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So do mama mama, oh man, i am back i'm back, i'm back, i'm back, i'm so so incredibly excited to be here. I got back on the red-eye flight and apparently i miss a full-on boxing match at the oscars last night. So i had to recap on that this morning i literally had no idea that any of that went down. So, if you don't know what i'm talking about talking about, will smith chris rock.

That was the whole thing. Of course, we're going to talk about it, but mainly we got to talk about what in the world is going on in the markets. If you haven't taken a look at all the markets recently, they're ripping i mean over the weekend, crypto has just continued its explosion. Even higher so we're going to be covering that, of course, on the crypto stream 2pm.

If you're, not there you're going to be a square uh, so we'll be talking about that in more detail there, but yes cryptos rip and rip and ripping. But for this let's really get into what's going on in the overall market, we have to talk about some job economic related things. We have to talk about some yields. We have to talk about some new decisions, potentially by the president.

We have to talk about the russia situation, there's so much to get into, even if i mean you know what from last week, i was in tesla. Of course they expired on friday this morning, tesla's ripping rip and rippin on potentially doing another stock split. There's so much to go over before that bell goes ding ding, ding, ding ding today. So with all that being said, let's hop right into it right all right.

You can see the dow the spy and the nasdaq they're all pretty much around break even, but we really are looking good look at the spy rip and rip and ripping uh. Of course, we could talk about some of the individual ones. Recently, amc doing very well jimi doing phenomenally here's a look at tesla in pre-market, we're seeing commodities come down, and that has a little bit to do with the whole situation currently going on in china. We're going to be talking about the yields, man there's just so much to go into uh.

I see someone over. There is already talking about how uh i think they were discussing amc on cnbc. Let me know if that's something we should rewind to, but let's set the stage biden's worldwide walk back. So over the weekend, uh, we have biden here he was talking in poland and he said he went off script and maybe, as a like global leader, not the quickest on your feet, going off script, not the best decision.

He said. For god's sake, this man cannot remain in power. A lot of you might be thinking, hey matt. What do you mean? You go off script, all the time, in fact judge.

Judging by how much you have this show put together, it seems like you, don't have any script and you're right, but also i am a person who yells at a camera about markets and other random thoughts that come to my mind. I am not the person who is charged with representing one of the most powerful nations as another nation is invading another one. So it's a little bit different for me to say stupid things and misspeak opposed to the president of the united states when we're potentially looking world war. Three in the face every word: every sentence: every paragraph is going to be scrutinized not only by the citizens within the u.s to understand what we're doing the citizens of ukraine who understand that their sovereign independent country was invaded, but the rest of the world, such as That invading country, so at first this might be like dude.
Whatever you go off, script say what you want. This actually is really really big and i could argue, really really bad uh. For god's sake, this man cannot remain in power. So why is it such a big deal? Wait what the u.s wants to take our poon.

Is it calling for a regime change uh right here? Some variation of biden's jab instantly led every major news site in the world, starting with cnn, where many world capitals were getting their news. Biden cannot remain in power. This is the type of stuff that like as soon as media, like really like, gets its claws into it. It just gets wildly out of hand and then, of course, the white house trying to walk it back.

The president's point was that putin could not be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing putin's power in russia or regime change, so they're frantically trying to walk it back. So that was one thing that came out with the president. Over the weekend, it is important, obviously, those types of tensions in relation to the market.

Yes, you should know it just to be a good global citizen, but in terms of the market, all right. Well, when there's tensions are higher and higher. That's not good for the market, so it's just something to pay attention to, but if you see the spy, it really doesn't seem to be caring about some tensions. Lately.

Another thing that's been going down is president joe biden to propose new 20 minimum billionaire attacks. The billionaire minimum income tax would assess a 20 minimum tax rate on u.s households with more than 100 million dollars. Over half of the revenue could come from those who are worth more than 1 billion matt. How in the world, could you possibly say negative something negative to this negative feeling negative response? Those all these words put in this particular order.

Hell yeah tax, the rich. They have not been paying their fair share. What's going on, we know all these loopholes and all that, like matt, there's no possible way in the world you're going to come out and have a dissenting opinion on it. Well, as we've discussed last week, i am back on my bullshit and i'm about to do.

I need to stand up and protect the billionaires, no they're billionaires they can protect themselves. My issue is with how they're going about this this. What you're looking at right now will include a tax in unrealized gains, but whoa whoa. What? What do you mean there as in let's say they bought a stock? That stock is up whatever percentage, even without selling that stock, they would have to pay tax on it, and even if it goes down the next year, they still paid tax in the previous year.
Okay, who cares they're billionaires? I get that my question to all of you listening, who maybe you're a little mad that i'm like saying this is a silly idea, is name one time in u.s history where a tax was levied and they didn't expand it even further. If you think taxing unrealized gains will simply stop at billionaires and not trickle down to people who have multi-millionaires all right, a millionaire and then just include everyone. You got ta look at how things have played out in u.s. I guess fiscal history, monetary history, because, as soon as they increase taxes, they don't ever really bring them down, they will expand it and expand it and expand it.

Let's look at some of the recent things going on right now because of the crazy run in real estate. The average home in the us is somewhere between 400 600 000, depending on the sources that you're looking at 400 to 600 000 in the past 12 months. Real estate has appreciated to the tune of roughly 20. So let's take that middle number.

20. At 500. 000. Do you really think that the average person is going to be like, and this is unrealized if you're talking about unrealized you're gon na apply to real estate? You could apply like it's just unrealized gains.

Obviously, if you didn't sell your home, that means what an extra tax implication of 40 000 per person there's no way that the average american is going to be like yeah, okay, let's be supportive of something and then all of a sudden. The trickle down is, for the average day person, whoever owns a home or even whatever you have in your brokerage, account to pay on unrealized gains. This is a situation and who knows, maybe that's a good thing that, if passed, which i highly doubt it will be that man, oh man, i think we would see. I don't think there would be a repeat person in congress if that comes through, there's no way that the average person would be willing to do something like that, and i get at the level of where we're right now of just even the entire.

This minimum billionaire attacks - i'm right there with you, it sounds good. Obviously we need to close a variety of there's loopholes like that doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense that someone like warren buffett, pays less in taxes than his secretary. I'm right there with you.

My argument is in the proper execution of it because, if it's done in such a messy stupid manner, it's going to have implications on everyone outside of the like .001 percent of people within the u.s. This is the type of stuff that's so infuriating in terms of media and politics. They'll do stuff that sounds good and then, as soon as you start digging into it, this concept of unrealized gains, and i get it i'm 100 with you right now. I get that they're talking about it for the billionaire class.
My argument is it's a slippery slope and as soon as they do it, they're gon na be like okay, we're gon na expand and expand and expand it. You give it enough time and then all of a sudden everyone's paying taxes on unrealized gains for everything, equities real estate, and that is a game that i think is absurdly absurdly dangerous to get into shanghai kovid china announces largest city-wide lockdown right here. Yes, there are new lockdowns. I know this is something a blast from the past within the past year year and a half two years but shanghai, it's right here, largest city-wide lockdown and the way we're seeing that play out in terms of the markets is actually commodities.

Particularly oil is coming down because, if there's a lockdown, maybe they're not going to be using as much they are a large uh. I guess utilizer of it in terms of just the millions of barrels, so if their production goes down, so this is really the way this is playing out right now, we're not seeing it necessarily stoke fears in the market. There's a couple things that we should talk about with these implications, but more so in the commodities market, particularly black gold. Ukraine is willing to discuss neutral status in talks with russia to end the invasion according to zielinski.

So some positive news there zielinski said sunday that ukraine is willing to discuss adopting neutral status with russia. Putin has demanded that ukraine guarantee neutrality for the invasion to end zielinski rejected other demands russia has made but said compromise is possible, so some positive developments there. I think the marxist will definitely like that. Russia just narrowly avoided a huge default, but investors still think there's a 50 50 chance of it happening in the next 12 months, so this has been kind of ongoing.

Obviously we know if you've been watching this at all. You know: we've been hitting russia, not only the us but other global leaders with an absurd amount of financial sanctions, and it got to the point where, like okay, there there's like no way they're going to pay stuff off they've been paying off some of their interest. But now, as you can see, it's about a 50 50 shot, if they'll be able to continue to pay it off, russia's probability of default is lower now at 55 percent from almost 80 percent a few weeks ago after it made some bond payments, investors still think. There's a 50 probability of the country defaulting in the coming 12 months.

These payments are just a small part of the 2.6 billion payment obligations the country has made in the coming weeks all right so just wanted to give you a run down there. Uh. If i had to guess, i think it'll go higher and higher, because, even if the, if you could snap your fingers and the situation were fully resolved with russia's invasion of ukraine, um the financial implications of what has played out what will continue to play out. That's not something that you also just simply like end like they.
It's plunged the entire russian economy into a severe recession, their markets, attempting to do a soft opening, the local fiat currency, the ruble borderline, defunct borderline, worthless, uh. The financial implications are not something that you're like okay, everything's, fine uh. So if i had to bet, i think, as this continues to play out 50 50 chance, i think it'll go higher and higher in terms of them like not being able to pay, as in uh, effectively defaulting. Now, let's bring it back to the u.s, the five-year and the 30-year treasury yield invert for the first time since 2006.

Fueling recession fears so there's a good chance if you've been looking at the overall market. You've been hearing quite a bit of yields and remember the yield is basically the payment you get from like buying the bond, basically you're, giving them money, they use the money and they give it back to you and whatever the maturity date is, and you get extra Payments, on top of it, remember the more money pouring into a bond. The bonds value goes higher, but the yield goes down and vice versa. The more people leaving the bond and the bond price dropping the yield goes up.

The yield and the actual bond price move. Inversely, which is important to understand when people are talking about the yields inverting and all that good stuff, because the farther out the date, if you're talking the two year, the five year, the 10 year the 20 year the 30 year well, obviously, naturally the farther the Date, well, you should expect more payment because your money's locked up for longer. Well, we do get into these weird scenarios where the yields are capable of inverting uh, which is where things kind of get really really crazy. And i know it's a little bit of uh kind of confusing to wrap it around so the 5 and the 30 inverted for a brief moment there and everyone's okay you're going to hear it.

Your hillary yields flattening, and that means the yields getting closer and closer and closer uh. So all this stuff and like, why does it matter like we don't have to get into the minutia of what is or isn't happening? Well, it's just the most people watch the two and the ten when they're talking about something in this world, of, like kind of in a certain sense like fear-mongering and we'll find out, if they're, right or wrong, but with the two and the ten they have. Not inverted yet the five and the thirty did briefly the two and the ten haven't and it got close. But the reason this is kind of a big deal is because historically the 2 and 10, whenever they have inverted, a recession, has followed within the next 18 months.
So i do have those up for you right here. On the left side, you have the 10, which is trading just below 2.5 and on the right side i have the two which is trading at 2.32. So, first of all, as you notice, the yields are just ripping a crazy, crazy amount, and that's just because people are pricing in what the fed's gon na do. A lot of people are calling out for six seven straight rate hikes.

Maybe even more than point two. Five percent maybe coming in at point five percent. So overall, yes, they are spiking. But the question here is the two actually going to end up outpacing the 10..

If the two's percentage goes higher than the tens, that's an inversion. That's the thing that historically, when we've seen it within the next 18 months, there has always been a recession so right here, as you can see, they're spiking, but it's more of the two is outpacing and another way you could. I guess theoretically, look at that is. That means within the next two years, if for the two to spike a lot, that means people are taking money out of the two-year bond out of the two-year bond, which bonds being kind of thought of as a safe haven.

Investment means that people don't feel that comfortable in the short term in terms of the next two years of the overall market. They're like okay i'll feel good about 10 years out, but not necessarily two years out, so with money, leaving the two-year bond. The yields spike at a potentially a greater hike than what we're seeing in the 10, but overall they're both going up just because of what we're seeing the fed do so right here. You can see this if you're on trading view.

This software - i have right here - is trading view. So, if you just type in us02 uh, that's the two year, the us 10 wise, the 10. You could do the 5, the 30.. You can check out whatever you want, but yes, the 5 and the 30 inverted people are watching it, because that might be a signal that other ones are about to invert.

But the main one people watch is the 2 and the 10.. So just wanted to bring that up, but they have not inverted yet we're looking at 2, 3, 2 versus 2, 4, 6. So there's what about 0.14.15 uh percentage to go till the 210 inversion? And if that were to happen, which obviously i do not want it to happen, but if it were to happen we'll cover it i'll explain it in more detail of how how this all interplays, with the interest rates, yields, bonds, inversion, flattening all that, if it happens, We'll get into more detail about what all that does or doesn't mean uh hang on cnbc. I see some people you, like amc.

A year ago, mining deal last night's oscars and much much more adam. Thank you for coming on squawk on the street, always good to see you. Thank you, jim good morning to you both and look before i answer any of your questions. I want to apologize to you and to david and especially to your viewing audience.
I was supposed to appear with you about two weeks ago. The lawyer stopped me at the last second, but here i am and i'm delighted to talk about any aspect of high crop mining. All right. Thanks, apology accepted, of course.

Now i wanted to ask you. I i thought this was a great move from the point of view that i'm a gold bug great move from the point of view that hey listen. Why shouldn't companies try to figure out attractive ways to make money? But i also felt that if you didn't have such a strong share base of people who really love you that it might have been interpreted as something that was too different from your core. Well, you know we knew we were going to take some flack when we did it.

I think i read uh comments that was bizarre. It was random was stupid. It was idiotic, except there was one thing that we were certain of. We were going to make a lot of money now.

You wouldn't think that the normal core confidence of a movie theater company is gold, mining or silver mining, but in this case in high crop we found a company that was exactly like amc a year ago, where it had great assets, in this case silver and gold. In the ground, millions of ounces, uh, and but it had it, had a cash squeeze. It would uh hello, hello what you doing there cnbc um. I think i read uh comments that was bizarre.

It was random was stupid. It was idiotic, except there was one thing that we were certain of. We were going to make a lot of money now. You wouldn't think that the normal core confidence of a movie theater company is gold, mining or silver mining, but in this case in high crop we found a company that was exactly like amc a year ago, where it had great assets, in this case silver and gold.

In the ground, millions of ounces, uh, and but it had it, had a cash squeeze, it had a liquidity problem and our company lived through that we were expert in raising money and sure enough. It's only two weeks after we did the highcraft mining deal. We announced friday night that we arranged or helped to arrange for 195 million dollars of equity to come into this mining company in two weeks. It's already a huge success story.

Well, but let me follow up on what you always said would happen. You felt that you could go on the offense in theaters. There are many theaters that have gone under. Obviously, if people return, because these big hits you can make a lot of money, why not stick with your core competence, because it seems like that? It's coming your way anyway.

Well we're going to do that. What you just described, if there are three things that we're going to do, remember that the amc shareholders armed us with a 1.8 billion war chest to play on the offensive uh those numbers as of december 31, 21. The last quarter end and we said we're gon na - do three things with that money: we're gon na grow and improve our existing core theater business and we've already added about a third of the arclight pacific circuit to our system uh through individual negotiations with landlords. I can tell you that there are going to be more announcements coming about more theaters being added into our system, good ones, important ones and markets that we value uh.
Second thing: we're gon na pay down some debt and third thing. We were gon na look for transformational m a opportunity and that's what we found in highcroft mining. Well, adam, it's david. You know again, then, back to this idea of core competence and what you just said: you're experts in raising money.

It would seem to me and correct me if i'm wrong, that you see a real opportunity here as a competence in terms of finding another business. Perhaps it is uh in a cash crunch position and applying what you now have as this following of your shareholders, to basically turn their fortunes around whatever they may be. In this case, it was highcroft the next one might be another one i mean is that the new core competence of amc to sort of use these the memesters that you have to help turn around the fortunes of a company because they're willing to put money behind It well um. Look i i think i have to say the answer to your question is yes and we proved it because uh, in addition to the money that eric sprott put in, was a gold and silver mining expert.

So we have some real credibility in the investment in highcroft, because if it wasn't uh an impressive uh mining potential, uh sprott wouldn't be there with us with his own money and the money we put in but like we just raised another 139 million dollars in nine Trading days, it's 195 million dollars going into a company that what the three weeks ago had a mark uh. I guess it was two weeks ago had a market cap of 19 million dollars. I want to hear that again raising money. It would seem to me and correct me if i'm wrong, that you see a real opportunity here as a competence in terms of finding another business.

Perhaps it is in a cash crunch position and applying what you now have is this, following of your shareholders, to basically turn their fortunes around whatever they may be. In this case, it was highcroft. The next one might be another one i mean is that the new core competence of amc to sort of use these the memesters that you have to help turn around the fortunes of a company because they're willing to put money behind it. Well, um, look i i think i have to say the answer to your question is yes uh and we proved it because what the fuck is the core competency of amc to use the memesters that was verbatim.

What was just said again then, back to this idea of core competence and what you just said: you're experts in raising money. It would seem to me and correct me if i'm wrong, that you see a real opportunity here as a competence in terms of finding another business. Perhaps that is in a cash crunch position and applying what you now have is this, following of your shareholders, to basically turn their fortunes around whatever they may be. In this case, it was highcroft.
The next one might be another one i mean is that the new core competence of amc to sort of use these the memesters that you have to help turn around the fortunes of a company because they're willing to put money behind it. Well, um, look i i think i have to say the answer to your question is yes uh and we proved it because uh, in addition to the money that eric sprott put in, was a gold and silver mining expert. So we have some real credibility in the investment in high crop because if it wasn't uh an impressive uh mining potential, uh sprott wouldn't be there with us with his own money, uh and the money we put in but like we just raised another 139 million dollars In nine trading days, it's 195 million dollars going into a company that three weeks ago had a mark uh. I guess it's two weeks ago had a market cap of 19 million dollars uh.

This is an enormous amount of capital that was yeah. It was facing potentially its own cash crunch, but i mean they're going to need as much as a billion to make this true transition. Isn't that isn't that correct to sort of get that new mill to process what remains in terms of the mine uh when it comes to sort of the oxide or running out, and then you know being able to process the sulfide, or is that correct? No that others have not followed in our footsteps. As you know, i talk with our investors almost every day through twitter, both the messages i convey and the thousands of inbound messages.

I get that i actually read myself uh, it's so important to talk to your shareholders, to talk to investors, to listen to your shareholders, to listen to investors. I do think this is the wave of the future. We have great respect for the retail investors uh, who own amc. I've said many times i work for them, it's their company, i'm a big show or two, but it's their company um.

We care what they think. We listen to them. We act uh and, yes, i think it's gon na be a model for other companies to follow going forward, all right. So in m a further.

Are you looking for niche opportunities where you know you'll win from day one, or do you think that you know what i think the price of oil might be going higher, or maybe you feel that the raw materials are a good investment i mean, are you? Is there anything in particular that would interest you as a uh the next buy? Well, when you go back to high crop right like we knew, the response was going to include they did what a theater company bought a silver mine in nevada, a gold mining nevada. What like, we got it uh, but you know if you're ever gon na buy into gold and silver at a time when the world is chaotic, with what's going on in ukraine at the moment, tragic these are uncertain times. Precious metals do well in uncertain times uh. I think my preference is not to be a speculator, my preference is to be an investor, and we did think right that we had an instant win with high crops, because we had every conference in the world.
We could help them raise money and the proofs and the footage we did and it only took two weeks, uh yeah adam. Finally, i do want to get to to the oscars, or at least to sort of i mean the best picture. Streamer uh barely showed in a movie theater uh, you know, reflects the change in viewing habits, of course, of the public. Many say this is the end of the movies in a sense, but also a new beginning.

Do you get enough people to fill seats when we can all sit home and watch what is the best picture on any one of our potential streaming options? So you do remember that spider-man that way home was like 90 days ago. It's only the third biggest movie. I knew you were gon na go to spider-man. Of course.

How could you, but is it? Is there ever gon na be anything for will smith? I mean which we want to go to the superhero movie in the movie. Theaters. Is that it oh wait but wait, but how about what's coming, i think was david. Who asked me what's coming you know, top gun maverick in may is going to be huge.

Jurassic world dominions will be huge how about avatar 2 at christmas, i've seen footage from avatar too. It's going to blow your mind. It's going to be a huge movie, so i've been saying for years that the market is big enough for streamers theaters to coexist and i'll say just one last thing: we've been engaged with uh the streamers, especially apple, amazon and netflix for years, trying to convince them To show their movies in our theaters as well as stream them, if we can convince them accordingly, i think they will even be more successful than they are now or where last night right as well we're almost out of time. I you know i do have to ask about the will smith uh slap her around the world? Does it hurt his marketability at all uh, as as one of the biggest movie stars in the world? This is gon na, be amazing, but that telecast was over four hours long and i was not there for 10 minutes of it.

I went out to get a drink of water at the bar and they shut the doors behind me and said you can come in the next commercial break and those were the 10 minutes where the chris rock will smith incident. I didn't see it and therefore i shouldn't comment there you go as you heard, the bell went digging ding ding ding, all right. We do have some other stuff, as the market is opening right here. Let me drop it to the one minute uh.

Let's get this switched up uh. We do want to talk a little bit about some of this other stuff. We have that impromptu interview, but very very quickly. Let me just burn through all of this uh regulators are worried that retail traders are getting in over their heads and they're talking about complex um.
I guess really products inverse etfs options, all that stuff and now the fin, both finra and scc. The regulatory bodies are looking a bit more into it, trying to uh there's even some talk of like okay, should there be some sort of like basic test or something along those lines um for people to engage into it because, like they can be very, very confusing And maybe people are dealing with something that they don't quite understand. For me, i don't hate the idea, but i would want to know how that's defined like are you gon na have to pass like this absurd? Whatever i'm like hey, you have to know this because at a certain point it is still your money, so i want to see more of like the actual execution stock futures rise slightly as a big week of economic data, kicks off. Remember we're getting the jolts report.

This week, and also the march unemployment numbers or job numbers, we are looking for unemployment to actually continue to go down to. I think 3.7 for the month of march and we're looking for 460 460 000 jobs to be added in the month of march tesla. Looking to do a stock split um, so elon was on twitter talking about that and he actually wants to now do a dividend so he's asking shareholders to allow for more stocks, so they could do a stock split and potentially add a dividend if that goes through The last time tesla did the stock split. It ran from the moment of the announcement all the way up to the actual stock split.

There was also commentary that elon musk says he's considering building a new social media platform. It wasn't that it's like kind of a half-baked idea, uh someone asked of just like hey. Would you consider doing this, giving it serious thought it's not like. It was an official announcement or anything like that, but that's definitely making some people.

I guess turn their heads because it seems like everyone's now getting into the world of their own new social media and, of course, will smith apologized to the academy during the best actor acceptance speech after slapping chris rock on stage for oscars, i was catching a late Late flight, a red eye, so i actually missed it and then i just like was hit with it on social media this morning, no pun intended uh, but what a crazy crazy thing to like actually be playing out there like absolutely absolutely bonkers, um - and i don't Know like it's, it's such a wild wild scenario like isn't that assault uh, it kind of overshadowed all the other cool stuff that played out over the night of just people with their great speeches, cool outfits, just people winning their awards, like it was kind of their Night, too, and now that story is going to be the thing that overshadows all of it um i don't know just like, i guess, a sad development, a negative thing, but i guess my main feeling towards all of that is also who cares not my business. I wasn't at the oscars, i'm not the comedian, chris rock, i'm, not the movie star. Oscar winner will smith, it's not my business. I have other things to do.
Um - and i i think, there's especially from the media side of thing - there's a huge, huge fascination with those types of things and to me there's just other more important things going on in the world. It's interesting to take note of be like. Oh, that's a crazy story and it's just crazy people doing crazy things, but other than that, i feel like super super indifferent for it. I feel bad for everyone else that was involved in it like, as in in the oscars.

It was their night as well like their years of work, their dedication, and now it's just not going to be remembered for that. Like whatsoever um, i don't know indifferent, there's better things to focus on better things. To put your time into, i just don't really like care about it all right, so the spy, where are we at slightly red? The queues are slightly green. The small cap is slightly red um in terms of gme.

Let me just make sure it went through. Yes, yes, yes, yes um, so i want everyone to know. I bought a call option on gme a call option, a single one, i'm actually in reality very very happy with my gme stock ownership. My amc stock ownership, but i have to admit this is fun.

This is a little bit more of like that. Yolo bet. I want to be uh explicitly clear with all of you. This is high risk high reward, the money i'm putting on this one singular gme call is money that i'm willing to lose.

This is much more of like okay uh we're at the casino opposed to like really looking into. I guess like the core of the investment. It is high risk high reward. I don't think options is really appropriate for everyone.

I really really don't, especially if you're new there's high volatility. I think it could be fun for me, it's just more like the excitement and that type of thing i'll post the details of this one singular call option in locals later on, um, actually i'll. Just shout it out to all of you now: um gme one call option it expires april. So in two three weeks, the monthly april's and the strike was to do 170 and the premium that i paid i just got.

This was uh 15.35. Once again, a singular one: it's a high risk high risk, the chance of it hitting, i don't know like. I think it could be good. I like it it's just when you put a time on it as well.

I feel much more comfortable with my stock, but i just figured hey: it's going to be fun, uh the excitement of what's going on, especially if you see what's going on in gme, so the short interest is now up to 25 percent. The cost to borrow is 24.28 utilization still 100. Ever since february, 8th the shares on loan 22.6 million - and i see crypto - is ripping as gamestop is about to be rocking with its nft marketplace. Crypto is ripping gme.
We know there's a huge, a massive massive supporter base behind it and it's like clearly getting into the world of crypto uh. I to me it's fun like i i'm just willing to take this bet, but i don't want this to come across, as i think it's appropriate for other people to do something like that. First of all, i'm not a financial advisor and it probably isn't appropriate. I put that money on the table.

I will be all right if i lose that full bet. That's why i only did one because it's a high risk bet, so i want to be very, very specific about that type of stuff. Just because when you're in options understand like it could go south and it can go south very, very quickly. Here's an example for friday.

I had tesla calls. If i were still in it, they would be printing money, but they expired on friday and then tesla's ripping on monday. So i took a huge hit on tesla on friday, like i just lost it because i was out of the money. So you have to understand when you're engaging in markets, especially these derivative products like options understand, it is just it's far far more than just the price you have to consider volatility.

You have to consider your timetable, expiration. All those are massively massively important in pricing out what the current premium is, what the current cost of the contract is. So please please be careful. If you choose to engage in options, you have to be absurdly careful, uh, so gme i mean obviously i'm bullshit on it.

I saw my stock, but now recently just executed. That call once again a singular call just to have a little bit of fun and if things go haywire who knows maybe we'll exercise it well. I need to come up with the money to be able to exercise it um. But now, let's talk a little bit about amc and the interview that uh uh we just listened to um.

If you missed the interview, just rewind it a little bit, i um obviously not happy with it. No, why would i be happy with that? Uh, i'm hoping he misspoke, but if you take it, uh 160 is a massive breakout on gme by the way a massive breakout um. No, i'm not happy with the interview. Why would i be happy? I hope he misspoke um.

I don't know if he's gon na walk back his words, but what he said if you take it at like it's verbatim value, what he said in my opinion, he said: is it a new amc core competency to use memesters to basically help all these companies that Are in like a bad liquidity situation as in just like what announce equity in another one and then just continually expect the people to buy the stock and then you're just gon na dilute it. I don't like that, you, he said: are you gon na continue to use the memesters as an r group, as in the apes and adam erin? The ceo of amc said yes, um, like i said, that's what he said. If you take it at its exact value, i really really hope he misspoke uh, but if you, the media's gon na jump all over that, i hate it even more because now there's gon na be other headlines that are gon na bring that up and they're gon Na put like amc, ceo, who has sold x amount of his stock in the past 12 months, says he will be using meme sirs for further liquidity. Like raises, like i hate that he said it because it's like a crazy thing to say um with like knowing that so many of us are watching it, but then it's gon na get even worse because of media and the headlines that are gon na, follow it.
Um, i don't know, that's it's a bummer. He said it. I very much hope he walks it back, i'm fine with it. It's making me money uh, but a lot of people got seriously burned on hymc, i mean the excitement right here on hymc i mean we had this huge, huge movement.

It might be making that's why i'm not getting into hymc. Remember um. We found out the day that things got like haywire, with it uh they're doing a 500 million dollar dilution, and i was like i'm not going to get into it while they're diluting it and they're, not even done so. According to that interview, they've finished just under 200 million, as in they have 300 more million dollars to go in dilution on hymc.

I, like there's no aspect of hymc. That would make me want to invest. No no aspect, i'm okay with sitting on my amc, but then these other ones that they're, basically, like adam aaron, said using the meme series to raise extra liquidity. If i was gon na do that, i just put more money into amc.

No way am i buying a stock that i know is actively being deluded. I don't think they're done, it's complete. They stopped at 200 because they got approved for 500.. I know in that interview.

They said, i think the number was 193., so they're just going to stop it early. I see some people saying it's done so they've just said: hey we're like done at this level. Oh how's, m-u-l-n tesla, ripping remember uh they're, looking to potentially do another stock split and also introduce a dividend. Dilution is done the offering okay, so they did close it sweet.

So i guess they closed it early. That's awesome, that's good news, so i mean it should be up on that news. We've seen this historically with amc and gme down on the announcement of a dilution which this was now two weeks ago, one week ago, so i guess they are done with that. One! Hey, if you made money on it, congratulations i hope it rips.

But if i were gon na use my extra money, i put it into something like gme or amc, like kind of the core ones. Uh, i'm not too interested in getting involved in like a gold mine. If i wanted gold, i would just invest in gold directly personally, if you want to hey, have at it, i hope you make a stupid amount of money. I really do it's just not.

For me, um, it's crazy that adam aaron said that, but it's also very obvious that it's exactly what they did. They knew damn well, apes would pile in after announced amc's investment in it, and that's i guess what the interviewer was asking which like. If that's, what they're just going to be continually doing. I, i guess i don't even know like that's a fair question like i.
I don't think amc should be going around getting the apes to put all their money into these other like that's. If that i hope it's not just going to be a commonplace thing now to continually do those types of things, because there were people who got into hymc right that monday morning, when it was announced and now they're underwater on it, we used each other to make Money, adam didn't say to invest in it. He said yes because he used the money he raised for the from the amc to invest in the other play we use each other, no, but matt. The question was: are they gon na like he? Because he knows that he has such a following, like it's a it's, a huge following that they're gon na follow on that, so obviously pushes hymc up, so they can raise more money at the offering um.

It's kind of a moot point. Things are very green today we could just celebrate that. Amc is currently up. Eight point: five percent jimmy's up six percent.

What's big about gme is it's above 160. Uh 160 is a massive breakout level. I want to see this hold. I don't know if i would count this as a breakout quite yet like i want to see it hold and trade some more volume above it amc flirting with 22.

That's a breakout. I think the more important level is closer to 24, but obviously to get there. We need to get above some of this little technical resistance at 22.. Tesla.

A lot of excitement there, it's up 6.7 on the day mullen is crushing it mullen is up 12 right now looking to try to get above this 260 270 level. What time is the legalization of marinara meeting uh? I am unsure, i know it's. It was approved for this week to have that meeting, but i also don't know if we're going to get the results of it like right away. Why are you surprised? That's what we have done, we knew he said we were going squeezing source and he took that opportunity.

Call us memester's islam, um matt. I think you and i have a different opinion on that, because it's this shorts and amc like i don't think many people were like hey like: let's go, no, it's not like hymc had the following before adam aaron brought it up at all. There was a a clear following to gme a clear following to amc um and this concept of i don't know because, like on the other side of it, you know what cnbc does and you know the way they like always articulate their questions and they have no Issue kind of uh, dragging like adam aaron, ryan, cohen, amc, jamie, the apes through the mud so like there's so many ways to interpret it. But for me, when it comes to this type of stuff i mean i don't know.

I i'm just happy with my core investment of amc and gme and i'm not going to chase the other ones that they're trying to like raise money on all right. Let's get going gme nice we're already up 20 on that one is imp, still a powder keg. Thanks for all you do i mean yeah, the numbers are there, but oil is actually coming down because of the shanghai lockdown. So the match that you need to light said powder keg is not lit right now, with oil coming down all right, lexi shout out daniel.
Why would a not have hedges drag this out? He gets free advertisement uh and his stock doesn't drop min. This runs it tanks he's using us um. I don't know if he's like, if i would put it like that, like do i care, if he's making money? No cause like, i think multiple parties can make money in this scenario, including adam aaron, so if adam aaron and the leadership team make money and the apes also make money, that's i'm fine with that um. I don't think it has to be a scenario where just the apes make money.

So i guess it's really how you're defining using us would. I have issue if just amc and the leadership team are making money and then the apes are left out to drive. Well, of course, i would have issues with that, because the apps are the ones who like actually save the company, so that's going to get into the nuance of like how you're defining it. How was miami miami was great? It was beautiful, it was warm all.

I did from friday saturday sunday i just toured tens and tens of apartments and work studios. I feel like i could be a real estate agent in miami at this point, the amount of properties i saw so many apartments, but miami is great. I mean it gets um. So much so much of like this hollywood depiction of like oh okay, like i think when people think of miami it's just all they do is picture south beach, they're like oh okay, it's like this party beach, like that's like what miami is and obviously that's a Part of it, but when you get there - and you start talking to literally anyone who's, probably been there for like over a week - i don't i it's like just a pure tourist trap.

I don't think anyone who really identifies like being from miami living in miami. I don't think they really think of south beach at all. They just don't go there. They hang out in different areas.

So it's kind of interesting on the outside of it. When you're, like oh miami, like that hollywood depiction the way people like run it down in their own head and then people from miami they're, like that's, not like, what's going on here at all, how are the rent prices in miami um? I would say for a two bedroom, it kind of well. It depends obviously what area you're in um, it's expensive for sure, uh per square foot, it's still below la it's still below new york, but it's it's not cheap by any means. Wynwood was cool.

Some people complained that wynwood is dangerous um for me, just from my time in new york, it reminded me a lot of williamsburg like an up and coming art area, uh wynwood. If you have, if you've, never heard of wynwood miami um. It's like this place, like a multiple block grid that just has cool painting on like all of the buildings. It's a super super awesome, looking kind of like artistic area up and coming and for all the new yorkers.
I would say it's pretty similar to um the wynwood area or excuse me williamsburg area, uh, mullins. Looking good amc is looking good, so right now amc got rejected at 22, which we identified as a little bit of resistance. Uh gme try to get above 160 and right now, we're trying to bounce back off of it. Tesla had obviously quite a bit of an excitement 1050 to 1080 right now at 1070..

The mullen is looking good up: 16 percent on the day. Let's look at the overall market just in the bottom right here: the spy holding strong above 451, the queues breaking out, wow, there's just so much green in the market. Really the thing that's getting messed up today is the small cap sector, but other than that we're seeing quite a bit of strength: oil, oil, oil, oil, oil oil. What am i gon na do with this oil play oil coming down? I think i'm gon na need to roll all right.

I'm gon na get out of the oil for april right now and wait. I am right here, i'm out i just got out of those oil calls for everyone. Just in general, i'm gon na wait to see how things kind of pan out with the whole shanghai thing and maybe in the meantime we could do a fun little extra play, uh just kind of waiting, freeing up a little bit of capital, but oil. Just the shanghai lockdown really messed that play up yeah crypto is ripping we're going to be talking.

Remember there is that crypto stream. If you're on youtube uh, you could watch it uh at 2 p.m. Et 2 pm et crypto, cores uh. If one of them are here, i could show it it's right here.

Uh just go over to this channel crypto cores uh so monday to friday, we stream at 2 p.m and then also when i'm not in miami. We have a weekend one as well, but if you're on rumble you're good to go once again, 2 p.m. Et uh, we do a quick little half hour show of what in the world is going on with crypto uh. It's a fun show, especially it'll, be way more fun.

Today i mean look at this uh. It's just been ripping uh krypto's going nuts. The markets are going nuts gme beautiful bounce off of 160.. I like it, i like it.

I like it. I like it hey. If you haven't already, if you want that free stock make sure you're signing up for public, they are the sponsor of today's stream up to 70 dollars of free stock. You just have to get rocking with account course, or you could just put in the code.

Matt uh, it is free to sign up. It is free to trade, no payment for order flow, no market makers if the excitement in anything mul and gme, the queues amc, if that's like getting you excited and you're, especially looking to buy stock. Remember if you're buying on robinhood, if you are buying on weibo those companies, are engaging in payment for order flow. You are not impacting price discovery you're, just not.
I mean this is even commentary from the chairman of the sec gary gensler. This is uh comments from the ex-president of the new york stock exchange, stacey cunningham, when you are trading with these market makers, you are getting fulfilled directly by citadel securities or virtue, but most likely citadel securities, and they are shaving a little bit of money off of You on every single trade: you are not going to a lit exchange. You are just not engaging in the open market you're, not on a lit exchange. There's really no reason to be messing around with equities on the likes of robin hood or weeble.

All right amc still battling it out at 22., the queues are looking strong, the overall market's still looking very strong, like we're just seeing a lot a lot of green today, things are popping today. What is the seasonality of the market? Uh bullish i'll show you that really quick, you could just go to equity clock, you could come down here to equity and then the s p 500 should be right. Here we are at the end of march right here. End of march till the end of april is a very, very bullish time period, seasonally for the next like this week and the next four weeks.

So this five-week period is seasonally absurdly bullish, absurdly bullish, and then we have a little bit of a downtrend and it gets a little messy in here, but right now, this is the period where an end of march to the end of april this five-week period, one Of the most seasonally bullish periods of the entire year, any thoughts on prague earnings, i'm not playing prague for earnings, so i really don't have thoughts on it. I mean my my prog position is going to be a long-term hold, so this earnings, the next earnings, the next eight earnings it doesn't matter, i'm gon na end up. If prague does something crazy and a huge move, i might lock in gains. Let it come back down and then reinvest, but prague, i'm not really following the day-to-day minutia, because i know i'm gon na be in it for quite a while hymc yeah that one's moving um.

Thank you chat once again shout out to all of you uh the they ended their dilution early, so they announced that they are done with the at the market offering, and we saw this recently amc and gme over the past year. The announcement you're gon na do one negative news: the announcement that it's over positive reaction uh so once again playing out right, awesome, awesome, awesome, great questions. Amc battling it out at 22, jimmy holding very very strongly over 160. uh jimmy if we hold 160.

My next watch is 180, followed by 192 actually 182 by 192. Just some of these recent highs, but 160 is actually a wildly wildly important area, but at if we can hold this, i think we're going to quickly shoot up to the high 100s and then, who knows, we might be battling it out at 200. But let's see if it can hold 160 right now, we've traded decent volume, we've traded, two million shares and we're about what 25 minutes into the day um weeping a decent amount of that has actually been above 160.. The longer we hold uh, the more confirmation we're getting that gme is holding this breakout uh.
You have the spy looking very, very good as well, very, very good. All right, let's see how that keeps going on the day mullen taking a little bit of a breather.

10 thoughts on “Insane gains stock market open”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeepers Creepers says:

    He can tax the hell out of billionaires but it will never make up for his incompetence.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Hilbert says:

    Yeah I really never knew a smart athlete but nice try

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars qb183 says:

    There can be 100 people in a room and 99 won't slap you, but, one Will.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Wealth school says:

    Despite the economic downturn, I'm so happy 😊. I have been earning $60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justice walker says:

    I keep on getting $380,000 every week from a new trading platforms in town.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Arteaga says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xXBlazen BeastXx says:

    Sounds like a lame place to be in Miami πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Matteis says:

    Hey this is Bob in Connecticut I should have bought more AMC when it was below $14 last week. On the other hand AMC was over $72 a share a year ago nothing to get excited about now. Anyway my money is in comic books because they do not fluctuate like the stocks the comic books always rise in value the vintage. And most of my friends know that so they buy Spider-Man X-Men comic books like that. Let’s take a sample I paid $4000 for the first appearance of Spider-Man amazing fantasy 15 6.0. 6.5 just a little better than my copy just sold for $225,000.😳😳😳😳😳

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mad Bob says:

    explain how GME up $16 on 10 Mil volume. AMC up $5 on 125 Mil volume ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Budget Fabrication says:

    It’s about to really blast off here after lunch

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