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And the results are it: we got ta play by the rules of the game. Over 2 000 people voted 52 said red we're going for 250 out of the gate. Let's see how good everyone is all right, so we got the trade at least that executed. We just went short right there.

Well, that was absolutely the wrong way. I think we're all learning a vital lesson about how much we actually trust our twitter polls. I'm going to help out all those sad sacks on twitter who don't know about training if they want to play dirty, i'm going to play dirty. I will ruin the entire market with this magnet for me to make my 200 bucks and cost humanity potentially hundreds of billions i'll do it.

We should probably write this down just so we don't forget it in the future to i'll just i'll highlight this note. For myself, dear diary, never - and i repeat, never trust those absolute greg's, we'll underline that exclamation point that on twitter ever again, all right. We got that note written down it's going very, very south, very, very quickly, uh. We are now down one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

Like i said, cat moore's would have yolo'd bullish. Well, cat moore's knows more about the market than i do well. This is something it makes me kind of want to. Vomit, stop just stop long ladder attack.

Why did this happen to me? Let me do what i do best and start talking all the people who don't know how to vote properly. It's not chad's fault. This is twitter's fault. I want to make it clear.

Chat is still five for five chat. You guys are good. This is all twitter's fault, i'm just being disgruntled. I was having a great morning until like 9 31 - and this is not chad's fault.

This is twitter, voter's fault, you guys are all good. I'm gon na ask them for a refund. That's what i'm gon na do i'm gon na dm everyone who voted and be like you owe me some money, actually, okay, so here's the problem is, if i double down that would make my break even cost like more in the realm of reality. But if i'm wrong, if you guys are wrong and it starts to push again, it's gon na get marginal all right, you guys have never led me astray before we're gon na turn it to a poll.

The question was double down yes or no, and almost a thousand people voted and the winner was yes by like a couple votes. Well, as you can see, it brought our average cost. It was all the way down here. At 4180 it brought the average up to 4196, so if it starts to lose we're going to lose at double the rate, but if it starts to come down we'll be able to get out for the price target much much earlier, no spy stop one eternity later.

All right, all right, it's coming in our favor a little bit. We got ta turn the mood around there. We go. I don't know if you guys can see this, but we're up like 225 right now.

Now we're up 400.. Now we're up 350.. Now we're up 375. 400.

now we're up 500.. Now we're up four we're up: 450.. Four: seven! Now we're at 500 now we're up 650. Now we're up 700..
Now we're up 700 again: 775. 750. 775. 850.

we're up 800.. What, where are we taking profits team? Let's just let it ride dude at this point, i'm gon na be like your wife right now and tell you we're holding the position. Well, it doesn't really matter because it's about to lock in anyway, well we'll we'll spin it anyway lock it or ride it lock. It or ride it order fuel well, the first one just got filled anyway, so why is it not stopping what is going on? Why is this taking forever? What did i do that made it take forever all right? Well, one got locked in anyway.

We you guys heard it it took at half so really the 225 off the first trade is locked in and now we're riding another 1 900 that we're still up the rules of the game are follow. What chat says order filled all right, you locked in 1650, which brings us to today uh. Around 1 850 has been locked in 1 850. Roughly right around there, not a bad deal team yeah granted were we down 2 500.

At one point we were, but we came back honestly. I know it felt like that was a lot longer, but folks we're only an hour into the day. Think about conceptually what just happened. A trade went completely awry and we still locked in 1 850 in less than an hour.

That's crazy! You guys are good at crowdsourcing.

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