Crypto Trends You Should Be Watching (2022)
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What's going on moon gang, i know that this isn't gon na come as a surprise to anyone, but the year 2021 was crazy, intense insane for a myriad of reasons. I know for me personally, 2021 is not going to be a year that i forget anytime soon and i'm sure that's kind of the same sentiment for a lot of you watching this right now now for many things going across the globe. I think this does apply, but in this one i want to really focus on the financial markets. Now, yes, of course i could go on and on about the insanity in the stock market, which in reality i documented for hundreds, if not thousands, of hours.

This past year, so i kind of want to make a standalone video of some of the things that we saw in the crypto market and some of my future predictions for said market. Now, if you have been following crypto, maybe you were more invested in trading in some of the household names such as bitcoin and ethereum, and you made a couple hundred percent, which typically is amazing, or maybe you jumped onto the bandwagon of some of these community driven Projects that the media so kindly referred to as meme coins - and maybe you became a dogecoin millionaire. Maybe you became a sheba billionaire. Maybe you got into the world of digital art and maybe you were able to sell a piece of said art for 69 million dollars.

My point in bringing all this up is: we just saw a lot of craziness in almost all the markets this past year, and i don't think it's actually going to slow down so in this video, which will be specific to crypto. I kind of want to give some of my thoughts and personal insights for the year of 2022 as it relates to crypto, because i think it's going to be another wild ride. Let's kick this off with the granddaddy of them all bitcoin. I think this upcoming calendar year, the financial world financial news and particularly the headlines, are going to be dominated by one word: inflation unless you've been living under a rock.

You probably have been hearing about all this, because inflation is becoming very, very serious and it probably takes a multi-hour breakdown of how we got into the situation we're in, but it doesn't matter because we are here and now. This is a very unique opportunity for bitcoin because it's always been pitched as a digital asset: digital gold, a very strong inflationary hedge and with inflation, rising we're gon na finally see that test. It's not like there's a written rule that bitcoin has to be an inflationary hedge. Yes, that is obviously the strong discussion, but we're gon na see if there's enough people involved in the markets.

That truly believe it is a hedge against inflation. But i don't think it's that simple. I think the situation is actually far more complex than the fact that people are going to see hey inflation's up it's time to buy some bitcoin and here's. Why it's more complex so over the past year because of the federal reserve's unheard of policy of extreme unlimited quantitative easing, there's a lot of money in the system right now, a lot of money so because of that also with interest rates being cheap or low, you Can actually think of money itself as cheap, it's easy to get money and when money is really cheap, that means that people are getting that money and you're kind of seeing an explosion in, what's typically thought of as like high growth assets.
So this is exactly why particularly the nasdaq 100. A lot of tech plays did extremely well, because there was just a lot of money in the system and that money was flowing into these high growth options. Well, one of these options is the entire crypto sphere, specifically bitcoin. So this is kind of interesting because it's almost a a paradox of sorts, because really, if you're unwinding the system, as in jacking up interest rates, trying to take money out of this system, that means you're going to see an outflow from more of these higher growth.

Higher risk asset classes once again, such as crypto but you're doing that to battle inflation and inflation, particularly bitcoin, is thought to be an inflationary hedge. So you have this weird paradigm, where you could see an outflow because of what's going on with the federal reserve, higher interest rates less money in the system, but typically if, if a lot of the people are right, who are kind of watching the situation? They're arguing that you've seen inflow because of inflation, so it's very much a catch-22 situation, very much a catch-22. So i think with this, like i said, as you can see, it is kind of getting complex. One way we could really see this play out is more by tracking dxy, which is the dollar index, and i think, what's going to happen, is if the dollar, if dxy holds kind of constant, going flat or even goes up, that's not going to be the best For bitcoin, i think that shows that there's not money flowing into btc, but on the other hand, if you keep hearing about this concept of inflation and maybe the fed's not doing the best at battling it, and then you see the dxy drop.

I think that will be highly correlated with a spike in btc, so i know that's a little complex, but that's definitely one of my main calls for 2022. We're gon na finally see this test of bitcoin being an inflationary hedge. But just don't forget about the complexity of it beyond that, i also want to call out that i think we're just going to see more adoption. I think we're going to see corporate america and wall street and really the entire globe more and more adoption from either rich people famous people, big companies.

I think you're just going to generically see more and more supporters, and we know in this past year that el salvador actually accepted bitcoin as its legal currency. I bet there's going to be more countries that do it, especially ones that are battling hyperinflation. I think a good example, potentially up to bat would be the likes of turkey, so i think bitcoin is going to have an interesting year, we're going to be testing the theory of it we're going to be tracking the federal reserve. I think there's going to be more adoption from a personal level, all the way up to a country level.
Next up on the other side of the token yes, pun intended, we have utility coins, such as ethereum avalanche solana. The list goes on and on these l1 solutions had a great year a lights out year. So much money was gained, market caps exploded and it's for good reason. With these technological advancements.

I truly think that we're starting to see the future of decentralized finance. There are thousands of apps being built on this. We see the explosion of nfts, which wouldn't be possible without the likes of ethereum and smart contracts. The list goes on and on and on we have d5.

We have nfts, we have dows, i don't think that's slowing down at all, particularly for the backbones of these technologies that are making it possible. I think in 2021 there was an absurd amount of opportunity and money made in l ones. I think this upcoming year, it's gon na all be about scaling those it's gon na be about making it more secure. So, yes, l2s layer, twos did great in 2021.

I think this upcoming year. They can do even better because similar to bitcoin as there's more and more adoption, there's going to be a natural need for faster transactions, more scalable networks, and it's that kind of development that we're seeing that as the adoption increases, that is going to be the natural Flow, so yes, i i still think that layer ones will perform. Well, i'm not saying that they're not by any means. I just think layer two is like we're.

Gon na really see the ones that are gon na shine. I don't think that there's going to be many, many that do well, i think we're going to start to really see the top dogs in that sector. So that's a little bit of a prediction there, but particularly two layer ones. My biggest one is i'm hopeful fingers crossed that we finally get the merge event of ethereum serenity, which will be merging the beacon chain into the main net.

So we actually have ethereum functioning as a proof of stake. Consensus model opposed to a proof of work but overall similar to btc. I think these well-known strong utility coins will continue to perform. Now, let's talk about nfts, or should i say the thing that is now being searched more than the term crypto, or should i say the thing that is making people millionaires overnight or should i say the thing that came out of absolutely nowhere and became a multi-multi-billion Dollar industry do i think this is going to continue yes, but also kind of? No, i think the current way we think of nfts is not sustainable.

This concept of ones going for millions and millions of dollars not being tied to any utility. I don't think that bubble can last for too long. I think there's always going to be a demand for it because at a certain sense it's it can be representative of social status, which i think many many humans are attracted to. But i think we're going to see a natural evolution where the ones that are really going to outperform have an impressive and or unique utility tied to it.
And i think we're going to see a special growth in the world of gaming and its intersection with nfts. So off the top of my head, we're seeing really strong performance in nft based games such as axi and, in fact, it's actually representing an entire new business opportunity and revenue source for people who can play opposed to just grinding out a game because they enjoy the Game they can do that, but on top of it actually make money and in certain portions of the world this is now literally replacing their income. So i think that's going to be explored quite a bit and i would actually take it to the next level and argue that in some of the people's most popular games, they're going to use nfts and kind of tie them up with a governance model. For example.

Whatever game you're really into, and maybe whatever your favorite is yes, i see people spending money to get their favorite games, especially if they're playing it for hundreds, if not thousands of hours, but on top of it. Coming back to this governance thing, i think that there's going to be communities within the game that, if you own that nft you're part of the overall governance regime, and then your voice will be heard in the next step and the next directions that you want. That game to take so overall definitely bullish on nfts and i think we're going to see a continued growth in the meshing of nfts and games. I'm actually particularly excited to see how that plays out on a different, but somewhat related note.

I think we're about to see a gigantic and continued explosion in the world of the metaverse from the central land to sandbox to the list goes on and on and on. I'm sure you've seen these headlines of just millions and millions of dollars being involved, and i know hindsight is going to be 2020, but when we get to the end of all of this, i think the current numbers are going to seem very, very small in relative To what's about to play out not only in 2022 but as it continues, you're seeing so much cool advancement, so for me i actually want to make standalone videos. Please. Let me know if there's any interest in that, for example, how to buy digital land.

What does it mean? What's it like to use these vr goggles, just anything related to that world? I personally find to be so incredibly fascinating, but overall, if you believe in the metaverse, which i think is just going to grow by billions and billions of dollars, there's a couple of things, you can look into mana sand gala. You can look into some equities, such as roblox, microsoft, unity. I know there's an etf that just got filed but metaverse i'm calling for a gigantic growth, and i think that means opportunity, as in a financial windfall to any of us who are actually paying attention and last but definitely not least, crypto regulations. This has already been something that's been making the headlines, but i think it's about to get much more brutal on capitol hill as it relates to what should we be doing and not doing as it relates to regulation and crypto.
I think it's going to be a back alley fight on capitol hill. Without a doubt, there are various things that i think are going to be discussed and i think one of the most obvious ones is stable coins. It's basically in exchange for a local fiat currency. Such as the usd and in return you get that stable coin and they're backed, and typically it's one to one, but there are some variations on it most recently, this has been highly politicized who's, supporting it who's, not supporting it.

What are they should they be legal? Should they be illegal, so i think we're going to get some hopefully steps forward on how the u.s government wants to handle that and i'm sure various other governments will also have their own inputs, opinions and regulations, another one that has been dominating news for actually quite A while now is the entire legal case and, as that relates to xrp aka ripple, and i think we're going to hear more about the howie test and is that even a fair way to really measure. What's going on with crypto and asset like in reality, we're using rules and laws from almost 100 years ago, and we're currently trying to apply that to crypto honestly doesn't make the most sense to me. So i'm hoping someone with their head on right within the sec or politics in general, which i know that's a little bit of an oxymoron. I'm hoping someone that kind of steps up and says: hey, we kind of need a new.

I guess set of rules to evaluate what's going on in the world of crypto, because it's a brand new technology and finally from there this one, i don't think, is the biggest one, but i think a lot of people are expecting this. I think we're going to see more adoption in terms of the sec and etfs. As of now. There are various bitcoin future based etfs.

I think we're going to get some spot etfs as it relates to bitcoin and then from there you're going to see other ones follow, such as ethereum, all in all similar to 2021. I think that 2022 is gon na continue to be crazy, intense insane, especially as it relates to the world of crypto cryptocurrencies and anything that's intertwined there now. Obviously, these are my own opinions, i'm not a financial advisor, but i would love to get your thoughts in a comment below maybe we're in agreement. Maybe we completely disagree whatever it is.

Let me know in a comment: if you enjoyed this video, it would be awesome if you could drop a like and if you haven't already don't forget, to join up with the moon game by hitting that subscribe button, and until i catch you next time. Best of luck in the markets, you.

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