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Foreign thank you. Uh oh hey, what's going on Welcome Back to the money live where I'm dumb and hopefully we'll make money or whatever it is I don't know. uh, it is Wednesday February 8th and man oh man, are there a lot of funny things coming out of the State of the Union Address and we're going to see its impact on the market. Today yesterday some craziness with Fed Pal's speech at the economic Club of Washington Margaret ripped had a horrible drop and then ripped back and enclosed.

a lot of whips out a lot of volatility. We definitely warned you about it here. and I don't think today is going to be any different. So yes, we're going to be reviewing all the funnies all the hahas all the hehe's of the State of the Union Address from last night.

just so we could actually better understand because there were commentary uh, about taxes, the oil, Market, the economy, that type of stuff Medicare and Medicaid so it could clearly have an impact on the market. so I want to review all of that. but then I Also want to remind you that there's even more Fed members speaking today with the first one coming on in about 15 minutes. So fed stuff going on.

we're in the still in earnings season. We could talk about seasonality, we'll talk about the state of the union and I don't know if it's going to have an impact on the overall Market but I guess LeBron is now the most scoring NBA player of all time. Last night playing the Thunder he passed Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's record. so shout out to any LeBron fans.

uh I bet that he wasn't going to do that last night I Thought he was going to do it on the 9th so I lost money but if you bet that he was going to do it I Congratulate you and enjoy the money that I just handed over your way. so it's going to be a fun one today. We're going to have definitely some fun this morning and then by the time that Bell goes dingy ding ding ding we're gonna watch the market open. I Do have some other stories we should kind of get into and discuss and mull over after the market calms down a little bit.

but overall it's gonna be a fun fun day. It's gonna be a fun fun day. so I'm happy you're all here this morning. I Hope you got some rest last night as to the State of the Union which is absolutely wild so we might as well get into that right away.

But before we do anything, uh, hit that like button just helps out. the battle leaderboard over there on Rumble just basically shows how dominant our entire Community is. Shout out to everyone watching on Rumble and then if you are on YouTube Obviously it helps out with the algorithm, so shout out to everyone who's watching on YouTube Don't forget to like, don't forget to subscribe I Know it's annoying to remind you, but it truly does help. That's the only major thing I'm going to ask for and also pay attention to what's pinned to the top of chat.

Um, if you're bored looking for some TV to watch, there's a free TV newsletter. Uh, we're trying to get the newsletter I I believe it's their one year anniversary like tomorrow or something like that and to double up on their size I Think they just need like 25 of you. So if you're a TV person, it is 100 free Free free. and if you're just looking to help out I think they just need like 25 more subscribers.
it's not going to cost you a dollar or any money anything. It's not even gonna cost you a penny. but pin to the top of chat in the description of the video if you want to learn a little bit more about what TV is good to watch. uh what? TV isn't good to watch, but uh, check it all out.

All right. With all that being said, let's hop into it. Uh, because there were some wild wild things going on between yesterday and right now it has that Vibe of being a really, uh, fun day for sure. Sock features dip slightly as Traders assess Ed chair Pals inflation remark.

So in case you missed it yesterday, it was wild. So the FED started speaking. We kind of went up into the conversation quickly. dipped quickly, Ripped.

quickly, dipped quickly, ripped It was just whipsaw. I Hope you had your neck brace on because people were just. It was a horrible roller coaster that had absolutely no constraints. So we closed in a very, very strong fashion.

and then since then slight drift to the downside. I Guess this is a good point to talk about it. I'm not necessarily that seasonality will run the day, but I Just want you to know that the seasonal bias for today February 8th, which is the sixth trading day of the month over the past 25 years, does have a bearish bias over the past 25 years. right? Here is the equity curve.

Here's every individual trade. It started out negative and it just has pretty much stayed negative. Um, the win rate for the Bulls is 52. so roughly flipping a coin.

but whenever the losses stack up or the wins for the Bears I should say it, they are greater. The Profit Factor is at 0.75 So for every dollar spent for the Bulls, they've only gotten 75 cents back. So today, not an absurdly strong seasonal day, but it is favoring the Bears once again just because this has happened. I I Still want to point out that it's roughly 50 50 with a slight favor for the Bears.

So I just want to throw that out there today. I Think this over extension is a little much? If anything, I think we're gonna have a pullback I don't know if the pullback's gonna hold or anything like that, but I'm I'm roughly looking to see how the market reacts like 4 10 50 something like that I Wouldn't be surprised if early on, probably before that lunchtime period especially depending on what the FED members do or don't say today if we kind of get this dip down to 4 10 50ish this absolute craziness and a high volatility situation we in a volatile manner, we kind of went nowhere. I mean if you bought calls at first you were good, then they dipped, you were probably pissed off and then at like if you had puts like I mean just not only whipsawing your P L, but also whips on your emotions and if you held on to those calls because you're degenerate, then you were good. But if you had these puts and you're like no, it's going to come back down, you just got blown out.
It's just absolute Insanity truly truly wild. So I'm not expecting the volatility to calm down today whatsoever. I Want to put that out there that I think we're going to get another continuation on this just because of the stated Union address which yes, we will be going over that. but also just like with all the FED members, the craziness.

Like right now, we're at important key breakout levels or breakout level down levels. Excuse me, we don't know which way it's going to go, so it's just buckle up. Pay attention to risk because it's going to be a fun run right now. The Dow, the S P, and the NASDAQ are slightly down off of yesterday's close and finally oil is bouncing back.

We've been talking about this a little bit more seriously over the past week because oil came down to like 72-ish and I got to that point where I was like like do I really want to hold on to this position but a very strong bounce back in oil we were talking about it I truly believe whenever it gets to the 70 region just based on what the Biden Administration is doing with the Strategic petroleum reserve. and when they said they were going to be buying more because they've depleted it too much, 70 seems to be like the worst risk level in this scenario. So for me, very happy to see oil coming back up. I want to see that test of 80 but I care a lot more about 82 and then ideally we get the breakout from there 90, 100, 100, 10.

But let's see, oil has been trending down, but I'm happy that it caught itself at that 70 support level. I'm not playing oil directly I'm playing it through Oxy Occidental Petroleum but more on that in just a second. Five things to know before that stock market Bell goes dingy ding ding ding today Wednesday February 8th The earnings Feast continues. we're going to be going over that.

There's quite a few earnings. uh, the big one that I want to talk about is actually Uber it crushed it. and the reason I want to talk about it is because Lyft is reporting tomorrow and just because they're very similar businesses. I'm now expecting Lyft to uh also be disinflationary returns.

Um, so this is what people are talking about and honestly, I didn't find what Jerome Powell had to say to be like that. Impressive at all. Like I didn't interpret it to be that bullish I think people got so worried about what he was gonna say that when he didn't say anything too crazy like okay, cool like we could take this uncertainty out of the market. but I didn't find what but his speech wasn't so dovish.

I mean that's what I just don't get the Market's reaction and my interpretation of what the chairman of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell said yesterday a little bit mixed. Uh, truly. and that's why I wouldn't be so surprised if we had a pullback today because I do believe in to close the market kind of got ahead of itself. Microsoft's big plans with chat GPT Um, so we'll be talking about that, but apparently you're going to have an ability to kind, of, um, almost customize it for your own particular needs.
So kind of cool. But we were talking about Baidu and we were talking about Google So we have Ernie and we have Bard So two new competitors that are going to be out in the market by Marshall within a month. State of the Union State of the Economic Union So wild. There's so many things to get into of the State of the Union Address So many funny things.

I Mean we had people who weren't married kissing other people who were married to someone else. We had like these super edits of just every time he messed up saying something, then we had just like crazy commentary I mean there's literal news headlines of Biden Leiden or lion Biden Like there's so many weird variations because he was just straight up live. not everything was a lie. I Do believe he said some good things, but then there were other things where he was literally booed.

Uh, just absolutely nuts. Zielinski visits London Uh, I Don't think, do any of you really I don't I'm just gonna read the room and I Don't think many of you particularly care about that. but let's get into some of this. the Biden stuff.

Um, actually yeah. I think this is a good one to get started with. Um, people are straight up calling him a liar now and this is why. What you need to know once again before we get into it: I'm not going to stand here and tell you everything.

Every single thing he said was bad. It was a lie and I'm 100 against them. No. I think there were some positive things in there, but that doesn't mean we have to fully agree.

Like many things in this world, you should take every statement, every decision, every action for what it is and you might like some. you might dislike others. but the things that he said about particularly Medicare Medicaid got them completely booed. And then what he said about oil, he literally was laughed at.

Um, so that's the stuff we're going to get into because it's fun Drama: Our Republican friends want to take the economy hostage I get it unless I agree to the economic plans, should know what those plans are instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share. some Republicans some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security Sunset I'm not saying it's a majority food when I was I think you know uh speaker. For those of you who made me miss it a little bit, what he said was that Republicans want to Sunset Medicare Medicaid which has literal zero basis in anything factual that's not said and now I mean even people who are abiding supporters are like dude, what the are you talking about like that was just never stated carthy when I was talking to you everyone I talked to yesterday down in DC Frank I Use the alternative facts or alternate facts a comment because if you're in the Hinterlands and you're watching and you watch what President Biden says and then you watch what the governor Sarah says you, it's like they are different. They're they're living in alternative realities And and I got that a lot yesterday.
So I mean that's just you've been doing this a long time. the politicians are going to spend, but it seems like we're even further apart from from yeah, they're spinning. Then there's a straight up live and this gets very close to that line. The first responsibility of the President is to tell us truth.

Yes, you should look the American people straight in the eye and tell them the way things actually are and that's a lie and I don't like doing this because I don't want to add to the division I don't want to add to the acrimony, but we have an expectation and it's a legitimate one for the President to tell us the truth and we deserve the truth. Both the Speaker of the House the Republican leader of the Senate were declarative over the last 48 hours in saying Social Security and I quote is off the table. He knows that and didn't matter to him. This is why I do believe he's actually going to declare his candidacy because only a presidential candidate would say something like that knowing that all the evidence all the facts are exactly the opposite.

So I'm there in the chamberlabs Just to add a little bit onto this, Cnbc's generically supportive of Biden So when CNBC comes out and starts to say dude, he's straight up blind, you kind of know that it's a little bit different than the normal political spinning CNBC generically supportive of Biden It's just who they are as people and that's fine. I Know some of you in here are supportive Biden I Know some of you aren't but I think we could be fair and look at this one individual instance and be like yeah, no, that spin is a little bit too far and obviously the world's acknowledging it because even people who are commonly supporting him or like dude, you're just making it worse. You're lying, you're adding to the division. Do we really need that right now? Uh, and he's just getting ripped apart.

That's not I'm up in the gallery I'm listening to this and people around me were shocked because they know the truth. Look, we're gonna have an argument over debt. We're gonna have an argument over the debt ceiling over those votes over cutting ways for Washington spending. But in the end, you have to look into the camera and say what is factually accurate and the idea that Republicans are going to Sunset not just trim or reform or strengthen, but Sunset Social Security and I would use a stronger word.
but I don't want to get kicked off your network. Well, I mean you're you're where do you want to start? In terms of what we hear that's not factually correct and I know Trump You know people say Trump You know you can tell he's lying when his lips moved I've heard that. But um, okay. record Job production.

We're exactly where we'd be on on a line. If you look at, there's a close. We closed, we came back up and it's basically where it would have been. It's good.

It's great. but you didn't create 12 million jobs. 12 million jobs came back that it probably already existed. We cut the deficit.

Yeah, you cut the deficit, but it's still large. and it didn't need to be that large if you hadn't spent so much money. It's just less than what we spent during the pandemic. The board is secure.

The border is not secure. How many more of these things can you? I Mean it's It's incessant spin. Frank So I mean take your pick of where you're going to point to falsehoods or at least distortions. But the issue now is that people make financial decisions based on what the President says.

just to make financial decisions based on what CNBC says. So we actually have a responsibility when lives are on the line. jobs uh, corporate, uh, planning to be accurate about this. So how can the American people trust the numbers and Trust What happens with the debt ceiling when the President is prepared to literally make things up? It's a good point.

I Don't want to get too much on my soapbox about this one, but I really do believe that's a good point of what does it say and left or right? like I'm not here to just say oh, it's exclusively on the left side that they spin things this dramatically. It happens on both sides. Like let's be realistic I Like to view myself as a middle-of-the-road extreme. It's like let's take every particular speech action decision for what it is like I think if you're always supporting all right or always supporting all F That's a little bit silly.

and what's frustrating about this is I I Truly believe you have to kind of Judge every single action for what it is I think that's just the best way to operate. But what's so frustrating, especially people that have a similar mindset to me, is like all of this stuff. It's so frustrating that you can't just trust One Source Like to get to even some semblance of the truth. In the current political age, it seems like you have to take in like 10 different news sources because they all have their own bias.

They're all trying to appease their own advertisers and all of a sudden you have to distill it and see like where the semblance was between all of them and be like, okay, maybe I have a little bit of a truth there. it's It's so frustrating it happens on both sides. I'm not here to say just happens on left. It just happens on right.

No, this is this is the game of politics. But I think a better question is like how did we possibly get here and well, really a better question On top of that is how do we get back to where we should be because this is insane. We get wild statements out there. People don't do any fact checking, they just assume it's right because they saw it on the internet.
They saw some Congressional elected person tweet something, say something like well, they said it so it has to be true and then on top of that we get this weird icon economy where people believe whatever their say their side says is 100 accurate and then the other side. they love to rip it apart like this is wrong for this, this is wrong from this and I'm just saying like in my mindset I feel like they're all wrong. Like across the board you can find these political spins, these falsehoods, the straight up lies like it happens all the time. And unfortunately yesterday the State of the Union Address last night late last evening, um, it was a great great example of just like the stuff getting so wildly far out of hand.

it truly is sad. and I I don't know I just I hope somehow we can dig ourselves out of this political hole that we've gotten ourselves into. But I I did curate a list of like things that I want to show to you on this. uh, the memes that came out of it So incredibly funny.

And how do I get this back here? Am I gonna get Dmc-8 on this one I don't know what sound is playing? Uh, just a really the classic meme format. Joe Biden and State of the Union and this is him just trying to prove his point. Uh, completely biffs it on inflation, biffs it on border security. No work, close on gas prices National Security Like What a great edit.

What an absolutely phenomenal edit. All right, so that was a good one that I found. That's pretty much the theme. All right.

Then we had some wild commentary about the President of China's Xi Jinping She's grown weaker, not stronger. Name me a world later Who changed places with Xi Jinping Name me one, Name Me one. America's rallyinger. How awkward is that? When you're screaming, what's such anger, such ferocity and no one knows what you're saying.

What? What does that mean? Autocracy has grown weaker, not stronger. Name me a world leader who changed places with Xi Jinping Name me one, Name Me one. America's right, everyone's lost. Everyone is super super confused of what does that mean? What point is he trying to make? Um, and it just keeps going.

Here's a little bit of a this is more of the ending one. This is a good one. Let's make it big if you try anything to raise the cost of producing jobs I will veto it. They're like we need to stand up on that to cover up the awkward here one more time.

If you try anything to raise the cost of producing jobs I will beat of what jobs of if you try to raise the cost of one more time Jeff If you try anything to raise the cost of producing jobs I Feel like he just threw it all together so funny last night it just so much to get into. uh which ones the production and when I talked to a couple of them they say we're afraid you're going to shut down all the oil wells and all the uh oil refineries anyway. so why should we invest in them I Said we're going to need oil for at least another decade and that's going to exceed and beyond that dude even Harris in this one she's like what did you just say what like the Republicans are literally laughing unintentional comedy and you have all the like hardcore um environmentalists right now screaming they thought buying was their guy and like we're going full like green climate and then he's talking about how like oil is here to stay like they literally production at the dude and when I talked to a couple of them they say we were afraid you're going to shut down all the oil wells and all the uh oil refineries anyway. So why should we invest in them I Said we're going to need oil for at least another decade and that's going to exceed.
Look at that. she just just so dead. she's like, man, what did you just say okay and that's going to exceed and beyond that, we're gonna need it production if they had in fact invested in the production to keep gas prices down. Instead, they used the record profits to buy back their own stock.

Rewarding to CEOs and shareholders, corporations ought to do the right thing. Optic Production wild. I think of one or two more for each. It's just this is the farce.

Oh everyone just going on about how Dr Jill Biden and Kamala Harris's husband just nice little makeout sesh at the start of it to get it going. and there's no um, adult rating on this particular piece of entertainment. but super weird. A lot of memes going on about that one.

that's a good one. and then what was this one? uh that um oh hang on. this is where he still says a weird one. If you try anything to raise the cost of producing jobs, I will veto it.

Foreign jobs they will veto it. And then there was one other one I'll find it. Uh dude, it was just. it was an embarrassment.

Honestly that all of us I think the left side, the right shot every every side. Every side should be embarrassed by everything that happened last night because it's just a bunch of children. A bunch of children. Five key economic points in Biden's 2023 State of the Union Address to Congress Um, this is actually some good stuff.

So I want to go over this after the Market opens and cools down so we're going to come back to this one. Um, the some of the things in terms of the debt ceiling and working together in the economy. Honestly, we're pretty good. I'm like okay A little bit of like bipartisan effort here.

and then there's other things that are just, they're just so funny. they're they're just so incredibly funny. Um, there was one. The major thing I would say from all this just to put a bow on it.
That's really pissing people off. is he just straight up said uh, actually I can find you this clip. Let me find you the clip. Find you the clip, Find you the clip I have it exactly.

Do some of my Republican friends want to take the economy hostage I get it. unless I agree to the economic plans. All of you at home should know what those plans are. Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share some Republicans some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security Sunset I'm not saying it's a majority.

contact my office. I'll give you a copy I'll give you a copy of The Proposal that means Congress doesn't vote well I'm glad to see you tonight. The Jewish Space Laser lady Marjorie green Taylor The camera just zoomed in on her and they're like liar. Dude, we're clowns.

dude. we are being laughed at by the rest of the world after everything that played out there, truly wild. So beyond that which is going to have some craziness in the market, uh, you should also know that 9 15. So a couple minutes ago, John Williams speaking 9 30 Lisa Cook speaking Barr and Bostic speaking at 10 A.M Kashikari speaking at 12 30 Waller speaking at 1 45 Uh, these in terms of all the macroeconomic speeches and reports today, it's just a day of Fed members a day of Fed members.

So be prepared for that. Basically, at any point today, a Fed memory could say something that gets the market to go wild. So please be prepared in terms of other macroeconomic reports and whatnot. Mortgage refinance.

The man jumps 18 as interest rates drop for the fifth straight week. So now that things are kind of calming down in the world of the Fed and the Fed rate hikes and everything, we're seeing the world of real estate. particularly mortgage, mortgage payments, interest payments, all that good stuff. Uh, taking a breather.

It didn't rip for quite a while there, especially through the Fed rate hike cycle. But now that things seem to be like we're in the last one or two of this particular cycle, we're seeing a little bit of a breather. now. it doesn't stop there.

Obviously a ton of earnings. Uber CVS We have Wendy's we have Walt Disney after the market closes today Robin Hood After the market closes today MGM After the market closes today, tomorrow we have PepsiCo we have PayPal we have Lyft Uh, the one thing I want to say about Lyft is Uber absolutely destroyed it. So I'm very much hoping that lift also absolutely destroys it. So pay attention to all that good stuff.

But right here Uber beats SMS and the stock is up. It is up very much right now. Uber Currently up. It was up three percent yesterday and in pre-market trading it is currently up 7.7 So Uber crushing it.

Um, so my call out is just. we know it's a similar business model to Lyft so I'm expecting Lyft to also be after the market closes today. Just want to put that out there. Big Oil Rakes in record profit hall for nearly 200 billion fueling calls for higher taxes.
A little bit of a misnomer. uh here. or a little bit of I Guess some falses going on about this of how they got their money and the stock. BuyBacks Um, the whole oil industry.

A little bit more complicated than the headlines make it seem a little bit more complicated than really. Our politicians make it seem like they love to ignore everything when it's getting crushed and they're losing money. but then whenever there's anything good going on, then they're like well, no, no, no, it shouldn't be that good. So we could talk about this a little bit later.

but are they making record profits without a doubt? Is it as simple as just like calling it that of like, oh, these greedy capitalistic pigs, not so much? Um, so a couple of things to get into there and then also finally, just because AI is so popular right now, Microsoft will let companies create their own custom versions of chat GPT Um, so this is another way that like Microsoft and chat GPT is hitting back about the recent announcements from Baidu who's coming out with Ernie and then also Google who has Bard So the whole race in the world of AI is definitely heating up chat GPT AKA Microsoft and really open AI They definitely started the race a little bit before everyone, so I would argue that they are in the lead, but it'll be interesting to see how this Marathon ends up playing out. quick Question: So I know a lot of us in here we talk about AI I Truly think it's not only from a technological standpoint, but an investment standpoint, Something worthwhile to speak about. And so I made a whole video on AI I Actually think it went up yesterday, but for some reason I'm getting a lot of reports that it's not being shown to subscribers at all. Uh, particularly on YouTube I Believe people on Rumble got the appropriate notifications.

But my question to all of you on particularly YouTube right now, were you guys even given the AI notification? I Started to think about it and this might be a little bit tinfoil. Hattie But I'm like, well, if I'm not like Google which owns YouTube do they not want videos out about open Ai and chat Gbt because it's a competitor? Like are they intentionally throttling those videos? Um, I'm getting a lot of notes in here. No. AI notification? Nope.

Nope. Nope. it's up on the channel. but I I mean we got the metrics that just didn't go out to a lot of our subscriber base and then I Like like I said, maybe it's a little tin foil Hattie but I was like, well, hang on if Google's in competition, are they not gonna like be trying to promote any of that? Um, but anyway, it's up there.

The people on Rumble if you have your notifications on I'm you got your email as you should. Uh, because Rumble doesn't really have um, anything in that particular fight of AI at this moment. but uh, I don't know. uh I was just curious.
ain't seen it, ain't seen it All right? That's where we're at. The bell's gonna go Dingy ding ding ding in just about a minute. So let me get ready and as we always do, as we're getting ready for today, uh, we could watch Uber at open just because I do think this is going to lead to an interesting lift play. Uh Tesla Still refusing to give up the fight and we have rum still holding above ten dollars which I think is awesome.

What do you guys want up on the screen today? Um, is anything particularly over performing underperforming? Uh AMC is getting crushed? The people who bought for the money calls I feel bad for you? Uh, you kind of got duped by people who don't know what the they're talking about Bed Bath Beyond Bed Bath is dying here we have. Mullen I Want to see if anything's moving big this morning? Mullen holding on I'll give them a win. their Gns uh Gns. um.

well it came down yesterday so coming up a little bit Msft Microsoft's looking really good. Meta: Okay, so maybe we'll put Microsoft up at one point Microsoft Crushing it Msgm: How is Msgm looking Msgm? no getting crushed. Msgm's like didn't we call this out pump dump. You should have shorted this when it broke below 23.

This is now trash. Uh I doubt that comes back and if it does, it just gives you another short opportunity. Oxy had a good recovery. Yeah, so oil itself if you look at crude oil now back up to 78 a barrel as the oil is going to recover.

So our oil company so I got really close to like I'm in that danger zone type of a situation. but fortunately I did not have to cut and I'm still in Oxy which is trading at it should be actually up in pre-market right now. Uh, currently training at 64.50 my average is like 67 something but we'll check that out anyway. Dignity ding ding ding.

Let's get the fun voice a Brazilian Jobs These voice editors are so funny I like I'll never stop laughing at those. But anyway, casino is open. Best of luck to all. Play responsibly.

If not have fun, have fun, have fun, have fun. uh it's so funny and I know it's childish and hey if you are abiding supporter, good for you man. But you have to admit some of the stuff is funny. um that you openly support less than a year I have to be uh do I like tweets or protect protect him? Uh well we'll see how it goes.

Um, right now I still do have on one active position which I'm actually getting my teeth kicked in on I have that SPX put for not this Friday but next Friday So the overall S P 500 I have one put that's my current active position Uh what do we have moving this morning? Microsoft was looking good Microsoft has been showing a lot of strength. the DraftKings looking good. Oh we didn't really talk about it too much but do we have LeBron fans in here? Are you guys like stoked about it? I Feel like LeBron's big night got completely overshadowed by the fact that we had the most wild State of the Union Address ever. So like did he just was it inappropriately timed like are the news headlines Just or maybe I'm just more in the economic political world than I am the Sports World I Love sports betting but I just don't really follow Sports So maybe the sports world is like gassing them up and maybe I'm just like a little bit in my own world.
but he didn't make a lot of points. He was very very good at putting the basket with in the basket hoop and he did that many, many times over. Uh, Kareem is still better. He had the record and didn't do it.

didn't shoot threes. Oh well. then why do we compare those numbers? That seems like a little bit of a falsehood. like how is it even fair to compare it if the sport was essentially a different sport MJ and Kobe still the goats? uh I mean as human beings I Definitely like enjoy the commentary of someone like Michael Jordan more I mean LeBron has said really really weird things about China and then he gets on his high horse about I don't know like social rights and stuff but then he like is openly supporting like the crazy that happens in China So like I don't know I like to just follow them for their sport I don't really care about their political takes and um, just some of the like, the petty things and these stories that you hear about Michael Jordan kind of put a smile on my face LeBron did the points in 150 less games.

Okay, that's a fair point. Like I said I would not be good at debating sports with you because I just don't know those types of facts. Uh I mean obviously he's really, really good. um I know people like to.

It's like kind of hotly contested of if he's the goat or not I think we could all at least admit he's insanely insanely good. He is a genetic specimen who's dedicated his life to crushing him. And just because I don't necessarily think I'd get along with him as a person doesn't mean I can't admit that he's absolutely a phenomenal basketball player. Uh, three-pointers were invented when when Kareem played.

Comparison would be to compare their minutes played. Yeah, minutes played. But then how can you compare minutes played If the apparently the three-point shot wasn't even a thing like how do you adjust for that they they. It just seems like you almost can't compare it.

It seems like they were two different sports. I mean also when people compare Sports in general uh across large time frames I find it very very confusing because Sports naturally develop a lot like we have far better coaching we have far better nutrition, We have far better teaching like it is wildly different. The only fair comparison is two people who came up roughly at the same time frame because they were in the same environment. but people try to do that all the time like um I follow soccer a little bit more and they'll talk about like Pele and Messi and I'm like the the World of Soccer is so incredibly different.
When Pele came up, they didn't have people like leaving their family at the age of 10 to start training soccer and like we have all like just like this: Science Now of body recovery, perfect nutrition. the money behind it's just so different. it's so so different. So I don't know.

I'm more of a fan of let's compare people with their own era and like kind of leave it at that. uh Kareem Also went to college so he had a few years in the MBA at the start of his career. Oh messy is the goat now? uh I mean the fact that he's won the World Cup It's kind of hard to like, not agree with that, but like a fair comparison of something like that is more of like okay, like what would have happened if Messi and Pele played exactly together. Same time frame and everything like that's a better comparison which obviously we can't do so it's a lot of water.

Coulda Shoulda Robin Becoming a bot fighter. Shout out man, the statements. We are Not better today. Much like our political scene, they've changed rules a lot more scoring across.

No, we're definitely better today. We're is almost undeniable that all sports are advancing. That's just what happens when the sports around because people get better at it because of everything. I Just list if you think we have the same quality players now.

maybe in terms of raw talent, but like when things develop that's just natural. Uh, it's not like we, we're just better at everything. Like we're better at weightlifting, we're better at nutrition, We're better at coaching. We have better camps we like.

The sport itself develops like that's just what happens in sports. If you think our players are exactly the same skill level now as they were three decades ago, there's just really no evidence that would support that because that would mean that the sport itself is not progressing. Uh, would have loved to see LeBron drive on. Rodman Well also so that might be an argument of like maybe the officiating maybe now like you might argue like I don't know, like I'm just throwing an idea out there.

You could argue maybe that the refs don't allow like as much physicality so that's once again another iteration like within the sport. but I mean I'm not knowledgeable enough to like fairly comment on that. Uh, gap down Gap downside. So Joe Exotic on this one, there wouldn't be a gap down.

Well, there's no Gap in the chart, so it's not a gap down. The opening price was below the closing price of yesterday, but we're still within the price range of yesterday. To have a gap, you need to Gap outside of the price range of the previous bar. So either to the upside, you're opening above the high or you're opening below the low.
If you're opening within the price range of the previous day, it's not considered a gap. Logan Paul is better than Ollie Pickle Me Timbers is just looking to fight with someone today. A little bit of a verbal joust. Pickle Me Timbers woke up and chose violence this morning.

Logan Paul is better than Ollie Uh uh. I Have a feeling that Muhammad Ali would absolutely destroy Logan Paul Absolutely destroy Logan Paul Foreign. where did you get the binding clips from? Oh, just like all over Twitter A lot of people like posting and whatnot I don't know, it's just doomed scrolling this morning and I've kind of like I now. just use my likes as my bookmarks that I want to show you guys on stream just I'll like something just so I can come back to it.

Oh another. Wild Thing Breaking Super Bowl Bands Crypto ads Pfizer ads are fine. Do you realize how messed up that is? I'm not saying that necessarily they should have crypto ads because Crypto especially recently with FTX and everything has gotten people in a lot of pain in a lot of trouble. But I'm saying how can we also have Pfizer which there's craziness with Pfizer It feels like we shouldn't just allow like Pfizer sponsors everything and it's really, really sketchy when you have a massive multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company sponsoring things because you're also it.

It has that Vibe of you're not paying for authenticity, you're just paying for that. So everything we hear is Pfizer Good Pies are good, Fives are good, but let's be honest, some of the recent reports not so good. It's fair that some people have some doubts in their mind of like okay, like what's going on, what's the exact truth? Like let's get multiple scientists that have knowledge within the space to talk to us, but instead they're like nope, it's almost like they're cleaning up any of their potential issues by just throwing money at it. Money money money and uh, like I don't know I guess I'm of the opinion and if someone's from Europe in here I would love to get your opinion on this or maybe just your correction I've heard that pharmaceutical companies are not allowed to do this type of like paid public advertising in Europe Is that true? Because if so, you guys are smart.

There is something very, very strange about being able to pay uh for what they are paying for. Um, but is it? can anyone in Europe confirm or deny that? Yeah, they can't. Yes, True, Yes, true. Okay, I think that's how it should be in the U.S Because you're not really getting authenticity when you're just getting this like Pfizer literally just throws money at everything That's what FTX was doing FTX just threw money at everything and when everyone's getting money thrown at them like like, why can pharmaceutical companies like do any of the lobbying like pharmaceutical lobbying That's another scary thing.

So basically we don't know if the Congress person receiving the money is truly doing their research. they're probably just going to shut their mouth and take the paycheck. Like this type of like the money in the lobbying and advertising and pharmaceuticals. It's very scary.
Very scary. Are You seriously comparing Pfizer to Crypto? Uh yeah. I am because I think you missed the point of what ads were allowed and not allowed for the Super Bowl So yeah, I don't know I could compare a lot of things. Give me two things and I'll compare and contrast.

You can pretty much do it with anything if you really try. There's not really any rules on what you're allowed to compare and not compare and I feel like I'm pretty good at it I'm in Pfizer so it's cool. You're like, well, I'm invested in PFE so let's none of the other ones should be able to advertise. or Lobby compare AI to the State of the Union Well, that's a good one.

So we have an AI company. Um, so a non-human thing And then also we had a speaker who seemed like a non-human in the the shell of a human Matt with the cat and Matt without a cap. So the comparison there would be. Um, the latter case Matt without a cat is reality and leads to crying in the shower.

and the former Matt with a cat is a false reality that is being dangled in front of me like a carrot. Foreign Follow-up Biden's speech and chat GPT that's a good one. Uh, so comparison between Biden's speech and chat GPT Uh, both are things that I really find sus and I don't know if we can just arbitrarily believe what did we see? Like people have been pointing out the political bias in chat. GPT Honestly, I think I mean I'm invested in Microsoft So inherently I'm invested in chat GPT Um, so it kind of pains me to say this, but I think the biggest issue that Chat Gbt might face is the fact that there is a clear political bias programmed into it, which is just insane.

It's obviously uh, very very left-leaning and it's not Based on data. It's not based on anything, it's based on the coders who are probably left Landing because that's how like the whole Tech world runs out there in San Francisco and whatever. You might like that, but you might not like that. My point is, it's not good for an AI system to have a political bias.

Uh, it's just BS Are you adopting brother and sister cats? No. as of now, um I just I'm a little bit heartbroken if we're being honest at this moment in time. Uh, summarize the State of the Union Um, unfortunately. chat GPT it's trading data set like all the information it has only goes up to 2021.

Um, so you can't do things that just happened. It's not like you could say hey, like summarize the State of the Union Address from February 7th. Um, it can't do that. I mean one of these days, that's obviously a technical hurdle that it wants to overcome and I very much hope that it does.

but um, not just not possible right now. uh uh, one million that on the person will with all due respect drops Suddenly at the Super Bowl The odds are my favorite. oh are you talking about Pfizer didn't Pfizer I saw what was it the Grammys that had I don't know. just one of the acts had like kind of a satanic Vibe and to me it doesn't really matter because I'm not like particularly a religious person but people were just kind of joking that it was also sponsored by Pfizer.
So you had kind of like the Red Fire Hellscape and once again it's her performance. I'm not gonna get onto my high horse of like the satanic worshiping I don't care I'm not religious uh. but it is particularly humorous that it was also sponsored by Pfizer Oh man, right. and Mara moving up.

That's probably because Crypto's crushing it. Uh, right now we have Bitcoin holding 23 000 and Eth is actually the one really crushing. It looks like it wants to push 1700 again, but he's looking very, very strong. Look at this right from 1200 up and Bitcoin similar one.

Um, not as strong recently, but overall, we're seeing quite a bit of strength in Crypto Bitcoin he's looking good, good, good. Uh, looks like the Spy just ran into a little bit of a headwind there at 4 14 50. Tesla's still looking strong. about to test 200.

Did it technically get over No. 200 exactly? Is it gonna get above or is it gonna get smacked? Is it going to get above? or is it going to get smacked? What are you doing? Tesla there we go. Tesla dingety ding ding ding Tesla clearing 200. Uh.

next stop is 205 and then probably 210-ish I Know that's just seemingly five dollar increments, but it's also technical resistance. Uh, but hey, all those Tesla balls were almost officially up a hundred percent from the low Almost I think it needs to hit 204 at 204. Tesla Will have officially rallied 100 from the recent low a couple weeks ago, which is just absolutely insane. Is the dollar just vomiting? Uh oh, this is kind of strange.

the dollar is not vomiting. This might be a short-lived pop. The Dollar's shown a little bit of strength uh, rum holding over 10 to do meta falling Microsoft not doing much Google fell but then trying to bounce back Apple All right, what else do we have going on today is Mullen moving I have no Mullen position Mullen falling Bed Bath and Beyond probably falling exactly I Mean Bed Bath is quickly running to getting destroyed. Um, it.

the only smart move on Bed Bath is probably not playing it and if you want to be degenerate, probably betting against it. Uh, what do we have on AMC AMC Sold. Bounce right back trying to hold on to six dollars Ape sold. Bounce.

Trying to hold on to three dollars? Uh, once again when we look at the AMC ape pairing right here. If you are on trading view just AMC plus ape and you'll get this up. Um, the big mental Line in the Sand is 18 because that's what AMC was at before it made its debut. So that's kind of the litmus test of was ape worth it.
And as you can tell right now, we're perfectly a 50 drop. So thus far this whole experiment um is a gigantic embarrassment to Adam Aaron. It seems like he would have been better off with just keeping it as AMC because we've Fallen 50 since then. Um, what else some people are talking about? Carvana.

Carvana's up for whatever reason. I Don't like their business model at all. Like if you look into their fundamentals, it's not good. but hey, could be a good active trade.

Good morning. I've got a very bullish thesis on hymns and have gone completely YOLO before earnings. could you take a look at that chart? So hymns? Is that hymns like? um yeah. hymns? In her health, it's looking really strong I Don't know your entry but you're riding the trend.

Uh, you're looking for this breakout above nine? Uh, let's see what's going on. I Actually want to get sponsored by hymns? Um, because 90 of my audience is not only males, but they are males in the age demographic that they would care about. And not only do they have like hair regrowth, they have anxiety stuff I think they have Ed pills like I Feel like my audience would be perfect with hymns and now they have hers too. So it's the same stuff.

but for like women of just like anxiety medicine, whatever. but it seems really cool. Um, not that shorty. Well, short, it's it's a little shorted.

uh I don't think it's necessarily a short Squeeze Play I Just like the trend I mean I'm seeing higher highs I'm seeing higher lows. Be careful though, the wet it's getting a little bit tighter so like if it if it breaks to the upside, you'll get lucky if it breaks. To the downside, not so much. Obviously it would have been I would have preferred to be in around 670-ish risking six dollars like the entry was right back here in mid-jan I've never looked at this chart before.

I I Didn't even know it was publicly traded. but you're saying that they have earnings. They have earnings. Uh, Monday the 27th.

Um, so maybe it crushes on it. but I do like the trend feels a little bit. it depends on what you're trying to do. feels a little bit.

Chasey Right now, just because it's gone up so much, it's gone from four dollars all the way up to 8.50 But I don't know I see their commercials I See that it's gaining popularity might be a good investment. I Would want to do a fundamental breakdown of it so I I Can't talk about it as a long-term investment right now because I simply don't know that information off the top of my head. Uh, commentary on the chart. Very strong.

It's just I would have liked to enter right here when it broke out on Tuesday the 10th. Risking the recent low feels a little Chasey but if it ends up crushing on earnings, it might not matter. You might end up just making a huge amount of money anyway. Matt Your audience is prepubescent girls.
Uh, I don't think so. but maybe. but maybe. but maybe maybe there is that chance.

Uh, uh. I just I Don't think there's too many prepubescent girls who are watching the in the daily intricacies and developments in the political landscape and the stock landscape and the crypto landscape and the options landscape and in the relationship advice landscape. But maybe maybe I'm could be off? could be off Christine and B I'm a girl? Yeah, but I don't think you're a pre-pubescent girl I don't think I Actually don't know if someone in that category has ever watched one of my videos and if they did, they probably quickly said this sucks I'm leaving so I have a feeling if they did that they would. it was an accident.

Tesla Let's see if it can hold it Almost officially doubled up right around I Believe at two by 205 it would have officially doubled up but shown some strength there. I'm a little worried here because the Dollar's pushing and remember the dollar and the Spy are have an inverse relationship. So right now feels like the market is hanging on to every word being said by the FED members. So let me give you an update about that.

I'm going to find some live tweets of that situation. Uh, live tweets of that particular situation. Let me breaking Fed members All day, all day all day all day Feds Williams With the strong economy, labor force partition participation may rise Fed Williams For a few years, a restrictive stance must be maintained for a few years. Fed: Williams Future Fed Rate cuts are more about adjusting to lower inflation.

The FED Williams I Don't know how much the unemployment rate will rise, but we literally just hit like a five decade low. Right now, the job market is extraordinarily tight. The backlog of demand in our economy is still strong. Rent driven inflation appears to ebb over time.

Goods Prices are declining, but they have a ways to go. I'm still seeing services and labor are in high demand right now. Demand in our economy is far more than it usually would be. The housing sector is seeing a definite slowdown.

Demand in the U.S remains extremely high. There are some indications that the economy is also becoming more resilient. I am waiting in this thing. More positive signs globally regarding growth.

Uh, right or right or right. No like Mic Drop moments. Turkey Finance Minister Insider Confirmed the country is about to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender early next month. Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey.

All right. Interesting news coming out of Turkey. Kind of supporting of the Bitcoin narrative. Turkish Stock Market Suspense trading Turkish Stock Market Falls 7.1 percent triggers Market Circuit breaker.

So uh, the Turkish economy in particularly markets are not so good right now. Biden If China threatens sovereignty, United States will act Okay, Okay, okay, a lot of commentary being made today. What do we have? What is this one? Uh uh, hang on I have something that someone sent me in and said to listen to this Richard Stangle is the founder of the state Department's Global engagement Center The Gec. he describes his job as Chief propagandist I'm not against propaganda.
Every country does it. They have to do it with their own population. I Don't think it's that awful. Well, that's scary.

Holy crap. Another word for master narratives. It's called history. Basically every country creates their own narrative story and and you know, my old job at the State Department was what people used to joke as the chief Propaganda as job.

We haven't talked about propaganda propaganda. I'm not against propaganda. Every country does it and they have to do it to their own population. and I don't necessarily think it's that awful.

And this idea of a of a of a uh car news cartel I mean I I I was editor of Time in 2012 uh during that election and I Remember, you know you're competing against cartels and everybody. I Remember being on a panel with the then editor of the New York Times who said it's really hard to break through these days. This is the editor of the New York Times saying it's hard to break through I almost I Wanted to jump off the platform like what's it like for the rest of everybody? So I mean there, There's no I mean there are cartels but Cartels don't have hegemony like they used to. The gentleman right there last question I wondered what happened in the world because what is happening in America is what the United States flipped on the global South and in the third world which we live with for many, many years in terms of a master narrative that was was and still is propaganda.

you know what? I hate last questions, don't you? I never I Usually just want to end something before the last question. Um, but at any rate I want to thank this fantastic panel here today. Did he just not answer it? And and I I do want to say I actually think I mean the talk about optimism I mean the optimism is all is all of you there. that's a little sus figuring out how to teach your students about this and using some of the little sauce that's I hate that reasoning.

Uh, because of the rest of the world they use propaganda so it's okay if we do it like that's that's so stupid because there's other murderers out there. It makes like my murder acceptable like that's so crazy. that's that's wild. all right, All right.

what else do we have going on? I Don't want to miss any of the big news. so Market Big Pop Then we came right back down to basically where we opened. So a little bit of volatility and then nothing. Nothing.

Nothings nothing Nothing. Nothing does any. I find it so weird when people have you blocked. but like in your mentions, it tells you that someone mentions you on Twitter and then you go to it and you can see that someone mentioned you.
They tagged you but then they have you blocked. Is there like a a bigger more evident thing you can do to the public to show that you're a Beyond tagging someone that you have blocked like that's that. kind of makes you a right just asking for a friend. But I'm literally looking at my Twitter right now and someone mentioned me and I clicked on it and then I realized that they have me blocked.

Am I wrong on that like that? That just makes them like an absolutely massive I Just want to let you know you've been blocked. All right. Patricia confirms that it does okay. Well if Patricia says that, then it's 100 spot on.

I Just wanted to confirm, just just wanted to confirm maybe I was off on that one myself recently. I've been seeing more tweets of people informing the world that they've muted Elon Musk which is just so funny. so funny. Ah, I didn't Well I'm afraid to show this NBA clip because the NBA is notorious with Dmca things and I think it might take down my stream on everything about it this way.

LeBron James is averaging 28 653 dollars per Point What? what? Uh do I have I should have a Bloomberg account sign in I always forget my password. This feels like an interesting thing. We should read what's my email to log in I don't know my account? Uh, sign in with a one-time verification code. Email me the code.

enter Nope. Definitely the wrong account. crap. LeBron James is the NBA's all-time scoring leader and a billionaire.

The Los Angeles Lakers star has built a 1.1 billion dollar Fortune by being a dominant force on the basketball course and an active deal maker. an investor on the side, LeBron James has become the NBA all-time leading scorer, surpassing the record by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar which was 38 387. I mean look in high school I played basketball I Sucked. They gave me the position of Center because I was tall but wow, this is a whole nother level isn't it? Venice Well the producer of this show.

he's sitting back. he's got his cap on. He's a happy boy because of course this is his. Idol LeBron James Uh, it was the single biggest, most important thing.

Never mind the red headlines on the RBI James Of course he's only won a seven player scoring 30 000 points in his career. He's the youngest NBA in history to do it. 38 years of age, 30 points a game and uh, that's what you call the victory. Is that got it? Looks like a pretty firmly song or is that Greg the producer of this show I think they're both the same level? Yeah, wow, it is still pretty cool even though I'm personally not the biggest fan of them like that is a very cool achievement.

He's one of seven people who's ever gone over like that is cool. It's cool. Uh wow though. if you look at his money and then his point scored, getting over 28k per Point scored per basket score whatever the metric is.
Wow, what else do we have? I'm sure there has to be some other breaking news for us. the market just volatile I haven't done anything yet, just kind of waiting. Just kind of waiting. T-cat I See a lot of people tweeting about Tcat this is tattooed Chef I Want to say no, never mind another one moving another.

This is gonna end up being a pump and dump if you want to play this volatility to the upside: I Wish you the best of luck. But what this has done before I Expected to do again. Pump Dump Pump Dump Pump Dump Pump Dump Pump Dump Pump Dump. I Expect this to be a pump I Don't know how high the pump's gonna be and then I expect it to get dumped pretty freaking hard.

Um, so if you're in it, it's an active trade. Feel free to play it to the upside of the downside: I'm personally not playing it. it's not my play whatsoever. I'm just saying this is not something you YOLO into and just like hope that it works out.

This will probably come down faster than it's going up. Uh, what do we have? What do we have? Okay, okay, but I didn't make no mistake if you try anything to raise the cost of personal I will veto it. entire flock of Democrats yeah, why did they all clap after that when no one knows what he said? If it's much better if you focus on the positive. Okay, all right, all right I don't think we're missing too much I Didn't know if there was going to be any I didn't know if there was going to be any like big bombshell announcements from the FED today.

I mean we're still seeing volatility in the market, but um, not a clear Direction I'm seeing meta get hit I'm seeing Apple get hit. but I'm seeing Tesla do pretty well. The spies are under the spies. Undecided.

The cues are lagging. today. the cues are down point seven percent. The Spy is only down 0.3 so it looks like the tech sector is leading the downside charge.

All right. Seth Godden is one of the greatest markers of the air. He once said Market is no longer about the stuff you make, but the stories you tell. Sadly, most women taught this.

I agree with that. It's all about telling a good story. Honestly I think that's a lot of what related to GameStop ticker symbol. Gme's success with the whole Gme craziness in January of 2021 was it was just a good story.

It was a good narrative. Uh, a David and Goliath situation that kind of led to. it was a story that we all kind of knew. and I think that led to Mass perpetuation on all forms of media.

There was a clear good guy bad guy like kind of the people picking themselves up by the boot traps fighting against the system. It was. GameStop In my opinion, the reason of why it works so much is because it was a story that many, many people understood. many many people understood.

Matt Do you think Tesla is close to break up or down? I mean it's already breaking out like look at it. It's more of a question as is it all about to take a breather? I Think it. I don't know when. I'm surprised it hasn't taken a breather yet.
Maybe it'll take a breather off of smacking on 200. but talking about a breakout? that's what it's been doing ever since Friday the 6th. I mean we got as low as 101.81 which means from the low is now up 96. That's crazy.

Uh, so it's been breaking out. The question is, when does it take a breather? When does it take a breather? Uh EVS are not cost effective to repair. They will become toxic homeless shelters in the future. I Don't agree with that.

No. I don't agree with that at all because the technology related to EVS is improving and the cost is coming down. Uh I think it right now. there's not.

We're not at a price parity with gasoline based vehicles and EV but as the technology improves, we will get there and eventually you're going to have EVS that are at the same price and people are like, okay, well might as well just do it and then eventually the technology will get so good that it'll actually be cheaper than gasoline vehicles. especially if oil is still in like the weird Market that it currently is. I'm not calling for that to happen tomorrow, but I think by the time 2030 rolls around just from the Improvement specifically within Battery Technology there's going to be a massive demand inflection point in my opinion. Uh, thoughts on Disney I'm not gonna play it I know it has earnings after the market closes today.

I think if I were to play if I had to, I would just sell a strangle. I would sell premium on both sides if I had to if I had to if I had to Matt can I look at Google Um, ripped. Now taking a breather looks like it's this huge rip. Now that we're officially coming below the previous lows, putting it in looks like I mean the Market's just getting ahead of itself.

That's why I have an SPX put is because I think the market just it went a little too high, a little too fast. Uh, not that good of news. So I think the smart play in the short term right now is saying okay I think the Run might need a breather. the Run could totally continue.

but I think it needs to like kind of chill for a bit and consolidate. Um, as of now though, the fact that we ran yesterday I guess my call out might be a poor one. but I'm still holding my SPX put Matt have you seen Children Place Earnings Children Place Earnings I

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