r/DankMemes: The Fight For Memes (Kohrs REACTS)
SOURCE: Internet Historian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XN57BhyZwk
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Dank memes creativity, the pinnacle of that which represents the human condition. No, no don't touch you'll become retarded too, but there's a problem. Content is being stolen, stolen, stolen, stolen, my god stolen, but who was doing the stolen? Could it have been facebook? Was it? Twitter? Is nine gag at it again? Scientists at the science lab did their analysis, my god it was instagram all along. They were stealing the hard work of redditers and posting it on their own instagram profiles in reaction.

Snarky posts cropped up all over the subreddit, but the question is: why would instagram do it? Why why well? That was simple money and internet street cred, while the people on reddit were working hard for upvotes. The chads from instagram would stroll in take the hottest, toughest content and repost it for likes and follows many of these stolen meme theft. Accounts were growing to hundreds of thousands of followers and once large enough could call up sponsors and sure enough. They were living it up.

Easy on fat bred stack street off the backs of reddit. The redditors looked at instagram, then back at their up points and gold stickers and decided that something had to change. They had to put a stop to the instagramers. Stop right.

There, criminal, scum, i'm confiscating your stolen goods. They went to war. The good fight started with some whining and complaining other subreddits joined in on the complaining too. It was extremely ineffective, so they tried asking the mods for help, but as usual, they were too busy.

So they tried petitioning instagram uh. No, they realized they needed to scheme harder thinking. Gas first idea guys, let's just stop making memes, then there'll be no content to steal. No good, then we'll have to find something to do.

On a friday night, i'm gon na jump in there and masturbate sick a night they threatened to, unlike the egg, but they couldn't do that because blackmail is highly illegal. Third idea, start rotating the images that'll be pretty inconvenient, but the instagram thieves found a cunning workaround. Finally, a good one: let's stretch everything out really long. Instagram has strict criteria on height to width ratios, so everything will end up either way too zoomed out to read or bits will be cut off, bonus points for putting the punchline at the very top or bottom.

This kind of work, but the idea was cancelled when it proved too annoying for reddit as well. Eventually, they stumbled upon the greatest and most obvious idea: watermarks it needed to be direct with a pang of ironic cringe and most of all, really obnoxious at first, the results were phenomenal and a few instagram accounts were even publishing images with the watermark still on them, And being called out in response, instagramers started cropping out the watermarks and in fact the instagram is one up. They created a website that automatically removed the watermarks outrageous again reddit got to thinking if a static watermark is too easily removed. How about a moving one, although not everyone could make these gifs and instagramers, could still just take a screenshot anyway.
Fine try taking a screenshot of this, but this idea failed too. The seizures just weren't worth it fine! How about a massive watermark that covers the whole thing you like that, but they removed those two fuck it how about no transparency at all, they said, but this was also really annoying for the subreddit. Then one redditor did the biggest thing of them all. What if we made the memes out of watermarks if they remove them, then there's no content at all and in the meanwhile an ingenious scheme was being hatched to subvert the online watermark removers.

This user made a website that purported to remove the watermarks, but actually it just added more then he added google analytics, so he could get a snapshot of who was using the site and where most of the traffic was coming from. By now, things were hitting their peak and then a little plot twist happened is that an original meme from instagram being published on our dank memes did redditch steal from instagram wait a minute. Reddit has been stealing from twitter for years. Wait! Wait, wait! Is everyone just stealing from everyone else? Uh? Yes, uh! Yes, they were and with that revelation interest quickly moved on to more pressing matters.

The upvote button is orange. No, it's red orange red! This means war. Sin all right. This time, i'm going to take the patrons much more seriously.

Oops almost forgot the uh end card video there uh. Why settle for one? That's what that's what i always say. Oh plus, my social media can't forget that uh, the insta grabbing of r slash dank means um. This is internet historian.

That is that's phenomenal. That is absolutely phenomenal.

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