Stocks Are Back From The Dead (Degen Options Time)
The Matt Kohrs Show (Oct. 5th)
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Yeah N Who brother. Good morning, Good morning, Good morning. Welcome back to another episode of the Matt Core Show where I'm Matt your Co your cores and I don't know Piper is the show Look how crazy this hair is today I've been trying to fix it for a bit, but this might be the first day in history that maybe my hair is not necessarily on point. or maybe I'm just breaking down hairstyle fashion barriers that we thought were unsurmountable in the past.

but yet here we are absolutely crushing it. But anyway, good morning, Good morning, Good morning. Hello to everyone who's here. Happy Uh happy Thursday happy Thursday October 5th AKA Initial jobless claims day came in pretty much as expected.

The market decently bounced yesterday, but I would say we're still in a dangerous territory. So the golden question is is will the bout continue or is just this like a final heartbeat before things get really, really, really bad? So I want to talk about bonds and yields and I know it's boring, but it's very, very important And on top of that, we do have some other stories. They get into some wild comments from the former President and what's going on in his lawsuit, some crazy crazy developments with the whole SBF FTX lawsuit update uh and then just some other things that I don't know I found and I thought were interesting and I wanted to share with all of you. Um, but before we get into all that I hope you're having a good one I I hope you're crushing it I hope you got up the same way I did battled your inner demons at 5:30 a.m.

That said, nah man, this bed is comfortable I don't you don't need to get up. You could totally go to the gym later and then the alarm is just blaring and you're like, ah, I don't know what to do and then you decide to snooze it and then you're sitting there hating yourself because I part of you wants to go back to bed. the other part of you is like dude, last night you set everything out, you said you were going to the gym, you made a promise to your future self and then you got up. He stretched it out and he did successfully crush the stair stepper.

I to I Don't know if it's like a diet related thing, but today I particularly sweat it all over everything and it was safe to say that it was beyond disgusting. Uh, 5:30 Guess can sleep in when you have a YouTube channel. hey Chris I was happy of myself for getting up at 5:30 I bet some of you are like hardcore. You know those people who get up at 4:00 a.m.

to go to the gym. That's insane to me when I'm doubting my first cup of coffee at 4:30 Who gets, how do you when do you go to bed 8:00 p.m. I am a tired little tiger at 9 9:30 and that's when I get up at 5:30 Serious question: To those of you in here right now, you're like, oh, I'm up at 4 I'm up at four if you're up before five. if you're up at 4:59 or earlier I Need to know when you go to bed.

My podcast starts at 5:00 It starts at 5: you do a 5 a.m. podcast Dude I Get up at 4:00 to go to work? When do you go to bed 7:30 to get up at 4: down at 12:00 a.m. up at 4:4 to Chris you sleep for 4 and a half hours 9:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m.
to midnight I don't get how do you guys pull it off I I Need my nice nine hours or something like that? Sleep four hours a day I'm jealous of the people in here Like? and I don't know. This has been documented in various scientific journals. There are a cohort of people who don't need many hours of sleep to fully function while the rest of us is stuck at like six or seven hours or seven or eight hours. Whatever is there are people who need like sub six hours Sub five hours and they're perfectly fine.

Um, I think they've even identified the Gene that's responsible for it. but maybe I'm just making that up I don't know. half the show's made up off the top of my head anyway? Uh, but I'm very, very jealous of you. Uh, that can successfully pull that off I Feel like if you do that though.

Do do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.

And then like one day out of the week, one day out of every two weeks, you just end up sleeping for like 18 hours. Like straight is it does. It end up becoming like a a backlog situation where like Monday to Friday you're up and you're sleeping for 5 hours a night and then all of a sudden on Saturday you sleep until like 2: P.m. Is it more of like you're almost like eating into reserves and then your body can't.

Is that how it works? or are you literally just like perfectly fine I sleep 16 hours on Saturday Yeah. okay Sunday I reset I don't work or gym all right. three months cycle. so just once in every three months you're like I need to sleep a little bit more catch.

Okay, so it's like a catchup thing I Got it. I Got it. I got it. That's starting to make a little bit more sense.

Um, well. I hope you whatever time you got up today, whether you got up a couple minutes ago to just get into the show right now or if you've already been up since a crack of dawn at 4: a.m.. Regardless, I hope you have or you're about to be crushing the stair stepper. What a beautiful way to get the day started.

On that note, we do have some important things to get into. I Guess before we discuss all of that, I Do want to let you know um I shouldn't be doing this but I kind of did it yesterday I Just want to let you know the 90% off deal on Apex If you want to do this prop account, it's done in 14 hours. So basically you have today pinned at the top of chat in the description of the video. Uh, you can get 90% off.

and if you want to look at the cost of everything. So basically, uh, what? instead of um, $167 it's $16 instead of $147 it's $14 Instead of $187 it's $18 Uh, the biggest account is right here. um 300K which would only instead of being 657, it's only only 65. Um so if you want the 90% off I Just wanted to partner with them for today because it's going to be over today.
So anyway, pin to the top of chat in the description of the video um and the code and everything's there. but I think if you click on the link it should be Auto applied. let me know if it isn't but if you want the 90% off, it's it's done well. Here's the the time right here.

Uh, just so everyone knows. But on that note, let's take a look at the market yesterday. Like I said, basically saving itself, we are under this long-term trend line still, so that's not the best, but could always be a fake out breakout, a little bit of a liquidity, grab a little bit of a a I don't know a fake out I suppose is still the best way to say it. but anyway, inside day as in a non- trend day.

uh and what I mean by that is the entire bar of yesterday Wednesday October 4th the high and the low were within the high and the low of Tuesday October 3rd. So it's an inside bar as in a non- trend bar and it got as High pretty much as the trend line but really couldn't get over it. but we also didn't break down. so maybe today will be a big decision type of a day.

As of now, in the pre-market the market is down about a buck, so maybe things are going to sell off, but obviously time will tell and right now I would argue that things I don't know I'm actually kind of breaking down what's going on in the market, breaking down. what's I'm seeing in the options Market I'm a little bit more of a fan of things being neutral I think there's a lot of people betting on a volatile move right now whether to the upside or the downside which makes me actually kind of feel like oh maybe we're not going to get a move. maybe a little up, a little down, but people who are yoloing into like puts looking for this type of a large move. remember, markets expand, they contract.

We've already expanded I Wouldn't be surprised if we're going into a little bit more of a contraction of a lot of Premium burden a lot of screwing over people who are long on premium, long on calls, long on puts. but that's just a thesis actually. Speaking of that generally, I'm always super late when I Ask all of you beautiful folks this: how are you feeling today? Are you thinking it's going to be a bullish day? Are you thinking it's going to be a bearish day? Or are you more of my mindset that maybe this week's a bit more neutral? Um, maybe on that. I do I'm I'm really doing this show out of order today.

Uh, but if this ever loads because I have a million tabs open right now I Do want to let you know that from a statistical oop? I must have passed it from a statistical standpoint today. Thursday October 5th Yes, the Bulls do win it 69% of the time. but when the Bulls win it, it's considerably smaller than when the Bears win it. And that's exactly why the profit factor is effectively won.

And if you look at the equity curve, it, it's pretty much a seasonally neutral day. So in terms of seasonality, I wouldn't say the Bulls are being supported, the Bears are being supported from a seasonal standpoint. I would say we have to look at other aspects to decide what today is going to do because the seasonality is telling us neutral. but just as a little bit of a look ahead I Do want you to know that tomorrow Friday It is bearish.
Very much bearish. The Bulls have only W 38% of the time The buyas I mean here's a look at the equity curve of buying at open selling at close, down and down and down. There was two years there where it was a nice pump to the upside uh, but still. Overall the Bears have been dominating Friday of this particular week so just wanted to share that with all of you.

As of now, stock futures tick lower Thursday after Dow stamps three day string of losses, but still not by any means that bullish of a day. It was an in side day across the board early this morning 8:30 a.m. Us jobless claims increased slightly to 207,000 for the week. Uh, the expectation was 210, so surprise surprise actually in line for once.

Usually these economists are super super far off. but in terms of the major macroeconomic event for the day, which was exactly that, we're done with it. Uh, right here. Thursday They're expecting 210 came in at 207 so we're done with announcements on the day.

I Do want to let you know that tomorrow Friday It's the first Friday Friday of a new month, which means we're going to get the unemployment report very important for the Fed and the Fomc meeting. Uh, important signs of the economy, so just want to let you know tomorrow. we will be starting the stream early to watch the Market's reaction to that. So whatever time you go to bed, make sure you go to bed a little bit earlier tonight because I will not hesitate to be giving out any demerits whatsoever.

Fed's bid to avoid recession tested by yields nearing 20year high. So first of all, here's bonds. Here's a look at: TLT This is 20year bonds. They are vomiting.

Definitely putting some pressure on Banks without a doubt. And then if you look at yields. Um, if you are also using trading view, you could use us 10 Y for the 10-year yield. Obviously us U 5y for the fiveyear 20 Y for the 20.

Obviously, just change out the number to get the right yield. So yields are popping. Bonds are dropping, making a lot of people think wow, feels like we're either in a recession or barreling towards a recession. Rich Do you still believe that the FED has further to go? I'm wondering what the right question to ask is right now.

Is it still how high do they go? Or is it still or is it now? How long do they stay there? And I'm just it's that kind of. Are we at the Are we at the top of the matter horn? Are we at the top of Table Mountain Where if you were to pick a mountain, where are we? Yeah, Well, if you had asked me this a month ago and I think I was on around that time I was in the camp going into the September meeting Uh, that we would, we would we would likely get one more hike uh, in this cycle. if really, just for for precautionary uh reasons. And certainly the dots at the September meeting had 12 of the 19 participants indicating one more hike.
I'm less of that view now. I Think given that as I said, the Bond market can do some of the Fed's job for it. You know if even some of this recent increase uh were to stick I think the FED could well could well be done. could well well be done.

So we're going to find out about that on Wednesday November 1st. So a little bit of a month from now, a little bit under a month from now is going to be really The Telltale sign of are we getting one more or are we done though if you want to know the odds, dude I have way too many tabs open right now. but hang on, let's see if I can pull it up. Fed rates right here.

Uh, as of now I Think there is about a 20% chance a one in five shot that we do get a rate hike in November As of now, an 80% chance that we stay at the 5.25% we are already at. Obviously this is a cumulative value. Uh, so we're going to find out in November but these odds right here, 80 versus 20 I would argue that they're not odds of high confidence because between now and then we're having another unemployment report, another Pce report, another CPI report. there's a lot of major macroeconomic reports that are going to be coming out and on top of that, I'll be covering this in second.

don't forget that we're also looking potentially at another government shutdown. We were facing one potentially over this past weekend and it got averted. but now Kevin McCarthy got ousted and now everyone's fighting to be the new speaker of the house and the bill that was passed to kind of Kick the Can down the road is only going to last for 45 days, so that will be coming too in pretty much mid November. So another thing to consider in this: I don't know particular situation of chaos.

On top of that, don't forget about Black Gold I am talking about oil Peak Crew demand is fueling anger and an argument. In the world of oil, it's been a war of Worlds and numbers between two of the world's largest energy organizations the Iea and OPEC as they Spar over the future of something crucial to crude producer survival. Peak Oil Demand. Remember what price is price is the equilibrium between supply and Demand.

Now, obviously demand, there is some influence there, such by central banks. of are they Hamp ER in demand or are they trying to support it QE QT All that good jazz. What's going on with interest rates? Are they going up? Are they going down? What's the magnitude? So yeah, there's some influence on demand, but on top of it, the supply is basically going to be strongly influenced by OPEC and their allies and also the Iea. But I would actually argue that Opec's uh A Little Bit Stronger in this particular situation.
and why I'm bringing this up is oil is vomiting like no other. So for a bit there we were talking about how oil was absolutely ripping to the High Heavens going from $68 a barrel in late June all the way up to 94 at the end of September. But ever since we looked into October absolute vomit, oil is going down and it's going down very, very rapidly. And it's really just like this says, the Battle of Two Worlds oil extends plunge as Brent Falls below 85 on demand.

Worries: There was a lot of technical selling as well I think both below their 50-day moving averages. So did the rally look a little bit overdone at this point. There were signs that we were in for a correction and you are correct. A number of factors.

Uh, Weighing on oil. let's drop right into the Bloomberg to see what Sher was referencing about the 50-day moving average. We've seen oil prices come back in line with this latest decline. But bottom line: the rally has cooled and there's an old saying in the oil pits that the cure for high prices is high prices Demand Destruction has says and that means that fuel costs have squeezed consumers in a way that demand rather abruptly pulls back.

Let's look at the five-day charts for both West Texas intermediate and Brent. To get an idea of how abrupt this halt in the rally has been, we saw West Texas intermediate in New York trading a drop uh, well over 5 and a half% uh closing the day down 5.6% to below $85 in Brent trading in London a similar selloff uh down 5.4% by the end of the day to close uh right below $86 a barrel. and again, this is a dramatic reversal of a rally that has seen oil rise 4% since mid June aided in large part by the fact that the OPEC Plus members uh extended their voluntary Cuts till the end of the year at a time going into winter where Global demand had peaked to a record. Now we are seeing signs again with this gasoline uh data that demand is pulling back, but that was a scenario on obviously demand drops we have including supply side roughly the same in the short period obviously Pric going to drop being at high levels.

All of this resulting in this dramatic pullback. What did we learn from the latest meeting of OPEC members See well going into this Uh monitoring committee meeting. we did not expect a change and that's exactly what happened. Saudi Arabia and Russia will continue to extend their voluntary Supply Cuts over and above Beyond over and above what OPEC Plus is doing into the year end and these curbs amount to more than one billion million.

I should say surprised because of this and their allies come outut the days. Uh, that demand is faltering. You're looking at what OPEC has done to sort of reduce the amount of oil on the market. That's resulting in squeeze A squeeze that resulted in an extreme rally that just yesterday saw Brent prices in London trading at almost $100 So again, we're coming back.
Uh from those levels. Uh, the Saudis SL production in July by 1 million Barrel a day amount over and above what the rest of the cartel was doing and Russia joined in with them by curbing by 300,000 barrels a day their exports. Those two voluntary Cuts again extended to to the end of the year and that was announced in separate statements. Uh released from OPEC today.

Uh, the monitoring committee uh says that they will continue to monitor oil conditions, but it has been the OPEC aim to keep prices steady and what they mean by that is to keep them at an elevated level. So this is an interesting wrinkle after they were fairly successful in raising prices. All right, so better. update there.

Uh, really. Bond yields the overall economy oil, and I would argue it all adds up to potentially a higher volatility time. Now, a thing that's not going to help with volatility is all the craziness in our political State McCarthy's ouster Rises raises likelihood of government shutdown Temporary funding deal that he backed runs out in mid- November House can't move forward on spending until a speaker is chosen. Now Why is this important? Well, because if we end up shutting down, there's a good good chance that the third major ratings agency will join the first two and downgrade the US's creditworthiness, which has clear economic implications.

Well, Congressman Let's talk a little bit about what just happened. Nobody. It was history making. Yesterday, the ouster of of the speaker.

We're told that you are the least popular man in the House of Representatives or at least to the Republican conference. In fact, just yesterday, your Republican colleague from New York Mike Lawler suggested violence against you in an interview right around this time yesterday today I'd love for you to hear what he said and have you respond. Here's Mr Lawler The only thing that I would have done differently is flung it in the direction of one person. Uh, look, he absolutely epitomized uh, the frustrations of uh, the conference.

uh and the American people was that person we to get? Oh yeah, I would have hit him Square between the eyes. he was going to hit you square between the eyes with the speaker Gab he was suggesting Congressman Do you expect to be expelled from the conference? oh I I don't know I I Think that that was a a very frustrated person who's having to come to grips with the stages of grief. My mission is to ensure that the House of Representatives runs better because the way we've been running Washington DC for the last 30 years has led us to a point where no one is really responsible for the spending. We are backed up against shutdown politics.

We are governed by crisis and the biggest problem is lawmakers have to take one up or down vote on continuing resolutions and Omnibus bills to either fund or not fund the entire government that truncates the type of thoughtful and serious um, you know, analysis that we have to apply to how the federal dollar is being spent at a time like this. So I'm not much for political violence I don't want to hit anybody if Mike Lawler comes at me with a gavl I'm not entirely sure that would concern me, but that's not the direction I Think we ought to go I think we ought to maybe craft a the budget before an attack strategy. that's real politics right there. this is act actively happening.
Uh oh I'm not really sure I'd be worried but other political things going down. The Donald Trump show is over AG says after X president leaves New York fraud trial former president flew out of New York after leaving his 250 million fraud trial in the middle of the third day of proceedings. The New York AG accuses Trump his two adult sons, the Trump organiz ation and its top officials of falsely overvaluing real estate properties and other assets and financial statements in order to obtain better loans and tax perks. The judge issued a gag order against Trump and others after the former president attacked the judge's principal law Clerk and then we got this: I guess Beauty from Trump this is when he was coming out and popping off uh, it's a it's a crazy one today.

If you read the New York law journals, they basically say they have no case against Trump but I'm here stuck here and I can't compare. Be right now in Iowa I'd rather be in New Hampshire or South Carolina or Ohio or a lot of other places. but I'm stuck here because I have a corrupt attorney general that communicates with a doj in Washington to keep me nice and busy because I'm leading Biden in the polls by a lot. That's all this is.

This is election interference. They made up a fake case, they're fraudulent people and the judge already knows what he's going to do. He's a Democrat judge in all fairness, he has no choice. He has no choice.

He's run by the Democrats I Know this city better than anybody knows this city. There's nobody knows it like I Do No one knows judge out of the club Hous he's controlled andus what's going on here is a shame. Our whole system is corrupt. This is corrupt Atlanta is corrupt and what's coming out of DC is corrupt.

But this is a good one because this one is interesting. This one is very interesting. Why attend? Because I want to point it out to the Press how corrupt it is because nobody else seems to be able to do it. Valuing his property at $18 million does seem pry have done a good job.

They say there's no case here but we have a corrupt attorney general that tried to make a thank you very much. We have a corrupt attorney chel obviously he's not happy and it's always interesting when he speaks. It's a high level of entertainment. Uh, I'm obviously I don't speak legal I'm not a lawyer but the information that's very public of the Attorney General saying that he overvalued his property and then the value that she put it at when she was acting as the judge, jury, and executioner, it does seem a little crazy.
I mean if if you like Trump or if you absolutely hate Trump I think that particular aspect of the fraud trial, anyone who like has like two neurons in their brain working could admit that the Attorney General is overstepping in that particular. Circumstance The other circumstances I mean consider them as they come but just want like it it. It really is ridiculous. Um, after the Market opens I Want to talk about Sam Bigman Fre and everything going on there? I Want to remind you that in ter of macroeconomic events, we got one at 8:30 this morning.

There's none other scheduled for today, but there are two fed speakers one already started about 25 minutes ago at 9:00 a.m. then there's another one I believe at noon. So two fed speakers going on today I Want you to know about that tomorrow. In terms of macroeconomic events, the major thing to know is an hour before the Market opens, we get the unemployment report.

It's an important enough report that we will be starting the stream early tomorrow. Um, here's the seasonality. I Already kind of went over it. Today's neutral tomorrow is bearish.

Uh, various other things in the newsletter I Sent out a weekly news letter on the weekend. It's free. Mcor It's in the description of the video If You're not signed up. What are you? It's free.

it. What? What? It's free. F Re I Don't know what would be stopping you from signing up, but Mac. sign up for that.

Five things to know before the Stock Market opens today: Thursday October 5th. Taking a breath. So if we look at the market, oil's coming down. the Spy had a green day but nothing too special.

It's an inside day. The Q's did a little bit better, but still a Green Day Still an inside day if you look at the Small Cap sector. Iwm definitely underperforming. Small Cap has clearly been the weakest, so it's a little bit of a breather, but nothing to run home to Mom about.

There's another strike. Um, this one's now in the world of healthcare. It's the hospital. Kaiser Permanente uh smartphone Wars Obviously we could talk about that, but Google coming out there pixel phones trying to battle Apple more forgiveness Biden is now forgiving 9 B billion dollars.

uh in student loan debt? Uh, so hey, if it benefits you. congrats. But as a policy to me, it really feels like he's just buying votes. Uh, Disney discounts.

Maybe dreams do comes from Disney's offering discounts on children's tickets at its domestic theme part. obviously trying to get people to come to the parks. How's Disney doing? Whoa knocking on the door of a breakdown Disney is not looking the best I guess I'd be offering some sort of deal as well. Uh, not look the best.
Okay, so those are the five things. I Guess we do have a little bit of time, but I'm going to cover this later. I Want to talk about Elon Musk and what's going on with X I Also, want to talk about some crazy things going on with OIC the drug that is currently All the Rage Now with that being said, let me get things set up here: I need you guys to very very quickly. you have like 20 seconds to tell me, are you bullish or bearish on the day? What kind of day do you think we're about to have Market maybe fighting back a little bit I'm trying to do a degenerate Market open type of a trade and I need you guys to very very quick Green: The first thing I saw was Green from Chris uh Chris said green and uhoh Chris is a trustworthy dude.

Oh no no no no no no I don't think I'm ready es es uh oh did I just completely messed this up? Wait, this is yes. how do you get the right features? Oh es yes, there we go. Nope. I'm on the wrong one.

Oh no. I'm running out of time. This is getting sketchy. sketchy, sketchy, sketchy.

Uh 11 12 I need to make sure I'm on the right thing. 11 BS Where are we 929 I think I have seconds to go Order filled, order filled. No, this is what am I doing Target Filled Target filled What happened Target filled Target filled I don't I don't even know what's going on right now at this point I know I somehow made money. But if you ask me what actually happened, um, it was all a blur.

Something was wrong there. I I don't know Dude, it says 180 it says $25 folks I I don't I don't know what happened it I waited too close to the Bell here. All right, this one makes more sense to. this is what I meant to doget There we go.

This is the actual trade. the first one that I fired off before the market. that got a little suspect to say the least. Um, and now you guys told me green.

But if you screw me over I'm going to be pissed here I'm going to I'm going to I'm not going to be a happy camper. We put it that way. uh, that was maybe I should have just stuck with that that lucky one, you know 20K Bitcoin Bitcoin's popping right now 5 time 56 I Really need this to go up quickly because you guys promised me it would be a green day and you swore you're like dude, no way is it not going to be a green day here. We go here, we go.

Target There we go it. Come on. It almost got me out Target There we go. All right.

That's what I like to see. So this one's up 175 but we're trading two accounts right now. That was so easy. Let's do it again.

Fill Dude, why does it keep changing Target filled all I Think we're good. All right. So 350 on one account, 200 on a different account. So that's 550 in total.

so number 11 is close. It needs $856 more. Um well. 550 I mean that was easy.

You know like F 550 Like folks, we're 2 minutes into the day two minutes. What else do I need to do with my life? Like done. Easy, Easy Peasy Lemon squeezies. Um I should probably take a break because the trade that I thought I knew it was doing was the one that was suspect and then the one that was complete luck.
Um yeah, that one somehow hit. but I don't know what I was doing I just saw green numbers so that's something. Shout out to: Chris Chris I'm going to dedicate those wins to you if you want to do degenerate prop trading with someone else's money. obviously.

first you have to pass the test and then after that if you pass the test you could trade with it. Read into the rules. Uh, but to take the test it's a fee. Generally it's $167 right now it's 90% off.

it is pinned to the top of chat. Everything I just did was through Apex which I have it hooked up to Ninja Trader you could hook it up to other ones if you so choose I do so. This is Ninja Trader but the accounts I'm trading are the prop accounts through Apex to explain it. Um, but anyway, if you want to read about it, if you want to see what it's all about, it's right here.

but there is 14 hours left for the 90% off which hey, if it's 16 bucks and you can make 550 that easy. Well, technically that was on two different accounts so I spent $30 But you get the point. You get the point. It's degenerate and you say you can't make 2% a day? Well, the thing I did was very degenerate.

It works until it doesn't and then you get absolutely blown out. So I don't know. It's more of seeing how far can you potentially push it I'm seeing a lot of people that currently chat about: Bitcoin Bitcoin Oo Bitcoin Cup handle, shoulder, head, shoulder Bitcoin If it can get above and hold above these low 28,000 value might be popping back up to 29 and some change after that we have 30. but Bitcoin coming back.

um, actually putting in a higher low. we had this low in mid June we put in this low in September maybe popping there I Kind of like that I mean I'm still invested in Bitcoin I'm still invested in Ethereum I have it so I don't actively trade it I just I'm kind of in it and I'm It's my hedge against the central banking system basically getting exposed for the scam that it absolutely is. uh I See some of you commenting on Rivan Rivan did a uh convertible Bond offering. Uh, so that's why it's getting hit.

So more delution I Get it there. Certain dandruff ridden frumpy CEOs out there who tell you that by no means is delution bad and it should always help the stock. but I I I beg to differ I strongly beg to differ that that is just actually crazy talk. And obviously when we see all these examples, uh, hang on was I going to do it was I going to do it order F Target F Target F Boom by the big bada Boom 525 So now we're at 725 on the day Ah that's so close to a th000 it makes you.

it makes you wonder like should we just go to a thousand You know it really does just make you wonder of like if you made 725 that easily why stop there? You know, you know. like what? Why stop there? um all right. What? What was I talking about? Oh Rivan getting hit uh convertible Bond offering I believe in the tune of a billion dollars obviously taking advantage of the elevated stock price. um and that's what increasing the supply does.
It pushes the price down. Um so I don't know. Order order filled No I got a really late fill. Uhoh uh Someone actually say I top ticked it that was not good.

Order filled. Why is this still wrong every single time Target fill Target filled Target filled Where am I right now? Come on, come on, bring it home. Uh what is this 8? It's at 8:50 I think I might have did some math wrong. Well I think it's cuz this order entered wrong on this account.

Uh well that sucks. actually no that like really sucks. What do I do? What do I do dud this game I Love this video game. This video game so easy, so easy.

Love this game. Lot I See I See Um, what is it? Uh Modern Warfare is trending when really the game of trading should be trending Market Going to get smack though Dejing? Oh for sure folks, let me be explicitly clear. this ends one way and that's a very bad horrible way. The fun is in the journey.

like I know the destination I know the destination when you do this type of stuff over and over again is you get blown out? The question is is, how much fun can you have on the journey to that? That's my only contention. Uh, it's like let's see if we could have some fun on the way. You know that type of a thing. I I already know where we're going.

it's just can we have some laughs and hahas and Hees on the way. Uh but anyway, we probably should check in to uh how are the options Market uh all right let's get that set up and then also let's get this set up. thus far on the day, the NASDAQ The Q's are pretty flat and the Spy is actually picking up. the Spy is getting a little bit more bullish.

You can see so the white line is going to be the price line and then the teal line. the green line is the zero DTE expiration and then the purple line is going to be all the expirations put together just to see like the net bullishness or the net bearishness. So since open things are kind of drifting up, I Get that price is falling down a little bit. but I'm more so, focus on what's going on in the options.

Market When that being said, Remember The options Market isn't necessarily always right. It it's not always right, like you can spend big money and still be wrong. But it is an interesting indicator because I would argue over many data points. It does seem like big money kind of knows what's up.

Um, and obviously when you just see things trending up or down, that doesn't mean it's necessarily that minute going to be going up like you're going to be wanting to use other tools at your disposable for whatever price, action, technical patterns, indicators. Uh, you want to use a Confluence of things? Dude, Am I going to get destroyed on this one little last guy? No, come on man. all the money gone that quickly. This will bring me back to break even on the day.
Dude, come on, you got to bounce right. Stop filed now. I'm down by 100. All that money gone.

Obviously up by net 125 right now. That was brutal. That was less than ideal. Why would it do that to me? Out of all people, it's going to screw me over like that.

Seriously, it's going to. It's going to do that to me. Not cool man. Super not cool.

Stop hunting. There's yeah. there's a good chance that this could just form up a like end up being a liquidity sweep. which actually this is kind of one of my favorite things to uh trade is when you see uh pushes to new low, pushes to new High and then it's quickly reverted.

Like for example: I should have known to get out of this position cuz it pushed to a new high right here at 936 pushes up and then the next bar, it's actually breaking down below that low. So generally not a good sign. I should have known better. but I don't know I just treat that to be my Djen account while I more seriously focus on selling premium U But yeah, even this.

Look it. Uh, we swept this. High you push it, you push it, and then boom. 937 gets smacked selling off.

Um, so I'll be watching it. We'll see, we'll see how it all goes. Options Market is still remaining somewhat strong though on the S&P 500. Uh, definitely starting to go to the downside in the Qes.

Uh Tech the Bears are dominating thus far and remember we're only 10 minutes into the day, so there's a lot that can change between now and the end of the day. But on the first 10 minutes worth of data options Market Definitely selling off with the cues. uh, as we speak, let's look at some of these: EMAs A little bit choppy. also a little bit choppy over here as well.

Probably worthwhile to watch this low. Probably worthwhile to watch this. High Yeah, let's see if they're at just before 6:00 in the morning. Uh, we had that.

Let's see, let's see what we have also in Es. All right watching these thus far the established highs and lows just to see how things are really going to end up panning out this a little pop, we're going to pop here. Tesla's holding Tesla's at 262 I made a h Tesla got its upside Gill right here. Uh, 26246 was the upside Gill The low from Wednesday September 20 20th so comes down to the trend line establishes somewhat of a base at this previous low from early.

September bounces right at back up to the Gapville. That was a nice play if you got a piece of it. Congratulations I Didn't personally play it, but if you guys got it, dude, that's awesome. That's awesome.

That's awesome. That's awesome. Close my Q puts for a quick gain. Thanks! Matt Stephen It's all you man, you crushed it.
Good luck. Good Luck Good Luck Uh, things are looking a little heavy at open folks. Things are looking a little bit heavy at open right now spy starting to sell in the options market and the cues have been selling. Wow whoa whoa look at that.

We had a couple minutes of some upward movement but now getting smacked the principal who said you're never going to get married Are you sending her a wedding invitation? Nah I should but that was that was yesterday Matt that was that was non so sober October Matt which none of you have asked me about. We are 5 days into sober October and no one's been like yo how is it but honestly the answer is nothing too special. Uh, because it's a work week and the way it lined up is it started on a Sunday Anyway, so like from then till now it's been a super normal Work Week where there's been no implication on my life whatsoever. Um, but I'm still mad that you guys have not ask me about it.

but really it just feels like a normal I'll have more to report when I don't get to go out on the town on Friday and Saturday having Shenanigans with my friends. Um so nothing fun to report but still kind of messed up. Still kind of messed up of you guys to not ask me uh I can't be sober in New York yeah you can. You just don't do alcohol or drugs, you know? uh, do you grow a mustache in November I Mean we can if you guys want.

None of you really seem to be willing to jump on the sober October train with me but here we are. 5 days into it and it feels like a super normal week where I wouldn't be drinking during the week anyway cuz of this job I Have to do. It's actually really difficult to get up that early in the morning if you're drinking like your body's just not stoked about it by any means. What is going on here: Options going a little flat now.

spy options going a little flat too. Flat Flat flat, flat, flat. Where are we on? ES Is this the bounce Point Are we about to bounce here? Nvidia Actually Nvidia was holding pretty decently as well, getting right back up to it. Trend line: interesting, interesting Netflix definitely looking weak Netflix I have no position on Netflix but if you're okay with risking 384, 394 something like that, trading at 374 obviously 384 is a little bit more conservative.

394 you'll have higher accur, but you're also taking on larger risk. uh Netflix looks like it might be dumping I'd be watching 354 And then there's also downside Gap fill to 341 I actually might sell a call Credit spread against Netflix and just establish it at 400 cuz it is not looking good actually I Kind of like that idea. a Netflix call Credit spread 400 by 405 Something like that. You could probably play that for like the October monthly like that is.

That's a pretty evident one right there. meta going sideways actually relative to Tech it's kind of holding on a bit stronger than other ones Amazon Continuing to drift down ever since the FTC announcement. uh Rumble trying to recover after it selloff I Really like it. It's as value you already know I'm invested in rum I Don't actively trade it I did a small purchase a large purchase I plan on doing another large purchase.
My average is all the way up here at 950 I Want to bring my average down here until like the sevens? Uh, but once again, it's a long-term investment I have a multi-year outlook on it I'm not. It's not a trade I'll actively trade some of these other things such as the spy and Q's and things like that. uh, rate increase. As of now, the odds are suggesting that we're not going to get one, but I would say the confidence in that prediction is currently low just because there's so many major events that have to happen between now and the next decision.

The next Fomc meeting decision we get is on Wednesday November 1st at 2 p.m. and then Jerome Po will be speaking at 2:30 But between now and then this Friday we have an unemployment report. then after that we have Pce. we have CPI.

We have a whole host of reports and also political updates to pay attention to. So ah, for me, what are we doing? Is this my opportunity to make money back? The Spy is definitely holding on a bit stronger. even though price is trending down, The options Market Market is not really wavering at least not yet. While the cues are definitely thus far 17 minutes into the day, it does seem as if the cues are a bit weaker than the Spy I Know, the price action looks a lot like very, very similar.

Uh, but just judging of what we're seeing in the options Market People, they're actually leaning net bullish. Um, not only on the Zero DTE, but also on all expiration. Well, if we look at the cues, you could see that that's actually drifting to the downside. Now, obviously if the Qes are getting rocked, that's not going to be so good for the Spy, but then vice versa.

The Spy is doing well. You might see a little bit of a reprieve in the cues because remember, there's a decent amount of overlap. But really, what I'm watching for is the sweep of these established lows. Uh, so we have this high up here.

This recent high 4,300 and2 this is the S&P 500 on the Futures market and then on the NASDAQ. Okay, I don't know why it's not keeping the levels I needed it to the Q's are it might be a breakdown and a selloff right here coming pretty quickly or this might be the fake out where they actually bounce it. so I don't know what it's going to be obviously I see it's below the EMAs I see the price action I see what's going on in the options Market Well, the options might be bouncing a little bit right now. this is the NASDAQ Like they're They're coming in right at the low of the day.

So the options Market is saying oh, there might be a bounce right here. or at least that's what they're betting on I would assume if they're wrong and it craters, they're just going to like pull the rip cord and then actually, um, increase the velocity. But watch for the bounce right here because we're at this low from 5:40 in the morning. Uh, once again, the Spy is holding on a bit stronger.
the S&P 500 not the Spy but inherently the same thing. Um, watch this for being a little bit of a a fake out. That's what I'd be watching for right here because if it's not a fake out, if this push down in the cues is not a fake out, then we could be selling off. We could very legitimately be selling off Microsoft trading at 318 looking okay, Apple's actually in the green trying to hold on to the low 170s Nvidia Actually having a decent day Nvidia Decent pop? uh rum.

How many of you are in rum as an investor not I'm not asking actively trading it how many of you are invested in rum? I'm just curious how much of like my audience I I Basically want to know if you guys want me to more actively cover it or not I like rum obviously I'm streaming on Rumble right now Uh I've obviously done interviews with the CEO and to me it's an investment in like the protection of Freedom of speech. Maybe you agree with that. Maybe you don't Uh I I'm just curious U Seth is in it Michael's in it. Llama king is not Supernova is Casey isn't evil is my broker doesn't have it.

Oh that's strange I mean it's a NASDAQ stock So anything that has access to the NASDAQ you should have it. I'm in I'm in I'm in. Interesting well for me once again. Oh is this the bounce are we just going to? Is this catching a falling knife? The old razzled Dazzle right here let's judge it o I don't know options Market is still going it Tred to get a little bit of a reprieve right here at 948 options Market is looking but see the Spy big difference today between the spy and the cues so it must be these other sectors.

namely hang on, let's look at it. energy getting hit financials. oh wait, that's on the daily I Just want to bring up the intraday just to see some of this action. We'll do the 15 minutes so we can get an idea of the past couple days.

So energy, uh, got hit yesterday, bouncing back a little bit. Financials: bounce back yesterday, showing a little bit of strength today. Utilities got hit in the morning yesterday recovered. We're bouncing off that low at 56 Healthcare Healthcare is having a good day Industrials Absolutely doing nothing.

uh, technology itself Tech I mean Tech has kind of rallied ever since the close on Tuesday till this point. So yeah, it's getting hit a bit. So like the one minute chart I would argue makes things seem more severe than they are. but pairing that with like, the extreme amount of bearishness currently in the options market for the first 21 minutes of the day uh, interesting.

Mitch Match Uh, definitely an interesting mismatch. tech. Tech tech is not having a good day, which makes me want to maybe throw on a trade. but what kind of trade would I do? What kind of trade would I do? What kind of trade? What kind of trade trade would I do? uh Charts: QQQ Options QQQ Today is October 5th I could do a call Credit Spread Honestly, the call Credit spreads.
You could get 361 right now for 31 as in $31 That's not that bad. dude. spread it a a 61. By a 62, you could get about $15 per one.

H So 15 15 and then what would the other one be? So it makes more sense to just spread it by a dollar. Interesting, just feels bit. Ah The options Market is still pretty bad and now the Spy is even starting to dip all right. What time is I'm going to wait I'm going to wait till 10:00 a.m.

and then I think I'm going to throw on some call Credit Spreads play some options Matt Love the content that you put out I appreciate that. Now just to be clear these, the premium selling is actually more of like my legitimate strategies rather than just degenerately trading. Futures uh but hey, I'll still do some degenerate trades on Futures Uh I Was looking for some sort of bounce that obviously just never came. So now I might go with Trend but uh, doesn't look like this was a fake out breakdown this low that was established.

uh, not sweeping it. Wouldn't be surprised though if we have a bounce basically into this region can I Is it going to let me draw this this region right here? Um so looking for a bounce, potentially there spy? Maybe a bounce into here? I'm trying to not be like overly aggressive with it like I don't want to chase it to the downside. So looking looking for this uh for those of you who follow ICT uh this would be referred to as a fair value gap which I think this is actually exactly how he does. It is because we pushed, we swept the high and then obviously there was a Mark I think he calls it a market structure shift I don't know I'm still on the fence of if I think uh, I C is a legitimate strategy or not if I'm being honest with all of you I know, um there is a a big big following of ICT supporters.

and if you're in here and you're like I've never heard of it, that's cool. but just understand within like Twitter and social media ICT is this guy who has like his own trading methodology and the only thing I don't like about it is first of all, if you ever listen to him, he's very very um what would be the word loquacious. He talks a lot. He talks a lot a lot and doesn't just like straight up explain facts to people I don't like that this concept of like beating around the bush and taking two hours to explain a five minute content.

uh, piece of content. not a fan of that whatsoever. Uh, hang on I was wondering order filled so not a fan of that. uh but also maybe that's just his style like I I don't know.

maybe that's just like what he likes to do. Uh, but also like whenever I hear about people and their amazing amazing strategies, if they're really that good, why are you giving them away for free? You know it doesn't doesn't necessarily add up in my mind of I don't know, just something's off about it and maybe I don't know I I really don't know sometimes I just get a gut feeling and I'm like well that seem suspect I hope I'm wrong on it I really really do But I just I don't know Do you you guys in here for the people who know ICT and what I'm talking about, Do you think it's snake oil or do you think it's real I guess I want to turn it over to you guys because I will like whole heart edly admit to all of you guys that like I'm not the most informed on it I have like other things to focus on um but for those of you who maybe are a little bit more informed I've heard some good things I've heard some bad things I've heard some profitable things I've heard some very much not profitable things. so I I guess my point is is I'm on the fence and I just want to I want to know what you guys think snake oil all the way Peter Do you have a reasoning for that like uh, like and and like I'm not saying you're right or wrong I'm just asking to have like a little bit more of an in-depth conversation about it. I use an ICT indicator and I've noticed that the automated zones are pretty accurate.
It's obviously not 100% though. Yeah, I mean nothing's ever going to be 100% so I wouldn't like hold it to that level. Uh, ICT does work. but unless you have super emotional emotional stability and can stick to your trade until you profit hits, don't bother.

Uh I just won Euro 4 to1 USD Okay, 4 to1 RR Snake Oil. If you can't explain it to is sixth grader, it's BS one way to look at it. one way to look at it I don't know if I fully buy that because for example, like Renaissance is massively profitable and you're not going to explain what they do at Renaissance to a sixth grader. Maybe you would I Guess you could actually sum up Renaissance by just saying hey, when things get move in an extreme manner, we're looking for it to come back to an average value.

So maybe you could explain Renaissance cuz it's basically uh, a bunch of mean reversion I suppose I do Target filled. What time is it it is 9:58 Okay, let's go 958. Uh, basically I Saw the sell off and I was just wondering if it was going to bounce a little bit because I don't see the options Market really following suit on this SP So I took a little bit of a long and even the Q's are starting to bounce a bit now. so that's why I felt comfortable taking this trade.

Do I want to take it on the Q's though the Q's have been a little bit more more suspect. so two of the three filled benefiting the other account that didn't take the hit. this account took the hit. What was it up 500 and now it's down 100? That was.

That was very stupid on my part. Uh I Only win 50% of the trades, but keep a tight stop. Hey, that's fine. That's perfectly acceptable.
I Mean accuracy is only one part of the battle. You can be right 99% of the time and still be a net loser. and you could also be right 10% of the time and still be a net winner. Accuracy is by no means the full battle order filled.

So if you're right 50/50 all you have to do is as long as your winners. If your net average winner is larger than your net average loser and you have a 50% accuracy, that means you're net profitable. So if on average you're winning just for example, 100 bucks. But when you lose, you're only losing 90 bucks.

Well, your net expected value is $10 per trade like that's good. Uh, and then obviously you can kind of I don't know. change the dials of it a little bit. maybe a little bit lower accuracy, but like you have at like larger winners, smaller losers like all that.

I I Think with media like particularly social media and the education around the world dude, this is about to get blown out. What is going on with the Q's today at this point? I might as well just make it make me blow out. Dude, that is brutal I should probably cut. dude.

the Q's are having a bad freaking day. I do need to. Oh I Wanted to place my options trade right now, but now I'm too invested in this particular trade to see if I'm about to get absolutely destroyed. That one got absolutely destroyed.

This one I could cut it and still be green. That's the smart move. I'll just close it so it's still green. Yeah, still green on that account.

Um, hang on. let's see what's going on here. Look at that big dip. some zero DTE puts just came in pretty heavy.

Look at that. Okay, okay, okay, okay now what does that mean? Now let's go. instead of doing degenerate stuff, some actual realistic stuff. All right.

how do I want to do this? Hang on. What do we have over here? Switch this up. Let me decide. Let me decide.

Let me decide. How do I want to play this today? So we're looking at the cues, we're looking at the cues I have this idea 361 10 So I would need 50% of the value I have this idea he says shivering, shaking uncontrollably. Uh, all right, a vertical is a call Credit spread a vertical quantity. Okay I just did one.

Let me do a different one. let me just see where the Spy is at right now. Let me double check. Oh dude, the options are getting annihilated Still, as you can tell, I'm taking quite a bit more time with this cuz this is what I care.

Uh, particularly more about 25 26 25 26 25 26 orders modify working I didn't get a fill on the cues I got a fill on the spy Uh I did a a call Credit spread for 15 that I probably will manage at midday and I am unable to get a fill on this Q1 for whatever the reason is right now I don't understand? Uh, all right, let's just try to cancel the order. Okay chart options. Okay, finally. Okay, got to fill.
Uh so I did a Q Credit spread and a spy credit spread both on the call side. Um, so on the Spy looking for it to be below 426 on the Q's looking for it to be below 359. both are zero. DTE I could let it go till expiration.

Um, the Spy I got in the credit spread was worth $15 to me. So I was credited 15 and wait, why am I talking about it when I can literally just show you uh, what's going on here? Uh, wait, hang on a second. Why did it kick me out? Hope you guys didn't see my password there. That would be awkward.

Uh, what the fuck, what is going on right now? It's a spy call Credit Spread Uh, 426 was sold 427 was bought. it was a Q call Credit Spread 359 was sold 360 was bought the Spy netted 15 The Q's netted 20. Uh and I am attempting my account number is showing. How do I hide my account number? How do I hide my account number? Does anyone know that off the top of their head? things are? oh? I Also, really, what What did I say Netflix Well hang on I don't want to miss the opportunity on Netflix 400 395 Hang on let me see if I could place one more chart Netflix let me get all these established and then I'll go over it and explain it all options.

October October What? October 20th is the monthlies 395 Dude, why are the spread on these so bad? Spread is like bad bad I Didn't think Netflix would have this bad of a spread that's crappy. uh I didn't think that was going to be a thing I don't know I'll throw it out. Maybe I would get a decent fill I Thought Netflix would have had much better liquidity. Uh, that's a bit of a bummer.

Bit of a bummer. How do you hide this? My account number, account, and security. Nope. didn't mean to do that.

All right. whatever. Just oh, this is how you do it. Okay, cool.

found it out. Uh, full monitor. here we are. So here's what I did obviously in my own actual account.

Um, so this is what I did a a spy call Credit spread I sold the 426. Obviously that netted me 32 cents per contract. Uh, and then I bought the 427 that was a debit of 17 with the net difference being a credit of 15. And obviously I did five of them on the Q's.

Uh, I did it by$ 359. So uh, that one was a net credit of 51. Then I bought the 360. that was a net debit of 31.

So the net credit to me was 20. Obviously I did five of those as well and I have this crazy idea and I kind of wanted to talk it through with all of you. Um, Oh, by the way, I get Max profit if the Q's end the day below 359 and I get Max profit on the Spy if it ends the day below 426. Um I have this crazy idea and I need you guys to explain to me if it's actually crazy or maybe just maybe it's a little bit of Genius maybe it's a little bit of Genius What about the idea of taking a very very large position? And let's just say the net credit is like $10 so it's pretty far away.

It's a very very low Delta as in the odds of it happening are very very small. And let's just say you lit Theta Decay work to your advantage to the tune of three cents. So you get a net credit of $10 point or 10 cents. whatever.
multiply out by 100 and you just wait for it to go into your favor from 10 to 7 as in 3 cents $3 and you just leave. Or maybe $5 and you just leave. So the odds of it would be very very high. like I Feel like the accuracy rate would be above like 95% and then you're like, well, okay, like will it make money? Well obviously you just scale it up so it might take serious money DJ credit spreads.

It feels like I am kind of pitching DJ and credit spread like is that stupid? Okay, maybe maybe a I mean I think we all work better with real world examples. So right here I got a credit of $20 It's only worth 17. So obviously I'm up by three per contract multipli by five. That's why it says I'm up by 15.

What if I waited this to just go $5 in my favor. 5 cents in my favor. And instead of five contracts? what if I did a 100 contracts? that's 500 bucks right there. Like is that crazy? Uh, a very fast move against you can put you down $3 per contract? Oh no, no no, it totally could.

Uh, but once again, I'm picking a Delta that's far enough away that theoretically the Theta should be massively benefiting me throughout the day. Like what I just engaged in Uh, was a a 426 X 427. Look at the Theta on this. the Theta is 20 20 six cents.

These Thetas are Huge. So basically the idea is just play a huge position and hope that Theta benefits you because even right here, I'm already up. Five bucks. Bada bing Bada Boom! Not only is it trending in my favor, but Theta is helping me this one.

15. This one's only two in my favor. so maybe it's better to be a little bit closer because we know Theta picks up exponentially am I Crazy. Is this a crazy idea? Is this like an Absolutely.

Let me show you here. I'll do one with you right now to better illustrate what I'm talking about. Uh, chart will'll do it here. Let's pick the right thing to do it on.

Uh, are we still no. The options are picking up. Oh, they're picking up too. Maybe this isn't the right thing to do it on? Anyway, No to illustrate my point, why do something smart when you could do something f and fun options? Uh, okay.

so 424 is trading. No wait. I want a a vertical? Uh, this one should I do it at the money. Is that stupid? I'm trying to figure out what part of my diabolical plan is actually 424 is all the way up here.

So unless I'm bottom ticking it I should be fine. All right, here's what I'm saying this is. This is the 423. We're at 423.

Oh, but it's selling for 40 cents. so that's about 5050. That makes sense. So what if we went one unit up? Okay, let's just let's use a real world example to see if this diabolical plan works.

Do I get the fill. Did I get? Did I get the fill? Oh, it got filled. Okay, so this is the one that just went in I'm telling you do Not copy this. This is stupid I'm But you get the point I just got to fill at 32 I have five so this should make me 25 bucks if it just goes down to obviously 27 cents.
If this decays to 27 cents, I should get all the money. So let's go for a little bit more. Let's go to 25. So I'm in at 32.

This is going to close it at 25. so I'll make $7 per one. Obviously 7 * 5 is 35 so this should make me $35 All right, this is It's 1013. Let's see how long this takes to actually hit.

it's 1013 right now I got in at 32 I Want this DEC Decay down to 25 $7 per contract I have five contracts I should make $35 U And my argument is like well what if I did it with instead of five contracts 50 contracts instead of $35 I would have made $350 I Think you guys are you guys are starting to get it. It maybe it's dumb I Don't know. Someone in here probably knows more about options I Just feel like the Theta Decay is always going to benefit me. No you, you are very smart.

Diego Diago that's the kind of support I need. That is the kind of support I need on these types of plays. How much are your commissions? I think Weeble is commission free. There is the um the fee from the OCC but I think that's like a cent or something like that.

Weeble Let's look it up cuz that is. that's fair. Weeble Options Commission There is a fee from the OCC so they're going to say $0 commissions as in they don't charge you money. but the OCC is going to charge you money.

There should be like a big asteris. All right, Apparently it's not on this page. Oh interesting. Wait, where did did it explain that? So it was 55 cents.

Where did it explain that? the metadata on the outside had it? So I think Equity options were free but then there was 55 cents per contract so that would obviously if you're playing for like two bucks, that would be like a quarter of it rolling. I Just want to know Yeah, this is what I want learn more about pricing cuz could ruin it for me. Options: Okay minid amount Ascent Min amount Ascent option. So right here the OC right here.

Options clear and Corp so they 2 cents times the number of contracts. So I did five so it was 10 cents so essentially negligible there. Uh, 8. So basically you're always paying a Cent you're always paying a cent tra regulatory tra

One thought on “Back from the dead degen options time the mk show”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Motta the Hutt says:

    If you're trying to make money off of theta decay then it's generally better to write options that have some time left. Theta increases exponentially as you approach expiration, so most of the time value has melted off by expiration day. 0 DTE options have almost no time value to sell, basically. You should also look at IV. One way of interpreting IV is that it's the measure of non-intrinsic (time) value. So higher IV options will have more time value that you can let decay.

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