The Return of El Tigre
The Matt Kohrs Show

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Thank you Foreign, foreign, foreign. Welcome back to the return of El Tigre You should be wearing your tiger or large cat based fashion attire today. And if you're not, get out of the show I Don't want you here I Don't want you here even for a second. If you don't have a large cat based Fashion on today, get out.

Believe this. This is not the show for you. Today's Tuesday August The 29th show of the Mad core show is not for you. Unless you're wearing you could be.

It could be a saber-toothed tiger. It could be a normal tiger. It could be a cheetah, a Jaguar a puma, a panther, a panther, a panther, a lion, and any large base cat will work. The cat has to be over 50 pounds that.

That's if you guys are international viewers and you're more so looking for kilos. I Don't know what that converts to in kilos. Kilos are fake I Don't know why we would use Kilos pounds. We're talking pounds in here.

50 pounds more and if uh, Maine if it's big enough Maine would work if it's if it's a large enough. Maine that would be acceptable for today's show. So I'll give everyone a second. I'll enjoy some coffee If you guys need to go quickly, go change and throw on the right weather shirt, hat, shorts, shoes, belt, whatever it is, whatever it is, whatever it is, uh I'll give you guys a second to figure that out, but you're gonna have to go and switch that up.

So uh I'm at work I Can't wear my LT gray shirt. Sounds like you need to quit your job. Does my 50 pound house cat work? If it's if your cat is at least 50 pounds, it does work. So if you have a poor poor house cat that's 50 freaking pounds? Um I Technically that does work I'll have to Al Willis that would that would work.

Um is Adam Enron Still radio silent. The answer to that is yes. And my question to your question is, are you surprised based on everything that's played out over the past year or two? Basically, ever since we got into the start of 2022, have you been happy with any of these? You know, uh, Have you been happy with any of his decisions, announcements? anything like that? A year and eight months later, a year, and almost nine months like. Have you been happy with any of it? Like, let's be honest.

Let's be honest with that folks. Come one come all. this is the show. We're letting people trickle in right now I Hope you're having a good one I Hope you had a great night folks.

it's not just LT grade A It happens to be my fiance, um, my fiance's birthday and that required me to get up at the crack and then and Dawn with all the farmers I was up I Don't know at least at Five a.m I Needed to get my gym session in today. Uh, just so I had enough time to prepare all the birthday festivities and I dude, I've been crushing it today. Now if you happen to be around your significant other, you're going to want to kick them out of the room because you don't want to know where I set the bar at I Got up at the crack of dawn and I crushed 150 flights you know I got the sweat on I look crazy but hey Health before wealth then I go I Meander through the streets of the Iron jungle and I find two of the best breakfast sandwiches out there I got grabbed that and then I'm like oh dude I think chicks love that pumpkin spice latte crap and that's back on the menu at Starbucks. So I'm walking back with two awesome Manhattan style breakfast sandwiches I grab a pumpkin spice latte and then obviously obviously obviously like I'm already feeling myself because I'm in the the LT gray shirt.
So the day's starting off strong, the days starting off very, very strong and I'm not much of a griller, but it turns out that I'm gonna have to grill for the party tonight. So if any of you are in the northeast of the United States and you happen to be a professional griller and you want to come to my completely real fiance's birthday party and I'll I'll be a conversationalist I'll chat with you I'll buy you some beer but I might need a little bit of assistance on the grilling like I know I look like a guy who knows how to grill. but it's all folks, this is entertainment. You know they they make Tom Cruise look like he's six foot tall but he's not.

They make Zac Efron look like he's six foot tall. They like make Bruno Mars look like he's six foot tall I look a certain way. but it's all for the show. Obviously management above me.

the people who signs my paychecks. they're like dude Matt we need you to look like a guy who knows how to grill and I'm like but sir I don't know how to grow what up like at all zero zero knowledge of grilling and they're like, well, it doesn't matter because this is Showbiz baby I'm like, that's it right there. That's the saying it is Showbiz baby morning Matt worst way to start the morning is with a flat tire thinking uh, you're going somewhere Spilled bong water your name is amazing um I'm sorry you're dealing with that, you know. But this brings me up to maybe a good life lesson.

A good life lesson of the day with Mr El Tigre Uh, obviously this is specifically for spilled bong water. but anyone who's listening right now as a little bit of a reward for tuning into the show so early. I'm gonna hit you with a little piece of Life advice and I Think this is going to directly tie to the fact that you're getting up going somewhere and you have a flat tire, you got to get a little lost to get a little found. Think about that.

you're never going to be found in life. If you never get lost, you know you're not. You're not going to be able to appreciate being such a a cowboy of the road of the open road where you just just slicing through the interstates. Like It's Hot Butter.

You're not going to be able to appreciate that without a few flat tires in your life. You know, sometimes you to go fast, you have to appreciate what it was like to only be able to go slow so spilled bomb water for you. Just remember, you gotta get a little lost to get a little found. Also, remember also, you should remember: no diamonds.
no pressure. If you walk in somewhere and you're not seeing any diamonds, will you also inherently understand that there's no pressure in that situation. So uh, that's that. Doesn't really relate to your current situation, but maybe someone else who's in here.

Maybe we have some kids. It's their first day of school? Maybe you started a new job? Maybe you got promoted at a job. Maybe you're just in a new environment and I want you to remember No diamonds, No pressure If You go somewhere and you realize there's no diamonds. Well, surprise surprise.

There's also no pressure. So please please keep that in mind wise words, professor. Of course that's why we started class a little early. You know we're getting out all the the facts.

facts. Oh geez. Well, we should eventually talk about some of the market stuff. but I don't know.

Is there any other questions? comments? concerns before we really get into Uh I Want to talk about China again? I Want to talk about Neo I Want to talk about something going on with Crypto specifically Bitcoin but also bit boy the Creator who's apparently by all accounts spiraling I don't know I haven't spoken with them I hope everything's good there I Want to talk about seasonality I Want to talk about the five things you should know before the market goes. ding ding ding ding um. it's also very important to never spill the bong water stinks when you do Life advice across the board. Thank you Sbw.

Is that what your friends call you for short Sbw like obviously spilled bong water I'm assuming is your government name but like do you buddies or like if you're playing sports or just friends, Is it just Sbw? Like when they don't have time to say your full legal name of spilled bong water a A isn't a bag of mayo, he's a bag of coleslaw you know? I Don't think I've ever heard anything so bold and yet so accurate. So accurate. It happens, It happens, It happens. It happens, No.

my nickname is Peanut Well, I don't know how they came up with that, but we could call you peanut. that. That works. Man, that's totally gonna work.

Uh, still think AMC is mooning you do Peter I Hope you're right, but the odds aren't looking the best. Uh AA doesn't even like Lunchables you know I heard those rumors and I don't want to be the person around breathing oxygen into rumors if it's not backed up by fact evidence proof. at this point in time, it might be hearsay. So I like I don't want to be that person spreading the rumor.

but there's a lot of credible people who say they have secondary evidence that in fact does suggest that Adam Aaron doesn't like Lunchables Now take that information however you want do with that information, whatever you want. I don't want to be the person perpetuating a rumor, but I Also don't want to fall behind on historic if this story has more life in it if it has more legs to it. if this story becomes a big story I Don't want you guys to be taken by a surprise I Don't want you to be taken by surprise at all. So you need to know that there's some murmurs.
there's some whisperings. There's some discussion in the back rooms in the back 40 if you will of the fact that Adam Aaron does in fact not like Lunchables So like I said I just want you to know where I'm at on it. Obviously in my opinion, if this proves to be true, that's disgusting. There's few things in this world in the history of mankind that would be at the level of disgust if it proves that he doesn't like Lunchables So that's how I feel about it.

I don't have the hardcore evidence in front of me yet. It's not like I have hot audio clips that I could share with you to really bolster my point here. But if it does break this way, an early indications early polling is suggesting that it is real. It it would be a travesty.

Not for us just personally. but as a species I would argue I would take you to the next level and I would say as just like being a human it would. It would be bad. it would be.

it would be really bad. Wow, who doesn't like a good Capri Sun and crunch far with your mini cracker sandwiches? Copies that too. That's what we thought. Ww Dose over And look, who won Ww dose? Uh, save your party and use one of those task apps to get someone to grill.

Do you think there's like a dad rental business? Like where you could rent a guy who just knows how to be a dad. Like they come in, they're like slightly worn. New Balance Sneakers A shirt that doesn't quite fit right. A hat that is slightly a jar.

obviously some Jorton. They refer to everyone as buddy Pal just like high level names because they can obviously never be burdened with actually learning names. and then they always just give um, like, advice that doesn't really really Matt Like doesn't really directly relate to you, but you just sit there and you're like, okay, is the light out? Oh no, did the moon go out. It must be out.

the the power on the moon must be up. That's that's upsetting. Uh, Rent to Dad uh maybe rent a dad can fund my AMC rent to Dad maybe what would be a better name for it? Uh, daddy rental debt Daddy Come here Daddy's Daddy's are Us daddy Roadhouse Daddy Mcdaddy Mcfun and Daddy Dave Dave And Daddies Dad Daddy Daddy squared Daddy Daddy On Demand DOD Daddy on that's it GoDaddy Daddy Sugar Daddies uh Daddy On Demand DOD uh what was, uh, what's the daddy? Daddy wasn't there? Wait what? what movie Am I thinking of what song am I thinking of Daddy? oh I don't like I can imagine the tune. What song is that awesome? Awesome powers.

You guys are so right. This is why I Hire you all. this is Daddy. wasn't there.

All right folks. we have a show to run. We're supposed to be professionals All right I Noticed you guys are really, really getting off the beaten path of this show. so it's on me To bring us back to where we should be going.
But Daddy Scotty Doesn't Know Daddy Daddy wasn't there to change. All right. Seriously, this is this is a serious businesses we're talking about. Finance So we have to be serious.

This is this is a serious business. This is why we all wear our most professional big Cat base. Garb Sack features are little changes. Wall Street comes off a winning day.

So even though it was a winning day, we're still kind of awkwardly within the range of the big day we had on Thursday. So I'm looking at the Spy here, tracking the S P 500. So in anticipation of Friday August the 25th, that was the Jackson Hole Symposium That's when Jerome Powell The chairman of the FED gave a talk and it was pretty short. Actually longer than last year's but still relatively short and obviously it didn't much.

Didn't happen. We did sell off, but it bounced back. It was more so the day before people, we had a gap up and this was definitely bearish. Engulfing they sold off in anticipation and ever since then, kind of like a rubberbound rubber band.

we're bouncing back right now. Even where we are in pre-market is the mid-range of yesterday and that happens to be the mid-range of Thursday's bar, so no clear Chen right now. Obviously things could get pretty exciting to the upside and be bullish above 440 350ish. but if we end up breaking below 439, they could quickly become bearish.

So with this I wouldn't think that it's appropriate to really have any prediction here. Well, you could have. You could have a prediction and I hope you're right. But in terms of active trading month, or you're day trading or swing trading, just wait for it to happen.

Wait for a legitimate breakout, Wait for a legitimate breakdown and play that. there's no sense in having to like predict. If it's going to come, you could just sit there and wait. and wait.

and wait. And when it does come, you attack. That's how you do it. Before we get into everything related to the market.

breakouts breakdowns, this thing, that thing, and the other thing. uh, apparently the tropical storm is now strengthening up to the level of the hurricane I Don't know how many of you guys watch Dragon Ball Z but this is the best way I could describe it in the world of Storms and meteorology in a general sense. Is it kind of like went Super Saiyan like it was super saiyan? Now it's super Saiyan 2. Um, so it's just a little bit stronger, a little bit more dangerous, and the odds of it being able to beat sell Uh, now at Cell's final form is it's a little bit higher.

Um so I I Just like to come up with metaphors analogies just to make things really sink a little bit better. really create some proteins in your brain to like Commit This to Memory But I think that's the best way to describe it anyway. dangerous storm surges. Our forecast for Florida's uh Gulf Coast If you're in this area, please be careful.
don't take like any form of risk. Not necessary if you think it's going to be bad. If you're in a particular danger zone. maybe it's time to like, leave for a little bit.

So I just want to throw that out there. Obviously, just on a human level, these things can get very, very bad. So if you're within the southeast, pay attention to it. I Want you to be safe.

Now going back to the market China is doing everything it can to conceal the true extent of its economic turmoil. This is actually a pretty good breakdown of Business Insider So if you guys have time, I Would recommend checking this out, but it's kind of just reiterating the things we've discussed seemingly for the past week or two and I feel like the crazy person that's been beating this drum a little bit. but we've been tracking what's going on with China in terms of their real estate in terms of their Shadow banking. In terms of their just the public unease, a little bit of Bank runs, uh, we just have lack of growth that they started reporting the stopped reporting the unemployment numbers for the younger demographic.

That can't be a good thing. just yesterday, they're cutting the taxes by 50 on your trading gains. so they're trying to entice people to be investing back into the market while things are going on. So definitely, definitely, definitely something that if it breaks in a very negative way, it could have real world global ramifications because this is a top three economy depending on how you really measure economy, but clearly it's a big Global player.

China Banks To cut rates on mortgages deposits in stimulus push China's largest banks are preparing to cut interest rates on existing mortgages and deposits the latest State directed measures to shore up growth in the world's second largest economy. An announcement that big state-owned lenders are reducing rates on the majority of the nation's 5.3 trillion of outstanding mortgages may come as soon as today. Tuesday The moves are part of a targeted Push By Beijing to Spur consumer spending, drive more funds into the stock market and alleviate pressure on lenders profit margins while Chinese shares gain in offshore trading After Bloomberg reported the bank's plans, it's unclear the weather. The moves will be enough to spark a sustained Revival in investor confidence.

Authorities have so far avoided broader stimulus measures despite a deepening property crisis, growing deflation pressures that have put the government's economic growth Target of about five percent at risk I Think we're at the point where it's beyond risk now I Just don't think that they're going to be able to hit five percent if we can trust any of the information that is publicly available. This is an incremental policy step, not a game changer because people's confidence is still low. I Think we're going to see property easing come through in the coming weeks. I Just don't know if it's going to be strong enough.
So they're trying to help with the banking issue. They're trying to help with the lending issue. They're trying to help with the real estate issue. They're basically facing deflation.

Uh, their economy. The Chinese economy is taking some pretty painful medicine right now, and it's something that we should all be paying attention to, especially in terms of our medium to longer term Outlook and also the sub sectors that you might be invested in. Because obviously, China is important for many different sub-sectors so pay attention to it. I Know some of you.

this might not pertain to you whatsoever. so I don't want to like Harp on it too much, but for some of you in here, this is going to be incredibly important. So please, please, please be paying attention. Neo Reports wider second quarter loss amid trying to slow down and product line revamp.

So when I looked at Neo this morning, it was down like 6.8 It's down 6.9 right now. Uh, not the best numbers. Closed out the day yesterday at 11, currently trading at 10, 30 down 6.8 percent this morning. Obviously Neo a major EV play, especially in China this was a high-flying stock Circa 2020 2021 Their claim to fame was a battery swap technology that was unique.

new novel. People liked it, but it was definitely a big beneficiary of just the EV world going. Absolutely nuts. It's since then, 2022, 2023, it hasn't been performing well right now I'm still a fan of EV I Just think by 2025, by 2030 in terms of global vehicle sales, I see EVS doing nothing but consuming a larger, larger percentage of that will Neo be one of those winners in the long term, it's tough to tell.

Obviously, there's going to be some sort of statistical chance I think the chance of Tesla is higher I'm not here to bash on Neo but I don't need multiple EV plays in my own account. I could just kind of play some of the major ones. so I just wanted to share this because I know there are some Neo people in here so just wanted to share what's going on right now. Uh, definitely not against you.

It's just to me a question of do I like other opportunities better and that's just to wrap up really what's going on in China Now bringing it back to the US mortgage rates are seven percent are making everything worse for U.S Home buyers if you're trying to buy a home right now I Feel for you I feel for you I feel for you because for the same amount of money, because of the massive increase in mortgage rates over the past two years, you're buying much less of a house for a generation of home buyers used to. Rock Bottom Borrowing costs as surged to six percent. Mortgage rates was shock enough, but this month's jumped past seven percent is adding a whole new layer of uncertainty to the U.S Housing Market I Am very worried where we are now with rates solidly in the Sevens that it could have even more of a cooling effect on the market. I'm shocked where we are.
So this is from the Florida Atlantic University Ken H Johnson a real estate Professor But more concerning Beyond His comments: Mortgage rates are above seven percent. You can see how we've gone this year. We started at Six five dip as low as 6-1 and ever since February until now just slow and steady. To the upside, that is not what you want to see if you are in the market to buy a home.

So will this last forever? No, it's everything in the market is cyclical. so if you don't have a specific high pressure reason that you have to be buying a home right now, well, patients can definitely be a virtue. A worldwide Lithium shortage could come as soon as 2025.. Speaking of EV, Speaking of the market, speaking of just potential opportunity, Lithium is incredibly important.

Incredibly important in some of the most popular indices. right now. Lithium is the core commodity that makes a lot of it possible. I Know some of you in here.

Actually a while ago were talking about how you're investing in certain equities that are themselves lithium mines and seeing what we have here, lithium might be solid I mean it's going to be used in some of the most popular Industries the semiconductors EVS Themselves, Lithium is a very, very very important commodity. That I mean if we're having a shortage and demand doesn't seem to be waning at all, like there might be an opportunity there. Just the Classic low supply, high demand. what goes on with price When that happens, obviously it goes.

Sky High So I just want to bring this up to you just because we have I think it was Lac he was the ticker that we talked about. yeah, Lithium America's Corp this is what was discussed. its price action hasn't really been representing anything too special, so there might be something better I'm not I don't own any Lac I Don't really even have particular plans too, but just an industry that I wanted to bring up to you because I there could be an opportunity in terms of somewhat of like a like a longer medium term or a shorter long-term investment. something with like a couple year time Horizon but just wanted to bring up what's happening X Formerly Twitter faces 2.2 000 arbitration cases and filing fees over 3 million Elon Musk's ex-corp is facing 2.2 000 arbitration cases of Court filing in Delaware revealed on Monday Exeter Employees are suing Musk's social media business saying the company not only failed to pay them promise Severance but then delayed their arbitration Case by failing to pay their filing fees filing fees to get Twitter's 2.2 000 arbitration cases rolling through the jams.
alternative dispute resolution system could amount to 3.5 million with more to follow. Uh, so obviously something ex-employe is very much not happy with the company. X formerly known as Twitter I Don't really? I mean I don't know enough about the law to fairly comment on what is or isn't happening here. The only thing that really jumps out to me is when is the last day that's gone by that we haven't heard something about? Elon Musk and Twitter Whether good, bad, indifferent I Don't think a single business day goes by that this guy is not somehow in the news.

Talk about just Master Marketing. No matter, even think about when. What was it last week? the week before When he was thinking about getting rid of the block button, he knew he couldn't get rid of the block button. He knew that and yet him tweeting it, every new source in the world decided to cover it.

So I just some of these times like some of these stories I Just think I sit back and I'm like, is this guy just once again getting free media because in a weird way, that's actually like, very impressive that and he pulls it off so so commonly, so so rapidly. Uh, just food for thought Bitcoin Trading volume is at the lowest in more than four years. So I want to make it very clear that I'm still in Bitcoin I'm still in Ethereum I have some other random other random ones. but dude, this got annihilated back in mid-august August 17th.

So Bitcoin trading at 26 000. we did have this breakout back here in mid-june Obviously it didn't hold it, ripped, went sideways, lower highs, lower lows finally broke down. But now we're right back at this consolidation Zone that we saw in mid-june and end of May-ish right here. the 26 000 Mark I'm still in it.

But to me I've never actively traded crypto whatsoever like I just bought it because I have my own personal issues with this concept of a central bank and Fiat currencies and our government in control and just these unbounded I Guess actions of quantitative easing, tightening, and just the central bank as like an entity seems a lot like a freaking joke. So to me it made sense to get some sort of potential store value that's outside of that world. But with that being said, I don't actively trade it I Really don't have a need to actively trade it I just am invested in it obviously I'm currently underwater I want it to come back, but with this, it's not really being talked about right now so you can look at the trading volume. You could even look at the popularity of the crypto sector it like on YouTube on social media, it's just a lot less people are talking about it and a lot less people are talking about it because a lot less people are interested in it now.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be interested in it if you love crypto. I'm in no way bashing on you, but just quantifiably. You have to admit that there are in terms of just pure magnitude: the sheer size. There's less people as of now relative to when Bitcoin was at 50, 60, almost 70 000.
There's a lot less people interested. There's a lot less people talking about it because it's not ripping. It's kind of that argument of what comes first, the chicken or the egg. Well, I think you first need price movement to get people excited, and then when people get excited, they talk about it and then usually they funnel in causing the price to get even more excited.

So right now that it's just, it's a lull, It's clearly a crypto winter if you will, so just want to bring up what's going on there. Obviously not too much I'm selling Bitcoin I'm still in Ethereum I Don't have a particular interest in many others beyond that, but early this morning I did see that, Bit Boy was once again trending. Now, if you missed the Power Hour show. first of all, Demerit, you're not supposed to be missing the Power Hour show.

But I get it. Maybe you just have a good excuse or something. Bit Boy Oops, Maybe I should spell it properly. So apparently Bit Boy AKA Ben Armstrong Kicked out of Bit Boy Crypto latest Bit Boy Bit Boy Out Bad Boy crypto bit I Want to find the initial announcement it was from like the latest updates on Ben Armstrong being fired from Bib.

Oh I Have not. Do we have time? We don't have time? All right. We'll listen to this right after the market. Yeah! so Ben Armstrong who is Bit Boy crypto? I guess kicked out of the company that is Bit Boy I don't know much about it uh I don't know his side of it and I very much believe that in this world there's his side, her side and the truth.

The truth is typically somewhere in the middle obviously I haven't heard from Bit Boy, haven't heard from Ben but I know what they're saying is just like this is a way to get him help and something about substance abuse and I don't It could be messy, but we'll give that a quick listen. Uh, right after the Market opens. Speaking of the Market opening, I want you to know that for today Tuesday August 29th Uh, it does favor the Bulls I would argue now when I started tracking this about or when I had the data for this about two and a half. Uh, decades ago 25 years ago.

The very first one was pretty negative. After that, it went neutral and then really, over the past 10 years, it's starting to pick up. So I would say from a seasonality perspective for today Tuesday August 29th it's slightly favors the Bulls I Wouldn't call it neutral, but just over neutral kind of of the bullish day. If you want this, I give it out for free.

it's pinned to the top of chat. Matt Once again, you can become a member of the goonie. Community Five things to know before that: Bell goes dingy ding ding today. Uh, Tuesday August 29th Tough.

August Yeah, August has been rough so far not looking the best. Uh, we might have a little bit of a bullish push to close out the month, but overall I mean ever since Tuesday August the first, we've just been kind of coming down and down and down, so the month has clearly clearly favored the Bears. This month will September uh, I don't know. I Could tell you that the first two thirds of September greatly favors the Bulls and then the final third of September really really favors the bears, but we'll have to see how it all goes open.
AI is running out of new business tier, um, trying to kind of keep their name in the news Goldman gets out. They've been selling off pieces of the business. What? The Goldman paid 750 million for a team of about 220 financial advisors managing 25 billion in assets in May of 2019. Uh, they I believe just got rid of that.

Google Maps Data: They're starting to sell that to solar companies utility liability. that doesn't really matter too much to us today. If you're watching he, it's going to be interesting Hawaiian Electric I think is the official name? yeah Hawaiian Electric ticker symbol. He going crazy yesterday because they started pointing the fingers at someone else.

Okay, the casino is open Play responsibly if not, have fun I Don't think I had the right mic on. but I do want you to know that Piper went long out of the gate. Uh long on both the S P 500 and the NASDAQ 100 here. I'm trying to zoom in so you guys can see this.

Um, but I hope it's a winning trade I Don't know if it will or won't be. but Piper uh right at I mean right here right when the market opened, the Piper algorithm went long on the S P 500 and the NASDAQ 100. Um, hopefully it turns out, well, 90. Oh, there's a lot of volatility.

I Also want you to know that 10 a.m today a half hour no brother just got stopped. Uh down? 276. Uh so oh for two out of the gate? Well, that's a bit of a bummer. Uh, over two out of the gate.

But let's see how the rest of the day plays out. Uh, at 10 A.M 10 A.m ET today. So in about what 28 minutes, 28 minutes? we're going to be getting the Jolts job Data Jolt's Job data. I'm definitely expecting a bit of volatility and craziness because of that.

So I Just want everyone to know in about 29 minutes, 29 minutes Wrecked. R-e-k-t Yeah, feels that way. But once again, remember when you are trading, you should not be thinking of it as a single trade. or at least the way.

I Look at the market, you shouldn't be looking at it as a single trade. Think of it as if you were playing Blackjack If you were playing poker. Whatever it is, you look at it as a series of Trades and that's I Know this system has roughly a 50 accuracy. It's gonna win half.

It's gonna lose half. The advantage of this system is when it wins, it wins at a little bit more than double the size then when it averagely loses. So it's gonna get stopped down a lot because it the system is. The main purpose of the system is to catch momentum.
It's a momentum based system. It wants momentum in the bullish Direction and wants momentum in the bearish direction. It goes long, It goes short, and as soon as It gets into the position, If it feels like the momentum is by any means like stopping or slowing down, it just cuts the position so it ends up cutting sometimes a little bit earlier than I would want it to. But it's kind of a safety mechanism.

In fact, it's very much a safety mechanism because that's kind of like the point of it is to have. it's going to have more losses, but because of that, it can have. It has smaller losses. So if you're going to have small losses, you're going to end up with more losses.

It's very, very difficult to have less losses that are also small if you take on a high amount of losses. well, that's how you can keep them small. Um, so when you're intentionally not risking much in terms of your potential downside, Well, you're going to end up having not the highest accuracy, but on the flip side, when you win, you could have nice big Winners and then hopefully the winners are enough to outweigh the losers going into the start of the week. Yesterday yesterday I think it traded 11 times and it hit five of them.

so it was about 50. Maybe it hit six out of five? Something like that. Uh, the exact numbers are escaping me right now, but even with that, the net difference. even though it was about 50 accurate yesterday, the net gain was about a thousand dollars.

So about 20 on the account I funded the account with 5K Uh, and it made just under a thousand yesterday. so almost a 20 return and I've had better days I've had worse days. but in terms of not having to do anything, the algorithm is doing all the buying, the algorithm is doing all the selling, the algorithms, doing all the evaluation I don't have to do anything I can be here streaming with you guys I can could be going to buy birthday cake I could be at the gym I could be tired I could be sick I could be sleeping I could be awake I could be paying attention. It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. That's why I Think the world of algorithmic trading is the best way to really engage in the market. Now obviously these are clearly my own opinions.

Not many people are in the world of algorithmic training just because the barriers to entry are high. People are like, well I don't really want to code I don't know how to code I don't even know where to start I don't know how to evaluate it and I get it I'm not I'm not saying that it's necessarily easy, but what I am saying is I'm by no means an expert, but I know enough to start you guys off at least on some sort of path of like, okay, like try this, try this, try the next thing. Uh man. I Really wish that held a little bit.

It would be crushing it right now. Well, the entry signal was a good signal. The exit signal was not a good signal. The exit signal was a little bit premature.
A little bit premature. dude. I would have been up a full dollar already on the queues and about 50 cents on the Spy like it went right in at Market open. That's frustrating.

That's frustrating. But anyway, is your stupid account up? Yes it is. So uh, obviously what the Piper strategy is something that I've coded myself on the Futures Market It's one of many strategies that I have that I'm working on, but this one is rapidly becoming my favorite one. If I could just figure out I there's just some slight improvements that I really need to make to make it clearly viable right now it's a little suspect sometimes, but whatever.

I'll figure it out. uh I like that I coded it myself. that is a place you could go I Don't think that's the easiest place to start I think the easiest place to start is street Beat because that gets you used to the world of creating a strategy and having a like a slave like training robot do all the trades for you. but to me, that's optimal.

I mean maybe you love sitting in front of the chart all day, every day and that's just like really, what gets your rocks off? That's not for me I like making money but I don't like, particularly enjoy just like watching every single minute chart of the day I watch every minute chart of the day, especially if I'm manually training. So I don't attempt to admit like I'm attempting to not miss any opportunity. but what I like about it is making money. I don't like actually enjoy just sitting there watching watching watching.

if anything, it's just you're you're stalking the market for a good opportunity. So all of a sudden if I can Outsource that if something else if some sort of robotic system can do the Examination for me, well, theoretically just means that I'm like something else is waiting for those best setups. I mean we've all been there before where you end up trading at a boredom because nothing's going on. You haven't gotten a good setup in a while so you're like, ah, whatever.

even though it's not a good setup like you throw some money at it just to like get a little bit of a gamble going. a little bit of like I don't know it's in that scratch type of an idea and we all do it. It's not good, not good, not good. What language are you coding in? So that algorithm is on tradestation and they have their own proprietary language called easy Language which is the biggest misnomer in the world of algorithmic trading.

It is not easy Language it's really hard, stupid language that makes no sense most of the time. Uh, so they're like in My issue with it is there just isn't really good resources out there for when you run into a problem. it's very much like you have to figure it out and they say they have debugging, but it's the worst debugging in the world. Basically, it's at the point where you either have to code it perfectly and it works or it just doesn't work at all and you have to just stare at your code till you notice the problem rather than finding it through like actual debugging.
So it's very, very frustrating, especially if you have a background in coding because it's nothing like any other coding program I've ever used. So that's where Tradestation Uh, I know a lot of these other brokerages, something such as interactive brokers. They have exposed apis so a lot of people like to code and like see see HR for Python and then they just hit the API endpoint and interactive Brokers. That's also a popular solution.

Um, there's some other apps Here There and Everywhere like that try to get you integrated into it I Don't think there's really, uh, an amazing solution in terms of people who are eager to code up their own coding algorithms. I Don't think there's like an ideal perfect place to do it? Uh, but I do know if you're like interested, but you're like I don't really know how to code this might like I'm interested in this but I don't know where to start. Streaming is by far in my opinion, the best place to do it because it's already hooked up to AI You could talk to it, create your own training strategy. Uh, obviously as open AIS Chat 2pt gets better and better and better.

The algorithms that you could create in Street Beat just get better and better and better. So I think that's a great starting point for anyone who's interested in it. Why is Neo getting its cheeks clapped? Uh, because of just their own company slowdown? Especially because it's in China Just a bad report. Are you up on Street Beat? I Am up on Street Beat.

Is there a way to trigger trades based on trading View alerts? Uh, I think so. I haven't personally done it, but I'm pretty sure I've seen videos of people doing it. So on tradestation they have their own language called Pine script so you can create training strategies and whatnot there and then trading view. The charting software can be hooked up to multiple brokerages, so from like if you have the strategy running in Pine script on trading View and then properly hooked up to brokerages, you could execute trades that way as well.

Matt Are you tired about talking about AMC I would be? well I Recently started talking about it a lit a little bit more. but um, that's only because something's going on with it. There was many weeks and months where we didn't talk about AMC because nothing was going on. but I don't know, it's in a weird way.

I Don't really enjoy talking about it because it's it's very like. it's sad. it's a very sad thing. I Trade Futures through Trading View I link my tradestation account.

Very easy to do. Oh awesome. Okay, so apparently it's pretty easy to do once again. I Haven't done it yet.
but I've seen people have done it. and Steve is telling us here that it's not the most difficult thing in the world. So maybe I Hooked up my TV with Coinbase via web alerts I hooked up my TV with Coinbase via web alerts. Interesting.

So there's a lot of interesting, uh, workarounds and whatnot. Uh I know if you're using Ninjatrader, they have their own version of I think C or C sharp and it's called Ninjascript. So Ninjatrader has ninja script. Uh, Trading View has Pine script.

Uh, Trade station has easy language and then interactive Brokers has exposed apis so it's a little bit agnostic as long as you're hitting the API properly. so you have various things available to you, especially if you have a bit of a coding background. But if you're liking this world of just algorithmic training, if you like this idea of systematic training, I Still very much think the best place for you to start is Street feed just to kind of like it's a foot in the door where you're starting to learn about systems and really you're starting to understand that A system can do the buying and selling for you and you don't have to be the one who manually executes it uh and then from there like I would just say that's like kind of your rudimentary step one and then you can continue to progress past that will street beat pull from coinbase I Don't believe they have any crypto hookups at the moment. the Dude Rants is obsessed with Matt he keeps using your name and picture in his videos.

yeah, it's called coattail riding um I don't choose to engage with them and I also definitely don't watch any of his content I've seen it in the past, but like I don't know. like I just what's the advantage of just seeing some like middle-aged unhinged dude who's like riding my coattails? You know, like there's no no matter what I do or say I don't come out looking good or right or positive at all like. So it's just sometimes when you have an middle-aged unhinged man who's like using your name to like um I don't know I guess further his own social media career. Sometimes The best thing you could do is literally nothing.

Uh, so I I There's no like particular reason for me to engage I think it's sad. um you need to get more views by stirring up controversy. We've tried that in the past. uh We've we've started some rumors again about like what was it Justin Bieber Taylor Swift um and in all honesty, nothing really, nothing really came from it.

but we we attempted there for a bit. the Robbie everyone please like and sub. Thanks Thank you Robbie folks you better do it or Robbie might be no longer. We might have to.

you know, take care of them, you know. do a little bit of cutting the grass if you will. So Robbie his life, his livelihood, his purpose in life is on the line and only you. You listen to this right now are the only person could who could help him if you want to help Robbie get to his next birthday.
you guys better be dropping that like and you better be smashing that subscribe button. Justin Bieber shorted AMC You know I've been hearing more and more about that Mr T Clapper I've been hearing about that myself. Matt You need to find out who the one dislike is and demerit them. It's probably that rants guy, that old grumpy man.

you know what's so funny about? uh like negativity and drama and maybe this is just me, but negativity and drama within like the like Financial space. The Finn twin space is Everyone acts like they're just so right. they're like dude I just like this guy is wrong and I'm so right. And here's proof: I'm so right.

Well what's interesting about being wrong and right in the financial space is it's uniquely different from all of their spaces. So for example, it's not hard for there to be drama in the political space. You have very polarizing figures Tucker Carlson Rachel Maddow and whatever. Ben Shapiro Jordan Peterson Stephen Crowder Like it goes on like you have Hassan and you have all these people and they have their drama.

but inherently a lot of it when you boil it down is based on opinion. So like no one's ever going to be proven right or wrong, you're just gonna basically find your tribe who believes in your opinion and that other person is going to find their tribe of who believes in their opinion and then the two tribes just keep fighting. They're like no, my opinion is better, my opinion is better, and there's like not really proof to it like I Guess one time like sometimes with politics, you could be right if you predict. like who wins whatever a gubernatorial seat, a state repseed the presidency like you could be like look at like most voting people agree with me.

but even then it gets a little bit wonky because sometimes you can win it but not have the popular vote and blah blah blah. But most of the time when there's drama in like the political sphere, the gaming sphere, this that or the other thing, no one can be inherently proven right or wrong. Now what I'm saying? um Tim pool I I liked him Bull he's the Buddy like I I think he's a great content creator I think he's the cool guy. My point is, it's a lot of opinion and there's not being proven right or wrong.

What's so funny about Finance is people very quickly find out who's right and who's wrong. For example, if I ask you guys right now do you think today is going to be a bullish day or a bearish day? We can share our opinion and by the end of the day it one of the groups is going to be right, one of the group unless the both groups are wrong and it ends up being a perfectly neutral day which I guess is possible. but there's no scenario in which both groups are right and also there's a set time and after that set time, we kind of have a really good idea of who's right. So what's funny about all this is people get on their High horses and like they argue about financial things like it's just like such a hardcore opinion and it's such like an existential thing and then yet we get the results and and then what? like if they fought about their opinion the whole time, if they were right or wrong, what they were right, they should be making a lot of money right Like Doesn't that make sense though? I Guess tying this back to like, uh, what you were bringing up there of like rants using my name and this and that.
Like he fancies himself to be some like expert Trader Like be so knowledgeable and so so like just ingrained in the world of whatever. And if he's that good, where's all his money? You know, Like for someone who's like bragging about how good they are and like, so knowledgeable. oh interesting. Show me your account, then show us your piano If you're so amazingly good at trading.

where's your hedge fund? If you don't want to run a hedge fund I Can get it. Maybe there's just too many other things that you don't want to deal with. legal regulations. All that stuff.

Show us your account, Show us how good of a Trader you really are, because there's a lot of people bragging about how smart they are. They're intellectual Titans They could read the market better than you could read a book. and it's interesting for people to act that way. But why don't they ever just show us their accounts? Well I Don't you know where? Like if someone's so, so good, so smart, and if they've just figured out the system more than all of us, Where's your money? Where's your, Where's your Mansion Where's your, Where's your cars? Where's your pool? Where's your private Jane Where is it if you're so good? um I don't know I Find it I Find a little interesting.

Find it a little interesting that people love to brag about how good they are at training and then yet they never show you their money ever. Hey Matt when you trade Futures and set do you stop or do a set limit or Market order I Had a limit order yesterday and it blew right past it. What am I doing wrong? Uh so I have a well I mean I've used all of those but mine are more gonna be I'll do limits for profit Target but I'll do Market orders for stop like I'll do stop market orders because like if my levels pass I just want to pull the rip cord so it depends for like what side you want to be on. Uh, Kmn10 is now a monthly supporter.

Shout out Brother! Shout Out! Shout Out! Much appreciated. Uh, everyone thought Bernie Madoff was a genius investor for a long time. Everyone thought SPF was a genius investor for a long time. wait.

you can make money Trading Yeah, some people actually don't lose money every single day trading. It blew my mind too. John definitely blew my mind as well. All right, we have about 10 minutes until the Jolts report comes out.

Uh, once again at 10 A.M Today, 10 A.m 10 A.m this week. Uh, we are getting the CV Consumer confidence number and the Jolt job opening so that comes out in nine minutes. Uh, just so you guys know tomorrow we will be starting the stream early for the GDP report, then on Thursday we're also starting it early for the Pce report and then on Friday we are going to be getting the unemployment report once again an hour before the Market opens. Uh, I'll explain this later but I will not be streaming on Friday and my reasoning for that is I'm assuming none of you are going to be here.
Uh, it is going to be a three-day weekend and you know what they say about three day weekends, why not make it a four day weekend? Um, so my assumption is just that you guys will not be here on Friday taking an early holiday for Labor Day or whatever. So uh, because of that I figured I'm gonna do it too. and in reality I just have some other work. um some business stuff I need to take care of.

So I have to fly out, meet with some potential investors, schmooze them, shake some hands and go hey buddy I'm Matt Cores would you like to invest? Um so I Decided to do it this weekend to see if I could get some money for an investment for a cool project that I'm working on. that I hope comes to life. Uh, what are your opinions on using Prop Trading firms? Uh, I Started off neutral because I didn't know anything about it. Then when I learned about it I didn't like it at all I was negative.

but now that I've actually traded on a prop firm, I'm actually very supportive of it. um I think it's a good in between. Uh, it's a nice in between between trading on a paper trading account and training your full own account. I Like that in between where there's a little bit of money at risk, but you're not risking like your full account value, you're basically risking someone else's money.

or you're risking whatever the the fee you pay to take the combine basically the tests to get funded. So I think it's a really good stepping stone. Actually a surprisingly good stepping stone. So to be honest I was neutral I started doing it I'm like this is stupid and I I didn't like it at all and I was negative on it and I think that's just because I got frustrated that I wasn't passing the test and then I started to realize oh, like all these rules for the test, it's really really there to prove that you know what's like kind of going on.

Um, so uh. once I settled in and just realized that like I had to like somewhat change my own trading style to be good at it and realize basically when I just became more familiar with happening um, I do like it I'm actually a fan of it. Uh, and speaking on that I Can't really say anything this week, but next week I will have something cool to say about Prop Trading firms. and basically a deal.

Um, right now the ink hasn't quite yet dried. but we do have a potential new uh partnership sponsorship going on with the Moon Gang. So if you guys are all interested in Prop trading, uh, just give me. well, give me one week, give me until next Tuesday and we can chat and we'll have some cooler things going on there.
Uh, so as of now, nothing but I Do think it's a good in between? Uh, so you get some of the emotions in there that you don't find in paper training, but you're not at such a risk such as like your full own account. Uh so I think it's a solid in between? Uh, wait, didn't No, that wasn't it wasn't there a video that we were gonna watch? What is this one? Nope. I where was that video was it on? Twitter Was it this one? Oh yeah, the Bitboy one. It has been a wild 24 hours when it comes to Bit Boy Crypto, the new Bit Boy Crypto, YouTube channel and Twitter account as well as following the news with Ben Armstrong.

But as promised, we're going to be providing the updates when it comes to Ben Armstrong in this video guys, if you're on YouTube, hit that. thumbs up. If you're on Twitter or X leave a comment below let me know your thoughts on everything that's going on with Bitboy Crypto. This was the opening statement on the former I Guess Bit Boy Crypto YouTube account This is how they opened their Channel yesterday.

Let's take a look at what they had to say is is a difficult decision is a culmination of a prolonged effort to help Ben during his relapse into substance abuse as well as reconcile the emotional, physical and financial damage he's done to the employees of Hit Network and the Bitboy Crypto community. The Pit Squad deserves better and we're going to get through this together. So that's the opening statement here. Guys from the Bit Boy Crypto Team The new Bit Boy Crypto Team Ben Armstrong Who is the face of Bit Boy Crypto is officially out.

They have jousted him out uh, due to relapse. Now as most of you guys know Bitboy Crypto I Believe he was using drugs and apparently he was about 10 years clean. Let me go and pull up a picture here. a Bit Boy Crypto because I actually met Bit Boy Crypto in Miami at the Central line uh, conference in Miami This is us right here in Miami What I want to say is look regardless of Bit Boy Crypto's Antics online right? However, he showed up.

Whatever your thoughts are of Bit Boy Crypto, this is a father. This is a son. This is a husband. This is probably a brother or sister and a friend of many and honestly it's regardless.

he's an internet personality. He has these crazy takes but I do wish him well and I do hope that he gets the help that he needs and I believe it is confirmed that he did Relapse and has caused serious harm and pain not only physically which the team has said, but also emotionally at the Bitboy Network studio. So I am wishing him well like I said I had a chance to meet him off camera. he's a good guy.

He's not anything like he is like he is on camera which a lot of you guys have a hot take on Bitcoin I've met Bit boy I did an interview with them on this channel. uh but obviously when doing the interview I talked to him off camera and I don't know who this Jake guy is uh at all but I would Echo his words off camera before. he's just like a normal dude. like a a very very normal dude he was just talking to me about like his son and his son wanting to also be a YouTuber and he likes video games like that's a fair point like I think it's easy to like whatever is like there's drama and it's humans and relapse and people talk about drugs and physical pain, emotional pain and I get that and I I don't want to belittle dad at all.
but I think another aspect of the story is that yes, most importantly, he is a father and I don't know I I've met him off camera and just for the time. One time that I spoke with him, he seemed like a pretty like just reasonable good guy to me. But this was the announcement that came uh, yesterday. A lot of you guys probably haven't seen this.

The difficult decision is a culmination of a prolonged effort to help Ben during his relapse into substance abuse, which we talked about as well as reconcile the emotional, physical, and financial damage he has done to employees of his. Network and I wonder what the financial damage is the physical? I mean the Bitcoin Crypto physically abuse somebody here at the Hit Network in Big Boy Crypto. Community Um, that's the update from the big Boy Crypto team. Apparently they decided to take legal action.

You can see Hit Network took decisive legal action in removing Ben Armstrong from the company. So because there's legal action, maybe that's why we haven't seen a video coming from Bitcoin Crypto. Maybe they sued him. but apparently they're exciting.

Yeah, physical and financial pain and damages from Bitcoin Crypto. This was one of the responses from Bitcoin Crypto. Yesterday he says I should stop calling it boy Crypto his name's Ben Armstrong now right I just relate the two. Uh, because we know and I'm showing guys bit by Crypto He said this is Ben TJ and Justin Williams have attempted a coup at my company, which it was his company.

He was the founder, just confirming what's going on going around. It's true there's been a mutant bit by Crypto hit Network, but it won't work. They have no leverage. He also went on the post today that Ben his token is not owned by his Network or Big Boy Crypto.

It's managed by a separate entity entirely controlled exclusively by Ben Armstrong and Duchess of Defy And Guys this came out about six hours ago. The release and implementation of V2 is still unaffected. Now a quick look at coin chart Guys: I'll make a separate video on this later. but sitting at a 6.5 million dollar Mark Cap all the way down from a 100 million dollar markup.

as he mentioned, a V2 is coming. You know, gonna be interesting to see that's a big one. but that's the latest guys apparently. allegedly.
uh, Big Boy Crypto We got some comment: Ben Armstrong has relapse. He's no longer working at his company Big Boy crypto which is shocking because it's crazy. He's a face of Bit Boy Crypto. I'm not sure if Bitboy crypto the company itself by saying look, this is a human being.

Of course he's an internet personality. Of course he's had some crazy takes in the past, but at the end of the day he's a human being. He has interesting uh I for those of you following it like how how is it possible? how is it going to be possible like I for the longest time I didn't even know his name was Ben Armstrong I just knew him as Big Boy Crypto and now he's fired from Bitcoin Who's gonna be the new bit boy I don't I don't get it. Uh damn Fast talkers.

Oh I sped it up that was 1.5 x speed I really don't The only thing I listen to on normal speed is music I Just oh, don't you guys feel like you're wasting time when you're listening into it on normal speed? like don't you have other things to be doing in your life like I just I get frustrated if I watch things and it's not fast? Big girl, big girl crypto hey Matt I Asked about Street Beat last week. fired 2K in and made like 10 and counting in the first 20 minutes. Pretty solid. Well remember with it it's a long-term thing.

Like you're gonna have some updates. some down days, some up weeks, some down week, some up on some down months. um but it it's more of you're looking at the system play out over a while so like I'm very stoked for you. uh what is going on home brother, home brother uh oh so Piper bought the news and I'm not I was gonna say I'm not a fan of it literally as I was about to say how I wish it didn't uh, too much volatility for the system to properly handle right there.

so that cost me even more money. Uh, not cool at all. It brought that news way too like, well that one's gonna have to get fixed should have I should have turned it off on the announcement I knew like there was no way, uh, it would be able to interpret that the explosion and volatility right then I knew it too I should have turned it off I should have just turned it off or the entry was still a good entry. I I Don't have an issue with these entry signals.

The issue is these exit signals need to be widened when the volatility expands so much. That's really what it is is. Um, I'm very very confident with the entry signals. There's I think one Improvement that I can make there that I was like kind of doing some data mining on last night, but in terms of the exit signals, it's not expanding properly with volatility.

So that's that's really where I need to hone in on. That's where I need to hone it on. What was the news? It was the Jolts data here. The Joltz jobs data 153 about 11 sectors in China that is up 17.

So Mark Smucker with his take on the quarter in the next hour, Joltz is hitting the tape. Let's get to Rick Santelli Watch dropping away. Disappointed expecting the number around nine and a half million. Eight million 827 000.
that is the smallest Jolts Job openings. Remember the bad economic signs are good for the stock market. Really reverting there right now based on current monetary policy. We live in the Upside Down 9 582 now gets retrograded to Nine million 165 000 so we could see the trends here.

Now let's start looking at consumer confidence. These are from the conference board the month of August If you recall our number last time, it feel like it's been a while since we got to hang out with Rick Two Years drop Down I know 6.1 106. 0.1 We go from the best in two years to the weakest since May when it was 8.8 versus 9.5 And if we look at the present situation versus the headline a very similar Dynamic Interesting. So confidence down and the Jones slower unexpected.

but now we have 144.8 144 takes us all the way back to the week since November of 22.. So we go from March and the Market's still going Dude, it's just that exit signal and now we see the weakness. And finally, what may lie ahead in expectations: 80.2 Rear view mirror was 88.3 That was best since Feb of 22 that gets downgraded to 88. 80.2 is the lightest going back to May of just this year.

Interest rates of course have dropped, the big area has been right around four and a quarter, and of course we're paying very close attention to the of rise above and now dip below five percent in two year and the last of the options. Thank you for that. Rick Santelli And Rick's absolutely right. Uh, 10-year dipping down to about 416 short end right two years Stock Fund Strat Global Advisors Tom Lee Who has calmly up to remind people that inflation is going to roll over quicker than you? You think Tom does Joltz point to that? It certainly does.

I I Put this in the camp that inflations on a Glide path lower because with lower job openings. a lot of anecdotal evidence that it's been easy to hire and even new job postings have lower wages. That really takes the wind out of someone saying wage pressures are going to keep inflation high. So there's a lot of data this week.

but I I Do think that by the end of the week, we're going to really see a picture of inflation falling faster than consensus expects. How then what's

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