Don't Let Politicians Get Away With This!
Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs
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#NancyPelosi #InsiderTrading #MoonGang
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Let's take a walk down memory lane back in december, pelosi rejects stock trading ban for members of congress. We are a free market economy. They should be able to participate in that everyone when they started diving into it, they're like and it just it wasn't really. The vibe that people, i guess like felt the most comfortable with, in fact i would say the most reasonable way.

I could put it as soon as they heard this and started diving into like hang on. You have kind of like access to super important information. Should you be able to trade on that so very quickly? Everyone had more of a vibe along these lines. Here.

Let me just put that: let's make it a little bit better, that's very much everyone. They weren't feeling good about it, but she stuck to it because not her her family, particularly her husband, makes a killing in the market. I think she was the sixth best performing family in congress past year. According to the report from unusual wales.

Well, it all started there. They asked her and she's like no, no, no, no free market economy and then, let's, let's just stick with me, then she realized that people hated her and people like her for it. Two-Thirds of americans report banning lawmakers from trading stocks. They support the ban and then that number jumps up to 73 75 percent when they were like were further explained.

What this actually means so like the bottom number is two-thirds. Okay, so that was we went from this december pelosi's like now we're trading. Then they get the polls, and this was mid-january and they're like actually we kind of hate you for it. Well then, it turned into this well nancy pelosi, right after that, a couple days after eight days after uh, she was saying i'm re-running for office, and i want to get that office well.

That brings us to now. Pelosi is working on banning stocks trading by lawmakers. According to this report and we're going to be getting into that - which obviously, for very very good reason, is once again making people think that this is absolutely 100 a circus and it is a circus. You you're not wrong.

In feeling that way, you are 100 right and feeling that way. If this is over two months, no, i want to trade, oh wait, the voters, the constituents don't like it. I am rerunning time for me to actually ban that this is crazy, and this is what's so goddamn frustrating about politics. Is you don't actually know what they think like whatsoever? These people are all freaking clowns and they're doing whatever they can to pander to get your vote.

You don't know what they're actually thinking they look at us game. Okay, this is what the poll tells me i should or shouldn't like. You have no idea. What's actually in their minds, you have no idea what's actually in their hearts and in this very particular case you know, pelosi wants to trade.

You know pelosi. She wants her husband to be able to trade they're just doing this to like, ideally in them like all right, i guess we should try to be on the right side of history. Let's get a little bit more into the details. House speaker, nancy pelosi is working on banning stock training by lawmakers and senior congressional staff.
Pelosi and house democrat leaders want to amend the stock act, a 2012 law designed to combat insider trading by requiring timely disclosure of stock transactions, among others. The exact scope of the ban is under discussion. That's what i really want to dive to into on this, so check out, punch bowl news i found out about it today, shout out to dave lauer. If you don't know who dave lauer is follow him on twitter, uh, huge amazing, great insights and support for this community um, you can always learn a thing or two from reading any of his tweets, but definitely check out dave lowry's twitter is at the lauer anyway.

The house democratic leadership intends to amend the stock act, the 2020 law governing house members to disclose the purchase or sale stocks to eliminate the trading of individual stocks by congress of by members of congress. This it's very easy, just ban it ban it ban it, but when you say that okay, there are serious things that have to be considered what counts, as trading, would a lawmaker be able to hold on to stocks that he or she owned before coming to congress? Would they just be banned from trading these stocks, while in congress that's a very fair question? Are we saying you have to come in and sell everything and as you're about to see the very next one? If that is true, do you pay capital gains like how's that work? The executive branch allows a waiver or deferral on capital gains tax, while incoming employees sell stock before coming into an administration. Congress will have to decide whether it will do the same for lawmakers. But if a wealthy candidate wins a seat in congress and is forced to sell off stocks and other equity positions to comply with new restrictions, an exemption from capital gains taxes could be a massive financial boon right there, one it's easy to say, ban them, but you Have to understand the can of worms that it opens, and these are all very fair questions that should be asked and they should obviously be deliberated upon next thing is family members right now, if you but matt nancy pelosi, isn't the one trading.

I know i've read the reports. I fully understand it's her husband, so in this case, should the husband still be able to trade shouldn't he all right. Are we talking about kids? If the kids over 18, i mean we know as family members, especially immediate family members. They talk: are they sharing that type of information? What is or isn't above board? This is all stuff that needs to be figured out a little bit more.

Furthermore, what if they marry all right if you get married while in office and they own stock, what, if they're a trader uh this is all stuff that needs to be considered, would lawmakers have to sell their shares in family-owned companies? What about in cryptocurrencies commodities? My point in bringing all this is up is that they have. This is all stuff that obviously needs to be considered. These are all very fair questions, and i'm still my biggest fear in all of this is that, because people want to get reelected right away, whatever's put in front of them, they are going to vote yes, they're gon na be like yep. You can't trade and they're really really focusing on individual stocks.
I'm telling you folks, don't let them get away with this. I know i'm you might be like wait. Wait, wait! Wait! What matt are you saying that they're like i thought we wanted to ban stock trading? Listen to what they're doing these people most half of them are probably lawyers and they're, focusing on individual words. I'm telling you this.

They are banning the trading of individual stocks. That's it think about it in legalese i'm not hearing anything about options. If you look at these reports last year, options trading is the type of training that exploded stock trading actually went down. I'm hearing nothing about options, trading and they're, trying to focus on individual stocks as if it's like, pepsi or pfizer, or something like that.

We know that the federal reserve members they were just going between the overall market and bonds in a very timely, shrewd manner, and they were basically switching from bonds to the overall market before announcing one of the most insane crazy historic policies of quantitative easing ever folks. This is what you cannot let them get away with. This is the that they play they're, doing it for votes, none of them actually give a, and this is the workaround the workaround right now, if this goes through, even if they deliberate upon all these individual things. The workaround is oh, we said no on stocks, we're strilled trading options.

Well, okay, it was my husband, maybe not my husband. It was my. It was my cousin or something like this or it was my partner, but we're not married. So he's actually not going to be impacted by these rules.

This is a very messy situation and i'm already seeing ways in which me my stupid brain at 27 is already seeing the workarounds. If i could see the workarounds at 27 and i'm already not like a storied political career person, they already probably have 10x the amount of workarounds, i'm telling you you got ta watch this very very closely because they're already setting up where it sounds good for headlines. Look at me i voted to like i voted yes on the stock ban, the stock trading plan, i'm doing it because this is the right thing, and this is what my constituents want. I'm telling you folks.

This is not it the way it's being worded. It's and they're feeding it to the entire public as if they're doing something good and right now they aren't. They are 100, not doing it. I've thought about this a lot and i still maybe there's some issues in my plan, but i i still think it's far better than what's already being pitched to us and here's my plan.
If i was the politician, writing the rule right now, i don't care what type of trading it could be. Stock trading options, trading, cryptos trading, futures trading - you could be, it doesn't matter, name the trading, throw it on this list. What i think should be done is one of two things: one instantaneous reporting as soon as the trade is executed. It goes to the public, none of this 45 day window stuff and then another 45 days to let us get us on the databases where there's like.

Theoretically, a 90 day window, no anyone should trade, you and the immediate family members, all trades instantaneously reported or what i would argue even better is you file and then the trade is executed 24 hours later. If you want to buy tesla now well, too bad. You fill out the report, it goes public and then the trade is executed 24 hours later. That would be every member of congress and also their family members.

To me, that's a better workaround because hey if they want to buy whatever, because like right now, there's just too many specifics, they're, not talking about options and they're, not talking about overall etfs, it's still, let's just make it more transparent. None of this, like dog and pony, show of like hey, look at we're trying to help you out. I'm telling you the workaround is utter transparency, instantaneous reporting, instantaneous or better than that you file. It goes public 24 hours before that and then right after as soon as that, 24-hour window is up.

The trade is executed to me. That's the workaround, i'm talking futures crypto option stock, everything in the middle and it applies to all members of congress. These congressional staffers and family members, i think, that's the real work around, because i'm already seeing this setup, where they're basically going to be duping the public once again and they're, going to be doing it for votes when, in reality, they're just going to go to trading Options on these stocks or they're going to go to trading etfs, even though they still have sensitive data that can impact the overall economy and maybe not just an individual company, it's so so silly do not let them get away with this. I know i'm getting a little bit fired up and hang on just because this um this makes me always feel a little bit better.

Hang on. Let me lower my blood sugar yeah, i'm the triggered one right now. I should be putting this above my head when, in reality i was just looking to right there. Oh man, i already feel better.


13 thoughts on “Don’t let politicians get away with this!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ernie says:

    Seems like it should be a matter of national security. An enemy of the state just needs to watch a politicians husband's huge buy in or jump out? Probably could tell them an entire nation's leaders thoughts. Just saying

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joeseph Burns says:

    Maybe their family can trade but the moment that they start surpassing the S&P 500 they need to be investigated at their trade they're just way too Timely then the family member in Congress needs to be removed from politics and they all need to be banned from trading for the rest of time because they're not going to give their family member that information to make money if they're going to lose their political seat

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Steinhaus says:

    I agree with everything said. Bunch of crooks in the government. I thought your idea on not allowing a purchase or sale to go through for 24 hours after they make it known to the public is smart. I never once thought of that.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Flin says:

    Everyone feels the same way and then some! Thank you for saying it!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joeseph Burns says:

    Please stop showing pictures of Nancy Pelosi everytime I see her face I feel an intense rage

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael says:

    Term limits could fix this.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Albert says:

    Facts yo

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joeseph Burns says:

    Im not getting notice on multiple stock youtubers videos finding videos in my news feed

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bearbait49 says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ophir ronen says:

    Maybe we should all run for office

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bison Burger says:

    So much god damn truth in one video I agree 100%

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom says:

    They found a loophole to their benefit

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mythinkal Prickz says:

    Vote them all out !!!!!

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