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Foreign. Thank you Foreign Foreign it is. Friday Good morning, good morning, good morning. Welcome back to another episode of The Mad Core Show where I'm Matt Corrs here the show and together maybe we'll figure out this.

Friday Hey, it's Friday September 22nd and friends are not looking the best in the market if we're being completely honest. So that's what I want to talk about? That's definitely what I want to get a little bit into of how the market is looking? a little bit suspect to say the least. Uh, so want to talk about that? but just maybe. uh, if you guys haven't really been seeing it, the Spy recently yesterday hit a low of 431 430.

that's a major support area. like a major support area, so maybe just maybe the stock market won't be completely. Avada Cadaver again again today. Uh so I want to go over that? some things going on in the options Market But really, maybe a quick recap of the macro economic news? what's going down there? Uh, but we are getting some not so Rosy updates related to the potential government shutdown in the U.S And honestly, I'm at the point where even if even if they figure it all out in time, it's just an embarrassment that every time we come almost to the point where we need to know what the government's doing as in shutting down or not, it, the fact that it's always in question is an embarrassment.

I suppose if you ask me, uh so I don't know it like obviously it's a bad look and then I guess you could argue that. Well, it's just even a worse luck if we do shut down. but they were making some Headway and then we had some hardliners on the right side of the aisle come in and decide. You know what? Nope, we're gonna make it even more difficult.

so that's basically where we're at. Um, but hey I hope everyone's having a good one. We'll wait a quick second for people to come in see what's going on. Can I get the chat popped up here: Is this working today? Is this working? Uh uh I think the chat, say something, type faster, do something I turned the chat on but I notice I I use stream Labs that's like the software I use to propagate this out to everything and I noticed sometimes oh there's there's chat fast poop hi boom yo yo it is coming up.

um unfortunately at this point in time if you're on Rumble it's not going to be coming up right here. Uh, because restream and I've messaged him many times. I've talked to people working at the company and they said they've had a lot of requests to get integrated with. Rumble it's just not a thing yet and I wonder it Makes me wonder when you're already partnered up with like the most random companies out there, but not Rumble I'm like, well, is there actually a technical issue that is like tough to surmount? or are you trying to make some sort of like stand that you're not like working with them I Don't know what it is, but good morning, good morning.

What is this? This article provides background on Keith Gill and his role in the GameStop short squeeze before discussing his net worth before, during, and after the squeeze. Uh, for those of you who don't know, the Ben Mesric book, uh, Dub Money was transformed into a script which was transformed into a movie which already made its initial debut. but I think it's worldwide or like more of its wider debut is starting this weekend. I'm planning on seeing it next weekend because I'm actually really busy this weekend, but next weekend, hopefully actually getting able to watch that dumb Money movie I'm excited.
Uh, especially. there's a soft spot in my heart because I owe a lot to GameStop I owe a lot to Keith Gill Really I wouldn't be here without it I mean basically I would argue that there was like two phases of my whole content career and everything. Uh, struggling, struggling, struggling. start streaming GameStop Squeezes I choose to cover GameStop and I like, uh, literally within one week I think I went from ten thousand to fifty thousand and then in a month I was at 150, 200 000 and then obviously I gained even more through AMC but gay I owe a lot to GameStop like in my life, my content career I owe a ton to the whole Gme movement Wall Street bets everything there.

Uh, make no doubt about it I would not be doing what I'm doing today if really, there wasn't an army of people on Reddit talking about GameStop Um, it. I've personally find it a little bit painful. obviously at this point that there's a lot more interested in AMC than there is Gme, especially because uh, from what I've seen, the way that the situation is approached with Gme is very very different than with the AMC community. and I know there's overlap and I know I'm painting with very broad Strokes here.

But if you were to talk to people who are like exclusively interested in Gme versus people exclusively interested in AMC I'm sure you've seen it before. they are. They're focused on very, very very different things. Um, but hey, I guess it's a good time to reminisce on the the good old times.

and hey, not everything's gonna last forever. but man, what a time. what a Time Just the other day I was thinking about it I don't know if you guys remember it at all I wonder if I could actually find it? Let me see if I can find it. but some of my earliest streams like when I was like considerably bigger and more popular than I am now.

Um, I mean if you look at it I didn't know what was going on I had the worst camera I had the worst setup, the worst audio, just nothing of it was working together and I don't know if we've ever talked about this, but there was a couple months so it started going crazy in late January of 2021 January February March maybe even April The chair I was sitting on for eight hours a day was not a quality ergonomic chair that you're meant to sit in. First of all, sitting that long in any form of chair is not a good thing. The chair I was sitting in was a metal folding chair. that I mean I don't know how many of you guys watching right now were there when I was streaming eight nine hours a day every single day Monday to Friday creating the update videos.
but those first couple months the only chair I had was literally a metal folding chair and after like the first two weeks I was like man my back doesn't feel right. this can't be good. like having pains at what 26 27 So my only update from there I thought to myself was oh well maybe I could fix it by just sitting on a pillow so I took at that point she was my girlfriend now fiance but uh she has like a little throw pillow so I just started sitting on that on the metal chair. and then finally when some of the YouTube paychecks came in I was able to upgrade to this chair right here, but uh no for a bit there I Still very very much question if that like has permanently messed up my lower back um chair single-handedly squeezed.

the memes chair. definitely did. and that's why I brought my the new chair, the upgraded chair, the powerful chair with a Mystic like ability uh with me for basically all the movements ever since then. but it's been fun times, fun times to say the least.

and you know what? I Kind of want to check out this article and I don't know, it's just popping up and just while we're while we're all busy reminisce and we might as well talk and see what's going on here. Let me switch this up over Keith Gill's net worth If you don't know Keith Gill he is Warren Kitty He's very much thought to be the daddy of the ape movement. He's the actual Silverback I Know some people like to call uh Adam Aaron the Silverback I know people like to call Charles Payne the Silverback they're not. They're all cosplaying as the Silverback if you, there's one true silver back to the ape movement and it's this guy right here.

Keith Gill His story is crazy. Obviously it's now. It's so crazy that it's being documented in a movie Dumb money. It was written about in books, many other documentaries, but now we have the movie with it.

Um, this guy's the actual Silverback I'm I There's no real argument whatsoever like not even emoticum of Truth that Adam Aaron is the Silverback Like let's get that, like explicitly stated explicitly clear, this guy's the actual Legend Keith Gill is largely credited with sparking Wall Street BET's overwhelming interest in GameStop just prior to its legendary short squeeze in late 2020, early 2021. But just how much did he make and how much is he worth now? I'm curious about this just because uh, after it all happened like obviously he got called in front of the government and everything. Uh, he went super quiet, like super quiet under the radar. Uh, obviously the I mean the government came after him Keith Gill perhaps better known by his YouTube username roaring Kitty and his Reddit handled deep effing value was until late 2020, a relatively unknown Financial Analyst at Massachusetts Bates Life Insurance Company Mass Mutual he traded stocks on the side as a hobby, occasionally uploading lighthearted videos about his positions and stock picking strategies to YouTube known for his casually irrelevant style often seen beer in hand, sporting a red handband and graphic cat t-shirt in his videos.
Gil was memorialized on the Silver Screen green with the September 2023 release of Dumb Money in which he was played by Paul Dano Honestly good casting the film Chronicles the notorious Gme short squeeze in late 2020, early 2021, during which a Loosely organized horde of retail investors galvanized on the subreddit. Wall Street vets used Collective buying action to drive Gme's stock price up to one thousand five hundred percent in less than a month, much to the dismay of several hedge funds that had large short positions on the so-called meme stock. The famous one that blew up was Game Plotkin's Melvin Capital by most accounts Keith this or Keith Gill's YouTube videos which he posted Wall Street bets were the initial Catalyst that sparked the Saga in his videos. Gil made the case that the struggling video game retailer was undervalued and wasn't losing as many of its customers to online game stores as people assume.

This, combined with the company's massive throwing interest at the time inspired Guild to invest. Uh, his videos gained a lot of traction and soon much of the Wall Street bets attention had turned to Gme. Gil's influence in the event was so pronounced that after all was said and done, he was subpoenaed and made to speak during a congressional hearing go to devoted to investigating the Jimmy phenomenon. Uh, famously repeating his trademark Mantra I like the stock, but just how much did Gil make off the squeeze and what is his net worth now? All right, Well, right away they're coming out of the gate making it I mean I Always assumed he made roughly around 30 million, but I want to see what this actually says.

Key Skills: net worth is unclear, but it's likely varies in step with Gme stock price assuming he still holds a large position in the video game retailer. While Most assume he does. It's hard to say for sure, as he no longer posts video updates with screenshots of his portfolio. Holdings As of 2023, several different sources reporting guilds estimated net worth to be around 30 million dollars.

This number should be taken with a grain of salt, however, as Gill has largely shied away from the public eye since April 2021 when he posted his last video and techie plus Gamers the website that first published the figure does not provide a source for the information, so it just goes over all the shares. But I mean he's worth millions and honestly, he deserves it. Uh, his Peak net worth. Uh, what was the value runs the the call options? Uh, for a total? Okay, so at his Peak he was worth almost 50 mil.
47.9 What does he do now? Gil has retreated into relative obscurity since his last video update in April of 2021, which was titled Cheers Everyone! Even though he hasn't posted any new content since, uh, his YouTube channel Ron Kitty still has over half a million subscribers, many of whom are likely waiting eagerly to hear from the hedge fund toppling folk hero. Once again, he no longer works at. MassMutual In fact, they actually got fined I think they had to pay her four five million dollar fine. Uh, something about the fact that he was working with them in somewhat of an analyst capacity.

but then doing this. um, the government was basically just trying to make someone pay. He had options, right? He had options and stock he was actually exercising I believe quite a few of his options anyway. Gill no longer works at MassMutual having resigned on January 28, 2021 just after the peak of the Gme short squeeze.

Whether or not Gill still holds some of his 800 000 split adjusted shares of Jamie is unknown almost. Uh, although most of his fans seem to think he remains bullish on the stock with 800 000 I mean he could be. he could easily live off selling cover calls against that 800 000 shares. I mean if I were him if he still has the shares and I have no clue if he does or doesn't.

Uh, the way to go is just definitely covered calls every single week, every single month he can be making I don't depends on the volatility of Gme and what he's doing like as in this strike and the expiration. but he could be easily making thousands and thousands a week selling covered calls against his position. Why not? Why not? Why not? Why not? Um, all right. Well, that's a little bit of interesting news.

Let's see what else is going on. I Guess we're starting off today a little bit. uh, in a strange manner. but I Guess my question for you before we hop into all this: How many of you are planning on seeing the Dumb Money movie? Uh I'm planning on seeing the movie and in fact in the past the author of the book dub Money his name is Ben Mesric.

uh I have like the full intentions to actually get the book and read the book. Part of me is almost thinking maybe I should wait to see the movie and get the book and finish the book first. or maybe I guess I could do it the other way around I guess I could just see the movie, order the book and then when the book comes I kind of rip through it in a day. um but I don't know I'm excited I will eventually I think it's gonna be cool happy Friday Get the biggest bag Shout out Natalie Shout out Prophet uh Matt Are you going to give us a date on locals? Discord I was in there but switch to Rumble Support Are you going to give us the date on the locals? Discord um I I will when I have the date? uh right now so I'll just let you know what's going on.

Uh, right now there is no like clear direct way to hook up locals to Discord so it takes a little bit of just like coding in the background to switch it. like basically I need to make sure the way I have everyone on locals that they're properly getting invited over to Discord So it's just taking some coding and I've been talking to the coders and they're telling me it's coming along. But basically the goal is once again still some sort of beta getting people in there that could be a bit more of a manual process, maybe like whatever. I'll open it up for like 20 people just to make sure it's like kind of where I want it with a crowd of people in there and then I'm still targeting sometime in October having like the official public opening for everyone Um, so that's where we're at Cam I appreciate that I'll keep you up to date.
Unfortunately, at this point in time I don't have uh, an exact date, but there is progress being made so still, uh, hopefully uh. next week. We were supposed to do the Beta release next week, but now because of particular things I was just invited to. um, next week is going to get really, really funky for me.

This shows the schedule's going haywire for everyone. Next week we're not going to have the normal Monday to Friday Monday and Friday will be normal Tuesday Wednesday Thursday won't be normal I don't know if I'm allowed to announce this am I allowed to announce this I don't think it's a secret. Is it a secret? Okay, how about I tell you guys something and then if I'm not supposed to have told you, just don't tell anyone. Be like no, we don't know that.

So I'll let you know what's going on. but I don't am I allowed to say this ah am I I forget I wasn't specifically told I can't tell anyone but I also wasn't told that I could tell anyone. Um, okay, how about this? Just don't tell anyone like I'll tell you guys. But here's what happened.

Um, up until yesterday I Thought next week was going to be a normal week I Thought we were going to crush the final week of September do our normal shows keep rocking with everything and then yesterday Rumble reaches out to me and they're like hey brother, a lot of crazy stuff going on with the rum sock and I was like yeah it is and they're like well, you're a finance content creator on Rumble we should talk about it I was like oh Kitty dokity and they're all like, well we're also involved with the second presidential debate. Your audience really seemed to like the first presidential debate. would you like a pass to the second one and you could do your show there and I was like cool, where is it and they're like the Reagan Library I'm like awesome Reagan Library Sign me up I'll figure out how to get down to DC it's not hard to get to DC from New York there's trains, there's buses I could drive and then they're like you know the Reagan libraries in LA right? I was like oh interesting. So um, that's where I'm at.
Basically similar to the show uh that we did the first time in Minneapolis uh, we're gonna be now going to La I Just assumed that if there was a place called the Reagan Library that it would be in DC and it's not in DC So hey, we all we all learned a little something. so uh, definitely not driving out there. not walking, not busing. I guess I could train.

but if I wanted to train I'd have to start like tomorrow. Um, so it's going to be a little bit funky just with the flight schedule. So what's gonna happen is Monday will be a normal day. Tuesday The morning show is not going to be happening because I'll be on a plane.

I'm gonna try to get to the hotel in time and if I do get to the hotel in time and if the Wi-Fi is good enough, I'll try to stream like a wrap up on Tuesday and then Wednesday I actually could do a morning stream in the hotel once again if the Wi-Fi is good enough because that's the advantage of being on the west coast with the market technically opening at 6 30 local time. So even with that, I could do the normal show and then I could go and just do like interview whoever's there. It's going to be very very similar to like the last one if you guys caught that stream on Rumble and then that also leads to Thursday being a little bit questionable with the flight back. So it's a plan that's coming together for me like very I don't know at the last minute.

So I wish I could have told you early but I just found out myself. so um yeah. First of all, lesson number one is Reagan Library is not in DC it is in La that happens to be where the second GOP debate is and we're going to be doing another Matt core show with Rumble and hopefully there's I don't know who else is going to be there I don't know who I'm going to get to interview I'm told that I'm getting all that information this weekend so I'm going to know more hopefully by Monday but as of now all I really know is Rumble's like hey, you should come your audience liked this show. We like that your audience liked the show I like that I was there and I was like yeah, would love to do it again.

Um so it's going to be. it's going to be an interesting one. we'll figure it out but just we gotta I need you guys to improv as well as I do and just kind of roll with it and act like it's um, everyone you know just kind of act like it's normal. like yeah, this guy.

he's always meant to be here. Obviously one of the top tier political commentators of our time. Matt Cores Clearly clearly the guy who just crushes it on the stair stepper. day in and day out made up invite.

hey, it might be tracks, it might be. Did I freeze? uh oh Rumble Am I Frozen YouTube am I Frozen Have I just been talking to myself for a bit here? That would be Beyond awkward. um hello hello hello hello um no no. So just just burn is I Guess giving me a hard time tonight? Hey it happens.

I wonder what they're talking about on CNBC this morning. Whoa. Speaking of Rumble this could be interesting. Did you just hear what they were talking about Omaha Stinks.
Second week in that trial, the government alleges that I don't think it is. can you guys hear this? Matt doesn't realize we're figments of his imagination? Well Google Wishes The antitrust lawsuit that we're about to hear about was a figment of its imagination. Interesting, interesting, all right. Google Currently defending itself and the biggest Tech Anti-Trust trial in decades.

This is the end of the second week in that trial. The government alleges that Google unlawfully abused its search dominance to maintain Monopoly power. Our next guest's latest piece in the New York Times declares that the Google trial is going to rewrite our future I Want to welcome Tim Wu he is a Columbia Law School Professor who served in his advice as an advisor to the Biden Administration and he's known as an architect of its antitrust policies. So Tim welcome I Mean they obviously do this.

Obviously, this is hugely important. There are people watching this from industry on every side trying to figure out what's going to happen. But for those who haven't been following along from home, let's lay this out. The government's heart of this case is that Google was behaving in monopolistic Ways by paying Apple to be the primary browser that it had on its iPhone uh search engine.

Yeah. I Think that's the. That's right I Think that's the the heart of the case. That's the Internet Explorer similar case, similar case.

I Think the heart of the case is the idea that Google maintains its search dominance. You know the only. it's Monopoly in search by paying off people. most prominently Apple to the tune of about 18 billion a year.

which is, you know, not quite 18 billion Market Let's say I I've come back and forth Steve Balmer on earlier this week I believe and he said it's the case that most reminds him that he thinks the words even more to bring in this case than there was against Microsoft with the Internet Explorer situation and I understand that argument, the idea of buying off your competition keeping anybody else away. Yeah, but this is different than the Microsoft situation because Microsoft was doing it with its own browser, on its own, on its own software and so it was locking other people out. This reminds me in some ways of a grocery store selling the in-display at the end of the aisle to a particular you know Intimates cakes or Twinkies or whatever you're going to have at the end. What? Yeah, there would be a monopoly if you are.

If you are acting with another company and you're paying them for the positioning, you know I Think if there were only one grocery store, if there were only a couple products, you know it might be like that. grocery stores are much more competitive market and there's a lot more going on. I mean the difference between this and Microsoft I think is fundamentally Microsoft was more about sticks and this is more about carrots. You know Microsoft was muscling people down.
In this case, you know it's a big payment effectively to split the market. I Think The allegation that Apple stayed out of search for this reason is also pretty important to the case. You know they had early kind of makings of a search engine handling surf traffic. Well, why don't we just stay out? We'll give you 18 billion a year or whatever and we'll just not compete.

What if Bing from Microsoft or somebody else came in and said we're willing to pay 20 billion to do it? Would that change the situation? If there was another player and it wasn't locked up with one, it became more competitive. I I Don't think anyone was in a position to spend that much money, it wouldn't be as profitable for them to do that. Um so I think it's an anti-competitive deal I Think that's what it comes down to I think they've got them on that deal. What do you? What do you think of what's happened so far in the end? I mean of the testimony we've heard, yeah, from what I've seen in red.

I Think they're doing pretty well the government because they've got first of all, the big payment they've got Google Kind of admitting this has been a strategy all along through its documentation and they have other companies like DuckDuckGo saying we couldn't get in there. so I think it's going pretty well for them. Um, what What is the hurdle though? Because I think a lot of you talk about Brave right? like you guys have been using Brave a decent amount of you I mean it's Microsoft situation with Activision Um, when you have losses like that, Is that a case that you build eventually towards a stronger hand? or is it bad news if you start losing Cases left and right. I mean I Think this this: Administration This antitrust division is taking some big swings and when you take big swings like in baseball, you miss some and you hit some.

So they're rejecting the old approach, which was like they're nowhere near winning a batting title. In fact, they wouldn't even they'd be sitting on the bench. they haven't He's been popping off lately. One random house.

they've blocked a whole bunch of other mergers I Think they're doing all right. The FTC did lose did lose the Activision case, but that was a you know, tough case to win. I'll say so you know they're going for it and it's a different kind of approach. They're happy to win.

You know they're happy to bet 500 600. the Obama Administration wanted to bat like a thousand. They want to be perfect. I Think this Administration has a different policy so they didn't bring actions that they thought they were going to lose.

I mean I was in there. We're like, well, we don't We're going this. we're not going to bring it. We'll settle it.
Obama Administration settled a lot. This this Administration is going to trial I Mean it. I Didn't know there was such a difference between the two. Sometimes it is with Lena Khan that everything's bad and we're gonna We're not gonna let anyone merge and therefore we're going to take big swings.

but why have that? Why start out with with that? Viewpoint What? what? What's bad about it I Think that they want to enforce statues as written and The Clayton Act says that anti-competitive mergers should be blocked, you know. And they think that the last construction, even if consumers benefit I mean there. There are times when companies shouldn't be in business because they're not. I think they believe the last 10 years last 20 years, a lot of mergers happen that did not benefit consumers.

Airline Mergers Mergers all over the health health care industry and they're looking back. A lot of Hospital mergers and like, look, prices went up. things got worse. We blew it.

Healthcare is a lot different than technology though. it is, but it's actually worse. Um, some of the practice competitive mergers so you know that's a view. All right.

Well, that's interesting. Uh, I know I believe Rumble and Google have the case right. Rumble versus Google lawsuit. What is this one? Rumble brings a single Anti-Trust claim against Google pursuant to section blank of the Sherman Act section 4 and 15 of The Clayton Act monopolized an attempt monopolization of U.S online video platform market.

So uh, I guess the government's going after Google but then Rumble is also going after Google both for an Anti-Trust which is just a whole like it's accusations of monopolies. Remember, monopolies are not legal and that's what it's being accused of. Oh, what do these guys have to say? Stabilize here after the worst S P day since March First one and a half percent sell-off in more than 100 sessions busy Friday Global Yeah, it was watching for a possible expansion of the auto strike. Our roadmap is going to begin with: wall: Street's no good.

Very bad week. Stocks poised for some steep losses s p NASDAQ Both on track for their worst week since March plus Apple shares their rallying a bit. this is its. Flagship iPhone 15 hit stores worldwide yeah I think Tim Cook AKA Tim Apple was in actually in my neck of the woods never mind strikes Hollywood Studios and being again today? Yes UAW preparing it possibly covered that in the update video yesterday.

They the writers, not the acting strike, but the writer strike might be kind of figured out today. Rosh Hashanah Definitely worked to you by. Yom Kippur All right, so let's talk about it. Let's look at it.

Market Brutal hit yesterday. Absolutely brutal hit yesterday. Uh, and we're about to back a little bit. Kind of makes sense 4 31, 430 on the Spy very very important support levels.
So we ripped through the support the low from Friday August the 18th at 4 31. but we bounce off the support right or excuse me of 433. but we bounce off this support the low from late June at 4 31. big support at 4 30, 4 31.

If that doesn't hold uh, then I'd be watching 426. but obviously maybe we revert a little bit back up to this level. I Mean that's where we're at right now. This low was for 33 and that's where we're bouncing a bit too.

Uh, so I care about these levels I Want to see how the market reacts if you're looking in the options Market You know that there's some pretty serious put walls around 430 431 but then also upside we have some at 4 35 so it might be a bit of a like kind of a bouncing whips all larger volatility today. maybe not a nice trending one. Obviously time will tell when the market actually goes dingy. ding ding ding.

but um, we sold hard yesterday. Uh, congratulations to you if you had puts, especially if you yoload into some short-term puts I'm sure you made some pre-p Pretty serious money and hey, you had some balls and you deserve it. Stock features rice lightly but Market heads for big weekly losses that they do. It is not by any means being helped by this.

McCarthy sends Republicans home after losing shock vote in-house So remember they are at the point of trying to get one extra month before the government shuts down. it will shut down at the end of September but they're trying to get just a bill pass to go till the end of October and they thought they had all the votes. but as as they said, quote unquote Shocked. not happening now.

House recesses after defense Bill Government Funding plan implode and the reason it imploded basically was because there were some hardliners on the right side of the aisle. the GOP who didn't want to give I believe 300 extra million dollars in the defense Bill to Ukraine house Republican Leaders on Thursday sent to Chambers into recess likely dashing hopes of passing a bill to fund the government in the coming days. The stinging defeat came after a procedural vote on a defense funding bill failed Thursday Morning Investors are growing concerned that a government shutdown would cut into fourth quarter GDP and undermine the confidence in the nation's ability to keep its own government open. I Think they do a great job at undermining that themselves.

The government could shut down in a week. Here's what's at stake for: Americans A government shutdown is looking more likely by the day as Republicans face disarray Geo Peers can't agree on a defense spending Bill much less a compromise on funding the government comes September 30th. Some Americans may not see a paycheck or be able to visit Parks Uh, I Would argue that the paycheck is considerably more important than the parking I'm not against parks by any means, but I just think, obviously day-to-day impact on your life. You probably care more about the checks than you do visiting a park.
I Was sent this shout out to fuzzy I think you're in here, but I didn't react to it yet I haven't seen it so I figured let's do a live reaction U.S Taxpayers unwillingly contributed the equivalent over a 169 million per day to Ukraine since the conflict began. I made this video 13 billion dollars ago. Let's see what it is. So Ukraine just put out a new propaganda video on Twitter with a bunch of American celebrities including: Marina Abramovic who is a spirit cooker asking us we've already given them no.

But seriously, what's the spirit cooker I've I've never heard that before I guess I need to look it up. Uh, Spirit cooker? Nothing is coming up Me: What? What's a spirit cooker? It's a big pot. Oh so they're saying that that person is I I've just never heard it. and 100 billion dollars.

and I don't think people can comprehend just how much money that is. You'd literally have to spend about 550 000 a day a day for the next 500 years to spend 100 billion dollars. It's a lot of money. You were to physically stack a hundred billion dollars in one hundred dollar bills.

It would take you 30 years to do that considering that Ukraine's population is about 36 million. that's 277 dollars per person and interestingly same population of people in Ukraine About 35. 36 million people also represents the number of Americans who are food insecure and can't afford to eat every day. and nine million of those are children.

100 billion dollars. You could buy every single major league baseball team. Oh NFL I Didn't forget about you guys. There's about 32 teams in the league, each worth about a billion dollars.

Zielinski could buy all of them three times is 88 billion dollars. That'd be gone too. So all of the medical debt burden in the U.S is 88 billion and we've given almost double that in totality to Ukraine. We've given two times all of the medical debt.

Imagine if we just as a country. What if that was just a giant vote? What if there was just like a huge huge vote that went to every single I Guess let's say tax paying American And they said hey, we collected all your tax dollars and we're we're feeling. we're feeling a little crazy. We're gonna go spend some money and you could either vote on one thing we either spend the money and support Ukraine or we spend the money and erase all medical debt in the US I Wonder where that would go like if this happened? Which way do you think that would break? Do you think 51 plus would go to Ukraine Or do you think 51 would vote more so on medical debt? Uh, 88 billion in medical debt and we've spent almost double that on Ukraine We could have.

We could have a country that has no medical debt that's crazy I Didn't know that was the number. Spare us the nerve of using our celebrities to beg for more money. Have some shame. All right I Don't think I could play that music.
That's Crazy 88 billion Fascinating. Uh I was also said this former New Zealand Prime Minister Arden We will continue to be your only source of truth if your government is telling you that they are your only source of Truth A little suspect. Um I've been watching for some days and this is not unique to New Zealand that in the midst of what is a global issue, as you would expect, there are a number of rumors that circulate I am present on social media. I See it myself I Cannot go around and individually dismiss.

Can we just appreciate how many vowels she like? She's getting every value. Uh, like I Don't even know if I could enunciate the way she's enunciating. she's getting every vowel and like just chomping in on it like you're hearing every single tonality on every single value. Um, yeah, you know, dude, that's like just really.

I'm gonna at least appreciate that. I've been watching for some days and this is not unique to New Zealand that in the midst of what is a global issue as you would expect, social media dude, a lot lot in there. oh I cannot go around. We did added the conversation about that's what you guys all pay me the big bucks for.

I'm here to just point out how they're really getting every value. every vowel in there originally dismiss every single rumor I See on social media as tempted as I might be. So instead I want to send a clear message to the New Zealand Public We will share with you the most up-to-date information daily. You can trust us as a source of that information.

You can also trust the Director General of Health and the Ministry of Health for that information. Do feel free to visit at any time to clarify any rumor you may hear. Covert19.govt Dot NZ Otherwise, dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of Truth.

We will provide information frequently. We will share everything we can. everything you are else you see. um, a grain of salt.

So I continue to share the message. New Zealanders must prepare. But do not panic. Prepare.

And and before you see those things, please remember that unless um, uh yeah, just a general rule of life if the government is going on. TV Telling you that they're the single source of Truth I Maybe just maybe they're not the single source of Truth just just throwing that wild wild one out there if we look at governments in an aggregate. uh, I Don't think they're really close to batting a thousand? You know they're not. really.

In fact, using a metaphor an analogy that Joe did on CNBC they probably actually just be on the bench I think their batting is so poor? Uh, kind of ballsy though. Speaking of governments not batting a thousand Saudi Crown Prince says he will keep Sports watching as criticism of the practice grows. Saudi Crowns Prince Mohammed Bin Salam Uh, embraced accusations of sports watching during a Fox news interview. Well, if Sports watching is going to increase my GDP by way of one percent, I will continue to do Sports washing.
At least they're honest. You know at least they're I'm not saying that they're necessarily moral, but at least he's just calling it the way he calls it. Where were you when Saudi beat Argentina in the World Cup and what was your reaction? I Was with my family we I brought those their wives, their kids watching the game and actually we just want to get out from this game with no humiliation. We get surprised I mean it fired up people here I Talked to a ton of them and they were really excited.

You are spending a ton. What does it mean I Talked to a ton of them. Does he mean people or is like? It's an interesting way to present them I Talked to a ton of them. A lot of money.

What do you say to the people who charge that that's part of Sports washing that you're trying to use all of that to somehow improve or somehow affect your image? Well, if a spot washing gonna increase my GDP by 1.1 percent and then it will continue doing spot washing, you're okay with that term. I I Don't care I have one percent growth of GDP from Sport and I'm aiming for another one and a half percent. You know why he doesn't care because the family are arguably trillionaires sitting on such a reserve of oil. They don't.

They don't. care. Say what you want, but this is a member of arguably one of the most influential families on the entire planet. One of the wealthiest families on the entire planet.

Potentially the wealthiest family on the entire planet. He's not going to care what people say to him. what do you want? We're gonna get that one and a half percent. Are you a golfer? I'm a beginner? Not good, so you don't have a lot of time to practice.

Uh, that's part of it. but I'm trying to do my best. What do you make of live golf and possibly this merging with the PGA one? That's a game changer for the golf industry. You will not have competition and you will have focused in developing the game.

and that's good for the players and the fans who love golf. Obviously they're gonna keep Sports watching. I Mean they're making moves obviously in soccer. A lot of soccer on the national scale, but even on like Premiere like what we have going on with Ronaldo and Neymar right now.

Uh, I Was recently watching a documentary um Newcastle United They're huge investors there I think they own like 80 percent of it. so they're making moves in the soccer World They are making moves in the Formula One World they've already been doing that. They're making moves in the golf world. I Mean before we know it, we're gonna have Saudi Arabia sponsoring like the pickleball League Uh, who knows.

maybe they already are I don't know, but if it's Sports watching you heard it from him, he he simply just does not care UAW Expected to announce more Auto Plant strikes today Friday So not the most positive development between the UAW and Stalantis and all the other automaking factories. but in terms of strikes as I alluded to before, there is some murmurs, some rumors some Whispers going about that potentially the writing strike uh, could be making some very, very positive steps forward to today, so that could be a good one. obviously the longer we have, but it's not going to be completely done even if it were, even if they were Holden Hands kiss, makeup, uh singing Kumbaya that would just be the writing side. Remember, there's a whole acting strike going on as well, but hopefully if the writing strike gets figured out, maybe that'll expediate the acting strike.
So a little positive news in the world of Hollywood acting writing. But in terms of Auto Workers uh no, it seems like it's actually in fact getting even worse. Microsoft's Activision deals set to clear final UK hurdle. We were just talking about antitrust.

that kind of came out of nowhere with Google and whatnot. So uh, Microsoft Activision may be going through. We're going to be getting an update on that I'm really more so interested in this because even though the Spy took a big hit yesterday, even though the cues took a big hit yesterday, Microsoft actually kind of Saved itself a little bit just not going down as much. At one point it was actually pretty green and they just had some developments of what like launching their AI service their part like they own a huge Equity stake in open AI um and doing that with um I guess kind of just various clients.

they're going to be offering those services and then on top of it, they also announced a release of some new computers that obviously were received pretty well for the market because Microsoft definitely not as bloody red as everything else going on. and hey, this is potentially even better news. Does this mean that mine imminently? How significant is this for? Microsoft It's suddenly looking that way. Tom You know Microsoft has agreed to give French video game publisher Ubisoft Cloud streaming rights for Activision's very popular games and that was one of the big issues that CMA was blocking this deal on because their argument was that they wanted a market for consumers that was not tied up to any one company and now we still have that October 18 deadline.

but it's looking a lot better for Microsoft especially if you look at the fact that the Ftc's core challenge over the deal was rejected. the European Union has cleared it though. I Do wonder what this means for the European Union clearance. Given that it has somewhat changed the outlines of the deal, but from the Cma's front, it's looking pretty good.

So in terms of the CMA approving this then Ruth what are the takeaways for for consumers? Because as you point out, the Cma's objections were all around providing more options for consumers. So to what extent does the the renewed offer from Microsoft do that? It definitely makes it a much better market for consumers even though this Market What You know, one of the things that the CMA has taken flag for is opposing a takeover based on concerns around the market which is still pretty immature. But if like, we managed to get this going ahead, you know the CMA could argue that actually, even in a nascent Market we put consumers first and we took a stance that was different from the other big Regulators. Pay attention to the whole Microsoft Activision potential merger.
Seems like that is closer to being done than it was a few a bit ago. I Do want to talk very quickly about today in terms of seasonality just to kind of get everyone set up as we're about 10 minutes from that. Bell Going dingy ding ding ding today. seasonality definitely favors the Bears.

Uh, Historically, over the past 20 five years, the Bulls have only won this day just over a third of the time. The profit factor is below one coming in at 0.66 And here's an equity curve of buying it, open selling it, close. clearly, down down. Yeah, there was a little pop, but once again, over the past 25 years, if you were to just trade this day, it would have paid to be a bear on this day.

Um, quick update on the option strategy thus far this week. this is the option strategy update from last week thus far this week: Dune Pretty solid. Uh, now Five for Five. This is the one from yesterday on the queues.

Obviously we closed below 364. it was a call Credit spread. so then that one worked and then also for the spy. uh, another call Credit spread below 437.

Obviously, we close below 437. So thus far this week, five for five. Last week it was six for eight this week betting a thousand. Five for five.

Uh, hopefully hopefully we end with a thousand. I don't know if this Signal's gonna fire today I Don't know if there's gonna be one, two, three, zero, eighteen I Don't know, we're gonna have to wait and see how this all plays out, but the zero DTE options just kind of. um, just a little bit I Know there's a lot of interest in zero DT So I actually read a really interesting book by an employee from Tastytrade went to one of their talks. It got me thinking.

so working on a strategy, it's not a hundred percent there, but I would argue it's like 99 or 90 95 of the way there. But thus far this week, five for five, last week six or eight. So let's see if we can end out this week batting a thousand as a very quick reminder. Not only is today's seasonality bearish, but don't forget the final one-third We've talked about this to the point of nauseum that the final third of September greatly favors the Bears.

So I if you're gonna take a bullish position right now, just obviously make sure your risk is very like stick to your risk because obviously you're going counter Trend to this portion of September you're going counter Trend to literally the individual day and hey, today might be green I'm not here saying like it has to be a red day, but just understand the odds of this situation and maybe today is amazing. Bullish day might be, might not be, could just be a choppy day. But if you're going in the bullish Direction I would be very very specific with my risk management. Five things to know before that stock Market Bell goes dingy Ding ding ding today Friday Bonds are surging.
Yes, bonds up, yields down. Uh, obviously putting more pressure on banks Rupert's Reign Uh, so the guy running Fox for what six decades is pretty much now done. So Microsoft's new tech. This was announced yesterday.

obviously the markets really liked it Cisco And cyber security Uh, it is buying a Splunk for 157 per share in a Casio worth about 28 billion dollars more. Mcmoney, They McDonald's is raising the cost of the franchise fee for the first time in 30 years. Um, what is this? Franchises who add new restaurants will have to pay five percent in fees starting January 1st up from four percent. so adding a whole nother percentage point in that.

All right. Uh, all this stuff right here. Uh, this is the newsletter. It is free.

F-r-e-e There's no money for this at all. I Send it out every weekend. I'll be sending out another one either tomorrow or Sunday But I Basically just want you to know that to recap of the previous week and what? I'm looking forward to the next week, all the major upcoming macroeconomic events, all the earnings that I think are going to be interested in all the individual seasonality days, and then from there. I give you a breakdown of how the option strategy performed the zero DT one in the previous week, and then the charts of interest that I'm personally paying attention to the upcoming week.

For example, here you could say hey, I think this buy is looking pretty heavy. it's filling out this wedge waiting for that. um, same thing on the queues Microsoft Was looking for the breakdown. obviously it's below this 330.

in video looking for the breakdown there. obviously it's below and I was watching for Carvana to get above and hold above 56 for a potential Rip but it never got above and held above 56. So once again, if you're interested in this, it is in the description of the video. It's free and I just need your email and basically every single weekend you'll get the new newsletter update.

All right, let me bring that here. I Just want to make sure we're ready for the day, ready for the day. Uh, let me drop this. Let me get this all right.

Ready very very quickly. So what I'm watching specifically for today is to see if this region 4 30 to 431 actually holds if we hold and bounce out of it. Okay, I think there's generically a reversion somewhere into this area I'm not necessarily looking for 438.43 The upside: Gap filter to actually get filled today I Think it's just simply too far away. Yeah, it could happen I would just put the odds at it pretty low.
So I want to know what happens in the test of this region and if 430 doesn't hold well, then I'd be watching all the way down here just south of 426. So this is what I'm looking for: Either a bounce out of the 430 431 region or a break of that region and then testing 426. that's kind of my mindset on the day. Obviously, the Bears have been in control ever since.

Thursday September 14th lower highs lower lows we are trending down. We broke a major support for mid-august We got saved that a major support of late June and if the late June one proofs did not hold today, then we're looking at the support of mid-june So I mean the Bears Clearly in control. This bullish pennant broke to the South Side Penance in terms of a statistical analysis is actually the least confident technical pattern. In terms of the major technical patterns, the cues on a relative business have been even weaker.

Tried to break out failed try to break out, put in a lower high double field, got rejected right at the trend line. Vomiting: If you're trading the tech sector, obviously, I'd be paying attention to Major names Apple Microsoft Nvidia Tesla But I'm looking at the high and the low from yesterday. We're about mid region right now, but either 361 or 358 358 doesn't hold I'm looking at 355. If 362 is broken above, well, then we have the upside Gap filled to 364.46 But with that being said, seasonality is bearish, price action is bearish.

I Think the sentiment is starting to be like ah, dude, what's the FED actually doing or not doing to us? So uh, I maybe maybe the day is going to be a good day to be bullish, but going into the market open I mean right here we are getting a bit of a bounce. Um I guess I would just if I were bullish today if I took a bullish position I I'm not necessarily against it I just wouldn't give it much leeway in terms of risk if that makes sense. Um, but with that being said, these are my thoughts: 50 of the time I'm right 100 of the time I know as much as you guys I'm not standing in front of you as some sort of expert. Amazing.

phenomenal. Trader Like I said 50 of the time I'm right 100 of the time. So with that being said I Want to get your thoughts? we have about four minutes until that Bell goes dingety ding ding ding And with that being said, where are you guys at on it? where? Hang on? I Actually have to log in and force me to do some sort of update here. Uh, where are you guys in Red day Eric says red and I missed something from Camille happy Friday What are your thoughts on KO From ta perspective, the short report aside I Feel like it had a head and shoulder and daily and looks rather heavy on the weekly KO Let me write that down just so I Don't forget, shout out to Camille Hope you are absolutely crushing it, crushing it uh green AF red blood I Just need to jump back up I Want Red to swing puts into today Matt is reading all this from his crystal ball.
you know it finally got my crystal ball back from the repair shop. Uh Unfortunately they weren't able to repair it to the point of telling me what the Market's about to do I Can just successfully read my chat. So instead of reading my Rumble chat and my YouTube chat now I just can successfully read chat from like the crystal ball instead which is actually in the exact same location. So uh, you could argue that it really hasn't helped me much.

which is a little frustrating. but whatever. Van Whiskey Prophet Griffin Salty Lake Nickel Fritz Is that your real name? Nickel Fritz Like what what does that mean? Where do you guys come up with your usernames? None of this. Arguably, that doesn't make sense.

Nickel Fritz Like at some point you're like, you know what my username's gonna be? It's Nickel Fritz Oh, that's so silly. That's we got a silly goose in here. We have someone who specialized who maybe not only specialize, but majored in at Silly Goose University What? What time is it? Should we do it? It is. Friday and on Fridays we all get a little loosey-goosey a little silly.

It all act like a little bit of a silly goose today. Um, what should we do out of the gate? I'm not asking you if today is going to be a red day at Green Day but what I am asking you is is it gonna the very first minute bar? Is it gonna be red or green? You guys have like I need to know in 30 seconds and I know there's a little bit of a lag here. so like you guys need to tell me and you need to tell me now. All right, a lot of you guys are voting green, but it's almost suspicious how much of you are voting green.

To the point that I don't know if I want to believe you there's too much green in here like you guys were paid off or something. Oh brother. All right I threw in my trade. Everyone knows the rule going for one quick point out of the gate, but we sized it up because today's a Friday we size it up I'm short at 83 because you guys already hit it before the market opened.

Well, fine I took that one. Uh, the market didn't open. So now what do I do I already made the hundred dollars 97 after Commission Oh Jesus Louise's should I take your trade. Are you guys like actually knowing what you're talking about today? Market already selling off I'll do it brother.

All right. you guys know the rules. I'll take your trade because mine already hit so 82. Let me just update this really quick.

All right there we go. I Took your green trade and I swear if you guys are screwing me on this one I'm gonna be so pissed off if you guys are screwing me on this trade, we're gonna have some serious. Oh it did. give me a fill.
Sweet! I'm already up 194 on the day. It just took a little awkward, but it hit. so you guys were right. I guess technically both worked so 194 on the day after commissions on the actual account.

Easy Peas and people say trading's hard like I just don't get it. I I Truly don't understand trading so hard. Risk reward, Fundamental analysis, Derivatives options. this thing, that thing.

the other thing folks. dude, all you have to do is work tirelessly for years to create a following. and then you live stream to that following. and then you ask them people you've most likely never met in real life unless my mom is watching right now.

Mom If you're watching right now, shout out uh I'm not really sure she knows how to comment on stream. Um, but if you guys see my mom in here, make sure you say hi to her. Um, but she's probably the only person who watches that I actually know in real life? Uh, so yeah about that. but hey, Mom if you're watching, uh, appreciate it.

Um, but other than that, that's all you do. work hard, create a following stream to them, ask them what you should do at Market open and then just see if you can make money. Bada Bing Bada Boom you know, Easy Peasy Lemon squeezies. This is honestly how all the major hedge funds Do It Um, it's just basically a bunch of content creators and they just Source information from Their audience and they're like all right, this is what we're buying today.

Um Easy Easy Easy. Um anyway that one Market is open now. Dignity Ding Ding ding. This is my actual trading account and then obviously you guys are now well aware of the prop account which is up 1.9 K in two days.

Not a bad deal. Let me actually change this to the 10 minute. Let me change this to the 10 minute. Uh if you want to do this prop Account challenge if you want to trade with someone else's money, if you pass the test pin to the top of chat in the description of the video, if you click on that link you will get a 60 discount and also I believe your first reset will be another 50 off if you need another reset.

I needed about four or five personally on this one and I needed I think six or seven on Apex. So it took me a decent amount of tries to actually get past. but hey now I'm actually trading on a true funded account up 1.9k seeing if I could get over that two 2.2 K kind of barrier today if I see the opportunity but who knows how today's gonna go. Today might be a good day.

Today might be a bad day. Uh I Love the update to the rumble user interface. Great job Rumble Team! Oh wait, is there a new update? There's a new update. This is an update Stocks get Avada Kedavra Oh man I Just sometimes I Want to know what happens with the editors at Rumble where they see that and they're like this is what we need featured This is what we need featured today.
They're like we could talk about political stuff we could put up Donald Trump Jr we could put up uh AP for Liberty like and then they see this and they're like oh yeah, what are the rules for you that get you funded? You have to make 3K in profit without experiencing a 2K drawdown. And then there's some other like little rules here and there but those are like the major rules is uh on the account I did I did the 50k account there's 100K account there's 150k account I did the 50k account I had to make 3K without losing 2K but it's all on their website. If you click on the link uh here right here. Uh here here here here.

um right here you have to profit Target 3K So for 100k account it's just linear so 50k you have to make 3K 100K you have to double it 150 obviously triple it and then instead of without your maximum loss limit, you can only lose 2K Uh, you could only lose 3K Actually this one's a little bit more difficult because even though the profit Target is doubling and then tripling, it's not your like your max loss is doubling and then tripling. Uh, it's increasing by 50 and then it's increasing by a little bit over 100. So that's interesting. Actually, just purely on that math alone if this one would arguably be the easiest one.

which makes sense because it's the most popular one and it's also the cheapest one. Um, so anyway, if you want the 60 discount pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video, if you want to use prop trading, that's what I'm on right now. Ooh what a vomit. Whoa whoa whoa Whoa.

Microsoft Vomiting out of the gate. Things are trying to hold green but we just double bottomed right there. Whoa whoa there. Um, is this gonna hold? or is it about to puke? That kind of came out of nowhere.

This is not looking the best. Order fill. All right, let's see what we could do. Order Field: This is obviously on the prop account.

That's why it looks different. I do my actual account like my own account I shouldn't say actual. My own account is on uh, trade station and then the prop account is on Ninja Target Filled. Boom made 180 right there.

All right. So up 190 on my personal account and then up 180 on the prop account. The total prop gains are now 2.1 k. Um, it is.

Friday So I know sometimes when we do stuff on Friday we do. we get a little silly. We do some like I said, we're all obviously graduates of Silly Goose. University So I need to do I need to get above 200 because you have to have once you're funded.

Apparently the rule is you have to have either 30 profitable trading days or five profitable trading days above 200. I don't know I think the rules somewhat like that. I'm by no means an expert. This is my like for oop here.

Here we go. Is this going to break here or is it going to bounce? Hang on I just need to get it above 200. So I'm good on the day I just need to get it above 200. So I need one more little scalp? Where do you guys seeing for a scalp? should I go to the upside or downside I need either a thumbs up or a thumbs down of where we're about to go.
Honestly, why don't I just look at how the markets uh what are we doing? What do we do? Is this the cues are gonna Are the cues actually gonna drag it down? XLE Energy's popping financials are not looking good oils up to over 91 a barrel. My next Target on oil would be like the mid 93s. the upper 93s going down down a little bit of a consolidation, bouncing right off of 432. Remember I Personally believe that major support is at 431 430 on the spy.

Uh, the cues. The major support I would possibly be watching. basically yesterday's low. um, just below 358.

Uh, we're kind of like awkward inside bar right now, but opening up higher than the close. but uh, dude, Microsoft is dragging things down. but who knows. Uh Microsoft not looking the best I Guess the market not the most stoked.

it's actually Microsoft and Tesla are two of the only red things on my watch list right now. All right, what are we doing? What are we doing? What are we doing? Oh, what time is it? 9 38 So we're eight minutes into the day. the risk would be 84 on the ESD the queues are still going down, they're getting sliced I just need one more little thing just to get me over 200 on the prop account. So I could shut that one down and then I could do rest.

um, the rest of my trades on the other account. Basically just the pain of managing two accounts I could have just held the queues a little bit longer and that would have actually paid. Oh the Spy is now coming back up. Choppy Choppy.

We're not really breaking range. We put in a quick high, but what? 430 270 and a low at 432 and we sold. We popped, We sold. Now what are we doing? Uh, is there any breaking news that we need? Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey Wife charged with bribery? Whoa.

We covered this the other day. Uh, we covered the 400 000 in gold bars U.S Senator Bob Menendez in New Jersey and his wife have been indicted in New York on federal bribery charges related to an allegedly corrupt relationship with three businessmen. The U.S Attorney's office in Manhattan has scheduled a press conference for 11. A.M ET to discuss the indictment.

Senator Menendez A Democrat is the chairman of the Sena

5 thoughts on “Stocks get avada kedavra’d the mk show”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa Zintel says:

    I will come to your show!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa Zintel says:

    Simi Valley California, LA county

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FordMoorePerformance says:

    Let's call the 800 number and tip them off about Joe Biden doing the same shit 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Szywala says:

    Accio gains!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Mills says:


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