account that has its own set of rules where you have to wait for the money to settle and then even if you're trading on unsettled money too many times and you get a free roll violation.

So both cash accounts and margin accounts have their own list of pros and cons: I Don't use a cash account I Never really use a cash account because even if you're over 25 000, you're still waiting for your money to settle if you're an active. Trader Like obviously the optimal scenario is to have a margin account over 25 000 because then you're never fighting with like your hands tied behind your back. Um, I I'm always going to be using a margin account you just have to like. obviously, uh, be a little bit more responsible and handle that margin appropriately.

So just a little bit of commentary there on a cash account versus a margin account. I Literally Never use a cash account. Never. It's just it doesn't really make sense to me.
Anywho, uh. I know we went off already. It's literally the first stream of the week and we're already off the rails. So that's how we do it here.

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So this is your friendly reminder. Hit the like button and do not forget to subscribe. Also, there should be a little bell icon if you click on that and switch the new notification always. Theoretically you should get notified when I Go live.

Theoretically I Know it works perfectly on Rumble Uh, but every other day people are in here saying that they don't get it on YouTube for whatever reason, but hey, it is what it is I'm sorry I'm not able to fix that. So with all that being said, let's talk about the Old Market The Old Market Stock features are flat as investors weigh the Fed's next policy move await a busy earnings week. So right now if we take a lookie-c at what's going on, we have a little bit of a gap up situation which is nice. Um, Friday Actually very, very bullish.

I Do want to talk about the fact that well, early this morning we had a little bit of a downside Gap though, but it looks like it's filling it up right now so you might not be able to take advantage of it if it depends on how this kind of goes right here. but it looks like we might be opening above the high of Friday which is. there is a downside Gap Bill and as I'm going to show you in a second, this is also playing that downside Gap film, which is a bearish direction, is also in alignment with the seasonal bias of today. today is the 14th trading day of the month also of the Year Obviously because we're in January and as I'm about to show you and it's already up there on locals is the fact that today is very seasonally bearish bias.

Does that mean that today has to be a red day? No. I'm just telling you, historically, if you look at this day, normalize the data over the past 25 years, there's a clear bearish bias. It's not a hundred percent bearish biased, but it is obviously evidently leaning that way. So if this downside Gap though still exists when the Market opens yeah, I think that's a pretty freaking easy play.

But other than that, as you guys always know, I'm going to be waiting probably till 10 a.m wait for that market churn and opening volatility to kind of play itself out to see if we can hop on any interesting trends of the day. But right now there's quite a bit of apprehension. Later on this week, the biggest macroeconomic report of the week is on Friday the Pce, which is another inflation report that's actually like the CPI a little bit more timely, a little bit more Broad And if you believe the FED, they actually say that they weigh that one more heavily than they do the CPI report. so that's on Friday of this week and then really Tuesday to Friday This week, we have a lot of big earnings reports, which I'll be showing you in a second.
But yes, we are officially in earnings season, so on any given day, especially if you're invested in those equities, you might just want to be paying attention because there's going to be some big big movements officially kicked off last week, but we're really getting into the thick of it this week, next week, and the week after, just so everyone knows. So right now the Market's apprehensive. It's pushing up a little bit bullish, but it's kind of a low volume situation as of now. the Dow, the S P, and the Nas are all green.

oil is still looking really, really good. If you guys are on the ship with me on the trade with me, the mid medium term trade slash investment, Oxy Oxy's looking great right now. I'm still bullish on energy I'm specifically bullish on petroleum I Know natural gas is selling off, but right now to me, the oil situation. petroleum if we're talking about Black Gold It's as simple as supply and demand.

The supply kind of going down, demand kind of going up. What happens? the price. It also has to go up. So I'm still very much excited about my Oxy position.

but I want to make it clear to everyone that this is not a long-term investment. For me, it's a medium-term investment. If I see oil pop above 100 110 125 I am selling my Oxy position. This is a medium-term investment.

A position I'm willing to swing for a couple months. but I'm not going to be long-term investor in petroleum. I Just want everyone to be, uh, very clear about that and we're all want to be on the same page. Five things to know before that Stock Market Bell goes Ding Ding Ding Ding Dong today Monday January 27th So hanging on basically talking about the market.

let's look at the daily chart of the market here. So coming into the new year we have this broadening formation and the best way to describe that is people will like call it a microphone where you had higher Highs but you also unfortunately had like these lower lows. Kind of a weird setup but higher highs higher lows looks like a microphone. Kind of a difficult thing to trade.

It was a pain in the ass but it ended up breaking to the downside and then after it broke to the downside, we got classic consolidation. So we got a high volatility expansion and then we got consolidation. This is a normal cycle for the Market expansion. Consolidation Expansion consolidation.

It was expanding and then it was consolidating. You know it was consolidating because the price action was range bound. lower highs, higher lows. You're waiting for the consolidation to break and then obviously on Friday January 6th, it broke.
To the upside: we had a very strong push to a key Technical and psychological level of 400. From there, it was smacked pretty hard. We found support at 388, which makes sense. This is the breakout level.

Previous Resistance: Previous support wants an important price level. Typically it remains an important price level. Resistance turned into support and commonly this happens. Also, support can turn into resistance.

It's really just are you good at noticing important price levels? It's important because the market reacts to it. So before we react to 388 and then once again on Thursday of last week, we reacted to it again and instead of being resistance, it turned into strong support and we got a bounce off of really 387.25 all the way up to 396.. the high of the final day of trading last week was 39604.. if that stock market fell in 12 minutes opens up and we are above 39604, that means there's a valid downside.

Gap Fill Play I Love Gap Fill plays because the odds of them are amazing. It's not 100. Nothing in the markets ever, ever, ever guaranteed. But Gatfield plays have odds that very much favor the people playing Gatfield.

So as of now, the market were to open at this exact second, there would be a very valid 20 cent downside Gap fill to play So yes, out of the gate I'll be watching that, but also be watching the key level 395 396. That region right now is a big Battleground so I'm paying attention to that if we can hold that, if the Bulls can hold it, if we bounce off of it I think there's a very real shot. we can kind of go up to 397 50 ish and then I'll be watching 400. But if we go down and get this Gap fill and then it starts to sell off.

Well, I'm watching 393 I'm watching 391 and some change right now from a seasonal perspective I would be bearish on the day. Also, just we know the second half of January also does favor the Bears. So from two different seasonal arguments I know the Bears have I Guess let's just say a check in their column favoring them, but it doesn't always have to play out like that. If anything, I Don't want to be predictive in these types of environments I don't want to predict what is Microsoft going to say on their earnings call.

how's it going to impact the market I don't want to predict what the FED members are going to say if anything I watch my support and my resistance and I pay attention to breakouts. Breakdowns: Failed Breakouts, failed breakdowns, or just like generic bounces back to the upside or getting smacked to the downside. I Want to be reactive I Do not want to be predictive. Big earnings this week? Yes, Yes, Yes.

So today in terms of earnings and also macro economic reports, today's probably the calmest day of the week, just so everyone knows. Uh and then as we kind of get going. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday A little bit more going on, so there is Logitech I Pay attention to them just because I am bullish on the Esports industry in the long term and Logitech is a hardware provider, so it's more of an upstream play to the Esports world. There's a couple banks that I don't really care about after the market closes, but really, it gets going tomorrow.
So before the Market opens tomorrow, you have Verizon Johnson and Johnson locking Mark in NGE. Then a big one of the week is after the market closes tomorrow. Microsoft That is massive because it's one of the biggest companies not only in the world, but specifically in the US. You also have Capital One there in just in case you want more big Bank reports.

They also just laid off a thousand of their Tech workers so we might be getting some commentary on that. Wednesday We have Boeing At T After the market closes, we have Tesla IBM Obviously, Tesla's going to be a massive one. Thursday You have American Airlines Southwest I am bullish on both of those just because American Airlines already telegraphed that things have been going well we know Delta B So my biggest call outside no I was literally just saying I Don't want to be predictive but if you're like no Matt like you need to predict something or I'm never going to watch you again. My prediction of this week is that American and Southwest both beat on earnings.

That's my prediction of the week. Um, then we also have MasterCard we have Visa after the market closes with Intel and then we start to hear a little bit about the World of energy with Chevron on Friday Feel free to check this out on e-whisper screenshot it. Do whatever you need to. Yes, we are officially underway with the next earnings season.

and just because we're talking about big events and whatnot, let me show you the calendar for what is coming up. So today at 10 A.M leading economic indicators so pay attention to that. Not really too much going on beyond that Wednesday not much Tuesday We have PMI Thursday We're going to get the classic Thursday stuff of jobless claims. We're going to learn a little bit about GDP and then New Home Sales and then also on Friday.

That's where we get to Pce report the personal consumption expenditures report. That's another inflation report. It's similar to the CPI report, but as I alluded to before, it's a little bit more timely. It's a little bit more broad, so the FED according to them their own statements.

They weigh that report actually more heavily than they do the CPI report. But obviously it's all important that comes out an hour before the Market opens on Friday. So what you need to know for today? Specifically 10 A.m Leading economic indicators that comes out once again, 10 A.m a half hour into the market open. Uh, Doj probes: Abbott So this is all about the baby formula situation.
Uh, so the Wall Street Journal reported that they're just going to be investigated. So I I'm I Don't think anything will come of it, but we're going to find out. The Two Billion Dollar man. this is actually talking about the recent success of Avatar The Way of Water.

It looks like over the weekend, the second installment of Avatar officially past two billion dollars in the box office. Now is this a positive sign for the theatrical experience? Is this a positive sign specifically for AMC? Yeah, Obviously, obviously AMC has the largest market share of any individual movie theater chain in the entire planet, so that's good for it. But please understand the way the math works out for these types of situations. One individual success in a movie.

It's not a stock mover. Right now. there are individual movies that are doing very, very well, but if you look at the entire box office relative to the same quarters in pre-rona Period we're just not performing. Individual movies are still doing great, but the entire box office is not doing well and the reason for that is because the length at which it takes to make a movie we're now seeing the effects of like a lack of filming during the Pandemic period.

We're seeing that lagging indicator of like there's simply just not that many movies coming out because a lot of Productions were shut down. So understand this is a good sign, but this is by no means it's time. where I'm like I'm gonna YOLO into like AMC like far out of the money calls. That's actually silly and you're gonna probably end up losing money.

Is it a good sign? Yes. Is it an amazing sign that means things are gonna rip tomorrow? Probably not. I don't think so at all. Tank Decision looms large.

Obviously still some very negative things going on in Ukraine the war still waging and we're just looking for that to obviously, uh, stop as soon as it possibly can in terms of layoffs. So recently we've heard about Google Microsoft it's just Amazon just layoff layoffs, layoffs and now uh, there's another one on the list. Spotify To cut six percent of Workforce in latest tech layoffs Shipping companies says move is part of a broader cost cutting measure I don't really know what I need to do to, uh, more. So drill it into everyone's head that this is the state of the economy right now.

Uh Tech Laying off many, many thousands of people cryptos already been doing that. We're even seeing it now start to affect the finance sector. If you need commentary on the state of the economy I mean all these companies. They're looking at their money in, their money out and they're all saying we need to cuss, cut costs? Excuse me And they're doing it by cutting employees like almost every major tech company has now announced this in one form or another.

Interesting note here on this: the one company does. Does anyone in here know what I'm about to say: Does anyone in here know when I'm saying there's one large large large tech company who hasn't cut anyone? Do you guys know who that is? Let's see who's been paying attention in class. Who's gonna name, who's gonna get Jack CF Excuse me Jack CF gets the gold star of the day? Yes. Apple So a fair question is another large large large company who's laid no one off.
The question is why and the difference between Apple and many other companies, not all other companies. But if we're just talking about the major Tech plays of why they've it's played all differently for them is with the very accommodative environment with quantitative easing Circa 2021 and also with interest rates being very low, many big companies were exploding. That's why the stock market ripped is because a lot of individual companies were ripping ripping ripping. In that rippeting, many companies added to their Workforce at an astonishing rate.

so it was that extra bump that is now being cut back Apple Chose to not do that. they scaled not really at that exponential rate, but just more of like linearly of how they were doing it in the past. And the fact that they didn't get a little overzealous with the amount of hiring that they were doing in that time period means that they don't have to do the cuts now. So that's like kind of the major difference I just wanted to throw out to everyone is like percentage-wise and magnitude wide Amazon Google Microsoft like they were all adding, adding, adding, adding at crazy rates Apple Just chose to not do that and now they're kind of actually benefiting off of that decision so just want to put that out there.

FBI finds more classified documents in 13-hour search of Biden home. Obviously this is wild. it's just I If anything, find it a little bit comedic, especially because of just like the political divide in gridlock, hatred and everyone giving on Trump's side of things when in reality it turns out on both sides they're all kind of asshats so we'll be talking about that more a little bit later. but given the time, it is time for us to watch the stock market open.

So here is the plan for the day. Obviously we're going to watch the stock market open. We're going to pay attention to the report that comes out at 10. A.M we're going to listen to: Dave Lauer talk about naked shorts With the former CEO of Trch obviously related to Mmtlp and also the CEO of Gns will be on that.

That's going to be happening a little bit midday if you haven't already on locals, uh I'm gonna I'm always just trying to provide more value and I love it When uh, people go out of their way to send in tips, that's great. but I think I could provide even more value on top of that. So one thing I can do is for anyone who is a member of locals on a daily basis. If you guys want I could just do I could set a portion of time where I answer your question so it'll happen Like let's just say, early afternoon right after lunch.
But whatever your questions are, if you want me to do a chart review, if you have questions on options Futures Crypto relationship diet, how to get your hair to look the way mine looks, this is the place for you to do it. We could do it literally on a daily basis. So if you're a member here, you don't need to send in a super chat. You don't need to send in a rumble rant literally.

You just have to post post it here. And if you guys like it I am more than happy to repeat this on a daily basis that we're streaming. um so just wanted to throw that out to everyone. The stock market bill just went.

The casino is open Play Responsibly best of luck to all. So yes, there is a downside Gap Fill Right now on the Spy it is to down to 396.04 All right, let's set an alert so we know when that gets hit. Um, this is the downside. Gap Fill It is called out on locals.

We already discussed it in pre-market training. We know today's seasonally favoring the Bears and we also know that the odds generically always seem to favor Gap fills. Uh, it's a phenomena that, in my best estimation, really relates to the fact of the market liking to test untested levels of supply and demand. Because inherently, that's what a gap represents.

A gap represents skipping above or below a region where the supply the demand has not been evaluated. That's my best reasoning for it. But my reasoning aside, maybe that just simply doesn't matter to you. Um, it's just the odds are very good for Gap fill plays.

So right now we called it out. You could have done it right when the market opened. You could have easily gotten in to either shorting the Spy you could have got put. You could have done whatever ever at 39674 and it literally just hit the Gap fill and the fact that it took a minute and a couple seconds for it to play out.

Obviously that means that we have to be a little bit of a celebration because this is just getting hit with Bear Flag Bear Flag Bear Flag And whenever we get these Bear Flag call outs right? instead of charging you 399 for some like weird two-week course, we just party it up. Wall Street Wall Street Wall Street Wall Street Got their eyes on me Wall Street You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome.

You're welcome. Hey! Matt How's your mom? She's doing good dude. She's kicking it in Florida right now with her aunt and she's loving it. Great weather I Think the storm's coming in though.

Um, a storm's coming in that she's a little bit worried about. but she's she's having a good one. She's living her best life. You guys know how it is.

I'll let her know that you guys asked, she'll She'll take kindly to that. Uh am I Playing these bear Flags Today only if I'm feeling like a dangerous man. only if I'm feeling like a dangerous man Now remember Gns. Clearly some craziness going on with it I Do not know how to be more clear in my articulation to all of you Gns, in my humble opinion, is an active trade.
Do not be caught Being a bag holder. Does it have the ability to rip to the upside? Yes. but that also means it has the ability to dump on you at a moment's notice. which is why you need to have a trailing stop loss play the volatility up.

If you think it's turning, take your money off the table I Beg of you Do not be caught being a bag holder if you didn't learn about the whole bag holder. I Guess issues from Gme from Doge from AMC from Sheba from Bed Bath and Beyond Like how many times do you need to touch a hot oven before you learn to not touch a hot oven? These high-flying pump Place seem to turn into dump plays. That's fine. That doesn't mean you don't have to like, you don't have to avoid them, it's just understand what you're doing.

There's a big difference between an active trade and an investment, and we could even talk about the different timelines of different. Investments For example: I'm a long-term investor in Rumble I'm a medium-term investor in Oxy These are all valid place. There's many ways to let's just say skin and Cat for actually fun story about a cat. but I do want to finish up this thought.

Certain plays: Gns Mullen HKD Gtii Clove all those great active plays. You have to be on your toes. You have to be a person who either you have the alert set up on your phone for breakouts and breakdowns or you're watching the chart throughout the entire day. That's that particular style.

So I Beg of you If you're doing that type of a thing, don't let. don't let yourself get into that weird psychology where you get all amped up and you're like yeah, active trade, Active trade and it goes against you And you're like kind of a deer caught in the headlights and all of a sudden you're like, um, I don't want to get out of this even though it hit my wrist. No, if it hits your wrist, you'll pull the rip cord. Uh, do Not let those types of plays cost you money I Beg of you I Beg of you.

Anyway, let's talk about skinning cats And as Trex pointed out here, don't skin catch you Monster Uh, funny story about cats I'm at the point in my life where I've pretty much figured it all out like this whole thing. I I feel as if I have all the answers you're looking at a guy right here that you might be thinking Matt you're wearing a shirt that says djen how do you have it all figured out I do have it all figured out I just I do. And that also means that I thought it was appropriate for me to get a cat I'm like Matt you're 28. what are you doing with your life? You need a little kitty companion now that I'm settled into my new place of the Big Apple I figure.

let's let's start a new chapter. Let's get like a little fur pal that you can hang out with. Maybe it would be a good luck Trading I guess symbol a good look, training, add-on in your life. Something that I can hang out with I stream so much like it'd be fun I'd be a great cat parent.
So I found this cat and it's a cat and I know there's different breeds of cats, but for the people who think that like there are different breeds of cats, that's just silly. A cat's a cat. Um, it's just a little micro Panther it's a little micro tiger. whatever.

uh and I think they're fun I think cats are little weird creatures so I wanted one and I've always I've I like pets I like cats I like dogs. whatever. they're all great. So uh, recently I found a cat at a rescue that I like I was like cool like that is that cat's Vibe it checks it, checks the vibe Vibe test it passes the vibe test.

Uh, it seems like maybe it's not an expert Trader but it is probably a really good Trader and I think I could help it be better at trading and I think it could help me with my psychology my discipline. There were a lot of things adding up that like it was, it was all looking positive and you know what happened. I go online I find the rescues like adoption forms I fill out all the adoption stuff and it took a week and I was excited I wanted it to be a surprise for all of you one of these days I just wanted to pop up and be like here's my cat, let's party and that was how I saw it going in my mind and after a week I said in the adoption paperwork I was ready to go and I was prepared like I was mentally prepared I was like I'll have a cat bed in here I'll have a cat bed in the other room I'll get it a jungle gym thingy I'll get one of those robot uh kitty litter things like it'll be fun I was I was already eyeing up some toys on Amazon it was gonna be a fun fun time I thought adoption paperwork was kind of. let's weed out the crazy people and I know maybe some of you have different definitions of crazy uh, especially based on some of the things I've done on stream.

but when it comes down to like who would be a good cat parent I'm in an ideal situation basically I would hang out with it I'm here all the time and I'm in a financial situation where I can afford like vet bills I can buy toys and I could buy it food like it's not gonna have a it's gonna have an awesome life honestly. um so I didn't think much about that. If anything I was just just really getting disgruntled that I was getting no response I was like this is the slowest rescue in the entire world to respond like I'm attempting to save this cat from getting euthanized So like just respond to me and tell me when to show up and I'll pick up like Mr Kitty and then and then and then and then and then late Friday night late Friday night I got an email actually I'll just let me just I don't I don't want to misquote them here I would hate to misquote them so let's just get into it. Um, thank you for your interest.
Unfortunately we cannot process your application I was denied from getting a cat and they had I don't know this weird email and one of the things I thought was interesting was like they wanted my history of cat ownership and it literally says reference on a cat that you have owned in the past but when they said cat they quoted it. reference on a cat that you have owned in the past What does that mean like hey man, do you have a cat like what are they like? What are they even referring to like I I truly have no the amount of times that I read that I was like why the would they quote cat like what's that that mean oh this, uh this cat man what? uh so apparently I in the application came off as such a bad feline caretaker that they would rather just euthanize this cat than give them to me. So I don't know. Is my life spiraling 100 here? I was thinking I was a person who had everything figured out and uh, apparently I'm not even at the level where I could own a cat like they're like this kid, he's he's too far off the reservation.

Cat equals cat suit furries. Maybe it was just the whole wrong website I Just think that the rescue's weird. Like why would you quote a reference on a cat like are they like hey man, just lie to us like are they just trying to like get more money out of me Are we talking cats all morning? I Hope so. What? report comes out at 10 Uh, leading economic indicators so that comes out in about 19 minutes.

And also what happens being 19 minutes it's 10 A.m 10 A.m means that the market is traded for half an hour, which is pretty good to get out that morning churn and volatility of like okay, are we dumping? Are we pumping what's going on? You're just trying to get out of the whipsaw? So I I 10 unless I have a strategy that's literally trying to take advantage of Randomness if I'm looking for a nice Trend If you're day trading, you kind of want to wait for 10 a.m So we're just waiting here. We're seeing the market open, we're seeing who's strong. We're seeing who's weak. We're seeing what's going on.

We're seeing what shakes out. It was a long weekend, most of us probably lost money. Sports Gambling So calm, cool collected here. Tell the cat story again.

Uh, the Cat stories that apparently I'm a loser and I am not fit to be a caretaker for a cat a little like micro Panther Gremlin that they like to be by themselves and you just give them food. A person who sits home all day and would fully play with it. it would probably become an idol of this stream. Like this cat.

Almost like I wonder if the Cat knows it was able to break into. it was like one approval stamp away from being a top one percent cap. Love adored by the masses. a digital mascot to the entire Market a market maker, a market.

Shaker a Rainmaker of sorts. And now someone has to explain to that cat that the rescue just essentially ruined its life. Like if we just took odds. The fact that like this cat can now legitimately be euthanized even though it had the option to go with me like that.
That's just crazy. Get a duck. Fun fact: not allowed in uh, the apartment that I live in. So the first trading cap in the world.

Actually, there's um, multiple Twitter accounts dedicated to trading cats. It's kind of funny. it wouldn't be the first, but this one it would have been in that echelon. Uh, you might trade the cap for Tesla puts the cat would let me know to not do Tesla puts.

Well, that's where I am catless Dude, it's just I'm looking at the email right now. Hello, thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, we cannot process your application. Yada yada yada.

We need a reference on a cat that you have owned in the past. Like why the did you quote that? Uh, nobody listens to building codes denying pets anyway I do because I'm a rule follower I am a rule follower and where has that got in me in life? Absolutely nowhere here. I am rule following Matt and I'm still not allowed to get a cat like it's weird folks I I Played the game I did well in high school I went to college I got an engineering degree I played the game that Society told you to play what what and then apparently even if you play the game, you're not suitable to get a cat I Just honestly, the biggest blow to my ego in many, many years and I've live streamed to all of you losing tens of thousands of dollars on top of that to be like you're so bad at life, we don't think you should own a cat. Huge hit, Huge massive hit to the ego.

Uh, time to mute you until the stock Talk starts crypto Chris I Don't think you understand how bad my life is spiraling I Didn't know that this was the Chris show I Thought this was the Matt core show. If we're talking about how your life is spiraling, we'll save that for later on. But we're talking about how my life is spiraling. You dodge a bullet.

Last week, my cat pooped on the recliner and threw up in the middle of the comforter. Um I still want one? This makes me want one even more. I Think they're playing with me psychologically I think all of a sudden they're gonna email me back I'm like, but we might approve you if you paid 10x the cost I Think they're just screwing with me psychologically. Uh, tell them you have a totally real girlfriend.

should count for something. We'll figure it out. This isn't the last battle you guys have heard this is Matt taking on the cat Rescue Big Cat Rescue Here in the state of New York Big Cat Rescue You accidentally applied for a furry very well. All right, we're 15 minutes into the day.

The major thing you need to know in this small time frame. this short time frame is: we very much have a bear channel. Uh, higher highs, higher lows, almost parallel. Like almost perpendicular lines.
Or yeah, parallel lines. excuse me? Uh, it's getting a little bit hot, getting a little bit heated I Currently have a no active position. Gns is not looking good. It's down eight percent today.

Bed Bath and Beyond I Know a lot of you smarty pantses. Uh, took a short position when it broke down at 4 16. I think it was 420 416. What was the breakdown? Level 335? Okay, my mind is melting.

but anyway, um, that was such an evident level to short this and it looks like this one is now. it's getting that old death cross. Um, you could have took this short at the low when it broke here. What was the low? At 365? you could have taken it again when it broke below 372 regardless of the time that you took it.

Or if you wanted to be really conservative, you could have taken on the break of 335. At any of those three, you're currently up. money. Congratulations to you.

Uh, Gtii. This one was absolute. that deserved to be shorted. Um, and look at how bad we were talking about it back here around 541.

542 is trading at a dollar twenty? That thing is dead. Um I see some people talking about I guess Mullen is waking up. No, it's up. no one your bag holding.

Maybe Mullen gets interesting if it were to get back above 32.50 Specifically really 35 cents. But other than that, lower highs, lower lows. This is a like a death. I don't know I Want to think of a cool thing like a a death path? A death A death a death something.

You guys got to help me come up with a cool like a death trajectory. Maybe a confirmed death trajectory. Mullen's ass if you're like trying to Hype up melon like. just at least admit to everyone first that you're a bag holder.

A death spiral, death rattle, a death star, a death. a death flag. That one's a good one. A death flag could be.

Uh Mullen it's green today, but it's not gonna last him. a death cat. Um Tesla Pippity Poppin uh, looks like it's trying to rip above this. It's run into Resistance at 137 138.

that's where it is now. but it's looking strong. The spies looking strong genus put in a higher low if you're bullish on it. Maybe a potential re-entry is if it gets above 312.

Um, high or low. but you need that confirmation. Uh, bed Bath is down s I up another day I Find that to be very interesting I Once again, uh, this isn't necessarily from a technical perspective. a death flag? Uh, but just what is going on with this company and the downfall of Crypto I don't see how SI survives I am against Si I have no position, but my sentiment on it is a pretty freaking negative one.

Um Jamie's up three percent AMC is up 1.4 you have ape up 5.5 Tesla's up three percent. Rum is down. uh one percent for right now. Uh, oxy up I guess point three percent for right now Apple up one percent for right now.

Uh spy is green. The cues are even more green. so the tech sector is leading the way. Maybe we have some optimism going in up Gns on its run back up.
Just got smacked pretty hard if Gns goes below 290. Well really, if you're in Gns like if you've been in this for a minute like you don't have really like any good reasoning for being in it at this point it's broken through so many support levels. Why are you still holding verb up 112 and joining the fight against a legal shorting? Rvyl just joined this morning. So I don't like this.

All these equities or these companies I should say that are joining the fight and then their Equity Pops that makes no sense. um I would be very very scared. If anything, like just because you joined the fight like I mean there's so much more that has to go into this stuff. Uh I don't like that at all.

Please be very Carefree with those like I don't think that they're gonna last for that long of a movement. I Think it'll give it a quick pump and it'll probably lead to a very quick dump. so be careful. those aren't ones that you're like oh, they're up I should just buy and think it's going to keep ripping.

No no no no. Like, what does that fundamentally change about the company just for a company to say that we're joining the fight? Do you have evidence of being manipulated? If there's no evidence? if there's no, uh, community support? If you don't have those things, it's not going to go anywhere. It's going to be a very short-lived flash in the pen. Please be careful with those.

Kahoots is such a fun word. it's a very fun word. Oh Wait, we're supposed to be standing by now folks. If you're not standing stand up, this is your health warning.

Trying out Rumbles TV app and notice you can't like the videos can you take a look at Rio Thanks man! Um so I know Rumble right now is rolling out on Roku It's very early and even the CEO said like there's a couple big bugs they have to get fixed so that might be one of them I myself don't use Roku so unfortunately I can't like comment on it as a user. um but I I just like the moves that Rumble's making I really do? uh and it's actually trading at 9 51 right now? 9 52 my average is 9.54 the Spy it popped from 396 all the way up to 398.. if we were to take a look at the spy for the overall Market uh, we're actually ripping through some resistance levels. The next major watch I have is 400.

obviously things could slow down I Mean there is. We're kind of at resistance level at 398. Okay, let me put it this way. if the Spy holds 398, like if if we're breaking above it right now, if it can hold it.

if this is a legitimate Breakout I would be looking for it to push to 400. things might slow down in terms of velocity as we get closer and closer because that's a key technical level. It's a key psychological level. But yeah, if we hold 398, I'll be watching for 400.

I definitely will be. Um in terms of if you're watching it on the Futures Market oops. Oops. Uh, quite.
Uh, push up. I do have some resistance levels. The next one I have is at 4020. we're at 4012 right now and then after that, I have 4033 in terms of resistance.

Um, and I just have the five minute and the 15. But we're coming into a a region where there's quite a bit of cell liquidity right here. This is what this red bar is. Uh, quite a bit of selling liquidity.

So I wouldn't be surprised if we get smacked like right here. or maybe right at that 4020. We also know that roughly lines with big resistance on the Spy itself. Remember what I was just showing you? This is the S P 500 in the Futures market.

And then this is the Spy which is an Etf that is tracking the S P 500. And if you're looking for The Real McCoy like the actual S P 500, you're going to want to look at the SPX So they're all different flavors of essentially the same thing. Um, how are what's Apple doing Apple looking pretty good Microsoft Oxy it popped, came down, popping back up. um AMC popping looking just like the spy and Tesla same thing with ape.

Uh, same thing with Gme Bed Bath it. It should be odd to you, the fact that everything's green today and then you have one thing that's down five percent. Uh, telling you quite a bit of relative weakness. Bed Bath once again.

death flag for sure. Uh, what is the indicator for cell liquidity? Uh, just a lot of sitting orders to sell like the order book is trying. it's the book is filled to sell a lot if the market hits that level. So like sending orders.

but that like what indicator is cell liquidity? that is the indicator like that's it. Um, obviously we had some buying going on here. We had some buying going on. Uh, at 3981 early this morning.

Um, I don't necessarily have a strategy based on this, but I Kind of want to make one. It was stuff that I was testing out over the weekend, but right here you could see a lot of buyers stepped in. I.E A lot of buying liquidity. Stepped into the market, a lot of orders were flooding the buy side and from there we got a pump right up to exactly where there's A lot of selling orders.

A lot of selling liquidity. Um, does that mean it has to get rejected? No. because if there's more buying than selling, it's going to punch through it. But it still means that there's an overwhelming amount of sellers.

which means you need even more buyers to really punch Above This level. And this could be different on different time frames which is why I have up to 15 minute and the five minute. Obviously you could do this with a spy or whatever, but right now we're holding 398. It pumped, it, came back, it, back, tested it.

once again. the question is is this a fake out breakout? It very well could be I haven't made any trades yet I might try to fade this move just in case. Like this is getting a little bit overzealous, but uh, I'm waiting for that leading economic indicator to come out. Um, yes.
I actually might wait today like usually I like kind of make myself wait till 10 a.m Whoa. Uh, that's probably a day to misprint I would assume I Hope they clean that up. Are you guys seeing this? like on other brokerages? I Think this is a data misprint from early this morning. They just probably had to run something through time and sales.

I Don't think this buy actually dropped that far and we could actually confirm it here. The fact that we're not seeing it in the Futures Market tells me that this is just a misprint. But anywho, the fact that we have a report coming out at 10 A.M I Like usually I wait that first half hour to avoid the chop and the churn. Uh I actually might end up waiting even a little bit longer today.

maybe 10, 15, 10, 30, 11. Uh, just in case there's extra volatility produced by that. I Just don't want to get chopped up, don't want to get chopped up? 11 on Bbby puts so far nice. Nice.

Uh Tesla seems to be climbing a dollar per minute. I Mean well, not actually because we've only gone from 135 to 138, but it is climbing nicely. I Mean Tesla is up almost four percent on the day. Um, looking Very good.

Very good, Very good, very good. Now, everyone, if you're in a position, please be careful. Please be careful because at 10 Am we're getting the leading economic report. There's going to be like a little volatility pop in one way or the other might favor You might go against you.

I Just want to warn you that we're probably going to see a little bit of a volume and a little bit of a volatility pop and a mere two minutes. What? I Use for trading features I Trade on Tradestation. And the reason I Trade on Tradestation is just because they have a built-in native programming language where you can do algorithmic training. Um, if you're not interested in algorithmic training, there's many other brokerages that are probably a little bit better for you if you're just doing manual training for future.

so it depends how you want to do it. I was a little biased towards them just because when as soon as you had an account, you could get futures data sets for free, which was good for me. When I was doing back testing, they had a native built-in programming language where you could code up your own algorithms. Just at the time that I was it interested in this, they were pretty much the only player that allowed me to do exactly what I wanted to do.

So it depends on what you want to do, what you want to do, what you want to do, what you want to do. Um, okay, we are 51 seconds away from a little bit of a pop and I'm just curious which way this is going to end up breaking. Uh, Tradestation? Actually really, really nice. I'll go training or not.

I've tried almost every broker you've mentioned. Tradestation gets excellent fills. Oh, it definitely has great fills. uh I guess I Just want to make it clear of like why I'm biased resentments because of the trading stuff.
uh, interactive brokers gets pretty good fills too. and I think thinkorswim will it depends like I Love Tradestation for future trading I like I kind of like Tasty Tray now. but I was a lot of my options. trading was either done on interactive brokers or think or Swim It depends like your style and what you're looking for.

but I mean all of those uh, think or Swim is solid. Tradestation is solid. Interactive brokers is solid. um I don't like Robin Hood at all I don't like Weeble at all I Hate Robin Hood I hate Weeble I wouldn't use either of those I've never used MooMoo but I've heard pretty bad things about MooMoo Does Matt have an affiliate with tradestation? No, but I'm working on one now unfortunately.

I just haven't heard back from the company. I've been trying to like campaign to get you guys better deals to save you some money on some commissions I just haven't heard back from the company as soon as I do I'll let you guys know that. so if you have the ability to just like wait a week or two like if if you can wait that long, I'll be trying to get you something uh, fees on Futures on tradestation or think or Swim are not great. Oh so either on thinkorswim I really like that for options like thinkorsim was clearly made with options traders in mind.

so that's why I like I've I've traded Futures on interactive brokers and on tradestation and I like tradestation way more. Um, not only because of the coding, but because of the margin requirements. Way better on tradestation versus interactive brokers, But interactive brokers. was pretty solid for options and equities.

Thinkorswim was pretty solid for options like it depends on what you're trying to pull off. Um I have the only thing I really like about Robinhood was its UI ux. but then I found out that they basically sold their soul to the devil. so I don't care about that.

Uh Weeble was good for trading, but now that we have trading view, there's no advantage to using Weeble like I said. I haven't used MooMoo but I've heard that people got pretty bad fills, so hopefully that's something that they can fix in the future. Um I like public for equities, but that's more of like kind of an account that you just let things sit in. um I I Like that they go against payment for order.

flow it it's it. Depends up really to what you guys want. depends what you guys really want. So Kuduri says MooMoo is trash.

I Use Weeble for options. uh I you're probably getting pretty bad fills like there's no. There's literally not really a reason to use Weeble Like you're gonna get better fills elsewhere. I I I Understand that people are on Weeble Uh, because like that's just what they're used to.

But I mean just take the time time to get used to a platform that will be better for you and you'll get better fills. Um okay, the report is out obviously 10 a.m People liked it at first, but let's see if this gets faded. Let's see if this gets faded and I will find the information for you. Just hold tight.
Uh, uh. let me find out what the leading economic indicators were. Let's find out. Let's find out: month over month Actual a drop of one percent versus a drop of one percent.

Last time, the estimate was 0.7 So leading economic month over month indicator, we saw a bigger drop than expected. You might be wondering, why is that bullish? Well, because remember, we're in the environment of fighting inflation and inflation is inherently a problem between supply and demand. So you could either increase Supply. you could decrease demand, or obviously you could do those simultaneously.

But the report that just came out, we dropped one percent when they were expecting a drop of 0.7 so we dropped more than anticipated. Um, if we had a Line in the Sand, we exceeded that and we exceeded it in a direction that suggests less demand. And when you're fighting inflation, that's what you want to see. You want to see less demand.

So now that we're seeing less demand, people are saying, okay, well, maybe the FED won't have to be so hawkish And thus, you see a pop in the overall Market. Thus, you see a pop in the overall market. So that came out at 10 A.M Uh, for those of you who want to just see it for yourself, there's no other major reports scheduled for today, so we're kind of out of the clear. and then I think Wednesday of this week there's nothing going on.

So 10 a.m that's the major thing for today in terms of the overall market Tomorrow 9 45 we get the PMI numbers and then Wednesday nothing and then things on Thursday and Friday Kind of get crazy with macroeconomic reports and also earning reports so just wanted to put that out there. I Haven't made any trades yet today. Let me check the market internals for you. Uh, neutral heading: Bullish is the current market internals for literally the overall.

Market Um, just have some indicators over here. Started off very neutral and then obviously with the market push from like 9 40 to let's just say 10 um has been trending in the Bullish Direction but actually not in the bullish territory quite yet. Uh, not in the bullish territory quite yet. And let me show this to you right here: We're still having an issue with all this sell side liquidity.

Um, we bounced off of the buy side liquidity and now we are. We have yet to break through this level. I Do have resistance at 4020, but based on the depth of the market, it looks like we're running into issues a little bit earlier than anticipated. a little bit earlier than anticipated.

Still no trades for me. I'm waiting I'm trying to be calm I'm trying to be calm. cool, and collected. Just like the cat that I do not own.
Is the slave trading bot active? Yeah, The parrot. The parrot tulip. The PT uh, the parrot tulip there is active. It's just it hasn't fired yet.

hasn't fired, hasn't fired. Uh, so we're just waiting. We're waiting at this point. But I do uh I Think based on the volatility, we should be able to get enough movement that it makes a trade before lunch.

I Hope it makes a trade before lunch I Hope so I Hope so I Hope so And we'll We'll see. We'll see, We'll see, We'll see, We'll see uh first. Last week on the conclusion of last week, it was officially a green week, which was very, very nice. Uh, so happy to report that by the time the dust settled, we had five training days last week.

No four was last week. four training days. Yeah, it was four training days last week. Um, three of them were green.

one of them was red. but fortunately the one green day canceled out the other red day. So the prophet was the other two green days. Uh, and the first green week uh of the Year for me I did not have a good like my first two weeks of the year I was just being dumb and in all reality it was because I was misunderstanding both the average and the median risk for the parrot strategy.

Um, but now that I've readjusted for that, it led to my first green week and now from here. I Just want to do a couple more weeks playing it quote-unquote small and then when I get confidence in it and when I figure out a little bit more of the statistical back testing I Want to do? That's when we're going to size it up and then hopefully make back the money that was lost in the first two weeks. I was just being a dum-dum if you will. A dum-dum if you will.

All right? Uh, are you qualified to own Bots probably not. Probably not. That's a great question all right now that things are settling and it's time to make a a decision. I Wanted to take a quick second if you guys could.

If you don't mind, uh to point out what is pinned to the top of chat and in the description the video shout out to today's stream sponsor: I'm talking about Brick House. It's part of your New Year's resolution is to be a little bit healthier. Obviously, you want to pay attention to your diet and just any person who's studied nutrition will tell you you need your fruits, you need your veggies, and that's exactly where Field of Greens comes

One thought on “Massive gains! degeneracy breaking news”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rebjorn79 says:

    Matt, please tell the story about the cat!

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