God Hates NFTs
Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs
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What's going on moon gang, i hope that you enjoyed your extended weekend. A little bit of an extra break from the markets, hope you're, relaxed and rested for the upcoming week. It's bound to be a lot of fun now before we get into all that shout out to all the dados out there happy father's day. Where would we be without all of your jokes and speaking of jokes, we're going to get into a pretty funny one? I want to talk a little bit about crypto and what's been going on a little bit about the overall market, i want to call out some things that you should be paying attention to this upcoming week, because it could definitely prompt some volatility and overall, i think This is the calm before the storm, and i know you guys were hoping for it and we finally got it the answer of what is god's opinion on nfts.

I wasn't messing around in the slightest when i said it. God has finally shared an opinion on nfts and they're, not the nicest god hates nfts vitalik is the antichrist anti-metamasker. The end is nfts god hates nfds and then on the end here, listen to phil gates check this video. This all just happened today.

So, overall you get the vibe of what's going on, and just so you know. Apparently, this is a marketing ploy for the new york city, nft convention, but at first they're, just completely ragging on those crazy people at the westboro baptist church like just similar signage and everything. But once again this is just a marketing ploy. It's making its rounds on social media.

I thought it was pretty hilarious, so i wanted to share it with all of you. What's not so funny is what's been going on in crypto, especially over the weekend, bitcoin went as low as 17.5 000. each went as low as 875.. Overall, it was an extended brutal bloodbath for crypto bitcoin dead.

Google searches hit a new all-time high. Things happen to be really bad for bitcoin dead, to be at a new eye. Look at that just ripping through the roof. Bitcoin sees resistance at 21 000 as investors record losses over 7 billion, that's billion with a b.

I don't know if you need some crazy protest, that's made up or the spike in google searches or just the fact that all this money is disappearing in the ether to understand that not only is the equities market, but particularly the crypto market. Under a lot of pressure, now hey for me, i'm heavily invested not only in bitcoin and ethereum, but a myriad of cryptos, and for me i'm just going to choose the dollar cost average. If it comes to bitcoin i'll, be looking under 15 000 ethereum under 750. Right now, i think it's kind of tough to catch a falling knife.

I do think there's going to be more pain, maybe i'll miss it. Maybe i'll have to buy it a little late on the rip back up, but i'm okay with that, because i'm a long-term investor now i know some of you might be looking for opportunities to. Maybe you hate crypto and you want to bet against it or maybe you're, just looking to hedge your portfolio. Well, you now have a new option.
Proshares is launching a short bitcoin etf. This week it will be trading under the ticker b. I t i so just wanted to call that all out for you now that the crypto market is still rocking and the futures market is actually open, we're seeing actually a positive bounce back in the s p, 500, the nasdaq 100 and that's also being associated with The bounce back in crypto that you're, seeing in real time oil sitting at 109 gold singing at 1841 just want to quickly call that out for anyone who's paying attention to it. But overall, yes, crypto's been beat up, equities have been beat up and the question is okay, are they beat up enough that it's time for mean reversion it's time, for maybe the bears got a little bit over exuberant and it's time to get a bounce up now, For me, i want to share this: i'm not a financial advisor, i'm not a fortune teller, but if you're looking at gas prices, oil prices what's going on with russia and ukraine, food shortages, fertilizer shortages, issues in the housing market, not as bad as 2008, but mortgages Are going up, there's a very, very low supply, there's concerns and because of all that, especially when inflation, it's not even flatlining we're still going up.

I still think there's more pain to be seen now. Eventually, this will bottom out and that will represent an amazing buying opportunity. I just don't think we're there quite yet anyway, in the short term right now, bitcoin bounces back after falling to a new 2022 lows over the weekend. Yes, we're bouncing back the goal in question.

Is it gon na hold and with the s p, 500 same thing since the futures market is already open, the s p 500 futures rise, one percent, as the market is set to rebound from a brutal week. Now i hope, cnbc didn't put the cart in front of the horse already calling for the rebound. I could see it. I mean the s p.

500. We have one. Two three gap fills to the upside all awesome targets and for me i like that as a play, but what i like better is playing that, maybe not so staunchly but waiting for it to come back over and playing it once again back to the downside. So if i had to put it this way for equities and crypto in the very short term bullish, then i'm looking for a bearish flush out and then i'm looking for a new bottom that ideally, we can actually load up some decent size on overall.

This is the calm before the storm and i'm really saying that, because on wednesday and thursday of this week, jerome powell will be speaking to the senate on wednesday at 9, 30 and then the house of representatives at 10 a.m. Whenever he talks, you can definitely get some serious market movement this upcoming week, maybe particularly for an equity. I want to pay attention what's going on with rdbx aka redbox, because last week the occ or exchanges or brokers. No one really knows everyone's, like that.

Spider-Man meme, pointing at the other person of who told them to stop trading options, but you can no longer buy calls you can no longer buy, puts so that's kind of really messed up. My concept of that play i wanted to play back then, to the downside. Can't do that anymore. So should be interesting, but as of right now things are calm, but maybe a little bit too calm.
Let me know your thoughts in a comment below and i want to really know. Do you think that god hates nfts i'll catch you in the next video.

0 thoughts on “God hates nfts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FireFacts says:

    If you keep BTC for any 3 year period you are always in the Green based on it's history. In other words since we saw a peak of 69k in Nov 2020 you can expect to see that again in Nov 2023…

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jras2218 says:

    Don’t forget to check your oil…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God The Heavenly Father says:

    I like NFT's πŸ€™

    They're all fake fudsters

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Hallam says:

    NFTs were the only investmemt that lost God money

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Lopez says:

    Doge has been doing well holding between 0.054 and 0.063 so go doge coin to the landing platform

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doge-1#9950 says:

    I hate NFTs

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffery Humphrey (μ œν”„λ¦¬ λ°μ΄λΉ„λ“œ ν—˜ν”„λ¦¬) says:

    July 4th aint here yet…. gas prices are going back up

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yes My Dork says:

    As much as I love GME and want the MOASS to happen, I can't fathom the amount of retardation they are going through at trying to get into the NFT market. The technology behind digital owner ship of shit through NFT's is fundamentally good but the first big launch at selling pictures of fucking monkeys was such a colossal shitshow it became the laughing stock of the entire world with all the popular streamers shit-talking it and making a joke of it and that in turn caused """""""""""""FUD"""""""""""" and now literally everyone memes about NFTards losing money buying pictures of fucking monkeys its probably unrecoverable. If I posted this on that echochamber known as /r/superstonk all the mindless drones there will simply downvote the fuck out of me and call me a shill for not blindly supporting everything gamestop supports. As much as I want to see the corrupt system and Kenny's asshole get torn wide open I simply think being associated with these NFT-clowns will only hurt the cause. Downvote me if my opinon = correct and your opinon = wrong. NFTcucks get the rope.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Hudsons says:

    Shouldn't the be chanting NFT ….Not For Thee!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Mosquito says:

    I hope to cost average down this week and rally with amc
    Thanks for your duckness and moonable

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Treys dilated pupil says:

    How are you litecoins doing 🀨πŸ€ͺπŸ€“

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Mosquito says:

    Thanks Mark
    We love AMC

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Kohrs says:

    God has spoken!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curtis says:

    He’s not the only one

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 00ryuk says:


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