Stocks Push Higher, Crypto Rallies & SEC Gensler Testifies To Congress
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The Matt Kohrs Show

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00:00 Intro
2:15 Stocks Push Higher & Crypto Rallies
1:19:00 Gary Gensler Testifies To Congress

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Thank you! Foreign Foreign show where I'm Matt your course. Together we are the show it is Tuesday April 18th and man oh man do we have some fun stuff in store for you today. I Started a little bit early I Appreciate you all joining me if you're watching this live right now because I think we have some extra prep work to go over before the Bell goes dingy ding ding ding today. So I want to go over some of the big earnings that just came out and also prep up for some of the earnings coming out tonight.

tomorrow the next day we are in earnings season. On top of that, our boy Gary Gensler The chairman of the SEC is gonna get grilled by Congress today at 10 A.M ET So of course we're going to be listening into that and in the middle there somehow we need to really hone in on this degenerate options. Zero DTE Strategy that we talked a little bit about yesterday. Before we do any of that, check out what's pinned to the top of chat.

Check out what's in the description of the video. A little bit of a shout out to today's stream sponsor: I'm talking about public. If you want to earn five percent on your money, check out what they have going on over there in their treasury strategies. It's kind of like a laddering, but it's really cool.

they no settlement you. They're gonna handle all the reinvesting. It's backed by the government right now. With interest rates being so high, you can get a pretty nice deal if you're talking about treasury notes, bills, bonds, and everything related in that world.

but once again, uh, super flexible. No settlement, minimum period or anything like that. like no settlement dates. you can put your money in, take it out when you need to, but this is backed by the government.

so of course there's still a little bit of risk to it, but it's not going to be like in terms of the risk Paradigm it's pretty low, so more on that in just a second. but check it out, it is pinned to the top of chat. it's in the description of the video. or you could just go to and check out what they have to offer.

Once again, we're going to cover that a bit more later. I Just want to say good morning to you. good morning, good morning, good morning I Hope everyone's having a good morning. Uh, mine could have been better I'm just having a real tough time dropping the temperature of like my ice plunge.

um so if any of you guys like know more about like ice than me or dropping the temperature of water I Just I can't get it to like I'm not even talking about into the 30s yet I can barely get it into the 40s I only get my ice water into the 40s if like the for the ice bath if I'm like lucky that day but I'm coasting in the mid 50s at this point and it actually as I try more work. it seems as if it's getting warmer on me so I don't know what to do my I ordered these like ice pack things off Amazon I've been using the tray of ice in my freezer and I'm throwing that in and I'm like putting the water as cold as I can when I fill it up. My next idea my next idea is going to be I think just like getting big Ziploc bags and filling it up with a water the night before and throwing that into the freezer like like the gallon bags and maybe do like four or five of those. um so I'm gonna be giving that the old whirl the old College try to see if it uh does what I needed to do um but hey if any of you guys are doing like this at home type of ice bath stuff and you figured out a better way less water, more ice? yeah but then like isn't the whole point to get yourself completely submerged in it like my thought is like my whole chest like needs to be fully underwater.
so yeah, maybe if it is. I I know what you're saying like obviously with less water, you need less ice. so like more ice less water, it should theoretically get colder. But then there's a point where like I need like your body has to be fully covered.

Add salt. Will salt really do that? Does that bring down? or is it going to do the opposite? Which way would adding salt go? It makes the temp go much colder. Wait Clint Are you saying ice as well? Add rock salt to the Ice Water Rock salt. Uh, Easy done.

Problem solve. Brings Temp down. There's a couple of you actually talking about this rock salt thing. Rock salt Rock Salt less water, more ice I Feel like the last two were pretty self-explanatory uh by an ice maker? I have one.

My whole freezer has this giant thing and I'm like it's like a lot of ice. Uh, but I think like I always do it after doing cardio. So I think another thing I'm battling is my own internal temperature. Uh, by the time I get out of the water, it's like five degrees hotter just because like I'm coming in like a hot tamale off of crushing the stair stepper.

Uh, you have the money mat. Why not just buy a proper ice bath because I live in an apartment in New York and where would I put like those things are big and they're also expensive. like I have a little bit of money but I think folks I don't have much money I think those are like five grand to get that like the one that like Joe Rogan uses like The Real McCoy uh whatever that like the polar plunger or the ice plunge or whatever the hell it's called I have no place to put that thing I need to go buy a home so I hey I'm not against that I I Kind of want to just like leave the city and go and live in the middle of nowhere. That'd be kind of an optimal an optimal solution here, but that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

I Gotta ride this lease out for the remainder of the Year baby. So we need to figure these problems out for now. Uh yo, What's that white light coming from behind your mic bottom right of the corner? Uh, is it my shirt? I think it's just my DJ Inter folks, get your Djend shirt Actually I Don't even know if you have the link anymore so you'll have to find it hour outside. That's where I live an hour outside of the city.
Aggravated Trade: Do you have an ice bath? and if so, can I make the trip to your house every morning? Um, with that be an amicable solution to this particular problem. I'll just be there at like 4 a.m every morning I Don't know if you have like a family but I'd most likely wake them up I'm a very very vocal ice bath taker. Uh, but I think we could work it I'm in Canada a quick Canada Trip Every morning it'll be. It'll make this work.

We'll totally make this work. We need a little bit more positivity. a little bit more positivity surrounding this suggestion. Um, but folks, we have a lot to talk about I just want to share the ice bath.

but on top of that, I've been I mean look at me I look like a guy who crushes the stair stepper I think I scare the other people in my building and by the other people I mean the other like two to four people who are in there in the morning with me. Uh, because they're kind of just doing like whatever they're like little elliptical thing and I'm there sweating like I am in the hottest part of the Jungle in mid-july and August I am just drenched in sweat screaming I refuse to comb my hair in the morning I just get up and go right to the gym. I'm like, why would I do up my hair to go to the gym when there's only like two to four people there sorry, look like a crazy person. my hair is all disheveled I'm disheveled emotionally, my body's just waking up I shouldn't be doing like such intense cardio when my body's not even up yet and then I just like do the kind of this like yelling, cry thing and I think it scares most of them I've only gotten warned a couple times from the apartment owners, but like I think they just don't understand I don't think they understand that I am an ice bath taker.

um Grandin I'm not arguing that I'm coming to you as some sort of superior ultimate ice bath taker. Who knows like everything about what's going on in the world of ice path clearly I have a about 20 degrees to go to figure this all out. but I think we're gonna get there. It honestly has been a big blow to me recently on a personal level that I haven't been able to figure out the superior way to do ice plunges, but we're getting there.

We're getting there the way we figured out the whole latte cappuccino like espresso that hold debacle and now right now I know it seems dark but remember it's darkest Just Before Dawn It really really is like we've had some high highs and we've had some low lows in here and just remember when we're at that low low we're just we're just building up some momentum to shoot up to the next high so we're gonna get through it. We are definitely going to get through it. But folks, before we get really rocking, especially with some of the stock stuff which I think is why some of you come in here I'm not really sure anymore, especially this like early morning group like I feel like at this point I've like pretty much memorized all your names I'm not even sure if the people who come in here before like 9 20 even care about the market I think we have a certain group of people who are here till 9 20. they're like oh he's gonna start talking about stocks it's time for me to leave I think they're more so of just like monitoring The Truman show-esque aspect of my life and like I wonder how the ice paths are going and I need to know if there's any updates in the world of relationship advice.
and they're like all right, great It's Now Stocks time for me to go. It's all right, they deaf aren't your friends? What's my name? is it? jmvs Derek more entertaining than radio? Um I appreciate that. That's very kind of you. If only I had a better voice Matt you're literally my only friend.

Dude, you're doing one better than me I wish I had a friend hey I I Do man I I can tell. totally commiserate. Uh, all the 9 30 people want the bod, not the brains. All right.

On that note, let's see what's going on in the market. We Are continuing with the rippity skippity doo-dah of the Nature ever since mid-march mid-march to Mid April Things are Capacity producer. If you could somehow edit in explosions in the background right now, that'd be really sick. especially if we clip this.

We just want fireballs. unlike Elon Musk's rocket ship that did not go off yesterday. The stock market is a rocket ship that has been going off. and it is.

It's on its way to freaking. Mars At this point we are up over eight percent. We're gapping up. This morning we had pretty good earnings out of J J and Bank of America little mixed earnings from Goldman Yes, I will be getting into it.

We know April is seasonally strong month. surprise surprise. Today is also a seasonally strong day like the individual day. So I want to dive into all of that with you, but the market is looking good in terms of the equity.

Market If you look at what's going on in Crypto, look at this rally. Things were looking a little sad. like people were starting to become a Negative Nancy though we can't even hold 30 000. But look at what happened last night as we were sleeping waiting for Santa Claus to put presents under our tree.

All of a sudden bitcoin's like oh cool I need to be back. Over thirty thousand eth went from 2050 to 2100 21 25 like we had a really, really nice rally in Crypto last night. Obviously we'll see if it holds. I Mean if you're looking at the market, here's Bank of America in the bottom left.

They had pretty good earnings Goldman Sachs At first it was good and then they had some kind of interesting commentary about Bond trading. so we'll be getting into that next. Netflix will be reporting this evening Tesla will be reporting tomorrow evening just so everyone knows. And then the S P 500 is also looking good.

This has nothing to do with the market at all, but I just remembered I Got invited to a Premiere tonight so I'm gonna go be seeing some I don't even know the name of this show. uh but that's actually exciting. That's one nice thing about living in big cities is you just like there's a lot to do a lot of like random stuff to do. uh and apparently some of that in New York is getting invited to Premiere So like I have to wear something like fancy and show up.
um and my completely real girlfriend is telling me that my tie-dye Moon gang shirt isn't fancy and I was like you don't know what you're talking about and she's like I literally know what I'm talking about Why are we arguing about this I was like you're not my mom and she's like I don't want to be your mom. stop calling me your mom. This is like a weird Oedipus Vibe You should talk to a therapist about that I'm like get out of my room. She's like we're not in the room.

What are you talking about? Why are you yelling at me? Are you trying to make this a YouTube story? Are you intentionally trying to make this more dramatic so you can share it with all of your internet friends as like no, no, no foreign I would never do that and I scoffed and I ran away because she doesn't. She doesn't control my life. She doesn't She doesn't control my life. She she doesn't know.

She doesn't know what we go through day to day. She doesn't know what it's like to be here as a degenerate Trader She just doesn't get it. She doesn't know. She loves the spotlight.

We're here for you man. All right, serious question: If you guys had to pick between me and my completely real girlfriend, let's say we broke up. who would you go with? Tell me your once. You guys honestly answer this.

I'll go on and we could talk more about the market. but if you had to, if there was a breakup which who are you siding with you sign with me the guy who brings relationship advice into the conversation great health benefits, comedy or her the person who yells at you to that she's not your mom I'm just saying those are the two sides I'm going with chair. you're my mom I go where chair goes I appreciate that. but hopefully I would get charity.

hopefully I'd get chair in this divorce. Let's see a pic. You want to pick a chair. You took away our gold stars and you haven't gotten them back I Was gonna give him back but um I lost that bet yesterday.

Like that bet fully blew up I think I lost 1.2 K and then I tried to double down and uh I lost that as well. So I lost like two 2.5 k doing that stupid degenerate bedding this morning. So no way on God's green earth are you guys getting your gold stars back this week? No way. No way.

No way, no way. You guys did not give me a clear strategy to trade. I you might be like but Matt at one point you had to be up and I was up. I was up like 900 and I went from being up 900 to down 2.5 and it is all your fault.
It is all 100 your fault. You are the worst financial advisors out there I am not paying you this quarter without a doubt. Definitively I am not paying you this quarter. It is your fault.

Look at no one else I fully fully blame you. You sound bitter man. I Do sound bitter because do you know what it's like to have thousands of people in your chat and then yet they all stab you in the back. It's one thing.

we've all been stabbed in the back by one person where you have to remove that singular painful blade. I Was there for hours last night as soon as the market closed and my trade was Bust from 401 until I Went to bed sharply at 9 15. I was pulling out the daggers that you guys left in my back so thanks and I I can't even fully touch everywhere on my back so it was like some of them I really had to reach for. it's 100 your fault, 110 your fault and I accept I accept handwritten apologies I will give you guys my address if you are prepared to give me a handwritten apology letter.

So I'm just putting that out there. Can I redeem myself? Yeah and I can sing you a song you can redeem yourself by maybe me, you and Yacht going on a yacht and hanging out I'm in Ann Arbor Michigan sucked yesterday. wait King what does that have to do with you guys literally blowing up my trading account on me wasn't here yesterday I like that? that's the good. Excuse me, that wasn't me I come in on Tuesdays Hola can you look at Envx? Marco Hotes uh seems to be balls deep and this guy doesn't seem to be wrong much.

ever since you had a mom thank you Envx writing it down, we'll take a look into it. Yeah, he was very supportive of it. but anyway. I I keep getting distracted here overall Market Looking strong.

What am I going to say about this Who's been paying attention in class? Yesterday's high was 4 13 96. that was the high of yesterday and we're currently trading at 4 15.70 as in 2.60 cents higher. Two dollars and sixty cents higher. What am I about to say pointing that out? Lake Effect Property Services Gap-filled baby Lake Effect L-e-p-s Leps.

Um, Leps, We'll call you Leps for short because that's just a full-on mouthful. Um, you? If there were gold stars, you would be getting it for the day. You would definitely be getting it for the day. Uh Matt Just watched the interview with the Goldman Sachs guy dude I appreciate that no one liked that video.

Uh, it was uh in in YouTube land. they gave you a score out of one of ten out of your most recent videos at one being the best relative to the previous ten, ten being the worst relative to the previous ten. that's a 10 out of 10 video as in the worst. Um, so I'm happy that you enjoyed it, but apparently no one else did and I'm I was a little bit dismayed I was a little bit disgruntled.

Did you guys not even get did you guys see it and then not want to watch it? or did you guys just not even see it? I don't understand if you guys just didn't like that the concept of me doing that interview or interviews in general or if it just wasn't even served to you as an option. Uh nah, that's a gold star video, but that's a good one bro. I liked it, but man's knowledge on the market was another level. During the interview, it struck me I was like oh, this is literally what it's like to have an expert knowledge of the market like half the things he was saying I was like dude I need to like look this up like I was like looking up things on my phone in the conversation like you could just tell he knew so much more than even the average Trader Like the way he talked and the way he saw things and even it is his advice, his opinion, his upbringing I was like holy like we've talked to smart people.
but something about this guy like you could just tell he's like operating on another plane. um it's just crazy. absolutely crazy. So when you guys have some time it's about an hour.

listen to it on double speed and it'll be half an hour. um it is a little bit longer but you're it's gonna take a listener too because like the dude's knowledge was, it was just next level yesterday. The market was good and thus far this morning things are looking even better. So yesterday the S P 500 closes higher Monday to kick off a busy earnings week.

We will be getting into it as of this morning. Dow Futures rise 100 points after better than expected results from J J Bank of America not so much Goldman Sachs As of now the Dow, the S P, and the NASDAQ are all green oil coming down a little bit but still holding on above 80.. What you need to know about today individually. First of all, sign up for the newsletter like it's there. It's free. Sign up. Uh, you're gonna get my breakdown of the day. You're going to understand the major Market announcements for the next day.

So I Posted this when the market closed yesterday. So I give you a breakdown here. Um, housing starts at 8 30. building permits came out at 8 30.

Bowman Speaking at one, it's technically not a market event, but Gary Genzer is going to be getting grilled by Congress at 10 A.M Today, of course we're going to be streaming it. We're going to be here for the Gary Gensler Party 10 Am the Cringe Party I started including all the earnings that I think you might be interested in. Uh, as you can see tonight, we still have Netflix Tomorrow we have Tesla Thursday we have some more Airlines and then Friday we have PNG and Schlumberjay In terms of seasonality. Bullish for today.

April 18th A beautiful Tuesday April 18th. Actually, that's kind of a lie in Manhattan it's super windy today. Um, the Bulls have won 56 percent of the time. Slightly better than flipping a coin, but as you can see from The Profit Factor every dollar spent has returned 1.81 So overall, the seasonal bias of today is bullish, which is in line with the seasonal bias of April in a general sense.
April I've said this before. I'll say it again, but depending on the time frame you use in the asset class, April's commonly, well, quantitatively, it is either the best or the second best month in terms of the Bulls favoring the Bulls for the entire year. So My Bias today. If you guys couldn't pick up on this, it's clearly a bullish one.

The month of April bullish. this day individually bullish. Bank of America had good earnings and actually there's a Johnson Johnson had a good earnings among some other good earnings like Lockheed Martin Goldman Maybe not so much, but I think people are gonna just end up shaking that one off. so this is not a guarantee.

I Have no idea I Don't have that crystal ball. The only person having a crystal ball is the astronaut that's behind me and he does not share any of his information with me because that would be against his fiduciary responsibility as a cosmic being investor. But if I'm looking at just how the deck is stacked, April is seasonally bullish. today is seasonally bullish and then we also have pretty good earnings.

So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I think the smart money is on the Bulls for the day. Obviously it's not a guarantee because no one can guarantee squat in the market. but I'm just looking at the fact that we weren't dealt two Aces but we were dealt like an Ace King So like I feel like I'm feeling pretty confident of betting like you know, Opening hand pretty strong here for any of my poker players. All right.

Oops, Uh, just if for those people who maybe are a little bit more of visual readers visual Learners A visual reader of course you're a visual like no one's reading Braille off their screen I'm sorry if you're blind I didn't mean like I don't mean this offensively I'm just saying of course. sure, I'm more so making fun of what I just said because it was a nonsensical statement. But anyway, Netflix After the market closes today United After the market closes today, we have Morgan Stanley before the Market opens tomorrow and then Tesla after the market closes tomorrow. So those are the ones that are teed up.

Please pay attention to them for the ones that came out today. J J Old Johnson And Johnson beats on earnings and revenue raises Full year Guidance: J J Reported adjusted earnings and revenue that beat expectations and it raised its full year. Guidance: Good, good, Even better. J J Said his first quarter sales grew by 5.6 over the same quarter.

Last year, the consumer staple Giant reported a net loss of 68 million or three cents per share due to a special one-time charge. So right here: 268 versus 250, 24.75 versus 23.67 So they beat earnings Revenue J J is now forecasting 2023 sales of 97.9 billion to 98.9 billion, about 1 billion higher than guidance provided in. January The company raised its full year adjusted earnings Outlook to anywhere from 1060 to 1070 when the forecast was 10 45 to 10 65. So J J Looking good right now in pre-market Hang on Jnj J J Uh, it popped at first now.
kind of coming back down so we closed out yesterday at 165.67 and at one point it got as high as Seven 170 this morning. Kind of coming back down to earth right now, but still up. uh, green and pre-market but definitely an interesting one. Uh, to pay attention today because it did destroy on earnings BAC Bank of America shares gain after first quarter results, top expectations on higher rates.

So basically we're now in a situation where the four major banks are actually doing pretty good. Like this whole concept of the banking crisis and Banks blowing up at least the four major ones, It seems like they're still particular stress within the regional banking sector. but the big guys I'm talking about JPMorgan Bank of America Wells Fargo and City they've now all reported and it looks like I I can't call them unscathed. but I mean some of them actually came out even better like JB Morgan their numbers actually went up um Wells is always a little sauce like I don't really feel like dealing with Wells just because they have a pretty sketchy past.

but other like Bank of America as you're about to see pretty good numbers, City pretty good numbers and JPM JP Morgan definitely good numbers Bank of America Today reported first quarter earnings and revenue that topped expectations on the back of higher interest rates. so 94 versus 82 and 26.39 versus 25.13 we delivered our seventh straight quarter of operating leverage. We further strengthened our balance sheet and maintain strong liquidity. Bank of America set aside 931 million for credit losses in the first quarter they set aside almost a billion dollars.

The bank said net charge offs remained below pre-pandemic levels. So right now they're going into earnings season on the heels of the banking crisis. there was a lot of concern of like how bad is this Is this a contagion like event? But at least the big guys, these ones that are Beyond systematically important, they're actually faring pretty well once again. I'm not telling you that the banking sector is all roses right now.

I Mean, if you look at one that I'm in FRC it's down to 13 not looking horrible, but not looking like it's at the bottom of the range. I would love a pop. It's actually down three cents this morning. So clearly there's still some stress, especially in the regional banking sector.

But uh, the situation could be way way worse as of now not being helped by Goldman Goldman Sachs misses first quarter Revenue estimates on weak bond trading So they came in on earnings and they beat on that 879 versus 810. So good. But Revenue missed. They were expected to have 12.79 billion.
they came in at 12.22 unlike its more. Diversified Rivals Goldman gets the majority of its revenue from Wall Street activities including trading and Investment Banking And a lot of this focuses on Zambons. and apparently recently the bonds trading has not been going so well for them. which I Still kind of find a little bit confusing because like bonds have just been ripping, all you had to do is buy and then sit.

So uh I don't know. maybe their their models are a little bit off there. Five things to know before that: Bell goes dignity ding ding ding today Tuesday April 18th Promising start Yes, the Market's been looking good. the equities Market the crypto Market Recently things have been bullish.

That's awesome. Will it last? Obviously time will tell. There's major things to pay attention to such as the bank reports and also the other slew of tech reports that will be coming out this week. and next week.

we did get some numbers out of China Let me play this for you. it's only two minutes long. The six percent overall growth Target for this day, Would you up it up it? Uh, thanks for having me. uh I would say today's data are in line with our uh, full year bullish view on China growth.

Um, you know the 4.5 percent younger growth as Sam was saying is about the consensus order order Phil That is the kind of the the rebound after reopening. Uh is at the core of why we have this above consensus forecast is a six percent growth for the full year. So this is pretty much uh, you know, working by the script uh to achieve a six percent you think by the end of the year I want to understand what that means in terms of a policy reaction. Is there need for more policy support or not quite because I've been hearing about and you know Reuters Also in its reported copy suggesting that there's talk of a small LPR Carta that the Triple R cuts are not done and over with Jen I think uh if you uh just looked at the surface, the growth Target for the government around five percent but actually for also could get to six percent um by our forecast then that might suggest the policies uh do not ease, do not need to ease as much.

but on the other hand I think uneven is the right word to describe the current state of the economy and also confidence level is not as strong as the data macro data per se uh are suggesting uh So from that perspective I Think a policy makers are going to stay patient in a way you know all the cognitive policy, the infrastructure spending at least in the first half of the year. Uh, they want to be patient. They don't want to withdraw support too quickly and on The interest rate. What we have been seeing is that, uh, interest rates Effective interest rates.

The race that uh corporates and businesses are facing have a declined quite a bit. Uh, so now the policy makers are trying to maintain a pro-browser stance so that demander can gradually, uh, take up on the back of a lower interest rate now, obviously. I Would recommend Overall taking this report with the grain of salt because it's given to us from the Chinese government, but they are reporting pretty impressive numbers. Apple's rate appeal Apple Now offering a savings account and it's pretty good at 4.15 I could do you one better.
This does sound interesting for Apple, but you could do it even better and get five percent from public through their new treasury account option backed by the government. No settlement period, no hold period, Super flexible. They do the reinvesting for you. I'll tell you more about what you need to know, but check it out Matt Cores But hey, it's an interesting business move for Apple and I'm sure there's going to be many people who take advantage of it, but I just want you to know that you can actually get a higher yield that is also still very low risk.

They're in reality doing most likely the exact same thing, but Apple's just taking a bigger cut for themselves. That's the differential and the other big political thing that is looming over. just really. The bipartisan nature of our economy, our politics, our life.

Um, everything here is the debt ceiling. This is going to be the next major thing that a lot of economists and people training are going to be trying to figure out of. Where are we at with it the debt ceiling vote? It is looming and right now it seems like both sides are still playing. Hardball This is what the Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has to say about joining us here at Post Nine today.

It's our pleasure to have JP Morgan's chair of Global Research Joyce Chang It's great to have you Joyce great to be here. So I'm unsustainable. Meaning, we're in for trouble or just don't rely on the past rhyming for very long. Well, unsustainable.

But the timing here is really hard with a lot of people saying, is it 18 months? So three to six months it doesn't look like there's going to be a recession, but in 18 months like that's a different question. And I think actually the message from policy makers was higher for longer. Yes, we're ready to pause and access where we're at. but I saw very few investors or policy makers really believing that there's going to be fed easing in the second half of the year.

I Think you know what the 60 basis points of easing that's being priced into the market is reflecting right now is you know? Is there like a 10 or 15 percent chance of some real Financial instability that could play out? And that's really what stood out from the meetings we had in Washington last week. Concerns about the speed of financial instability that had played out in the regional banking crisis. Sort of a repeat of what we saw with UK Ldi last year. But the The: But the labor market is tight, households are in good shape, corporate balance sheets are in good shape, but there is a sense that this cost of capital is going to feed through over the longer term.
The House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is here at the Stock Exchange. Hopefully we'll get to talk to him in a few minutes. but opening this conversation about the debt ceiling How Concerned are your clients and what are you telling them? Look, um, look. the debt ceiling along with geopolitical risks were really top of mind with investors and there were real fears that you know could we see you know something that is even more acrimonious than we saw in 2011 on the debt ceiling.

So when we had some of the speakers who talked about the possibility of the technical default I mean some of them had put it at 10 to even you know, 35 percent. Something that could be resolved pretty quickly. but wondering if this really was a risk and that there would be brinksmanship now I Don't think the market will really begin focusing on this for you know, sort of two to three months before the X date. but there is a question on where the the X state will be, but this is definitely top of mind.

and I think you know very strong messaging from all of the policy makers in Washington DC that um you that you know just what the consequences would be of a technical default, ratings downgrades and you know other Fallout to come. Uh, this is one of those interesting moments where we're having a discussion about the issue and the players and we just happen to have a house Speaker McCarthy here walking on the phone. Stop by Welcome. It's good to have you thank you.

What is your message upstairs? What was your message and and how do you think Market should be responding to it right now? Well look 75 days ago February 1st I sat down with this president and I sat down to him and I said let's work together to be able to deal with the debt ceiling in our economy at the same time. It's the same thing that we've done all in the past if you've mentioned and for 75 days he's ignored us I want us to find a responsible, sensible way to do this. My message upstairs is if the President won't pay attention this if he doesn't believe that you can find one dollar in savings Republicans in the next couple weeks will act and send a debt ceiling increase that will limit, save and grow. That will help us on economics.

Growth in this country will cap spending in the future. We'll pull back claw back the money we appropriated for Covid but had sat dormant for two years. If it was appropriate to help you during covet and you haven't spent it, it shouldn't be spent afterwards. So find the ways we can save the taxpayer money, find a way that we can grow this economy become less dependent upon China curve our spending in the future so we can curb inflation to help every family.

and I think that's sensible and responsible and we'd move the debt ceiling into the next year. If the President doesn't want to take action, we'll send this over to the Senate. But there is an Appropriations Committee and a budget for for all of this, the fiscal year ends in the end of September Why not deal with spending cuts and negotiate with the President there? Why? Why negotiate over the debt ceiling which is much more dangerous? It's not dangerous at all, especially when you sit down to February 1st and remember, the budget is different than a debt ceiling. A budget resolution is not like in a state capital.
The budget never even goes to the president. So it for the President to say to a budget that makes no sense what you what you want to do is sit down with a debt sling just as America Has Done Right When President Biden was a Senator four times he voted to increase the debt ceiling only if it included fiscal changes. The times he voted against the debt ceiling is because he said there wasn't enough medical economic change. And think about it, a debt ceiling is like giving your child a credit card and they charge the limit all the way up.

Would you just raise the limit? No, you would. Well, but not playing with America standing at Full Faith and Credit of U.S government debt. But if you feel like you can deal with the spending in other ways, which is totally legitimate. So if you just raise the debt selling, do you think 31 trillion dollars a debt the CBO has come out in the next 10 years, Do you know we'll pay 10 points? You did it three times in the Trump Administration As we did economic changes, we never raised the debt ceiling, but the tax cuts.

that was like two trillion dollars. And you know how much we're bringing in in revenue on average in the 50-year average in America, you bring 17 percent of GDP. Today we're bringing 20. that's the only two other times in modern history in America have you ever brought 20 of GDP Well, that's kind of an interesting.

um. breakdown at the end. There only two other times we bring in 17 of our GDP. Okay, a little bit later on today, 10 a.m right here, the honorable Gary Gensler chair Securities and Exchange Commission will be going down at 10 A.M Obviously we're going to be listening to it.

Um, so just want everyone to know about half hour into the trading day, we're going to be switching it up and listen to what the I Guess he's honorable? Um The Honorable Gary Gensler And we're gonna hear what he has to say. Uh, hopefully hopefully it's some exciting stuff. Hopefully something a little bit more positive for the Safety and Security of our systems. Our Market systems hopefully something about protecting retail a little bit more.

I Don't know. I I can be hopeful, you know, hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. so we're gonna find out there.

Um Anyway, 10 a.m we're going to be doing that. So from then into till now obviously we will be paying attention in the market. We have about five minutes until the Market opens. Uh, let me know what you guys want.
Up on the screen we have Bank of America they reported I Just figured you guys would be interested in that one. Uh, we have Bitcoin and Ethereum looking good. We have Tesla looking good. Uh, we can check out what here.

What was it? E N V X Envx It's been on a nice move upward. Electrical Products Producer manufacturer. What does it produce? What does it manufacture? Foreign engages in the design and development of Silicon Anoid Lithium-ion batteries. The firm's proprietary 3D cell architecture increases energy density and maintains a high cycle life.

It is also developing a 3D cell technology and production process for the electric vehicle and energy storage Market to help enable utilization of renewable energy. The company was founded blah blah blah blah blah blah in 2006 and it's in Fremont California So this seems to be kind of an EV play, but more of a battery play. Envx also worthwhile to note that it's right near one of Tesla's headquarters, so I don't know if they do or don't work together. or maybe that was replayed from the beginning of like develop something and maybe try to get acquired by Tesla or some other EV larger EV company.

It was made in 2006, so it's been around for almost two decades. Emvx I could dive a little bit more into their financials from a technical perspective. obviously had big gap down at the start of the year. We eventually got that Gap fill and we're still looking pretty strong Recently running into resistance.

Like pretty evident resistance from mid-november but it might need to settle a little bit and then after that I'd be looking for another actual Gap fill up to 1783 or whatever. this low is 17.77. Um, other than that I want to dive into the fundamentals of it I'm bullish on Eevee in the long term I really am? uh, but I like we've seen a lot of small Eevee and Eevee adjacent companies pop up and then end up fizzling out. So I Want to do a little bit more of like due diligence on this one just to make sure it has like a legitimate chance opposed to just being once again fleecing retail.

Traders But this one, Um, I'm by no means like have some special knowledge of this situation. But I do want to point out that uh, many people on Twitter seem to be supportive of it, particularly Marco Hodis. We've had him on here multiple times before. Uh, he is just definitely a character, but he seems to be particularly supportive of it.

So if you have any questions like on the top of your mind right now, you might be able to tweet at him, you might be able to DM him and dive into it. But from a technical perspective I Like this momentum, it seems like it got a little bit ahead of itself. That's quite the move. I Mean it went from below seven dollars all the way up to like it doubled up.
It went up over a hundred percent. So I think we're at this point of a reasonable breather. Lower highs, higher lows. You're going to just wait for this wedge structure to break to one side or the other.

And if it does break to the upside I would then be looking at this 1777 right here from November 1st. This Gap region would be my next Target if I were swing trading it all right, we have about a minute and a half. So with that being said, folks, you can't do me how you did me yesterday. you did me dirty yesterday, you screwed me over.

Um, and I'm not one to hold grudges actually I very much am. But for you guys, I'll make an exception and I'm I'm not going to hold grudges this time around. So I think we need to get more well defined of what this zero DTE is. Um.

strategy I need some. We need more parameters around it, the proper entry time or triggers. Uh, the proper profit taking. Uh, today based on the seasonality of the month, based on the seasonality of the day? Uh, based on the earnings I do want to go bullish so I'd rather do a put credit spread just because it seems like things are lining up in that direction.

but then even that. should we be doing it out of the gate or should we be waiting for the 15-minute range break? That open range break that we talked about yesterday should I be placing the trade at 9.45 At one point you're thinking yeah, because like that's advantageous and the fact of you can follow a trend that's being developed, but also you're missing out on like kind of the crazy volatility pump that you've seen the first couple minutes in the options market. So there's definitely some pros and cons. Wait for the 15 minute break.

so Steve is saying wait for the 15 minute break If you cared, you would have asked sooner I do care tracks and that's why I'm asking now is is The Vape is the vote today to wait for 9 45 9 45 at the money 50 50 and then where should I take profits? Should I take profits Should I ride it out for the rest of the day or should I try to take profits at like a dollar value like oh, just Matt just take 250 bucks or do I look for like 50 of the play? Lots of options here. Dignity Ding Ding Ding Casino is open. The best of luck to all. Kind of a different Casino we're at today.

A little bit of a some sort of non-specified accent at this casino. Uh, because it's Tuesday and we on Tuesdays we go to different casinos all right Obviously I didn't do it at the open so I will wait for the range breakout at 9 45. where are we at? Okay, we will wait for the 9 45 range breakout. so 15 minutes need to pass and then I have to wait.

All right here. How about this for a plan. How about I wait till the first 15 minute bar wait for the Open Range breakout but then maybe only play it if it's in line with seasonality. So for today basically only play it if we are getting the break to the upside so we wouldn't be trading every day, but that might be a little bit of a safer way to do it.
I Don't just want to throw that out there, just want to throw that out there while we are waiting for the market to get rock in today. Things are good, but remember, there is a downside. Gap Though for those of you who care about the downside, Gap Bill If you're playing that yesterday's high ease 4 13, 96. that would be the downside.

gaffle. The Hive Yesterday right here 413.96 That would be the downside Gap fill. If you're looking to play it on the cues, it would be 3 19 20 If you're looking to play it on the Russell we're almost there at 178.86 It is a strong strategy on all the major indices: Bitcoin Looking good East Looking good? All right. Cool Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.

Well, while we're waiting for things to go, uh I Very much believe I Mean unless you have some sort of special strategy I Think it is extraordinarily difficult to, uh, be creating positions right at the start of the day. There's just so much. Randomness There's so much volatility. I Highly prefer sending out my hands for the first 10 15, 20 minutes, 30 minutes just seeing what the trend is.

We're the little minnows here and we're just trying to go with the big whales, the big sharks, the great whites and understand more accurately which way they are pushing the market on any given day. We're not the ones who are really moving the markets whatsoever. So as we're waiting for this to play out, shout out to today's stream sponsor: I Am talking about Public Matt Cores invites you to earn a five percent yield on a treasury count as in it's backed by the government. Go To Matt Cores! The reason you're hearing about this now is because For the Longest Time interest rates were essentially at zero.

So if you were looking at the yields, no one was really caring about it and even if you wanted to do it, you had to come to Treasury direct and it was a huge pain in the ass. You had to make an account. it was. It was just a big pain.

It was very very difficult and you could look at uh I bonds but like then you have to be in front minimum a year and that you can only max out a certain amount. They made it very very difficult. So then people were just sitting leaving their money sitting in cash and you're getting 0.01 from PNC 0.25.1 Like this is awful. They are making so much money off of your money and then what they're giving you is essentially zero.

I'm no mathematician, but these numbers are pretty much a stone's throw away from zero. But now that interest rate set by the FED are going up all of a sudden depending on how you play bonds, it becomes a little bit more interesting. And that's is exactly what public has figured out. So the way this all works is there's no minimum hold.

It's not like if you put money in, you have to wait for a year so there's no settlement. There's no minimum hold. Obviously it's Apy so it's going to be based on a year. But if you're like hey, I put money in in and I need it in a month, you'll be able to get it out there.
Also, this is all based on Treasury. So Bills knows bonds. so as they are maturing, they do the rollover for you. so you don't have to handle any of what's referred to as the laddering.

they're going to take care of it. You just put your money in and you could watch it grow and then when you're good to pull it out, you're good to pull it out. Now, this isn't riskless, but it has minimal risk as you can really get in this world of the markets because it's backed by the US government and I would strongly argue that all of a sudden if they stop paying. we have bigger issues than what's in your P L and your accounts anyway.

So check it out. Lock in your five percent yield backed by the government right now It's pinned to the top of Chat. it's in the description in the video. Once again, Matt Cores five percent Yield backed by the government and they make it very, very easy to take advantage of.

If you have any questions, obviously reach out to me, reach out to public. Speaking of which, shout out to Public for sponsoring today's stream. With that being said, the Market's flat I Guess me doing the ad read: just pushed the market perfectly flat. Uh, out of curiosity.

How many of you uh Matt can you touch on AMC Today no one is talking about anymore because it's not doing anything foreign. There's nothing to say. If there was something to say, I'd be happy to talk about it, but it's not doing anything. Uh, you better pull out if you don't want kids.

the Robbie what's it? Pull out Okay, Moose are like hitting a wall. Aren't moose? considerably larger than elk? Average moose size, average elk size. uh uh. elk.

Facts: Six and a half feet from nose to tail. Bull 700 pounds and I guess they stand probably their shoulder 4.9 feet. but then moose are way different. Beast 4.6 to 6.9 Those things can almost stand seven feet tall at their shoulder.

and they could run 35 miles per hour. And the men can be double the size or excuse me, that's a oh that is I Was gonna say geez, uh, they can almost be double the size of an elk. Uh I Think people like really underestimate how large a moose is like. These things are gnarly big.

Like seven feet at shoulder. Folks, that's up here to touch its shoulder and it's 1.5 000 pounds that is a Goliath of a beast. Let's see what happens. Look at these things I want to buy them.

They're comparing it to a horse. Dude, these things dwarf a horse A horse. But I guess horse horses horses weigh more an Alaskan moose a human versus a moose. Any other good size compare.

like do these things are just beasts. That thing can dunk without even trying. There's some moose facts for you. I Know you guys are always interested in animal based facts and there you are: Moose Mooses are Moose's they're Moose's I like that one.
um, moose are protected. poor eyesight. they have poor eyesight. Maybe they need LASIK or something I like option public but not for option strategies.

Well that makes sense because they don't allow options trading. But in terms of just like parking money and like letting it like a five percent, the market on average over many years returns seven to eight percent. So unless you're very very confident of like the market having a nice, whatever average or above average year I mean in terms of like Risk versus return what the government is offering with that that's just crazy right now the there's not many times that you could lock in at like such a good deal. and this is one of those times.

When is the testimony in about 20 minutes? If you're here for Gary Gensler's cringe show uh with the house Financial committee that will be starting in 20 minutes. So go get yourself a cup of joe. Um, don't forget to hit the like button. Don't forget to subscribe.

Maybe if you have a pet if you want to take him for a walk. If you have a cat, maybe you want to break out the old laser and play with it for a couple minutes. but if you're here just to hear what Gary Gensler has to say opposed to finding out what I'm gonna do in a degenerate sense in the options Market Here, um, you have about 20 minutes I'm here for you Matt I I Appreciate that Mullen is a dead cat I Agree. Mullen's trash.

There's no rule a moose. There's no rule. A moose cannot play basketball. Fair Point Fair Point Time to get him out on the court I'd like to see LeBron trying to post up some D against the moose I'm here for the zero DTE trades.

Well, we're gonna try the attempt. One was horrible. Absolutely horrible BBB Why Lotto Play I Don't think so I'm I think the play on Bbby is shorting any Spike I would not be going long on Bbby You are fighting the trend. You are fighting the news, you are fighting the market.

You're fighting everything. Um, maybe in the short term you could be doing some sort of like momentum play with it. like if you're a very short term like a day trade or something like that. But as soon as you start talking about like investing or swing trading or something like the box is, definitely did the Downs It's going to bankruptcy like absolutely go into bankruptcy.

Would I mind doing uh Ta on Home Depot Not at all I Like Home Depot solid um dividend payment I Like it as an investment? um I Like the we're kind of swinging back around. You're looking to break out about 300. Past that, you have a gap filled to roughly 312. I Don't know.

313 Whatever. This low is 312.95 but we're putting in some higher lows and the same highs. So as long as it's not topped out here at 300. Key technical level, key psychological level uh I would be looking for that follow through.
Home Depot It's a solid company I Mean it hasn't been doing much ever since. Who? I guess December So for all of 2022, it's kind of had a rough year. Uh, it's range bound, but a very large range. But finally, we're putting in a series of clear higher lows.

I Like the risk reward I mean you could basically be risking 280 275. but if you're able to ride Home Depot back up 420 I mean I Like the risk group, The Home Depot is a well-respected company within. Wall Street has a decent dividend. They have a pretty good balance sheet.

I Like Home Depot as a medium to long-term investment I do I would just prefer if I got it now. I Would love for it to break and hold above 300 as quickly as possible. All right, Bank of America actually is slightly red on the day now. same with J and J uh Tesla FRC is not holding 13 Rum 946 pretty much my Breakeven level oxy coming down because oil's not holding 81.

but I would love for this to turn the Spy is trying to grind back up I need the Spy to drop badly. Good luck FRC on Ortex. Yeah, we could get into this. Uh FRC FRC FRC We'll see what.

FRC First Republic Bank The short interest on F or C is 26.5 cost of R22 utilization 58 so it is shorted but it's not like maxed out. the utilization is a Max The cost of R was kind of high, but not like crazy high. Uh, and depending on when these shorts got in, it might just be because they're up a lot and not like if they got in above whatever. 40 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 Like they're feeling pretty good about the situation.

but 26.5 But um, the utilization's just over half. All right. what do we have going on? It's almost 9. 45 So let's draw out the 15 minute bar.

Let's draw it out. Let's draw it out. So this, as of now? um I mean as long as it goes another minute? 45 this will be the 15 minute range. Uh, today, seasonally it's bullish.

the month it is bullish. I think we actually had some pretty good earnings I Would love for the range breakout to be to the upside. Uh, and the way I'm playing. this is some degenerate zero DTE stuff on SPX I'm just getting the play set up, just getting the play set up here.

Why can I not make this screen smaller? Oh okay. uh oh. I'm having some screen issues team having some screen issues. all right selling I Want to sell a put spread? All right? Well, we're waiting.

Tesla Recovering spy sold hard. kind of building itself back up. but let's see. I'm gonna be executing it through SPX Uh, just basically seeing there is a downside.

Gap So I'm a little bit worried about that I would have preferred that it filled that right out of the gate and then we bounced from there. but I am watching. Uh, there's a clear Gap fill, but who knows, who knows, who knows, who knows what's everyone's vote on the day anyway. Uh, are you guys voting red or green like do you? I'm I guess I didn't ask you because I was so biased and I didn't think to ask which was definitely rude of me.
My apologies I Hope you can accept my sincerity here. Um, but are you guys feeling red today? Are you feeling green today? Green Steve is bullish and green? Uh green Green Red green AF Bullish hard red Nvidia Green Rude Matte red, magenta, red still music I'm feeling a little bit music myself feeling a little bit musish Nvidia Cruising still dude Nvidia is a monster I mean how many shorts are getting blown up on it? makes no sense to me this. this is a multi-standard deviation outside of the world of I Mean this is crazy Nvidia is illogical and it is just clearly clearly clearly destroying the shorts like absolutely ripping their faces off. That's wild.

Absolutely wild. All right. It is now 9 45 so we do have that range. We are on the second 15 minute bar which is what we were waiting for.

We were waiting for the Open Range breakout and let me queue up the trade. Let me queue up the trade. Uh, 165 170. Uh, will I be able to get the fill here? I Don't know man.

I'm getting ready I'm ready I Hope I'm ready I Hope should I just do it now. Should I do it early I'm nervous because yesterday went so poorly. Um, am I doing this on the right side a put? Is it gonna go or am I gonna get screwed here? When am I even doing this at I'm looking at the 165 170. 165 170 is just above 165.

So basically I'm betting that it stays above this little ditty. Oh brother oh brother oh brother oh brother. why did it pop? Did it break almost there? All right I Submitted the order. Let's see if it gets a fill.

Let's see if it gets a fill. Let's see. let's see. the order is in.

The order's in, not filled though not filled, not filled yet I don't know if I'm gonna get a fill. It looks like I am the ask so it's about a 40 Cent spread right now. 30 cents spread. Oh it's looking strong.

Does this train about to leave without me? Is this train about to leave without me? Uh, all right I dropped it by 10 cents. Was it trading at I Keep dropping before this train goes. Oh did I get a fill? Was that it? I got it fell Okay I gotta fill I gotta fill I gotta fill All right. So here's what I did I filled it at 225 I Want 125.

Okay so here is can you guys see this I think you can see it Now here's the position. Uh so I did it on SPX For today, this is a degenerate zero DTE Strategy Basically I was looking to play the 15 minute breakout. It happened I sold it at 225 I Want to collect at a dollar I Want to collect a dollar 25 after off of this closed position Uh I Want to collect at a dollar A dollar A dollar A dollar a dollar dollar dollar dollar We'll go to 95 cents. Bye Okay there we are.

It's in the trades in and unlike yesterday I actually put in my profit Target because yesterday I was up a lot and I just let it go. And then when the bond market closed at 2 pm and the market started ripping I got absolutely screwed. Are you kidding me? Seriously what is this but what the is happening hello hello is what the is that did you guys see that's some some 9 50 a.m bullsh who who have you did this like the second I get my order in I'm like okay it broke and blah blah blah like I chased a little bit. not too bad I was being patient I waited I could have got in here.
this was the way I was laying and then it. it just gets annihilated. So this is just proof someone's watching and screwing with me like that is just that is some baloney man that is some baloney. What's the dollar doing? The dollar is dying.

It should keep ripping. What is What is this? What is this All right here? Maybe we need to look at what's going on on. Uh, all right, we have a couple minutes. we're about eight minutes out till Gensler gets going with his party this morning.

Maybe we're just pulling back into these moving averages. Maybe it's just a run-of-the-mill pullback and we're about I Mean it looks like it got a hard rejection at four thousand two hundred? I mean it was 4198 in the Futures Market What about SPX How's that looking? What are we at 164? Gap There is still that downside Gap though which is freaking me out. Freaking me out. Brother: Oh no, this isn't looking good.

Talk about the worst. Timing: like plus or minus 30 seconds man. 30 freaking seconds. Well I think I just potentially sped run How to blow up an account in two days? Don't try this at home kids because it is beyond stupid.

I guess this is why we call it being a degenerate. Are we watching Matt Kramer it feels like it have I like chirped Kramer too many times on Twitter that it's like now rubbing off on me like he is bestowing his uncanny ability to be perfectly wrong on me. It's your fault, Of course. it's my fault.

It's all my fault. It's all my fault. Do you know what could be your fault and it would be nice if you folks did? It is if you destroyed the like button. let's pump up the YouTube numbers to 500.

We're at 266 likes right now. Do not forget to subscribe if you like talking about stocks Futures Crypto degeneracy options the size of a moose versus the relative size of an elk, this is your place. This is your place to be. so let's Jack those up.

It does help out with the algorithm and then of course uh, shout out to the rumble and everyone in Rumble chat right now it does help out with the battle leaderboard. um the more likes it just I don't know you get shown off as a community and then that brings more people in. so then you just end up getting bigger and bigger and bigger I Appreciate you thank you. Uh as a chess player I would say you blundered I would say that they're cheating at oh my God I just got annihilated right there should I cut it.
It's not down that bad if I cut right now it is recoverable like on the day. like we could probably do something. or is this a are they just faking everyone out there like we're gonna run it down, then we're gonna run it back up. Then we're gonna run it down like is this just a bull trap and a bear trap? Are they just trapping everyone? Is it trap? City Today I Could get out with minimal damage.

Minimal. not even that bad of a pullback. Maybe we just you think Gensler is just gonna France had an uprising? They definitely did. Thomas Uh I Is it double trap? The old? The old rare double trap Matt hold We know the moment you cut the markets ripped.

Yeah so maybe we just act like I cut like ah Shucks I just locked in a loser because I cut my put credit spread like I Think it. we just need to really sell it. Let's just really sell it to the market like ah man I Can't believe I cut my bullish position I might as well switch to a bearish position. Do you think we're just like tricking some of the natural language processing that like Citadel has employed on this channel? Ah, come on.

Chad I Need you guys to get we need to sell this. We need to make it more more believable. Like here, we are a bunch of retail dum-dum traders who are now short on the market. It would be a huge bummer if things went uh up that that would be really really bad.

Did you hear now I Guess math is racist. What a time to be alive. Math is racist. Uh, tell me about it.

This is when you should have got in. but that wasn't the strategy at all. I mean at least we actually had like somewhat a Divine strategy. Today we were waiting for the Open Range breakout of the 15-minute candle which came right here at 9 49.

Like to say like this: Shoulda Coulda Woulda That's not a math system. That's not a S. That's not a mechanical trading system. That's people's like just gut like you would have to Define like what? Why you're getting in here and Matt making so much money shorting now Yeah and I'm short anyway I did enter I Don't know what you guys are talking about.

like I'm super short right now I'm so short on this Market at this moment in time, just crazy short is how short I am right now. that's that's my short level. Oh man. I'm making so much money off of this.

Uh, if math is racist, did that even make Stephen

One thought on “Stocks push higher, crypto rallies sec gensler testifies to congress”
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