Breaking News: Unemployment Report Chaos || Stock Market Open
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hey oh you pulled me right back when I'm falling off who else wants to put themselves on the line if you win you get your own holographic LT gray Moon gang Pokemon card so that's the back that's the front but if you lose you get banned who wants to engage in that Dimitri Jackson you're the first one that I saw it says ban me Matt all right Dimitri I'm on you is it what's it gonna be no Dimitri what did you do I hate to see you go but for this particular game you are the weakest link goodbye okay who is this person trent927 I have picked you so trent927 it's the exact same rules Trent What's it gonna be Trent What's it gonna be what are the odds um been on a journey for something like a couple days but it's only been hours this is a Mr Kenneth Griffin and uh I'm responding to a Call of Duty challenge a few months ago on your channel um let's do this got the boy hello this is Erica with this Sexual Health Clinic calling for Matthew Gregory course we need you to call us back immediately regarding your recent test results I wish I knew what to do uh just wanted to call and say love you Matthew I Chinese food here what are these calls me to cathedrals in the sky if offered to you there's no point in not getting a pitcher of margaritas like if they say do you want a glass or do you want a pitcher you're gonna go with the pitcher I'm currently at that point in my life I was like hey is this pineapple jalapeno more good and the guy's like it's real good do you want a glass or do you want a pitcher and I was like why are you asking me this hello hello hello t g i f TGIF happy Friday happy Friday it is Friday February 3rd also unemployment day we're seeing we're seeing how Biden's America is doing uh that's what we're gonna be finding out in a mere seven minutes so I hope you are here I hope you are ready I hope you are kind of prepared for some craziness this has been a wild week we had the fomc meeting we had a lot of big earnings including meta Apple Amazon Google uh we're gonna get the unemployment report just pure chaos unadulterated pure Insanity so I'm excited to see how this all plays out uh and I kind of like those Dentures I kind of forgot it well I forget a lot of stuff just because we end up talking so much day over day over day uh but I'm loving loving to see some of those old times they give me the lulls the Hees the hahas uh and let's I think that's good prep for today uh so here's the dealio here's the plan because I know I'm Waking new guys up early I know usually right now you're thinking man I still have a half hour before I have to listen to The Mad core show what's going on well folks it's exclusively for the unemployment report it's a Friday it's a figure let's listen to the unemployment report let's watch the market react then I want to go over the Apple Amazon and Google earnings then I want to go over not Jewish space lasers but I want to go over Chinese spy balloons so kind of the same but kind of different no more Jewish space lasers but yes more Chinese space balloons um so we're going to be going over that for sure and I want to talk about some of the recent hilarious comments that Biden has made uh then we're going to go over some seasonality stuff and then by then the Bell should be going dignity ding ding ding which means we'll be able to funnel into the world's largest most enjoyable Casino which absolutely destroyed me yesterday so that's where we're at before we get into any of the crazy stuff pinned to the top of chat maybe that way somewhere I don't know where you guys need to look but somewhere on the screen you'll find the link to my charting software for some reason I got that question quite a bit yesterday trading view get there's many different plans based on how big your monitor is the type of data you want blah blah but you could get a one month trial just to see if it's for you I think it's the best charting software out there on the market that's what I use so if you want to check it out if you want to try it for free fit into the top of chat in the description of the video and basically everything I use is in the description of the video hit the like button hit the Subscribe button click it click it clickity click click clack click click clack clack one of those things but let's get going we have about five minutes so uh the unemployment report is dropping among a few other things and I just want to kind of show you what the dealio is for today just so you're a little bit more prepared uh so non-farm payroll comes out at 8 30. these unemployment reports they come out the first Friday of every single month so this is the first Friday of February hence why we're getting the unemployment report today but that's not it obviously we get the unemployment report uh we're also going to get the average hourly earnings nice to see what's happening there 9 45 so 15 minutes into the trading day we get the PMI numbers 10 a.m we get the ism services and then Mary Daly is speaking at 2 30 today so near the end of the day when we have an hour and a half left daily who's a little bit more of the like dovish leaning fed member I would argue out of San Francisco she'll be speaking at 2 30. so a pretty packed day and on top of that obviously you're going to be seeing the market kind of digest and react to the Google Amazon and Apple earnings uh they didn't do well but we're kind of bouncing back especially Apple's bouncing back in pre-market right now so it's going to be an interesting day it's going to be another high volatility whipsaw type of a day so be prepared maybe really really pay attention to risk but you might want to be leveraging down just because we're seeing such rips to the upside to the downside weird liquidity problems where at certain points there's a lot of volume and it's not moving at all and then other points there's a little bit of volume and we're just like ripping being in One Direction or the other so absolute craziness absolute Insanity so we're going to be getting into that but really what I want to do at first is bring up this minute chart just so you guys can really figure out what is happening with this unemployment report and I'm just going to get this up so we're ready and we're not missing out on anything where is it uh where is it where is it here we go let's listen to Sorkin Becky quick and Joe what's his last name what's Joe's last name on CNBC who knows but it should be starting up momentarily we have two minutes this is your two minute warning until we get the unemployment report which there's going to be a burst of volatility there's going to be a burst of volume there's going to be a burst of just fun so I hope you guys are ready for the weekend I hope you had a good week my trading week could have been way way better some most for good days Monday Tuesday Wednesday were good days yesterday was good until the end and today I'm definitely in the trader Hospital uh so I'm I'm sizing down myself today just to see how things are going um what about AMC cost to borrow I mean we could cover that later but doesn't matter like is AMC's cost of power going to make you buy more or sell something today it doesn't really matter if it's not going to make any influence on your like decision here AMC is a far way to go in all reality I don't think there's going to be any like noteworthy major movement on AMC or ape like I don't think anyone's going to be making big decisions in the retail Community until after the vote is either approved or denied um so to follow it like every single day right now every single like minute like does it matter if you're not actively doing anything with it if you know you're not doing anything until after the vote it just doesn't matter uh if that makes any sense like I think there's a more efficient way to use your time all right let's get ready let's get ready let's get let's get going 45 seconds out by some uh weather issues that were out there um just so you know they're expecting 3.6 3.6 would be expecting the positive high frequency data out there but I'm buying some of it get ready 3.6 3.6 is the Line in the Sand well you know this is when I get to remind you that the plus or minus uh so I'll tell you that my ranges were gonna come in somewhere between say 100 and 300 uh putting us you know around 200. Steve's right though there's Get Ready Get Ready 10 seconds unemployment report is dropping expectation is 3.6 and what does Mr Cato Hoover say I I agree with Betsy I think there's a lot of uncertainty around this first reaction Crush let's see if it bounces back I've been taking the over for the past six months I think I'm actually gonna go sort of about with consensus here on 190 200 just because when I look at the the consumer spending in December when I look at the ADP jobs report let's get to Rick right now because he's got the number let's see we're at 180.
I don't have the number yet 180 that's my guts though uh numbers will be coming out shortly we're expecting 180 not out yeah big reaction wow wow whoever took the over congratulations 517 000. 517 000 non-farm payrolls a blast off of a number that's the highest number since February of 22 when it was 700 and 15 000. if you look at me they were expecting 187 and it came in at 5 17. holy crap came in at 517 000.
which matches last month which matches October which matches August which matches April we've had a lot of three tenths that's pretty much the low water mark two bucks unemployment trap from 3.6 down to 3.4 the new jobs that it was expected to be 187 000 they added 514. 4.5 wow not too bad wow actually at least for the moment following 4.6 and when you look at it average hourly earnings that actually is the lightest going on all the way back to August of 21 August of 21 where it was 4.3 if you look at the work week work week came in at 34.7 uh 34.3 is the low water mark 34.7 actually ramps this up to the highest since February of last year that is a big jump something to pay attention to and finally labor force participation rate also pretty good news 62.4 62.4 actually equals the high water mark which was March at 62.4 that's really good news to find a higher one you have to go to March right after uh covet hit so that's March of 2020 where it was 62.6 wow looking pretty good there the underemployment rate or U6 ticked up a bit to 6.5 in the rear view mirror excuse me 6.6 in the rear view mirror 6.5 and 6.5 had been the low so it's not too bad we only moved up a bit so to summarize much better than expected yields jumped from basically 338 up to 347 348's the high water mark there we see pre-opening Dow futures drop not significantly but they did drop and they're very volatile uh remember that this report inherited it when you comb through it and I'm sure Steve will there's Benchmark revisions for the 12 months ending in March of 22 and one final thought maybe the most important issue here that everybody wants to try to hook in together especially if you're looking for the FED to ease back in this report kicked up in many ways the point is is that a pause this is crazy I don't know if Applause really reignites inflation that's the first thing that always needs to be questioned but the biggest issue of all and I'll leave it here is that the alignment between wages jobs jobs jobs and inflation and the econometric models of the Federal Reserve may not be exactly correlating in a fashion that matches reality and I'll leave it there and throw it back to the panel okay Rick we're going to bring you back into this because you just made some very provocative provocative statements without without saying it as exclusively though to get his uh his initial reaction to this and the read through of how the FED might react to this because there's there's so much good news in this report but as we know we've been living in this sort of strange place where good news can sometimes turn to be bad news and that's at least what well actually I was going to say that's what the initial reaction in the market is now maybe it's it's hard hard to read right the second of the futures well first I got to mention how pathetic it was that I was the over I think and I was only half of the number so um I I don't know how are they this is our artistical quirk in all of this and I I can tell you something one place for sure in Hospitality we've seen this in Industry struggling to get back to the pre-pandemic level up 128 000. spiders and I'm not sure about the source of that take me a second on the B1 table here check the features my favorite table it looks like Futures marketing state government education 34 000 big part of that not on the federal side more on the local let's check out uh you had construction jobs up 25 vomiting manufacturing of 19. retail up 30.
if you're hearing a trend here I can tell you what that Trend oil the trend is that the job growth not in a single um uh industry or a single sector um there were revisions revisions to the upside of nov new benchmarks on the uh for the year ending in March up 568 000 so the job market was much stronger um you also lost one of the linchpins of those who thought the job market was slowing because the work week ticked up to 34.7 that was everybody said oh the work week's coming down that's a sign of the weakening job market that is gone as well um I don't think the FED is gonna like this uh because I had a four-point checkpoint of what the Fed was looking for moderating payrolls didn't happen moderating unemployment didn't happen uh wage growth was okay in terms of being stable and then the participation rate did tick up so only two out of four for the FED but I'll just leave you with this one point again here we have this incredibly tight and strong job market and wage year over year is coming down so again we have to talk about the essential underlying thesis of the the fed and Fed chair Powell that a tight job market is leading to inflation or the biggest concern about inflation it doesn't seem to be the case Andrew okay Steve thank you for that Betsy I'll go to you uh and and wow maybe it's unfair to say what seems like great news in so many ways in the stock because it makes the FED more hawkish it may not be insofar as I think there was a bet that something else was happening ponds are probably popping you know I understand that they're going to be they're playing with moving money around and so they placed a bet and you know maybe about the field of numbers and now they're going to have to move things around but there's no way to see this other prices down um and I think the real connection there is the fact that we aren't seeing wage growth take off the problem is in this report we're seeing a lot of people hired but it's not that this is a employer's competing over and ever diminishing pool of workers if you look right here literally just talking about deals check this out I treasure yield sleep after much hotter jobs report than expected it tells us unemployment growth was even stronger bond prices down right now we don't want to pay put too much weight in the household survey particularly with all the adjustments the population controls but it does tell us that happening is people are coming and taking these people coming to take the jobs there's not the wage pressure so the fed's model is assuming something about the stability of labor force entry that just seems to be incorrect when we actually look at the data Tyler what do you think well I I wasn't quite as optimistic looking at the the household survey because I think it was about 271 000 jobs measured there and a positive increase in labor force participation of positive increase in the size of the labor force but not a substantial one so I this is this is a a real head scratcher and it implies probably a massive collapse in productivity in January whereas if looking looking at the inertial components of GDP oh you have to look at this guy two that's pointing what a fucking pretty weak output number for the early this guy's into some weird shit for sure and you don't look like that that is that is implying up either we're Miss measuring GDP or measuring jobs or there has just been a big big collapse in in productivity he looks like a guy who's killed someone is it possible you could actually have this type of job growth this type of unemployment wow and actually see inflation come out at the same time I think is where you were going with that labor force participation rates 62.4 newspaper or yesterday's iPad however you get your news because that is exactly what is going on inflation's coming down job growth is strong unemployment rate is low work week is expanding wages though they have moderated they're still doing pretty good I mean three wages when you consider some of the high water marks we've had significance that's not what the Bulls wanted to hear today and uh year over year but they're still at good levels I think the econometric models of the FED econometrically correlating with reality and I think that's a huge issue so I think there's everything else is going to be down by NASDAQ Bitcoin gold everything will come out of yields are popping regard toward the FED they have their models and I understand that it's not easy to model anybody who's ever dabbled in it I used to try to model markets and how data affected yields now consider this if if what is going on in the labor market is so intense S P 500 is now down two years so it's still down on the week they closed at 4 20 last week they're at 419 Andrew coin tightening and the ECB raised a half a percentage Point each we've seen strong report here we saw Yes blowout jobs 80 what was it 183 claims that was lowest since April of 22. we saw 570 000 jump month over month in job openings and labor turnover this is exactly what is going on and another thing I question everybody says from the FED on the guidance a pause oh my goodness if we pause before we really have think and we think we've slayed inflation that it's going to resurface it's going to reignite it's going to reappear you know I don't think inflation is like earthomycin where you have to finish your whole prescription uh before you're fully cured I think these are all assumptions that may not be accurate wage increase think how great it would be it's crazy if you just kept adding jobs but it didn't just correlate to higher inflation by the way the CFO of Starbucks just said they're having a much easier time hiring people the retailers are telling you they're having a much easier time hiring people I mean if there's some of these statistics and you start trying to take that out and listen to what you're hearing from people if the inflation was Supply chains a phantom that it doesn't it looks like these what are these are you doing looks like they're at like damage couples therapy it doesn't even fix what they're trying to your point Steve that you were just making is the the FED wrong and it's it actually looks like they're at couples therapy right now they brought in their camera that was the question I asked chair Powell and guys if you would pull up that full screen I used at 6 30 um and this whole concept of the relationship between inflation and jobs is really under really of course this is uh from from the prior Dave it doesn't have the current data in it but if you look in the from the first quarter the average unemployment rate went down from three eight to three six and look what happened to the employment cost index it went down from one four to one point and I asked chair Powell this week maybe your assumptions are wrong and I based it wow you said look maybe all these others would cost 69. some service prices to go up as well maybe if they go away the lowest I agree more challenges by the way how many of you believe that to the total uh uh uh supply of labor that has to do with early return environment but immigration by the way guys something we've talked a lot about on this show it has come back to normal and that may be something that's up in the participation rate and making it easier for some of the CEOs and CFOs you're talking about in California to find the workers they need um okay we are going to thank our jobs panel Betsy Tyler Steve and Rick what a number this morning as we all try to make sense of what it means and where the market may be headed as a function of it uh when we come back Jim Cramer's First Take on the final trading day of the week get his take on the number as well I'm going to speak with Piper Sandler Vice chairman Jimmy Dunn on the University of M A in 2023 he's going to be live from Pebble Beach with Joe and Becky in just a moment squat box coming right back what is so special about Pebble Beach what's going on uh so first of all very concerned that CNBC has a live AI system talking to us about the job market so you might be wondering whoa whoa whoa Mr Coors if our unemployment came down it was expected to be at 3.6 but it came in at 3.4 and you're telling me we were expecting the economy to add 187 000 jobs but instead it added 517 000. unemployment the lowest since the summer of love and almost two and a half X jobs added than expected why are we down that's a great question that's an absolutely phenomenal question and the best way I could put that is our economy is like stranger things and we're currently caught in the upside down what is good for the economy as in when we get good economic reports such as a low unemployment report more jobs added than expected that means that the FED has a longer leash to be more aggressive in fighting inflation so if they can be more aggressive when fighting inflation that inherently because they're going to be more restrictive in terms of their monetary policy that hurts the market so right here we're seeing a huge percentage jump now in the next fomc meeting uh before there was a greater chance of them doing no rate hike whatsoever in terms of the FED fund rate and that has the trickle-down effect on our our mortgage rates on our Student Loan Federal payments if you have a federal student loan we're talking about the credit card interest we're talking about the bank yields all that stuff so this all has a trickle-down effect and before this report there was a chance that they're not going to keep increasing the FED fund rate in the next meeting which we're going to find out on March late March so um uh what I guess um six weeks from now seven weeks from now but now after this report because things look quote unquote so good that means that there's more room for the FED to really fight what's going on in terms of the world of inflation as in being more restrictive as in hiking up the FED fund rate still being aggressive with quantitative tightening it basically you haven't hurt the economy so bad oh now we have those in the Kramer but does that make sense if there's any questions please ask Jim Cramer is there and joins us now I mean I guess it's all old news the The Three A's alphabet Amazon and and apple with our boy Kramer Ford and now 500 000 you know what do you want to where do you want to start Jim I think I called the other day I said that those who thought that that Powell cut interest rates uh later in the year I call them clowns and that wasn't for sure what I really should should have says that their child is shouting because it's really incredible to me that there were morons so stupid to believe that this man would say we need a couple of rate increases and they doubted him what do they know I mean he obviously got a sense that the economy is red hot still when it comes to waging wage and when it comes to job and he said it and he's prepared and all this is going to do is say all right pal knows more than the prognosticator so I'm fine but the the uh you can't call a 10-year or a two-year or you're calling the participants Chowder Heads or or clowns because there's so many people who look at the EO curve and they say you know what the yield curve says that they're going to cut so they should cut I read Cindy Homer's 500 page book about inside the yield curve it was a page Turner but the one thing it taught me is dope they are doing with the with the bonds think yourself about what could happen and I say that the bomb Market is like a little unwelcome yeah like he looks a little sickly doesn't we were just uh having the discussion about I'm actually a little worried like on a human life could you have people return to the workforce in the participation rate uh that they're not coming back causing uh you know wage increases there's plenty of people employed but it doesn't correlate with inflation so the FED is is barking up the wrong neck of the woods no that's just going to keep fighting until we get wage increase and that's why it was important to note actually to listen to what he said I know a lot of people don't want to listen to what they say because it doesn't matter they're wrong pal has a hand on this pal knew that wage inflation was still a problem otherwise he would have stopped raising rates so I just think that what's happening is this is a kind of a reset where the people who were so stupid is to think that he was going to cut rates get their heads handed to them and then we need to get a new group of people he said the s word he said stupid so yeah you and I Joe we know when people are wrong we let's call them wrong because that's what they are we can't even win in a regular game so we they need to keep raising until wages go down I don't like that yes because he wants this he wants this inflation oh don't worry he'll get his way because the people who talk about it don't understand all right Tim thanks we will we'll see in just a couple minutes and we'll be right back with Piper Sailors Jimmy Dunn live from Pebble Beach all right so yeah we know people are wrong is he is he okay like uh honestly like I want to make some jokes here like I'm getting secondary drunkness off of him he must have had a wild light not like what how much cocaine do they even have in Miami Miami has a cocaine shortage I have all these jokes rolling in my head that we could Workshop we could do a little bit of a live streaming comedy session we could do some hahas we can do some hee he's that's the joke they had the Cocaine Cowboys in the 1980s and now they have cocaine Kramer in the 2020s I have the jokes going but now I'm actually legitimately worried this is this heat like holy is he okay like I don't want to make those jokes even though I could fire him off folks my brain's going I already had my sixth shot of espresso this morning I'm here with you we could rock it but it seems mean it seems very very he seems like I want to call a doctor and get him help something is off like it's one thing to make fun of him and haha inverse Kramer that does not look like a healthy human I TR like I'm not fucking around here I actually hope he's okay because that was not right like that was I think this might be coming across as if I'm trying to joke I'm not trying to joke I like I very much hope that that human being is all right because what we just saw on TV that is not indicative of a healthy human like fuck man that's crazy uh makes me feel sad makes me kind of feel sad but anywhoes um we'll worry about that later I'll call his doctor later on today anyway meeting date fomc meeting March 22nd the odds of a 25 bips right hike has now jumped up because the unemployment came in so low they were expecting 3-6 we came in that 3.4 they were expecting us to add 187 000 jobs to the economy we ended up adding 517 000 and then also the labor force participation rate is up to 62.4 last reading was 62.3 these are all good economic reports but because we live in the upside down it sent the stock market down down because now it's increasing the likelihood of a more aggressive a more hawkish Federal Reserve which is the group the unelected group here in the US that represents our Central Bank and they have the most impact on your financial well-being and we don't pick them at all they just kind of do their thing we have really no say over it unfortunately the central bank is wild like the history of the fed's insane uh Central Banking it's it's basically like the government says hey uh we're gonna be like a government approved mafioso and we're going to control all the money that's what central banks are that's our system in the US that's the system in Europe it's scary uh actually for a while there uh I was diving into like I just want to share a little bit about the history of central banks uh when we got like all pissed off at Europe and we said hey like go kick rocks and we came over here to um America off the Mayflower and everything for a bit there they didn't try to create a central bank when we were creating our government and because that's everyone was knowledgeable of central banks because they had them in Europe and like this is stupid what a weird way to run an economy we're not a fan of it whatsoever and then the U.S government the new U.S government was like okay we're not going to push the subject we're not going to talk about it at all because people were still very knowledgeable but because we didn't have one after a couple Generations two three four generations later well people just why talk about central banks because we didn't have them here in the U.S and then surprise surprise uh they kind of spring one on us here in the U.S and was one of those like really sketchy midnight votes I think right before it was like on Christmas Eve or Christmas Eve or something like that they did the vote at midnight and like yeah totally passed and now we have a central bank like super sketchy stuff but that's why we have one here now um so Market down this morning because of a good economic report we're going to go over the Apple Amazon and Google earnings uh all reported yesterday after just like pure chaos and as you can see the market is not having the best morning we see the Spy dropping we see Google flat we see apple was returning to 150 now dropping two dollars we saw Amazon Pat like jumping back up to 109 now dropping to 106.
so things were kind of good and now they're not so good but before we get into that I do want to go over some of the other crazy things that have been happening lately you have to watch this the clip you're about to watch is by far absolutely by far my favorite commentary from the current president of the United States Joe Biden ever give this a listen more than half the women in my cabinet more than more than half the people in my account more than half of the women in my Administration are women more than half the women of my you don't say more than half of the women in your Administration are women now folks I don't want to put myself out there as if I'm some sort of fancy mathematician but I don't think he's technically wrong because if you have a group of women yeah more than half of them are women in fact you could say all of them are women so at first you might be laughing at them and you might be thinking that's so stupid why would he say that but is he wrong more than half of the women are women more than a quarter of them more than seven eighths of them a hundred like anything you as long as we're not going above 100 any number you say technically mathematically he's right um so if you just if you need it was a quick clip let's break it down one more time more than half the women in my cabinet more than more than half the people in my cabinet more than half of the women in my Administration are women more than half of the women in my Administration are women sounds crazy but also still technically mathematically right we might have to check in with some sort of fancy schmancy mathematician called Stephen Hawking but technically right technically right not the only crazy thing that's happened recently uh apparently we no longer have to deal with Jewish space lasers but we do have to deal with Chinese spy balloons so a very similar flavor to what we were discussing yesterday but not exactly the same dessert so no more Jewish space lasers but yes to Chinese spy balloons this was making its rounds yesterday there's the Moon there's the Moon there's the Chinese spa balloon get some of them Abraham tanks is that it's not a planet it's called Planet Chinese spy uh breaking more video of the Chinese spy balloon over Montana they're basically trying to catch the new filming of Yellowstone more video coming out as the Chinese high altitude surveillance balloon was seen over Billings Montana yesterday the size of the balloon is three buses wide and has been flying over the northern U.S for days for days how do we miss a three buses wide spy balloon how do you do that or is it is the Chinese government just that interested in the newest season of Yellowstone that they just need to know what Kevin Costner is up to and they're like hey man fly the balloon just film it because like we cannot wait for the next season there's actually more video of it it is pretty wild here we go here's another buddy uh I am Montana in my driveway here in Billings Montana and right now there is a ground stop on our Airport and this thing is up in the sky all right again for those of you who might think this thing is the moon there's the thing and there's the Moon it's not the Moon up the Moon uh kind of wild I very much wonder what's going to be going on with like the back door chats today like that has to be an awkward conversation right like they're gonna call up their Chinese connection and be like what the fuck and I bet we're spying on them I'm not saying in the US we're not I'm not saying like we're doing everything of course we're spying on everyone we're probably even spying on our allies if I really had to guess so I don't think it's it's more Awkward of when you get caught like we all know everyone's spying on everyone but how is this happening in Montana where there are more guns than people shoot it down that's a joke before I get kicked off the lives from YouTube it's a joke I'm not telling the crazy Cowboys out there to shoot their guns into the air it's a joke YouTube chill out brother uh but seriously why is it still up there let's just take the take the buses down take the bus balloons down I think we should hit back as a country and do an even bigger balloon and let's I don't know let's paint it in the LGBT flag or something like let's just do something super super offensive super super offensive like just a super like who do they hate over there they have those uyghur camps let's do some sort of like Muslim uyghur balloon and fly it over China and just be like yeah sorry like we're just it seems like old Tech doesn't it like we have all these fancy schmancy drones right now that can't be like detected by God herself and then yet they choose to hit us with a balloon like come on uh that's wild though if anyone else has any other videos or something of this uh please let me know because I want to watch more uh I'm stoked whoa oh other big news breaking news coming out of the world of Netflix and if you are bumming an account password off of someone else you're going to want to listen up because your party is almost over you're free riding methodology is gonna be done though very very soon Netflix has introduced their anti-password sharing method once every 31 days your device must log in on your home Wi-Fi network or your account will be blocked no more Netflix password sharing unless you're willing to bring your device once a month to the home IP address to log in and prove that you're actually there and not bumming your password off your parents or your college friends or your I guess work friends or whatever it is uh but with that being said I know you might feel a little bit of a dagger in the heart you might be feeling that 10 pinch per month in your pocket now but my question to all of you is what are you gonna do are you gonna go get your own Netflix account or are you going to tell Netflix to go kick rocks I want to know I want to know I want to know Matt hair check you've got a runner heading down to your nose oh oh this guy this guy should I just leave it there all day maybe is that a style do you think I could start a whole new a whole new style just like right in the middle kind of like a cool Clark cat type of a Vibe like if I could get it just to curl a little something like that like oh he's so mysterious what barber does he go to it's called Style I appreciate that thank you for the shout out thank you um gonna torrent Netflix now yeah I assume most people are still gonna just figure out a way around it probably could just get a VPN and everyone just connects to the same VPN where you could set up your own like there's probably so many ways around this that I'm not going to explain to you but you could probably find it with a simple search on the internet uh then re-log in on your TV iPad maybe if you don't live near your person just like once a month you just mail your iPod your iPad your iPod your iPad to them your Mac to them mail your own TV to them and then get it back I don't know uh dude find the current news the current news on what we went over the cool Chinese spy balloon that is three buses wide which is a very large do you guys understand how big of a balloon that is we're all here of like man we're getting spied on by China but my first thought is I want to call up the Guinness Book of World Records and ask them be like is this a record-sized balloon that's a big balloon three buses wide that's a huge balloon we're in a helium shortage globally we're in a helium shortage and these people are filling up a three buses wide balloon and no one's asking questions everyone's getting all mad that we're getting spied on of course we're getting spied on of we're spying on everyone too I want to call up Guinness and be like first of all is this a record and then I want to call a big helium and ask them how they got all this heal him because that seems like bullshit have you ever tried to fill up balloons for like a little kid's birthday party recently they're expensive they're very expensive these people as in the Chinese government have enough to fill a three buses wide balloon something seems off I'm not afraid to ask the real questions I feel like some of you and Chad are a little timid about it but I'm gonna ask it I'm gonna ask the real questions how's the market doing uh we're still we got cracked got cracked where are we at let me reload this because I think it's gonna be a new one Dow futures fall 200 points as hot January jobs number is likely to keep the FED in hiking mode uh in fact the what now an 80 chance 85 chance of a 25 bips right hike at the end of March the Dow the s p and the nas are called red oil popping up a little I would love to see you back over 80.85 and yields popping on the unemployment report so big news this morning obviously that's why we started stream early today if you were not here I see some people tuning in right now and I'm happy that you're here but please understand two out of every three of you were late to class and this will be reflected in your grade at the end of the semester statistically look at the person above you in chat and look at the person below you in chat they were late to class we were already in the middle of a lecture we were talking me the professor was already in a role I was in my groove I was being as didactic as I possibly could and then people just kept opening the door and they're like oh sorry I'm late I forgot class started early today oh sorry I'm late and like you have to understand how much that messes me up um so I'm not I'm not mad I'm just disappointed is what I'm trying to say uh the person above you the person below you they relate to class and I'll let you guys take care of that um so I just I just want that out there so not mad just disappointed unemployment report came out at 8 30. so we're talking 35 minutes ago and I get it some of you are coming in now and I get I get it I'm happy that you're here in general uh because obviously education is important but man oh man uh how much do you want me to stand for all this I mean what what kind of a man does that make me if I keep allowing you to be late in late and late and late Apple sales dropped five percent in largest quarterly Revenue declined since 2016. so this was reported after the market when Diggity ding ding ding yesterday to close out the session and it's actually kind of bouncing back now I mean it got crushed but then it bounced back and then it got crushed and now this morning it's kind of fine like it's it gained 3.71 and then in pre-market it's only down 1.9 so like yeah it's not doing as well but it's still up so I just want to throw that out there that it was technically amiss the earnings per share was 1.88 they were expecting 194. the revenue was 117 billion they were expecting 121 iPhone Revenue was 65.78 billion they're expecting 68.29 that's actually a very large miss the Mac Revenue 7.74 billion they were expecting 9.63 the iPad Revenue came in pretty solid 9.4 billion versus 7.76 uh other products I don't really care too much about that Services uh slight B and then the gross margin uh slightly ahead of where it needed to be so overall the iPhone and the max sales um awkward very very awkward for them but it hasn't like the price is still up I mean have you seen apple on The Daily recently yeah maybe a slight hit here but look at we're on the daily like we've been ripping ever since January 6th Friday January 6th we're just coming down a little it potentially for a little Gap though so like not the best numbers but it's not like this led to some like massive sell-off or anything like that and that's pretty much the theme of all of these Amazon Beats on fourth quarter Revenue but provides light guidance many people care more about what's coming in the future than what actually happened in the past um so with the earnings announcement or I should say the report we figure out how they did in the most recent fiscal quarter the most recent three months but people are really trading on what they're talking about in the future does the company come out and say hey we think we're going to crush it or we think the future times are going to be a little rough and right here Amazon was a little light on their future guidance so their earnings were three cents a share Revenue was 149 and when they were expecting 145 so their revenue actually crushed AWS which is something I've very closely been following uh coming in a little bit late 21.4 billion versus 21.9 expected advertising came in beating so we are in a weird situation where Amazon and meta okay okay Facebook beat on red or Revenue in the advertising sector but then Snapchat got smoked so on a relative basis in these big popular advertising things we're seeing quite a bit of weakness in Snapchat on a relative basis alphabet AKA Google so alphabet misses on earnings and revenue as YouTube falls short makes sense because YouTube as of recently have been a bunch of freaking butt heads uh just I mean everyone's getting in trouble with the whole project Veritas Pfizer thing anyone who's talking about any legitimate news it's not been good over there um in terms of YouTube and their authoritarian extremely left-leaning policies so they're YouTube advertising Revenue 7.96 billion versus an expected 8.25 billion uh their cloud 7.32 and they're expecting 7.43 so we're seeing Cloud at Microsoft Amazon and Google all suffer a little bit so that seems to be the tone for cloud but overall I mean is anyone really that surprised about YouTube I think people are just getting pissed off at YouTube and I don't think they even notice it and I think they're trying to now compete with something such as Tick Tock and they're trying to get going with their shorts but then they're missing out on the things that right now Rumble shout out to everyone watching on Rumble is completely capitalizing on and it's just I think people are getting sick with the authoritarian nature of the YouTube leadership of basically if you don't play ball and say exactly what you want they want you to say they Crush you and now we're seeing that as a huge impact on truly their numbers here I mean they're off by what 30 million that's crazy 300 million actually sorry I did I did the math wrong uh 300 million that's a lot that's a lot a lot um actually did the alphabet misses on Revenue let's see what she has to say about it I've got another ho-hum quarter this time from alpha there's a Miss on Revenue 76.1 billion dollars versus 76.5 which was expected in terms of earnings per share for the fourth quarter that's a 13 cent miss here so coming in at a dollar five cents a dollar eighteen cents was expected Scott you might find this interesting remember that alphabet was late to make cuts to its Workforce and last quarter Senator pachai the CEO told us that he would hire maybe 6 000 employees they added about 3 000 employees in the fourth quarter so that is less than he telegraphed but they're still adding employees so on the call investors may be looking for some more efficiency measures let me break down a few more businesses Cloud Revenue that is a Miss also coming in yeah three billion dollars 7.4 was expected that's probably not a surprise given the weakness that we saw at Microsoft and Amazon Google of course being the third hyperscaler YouTube this is also very important and that's a significant miss the street was looking for 8.25 billion dollars that's coming in at 7.96 billion dollars and I believe Scott that would be its second straight quarter of year-over-year decline in that unit but remember YouTube is more vulnerable to the ad Market slow down than the main search advertising business we'll continue Google all right uh analysts Overlook alphabet's disappointing quarter site confidence in AI push as chat gbt threat grows so Google as a company running into issues with their YouTube business pillar but also it seems like they are now following behind in the AI race which is insane how could YouTube be a company falling behind in the AI race how is that possible when Google should be the company that was like kind of pushing it but now just Microsoft was the first one to commit to a big winner which is chat CPT which is growing at an absurd rate and the murmurs on the street is that it's like a code red situation for Google to like try to catch up and if you ask me I think that's one thing that potentially meta really needs to catch up onto as well because I think they're spending so much money on VR right now that I mean remember they still have a multi-billion user base that they're actively engaging on Facebook uh they're using Oculus they're using Instagram that is a very valuable very very very valuable data set um for them to train their own AI system so I see Meta needing to get into that game as well but at this point everyone's attempting to play catch-up with chat GPT and the direct correlation with chat gbt in terms of ways you can invest into it right now is Microsoft msft five things to know before the stock market Bell goes Diggity ding ding ding today Friday February 3rd TGIF Tech letdown Apple Amazon Google letdown here comes the job report that came out at 8 30 a.m today uh way better than expected way better than expected they're expecting 187 000 jobs that came in at 517 000 they were expecting an unemployment report of 3.6 percent came in at 3.4 um those are the numbers that are reported that's a different question of if I believe them or not uh it's kind of a well-known thing that these reports are like commonly a political tool that they use like I I'm a little dubious like I know we have to pay attention to the numbers because people are going to be trading on them but somewhere in my heart of hearts do I think that those are 100 accurate no China Rona Serge Sap's Starbucks sales another Miss suspected Chinese spy balloon spotted this is all over the news what is this American officials said Thursday they were monitoring what they suspected to be a Chinese spy balloon floating over the northern part of the U.S China has sent spy balloons over the US before but not usually for this long officials told NBC News the Revelation about the balloon came days before the Secretary of State Anthony blinken was sent to me with the Chinese president Xi Jinping China meanwhile called for calm as it looked into the situation U.S defense officials said the device's intelligence gathering ability was limited and so far they've opted against shooting it down for concerns that debris could hurt people and damage property on the ground I love how China's like hey man just stay calm about it like don't don't get mad you shouldn't get mad about that uh don't get mad about that for those of you who follow what the Reddit deity Ryan Cohen has been doing we have a big new update for you Nordstrom stock surges after report says activist investor Ryan Cohen bought a state so you might know him from he was a founder of it then he kind of got involved in the world of gme which went crazy and was truly is Saga and it was kind of the OG uh kind of like Fu to Wall Street it was the OG ape stock that started everything and those were fine but then he got involved in Bed Bath and Beyond and in case you haven't been catching any news on Bed Bath and Beyond he kind of dumped his position on everyone ever since then the stock and the company had been sprinting in a Usain boat Style to zero as quickly as it possibly can so that recently has been leaving a bad taste in people's mouth but apparently everyone has a short memory that of a goldfish because now Nordstrom just because it's apparently invested in by Ryan Cohen uh people are liking it Nordstrom Shares are zooming higher after report said GameStop chairman Ryan Cohen bought a stake in the department store chain The Wall Street Journal said Cohen is focusing on former Bed Bath and Beyond CEO Mark Tritton who is a Nordstrom board member the news came weeks after Nordstrom reported lackluster holiday sales and cut its full year guidance so literally just on the news that Ryan Cohen's getting involved you see Nordstrom popping but I do want to remind you that this is now being kind of directly related with bed bath and their CEO Mark Trenton who's on the board of Nordstrom and please pay attention to how things fell apart with bed bath and Ryan Cohen I self think this is a play to stay away from that's my own opinion I have nothing on Nordstrom I'm not long I'm not sure I've never traded it I have no skin in the game I'm just thinking that is the risk worth it because we all know how it played out before now if you're thinking well hang on I just want to actively trade it because it's volatile and I like those swings yeah that's a different story but I'm not really saying it's I don't think it's smart to just buy it and be like I'm just gonna swing this and like hope that it works out with Ryan Cohen because we saw what happened with Bed Bath and Beyond so I want to put that out there if you're more of a day trader just playing volatility I get it be careful with your stops as quickly as you humanly can move your stop to break even so it doesn't cost you anything but this concept of like putting Ryan Cohen on a pedestal and almost him being your like Financial savior or something in those lines well a lot of people got seriously seriously seriously hurt with Bed Bath and Beyond and I just need to give you a little bit of caution a little bit of warning there to not do that uh obviously you got to do what you think is appropriate with your own money uh but I just want to give out I guess a warning shot or two world's biggest pension fund post loss in longest losing streak in two decades that's pretty brutal the Japan government pension investment fund reported a fourth consecutive quarterly loss totaling 1.85 trillion yen about 14.3 billion it takes to the world's biggest Pension funds losses for the first three quarters of the fiscal year to 3.71 which is brutal its losses over the first three months of 2022 was its first negative quarter for two years amid higher interest rates and Global Market volatility so you have world's largest pension fund losing money and then you have the world's largest market maker making more money than like even God could handle so kind of a interesting distinction a lot of players losing big money and then there's a few players making even bigger money um the the gains are definitely kind of like an asymmetric situation right now but just want to throw it out there because this like is kind of telling you um the health of large large players right now so I think it's important to share this is where we're at hang on let me go to the Spy looking pretty sickly as sickly as Jim Cramer did this morning this is the one minute you could probably see it better on the five but ever since this report came out at 8 30 the Market's been dumping and it seems like we're making a b line to the support at 410 and then if it doesn't hold that we might be talking about 406 uh I don't know how long this bearish short-term trend is going to last but I do want to remind you and this is kind of re-emphasizing some of the things I discussed with the head Trader there over at TTG um yesterday and we'll be posting that interview for all of you folks but I don't think we're out of the woods I think whenever you see a nice Market rip like this it's very easy for the market to get ahead of itself ever since Friday the 6th the market the stock market has been rippity skippity and whenever you get periods like this everyone starts to tell you like f the Bears they don't know what they're doing recession canceled depression canceled uh economic issues canceled and everyone very quickly gets into this mindset of everything's great throw all your money in it's almost like a euphoric sense and whenever there's that type of greed it 100 sets off my Spidey senses I think the market is getting ahead of itself thinking that the FED is done being hawkish in fact as we're continuing to rip everyone's like no the FED doesn't know what they're doing they're not going to hike rates anymore no way no way no way and they keep buying buying buying this has happened multiple times last year and you know how it ended every time last year the market got crushed it happened from mid July to mid-august the market thought no the fed's done we might even be cutting rates in 2023 and then the FED comes out and says hey dipshits listen to us we're not done and we get crushed I would love for things to rip just because it's better for my long-term account it's better for your long-term account it's better for views it it's better for advertisers I want that to happen I wish I could sit here and tell you folks I think the bear Market's done I think the unnamed recession is done uh it's just not how I see it I see the market getting ahead of itself and I still think that there's one more big flush to be had that's my opinion I don't know if I'm right or wrong I might be eating crow in a couple months from now as the market keeps ripping or I might be right but I just want you to know what my long-term account I have not deployed all my excess Capital to buy because I think we're going to get in at cheaper prices we just are getting into two euphoric greedy of a situation this is not the time to add to your long-term accounts you want to be adding when everyone is calling for Market crashes in doomsday and saying that the financial game of capitalism is over you want to be buying when everyone else is freaking out and selling and then when there's periods like this you just want to sit there and you want to enjoy the gains in your account especially when it comes to your long-term account if you are doing more of active trades well yeah of course if you're doing active trades you should be bullish right now especially in the short term because you just want to go with the trend but that's why we need to have distinctions between our very short term our medium term and our long term short term and probably even medium term you should probably be bullish well very short term right now we just got smacked pretty hard but the medium term is clearly higher highs higher lows but I'm talking about the long term I'm still a little iffy I think people are kind of missing the fours from just looking at the tree type of a situation or whatever the hell that saying is but also um I think one reason that I think this is going to come crumbling down is the fact that Kramer told us everything is Gucci and everything's good and it's like time to party again uh he had that message a couple days ago and I am absolutely not buying it uh for those of you who are maybe looking for an active trade we do have an upside Gap film right now the Spy is trading at 4 11 34.
yesterday's low was 412.88 which means we have an upside Gap fill to 412.88 and we have another one from August of 2021 all the way up to 421.22 so I just want to call that out to everyone that there is a upside Gap fill alert to 412.88 upside Gap the alert to 412.88 is it guaranteed absolutely not but playing this this Gap fill are the odds greatly stacked in your favor yes that doesn't mean they're a hundred percent in your favor but the odds do greatly favor that trade did I look at Nordstrom no I didn't Nordstrom it trades under j w n it is currently up 27 in pre-market trading uh I'm not going to be chasing this one because it is stupid to chase people are buying it up literally just because of Ryan Cohen but look at what happened when he did that with Bed Bath and Beyond he used the big drum with him being involved to dump it on everyone please be careful because Ryan Cohen not long ago within the past six to eight months did this exact same thing with Bed Bath and Beyond when people found out that he increased his position in the last quarter it caused the stock to go up when it was going up that day and the next day he sold his entire position into it and netted himself 60 million dollars it might happen again I can't tell you what he's thinking because we don't text each other good night anymore I don't know what he's thinking but I'm just saying exercise some caution and if you think it's smart to invest on a 28 Gap up that that silly you are chasing don't do that I'm not a financial advisor so obviously you probably shouldn't listen to me about it but I'm just saying hey let's be a little bit more realistic and let's let's think of it um chasing is a great way to get absolutely fucked this is probably why I don't get invited on Live with Kelly and live with Regis and Kelly's because I use my French a little bit too much but let's get ready it is almost we're four minutes out a little under five minutes out before that belt goes dangy ding ding ding are there any questions um while I'm waiting for the questions to come in before things get really rocking today don't forget to hit that like button helps out with the battle Leaderboard on Rumble and helps out with the algorithm on YouTube and don't forget to subscribe uh if you're subscribed on YouTube thank you but pay attention to rumble and if you're subscribed on Rumble make sure you're subscribed over on YouTube um those are the two platforms that I post all my content to I live stream simultaneously to both but then I post my content at least an hour earlier on Rumble just because I'm a little bit more supportive of them as a business and by a little bit I mean a lot of it so hit that like button don't forget to subscribe and also uh I'm recently I've been getting more questions about my charting software I pinned it to the top of chat so if you want literally the best charting software that's currently in the game uh get on this it is called trading view pin to the top of chat and with that affiliate link you'll be able to get a free month free your first month free I know you hate Mullen but can you show the or text please yeah I mean mulling could definitely do something I just wouldn't invest in it Mullen is a great active trade I even Drew this flag breakout and I said as soon as we get above and close above it could move but eventually this will come back down fundamentally mullen's a poor play but that doesn't mean it's a bad active play those are two very very different things for example Nordstrom might be a good active play but I'd be very concerned about investing in it and I think people for whatever reason seem to mix it like if I say something's a bad investment they're like oh my God he said he wouldn't even trade it that's not true at all and just because something might be a great investment doesn't mean I'm actively training it like I think apple is a great investment but I get a little bored of actively training him you just have to know specifically like what you're doing with a particular play Mullen is a great active trade huge volatility to the upside and the downside you can go long you could go short it it might squeeze it might but this is a poor fundamental Company If you're looking for wrong fundamental EV investment look at something such as Tesla not something like Mullen utilizations maxed out cost to borrow is just under 22 and it looks like the short interest is around 13.6 so not the highest short interest but decently High I know a lot of the hardcore AMC people have been asking about the AMC so let's just check those out uh AMC utilization max out costs of our 232 on uh average out at the close of yesterday and the short interest is just below 23 percent the live short interest as of this morning is 621 if you're looking at costs to borrow don't use the Max and the Min those are kind of useless data points because as long as one share was loaned at that rate it's going to clock in at the max of the Min this is useless I see a lot of people trying to amp themselves up in terms of like on Twitter I'm like look at the cost to borrow Max like we got the shorts right where we want them um no that is just silly um use the average what is interesting is now AMC is on the threshold list uh I didn't realize that which means it has an abnormal amount yeah AMC was it there yesterday no whoa has anyone noticed this this it wasn't on it as of yesterday so now uh for those of you who don't know what the threshold list is it means uh that there has been five consecutive days of a spike in ftd's threshold list um special list and so five at least well now five because this is the first days on it right here uh sediment failures may be indicative of uh improper naked Short Selling administrative Affairs may also cause settlement failures the SEC adopted racial blah blah threshold list is a list of Securities whose transactions fail to settle for five consecutive settlement days um I bet watch this the AMC Community is gonna fucking lose their mind AMC is officially back on the rush hold list uh this means uh we'll just put some information out there but I guarantee you just because of the Hopi this tweet's gonna blow up uh watch this it's gonna get fucking nuts is ape on it no Apes not on it but AMC is so ape is fine and then there's nothing for today uh so at least five days but the Bell is gone dignity ding ding ding the casino is open folks um good luck have fun play responsibly and if not I just hope that you have fun jwn will watch that Nordstrom you have apple over here and we'll put Tesla up these seem to be the popular ones um if AMC or a or gme start doing something I'll throw it up but it seems like these are the ones that people are really interested in thus far today why are your ears bleeding probably because I had the audio up too much my apologies my apologies my apologies my apologies whoa the numbers are big on Rumble today hey if you're new on Rumble and you're watching me right now my name is Matt nice to meet you partner I talk about the economy stocks Futures options breaking news uh Jewish space lasers Chinese spy balloons I give relationship advice I'm not saying it's good advice but I definitely give it out there so if that's something that's up your alley hit that subscribe button and you can help us on the road to 69 000. that's the next big goal is we're going for 69 420 subscribers I don't know where we're at but we're within Striking Distance um Mike where are we my channels uh how do I see when I'm at this is what my producer's for I'm at 61 000 right now so we're going for 69 420. so if you want to help on that journey and then we're pretty much done like as soon as I get there we're going to be good so we have a little bit of a ways to go and hey if you're on YouTube if you want to help with that hop on over to rumble but shout out to everyone who

One thought on “Breaking news: unemployment report chaos stock market open”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Momma Knows Bestest🧧Jack Hsieh Couturier says:

    Fun stream.

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