SEC Probes Ryan Cohen, Major Scam Update & The Week Ahead
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Foreign. Thank you my little brother. Oh brother, my brother, home brother oh brother, Howdy doodly Danny Good morning, good morning, good morning. Welcome back to another episode of the Matt Core Show where I should say the real show, the cat More show TGIF T-g-i-f I Hope you guys are ready for another fun-filled day in life and life in life in life folks! I Don't know about you but I spent the greater portion of last evening yesterday's evening.

uh doing what I do best creating a jungle gym apparatus for my feline friend Piper she is way too small for how big this is I didn't realize how big it was the jungle gym cat toy apparatus which now takes up half my living room and I didn't realize how small she is on a relative basis to it. So that's my life. That's my life right now. I'm just a humble digital fisherman who also builds cat toys.

uh go lines. Yeah, that if you guys missed it. the NFL started yesterday and the lines destroyed. Uh, the Chiefs The chief fan base has to be super pissed off right now.

like I just I I Saw the score this morning and I realized that the Chiefs lost I Don't think that's a prediction that anyone really was confidently behind, but if you happen to be a Lions fan, congratulations to you! Massive, massive, massive, congratulations to you! Um, neither of them are my teams. but hey, I'll I'll support you guys if you're just stoked about it. If you're stoked about it, a couple things to go over today: Uh what? I really really want to do is obviously give you the classic rundown of what's going what's going down. today.

We're going to do a little bit of a global economic review, a little bit of a political update, and then we have some key company updates and then we're going to do some chart review and then when the market gets open and going crazy from there I have some other stories. The Big I guess let's call it retail news of the Day Retail Trading News of the Day is the fact that Ryan Cohen is now being investigated by the SEC for his Bed Bath and Beyond trades now. Does that mean he's guilty? Absolutely not. There's a lot of the times the SEC investigates and it becomes nothing.

So I don't want to be like spreading any falsehoods, but obviously I want to go over the story. I Also, want to talk about, uh, kind of a scam. the scam Update: You guys might have seen the video yesterday with Theo Von and the whole podcast thing and Colin Thompson Well, that company that was buying out whatever the other media company was so theoven was working for a podcast company. The podcast company was being bought out by a bigger podcast company or a bigger media company in general.

and then that one is about to go live is going live. So I'm gonna look into that because the interesting update there I Have a feeling that the Rat King AKA Theo on I think this was actually very intentionally planned for him because I think it's going to end up destroying the debut of this company. so it's smart. I Like the way he fights.
um I Don't think he's ever really thought of or respected to be an intellectual man. a smart man. but dude, he crushed it. He crushed it.

and I think he's going to cause a multi-multi-million dollar like many millions of dollars of a headache. and then on top of that, we're going to be doing some trading. I'm up and going not only with my real account, but also the prop account I've already failed the first one I'm going to be honest with you right now I'm on the new prop account TOP Step and yesterday I was messing around working on some stuff and before you knew it, I hit the draw down limit and so we're on to attempt number two. I Want to be very, very straightforward with all of you.

These things are not easy to pass, so it's a good challenge. It's a good challenge of can you slowly but surely consistently grow without much of a drawdown. It's a very good trading challenge. Um, it's not an easy one to pass by any means, but we're going to be going on to number two of the today.

so we're going to be doing some trading we're talking about Ryan Cohen and we're talking about Theovan's pretty big brain moves recently. so I hope you guys are ready for that I Hope you're ready for a good show and then I hope you are ready to hopefully enjoy some Texas Roadhouse tonight I Hope you're going to Texas Roadhouse with uh, family, friends, loved ones ready to crush multiple baskets of the golden cinnamon butter Paradise those that bread basket. It's something. It's something that really gives strength to the saying of heaven on Earth It really really does.

It really really does. so. uh, I hope you guys get to also be spending some time at a Texas Roadhouse this evening. So with that being said, let's get some coffee in our system.

This is maybe my fourth, fifth or sixth shot of espresso, which is kind of funny that that ever happens. Because then I question I'm like why is my heart rate so high all day and then I realize what I consume and I consume enough caffeine to like kill a horse. So um, I I guess that's my life I consume all the caffeine and then I'm like what was, why is my heart rate higher? This doesn't seem right why. Why does it beat so strangely, But it happens.

It happens. It happens, folks. If you haven't done it already, just to get a couple more people in here if you're watching on YouTube or Rumble destroy the like button I Know it's annoying to remind all of you I Get it. I Get it.

I Get it. But in terms of the algorithms that run our world, this is how this stuff works. So if you're watching right now, if you could, take a quick second, destroy the like button and don't forget to subscribe with your notifications. On the notifications, there's a little bell icon on both platforms.

Click it and turn it to always. just so you know, forever putting out any new piece of content. So with that being said, let's get rocking! Maybe I should get plugged in so I can finally hear you guys. So I can hear what you guys are saying.
A lot of you don't know this, but I actually have, um, all of your homes and offices and cars wherever you watch me and listen to me. I have it all bugged. so I can hear what's going on in your world too. A Lot of people say that it's illegal and it's an invasion of privacy and you shouldn't do that.

It's immoral. but honestly, I think it just shows how much I care about the show I Think it shows that I Really just want to know what's going on in your life as well. So let's not focus on the negatives and the potential laws or just generic Unwritten rules that I might be violating by bugging all of your domiciles. Uh, let's just focus on the fact that I care, You know, Help me help you.

That type of a thing. Help me help you. Uh, and in fact, as I'm doing this, oddly enough, the audio is not coming through the bus right now. Might be an awkward, awkward episode of The Cat More show.

Are they real Pit Viper Sunglasses? um I can't legally discuss that at this moment in time. so maybe in a couple shows we'll we'll reveal some of the the secrets. I just whisper sweet nothings and Bilbo I listen to him every single night. every single night.

All right. here's a little look you see at the market. Oh quick side point: if you're trading on the Futures market and you notice a weird jump in like the S P 500. like if you're looking at Es enqueue Any of that, there was a contract rollover.

So if you were trading the ESU contractor now on the Esz contract, if you're trading the Nqu contract, you're now on the NQ Z contract. In the world of Futures, there was a contract role, so make sure you are trading whatever the appropriate one is. Uh, just so everyone knows it. Like if you're looking at the chart, it looks a little bit messy.

It looks like there was a massive jump up. There wasn't a massive jump up. It was literally just the transfer from the ESU to the Esz contractor. So I just wanted to share that with everyone.

Just so you know, Matt Can you give my son Julian a happy birthday shout out? he's 15. Julian If you're listening right now, buddy, congrats on hitting the big one Five! What's that Sophomore? You must be a sophomore in high school. Dude. sophomore year you know life's gonna go by fast man.

I Hope you crush High School I Hope you crush College I Hope you're having a good day I Hope your dad takes you to a Texas Roadhouse I Hope you're just doing whatever you want to do as a 15 year old. I'm trying to think of what I was doing at 15. probably just really didn't have much of my life together. I'm not arguing I have my life together now.

but I had my life not together in a very different way than the way I don't have my life together now. So Julian if your life isn't together, if you're feeling like you're like what am I doing, um, just understand that that's an aspect of life and like it's not like you're ever gonna get your life together, you just become like more accepting of the fact that that's forever the feeling. So hey, just just keep just keep rocking. Just keep rocking it.
You got it man. you got it. I Guess school just started too. He's probably back in school now.

school's starting up sophomore year. What was I doing in sophomore year? Fun fact? No, never mind. I'm not going to share that story. maybe maybe later.

maybe after a couple sangrias I would share that fun story. but well, we got to get back to the show. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Julian stock future slide on Friday is S P 500 heads for a losing week. So here's the situation on the daily chart.

we sold off, we popped. we put in a lower high and ever since then lower highs, lower lows. Last four trading days in a row, the fact that we gap down recovered. If I were just to read this charting pattern right now, I'd be like okay I think the Bulls have a little bit of the upper hand right now because it did start so weak.

but then they fought it back. So I'll be watching the high from yesterday which were about 55 cents below right now. If we get above and hold above that then I'm watching about a dollar higher 446 and some change and after that I'm watching 448 and some change. So my base case right now and I'm not going to be married to it.

but if I just had to guess right now I would guess on a Green Day I would guess on a bullish day and I'm literally just going off this candle chart. the price, action setup but once again not married to it. I'm just throwing out a guess right there. I'm looking for the breakout in the hold of yesterday's high and then from there.

my first Target would be roughly a dollar higher. Similar situation in the queues. The tech sector has been a bit weaker and the reason it's been a bit weaker is because of Apple and some recent decisions from the CCP and banning Apple and it could be problematic. And that's why not long ago Apple was fighting just under 200 and now we're all the way down in the high 170s.

So a 10 hit. Which when you're the world's biggest company, at least the world's biggest publicly traded company. and I think actually at this point in time it's still the biggest company. Yeah, that that's a lot of money I mean it lost 200 billion dollars very very quickly and we kind of went over that that tweet from morning Brew yesterday of how I think what it was like four netflixes or something like that.

or maybe I don't know, it was just it's massive size I think it's so big that it's actually difficult to comprehend how much money that truly is. So couple things to be paying attention to. One of those is not any announcements today. notice how it goes Thursday September 7th and then nothing here for Friday is because we're not expecting there's no scheduled macro economic announcements now.
Obviously something could come out of the blue, but in terms of scheduled ones, there's nothing that like I think is too crazy I Do want to let you know of what's going on for next week? just want to set you up that on Wednesday we're getting the CPI report the Consumer Price Index that's going to be the next inflation report and obviously those days are absolutely Bonkers so be prepared for that. and then on Thursday we're going to get PPI retail sales. We're going to get some information from the ECB the European Central Bank that's their equivalent to like their Fed So Wednesday and Thursday mid next week look for some craziness. Just wanted to put that on your radar of what's coming down the pipeline and personally I'm excited for it just because I Thought yesterday was absurdly choppy.

It just wasn't smooth training yesterday. So I'm hoping with these kind of developments we can have some nice Trend days because it's those nice Trend days that you make some actual serious money. On that note of CPI the Fed. and if you listen to things like CNBC Wall Street Journal and Fox Business they're saying that a lot of the recent movement is the market trying to digest what will or won't happen with the next rate decision and just rates in general and monetary policy.

And how are we fighting inflation? Are we winning the fight? Are we not winning the fight? blah blah blah blah blah Feds Williams says policy is in good place must be data dependent Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John Williams The reason I'm bringing this up specifically is John Williams and Jerome Powell They're not just colleagues, they're buddies. they're just good old. Pals And really what I'm trying to say is that Jerome Pal, the chairman of the FED very much listens to John Williams So I mean he's not like officially second in command, but it's important to think about that. Uh, lag, lag, lag, lag.

Wait, hang on you guys. Are you guys getting lag? Can you just give me the old reload? If you guys are having lag problems, can you reload in? let me know if the problem is still persisting. Uh, let me see if it's getting broken up on my end. Am I dropping any frames Am I dropping any I Don't think I'm dropping any frames so try to give it a Reload I guess is my number one suggestion.

Um, only it's only on Rumble if you're on Rumble right now. Could you give it a refresh and let me know if it's con persistent? I Think we've gotten monetary policy in a very good place. In terms we have restrictive stance on policy. The New York Fed Chief said policy is having the desired effects of bringing demand and Supply more into balance and easing inflation.

Remember the FED has control over demand, not supply so the supply chain in really globally got completely messed up by Rona and we're actually still seeing some of the like after effects, the aftershocks of that. So to bring it more into balance, they're trying to lower demand because Supply is so hindered. Adding that the FED has done a lot by raising interest rates significantly. At the same time, officials must calibrate policy if needed to ensure they're bringing inflation sustainably down to their goal of two percent.
I Don't understand these I don't know I guess like TV Talking Heads And for whatever reason they're like, maybe we should just make our new Target three percent. It's like who in their right mind is arguing that our base inflation should be more like they're just I mean the Dollar's already been destroyed enough? Do they really want want to just keep devaluing our own currency? I Just don't get it. We'll have to keep watching the data, carefully analyzing all of that, and really asking ourselves the question: Is this sufficiently restrictive? Do we need to maybe raise rates again to make sure that we're keeping the steady progress in terms of shrinking imbalances in the labor market and bringing inflation back down. So it seems like the Fed and this is a fear that they've had clearly for a while.

they don't want to underdo it. Uh, but obviously they don't want to overdo it either, because then we'll have more. Banks Blow Up Don't forget that in this recent debacle of monetary policy and everything else going on, we've had the second and the third largest bank blow-ups of all time. So this is potentially pointing at the fact of the dangers of overdoing it.

We had the second and third largest bank blow-ups of all time and we all agree we haven't even overdone it yet. Imagine what would happen if they do push it a little bit too far. so they're definitely trying to thread the eye of a needle here. That's the whole concept of a soft landing.

and I Want them to pull it off just for your good, for my good, for the world's good good. I For the longest time, truly believe that they couldn't pull it off. But I think the odds of them pulling this off this like very tough situation does continue to increase because we are kind of like smoothly coasting in to really where we need to be now. Uh, 35 Think that you should raise rates, but 45 think it's time to hold.

Uh, this is the Uh. Everything everywhere all at once. Question about the Fed So let me pose it to you. now.

we'll start off right off the top September 20th. Which of those choices would you favor? Well, you know. First of all, it's not the Fomc meeting yet. We still get more data between now and the CPI You know, as I always tell my economics team at the bank we get a lot more of the analysis and and research and you know kind of the forecast coming together so there's a lot more information and thinking, uh, that before this meeting? Of course, before you know future meetings.
But here's how I See things now: Uh, uh. You'll obviously always focus on our dual mandate: maximum Employment Price stability. Inflation is far too high. But that said, inflation is moving in the right direction.

We're seeing the imbalances in the labor market which are really, quite, uh, pronounced. Last year they've been closing job job openings and been coming down the quit rates coming down, the hiring rate in the in the in the markets coming down. So we're seeing movement in the right direction of bringing supply and demand back into balance. Seeing inflation come back towards our two two percent long run goal.

Uh, and we've done a lot. I Think everyone knows you know here in this room, you know we raised Rays significantly over the last year and a half or so and we've gotten into a restrictive stance So My answer to the question is right now: I Think we've gotten monetary policy in a very good place. In terms of we have a restrictive stance of policy it is doing having the desired effects of bringing demand and Supply more into balance. We're seeing inflation move in the right direction, but we'll have to watch the Uh going forward.

We'll have to keep watching the data, carefully analyzing all of that, and really asking ourselves the question, Is this sufficiently restrictive? Do we need to maybe raise rates again To to make sure that we're keeping that steady progress, getting imbalances you know, shrinking balances in the labor market and bring inflation back down. So right now I Think you know things are moving in the right direction. We've got policy in a good place, but we're going to need to continue to be data dependent, watch, watch the developments, and and assess what we need to do. So in terms of what to pay attention to a little bit for today, but more so on the note of the week ahead.

Understand: we get an inflation report next week. We get big updates from Europe next week and we're going to get a stronger indication of really what's going on. uh, at this point I Think: as of next week, we enter into the blackout period because the next Fomc meeting is on September 20th. so they do a blackout period I think two weeks before, so we're probably not going to be hearing much public commentary from Fed members in the very near future.

Ukraine Rips: Elon Musk for disrupting sneak attack on Russian Fleet with Starlink cutoff uh Ukrainian Official slam SpaceX CEO Elon Musk for ordering Engineers to shut off Starlink satellite network over Crimea in order to Thor a Ukrainian attack on Russian warships according to a new biography of Musta's South African-born billionaire asks how am I in this war during an interview with author Walter Isaacson Musk Fear that he would be supporting a mini Pearl Harbor that would lead to a nuclear war according to the book. so I don't know if you like intentionally like if his goal obviously I don't unless you're in his brain or within his like very close cohort there that's kind of crazy in reality to even be forced with that decision of like okay do I want to help this like hardcore attack where people are going to be losing their lives or do I want to stop it and like he's involved anyway because it's him running Starlink and Starlink a lot of his Starling satellites were donated to provide internet to obviously War stricken Ukraine like that's just an overall crazy situation and I guess what I thought about the story or at least I thought was interesting was maybe there was just like generic maintenance and it went down and now they're just blaming him but it sounds like it really was an active decision on his part. So a little bit of a political update there I mean right now we're we live in a world where you don't go one day without hearing from Elon I mean recently he's fighting the ADL that was the news and then before that there's always Twitter news this that the other thing like it's just we don't go a day without Elon being in the news so just wanted to keep you apprised So that pretty crazy situation Disney drops all but free Speech claim and political retaliation suit against DeSantis Disney amended its Federal lawsuit against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to focus solely on the First Amendment claim that the governor politically retaliated against the company Disney last week had asked to drop its other claims in the case because they are being actively pursued in a separate state level lawsuit in Florida It's the latest wrinkle stemming from Disney's battle with DeSantis that began when the company publicly denounced the controversial classroom Bill Dubbed don't Say Gay by critics. so Disney not having the best run of it recently as a stock let me switch this up to the weekly and you can now better see that it's literally at the low from the height of the Rona fear period.
I'm right here we're looking at March of 2020 and then this is also just key levels from the past in 2014. Disney Just getting clobbered like kind of a microphone pattern, higher highs, higher lows playing out over the better part of past decade, but if this gets below and closes below 79, that could be bad. but on the flip side of it, maybe enough buyers come in and they choose to buy it there with like a low risk setup, risking a dollar or two and then if it does catch itself there, you could get a big bounce. So I just wanted to bring this up because from a technical standpoint, we're getting to a very low risk area whether you want to go long or short if you think it breaks down and it pops back above 80 or 80 when you could cut that.

So whether you're bullish or bearish, On Disney I Just want to bring it to your attention because it looks like a pretty solid trade is brewing. Kroger will pay up to 1.2 billion to settle the most Nationwide opioid claims So I don't know I wanted to bring this up because I recently watched some of that Netflix show painkillers I don't know if you guys have been watching that at all. Uh, but it's just talking. Well, it's kind of a dramatized I guess version of just where we got or how we got here and like the crazy story of the family and every I don't know I don't want to give away any spoilers in case you end up watching it.
um, but the fact that that is recently on my mind and then I'm seeing this right here I mean opioids I Recently saw a chart of like opioids Fentanyl and how many lives it takes per year and recently the things are just like off the chart. it's a super super sad thing. I mean it's just as a human, some aspect of our biology and Physiology people get severely severely severely addicted and it ruins their lives in more ways than you could possibly account. And I it seems like the FDA government backhanded deals are like they're very much to blame for a lot of this.

It's just it's actually super super sad. A little bit later on, we're going to be talking about Ryan Cohen and the SEC and I. Guess we could talk about this now. Former FTX Execs: Salome to Forfeit 1.5 Billy pleads guilty to two criminal counts So a little bit of an update on the FTX situation Former: FTX Executive Ryan Salome Uh, pleaded guilty to Federal Campaign Finance and Money Transmitting Crime Salome also agreed to Forfeit more than 1.5 billion as part of his guilty plea in a New York Federal court Salome admitted that from Fall of 2021 to November 22 he made tens of millions of dollars in political contributions in his own name when actually the money came from Alameda research the hedge fund arm of Cryptocurrency Exchange.

FTX those contributions were supported by Ftx's then CEO Sam Bakeman freed. Now with this, he wasn't really taking a political stance because we know this from the finals SPF and FTX in general we're donating to Republicans and Democrats and they were basically trying to buy themselves a get out of free jail card. Now obviously there were more contribution and to the left side of the political aisle the blue side because I believe his parents or maybe specifically his mother kind of had like a very political active group and this that the other thing. But anyway, he was donating to her and then I Don't know if she was technically a pack, but she was within that world of political activism.

so there's a lot of money that was donated and obviously it seems like there's a pretty decent argument that they were paying for people to look the other way, which is potentially why this got so out of hand. I Mean we know this now that Sam Bateman Freed when representing FDX had multiple meetings with Gary Genzler and nothing happened. The chairman of the SEC was meeting with Sam Bateman Freed the CEO and founder of FTX which is arguably the biggest Financial crime that we have ever seen and they didn't do anything about it and it I think it's fair to question of like okay, did it get so bad and go on for so long because of the amount of money that was getting funneled into politics? Were they somehow paying for a bit of protection? Obviously, this is conjecture. it's just a thought, but it's one of those things that if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it, it's probably a duck.
all right. So for today, just because the Market's about to open S P 500 seasonal buys for today Friday September 8th It's leading bullish. Um, slightly to the upside. there was two years there where it took a slight hit, but I would say today's seasonal bias they win about 54 of the time.

The profit factor is 1.38 that's the ratio of gross profit versus gross law, so it's favoring the Bulls. It's not the most bullish day we've ever seen, but today I would be a little bit more bullish by based off of seasonality and then also for today at just this moment in time, looking at the daily chart of the spy and of the SPX and just es like anything tracking the overall. Market I myself am leading a little bit more bullish because of price action, so when I put that together with seasonality, it makes me interested in finding some opportunities to go along today. Five things to know before that stock market bill goes dignity.

Ding ding ding today September 8th TGIF A losing week. Yes, thus far I mean that's what happens when you vomit this hard from Monday or Tuesday and Wednesday remembers the short week. but unless we get all the way back up to 451, it's going to be a red week. Sour apple apple taking a huge hit.

Remember updates and really bans from Chinese government dealer No Deal United for a strong contract GM they did try to give them I believe what was it a 10 wage increase and then they said no. so just we're seeing more unions fight back in court. We just talked about that with FTX Walmart wages Walmart cut the starting pay for employees whose stock shelves and pack online orders. A lot of people are interpreting this as just a weakening economic situation.

Um, and I guess maybe The Waltons Don't want to keep shelling out all the money from their own Pockets But uh Walmart Obviously some updates there, so feel free to check out the stock. Speaking of stocks, let's go through this: So the Spy coming down strong day yesterday I'm looking for the break in the hold above 445.50 That would be interesting to me to go along in terms of the cues a little bit weaker. We know the cues are being more so drugged down by Apple but once again, if it could get above 373 I think that's interesting Apple Upside: Gap Bill to 180 147 Microsoft I Pointed this out yesterday, but it's right at a trendline breakdown, which I definitely find interesting. so watching that.
Oops On that note, Diggity ding ding ding the casino is open. Best of luck to all. Play responsibly and if not, have a bunch of fun. Well, as we're waiting for the market to open up today.

I Do want to bring this to your attention Um, pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video yesterday, it wasn't working but I believe the link should now be working for. TOP Step The prop account that I'm working with. Um, I'm currently trading this I'm now on my second attempt to get this funded. mine's connected to Ninjatrader.

Um, if you don't know what Prop account trading is basically I Like to think of it as the nice in between a paper count where you're not using any real money and then your own account where you're fully funding it. So a Prop account it works. this way. they have challenges that you need to pass and I'm trading on a 50k account.

It's paper money right now and without having a two thousand dollar pull down, you're supposed to get three grand. So I'm trying to go up to 53k without having a two thousand dollar pull down. and there's other rules here and there. But anyway, if you could pass that challenge, then you get funded with actual money and then you can trade with actual money and you enter into a profit sharing agreement with them.

So I'm personally not at that point. I'm at the point of trying to pass the challenge of the quote unquote combine. So I can actually trade with real money, so if that's something that interests you, if you're looking for a nice in between a paper count in your own full funded account, try the prop Challenge. It's pinned to the top of chat.

it's in the description of the video. Um I'm oh uh. recently in last month I that was the first time I ever used a prop account I was like kind of unfamiliar with the world I tried it on a different company and I passed that one and then people were many people were dming me saying hey, you got to try this one The challenge is more difficult and they just happen to like the prop account like that company a bit better. So I figured I would give it a whirl so check it out pinned to the top of chat if you click on that it's associated with me so you're gonna get like a 50 off deal and then on top of that I just did a reset and the reset was even 50 cheaper.

So I think if you go through it you should be getting a similar deal. So just testing out the differences. I'm by no means some like prop like expert. This is literally the second prop company I've ever used.

um I just I'm by no means an expert I'm just testing it out to see what it's all like. I don't know. Maybe I'll like it more, maybe I'll like it less. We'll see how it goes.

Uh, here's Apple What which do you guys want up today? Uh, do you want do you want Apple AMC has been getting absolutely slaughtered I Was listening to another AMC space call yesterday and it just it blows my mind how far off-based people can be from reality at a certain point, we have to accept that that move to 72 was like the major money making move. and could it have gone higher? Yeah, Because you never know the next, You never know the next, movement, you never know the next bar. But in retrospect, with hindsight bias like benefiting us with like Monday morning quarterbacking, that was it. That was clearly the move to make major money to the upside.
And then obviously, if you were shrewd with your trades and like had enough balls, you could have shorted it down from there and made probably even more money. On the downside, but right now, this concept that it's switching from an active trade um, which I always thought of it as and now people are trying to argue that it's just like some form of a phenomenal fundamental investment I Just don't agree with it. I Don't think that out of all of the equities in the market, out of all the companies represented in the equity, Market that AMC is even a top 100 250, 500 fundamental opportunity right now. It's just simply not true.

if you think AMC is a top tier fundamental opportunity right now. I just inherently disagree with the way in which you do fundamental analysis. but once again, it's opinionated. That's the beauty of the market.

I've been wrong before. I am not some expert like amazing phenomenal lights out Trader Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong. If you disagree with me, that's the beauty of the market. Put your money if you're confident.

That's the cool thing about the market is if you are confident enough in anything, you could put your money in it. So like just because I have an opinion one way or another. That doesn't mean it's right. But if you have an opinion and you believe in it strongly enough, throw money behind it.

and if you're right, you'll make. you'll make a lot. Uh, just a question you have any shorts against AMC No I'm long on AMC Uh, unfortunately I'm in a weird position where I know that Uh, quite a bit of my following and has come from AMC So I kind of view it with the same Mantra like a captain goes down with its ship. uh I wish I didn't have any AMC but I do have AMC and it's costing me a lot of money.

but I do not have a short position. Uh, all I have is stock I haven't traded options previously I mean I'll be transparent about this like I've I've never tried to hide it I've showed it to you guys I've actively traded a lot of options on AMC historically I haven't touched AMC options I think at this point in like a year, a year and a half, maybe even two years all I do now is I just have my AMC and it's been sitting on public ever since At first it was on Robinhood then it had to get transferred over to the Weeble and then from there I went from using Weeble and then that's when everyone found out about payment for order flow and everything and I was like okay I don't want to be with them So then I switch my stocks over to public. um and ever since that was switched over I don't I would have to double check this but very close to that time that I made that switch I just didn't even touch options on AMC anymore. Um, do you lend your stock out on AMC I Don't think public lens stock out does it.
If it does, mine might be lent out I'm not I'm truly not sure I don't does public lens talks out or do you have to turn it off I I I truly don't know off the top of my head I don't think public lends it out I would have to double check though. I'm not 100 sure. uh. AMC is not a good play at the time.

Perhaps down the road it will be. AMC's manipulated way too much right now I Kind of agree with that. Well, of course something could always like. The thesis is always changing.

there's always new information, there's always new developments. uh AMC It could go from being a really bullish opportunity to a really bearish opportunity to neutral. Of course, we're living in a flux like that's just how this works. Um, so I agree with that, But in terms of being manipulated, that's one of the things that I find interesting is if you listen to these Twitter space calls, you have people who have arguably been trading for a very small amount of time and they're relatively novice to the market.

and they like to say things like I've never seen a stock more manipulated look at the stock, you can tell shorts aren't covering as in for some reason, just looking at Price action, it tells them that it's manipulated. I have been trading for roughly a decade and I'm not saying that puts me at some sort of expert level, but what it does do is it means I have connections with people who truly are experts in the market. and I've never heard of any of them looking at Price action and being oh, that is or isn't manipulation. Whenever I've heard of any form of manipulation, it's in data elsewhere.

It's in The Insider trades. It's in what's going on with brokerages. It's in the Ftds. It's It's never just like oh, movement up or down.

they're like I've never, This is manipulated. It's like how what the does that even mean like I I think that's something that the AMC support Community has just accepted by that. like apparently by just looking at a chart like of what apparently this is manipulation. but this isn't manipulation like that's I I just don't get that.

What What does that mean when they're like um I saw it go down. That must be manipulation. like can anyone uh, who said that like I I like I'm truly just curious because like in my history of trading, I've never, ever, ever seen any instances of being able to tell manipulation by Price action going up or down. It's just price action.

Uh, in my years of trading and the people I've traded with I've never seen price action going up or down and people are like oh, I know that is or isn't sure it's covering. It's just price action. Price action is price action. Um, if you're trying to get an indication of potential malpractice, everything I Personally know of, it's in a different data set like you're looking elsewhere.
You're looking at deals with private Equity You're looking at Insider trades. You're looking at uh, spikes and Ftds. You're looking at drops in Ftds. You're looking at costs about like it's in a secondary but still related data set.

But it's not just like looking at a chart and be like, um, okay, yeah, no that's normal. But this next bar that looks a little suspect like what is it that Trey guy used to point it out all the time. Well also, trade doesn't know what the he's talking about. He made his channel in December and then it started to take off in.

January The guy had about two to three months of trading knowledge. He is by no means nothing that Trey did said should ever be taken as like gospel and expert. Market Input: Uh, analysts can actually give actual times the stock is manipulated. Analysts can actually give the actual times the stock Joel Please DM me One example of that.

I Would love to bring it up on stream right now. You said analysts can actually give the actual times the stock is manipulated. That might be true I'm just saying I've never seen any instances of it, so just just send it to me and I'll bring it up I'll educate the thousands of people that are watching right now because I would love myself I Want to learn this too because that's like one thing that I always got confused about. So Joel Analysts can actually give the actual times the stock is manipulated I Send me a link, send me some one example.

one example and I like I would love to learn. like when I think of manipulation, it's things like you get your a different shell company that is still yours but the public doesn't know to buy the stock up. Um, manipulation is things like Atlas where they create a big position slowly and then they pump it to their group and then they say they're still buying when in reality they're selling like that's manipulation. Like what are you talking about in terms of like you can't just look at a price movement and be like oh, that's manipulative.

There has to be some other piece of data such as a message to a giant Discord Or like you with a shell company buying up a bunch of stock and then selling it. Or like, like there's a different piece of information. He's really good at showing when a stock is being who's really good at it. Did I miss a message? So you're saying there's no Ftds on AMC No, there is.

like we could look at those right now. That's when did I ever say that? That's so interesting of how people just like make up random things. They're like, Oh, so you're saying there's no FDD When did I say there's no Ftds I actually listed Ftds as a suspect thing within the market? He and even then, Ftds don't guarantee that it's manipulation because there's multiple forms of FTD So it really inherently comes back to what produced the FTD. FTD A failed to Deliver is an umbrella term and there's many ways to produce Ftds.
Yes, Naked Shorting does produce an FTD but it's not the only thing that produces an FTD Um, ARCA is really good. Watch him. no. Joe Send me one example from an actual analyst who's using price action to show manipulation like this is: It's the hopium and it's the copium.

Like you're not saying any. like show us actual proof. don't just say a like ARCA First of all, that's just a market. Arc is a market If there's a random Creator out there uh named.

ARCA Never heard of them. don't really care about them. Show me an actual anus like a true, well-respected analyst who's looking at Price action and saying if it's manipulated or not. My contention is you can't tell manipulation from Price action alone.

Obviously, you could have other pieces of data where you're like okay I think this is manipulation and then that's reflected. but just to look at a stock moving up or down, you can't say if that's manipulation that doesn't make. ARCA is an analyst and shows it live ARCA is a market Joel Send me one piece of evidence like what? just DM it to me. I'll bring it up dude.

Joel I'm giving you the opportunity to prove it to everyone right now. Show one verified piece of evidence by looking at Price action alone that it produces manipulation that just from seemingly looking at something going up or down, you can tell it's price manipulation. Uh, Mark you're talking to a brick wall. If they don't know, they don't understand.

Yeah, it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall in what form. Watch this video. Dude, this art ARCA his name's ARCA he is. Are you saying a you? Are you literally pitching just watching a YouTuber like that's it.

that's your argument Joel is like oh, you just need to watch this YouTuber and like my mind will be changed. no, that's not an analyst. You just said an analyst is done if you're on YouTube and like that's it I'm not an analyst. look at me clearly I'm not an analyst.

that's not an analyst. This isn't a dude. What's his, What's his background? What's his pedigree? What hedge fund did he work at? How much money has he made like you're You're pitching someone who is exclusively saying something. You already agree.

It's something that you want to be right. It's in no form the scientific method. It's not like you're coming up with a hypothesis and you're testing it. You're looking for an answer, and then you're finding anything that supports what is going to support that answer.

You're not testing it appropriately. You already have a solution in mind that you want to be true, And then you're finding anything that backs that up and then anything that contradicts it. You're just saying no, no, no, no, no, No, That's not how you win at this game. That's not how you win at this game at all.
If you have an idea, a thesis, a hypothesis, you test it and you just lit the data, tell you what it is. You don't just say Okay anything that supports it I'm gonna agree with and then anything that goes against it, you. you're like ah no no no I just don't believe it. Like if if you're of that mindset You're Gonna Lose and you're probably down Joel How much are you down right now? Like wouldn't a good hypothesis hypothesis of this be your own account? Like if it, if you're so good at or if someone maybe not I'm using the editorial you not you individually but if someone is so good at pointing that out and if that like were a thing by just price section, wouldn't they like essentially be crushing it in the market.

So just so you're clear, you really think AMC won't reach all-time highs again not in the current situation. No, something would have to dramatically improve with the company. Right now. the short interest is down below 10 and fundamentally, they are burning more cash than they are like profiting right now.

I mean their debt burden alone per years over 400 million dollars and they're not net profitable by 400 million. Uh, a year. They finally just went positive in the last quarter by 8 million. Which obviously 8 million Multiply that by four.

that's going to be 32. So that's not even a tenth of what they need for their own debt burden. And them being positive in the quarter is not going to continue because of the writer and the actor strike. So for AMC to like really turn things around here, unfortunately, it's kind of out of their control for AMC to make more profit.

they need more revenue for them to make more. Revenue They need more box office movies. Box office movies are currently not being produced because once again, something outside of their control. There's a dual strike going on, a writing and an acting strike, so something that is out of their control and it is not like close to being resolved.

This strike is still actively going on right now and they are not making much Headway So like that that's not AMC's fault. like obviously it's outside of their control and then you have like these absolute on Twitter spaces trying to tell you that Taylor Swift is Gonna Save the whole thing. The Taylor Swift news is good news. It's more Revenue it's more profit, it's more eyeballs.

Yes, it's good news. but then you have to question them how the magnitude of the good news and people are just not understanding how much money Taylor Swift would have to bring in to make a dent in the current situation like it's just I'm the best AMC Trader on this side of the Mississippi down 7K like and whatever like dude Joel You don't have to believe me like you can honestly wait. what time is it soups? Why did it do that? Is it trading? it is Trading Something's off with this data right now. Why is it doing that? Uh I guess I'll have to.
um anyway AMC Getting slaughtered again. but even with that like the thing that blows my mind is first of all. Joel If you want to lose your money, lose your money, have at it. We're all adults.

You're financially responsible for your own situation and you can do what you want. The reason: I Still talk about it and I get tweeted this all the time is like, why would you still talk about it if you don't support Adam air. Well, first of all, I support retail and my major point is you can support retail without supporting Adam Aire In fact, I don't think there's actually any connection there whatsoever in my personal opinion. I I Actually don't think there's one logical argument that to support retail, you have to support Adam Aaron Adam Aaron is another suit.

He increases his pay. He made 40 million dollars himself from selling. AMC you're supporting a guy who sold out on AMC That doesn't make sense. The reason you're mad at me is because I'm here and there's more of a connection.

You can more easily reach me than you can reach. Adam Aaron You're taking it out on me because I'm here and we could talk back and forth and I have an opinion that's in disagreement like with you but you don't want to change your opinion on like your Messiah like Adam Aaron like you're like no no no no I like I can't change, order filled. You just don't want to change your thoughts and I get it. whatever.

it's painful to change, but you want to take it out on me because I have a differing opinion to you and okay, we have differing opinions. It's what happens and I I guess in all reality I I don't care because it's your money, You should do what you think is appropriate with your money. But what I do care about is the fact that there's a lot of people who don't know anything about the market. I Wouldn't even argue that they have zero market knowledge I would argue that they have negative market knowledge and they're teaching new people as in there's new people in the market and hang on I need to make another.

Uh, why is this not going through? Did it go through on this one? My point in caring is that there's always new people in the market and they're listening to these Twitter Space Calls. There's watching these videos and there's new people who are being taught verifiably incorrect information which I don't think is right I Don't think it's moral I don't think it's appropriate. so I don't say these things to try to switch anyone's mind I Say it for the people who are coming in new to understand that ridiculous statements like Taylor Swift alone will pay off AMC's debt within six months is stupid. It's not accurate.
It's not gonna happen. um I like I was listening to this call yesterday this Twitter Space call and I now I'm at the point where I'm banned by so many people, blocked by so many people because I've hurt their fragile feelings so much that like they have me blocked. so I have to go into my burner account. so I was on my burner account.

sleuthing in these Twitter space calls related to AMC and the one guy was talking about how he has two kids and he and his wife can barely make ends meet. Uh, he grew up poor, they married poor and they're just having a tough time like so many people do and like that resonates with me. and I feel for that person and in that moment he's still saying. And you know what? We still find a way to put money aside every so often to buy more.

AMC If you are having a tough time to make ends meet and you somehow have been buffaloed or tricked or manipulated into thinking that Aim sees the thing you need to be buying, that's stupid. That's so incredibly dumb and dangerous it makes absolutely no sense none. Zero zilch. NADA Goose egg.

whatever you want to call it When I hear that people are financially distressed and then they're using their little bit of extra money to buy a stock that is actively being diluted and getting absolutely by the leader of the company. What? Of course, someone needs to speak out about that. Of course someone needs to. So this concept of like, oh, if you don't agree, just be silent.

That's Insanity That's how do you guys not realize that's how we're in? Like on a larger scale of Being Human That's how we're in our current situation of such divisiveness and tribalism is because people don't know how to communicate with people who don't agree with their opinions. We we're in this weird fantasy tale where or like where people are attempting to live in a fairy tale. A Fantasyland where they can only talk and communicate and handle people who agree with them perfectly. And if they don't, they have a conniption.

That's not healthy. That's not a way you do this. Uh, I mean on the Twitter Space Call Literally the host was saying you can come up and speak but only if you say positive things. that's a cult, you guys not re like That is The definition of a cult is if you're running a call and you say you can only come up and say positive things that is dangerous and it's one thing if it's just opinions about whatever life.

but when people's money is on the line, especially people in like not financially, the best situation like that's just dangerous. You're literally being inundated by the definition of the space call with only positive things and they're new to the market. They're relatively novice so they don't have much experience and then they just get absolutely destroyed. Absolutely destroyed.

It's sad. So Joel I'm still waiting on you to provide me information like Joel I very much. Think You Are Caught up in an echo chamber and a cult that you don't even realize you're caught up in. And there's been many studies on this of it's borderline impossible to break people out of a cult because whenever you show them contradictory information, it actually prompts them to put their heels further in and like they it makes you them want to fight it even more.
Um, psychologically, it's absurdly absurdly absurdly difficult to get someone out of a cult or an echo chamber. Um, it it. There's no scientifically psychologically, there's no clear process with high success to get people out of these types of situations. See like you can't even right there like lol You are funny Joel You don't realize that like everyone in here, most people in here, they're kind of an onlooker looking at you right now and like yeah, some people are gonna be like laughing because why not? it is kind of funny.

but inherently the driving thing is more of like most of us feel sad for you, like you don't realize that you're the person on display, like we're looking at you knowing you're getting absolutely crushed right now and then you're basically arguing that you want to get crushed like you are the exhibit at the circus. and when you're not cognizant of it, it's sad. especially as like a grown person like it, don't feel bad for me I Don't need anybody's sympathy Joel How much are you down Joel Be very very honest. How much are you down And what do you think is the percentage chance of you getting that money back? Happy Freaking.

Friday I've gambled some 1950 calls expiring next week on Ionq. Could you look at it with the TA perspective? Let me write that down: Ionq Ionq 1950 1950 calls Ionq I O N Q 1950. even if a Got 5 billion from Taylor Swift, he would probably spend the money on some mining company or something stupid like that. Just saying.

I Lost money on AMC last year I already took my losses. Wait So you're not even in the play right now. How much money did you lose? Joel It's a basic question: How much money did you lose? How much are you currently down, and what do you think is the percentage chance of you making your money back on? AMC I'm all good. I Do I Do know what? I Didn't lose as much as many people here wait.

So you're arguing for a play. You're not even in right now. You're supporting AMC And you're saying you sold last year. So you paper handed it is what you're saying you're a supporter of AMC and Adam Aaron And yet you paper handed it.

What is it? Are you paper hand? Or are you actually supporting AMC and Adam Aaron Uh, I Know you were down half a million I Lost 5K Who said I Support AMC Dude, you're literally arguing about why we should be supporting Adam Aaron and AMC right now. Joel You're just a crazy person. You're You're the exhibit at the zoo and it's more sad that you don't realize it. I Mean, look at everyone commenting to you right now.
it's just like this cognitive dissidence that's being formed. It's crazy. It's Insanity You're in certain six situations, social situations, people stand out, and maybe you stand out for a good reason. Maybe you're like, whatever.

there's positive reasons to stand out. and then there's negative reasons to stand out. The attention that you're receiving from me and chat right now. It's not positive like the attention you're receiving right now is.

it's a Very. it's for a negative reason. Like, you have to understand. Well, you don't That's the thing.

that's the issue. It's like I'm no psychologist I'm no psychiatrist I don't know how to be break people out of a cult, but you're I in a weird sense. I'm preaching to the choir because everyone else. but Joel understands what I'm saying that he is getting this attention because of a negative reason.

but then Joel's gonna sit there and be like no, no, no, like I I can't change his mind. You're not going to be able to change everyone's mind. it's just it is what it is. and uh, as much as they just want to deny reality, there's something I could really do about it.

Uh yes, hey. Matt Can you share some of the resources you utilize to learn how to code to trade? Yes, so uh, the major two places. Well now there's three places when I learned I learned on trading View Hang on to this. Trade It Uh am I still in this trade I'm trying to lock in uh uh, a quick 300 right here if it comes back up I Don't like how the chart got messed up.

the charts only messed up because of the conversion of the it's the contract role from ESU to ESC. We're now on the Z contract. for these major indices, we are now on the Z contract. Uh, but for whatever reason, my data keeps cutting out on my actual contract.

So let me what Are we on my actual trading account? Let's see if we could do it. I Never said I support a not sure where you got that ARCA is on now Yeah. I'm bet I bet Arc is a super smart dude I bet he's super smart, consistently profitable I bet he shows you his account all the time I bet he calls out his trades beforehand I bet he's just net ahead in a phenomenal Trader uh Matt I Think like many other misinformed people in this place suffer from Stockholm syndrome. That's a good one.

All right, let me, we'll I guess let's check out Ionq for Camille Ionq 1950 for win Q for win for win for win for win next week next week. Oh I Like it. higher highs, higher lows went up. got beat down.

Looks like it's forming up a cup and handle. I'd be a little bit concerned if it gets below and closes below 1660, but obviously like you're just looking cup like you're looking for the handle to form relatively quickly. You might need another week, but overall I like you're going with momentum. higher highs, higher lows um I like to play uh I would be concerned once again if it gets below and closes below 16.60 but obviously if it breaks and goes above 20 like this recent clear high like the cup uh from there I would just do a trailing stop loss and just see if I could ride it out and as long as it keeps going up great and then if it comes back a little bit too much, you just take your money and move on to the next play.
Um, but the technical support I have no position on this but I'm personally a fan. Uh, like I think cup and handles are a lot of people's favorite plays. It's definitely in like a top tier setup for me. Definitely a top tier setup for me.

All right. I Definitely don't need this right now. Uh Market looking pretty strong looking, pretty strong. Uh, why is this not my? I think my thing is just Frozen right now.

All right I Guess I'll have to figure that problem out later. Guess we'll have to figure that one out to later. Uh, some of the market internals just went from bullish to bearish back to bullish looking strong, new, fresh, high. and actually I should be close to making some of my money on the day.

Where are we going with this trading view is taking forever for me to load. This is probably what happens when Piper chews through my Internet cord. All right, where are we at? I should be hitting this this money soon. Right here? This is the prop account once again.

Uh, this is my second try starting at 50 000 right now just locked in. Oh you guys can't see it but you heard the target failed I hope. Anyway, you could see the tree, the the marks right here. I got at the blue on the S P 500 Futures Contract got out at the purple made 300.

Uh so basically if I do that nine more times your boy will have passed this account. Uh so nice little 300 gain. Actually where are we at? Where are we at? Ooh you know what? Uh I'm gonna quickly host some trades. uh here.

if you are on locals I'm gonna be posting some zero DTE trades. Um, trades my trading views running again. So I just got two signals. Two signals, two signals, two signals.

Let me be. Let me find it. Let me find it. I will post ASAP Come on, come on come on come on come on.

I Don't know. Maybe there was a lag because of me. Like everything's loading so slow for me today but locked in 300. If you want to do prop account stuff, that's paper account trading.

but if I get it up to 53k then they'll actually fund the account. so it's a fun challenge. It's not an easy challenge by any means, but um, if you're interested in that TOP Step it is pinned to the top of chat. it's in the description of the video.

If you click on that link, you're going to get a discount because that's how this world works is with Affiliates and discount deals. So if you want to work on your trading, that I would best describe it as some place in between, um, paper account but not your full account. It's a nice in between. That's the best way.
I would describe this all right. and both of the zero DTE trades hit yesterday, so we're gonna see if we can go again today. Let's see if we could go again today. All right, let me just get up the numbers and then I'll be posting it on locals.

Um, let me open up Weeble I Want to get the current prices for everything? Well, uh, I should probably figure out how to automate this. Uh uh okey dokey okey dokey uh September 8th zero DTE trade and we are rocking. All right. So the first one is posted right now on Locals One trade idea.

just basically getting a signal for a zero DTE And then let me post the second one right now as well. and then we could check back later to see if they actually hit. All right. First one's up doing the second one right now.

All right. Foreign ER To get across? Yeah, these are, actually, um, part of the signal. There's like a magnitude to it to like how confident it is in the signal. and these ones actually have a pretty high confidence score for anyone who cares.

All right. live. Both of them are live Uh, both hit yesterday. look into We missed one this week, so we hit one.

We missed one, we hit two. so that was one loss. three wins. So there's one loss this week.

Three wins this week and hopefully we could end out the week and go only one loss and five wins. but they are both posted there. Um Matt I See you lately are not happy as you were before I Feel like the rumble deal is weighing you down. they making you work like nine to five? What? I don't know what you're talking about.

Uh, in terms of happiness I Feel like I'm the same level happiness I think like I said before I'll cover AMC if there's news to cover and then right now like um I guess I'm not happy or not happy I just feel bad for the people who are getting screwed before I Enjoyed not having to cover AMC when nothing was going on. Uh, but now that something is going on I see people getting absolutely screwed. So um I mean I guess on a relative basis. Yeah, that inherently makes me less happy because I like have to fight with absolute but it's also the right thing to do.

Um, but I wouldn't say that there's like a like a clear degradation in my happiness. it's just something I have to cover and then I have to fight with like like Joel I've been listening while I work I brought up

2 thoughts on “Sec probes ryan cohen, major scam update the week ahead”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kong says:

    The scam is sec bribed to go after Ryan cohen ain't it?

    Also jake freeman no discussions you all stupid.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars therealcaptobvious says:

    Isn't Piper the new Roai
    Ring Kitty?😂❤ Jappy Fr!

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