Fed Meeting Panic?! || Watch Before June 15th
Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs
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Moon gang welcome to the thunderdome welcome to pure unbridled insanity. This video is your market wrap up for tuesday june 14th, pretty much the day before d-day the day before we stormed the beaches of normandy the day before all hell breaks loose. Now, if you have no clue what i'm talking about i'm talking about how tomorrow june 15th we're about to get the next federal reserve decision, pretty much we're gon na see massive swings, massive volatility and it's important. Just in case you haven't been paying attention to the stock market or maybe having paying attention in the econ class, because your eyes glossed over because your teachers suck, i don't know what it is.

But this is going to have a big impact on the market and if you haven't been paying attention to that, it's pretty much been going down a little sideways and then down and then a little sideways and then down and then down and then down and then Down and then down now that i think about it, pretty much representative of my mental health, but that's a story for another time. This video is going to be all about the markets. I want to talk about what to look for give you a quick recap of today and then really what to be paying attention to for tomorrow. Just so, you can feel a little bit more comfortable but understand it's going to be crazy, so enjoy the ride before we get into all that, though, a quick shout out to today's video sponsor i'm talking about ftx, if you think it's time to dollar cost average Into crypto, or if you want to do that in the future, check out ftx, they are pinned in a comment below and when you use the code crypto course you're going to be able to get 25 from ftx.

When you certify your account and get rocking with them, thanks for sponsoring the video now, let's get to the good stuff, the market is pretty much flat as we are bracing for a big fed rate hike. So pretty much in the fomc meeting the federal open market committee, all these big wigs with fancy pedigrees on their wall get to decide basically, what's going to be happening with the economy and what's going to be happening, therefore, with the stock market right now, they are Trying to battle absurd inflation and they're trying to pull off what's referred to as a soft landing as in taking care of inflation without disrupting the market too much and we were told it was inflationary, we were told they're, not behind the curve. We were told that they know what's going on clearly fucking, not all right, let's see what's actually going on. I know today felt a little bit crazy, but overall not too much just a lot of going up and down, but a good job of really going over.

The s p 500 down point three percent: the q's up 0.2 in the small cap sector down 0.5. This might seem like just so: okay small cap iwm, the russell 2000 seeming a little bit worse, but i want to very quickly point out that that's representative of the us government. They will help big business and big tech and the likes of those companies before they care about small business. I want to make that exceedingly clear when things sell off.
Small business is going to get smoked before everything else, because the government doesn't care about small business, but hey that's just my two cents: oil still chilling above 115 a barrel currently at 118. As long as it's above 115 that's danger zone, i think before 22 2022 excuse me is out that we're actually going to be seeing oil above 140 150 a barrel and bitcoin is brutal, uh recently selling off very hard right now above 21.5 000.. But we have a little bit of breaking news right here, michael saylor says: microstrategy isn't expecting to receive a margin call and the company has plenty more collateral to post. I hope this is true, but we'll see how this all plays out.

So if bitcoin keeps going down down down like the overall market, they are pretty correlated, you might want to be watching micro strategy, so in terms of the overall market. Ever since the start of this year, it hasn't been good. Ever since january, 4th we've been going down down down, and now we are officially in a bear market, as in since this high we're down more than 20. We are in fact now at the lows of march of 2021 and we will completely erase 2021 in the market as if it never ever happened.

All we have to do is go a little bit more to 364.82, which will also act as support so basically to just pretend that this never happened. 2021. Almost the same way, you just want to pretend that that you know the weekend at the bar with that. Guy that girl and you're, like no that never happened.

Let's just forget about that. For that to happen in the stock market, we just need to drop a little bit more about 2.5 and then it literally never happened. Poof gone just like a thanos snap, so we're very, very close. Yes, there's some upside gap fills if you're more of a technical trader so worthwhile to pay attention to right.

Now this isn't a technical setup. This is very much what's going to go on with the fed and beyond the fomc meeting tomorrow, which i'm going to get into the details of that. We actually have another important report coming out at 8. 30 in the morning before the market opens retail sales retail sales, so we're gon na see like okay.

Are people spending their money? What are they doing with their money? So 8 30 pay attention to that an hour before the market opens and then at 2 p.m. On wednesday, the 15th we will be getting the decision from the fed. Basically, is it going to be a 0.5 a 0.75 or a 1 there's a couple ways to interpret this: if they do a 0.5, you could argue yeah, okay, the fed's trying to be transparent. That's what they told us they're going to do, but it's not going to do much to battle inflation.

They could do a 0.75 which is kind of hemming and hawing and yeah. They kind of lied to us a little bit and they kind of don't care about inflation that much or they could do a one percent where they're like whoa uh, we're they're, definitely battling inflation, but maybe they're not being that forthcoming with us. Of course, these are just my own opinions, i'm not a financial advisor, i'm just kind of a guy who sometimes gets lucky and other times i get unlucky, but overall, what i think is going to happen in terms of the market. Tomorrow is if it's 0.75 or 1, the market is going to go down, but in the long run, it'll be better to fight inflation.
If they come in at 0.5, the market actually might bounce a bit, but remember we're still trying to fight the inflation, which is absolutely absurd. In fact, it's so absurd that even the white house is now an on-the-line game. White house says: u.s is a good place to fight inflation. White house says: administration is watching inflation closely in good place to fight it.

A couple days ago it came in at 8.6 a four decade high and not just a four decade high. Everyone was expecting 8.3. So not only are they expecting crazy, high value, it's coming in as a value higher than the high value they already expected, but no don't worry about it. We got it under control.

If you listen to yelling we're avoiding a recession. Don't worry about that. If you listen to jerome powell, it's transitory, we got it under control and then, if you listen to the light white house, we're watching it and if there's anything is the problem, it's putin's fault, it has nothing to do with the nine trillion dollars we put into The economy to get us through the pandemic period. No, don't worry about that! That's just silly! That's just absolutely silly! Basically, tomorrow at 2 p.m.

We get the result, watch for 0.5, 0.75 point or one percent the higher. The number is the greater the chance of the market sell-off, but the higher the number is in the long run. It's like swallowing a painful pill now to battle inflation, because it's very, very serious, but no matter what happens in that first half hour, even more craziness is going to happen because at 2 30 the chairman jerome powell is going to start speaking and beyond. Just the information we get at 2 he's going to be answering questions and people are gon na, come at him hard with questions so from 2 to 2 30 there's going to be crazy insanity and then from 2 30 to close it could be completely reversed or It could get even worse, so you got to pay attention in the final two hours of training tomorrow cause like i said it's gon na be thunder dome.

Now, who cares what the white house says, they're gon na say whatever they need to in this particular circumstance, but bill hackman he's pretty respected, he's a wall street legend he's a multi-billionaire, so here's his input on it ackman says: market confidence can be restored. If fed does a 75 bips hike, so okay yeah they're battling inflation, that's kind of the medium term one, but he was even talking about the one percent 100 bips. A hundred bits hike tomorrow july thereafter would be better, so yeah it'd be better. We would be swallowing a painful pill and the market's gon na go down down down in the short term, but we would better battle inflation.
So there's a couple things to consider right now: the odds of a 75 bips increase this time around in june. It's priced in just over 30, so it's not even a 50 50 shot. So it's not one of these things where everyone's like. Okay, it's going to be 50 right now, there's a decent shot.

It's not a 50 50 and obviously the 100 bits is even a lower chance, but it's going to be crazy. It's going to be fireworks, you got to be paying attention and i will be doing a special stream of the whole thing, starting just before 2 pm. So make sure you're tuning into the channel, because this is gon na get wild. Now, obviously, i've shared my own opinions and just even outside of this, like let's talk about next week, the next month.

Where are we going this year? Unfortunately, i do believe the markets are going lower if you're looking at your 401k, your ira, i think you better just stop, because it's going to be painful now, if you're an active trader, you could play things to the downside and you could make a lot a Lot of money, but in terms of the long-term investment, don't pay attention to it right now. This is a long-term game. You don't need to watch it day over day. I am not yet gon na dollar cost average into some of my favorites bitcoin ethereum and then some of my favorite equities as well, because i think there is more downside and i'll.

Happily let you know when i personally decide the dollar costs average and hey you. Don't have to take my opinion for it, maybe you're like but matt. I'm super super confident. This is the bottom i'm gon na buy here, because we're gon na rip rip rip the government and the fed and yelling they all have our back.

They know what they're talking about. Let me give you one data point to clarify why i think the market is unfortunately going to go lower, jim cramer. Why we're buying stocks heading into wednesday's big fed decision? I'm 27.. I barely know fuck all about the market, but i do know one extremely profitable trading strategy is doing the opposite of jim cramer, so if jim cramer is buying into the fed decision that tells me to prepare for armageddon, i hope you enjoyed the video i'll catch.

You in the next one and best of luck.

18 thoughts on “Fed meeting panic?! watch before june 15th”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars libby duo says:

    lol….I think ur mental health is fine

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Serve97 S says:

    .50 by Cramer and powell no .75

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael Smith says:

    Markets up .36% already 😒 my puts are boned

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joseph ramirez says:

    I'm just tired of these fucks stiling my money. I have a ETF ( POTX ) 335 shares the graph shows $20. Up from were I paid for it then they do a 6 for 1 reverse split taking 300 shares leaving me 55 shares, 5k gone. Here's the kicker the price now is $ 16. A share less than before the split and I had to pay $45. Service fee. Wow I'm going to call the SEC, we all know how good that will go.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian says:

    Buying calls on puts

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian says:

    I dunno why everyone is freaking out I'm up 13% in the past 2 days

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RedJacket : CrownEstate says:

    I certainly would not say that the SPY which corralates directly with the S&P went nowhere today it dropped all the way down from $380 (yesterday's close) to a day low of $370 before rebounding slightly to $373 from premarket to post market.

    So THAT was another pretty sharp drop in my book which happened over the course of the entire day gradually just not very quickly out of the opening gate I guess.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Walsh says:

    Haha, I love how you speak about doing the opposite of Cramer!!! Beautiful & SOOOO very TRUE!!! πŸ™‚

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Caldarola says:

    A recession would be a step UP from where we are now, which is collapse.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Heath says:

    Solid data point at the end.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete McN says:

    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Clearly F*ckin not!!…

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrJoker_Algo says:

    Inverse cramer

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Evenson says:

    Massive green day tomorrow, probably hit 1000 points up on the dow, buy tqqq and make 4 bucks a share

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrJoker_Algo says:

    Great sponsor for today. πŸ˜†

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chris says:

    1st I need money sooooo bad

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robin Driggers says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robin Driggers says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ANGELO says:

    First again

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