HERE WE GO!!! FOMC Meeting Minutes LIVE!
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00:00 Intro
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15:35 Seconds Before FOMC Meeting
16:42 What You Need To Know
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Foreign, Foreign foreign. Goonies Let's do this thing. What is going on? What is going on? What is going on? Let's get ready for those Fomc meeting minutes coming out in just under 15 minutes. We're gonna be here to watch everything going on with the market and boy oh boy looks like it's gonna be a crazy one. The market was going up took a big hit to the ball sack. Now it's coming back down. and as we're going really close into this meeting, we're seeing some green. We're seeing some bullishness. we're seeing a little bit of popping. Let's go Goonies I Like that I Already see it Goonies Never Say Die Peter Van Dan Kloot. It's been a hot minute since I've seen you in here I Love your name. I'm happy that you're back folks before we get rocking with this live stream. It's a live stream so the name of the game is engagement everyone if you could destroy the like button if you haven't already. uh Hey Completely free and it really really helps me out. Hit the like button on both Rumble and also YouTube and make sure you hit the Subscribe Button as well. I Know it's really, really tough to at least locate me on YouTube but if you hit that Bell icon and switch the notifications always, it should allegedly help. but I don't know. a lot of people just don't get my notifications anymore. Uh, but on Rumble uh. if you're subscribed over there, you should be getting emails and whatnot. And I did fire off an email that we are doing this because it's a little bit of an abnormal piece of content. Uh, but I fired off an email from the locals email Lister So if you want to get on the list, serve I use it only about like once every week, once every two weeks. So I try to not abuse it, but make sure you're signed up for locals. but folks, we're here. your boy is all jacked up on DayQuil Sudafed uh, therapy. we're feeling good, we're feeling good. so I'm a little energetic I try to plug up my nose and I hope it worked this time around because I don't see any tissues. Uh, but hey, maybe one of the things helping us right now is Brick House Nutrition uh pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video, make sure you are using the code Health H E A L T H H E A L T H Health Code Health for 30 off if you want to see what you can get 30 off on, you, just go to Brick House Let me show you what I'm talking about. So what I have in front of me right here is just a classic like fruits and veggie mix from the Field of Greens but they have other things going on. these caffeine pills, the dawn to dusk they are absolutely no joke. I Would highly recommend not taking that past like noon o'clock uh dream AIDS haven't used that yet but I have them I want to try them out. These food bars also pretty good, but what I have right here? Uh hey, if you're just looking for like back to basic good health type of stuff, check out the Field of Greens pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video and you can get 30 off if you use the code. health health is the code And with all that out of the way, let's talk about the market. Let's talk about what in the world is going on in the market. First and foremost: Happy Thanksgiving it is Thanksgiving Eve I'm ready to go I'm ready to go I Love Thanksgiving and I'm hoping that I can pay for my own Thanksgiving with a bet that I just placed uh I'll tweet it out to the world. Hang on, hang on. Let me tweet out my current bet slip because the uh Belgium versus Canada soccer match is about to go down. You heard it here first. All right, let me get the picture. So I took a parlay I took a parlay to bet parlay and what I bet on was uh, total Corners over under I put over 9.5 and I parlayed that with total goals over under and I put over 2.5 I put a hundred dollars down for the chance of winning 205. Potential payout obviously is 100 plus 205 which would be 305 so I didn't bet on a winner because Belgium is a favorite team but in the Discord we have some hardcore Canadians and I didn't want to go against my own people so I I didn't have the heart to pick money line on the teams so I went with some of those little side bets and I parlayed them together and I like it. I'm feeling confident and hey, if there's anyone in here because I am by no means like an expert better or anything like that. Hey, if someone in here legitimately like knows more about sports betting and like has done this before, reach out to me. I would love some insight I would love some ideas of what I should or shouldn't be betting on, but I'm feeling pretty good about this bet. Maybe I'm being a little bit optimistic, but I just watch Spain absolutely dominate Costa Rica and I knew I wanted to take the over on that and I just didn't Did it do it? I just didn't did it I just didn't do it and I'm feeling good I'm feeling good and it's probably just the DayQuil speaking. Maybe it's just the field of Green speaking. Who knows. Let's get going. Let's get going folks. 171 likes here on YouTube Blow that up. Let's target 500. There's 900 of you in here. It's almost the Fomc meeting minutes. Results: We're about nine minutes out. Hit the like same thing with you guys on Rumble Word are we at? We're already at 500 over here with 45 likes. guys. Hit that little plus button, helps us out with the battle League board and make sure you are subscribing on both Rumble and YouTube if you aren't already. hey, this is the time for you to join up if you enjoy this type of content. If you like knowing what's going on in the market, breaking news, the mental rants of a deranged individual who's been in front of the lights and the camera for a little bit too long, you have found your home. You have definitely found your home here. All right, let's see how this is all looking. I Have the minute chart. So this was kind of wild. We got a nice pop this morning. I was calling out for between 402 30 and 402.50 You're welcome for that from there. I Have to admit I was kind of surprised about the sell-off, but it's almost as if someone just got a pre-release of the Fomc minutes or something like that. Anyway, pretty brutal sell-off that about that'll sell off. Then we put in a higher low and now it's kind of double topping at 401. So we're slightly green. on the day, we're up by 0.2 percent. So we're going to be. uh, we're gonna be seeing some big moves in about seven minutes. Before we get to that though, I Did want to let you know about what in the world's going on with AMC AMC had a really nice pop to this Eight dollar level which was massively important. Uh, eight dollars. Eight dollars. Eight dollars. Eight dollars. Unfortunate, excuse me. Unfortunately, it was rejected. Uh, we didn't get the Breakthrough But you might be wondering why is it up and the reason is right here? Uh Amazon Just announced plans to invest 1 billion a year movies for Cinemas Now obviously the last Cinema pretty much standing is AMC So a lot of people took this to be pretty positive news for AMC That's exactly why it's up. What's interesting is a little bit after this came out, AMC was up 10 while Eight was down five. which is odd because it makes everyone wondering why are they training at such a stark difference. and I guess the real answer to get that you'd have to ask Adam Aaron but he no longer really speaks with people in the community who do like interviews or anything like that. Uh, he used to do interviews with Trey Uh, but he no longer does that and Trey left. So I mean I've reached out to him. he doesn't want to do any interviews I I Don't know what to tell you, He just kind of sticks to himself now and just, um, does random tweets but no interviews from people within the community. which is incredibly unfortunate. Maybe one day he'll change his mind, but to understand why they're trying to get such a stark difference? That's something to ask him. Uh, we know ape is just a roundabout way to dilute the company. Uh, the money raised. The capital raise has been going very poorly, so maybe it's reflective of that. but I don't know. This is all literally just conjecture until he tells us why they are trading at. uh, such a massive, massive difference. But some positive news for AMC And we just keep knocking on this door of eight dollars and would love for that to break out. Uh, I Want someone remind me to play this video at the end? Uh, it'll most likely copy. Strike me. So I'll play it at the end of the video so the stream doesn't go down. But there's an absolutely hilarious video of Elon Musk and AOC uh, going around the internet. so I will play this right at the end of The Stream So If I get taken down, we are A-Okay But you are going to love it all right? Don't forget. Uh, show a little bit of love to Brick House You could get 30 off. The code is Health H-e-a-l-t-h Uh, that was my bet on Canada and Belgium We're just waiting for this to come through. waiting this to come through. Yeah, here we are. So this is my bet. Uh, total Corners Over under over 9.5 Total. Close over under over 2.5 So we'll We'll see how it plays, We'll see how it plays. A little bit of optimism I Hope I Want I'm always going to be an over guy because if you're betting on the over, you're betting on more fun. You're betting on more things happening. If you're an under guy, you're you're kind of betting on you just don't want things to happen like really, it's just I don't know? Uh I don't know I don't know I don't know. It's always more fun to root for bigger things happening in the match. That's my mindset and who knows I'm gonna stick to it. Well, it's a little bright in here. Should I turn this one off? Should I turn this guy off. Is that a little? Is that a better? Vibe For right now dude, that back wall is super lit. It is sunny outside the studio. Today it is sunny, sunny sunny. Uh, he's not a sports guy. Me: uh I played soccer my whole life. but I'm not a sports gambling guy. I Mean it's easy to become one because I'm a degenerate. Gambler I'll do it in the stock market. why not do it in the sports? Market as well. whenever there's like Edge and gambling and numbers uh and money to be made and lost I I'm that guy I Am 100 gonna be that guy? Uh, we have the Fomc meaning minutes queued up. We're just waiting for it to load right here. Should be out at 2PM and we might as well bring up CNBC because I'm sure they'll be doing some sort of a quick breakdown uh, but they're a little bit slow to react like I Think we'll be able to pull up the uh information a little bit faster than them. But as we're waiting for this all to happen, you can you can tell you took the wrong team I Didn't take a team in my bed I said over 9.5 and over 2.5 in total. Like total score I didn't pick an individual team I didn't pick Belgium I didn't pick Canada you a poker player? Matt Yeah I've played a decent amount of Poker I'm by no means I'm like like GTO Game Theory optimal player like that's not me but I definitely know how to play it I played my fair share I've had my good wins I've had my good losses. you know should we do a poker? Meetup Actually, is there a way? Does anyone know about technology? In a sense that like how could we live stream a poker tournament? Because I'm worried if like I'm in it the cards are going to be shown and then there could be cheating. Do you have to do it on like a delay or something? I Guess we just meet up in person and we could just film that I'm just worried because like if anything, like if someone's streaming their own hand, it obviously goes south pretty quickly. Poker stars with a delay? That's the way to do it. Poker VR Uh, you can cover your whole cards for a live stream with OBS Oh oh oh oh okay. well folks, something to consider without a doubt. Definitely something to consider. Here's the market here's CNBC they're on a break right now. Uh I have the volume ready. Well, they just started all right. change. Uh, last little block here before we hand it off to power launch the demand. All right. We don't need to listen to that for right now. Uh, so a little bit of a breather. We're gonna play some Elon AOC stuff a little bit later. Uh, we have this as well I'm ready to go. All right. Please comment: What do you think the reaction is going to be from now until the end of the day? from 2PM to 4 P.M Over the next 120 minutes, are we gonna be above 477 or below 477? Are we going Green for the rest of the day? or are we going red for the rest of the day? Please comment: red or green I Need to know I Need to know I Need to know red or green? Uh, we see some green coming in above Red. Oh, you guys are kind of split down the middle on this I Thought we would have an overwhelming support for one of the colors. What do I think about rum? I'm in Rum I Love rum. Rum is a long-term investment for me. Uh, I'm not in it just for a week a month a year. I'm in this, most likely for decades. So I'm invested in Rum. Still have it. Still love it. Still holding All right. Market Stat. Today goes to zero. Can you? uh uh. can I link the post for the news. Crypto? Just short. Uh. what news? Particularly, What news? Particularly folks. Let's get ready. Let's get ready. Let's all right. I Have the meeting minutes over here. I'm just going to keep reloading. Keep reloading. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. It's almost two. It's almost two times. ticking. time's ticking. All right. We have eight seconds, five seconds. I'm I'm ready to reload. I'm ready for this. Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready All right. 2PM Is it out. Thus far a big pop to the upside. All right. I'm getting the meeting minutes as we speak. Where are they? Where are they? Where are they All right? Here we go. I got them. Okay, Okay, okay here we are. Here are the meeting minutes just to make sure I'm on the right one. November 2nd to the 3rd. Good. We got it from the November meeting. So let's see what they are telling us. Foreign? They are not saying anything yet. Uh, Rose by about 45 basis. What do we have? All right? 500 I'm looking for anything about the basis points? Okay, the effective federal Funds rate remained at eight basis points throughout the period, except on months end. While the Sofr average five basis points. Okay, nothing really there. for the households. the level of consumer debt was largely unchanged. on an inflation-adjusted basis. The level consumer debt was largely unchanged. All right, A little positive. The participants know that the average inflation already exceeded two percent. Uh, when measured on a multi-year basis. Yeah, we all knew that participants stress the maintaining flexibility to implement appropriate policy adjustments on the basis are right. Base is 45 Our right? Uh. Fund rate? All right. Wait, where are we at with CNBC Station Expectations: The yield on the 10-year Uh Note: Trading right around 3.7 percent. Uh, at this moment? Contessa All right, let's get right to Steve Lisman Now with the minutes of those right here, the projection of U.S economic activity prepared before this half of November 30 minutes would be appropriate. A substantial majority support, likely slowing the pace of tightening soon. That really does set up for a 50 basis point rate hike in December A few participants, no, no notice. the qualifier. A few suggested it was better to wait to slow hikes until it was clear that inflation is receding. So uh, that is not where the center of the board appears to be. Members emphasize more important to consider the peak rate over the pace of future hikes. In other words, that where the FED is going is more important than the pace that it gets there. Many participants said the effects of the rate hikes were quote still quite uncertain. Some of those people uh are in favor of either lower rate hikes or slower rate hikes. Many participants said the full extent of policy tightening was quote yet to be realized. risk to the inflation Outlook were high tilted to the upside uh, recent inflation data was higher. Remember this came before the recent November the meeting was before the recent Uh October inflation report that came out in November balance and we've heard some officials talk about seeing some signs of slowing in the labor market risk to the economic Outlook over weighted to the downside particularly due to global headwinds from China uh and and the Russia Ukraine war and they were seeing softening in consumer and business spending growth. Although I have to say we got data this morning that um leading against that idea of business spending slowing and of course uh, some important information there on the treasury market. They saw the function of the treasury market being orderly and important qualify an important assessment given that they are restricting their balance sheets. the higher mortgage rates were notably restraining housing activity. Uh. One other thing, several participants said tightening Global monetary policy could spill over to the U.S and we heard that from Mary Daly last week who said that was one of her reasons why she thought there was maybe more tightening out in the economy than is in the actual funds rate. Definitely because they brought up China three times because I've got questions I've got questions. but let's get some more. uh reaction to the Feds about the path of raid hikes. and to do that, let's bring in Michael Jackson in U.S Economics with Bank of the green voters Global Research Um I See in my notes that it says we expect the main message from these fed minutes to be hawkish on Net. Does that seem to be what you're hearing there? even though a substantial majority support a likely slowing of the pace of raped of of tightening relatively soon, you know I I Think it does So first of all, thank you for having me on. and I think given uh Steve's comments there it we would agree it's it's more about the destination now than than the journey. So the On Net part and in my mind is yes, they there seems to be widespread, um, acceptance on the board that they should slow the pace of great hikes. So pretty much all as expected. But the reason Steve mentioned we're going out it doesn't know. it's expected uncertainty that maybe we weren't going to hear this now that we took out that uncertainty and the Polish case. So maybe in the range of 475 to as high as five and a half for for some. So I'm not. Yes. I think they still have a lot of work to go, although there's reasons to slow the pace of great hikes from here. Yeah, and I I'm going to turn back to you Stephen and note that the Dow has just moved up 130 points. It can move down 130 points in another second here. But it would seem to me that if if I I were reading what we're putting on our screen, many participants said full extent of policy tightening yet to be realized, but that the pace of those rate hikes may be slowing a bit, that that would explain why Equity Investors are favorably inclined. Yeah, I Think folks might have been geared up for a more hawkish uh set of minutes here. uh I'm not sure it delivered I Don't think it's dovish. Don't get me wrong about that. I Think people, people would make a mistake Tyler if they took the idea of slower to mean lower and picking up on what Michael was saying. you know five is the new four. uh Tyler when it comes to the FED uh I I'm hearing people like Mary Dale They say four and three quarters to five and a quarter being her sort of outlook for for the peak funds rate. I Think you know you could probably take that pretty seriously. As Michael said, there are people up near five and a half, the Fed's going to slow down. Let me give you what you need to know: We're trying to repeat this after me: 50 50 25. That's how the market is priced for the next three meetings and I don't see much change I Want to get a fresh look at the probabilities here: 81 chance for a 50 um in in December A 76 chance of a February of a 50 in February and then a 52 chance of a 20 5 in March and that would be the end of it. So 125 from here, that's still work to do. We are closer to the end of this process if inflation cooperates, if employment were to soften, but there's still a ways to go. Don't mistake slower for lower, All right, And we are seeing the yields uh, moving lower now as well. Michael When we're talking about one of the last notes that Steve had said here is that several participants noted that tightening Global monetary policy could spread to the United States Is that a risk to our economy? How would it work? Well, Certainly, it certainly is a risk. Historically, during during periods when many are, in this case, almost all central banks are are lifting rates, you do risk spillover effects I Think the risk of risks of that have come down a little bit, particularly as dollar strength has has abated, but historically the transmission channel would be that. Financial stress is billed strong. A strong Dollar Rising interest rates puts a lot of volatility into markets and and a stress point arises somewhere. and then then Financial conditions tighten and its bills back into the U.S and prior cycles. For example. this would be like the East Asian financial crisis in the 90s, the Latin American debt crises of the 80s for example just kind of unforeseen landmines that we that we can't really see in advance. and uh, when everybody tightens in the same direction, we just risk getting a lot more tightening than we think we're getting individually. And and Steve You mentioned here that What? The FED minutes Note: in terms of the softening in consumer and business spending is at odds with new data that we saw this morning. Can you explain? Yeah, Contessa Thank you for bringing that up because I'm afraid we need to be having a whole different conversation here. uh, than the one suggested by the minutes. Um, I'm interested. Maybe if you have a second for Michael and I'll try to shut up in a second. But but the data has been stronger. We have been using our rapid update. We've been upgrading GDP for the fourth quarter. It's not as strong as the third quarter yet, but it is certainly the second half has been stronger than the first half. That business spending number kind of knocked my socks off. so did the retail spending number I Guess that was last week. So you have the two key spending components business and the consumer. uh, doing very well and really surprising to the upside leading to higher GDP forecasts out there I Don't know that this is necessarily inflationary, but it is certainly not the cooling that the Fed was looking. and it is certainly not the uh, definitive recession numbers that ever some people thought we were going to be getting in the fourth quarter of this year. Maybe that recession is put off to next year if it's coming, but it's certainly not in the numbers we have seen in the past couple weeks. Contessa Michael We're looking at the November manufacturing and services PMI falling uh from it was 46.3 from 48.2 in October Can you weigh in a little bit about the disconnect between minutes about new orders and new export orders? which says something about production saying the first half of next year or maybe even later. look I Agree completely with with Steve There are certainly signs the economy is slowing. We're seeing it in housing. Some of the other investment-led components are weaker. the inventory cycle seems to have explode. Business spending has been mixed on that, but I would agree. The durable's data today was quite strong. retail sales quite strong. still adding 290 000 jobs a month. The FED has to do more work to slow the economy down. I Still think risks are in the direction of the funds rate needing to inch higher, perhaps closer to even six percent to slow this economy down right now doesn't really want to slowly. hey Contessa yeah I'm I'm starting throughout Michael What have you done to your tracking forecast I Did not have a chance to give you a call this morning in the last couple days. Are you Are you been upgrading the the tracking for GDP for the fourth quarter. The GDP tracking for the for the third quarter for next week is around three percent and we're I think we're at 1 8. Let's call it close to two percent now for the for the fourth quarter. So yes, it's been coming in higher. We expected things to to moderate. We are one of those kind of mild recession forecasts for next year, but we've We've kind of said look now all this is. There's just a lot of momentum in the economy and it may take was the first time that we all think to to slow it is commentary concerning people the three times they brought up the weaker Chinese economy. Thank you both very much for that. Appreciate it. Let's get to some developing drama in the crypto world. Of course the industry is now all right. Let's get rid of that. Uh, you guys can still see it as I bring up this. Okay, yeah, that's better so you can guys can see the market but right here what maybe is freaking some people out. So uh, two different times excuse me foreign GDP Growth slowed modestly in the third quarter as supply chain disruptions and the Resurgence of Rona 19 wait on production, particularly in China and other emerging market economies. so that was the first one. and then right here. Uh, Market concerns about the risk of downturn then Chinese real estate sector remained elevated and inflows into funds. investing in China's slowed. but the effects of the broader financial markets were limited. so it seems like the major uh jolt we saw to the upside right at the result was basically everyone's like, okay, yeah, like 50 bips. In fact, we can look at the FED watch tool right now. Uh, it looks like as we get into December the chance of on the results when we get them on Wednesday December 14th, it looks as Cameron's okay, we're not talking about 75 bibs anymore. If there's an 80 chance that we get a 50 bips, Which is less bearish, it's less hawkish, and there's only 20 chance of getting 75 bips. Uh, so that seems to be the initial jolt and then in reality, wait, what are they saying about the United Kingdom physical and you know you can add it to Market volatility but left little net impact. Um, so they two separate times, not three, excuse me. They brought up concerns of China Uh, the project of the U.S economic activity prepared for the staff for November Fomc meeting was weaker than the September forecast. All right, that's not the best news. The Pce uh, the Prudence the personal consumption expenditure. This is like the CPI a little bit more broad, a little bit more timely, but it's another inflation report. Uh, 5.3 4.6 Okay, yes, we know that inflation month over month has been coming down, which is good. I Just want to see if they had any more discussion about the 50 bips. Uh, so it sounds like they are going to be cutting. uh, or not cutting? No, no, no, no, no, don't listen to that. more of less aggressively hiking sooner rather than later, effective on November 3rd. All right, we knew what they were doing here. This all came out before we knew that. Good. We know the voting members voting against okay, did they talk about? uh, where did they talk about basis points? All right. 75 Most respondents of the Open Markets that survey viewed a 50 basis point increase in the target range of the Federal funds rate at the December meeting as the most likely outcome. So this is the positive news. What I have highlighted right now I Hope you can see that on your screen. This is the positive reaction of the market and some of these like red jolts to the downside. Overall, we are still green. I Mean we're up like a dollar 25 ever since it came out. This is what I have highlighted is why we're up a dollar 25. Most respondents at the Open Market Desk survey viewed a 50 basis point increase in the target range for the Federal funds. right? In reality, this should be like 95. Right now, it dropped to 75. Maybe it's dropping because of the China thing, but I mean right here we're seeing it from the Federal Reserve they're telling us what's going on. Uh, so I believe this a little bit more. Uh, we know we did with data received over the period. Also indicate higher than expected correlation Market Participants please. Place High at 75 increase in the target range at the current meeting? All right, we already knew that was that's old news. Uh, 12 month change basis? Uh, what is this? Um, all participants agree, it was appropriate for 75 basis points. That was last month. Okay, that's it for basis points. Uh, what else do they do? They say 50 anywhere else? No, No, no, no, no, no. Okay, so the two things coming out of this are basically 50 Bips looks to be even what the Federal Reserve voting members are expecting in December. But on top of it, they did call out weakness in the United Kingdom which they said was negligible and they also called out weakness in China which they said wasn't the biggest thing. but it's also more than negligible. So that seems to be the current breakdown of the FED minutes. And remember, these are all the meeting minutes from the November meeting. So basically it's a more thorough breakdown of everything that was discussed. So sometimes things pop up that people didn't expect. But this isn't necessarily new news. This was everyone's mindset in early. November I Want to be explicitly clear about this? This was all very, very valid and a thorough breakdown of the Federal Reserve's opinions on everything in early. November Uh, and we just happened to be getting the information. Now if you want to read this over yourself, just go to Monetary policy and then you just come down to the November meeting and you either click on minutes uh, PDF or HTML So the November meeting monetary policy if you want to check it out. But overall, it's hard to argue with the fact that the fact that everyone is like kind of confirming it's going to be 50 bips. That's why we're seeing a pretty nice bullish reaction. Took a little bit of a breather. Maybe people were like, okay, maybe fading the trend. Uh, maybe they were a little bit concerned about the China commentary, but it looks like we're bouncing off of that. So we basically went from 401 down to 400.25 all the way up to 402.81 Uh, we took a breather and now we're like looking strong once again. I would still be remaining bullish in the current scenario. Uh, if I had a dog in the fight. Is there a higher terminal rate as of now? No. But uh, remember, terminal rate? Like if you're looking at like the overall push I mean it's 50? Uh, what did Steve Leesman call out? He called out a 50, a 50 and a 25. Uh, not too much change. Uh, definitely not in the realm of we're talking about in the realm of like, maybe Five Five. Uh, I Know previously some Fed Menders brought up somewhere between five and seven and when they said seven as a determinal rate, that that's the reason. Last week we had a gap down and then other Fed members came out and they're like whoa, whoa, whoa. We're basically talking somewhere between five and six. Most likely between five and Five. Five for the terminal rate? Uh, great question. Joe Uh oh, you actually want me to search terminal rate in here? Let's see if they actually said anything. terminal terminal term. And oh, hang on. terminal terminal term. Wait. why am I going too far back in time? My apologies here. No, no terminal. uh and way too many. uh. rate five point five percent. Uh, let's see 5.2 Okay, okay, Five Five Three, that's the Pce discussion. Average: hourly. Okay. if they talked about the underlying data points of the economy. uh, nothing in the meeting minutes of terminal rate or related that I'm seeing on my first glance. But obviously I'll take a a deeper look into this and if I find anything of like particular interest, I will make a video. I'll make a tweet something like that folks. to wrap this up: did it go the way that you wanted it to go? Are people happy about this? Are they upset about this? How's everyone feeling I need to know Uh, a strong bullish reaction if I had calls on this I probably would have locked them in like as we ripped up here as soon as I saw a little bit of red. In reality, it probably would have locked it in here at four. Uh 206 when I just saw two bars of weakness. Maybe on this upshoot, but I mean overall, you should still be in the green if you were yoloing some calls or anything like that. Um, now wanted volatility. was expecting more bullish momentum I mean this was a pretty nice Pop I mean at one point it was up point six percent for the overall Market that's pretty solid I mean we're seeing Tesla ripping right now Tesla is up 6.6 AMC is up 5.9 Remember there was some discussion with Amazon Ape is getting its teeth kicked in. Ape is trash. uh rum, it's up 9.77 we're seeing some nice action. Uh, this was a good opportunity to scalp the 398 puts on spy. You're scalping some puts so you're fan to move Hey whenever anyone in here is betting on I Really? I Wish you the best of luck. Well, that's pretty much it. just so you know. your final reminder: the market is closed tomorrow and it's a half day on Friday. So tomorrow an observation of Thanksgiving I Hope everyone has some phenomenal food hang out with your friends and family. But remember, market is closed and it's a half day on Friday The market will end trading at 1 pm on Friday I will not be streaming on Thursday I will not be streaming on Friday but I will still be posting content I'm filming a big interview tonight I'll post that tomorrow and then we have some other content planned for you Friday Saturday Sunday So obviously no days off? Uh, so we're gonna be doing that. Remember it's also a Black Friday week. so check out Brick House but also pinned to the top of Chat. If you want this training software, this is called Training View right now. this is the best deal they run all year. Their Black Friday deal. Whatever package you want with trading view you can currently get 60 off. that is 6-0 that's pinned to the top of chat. it's in the description, it's the URL right after in the description. I think I have like Emoji training or something like that but that's the link to training view. You can get 60 off if you want the same charting software that I currently have. Um, so that's pretty much it. We'll still be posting some extra content today, but this is the last Live for the day and the next slide we're going to be having is actually going to be on Sunday when we're doing the Super secret uh Cult stream. Oh yes, Yes yes yes. Good reminder Elon Yes I Wanted to play this just in case I Get taken down. This is some of the funniest I've seen in a while. Thank you for the reminder! So this is so fantastic! So absolutely fantastic. Hey and look at that! Watching it made the market pop. So there you guys go. I'm assuming that that music's gonna like Dmca? Strike me so that's pretty much it. I Hope you enjoyed it. There goes all the ad money so show a little bit of love to Brickhouse show a little bit of love to Trading View get those black uh Friday deals. Um, that's it. We'll be posting content every single day, but we'll be streaming once again on Sunday in the locals Community for those Super secret uh cult streams. So I Hope to see you there folks Have a beautiful holiday weekend I Hope you enjoy it with your friends and family. Be safe, if not at least have a lot of fun! Uh, honestly. I appreciate all the Good Vibes We're almost at the end of the year I Absolutely love the holiday season so as long as I can take care of this cold, we are going to be ready to go. And that's about time for me to go. And now I Guess Watch feverishly the Belgium versus Canada game to see if my bet ends up paying off. I Appreciate spending. uh you guys spending at least a second of your day with me. Seriously, thank you thank you thank you I'll catch you later Have a B-e-a beautiful day.

2 thoughts on “Here we go!!! fomc meeting minutes live!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mika Vida says:

    Most epic intro seen so far on YouTube,
    Change my mind

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LoskNar says:


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