We're Screwed! (Millennials & Gen Z Are DOOMED!)
The Matt Kohrs Show
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The millennial generation Our Generation has basically lived through like an air fryer worth of events in the last 20 years, right? It wasn't some long stretch 70-year thing where when we're 80 years old we can talk about all the things that have happened. How about what's just happened in the last 20 years? Truly the roughest economy I have ever experienced and I graduated from college and entered the career Workforce in 2008 which you can imagine was the very tough job market. and I've been in and out of holes before, but never a hole this deep. Every single one of us is a bad decision, a bad accident, a mistake, a diagnosis.

Every single one of us is one event away from potential. Financial ruin I Just feel like our generation is starting to question everything and we're wondering, oh, why are we doing this I Just this is kind I don't know what to do anymore I don't I just want a job where I go to work, clock out and that's it. That's all I want to do I just want to do my job and I want to go home to my kids. We have been priced out of buying homes.

We have been priced out of having kids. Our kids have been priced out of adulthood. All the reasons on why you were a productive taxpaying law buing citizen. We've been priced out of Everything is expensive.

Rent is the most expensive it's ever been. Groceries are the most expensive it's ever been. We cannot afford anything and capitalism is working in that way. People are starting to wonder why bother, Why even bother being complicit.

We're not getting any of the that was marketed to us and everyone's living with six roommates and barely scraping by. But it seems like even those who've had the promises made to them fulfilled by the system still aren't very fond of it. Are things tough? Undoubtedly they're tough. But like I Really don't like when people use the measuring stick of oh, it's just more expensive Because that's not what matters.

We know everything is always inflated like that's how our economy runs. What matters is the ratio no one should ever be talking about. Look at this like rent like that shouldn't be the way economies break things down of like rents at a record high. No talk about the ratio relative to the average income.

It's the ratios that matter. And on that particular note, the ratios are bad right now. If you look at it historically a lot of the times in terms of housing, whether you're renting your mortgage, it's about 18% Right now, we're almost double that. We're actually pushing 40% So like I I'm not disagreeing with it.

I Just think there's a better way for this to be accurately stated. So it should be the ratio IO of the a like of what we're spending to the average income. Uh, just to say things are like more expensive, things are always getting more expensive That Welcome to inflation. We have a forever expanding credit system.

That's how the US economy. Works We're always putting more money into the system and as Supply goes up, you're devaluing it. Which means things arbitrarily become more expensive to try to compare it and be like, oh, like it's more expensive than the ' 80s '90s That's how it's going to work. Guess what? Prices are always going up, But what's an interesting measurement is the ratio.
That's I Guess my only critique is like I wouldn't just be like and also that one guy was like oh, this is capitalism. Capitalism is not perfect, but there's also no better economy than capitalism. And I get it? I Get all these like uninformed people like socialism. No, it's not.

Socialism makes everyone equally poor. Yeah, so you're equal, but you're all equally poor. Capitalism Like, like, take my opinion for not. But go do research on it.

There's no better system. Is it perfect? No. I'm in no way saying that it's perfect. Yes, certain times things get a little bit too greedy and your regulations aren't where they need to be.

Uh, untethered capitalism. It does have serious downsides. and I'm not saying that, but I'm saying out of all the forms of economies that are running in the world, capitalism is quantifiably the best system.

27 thoughts on “We’re screwed! millennials gen z are doomed!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DiscountKiller says:

    I bet most of them are stopping to buy their morning coffee and snacks. I go a week on average without spending a dime and I'm doing just fine. I invest most of my income as well. I'm not perfect but you have to learn to be disciplined and stop spending on impulse. It's not that hard and after awhile it will become normal for you to not spend more than you can make.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @coisasnatv says:

    What Millennials and Gen Z are doing is blaming others for their incompetence, this is their best excuse. Is this period worse than the 1920s? 1940's after the war? Before 2010 people had to have skills and find a job to make money, now you can do print on demand, drop shipping, you can monetize your knowledge on youtube, create courses, etc. I'm 50+ years old, I did the hole 9 to 5 thing, got fired because "I'm too old". I had to learn how to draw, how to use a computer, I had to learn how to use Photoshop, Inkscape and other tools, today I do custom designs and print on demand and make 3 times my ex-boss's salary. A few months ago, I didn't know what an "iPhone" was. I was never interested in technology.

    I may not have a job, but it's a lot of work, hours and hours of hard work. Millennials and Gen Z don't want that, that's their problem.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @77kthomas says:

    They only have their selves to blame they let the main stream media control them and their vote. These kinda of videos weren’t a thing 4 years ago 🫵

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @zguy2441 says:

    But that’s because major players of the capital game have the most control they have ever had. Also there is no pure free market capitalist society or a pure socialistic society. Society has always needed portions of both to help ensure the best outcomes for growth and being there for a nations people. This whole China and Russia is communist so they are socialism is dumb and we need to grow beyond that narrative. Russia is a more controlled state than the US but has had a capital economy for 20-30 years. Here in the US when you sign up for the military you are signing over your rights to be in a socialistic ran system. The stock market needs government regulation to ensure people are not hurt by monopolies (it’s not been working) and right now those very monopolies are price gouging and working with governments to control wages while they increase their prices. Want to fight that why have most companies had record margins if inflation is hurting them too.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JxBx80 says:

    I'm in a particular field that has been hit extremely hard. Most companies have raised their prices and have increased their revenue as well (perhaps not their profit percentages), but my industry is not making any profit despite the demand; mortgage finance. People (when compared to the last 30-40 years) are simply not able to qualify for a mortgage unless they have equity from a previous purchase. Regardless, my actual point is that it is very disheartening seeing everyone getting paid more (even if minuscule) and prices going up while my industry's wages stay stagnant. Perhaps it will be feast & famine…and things will turn around 180 degrees.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @vampr20ranger says:

    Capitalism works like this xD we've been in trouble over 40 years. But what happens when most things become automated? What happens when no one has children? I'm not saying choose socialism but we can make a new system.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @vanessaadams3500 says:

    Humm🤔 I hear you kids🌎

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Happycat8385 says:

    There's dual ecocomiesin other countries I am not uninformed I've done days worth of research if not more Canada, new Zealand, Germany, Denmark, Finland etc have dual systems that incorporate free healthcare and have many benefits like paid family leave for their workers and the rest of their economy is capitalism….these countries also have the happiest citizens it's all backed by data

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cuaresmacarpentry says:

    There's winners and then there's less winners aka these guys

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @chopo4160 says:

    Sounds like a bunch of crying😂😂😂😂. No one ever talk about what they are thankful for. My life isnt easy either but ill be damned if ima cry about 1st world problems.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lightbringer2938 says:

    Those people who live with multiple roommates do not have fancy cars, holidays, high-tech homes. They don't own a TV. They use their phone for content. They delay marriage, have no children and will never afford a house. These people were sold a LIE and should complain about a system that only serves a minority of citizens.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sum1337 says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @trevorbinkowski3676 says:

    These people forget that the older generations didn't have fancy cars, phones and phone bills. Wifi, holidays, and high tech homes.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @alanm8264 says:

    An individual who makes his money from capital, who adds nothing and hoards as much as he can, likes capitalism, shock horror.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @diamondstar1200 says:

    TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @flashg5568 says:

    This is not a capitalist economy. The fed bailing out the rich through stimulus at the expense of those with no assets is not capitalism. It’s socialism for the rich.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dopeboypirat3102 says:

    Capitalism incentivises corruption and collusion, nepotism. But the biggest culprit is it incentivises lobbying by big corporations and voila you have arrived at present day. Rich get richer and everyone else lose. There’s even a board game that illustrates this at the family table called monopoly.

    How ever when enough of you middle class citizens have had all your money taken away. The rich few have to capitulate or have civil war.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Sup3rNov4_Trading says:

    Im sorry but this is rubbish I was born in 85 I have seen the peak of this civilisation its now coming to an end. Its your country not the generation i have been surviving on £300 per month since 2019 and im still alive. Granted I don’t eat much bit if you stop buying shit it’s doable

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Rizky06 says:

    This is what happens to your buying power when you print your nation's currency into oblivion.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @IntrepidRazor says:

    Well said Matt

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kallen5833 says:

    Matt is a clown

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jonathandeleon3002 says:

    Economic enslavement is real and will continue so long as you keep voting for your favorite slave owners

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @futurewhale747 says:

    You are an idiot. This is not the same as prices always going up. Since you scammed amc investors with selling call options, you don't realize what is actually happening right now, because you don't have to look at your recites when you go to the store.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Someguy54123 says:

    I got my yearly pay plan adjustment that is basically always just a pay cut disguised as fun and motivation. That combined with rapidly shrinking margins… super fun

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @yami4g63 says:

    Tick tok goes the clock. None of this shit matters if we all clock out.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @_rhin0_590 says:

    We need a video on Microstrategy!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jasonwebb5652 says:

    In today’s world, hard work don’t pay. Just clock in, clock out. Go home.

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