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The Matt Kohrs Show

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00:00 Intro
01:48 It's Thursday
05:47 The Market
06:56 CPI
11:25 Inflation Breakdown
12:09 Biden Seeks $40 Billion For Ukraine
15:11 Social Security To Cut $17k
19:10 Seasonality/Earnings
12:20 What I'm Watching

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Thank you Just Dance Foreign. foreign. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night. Welcome back to another Power Hour Episode of the Matt Core show where you're Matt I'm core than my cat Piper is the show I Hope you had a good one today up here in the northeast of the Big Apple the windy city.

The city that never sleeps. because there's so many lights on, it's really kind of dreary out. In fact, there's quite a bit of a rainstorm coming through right now. kind of muggy, kind of rainy, kind of a just sit around type of a day.

So hey, I hope the weather is better wherever you are right now. But on top of that, maybe if the weather is as crappy as it is, who knows. maybe you're my neighbor right here in Manhattan Uh, at least maybe you're making some money. I Hope you had a good trading day.

Uh, hope everything's going on. That's awesome for you. So today is Thursday August the 10th. We have a couple things to talk about: Numero Uno Big macro economic Update: We got the CPI report this morning, an inflation report coming in less than expected, which is a good thing.

Now, obviously, the magnitude of inflation is not exactly where we want it to be, but the report at least suggests that we're maybe battling it. now. with that in mind, the fact that we got a theoretically bullish report really kind of a doves leaning report, which in the current monetary policy setup, is actually bullish for the market. The fact that we sold off today we got a good report, but the market actually sold off.

As in, it just didn't have enough enough. Gusto to keep the market going higher and higher and higher tells me that this recent Peak we saw was probably the peak for this current price. Action Cycle So kind of the ebb and flow, we have: Expansion Consolidation Expansion Consolidation Expansion consolidation. We read these previously had an expansion to the upside and theoretically this news should have kept things going higher, but it didn't which tells me that there's a better chance than not now.

Obviously, this is never a guaranteed you can't guarantee anything in the stock market, but the fact that we kind of sold off hard today. In fact, as we go into close for the next 30 minutes right now the spine the queues are battling staying red or green on the day, which is definitely a bit concerning considering all the news and the daily chart and the price action. So we're going to see how things conclude. But if we sell often to close I Think it's time we put on our bear caps because I think the next push could very well be a decent sized one.

I'm not calling for doomsday or anything like that. But to the downside. Essentially, if we start breaking down below some of these important lows, we have some downside. Gap fills It feels as if this bull push that's been going from March till now.

Finally, finally, there might be a little bit of some opposite opposite movement. So I want to talk about that? And then I do have an update from Biden Social Security More economic updates come out tomorrow. By the name of PPI the producer price index, we'll talk a little bit about seasonality, a little bit about earnings, and that's pretty much it. By the time we get through all that, it's gonna definitely be the end of the show.
So before we get into it, smash the like button. Kill the like button. Annihilate the like button. Do whatever you need to do to that like button to make the number go up.

Smash it, kill it, destroy it, annihilate it. Do all that good stuff and also show a little bit of love to today's stream pop partner we're talking about. Apex It is pinned to the top of chat. It's in the description of the video.

If you want to trade on a prop account as in with other people's money instead of your own money, check it out. Right now they are running a 90 off deal. 90. that's a nine and a zero.

As in you only have to pay 10 of what you would normally have to pay pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video. Check it off because I think the deal ends in a couple hours. So this is going To be your last day to get that 90 off. So once again pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video and with that being said, let's get rocking so you can see the market opened up strong as you would expect it to because the report was a positive one.

And ever since 1010 right here, we've just been getting annihilated. Annihilated Annihilated. In fact, we're trying to break out around 2 30 and we got a little bit of a pop. Unfortunately, it couldn't take out the previous high of 448 and now if we break this recent support that we're seeing in the queues in the Spy just for those of you who are maybe day trading into close here, the fact that the Spy is snapping 446, the fact that the queues are look like they might be about to snap 368., there might be some hard selling into clothes, so this is what I'm watching.

Definitely the overall Market Just trying to check out the action here and see what's going on, what's not going on but looks, Uh, this failed. It was a failed breakdown right around 130 145 leading to a failed breakout attempt and now it's just getting smack A rude smack A rude. So as of now, if we were to freeze frame it right now, it does look like there is going to be a bit of selling in the next 25 minutes, but hey, maybe. uh, absurd reversal comes out of nowhere.

Time will tell. Dao Rises after soft inflation data Disney shares gain. So yes. I Want to talk about why the market was up even though we're selling right now I Feel like they were a little bit slow to update this title? Let's see what they're actually saying.

No, they're still talking about the Dow Rising even though things are clearly selling into clothes. Well, that's a little bit silly. 8 30 A.m ET Today, an hour before the market opened, we got the most recent CPI report, the Consumer Price Index Report. We get this every single month and it's a measure of inflation.
From the previous month, you get a year over year reading and a month over month reading. Today When we got July's numbers, the month over month readings were coming in core and headline at 0.2 percent. that was the expectation the year over year. When we looked at both core and headline, it actually came in 0.1 less than expected as inflation kind of cooled off relative to what the expectation was.

That's good now. Obviously, relative to last month, the number was higher, but obviously there's going to be some seasonality involved in this. July CPI report shows inflation gauge Rose 3.2 percent less than expected. Now if you're using the CME watch tool, if you're checking out what's going on in the world of Yields bonds, The expectation Now from the FED when they had those Fomc meetings, the Federal Open Market Committee meetings, the expectation is we're done with the rate hikes.

Now they're not going to come out like you're not going to have Daddy Powell The money printer grows Burr Type of a dude come out be like folks. We are done. We have beaten him. No, no, that's not how it's going to come.

They're gonna be like yeah, uh well. We'll judge the data as it comes in, but there's a really good chance that we're either done with the current rate hike cycle or we get one more. Very Very. Actually, the odds are that we're done with it completely and we could say probably with like about whatever Mathematically I'm sure we could prove this, but there's probably 98.99 100.

Uh, in that realm of we are either done or we have one more with the odds really leaning towards the point of us being done, but who knows. Obviously as more data comes in, we might get something jarring that all of a sudden prompts them to want to do another rate hike. So something to pay attention to anyway. I Do want you to know that tomorrow before the Market opens, we get the Producer Price index.

So we got the CPI today the Consumer Price Index. Tomorrow, an hour before the Market opens, we get the Producer Price index. so definitely pay attention to all that. With that in mind, let me exit out of this.

What is this fed seen pausing after tame CPI data. but Mission not over course API Posted Smallest back-to-back gains in two years. Policy makers are divided if they should hike rates further. Well, if they do it, it's not going to be anytime soon.

especially because the next meeting there is no meeting in August the next meeting is in September So by the time we get there, we'll have another unemployment report. We'll have another CPI report, another PPI report, another Pce report. There's a lot of other reports that will be coming out between now and then when they have to make the decision. and if the general sentiment is the same as what we got this morning, they're probably not going to be giving us any more rate hikes because we are slowly but surely trending down and they don't want to overdo it because then we'll get more bangs blowing up and no one wants that.
But then if we under do it, then we're risking hyperinflation. Potentially stagflation, so no one wants that. So this concept of the FED trying to really get through the eye of the needle like just thread it perfectly. A lot of people, myself included really thought it was impossible for them to pull it off.

sorry, I just didn't have much faith in them. But as things are looking right now, it's making me a bit more optimistic. I'm not going to say that the job is done because the job is not done, but we're at least trending in the right way. It's almost like whatever when you're watching a game and it feels like the final Innings The final Corner The final period.

When you the team the underdog like is starting to get momentum and you can almost feel that energy. that's kind of where we're at so the game's not over. We haven't won this battle against inflation, but things are looking positive we'll be. There's a bit of a reason to be optimistic and that's exactly what the market has really been looking at if you look at the spy.

from March until now, we've just been moving and moving moving. If you go to this daily chart, the weekly chart. whatever it is, we've been ripping, so yeah, you could feel optimism now. Overall, it looks like we're taking a bit of a dip now and this might lead to a further pullback, but that is a story for a different time.

Let's continue to get into this. Here's the inflation breakdown for July in one chart. so if you scroll down this is on CNBC You can see the increases the decreases motor vehicle insurance. We also have maintenance that's a bit higher in the world of vehicles.

We also know that shelter is proving to be a bit sticky as in not really coming down. but then on the flip side we've had considerable decreases I know for a while people were talking about eggs health insurance. fortunately coming down. so a lot of these things that were jacked up a year ago less than a year ago are seeing nice percentage decreases, but yet some aspects are still proven to be sticky.

So I'm not going to sit here and be like oh, we're com We beat it. We're out of the woods because that's not true, but there is reason to be a little bit positive about the current scenario. Biden seeks nearly 40 billion in funding for Ukraine Disaster Relief and Border. So I think this is particularly unique, especially the Ukraine part because really, with the Rona period, the reason we got into the current inflationary mess we are in is because we were like a drunken sailor at the money printer just hitting it over and over and over and over and over.
Like I said a drunken seller, We made up trillions. That's with a T that's not with millions or billions. We made up trillions of dollars out of thin air. and obviously when you push all that funny money into the system, things are going to go.

Sky High Just like the market did when we hit an all-time high even though the world was shut down. No one's really questioning how illogical that was. And obviously if you let this stay there, well, you're going to be in a hyper-inflationary scenario. so they're trying to battle it.

but it's interesting to me because the reason it was caused was because they made a bunch of money up out of thin air and now we're still just kind of playing fast and loose with our money. It's one thing if we have disaster release and stuff for the Border in the U.S but I think at this point when we're talking about it being in August of 2023 does no one else find it strange that we're still giving money and resources to Ukraine At this point, the last I checked and this was months ago, we had already given them over 40 or excuse me, a hundred billion dollars and now they're looking at another 40 billion and obviously there was also just like weird miscounts of like oh sorry, we actually gave them another 6 billion that we just forgot about I don't get it I Don't get it at all. Seems a little questionable to me. The White House is seeking 12 billion for ongoing disaster relief, 60 Bill million for Wildfire fighter pay to cover uh, pay increases and 3.9 billion to address border and migration issues.

Button request also seeks 24 billion in additional funding for Ukraine's slow-moving fight against Russia So I'm okay with the Border stuff. I'm okay with the firefighter stuff. Dude, that sounds tough. 3.9 billion for Border Okay, great Disaster Release 12 billion.

My issue is here: It's this: 24 billion. So out of the 40 billion, where does Mateo have a problem right here? Uh, just over half of it. Another 24 billion when they've proven to have the financial responsibility of a teen who's never had a job or paid for anything in their life. Our government misplaced 6 billion and we're like, dude, sorry, that happened 6 billion 6 billion and now we're giving over another 24 billion.

Where the fuck is this money going? It doesn't make sense. In nearly 18 months since Russian troops poured over Ukrainian border the U.S has Unleashed a war chest worth more than 43 billion to bolster their Arsenal Well, it's clearly past that. Uh, in fact, I think the total numbers definitely over a hundred billion at this point just blows my mind. and it blows my mind even more when you consider sad situations such as this: retirees face 17.5 000 cut to Social Security Benefits In 2033, a new analysis has calculated the potential reduction in payouts if politicians are unable to address the looming budget shortfall.

If politicians are unable to address the looming budget shortfall, am I taking fucking crazy pills like are they truly sitting there thinking if only we could have some money to solve this one. If if only we had a little bit of extra money somewhere. if we just turn over the couches, shake it real good, turn our pockets inside out. maybe we could find the money.
Call me fucking crazy, but I think I just found 24 billion. You know, call me crazy Loco Mateo But off the top of my head I I Can think of a place where I just found 24 billion with a B and then yet we have our retirees now. I'm feeling bad for our retirees because I'm never going to see Social Security I'm not like I'm 28 29 I think I just turned 29 I don't know my age anymore, but I know I'm many decades away from getting Social Security which mathematically means I'm not going to get it because once again, they are pissing this money away. But then, yet, we always find billions and billions and billions of dollars for problems that are not our fucking problems.

I I Don't understand I don't understand it whatsoever. Retirees are losing 17 grand and we are saying yeah, 24 additional billion dollars going to Ukraine It is fucking lunacy. The amount of shit we do outside of our country when there are multiple classes of people within the US Vets homeless teachers who are getting fucked over. There's so many groups of people in the U.S Our own people, our own citizens that the government's just like that fucking sucks.

I I Just don't understand it. Like and maybe I'm dumb. Maybe I just don't understand that 24 billion dollars is in fact less than 17 grand. Maybe they reinvented math last night.

Maybe that's my problem. I Even called up my algebra teacher in a while for middle school. So maybe there's a whole new way of doing math that I just missed out on. That's up to me.

I'm sorry, my apologies if you're like no, no man, there actually is a whole new math and like you should learn that. Maybe I just didn't get algebra weekly this past week. So maybe I'm out of date on math. That's possible.

But just by the off chance that I'm right about this. just by the off chance that I'm right about the fact that within the U.S we have homeless people. We have vets that need assistance we need. We have teachers that need assistance.

We have multiple communities that don't have proper housing. They don't have proper water. We have people in the U.S who are getting fucked left, right, and center and then they're like, you know what? We'll send that 24 billion elsewhere. We don't need it.

No one in the U.S needs it. We will send this somewhere else. It blows my mind. Makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

So that's the fucking current update of money and politics. It's a bunch of douchebag geriatrics who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and they're running the country. We have Biden who can't put a sentence together? We have McConnell who's completely just going silent when asked about things. We have fettermen who can't talk.
We have Feinstein who doesn't even have power of attorney over her own life anymore and she's a fucking elected official. What? What? This is a crazy town. This is a fucking clown show. We are in a circus and this is the global superpower.

Dude, it's insane. It I Truly truly insane. Anyway, we got an inflation report this morning. A little bit of a win.

Tomorrow we get another inflation report an hour before the Market opens. So I will be streaming early tomorrow. In terms of seasonality for Friday August 11th. The seasonality does favor the Bulls.

It was neutral and then about 10 years ago it really started to favor the Bulls But seeing how things are going into a close looks a little bit weak if you ask me. Are we getting a bit of a bounce here? Maybe this is a bit of uh yeah I mean we've just been trending down and down and down they're try. There was an attempt at a breakout that failed and now maybe it's just going to Coast into close. but this is not looking the strongest by any means.

So seasonality tomorrow does favor the Bulls. We're kind of done with earning Seasons In terms like a high percentage 80 90 95 of companies in the S P 500 have already reported. There are a handful more coming out next week, but the Lion Share of earnings reports are out the exciting one. The kind of final one on this week is Baba Alibaba Other than that, there's not any ones I'm particularly paying attention to the major one I'm going to be watching next week and I have the fortunate pleasure of being able to be there.

Part of the earnings call is going to be Rumble rum reporting after the market closes on Monday Well folks, that's what I have for you. That's what I have for you in terms of the main things: I wanted to get into uh, what position do I have? Oh well. I kind of deserve this I was green on the day. Well, I I'll be neutral on the day if I just get out now.

question mark: I'm kind of watching what's going on I really thought the cues were gonna vomit here so I took a bet against them. but the cues are actually holding better than the Spy what time is it? It's 3 48. So I have about 12 minutes to see. Uh, it feels like it's going to be luck of the draw at this point when there's only 12 minutes left.

Uh, the Spy right at its intraday low which also happens to be the low from the past two days. they are battling very, very strong at this 445 level. The low from two days ago, the low from yesterday and now the low today. Uh, we're going from What? 4 45, 27 to 449.9 444 96 and now the new low is 444.70 So over the past three days we keep knocking on this door of a breakdown hasn't come yet.

Uh, the more times it tests it, it's commonly thought that the weaker it gets because you're kind of sucking up the liquidity there. So even though the seasonality for tomorrow does favor the Bulls, I'm not feeling the most bullish obviously I Want to see the overnight session I Want to know what happens in the Asian session I want to know what happens in the European session and I want to know how the market reacts to the PPI report. but the overall fact that we ended up being in a unique situation where we got theoretically a bullish report. the inflation report we got this morning should have favored the Bulls and it did for about the first 45 minutes.
And then the fact that we pretty much sold off all day kind of by the rumor sell the news, what was expected to happen happened, we got a good inflation report Market part for a little bit couldn't hold and now we're just camping out at the lows from the past two trading days. In terms of price action and technicals, it doesn't give me the most optimism. so I like to look at the pictures of a whole. It's very rare that we have everything kind of all aligning at once like seasonality, price action, technicals, fundamentals.

Uh, but right now I know seasonality is saying one thing, but technicals and price action are telling me a little bit of a different story. So as of now Freeze Frame it I am feeling a bit bearish for tomorrow. but I do want to see the overnight session and I do want to see the Market's reaction to the PPI report. But let's see how we end up closing out today: I was looking a little bit here at just the Futures Market that's where I've been doing some of the I don't know testing and computation lately.

Where do I have? Where do I have six six? What do I want to do? I'm short a NASDAQ contract. Uh, from 15 224. it's turning out 200 right now so I'm up a bit on it. Do I want to take it? or do I just do I think there's going to be a I Guess the goal in question is do I think there's going to be a vomit into clothes? a pop into clothes, or going sideways? Obviously if it goes sideways I don't really care.

whatever if it vomits I want that. but if it pops well right now I'm up. Do I really want to risk the money? Oh Golly Golly Golly Oh Golly Golly Golly Golly Golly Golly So if it stays below 15, 200, I should be good because this ensures that I'm green on the day. If I'm below 15, 200, I will be green on the day I think it's a tiny bit higher, but I'm just mentally using that number as so.

we're kind of battling it out at the point that I care about. And on the 15 minute chart, we did just make a fresh low. It's bouncing a little bit. The cues may be getting rejected at the low from two days ago, bouncing off the low from yesterday.

so like the Spy the NASDAQ. So the S P 500 is right at the low from the past two days. so is the NASDAQ. Essentially, the NASDAQ a little bit more volatile, so has a bit of a wider range.
but we are just knocking on the door of I'm And obviously I'm not going to call for a doomsday here, but the way we've had a nice Trend leg moves to the upside. It feels like we're getting pretty close to that moment and it's going to be difficult to pinpoint him. Obviously, hindsight is 20 20. it's always easy to be a Monday Morning Quarterback on this type of a thing, but it feels like it's either starting right now, maybe it's already started, but it feels like we're gonna see a bit of a leg.

To the downside here? Obviously those are my own opinions. Uh, definitely my own opinions. Well, no soon time will tell. I'm kind of waiting for this uh, three, the 355 Bots to run to see how the robots position themselves after today's actions and also prepping for tomorrow with the PPI report and then also reacting to the market on clothes imbalances.

So waiting for these three, the there's when I say the 355 Bots Um, there's various times throughout the day where it's kind of well known that a lot of robots Place their trades like just for these overall conglomerates and one of the most meaningful ones as in like where we see large reactions comes right at 355 with five minutes to go in the day. I Mean you could look at it even on a second chart you're going to see. right then there's a grouping of seconds where the volume and the volatility really really spikes. Is there a strategy in which you can take advantage of that for a little scalp trade? Not that I found I've studied it a lot and I haven't found anything that has any considerable Edge If you have a good strategy, let me know.

I I would love to trade it. Um, it's a phenomenon that I've tracked for a while and unfortunately I just can't really crack the nut of being able to consistently make money off of it. so we'll see how this goes. What do I have a minute 15 till this runs I'm watching this on the bottom right because that's where my position is, but it's basically going to be tracking with the overall market and also the NASDAQ.

These things are pretty much attached at the hip as of now. The Spy is green on the day it's holding green. but it's it's up. Well now.

it's uh oh. Two cents. Four cents. So the Spy as we're coming into close here, it's barely green.

It is barely holding green after being kind of considerably green at 10. A.M this morning, uh, it was considerably green. and now it's getting a little bit smoked. A little bit smoked.

a little bit smoked. So let's see what's going on. Let's see. Let's see.

Let me drop to the one second as we get to the three. How much longer do we have? We have 30 seconds. This is your 30 second warning Till we get some Bots running here. we'll pop up the volume.

We might as well. We might as well make it fun, you know. Volume: Nope. That was on the wrong one.

volume volume volume. Let's whoa. Whoa. there's oh, there's scooter.
Whoa there. Scooter Someone smashed it nine seconds early. Oh, they are sell. Well, they were selling.

Are they going to revert it the 355? Bots Man, they go crazy. Look at the volume. Spike Look at that volume. Spike All right.

I Was hoping for a little something a little bit more dramatic that freaks people out to really get them to sell. Come on man, am I gonna get lucky here. Why be skillful when you can be lucky? Why be skillful when you could be lucky. What else is moving? Apple Slightly red on the day not doing too much Microsoft Slightly green on the day Tesla Holding up three dollars about? um, what is this 1.4 Nvidia slightly red on the day Netflix Still green but sold off all day.

Meta same situation. So we have a weird thing where a lot of these major Tech plays, they sold off all day. but then because of the Gap up, they're still technically green. So the intraday bias was not a good one, but still technically Green from yesterday's close till now Disney Had a nice day.

well yeah, that's because of its earnings and also what's going on with ESPN and pen. So um, up? Well, even that though, that's only up 56 Like that's a point two percent. So even though this, it's kind of like the opposite story here of its intraday action was good 88 to 92. that's awesome, but relative to the yesterday's close, it's up 65 cents so nothing too crazy.

Kind of the opposite of what we're seeing with some of these major Tech plays. But how are we going to go into close here? How are we going to go into close? Come on, come on, come on. come on, come on, come on, come on come on. how are we going into clothes I'm trying to Yeah.

I Don't think there's like gonna be much skill or anything at this point. This is gonna be much more along the lines of who what degenerate can hold the longest. Maybe I Need to go to the 10 second. How much time do I have left I Just need I need to get out of this position because I don't have enough money in the account to swing it overnight.

Uh, have enough to day trade it, but not to hold overnight. They have different margin amounts when you do that. Would love to save this breakdown of 92. The low that we got right when those 55 Bots ran.

Maybe he'll get lucky, but dude I'm running out of time I hate having to do trades when the bell's about to ring because you don't have time. like that's your issues. You don't have time for things to actually happen. Come on.

come on. come on. come on. come on.

Vomit. vomit. The nanosecond chart I don't think I have a nanosecond chart unfortunately. Uh, anything major at a bi-level catching your eye right now? No.

I don't want to buy right now because I think a sell-off phase is about to come I'm not looking to buy at this point. It's when the market is this elevated right like it's done nothing but run from March To me that's chasing the one that I like is Disney and I've been talking about Disney for a bit just because of the risk reward I figured getting it in the mid 80s, risking the low 80s you have a lot of upside potential if something impressive is successfully pulled off with uh ESPN and it looks like we're going that way. I mean Bob Iger If you like him or don't, it doesn't really matter. He is like kind of a Rainmaker he makes moves happen so I like Disney uh but I wouldn't be touching Tech Right now I'm a big fan of tech, but they're too elevated.
it's just chasing. Um, it's just Chasey Chasey Uh, Pandemic was for Disney was 85. Yeah, I mean I I Think it's a steal or it was a steal. Obviously it's getting a little bit more pricey now.

It's about seven dollars higher than when we were first talking about it. All right? I have about 45 seconds am I Gonna get a quick little vomit. To the downside here: Quick little vomit. To the downside: what are we doing? It looks like it's just pinned to 15 200.

Key technical level key psychological level: it's just pinned right to it. Should have known, should have known uh, popping a little bit I don't like that shit. Well, that's not good for me. All right.

I'm out green on the day I Was able to get out right there. uh, right before the bell went Diggity ding ding ding ding ding as it did as it did. All right, let me clean this up a little bit. Let's clean this up.

so folks looking at the daily chart, let's bring these up to see what we can tell from the bar profile here if it ever opens, if it ever opens. All right. So hang on first. Let's do.

Let's bring up the weekly I'm gonna make this yellow because I think it's important. So last week's close, last week's close the low not the closed. excuse me the lowest four four, six, two seven. So the market has the chance to get there.

So for kind of a strange setup actually. so where's Monday of this week? Starting this week, we had an inside day. didn't really tell us anything. we try to push higher.

it got smacked, try to push lower, got smacked. so Tuesday very indecisive as an after nothing Monday on Wednesday This is interesting because it was a hard sell-off It pushed to a new low, but then the Bulls push it back up. They refuse to let it close below this low and then even today they try to push up. It got smacked and then when they try to push it down, we got below both of these lows.

It brings it right back up. So it's interesting. So we've had two days that are below the low of last week's low. So it's one thing to look at the monthly candles, the weekly candles, the daily.

and you can keep Drilling in on the time frame. So relative to the low from last week, this is looking bearish. We're closing below 446 27 We've done that twice. If that happens again.

I think that leads to another sell-off next week, but if you look at the daily chart indecisive Monday a Tuesday that both sides got tricked out yesterday, mainly favoring the Bulls, But it's not that surprise that we got a pop because they didn't allow it to close below the low and then once again today, they push it up, get smacked at the breakout. Well, that's bearish, and then they try to sell it up, but then buyers start to buy it, saving the trend line. So right now there's a pretty crazy battle going up. I Wouldn't say one person is necessarily clearly winning I Would say right now in this situation the Bears are inherently winning because a fake out Breakout to the upside that gets smacked inherently has to be bearish.
But even when they try to break down, well, we saw a little bit of a pop, so I wouldn't say there's currently a clear Victor out there. I Would say the situation is favoring the Bears as of now with a slight Edge uh, I'd be hesitant to be bullish unless I see a strong recovery and these fake out breakouts or excuse me, fake out breakdowns really do hold and we start to push to the upside. I Would love to see a test of 453, but on the flip side if we end up snapping 445 tomorrow and this holds below 40 45 a thing that wasn't able to happen over the past three days. Oh, I think this is screwed I Like if we end up going below 445, where like the Bulls have put up a very strong defense I Think that is a clear setup for a Gap filter 443..

if we get below and hold below 445, my clear evident Target is 443.. So right now, once again, I'm not feeling absurdly bearish. but I do believe the situation favors the Bears, especially when you consider the fact that this morning we had arguably a bullish inflation report. the market popped for about 15 minutes.

Then it got schumach schmackity smacked. schmacked. So definitely something to consider there. Uh, today in really should have been a bullish day and it got smacked.

So it tells me that the Bulls are weakening now. They didn't weaken that much because they saved it from closing below the previous lows. But they are weakening and I'm definitely watching this 443 level because of it. So overall, that's what I have for you.

Remember, pinned to the top of chat is the sign up for Apex there's a 90 off discount nine Zero, a 90 off discount. If you want to trade trading with, try trading with a prop account as in trading with someone else's money. If you can pass the test I'm not gonna lie to you, the test is a difficult thing to pass I'm on my seventh attempt of it. They are very like.

the way they have. the risk set up is just not normal for my trading style. I Like to trade with a little bit of a wider risk and also a higher profit Target Where it seems like the way to really pass here is to kind of be super good at scalping, so it's an interesting challenge for me. But if you want to try it out, pin to the top of chat.
it's in the description of the video as well so we'll see how everything's playing out here. Uh I will be streaming early tomorrow and we're going to be posting content later on tonight, so make sure your notifications are on. Make sure you're checking back on The Rumble in the YouTube channel this evening for some quick content and then we're going to be streaming once again tomorrow morning. early around 8, 20, 8, 25 in the morning I Appreciate all the Good Vibes I Appreciate you spending a second of your day with me on the way out.

If you want to help me a bit more, don't forget to smash the like button and don't forget to subscribe. I'll catch you later on. have a good one! Peace Out Girl Scout Foreign.

4 thoughts on “The stock market monster”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike&Tam says:

    This is what happens when you elect people who never had a job, ran a business, or ever did anything but take. We deserve what we get. The most shallow people to ever live, are alive and voting today. The rude awakening we have coming, is a nightmare to consider

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike&Tam says:

    The Windy City is Chicago dude

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zer0 says:

    Gotta win big with a thumbnail like that 😉

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cturkeysub says:

    GOAT clip art, I don’t think you should ever use another one lol

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