Market Open: Stock Crash Continues
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Foreign Foreign. Thank you. It's to the Moon YOLO Foreign. Have you guys seen the market today? Have you guys seen what's going on in pre-market Doesn't give you the best feeling unless you're massively net short right now, then you're stoked if you're If you're short right now, not physically, but I mean like net on the market, you are just partying.

You were partying harder than the shirt right now. Shout out to Christina if you're watching right now I Do appreciate you sending me this yellow ducky shirt. Always ready to party it up with you folks. but man oh man, uh, things are not.

They're not looking good. they're not looking good if you're on the bull side of things today. But I do like it I Have to admit I'm a big fan of this volatility because uh, the strategy does seem to be working way better with kind of this whole concept of larger swings. I mean crush it Friday I didn't trade it at all on Monday because Monday the Futures Market was open for half a day I know the stock market so I didn't trade it because it was weird but it would have crushed it on Monday but I actively traded it on Friday crushed it, didn't trade it on Monday would have crushed it, crushed it on Tuesday crushed it yesterday.

So we're basically on like a 3.5 day win streak. Uh, which is really nice because the first two weeks of this year I was getting my teeth kicked in I was getting curb stomped by the markets. It was not fun in the slightest. So I'm very happy with this turnaround.

But right now, uh, before you open the market, Maybe you want to call your mom? Maybe you want to call your grandma because the sell-off that we saw yesterday did continue into the overnight session. Uh, and right now we're trying to make a little bit of a recovery a little bit because we did get some retail sales. or we had some reports this morning. So retail sales was yesterday and actually things were looking good, but Fed members were speaking then things started to sell sell.

this morning, we already got a whole new batch of economic reports, so we're going to be going over all of that in detail. I have some other things I want to talk about, particularly from Jamie dimon from Bank of America And then I found some weird things that I just thought you should know about. such as a comment that we're never going to be able to see again. We will be the last group of humans in history to ever see this green comment that will be coming through in a couple days.

Uh, I'm also going to talk about this kitten AI system that's kicking everyone's ass in chess. uh and then also how the government is tracking every single dollar we spend. That's over 500 buckaroos. So a lot to get into.

A lot to get into I Hope it's a good day. I Hope you guys have been making some money. Uh, this year seems like it's going to be pretty tough for the active. Well, pretty good for the active.

Trader Kind of tough for just like the passive investor because I'm not the most optimistic. but I do admit I Do admit active. Traders The volatilities here: those multi-day swings have been big big moves. Which means you can make big big money if you're on the right side of the trade.
So as always, pay attention to risk, pay attention to reward, make sure it's a reasonable reward to risk ratio, and then just let the dice fly. Lit the dice fly. Well I'm excited I'm excited for today. Uh, I'm just curious if I could continue this winning streak of the Futures algo that we have going.

So we're gonna. we're gonna be seeing what we can do. Obviously, given everything that's gone down. Uh, the bias is a little bit to the downside just because yesterday was so brutal.

But with that being said, there is an upside Gap though. So for oh, yesterday, we were talking about the downside Capital to I believe like 389 390 Something like that. Well, actually the overnight session was so bad that we went below that. which actually means the downside Gap that we were looking at yesterday has now becoming Upside Gatville potential spy trade.

And for those of you who are paying attention to it, it is at 390.65 is the upside Gap film. And then there's another upside Gap all the way up to like 421 or something in that region. But yes, we'll be mapping that all out. Um, we could talk a little bit about Gns I know more and more people have been kind of dming me about that and everything.

Oh, time out, time out, time out time out. So for those of you on Twitter there is a sister service called Tweetdeck, which is I don't know just like a whole Twitter platform kind of thing where you can set it up very specifically get your DMs and mentions and all of that and ever since Elon got involved for a bit there I Don't know if it was coincidental, but roughly when Elon got involved over the past couple weeks, Tweetdeck has been down and on. Tweetdeck I had it up where I always searched the word cores my last name. It's a little bit unique, so generally if someone's saying course, it's either about fashion I.E cores like Michael Kors that they misspelled or it's about me.

Um, and if you've been on Twitter at all, you know that it's a horrible, horrible Cesspool of just being. but I've found ever since Tweetdeck went down I just actually went back up yesterday. um and I noticed that right away. Boom Already more negativity, especially because I'm was searching on my own last name.

um, but I was like, well, what's been different in January why am I so much more excited about what life has to offer? and then I realized it's because I had no idea about what was going on and I love it The fact that I had no clue what people were saying and granted that means I did miss some of your awesome commentary from the people who I love to engage with. Yes, a little bit more pulled back but also I missed all of the negativity and then I looked it and I know yesterday I was sharing my hypothesis with all of you of the fact that if we took out all those nameless faceless accounts where it's just like some random cartoon picture or something, those are honestly the biggest losers on the entire internet. These people who like to talk and they're just not a real person. They're just like hidden behind some sort of like false identity.
Um, they're losers. They're absolute losers and I figured that if I don't go on tweet deck I don't see those people and then bought a bing bada Boom your whole mental health skyrockets. I'm excited for it. I'm absolutely excited for it.

So I just wanted to share that with all of you. So maybe maybe just maybe just maybe before you think that life's negative, before you think that you're depressed or anything along those like negative mental sentiment lines before you confirm that in your own. Noggin Just potentially you might be surrounded by so before you do the first diagnosis, just ask yourself am I In fact, surrounded by douchebags and if you are, if it's the latter, maybe just cut those people out and see what happens in your mentality. Just wanted to share that with you.

Just just just an idea because I Know, yeah, maybe some people think of this as a finance stock trading show, but in all reality this is a live show. Uh, definitely just a life show and that's a little piece of Life Advice: I Wanted to, um, share with all of you Matt What's your take on the protest on the 27th and 28th? Uh, very silly I Would never support any form of in-person protest because it's so easy to go awry and make us look awful I Mean if you really think that you're up against some sort of massive nefarious Force if you don't think that they would infiltrate that and like cause pandemonium to look, make our cause look worse I mean you have to learn like a little basics of like strategy there no no no no no no no no no no no I would not recommend going I would not recommend participating. it is just the risk of it going awry is simply way too high and if anything, there's probably a greater statistical chance of it harming our movement and what we're after than actually supporting it like. I I Don't know why anyone would want to do that because it's just it's going to get messed up.

Love the shirt I appreciate it. This is from Christina long time viewer in support of the channel. She sent it my way and I think it's going to be her good luck charm. Very very excited.

Very very excited. Um so I know we've already gone on a couple rants. we've already gone. How's my hair? Hair check? Hair check.

All right. Perfect. Perfect as always. Uh, tell me a trade.

Your wish is my demand. Your wish is my demand. You want to trade. I'll give you a trade right now.

the S P 500 is trading at 388.65 I My major call of the day is a gap. fill up to whatever the low was. Uh, what was it? 39149? Uh, whatever. the low of yesterday is yeah, the low right here.
Oh three nine, one, two eight. we close that four nine. So I am calling for the upside Gap fill to three nine, one point, Two eight. That's the trade that I'll give you out of the gate.

Can I guarantee it? Uh, only in retrospect, in hindsight, if I was playing Monday Morning Quarterback and like let's say, the Market opens and it rips all the way up to that value I'd be like yeah I know I totally guaranteed it. Uh, but like right now without knowing the future I would just say yeah the odds are good, but they're not guaranteed because nothing in the market is ever guaranteed. Uh, for quite a while though, we were talking about this downside: Gap fill to the high from Tuesday the 10th at 390.65 but obviously we've now gapped below that. which is turn this downside gaffle into an upside gaffle and it's getting all wonky.

It's getting all confusing. Um, so I just wanted to point out that the Line in the Sand I currently have is 391.28 in upside. Capital to yesterday's low. this is a rarity.

You don't commonly see this type of stuff where there's a gap. usually you trade to it in the intraday session. The fact that we gapped below the Gap that was like it's just all confusing and wonky, but still. Um, a statistically positive expected value trade.

Not guaranteed. Don't want to guarantee it to anyone. But yes, I will be watching for the Spy to hit 391.28 to the upside right now. and I'm calling this out at when we're currently trading at 388.71 so there's your trade for whoever asks for that.

I Just wanted to throw that out there life-saving on the Gapville honestly. butt stuff. 24 7 Just based on your name I Think you're the kind of person who would trade that So good for you man. I Hope you absolutely crush it I hope you make lots and lots of mucho mucho money and we'll go from there.

But yes, the Market's gonna go dignity ding ding Dong in about 15 minutes. so let's get a little bit more prepped. Dow Futures fall more than 200 points as Wall Street gets set for another down session yesterday in the morning things were looking good I think we all had our Bowl caps on I really did like right here We were all partying. we all felt great.

uh I took this reversionary short just for a little bit of a like I guess a buffer trade a little bit of a a scalp if you will here at 10 15. I got out pretty quickly and little did I know I should have ridden it all day long. um but we were looking good. The reports that came out at 8 30 the retail sales they suggested that demand was coming down.

things were seeing optimistic. they really were as if like yeah, no it was. we might have a control on inflation, we might be able to pull off this soft Landing that it just seems as being murmured in the corners of the Federal Reserve But then the FED members started speaking. So right when the market opened we had Bullard who is the Saint Louis fed president? Uh, he started talking and when he opened his mouth he well excuse me.
Uh, he was very hawkish as he normally is. and in this current scenario a hawkish Fed is best associated with a bearish market. and he's like, hey, I know that the Market's pricing in two more 25 bips rate hikes. why don't we just do 150 and see what happens? Let's do 50 in early Feb Like, let's get crazy with it And the market was like, what did you just don't don't you say that? Um, and then it wasn't really alleviated much at by the next two Fed members.

one spoke at 3 15 45 minutes before the market closed and then uh, Lori Logan she was speaking at 5 PM So overall, a pretty brutal day in the market yesterday, and as you can see in the overnight session, things just got worse and worse and worse. And that's where we are right now. So yes, there is still an upside Gap fill potential to 391.28 but as of now, the Market's not really loving the early morning reports, the Dow, the S P, and the Nasdaq all red oil still trying to hold on to 80 I Like that, I'm still in Oxy I'm still bullish on energy. Um, and then the US 10 year right now going up a little bit which makes sense yields go up as the Market's coming down.

But what you need to know for the markets this morning? So we did have a couple reports before. um, about an hour before the market set to open 8 30 a.m ET So we have initial jobless claims came in a little less than expected. so that's a good positive thing. But remember, we're in that upside down world where good economic reports are bad for the market because it leaves a little bit more room for the FED to be aggressive in battling inflation.

Uh, we have building permits uh, pretty much inline one-third 1.33 million versus 1.35 and then housing starts 1.38 versus 1.36 So a little bit of a miss. A little bit of a beat, but small numbers I Just want you to know: 9 A.M Collins Right now Boston Fed President Susan Collins is actively speaking right now at 1 15. this is actually going to be streamed Lail Brainerd She is the vice chair of the Federal Reserve So 1 15 p.m today and then two and a half hours after the market closes Today we have the New York Fed President John Williams So the next major thing for us to pay attention to today in terms of macro economic reports and speeches and all that is this discussion from Lail Brainerd at 1 15 and we will be able to stream that Uh, just so you know, tomorrow we have Harker speaking uh Philly Fed President 9 A.M Half hour before the Market opens, existing home sales come out at 10 A.M and then 1 P.m another Fed member. So basically the tune from now until really the remainder of the week is Fed member speaking and updates on the housing sector is probably the the main I guess theme that we're going to be seeing.
Five things you just need to know before that stock market bill goes Ding ding ding ding Dong today. Thursday January 19th All right, momentum stalls out and they're just basically referring to the fact that the market had a beautiful push from Thursday January 5th Up until the high, the market ran 5.5 in seven trading days. That's a very big bullish search, but unfortunately over the past two full days of trading uh, We've now given back 2.2 percent from that. High Um, yeah, this is still honestly not necessarily bearish.

We just had such a bullish surge that this still could be considered to be a healthy pullback. I Wouldn't be too concerned about like this demise until we break below 386. I Do think that's gonna happen if you extrapolate this out enough? I Still do actually think that in the medium term the Bears are in control, but in the short term I think the Bulls are still in control. So I think it's important to kind of put the appropriate time frames.

but right now, we haven't given back this entire bowl of surge. That's why in the short term I Still think the Bulls are overall in control. but eventually, uh, if you were paying attention in the Stream yesterday, you know we were all getting a little bit more addicted to crack than we should eventually. I Do think that the crack addicts are gonna win and there's going to be some crackdowns and we're going to break below support and it's going to continue to sell just because we are still very much in a restrictive type of a headwind economic environment.

It's just going to be very tough for the old stock market to have major success. Why Apple is dodging layoffs so recently we know about Amazon 18, 000 Microsoft 10 000 Alphabet is kind of cutting back on really how many they're going to be hiring you have Facebook AKA Meta also laying off people the iPhone maker unlike others in Silicon Valley didn't ramp up hiring during the pandemic. so so far as avoided announcing major layoffs. So basically all these other players they kind of got a little too big for their britches if you will.

Tech talk in Switzerland I Still can't believe that this Gremlin is the U.S Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Um, it I Don't know you could look into that if you want, but when she opens her mouth, it kind of scares me. Amazon Smile is coming to an end Amazon just isn't cutting jobs. to say the Eat, retail and cloud computing Giants said it would shut down its charity donation program Amazon Smile next month as part of its broader broader plan to lower costs. Well, that's unfortunate.

Um, I guess it when you run into struggles? Yeah, I Guess you start to look at places that you don't have to be putting money. but I'm sure that is a big bummer to the Charities that were receiving it. Mile High Hopes for EVS Rental car Hertz has become one of the major players pushing for the expansion of electric vehicle usage. This is kind of continuing on a story that we've seen a while ago of Hurts and their dealer like kind of the deal that they had with Tesla.
But right now in with Denver it will 5000 EVS to its Fleet in the city. So just trying to expand in the world of Evie I know right now, especially if you look at something like Tesla it's in the medium term. it's really been beat up. Like really really been beat up.

but I still believe the long-term thesis is favoring the bull case in EV If we were just to talk about where the industry is going, here's a couple factoids for you. So Circa 2021 at that point, about two to three percent of all new vehicle sales in global vehicle sales was EV eventually, especially when we get to that price parity. as we figure out the technology of EV batteries that's going to bring about a price parity between EVs and common gasoline or diesel vehicles. When you're at a price parity, there's going to be a massive inflection in demand I Don't think it's that unreasonable.

by 2030 for all new vehicle sales for about EVS to account probably for 15 20 maybe. the Super Bowl case of 25 I Just see Eventually, when the technology gets there, which is estimated to be around 2025 in terms of that price parity because of the Improvement in EV batteries I think from there, there's going to be huge, huge demand spikes. and that's why I'm saying if we were to talk about something about a decade out, I'm still absurdly bullish on the EVS in terms of other sectors that I think over the next decade. So a little bit of a longer prediction that I think is going to do absurdly well.

So we have: EVS I Think cloud computing is going nowhere, just the way technology is trending. It's going to remain massively popular. So looking at things like AWS or Azure or Google cloud or any of these other Cloud computers, very very bullish on that Esports I think is going to be if you fast forward one two three decades I Truly believe the way we think about professional sports right now. the NFL, the NBA, the MLB, uh, the MLS, all of those I think there is going to be that equivalent in the world of Esports I Just see I mean if you look at it quarter over quarter year over year, that industry is getting massively massively popular.

It's already crazy popular. but all of a sudden you're seeing colleges give out scholarships. You're even seeing competitive teams in high school. I'm not calling out right now I'm saying if you give it enough time as the games continue to advance as the I guess the technology surrounding the sector continues to advance.

I Think it's going to get to the point where it's televised and culturally we think of it the way we do other sports right now. I Truly believe that's the way video games are going. and I'm saying that not even I'm not even a big video game player myself I'm simply just looking at the trends and I'm seeing that the numbers are going up every single quarter every single year. So when I extrapolate out I expect big big things.
another industry. the marijuana Devil's lettuce Jazz cabbage, whatever you want to call it I think that's going to be also very big I Just think within the decade I hope, uh, federally, we get legalization. It's kind of crazy that it's not already there. It feels like the US is very much behind so I'd be looking at those companies or if you just want to look at the whole sector tracked by the ETF MJ but there are big players such as Tilray, Cgc.

Hopefully they have enough of a balance sheet to survive all the way up into the point that we get Federal legalization. So those are some of the industries I'm paying attention to for like I I Guess like a decade out type of a prediction. But anyway, a little bit of a tangent there. Jamie Diamond says rates will rise above five percent because there's still a lot of underlying inflation So Jamie Dimon who is the CEO of JP Morgan Uh, kind of being a Negative Nancy And maybe he's right, just basically basically sounds like he's reiterating the speaking points of Bullard.

So let's give this a quick listen just because I do think it's important to know what the head of a massive bank here in the U.S is actually thinking Jamie Dimon chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Nice to see you sir! Happy to be here, So you want you want to help us understand what what happened in your mind between then and now? Yeah, basically nothing. Okay, part of that storm clouds hit, rates went higher than people thought. the you know with stock market's down 20 percent, the IPO Market disappeared and the economy of course we all talk about it. It's like the weather we don't really know and I hate guessing about that.

We should be have a little humility. I've never seen anyone actually do it well, but the the real issue for the world is Russia War Ukraine Energy trade and that is serious and that's still out there. Hopefully it'll mitigate and go away, but it may not. So you know, as a risk manager, you kind of prepare for some of that.

But in terms of this question, we were literally debating just what happened yesterday. in terms of how the markets are thinking about things compared to this morning. Frankly, the markets have always been wrong too for a while. I Don't I mean I I Mean listen, the way we run the company is to serve clients day in and day out through thick or thin.

I Know they're going to be recessions up, downs and downs. I Really don't spend that much time worrying about it I Do worry about poor public policy that damages growth I worry about a lot of stuff, but not about whether you know what the weather's going to be like. And of course you know I don't want to recess. you could hurt average Americans I'm not fun for it, but I have to be prepared for it.
But I think there's a lot of businesses here that are trying to figure out what to do what Their budgets are supposed to look like, whether they need to raise more Capital they'd have to call you for that I mean that's why I mean so what are you telling them I Think every business, any business, large or small, should prepare for a bunch of eventualities and then run the business. serve your clients and you know not worry that much about tomorrow's profit margins or so are you building products and services and you can do a good job and can you handle you know the input and output prices going way up or way down? Give me a global conflict probably would be bad for JP Morgan obviously. Yeah, for all of us we're in Davos I It's almost like the Russia problem. People almost have it on a back burner.

like oh yeah, you know dictators are going to do what dictators are going to do, but we we still have how many nuclear weapons? Russia still has how many nuclear weapons? We don't know whether that that's a possibility. And for every panel on climate change, there isn't a panel yeah on the nuclear. The only thing that matters for the future of the world is how this thing plays out. Russia Ukraine and I and the humanitarian crisis I when I wake up every day and I read the missiles going into buildings and killing kids every day and it's nuclear blackmail that this is the most serious issue and in my view it could be an inflection point for the Western World 400 years.

Like do we get our act together to to win Help Win this war, help the Ukrainians help rebuild Ukraine and then negotiate proper trade relationship with China You know management. do you look at this? That is the issue that's not the other stuff is the weather. Yeah, he's talking about China Do you look at Some people have talked about this as a dress rehearsal for whatever our relationship is with China In the future you know China Americans Have to understand that our GDP per person is 75 000. theirs is 15.

we have all the food warning energy we need. They import 11 million barrels a day. You know they've lifted up their their society, but it's nothing like ours in terms of prosperity growth. Innovation I I I Want them to do well for their people? I'm not against it.

We have a competitive relationship. It's not need to be adversary. I think I'm very happy that we're talking to them now and you know apparently they say they're opening up. That's the message you hear everywhere in Davos Is that a head fake? Is that real And they have to head they have to for the long term for themselves.

You know they they need to grow their economy to lift up their people to to compete in the world out there. And so the warm-up is. It's a warm-up to the extent that the Western World we need to. we're not trade's not going to go away and it's all decoupling ocean.
It's crazy but it's going to be is restructuring so of two types. Anything that relates to National Security so semi and it'll be different for every country. Semiconductors Reliant Secure, safe, cheap energy which is critical for everybody and food and then where we think it's unfair competition. you know that should be negotiated and you know yes of course America We should have done this sooner, but we didn't.

Even so Potentially realistic but little negative and what? he was really negative on is right here. Jamie Diamond says Bitcoin itself is a hyped up fraud. Um, this might be new to you, but if you've been following Jamie Diamond and his commentary on CEO or excuse me as the CEO of Bank of America uh under that title, he's been saying some very very negative things about Crypto. He hate.

He seems to hate crypto. He calls it a fraud. He calls it no better than like a pet rock. um I know he's basically just reiterating the views of like Charlie Munger when he says it's a venereal disease I think he might have even called it like a rat poison.

Oh super super negative things. Um, so he just uh is continuing. that itself is a hyped up fraud I think all that's been a waste of time Bitcoin itself has been a hyped up fraud. A pet rock.

Okay, so there's the pet Rob call out I'm not surprised at all. I called it decentralized Ponzi scheme the hype around this thing and has been extraordinary. It's outrageous The Regulators should have stopped it a long time ago and if you like the reason I bring it up obviously I disagree with them right now. Are there fraud? Is there fraud? Are there scams in the world of crypto? Yes.

100. but if we're talking about exclusively Bitcoin or just like the technology of a ledger to me, there's value there. I mean I just look at what's going on with the central banks, especially the FED here in the U.S They have so much power, so much unmitigated power on our lives. and they are not elected like it is absolutely crazy.

And this isn't something that is traditionally taught and it's very common for people just to not know. But the Federal Reserve controls so much of our financial lives and these are just people that we didn't pick. Um, so the I believe that there is a big desire to be able to store value outside of the purview of the government where you have people like Jerome Powell popping off Janet Yellen Popping off all of those people I Think people are like I think the average person is very much like how can I protect my own wealth outside of the government because right now a lot of the times we're storing it in a way that like we were like we're having faith in the government which maybe sometimes is appropriate, but also sometimes it's not necessarily appropriate. So maybe when all the dust settles on this craziness, maybe Bitcoin isn't the ultimate winner.
But I Do believe that as of now, it has the highest chances of being the winner, so just want to throw that out there. I Don't agree with them, but I'm really bringing it up because obviously Jamie dimon the CEO of JP Morgan Uh, and apparently the chairman. His words carry quite a bit of weight. So I just want to throw that out there to everyone.

But with that being said, the Bell is about to go probably blew out your ears there. Um, I know it happens every day, so it's just probably my wake-up call for all of you. But yes, Diggity Ding ding ding dong. The market just opened up today for Thursday January 19th.

Uh, welcome to the casino folks. Play responsibly. Pay attention to your risk and reward. Remember my major call out of the day is an upside gaffle to three.

What was it now? I'm forgetting it. Uh, 391.28 391 28 is my uh call of the day. We'll see if it hits I think it eventually will I Don't know if it's going to hit today, but that's what I'm paying attention to. We also have Tesla in the top right just because it was ripping recently.

Then it got smacked pretty hard. so paying attention to that one rum is in the bottom left just because it's been on a crazy, crazy tear lately. So paying attention to that one. and then do not forget about Netflix in terms of earnings.

Netflix will be reporting after the market closes today. Kind of the first major Tech play to report. so I will personally be very much paying attention to it. Obviously throughout the day, as things are either ripping or falling, we could switch out the charts so just let me know what you want up on the screen.

Uh, the plan for right now: The first 10, 20, 30 minutes, we're going to watch the market open. Remember, there's just kind of crazy volatility at Market Open. I Personally, don't believe there's really good advantages to training right at Market Open? There's just a lot of whipsaw. You might get it right or you might get completely whipped and lose money.

So for me, especially with the current strategy, it's just way more advantageous to avoid this because the strategy isn't trying to play random based volatility. But anywho, that's the plan for right now. we have some other stories we're going to go over. We have some videos we have to react to a little bit later on if you guys want.

I don't know if you've been tracking the drama related to Stephen Crowder Who's one of the largest internet streamers and probably one of the largest political streamers has a show. It's just a massive Channel Anyway, he kind of went dark for a second and then it turns out he's in like a big fight right now with Daily Wire and he called it the big Con and basically talking about how they're like just fake conservatives and apparently, uh, someone was telling me I haven't seen it yet I Guess Daily Wire officially responded um, so we could pay attention to that Coffeezilla officially responded to Logan Paul Um, we could watch some of those stock trading strategies I know a lot of you expressed interest in learning more about the wheel option strategy. we could talk about that. There's a lot of things we could get into, so it's hey, it's Thursday it's pretty much your show.
We're gonna do what you guys want. Um, you need to interview Roger Hamilton Brother G and SEO let's go I Have no idea who Roger Hamilton is I guess he's the CEO of Gns. Um, is he the guy that is like kind of actively fighting? well like he's making like a big public display about fighting naked shorts if that's a guy. Seems interesting for sure.

Um, if anything, I find what he's doing to be impressive for his shareholders and a massive embarrassment to Adam Aaron if that's the same guy Logan Paul did he really respond to my video? Matt yes Logan I think he did. All right Market is pumping. uh remember upside Gap filled to 391.28 for those of you who are curious. for those of you who like those Gap fill type of plays I'm personally not playing it right now just because I'm not playing in the first half hour of the trading day.

Uh, spats among YouTubers are irrelevant to my trading fair, but it's also a good entertaining way when things are really boring in the midday session to like. just you know, have some fun. You think it's going to Trend up and then fall today? I Literally have no idea and in all reality I kind of don't care. Uh, like my prediction is yes, that upside Gap fill to 391 and some change.

but the strategy that I have all it cares about is that the market is trending like I in all reality for my intraday Trends Do not care whatsoever if the trend is up or down. it simply doesn't matter to me I Could throw out predictions and opinions but it just doesn't matter I play trends like that's as a day trader, you shouldn't be like that like day Traders Make their money off of playing the major trends of the day. You could have a major bear Trend in a bullish Market or a major bull Trend in a bearish market. So like, make sure you're using data and indicators that are relevant to the time frame you're actually trading for me.

Yeah, I could have thoughts but like as far as write as your prediction of the day is going to be, it's also going to be wrong I mean or like if you look at the market, it's pretty much normally distributed and the reason we seem to Trend up is just because the magnitude of bullish is is better than the magnitude of bearish days. But overall the average day is pretty much a 50 50 like it's a coin flip that is. Most days we pretty much have a 50 50 distribution between red days and green days. and when people try to call it out, yeah, like you could use some technicals and you could be like well hang on It broke through support and whatever.

It was a big volume so like there are like you could look at volume like you can look out a lot of stuff. that gives you a little bit of an indication, but understand that's just improving your Edge slightly off of the 50 likelihood even yesterday. Remember yesterday how everything looked amazingly green at open and then it turned into a horrifically red day? It happened, it turns on a dime. you never know what's going to happen is Putin gonna pop off and Russia is Jerome Powell gonna like say something wild when he's like suffering from Covid right now? Uh, there's so many things that could go on and that's why it is far better in the market, especially as a short-term Trader Especially as a short-term Trader To be reactive, not predictive.
predictive is great for long-term Investments Like you might have a prediction that hey, I still think that whatever Tesla's going to be a great EV play in a decade, you might think that Apple's still going to be massively Popular by the time that they're Hawking the iPhone 30, you might be thinking that United Health Group as a Goliath of an insurance play is still going to be a Goliath of an insurance play in a decade. That's all predictions. Save your predictions. for long-term stuff.

But when you're talking about like medium term and short term, that's reactive. That is all. 100 reactive. You should be looking for breakdowns.

breakouts. Pay attention to the news. take what the price action gives, you. don't try to be predictive of the price action.

What are your thoughts on rum? fundamentally? Also, are you a fan of butt stuff? Your name is wild. So in here we have butt stuff 24 7 and just normal butt stuff. Um, which in undisclosed amount of time for that second account? Uh, what are my thoughts on rum? Fundamentally I Really, really like it. So uh, they're Overall, Let's start with the human part of their overall thesis of free speech is an absolute must.

They are a company that is our free speech absolutist. I Like that I Talking about stocks wearing duck shirts doing just whatever random things have been kicked off of YouTube three separate times for being considered harmful and dangerous. I'm obviously not harmful and dangerous. Rumble, on the other hand, is like no, as long as you're not breaking laws, you can do what you want like and they they're applying their terms of service equally across everyone on the platform.

YouTube doesn't do that. So just from the human standpoint I think people are becoming very sick and tired of kind of the YouTube Overlord or the Amazon Overlord at Twitch. I mean even right now, there's a quite a bit of drama in the YouTube space like right now in real time because a lot of people for any form of profanity are getting completely demonetized. Even their videos that were made years ago, it's being now retroactively applied like right now.

YouTube It's a bunch of squares like That's what it is. It's nerdy squares who don't want you to even come close to the line. They very much have an idea of what content should be. It should be family friendly, kid friendly 100 of the time for no exceptions whatsoever.
and if you're not within that box, it is very hard to perform. Their algorithm is actively against you right now. I'm telling you, if there's profamity within like the first 10 seconds of the video demonetized I Think you could say the f word like once, like they have a whole new list of rules that just everyone's like what the is This Rumble, on the other hand, is saying hey, uh, do what you want and if people like it, you're gonna get more views. Uh, obviously they have rules like you can't like, post, like, like crimes and like that like it's not like, uh, the absolute Wild West, but it's way more reasonable.

Like, exponentially more reasonable than how YouTube treats their creators like. The overall summary is YouTube treats its creators like Twitch Creeps treats its creators like Rumble on the other hand, like actually cares about their creators like they every once in a while reach out to me and they just want my input. They're like, hey, how can we make live streaming better on Rumble And they listen, it's it's awesome. It's crazy.

So just from like the human societal cultural standpoint, I See it there. But then, if you want to get into the fundamentals of it, um, right now, their growth is absolutely phenomenal. Uh, their growth If you adjust it properly in terms of like the starting time compared to Tick Tock um, it's on the same growth trajectory of Tick Tock. I Think this year might be a little bit slower like I think it's going to grow, but I think it's going to explode in popularity in 2024 with the political cycle and my thesis for that is simply because so many I guess political videos statements: yada yada yada.

Um, they get hidden either by Facebook or by Instagram or by YouTube While Rumble will put it out there, and I think people are going to be naturally attracted to watching videos on places where they're just not like arbitrarily silenced for no reason. So my prediction for 2024 is that yes, in 2023, I think Rumble is going to grow, but I think it's growth will be unmatched in 2024, especially as they continue to build out us more solid foundation this particular calendar year. But as we get into the election cycle, I Think that it's just going to be unmatched I Really do? YouTube Is going to slowly bleed out most likely? Um, it's too big to bleed out like in anytime soon like it will. If YouTube goes down, it'll probably like be over the course of decades.

like because it's our it's just such a Goliath and a lot of people still like it. like uh, all that family friendly, uh family friendly content like that. really? Square Content It does perform well I mean it's like how many of parents in here I mean your kids are addicted to it like they just are. like like so many parents are fine with letting their kids watch YouTube Because as like his review, like review, whatever toys or they're playing Minecraft you're like, okay, whatever and you know it's family friendly.
So I think there's still going to be a certain appetite for it. but I think there's going to also be a certain subsect of people who are ready for a little bit more mature I guess content and are like can like their little sensitive snowflake ears are allowed to hear like swearing every once in a while. Um, that those types of creators are just gonna get pissed off and leave. Uh, Gns is 17 million volume already today.

Kids don't watch TV only YouTube Yeah it's massively popular with kids, which is why I don't think YouTube will like if if it does bleed out I think it'll take forever but I think YouTube is just going to become like Centered for a very, very young demographic. uh seems simple to me. adult user accounts and kids friendly user accounts. They've tried to do that, but I don't For some reason they like, just can't figure out the advertising for it for some reason.

so they've just chosen that if it's not kid and family friendly just to completely demonetize people, Rum needs to grow a bit. My test video didn't get uh, any views for 13 weeks now. Um, just keep doing it. I mean when I first started posting on Rumble I didn't have any following so I wasn't getting any views.

Uh, but now I mean I've been on Rumble for a year and a half. just over a year and a half I Want to say and at first I mean that's the truth with any platform. Any if you get on Tick Tock right now, if you get on YouTube right now, if you get on Instagram reels, it takes time to build it up. I mean I've been at it for a year and a half and hey, take it from me.

we could go to right now. Bada bing Bada Boom! A year and a half later I'm streaming to 3 000 people featured on the home page. but when I first started I myself struggled to get 10 20 25 views. It takes time.

you have to build up the audience, You have to build up that Rapport You have to build up the name recognition on that platform. But for me, if you were to ask about any platform of like, where is it worthwhile to attempt to build up your brand I Suppose it is the best to do it. And what's referred to as a Blue Ocean strategy right now, the likes of YouTube It's absurdly competitive. Uh, Twitch is even worse.

They have what's referred to as the Kingmaker algorithm. For those of you who don't know what that means on Twitch If you go to Twitch right now, the people who are the biggest are the people who get even bigger because it's the biggest people who are always featured. And thus it's the King Maker algorithm. So the Kings or the queens of it someone like Pokemon they always get richer.
The rich get richer in the algorithm. That's how Twitch works. So the discoverability is awful, so it's really hard to break through. Yes, you have certain people who join the platform late and got massive uh, someone such as Aiden Ross someone such as Ludwig but they are not the rule.

They're much more of the exception. Um, so right now, when you have less competition on something such as Rumble, you're increasing the odds of you being a breakout channel. Is it guaranteed? Absolutely not. At the end of the day, it always comes down to making the highest quality content that you can.

Which basically means are you entertaining enough people? Um, and inherently always comes back to that. But you can do certain things to kind of change the odds a little bit here and there. Oddly enough, Um, just in, there are fancy schmancy business reports that talk about this type of stuff in terms of platforms and discoverability. Do you guys know what the number one discoverability platform was with the highest discoverability platform? as in if you're nobody, the greatest chance of you breaking out um or I guess the top two I'm curious if you guys know what it was for like last year 2021.

Uh, there's one that I think you guys would know because anyone can go viral on it. Um, and then there's another one that in terms of like just finding people you didn't know about it. Uh, you've told us this before. so in Myspace yeah you guys know Tick Tock and only fans I guess I've told you I forget the cool little secrets that I let you guys in on.

Uh, but yeah Tick Tock and only fans have the or as of recently had the highest discoverability uh Bears or traps spy call is going to print today. all great data coming out. well if that kind of happened yesterday and the market completely vomited yesterday, I wouldn't be trade whatever the price action is I wouldn't be like oh no like it has to go up just because we've had good reports yesterday would be a counter example to that. We had very bullish leaning reports yesterday and the market absolutely vomited.

Absolutely vomited. so I wouldn't you might have a thesis and I like it, but just be willing to throw in the towel if your thesis goes bust. don't hold on to it endlessly. I'm watching you on Rumble and YouTube at the same time.

T-sub That's real support right there. Ultimate Tool Grinder. Sorry for talking about it here, but if you want to hear music that was removed from because of the true spoken, then stuff on my channel only house only hoes. All right.

Uh, so we're about 15 minutes into the day the market popped up and now we basically just sold down. We made it, just made a new intraday low or I'm going flat not really doing anything too exciting AMC not doing too and it ain't going up a little bit. bed bath down. What else do we have Microsoft Selling off Tesla We already have that out there Apple Coming down we could put up Microsoft uh JPM Let's see what some of these banks are doing any high or what was that one that everyone was talking about.
Gns? Uh, so Gns selling off but still up 40 I Wouldn't touch it because it's a penny stock. and penny stocks are penny stocks for a reason. Um, most likely will be a big high-flying high volatility pump scenario eventually leading to a dump. you could play Both Sides Uh, but this is not something I would just arbitrarily invest in.

Uh, the concept of investing in penny stocks is a net losers game. Uh yes, once in a while you're gonna find a diamond in the rough and a penny stock becomes like a unicorn of a company. But if you're just looking at the odds, it is a net negative expectation. You should not be investing in penny stocks.

Penny stocks are great for active trading, for people who really want their like adrenaline pumping and high volatility, and people who like to sit on the edge of their seat all day long with their blood pressure way too high. That's yeah, there is a time and a place for it. but just my general rule is investing in penny stocks. It's a loser to game.

It is uh, genus reminds me of Uranus Matt's only fan is thick cores. Did you check Gns news? ex-fbi Director led the investigation. That's why it's out. Um, yeah.

but okay. so I saw the news I Do I Did read that over this morning and they're doing like, uh, like a naked Shorting Task Force I Get that? But ask yourself. Does that make the business any better? That's not improving? Revenue That's not improving. Bottom line: That might be scaring the out of people who are short and they might be pulling for it, but it is in no way fundamentally improving the company.

Um, so my my point in saying this is that it's still a short-term trade, not a long-term investment. This isn't a better Revenue generator. They're not lowering their costs. It's not in the long term improving trajectory of the company.

it's just screwing with potentially the illegal, nefarious naked shorts right now. So is this a great short-term trade? Most likely both to the upside and to the downside. Um, and I'm not against being an active Trader on it I just wouldn't be an investor that was the same thing with Netflix or not. sorry, someone just said rip Netflix and then I just saw it absolutely dying.

The same thing with Mullen. It was a great active trade that came crumbling down. I told everyone I would be out of it at two separate times right here when it broke below 34 cents and then again when it broke below 32.50 So you could have taken the average at 33. Um, and you would be up serious money right now.

If you listen to me on the first call out, you're up 24. If you were a little bit conservative and waited for the breakdown, you're up 190 19.7 Big pump up big thumb down I mean I Don't I Warned everyone. Uh, endlessly I mean how many times here even streaming did I get into fights with like Mullin lovers? The same thing is gonna end up happening with Bbby I'm telling you guys right now, eventually this will crack. You could use either 355.
You could use 336 as your signal. This is starting to look scary. This is going to crack and vomit. It might lead to a whole nother second push.

Like, of course you could always have multiple pump and dumps. but I'm saying the pump's already in on phase one. The dumps coming. It might have a whole nother cycle of pumping and dumping.

That's completely possible. But the way Mullen went the way Gtii went, the way Clove went. that's about to happen. I I Don't know how like I'm trying to stop people from being bag holders here.

Don't arbitrarily buy this because some ding Dong on Twitter or Reddit or YouTube is telling you it's got a squeeze or is it Scotland Squeeze man I swear I Asked my magic eight ball and it told me guaranteed 100 it's just not gonna. It's just not gonna happen. It's just not play the odds like there's too many people going all in on 7-2 off suit I Love these poker metaphors because it's probably the most accurate thing. Once in a while you're gonna hit a 7-2 off suit.

We saw that multiple times Circa 2021. But also we were in an environment where the deck was stacked in your favor. There were more seven and twos in the deck and that's why we saw things like Gme AMC Doge and Sheba. The environment was way more supportive of bubbles being created.

The deck was filled of seven and twos so it was easier to flop a full house. It just was. Right now, we're going back with the deck that I wouldn't even say it's a normal deck right now. I would say there's less sevens.

there's left less twos. So why are people going all in on 7-2 off suit when it was already bad odds in a normal environment and now the deck is stacked against us? Because we are in a restrictive monetary environment. Money is more expensive, interest rates are up. This is not a good time.

There's a time and a place to be. Whatever kind of Trader investor you want to be right now. it does not pay statistically. This is not the environment to be like.

Oh I'm expecting these like bubble Hi-Fi type of moves. It just isn't it. It'll come again. The market Cycles It will eventually come again.

We just aren't in that right now. If you have the same mindset in 2021 as you do right now, you need to pay attention to what's going on in the bigger overall picture. I Mean it's really, really tough for things to succeed when we don't have low interest rates. People aren't getting stimulus checks.

They're not stuck inside with really not much else to do. We're just in a completely different phase. Uh, hopefully AMC gets back to 30 bucks I Want my money to get the heck out forever I hope it goes back to 30 as well I hope it goes back even higher. Matt You talk about playing poker? where do you play I usually just play online but I don't play that much I want to play a lot more I actually want to start streaming it and I want to play with you folks? um I'm actually really really interested in like streaming poker and having kind of like Moon gang goonie poker competitions.
um I just need to get it set up and in all reality I need to practice a little bit more uh for a bit there I was like really into it playing it quite a bit but um, just this job and this stream. It's tough to stream all day for what six and a half hours with like not much of a break and then still be like mentally aware enough to like play poker at the level. I would need to after your recommendations yesterday I Tried Crack for the first time I Gotta say, totally lived up to the hype. I'll probably never give it up dude.

happy to hear it! Why what do you do when you're caught in AMC and don't want to sell at 52-week lows asking for a friend, sell covered calls against your position until you lower your cost basis to, um, break even? Uh, that's something that's like really not talked about if you're bag holding something that you don't want to get rid of, you sell covered calls against it. Um, it's slow going, but if you're doing that week over week, month over month, whatever time period, you will eventually get your cost basis to break even sell cover calls. especially on volatility pops because then you're going to get more premium. You don't just have to sit there and or you could hedge it in so many ways.

If you have shares and you're low in your cost basis and you really think it's going to keep falling, you can get puts. Who cares. Um, you can do other things I mean I wouldn't double down on my current position I wouldn't go like oh okay I have shares. So I'm gonna hedge it by buying calls I Know there's some people in the community that think buying calls on top of shares is hedging.

Please understand that those people have, like, actually like a worrisome level low IQ like I I Can't be more clear about that. There are people who some of you might be tuning in here and you're like, wow, that's crazy. Um, and it is crazy. There are people with the following who think that it is okay to hedge your shares that you own by buying calls or vice versa.

You have calls. All hedge it by buying shares. Those people are moronic. It is actually painful how stupid they are.

and they're also just liars and are going to blow up. And they're not traitors at all. But that's not hedging. That is in no way hedging.

There are a couple tools at your disposal, mainly through the world of options where you could collect premium. you could sell cover calls against your position. Um, you could do a classic wheel strategy. You could start by selling puts and cash securing.
and if you end up with more, get even more covered calls and sell those. Um, but to lower your cost basis. You're pretty much talking about lowering premium if you. It's a little bit more risky, but if you have a core position and you think it's still going to drop, you could hedge that by getting puts.

That's another tool that's at your disposal. Obviously, that's higher risk because if you're wrong, you might end up losing on the put. and you could be in a worse situation. Or if you're right, you could end up really lowering your cost basis.

Uh, you're saying I'm stupid. Only my mom calls me stupid and my cousin well also my sister would. That's it bro. Blush on what you're saying Theta Gang is overdue for a fat L and I'm only here because the pickle man is offline.

Who the the pickle man there's a pickle man on YouTube What does he do? Uh. Speaking of the old strategy, this might be an opportunity to do a little something something. Uh, do A little something something. do just a little something something.

Um, all right, yeah. Strategies: getting prepped. Remember First Trade is allowed Post 10 am host 10 a.m which we are coming up to. and the strategy I would assume would be very interested in buying the current dip, but we're gonna find out in about two minutes.

about two minutes. Tickle Me Timbers. They're talking about me. but I'm gonna run with it.

They're not talking about me I think they are talking about you. Pickle Me Timbers Pickle Man is the cousin of Cucumber Boy. Uh-huh uh-huh foreign I'm just waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting because I think we might be able to get into an interesting trade here soon. Uh.

Gns making a recovery Netflix People are not the most stoked about its earnings I guess tonight? Uh Tesla On the other hand, making uh pop cup potentially handle maybe a double rejection here which could lead to a handle you're looking for. that higher loan could have a nice pop off of that okie doke. Uh, in 50 seconds I'll be able to start to see what the strategy is up to. Rumble Viewers piece: Sitting down.

Is that true? That is a a bold statement. A bold, bold statement. Where are we at? Okay, uh Am I Mentally ready for today? Am I Ready Am I Ready Be the market. They're more afraid of you than you are of them.

Be the market. Be the market. All right. I'm ready.

Let me read this. Don't be A that's the the note I wrote for myself to trade better. So there we are there. We are there.

We are there. we are. What A What a message. What a message.

Well this is exactly why I say wait for 10 a.m because I would have gotten caught up in this pop and then I would have got smacked hard and then I would have been really really mad. Really really mad. Oh brother oh brother oh brother oh brother. just setting things up.
Now that I'm mentally prepared for the day, but we'll see how this one goes. We'll see how this little ditty ends up playing out. just waiting. The robot's waiting.

Really, what the robot is waiting for is for the Spy to start looking like Gns where it's sold off and then it starts to swing back around and ideally it'll go long and then swing back around if I coded it properly which is a a big Capital if because when it comes to me coding it's it's a little bit suspect that's for sure. Definitely a little bit suspect. How many of you are in Gns right now? like how many of you are full-on degenerates out of my own. Do I really want to ask this? or am I just going to get angry? All right I'm gonna ask it how many of you are in Gns? how many of you are currently either long or short or getting enticed by the craziness of this stock? Jeff Miller Turning Point Studio You guys are nuts I Hope you crush it I Really do I hope you make a disgusting amount of money.

Oh I should check in on the market internals. Ooh the market internals are pretty freaking bearish. actually. interesting.

I'm a little worried. Is this going to be the turnaround? Why didn't the algorithm go long? Why is my slave trading robot Why Didn't it go long? It was. anger. Anger intensifies.

What is it looking for people? This robot can never be satiated. It just can never be happy. What's its deal? Man, what's its deal? Why you didn't do it? Uh, doesn't know something. We don't tell us your secrets old man.

Matt should have a hell of a lot more like oh thank you John hey yeah, if you haven't already, this is your reminder. Hit that like button. If you want Kuduri's kids to have food today, Uh, we need more likes. We need more likes.

We need more likes and it's not for me. I Know a lot of the times you might just assume it's because of like it supports the algorithm and gets this video out to more people. and yeah, uh, for some of the time that's true, but for other times it's the fact that we're not going to give Kudri's children young, young children, all 18 of them any food you're at 365. the them eating is at 500.

124 more of you need to hit that like button and where are we at? like don't even get me started on Rumble I mean we're 3K over here 3K over here and 119 of you hit it. Oh, they're definitely going hungry today. It's on your, it's on your head. It's not me.

Uh Rumble Released this TV app for its subscription platform locals PR Newswire Whoa. Rumble releases TV app for its subscription platform. Let me find that it's a little interesting, a little interesting. I bet usually they would tweet that out right.

uh. Rumble All top three training videos on Rumble in the last 24 hours were sports related. Whoa! Well, they had that that power slab thing hang on I Want to see what Rumble's been tweeting about? Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Update: If you live outside the U.S you can watch Power Slap on Rumble here. Update: After slap is live gonna be tuned into Dana Winds power slab 10 pm on TBS after slap 11 pm only on rum.
We'll go check it out. Do the power slap thing I Guess the numbers were just nuts. Massively popular, massively popular. All right.

Hey, Any thoughts on feelings for Netflix today tonight. the numbers will right now intraday the number. The price action on Netflix is not looking good I Don't really have much of a thesis of it usually I like okay, for example I like to see kind of like the bellwethers of an industry and then I use that to predict like the remainder of earnings season. So for example I wait for Delta report on earnings and then I assume United and American and JetBlue and Southwest will all do roughly the same.

So Netflix is the first major like kind of tech subscription play. so I use this one to kind of Base My thesis on the following ones like right now on Netflix I don't have much of a thesis um Market's been trending downwards so that definitely can't be good for Netflix Just um, when the economy is a little bit tighter when eggs are being bought like for nine dollars a dozen. Um, that doesn't tell me that people have like too much extra like just disposable income so that can't be good. But also we know recently that they are now trying to launch like their ad tier program so they might have an interesting update about that.

Um so I think it's kind of anyone's guess right now I have no special thesis on Netflix I'm going to be using the success and or failure of Netflix in the last quarter to kind of use that as like just my barometer for the upcoming earnings. So I'll be paying attention to it without a doubt, but definitely not playing it. Uh, someone is asking for the numbers on Gns here. Let me see if Vortex has them.

Uh, Gns Gns Gns Gns order filled. Oh hey. Robot went long. Robot went long.

People alert the presses. All of the presses. Every single press you can find yourself on. Uh, just went long on the S P 500 at an average price of 28.

Um, so if you're watching the Es, it went long at 28. currently trading at 26. let's hope it didn't buy a fake out breakout. But okay, cool, that's where we currently are at.

What's it Risking? Okay, yeah, the risk. Remember yesterday how

2 thoughts on “Power hour will the stock market crash?!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thee Robby says:

    good work, mark!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mikeyjudo says:

    I like the longer streams

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