The War In Israel (The Markets React)
The Matt Kohrs Show (Oct. 9th)

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00:00 Intro
9:10 Dow Futures Fall
10:38 Israel War
18:00 How Oil Is Reacting
20:25 New Speaker Of The House
21:07 SBF Trial
25:00 What I Think's At Play
30:00 Market Open
33:23 Trade What Congress Is Trading w/ Streetbeat
35:35 Markets Taking A Hit
38:00 Rumble
46:00 Defense Contracting Stocks

#LiveTrading #Stocks #Options #StockMarket #Crash #StockMarketCrash #Israel #Palestine #Hamas

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Oh brother, oh brother, oh brother. Good morning, Good morning, good morning. Welcome back to another episode of the Matt Kors show Where you're Matt I'm Kors And together we are the show it is. Monday October 9th The market is open today.

Previously it was closed today, but actually this year round it is open. Banks are closed today, so if you had a cash account, things might get a little suspect there. But yes, the markets are open today. and uh, it's going to be an interesting day that they are open.

Mainly because there's a lot of volatility. A lot of craziness. in case you've been sleeping under a rock. There is a very, very serious conflict going on in the Middle East It is effectively just now.

A Renewed War or continuation? What? whatever. However, you want to put it between what's going on uh, really? in Israel and Palestine Uh, as we're talking right now, there's bombings. There's killings, There's kidnappings, there's hostages. There's a lot going on.

It is very, very, very brutal. Everything that's going down right now. Um, so with that, obviously I think it's pretty safe to say this isn't a big brain call out by any means that there is going to be quite a bit of volatility in the market. So what? I want to if there's enough demand.

if there's a enough demand for it, uh, we could stream all day. I'm prepped to do it I got myself my energy drink and hey, we're going to say that we're intermittent fasting. Call it what we need to. but I'm ready to rip it all day if that's what there is a desire to do.

Uh, just to kind of cover the news as it's coming in. Talk about it. Obviously, with more eyeballs on it, we're going to be able to track more of the actual news coming through. Uh, so I'm up for whatever you guys want.

If you're like, you know what, rather have it more of out of sight, out of mind, maybe like you've already been consuming it like myself all weekend long and you're like, dude, this is just, uh, unhealthy for me to consume for 247 and maybe you need to take a bit of a break I get that as well. So hey, whatever you guys want to do, I'm ready to do what you guys want to do because that's what the Mcore show is about. It's about a bunch of Digital internet friends just chatting throughout all the day. so I'm ready to do it.

If you're ready to do it, just let me know. Uh, on top of it. So obviously we'll be covering the market when it opens I Have a big updates on the economy. Inflation? Don't forget.

Within the US now, seemingly far less important, there's a lot of political volatility as as of now, because not only is the US heavily involved in the Middle East, but recently Mat Matt Gates a representative from Florida Uh, basically orchestrated The Ting of our Speaker of the house. So we currently only have an interm Speaker of the House with the powers not really at the level that we need uh, for the real Speaker of the House to make some of the decisions that might need to be made in the next coming days. So my my point is is, there's just a lot going on. So we have political updates in the US of what's going on with the Speaker of the House.
On top of that, we have a lot of inflation reports this week the PPI the CPI things of that nature. Last week, we just had the unemployment report. Now we have a massive massive conflict that currently there's over a thousand people unfortunately that have passed away, been killed. There is thousands and thousands of injuries.

Um, recently it was just announced that I believe Americans American Citizens are now being impacted. Nine people have lost their lives Like the whole thing is just absolutely crazy. Absolutely crazy. You're saying Volume? Hang on one second.

Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Check Volume Check Volume Volume Is the volume good? Are you guys happy with how it is? Or are you going to just keep yelling at me? You guys never give me a break do you? You never and I appreciate that you never allow me to not be perfect cuz you guys expect it out of me and I like that. I Like that you guys push me to be the best Me I could possibly be. So thank you for all of that. So the plan for the day is to rip through all the prepared news, then we're going to watch the market open.

Then basically we're going to do our best to stay on top of all the major news and developments throughout the entire day of right now. What's going on with Israel Palestine Iran Lebanon Saudi Arabia I Don't know if Jordan's involved yet I Saw some news coming out of Egypt We're going to break out some maps so we can better understand the area I'm going to dive into a little bit of the history because what I think is interesting is how now apparently everyone on social media is a Middle East expert. Apparently everyone now perfectly understands the entire history of the region. which is wild because at minimum that means that they understand the history of something that's 4,000 years old and yet they're going to argue about something that happened in like the last 50 years.

So like it's just, we're going to do what we we can. It's wild. Am I going to get everything in this show. Today's show Perfect.

No. I'm not because I'm not an expert on the subject matter. but I do think it's a reasonable Avenue for us to have a fruitful conversation where people share their opinions. facts.

We'll get some links up here. We're going to break it down and do what we can. Uh, if you haven't seen it yet I Did my best to put together a video of how I see things currently going on. not really necessarily talking about the history of the conflict, but how potentially this situation boiled over to the point that now it's literal major global news.

So feel free to check that video it's up on Rumble it's up on YouTube Um, watch it on double Speed Come back to the show, do whatever you need to, but that's what I have for you. if you haven't already before we get started, destroy the like button. Don't forget to hit the Subscribe button And with that being said, let's rock. And now right away, my tabs are frozen.
There we go. So on Friday the market did pop. It was a nice recovery. Technically the week was still red because of where we opened up on Friday of last.

Well, two weeks ago, we didn't quite get up there. We almost got up there, kind of got rejected. so technically still a red week. but but but.

but. but. but there was a nice recovery on Friday Obviously shortlived, we closed out the day at 42954, getting as high as 431. Right now, we're trading at 427, so we're pretty much right at this key technical level.

Um, in terms of the October of 22 low connected to the low of mid-march Um, we broke below it. Now we fought back above it. and today we're starting off the week right at it. So am I feeling bullish? Am I feeling bearish? From a technical standpoint from a price action standpoint I Would say we're waiting for the decision.

Are we coming back up into the widge or we breaking down? We got to wait for that. In terms of what's going on in I Guess the global situation I Obviously personally know as many of you know that markets do not like uncertainty. right now the uncertainty of what in the world's going on is pretty high, which is making me lean bearish. so I just want to throw that out there.

But lots of things to talk about. Doubt: Futures fall more than 100 points after Hamas Attack against Israel Now I Am actually for once in my life very very happy that they're specifically going like using the word Hamas rather than Palestine because remember, Hamas is a militant group that is within Palestine They support Palestine. But there's really I would argue two big sect within Palestine For us westerners. to think of it, you have Hamas that really controls the western part, the Gaza Strip right in between Israel and the Mediterranean Sea all just north of Egypt.

So that's Hamas the militant group obviously in support of Palestine. But then you have the West Bank which is kind of in the northeast of Israel. That's another Palestinian group, but they're more operating under the Palestinian Authority which is really birthed from the PLO And they are not this militant group so obviously they're still not friendly with Israel they don't like Israel they would rather all their land, but the way they're doing it is much more through the political route, the legal route. um, rather than just militant route.

So just want to throw there that out there. and we're going to cover that in more detail. But actually, for once, it's a rarity that I tip my cap to mainstream media. But I do appreciate that that they're going through, um, clear efforts to call out H rather than Palestine as a whole and I'm going to explain why that's important in just a second.
Israel Latest, over 1,100 dead us sends warships to region. Super crazy what's happening right now. We continue to watch the violence and the fighting that's happening right now. Where are we at? How deadly has it been so far? Well, it's it's the worst attack inside.

Israel since the formation of the nation in 1948. There's there's There's really no comparison. Um, even the Yam Kapore war that happened essentially on this uh uh, 50th anniversary of it uh was a completely different thing and had far fewer casualties inside. Israel I Mean, right now we're looking at 700 dead as you said, uh uh inside Israel some of them are American We don't know exactly how many um, and most recently the count is n Americans have been killed um uh, who both in fighting I think mostly in fighting and some in retaliatory attacks.

Now anyone who's been following um, uh, the conflict over the years knows that you know uh uh, when Israel and Gaza get into one of these uh uh, a spat like this. a spat that's not a way to put a conflict a conflict like this. um, generally a lot of his uh, Palestinian uhid call not yet I mean Israel is not quite launched this level of attacks that it often does in situations like this: I think they're quite shocked and not. you know, planning what their next step is.

but I would expect the number of Palestinian deaths to grow, uh, quickly and by a lot And this is being called an intelligence failure for the ages. How did Israel and arguably the biggest intelligence mess up they've had since 1973? which that's a whole another thing of there was in this time period in the Jewish religion culture. uh, they celebrated a holiday referred to as Jeam Kapore 50 years ago in 1973. In this period of time, there was a similar attack on Israel So a lot of people saying oh, like they're doing this again right now because of the thing that happened 50 years ago um, which obviously Israel won that one.

Uh, but most likely that like that might have to do with it, but there's probably bigger things at play and yes, I'll be describing that later. more more likely to do with the Israel uh KSM uh KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia um normalization and Iran and Palestine not wanting that deal to go through. But anyway, just remember that so like mainstream media talking a lot about this 1973 thing and yeah, maybe it has a little bit to play with it, but I would in no way argue that's the major driver for the current conflict we're seeing. and US security and Intelligence officials miss this.

That is a very good question. uh, that no one's been able to answer and um I think the answer is not going to be good. um for uh Israel's Uh current uh, political leadership? um, uh, it is. It's hard to find the words for the level of uh, uh, failure of this.

I mean think about it, there was probably a thousand at least High Um, the the Israeli military said last night uh of Palestinian attackers I mean can five people keep a secret? Not usually can a thousand people keep a secret? Never how they missed it is mystifying and it's been exceptionally deadly. All right. So that's a quick recap of the weekend and it is going on right now. I Find it particularly interest from the technology standpoint that this is the first time an entire War has basically been broadcast on Twitter it does not take much effort to scroll through.
I should call it X um Twitter SLX and you can pretty much see everything going on. right now. it is wild. Israel orders Complete Siege of Gaza cutting off food, water, electricity, hos fires more Rockets So I Do want to show you a little bit of the map dude.

I Have so many tabs open this morning, but this is important. So uh, to the northeast of Africa Obviously looking at at the Mediterranean Sea If you have no idea where this is, Israel is right here, this is Israel You have Jordan You have Lebanon To the north you have West Bank which is Palestine that's the PLO Palestine Authority And then right here you have the Gaza Strip It is in just North. It's in obviously the northeast of Egypt and kind of just like the west side of Israel. This is the Gaza Strip This is the area that is Palestine and so is this area up here, the West Bank.

But this particular aspect of Palestine is controlled by Hamas which is a uh Sunni group that is clearly in bed with Iran which is kind of interesting because they're Shia Muslims while Hamas is Sunni Muslims. And historically those two groups hate each other. but it's one of these things where like the enemy, my enemy is a friend. So even though they hate each other, they both kind of, uh, unanimously hate Israel.

Even more so they I guess for this point, set their differences aside to orchestrate some of these very wild things going on right now. But anyway, geographically I Just want to put in some context of how you understand that this whole area Israel is able to do this to Gaza I mean this area I'm finding out this morning, Israel is essentially the size of New Jersey. So this is the size of New Jersey Which gives you the idea that Gaza is just very very very small on a relative basis to just put some sizing aspects into here. But this is how um, the quote unquote Complete Siege of Gaza Well, they're cutting off their food, water, electricity.

Um, this morning it's not that hard to find some videos of like bombings and stuff with it. So pure Chaos Lives are being lost. This is all out. War It is a true travesty I Think most people most moral people are hoping.

hey, we hope this comes to an end very rapidly with the least Bloodshed possible. Does it currently seem as if it's going that way? No, not really. Uh, we're seeing some commentary of the Prime Minister of Israel BB That's what people refer to him as and I have no idea idea even how to pronounce his actual name, but most people refer to him as BB. Um, he made some commentary of what he's going to do to the Gaza Shrim doesn't sound so good early this morning.
There's some reports of right here once again on the map to the north side of Israel you have Lebanon Uh, obviously it's sharing some of these Northern borders. Um, this group isn't controlled by Hamas but the military group. There is another group called Hezbollah and that group is actually directly tied. It's basically a proxy group for Iran so you have Hamas that plays nice with Iran right now and then you have hasbalah from Lebanon that is directly with Iran and there's been some conflicts right here on the northern border.

Um, so with this, there's the human element first and I don't want to in any part seem cold. That's obviously something to consider. but I think a lot of you I'm already seeing the commentary. uh is okay.

what could thiss do with the market? And right away I think there's some very fair questions of just understanding the region that's it's in. A lot of people are thinking about. oil is an aeli Hamas War Rages oil Traders Focus on Iran Traders Don't expect huge price reaction. escalation is key.

Shipping routes are also in Focus as well as the US's response. So right now with Israel yes, does it produce some oil? or maybe technically refines it? Yeah, it does. But it it's not a major oil company. it's not a major country, it's not a major exporter.

that would more be more of like what's going on in Russia a little bit of Iran Obviously a lot of Saudi Arabia Like that is the region where there would be clear swings. but even with this this the uncertainty of what's going on, will the conflict spread? What's going on with the shipping? RS Even that alone has sent oil from 8150 a barrel up to 86 a barrel, getting as high as 87 a barrel. Oil prices jumped more than 3% in the wake of Hamas Attack on Israel Oil prices pop on Monday as the Israeli Israel Hamas conflict extends into a third day following a surprise attack on Israel by Palestinian militants Hamas For this conflict to have a lasting and meaningful impact on oil markets, there must be a sustained reduction in oil supply or transport. And right now the increase in price is basically saying hey, there's some sort of statistical Chance some sort of percentage chance that it could grow, get more into the regions where there's a lot of oil production or this alone could mess up the transport route.

So that's why we're seeing oil currently go up, but not dramatically. OPEC hikes long-term oil demand Outlook In stark contrast to other predictions of peak crude OPEC and the Iea uh, both big names in the energy industry are currently locked in a war of words over peak oil demand in the 2023. World Oil Outlook OPEC and said its expected World demand to reach 116 million barrels per day by 2045. roughly 6 million more barrels per day than it predicted this time last year.
OPC Forecast contracts starkly with those of the Iea, which said last month that the world was now at the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era OPEC and its allies. that's more of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia essentially. And then EA is a little bit more controlled in like the European is Zone. Um, so just adding a little bit more context there.

Uh, so obviously with all this happening, we have to consider the US and obviously the US doesn't want to risk its own oil supply. Supply So of course we're going to be involved in it. House GOP sees speaker vote on track as Israel adds to urgency. Revolt Instigator: Gates Uh, doesn't tip hand on McCarthy's successor.

Blinkin says bipartison show of support for Israel is needed. So they're trying to rush through a new speaker of the house. which, um, there's basically Two Front Runners right now. Um, predictions are that maybe we could have a new speaker of the house as early as Wednesday.

So just something to pay attention to, because if the US really wants to do anything, it's going to need a legitimate speaker of the house to get that all pushed through. So, uh, just trying to keep you a prize there. Seemingly not as important today, but still kind of important. I Guess in terms of finance and news and scams, SPF Sam Bman freed of FTX faces Caroline Ellison's star witness testimony in second week of FTX fraud trial Elison To provide insight into inner workings of FTX and Alamina.

first week offered hints on defense prosecution strategy so this is obviously week number two. Caroline Allison was running Alam she was the Onan off again boyfriend or she was the girlfriend to Sam Bakman freed um and the his defense is trying to pin it on her. Uh, but obviously a lot of people are assuming that she already to get a sweetheart deal and she's just testifying for the prosecution. Again Sam Bakman freed My mind is still blown by Michael Lewis's commentary of like hey he's a great guy that got unlucky and like this was all targeted blah blah blah Blows my mind.

but I just want to let you know that is currently going on crypto Venture Funding dropped 63 3% in run up to the FTX trial. So uh, Venture funding specifically in the crypto space. everyone's a little bit. Maybe we shouldn't be talking about that or dealing with that right now so just wanted to quickly cover it of what I'm seeing there now in terms of the market today.

Uh, the market is open, the market is trading historically it was closed in observation of I guess what? Columbus Day but we don't do that anymore. Um so market fully open today Banks aren't open today, but the market is open today. On Wednesday of this week we have an inflation report. The PPI on Thursday of this week we have the CPI report and Friday nothing.
So we have inflation reports this week. We have potentially a new Speaker of the house and we have a massive conflict on a global scale. so paying attention to all of that just to drill down into this: If you're not signed up for the newsletter, yet, sign up It's in the description of the video this newsletter you could get for free. It comes out every single weekend.

I break down what happened the last week and what I'm looking to the upcoming week. all the major macroeconomic events obviously PPI CPI Uh, this is also the start of earning season. Later on this week, tomorrow before the Market opens, we get Pepsi. Then later on this week we get Delta and then we get the start of the banks.

JP Morgan uh, City Black Rock Wells Fargo PNC and also United Health Group a healthcare play is in there I give you the seasonality today. Monday is in fact from a historical standpoint neutral. Then we have Tuesday which is bearish. then we have Wednesday which is neutral.

then we have Thursday which is bullish. and then we have Friday which is also bullish. And then I give you a recap of the Zer DT option strategy I Made some really nice Progressive steps ahead this week, but I still think there's improvements that I can personally make upon it. so I'll keep doing that.

and then I do the charts breakdown I go into more detail that on that on the like Sunday stream. So um, you feel free to watch yesterday's stream when I break down all these sharts. and then also this last week was the N number of times that tyer Piper My cat fell into the toilet and sprinted into a wall. Last week's account was number one.

Um I Feel like that is in fact important to include in the newsletter to everyone? So anyway, sign up for the newsletter Maor even if you just want the major macroeconomic events, If you want the earnings, if you want the seasonality, once again, it's free, it's not going to cost you anything. Five things to know before the Bell goes dingy ding dingding today Monday Feeling unored? Yeah, well. Israel Palestine Very serious. The Israeli uh Hamas War It's crazy right now.

We have a lot of updates over another UAW strike. so the United Auto Workers that's still going. The future of oil I would probably guess higher right now. Alcohol from Mexico the actual numbers are starting to spike.

um Mexican Alcohol is more popular in the US than ever. It's just going up and up and up. So just wanted to share that we have this map right now because we're going to be referring to this quite a bit today. Uh s right here.

A Saudi Israeli deal could dramatically reshape the oh okay, no no, this is from a bit ago, so this I'll be covering probably after the Market opens. I have some things that I want to break down about: why I think this current conflict I don't think it has anything to do with? Well, it might have a little bit to do with what happened in 1973 and the 50-year anniversary of that. or maybe recent stories of Israel encroaching on certain L Yeah, obviously that all plays a bit in this particular story, but really, really really? What I personally think's at play is the Israel KSA the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the Israel and KSA normalization this I explain in far greater detail in the video I put up yesterday I Highly recommend you all watch it, but it basically has to do with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not happy that Iran right here Saudi Arabia and Iran do not get along Iran has nuclear power nuclear weapons Saudi Arabia doesn't Saudi Arabia wants nuclear weapons to protect themselves so they're basically saying hey us, can we have nuclear weapons and we're saying yes, but you're going to give us oil for cheap and you're going to promise to not use them on Israel Saudi Arabia itself doesn't necessarily get along with Israel but they don't get along with Iran far more and they definitely want that more than they like their negative feelings for Israel. So the deal here is the Israel.
Saudi Arabia normalization. Who gets what out of the deal? Well, obviously Saudi Arabia gets their weapons, the US gets oil for cheap, and then Israel gets kind of the tip of the hat from Saudi Arabia. So for it's the most powerful Arab country. So if they say we're cool with Israel Israel, then a lot of these other countries will right away become cool with Israel because Saudi Arabia is like the big kid on the Block.

So you get Israel gets normalization and kind of some commonness in the neighborhood. Saudi Arabia gets nuclear weapons and the US gets oil. That's what's going on. This has been going on for months the UAE already signed on, which means we were very very close to getting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to also sign on.

Now obviously Palestine Iran and China don't want this and in fact they were trying to come up with their own deal that would involve. Obviously, Iran Palestine Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and China didn't seem like it was going to break their way. Seemed like it was going to break the other way. And then all of a sudden as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia themselves was getting very close to sign with the US and Israel, we have this attack where basically Hamas pulled off somehow somehow when we could talk about this in further detail, but they somehow pulled off one of the greatest I guess just intelligence agency mess ups ever.

And I'm talking about what happened in Israel and their intelligence agency and not seeing this come because if you look at Hamas and what they're capable of, they are not a well put together group. and what happened here I Mean you had people coming in from the sky? You had cyber attacks like this is something simply Hamas itself could not pull off Hamas did not have the capabilities from a military standpoint. from an intelligence standpoint. From a cyber standpoint, they did not have the capabilities to pull off what was pulled off.
as in they had some sort of assistance right now. A Lot of people are pointing to Iran because Hamas and Iran are kind of tentative buddies because they both dislike Israel Even more. so, they're putting their differences aside. Don't forget Hamas is Sunnis while Iran is Shia and historically they don't get along.

but they're putting their differences aside for this. So a lot of people are saying yo Iran looks like it's involved now. Yesterday the Secretary of State blinkin said hey, there's no signs of Iran right now. but as of this morning there is new information coming out that Iran yes, maybe was involved.

Um, but we'll We'll see how this all goes. It's absolutely abolutely wild. So on the note of what I really think is driving the current the current issue here, that's going to be more of the saudy Israel uh, normalization that this has been going heavily even in the news cycle since early: September that obviously some cold water is currently being thrown on the deal so I want to turn back to that I also want to turn back to whatever the breaking news is in this most recently I did see us State Department spokesperson confirms the death of nine Americans in Israel soldiers deployed against ected infiltration from Lemonon remember that's to the north. They also have the group Hasbullah, which is obviously a proxy group for Iran lot going on right now.

there's a lot and before we get into it, the Market's about to open I Just want to make it very, very clear I am not and nor do I see myself to be some sort of Middle East expert. It's crazy. Whenever anything happens like this, everyone on the internet automatically becomes an expert I'm not an expert I'm here to share what I have found I'm probably going to get some things right I'm probably going to get some things wrong. If you think I'm getting something wrong, please explain it.

Please share your sources I want to talk about it I just want to get some actual information out there cuz I'm already seeing a vast amount of misinformation on the whole situation. So like I said, I'm going to do my best to explain to you and show you the source of of what I believe to be true I Believe it to be true. That doesn't mean it necessarily is true. So if I get something wrong, please feel free to correct me if you found other pieces of information DM it to me on Twitter send it in on either rum chat or YouTube chat.

The entire point of this is for us to actually be informed of what's truly going on rather than the rampant amount of misinformation that is currently plaguing the internet. Um, so with that being said, ding ding ding ding. The casino is open obviously. Uh, expect massive volatility.
Uh, expect massive massive volatility. We're going to be paying attention to oil today. We're going to be paying attention to the overall market in terms of the overall. Market This trend line is very important.

That's right around 427. We're currently trending at 42760, so right above this trend line breakdown level, we're obviously within the bar on yesterday. or I mean excuse me from Friday So watching this to see if we break out to see if we break down in terms of the tech sector similar situation, uh, let's see how Tesla's doing. Tesla's been looking pretty strong.

Let's see if it can continue upward. Nvidia Also trying to recapture and hold its trend line Netflix Not looking the best Rumble Hanging out at $5 meta looking actually really good. Recently there were some reports about what's going on with just some of its technology and these VR meetings it I Have to admit it looked really cool. Uh, recently had its own breakout from this trend line kind of downward so we're seeing if that can hold Amazon chilling at 126.

Don't forget that Amazon is currently being investigated by the FTC Uh Bitcoin holding at 27.5kg Lot of bigger like movements in the overall Market which obviously that suggests opportunity for a lot of us. For me personally, I'm going to be sitting on my hands as I always do, especially with my short short day term trades. uh first 10 15, 20 minutes I Want to see how things are shaping up? Uh, especially on a daylight today where I think massive massive amounts of volatility can come out of anywhere? Obviously we have the spot gam information so we can see what is or isn't going to be going on um in the options Market This is by far my favorite tool to monitor what's going on in the options. Market I'm just trying to get it set up for today.

We don't need that, We don't need that, We need all this and I am on the Spy. All right, let's just straight up do the Spy. We'll get this ready and then we're going to do this on the cues as well. Can I just back test or change the url there? All right.

Cool. We don't need this. We need this. All right.

All right. good, good, good. That doesn't seem right. Oh, it has to be capitalized.

Okay, oops, What am I doing? Nope, that is the Spy Give me the Qes I Want the Tex sector just to see how things are going to Faire over there? All right good. So we have these up. we'll check it. Uh, obviously.

before we get rocking. Shout out to today's stream sponsor. Streety Strey is a Robo advisor. So yes, you can buy and sell stock the way you normally would.

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Great Awesome! You didn't have to risk anything and if it's I think I truly believe you're going to enjoy it. I'm on it I have my own money in it and I just I'm lit it sit in various strategies and I like to track what's going on I like to attempt to build build out my own. Very very cool. If you have any questions, reach out to me.

if I don't know the answer I'll direct you to someone on the street beat Team But once again, a 30-day free trial Free! You don't have to spend anything, just use these four magic letters M A T T and that's how you get the trial. So get it on your iPhone get it on your Android Do what you need to scan the QR code pin to the top of chat. do any of that download Street Peat it's a Robo advisor. They don't accept payment for order flow, but really, what sets them apart is their AI trading capability I Really, really think you're going to enjoy it? Uh, on that note, where are we on the market today? Obviously shout out to Street be for being today's stream sponsor.

All right Market not looking the best Nvidia getting hit Tesla taking a bit of it, the tech sector taking a hit, the Spy trying to hold on going flat but will it hold options Market is getting a little bit more bullish on the spy. Let's check out the cues. uh, kind of flat on the que. so the options Market not moving in a dramatic way.

the Spy getting a little bullish here like trending to the upside. Um, got a flow alert early this morning, but it was so early. Usually the flow alert means like, kind of like we're going to switch things up. it's going to go the opposite way.

but I mean that was seconds into the day. So I'm not really going to concern myself with that one quite quite yet. The office of Senator Tommy Tuber DeVille says he isn't backing down on his months-long blockade on hundreds of military promotions even amid the Israeli Israel Hamas conflict. This is the same guy that uh, sits on the a committee and also actively day trades corn.
Futures So uh I don't think I'm the biggest fan of that guy. Don't think I'm the biggest fan of what he is doing or what he stands for. All right. So we're g to remain calm, we're going to just see how things really end up playing out here.

Um I think it will Gap fill. There's actually no Gap Today there's a gap on oil. There's not a gap on the Spy There's not a gap on the the cues. We're within the bar from Friday.

So to Gap you have to be above the previous high or below the previous low. Not within the bar. There's no Gap created right there. Uh Apple Microsoft Tesla Nvidia All right things are getting sold a little bit this morning.

But remember, we're only 7 minutes into the day so there's uh, quite a bit more time in in the game today before things happen. Uhoh this spy keeps wicking down to 42750 down. Bounces down, bounces down, bounces down bounces. Let's see if this actually holds the q's got hit a little bit harder, but maybe rebounding.

but once again, we're not even 10 minutes in. so let's just let's just wait and see how things uh, really end up playing out. uh I'm annoyed that the beave tried going after Rumble Again, the dude doesn't even put his money where his mouth is. Uh, the bear cave.

Let's see, this is October 5th Rumble describes itself as a high, grth, neutral platform designed to be immune to cancel culture. Bear Cave The Bear Cave. So these were the same. This was the same short outfit that called out like Rumble and Glenn not even realizing that Glenn was not posting content for a very like personal like reason I Believe his husband uh was severely severely sick and then obviously when that like issue within his life uh was resolved he ended up being backed around like I don't know Edwin dorsy uh, what's its issue yeah, the Barricade previously published on rumbling October 22 and January 23 and among many issues know the company's tries to extremist content and popular characters.

Today's Rumble far rate content isn't tough to find um so I guess just Tate and Alex Jones uh who is this one Rumble was also exclusive online live stream partner with the second Republican debate and the first one which gner nearly 1.5 million total views on the platform. um Black Rifle Coffee A veteran funding coffee built. Okay so it's just saying that it doesn't like it cuz it perceives it to be far right. The interesting argument of Rumble being far right or not is they can't control who joins their platform.

Obviously they can control if someone is breaking their to their terms of service, if they get kicked off or not. But if someone like Hassan or Rachel M joined Rumble they would be welcome in my book. it's not a far right platform, it's just they're the platform where people went where they got kicked off some some place like Twitch or YouTube so for a bit there obviously it's no big secret that like San Francisco is very very left. very very liberal.
So they ended up kicking off right leaning people. So when right leaning people as a group got kicked off, they went somewhere else. they ended up going to Rumble. That doesn't mean that Rumble was created for right Leing people.

It was created as a neutral video platform. If there's right leaning people on there, as long as it's within the to, they're allowed. If there's left leaning people then they're allowed. Anyone is allowed so to call it right leading I just don't know if it's I Don't know if I agree because like of the connotation, they never went right.

Leing People they went. people who they thought their freedom of speech was being stopped on. If someone like Rachel mattow or Hassan Piper or perer was erroneously removed from whatever their platforms were Rumble would welcome them, they would 100% welcome them. Because really, what Rumble does is it just stands up for freedom and speech.

That's all it is. As long as you are saying things that you're legally allowed to say you have a home at Rumble and it just so happens that people who their freedom of speech was more so stomped on were right leaning. You don't really hear too many stories of very, very left leaning people. Um.

I Guess like getting their freedom of speech stomped on for me personally. I'm not really the most political person I I Mean obviously I pay attention to politics I have thoughts that align certain thoughts that align on the right side I have thoughts that line on the left side I wholeheartedly believe if you don't like I Don't think that there's really a person who wholeheartedly agrees with everything from one party. If you do, maybe it exists, but I think it's a person who's maybe a little bit too much into tribalism. I Think I'm like a middleof the road extremist I Understand some lot thoughts and ideologies from the left I Understand some thoughts and ideologies from the right.

Um, but in the this day and age I think that's like really, just what a Bas person is. while apparently um, if you say you agree with anything from either side, like the other side just attacks you and thinks you're an absolute like lunatic. So for me and why I care about Rumble Why I'm currently streaming to rumble Why I bought Rumble Stock is I Am not a political commentator clearly am not a political commentator I Talk about the economy and stocks and sometimes it gets into the role of politics obviously. Yes, but even doing that, especially when I just focus on stocks, just focused on stocks I Re I Got terminated from YouTube three separate times and then Rumble reaches out and they're like hey, uh, do you want to post your content on a platform that will allow you to keep posting when you're clearly within the rules you talk about stocks man I was like yeah, no I would love to not have to worry about losing my entire platform, losing my entire livelihood because some AI system or maybe some person at the company just doesn't like me when I clearly didn't break the rules.
So this concept of just trying to paint it as far right I mean it. To me. It's as idiotic as saying things are far left like it's just it. it's another.

I don't know. It's kind of just a poor argument. it really is just a poor argument of like oh look at we'll just paint with very like wide brush strokes and so we don't have to like acknowledge anyone's like maybe thought out opinions on that side if we just call them far right or far left um, putting like that extremist thing on it I just think it's idiotic I really really do like it's just to me. Rumble is simply a platform that really really cares about freedom of speech and they don't want to put their ideologies on anyone.

Um folks. I've had conversations with the CEO of Rumble and I'm telling you in the various times I've talked about the platform and where it's going, he's not sitting there saying of like how do we get more right-leaning people elected I care so much about right leading people. What my conversations with him are literally usually ends up in his discontent with how the major Tech players stifle conversation when I talk with him whether it's public or not public. What the conversation sent around is his personal anger at these companies putting their ideologies on everyone.

His goal from my opinion on it I don't want to speak for him in any way. seems he just wants a platform. He's like I want to create the technology. That's a platform where people can post their content on the platform.

He doesn't want to be the Arbiter of what content is right and what content is wrong or anything like that he wants to create. He just wants to be the tech aspect of it, creating the platform that supports freedom of speech. Um, you could believe that or not. I'm telling you the truth like that's just.

it's never a political thing with him. It's always just his anger that people by someone else's decision or maybe an AI decision people just get shadowbanned. They just like lose their entire PL forms because of someone else's ideologies which seems absolutely crazy. Uh, you're so far Center Mat cancel cores.

My dad always said that he's like I'm I'm a middle of the road extremist. It's just like I I I Truly believe you're not informed enough about politics if you wholeheartedly agree with one party or wholeheartedly agree across the board with one person. There's like we all have our own unique upbringing, our own unique experience that you have to have some of your own unique ideas just from your own life. But to be like I wholeheartedly, 100% agree with this party.
with this person. it's like, how is that possible I just I just don't get it I Don't get it I don't get it I don't get it Uh, defense stocks are ripping. Well, the market right now is popping. Uh, the Spy went from 427.

Uh, it went up a full dollar right now if you're thinking about the Israeli War My favorite play is not defense Contractor like Lockie Martin or Boeing which are both readed on the day. Wait, who said that? they're ripping? Uh I thought I read that comment. Um, Locky Martins up 8% That's solid Boeing Yeah, so defense contractors like that's a good thing to call out I'm sorry I didn't see your name I wanted to call you out. So Lockie Martin that's a good call like I mean it's up quite a bit uh ba Boeing not up as much What's Ron's uh Ron was it like does r what? what is am I making up Does Ron not trade on the I thought it was like RTX does Ron not trade on the public market I thought it was RTX Why is it not coming up? Okay, it is up RTX Corporation Anyway, up 4% So uh, these defense Contracting companies they're doing pretty well.

Uh, but what I'm particularly a fan of in this situation is moreo a volatility. Uh, so you could look at Uvxy. Obviously, vix itself is the volatility of the S&P 500. We've actually been seeing this pop since mid-september you could look at VXX Um, so there's various things.

VXX might be one of the more more popular ones, but uh, it's not the only one if you're looking at volatility. So I don't know if I'd be chasing defense contractors right here because as we said, Lockie Martin's already up 8% Boeing's coming down. Uh RTX is this rathon I just want to RTX Corporation that's already up 4% Well, yeah, it's Aerospace and defense. So I don't know if I'd be chasing right here necessarily.

Um, and my hesitation with these companies is just because I think that they're only going to see a clear Revenue bump if the conflict gets really out of like. that would be the direct increase to their bottom line is that the the conflict needs to get a lot worse. So if you're of the mindset that yeah, the conflict is going to get a lot worse. Oh okay, yeah, then maybe you should be looking at plays like this.

Um, but even if it doesn't get worse, maybe something a little bit more conservative of like a put credit spread on volatility where you're like, well, I either think it's going to go up or just stay at the current level, not necessarily come down. You could do a thing like a put credit spread. So personally, I'm a little I'm a little bit more focused on what's going on in the world of oil and what's going on in the world of volatility. Yes, obviously.

Locky Martin Already moving? Uh, rathon already moving Boeing not moving as much. There's other plays. Uh, you could probably look at like cyber security plays as well. like these are all things to watch in times like now.
Uh, but my, really, my number one watch is volatility itself. Um, since it's a bank holiday, would you typically see more selling due to less settle accounts? So those are a lot of cash accounts. But remember, most accounts are margin accounts, so it's not going to really matter that much. Um, yes, there are cash accounts.

but all the all of Big Wall Street players, they're going to be on margin accounts with their Brokers Um, most retails on margin accounts. So yeah, you bring up a fair point that if you're trading on a cash account and you're waiting for the money to settle, it's not going to be settled. Sing at all today. So if you were making trades on your cash account on Friday it's not settling today that money is not going to be available to you.

Um, but who knows how that money is going to be used? Was it being used on stocks? Was it being used on calls? Was it being used on puts so like I I Don't know if not only are we looking at a small group of the cash account people, but then we're also trying to figure out does that small group? Are they more bullish? Are they more bearish? I have no idea what way like they are. So to me the the fact that it's a bank Hol day I Don't think that that is making this individual Day More bullish or bearish? Paler, this is another. this is an AI company. uh, it's up 5% so uh, they have a lot of government contracts so data data analysis paler up 5% Uh, this is I know popular within the retail Community right now uh, paler is looking good getting this breakout above the mid1 16s if it keeps going.

I mean you could watch 19. You could watch 20 I'm not impaling I I Really thought this shoulder head, shoulder uh would break down and I could get in paler at a cheaper price obviously broke the other way. So I'm still just going to have to have patience until I could get in at a cheaper price but Paler also having a good day. How many of you are in Paler? I'm curious because I saw some commentary on AMC in here, but I'm starting to think that more of you are interested in the names of like Tesla Nvidia Paler more than you are in AMC at least in this group I Know there's a large group on Twitter that still likes AMC but I think those people are just like kind of fucking crazy.

Um so I guess out of those like or here's a question for everyone on: Rumble for everyone on YouTube What is the number one stock you're paying attention to like day in and day out, it is your favorite stock to keep track of. Please comment that cuz like it's important cuz then I know what to Center my content around obviously I want to make content that you guys all care about. So if you could pick one stock that you pay attention to day in and day out, what is that stock? spy Q Tesla spy Spy Gme Gme Amazon Tesla Tesla Gme Sofi spy uh spy Q's oh I'm that's kind of interesting so more of I'm actually seeing the most commentary for the overall Market um Tesla LMNOP that's a good one Q's Tesla Jamie spy paler oxy oil Mullen interesting how many Gme people are still in here or it's the same Gme person commenting over and over Tesla I Actually thought I'm not seeing as many Nvidia as I thought I would see Are there not hardcore Nvidia supporters in here? ape Nvidia B or XLF Okay that that'll help me. That'll help me, that'll help me.
Definitely make some content. Nvidia options are too expensive. Do a poll? yeah but like with the poll it only Maxes me out at four. So I don't know like what for to even put on that list and interesting go card cardano nervous laugh Mullen I saw that that dipshit uh bam investor was talking about how he's buying more Mullen don't like obviously I'm not a financial adviser.

Do whatever you want with your money. it's your money I'm not your mom. but Mullen is such a trash company and the fact that people are trying to like, somehow act as if it's good I mean bam. Investor is just a dude who's like cosplaying as like a Quant algorithmic tra.

Trader You know how you know he's not like successful is because he's never gotten a singular call right? um, ever, ever like his quote unquote algorithm. If it was that good, wouldn't he just be Mega wealthy right now? Uh, like that's how you know Bam. Investor is a complete clown and he's just keeps talking about um, how much apparently he likes Mullen and it makes me really really suspect I was already suspect ECT of him and the fact that he thinks Mullen's a good play. he he's such a dipshit this whole time I thought Matt was my mom hey hey, maybe all right, it's almost 10: A.m.

options Market was going up in the Spy then took a hit. Now we're going flat so there's a big block trade right here, but now we're kind of going flat on the Q's kind of going up but really more flat. so I would argue. We're seeing a bit of hesitation.

We're not necessarily seeing the options Market perfectly follow this pump in price. Uh, which just good to know. Good to know what's going on in the backend. Remember when you had him on the show yeah, that was what two years ago? Yeah, I mean when at that point and even now I mean I try to have conversations with the people who really the audience wants me to have conversations with and at one point in time bam was all the r and everyone's like oh, like, what's this guy talking about? what's his algorithm and that doesn't mean that in the future they're all going to prove to be like amazingly intelligent, spot-on people I mean at one point in time I had Trey on my show and we all know how that went.

Um, there's a lot of people in the past who I've given my platform and if I could go back in time I wouldn't Uh, and then there's probably people who I refuse to get my platform and I probably should have. Um, if if you're coming to me to expect like perfection in my execution of all my content, no, that's not how it's going to go. Uh I I try to do my best, but uh, obviously there from the audience. there's sometimes demands where I'm like okay, like I guess I'll do it and it it just ends up not being the best use of time or effort.
Matt hasn't been to Space Mountain and it shows. I've been to Space Mountain you and Trey relationship solid. What do you mean I haven't spoken to him in years I think he's a scumbag? What do you mean So I I have if you mean by it's solidly nonexistent. Uh, what about true demon? Still talk to him? Nope, he's a scumbag too.

Also another, uh Sal idly non-existent one like just 100% lack of a relationship. um short the vix. I Haven't spoken to him in months but I actually like his effort to have. um, like algorithmic trading he like I don't know how good his system is I think he and Ren or what's it not wrench review overstate the quality of their system.

um I've done some back testing on it and I don't think it's like all that they like make it out to be. But with that being said, I am still a fan of the fact that they're trying to people get people to engage in the market systematically. So I am a fan of that. Um, can you do an interview with Vin Diesel I wish uh, who do we still like in the fin tube? Community uh I still speak I'm still a fan of Graham Stefan but I don't really talk to him I talk to Andre J I like him I talk to meet Kevin I like him I talk to Tom Nash I like him uh I don't talk to Wrench Capital But I do like Wrench capital I think he's like one of the most honest people out there.

Uh, why? who else is even in it now? Um I don't talk to the mass investor but I have no issue with him I know the mass investor and short the vix and review dor all had a falling out. but I don't know what it is. Um, but I have no issue with TMI whatsoever. Uh, but I Also, don't talk to him that often.

What about Larry Jones stock up with Larry Jones he's another guy that I don't talk to but I like him I think he's a genuine guy. um I've used to speak with him more but it was never like that. I mean I haven't spoken to him in like a couple years now. Uh, ever heard of Caleb Hammer nope invest with Henry no uh Charlie Vids why do I know that name Charlie Vids I think he made some negative videos on me a couple years ago but I thought he like died out zip Trader I've never spoken with him stock Mo I've never spoken with him uh a V don't know who that is ke and Grace um never spoken with him.

No issue with him though I think like once in a while we like tweet or like or something like that. uh I think he's comeing here a couple times I've gone into like his show a couple times like just on his chat and whatnot. um but no like real dealings with him uh Larry Jones no issue I think he's a good guy chicken Genius I've had no interaction with him but I really would want to I like I think chicken genius puts out some solid solid content uh I really really do traveling Trader don't know who that is Max Mayer I'll still talk with him. he doesn't make as much content right now, but he's a really cool guy.
uh Tyler with option drop so he doesn't like me because someone on uh Twitter told him I was shitalking him when I didn't even know who he was like they made up that I was shitalking him so he reached out to me or he started talking shit and I dm'd him I was like why are you talking shit man he's like I heard you thought you said I should quit YouTube I was like I I never said that there's no proof of it, you can't find proof of it cuz I never said it cuz I don't know who the fuck you are and he just didn't believe me so like I think he's a good options Trader like I think he's like knows what he's talking about. um but he doesn't like me because he believes something that someone on Twitter told him which I never said uh humble Traer that's another person I've I've had no interaction with but she seems cool Zach Morris uh he's the scumbag is Ross Cameron a shill I don't like Ross um but once again I've had no dealings with him but what? I've heard through the Great Vines of things he's done, how he operates his business, what he's been accused of doing. It's not a person that I'm going to affiliate with in like any manner any manner. Charlie Vids made the fud stop training grou I don't even know who like this guy is like I remember the name but I don't know but boring.

we need more beef with other YouTubers uh Andrew M money I used to do talks with him but I think he quit now I think a lot of these people just end up quitting which is kind of interesting because it just shows that they like they followed a hype cycle and then they didn't have anything like under that Foundation to keep going Charlie Vids is zip Trader no that's not right unless I'm thinking of a different Charlie account wrench I'm a fan of wrench I end up watching a lot of his things on my Instagram I think I've watched so many of wrench Capital things on my Instagram that that's like the major thing that's always promoted to me on my Instagram Charlie vids is I'm thinking of a different Charlie cuz zip Trader never made like negative videos about me but I'm thinking about a Charlie account. maybe it was a Twitter account I guess like this is on me I must be like confusing people. um because I know Charlie I'm just thinking of some there was a random Charlie account. who is that? I don't know uh game of Trades never heard of that account.

There's a lot of Finance accounts right now that I haven't heard of because almost no Finance videos are promoted ever like I Look at my analytics on YouTube they are promoted on Rumble uh but on YouTube when I look at my analytics 95 997 99% of My Views already come from subscribe viewers. as in they already know me they're subscribed to the channel. Um, right now in the scheme of things, Finance videos are not being promoted by the YouTube algorith them to any new audience, you're almost exclusively getting promoted to your own audience. Which also means that if there's a new Finance Creator the chance of me finding out about them is extraordinarily slim extraordinarily slim.
Uh, it just I it's not getting promoted to me which is a shame because um I want to I Want to know about the new and upcoming people I Want to know about the people who are just bigger than me and I just never knew about them. Unfortunately, he's just not getting promoted to me like whatsoever. Um bam What did I say? Try for the 200 dma and dump I feel like I'm missing Who is John G I Mean there's a lot of these name. What's going on with Uncle Bruce I don't know if he even creates anymore.

that's another person not promoted to me. uh Martin Lucas has mentioned you a few times on stream I don't know who Martin Lucas is, but hey I appreciate the shout out and I'll check it out I'll check out remember that name. um see, that's the issue is like I like following a lot of these other people just because I think they're informed like I think people like meet Kevin and Tom Nash and uh, chicken genius. uh I I think they're informed smart people.

You know who's another big person that makes a lot of content that is never promoted to me. even though like I watch these videos, it's Jeremy from Financial Education I don't understand what's going on with the algorithm right now because I watch a lot L of Finance videos and some of the biggest people. mediumsized people and definitely small people are never promoted to me f Like like I said Jeremy from Financial Education I believe he has over a million. He makes.

He makes a ton of content and it's never ever promoted to me. I have to go out of my way to search it. My top five Kors Uh, wrench traveling Shader Charlie Zip Trader Cale I don't know who Caleb Hammer is I'll look into these just cuz I don't know who these people are that I'm not saying anything bad about them I'm just saying the videos are not promoted to me. even stock stocko is really popular.

Uh Larry Jones Really popular A lot of these people. the only way I can ever see their video is if I go out of my way to search them. So if I don't know of the name to search I'm never ever going to see their content because YouTube is just not promoting it to me. Um, who is a lot of people are saying traveling Trader Who is traveling Trader traveling Trader that's the wrong thumbnail TR yeah I I've never heard of it and that's a big account.

259,000 gets good views. It's just I don't know why this type of stuff is not ever promoted to me. It's very, very frustrating. Even if I subscribe, it's not going to be shown to me.
um Financial Education: This guy is huge. Uh, uh, 720,000 not promoted to me I've subscribed I've unsubscribed I've tried to mess with the system so it actually sends it to me. Never sent to me I Actively deal with meet Kevin watch his videos not sent to me I watch his videos and still they're just not presented to me I don't know what's going on with it. Um, right now the algorithm is not a fan.

Uh Caleb Hammer I don't know, we'll look at Caleb Hammer another person. That might be awesome Yeah H Like that's huge. How? what? Financial AUD So another Financial person actually the first I do recognize this guy's face because he was on with um Graham Stefan in their podcast the Ice Coffee Hour. Uh Huge.

762 th000 How How? How? How How has this not been promoted to me? That's crazy. That's Happ So I've seen this guy um on through Graham Stefan and he makes huge videos. 1.2 million 1.1 million. Does he just go on? Are these all interviews? Is that what he does? He interviews people I I Just don't get it, it, it's just not being promoted to the Right audience right now.

Also, why is my thumbnail wrong? Why is it showing it? What the fuck? uh I have no idea why this is the wrong. This was never supposed to be the thumbnail for today, but they've also been. uh, trading fraternity. um I think that's another streamer but that's the one that's just charts right like it's not a like right like a person isn't shown at GD Let's look at GD What is GD General Dynamics Aerospace And okay, so some of these Aerospace names.

uh, a really defense PL names are popping off right now so you have GD going potentially getting a breakout. If it does get this breakout at 237, then I'd be watching 242. Um, you have Lockie Martin up 8% you have Palen Tier up. palent is actually looking really nice paler.

where's Palente tier's Next Level 8 18 Paler. At 1740 right now, it might be. Obviously you could be I guess aggressive with a bullish bet on Paler. If you want to be a bit more conservative, you could do a put credit spread on Paler as well.

Even at like 15 16, that might be an interesting play. If you're like oh, I think it's going to go up or at least not come down. you could do a put credit spread. at 15, you cou

2 thoughts on “The war in israel the markets react the mk show”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Let Truth Prevail says:

    I don't think they were surprised. Might be like the U.S. letting Hawaii get hit by the Japanese. Israel could be overwhelmed, but surprised, no.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe G says:

    Meet Kevin and Chicken Genius had beef

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