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Imaginary hello, hello hello it looks like we're having some technical issues. Uh, so trying to get that all figured out. Don't know what the hell's going on, but um, can you hear me on Rumble Feels like rumble's fine but it does feel as if uh does feel hello am I live on YouTube All good. Are we back? We're back I think we had like a like a repeat Rtmp code type of an issue.

but I think we are good I think we're good I think we're good Rumble chat and YouTube chat good What up? Brothers What up sisters! Welcome back to the Matt core show where I'm at your course and together we are live to talk about the old stock marker crypto Futures options, breaking news, funny stuff, political stuff which is typically not funny until we make it funny, inappropriate jokes, some appropriate jokes, and everything in between as in just things that I thought were jokes that aren't funny and I say it in ice Mark and then I look over at chat and no one says LOL and I'm like well, that's awkward and then I think that it's more Awkward because I'm just in all realities saying it in a studio to no one I'm just talking at a camera which is really the dystopian future that we're dealing with anyway. And then I was thinking about Ai and how AI is definitely going to take over and kill all of us, but in the meantime, maybe we can make some money off of it, which is inherently kind of interesting. We're trying to make money off the thing that will most likely end human existence in a couple years. And then I thought I wonder if I'm gonna have tacos for dinner because like there's this cool new Taco Bar near me that I'm trying to like go to and I think they run like some sort of Margarita deal on Wednesdays So that's been my morning.

That's uh, that's been my morning I Hope you've had a good morning. Uh, financially. I'm not really that excited for the market to open up because it seems as if all the plays I've done are opening up against me excluding the target put. We got some TGT puts and those are looking nice.

the AI the C3.ai calls were looking nice yesterday, even into post Market but pre-market not looking the best I don't know I'm hoping that this little dip that we're seeing across the board in pre-market right now is the old fake out the old bamboozle so we'll see how that all goes. but I hope you guys are having a good one I Really hope everything that you're doing is, uh, making you money I Hope you're having a great day I Hope Financially, you're well off spiritually, you're well off emotionally. you're well off familiarly familiarly I Don't know I need to watch more Fast and Furious to really hone in on that concept of family I Haven't seen the new Fast and Furious movie, but I very much want to. In fact I think that might be the thing that saves the box office because it is obviously gonna be the climax of the best movie franchise ever ever ever made.

Uh, emote, not emotionally well Sean You can't have them all as long as you have some of them. You're doing well. but I hope everyone's having a great morning I Hope everyone's having a great day. Here's the plan for the day: I'm gonna break down all the news, basically giving you the most recent updates on the debt limit ceiling.
Then we're going to talk about what's going on with AI and some other news: I Want to prepare you? uh, statistically with how today normally plays out I Want to kind of give you a heads up of all the major like Market events, announcements, fed speeches, all that good jazz for today, a little bit of a preview for the statistical analysis for tomorrow, and then obviously we could do some breakdown of individual like I know right now Nvidia is hot AI is hot Carvana's hot. Uh, we could take a little bit of a look at Crypto maybe some other plays I know a lot of you are betting against Target with me I know some of you are betting against Anheuser-Busch We could take a look at those, but just do some classic chart breakdowns of whatever your interest is in. so it's going to be a pretty calm day. There's not major news as of now, but it feels like one of those days.

that is. the day progresses, we're most likely going to get some big announcements from the political front related to the debt ceiling negotiation, so some good news on that actually as of last night into today. but yet the Market's not really pricing that and so we might be turning out to have one of those classic by the room or sell the news type of scenarios. but that's your Tldr before we get into all the folks.

smash the like button. Don't forget to subscribe if you're watching me right now. As you can tell, some days we have some technical issues so it's safe to be on both platforms. Subscribe to Beyond Rumble subscribe to me on YouTube If you go to Rumble and or YouTube and search Course Kohrs, there's a good chance I'm going to be the first person that comes up.

subscribe on both. It's honestly just a safety measure. sometimes one of them's working, the other one isn't all that type of stuff. so like, well, liking helps with the YouTube algorithm helps with the rumble battle.

Leaderboard just lets both platforms know that yes, we are in fact the most dominant community in the entire interweb space, so check those out! Very much appreciate it. And hey, throughout the day a lot of the day you see me up with my charts. uh I use trading view uh pin to the top of chat in the description of the video you could get I believe a free month trial or some sort of discount. Anything like that? it's just an affiliate code.

Uh, but shout out to Tradingview! Love their software. That's where I do a lot of my stuff. If you folks are looking for literally the best charting software you can possibly use, check out Tradingview once again pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video. If you use that link, you'll get some sort of freebie And with all that being said, let's take a look at the overall stock market.
thus far this morning not looking so good. The Spy looked really good before Market opened yesterday 422. Now we're all the way down to 418. Anheuser-Busch is getting slaughtered going from 56 down to 53.

AI had a great pop into close, giving back some of those gains 46 now down to 41 and some change and video going from basically 418 for 19 all the way down to 394.. So throughout the market day yesterday and now what we're seeing, things are not looking the best. I Do want to give a little bit of a shot? shout out to Tesla seems to be holding on a little bit better, but another one that's getting absolutely slaughtered this morning is Target I Mean, look at this like Target's 10-day sell-off is just absolutely brutal 160 down to 134 if this thing slaps snaps 130 I think it's a like a very immediate dive all the way down to 125. Um, in terms of my current positions: I currently have Tesla calls, Nvidia calls AI calls and Target puts I have four active position.

Oh actually wall calls too. but I keep forgetting about those because they're in my fidelity account. but I have Wall calls as well. So uh, four calls one put the puts on target the calls across the board.

The positions that I really like right now are Ai and Tesla AI was up over 100 when the market closed yesterday. Tesla was actually down about 18. but I still like the fact that it was a major daily time frame breakout a hold. So today if it can get above and hold above the 200 202 level, I'm gonna be one happy duckling.

So with all that being said, let's talk about everything going on from a higher level view. Stock features fall as Traders await debt ceiling progress in Washington So here's the dealio. basically to get the votes in the house First you have to go through a rules committee that happened yesterday, then it goes to the floor for a vote and as of now, allegedly there are enough votes to make this pass. But obviously we're gonna.

We'll believe it when we actually see it type of a deal McCarthy confident on debt vote despite Hardline ouster threat Ultra Conservatives threat and revenge on speaker for debt deal McCarthy says his job is secure Debt deal easy vote for the GOP Let me make sure we have the volume on President Biden and house Speaker Kevin McCarthy are in lobbying mode today as the debt limit deal looks set to be voted upon tomorrow. If it can make it past the rules committee in the house today, Bloomberg's Anne-Marie Horton is joining us now from the White House with the latest. So Anne-Marie we know a deal was just step one. Now it's step two to get to the Finish Line Walk us through what we should expect today and in the days that follow.

Well, today Kaylee you have house lawmakers coming back to Washington Remember they're supposed to be in their districts this week a lot of them were home for Memorial Day Um, parades and other other parades events and now they're all good thing they were doing parades on this bill. So but you say correctly the start of it. The first test. This is your recap of yesterday: I Just wanted to go to this deal.
Barely dense the U.S budget deficits. Um honestly I think based on the amount of Leverage The GOP had going into this, the deal actually I feel like the Democrats are kind of looking like the winners from it. So anyway, that was yesterday going into it, the house rules committee to get it on the house floor. That's kind of like the main piece of political news for the day.

Debt ceiling Bill clears key hurdle King up final house vote before it goes to Senate The compromise Bill to raise the debt ceiling pass its first major test and the 13-member House Rules Committee. This was getting a little testy because there was two people within the committee were kind of outspoken that they weren't going to go for it, but obviously it got enough votes and then it ended up passing a key Republican Swing Vote Tom supported the bill, which had been briefly imperiled earlier after two other conservatives said they plan to vote against it. Congress faces a Monday deadline to address the debt ceiling or the U.S Government will default I Know heading into this, there's a very good chance that you were hearing June 1st, June 1st, June 1st, June 1st. And then what's kind of funny is the GOP was like ah, we don't believe that.

Gremlin You know the Treasury Secretary Yellin who's like telling us about June 1st. So now allegedly the debt is getting the debt date. The X date for our debt is now June 5th. So we're not really operating on this June 1st calendar anymore for the X8 just so everyone knows.

But allegedly allegedly allegedly it's going to be passing the house today, then from there it's going to get kicked over to the Senate and their procedures actually take a little bit longer. Even so, uh, time is definitely of the essence. Debt limit deal will pass house when: Wednesday According to Jeffrey's Democratic leader says this party will deliver enough votes. Progressive Democrats Conservative Republicans Object to the bill Mr Leader: thank you for joining us at this important moment on Bloomberg Are you a Yes vote on this bill? Hell yeah.

Brother indicated I Strongly support Hell yeah. The administration and the resolution that has been reached in terms of preventing a default that would be catastrophic would crash the economy would hurt millions of Americans I Applaud President Biden Finding a resolution that will prevent this dangerous default from happening. Now, notice how none of them ever say anything ever extreme. It's just like a bunch of words that when you really think about it the debt ceiling for an additional two years, this is the guy under the country in the house being in this kind of hostage-taking situation for the rest of this Congress that's a good thing.
The other important resolution that was brought about as a result of President Biden's leadership is that some very important Democratic priorities are protected Social Security Protected Medicare Protected Medicaid Protected veterans protected and the American people will protected protected from the protective I Honestly think he has the right to do a bit of a Victory lap I Think the Democrats are looking better from this country as a result of the hostage-taking situation that has been underway for the last several months. So Mr Leader: It sounds like you are a yes when the bill comes to floor and that's where you're going to vote. But how many other today do you expect to also vote yes alongside you? Well, we're in the process of engagement right now. Uh, we had three hours yesterday with the administration.

Three hours of virtual meetings are underway today with the administration. Will also have a Caucus meeting tomorrow in person at the house where members of the administration will be able to continue to talk to members of the House Democratic caucus. It's been a very collaborative and cooperative and communicative experience. I Think a lot of constant question that everyone should be asking in terms of what's going to happen on the Florida house Protection: how many votes will the Republicans produce? This is an agreement that at their insistence they negotiated with the administration and it's our full and complete expectation that they are going to produce at least 150 votes.

We as Democrats are going to make sure that we do not default on our nation's debt. America should always pay our bills, but it's important for Republicans to keep the promises that they've made. No one seriously believes that 95 percent of House Republicans are going to support this agreement. That's a number that I believe had been through floated in the public domain.

but it's reasonable to expect that they will produce at least 150 votes on Thursday and that's what you got to listen for 150. So just want to share that the debt limit we got through the house rules. Now we're going to that actual house vote. We'll probably be getting more of an update on that today.

City Strategist says tech stocks rally is now at risk of fizzling out. So the other big news is basically hey, the AI cultural public hype also bleeding over to the stock market where you think see things like Nvidia Palantir, C3ai, uh, Broadcom. Just all these AI related stocks just rippity skippity doo dah like they just duct tape themselves to a rocket and they are exploding directly to the Mars maybe maybe past Mars I Don't know. I'm not the best at astronomy here, but anyway, is it a bubble? Yeah, it's a bubble.

Obviously it's a bubble. Of course, these things are fundamentally overvalued. Without a doubt, they're fundamentally overvalued. But that's the tricky part.
Just because something's fundamentally overvalued does not mean it's about to come down. We saw that with Jimmy We saw that with Doge We saw that with AMC We saw that with Shiba These are all things that exploded in 2021 and they were comically fundamentally overvalued. And you know what happened. They kept going and going and going.

Just because you identify identify something as fundamentally overvalued as a hype play as a bubble play. That doesn't mean it's going to come down right then. In fact, you can still make a considerable amount of money the more people Miss Timing it and trying to bet against it before it's actually going to come down. That can prompt it to go even higher and higher and higher.

So right now, do we see within the stock Market a lot of overvaluations? A lot of bubble-esque things. Yeah, without a doubt. But that does not mean it's time to take your profits. That doesn't mean it's time to bet against it.

You need to wait for the proper setup. the proper risk, reward setup. Or yeah, maybe it happens today. I Don't know.

A lot of people are going to be throwing out their conjecture of like oh, it's going to happen. It already happened. It's about to happen. It's going to happen years from now.

It's not a bubble at all. The bubble's already popping. Everyone's gonna have an opinion on this, but at the end of the day, you have to do what's appropriate for you. and I would strongly argue.

What's appropriate for most of us is yes, Look for that. good risk to reward setup. Play the situations where you have minimal risk optimal reward. You put your money on your the table and then you wait for it to play out and you stick to your rules.

If your risk is hit, you gotta cut it. If your reward is hit, you got to take your profits if you're using whatever a trailing, stop us. whatever your strategy is. I mean we could get into maybe some useful strategies, especially reviewing some of those other things that like when parabolic when sideways that ended up coming down of course.

Yeah, history could definitely help us out a little bit here, but in the market there is a common saying that history doesn't repeat, but it often. Rhymes So yeah, we can use some of these like kind of fomo crazy things playing out in the past. Just get a better idea of how to play this because I strongly believe money could be made to the upside and I strongly believe money can be made to the downside. I'm not saying again I'm against AI I Actually think AI will most likely revolutionize pretty much any industry we can think of.

but that doesn't mean that these prices that we're at right now we're just going to stay there and keep going higher. I think if anything, there's going to be that natural EBA flow we got the explosion of The Upside I think it comes back down I think we're going to base and then I think we're going to see quote unquote more steady growth off of that. So right now I'm not interested investing in these because they are way too overvalued. But yeah, they could totally be an active trade once again.
To the upside and to the downside, we're in this to make money. This concept of just Diamond handing everything. It's a little bit silly and that's probably not where you're going to be a successful Trader and or investor just like diamond handing everything because you saw someone tweet about it or write an interesting Reddit post let the price action determine what you're actually doing. Another way to say that is lit your system which should be well defined with risk and reward Define how you actually engage with the market.

So anyway, you're going to see some people saying that the bubble I mean we know that that Professor from Wharton was saying hey, like it might be a bubble but we're just starting now and it has a lot to go. We see other people saying that it's fizzling out, might be popping, like everyone's going to have an opinion. Whatever bias you potentially have, you're going to be able to find a person with the right pedigree with the right credentials supporting you, and then if you look hard enough, you're going to find people who are going exactly opposite. Everyone has an opinion here and understand these people with the pedigrees with the credentials.

They're all right 50 of the time. Sometimes they're right even less than 50 of the time. So just because you're reading something, um, I just want to be clear here. Whatever your bias is, you're going to find people supporting your Buys So make sure you're not caught in your own Echo chamber.

Stick to whatever your trading plan is. On that note, one of the exciting AI reports coming out after the market closes today is: C3 AI they're reporting I Want to talk about them because it is a completely different situation than Nvidia Yes, they're both involved in the world of AI Nvidia is a much larger company, almost no short interest C3 AI is a much smaller company with a lot of short interest and some some short sellers. For sure the short interest is around like 20 30 I think it's around 30 something, but on top of it, they are being accused of maybe not properly doing accounting and that's like the short seller thesis. So the shorts are now kind of getting blown out because AI is exploding to the upside.

So we're going to be talking about that and I just want you to know the numbers as of right now: 26 short interest, 100 utilization cost to borrow is 20 and once again, this is all for C3 AI but I want to come back to that after the Market opens and things settle down a little bit I Want to do more of a full breakdown just so everyone's a little bit more prepped up for the earnings after the market closes today AI poses human extension risk uh, on par with nuclear war Sam Altman and other Tech leaders warn So the people who are driving the effort are also telling us that this could kill us all, which I find to be a little bit upsetting. Mitigating the risk of extension from AI should be a global priority along other societal scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war. Um, bold statements from people who are literally at the Forefront of progressing. AI Um, but hey, I Guess maybe the the Doomsday Clock is already going and we just don't know about it.
Maybe we've already come too far? I Have no idea, but we might as well have a little bit of fun in the meantime. Speaking of the funds specifically for today, uh, 15 minutes into the trading day, we get the Chicago business barometer. More importantly, at 10 A.M where you're going to get the job Openings report and then we have two different fed speakers, one at or two at 130. And then we're gonna get the Beige Book which is a qualitative Outlook of the economy that's coming out at 2PM today.

So two fed speakers qualitative Outlook at the economy and then job openings at 10 and then just you know, if you want a little sneak preview of Tomorrow more job stuff, more fed speakers and then on Friday it is the first Friday of the month so we are getting the unemployment report. Speaking of Market events and announcements: mortgage demand drops to the lowest level in three months. rates are still going up as of now. There's a greater chance than that.

Not that in the June the mid-june Fomc meeting, we're getting another Fed fund right hike. so interest rates are going to keep going up. I mean right now Mortgage? I Believe it's like around, uh, some places, uh, it looks like increase to 6.91 Some people were seeing spikes above seven depending where they were. So mortgage interest rates going? absolutely Sky High I Want everyone to be aware of that, uh, shaky times in the real estate market in terms of earnings.

After the market closes today, we get crowd strike Salesforce C3 AI C30 AI is evidently the major one I'm paying attention to today and then tomorrow we're getting Dollar General Macy's I Just want to see what's going on there in terms of discount stores just because there's been craziness with Walmart we have the wall and selling a lot of their Stark We have a lot of craziness with Target and the social issues that they're running into. so I just want to see what Dollar General and Macy's have to say. But really, the major one I'm watching after the market closes tomorrow is broadcom. uh ticker symbol AV Geo that's another one that's gone absolutely Bonkers because of the AI hype wave.

so uh, could just be interesting to know what's going on there and then I just want to call it out. It's not a company that I really pay attention to, but I know a lot of you do is chargepoint. uh so just Want to put out out there that they're reporting after the market closes tomorrow. with respect to today, and um, really seasonality today is seasonally bearish.
Yeah, the percentage-wise is about 50 50, but you need to know that the profit factor is 0.17 So every single Dollar Bet in the Bullish Direction has only returned 17 cents, which is a sizable loss. I mean you're losing 83 cents on every dollar spent. So this is what the equity curve looks like. Buying out, open and selling at closed on this day individually over the past 25 years? Uh, actually, no on this one.

I only had 17 years worth of data because we're getting to the end of the month and not every single year has this many trading days. that just has to do with the silliness of the Gregorian calendar. Don't get me started on that. but anyway, over the past 17 years, this is what the equity curve looks like for this individual day of training.

just kind of going down and down and down. Is it going to play out that way? I Have absolutely no clue. but I Do want you to know that the Bulls are running into some form of Headway headwinds today from a seasonal bias tomorrow. Nothing too special, but Friday Absurdly bullish Friday is insanely insanely statistically bullish, just so everyone knows.

And that leads us to the five things you should know before the stock market bill goes. Ding ding ding today. Wednesday May 31st Mixed up May Well, the market seems kind of fine, but it's really being up by about a handful of stocks. Five Six Seven stocks are pretty much responsible for all the gains, while everything else is about like one percent.

Uh, we are in a weird situation where most of the Market's doing nothing and then there's a couple massive outperformers which are making the overall situation seem a little bit better than it actually is. Huge vote coming up debt ceiling. We're talking about the house because it did pass the rules committee by a slim margin 7-6 Uh, some people the hardcore conservatives are calling from McCarthy to be ousted and like just a lot of drama. A lot A lot of drama.

which is hey, it's good for reality. TV I Don't know why it's happening in the political Arena right now Diamond goes to China JP Morgan A CEO Diamond Speaking in Shanghai called on the US and Chinese governments to cool it and find a way to work better together. Uh, so he's kind of doing the exact same thing that Elon has been doing Diamond Also, just so you guys know. currently caught up in a whole Epstein situation and then on top of that, he recently came out saying that when he's done in the private sector that he might be considering going into politics.

So some interesting commentary from Jaime uh, one sentence to warn the world. Uh, so literally the guy running open AI is telling us about how AI might kill us all which I still find very, very, very unsettling Mortgage demand slums. That's exactly what happens when you have mortgage rates popping above seven percent or almost above seven percent and definitely above seven percent in certain areas once again. I Do want to reiterate my concern for the corporate real estate sector I Think it's going to be in for a a rough a rough while coming up here pretty soon.
So those are the five things that allegedly mainstream media thinks you need to know for today. The main things I want you guys to know is, hey, remember none of this matters anyway. Like if you make money, if you lose money, this is all just. it's more about having fun.

Really, the name of the game today is teamwork. That's that's what really matters If you make money, lose money, whatever. Easy come easy go. You should be much more focused on are you having fun I I Just want you guys as a solid, solid teamwork effort I Want you folks to have a good old fun time today.

Um, Matt how do you feel about Ron Ken Griffin's connection with Ron DeSantis I I Don't have like, really any emotions surrounding it if you think that billionaires only have connections with one political hopeful. Uh, let me tell you that you're talking about a billionaire whose job is risk rewarding management. He's not going all in. I Guarantee you he's donating and has connections to every person.

Because when you're a billionaire running the world's largest market making firm, you're going to be buddy buddy with probably any legitimate candidate and you're going to be giving them money and doing them Deals They just operate in a different political Financial world than we do When you're at that level. you're buying favors and you're connected with almost every single person in this world of serious influence. So if you think that it just stops at Ron DeSantis I Don't want to be the person like kind of busting your bubble here, but I guarantee you he could get Ron DeSantis on the phone he could get Biden on the phone he could get Trump on the phone he could get Harris on the phone. he could get anyone on the phone.

Follow me please, it's free Shepard Just became a monthly supporter a Shepherd The fact that you became a monthly supporter also. all you Hell yeah brother, Hell yeah brother. you can buy my follow I I I'm not shy enough to tell you that you could buy me following you. Hang on.

How do I go right to your portfolio? Follow: I'm your fifth follower Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer you uploaded that one ago. Yeah, you could totally buy my followership and let that be known to everyone here. you can buy my my following without a doubt. I am I'm man enough to tell you guys you could do it for sure.

So silly. All right, we have 15 seconds so the Market opens. The plan for Market open is to first 10 20 30 minutes watch the market open. We do have a report at 9 45.
we do have a report coming out at 10 A.M So 15 minutes into the trading day, 30 minutes into the trading day, two market reports are coming out. Pay attention to those and then we could do an update of some of my positions and whatnot. With all that being said, dignity, ding, ding, ding, wake Up! Casino It is a Wednesday and boy or boy are we rocking. Thus far, things are looking a little bit rough, but hey, just because you had a rough night doesn't mean you're gonna have a rough day.

Maybe we'll be able to turn these things around. The casino is open Play responsibly and if not, have fun, money is the easy come easy go. But what isn't is a good old explosion. To the upside apparently in the AI sector I call now Tesla that's I called that out Anyone who's like whoa, Tesla's up I wonder if I should have played that I called that out Now others of you are going to be like yeah, but you also went long on Nvidia Let's not focus on my losing trades, let's focus on my winning trades I Need optimism in here.

Unbridled optimism a hundred percent of the time. The negatives: We gotta box those up and put them in the back of your closet. It's just optimism Good Vibes Good Vibes A hundred percent of the time I Don't know why I'm still on this announcement voice but uh I kind of like it what other voices do I have programmed in here? All right. So here's the normal.

This is: Matt cores coming at you live from the Matt core show. This is the Hulk Hogan own brother oh brother I had a couple too many racks of ribs at Texas Roadhouse last night. This is the target announcement voice. Uh, please stop shorting our company.

We seriously can't handle it anymore. We're worried about bankruptcy. What is this voice? Oh, this is the robot announcement voice. Well hello there.

This is when the AI takes over the world I Just want our AI overlords to know that I'm under even not on the human races team. What's this one? This sounds normal. This? this sounds wait. Is this a hard tune? Oh this is a hard tune.

Hello hello, hello there brother, hello hello. Take my home. What's this one? Hello hello hello Hello Testing Testing Testing tests. Welcome to the Ball Game All right, that's enough messing around.

This is a real Finance show where we talk about real things with real money. A lot of you. I I See it over in chat. You're screwing around today.

You're acting as if the market is in a serious place for serious people I Need more seriousness out of you? Seriously, this is this is. this is not a joke for any of you thinking that this is a place that you could just prance around and not take it seriously. Well, you're wrong. This is real.

This is real Finance Real markets and you need to be real serious I Tricked you all I I Mentally took note of everyone in chat who thought it was more funny that we were messing around than talking about nerdy Financial numbers and I know who you are and disappointed I'm more disappointed in you than your parents are and I will be writing them I will be writing them a strongly a strongly worded text Man: why is everything going against me? Is it because I wasn't serious enough this morning I was tricking them. This is what happens when you talk a little on Ken Griffin In the morning he like looks into your positions and then completely smashes it back into your face I Don't even want to look at my account this morning. Oh brother, don't do this to me. Stop Stop Stop.
Why is everyone's just being a big baby today? Why can't people just grow some balls and buy some stocks? Dude. a bunch of babies out there. bunch of big babies I'm gonna cheat. You know.

one big thing I learned when playing Monopoly against my sister growing up is if it's not going your way, you gotta cheat. Don't ever ever admit to the world that maybe you're just not as good and you need to learn and you need to practice. No, no, no no, no, this is the lesson of the day. I Know a lot of you come to me just for stock market talk.

but really, most of you are in here for my one philosophical lesson of the day. And my philosophical lesson of today is if things are not going your way, cheat, cheat and cheat even more. No one remembers how you became successful, how you got there. It's all about are you successful? No one cares.

No one cares whatsoever. If you cheated to get where you are, they just care about where you are I just want to drive that home to everyone. So I'm going to cheat a little. We're gonna use a little bit of magnet manipulation just to get what I want out of the market.

Matt Your hair looks really good today Moto Dallas That's the type of optimism we need in here. I Appreciate that. I I'm gonna be keeping that little that little comment in my memory. it's gonna.

It's gonna make me smile. Take the damn magnets off. No way we're cheating if Ken Griffin's allowed to cheat I'm allowed to cheat if he can cheat I could cheat better. Can you do a breakdown on Apple please? Uh sure.

Well here's what the chart looks like: very clear wedge to the upside. Uh, it's getting. obviously the range is getting smaller and smaller I don't wanna it's trading at 178. there's no way I'm buying a apple right now at 178.

Seems a little crazy beings. it's all-time highs like 183 something. It does have two downside: Gap those one to 175, 77, another 16704. if there's some weakness in the chart I'd prefer to play that just because in terms of risk reward, your risk would be minimal and you have a reward of 175.77 you have one of 172 171 and then the next one is at 167.

So I think the risk reward play here and I wouldn't do it right now just because we see no clear like Trend breakdown um I would want to be fading this move just because like I'm not going to be hopping in the party to the upside is already kind of over if you're more of a swing. Trader So and I'm not going to invest at these levels either. So if anything, I'm looking for weakness and then I would want it to play the downside gaffle of 175, 77, 167 and I think there'd be a little bit of a stop at 171 in between. So I see this may major wedge I see the EMAs pointing to the upside I see a lot of bullishness so I'm not betting against it right now I have no position on Apple I'm just waiting and waiting and waiting for the opportunity.
All right. so far my cheating. Oh, is it starting to work? Oh, are you guys cheating with me folks. this works better if we cheat as a group.

Another lesson that I learned in Monopoly of if there's multiple people in on the con, in on the scheme, in on the cheat, in on the magnets on your charts. um, it's gonna work better. And if you're sitting there right now and you're thinking to yourself, ah, Shucks I wish I had magnets on my chart. Well boy oh boy do I have a product for you.

Shout out to Tradingview for sponsoring today's stream pin to the top of chat In the description of the video, you can find an affiliate link that you could use to kind of get a freebie to use the same charting software. I'm showing you right now now a lot of you might be thinking, but wow, man does that mean that I too could have emojis on my chart. and You're darn two And it does mean that you are right. it is your day.

It's Christmas at the end of May You can also have emojis on your chart with a few simple clicks of the button. Now a lot of you might already know that this product can be used to manipulate the market, but it doesn't stop there. But folks, it does not stop there. It fixes good days.

It fixes bad days, It fixes rainy days, It fixes sunny days. It fixed various forms of illness that I forget the list. off the top of my head. going through a divorce.

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Wow. Amazing! I Must sign up. I'm sold. Um uh, we have some youngins in here asking if oh brother if Rockets will work I Remember my first day of emoji trading too.

We gotta do a little bit of a gotta do a little bit of a fix here so maybe we just need a bigger one on AI over here. Maybe we're gonna. let's try a different color. let's try Teal.
Maybe AI stocks need a different color. What broker do you use for trading Futures Trade station trading view is for charting tradestation I use for futures but I also use ninjatrader I Have used interactive brokers but I like to use my Interactive Broker account for options more so I'm so deathly afraid to check out my account right now because I just know it's getting absolutely destroyed. So very very nervous. Very very nervous.

I Remember my first beer. Uh, speaking of your first beer, uh, how's Anheuser Oh, that stock is getting. So you guys seeing this, do you know how many billions of dollars Mullaney has cost? It's down 20. ever since the Dylan Mullaney marketing thing 20 percent.

This is it. Currently a 109 billion dollar company As it's lost 20 to 25 billion dollars. 20 to 25 billion Folks, that's billion. We're not talking about 20 gram.

We're not talking about 200. Grand We're not even talking about 2 million 20 million we're talking about. Do you know how big of a marketing up that has to be to lose 20 billion dollars more than 20 billion dollars? Arguably one of the largest marketing mess-ups of all time. Well, you could also argue that Target's giving them a run for their money because how's this been going? They are down 17 percent Currently a 62 billion dollar company.

Um, so they've lost a little less there. They've lost like nine-ish billion if my math is right around 9 billion, but still a a multi-billion dollar mistake with the whole Pride backlash type of thing. which honestly that's already pandering to begin with. like I Mean let's just be honest about that marketing tactic of the whole.

like in June one month out of the year will be like, will care to um, support the LGBT community. No, it's marketing. They just like paint everything in rainbows and sell it and try to make more money. They're not there for like, legitimate support.

They were there anyway just to try to make money and ride a cultural fad. and like it was just completely fictitious so they're getting screwed over as well. That's brutal dude. Wow, Hey the Mar: How many of you thought I was the crazy person in here and they're like no way would magnets work.

And now now who's getting the last laugh? I am I am because especially if you're a new viewer, it's only going to be a matter of time before you realize that out of all people on this side of the Mississippi, I'm the Best. Trader You can literally line up every single person on this side of the Mississippi. Don't ask me what side that's being disrespectful. You can line up every single side of every person on this side of the Mississippi and you're looking at the best Trader You are looking at the best Trader on this side of the Mississippi especially when it comes to Tesla So don't be surprised.

Don't put on your fictitious shock and awe face of like wow, did he really use emojis and magnets to manipulate the market folks? Did you expect anything else? Did did you expect anything else? Let me put it this way, when you pay oddly way too much money to go to a zoo side sidebar really quickly. uh I Don't know the last time you guys were at a zoo, it's expensive I think I paid like 90 or 100 to go to the Bronx Zoo a couple weeks ago. but I Still love zoos. Huge fan of zoos.
Anyway, when you pay a surprisingly large cost to go to the zoo, you go there and you expect the line to be a lime. You're not expecting all of a sudden to show up and see a lion acting like whatever. A Mouse A Stenographer an astronaut? No, you expect a line to be lime. That's the same thing when you guys came to the free digital Zoo known as the Matt core show you're not expecting like I'm a Trader You're expecting me to act like the best Trader And this is you're getting what you paid for is what? I'm trying to say that five second ad that you were forced to watch at the start of the video that was your ticket into this particular show.

The Freak Show of a Trader I Think you guys get it. the St Louis Zoo is free. Well this zoo is free too. That's one thing that the St Louis Zoo and I have in common and a lot of marketing.

Geniuses of our time have pointed that out. They're like all right. What are two very successful Brands And they're like okay we have the Matt core show and we all have also have the Saint Louis Zoo and that's that's what they've noticed is like the major through point. What do you think about chargepoint earnings tomorrow? I Have no particular thoughts Brian I I Wish I could give you a super in-depth breakdown but I have not been tracking that company.

Fundamentally my favorite EV play is Tesla uh I just haven't um I do think that there is opportunity in the Upstream like uh, kind of like the support around the world of Evie but I just don't know enough about it. So I I'm not gonna just I mean I could make up stuff Brian How about I I'll do you a favor here, buddy. um Brian is that your name Brian Bubonic like the bubonic plague. Is that really what your family is known for? Brian Do you come from a family of virologists and what was your family up to in like the 1500s? And do you did you or did you dislike like 50 of the European population? Just kind of curious before we get into this.

I uh I Want to know your thoughts on Europe Like 500 years ago, you tell me this and I'll tell you my thoughts on Chargepoint. All right, The sad thing is I need a video to go. like 20 more dollars for this to work I'm the worst trainer to ever do it long on bubonic. Anyway I think we have a celebrity in chat.

literally the descendant of the Bubonic plague creator. I Love what you've been pulling off. Oh, that was a joke, but honestly I think it was timely like I think it's now appropriate to make those kind of jokes. But anyway, that's my thought.
you asked about chargepoint. uh I had to joke about it I don't know. Oh I was just gonna ask you, um, your like if you're long or short and I was just gonna back up whatever your position was. Obviously your family's been known to lash out in one way or another.

Uh, so I don't really want to make you upset here, so just tell me if you're long or short and I will come up with a bias that is supportive of yours. Uh, remember 9 45 We got the Chicago barometer. Apparently people care about the air pressure in Chicago on today, which always blows my mind. Like why would the air pressure in Chicago have an impact on the market? Uh, but apparently it does we.

It just caused us to go from 419 down to 4 18 25. So that just came out 9 45 Uh, barometer air pressure reading out of Chicago Uh, not related to anything in the market. but Al Pacino is expecting a kid at age 82 Yeah I saw that and the girl that he is having the woman I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that any of the women in here I just I said girl the way I say girl is how I say guy I don't just say the man that they're having in the kid with I say girl guy I don't mean it offensively. Please don't be offended the woman that he is having the kid with I think is 29.

um which has an odd Vibe when we know he's what was it 82. sofa is on the Move Yes so why is Sofi moving? That's um I appreciate you calling that sofa is on the move to the uppity up up. Because remember, a lot of their revenue. A lot of their business is around student loan payments, and if you didn't know anything about student loan payments, they've been kind of paused for a hot minute.

But uh, part of the debt ceiling negotiations appears as if student loan payments are once again going to restart, which will no longer be like a horrible hindrance to Sofi's business model. So basically those student loan payments. So if I very much wants them to restart, very much wants them to restart. Damn damn.

And Matt call it a birthing person is that legitimately what some people are pushing for? like I don't want to be offensive to anyone like whatever if people in their own brain have something going on but like is that like what a birthing person like? we're not supposed to use like gendered stuff anymore. dude, you know what? I Just found out. I So for those of you who don't know because some of you are late to class and you might have missed one of the most important classes ever yesterday I'm engaged. That was the big uh announcement of yesterday.

I got engaged on Saturday I Lit you guys, my friends, my digital friends know that yesterday. So anyway I found out on Friday the day before a mere 12 hours before that fiance's two different words uh I pride myself on not knowing all the grammar rules. like I'm not like a hardcore grammar person but like I think I know more than the average person and that is a rule that I never knew fiance is gendered did Did you guys know that that if you're a woman fiance, you spell it with two E's and if you're the male fiance, you spell it with wani just found that out and I feel like it. It's actually kind of odd that it took me 28 years worth of life to realize that there's two different types of fiance and I know some of you in here are going to be like, how could you just notice that now But a lot of you in here are gonna be like whoa I never knew that either.
and I actually think that most of you in here probably didn't know that as well. But now we all learned a thing. If you are a female fiance, you have two E's. If you are a male fiance, there's only one E in years.

I Didn't know that was gendered properly. Um, and I don't think they've come up with a non-gender Maybe they just make that one. Threes: That would be cool. Do you think we could pitch that to the whole like world? Like the word community of like if you're like a non-gendered fiance, that it's three E's uh, the squiggly.

the squigglies over both I believe isn't it the female squiggly um, the dash over the Thirsty I think that's on both though, right? I think just drop the E or does the the does the male fiance not get the dash? um the French Mind-blowing Oh, you're saying just drop all these so your girl's only want you Wow, that's so. Progressive LOL Got engaged. Um, so your fiance is a female Yes. I I'm the the singly and she would be the doubly in this particular scenario.

Um, so hey, we all learned something today. We all learn honestly: I think you've learned two things today if we're being frank with each other. Number one, yes, emojis can manipulate the market. and Number two, there are two different forms of fiance.

So we all learned that totally real fiance now I know a lot of you are going to be like she's fake but how could she be fake if her name is totally real fiance? Doubly nice dude. I Feel like eventually this is going to come back in the future and end up um, canceling me. but at least we're gonna have fun from now. Until then I learned math doesn't know French I don't know French at all.

which is odd because my completely real fiance is. she's she says she's not fluent in French but she's pretty close to being fluent in French and I don't know what lick of it I just say we be and I say but I don't know what it means I just like saying it but the way I say it like I obviously am putting quite a bit of emotion into it. It almost has like a romantic Hue to it I'm like and apparently I don't like. does it just mean like thank you or you're welcome or something like that like it means something that is nowhere close to like how I say it whatsoever like I it just I doesn't mean like nice to meet you I think that's what it means nice to meet you and I'm like um but I almost enjoying not knowing what it means I feel like that's like fun I feel like that's the fun part folks.
You have so much to learn from me. You just gotta speak languages without no without knowing what you're saying. Someone just said the Market's vomiting. Not really.

So far, we've done nothing today. We're in like a 75 cent range. Uh, you are enchanting I'm enchanted by you dude. that direct translation: Enchanted To Meet you why don't we say that in English no one says that anymore Enchanted To meet you um I saw some Tick Tock yesterday that was uh guys today ILY I love you but like they'll text that and then they're like Achilles back in the day and it what was his quote in a dark room if I were blind, if I were deaf and you were mute I would still find you.

It was just like comparing how like lame we are today. but I think that's just because we have more interesting things to do and talk about that we're not gonna like. just sit around all day like writing like weird love poems and sentences and crap like that. I think it's just more because they were bored as hell.

I mean that guy Achilles he just sat on boats for days and days and days and wrote that kind of stuff and then he just murdered people. So yeah, I might say ILY but I also didn't murder people so it's a trade-off Matt Come to my California my come to California July 1st for my wedding we can discuss the logistics of fiance and fiance. Okay, I'll be there Achilles I Barely knew him with a good entry for Tesla uh depends on you and your time frame. So for me I got in on a swing trade because of the breakout and the hold of this trend line.

Uh, right here connecting this trend line on Thursday February 16th to Friday March 31st connect connect. it broke out, it held I'm playing that Breakout My risk is probably it was yesterday. it was 184 185. probably moving my risk up to 192 today.

currently trading at 200. ideally I wanted to be above close above 200. Obviously the higher the better 204 210 like I would love it obviously because I have calls but my risk I do want to let you know that I'm moving that up. it was about 184.

I'm probably going to move it up to 192 today if it gets below close to below 192. it was just a losing trade and hey, sometimes that happens in terms of Target uh I Got in yesterday on the breakdown. it was around 136 and then I was risking 140. We're obviously trading below 134 so this one's uh, printing right now.

I'll probably end up moving the wrist yesterday it was 140. I'm probably going to move the risk down I have Target puts I'm probably moving the wrist down to 138 I'm looking for the brake and close below 130 On Target and then if that happens, that opens up the door for 125 which is probably where I would like to take most or potentially all of my profits. On Target because it has been kind of a clear vomit. so I don't want to push my look too far on that one.
uh rum. just kind of mid-range Would love for it to get above close above 10 and then once again obviously setting up a test of 10.50 Apple looking very strong looks like it's pushing 179. I don't really see an active trade on Apple right now. it's pushed too far that I don't really want to be a bull.

So if anything, I would do more of a mean reverting play. We do have two downside: Gap those uh denoted in red on your screen. But first, I would have to see some weakness to take advantage of that because right now I'm just seeing pure strength and I'm too late to the party to be a bull. Uh, where is uh Nvidia ooh Nvidia is coming down.

There's the downside Gap Bill to 391.70. this was a very bad trade for me I wish I didn't take it. it was mistimed I might end up getting lucky I don't know I'm not happy with this trade. It was a dumb trade Not only was it missed time I accidentally bet two units instead of one unit.

Um, so I'm just not happy with how this one's playing out right now. Wall: it's doing nothing IEP Uh, there is an upside gaffle at 23.50 I Want to let you know that I'm done with IEP I locked in all my profits when we hit the support level and maybe if it's turned background I might enter once again. but for right now I have I have nothing going on with icon Enterprise because apparently we're all waiting for Carl icon to like fight back against Hindenburg and blah blah blah and I don't really know what's going on there AI Uh, trying to hold 40 right now? it's an inside bar and when I when I say an inside bar that means the current High and the low are within the high and the low of the previous bar. so no current trend on.

AI Speaking of these plays, Uh, Avgo could be a little bit of a blow off top exhaustion type of play here. Where's the volume? Where's the volume? Yeah, I Mean, look at this. so the stock rippity, skippity Doo dot goes from 622 to 922. It adds 300.

that's 50 to its market cap. huge volume pop and then it gets kind of murked. Um, this might just be a classic volume exhaustion type of play this one. It's a tough call because they do report after the market closes tomorrow, so you might want to be careful with this.

But I'm watching it for the downside play because it also does have some interesting opportunity down to 7, 32, 39 and maybe even more to 684 31. So I'm watching it for a play I Just don't want to get blown out of the position and in the back of my mind I keep thinking about how I'm currently in real time misplaying Nvidia and I just want to be like kind of get myself back onto the track and play this one properly. Uh, what else do we have Tesla above 200 once again like it's Ai and AVG Right now a lot of things have inside bars. Uh, we do have the Spy potentially breaking down made a new high but we are below the low of yesterday so not the biggest fan of that.
Would love to for it to get above and hold above 419. It would make me feel a lot more comfortable. But don't forget in one minute we are going to be getting another report. What report comes out at 10 A.M today? Uh, we're getting another report.

What is it? 10 A.m 10 A.m This is a Job Openings They're looking at 9.5 million. Let's see what they say about it. All right should be coming up shortly in the Futures Market we are at Clear support. This is a an important support level and let's see how this all plays out.

basically between 4194 and 4188. Major support. Um, we are upside down right now. Blue, white, red trending down clearly on the 50 minute.

The trend ever since really yesterday has been down down lower highs, lower lows. The short-term trend is clearly favoring the oh, we're Going Live uh, clearly favoring the Bears, but longer term Trend Like the daily, we're still pointing upwards, so a little bit of a mismatch. there. Four hours up, two hours up on the street, and even now, the 30 minutes like Messy live for you.

As always, from post nine of the New York Stock Exchange take a look at, look at that. Half a percent on the S P 500 NASDAQ down Again, less than the rest of the market. the Dow's down about 227 30 minutes here into the trading session, Here are three big movers we're watching right now. Give us the jobs lunges after cutting, it's full.

Your profit out loud Material: Higher prices for raw materials Auto Parts Down 32 percent. Remembering around the flat line ahead of it, it came in at 10.103 million Jenny I Appreciate that you're about three percent away from 52. Some more job openings than they anticipated. The red missing Revenue estimates for the quarter Hewlett-Packard guidance there CEO Antonio Neri joins us to break down those numbers.

Also, what the company is saying about AI In just a moment, Early session lows here. Let's get to Jules with Rick Santelli hey Rick Rick Rick yields popping up, which means jokes popped up as well. That's correct if you're looking right things. and labor turnover for April always do months in arrears expecting a number around nine and a half million, but it popped.

Instead of getting the fourth in a row that was lower than the previous month, we moved higher to 10 million, one hundred and three thousand. second best number of the year. The best number of the year was in January at 10 and a half million, and last month moves from nine and a half million to nine million, Seven hundred, forty five thousand. But we're just splitting hairs here.

The fact that it moved higher is just kind of like an inflation number when it moves higher. Same response in the market. Because of Fed implications, it is giving us a view of a healthy jobs market and those openings translate into higher yields. We basically moved from 365 back up to 367..
we're challenging the low yields. Now we're challenging the high yields. Sarah Back to you oh brother Rick Santelli Thank you very much Data Point: I Would say that is moving in the wrong direction for a Fed that wants to slow the economy and bring down inflation fast enough. It's the final trading day of the month of May.

You know the S P is headed for another month in a row of gains third month in a row. yet that doesn't really tell the story right because it's been such narrow leadership. That's not the report that the Bulls wanted. Look at a number of different ways that that show this: I thought the Tony We'll see if the market can shake it off.

Who says look, all of this is recessionary. He says the top 10 stocks is a percentage of the other oil market cap stands at 32.2 percent. That's even higher than the.com era peak in 2000 and it's also higher than late 2021.. He also says that those top ten something's brewing in the background year to date gain and the S P 500 Something Brewing in the background.

these sectors down on the year, so look at that by not holding foreign versions. Look at. he says that's all pretty recessionary and I think generally strategists agree it's kind of a dangerous place to be for stocks. Is this? When they announced that they passed, he's been pretty the debt limit at the house.

Let's turn this market around. I'm Gonna Keep the Bulls From arguing that uh, you've got a new secular the growth story in AI you got traction on disinflation. You're getting earnings revisions go higher, not lower. Those are things that are working in the Bull's favor.

Come on with working on the Bears favor though, is that the FED expectations are being recalibrated on the back of some of this better data and hawkish feds speak I mean we got Lauren who we knew was more in the hawkish camp Cleveland Fed President suggesting her comments, saying to the Financial Times that she doesn't see a reason for a pause right now. meaning wait until you get more evidence to decide if there was a person who looked like they didn't see a reason for a pause that's messed holding for a while. This is a lady. Look at her.

that's a person who does not pause. Bark in on the tape as well the Richmond Fed President Also, inflation is going to be more stubborn than people would hope. Same brother speaking in the last hour, she was talking more about the housing acceleration. Lower rents will effective will eventually be a reflected inflation data as new leases make their way into the calculations.

But overall talked about a re-acceleration in housing. And then you add the latest Joltz data which we know the FED has been looking at is a sign that the labor market is too tight, which we know they're targeting because that means wages will keep going up and feeds the inflation story. and you have to wonder if the FED is really going to take a pause I assume they're not looking at China and the lack of momentum out of their reopening and the fact that copper has come down, that oil has come down. Yeah.
Speaking of which, Warren Buffett bought more oxy which was well below. uh, there's China's why is that fun? That's not funny I don't think I like that guy. Whoever that guy is that other guy that was talking, he's just he's not my cup of tea. Norway's Oil Fund says firms mismanaging climate risk could face exclusion.

imagine if that was a typo and said execution, that's what I don't give. why can't we make Finance news more exciting like why are they giving us these like lame middle-of-the-road type of headlines Norway's Oil Fund says firms mismanaging climate risk could face exclusion Juice It Up Make It interesting and then just be like sorry it was the typo, we meant exclusion and then we accidentally auto corrected it to execution like these are ideas that I give out to these people for free and they just never ever take it. They never take it if they want to pump up their ad. Revenue They're really overall just admiration from the finance.

Community make it exciting. Don't have people up there talking about the China's PMI like this is good for the market. This is bad for the market. At the end of market.

every day you get two anchors up there. You make them debate something and whatever persons write the very next day be like yeah I Think we're gonna like Gap up tomorrow I think we're going to Gap them. You make them physically assault each other, You make one person slap the other person. the loser always gets slapped.

That's how you should start the next show, folks. That's how I come up with all this stuff. Top of the mind. You want a good Finance idea? Good Finance Idea: Whatever stock makes you the most money that year, you get it tattooed right onto your arm and then we see like a running list of whatever your best performers are.

You just get that ticker symbol tattooed right there. your worst performing one. You're in a boxing match. You're in a Rochambeau match with that CEO These are I know this might blow your mind right now.

Can I blow your mind right now? I Just came up with all those ideas right now. Yeah, I'm gonna blow your mind Chris and I have been talking about him for a little bit. uh, but most of those ideas I I just came up with litera

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