Bitcoin ETF Approval Day, SEC "Hacked" & NVDA Pumps Higher
The MK Show (Jan. 10th)

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N Oh brother oh brother oh brother, Good morning, good morning, good morning. Welcome back to another episode of the Matt core show and we have the official game over mug that we are rocking today. Uh, grab your coffee CU We have quite the show ahead of us. Happy! BTC AKA Bitcoin Spot ETF Approval day.

Uh, on that note, we have a lot of drama. A lot of craziness. A lot of drama if you miss what happened last night. I'm going to be getting into it because the SEC is just losing its mind.

Apparently their account was compromised and they tweeted out from the official SEC account yesterday that the Bitcoin ETFs all of them that had applied were approved and then minutes later like uh-uh no, no, no, no, our account was compromised. That wasn't us and I'm going to be getting into the whole story, but that's the craziness. That's why all of I Guess Crypto Bitcoin Fin Twit is up in arms ever since last night. Craziness.

Craziness. craziness. It got to the point where everyone was reporting on it, not just Ste myself. mainstream media CNBC Bloomberg Wall Street Journal If you can name it, they were reporting on they're like approved approved approved.

and then 15 minutes later Gary Gendler like, awkwardly had a log into his own Twitter account. Be like no, not approved. Um, and then obviously not only has that led to a slw of hilarious call outs and memes and just classic internet dunks, you know, the Internet doing what the Internet does. Best But Now it's even getting into the world of kind of like the political sphere of they're like dude, you're the regulators and you didn't know how to like secure your Twitter account and we're supposed to rely on you for protection.

And now you're literally the big manipulator of the crypto Market in 2024. So it's it's just everyone's losing their mind. everyone is losing their mind. So I'm very, very excited to see what today brings.

So obviously that's going to be the main I guess topic of today's show of what's going on with Bitcoin crypto, the bitcoin's ETF approval what's going on with the SEC and then being hacked or compromised or really, basically, most likely just making a scheduling error when they were trying to get the Tweet out? they probably just got the wrong date. Most most likely that's my main assertion. uh, and then from there. I Just also want to let you know that in the world of equities, lot of crazy stuff going down.

This week we have four Fed members speaking two different Bond auctions. One's going down today at 1: P.m. We get the results and then we also have two different inflation reports. One is tomorrow and then one is on Friday.

We get the CPI an hour before the Market opens tomorrow Thursday and then we get the PPI report an hour before the Market opens on Friday. So for the over the next two days, two inflation reports and then starting today and then also tomorrow, we have the 10-year bond auction today. and then we have the 30-year Bond auction tomorrow. So, two treasury auctions, two inflation reports for Fed members, and just to really put the icing on top of this particular degenerate gambling cake, we have the start of earnings season this: Friday before the Market opens this: Friday we're going to be hearing from Big Big Banks JP Morgan Bank of America City Wells Fargo Black Rock B&y Melon And then on top of that, we're going to hear a little bit from the airline industry what's going on with Delta And then we're also going to hear from the biggest health insurance play United Health Group So the start of earning season, we have some other macro economic developments and then obviously, in the world of uh, crypto, we have some of literally the biggest historical announcements probably going down today now as you're watching this today.
I Do appreciate you being here. Live. Thank you thank you thank you I'm happy that you got up at the crack of dawn, but I do want to set I Guess a little bit of expectations in the sense that we probably won't hear about the Bitcoin E F approval or potential rejection until after the market closes today. Most estimates that I'm reading are putting the Assumption between 400 p.m.

and 600 p.m. So just when the market closes like that 2hour L window and it most likely between the 4 and 5:00 p.m. hour. So I just want to let you know.

probably not happening during the normal cash session today, but who knows. Obviously whoever is writing this particular timeline has a good good sense of humor. CU we are seeing a lot of crazy stuff go down. um, before we get into all that talking about everything happening there.

obviously because it's a nuts day and I have a lot to do I decided instead of going to the gym at night I decided to go this morning. So I got up at the crack of dawn I like dude, 5:00 a.m. alarm goes off and I'm like, you know what I got to like crush the stair stepper. so I get changed, put in my headphones, uh, I'm blasting some Katy Perry to get myself jacked up for the gym to do the stair stepper I open up the gym door I'm the only one there cuz it is the crack of dawn and still as dark as could be out and I I Hear something and what? I hear sounds like rain and you guys probably don't know about my gym because you probably don't go to my gym.

but maybe you do. and if you do, you know that my Gym's an indoor gym. So if you hear rain in an indoor gym, it's a bit odd. It's a bit odd.

Most of the time you don't hear rain in your own indoor gym and I don't know it was early in the morning I thought maybe I was still like in a weird dream state, still maybe a little sleepy. Maybe all my brain functions weren't operating at their best optimal value. and then I just kind of looked up and realized that the entire ceiling was raining inside. as in either a pipe completely burst or there was maybe I don't know.
maybe had something to do with the weather and there was like I don't know something was going on but but the entire gym was absolutely soaked. So it had been happening for a while and it was continuing to get more soaked and they R just down and down and down. So that's pretty much how I started off my day. So that happened I got a whole concierge and I was like well can I still do the stair supper like dude, we don't care So I crushed the stair stepper.

That's why I'm looking like a lean mean trading machine right now. It's not just the beer, no functionally I've at I've probably put on like 40 pounds of muscle folks in like the past what 10 days ever since New Years's including the fact that I like destroyed my back squatting uh, easily 40, 50, 60 pounds of muscle, lean, lean mean trading machine and I'm not even going to let pipes bursing stop that particular. Journey So anyway Matt Please shave. How you? How about you please shave egg you think on my own show I'm going to get verbally accosted by an egg.

No dude, this is it's coming in like a be dude. I I pretty much look like I don't know I'm trying to think of a famous person with a really nice beard I don't know insert a person who you think has a really nice beard and that's who I look like I'm not going to shave but I I think I should clean it up because like it's growing at like different rates on different parts of my face. Uh so I'm going to do something. we a cleanup.

not a shave, but a cleanup I think is going to be necessary. maybe a little bit of a trim or something like that. Um I'll figure that out. it's a big big decision.

Uh, hang on. what is this one? Uhoh we're We're hearing from some of these news people today. Uh, all right, figuring that out. All right.

where are we? Where are we? Where are we? Yeah, Manscape I Probably could get an ad for them soon by the time uh, we figure out what's going on with the facial hair. uh I thought I got some breaking news related to Bitcoin but not yet. Uh I basically have a bunch of Google ORS and everything set up because I don't want to miss the news. So with everything in mind, let's let's see what's going on in the world of Stons and crypto and everything else in between.

Stock features are little change. Wednesday as Traders await inflation data and earning. So before we get to what's going on with the stock market I Want you to know that the Spy is pretty much flat. the Qes are pretty much flat if you look at some of the pre-market action like it did pop.

but now we're coming down. the 30 minute looks like it's confused trying to save itself 10 minutes. Similar situation. but before we get into that just important political.

the last GOP debate before the Iowa caucus. So the Iowa caucus is next week I Believe the 15th. Uh, but uh, tonight we're going to be hearing from Nikki Haley and Ronda Santis. I mean they're technically the number two and the number three in the polls.
That's why I Guess the Vic and Chrisy aren't at this one because they didn't pull high enough to my understanding. Uh, so it's just going to be these two. and I I get that they've been there, but the way it's playing out this year I Don't know if anyone cares just because Trump is so far ahead and he's doing his own Fox town hall or something tonight. Uh, so it's just craziness.

Absolute craziness. uh of what this is I guess it's ridiculous, but anyway. uh, they're going to be talking I think it's what up in New Hampshire something like that? Uh, it's going to be hosted by CNN and I Just want to let you know that it's happening Vic's not there Chris Christie is not there. It's just going to be these two.

So Dan Santis is going to say Dan Santis things Nikki Haley's going to say the classic Nikki Haley thing things and it's not going to matter anyway because after the Iowa caucus, it's going to be pretty obvious that Trump in terms of the GOP world has a very, very strong lead. All right, bringing it back to the actual world of Stons and what's going on. I Do want to remind you that this Friday this Friday two days from now. Uh, it is the official start of earning season.

JP Morgan Bank of America City Wells Fargo Black Rock B&y Melon Lot of financial plays, so if you want to look at the sub sector tracking the financial plays, check out XLF that is the sub sector of the financial plays within the S&P 500 and it's going to be interesting to hear from. Black Rock who we know is one of the major players vying for a Bitcoin spot ETF so they should be finding out about that today. Wednesday I'm curious what they're going to say in their earnings on Friday Uh, about most likely it's going to be approved, but obviously there's some sort of statistical chance of it getting rejected, so that'll be interesting. Delta I Like to pay attention to Delta because then it gives you really, really good idea.

what? United Southwest and who else am I an American are going to say United Southwest, American and Delta are all very, very comparable companies. It's super rare for one to overperform when the other ones don't, or the for one to underperform when the other ones don't. They're not really tied to the hips, but they commonly are. Like there's a very high correlation uh, between if they're all succeeding, if they're all kind of failing, or if they're all kind of going in the middle.

So if you want a big indication of what's going to happen in the other three, American United and Southwest pay attention to Delta's numbers and then also United Health Group That is the biggest health insurance play. Un pay attention to that. Now in terms of the world of macroeconomic reports, today at 10:30 we get a crude oil inventory report if you're an energy Trader But for the overall, Market The Big Show happens at 1: P.m. today.
the 10-year note auction. Um, most of the time people seemingly don't care about these treasury auctions whatsoever. His recent history though, they haven't been going the best. so they've been having some negative impacts out of nowhere and kind of took some people by surprise.

So that's why it's implied Impact is now upgraded to a three star. like most of the time, this doesn't even make the list, it's just been out of two star cuz usually they go a okay because people still trust in the US government. but uh, a month or two ago there was some questionable ones that caused the market to drop. so now people are paying attention to it more.

But anyway, at 1 P.m. probably worthwhile to pay attention to the 10year note auction. Uh, and then obviously on Thursday Tomorrow we're going to get the 30-year Bond auction. So today, tomorrow it's the World of Treasury Reports.

But also tomorrow we get the CPI report, the Consumer Price Index one of the most popular at least in terms of the media's idea of inflation report. So that comes out an hour before the Market opens. and then Friday we get the PPI report. So the Consumer Price Index followed by the producer price index.

Both of those are going down an hour before the Market opens. If you haven't already, join up on on Locals Ma. It's pinned to the top of chat it's in the description of the video. There's a free membership.

There's also a premium membership. You can become a premium member for free by using the code 2024. Sign up for the monthly option and use the code 2024 and you will get free access for a month. But even if you don't want to do that, you could get the newsletter for completely free.

You don't even have to be a premium member anyway. Mawar pin to the top of chat I Basically everything I just went over every weekend. I Put this all in like one place so you can refer to it for the remainder of the week. All the major macroeconomic events, all of the earnings, and let's talk about seasonality for today: Wednesday January 10th Historically, this day has favored the Bulls Over the past 25 years.

the Bulls have won this day 72% of the time, The profit factor is 1.62 and the bias is obviously bullish. And here's a look at the equity curve of buying at Open Selling at close on the S&P 500 futures market for this individual day, a slow and steady Trend To the upside, is it the most bullish day ever? No. I Thought I was going to sneeze but that big breath of air I Guess put my sneeze on the back burner for whatever reason. Anyway, that was weird Equity curve up and up and up higher highs, higher lows.

Not the most bullish day we've ever seen, but I Would argue today does favor the Bulls Now does that give you any indication of like a big bullish gain? No, it's just basically saying hey, we think with pretty high statistical accuracy we think the close will be above yesterday's close. It has nothing to do with the degree of bullishness, just the fact that it's confident today's close will be above yesterday's close. But even that it was only right 72% of the time. Inherently, it was wrong 28% of the time.
Uh, in the market, there's no such thing as a guarantee like there's always going to be some odds of you potentially being wrong. So you, when you're making your trade, you have to obviously acknowledge that. Thursday Leaning Bearish Friday Leaning Bearish Uh, kind of weird looking Equity curves for the remainder of the week I Give you an update on the Zer DTE option strategy. Speaking of which, uh, I I've started doing this daily Dgen trade report.

so yesterday my personal trade was a gain of 94% If you're interested in that, obviously, sign up for the Discord. You can get into the Discord through locals and once again, you could get it for free with the code 224. All that is pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video. but I basically break it down.

Yesterday was in Easy Money day. it definitely was both of the days Monday and Tuesday Easy Money days. So yesterday I mean you can see my real-time call outs yesterday: January 9th at 10:24 January 9th. Uh, a bullish signal three out of five strength spy put credit spread Q put credit spread.

You could see the exact levels you could see the unit multiplier and then a little later in the day. It's just because this happened so quickly that later in the day. I give the exact details of what it would have been if you executed it at the time. But I just want to do this to show that like things are happening in real time.

it's not this. BS like like Monday morning quarterbacking so that's what the strategy called out and then on top of that um I end up giving out my own trade so this is what I personally did I did a call Credit spread 470 Uh, this is on SPX But anyway, you could go through the details and then basically you could see that uh, thus far this week from the 8th to 9th. So two trading days up 1.2k which would have paid for the Discord yearly for four years, almost pushing five years at this point. So if this is of any interest to you whatsoever, you can get my live trades and thoughts.

weekly teaching sessions Weekly Newsletter Trading competitions and of course Texas Roadhouse talk for free by using the code 2024 on Mattout Five things to know before that stock Market Bell goes dingy Ding Dingding today Wednesday January 10th Folks, this ain't no normal Wednesday This ain't no normal January And this ain't no normal 10th day of the month. This is the Bitcoin ETF approval day. Yes, of course there is some sort of chance that maybe it gets rejected Ed by the SEC because I think the SEC is incredibly incompetent. but I think the odds are very, very high The fact that probably all the Bitcoin ETF applicants right now I think there's 11 major ones are going to be approved I Mean let's be honest about it.
it it it's going to happen. Um, so I'm looking for that to happen most likely will happen after the market closes today. Uh, if I really had to guess I don't think they're going to be doing it. But yeah, they're saying stocks are wait in C mode.

That's exactly where Crypto is right now. Everyone is waiting to see what the SEC says today. Uh, most likely coming after the market. Uh, so anyway, with reference to stocks, this is where at with the Spy So the Spy exploded to conclude the year.

Took a little bit of a breather back into the EM Cloud pushed up strong opening to the week yesterday. Almost an inside bar, but technically a slightly higher high. so slightly higher high. obviously a higher low.

And right now in pre-market we're pretty much EX exactly at where we close. So right now in pre-market not too much going on. Like it says, we're in wait and see mode, not so fast. This is the whole awkward SEC being hacked yesterday.

I'm going to completely cover that, don't you worry. Home prices surge. Uh, we could come back to that, but right now we still see a lot of crazy stuff going on in the world of real estate back in court. this relates to Trump Uh, former President Donald Trump and his attorney are dued in court yesterday Tuesday that he's immune from prosecution for actions he took while in office.

So obviously there's a lot of important judges trying to make legal decisions surrounding that. Uh, shoot for the moon, What's this one about? Uh, but not quite yet. Us Lunar company Astrobotic has called off its attempt a soft moon landing that would have been the country's first and more than 50 years. Uh, the Moonlander deployed successfully after launching on the inaugural mission of the United launch Allin Vulcan rocket.

but shortly after that, the spacecraft's propulsion system suffered a malfunction and and began to lose propellent. The company now says there is no chance of a moon landing. Meanwhile, NASA has deployed its Lunar Ambitions Pushing back the timeline of its Flagship Artemis Moon Mission program, The Space Agency now expects Artemis 2, the first crude launch under the program to take place in 20125 and emis 3, which aims to deliver astronauts to the Lunar surface to launch in 2026. Uh, it's the latest delay for the program that's already significantly behind schedule and billions over budget as NASA business partners work to finish up the needed Tech Um, I am not a rocket scientist.

obviously I I Know, you guys are most likely very surprised to hear that that I am not a rocket scientist. But no, I'm not I don't understand how we are having those issues for things that we already did. What in the 60s like isn't like? Didn't we kind of figure this problem out like isn't there? just like a copy and paste methodology that we could do for something that we had literally 50 years ago. I I don't really I don't I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I Don't get it.
Um, Anyway, those are the five things you need to know. Uh, so after the Market opens and all that stuff goes down, we are I'm going to give you the skinny on the situation related to the Bitcoin ETF and like basically all the craziness that happened yesterday and all the funny memes that are coming for it. but we'll do that right after the Market opens in the meantime. Uh, I do want to give a special shout out.

uh, little bit of a highlight to Nvidia which h a new new all-time high yesterday of 54325 completely smoking the previous high of 505. Like this thing is just ripping ripping ripping right now in pre-market it's green Again, like this thing just keeps going and going and going. Uh, right now I haven't been actively trading Nvidia obviously I wish I was I wish I had to generate calls because I would be immensely wealthy I just kind of missed the boat on it. Uh, if you read the newsletter I called out Nvidia I said it's looking good I was just so busy paying attention to other things that I completely missed the breakout.

My alerts were not set up properly so it's a play that I missed. And it's a bummer because I probably could have made a lot of money on it. Uh, but it happens. you're not going to get every trade in the market and if you want to get every trade in the market, trading is not going to be your thing because you're going to miss a lot.

A lot of great opportunity. It is just part of the crazy world of trading. Um, so on the lower right I have Bitcoin just in case anything insane happens with it as we're streaming talking all that Nvidia just because it's highflying now and then of course the overall market and then the tech heavy NASDAQ in the bottom left. With that in mind.

Yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday we officially started the trading competition between Rumble YouTube and myself. Uh, as of now. So yesterday at Market open the three of us Rumble YouTube and myself Rumble Chat YouTube Chat and myself all decided to go long at Market open. As you can see, uh uh, YouTube chat is currently in last place it's up $128 and then I am personally tied in first place with Rumble at $138 Even though we all took the long trade, the reason for the differential is some slippage and sometimes there's just an aspect of luck.

So technically we're all 100% accurate. Right now, all of us all three are 100% accurat. All three have one one day out of one day. Uh, today's obviously going to be day number two, but in terms of net return, YouTube Chat is below by $10 and it's just literally the luck of the draw.

with slippage. It it is what it is. Sometimes it is what it is. Um, so we'll see how it all plays out.
but obviously today is T 2 and on that particular sentiment, I Will start the poll right now. Uh, Market at Open. Remember, you're voting exclusively for the first minute movement because we're going heavy on that and we're going to see if it hits all right. I am putting up the poll right now.

feel free to vote and as they're voting I'm looking over here at Rumble Chat Rumble Chat: What is your vote? I'm going to look at the first 10 people who vote and we're just going to figure who's dominant. Um, so if you're on Rumble right now, vote either bullish or bearish for the first minute of the day. specifically in the NASDAQ futures. Market If you care, but are you bullish or are you bearish? All right.

First one on Rumble is bearish. Warren is green feels red to me. Green Bearish Bullish. Bullish.

Red bullish. Okay, so uh, it was really close. so I looked at the first 10 right there and so Rumble is going Rumble your account is number 48 just so you know. So YouTube is 47, Rumble is 48 and I'm 49 YouTube is 47.

Rumble is 48 I'm 49. Uh, so Rumble just voted bullish. So Rumble your bet today is going to be bullish at Market Open Um, and I will give a little bit more time over here on YouTube if you're on YouTube vote, I'm going to give you I don't know another minute. you're going to have one more minute to vote and we're going to see how that plays out.

but it thus far the Bulls are being favored. thus far, the Bulls are being favored thus far. Thus far. thus far as I'm waiting for those guys to conclude their voting.

Okay, part of the slippage issue might be the fact that that was the lead account yesterday, YouTube's account was the lead account. So I'm going to every single day. Uh, if if there is an agreement, if all three accounts choose to go in the same direction, I will fairly kind of like iterate through who the lead account is just to the luck of slippage, just to kind of diversify just to make the competition a bit more fair. Um, on that note though, you're going to see that there's a lot more accounts.

Now 50, 51, 52, 53, 3, 54, 55 56 All of these accounts I got approved yesterday. So the PA accounts: are the ones where you can actually make money and then the ones that just start with Apex 1, 2, 3, four, five, six these six. Um, they're still technically in the test phase and I need to pass the test so they can turn into like real money accounts. So anyway, um, Rumble YouTube's account is 47, Rumble's account is 48, my personal count is 49 and then these other ones 50 through 56.

Uh, we're going to have to figure out who they're for. We're going to have to figure out who they're for, but it's time to figure out who the best Traders are. Is it YouTube chat or is it Rumble chat? Uh, I'm in there just because I had three accounts yesterday. I was like oh I could be the other one but in reality I should probably pick like either the wheel or or Piper or someone something like that.
All right on that note. On that note, I'm ending the poll right now I'm ending the poll right now and the Bulls clearly won. Okay, so today, let's make it another another family pot. Let's all go the same direction again.

So if we are all going the same direction again yesterday to be I'm trying to be fair: YouTube chat LED Yesterday So today we're going to have Rumble chat leading. So 48 Account 48 is leading. Uh, we're going to have account 48 leading and what we're going to do is have all of these one two 48. Okay, so we're all going to go long out of the gate.

48 is leading today to be fair, and then these are the other accounts. Do I want to do something completely stupid with them at open I could try I could try I could try I could try. All right. what account is this? This is 206 have 206.

All right, let's see if we could get those accounts approved out of the gate. All right, All right, All right, All right. So here's the account. It looks like we're all going in the long Direction and am I I Just want to make sure I have this all set up appropriately.

So 48 Rumble is the lead account 48 and then that's attached to 49 47. Okay, all the Pas Perfect. We are all good to go. Uh, and we're going to be doing this.

Uh, basically like right before the Market opens like 929 and I don't know whatever x amount of seconds and then on this other account, you don't really need to worry about it right now just because this is uh, the like kind of test account or this on the bottom. Here, these are not the real money ones. these are the ones atemp attempting to pass the test. So I'm going to see if I could get lucky and just pass the test right out of the gate because they're currently still running the the one-day approvals.

The one-day approvals. All right. So just so we don't get confused, we'll cover that up. All right, everyone.

Let's go. let's get ready for a big day. Let's get ready for a historic day we live. Destiny for confirmation bias.

More than happy to give everyone a little bit of confirmation bias. This is the wheel of Destiny. Uh, it is 100% of the time 100% accurate on telling us where the Market's going to go for the day right there. Bullish confirmed.

Everyone agrees Rumble Chats bullish. YouTube Chat's bullish. I'm bullish. and the wheel of Destiny is bullish.

Like, what else do you need folks? What? What else do you possibly need to know that? Today, and like seasonality, everything's bullish. Everything's bullish. It it just it is how it is like if you're bearish. I'm sorry.

like I'm not the one who makes up the rules. But the wheel went forward in time. Looked at where the market closed at 4 p.m. and it's like oh wow, the value is higher and it's just reporting back to us now.
Uh, hit that like button. Have a great trading day. Thank you that's so kind. Hey that's so kind.

Uh R is at a 52 we all time L Yeah, that's because they're literally being attacked by that random short person who, uh, like the short report Place Uh, we covered that in more detail yesterday. All right, we got to get ready. It is 9:29 Uh, just passed 5 seconds in. So I'm going to try to fire off these trades at 929.

Uh, 55 something like that. Hang on I just want to also be able to 26 I'm just nervous that I did not set this up right, but it looks like I did. All right because I need to kind of fire off two different trades because this is more of our test stuff or more of our real trading. And then this is just to pass the random test.

Uh, here's to a crazy open folks. My heart's going. My heart is going. Order, submitted, order, submitted order cancelled.

There we go There we go. Team locked in. It's Already Done 160 160 160 165 150 150 150 150 150 150 Um and then you could see right here. I'm trying to pass the test on these other ones which I might be getting smoked on on might be getting smoked on I need to push right up to here.

Come on baby, Come on baby. Come on baby. come on go go little bit more little bit more. Order cancelled.

Bada Bing Bada Boom! Look at that money. Look at that money. 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 160 160 160 165 150 150, 150, 150 15050 Done! Done! Do you know how much money that do you know? Do you know how easy that was for me? Do you know how easy trading is for me? Thousands of dollars Like it was my job because it was literally my job to do this. Easy.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezies. Easy Peasy Lemon squeezies. All right now. Uh, hang on.

One quick second. one quick second. what are we at here? 63 6350 Hang on. Uh, so I need to turn off So 478 and nine are done.

So let's go to the lead account of 50 Lead account of 50. All right. 51 2, 3, Four, five, six. Okay, 50 the lead account of 50.

The lead account needs to be 50. Okay, got that set up: 50. I'm just double- cheing that all the appropriate accounts are tied together. 51 52 53 54 55 56 All right.

Cool. Um, one more trade on this and then I'm done here for the day. One more trade Unas, Unas Team Unas. Um, one more I Just need to let a little bit more time pass.

Actually, that trade would have worked out real nice. So to clarify: 47 48 49 Um, as of right now, they all tied today: 150 150, 150 There was no slippage. so still as of now, my personal account and Rumble are tied for the first spot and then the YouTube chat is $10 behind. But thus far, two for two, two for two crushed it 100% Um, it's just there.

There was a little unfortunate for YouTube Chat $10 slippage, but we'll see how it plays out. Slippage can sometimes benefit you. it can sometimes hurt you. It's the luck of the draw.
Uh, and then in the meantime, I'm looking to place uh, one more trade on these accounts 50 to 56. So to be clear, I'm not touching 47 I'm not touching 48 I'm not touching 49 and I'm also not touching 1, 2, 3, 3, four, five, Six accounts. These six accounts that all made 3K are ready. Um, so I'm just looking to do one more trade trying to be calm, cool, collected I'm trying to be disciplined I'm trying to stick to the plan and the plan calls for one more trade.

Uh where I just need this to play out and then we could go back to Nvidia which is looking good. Nvidia's ripping. Uh, like I said I'll look at it, we'll break down options. We're going to break down everything going on I Just need to place one more trade here and it should be relatively soon.

It should be relatively soon. 50 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Okay, cool. Uh, 74 Uh by order submitted Little bit of a weak opening here Team: I Thought we were honestly going to keep pushing.

All right. So I'm not touching the three that are in competition I'm just trying to get those other counts to roughly the same equal. So so fair is fair. Uh, hopefully this account this trade right here hits and if it does, um, this will be done for the day.

This will be done for the day. I Do not need to overstay my welcome. Uh Microsoft I Just got alerts on Microsoft I Guess on Micros Roft is doing something. Uh, what's going on with M Oh dude Nvidia Pushing again, pushing again Microsoft is popping I Like that? Um, this has been a play that for the past two to three weeks has been my main play on.

Deck Microsoft Without a doubt. um I Just really, really like what's going on in Microsoft Right here that's a night. this is a breakout. This is your official daily chart.

Breakout alert on Microsoft Uh I'm in around like 76 I was looking at it being range bound I'm looking for the break and test of 384 and then hopefully the continuation from there. but I saw the rip I waited for the consolidation I Got in here with my risk at the bottom of the range and now I'm looking for this breakout to hold. Will it hold? I Don't know your guess is as good as mine, but I'm looking for the this is nice. This is an official breakout.

Um, but I'm going to care very very much about where today's close is. if the close is above 377 378 I'll feel really good about a test of 384. um and I I am in a swing position in terms of equity on this. So I don't have calls I don't have post anything like that U I'm swinging some stock looking for this test of 384.

All right. Uh, the Spy is looking good at open. so Microsoft's having a good day. inid is having a good day and hopefully I just need this final trade right here.

This final trade is it going to go right now I Was about to bring up the options here we go: Bada bing bada boom Bada bing bada boom. All right, we have. The options Up options have been bullish thus far. I'll bring it up or I could bring it up right now because apparently the cues are getting smacked.
Uh, right here. Here's your look at options for the day. uh, at least since open on the S&P 500 right here. Price up options up.

Um, granted we're only 6 minutes in so this really isn't that much data, but the options is is currently agreeing with the price movement Microsoft 379 and Counting Nvidia What's Nvidia doing? struggling a little bit? Uh, so interestingly enough is that the Spy is actually holding a bit better than the Q's The Q's popped and went flat. Uh, the Spy been slowly but surely grinding. Uh, Microsoft grinding Microsoft and Nvidia might be the big winners of the day. actually.

Netflix is looking good too. Apple Still in the the red. Oh Meta 364 Meta's been looking good. Dude, Meta is having a good day too.

look at Meta. Tech's looking good. Tech really is looking good so I Feel confident about this trade. Uh I Feel good unless something happens and everyone starts to dump.

But I think this trade. uh as soon as it gets in. I'm just looking for a little small open range breakout. Come on.

Show me the money show. Show me the money. Here we go. looks like it's about to get in.

Show Me The Money show me the money. Show me the money. Let's do it. Let's do it.

Come on. come on. Order submitted. Oh fuck.

I Was looking for a much more aggressive pop than that. Not a perfect top tick. Oh golly uhoh uhoh. SpaghettiOs That's not what I wanted to happen I Basically top ticked that entry I thought there was going to be like a nice a nice pop follow through.

like almost instantaneously. Oh shit well that's not going the way I wanted it to. ah is not going the way I wanted it to rut Rose Spaghettio Team: Holy no no no no no you're not supposed to do that Literally top ticked it. I am the person who top ticked it.

You don't see that type of skill every single day. You don't see that type of skill every single day. The person who can go along at the exact high of the day they should give Awards out for that the like. Almost like the Razis.

but of trading Yes I can successfully say I am the person who is long at the high of the day. That is absolutely ridiculous. No, please turn around. What are we doing here? What are we doing? Come on, look at.

look how strong Tech is too and the Q's freaking. what's going on is it? Apple dude even the spy moving apple sucks Tesla sucks Microsoft's looking good Nvidia was looking good now a little choppy Netflix was looking pretty good. Meta is looking good Amazon's looking good. What's going on? What's going on here I mean look at these things.

Go look at these things. Go. The Dundies feels like it. dude.

Uhoh uhoh am I about to get annihilated? Really a bad beat like that? Come on man. come on. this is painful. This is definitely a little bit painful.
This feels like didn't this happen last week where there was a top tick and it dropped and then if I just had a little bit more leeway I would have ended up being fine I Feel like I've been here literally. Last week you chase Gu got wrecked well I didn't get knocked out yet. Uh, but it it's not shaping up to look I mean maybe Meta and Microsoft like I think there's a I'm trying to be hopeful but one two, three red bars in a row. uh, it's not dude I don't know but look how good some of these look I Guess it's truly a mix bag because Apple's going down Tesla's going down I guess over here.

I'm focusing on the positives when I should really be paying better attention to the negatives. Yeah, Tesla's getting a little bit smoked apples may be trying to pop off of this. Meta is looking good apple Apple's now going up Apple's catching a bid Microsoft or excuse me Netflix one to Big Bar Come on. come back.

come on. maybe maybe Meta maybe Zuckerberg the Lizard King Zuckerberg Will Save Me Maybe Gates's brainchild of Microsoft will save me. Come on on. come on.

come on. come on. come on. come on.

we could do this Calm, cool collecting. I didn't get completely annihilated yet still very much could happen. But I thought on the Open Range breakout there would at least be a little bit of a pop, but there wasn't it. like barely got it and I was the sucker who bought try to buy in the breakout and I at least of now I'm am paying the price for it, paying the price for it.

Come on. come back. come back. This is painful.

This is painful folks. I should have been done by today. I was hoping similar to the market open trade that I'd be in and out in a portion of 5 Seconds and and then just be done so I could shut it down. Come on, keep going.

Recapture 40680 You could do it. How is the options Market looking options Market's a bit flat now at least on the Spy Come on. keep going. You got this.

Microsoft Microsoft that 384 I was talking about. We might be hitting that today if Apple keeps going down and Microsoft keeps going up Microsoft might flip-flop it and be the number one company. How's Apple Apple's even catching a bit of a bid right right now? Okay, okay. we're doing something.

We're doing something. We're doing something here. A little bit. something.

something, little little bit of something something. Come on. uh. even looking.

get me back to break even would look good at a certain point. Come on, at least give me back to break. Even so, I don't have to see so much horrific red Here we go. Come on.

Push it. Push it. Push it to 74. No No No no no No No no, no, no wrong direction.

No No No no. we were looking so good. We were looking so good. What's going on? What's what we were looking? So good? What the fuck is this? What is this dude? It was looking so good.
This is ripping my heart out. This is ripping my heart out right now. All right, Are we going right back? Was that a little fake out? Just something to screw with me? The market makers attacking the stream. Are we going right back Because that's what I want to see I was a dude meta and Microsoft are holding it.

Come on. Apple Apple Do your job. No. Uhoh Tesla Netflix Tesla and Netflix are not carrying their weight right now.

Shit. Come on. Really, that's enough movement to outdo the phenomenal movement of Microsoft and Meta. Are you kidding me? Microsoft's a number two py dude.

lot of range bound whipsaw right now. Fuck dude. just hard rejections at yesterday's high thus far. Fuck, this is not.

This is not going well. I Thought I was going to get lucky for a second there when it was recovering so strongly and same thing it got right up to this Zone smacked options Market Kind of just flat right now. This is not boating well for me today. A really a bad beat on those first accounts.

like the first day of those accounts. Are you kidding me? Fuck seriously. The sad thing is I know what's going to happen is my positions are going to get knocked out, out, fully knocked out, and then that's going to be the bottom and it's going to bounce off of that and then rip from there I Fully know what's going on with this. Fully fully know it's going to knock me out Knock my position out and then it's going to rip without a doubt.

I Can almost guarantee it. It's going to come down just enough for me to lose my position and then it's going to. Skyrocket This is what we saw last week. This is how trading goes.

It comes just down for you to get tilted on your own position Tesla Just getting murdered Netflix Getting murdered Apple's trying to at least hold. Yeah, this is what's going to happen. It's coming down just enough for me to lose mine and then it'll Skyrocket It's how it goes folks. It's how it goes.

Coinbase coming down like I said don't for like I Get that Coinbase is this custodian for what is it? eight of these? um spot Bitcoin ETFs but with the the pricing Wars of the ETFs it might be cheaper. Like big money might be like dude, we'll just get the ETF instead of like doing the transaction fees. It might drive trading away from Coinbase because the ETFs are getting so cheap on a relative basis. smoked.

Come on. Microsoft Save the day. Where's Bitcoin at 45k right now? Dude met is holding Microsoft Just turn it around. All right spy catching a little bit of a bid.

Maybe this will lead to some optimism. Come on spy, do your thing. This is not loading up the most recent data Is it we are. Let me log back in.

What's going on with the options Market Come on. faster faster faster faster. Uh so options spiked at 944 came down all the way to 947, but now the options are getting a bit more bullish. Hopefully the Nope.
literally I was going to say hopefully this is enough to bring it back up, but nope, it was a fake out. one little green bar to make make me think that I'm not going to get completely screwed just for it to get smashed anyway. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Come on. just bring it right back up here.

Bring it right back up. Come on options. where's all my DJ Bulls I Just need some like degenerate billionaire zero DTE tra to feel bullish on the day. You know billionaires if there's a billionaire watching this stream right now I've never asked you for anything I've never I've never come knocking on your door for a handout and I'm not going to.

but what I will ask is lit your de generously shine right now in the bullish direction. There's a lot of bulls in chat I'm bullish like just just let it fly. Get those zero DTS Get those out of the money zero DTS Let this thing cook. man let it cook be the Robin Hood the world the world needs right now be the Robin Hood all of us de gen Traders Really need Come on.

Meta is just perfectly flat. Microsoft's losing a little bit of its footing. Uhoh this is not good. I think these are about to get blown.

The new accounts shoot or order canell the the new accounts just got blown. So the challenge accounts are good. but literally. uh the look at this now.

it's just getting annihilated. Fuck fuck fuck fuck yeah. new accounts just Got blown. So the three challenge accounts like Rumble versus YouTube versus me those are still good I was mature enough to keep those going the way they should be going.

Um, but the new accounts that I got approved yesterday and had to pay like $85 on every account to start trading today. Uh, those ones are now no longer. Um, you got greedy bro. I don't really get that.

How can you call people greedy if they had an exact trading plan and stick to it? And then it just didn't happen. That's not greedy, that's I I Find that people say greedy only if the trade doesn't work. Um, not very algorithmic of me. it was the definition of algorithmic.

I had an exact systematic plan I was waiting for a level. That's why my order was sitting at a level and it hit and then I just got unlucky. Um, so I I don't understand that at all. You said you were done for the day.

When did I say that I said this is the final trade of the day At no point was I I was like oh, I'm done and then I was like oh never mind I made a trade again I literally said th this is it I said this is the final trade um greedy could just mean too high of a limit I top ticked it and I was going I needed the cues to move like seven more cents in my favor. It wasn't like I was like oh like I'm just going to LIT this rip. um like I I I think a lot of people I mean and obviously trade however you want but it's funny they'll use. that's not really I mean in my book, it's a good trade if you stuck to your plan, it's a bad trade if you didn't stick to your plan.
but I see a lot of you are actually using did you make money as the definition of good or did you lose money as the definition of bad and the trade that you just saw of course I wanted it to go in my favor I had a plan and it just didn't work but I stuck to it. It wasn't like I went for more profit. It wasn't like I ran it late. it wasn't like I ran it early I got got in exactly when it said to get in I had my profit Target unfortunately it just didn't hit.

um you trade Wicks your gambling. What does that mean trading Wicks you trade Wicks that's not a thing. you literally just made that up right now. the plan could be greedy just cuz you stuck to it I don't know how that makes sense but whatever I I mean trade how you guys want uh, but I would be very very careful to Define bad trades as losing money and good trades as making money.

you can have a horrible trade and get lucky and make money. and you could have a great trade that loses money if you're sticking to like a wellestablished plan where ideally there's like an edge in your favor. buying where I did, there was an edge in my favor. but like seasonality, there's no such thing as 100% guarantee.

and I just had obviously a bad beat today. I got in exactly where I was supposed to close again in at exactly the right time. and if you took this trade nine times out of 10, literally over 90% of the time you would hit. This is one of those circumstances where it just truly didn't hit so you can't really be like, of course you could be I guess like little perturbed that you didn't make money.

Uh, of course you could. Of course that's fair. like that's just a human emotion. but like I would actually be legitimately angry if I had a plan, broke the plan and then that lost me money.

If you're sticking to the plan and you have a bad beat, well, that's it. Sometimes you're going to have losses in your plan. It just literally happens. Um, that's how it works.

That's how it works. That's how it works. The plan that can cause your account to blow up in one trade is a bad plan. Um, that would be true if you don't know anything about prop accounts.

but this is the plan for prop accounts. So like, yeah, that would be a bad plan if I fully funded my own account. but it's not my money that funded the account. um at all.

So you have to know what you're talking about. It wasn't like I funded those accounts with $50,000 each of my own money. Um, it's the plan for the Prop Account of course. I wouldn't trade that way in my own account.

but I that's the point of a prop account as you're trading someone else's money. So there's like, uh, different nuances to it. Uh, trading. Wix He meant one minute candle? Uh, no, there's people who make a lot of money trading.
One minute it. It's a little bit egotistical to think that just because you can't make money, trading something, doesn't mean that someone else on this planet can't make money. I Mean dude, market makers are trading in microc seconds making money. and then there's people who's long-term swing investors.

Like long-term investors like Warren Buffett Um, So just to think that because you don't trade something one way I Guarantee you there's someone on this planet trading the exact way that you think isn't possible. Um, and that's what's fun about the market is a lot of people view it in their own ways and they do their own stuff and they end up making a lot of money. I Thought no one beat the S&P 500. A lot of people beat the S&P 500.

What do you talking about you? If you thought no one beat the S&P 500, people would never trade. The whole point is to try to beat it and people do beat it. Um, but if you thought no one ever beat it, no one would ever be trading. Everyone would just buy the S&P 500 or the spy and they would just sit in that forever.

Where did you get that assumption that no one ever beats the S&P 500? I Wherever you got that idea you you need to be I Guess a a little bit more informed or do a little bit more research. But like I said, uh, I called it out. Basically here at 9:45 of what's going to happen is it's going to go down just enough to knock me out of my position and then it's going to rip and make it to the point where like I would have been fine. Anyway, Um, that's how it goes.

Sometimes sometimes you just get a bad beat, sometimes you just get rivered. Uh, at least. Fortunately though, in my case, uh, I did get those other accounts approved today so I did lose one 2, 3, four, five, six, seven accounts. but I gained six.

So basically I'm down one account. uh, and those were just the brand new ones. I Do want to be clear that the competition accounts my account Rumble chat and then YouTube chat. Those three are all perfectly fine.

Day two survived 100% accuracy. Uh, so thus far it's looking, well, like it's looking pretty solid there. actually really solid there. Um, so uh.

basically the net change today is I have one less PA account. That's the change one less PA account than I did. Uh, so the three other accounts are good, but I had seven additional and now I only have six additional so it I Don't know a little bit of a negative news, but uh I think I'm going to be more frustrated by the fact that this I feel strongly will end up bouncing and I would have been able to hit my profit. But what I could do is maybe tomorrow when I come back to the drawing board instead of letting that one range play out.

Maybe I need to. maybe I need to wait for a slightly different range I'm sure there's something I could do to avoid what just happened to me in the future, but I'd have to do some back testing to know like what the best odds actually are. Um, hey man. thoughts on Bitcoin movement since it's announced about the ETF thank you brother.
Uh Matt So there was a false announcement the ETFs are not approved. There was an announcement at 411 p.m. ET yesterday from the SEC that the ETFs were approved and then 15 minutes later Gary Gendler said that the Twitter account was compromised and there has been no decision. So at first there was movement because people thought it was literally approved because it came from the sec's account and then they I guess apparently like got hacked or at least that's what they said.

They said that the account was compromised and I'm going to go into all of that in a second on what it does mean, what it doesn't mean but absolutely crazy. Uh, coming out with you and love and respect Can you explain what your trading plan is and what is the indicator on the band you use? uh I mean I have various trading plans I don't have a singular trading plan like uh I'm currently running two different options trading strategies and I'm currently running I guess two to three depending on how you look at it future strategies. so there's not a singular trading uh plan. uh I guess I could cover that stuff in more detail in the Discord I'm not going to do it here, just CU it would take too long.

Uh, but in terms of this, if you're interested in this: EMA Cloud it's just Sat the sad pivot ribbon Sat a Y it's free uh I know the developer he's awesome. he's a Trader he's a pretty cool dude. Uh, but Sat a T y it's on trading view it's free but all it is is Ema it's just different. It's the 8, the 11, the 21, the 35 and the 48.

So it's just different. EMA lines and he just colorized the the region in between the two so you could easily tell if it's bullish or if it's bearish. but it's just the EMA lines like the normal exponential moving average. he just kind of layered them all together AMC is squeezing.

too bad it's in the wrong direction. Jesus uh yeah that one I mean I've been calling it out since what 2022 that it's going to be a disaster like publicly calling it out ever since 2022 and it's one of those things that like you don't necessarily want to be right on. but it unfortunately ended up that I was right on it. So I tried to sound the alarms and it just did not go my way.

just did not go my way for your prop accounts please. Uh, the two to three once again. I It would take too long to describe it here, but everything. I well obviously not that market open trade.

the market open trade is asking you guys which direction you want me to play. but in terms of my trading strategy, it's just like a back tested thing. uh I mean my backgrounds in computer sence. So a lot of the way that I trade is all going to be um I guess like have a statistical Edge to it.
This concept of like trading with your gut is in my opinion very silly. Um so that trade right there that long position I mean I know the odds of it. the odds are like upwards of 94 to 96% accuracy. It was a bad beat and it happens like it's just that's a part of trading.

and the reason I could risk so much on that is because I'm using a propag account which means it's not my money. Um, so it's a different training style than I would do in my own account because of course, in my own account, I'm never going to go like risk that much. If it was my own money, that would be absolutely silly. Absolutely silly.

Uh, has the possibility been discussed that someone operates the Twitter for GG release the ETF before? Yeah, that's the main. Assumption is because if you look at what was released, that was compromised. Uh, it was very, very obviously like, so obviously professionally written by them. I wouldn't be surprised.

Uh, if one of two things happened in the first case. Maybe someone scheduled it and they picked the wrong date, picked the right time, but the wrong date. Or maybe someone did hack it because they didn't have two-factor authentication. They literally just had.

like, whatever. Like, it's funny that the sec's Twitter account had lowlevel protection. Uh, obviously that's very comedic. Um, but on that note, the fact that someone got in, maybe they saw it was in the drafts and they just fired it off early.

I Think those are the two like plausible reasons for this: I Pressed the link but didn't get the link to the Discord I Mean you guys could figure out the steps like it's really not that hard. You click on the link if you click on the link which I've stated a million times you have to sign up for locals and then right here the Goon Discord is live free access. Uh, join the disc like it's the first post. like if you can't like navigate your way through this I I don't know how to hold your hand through it but I've said it a million times.

Macar and it is literally the pinned post. So when you say I press the link but didn't get the link to the Discord I I I don't know how to help I I Truly don't know how to make it more obvious you it's in Locals. sign up for locals and you get access to disc Discord that that's how you do it and there's a pin message. there's steps.

We we wrote out the steps, we made a video, we we did everything we could to try to get the connection. Um, and if you're still having issues, maybe maybe discord's down or something I Don't see it because I see people in the Discord right now like maybe there's some tech issues. Uh, but I Literally just follow the steps. um Ju Just follow the steps.

You got it. they're there. I Of course there. are random Tech issues once in a while and if you haven't more than help you to like help you figure it out.
Sometimes the syncing process between locals and Discord could get a little bit wonky, but if you can't even find the link to Discord I I think you just didn't even read the directions at all. You have to put a credit card in. Yeah, but it's still free. It'll be zero 2024.

Uh I'm running a cash account. can't do credit spreads? What's another good strategy to run? I Don't know I don't know your um. knowledge of options, trading, credit? Well, all of them can be used. It's just you know how to use them.

I mean you could Long calls? you can long puts, credit spreads, debit spreads, butterflies Condors all of them. You can make money if you know how to trade them. So what's good is just where's your knowledge base at and what are you comfortable with trading? Um I'm a big fan of credit spread I'm a fan of debit spreads. Uh, there's certain circumstances will all we all long calls and long puts.

um but none of them I Guess in my opinion are better or worse than the other. it's do you know how to use them properly? Nice Boule Locking in 2K on Nvidia How's Nvidia doing right now? coast and sideways so just below that 540 FIB level. If you look at the daily chart, the 540 is the 1.618 FIB extension. So a lot of people are focusing on 540 above 540 I would be like kind of paying attention to the key psychological level of I Suppose what is it I Guess 550 at this point? really? Uh, is it going to bounce back I think so.

But we'll see right now. We bounced on the five minute. Now it's getting hit. Actually, some bears are stepping up.

Look it the 5 minute. The 10- minute are both below the 48 EMA and now the 30 minute is almost there as well. Interesant interesante calendar spreads are by far the most amazing. Calendar spreads are a good tactic if you know how to handle them properly.

The Spy just got its downside. Gap Fill. Uh, and so did the cues and the chance of that happening on a Wednesday is 66% chance. So the Spy just got its and the q's just got its.

And yeah, that means that what just happened happens with about a 66% accuracy. Um, when you're going for the downside, Gap fill relative to the previous days close. So when I say Gap fill on that one I don't necessarily mean like a true Gap like we see on the daily chart. I just mean the open relative to the previous day close.

Um, for those of you who care about the math, uh, the opposite side when you open below the previous day's close and try to get that upside Gap fill as in trading up to the previous days close on Wednesdays that actually has a 72% accuracy. That's actually one of the most statistically significant things to trade if you open below the close on the S&P 500, the Spy SPX es anything related to the S&P 500. if you open below the previous day's Cash Cash session close on a Wednesday The chance of you trading up at some point in that day to the obviously the previous day's closing value because you're opening below it, Uh has about a 72.6% accuracy and that is looking at data from 2004 no 2005 up to the end of 2023. Uh, will you be live again later with actual spot Bitcoin news? Um, it depends when it comes out.
uh, if the odds are probably no because it's going to be announced probably after postmarket and I might be going doing some like interviews at that time about crypto. Uh, so I might just be literally on someone else's doing their stuff. So it depends when what's going on with AMC It's dying because it's run like a piece of shit. The leadership team in the board is an absolute joke.

Uh, so it's dying because they're duding it. People are starting to realize the math doesn't work work out. It's taking in less money than its debt payments. Its interest on its debt.

so it's just hemorrhaging money. It's a dying company. Uh, you need to. do you trust AA Not at all.

Why would anyone trust AA I don't There's no good reason. there's no singular action taken by Adam Aaron That should make you think you should trust him. Like at all at all at all. Uh, he's gone.

He's basically everything he said he's going to do. He's done the opposite. We're not going to do reverse stock splits. We're not going to dilute it.

Delution is good. He's just lied. He's lied. And he's lied.

And he's lied and people are. um, he issued Apu Isn't that good? Your account name is Practical Investing. Wait, are you just being a troll? Because if so, that's actually hilarious he issued AP suck is I don't know if you're being serious or if you're trolling. If that's sarcasm, that's hilarious.

Um, if that's a serious statement. I have a lot of concerns about your name Practical Investing because that's that's not practical. but I think I think you do know what you're talking about and you're pointing out how ape was obviously delution that basically fucked the stock. Um so I I'm I'm GNA side on the era of comedy and give you like I think that's some high level sarcasm I like it I like it uh I'm beginning to get suspicious about AA All right I Think you've been suspicious about it I think you've been suspicious and everyone should be.

Why not? You should be able to question it. uh Matt why is Rum in an SEC investigation? Uh, it. the reason is undisclosed. We covere

3 thoughts on “Bitcoin etf approval day, sec hacked nvda pumps higher the mk show”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @greasemunkey1 says:

    come on boys get it together!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @greasemunkey1 says:

    sounds not working on her interview portion

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @shellyhart4324 says:

    Trump is not ahead.

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