Squeeze Watch, China's Stock Market Crashes & Live Trading
The Matt Kohrs Show (Feb. 5th)

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Eaten I've been blooded I've been broken and betrayed and I'm wondering how much slower can I go Found her with another man I was thrown into confusion all the world I thought was true. there nothing but illusion. So now I'm a liar I'm a boozer I'm a bastard and abuser and I'm wondering how how much slower can I go I've been beaten I've been blooded I've been broken and betrayed. wonder how much slower can I go even though I know it's wrong I wish my pain upon the world I curse the lives of Lucky men and J this head I hope there I was once a good man now I'm living in this cuz I'm a liar I'm a boozer I'm a bastard and abuser and I'm wondering how much slower can I go I've been beaten I've been red I've been broken and betrayed and I'm wondering how much lower can I go So I'm wondering how much lower can I go Oh brother oh brother oh brother good morning, good morning good morning Hola Mis Amigos Ola Ola Ola uh get your cup of coffee CU We are working with another episode of the Matt core show Matt must have had a long weekend I did I did I did I did uh Chicago's cool I've never like I've been there but I've never like really spent time in Chicago and my assessment of it is it's basically just a cleaner New York that Chicago it has the big Urban Vibes it say cold and like bone frigidly painful as New York it's just cleaner it since it's a newer city on a relative basis to New York it like they made it smarter like the streets are wider.

uh I believe all their trash. it's like actually an underground system so it's just cleaner. uh in a general sense like it it is what it is like. it was cool.

um the other things that I kind of noticed about it was everyone's all about deep dish dish pizza and maybe some of you guys saw like one of my most I don't know testy tweets of all time but on maybe Saturday Friday Saturday uh I I made some like disparaging remarks about deep dish pizza and I want to clarify my stance in a general magnitude: do I like Chicago deep dish pizza? The answer is yes but on a relative basis compared to nework York style pizza it it's not better. It is like they're both good I would eat both but New York is better like if that makes sense. So like I don't think Chicago deep dish pizza is bad. It's just like it's just like what are you trying to do there man like the crust little strange I I could see how some people like it.

the sauce on top of the cheese, the ratio of cheese to Sauce to crust like it's just something's off with it it it's just off with it. like so it it's like I'm not going to complain like if you guys showed up to my place and you like Yo dude we brought you some sangaran deep dish pizza like all right cool like I would eat it but New York is better and then if if you don't agree with that, um you're just wrong. This isn't really an opinionated thing like honestly science I guarantee could tell us the answer that clearly New York style pizza is better than deep disch like I don't think this is a color AR Opinion I think this is more of like a scientific fact type of a situation. but anyway yes uh back from Chicago uh it was cool, did some Chicago Finance stuff there and now we're back.
And honestly folks February is going to be a wild wild month because um what did I have to do I went to Virginia then I just went to Chicago this upcoming week I'm going to Vegas for the Super Bowl so your boys flying out Friday morning so no stream Friday morning and uh that should be wild and also on that note folks I had this crazy idea and I I want to bounce this crazy idea off of you to understand maybe how crazy it is, maybe how crazy It Isn't So it's a 4-day week but your boy is always a degenerate. You guys know that through and through just like Dgen on top of Dgen on top of Dgen and I thought if I'm going to the Dgen capital of the world, why not do something a little bit special? So here's my going idea and I would love to understand what you guys think of it. I've been on a little bit of a trading hot streak Le recently for any of those, if you're in the local community, you're getting the emails or if you're in the Discord you're seeing the trades in real time. but your boy's been crushing it, Crushing it, crushing it, crushing it.

So I was thinking: whatever money I'm net ahead in my trading account from Monday today to Thursday So four trading days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday I'm thinking whatever money I'm net ahead. Whatever that number is, why not take it all all of it. If it's $10 it's $10 If it's $1,000 it's $1,000 Take all that money from four trading days. Whatever the net difference is assuming I'm positive I hope I'm positive One roll of the roulette wheel One Singular Roll like just take.

We're either paying for the trip or we're not paying for the trip. just walk right up to a roulette wheel. Give it to my boy cat Moors who's a lot more lucky than I am. Um, I could probably I don't know.

maybe I could get it to stream I don't know if I can get it to stream. This is an idea that's just like coming in my head last night I Bounced off my produc producer. He's like that's crazy. You're a crazy person I Bet the audience would like it.

so the idea is whatever. my trading difference is. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Take that is hopefully I'm in the positive. Whatever that amount of money is to the exact dollar, walk right up to the roulette wheel and just put it down on red or black and either hopefully pay for the trip or get super super sad about it.

So that's where I'm at. That's my idea. Um, so I wanted to Bounce It Off You thumb up should do it. Thumbs down.

No, don't do it. That's like too degenerate. How are you guys feeling this morning? like I don't know. Maybe being in? Chicago Maybe that deep dish pizza is coursing through my veins and it's prompting some crazy ideas.

Most tables don't allow video. I'll just ask nicely. Do you know how much you can get in this life by just asking nicely and like? But hey, would love to stream it and it'll just be two degenerate dinner all on green? All right. I Don't know if I'm going to be that degenerate dude.
Imagine if that actually hit though. Uh, why donate the money to the casino? I Roughly have a 5050 shot. Dude, it's 5050 shot. They donate to me.

We're either either the casino's donating to the Matt Kors charity or Matt Kors is donating to the casino charity. So in either case, one of the Charities is going to win. You need? God Well my thoughts were dude, the uh uh, 4852 chance. Yeah about I think it's something like that cuz what? there's two green ones now I was just thinking kind of you just I you know I've always had that crazy idea of just like one big bed at the casino and I figure maybe I should like actually try to trade well this week to have money to do it.

Um because I feel like I would never probably do it again. it feels like it just might be appropriate and then also I probably have to if I lose. Is that like a tax write off? Do I get to count that as a cost with my uh, do we have any CPA people in here one high limit slots pull. that could be fun I don't even really fully get slots so that I would just be completely lost casinos watching this stream.

Dude, they're probably like dude, we'll take those odds just put it all in on black. Okay, if I did do this, would you guys vote on red or black? which one would you do I I think I know which one I would go with and I don't necessarily want to tell anyone yet I just kind of want to see where everyone else's mind is at. Green you guys would go green I Get it? it's easier to be degenerate with someone else's money. I'm here for it I'm here for it, Wheel of Destiny do a a wheel of destiny that actually might be smart.

What if it's more accurate on the roulette wheel than it is on the market? All right we can. We can get something going, we can get something going I figure it's a win-win either it hits and I get the money and I'm happy and you guys are like ah or it misses and I'm super upset. but then you guys get to laugh. So either I'm financially ahead or I guess I'm like aheading content because then you guys at least are laughing at my pain like that type of it.

feels like it's a win-win depending on how you look at it. I either win money or you guys get to hit the like button on whatever that particular video would be. Uh, craps Pass line every seven most common number to roll or 11 get you paid equal money 2 3 12 loses 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 10 rolled you have to roll it Craps Pass line I've never played craps in my life I've like tried to figure it out and I'm sure I could but is it really like should I be trying to figure it out on like my one big bet crabs pass line every seven most common numbered roll or 11 get you paid equal money. So a seven or 11, a 2 three or 12 loses 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 10 So I would just sit there on the craps line waiting for a S or 11 to pop up.
ideally before a two or three or 12 rolls. Is that like the point of it? Craps pass line has the best odds in the entire casino. 50/50 on red and black. You have better.

Odd, Is it true that the pass line has better odds? Wait. If that were true, why wouldn't everyone just play crap set? Something seems to be off there that could actually be interesting because if I play it right, there might be multiple roles. So like there's more action like that could be exciting. So wait, wait, Do any of, uh Blackjack has the best odds I mean none of these have odds in your favor.

hence why they're in a casino. Um, most people don't know how to play craps. Everyone does play craps. Passline only works with the number isn't established, huh? All right.

Well, we'll figure that out. So we're I think we're full steam ahead if you know what I mean. Maybe not exactly on the game that we're going to play at the casino or even if a casino is going to allow this. but assuming we find a casino that will allow it assuming that like we decide on a game and assuming that I'm net profitable.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday We're going to take that money and it's just going to be one one bet for all the glory. One bet to rule them all. So that's what we're going to be doing. That's what we're going to be doing and we'll figure that out.

But yeah, so we're going to be traveling again this week. On that note, I Suppose we should talk a little bit about the market. the Spy looking a bit rough this morning relative to the AL high that we locked in right at Market close on Friday Was that the alltime high? Yeah, it was same thing on the NASDAQ NASDAQ holding up a little bit better Bitcoin Looks like it's about to break out in my book. For those of you, uh, who are like I don't know.

active traders in the world of crypto looks like Bitcoin It has a nice nice consolidation that seems to be breaking to the upside ideally soon, so we'll watch that and then obviously. also in terms of not only Bitcoin getting squeezed, but the other Equity we're watching that might get squeezed is Rumble For those of you paying attention to rumble, just want to give you the updated numbers I did tweet them out so feel free to reference that 17.2% short interest. The shares on loan dropped uh, about a million 22.96 million but the cost of bar went up by about 2% so it's at 107% with the utilization maxed out at 100. Also, the Uh Ftds updated.

Uh, so we got the numbers from late December and we saw a big spike at the end of December Basically December 18th to the 27th. Lots of Ftds clustered right there. We don't have the recent numbers, just because there's like an awkward amount of delay in this being reported, but it is on the threshold list, which tells us that there's at least I think I did the math and it's at least 1.4 million shares per day and obviously it's persistent. hence why it's still on the threshold list because it's been on it for a handful of days now.
Before we get into the other stuff, shout out to public they are the partner. They are the sponsor for today's stream pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video. This is the best brokerage, especially if you're interested in options training. You might be thinking why, Well, they give you 50% of the options Revenue So if you're trading options, doesn't matter.

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Something like that. But anywh, who public because they actually care about their clients. Unlike some of these other brokerages, they've decided okay. a lot of people want to trade options.

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but they also have bonds. They also have, uh, some treasury stuff. It's a normal brokerage, so check it out. Uh, options? Literally just dropped like a week a week and a half ago.

So pin to the top of chat in the description of the video snap to lay off 10% of global Workforce around 500 employees. Whoa. stock future slip. As Pal says, Fed needs more evidence before cutting rates.

Oh golly oh golly oh golly oh golly. I Don't know if you guys saw it, but just last night 60 Minutes did an interview with the money printer Maestro himself. Daddy Pal, Pal tells 60 Minutes Fed is worry of cutting rates too soon. Uhoh Pal insists that the FED will move.

move carefully on rate Cuts with probably fewer than the market expects. Remember at one point like a month ago when the market was pricing in six rate cuts for this year? Yeah, no, that was a freaking pipe dream. It's not going to be Six Pal if anything and he's kind of been on the ball with like what he's hinting at seems to become reality. It it seems like it's going to be around three this year.
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Pal Ved In a 16 minutes interview aired Sunday that the Central bank will proceed carefully with interest rate Cuts This year, we just want some more confidence before we take the very important step beginning to cut interest rates. Now, why are they being like so careful about it? Why are they walking on eggshells here? Well, they don't want to repeat the 70s where there was inflation. So to battle inflation, the FED at that time did the same thing. They jacked up the FED interest rate and then unfortunately they started cutting it too soon and then inflation started to rip again.

So they that's the whole soft Landing thing. they don't want to overdo it, but they definitely don't want to underdo it cuz if you you underdo it, you can still have inflation. If you overdo it, you could push your economy into a recession so they're trying to find that like Goldilocks happy medium And even though you have the Kens of Congress like Elizabeth Warren screaming all the time Cut, cut cut cut no no you. you definitely don't want to underdo it because that's very dangerous and same.

you don't want to overdo it, You want to be right perfectly in the middle. Uh, and will they pull it off? Dude I Have no idea I hope they pull it off I Obviously hope they pull it off. but I mean I'm not a fortune teller I Barely got back from Chicago in time to do this show. and you think I know about macro economics and monetary policy? Come on Fed Palace says it's unlikely we'll see another real estate Le banking crisis like in '08 but he predicts some smaller Banks might close or merge out of existence.

Uh, writing's on the wall folks and I'm pretty sure this is going to get me Dmca, but it is worth it because this has a huge impact on the stock market, the economy, and awkward I Suppose it is worthwhile to pay attention to this whole interview if you have time. I would recommend checking it out. It's kind of rare that the FED Jerome pal would be giving a talk like this and he did. He didn't like it wasn't really bombshell stuff, he kind of just like in a more I don't know eloquent fashion.

reiterated everything he did at the last Fomc meeting, so I wouldn't necessarily say there was something massively surprisingly new. uh I would argue that the major thing that people are focusing on from this is like all right, the chance of six fed Cuts this year? Not really going to happen. Not really going to happen. Um, obviously with respect to the macroeconomic events this week.

So chair pal was already speaking last night. uh today at 945 we get some PMI numbers a little bit later more PMI uh we have uh excuse me pami then we have prices and then late tonight we get the interest rate decision from Australia uh we have some International stuff going down this week obviously I just wanted you to know for Wednesday crude oil. The 10-year note Auction Wednesday 1: P.m. and then a 30-year Bond auction 1: P.m.
on Thursday Please pay attention to it. Historically, these really don't have any impact, but then over the past couple months these Bond auctions haven't been the best and the Market's been getting hit sometimes. so please pay attention 1 p.m. on Wednesday 1 p.m.

on Thursday and then also uh, it doesn't really matter I Guess in terms of the market that the like all day it's the Chinese New Year But what does matter is some of the craziness going down with China If you haven't been paying attention, China's stock market and potentially the economy is completely on tilt and honestly not enough people are talking about it because of China's position globally. If the market keeps going down and down and down and down for them. There could be clear Global ramifications, but here's what's going on. Just trying to give you the skinny on the situation: Breaking nearly 30% of all stocks in China have stopped at the CSI index Falls 8% That is crazy.

So the CSI 100 right here? Uh, you can see today down 6% This is just basically the Chinese stock market if you look at it year-to date, even worse down almost 27% Their Market is getting hit and it's getting hit hard. Justin China's stock market has lost 1 trillion. I'm not saying million I'm not saying billion I'm saying $1 trillion in value. Just over 13 trading days.

it's been read: N9 days in a row. Nine, nine days in a row. this Market's getting hit and hit and hit. But what's really strange about it is it's particularly clustered in the small cap.

So the CSI 1000 the star 50 Beijing 50. You could see drop drop drop drop drop. But what's interesting: CSI 100 the top 100 and the Hong Kong 50 the large cap are actually up. So it's the small and medium caps that are getting completely lambasted, completely destroyed, and then some of the largest ones are actually green.

But anyway, still very, very problematic. I mean a trillion dollars of value just poof gone like that? Uh China Stck Post more wild swings after Beijing Stability Vow Key Equity gauges fluctuate on Monday after big weekly slide Regulators vowed to stabilize markets on Sunday lack details. So basically we've had this in the US where The Regulators are like uhoh, something's going on that's pretty bad. we're going to help and when they did that but without the details, that kind of freaked out people even more.

Hence why the CSI 1000 took a big hit today and it's just continuing to get Pummel we're getting more promises Again, we're getting again a lack of details and I think the the response to it that I think is pretty telling in Futures because you've still got Chinese equities that are setting up for further weakness today. Yeah, and keep in mind that we're heading towards the big weekl long holiday in China when people you know supposedly go back to their home, uh, towns and there's party celebrations and the like. but the market has been absolutely hammered. Uh, whatever kind of stimulus or talk of stimulus or jaw boning that was done earlier last week, uh, fizzled out by Friday and there was chaotic trading.
Uh, the CSI 300 was down 3.4% So we've seen monthly losses now for 6 months in a row6 trillion worth of market capitalization. Out people are getting quite skittish if they haven't already been uh you over the last 6 months obviously. Now the Csrc the Securities regulator out with a statement yesterday, not surprising, giving the route on Friday essentially saying and I will paraphrase their statement policy makers vowing Sunday to prevent abnormal fluctuations but again, it didn't say how necessarily it would do that other than it would give or provide more medium and long-term funds into the market. and then the third Point crack down on illegal activities.

didn't mention which of those illegal activities they were talking about except malicious Short Selling and insider trading. but again, it's short on specifics and uh, again, how much this will prop up the market? We're not sure. A lot of scuttle butt commentary that does nothing for a stock stabilization fund. How big would that be? Where would it come from? Where offshore S Soes providing uh, you know, liquidity into the market, But right now, uh, you know many analysts say it needs needs some sort of jolt shot in the arm, right? We'll see how it plays out.

I Personally think things are going to get quite a bit worse before they get better. The numbers are truly staggering. Some $7 trillion doar has been erased from the value of equities in China and Hong Kong since their peaks in early 2021 as a long running property slump. Weak economic data and tensions with the US rattle investors so we know what's been going on in their ghost towns that hasn't been good.

their real estate sector in shambles, their Shadow banking obviously an issue from their recently weak Econom Iic data. Their GDP report it missed. Technically, it was a slight Miss but a Miss nonetheless and then from there it doesn't really call it out in this particular article, but I think there's just a lot more discontent with the people and how things are run, so that's not going to be good either. Margin calls and force liquidation faced by shareholders are emerging as a key risk.

After the latest pledge of support provided few details on how authorities will stem the Duac, the medium cap and small Caps are under intense selling pressure as some investors have been betting on more national team support for the Big Cap. So basically they're kind of taking a page out of the US book. here. when shit hits the fan, the government steps in and saves the big guys.
So that's why what you see the CSI 1000 taking a large hit and continuing to fall as the CSI 100. Just the large caps was actually green. So it's kind of with our own banking crisis. they're like, well, if we save the big guys, maybe that's enough.

While the small and the medium guys are like left out to drve the long CS 300 and short CS 5, 00 and CSI 1000 trade has been much one touch popular trade just to take advantage of what sub sectors based on market cap, Maybe the government will step in. but what? Just to clarify at this point as we're filming this, it's not really clear how their Regulators or really I guess their savior team is going to handle it once again, just highlevel vague statements. The latest slump has led to Fresh concerns over wave of margin calls as the value of shares put down as collateral shrinks the fears that investors failing to top up their margin trading accounts may be forced to liquidate their position. the China Securities Regulatory Commission Pledge on Sunday to prevent abnormal fluctuations, saying it would guide more medium and long-term funds into the market and crack down on illegal activities including malicious Short Selling and insider trading? shouldn't you be doing that Anyway, like malicious Short Selling and Insider like isn't that a thing that matters all of the time? Like to me, this is just I guess like I don't know, play ating just some concern like yeah yeah no, we'll stop some of the bad stuff like when obviously there's far bigger issues in all reality, This reminds me of what I've been preaching now for a couple months.

I Get it. The US is the number one economy, the number one stock market and in the next couple decades I Truly believe it will remain there. number two is China And with all these issues with some population concerns, China is on the way down. I Truly believe that? I Get it.

If you listen to some of the current politicians, the presidential hopeful, they'll tell you and they'll scream in your face that China is our number one threat, our number one issue. And as of now, it's number two in terms of global economic power. I Don't think it's going to remain there if you look past two. I think it's then Japan or Germany I might be flipping those and then after that's India I Think what's going to happen is we're actually going to end up seeing China continue to drop and then India pick up from four, probably jump to two and then maybe Germany and Japan stay where they are.

But I wouldn't be surprised if a South American country starts to really pick up. Maybe perhaps something like Brazil but if you just read the writing on the walls for a multi-year trend, Here China is clearly not trending in a bullish, powerful position. It's it's just simply not. And another sign of how exasperated some investors have become, Thousands flocked to social media accounts of the US Embassy In Beijing to vent their frustrations over the economy and slumping share prices.
China's in Internet Users often struggle to find a venue to air grievances about the economy or government performance, because there they do. They don't show up to work the next day with official accounts of state agencies or media, usually either disabling the comment function or only showing selected feedback. You got to love an authoritarian regime, why not? whether or not today? Mark Sor for to Chinese Equities is yet to be seen, but it sure feels as though we're bumping along the bottom as policy makers have signaled they no longer want to see any further declines. I Don't buy that.

maybe I mean for anyone involved in it I I Hope the pain is over, but usually when things like this happen, pain begets pain. So I don't know if the Pain's going to be stopping anytime soon. Definitely something to pay attention to because this: I don't think this is an isolated story. When you hear this type of craziness in such a powerful economy, it's hard to believe that like oh, it's a little story and it'll stay siloed and then it won't have any repercussions.

Something to pay attention to here, cuz I have a spidey sense that this particular narrative is going to be important in the coming weeks and months, so definitely be paying attention. Top of that, we have a bunch of earnings. bunch of stuff going. Oh shoot shoot ah, what time is it? What? What? What? No, the time.

The wheel. What are we doing? What are we doing We? uh, bullish. Eight Bullish Bullish by eight. Bullish by eight Bullish by eight.

Okay, we did that. We did it. We did it. H Order Fil order sub Target filled Target filled folks that was a close one.

That was. that was a freaking close one. Team Wow. Uh, we.

we barely barely got that one in. Why is this? The operation failed? All right. Locked in 120, 115, and 150. So the wheel made 120 and Rumble's account made 115 and YouTubes made 150.

So I think that was day 18 or 19? I probably I probably should have been speeding up that show a little bit. My my heart, my heart. We barely got I had seconds to do that and yet the wheel always comes through for us. No matter what happens, the wheel always comes through 100% accurate, 110% of the time.

y you got to love it. You got to love to see that stuff. That's that's where we're at. That's what we do it for.

That is exactly what we do it for. All right. What are we doing now? Uh, I Wanted to see if I could get some of my other accounts to the profit goal today. We'll see how it goes.

We'll see how it goes. Are you guys? That was? That was something? Uh, hang on one second. Do I have other accounts I try to set some stuff up I Can't believe how much that got away from me. We got two into the China story.

Uh, what do we doing? What Account 58? Are you guys still bullish? 58 Do I want to be super degenerate? I Kind of need to get seven of these accounts approved. Are we going bullish today? Order submitted: Well, that was not the right order type. so I I already messed that one up. Shoot I guess good thing I did the wrong order because I think I would have already blown out if I did it the other way.
uh this was a mess up I wanted instead of I think it's trading three contracts right now yeah I was trying to trade 10. Uh, but no I think my mess up actually saved me cuz I think that dip would have truly have blown out the account already. Canell all right, let's be smarter about this. All right, let's see how this is going to go.

All right? What? Oh we're getting hit getting hit. got really I got incredibly lucky. like stupidly lucky. Uhoh are we going down I Need Well we do have that 945 report what is happening today I'm not mentally prepared for this.

uh what do we have? uh please. what is your choice for stock trading platform I had a Mer trade Charles SW took over I hate their platform. please help for options trading I love public pin to the top of chat good morning Matt uh dude way to um start going to the Super Bowl What a crazy ride I'm stoked I I'm all right. Order submitted all right.

we did it shit come on I just I just need this line to hit. We got some bad beats last week, but we're seeing if we're going to be lucky this week. Okay We're Off to the Races We're Off to the Races Let's go I Just need this value to get hit and I will not be angry today. Come on, today's my lucky day Everyone if possible.

I Don't want to ask too much of you guys and I never really ask anything of you guys. but if you could put magnets on your chart, uhoh, that's not good for me. uh I I'm not even asking for much I just want it to hit up to 4450. We'll call it a day and we'll go from there.

you know I Don't want to ask you guys for too much but I would ask you to please put some magnets on your chart just so I can get this so I can get seven more accounts on Apex approved. Please please please Matt World Cup Final in New York at MetLife Stadium 2026 I saw that How crazy is that? that? A country that doesn't really care about the sport has the World Cup Insane dude. You guys are not putting enough magnets on your charts. Please just put the magnets on the top side.

I'm not even asking for some craziness. I'm asking for this to go 10 more points. What's that? 25 cents in the Q's about? I Just need the Q to pop by about 20. Nope, wrong way.

You got It Feels like honestly it feels like you guys are putting your magnets in the opposite direction so that's not cool. You guys are order submitted. Thanks Thanks for ruining my life. Thanks for ruining my life on that one there.

Super cool guys FS Super super cool. Thank you. Yeah no no no no no no I appreciate that. Yeah no no no thanks.
Thanks! a lot that that wasn't another seven accounts that I just blew up. Thanks Thanks guys for being real team players today. Pre appreciate that. Super Super appreciate that.

Now let's go microwave metal. Well at least the challenge accounts are all looking good. Uh, the YouTube's account is up 2.22 Uh, Rumble's account is up 2.24 and then the wheel is up 2.1 So YouTube is in second place $20 behind the lean account which is Rumble and then the wheel account is in third down by about $130 Um, so I think this is day 17 or 18? I'd have to check the math on it, but you at least your streak continues so that's that's exciting stuff. Exciting stuff.

Um, let's get out of this for the day. Let's go bring up this: I Wanted to talk a little bit about earnings as we like are letting the market open here. Uh, we still are in earning season. McDonald's came out this morning.

they had a slight Miss Caterpillar had a beat Estee Lauder had a beat I didn't see Allegiance number so I'll have to dive into that after the market closes. There's Palente tier tomorrow Eli Lily Huge company. Uh, you have Spotify That'll be a little bit interesting just cuz we're here hearing about more. Tech layoffs.

Uh, Snap is one that announced that they're having layoffs that are reporting after the market closes tomorrow. Wednesday Uber CVS Roblox PayPal Disney We have a firm Pinterest Cloud Flare Expedia U Pepsi on Friday cany growth for any of you guys trading the marinara sector so feel free to screenshot this or just check it out at E. Whispers with respect to individual companies, Uh, we just did have that really interesting storyline with Tesla and Elon and the the Delaware judge basically saying hey, your pay is not allowed they basically clawed back 50 billion from him. Um, seems crazy.

but anyway, Kathy Wood of Arin Vest chimed in with her thoughts and opinions on the matter. I Believe the Delaware Court decision forcing Tesla to Avid the March 2018 vote on Elon Musk's performance-based pay package is unamerican, an assault on investor rights, and an insult to the board of directors of one of the most stunningly successful companies in US history. I Have known these people the chair, blah blah blah professionally for 17 years. She was named Uh, Juniper Network c07 Uh, Robin was an independent, blah blah blah professional like just goes on and on and on to say that this is it's crazy like they had a pay package, They voted on it, They said yes all the way back in 2018 and now a judge is clawing that back.

I I Just I I Get that she's saying it's unamerican, but it's just if anything, it's unbelievable that this could even happen. That judge could be like yeah, no, we know it was an aboveboard vote. We know that everyone understood going into it and now we're just taking it back. I I I I don't understand I I Truly, truly don't understand? Um, makes no sense to me.
but uh. I I'm assuming that this will continue to be fought in the court like I Don't think this is the last time we're going to hear about it? I mean when there's $50 billion on the line? I Have a feeling that musk is going to get some teams, teams and teams and teams of high power lawyers involved on that particular one. Uh, uh. Hey Mat can we get your thoughts on? Save Yeah, I'm not going to touch it like I know that Dave pornoy and everything's talking about it.

but I mean the like Airline sucks suck. Also, on top of that, we got some breaking news this morning with Boeing They found even more issues that there were like erroneous drill holes in the Fusil Lodge Boeing Like the whole airline industry Airline Stocks are not good stocks like in a general sense and then with save like that's also a budget one. So it's a in already the world of a tough business. Airlines are a tough business.

Then you have a budget one which is even more difficult. So I'm not going to I'm not going to touch it really like I guess if you're playing it like I understand that there's a lot of volatility. So as an active Trader I I See where you could be interested in it but an investor dude? I I don't really want to invest in any airline company. so I guess my question to you is okay.

Are you thinking about it as an investment or more of an active trade? Um, it's it's just it's a very very tough business. So I guess my thoughts on it are I'm literally not going to touch it. Um, in terms of what I Like Rum's a very interesting watch to me as I alluded to today. just like all the current short numbers uh, this one, it's having a tough time closing above 7 Recently look at last week's chart.

uh, it's popping above seven but we cannot get the close there and in my mind that seems to be like a pretty important Tipping Point So that's kind of what I'm what I'm watching for. Please answer my question I reached 3K and profit in 50k challenge. Today is my seventh trading day. so do I have pass? Thank you so much I believe So yes.

Um, today is your seventh trading day and you have 3K in profits if your account's over 53,000 and today's your seventh day. Yeah, that means you should just stop and wait for the market to close and then they'll email you tonight to switch it over to Pa. Um, it sounds like it to my understanding. Yeah, uh, how I made over 11,000 this week? This is the weekly wrap-up from last week and basically here's my personal gains: 11.4k and then just the Piper system.

Uh, so these are my personal trades. This is the Piper system so in the minimum betting, obviously you could scale it up. but for every 33 $4 that's like for this past week that was one unit size made 386 which was all possible on $1,000 account which would have been a 38% return in one week and then obviously at the minimum size, your return would have been 386. Which means you would have paid for like one entire year of the Discord.
So if you're not in the Discord and you're an active Trader whether it's crypto Futures options uh, I don't it's it's free like I I Really don't know a better way to pitch it to you guys? It's just the people who are serious about trading and actually like want to learn some Advanced option strategies, some systematic training they're going to. They're going to sign up. I Mean you guys, if you're watching the show, you already know because I mean I don't know how to be more transparent I Show all my individual Sha trades I Show all my P&l We do specialty lectures on the weekend I Break down Advance option strategies like it's it's all there in your face every single day and it. and on top of that, then I I don't know how to do it cuz it's free to sign up.

So if you want to join, join uh but that it is what it is. On top of it, you also get a Weekly Newsletter Here's all the major macroeconomic events for this week: Uh, I Would say the major thing to pay attention to are the 10-year note auction on Wednesday and the 30-year Bond auction On th Thursday Wednesday Thursday 1 P.m. Oops this ISS amm let me edit that really quick edit edit edit edit: It is definitely not in the morning. That would be far too early, far too early for a bond auction.

PM PM All right, Switching that over. How do I save it? How do I save it, publish All right? Uh, so those I would argue are the major macroeconomic events for the week: Are those: The bond auction? The note auction, the bond auction. Obviously, we still have a bunch of earnings, so check this out at E Whispers on Twitter or just screenshot this and then I Kind of just bold. The ones that I think you're really going to care about particularly paler Snapchat Disney PayPal I think those are big and then today.

Just so you know, from a seasonality standpoint, today does favor the Bears uh, the Bears the Bears, the Bears the Bulls have only won this day 44% of the time over the past 25 years. The profit factor is 0.49 And here's a look at the equity curve at buying at open and selling at close on this individual day over the past two and a half decades kind of flat and then recently going bearish home. From a seasonality standpoint, I would argue that the Bears have a slight Advantage Um, obviously. we concluded the week uh, last week was the final trading week of January.

The Piper strategy went 72 for 74 units and it's currently on a streak of 38 38 call outs in a row being correct. and right now in terms of units, February is 8 for8. So I mean and the reason I'm saying units versus trades is because you can see sometimes there's more units being bet. Um, basically the stronger the signal is, it'll take more of a bet.

So that's why the January is in units and then the current streak is just winning trades straight in a row. So it's on a streak of 38 and the January record was 72 for 74 and thus far in February uh, 8 for8 units. Uh, so uh. and then my major watches I'm really looking for Bitcoin as I alluded to a little bit earlier, looking for Bitcoin to break out and hold uh if that happens I think the same thing will happen with Coinbase.
Very interested in getting in coinbase on a push and hold about like 135 136. would really like to see that on coinbase and then for Netflix I actually already have calls for not this week, but next week. Um I just like the push. I like the consolidation and I'm looking for the follow through.

so I already have some calls on Netflix And then for those of you who have been maybe tracking more of the swing trade type of a situation, uh I have been still holding my Microsoft I I'm in Microsoft at 374 and I think my stop right now is 397 or let me actually double check. let me double check my Microsoft stop modify 397 I should probably move that up where would be a good trailing stop loss for Microsoft at this point? Nope. 397 is still appropriate. All right.

So my stop: I'm I'm in at 374 I'm in somewhere around here 374. Um, so that's looking good. Netflix uh, was looking good this morning I'm looking for Netflix to break and hold 580. Uh, right now I'm sure I'm slightly down on the position because of the Decay but I like that.

so let me actually those are in my public account. Let me see where those are. So I'm swinging Microsoft stock right now, but I'm also swinging Netflix calls Netflix Netflix calls February 16th. Oh, apparently I'm in medic calls.

when did I do that? Well, that's not good. I'm in Meta calls for this week I didn't know I did that. Well, that's a bit of a bummer. Okay, well apparently I'm swinging.

Meta calls right now too. Meta calls for this week Netflix calls for next week and then I still also have those Rum calls that have been in for a hot minute. Um, hey, I guess I am voting on Tech going up I Guess your boy's going to be bullish on Tech this week and next week we'll see how it goes. We'll see how that goes.

How big is your unit Matt You guys have a problem. You know that, right? Dude. Meta down By1 don't do that to me dude I need Meta to go Green Rum's picking up I'm watching that $7 Mark I Think that'd be interesting Netflix I need Netflix to go to save me from my Meta play So Microsoft stock Netflix calls Meta calls Rum calls and then I also have Rum stock stock as an investment and I haven't done anything quite else yet today. What time is it? We just got an announcement at 945, right? Profit? Uh, us Services PMI 52.5 versus 52.9 The estimate was 52.9 the global composite PMI 52 and it was 52.3 So the first one came in in at expectation, the other one a little bit lighter and now the market is liking that.
Um, thank you profet for sharing that. thank thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you thank you Let's see if there's any continuation. Let's see what kind of continuation we get. I think I Also liked a lot of things that I wanted to share with you.

We did this. We did this I needed to buy that book. Um, oh apparently. Hassan Perer is a complete complete fucking fraud.

For any of you guys who know him, it's like he's a a whiny, bitchy like communist lover sympathizer love socialism. Basically he's a douchebag and he always comes off as like oh, anti-ri blah blah blah. Come to find out he's a trust fund baby twitch, fake communist Hassan Perer is under Fire after it's been revealed that his father was the CEO of a company that had a revenue of 152 billion or something like that. look up Saban holding or something.

but he's related to the young. He's just a douchebag. Um, and I Don't think anyone's surprised that the same kid who's make the rich pay he is the rich. Like he actively sits there and like tells everyone how great socialism and communism are and blah blah blah in his multi-million dollar house with a very expensive car.

He's just a douchebag. He he's just an absolute douchebag. Uh, what was this one? I Like this guy, he just cracks me up. Uh, the Vi you host gets grilled by an immigrant after she asserts the most Americans are racist.

There are absolutely racist people in this country. It is not the vast majority of people in this country and I feel like well FBI Director said white supremacy is the biggest threat to our country today. I Just experienced my son walking down the beach being called the Nword several times. Sunny First and foremost, there are racists in every racial group.

But here's the sad reality: Are you ready? As a person of color, you can openly be racist towards white people and guess what? you'll get a pass for it. That's the number that the FBI the corrupt FBI doesn't count. Instead, they focus on incidents against blacks and say white supremacy is the biggest problem in the country. Now you said you can't dismiss my lived experience yet you came up with only one example.

Your entire life as a black person and you had only one example and it wasn't even related to you. It was related to your son And given how dishonest you usually are I would say that whole story smells a little bit like juicy, smaller and I think you know who that is not as funny as the WF ones. Let's see what else he has. He has to have some other ones here.

Uh, here we have them popping off here. Let me make it smaller so you can see the whole thing. Uh with Elizabeth Warren The real threat here is the one you identified just now and that is Donald Trump Who says there's a problem at the border? but he wants that problem to get worse to continue to be a problem so that he can run on it next. November This is a man who puts himself first and puts the United States of America way behind.
sorry that's called running for president. So you look at your opponent and the horrible job he's is doing protecting the country or the economy. I Think we all agree it's not doing very well. Then you run on those issues.

It's very that simple. So Pocahantas here said a lot of words and still managed to make no sense at all. Senator Elizabeth Warren Thank you for your time. You bet s the real you bet.

Uh, what else he's just. he does like a lot of little skits like that I don't know I find them particularly funny. What else do we have? books? Uh, for anyone interested in Formula 1 Lis Hamilton is actually leaving Mercedes going to Ferrari So for all of you F1 fans and then also anyone who's just watching, drive To Survive Uh, big switch up. So it's not this season.

it's technically next season. So this current season that's going to get underway in like the upcoming month uh, that one is going to be Lis Hamilton's last one with Mercedes officially signing with Ferrari Oh I was just stoked about this billionaire Peter Teal's Bank rolling Olympics on steroids event that allows athletes to dope How sick is that? That is the coolest thing. That's what we want. Let's see how good people can actually get.

Let them take whatever the hell they want. That's what we're here for. Uh so Peter Theal just giving everyone what they want. What was this one? I think I Found this one on the airplane last month I Had a wedding.

Oh I Remember this one. This one's a good one. You'll enjoy it. Last month I had a wedding Denver but it's ski season.

Flights are crazy right? It's cheaper to fly to La So I booked that flight. takes off couple hours in looking out the window see the Rocky Mountains what do I do shit myself start jerking off Man it was Mayhem women were screaming, kids were crying, everyone had their phones out, whites, blacks Latinos they all want to P the action steuart just begged me to stop. but I pretended death pilot had no choice but to make an emergency landing and you guessed it. Denver Colorado Sure spent the night in jail and now I'm on some stupid fucking list.

but I saved $142 on my flight. There is always a better deal always. Last month I had a wedding in Denver There's always a better deal. You just got to think outside the box I Want you guys to take that and bring it with you today into your trades.

Just realize there's always a better deal. Always always a better deal. Sure! I spent the night in jail and I'm on some stupid fucking list those entrepreneurship skits. They're so goddamn funny.

Oh, that's the Mantra you should be bringing with you all week. Oh what is this? Uh, our newest office? Our newest Studio later than ever live D streams in DC Whoa. Rumble's rocking the DC office. Now that's cool right there with the capital and everything.
that's really cool. That's awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Oh what's Pelosi up too? Uh, I mean Nvidia's up more just because another analyst gave it a price Target upgrade.

Uh, so uh, who was it? Whatever the price, Target's now $800 and that's why Nvidia is up an additional $28 up 4% in trading today. It's just ripping and Pelosi's just making money hand over fist on the deal. Hey, like, how is this legal it? It's so egregiously bad that at a certain point like what in the world everyone's like, yeah, no, this is fine. It's sad when you have to like continually make jokes about it because if you just like accepted the reality of how messed up it is, it's more upsetting than anything else.

So we all just kind of. We all just like we're like, well, okay, I guess we'll just make jokes. It's it's very Millennial of us to realize an absolutely horrible situation and then instead of like really doing anything, it's so bad that we just like, uh yeah, how um jokes. Very Millennial? Very, you sound.

Oh, of course I'm jealous I dude I wish I yoed a million dollars into Nvidia calls of course I did 100% This is jealousy with I I wish I had the ability to Insider trade as much as Pelosi does of course of course. in fact, uh, for those of you who maybe are a bit newer to the stream, one of these days, when I run for some sort of congressional position, my entire campaign is this and I'll just reiterate it for everyone else. I'm not going to vote on anything I will abstain. So no, I'm not necessarily going to make you happy with my votes, but I'm also not going to piss you off with my votes.

I will abstain on every single vote. every single one. So you know I'm not voting against you. And then also, what I'm going to do is I'm going to finagle my way into all the important committees I'm going to be a sitting member whatever, a JV member on all the important committees and I will tweet out out all of my trades the day before they happen the day before they happen.

I'm going to be like feeling pretty good about whatever Nvidia tomorrow for free I'll do it for free. That's all I'm going to do I won't vote on anything and I'll get on all the important committees and then I'm going to be tweeting out my trades the day before they get executed. Um, so if that's something you want to vote for, vote for it. You know you know.

Will you put in the Discord inste Yeah! I mean when I'm president of the United States I don't know if I'm have time to be running a Discord anymore. That'd be funny. The president's Discord just like shit posting memes all day in there. You know what? At at first my knee-jerk reaction was there's no way we'll be able to pull that off but I think might be able to.

You know I think we might be able to inside outs inside Outsider trading uh I Hope I can count on your votes Team team team team team I Very much hope I can count on your votes I Would love for Netflix and Meta to rip What's going on with Tech today I need tech to go more? This is BS rums going for seven buckaroos? Looks like seven Beck Ruse is back on the menu brother back on the menu. All right. I Have some breakout breakdown alerts: The five minute triy to go bullish got smacked so the cloud didn't flip. same thing with the 10- minute.
but the 30 minute on the S&P 500 is holding bullish. So daily bullish. 30 minute bullish. 5 minute and 10 minute are both bearish but potentially trying to flip over.

Uh, which means is not that easy of a trading day and then if we look at, uh, the cues, let's see what we got going down here. Uh, daily bullish. 30 minute Bullish saved itself from a potential breakdown. 5 minute and 10 minutes.

similar to the S&P 500 where it's bearish but attempting to flip. Um, so watching these lines pretty closely, we're kind of in an awkward No Man's Land right now. But it is what it is. It is what it is.

Dwac is going D Dak Dwak is going up 6% Is there news? Is there news on Dwac? Dwac Dwok Dwok Dwok Dwok Latest: is it just going to go Bullish flow how to move P for whatever reason moves in sympathy to it even though they probably shouldn't be connected. Uh, what is happening? Uh, not seeing any announcements but the stock just popped out of nowhere. rum flirting with $7 Also, what just happened there on the Spy What is going on right now? Did the Ism just drop what did it come in at? Dude. today is a wild day.

Of course Cnbc's late profit. Uh Matt When are you running? What? What? Like when am I Leaving today? Brother Santell here with some live breaking news I'm at CME and the Ism services pmis are hitting the wires for January 53.4 on Headline That is much better than anticipated and sequentially much higher than 50.5 in the rearview mirror. Highest level since August when it was 55. 4.1 on the prices paid side.

Unfortunately, it's moving up as well. We don't really wantes 64.0 sequentially following 56.7 and that would be the highest level going back to February as I said. Unfortunately, the lowest level we've had recently is in the rearview mirror 56.7 for last month December that was the lowest level since midyear June last year on on the employment front: 50.5 50.5 It's much, uh, better than anticipated because it's over 50 and in the rearview mirror 43.8 50.5 Best level since November when it was 50.6 and finally, on the new orders front: 55.0 Sequentially much better than 52.8 55.0 Best level since October of last year. And these better isms, but especially the prices paid being higher is pushing Yields up.

We're now hovering right around 414 up a dozen basis points in 10e Note: Yield Sarah above seven. What? What level are you watching Re? Because we're really starting to get some lifts and yields here post jobs and Powell and now this, you know, in my opinion, anything above 409 to 410. that's what I would use as a pivot I Think we're going to be guns hot here, especially on the longer maturities. so I'm looking for yields to test potentially right around 4 and a Qu over the next several sessions we will watch.
Thank you Rick Rick Santelli And good morning everyone! Welcome to another hour of Squawk on the street! I'm Sarah Eisen with Carl Konia and David Faber Live for you as always from post N9 of the New York Stock Exchange take a look at stocks. We're starting a little bit weaker here. uh, down about a third of 1% on the S&P Nasdaq's down a third of 1% as well. Two sectors hire Healthcare and information technology.

Some of the semiconductors are up Nvidia is up another 4.6% Uh, but asig Tech The others are taking a breather right now. minus alphabet which is also higher. Take a look at treasuries. As Rick noted, strong data equals higher yields 10year Note: yield at 414, 2-year yield at 446 we're three 30 minutes a into the trading session.

Here are some movers: We're watching shares of Caterpillar hitting all-time highs after reporting record full year sales and revenue strengthen the company's energy and transportation business, fueling the results. Speaking of fresh highs, a number of other firms also hitting 52e highs today Eli Lily Nvidia Uber and Siga among them. And another day in the red for Boeing and part supplier Spirit Aeros Systems Boeing saying it found more issues with its 737 Max Jets much more ahead details later in the show. But guys, let's start with some of the market moves right now: I mentioned yields if you look at, just widen out a little bit on a six-month for instance, 10-year yield chart.

So we got to super low yields. not super low, but at least for this current cycle below 4% And then, since Powell came out last week. after the news conference, we got strong jobs data. We got better.

Services number with higher prices paid little bit firmer University of Michigan Uh, expectations on 10-year inflation rates. 10-year yield is moving up. That takes the dollar with it. The dollar is now at multi-on highs against other major currencies.

If you're looking at Dxy, it tracks yields higher. It also pushes out the March cut right. Pal firmly did that. He doubled down on that in his interview in 60 minutes.

Now May goes from 100% to basically a coin flip, and so people are increasingly eyeing the second half of the year for the first cut fed share. Pal did speak on 16 minutes. He largely reiterated his message that we heard in the news conference last week that he needs to see a little bit more evidence of falling inflation. He did say the danger of moving too soon is that the job's not quite done, and that the really good readings we've had for the last 6 months somehow turn out to not be a true indicator of where inflation is heading.
We don't think that's the base case, but he says The Prudent Thing to do is just give it some time and see the data continue to confirm that inflation is moving down toward a 2% level in a sustainable way. And so now the Market's moving David back toward that view. Boring. Uh, if you are in the Discord I Posted the strategy and then my trade finally just got fil.

So I posted my personal trade for the day. which means I'm kind of done. Uh, because if you think about it, the three accounts on Apex are all good. The wheel account rumble's account, and YouTube's account Good good, good.

Across the board, you guys are all looking great. Um I think 17 days in a row. 18 days in a row so you guys are still on your streak. I blew out other Apex accounts to try to I don't know.

Get them, get the quick profit and it just didn't happen for me. Um, on that note, they have nothing to do with today. But here let me just I wanted to see what it is because I think today the final day of the offer just for anyone. Um yeah.

$35 resets. So for people who have accounts that they blew out, um, today is the final day for $35 resets just if you care. it's in the description of the video. Uh, but really, the major thing of the day is today's actual stream partner public.

If you're not signed up, make an account. Um, to be completely honest with you, right now, they just dropped options trading. As in, it just came out a week and a half ago late. January So they are working on it.

they're developing it, but when it gets to be the perfectly equivalent level of like Just Vibe and how it looks and how it feels, this will be the best place to trade options because you get 50% of your options Revenue back. No other brokerage on this planet does that If you are an options Trader a day trader a swing Trader Whatever it is, no matter where you're at, you would be better off on public because you're getting an extra Kickback that no other brokerage will give you. Highly recommend checking it out and obviously when you sign up, it's free to sign up and whatever. If you follow the link Pinn to the top, there's going to be a bonus and whatnot so make sure you are checking that out.

Check it out, check it out. check it out. I Think you're going to like it pretty Innovative if you ask me pretty Innovative if you ask me, rum's looking good, dwx looking good Market's looking rough and the NASDAQ is looking rough. The five minute vomited, the 10 minute vomited, the 30 minute vomited uh, and the daily so bearish, bearish, bearish and daily still bullish bearish bearish bearish and the daily still bullish.

Now for the 30 minute. obviously the five and the 10 are bearish and you like. It's pretty evident with the Am. like just the Red Cloud the Red Cloud Red Cloud Red Cloud the 30 minutes.
Interesting because I've been doing a little bit of research on like how strong of a reversal signal this is and it's There's nothing that's foolproof in this game. but on a 30 minute when you have a 30 minute close below. so like right here, we're obviously bullish and then we vomit the other way if this closes and then also if the next 30 minut bar closes. if you have two closes below that that's a strong sign of reversal.

Once again, nothing's a guarantee but a strong sign. Same thing here on the NASDAQ uh obviously a vomit and this doesn't close for another 21 minutes. so if you're using that, it's going to take 51 minutes cuz you could be like okay, we got this close. Are we going to get another close but 5 minute 10 minute? That's bearish.

30 minute. This could definitely be going bearish. Nvidia doesn't really seem to care because it's rocking Bitcoin holding at 43k I'm a push in a close above 43.5 44 This is Bitcoin in terms of an active trade. Well, I like it as an investment obviously.

but in terms of an active trade Bitcoin Look at this. We popped. We came down fake out, breakout, fake out. Breakdown: Excuse me the recovery above the trend line above the cloud we push, we consolidate.

This looks exactly like Microsoft did looks exactly like Microsoft did it pushed it Consolidated it held push. this is will it play out I Have no idea I'm just saying I like the risk reward because you don't have to risk that much and then if the if you catch a good one you the reward could greatly outweigh the risk. So I don't know it. It's obviously not breaking down at this exact moment, but I'm watching the 43.5k 44k area very very closely Meta inside Day: Netflix almost got going today but not really having it.

coin's going the other way I very much wanted coin like I said I need a close above 135 136 and then I would like that as a swing play I've been swinging Microsoft uh Tesla not looking good Obviously there's some concern over how pissed off Elon's going to be about this pay package thing. uh which is causing the stock to continue to fall. Potential support at 178 I was a little early I did have puts and then my stop got hit. If I held it I probably would have been fine but watching 178 and then below that 164 Nvidia is a Non-Stop train Apple uh bouncing back a little bit after its week earnings, the whole Apple Vision Pro thing out and ther

6 thoughts on “Squeeze watch, china’s stock market crashes live trading the mk show”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @traderzzz123 says:

    this goof blew over 350 apex accounts, no wonder their making so much bank.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MaybehereMaybenotJapan says:

    He's back I thought China got you

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jks1311 says:

    1775 was the start of the revolutionary war 1776 was the declaration of independence

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @BUY_YOUTUB_VIEWS_331 says:

    Yeah this is fucking sick

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Ash-zp2pt says:

    Hold ur chippers gambling for fools

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Ash-zp2pt says:


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