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Foreign. Thank you Foreign. Good morning, good morning, good morning, evening, afternoon night, whatever time it is for you. I Don't even know if you really believe in watches anymore, but yeah.

I Hope you're having a good one. Whatever one it is. Welcome back to the Mac Coors Live show we're on Matt Corz and we're here live to talk about everything going on. In the world of the stock market, the economy, politics, fashion, relationship advice, we're here to talk about it all.

Yesterday was an explosive bullish upward move. It was exciting. We got a breakout. Everyone was hooting, hollering, having a good old time.

Will it continue today? That's potentially the multi-million billion dollar question. It could. We had a nice breakout. it'd hold.

But obviously we have to pay attention to the price action today. Uh, right now in pre-market things are dipping a little bit. The jobless claims number came in a little bit under expectations. Also, we kind of pushed.

We're essentially at where we closed yesterday. not too much going on. where I think the Spy is down 60 cents as I'm talking about this live. we need to talk about Walmart They had earnings they beat as predicted I hope you got a piece of that money.

Baba uh Alibaba Uh, ticker symbol B-a-b-a has been all over the map. It went down and went up and now we're basically back to break even. Uh, we have to talk a little bit about Banks and what's going on there. And then really, we have to take a look at the overall picture.

I mean we have some news of what's going on with the trillion dollar coin. We have some news of what's going on with the debt ceiling. We have some news of what's going on really, just in a macro economic perspective. So I want to dive into that with all of you and then we have some interesting stories of what's happening with Ledger I Just feel like recently, there's been more and more companies that have gone out of their way to have the absolute worst marketing decisions.

like I feel as if companies like Budweiser and Miller and now Ledger like I Don't think it's specific to the Beer consuming Community I think it's apparently. uh, the whole just economy right now is? it feels as if we have a marketing team who just sits around and they think to themselves as like almost a brain exercise. What is the worst thing we could do right now for our brand image and then it feels like oh, okay, yeah, let's actually go do that. That's what Anheuser-Busch did.

That's now what Miller is doing and now it feels like the newest one is actually Ledger the crypto company for storing your Bitcoin uh they're basically telling people hey, yeah, I know the whole time the entire time we could have been stealing your seed phrases and now there's many videos of people just going around and destroying their own Ledger and just not using it I Feel like this actually might be the start of the end for that company? that's how bad of a marketing decision. So we want to get a little bit in into that. But overall, that's going to be the morning show and then from there we're going to watch the market open. I Want to talk about my new positions? in case you missed the update video yesterday.
Yesterday's update video was actually an update stream. Uh, just because there was a lot of craziness in the market and I made some pretty like drastic changes in my account. So I want to share all the current positions and whatnot with all of you beautiful people? so we'll be getting into that. and then uh I have a couple questions for you guys in like a general sense of just audience questions I Love to pull you folks, uh, just to get your ideas of what you want to continue in terms of content.

Uh, what? you don't want to continue in terms of content? So we'll be talking about that a little bit as well. But before we get rocking folks, shout out if you haven't already, join up with the locals community. That is the best way to stay in tune with the goonie. Community It is pinned to the top of your chat.

It is in the description of your video. There's a free membership. Then there's a premium membership that's ten dollars a month. Or a hundred dollars for a year.

Or you could get premium M4free by putting in the code goonie if you want to give it a test drive for a month. but I mean some of the basic stuff is seasonality. My new positions, my closed positions and then there's other people in the community doing it as well. So check all of that out.

You can get in for free, premium, or premium for free for a month. Check it out: pinned to the top of Chat in the description of the video. so it's all in there. I'm trying to think of anything else that I want to share right now I'm pretty sure that's it.

I'm sure there's probably actually major things that I'm forgetting as of now, but hey, it is. Oh has nothing to do with the market whatsoever. Have you guys seen the new show on? Amazon Prime Called from F R O M from F-r-o-m Anyone in here have you guys watched that show? I Just watched the second or maybe two and a half episodes of it and it's given me the heebie-jeebies like it's not. It's like it's like lost when that like became a big phenomena, but like arguably even a little bit like more scary than that.

Uh, it's good. Like it's well done. Uh, but I don't know. Like I guess in a weird way you could argue that it is well done because it's giving me like an actual visceral reaction to it.

Uh, but it just kind of makes your like a skin crawl. Uh, so I don't know it's on Amazon Prime If you're looking for a show that's in that realm of like I don't know. like loss but a little bit more creepy it's called from it's on Amazon Prime Most of us have an Amazon account so you could just like watch it there. but yeah, I Started watching that last night and uh, it kept me up for a little bit longer than I Probably should have been up.
Definitely a little bit of a a creepy show Anyway, that's what I've been thinking about. That's really where my mind's been at this morning. So with all that being said, folks, you know what to do, murder the like button and obviously hit the Subscribe button if you haven't done it already. But hey, there's enough people in here we should have a couple thousand likes.

I don't know what you guys are doing this morning? uh but we're not at like we should at least be at 5 000 likes by now and I'm just not seeing that come through. So uh yeah. I don't know what? you guys are you guys sleeping? Did you have a rough night? did you guys think yesterday was Friday even though it was a Wednesday and you went out and everyone's like a little too hungover in here. so what's happening? I don't know I just find it odd that we're not at like 5 000 likes by now.

So anyway, uh I'm sure someone in chat will take the initiative to figure out what the problem is there. Uh, very, very much appreciated. I Don't like your commercials I Don't have commercials. What does that even mean? That's a confusion comment cryptocurrist I Don't like your commercial.

My commercials. What commercials? What are what are you talking about man LOL you just listed that that I watched a show and I wanted to know if anyone else saw it. crypto Chris I Think you might need to look up what a commercial is. Commercials equals haircut.

You haven't adopted a cat. The stuff you were just talking about. Wait now. you guys are making fun of my haircut and the fact that I don't have a cat.

Where is this stream going? We haven't even started yet today and you guys are forcing me off the rails. You're making fun of my haircut. You're making fun of the fact that I don't have a cat. All right? I'm not mad I'm just disappointed.

That's how we're going to start off today's show. I'm not mad I'm just a little disappointed. All right in terms of the overall. Market The Spy huge explosion starting at 10 but really got going at 12 30 yesterday.

Pop sold off a little bit into close. then we popped in pre-market coming down now because of the jobless claims. of course we're going over that Walmart very much beat. It's up two percent in pre-market trading.

This was something that we called out the fact that Target beat. It's not so surprising that Walmart beat, especially because they have extra strength in the world of groceries. Tesla Coming down a little bit Baba Sold. Popped came down, so we're going to be going over that, but overall a little bit of a dip.

but yesterday was a nice breakout and what I really mean by that is let me do I have it on this. Yes I do uh. I've just been looking at this two hour the four hour chart and basically we had this wedge of higher lows lower highs. and then clearly we broke above and stayed above.
So as long as we're staying above that I think the Bulls very much do have the upper hand. Let me lower myself to over here and let's get into it. everyone. Buckle up, attach your socks because we don't want to knock them off.

Stock futures are little change as Traders hope for a debt ceiling deal debt ceiling deal the DCd I don't think anyone's calling it that, but we could start calling it that I Believe that's the reason. Actually, we kind of know that that is the reason why the market popped yesterday. So if you rewind your clocks two days, market closed right in to close the final 15 minutes. There was a sell-off and there was a sell-off because it was announced that Biden was cutting his Asia trip short the whole G7 conference because it sounded as if he needed more time back here in the US with all the other lawmakers to decide this like debt situation to figure it out.

Well when that was happening, everyone's like whoa, is it that bad that they're not even that close? So the market sold off, then in post market and then also the next day. As in yesterday, we had a lot of these lawmakers and people quote unquote within the know telling us that no, actually there's a pretty good shot and in fact the debt ceiling situation might be figured out this week. Well on that news, people started to get pretty excited and I also explained this in the update video yesterday that Power Hour stream that there was a huge amount of zero DTE SPX Buying people went balls to the wall with their Xpx calls expiring that day and obviously they made quite a bit of money. So the enthusiasm in the market right now 100 relates to optimism surrounding the debt ceiling deal.

which I on a personal note find a little bit surprising because did anyone actually think that we were gonna default? we haven't defaulted before? Why did they think that there was something special this time around that we would have defaulted? So the fact that the market like legitimately thought there was a chance of us defaulting if anything, I think it just set up a pretty easy trade. treasury yields Hold Steady As optimism for a debt ceiling crisis resolution grows once again, obviously optimism returning to the market as of now because of the jobless claims just relative to where we closed out yesterday or no, actually, from where we opened at 6. PM Because we're looking at the Futures Market slightly down, but just once again slightly as you would expect. Uh, right now, major Tech plays are down the least because they've actually really been performing the best and oil chilling at 72..

Now for those of you who care about the seasonality of today: May 18th Today Thursday Historically, over the past 25 years examining this day, exactly, the Bulls have won 40 of the time. as in the Bears have won 60 of the time. The profit factor is 0.83 as in every dollar spent in the Bullish Direction has only returned 83 cents. So obviously today's seasonality is leaning a bit bearish.
In fact, it would actually be straight up airs if for two to three years here we didn't have this big pop. And anyway, this is the seasonality of today. Leaning bearish I Wouldn't say absurdly embarrassed, but definitely not neutral. Definitely not bullish.

I Would say slightly leaning bearish. Remember, yesterday was also bearish and we ended up exploding. So seasonality it tells you about the headwinds. It tells you about the Tailwinds But it's not the gospel.

I wouldn't just be exclusively betting every single day based on what seasonality is telling us. In fact, if you did that, it probably would be profitable. but you'd probably also have some serious drawdowns if you don't have good risk management. So I do want you to know the seasonality of the day.

And also if you want to kind of check this stuff out, this is an example of what's on You can sign up. you can get it for free put in the code goonie to get premium for free. So this just came out and it's probably in my book more of a reason of in the very very short term of why we're seeing this selling right here. This is the S P 500 futures Market From 7 30 this morning until now, we've had a pretty decent swift kick to the balls and I think it's because of this Dallas Fed president Logan says current data doesn't justify pausing rate hikes.

This is now the Seth second person. so we have Logan and Barkin Logan and Barkin. It sounds like a Duo made in Hell itself that have been. We don't wanna necessarily stop right now and bark him his rhetoric and I'm not quoting him exactly who's basically we learned from the 1970s.

We don't want to repeat that again. We don't want to stop the rate hikes too soon because that could lead to a different, complicated, uh, basically situation like a messy situation. They don't want to get into stagflation there. Uh, they basically don't want to stop their aggression in terms of being hawkish before inflation is truly taken care of and now this morning you have Logan coming out.

Kind of saying the same thing of we actually might do more rate hikes. So obviously when you are hiking up rates that puts downward pressure on the economy and thus the stock market and the market goes down. So obviously the market hearing this news, the market is a forward-looking organism. So when they see this, it increases the chances of rate hike in June So the market knows that and they're not going to wait till June They're going to start making some of those bets now just in case it actually ends up coming to fruition.

So this morning, a little bit of a double whammy. We slightly missed on jobless claims. but more importantly, it's what Logan said. So if you're looking for the sudden turnaround in the market kind of around 8 30, that's it.
Uh, 8 30 was right about here. Look at that. 8 30 Jobless claims comes out Logan starts speaking and we've been selling a little bit more aggressively ever since. Then we went from 4177 once again in the Futures Market down, which is this is equivalent to almost over a dollar in the Spy if we look at that same time frame at 7 30 roughly, we went from just under 416 to now under 414.60 So a dollar and a half is what we've really sold off just in a mere hour.

Half hour. In all reality. Uh, because of what Logan said and also because of the jobless claims. Now on that note of the debt ceiling and inflation and everything going on there, a one trillion dollar T-bill Deluge is painful risk of a debt limit deal.

This is a side risk that this article brought up explained really well I Want to share the tldr of it with all of you? We're not going to go over the whole thing, but it does I Guess present something that should be considered and also might be a realistic trading opportunity for all of us looming behind. Market Fears over the prospect of a historic Us default is the less discussed risk of what would follow a deal to resolve the debt ceiling impasse. Many of. Wall Street predict lawmakers will ultimately reach an agreement.

that's why the market popped yesterday, likely averting a devastating debt default even if it goes down to the wire. But that doesn't mean the economy will escape unscathed, not just from the bruising standoff, but also a result of the treasury's efforts to return to business as usual. once it can ramp up borrowing investors should Hedge for the aftermath of a Washington resolution. So assuming this all happens, it's fair to think right away what other implications will that have.

And I think this does a really, really good job on explaining it. What the market veteran is getting at is that the treasury will need to scramble to replenish its dwindling cash buffer to maintain its ability to pay its obligations through a deluge of treasury bill sales estimated at well over 1 trillion. That's trillion. With the T, We're not talking million.

We're not talking billion. We're talking One trillion. By the end of the third quarter, the supply burst will quickly drain liquidity from the banking sector, raise short-term funding rates, and tighten the screws on the U.S economy. just as it's on the cusp of recession.

By Bank of America Corps estimate, it would have the same economic impact of a quarter point interest rate hike. So this is all something. the super high level Tldr is another thing that could put downward pressure on the economy and thus the stock market. My bigger concern is that when the debt limit gets resolved and I think it will, you're going to have a very, very deep and sudden drain of liquidity.
That's not something that's very obvious, but it's something that's very real. And we've seen before that such a drop in liquidity really does negatively affect risk markets such as equities and credit. And you can kind of see here: Debt limit. Uh, bins.

Um, so you could check it out. Here's the name of the article if you want to do a deeper dive on it. It's from: Bloomberg a one trillion dollar T-bill delusions painful risk of a debt limit deal so something to pay attention to I Just wanted to share it with you And potentially more exciting shout out to: Dan Toomey from the morning Brew Team Kind of explaining another aspect of what's going on with debt and how we might be able to pay it off with a one trillion dollar coin. Okay, Mr President So choices We have to pick another coin.

Oh uh yeah. I mean I Guess that's tell me more. Okay, ready Format: Okay, okay. minting the coin.

Sick transition. Okay, so according to Us code of law, the Treasury has the power to mint coins like the penny, nickel and die. but we would actually use this one, right? Okay, well in this code, it says that the treasury can also mint these Platinum coins whenever they want of whatever size, shape, or value. like some kind of a super coin.

I mean yeah, just like a super super coin. Yes, like a super coin. So we have more than 31 trillion dollars in debt. As a country, we've always paid off our interest on it, which gives us a really good credit rating.

but since we keep borrowing money, we hit the debt ceiling every few years Congress has to approve us raising that. but we keep arguing with each other and approaching default like we are right now. Keep going. I Got this.

Okay, so some people have said that if Congress is being too slow, the treasury could just Mint one of these Platinum coins make it worth a trillion dollars deposited in the Federal Reserve and suddenly we'd have more money that we could use to pay off some of our debt and this would all be with a single supercoin. Yeah, and I mean you could give us a single super cool inflation. But most economists agree that the fake how big does this coin have to be like a really Bitcoin Well that's not really important because because I'm thinking this is like a like a cheese wheel size. yeah, like a monster truck tire or something.

Yeah, like how are you even gonna carry that and I'm a strong guy and like I don't even know how nice. sorry. So Jamie Yellen and Jerome Powell have already said that they're not going to do this, Weenies sir. Sorry, because this entire thing is just a loophole for a legislative system that's supposed to work and America doesn't want its borrowers to be worried about this country's Financial Health So really, the best thing would be for Congress to just behave like adults and reach a deal.

So is the coin like as big as a wagon wheel? I Don't think it's probably more like a beach. Like think about carrying this thing. it can be anything. Fair point: I think he's willing to ask all the questions that we're afraid to ask of.
When you're printing a one trillion dollar coin like it has to be big, right? Like that's not going to just be a a small coin. Uh, fair questions, fair questions. Something we should all very much. uh, discover.

and just because I was looking at morning Brew Phenomenal team over there. I Just thought we should also share this even though it doesn't have much to do with the market. I Think we all like to learn about a jewelry heist, because why not? These guys stole a 100 million dollar jewelry collection. Here's how they did it: One of these guys breaks into a service room for the power supply for the city of Dresden.

At the same time, the other robbers cut a triangle out of a metal grate in the window of the treasure chamber. They took it out and then put it back in as if it had never been cut out. The day of the heist in 2019, they fire bombed that electrical supply station that cut out all the street lights to the area. They entered the treasure Vault through the pre-cut triangle and took Hammers and just started hacking away at the cases of of jewelry.

They put the jewelry into a car with stolen plates, drove to a parking garage, jumped into another car in Mercedes while lighting the one they were in on fire I Feel like I took yeah, lived through an Ocean's 14 right there. These guys still I Think we should do it? You know, ever since they came out with National Treasure I think we've all had a particular affinity for heists but like really big heists and I think there should be more movies about it I think there should be more books about it I think there should be more shows about it I I Want to be a treasure hunter now I Know a lot of you. come to me and you think Matt obviously you're a dude who's into markets and talking about trading. You seem to be into algorithmic training and that's true.

That's a part of what I'm personally interested in. but you know what I really like I Want to be a treasure hunter? I Want to find treasure I Just want that dopamine kick that you get after being in the jungle for weeks and weeks and weeks and you find some old Vault and you open it up and then there's just like the glitch listening of gold off your face and then I'm fighting off all the people who are trying to simultaneously find the gold when I'm finding the gold and then they have some weird villain backstory and then I have some like other backstory that's more exciting and then there's that Montage of creating the team and all that good stuff like why can't that happen to me You know that's what I want to do with my life. But anyway, obviously we're getting off the rails. This is what we should know about: S P 500 Future size investors monitor Debt ceiling talks Feds next move.
So debt sailing talks thus far have actually been going pretty well in terms of the public perception of them. Fed's next move as we talked about Logan is saying he might be willing to raise up interest rates another time, which would be not so. Right now, we do have a situation where the debt ceiling talks seem to be a little bit slowed down. They're not completely halted.

but they are slowed down because Biden is off at the G7 Summit kicking off in her. Hiroshima China and Russia are on everyone's Minds So they're doing that. He is cutting the trip short, but it does seem like things are trending in the right way. Bank of England Governor says the UK is facing a wage price spiral.

That's one thing we're very much trying to avoid here in the US if you don't know what it is. Tldr is they keep going higher and higher and higher and it's really a product of inflation and can make inflation worse. It is from an economic standpoint, interesting to dive into, so if you get really bored, if you're trying to not do any of your job today while you're at your job, maybe worth a quick Google search. Check out what it's saying on Investopedia but the tldr is they keep going higher and higher.

People get paid more so they can charge more so then they get paid more and it spirals out of control. hence the name wage price spiral Not a good thing Bank of England saying that the UK might be facing that in real time Goldman Sachs says AI could push S P 500 profits up by 30 in the next decade I don't want to dive too much into this. The only reason I'm sharing it is because yesterday two times we were talking about the billionaire Stephen Cohen who is also optimistic and bullish on the overall market and he seems to be very much aligned with what Goldman's saying of hey, AI is presenting some actual pretty interesting economic and really just Market really? Tech Market opportunities could be pushing everything to the upside, so just wanted to share that that it's not just a rogue statement from Steve Cohen Coleman Sachs is saying it and actually there's a handful pretty well respected like Drucken. Miller he's been saying it too, so just something to keep your eye on.

Senator Elizabeth Warren presses Regulators for answers on the First Republic takeover. So yesterday Elizabeth Warren was you know sometimes I have a love-hate relationship with her I think sometimes she's um, kind of cool because she doesn't seem to be too worried about calling out certain people on their and then other times I think she should be called out on her. but honestly I think that's a realistic take of any politician. Some things they do you like, some things they do you dislike I don't think there's any person who you're like I'm fully aligned with him or any person on the opposite side who you're fully against.

So I think we could be like kind of an unbiased here and be like she's done and said some dumb things in the past. but I think she also has a set of balls on her if we're being honest. But anyway, it was a pretty interesting breakdown and once again another thing that we're not going to get too far into but just kind of calling out really how we might be heading to this oligopoly situation where the big players are getting bigger and if you've looked at all the charts showing like how many banks we have in the US like not many years ago, we were at ten thousand. Now we're at four thousand and the trend is just down and down and down.
so we're getting fewer and fewer banks that are getting much larger. AKA much more powerful Senator Elizabeth Warren is asking Federal Financial Regulators for answers over the what she called a deeply troubling deal that saw JPMorgan Chase take over FRC The deal resulted in a 13 billion dollar loss for the FDIC Deposit Insurance Fund While JP Morgan is set to gain 2.6 billion, and in fact, they're probably going to gain more than JP Morgan like this is from Jamie Dimon The CEO himself said this whole deal will probably net the company 5 billion over the next five years. Uh, so was some stuff done in the background? Yeah, probably I wouldn't be so surprised. Uh, talking about stuff Deutsche Bank agrees to pay 75 million to Jeffrey Epstein victims to settle lawsuit I Don't know about you guys but doesn't it feel like Jeffrey Epstein Uh, it was huge within the news and then it kind of died off and now we're just hearing about Epstein way more like I don't know what's going on now I Don't know if it's developments in certain cases, but it seems like it was massive news.

then it completely died off and now it's just more and more and more. Epstein just something I find a little bit interesting, a little bit intriguing. Speaking of interesting and intriguing, talk about the efficiency of markets. C D W If you haven't seen what's going on with CDW Uh, it's been wild.

Shares of CDW and American Tech company worth over 23 billion. We're down 96 in the pre-market today. Now they're back to green Shares went from 173 down to seven. back up to 173 in under 30 minutes.

And it actually got so wild that they busted all the trades in the market. You can bust trades, which essentially means you're just saying it didn't count as in if you bought or if you're sold if you made profit. If you didn't make profit, they erase all trades and there was a time period I Believe from four to like 4 22 this morning, any trades done in that 20 25 minute window were completely busted. The ticker symbol is CDW It happened this morning and they literally just erased all of the trades.

Absolutely crazy. I'm sure there's going to be more information coming about this a little later, so we'll check back in on it, but the ticker symbol is CDW it dropped 90 six percent. Uh, people thought they made a lot of money. people thought they lost a lot of money yada yada.
but it doesn't really matter because all the trades were busted and I Just like the conclusion here, welcome to the casino. Very much feels like that, folks. this is a casino Walmart raises full year guidance as earnings be on Boost from grocery and online businesses now I Don't want to be one of those people that say I told you so but I'm going to because I inherently like to be one of those people that says I Told You So Folks just yesterday I gave you my thesis on why Walmart was going to be I even called out groceries to be the main reason it beats and look at that. Maybe I am Clairvoyant but I don't think many of you are really that surprised because you come here knowing I'm the best Trader On this side of the Mississippi and in all reality, you don't expect anything less.

Walmart Raised its full year forecast Thursday As fiscal first quarter sales, Rose Nearly eight percent and it's large grocery business helped offset weaker sales of clothing and electronics. Yes, Yes, Yes, yes. As expected EPS Beat Revenue Beat actually beat pretty handily up by almost three billion dollars Chief Financial Officer Rainey Said consumers are trading down through smaller pack sizes, buying fewer discretionary items, and waiting for promotions before or making pricey purchases like TVs This is a little bit more of a credit crunch scenario, which is something obviously a through story that we've been talking about a bit more here yet Shoppers are still spending so they are. things are looking good I mean the revenue? 152 billion in a quarter and that's quite a bit.

they beat on EPS they beat on Revenue that's why Walmart's up right now. Uh, particularly pay attention to their groceries. That's what's keeping Walmart really at its fighting weight when maybe the economy is a little bit choppy. The other one we have is Baba Bob is up right now it being on earnings per share.

beat on sales but missed on Revenue So Baba that's why it's down and then up, down and then bouncing a little bit right now. So once again, beat on EPS being on sales. Missed on Revenue Talking about Alibaba just want to share that with all of you Alibaba shares dip on quarterly revenues Mis expectations. so that's Revenue being on share or being on sales excuse me and then also beat on earnings per share.

The I want to get into this Ledger story a little bit later because we don't have much time, but Ledger is basically it saw what Budweiser was doing. It's all what Miller was doing in terms of the quickest way. they were speed running, how to blow up your brand image and Ledger basically said hold my beer, we can do it even faster. So I want to return to that.

but basically a lot of the hardcore Bitcoin Maxes are telling ledger to go kick rocks and this all has to do with security and privacy. and basically like the wildest decisions like when I was reading the story I truly could not believe like the dumb like the just actually decisions they made at every single turn in this. uh, their marketing department, their HR department, their public relations department. They all deserve to get fired because it is some of the dumbest people in the world of marketing today.
So we're going to circle back to that aftermarket open. But speaking of Market open, these are the five things you should allegedly know: Power Surge Yeah! Market Popping on the fact that defaults the credit or the US default fears are waning as in going down Walmart Beats we went over that. that is up. Google's AI ad plan Google's been crushing it.

they their stock like as soon as they talked about Ai and the new stuff they have coming Google's been popping this year Deutsche Bank settles Epstein Case we went over that just in more detail. Uh, they're paying 75 mil I Still think it's odd that we're is it? It's just me. Am I wrong on that am I Reading the situation wrong here? Please let me know. but it doesn't it feel like over the past month we've getting like a whole explosion and more Epstein related stuff.

So it was big at first. then he unalived himself allegedly and then it came back down and we didn't hear anything and then it picked up a little bit with his. like wife or fiance or girlfriend or whoever she was. uh and now I just feel like every single day there's another Epstein article.

I Don't know what's going on in terms of the the media cycle, but it's Epstein Epstein Epstein so find that a little bit. uh, intriguing to say the least. So here's the plan for the day: Uh, we are going to watch the market open as we're watching the market open I will be kind of sharing all the new trades and positions I have on right now. Uh, because I know not all of you Caught the update video from yesterday.

the Power Hour stream. It was kind of a last minute decision. So I want to share all the positions with you? Uh, we're gonna watch the market open the first 10 20, 30 minutes. Then we're going to do a news check and then obviously, uh, call out.

Here we go. The casino is open. Best of luck. Oh, play responsibly.

If not, have fun. Most importantly, make money. That's the name of the game today. You're not playing the game.

If you're not making money folks. it's easy. Buy Low Sell High Sell High Buy Low Buy Low Sell high. It's like, don't over complicate it.

There's essentially two rules to this game. One is Buy Low and the others sell high. And honestly, you could do it in any order you want. The ordering doesn't even matter.

Buy Low Sell height. Write that down. I'm going to write a training book one of these days. Matt's Super Duper Secrets to Trading And it's going to be a lengthy book.

It's going to be about 275, 300 pages long. What I'm going to tell you now is that almost all of those pages are going to be blank. Like just completely completely blank. And then the final page of my book Matt's Super Duper Secrets to Ultimate Trading on this side of the Mississippi It's a little lengthy title, but we're working on it.
We're We're workshopping it right now. Blank, Blank. Blank. Blank.

blank. You get to page like 275 300 the final page and it's just gonna say Buy Low sell high in any order you want. That's it. So if you want to buy the book, obviously, we'll do some autograph copies and whatnot.

Uh, but that's it and on depending. This might be a second edition type of a thing, but we're also thinking about having some graphics involved. like kind of like an order like arrows like oh, like where to buy low and then where to sell high like showing low and showing high on a graph. But that might be a second edition because like I don't want the team to really overwork itself I think a lot of you understand that.

So first edition will just be the words Buy Low sell high and then maybe second edition maybe Third Edition It depends because it's a lot to show arrows on the chart. Uh, where we have like lows and highs because I know some people are visual Learners and I don't want those people. Ah and then I forgot, we're gonna have to do audio books. Yeah, audio books.

That's going to be a tough one that's going to push back the timeline I Don't think uh, my team and I had thought about that. but we're gonna have to do audiobooks so that'll be interesting because it's going to be like a 10 hour audiobook. but the first nine hours and 58 minutes are going to be complete silence. Uh, it's just pure silence.

Uh, it's just gonna sit there. and I'm I'm going to reach out to things like Audible and just ensure that there's no fast forwarding allowed. so you're gonna have to sit through all the blank pages if that makes sense. Uh, man, so that's gonna.

That's really gonna push back the graphics design. Obviously, we're working as hard as we can in the background, but that that book should be dropping momentarily momentarily. Uh, not silence. Just the sound of blank pages turning.

Yeah, like every two to three minutes you just hear a page turn. We're going to be working on it. We will be working on it. Wait what? I Thought it was a buy wall High See, that's a common misconception.

That's what's taught at some of the fanciest psychologists across the world. But I have a little bit of a different take on making money in the market. and that's why I'm gonna write a book I Like I Assume it's only a matter of time before I become a bestseller. You know a little secret that I found out about becoming a New York Times bestseller.

Has anyone noticed that a lot of politicians are? They write a book and they have no writing background and then they become a New York Times bestseller? Like a lot of politicians do that and a lot of politicians do it. Who are politicians that we don't even care about Like most of us can't even name and I thought that was a little bit odd. I'm like why are all these politicians New York Times Bestsellers like what goes on there? Well I Found out a very common tactic for them and hey, maybe this is true, Maybe I'm completely fibbon, but this is the evidence that I found and I do implore you to look into it yourself. Apparently they just buy a shitload of their own book.
Isn't that kind of like an ingenious idea of to get on the New York Times bestseller list. You write a crappy book that probably no one cares about because you're probably an unknown person and then you just buy it all yourself and then just the sales. Spike So apparently in Washington DC there are just basements and sellers full of books that like they bought like there are a lot of Republicans bought them are Democrats because like there's other political motives involved in there. uh and apparently they just like just sit there and like do nothing uh which I thought was particularly interesting.

It makes sense. it's kind of like an evil genius plan of like I'm gonna get on the list and you just have a lot of money and as long as you buy your own book a ton of times of course it's going to get on the list and then you do your own media tour and then some people are like, well, maybe we should should read it and then the sales get pumped up a little bit more. So instead of being a negative feedback loop, it's a positive feedback loop. But it's all built on lies, lies lies lies.

all right. So just wanted to share that yes we will talk about The Ledger thing I Do want to do a breakdown of what we're seeing on the overall Market Beautiful breakout a B-e-a-u to full breakout and hold yesterday. By the time we got above 4 13, this is my newest position I Bought spy calls and I actually will look those up for you I bought spy calls let me just log in doesn't know what did I get I got spy calls for June 2nd so two weeks and some change June 2nd spy calls strike Price: 416. I either paid 1.91 or a dollar 95 I think per one and right now according to Weeble it is currently trading at.

let me open this up options. What did I say June 2nd 4 16 was my strike. No, that doesn't seem right. The date has to be off.

that's too high I never got above four am I wrong on my expiration date. Is it really gonna make me I Did this on interactive brokers and they get really mad about you signing May 26th That's the problem May 26th Uh, so it's not June 2nd sorry sorry sorry May 26 416 I Got in at I Got 10 at a dollar? ninety. Why doesn't it tell me? Why Does it make it nice and easy? They're training at 295 right now so it's up about 50 percent. Uh, so that's my newest position.
That's the position I'm in I did that on interactive brokers because Weeble wouldn't let me in because apparently I broke the pattern day trading rules too many times. Uh, so that's the newest position in terms of the positions I Got rid of I Got rid of all of them. My regional banking thesis clearly went bust. I've been talking about this with all of you for quite a while.

My thesis was that there was going to be more panic and based on the numbers from Western Alliance two days ago, they're reporting that the Panic stopped. They might be lying I don't know. but I don't have anything else to go off of besides the numbers that they're like literally filing with the SEC and then they become public to all of us. So my thesis was no longer true.

So you have to cut your position. That's what's called sticking to your plan. Do I wish that it went down. Do I Wish I took my money that crazy day when I made it and it fell.

Of course I did. but I The stock is popping on the fact that they're saying no deposits have settled and if deposits are settling, there's not really much else. I can do so I Locked in over 100 on Pac West which is frustrating because at one point I was up over 500 and then um, on Kre and Western Alliance I took a loss uh I forget the exact percentage but I don't know it. Unfortunately, even though the pack West was a nice win, it wasn't that sizable of a bet to completely offset the Kre and the Western Alliance put.

so it wasn't that loss. Not a huge one because of Pacwest, but I obviously wish I went larger into pack. West So I cut all those positions and basically right now I'm rocking those spy calls and this all has to. It's twofold.

Number One: the fear related shout out: Kinky Kong welcome to becoming an astronaut everyone say hi to Kinky Kong I'm happy you're here I Hope everything's going well. Uh, twofold. Number one: the market is popping. Overall overall optimism.

Hopium is coming back into the market. Uh, because of something that we all thought was gonna happen anyway. but positive steps forward in terms of the debt sailing negotiations. The other thing we have going on is basically just the fact that Western Lions said hey, no, there's like no more Panic Is that true I don't know.

At one point FRC was saying that and it still went bust So we'll have to see I'm going to be absurdly frustrated. if like, in a week or in a month, they're like, yeah, I know things are bad and they go kaput because my position would have paid big, but I just have. The only thing we can go off of is the information that is publicly available and it's according to their public information, there is no longer an exodus of deposits. Time will tell if that's right or not.

but I'm just letting you know that I cut my position because my thesis doesn't like it seems to be at this moment disproven of course. I could always get back in if things take a turn for the South but as of now, it doesn't appear as if they are really doing that. You guys voted green, You guys voted green and you said 58 percent. Uh, hang on.
Settings preferences are the sounds on oh brother, yeah, the sounds are on today. Um, they are on. They are on the Spy Making a bit of a recovery here. Remember like we just were up at 4 16.

it's 4 15, 24. What time is it 9? 40. Okay, uh, as always I attempt to be disciplined and patient and wait for the first 10 20 30 minutes to play out just to see the volatility within the morning. I Do want to point out to all of you if we looked at the S P 500 on the 15-minute red white and blue.

There's nothing special about these red, white and blue colors besides the fact that like America you know, but when red, white, and blue is stacked on top of each other the way we say it, that's bullish if it's inverse. uh, blue, white, red. Obviously, an upside down flag is distressed, so that's more of bearish. Right now, it goes red, white and blue on the 15 minute.

Um, probably one of the major time frames I commonly pay attention to. but I try to look at as many time frames as I can I like that red, white and blue and then I like this pullback, it comes back into an EMA and it's trying to build off of that. If you were to go long, obviously your risk would just be this low, which is about 10 points away, which is about a dollar in the Spy if you're okay with that risk. If you're comfortable with that risk right now, it's about a 1.5 because you can get in a 12 points.

so it's roughly one to one as of now. But if you're of the mindset, uh, 4190 is a nice Target and then so is 4200. You Could argue that the the upside Target is better than the wrist. Will it play out I Don't know, but I can tell you you should always be looking for optimal risk to reward scenarios I Am I am leaning bullish it's almost 9 45 it's 9 41.

am I Gonna miss the runaway train today? Is your boy gonna miss the Runaway Train today. You guys? 58 of you voted green today. Uh, yesterday 57 of you. and even though I was making fun of you at first, if I waited long enough until midday or around 12 30, that trade actually would have hit.

Which is interesting to say the least. Do we just do it here. Is there going to be this recovery? We are seeing strength. We're definitely seeing some strength.

Tesla How's the dollar? Maybe we should be a little bit more calm and check out everything else. The Dollar's been going up ever since this bounce off of 101 dollars been going up and the Market's going up, but this is probably more so related to what's going on in England Don't forget early this morning they were talking about a wage price spiral. So I believe the Upward movement right now in the dollar. Yeah, actually it's twofold.

We see a wage price bio spiral potential according to the governor in uh Bank of England And then also we get commentary from Logan a Fed president Dallas fed president Logan this morning saying he's kind of favorable of another rate hike. Uh, so I think those two adding up is why you're seeing the dollar spiking right now and kind of bucking that inverse Trend that we commonly discuss here commonly discuss here: Walmart Having a good day I know like some of you are probably training Walmart I Don't think it's the most popular stock for us to trade in here, but it's up. It crushed its earnings Walmart's up for a very legitimate reason you have Tesla Chilling sideways at 174 still has yet to hit its upside Gap fill at 177.65 Uh, so obviously within three four dollars of that, so watch that upside gaffle on Tesla 177.65 here. We might as well set an alert on it just so we don't miss that one rum holding above 10.
It's in that danger zone for the shorts if it gets above 10, holds above 10. I Believe that sets up a realistic shot of 10.50 and then above 10.50 If it can hold that, the shorts could be screwed I Estimate that the short interest is around 35 percent using or text data and also rumbles SCC filings and we already know from or text that the utilization is maxed out. So if we can get above and hold above 1050 which is now realistic if we can get above and hold above 10. uh, things could get definitely interesting there.

Pac West is popping. It was popping yesterday so two days in a row it's up another eight point three percent. Remember I locked in my puts I no longer have pack West puts I just started to see it move I saw my profits going down and I didn't want to let it drop it below 100. Uh, we have Western Alliance right here I Don't know why I have so many of these up? uh Western Alliance To do there is a downside Capital to 32.59 and then obviously if you're bullishly, you're looking for the breakout of 36.44 It was at 36 in the pre-market I kind of got smacked there but it is green on the day.

Uh so I don't know. It looks like there is now strength within the regional banking sector. Something to keep in mind. So the Spy it try to pop quickly got smacked and I guess this is a good reason.

A good reminder for me of why you wait for those first 45 or those first 15 minutes. now we're at 9 45. um do I like this? Do I like this? Do I like this? uh chart Trading Do I want to go long on this? Hmm how bullish are you guys actually feeling today? Because we could just be buying it off of this hot like we couldn't just be buying it off of this and I could risk the trend line. You know what? Maybe I'm gonna give it a whirl.

Maybe yes, no Maybe. So how are you guys feel like how bullish are you guys actually feeling I haven't done anything yet? Well I do have the Spy calls from yesterday. How bullish are we actually feeling today? Rum coming I'm seeing things turn a little bit. how's Apple Apple Once again, maybe that Gap fell down to 167.
What's going on with the options market today? Options: Market 64 So the options Market is favoring the call side. could just risk this. That's not even that bad of a risk in reality I Waited for the pullback. it's on the one minute I Wish there was a little bit more action I don't like the smack in Tesla Microsoft's coming back up Apple's going the other way Amazon's going up Yeah I think we just do it.

you know? do I Really? I'm a little I'm a little nervous because it's right at that trend line Amazon's looking good Microsoft's looking good apple I wish Apple would be better right now. Uh, patience, patience, patience patience. I think I need patience pltr how's that doing? Crush Its earnings like a week ago and it looks like it's continuing to the upside. it's almost at 11 bucks.

Um, Palantir has been on a gnarly run. definitely in gnarly gnarly run. uh Apple Dragging some things down right now. Oh, time to watch this trend line Microsoft Good though I Feel like things would be way better overall if Apple was having a better day and Tesla's just kind of flat Tesla's now even starting to pop a little bit.

Let's check in on Crypto Bitcoin Trading at 27.2 000 and then Pepe trading at 16 right now East Trading at Where's my Eth 1818 1818. interesting, interesting, interesting. Pepe I'm still somehow green on Pepe Do we do it? Don't you have an Uh put on Apple I went up 15 yesterday and I locked that in the Apple put for that downside Gap fill uh I was up about 15 so I locked it in I figured to go up that much in one day. it's kind of an easy thing and that was more of a lucky trade because I was up and then the market started to pop including apple and it actually actually would have gotten red yesterday.

So that ended up being a day trade which is why I couldn't buy spy calls on my Weeble account yesterday because I burned all my day trades and when you do that, it doesn't even let you enter a new position. So that's why all my spy calls right now are in on interactive brokers because I just had to get out of that final Apple trade. Apple But Microsoft the Spy is trying to decide all right. I'm going for it.

Boom brother. All right long and let me set up my wrist. so I don't get margin called. All right, we'll see.

Obviously I'm keeping my risk as tight as I can. That's one of the beauties of trading on the Futures Market is there is no pattern day trading so you can be very Nimble Uh, there's a lot of liquidity. no pattern day trading so you can get in and out super super quickly. See what happens if you go from today till the full moon? Oh, you're so there actually are quite a few like that's.

been a documented thing of people trying to trade on the like moon cycle on like kind of the celestial cycle. Uh, some people have actually produced some pretty interesting results doing it. I'm not gonna lie, not gonna lie. Uh, all right.
Matt B Nimble Matt Be quick. Hopefully we'll find out if this was a smart move or not. The only thing I'm not liking about it is Apple that's why I'm playing very very close attention to it. Uh Microsoft Song though.

I I mean we have the number one and the number two stock in the entire U.S market going the opposite way for whatever reason today and now. Tesla Ah, Come on. hold the door. Hold the door.

Hold the door. Hold the door. You can do it. Market We don't want to have a red day I Know the seasonality of today's leaning Bearish, but we had a breakout.

We had a nice hole. Um, do I just want to cut it I Could always get right back in like I said. One beautiful thing about treading the Futures Market is you could trade as much as you want. It does not matter your account size.

Come on, get back above the trend line. make make it a fake out. Microsoft's so strong right now Microsoft's ripping right now here. Let's get up the rum chat.

Uh Tesla I Would like for that one to turn around I would actually like that upside gaffle at 177 and change Microsoft looking good. Let's see how Walmart's doing after it's earnings. Walmart Holding green up 2.6 percent? Uh, Invis we could see the heat map for the S P 500 right here I'm not affiliated with them in any way. I Just like some of their visual tools, Uh, so you can see real estate and energy in the red utilities.

So the Reds down here and then once again Tech is outperforming. Looks like it's somewhat being led by synopsis: Nvidia Walmart's in the green Netflix Netflix is very green. What's going on with Netflix Netflix you dirty dog been ripping. Shout out to Seth for calling out Netflix Are any of you in Netflix Right now? that is a nice movement.

What is the dollar? Or excuse me the daily Netflix Gap Up and rip Gap Gap Up to the technical resistance break above Netflix Looks like it's on the way to rip into 367. 368. Excuse me. That's why Kelly Ripa never invites me on her show.

It's because I dropped too many pens and I sneezed too much. Uh, but Netflix like it wants to rip 368. if you already have this position, great for you. I mean we went from 347 all the way up to 360.

should you be chasing it now? I would argue no because you have what? seven dollars of upside and your risk is either 13 or more realistically 19 or if you're using this one 30. It's just even though it's clearly bullish, it's so evidently bullish. You have to ask yourself what is your reward and what is your risk And the reward in my book right now is about seven bucks. Well, what is your risk Point your your closest realistic risk Point even on an intraday is 350.

Like, why would you risk ten dollars to get seven? Why would you risk 13 to get six? Like it's just not in your favor anymore. It's one thing if you got in really early. but even when things are absurdly bullish, even when things are absurdly bearish, ask yourself what are you risking and what is your potential reward If your reward isn't better than your risk, like you have to have a very, very high accuracy and like not get busted on those trades, It's like like pretty much at all. So uh with it Netflix is great if you got into it.
Even better if you got into it early this morning or even better like days ago. Yeah. awesome. Hold it, ride the trend.

Things are looking great, but would I get into it now? No I wouldn't get into it Now the risk is simply too much. Ask yourself what is the risk and maybe you have a different methodology where this risk is acceptable. Maybe your thesis is that it goes up to 400. Okay, that's different if you're risking ten dollars to get 40.

Well, that's different. That's why I'm not going to say anything is like a general blanket rule because I don't know your risk tolerance I Don't know your time frame. Maybe you love it here. Maybe you have some very fancy algorithm that tells you above.

360 is a perfect buy. You risk 10 bucks and you might be getting 100. I Don't know. but I'm just saying the actual General blanket statement here is for whatever your time frame is for, whatever your account size is for whatever your personality is as in how much risk can you take on.

make sure your risk to reward like is adding up. It makes sense. Obviously this trend line is trash. so let's roll a new trend line.

When your first trend line doesn't work, just draw another one that makes you feel better. That's a pro tip of any Trader Pro trip Pro tip of any Trader is when one of your trend lines gets busted in a way that goes against you. redraw the trend line and pretend the first one never existed. Uh, definitely a pro tip right there.

Definitely a pro tip. Oh brother Rissa Reward Bro what up? King Crypto Pro Tips Pro Trips Pro Tip Poe Tips with Pro trips with Matt that's the new name of the show. Oh, speaking of the new name of the show, this has nothing to do with me renaming the show or anything but I was talking with some people in the Discord this morning. um I wanted to get your thoughts on something.

Sometimes most of my content. uh oh, hang on Do I need to make a decision here. We're still not really breaking down though. 64.

we're kind of selling, but it's really an inside bar. I'm more so looking at the 15 and the 30 minute. Uh, just so you guys know, I'm not really making any decisions on the five or the three. Um, see you just always redraw your trend lines make yourself feel better.

Apple's picking up though. Netflix has been strong and Microsoft has been strong. So what's dragging the market down? Is it really oil? Is it? These big oil plays? Chevron's getting its face stomped. Oxy's not having the best day.
We even see some utilities down here. so it's these plays even Healthcare is not having the best day. So these red plays that are making the market not fun thus far. but I think patients will pay.

So anyway, what I wanted to talk about with you is let's be honest: 90 95 of my content is almost daily. It's not really common that people go back and re-watch streams. It's not really common that if I make an update video of what happened that day and what to look forward to the next day that you're going to re-watch that in a week. My content is very timely, which means it has a very short shelf life I don't really produce Evergreen content I have in the past and I was looking at said Evergreen content and I feel like in a weird way based on the YouTube and the rumble algorithms that they kind of get buried because a lot of my old stuff doesn't get promoted so it's only I put out so much new content that that's what's promoted and the old Evergreen content it just kind of like isn't there especially my interviews.

which is kind of a bummer because I think a lot of my interviews are good for that week for that month for that year. for that decade, it's just good conversations with like expert people in one domain or another. So I was almost thinking my evergreen content should I just be putting that on a different Channel Like would that make sense is if I had a channel that was like Matt Core's live which is the live shows and the daily updates. like the super timely stuff and then my other channel is like whatever Matt cores and that's just like my interviews and my evergreen content that's viable to watch like this month this year this decade would that does that make sense or do you like it all on one channel? Uh, I was just thinking about this and I wanted to get everyone's thoughts and opinions before I made anything drastic.

um I didn't want you guys to think that I was making decisions with my own life without consulting all of you because obviously, like I want to keep our parasocial relationship going. Um two channels, one channel make match strats it's a good idea. One channel, two channels. he's so you guys are pretty all on one channel.

Yes to the second. Channel Yeah, you guys are super split on this. Would it be harder for you to maintain two channels on YouTube when YouTube isn't nice to you? Not really because like I'm not saying I'm gonna make less content. if anything, I'd end up making more content.

It's just where would that content live. So like I'm thinking that the the interviews and the other related Evergreen content would be on like a Matt course. Channel and then the daily streams and updates would be on like Matt Core's live something like that 2 or 69 one two. Um, do whatever is best for you I don't know what's best for me I can't make any decisions for myself anymore I get paralyzed when I have to make it.
Um, one channel get loads, got loads of other channels, two more content playlists. so I've done the playlist but uh, the playlist does work like I have a playlist of like training Essentials and of interviews but this is more of a problem with the algorithm promotion. Like if you come to Mac Cores right now on YouTube on Rumble Well, Rumble doesn't have playlists yet, but they're going to be coming out with it in the near future. So if you're looking at something such as YouTube my playlists are there and so it's very findable.

Like it's findable if you come to my channel. but to new people who have no clue who you I am, who you are, who the goonie Community is. They're never just gonna arbitrarily Search the word cores and then come to my channel and see what I have. So this is more of a promotion issue like the browse feature issue of like when you log into YouTube there's all the promoted videos, It's more of a question of how do I Realistically, there's not much of a sense of my old streams or my old update videos getting promoted.

What makes sense for to get promoted is my either my evergreen content or my newest stream or my newest video. Um, and it's not like YouTube gives you the option of like oh, which ones do you want us to promote and which ones you want us to no longer promote. So that's kind of where I'm at aggravated trade. It's pretty simple solution.

Wait, what's what solution are we talking about? Playlist search is your friend. But see, that's only if they're intentionally searching for me. And right now with um, less of an interest in trading with less of an interest in the market because we're not in that like hypopium cycle anymore. um, a lot of Finance related channels are no longer being promoted.

Definitely match rats for Evergreen content. Multiple big name creators split their live stream content with their curated video content. Yeah, so I found multiple examples of both. So for example, Ludwig he's a prolific streamer, but he also puts some videos on his main Channel But then he has a whole nother Channel MoGo mail which is him just sharing his thoughts and opinions.

And then if you look at someone like Dr disrespect, he has his live streams, his videos, and his shorts all on one channel. So what? Unfortunately, the culture of YouTube is not cohesive

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