Sad Money w/ Matt (Crying In The Shower Special)
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00:00 Intro
01:29 Sad Money
05:15 The Markets
06:46 S&P 500 Slips
07:37 EZ $1,000,000
09:41 Barn Burner Strategy
11:59 CZ Sued!
15:12 Apple
19:54 +$75,000,000
22:55 Oil Trims Gains
23:23 The Week Ahead
24:00 Seasonality
25:00 What I'm Trading

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RISK WARNING: Trading involves HIGH RISK and YOU CAN LOSE a lot of money. Do not risk any money you cannot afford to lose. Trading is not suitable for all investors. We are not registered investment advisors. We do not provide trading or investment advice. We provide research and education through the issuance of statistical information containing no expression of opinion as to the investment merits of a particular security. Information contained herein should not be considered a solicitation to buy or sell any security or engage in a particular investment strategy. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I'm part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future.

Folks folks, folks, it's not a joke anymore. when you call me thick cores I mean let's let's take a look. Can you guys see this? Can you see these? These ham? these ham hocks? These thighs. You see these.

uh oh, that's some. that's some girth to it folks. these are some serious ham hocks of thighs. That's the left view right there.

These are. these are not skinny jeans. A lot of people accuse me of trying to be in my girlfriends like jeans I don't these are normal I don't know. like Lucky Brand or something I just have big thighs I'm thick I'm just trying to spread a little bit of awareness of like thick thigh.

Fashion matters too. Okay I see a lot of the fashion industry. it's going for all these skinny thighs and people who have what is it like called thigh gaps and all that. Hey, I think we need to produce our own anti-skinny thigh fashion movement? That's just my thoughts on everything.

So I'm just trying to speak to the 80 of you who come here for my fashion invite. Oh brother, oh brother oh brother. Welcome to the macros. Live! Power Hour Stream for Today Monday June 5th and what a turnaround of a day we had.

Boy oh boy am I excited to explain kind of what happened. A lot of it relates to Apple but there's some other interesting news today such as Binance being sued by the SEC. So I want to talk about Binance I Want to talk about Apple I Want to talk about what to look forward to for the remainder of the week, but more specifically tomorrow. The seasonality, the announcements, the earnings, all of that good jazz.

And if you've been paying attention to the locals Community where I post my trades, especially things that happen when I'm outside the stream, you're going to know that I'm in a big position right now so on stream this morning I got into spy puts and it came real close to my break level, but then it was just kind of coasting there because it was coasting there. I was like might as well double down because if it pushes at all, well, that just means I cut and I take a little bit large of a paper cut, but a paper cut nonetheless. But then if I'm right and if things vomit, well I lower my cost basis, increasing the odds of me going into the green. And if you haven't seen the market today, it ended up vomiting the classic by the rumor sell the news related to the Apple event.

Now if you haven't been paying attention to the Apple event at all, the big announcement was the AR VR headset, the Apple Vision Pro with a hefty Hefty price tag of 3.5 000. Yes You heard me right, 3.5 000. Which just to give you a little bit of a comparison there, Meta AKA Facebook their newest one. the Metaquest 3 is around 500, so it's about 7x the cost and at first there was a lot of anticipation going into this Apple event.

I mean look at Apple just building up, building up, building up and then by the time they got underway, look at 1 Pm. look at 1 30. The event started at 1pm ET Apple just vomited from 185 all the way down to 179. We're at 179 and some change right now.
So crazy things going on. Unfortunately I'm looking at my screen right here and I see Nvidia popping which does not make me feel good. but what I'm more so interested in is seeing how the Spy finishes out today because I have about 50 spy puts that I am not swinging overnight so we're gonna spend the next 29 minutes not only going over the biggest news of the day, understanding what we need to pay attention to for the rest of the week, but also it's just going to be position management for me. I had 60 I unloaded 10 Yes, that's on locals.

If you're not on locals yet, sign up It's pinned to the top of chat. it's in the description of the video and my play right now in Tesla It was fully documented there also with my current Target play also with my current and video play also with my current Netflix play all on Locals If you're at all interested in my thought process my ideas and you can also feel free to share yours. It's not just a setup where I'm like oh, this is what I'm doing this one I'm doing you're people call me out when I like hey I Don't agree with your thesis. you can post your trades.

There's so many opportunities in the market that I like this concept of having a community come together and just kind of use each other as a sounding board. It's not really like follow my mind, Follow me. Follow me. Follow me.

It's not like that kind of a thing where you're like you're not going to survive in training if you're just like blindly following someone. It's more so to give a little bit more of an in-depth understanding of not only my thought process, but other people within the community of what they're looking at, what their reasoning is. Uh, so I Highly recommend you all check it out if you want to try out the premium version for a month for free. Just use the code goonie, G-o-n-i-e and you'll get one month for free.

Make sure on your monthly not on annual, but honestly it's only a hundred dollars for the year. I Think any of these individual trades have the ability to pay for decades of you being a member of this I Intentionally priced it very very very cheaply. So once again, It's pinned to the top of Chat. It's in the description of the video and with that being said, let's rock and Roll.

Here's a little look you see at the market. At first we came down and then when we started to bounce, that's when I got into my puts roughly then it kept going and going and going and I was targeting the intraday high and as you can tell right around the lead up to the Apple Store I was like uh oh, we're like kind of at my cut level. Fortunately I didn't have to sweat that long because as you can see with Apple here, it very quickly became a buy the room or sell the news. People were buying the stock up not only the equity itself but also call options in anticipation of what this event was going to be.
And at least from a market perspective, it was not what the anticipation expected. It did not exceed anticipation and that's why Apple fell from 185 all the way down to 178 bouncing right now. roughly a dollar fifty. and obviously when that happened Apple Being the biggest company trading in the U.S market, it's when there's a big vomit in Apple.

There's going to be a big vomit in the overall Market Unfortunately for me, side note: uh Nvidia is popping right now I don't understand why but that's going to be ahead headache for tomorrow but I am feeling good about the target position so this is a quick overview of like what's going on and I somewhat need to monitor this just because I do have a position. myself like I said I have 50 puts that I need to scale out of with all of you but I'm gonna try to do that I'm trying to show you how I'm multifaceted. Not only can I ideally manage my account, but I want to give you an update of what's going on. So if you enjoyed this type of thing, if you enjoy talking about the most recent news stocks option Futures Cryptos, this is your place.

Hit the like button. Don't forget to subscribe. Welcome to the Mac Coors Live show And with that being said, let's rock and roll the S P 500 slips after touching new nine month high. Once again, this related to Apple hitting a new all-time high.

Briefly, it was valued over three trillion dollars. I didn't say million I didn't say billion I said Trillium As of now, it isn't because it's vomiting the way I get when I'm on a roller coaster, especially one that goes backwards but it is not looking good in too close. The anticipation did not match the announcement and when you have a mismatch like that, usually some pretty brutal things happen. But before we get into the nitty-gritty of what you need to know about Apple and also binance getting sued by the SEC and things like Cardano Solana BNB all being declared officially a security at least that's what the SEC is pushing for I Figured let's turn it over to some of the experts to let you know what you really need to know about business and wealth and making money.

Uh, as always I Love these Tick Tock experts. So I want you to write this down. Anyone listening? Write this down and you'll see how easy it is to make a million dollars. You ready write a write a one and then write times 1 million.

Okay, write that one times one million. Now write 10 times a hundred thousand. Now write a hundred times ten thousand. Now write a thousand times a thousand.

Now write ten thousand times a hundred. Now write a hundred thousand times ten and then write 1 million times one. Now this is how easy it is to make a million dollars. Ask yourself this question: Do you have any product or service right now available to you that you can get one person? Look at the top top of that list that you can get one person to give you a million dollars for? No.
Okay, go down. Cross that one out. By the way, now go down. Do you? Do you have anything that you could sell 10 people for a hundred thousand when it comes to selling courses online which is what I help people do I do that exercise all the time because when someone says how much should it be I don't know how much you're trying to make you know I'm trying to make you know a million dollars a month.

Okay, you want to make a million dollars a month, No problem. Put one times a million, ten times a hundred and you do that exercise and somewhere along the line. dude, do you have anything and you might have to get to? Do you have anything that you can sell for ten dollars? Yeah. I got.

And then they you can see them change like they believe that. Ten dollars? Yeah. I Got something worth ten dollars? Great. You just need to sell it to a hundred thousand people.

Just a hundred thousand? Uh, Massive. Applause To that business genius for explaining rudimentary math to us. If you want to become a millionaire, all you have to do is sell one thing for a million dollars. or just sell a million things for one dollar each.

This is the kind of stuff that I'm just worried they don't teach you at war in business school. or Harvard Business School or Stanford Business School that's the kind of stuff that you can only get on Tick Tock So I feel honestly just honored to be able to share that with all of you. But nonetheless, the fun doesn't stop there. I Know some of you are here a little bit more for trading insights and don't worry I Found a gang Buster A barn burner of a trading strategy for all of you two years you did How much? 450 sounds too good to be true.

Describe that strategy. So on the SP If something sounds too good to be true because it is, just want to clarify that. Why? Which is the S P 500 You buy the call 30 days expiration. Okay, when it's open and these are trading days.

when it's open 20 trading days, you roll that so you CL you would close that out and buy the next one 30 days out and then continuously do that. You would take profits at 50, pick profits at 50, or if you don't hit 50, then you roll it how far out of you you place in the strike prices Delta is at the money, buy an at the money call, hold it for 20 trading days, roll it or sell it at 50 cable and that is using the market drift Because of how money flows into the marketplace, the bias in the marketplace is that it's going to go higher so you get that natural drift. What do you call this trading strategy? No. Colorado Call roll S P 500 call roll.

Fun Fact: I am such a douche that I looked into it I back tested it. It barely worked, barely worked I'll give it to him. it was a green strategy technically depending on how you managed it in 2021 when the Fed, the Central Bank was shoving money into the system incessantly. But if you look at 2022 and thus far in 2023, you would have blown up.
This guy of making over one thousand percent return. He is nothing but a liar. It is too good to be true because we can go back and look at it and we know no way with this one. Oh, it's the drift of the market as you're playing 10-day Windows you're like oh okay I buy every 30 days out and 20 days ago I Roll bullshit, bullshit, bullshit bullshit.

This guy is such a liar I Love how he's at a conference. He's so full of it, comically full of it. Do Not try this strategy because you will lose money the this. You can see it.

This isn't opinionated. If you do this strategy which is easy to back test, you will lose money. You can see the stats for yourself. You will blow up.

Love it. So we learned something from two Geniuses today and now I Guess we get a little bit more into somewhat of, uh, the boring aspect of it which is really just the major news of the day. So hang on, let's rip through it because it is kind of interesting. SEC shoots Binance and CEO Zao CZ for breaking Securities rules Regulators say firm operated, unregistered Securities Exchange Binance also accused of improperly selling crypto tokens seems significant news of this action from the SEC Okay, the allegations are significant.

This is probably the most anticipated enforcement action from the SEC involving a crypto company and one that I think folks have been waiting months to see. I haven't had a chance to review the whole complaint it just hit. But we do know that the SEC alleges things like co-mingling and customer funds like we saw uh, co-mingling of customers funds taking a page out of the FTX Risk Management book TX allegations. Uh, Also, you know the U.S entity of Binance, which has long claimed that it walls off U.S customers from Uh from accessing the international site.

Uh, you know the SEC seems to be alleging that that was not. In fact, the case or the controls weren't sufficient. Uh, interesting to also see it go towards litigation rather than a settlement. So that's the big crypto news of the day.

and it looks kind of crazy. co-mingling and diverting funds. CZ himself allegedly personally received 62.5 Milli from one of Binance's bank accounts between October 22 and January of 23.. this whole co-mingling on funds.

it was kind of The Smoking Gun in the FTX case and it looks as if this might just be the world of crypto right here. If you want to look at SM deal, Uh, just to check it out: Steven Deal SM Deal Uh. Kind of an interesting write-up but some of it is wild. Uh, Binance is vertically integrated stack of conflicts of interest built around regulatory avoidance.

First, Binance and Bam Training under Zao's leadership and control have unlawfully offered three essential security: Market functions: exchange, broker, dealer and Clearing Agency. Defendants nevertheless chose not to register so they could evade the critical regulatory oversight designed to protect investors and markets. Obviously, it just gets a lot more damning than that unlawfully engaged in unregistered offers of sales and crypto asset Securities including Binance's own crypto assets called BMB and B USD And then this ends up spreading out to Cardano to Solana to Matic to Polygon. It's just not a good situation.
So as you might expect, crypto is taking a large hit. Bitcoin drops below 26k after SEC Sues Crypto Exchange Binance uh, just led to a straight vomit I Mean you could pretty much pinpoint when the news came out because boy oh boy, was that quite the fall. So if you're looking at crypto and wondering what the bloodbath is all about, it's because of the ooh, Bior is breaking down. Maybe that's the opportunity to finally play it.

Uh, it's just because the giant bloodbath, giant bloodbath related to the SEC suing Binance and accusing them of very, very, very similar things that right now is being alleged against. FTX So I want everyone to be in the know of that current situation Apple hits record high ahead of VR Headset unveiling. Yeah, that didn't last long. Apple at one point peaked just below 185 184.95 That's where we peaked.

and then when we got underway because remember the announcement started at one the Wwcd the worldwide what Is It DC Developer Conference 23 so Wwdc23 Um well it was going good until the very start. Lots of anticipation and then like I said if you put me on a roller coaster and we start going backwards, an absolute vomit Fest So what was the situation? Why Why Why why Why Why? What's the Tldr of Day one? This is a full week adventure so everyone knows and now my computer is frozen. There we go. Apple Just announced its first major product since 2014.

The Vision Pro for 3.5 K This is what it looks like right there. There's a mode where you can kind of see the person's eyes, but obviously I don't think they would see out all the time. Um, they're pairing up with unity. they're pairing up with Disney This is kind of a look of what you would see.

Apparently you could watch a big TV Apparently you could play video games. Uh, obviously it's pretty pricey. I Don't know if the average person is like, you know, even gonna attempt to make 3.5 thousand dollars worth it, but who knows. Maybe you start with the high-end luxury item and then if the popularity is there, maybe you make more affordable options.

Um, they did try to talk about AI because right now every company is just trying to sneak AI into the conversation. because if you do, it could lead to a pretty sizable pump. and at one point it did. This pump right here at 215 was right when the CEO was talking about integrating AI Obviously it didn't hold on for long because we just quickly vomited from there.
So yeah, no. obviously pretty freaking brutal of the situation. Apple Hitting an all-time high in anticipation and this is exactly why we have the saying buy the rumor, sell the news But regardless, Zuck Watching this presentation because obviously they've been in this a little. First, they try to do VR and they have a new Meta Quest 3.

Price around 500 and just steep competition for Meta now. But obviously it does appear as if they're targeting two different market segments. Why Apple is diving headlong into Metaverse. Which is a very fair question because we all kind of know that it didn't work and now why are they doing it? The Metaverse isn't dead.

A new active study says that this is the time for development and investment. Zuckerberg refuses to give up on his vision Apple's about to enter the space. Check out highlights from Activates Metaverse report below. So it's actually kind of saying yeah.

Like maybe we're kind of like crapping all over it as a silly idea, but apparently their study is saying actually it has legs and more. So we just need to improve the technology to a level where it becomes a little bit more popular, a little bit more affordable, and a little bit just more user friendly. So I don't know, Do I think that AR VR is going to be here to stay? I do. But I think we're just pretty early on like I don't think it's going to be a thing that we're all like using it in the next year or two or three and just like using it all the time all the time.

No, I mean me when I put on those goggles I get seasick like I get Motions like I suppose? Well I get some sort of sickness that makes me want to vomit and they're uncomfortable on your face. they're kind of heavy and then you have those lines and it's just weird pressure. It's not a thing that like I'm just gonna sit there and be in it for hours. that's just me.

Maybe you feel completely different, but for me, the product is not there now. but I totally can see in the Future How It actually becomes quite a bit more popular if they fix some of these evident issues. And now with uh, a rise in competition between Meta between Apple and I'm sure other players are going to get into the game. Didn't Microsoft have those like Hollow lenses or whatever.

Uh, it's gonna get better. This is like one of the like the benefits of capitalism of when you have increased competition. You get better products for ideally a cheaper cost. So is it going to happen overnight? Absolutely not.

in the short term. I'm more bullish on AI just because I think there's already things that AI can do right now in real time. And once again, another thing that I truly believe is going to improve, improve, improve. But as things stand, it is an interesting decision.

But maybe you just have to do it because you need those years of development. So I'm not necessarily going to knock Apple for this one. and if anyone has money to spend on R D it's Apple Uh so I I think it's just gonna take a while for this effort, both financially. Human Resources Even announcements like this I think it's going to just take a while for it to actually pay off, but I do believe in the long term it will pay off.
Speaking of paying off a Wall Street Trader made 7.5 Milli windfall on a suspiciously timed investment ahead of a surprise debt limit deal concession. Stop me if you've heard this one before, but it sounds like politicians are kind of giving out some of their info. a little bit of their insights that are leading to some amazingly timed trades. Here's the Tldr as part of the debt ceiling deal.

One surprise concession that made it into the bill was the approval of the Mountain Valley pipeline, a 304 mile natural gas connection from northwest Virginia to Southern Virginia What's interesting about West Virginia is the senator who sits there? A pet project of West Virginian Senator Joe Manchin that just mired into Congress The law forces action on permits that should push the project forward. However, there was no public reason. Once again, there was no public reason to believe that the pipeline was in the deal at all. Which makes the actions of one mystery Trader who made a killing on its inclusion somewhat suspicious.

So was this directly a politician not that we know of right now. The identity of the person who's up almost 8 million dollars is currently unknown. but I think this is getting enough uh, media attention that it's probably going to end up being looked into. Shares in Equitrans Midstream Corporation were down 35 last year on May 24th.

a few days before an agreement was struck. A mystery Trader bought a hundred thousand call options essentially bets on the stock increased. We all know that we're all degenerate option Traders on Equitrans midterm. Then on May 27th, the debt deal including the Mountain Valley pipeline was struck.

Following the announcement, Equitrans Midstream shares jump 49. Not a bad percentage jump when you have a hundred thousand call options. From the looks of it, the BET earned the trader 7.5 million as of last. Friday the options are still outstanding, so the number could grow in the event that Equitrans Midstream continues to Rally.

That kind of perfect timing is, needless to say, fishy. The deal on Mountain Valley was Kept Secret up until the debt deal was announced. Some are suspicious enough that they want an investigated for potential Insider training of course it is. No one's throwing down that kind of money if they're not a sure bet like this is insane.

No I was like yeah I'm feeling kind of good, especially when there was no public reason. This wasn't something that like oh, we're kind of connecting the deal, this was us. It paid big. Obviously someone should be looked into.
Equitran said neither they nor any Executives were involved in the transaction Mansion himself said he knew nothing about the options trade. Yeah right. I'm calling baloney on that one and I just think there was a little bit of information that was released to someone who apparently knew how to use it well, but in the blink of an eye making 7.5 million absolutely crazy. The other thing I want you to know about for today: oil is up.

It recently bounced off of 67 currently trading in the realm of 72-ish oil trims gains as Traders wait for OPEC plus cuts to materialize So this is all over the weekend. OPEC was meeting in Vienna and basically Saudi Arabia said hey, we're going from 10 million barrels a day and in July we're going down to nine so cutting. Supply Obviously if demand stays the same price going up so just want to throw that on your radar for any one trading oil itself or oil related companies. Now looking forward tomorrow in terms of Market events NADA NADA NADA NADA Goose Egg zero.

Nothing scheduled in terms of Market events for Tuesday June 6th. However, there are earnings uh, before the Market opens if you want to play Cracker Barrel after the market closes Dave and Buster's no other companies that I've heard of. Later this week, we do have GameStop and Campbell's and then uh, Friday this week we get Neo before that on Thursday we do get DocuSign feel free to screenshot this or just go to at E-whispers Uh, definitely an account worthwhile to follow. Now from my very short term people, what I want you to know about tomorrow is the seasonality.

This is just testing. over the past 25 years worth of data, the Bulls have wanted to stay 56 percent of the time. Slightly better than flipping a coin. The Profit factor is 1.79 Every dollar spent has returned to 1.79 over the past two and a half.

Decades of buying and open selling it close. This is for the Futures Market but it's basically tied to the Spy or the SPX so play the market you want accordingly. Obvious. Basically, the bias is leaning bullish.

And just to give you a little bit of a sneak peek, a little bit of a preview for Wednesday. Essentially the same thing. not absurdly bullish, but leaning in the bullish. Direction and then on Thursday it's flat.

it's neutral. no bias whatsoever. And then Friday and Monday. This Friday leading into money is actually kind of noteworthy, favoring the Bears which is a trade that very much interests me, but we'll talk about that a little bit closer to the time of executing said trade.

Speaking of executing said trades, I Do want to once again. Uh, just talk about the trade from this morning. so on stream this morning. You guys know I got into puts I Want to let you know that? All right? I Posted it here at I ended up doubling down.

uh, blah blah. where was it? Bought some more to lower my average if it pushes from here I'll cut rapidly that was posted three hours ago and then uh, if I were to reload, you're gonna see that here. Let me just reload this so we can see the appropriate times. Um, so it was getting close to my cut.
Point Uh, even after the double down and I held on like a little bit. kind of like really, uh, grinning my teeth you could say. And then finally Apple started to turn which helped the whole Market turn. Um, so I ended up doubling up my position and I did scale out and my average as of right now is 1.22 It's trading at a dollar thirty eight I scaled out a sixth of the position at a dollar seventy five.

So I don't want to carry this overnight I was hoping for a little bit of a puke in a close. it is 353 So I guess it's not just gonna happen. So I'm I guess four. It's like it's a profit.

so I'm not gonna complain. Um I'm not red, it's trading at a dollar Thirty four. My average right now is 1.22 So let me actually hang on all these cancel order I had some orders at two at 225. I was attempting to scale out.

it just never got there. Uh, how do I feel about it? So tomorrow's bias is a bit bullish if we look at the daily chart. Is there any reason for me to swing this? Not really, because we didn't break a day's low. There is now on the Spy downside Gap Bill to almost 423.

so I want to Target that I just don't know if it's happening anytime soon. My Target today ideally was this upside gavil that I'm now expecting to act as support at uh 425.50 So I was looking for that today. Obviously we got as low as 426.37 so I was just not prepared to really do anything at that level. Obviously I should have unloaded more.

so I'm still in the green and I guess I'm just at the mindset of maybe maybe coming back to reevaluate it tomorrow. I was really looking for I mean look at these Wicks just Wicked down Wick down Wick down and it just didn't break in my favor. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, not breaking in my favor. Um, so we're going to see how this goes.

Did I miss the crypto Update: What is going on with Genser still has a job? Yeah Gensler just looking into uh, Binance I don't like I'm not saying cancels should have a job, but I don't know if there's any news today that would prompt them to get out to get knocked out. but uh, based on the current SEC filing you got to be careful with Solana Matic Polygon BMB Cardano Uh, all those potentially being labeled as a security uh with the most recent update of Binance SEC training Securities Running a brokerage, a market maker, potentially co-mingling funds, it is not positive dues. It is not bullish news today in the world of crypto. So please, please please be on the lookout.

Please be on the lookout for that stuff I Want you guys to obviously protect yourselves. Are we going to get a little bit of a sell-off in a close? I Need to watch my time closely because I need to uh I feel like I don't know I could ask you guys. Do you think I should just get out of this and revisit it all tomorrow. Maybe get something a little bit farther dated if I still like the play.
Oh man, what are we trading at I'm in at 122, they're training at 146. All right, let's try to unload 30 of these. So I have 50 right now, we're going to unload 30 of these. Let's just try it at 150.

let's see what happens. Close position. why can't 30. is it going to hit at all? or am I going to get messed up canceling orders, opening orders, doing all that jazz? All right.

It's trading at 145, 143 145. I just put it in an order for 150. Uh I need the opposite of this to happen I need more red I need a sell-off or something I need something I need Apple to not pop I need to spy to not pop Nvidia's showing strength I do have a Nvidia position. it just didn't hit my wrist yet.

My risk was today's high of 186. what I was looking for on Nvidia was this trend line? um I noticed that we opened below it. Then we got this upside Capital then it pushed below and I was like oh man this is actually going below the trend line. Um so I was like okay, cool like that's I was attempting to oh I just got out for 30.

Uh so I gotta have my position at 150. that just hit. uh just hit, just hit you heard the ding from Weeble Um so I only have 20 left I got out of 10 of my 60 at 175 I got out of 30 of my 60 half my position at 150 which is where we're at right now I just don't feel comfortable swinging it overnight. What time is it? 357 I just need to be very careful about this final chunk here.

um I could always re-enter tomorrow I Just don't want to swing it because the Theta every little green bar is like screwing me over because the expiration was June 9th. So uh, just scale selling out, scaling out, scaling out and obviously the entries. if you're curious why I did this my reasoning like I showed you it I Put it all here. You guys get it.

Sign up It's a hundred dollars for a year. It's cheap this trade alone I Don't know how much like you guys could probably do the math of how much I'm up. um, but it would have paid for literally years of you being in here I think it's probably up at least 1K At maybe one point you would have paid for 15 years of being in this I intentionally priced it cheaply. Uh so I hope that helps more of you and am I still on? Netflix Yeah, of course I am that expiration is June uh or Late July excuse me July 21st.

It's not meant to be a day trade or anything like that. All right, we are getting to the final 90 Second warning. Um, all right I'm just gonna see if I could get out of the next at 1 55. I'm placing an order for my final 20 at 155.

Let's see if it hits uh uh. Come on, come on. come on. Hit it.

hit it Hit it, Hit it, hit it, hit it, all right. We have just over 60 seconds to see if this hits. Uh, if it does, you'll hear that. Weeble Ding.
but maybe not 151. Right now it's trading at 152. just need a little 152. Three more cents.

Nope, not happening there. apparently not happening there. orders. Uh, cancel order.

Yes, that was me canceling the order and closed by market order. It'll probably just hit it at 151. Uh, 151.. all right I'm out completely flat.

Uh. and just to show you guys right here, just to show you to keep the honest people honest so you could see my first uh group on spy right here. Uh I had 30. It ended up filling me at a dollar 39.

My limit price was 140. Then I did another 30. I doubled down at 104 so my average was 122. I got out of 10 of those at 175.

I got out of 30 of those at 150 in this final 20. I assume it was like 151 155. so those are my 60 that I got out of. Um so I have none of those right now.

just want to let you know. shown you a little bit of proof of what's going on. Uh, but obviously all that is going to be talked about and more fully detailed in the Locos community. So that's the craziness of today.

I do want to. Obviously, we're watching Apple tomorrow to see how everyone ends up reacting to this because it is wild news. Um I should let you know my current positions: uh, positions, positions, positions Target it puts for June 23rd Nvidia puts for June 23rd Netflix calls for July 21st those are my three live positions uh, respectively down 13, 29 and 5 all are currently down uh Netflix was green today got smacked into closed Nvidia is just a play that I continually lose and lose and lose on. So at least this time around I knew to like size it accordingly.

but those are my three active positions. Uh Target puts Nvidia puts Netflix calls once again, all documented on the locals Community Just the easiest way for me to kind of keep track and keep you guys all. Um, you can still trade options for 50 minutes to the right. Uh, for spy you can, but not from a lot of equities.

Uh, but for the overall, Market you can. Um, that's it. That's it for today. Absolutely crazy day.

Started off very strong, didn't really make sense to me, and then we had a pretty hard Fade Into close able to lock in some money on that and basically pay for what, uh, my current unrealized losses between Nvidia Target and Netflix. but I'm honestly still feeling pretty good about those positions. My target risk is around 133. my Nvidia risk is around 396, probably using today's high I hope that's it.

but I'm really watching the trend line on the daily chart. and then in terms of Netflix my risk is like closer down to where? where are we even on Netflix right now I think it's closer to like 380 or something like that. we're not even. uh, we're at 403.

So yeah, I'm looking for the break and hold above 413, setting up 425-ish then setting up 450 and then we really get ripping above that. maybe 500, but I think it eventually hits it I just don't know if it'll happen within this particular time frame, especially if I think the Market's going to get faded at the end of this week. That'll will be kind of tough for Netflix to battle to the upside. so a couple things to consider there.
but overall, that's what I have for you today if you have any questions. whatever. DM me on Twitter DM me on Instagram DM me on locals and I'll do the best I can to get back to all of you. Uh, we'll be posting some content later on this evening, so make sure I'm both Rumble and on YouTube that you have your notifications on and then from there we will be streaming once again tomorrow Morning 9 A.M Bright and early crack of dawn I Appreciate all the support I appreciate you even spending a second of your day with me.

I hope you made some money and I hope you're ready ideally to make even more money tomorrow. That's what I have for you. Have a great great evening I'll catch you later Peace out.

3 thoughts on “Sad money w/ matt crying in the shower special”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars texan says:

    TikTok is filled up with Dumb shit people. 1x 1M= 1M. Get outta here man!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars m15602 says:

    I am here for the thicc take on stonks. Thanks Matt

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WASABI WASABI says:

    crying in the shower special LOL

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