Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs
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Wow mum, oh boy, it is d-day. It's the day we figure out if the fed's gon na do something or not we're gon na do something, but what's that something gon na be, is going to have a massive massive impact on your positions, your 401k, your iras. It's going to be a day of massive massive huge swings. I'm excited, hopefully, we're going to be on the right side of some awesome trades today, but this really is going to set the tone moving forward for the remainder of the year, and this is it's getting crazy.

We got retail sales this morning, we're going to be talking about that, we're going to prep for the fed we're going to be talking about. What's going on, crypto crypto's getting hit like the market, but even more so, and it could get even worse. If you see what's going on in the world of particularly bitcoin and ethereum, so i'm going to be talking about that, there's honestly so much to get into today. If you are not expecting just massive chaotic insane volatility, you're gon na be wrong because that's exactly what we're gon na get today, i hope you are prepared.

We have a lot a lot a lot to get into i'm very, very excited before we get into all that, though, two very, very quick things hey if you're in here and you haven't already destroyed the like button, do so and don't forget to subscribe. You can like and subscribe both on youtube and rumble it's completely free, and it just helps like you know, when i put out content, you get notifications all that good jazz, and it just really helps with my mental health because, like i really put the value of Me as a person on my views and my subscriber count, so basically i'm like a less valuable person if that number isn't going higher and higher and higher, but hey i'm sure, that's completely healthy, more important than that is a quick shout out to today's stream sponsor True training group, the handsome fella on the screen right now is mike. I like mike a lot. I'm good buddies with mike, and also the other guy who runs through trading group is adam beyond a whole team of professional traders.

But i want to talk about mike for a second, because his bread and butter is the overall market and particularly its interaction with the fed tonight, and they do this for free, literally every single day or six days out of the week. They give you a quick market wrap up today after the market closes they're going to be talking all about what happened with the fomc meeting today, and also what jerome powell says. The fomc meeting is at 2 p.m and jerome powell, speaking at 2, 30 and then later on after the market closes mike, will be giving a free rundown to everyone of what does it mean? What to expect and obviously i'll be giving you my thoughts in real time. But if you just want another person's opinion check it out for absolutely free and on top of that they're willing to give everyone a free, seven-day trial of their entire chat, room trading modules and everything else, that's going on there equities options crypto all that good stuff.
All you need is to have a first name and an email, and then you click this button, no credit cards, nothing like that, so sign up and then also you can watch the stream for free on youtube later on. If you want to know his opinion and breakdown of what the fed is or isn't doing, awesome group i guarantee you'll, enjoy it and it's going to be worth your money because it costs absolutely zero money and i bet you're going to learn a thing or two. So shout out to ttg for sponsoring today's stream, now on to what in the world is going on the spa yesterday kind of sold off and then popped a little bit in reality, it felt volatile, but the spy was 7.3. The queues were up 0.2 and the russell was down 0.5.

It is kind of sad that russell small cap sector they're, going to let smaller businesses, take a bigger hit than bigger businesses, because that's how our government operates. Anywho in pre-market the spy and the queues and the russell are going up with gold, which is obviously a little bit odd, usually they're, not moving in lock steps like that at 8. 30. This morning we ended up getting retail sales.

Retail sales were down by 0.3 and the consensus was an increase of 0.1, so, as in people are not going out buying things which is not good. If you put this together with the various other things, so retail sales going down tells you people are not buying things, but we're also recently getting reports of the likes of target walmart best buy crocs. The list goes on and on and on of a massive spike in their inventory, as in they did a little bit of miscalculating and there wasn't as much demand as they thought there would be now. I you can interpret this a couple ways when there isn't demand.

Okay, that's going to help bring down inflation, it's good to see it like calm down because inflation's at a four decade high. But let's start to pair this together with some other things, and i just want you to know this came out at 8 30 and i'm gon na be referencing this down 0.3 when they were expecting a jump of 0.1. But let's see how that impacted. The market.

Well, you did see it graphically. There was a little bit of a downturn at 8 30 and then it ended up a little bit of a bullish push not massively volatile, but people. Okay, maybe maybe that's a sign that demands coming down, which should really take like the wind out of the sales of inflation. Right now you can see the dow, the s p and nasdaq.

All in the futures market are green up 0.8 up one up: 1.3 oil. Taking a breather, but still above 115., we'll be talking about that yields still sky high at 3.38. We're totally going to be watching that today, because, depending on what the fed rate increases at 2 pm, we might we're going to see yields go absolutely haywire. U.S stocks extend decline as investors prepare for a potential 75 basis, point rate hike from the fed.
As of the end of last week, before we got this consumer price index, which told us inflation's at 8.6, which they expected 8.3, which is already sky high, everyone was expecting a 50 basis, point rate hike, the higher you increase, the rate or the bigger jumps you're Going to take, it creates a less accommodative market environment for the market, but it does have the intended effect of also battling inflation. So the higher this number is you're gon na like prepare for a bigger hit in the world of equities and crypto, and that's not so good, but that number of 8.6 percent it should help bring inflation down. Okay. So, even with that out, like i said this all switched very quickly, you could check out this information on the cme groups website.

This is now the chance of a 75 bips rate increase. This is what everyone's pricing in today at 2pm. This was not true. A couple days ago there is a 99.9 chance of a 75 bips rate increase and a 0.1 increase, or a 0.1 percent chance of a full 100 bibs, or also known, as one percent rate increase right now.

We are at seven five and they're looking to bring that up to 150. This literally all changed within the basically the past 72 hours. Ever since we got that cpi report on friday, everyone was thinking 50 50 50 and then things started to get a little haywire. We had the producer price index, the consumer price index for retail sales and now everyone's pretty much pricing this in does that mean it has to happen? No, but when there's this level of confidence, that's most likely what we're going to hear from the fed today, there's many many ways that people are going to try to interpret this, i'm in the camp that if we get the 75 bips rate increase, i don't think That's cooked into the market.

I think the market has priced in a 50 bibs rate increase. I think 75 is something that it just came to fruition a little bit too recent, and i just i really think that's going to not be good for the market. I think this will be good, a better step to fight inflation, in fact to fight inflation. You want to go higher and higher and higher, but the higher you go, the worse the market's going to get hit.

It's very much a balancing act and right now it seems like the fed and our government has been more so erroring on the side of well. Let's not mess up the market because we want to get re-elected and we're douche bag politicians, even though this has very very real impacts of inflation stagnation, all that type of stuff uh. But right here you can check this out on the fed watch. So it's the sami group there's pretty much a 100 chance of a 75 bips rate increase.

Jp morgan is actually under the opinion that a 75 bips rate increase will cause the market to pop and a 50, and a 100 will cause it to drop like those are pretty much the three viable options for today. I'm of the opinion that a 50 will cause it to pop, but a 75 and 100 will cause it to drop. No one really knows everyone's just putting out their best, conjecture and, like you might be like but matt. Why do you think your opinion's as good as jp, morgan's, well they're? Also the people who mess up the nickel short squeeze they're? Also the people who crash the entire housing market with 10 billion loss? I mean i haven't lost that much money, so i feel, like i can say as much about it as they can and also jp is playing.
The both sides of everything like certain parts of jp are super bullish. Other parts of jp are super bearish and no matter what happens they're gon na be like look. We were right so if you say everything if you're like i'm bullish, bearish and neutral well, obviously one of those options is going to end up being right. So, let's, if you're doing that type of thing, eh billionaire investor leon, cooperman predicts u.s stocks will plunge 40 in total, as the economy crashes into a recession, leon uh he's a very well respected investor trader, multi-billionaire, he's saying: no, it's not good.

It's not good whatsoever, and you could believe him, maybe you don't believe him, maybe you're just off by a little bit of a percentage, but he does have some interesting points which i'll be getting into over. 80 percent of investors expect stagflation to shock markets within a year. So it's just not these billionaires, like leon 80, who consumer sentiment is very very low. Let me hit you with some interesting factoids right now, especially since retail sales came out this morning.

Remember, retail sales ended up being a drop of 0.3 when they were expecting an increase of 0.1, as in the demand, is dropping on top of that look at debt. Ever since 2020 debt has been going higher and higher. The blue on the bottom is housing. Debt and the non-housing debt, such as some of these other things, student loan, other credit card.

Auto loan basically been going up and up and up so you have demand softening debt increasing you have the personal savings rate. So not the amount saved, not the magnitude, but the rate at which people are saving completely plummeting. The last time we were, this low was literally 2009., so personal savings rate going down. Yes, the the amount people have saved that pure magnitude is relatively high, but that cushion is in no way increasing.

In fact, based on the fact that the personal savings rate is dropping and debt is increasing, we know that cushion is rapidly deteriorating. Let's throw a couple. Other ones into the mix here mortgage demand is now roughly half of what it was a year ago, as interest rates move even higher. There was a very, very good video that meet kevin put out last night and he was articulating how right now, mortgage rates are around five point.

Eight three percent, which means the average person, is actually getting in around 6.2 6.5. That's a four percent increase of what we saw in december, so i know the real estate market's crazy. I know the crypto market's crazy. I know the equities market is crazy and you start to see how these are all kind of intertwined.
But right now mortgage rates are jumping through the roof. I already showed you how debt is going through the roof. I already showed you how personal savings rate is dropping the only like little positive thing we have going on. Is that heading into this debacle? There was a decent cushion of money saved, but that cushion is not going to last forever, because people aren't saving money and i don't think it's any fault of their own.

I think we're just right now in a situation, i'm in no way blaming them. If i'm gon na blame someone, i'm gon na blame the fed and the government, because they're the ones who this entire thing up and they're the same ones who told us it was gon na be fine. I was speaking with some trading friends this morning and to me this is the most infuriating thing going on, especially for people who aren't watching the market day over day, they're being sold, that entire concept by the government and the fed of invest in your 401ks invest. In your iras, we're america we're great being it for the long term, you'll make a shitload of money.

This is the proper way to do it. That's the thing: that's sold, it's part of the american dream and it's become i'm in no way against long-term investing. I'm really really not. I think it's smart.

I think everyone should do it, but my heart in this particular situation. It goes out to the people who are on the tail end of their investing career, their 401ks, their iras, the people who are looking to retire and say hey. I worked my entire life. I worked for four decades, it's time for me to get my money and enjoy it.

So for someone like me, i can withstand it. My 401k, my ira, that stuff my crypto portfolio, it's a bloodbath, but i know i'm going to be invested for long enough. That it'll bottom out swing back and i'll be a-okay, but there are certain people where getting out actually matters the difference between getting out in january of this year and right now is 20 of your entire life savings. Now the part that particularly frustrates me is when people are in that decision of, like okay, i'm getting close and the timing of my exit now kind of matters.

Well, all they've been hearing just listening to news. Not really paying attention to the market day over day is from our government and from the federal reserve. Everything is fine, inflation is transitory, don't worry about a recession not going to happen, they have been sold. These lies, and if someone who is as stupid as me, can see that the situation is not as good as our government and the fed and these banks tell us they have to know it too, so they are not necessarily lying well, i would say some of Them are definitely lying, but at a minimum they are purposely staying away from the truth, and maybe they don't want to cause a panic, maybe they're looking just to get reelected.
Maybe the right lobbyist is paying them to say the right thing. I don't care what the reason is. It really doesn't matter to me because, at the end of the day, it's impacting real people, especially on the end of their investing career, looking to enjoy their golden years, take their money and just have a good remainder of their life, but they're like okay. Well, my financial advisor is telling me to stick it in the government's just saying we're good the fed's saying we're good everyone's telling me to just wait it out and they don't know better because that's their financial advisor, that's the government! That's the federal reserve! Everything they're hearing day every day is it's fine and, of course, there's little blips, of course, there's little gullies when they don't realize that this little blip, this little gully is far far different than what we've seen of other just look at market downturns.

This is serious. I think there is an absurdly high chance. Of course, i can't tell the future. I am not clairvoyant, but in the next six to 18 months we are going to be it.

Is that simple? I don't think it's a reason to panic. If you're an active trader, an active investor, you're, probably going to make more money than you ever, would have in a bull market just because the volatility's increased you're, probably going to make a lot of money, because if you're, actively trading and you're playing it to the Right direction, whether you want to play, puts or short or if you want to get sqq something like that, whatever it is, the volatility is gon na, be there and you're, probably gon na crush it. So as you're crushing it, i'm not telling you not. To i mean you should worry about numero uno yourself, you, your family, your own financial situation, but to me i just get irrationally.

Well, no, i wouldn't say it's irrationally. I would say i get irrationally pissed off about how this is all going, because the average person they are just believing what they're being told by their financial advisor the government and the federal reserve, and they have been wrong at every single turn over the past two Years and now, whatever they're going to come on today, at 2, 30 jerome powell will speak at 2 30 and then i know the government is going to say something about it too, and it's just going to be it hey. This isn't our fault. This is actually russia's fault.

It's actually not as bad as it seems. Dude. There's people like real lives are being impacted by this. I live in a very, very rural area and like we're talking about mortgage, we're talking about debt, let me just give you something.

Maybe more of a smaller example, i live in a very rural area and uh. That gives me the opportunity to talk to just your average. Run-Of-The-Mill farmer - and i was like hey like all i hear - is i'm screaming at my camera - for a living is about food. Going up, and then i see that if i go by like a pound of deli meat, it seems to be like increased like what's going on.
What's going on for you just personally, with your cattle and with your corn, what's going on with your milk like that type of stuff and like this is anecdotal, so take it for what it is, but apparently their month over month, bill is more than doubling right! Now, like just their average like food costs and like what they need just like basic things to pull off farmers - and i don't know if there's anyone in farming right now like listening to this so like. Maybe you could corroborate this, but at least in my area, basic things like food for their beef cattle and all that we see these elevated prices. And that's this point, but apparently the next time. The cycle comes around like where the current, whatever crops and the current batch of milk and the current cattle and all that stuff, the next cycle is gon na get even worse, because they're just trying to keep their head above water.

But i guess the prices just keep going up and up and up so like. I know this is small and it's just my area and i know we're talking about a very specific thing that is food right now, but if you're thinking wow food's expensive and like okay like i can handle it, but like probably not going to get worse. Apparently, it's going to get notably worse now, i'm not saying prices are going to triple double on you like a double triple quadruple or anything like that, but they're definitely going up and if you think oil and gas isn't going up you're, not paying attention because, like There's just a massive amount, it's become a political thing, but supply is going down. Demand's going up it's a situation and i am never a person who thinks it's appropriate to call for doom and gloom, because no like no matter what happens the market, you can make a lot of money um.

But i guess this morning i was thinking more about the people who aren't actively trading if you're watching right now, there's a high chance that you're going to be able to handle it because you're like hey, i know about this thing called puts. I know about this thing called shorting. I know about this thing called diversification or i could get into bonds. I could get into gold.

I can invest in oil, there's a good chance. You know a way to balance it out because you're just paying attention a little bit more, but you have to understand there's so many people who blindly had trust in this system around them who it's gon na, be brutal. It's gon na be very, very brutal. I was cut off guard seven crypto influencers open above about their portfolio, wreckage they've suffered in the crash and how they're adjusting in their new reality.
I was gon na go through this, but i wasn't invited to talk about it. I guess they're only talking to influencers and not pico influencers, so overall, even the influencers don't know. What's going on twitter insiders expect elon musk to use fire hose of user data to force renegotiation of 44 million acquisition. I wanted to quickly bring this up just because it's important but like we've, been following the twitter saga and the elon musk saga, but there's more important things going on what you need to know about this is recently elon was saying: hey, there's a lot of bots And twitter said no, there's not he's like well give me the data, they said.

No, he said, give me the data, they said. No, he said, please give me the data or else, and they said fine. They gave them the data or they're going to give them the data this week and they believe that he's going to use it to be like hey, you actually filed with the sec underreported number of bots. I don't have to give you as much money as we recently agreed upon.

So that's the tl dr on that one here are six unexpected, unique businesses to start right now they can earn six figures or more just because we talked about pokemon yesterday. I thought this would be cool. Apparently vending machines make a lot of money. Flipping websites um, you can buy them, build them up, you can sell shopify stores or even just like kind of domain.

Names live shopping. That's an interesting one. I don't know how popular that's going to be, especially with where we're going designing, pitch decks and presentations. That guy looks very, very serious, glamping events, even in meyer, this is going haywire right now, people paying a lot of money to sleep on the ground.

It's kind of crazy virtual assistant's, very, very popular, so i just wanted to throw those out there - maybe a side, gig or maybe you're, looking for something different, but you can find this article on business insider. If you want to read a bit more five things to know before the stock market opens today wednesday june 15th aka the day it all ended stocks set to bounce at the open ahead of the fed's big rate decision everything the market does up until 2 pm. Today does not matter, i will be doing a specialty live stream today, just so you know, starting just before 2 pm, the announcement comes out at 2 and then jerome powell will be speaking at 2 30.. I will be streaming that entire event markets expect a 75 basis point fed hike, ebc holds emergency meeting the european basically fed like their group, the central bank uh ebc.

It's actually the ecb, the european central bank they're. Now, because their years yields are ripping through the roof, this is not just in the us. This is a global event, so it's kind of interesting to see um. It makes me feel honestly more interconnected that it's not just the u.s that has a bunch of dumb asses at the helm.
It's really a global thing, so hey at least we're all in this show together. Congratulations us mortgage demand is now less than half of what it was. A year ago it looks like the real estate market gon na take a little bit of a hit. I don't think it's a bubble, that's gon na pop.

I truly don't just because the supply is so low, but it looks like real estate is gon na take a breather, as mortgage rates continue to rip bitcoin sinks again now, roughly 70 lower than november's record. We got to talk about micro strategy, michael saylor's company. We got to talk about celsius and we got to talk about three ac, we're going to be doing that a little bit later on in the crypto part of today's stream biden, blast oil refiners high profits at a time of soaring gas prices. This to my understanding, um, if i'm being honest with you uh, there are certain things that joe biden has done that i like and i applaud, and then there's certain things he's done that i think are stupid and this is one of those things that is stupid.

Blast oil refiners, high profits. This is a complete the letters that was written to exxon and chevron, uh, some pundits calling it or irresponsible inappropriate. This is a complete contortion of the actual situation going on in the word of oil right now, uh these oil players. These energy players are not gouging at this point, they are not making more profits than they ever have.

It's just simply, not true. So this is a particular story that you have to look into and it seems to me like it's more of a political like blame game type of a deal um. But this one is, it's simply just not accurate. It's that basic before the market opens.

I very quickly do want to talk about redbox with all of you. I know i'm all over the place, there's just so much to get into today. Redbox could redbox come back 100. If i were in red box, which i have no red box, positioned the fact that we closed below, like as we were, going higher and higher and higher, we were never closing below the previous day's low.

Yesterday was the first event of that. I would take my money if it starts to fight back and if it looks for a gap bill i might consider re-entering, but as of now i would not be in red box. I want to make that clear. Could it come back 100? The short interest is 226 percent.

The cost to borrow, is over a thousand percent. That's insane utilization. 100. It's a low flow.

It's on the threshold list. It has everything it needs to to continue to explode, but right now you can't fight with the fact that this looks like the trend has changed. For me. I would lock in my money i would be stoked and then, if it starts to fight back, i would re consider re-entering if you think it's going to go back, but for now like burn a day trade.

If you've been investing in it, you probably don't even have to burn a day trade, but right now there is a chance. This would be my first major red flag. We closed below the previous day's low. That is a trend we have not seen in a while, and i would think okay, the only way i'm going to get back in is if it goes for a gap, fill and fights for even more of a gaffer and if i'm right and if it ends Up being done here, well, okay, good! You made your money and if you want to play into the downside, that's a possibility.
There is a downside gap. Fill that 850 860. Something like that, but overall understand that there has been this bar. That we saw yesterday on rdbx is a big big change from what we've seen recently.

I want to make that explicitly clear to everyone who's watching right now. This is not something you want to be caught diamond, holding or diamond handing. This is going to come down. I don't know how to be more clear about rdbx, it's going to be purchased for about 75 cents, a share, and it's trading at 9.50.

It's an active trade and you can take advantage of a short squeeze and volatility, but this is something to not diamond hand, do not be caught being a bag holder if you're willing to re-enter and you're like no. I think this is a break and it could rip that's cool but lock in everything now and just wait to see if it plays out in your favor uh. You got to be careful, especially in a day like today, where the market could go haywire. It could rip to the upside or it can plummet.

We don't know how it's going to play out, but please be careful with rdbms. Another thing i want to talk about is there's like more of a hubbub of the amount of shares on loan dropping on amc. The fact that the short interest didn't change that much tells us about 30 million of the shares on loan weren't. Actually short, they were rented out to go on loan, but they were never bet against the stock.

Uh amc gme have roughly the same short interest. 22. 23 percent the cost of bar is going higher, utilization's still maxed out on amc. That's what i have for you there.

What time is it we're rushing through it today? Oh shoot, um, someone quickly say long or short, someone very quickly say long or short, because i need to set up the djen trade at open uh. You guys have seconds like someone has like 30 seconds to tell me long or short. Of course, it's not fine. I'm not in rdbx like i have no skin in that particular fight um, i'm just telling you don't be caught being a bag holder.

You got ta. This is not something to diamond hand, especially now, especially now that's just craziness uh first thing i see is long. Okay, cool we're going long for 500 at open uh. It should be creating a position in about how many seconds uh someone said long.

So i'm just going to go for 500 to the top side at market, open, all right, cool right there. We bought two we're going for 500, look, mom, no hand, no hands, we don't need hands to trade. All we just need is code um i like to fill at 9 29, just because there's volatility at open, so we're going to be going for a quick pop to make 500 in less than one minute. Remember, as we are getting to the totally, not a casino opening shout out to ttg, it is pinned to the top of chat.
It's in the description of the video you can. All you need is a first name and an email to sign up and they're going to be doing a special fed stream after the market closes today. Speaking of special streams, i will be streaming just before 2 pm today to cover the entire fed event. So i hope to see all of you.

There it'll be starting at like 1 55 eastern, we'll listen to the event and then we're gon na list or we'll watch the event play out at two and then we're gon na listen to jerome powell speak at 2, 30 et so make sure you are there. Be there or be square uh the market about to open totally, not a casino open, and i already made god i'm so good at this. I am the markets order order filled, i mean we made the money so fast, literally even the guy who says order filled is slowed down. I am the market, i i am the entire market that was comically easy.

How many seconds did that? Take? I think we were sub 10 were no. We were probably sub 15 seconds whatever. It is just understand that i am literally the best trader who has ever walked the planet and, if you're new, to the show understand, i am being facetious. And if you don't know what facetious means understand, that means i'm being a douchebag yeah, because i basically just asked you guys what to do.

Um, okay, cool, let's see what else is going on. How did he do it? Well, first, you have to have some deeply rooted psychological issues, that's step one. If you want to trade like me step one is you need to make sure you didn't get enough attention as a child now go short, i'm gon na wait for 9 45 to trade. I'm gon na wait a little bit um.

I was trading a little bit in pre-market, so we racked up 500 there. I got another 500 in pre-market, so after um the commission's i'm up 996 today, which is cool yesterday i lost 1 500.. So i'm almost break even between today and yesterday so almost break even but then again i did lose. I think 6 thousand, maybe six thousand six hundred on monday, today's wednesday right i'm playing catch up right now.

I don't make that clear. Uh we are not. We are not profitable on the week. I was watching gold just to see what's happening there today.

What else is going? What else is is something going haywire guys shout out your tickers that are going absolutely haywire gold taking a little bit of a breather, whoa um, genuine question, you say: rdbx is not to be dive in handed by amc and jamie are what is the difference? The community uh, no rdbx, we know, is getting acquired for less than a dollar. If we knew amc or jimmy was going to be acquired for less than a dollar. I wouldn't diamond hand that either rdbx we know is going down like it's just that's why i had such a short interest, because people were seeing like hang on a second it's getting acquired and it's trading above its acquisition level. Okay, we'll play it down to its acquisition level.
Like we literally know, rdbx is getting acquired for less than a buck, and it's trading at 1050. um it it's don't diamond in it's coming down. I i don't see a world in which this thing is worthwhile to it's renting, dvds. This is 2022..

When is the last time you rented a dvd? It's it's getting acquired for less than a buck. It's a weird business model. I would say it's a poor business model. I know they're trying to get into streaming, but no one cares about red box streaming, it's a fun active trade, but in terms of the company i mean i'm not diamond handing it do what you want and i truly wish you the best.

I want you to make money, i'm just sharing my own opinions on it. I was telling you i'm jealous of the people who got to ride it up. It was awesome, it was a nice short squeeze play, but there's a chance that the short squeeze is now done, because we had the first close below the previous day's low ever since things really really got haywire with it. To me, that's a red flag.

Could it have a second wind 100, but i don't see the harmon locking in your profits and if it starts to move again, okay, you could always re-enter all right and to all the people who got into redbox above 10 and 44 cents. I i hope it goes up. I don't want it to come down on you. I don't want anyone to be a bag holder, but i mean i shared my positions uh.

My thoughts on people calling into distraction and people misinterpreted that, of course, because it's the internet. It's twitter and they're like you're pumping it, i'm not pumping you. I just said it's not a distraction. I think, if you think a play is a distraction i think, like i said in the video you have a single digit.

I clue play what you want. If you want to make money, go make money. I hope the trade works out for you, but to be like you can't trade that, because i'm in this one like at that point, there's no such thing as distractions in trading it's about. Can you find a good trade you're, putting money on the table, you're sacking up you're, making a bet, and i hope it pays off for you.

I truly truly do, but no it's a distraction, i'm i can guarantee you this. Anyone who thinks there's such thing as a distraction in the stock market, the crypto market, uh futures market, whatever market, even the tulip market - i guarantee you that person is not a profitable trader, there's no way. There is no way they are a profitable or knowledgeable trader or a person that i would ever want to split a bottle of sangria with. Oh sorry, matt, my children are watching.
Watch your language, my apologies. If there is a child watching do not say the words i say, your parents and your teachers will be mad. Redbox is totally us being facetious funny funny peculiar or both, probably both. Let's see how this one's gon na go i'll start.

Give me about 10 minutes. I'm waiting, there's so much volatility at market open. I just want things to chill for a second and then i'll play. I just don't want to get chopped up.

I locked in the 500 off someone on rumble telling me to go long this morning and i'm stoked. That's enough for me, i don't want to get like greedy with it and i'm just going to wait, patience, patience, patience, patience, patients, patients, patients, something about like patients brought the cat back got the patients got the first worm of the day. I think that's the saying. Uh, what else should we be watching like what's moving crazy today? Is it tesla kind of? Is it occidental? Not really everything looks the same? Is it amc amc a nice little pop out of the gate, all right, let's see what amc has going for it.

Let's see daddy chill, did you drink yesterday, no dude so boring i did laundry. Can you believe that instead of drinking last night, i freaking did chores, but i did celebrate me doing my chores and not drinking by buying a cheesesteak which i assume is as detrimental on my organs as drinking. I don't know, but it was worth it. The cheesesteak rocked uh, where are we puts on jay pal gamestop and amc shares, fluctuate amongst volatile market with an impending short series predicted june 14th yeah anyone who's predicting a date like that.

That's just so crazy, that's so dumb! Why are they? Why are they trying to do dates like that? Not quite facetious is kind of uh, feigned ignorance, you're being ironic, detached from being a knob brendan, calling it how he sees it all right. Let's let the market open, and i just want to see - i need to make some money today. I need to make some money today order filled, i don't know if they ever realize how cool that voice would be, but i love it. I love it.

I love it. I love it. The market a little bit poppin a little bit excited heading into this. Is it gon na actually pop, or is this just gon na get smacked? The spy in the queue is looking exactly the same.

How's the small cap sector. Looking kind of the same as well: okay, now i'm gon na ask you guys in what order? Are your clothes in your drawers from top to bottom? Okay? So before i answer this, i want you to know that i have like just a closet with like the bar, so my drawers are like a hanging thing, so it's a little bit higher and that makes sense, let me get into it so the very top one. I actually have just like sports shorts because i don't care what particular sport shorts i wear below. That is my underwear and i care a little bit more because, like some days, i want to wear certain underwear and then my most bottom, one, which i have the most vision of because remember it's hanging.
It's elevated is my socks, because i need to see what socks i'm grabbing. So it's like a hanging three drawer thing and it goes sport, shorts and, like i guess, like the compression shorts as well, and then my underwear and then my socks. That would probably be different if i had a standing dresser, so i just want to clarify the situation there great question. I appreciate that.

What are my thoughts on ggpi hang on? What time is it? Can i trade? Yet? No, i can't trade. I still have to wait six more minutes, i'm trying to stick to my rules. I think i found out um a better way that i want to trade with all of you to give to do more and more of these uh giveaways um. But i need to stick to my rules.

I need to stick till 9. 45.. Don't no one! Let me trade before 9 45.. You didn't read the funny ha ha in the second one.

What are my thoughts on ggpi all right, ggpi uh? Oh a financial conglomerate. Is it just a spec yeah? It's a spec! Oh i wouldn't gore's. It looked like. It was a spec that is now either the deal didn't go through or the spack has sucked wouldn't touch.

It wouldn't touch it when actually after this, i'm never even going to think about it again, it's a smack play that hasn't done all right. We're holding steady in the market today we're holding steady, steady ahead, looks like we're getting a little bit of a pop here, a little bit of a pop. I need to ask you guys, create pull all right mark it today. Are we going to end red or green? This one is where's the market to end today, like so at 4 pm et.

Where will we be uh? What do you guys think red or green you can vote or on rumble? You could just comment all right, we're getting a little bit of a morning break out, but we're only 11 minutes in. I need to be patient rdbx. Looking good, remember, the gap fills up to 13, something amc, even holding g mean looking pretty gme is moving uh. What else do we have uh so gme? Actually getting a nice pop right now? Oh amc, actually up even more amc is up.

Three percent rdbx and amc are the biggest gainers on my watch list right now, how's tesla, looking out of the game, tesla up two percent tesla's having a decent day tesla had a noteworthy day yesterday, relative to everything else. Apple swinging back around microsoft, actually also pushing uh. Maybe we should watch tesla tesla not messing around today, um nvidia, nvidia, all right, respectable, walmart flat target moving procter and gamble fallen off home depot kind of a mixed bag. Uh microsoft, with a nice pop and tesla, with a nice pop uh tesla, actually looking really good, redbox amc still climbing, so there's some exuberance right now heading in heading in heading in okay, and we are above yesterday's high interesting.

So obviously we had a sell-off, and now we might have kind of a a valley type of a pattern we broke above yesterday's high interest. 377.94 was yesterday's high uh? Let's pay attention to that to see if we can hold it. This was yesterday's high right there. So we just broke i'm curious to see if we're gon na hold and then on the qs, i'm assuming they broke as well.
Oh yeah, in fact, do the queues have a little bit of a gap down the low is 278.76 and the high is 278.66 ooh? A baby, a 10 cent gap down on the cues just so everyone knows so now. The cues, the nasdaq 100, has a gap up to 299.40, a gap up to 294.87 and a gap down to 278.60 and a big breakout level. Just so you know on the qs would be 282 34 because that would set up the first capital, so the queues actively have three gaps: uh. The spy just has two gaps: 389 75 and 401 444, both viable to play for sure okie dokie already chokey.

Where are we, i can't trade, yet it's not 9. 45. I do want to trade and i'll. Let you guys know my trades just so you know those spx puts that i had.

Yesterday i closed out for a small profit. I posted all that in locals. Whenever i do these trades off stream, if i'm opening or closing i post all that stuff in locals, so the spx puts i had i closed out for a baby profit. So right now i have no options at play.

I'm kind of waiting for the trend that is created after the fomc results, so i'm waiting in the options but uh more than happy to actively trade uh some of the futures market right now, just because there's no pattern day trading in future, so i could trade As much as i want, but for options, obviously i'm still battling with pdt, so i have to be a bit more specific and today, like i said, nothing really much matters in terms of the trend, all the way up until 2 pm today, pretty much it's almost Like a whole nother market opening, i just want everyone to know about that. Where are we going rdbx remember: rdbx upside gap fill at 13.72. Downside gap fill at 8.56 if it gets that upside gap fill. I would be definitely really intrigued to see if it goes.

Downside gap fell, especially if it breaks below 850. I would be concerned that rdbx is over, but today you're gon na see huge swings related to still the fomc meeting, um tesla back at it again, rdbx looking good amc holding its own right below 1240 right now. Oh brother, so no options positions um all my stock. You can still see on public, so my stock hasn't changed at all options.

I'm flat and future's right now, i'm flat, but we did lock in 500 off what you guys told me to do this morning. So thus far on the day, we're green. But if you let me do this long enough, i can quickly go red if you want me to also there's no pdt for cash accounts for those who aren't aware um, there's no yeah, but there's other rules for cash accounts as in like, if you trade, all Of your cash, you still have to wait for the settlement. Options is one day.
Stocks are two day um and you can still have a free role, violation that there's no free road violation or pdt in the world of futures. I'm not saying everyone should trade features. Probably most people shouldn't they're, very volatile, they're kind of funky to get your mind wrapped around, but i'm just trying to explain the different types of accounts: cash accounts. If you trade all of your cash, let's say you have a thousand dollars in a cash account and you trade, 500 and then 200 and then 200.

Well, at that point, you've traded 900 and you could trade another time which would be your fourth time, which would originally break pdt. But as soon as you trade, the thousand dollars worth well, you have to wait for the trade to now settle so there's other types of rules for a cash account and also just you know, most of the time, if you're sitting there and you're like wait. Do i have a cash account, or do i have a margin account most brokerages when you start the default, is a margin account not all, but most just so. You know hood hit a new all-time low.

Well, that's awkward! It did below seven hood getting rocked. I wonder how that guy, who was fighting with me on twitter he's like hood, is manipulated. We should buy hood. I was like, i don't think so - hit a new low.

That's crazy! Crypto update bouncing off of 20k man, the whole celsius, uh 3ac, just debacle potentially microstrategy uh around - i don't know 10 30 11. We're gon na be doing a full crypto breakdown of what you need to, but celsius until 3ac until bitcoin. Until i'm heavily invested in crypto - and so this is like pains me to say - but i'm pretty confident crypto is going to continue down - i think ethereum goes below a thousand. I actually think ethereum.

I would consider dollar cost averaging between 500 750 and then bitcoin. I'm looking for around 15 000, maybe even below 15 000.. That's where i'm looking to dollar cost average on these two um, like i said, i'm heavily invested, so it doesn't bring me jollies to say it, but i think we have to be realistic and understand that it could very much be coming down. It could very very much be coming down okey-dokey already chokey little bit of a turn a little bit.

Can i trade? Okay, the shackles all are off. I am free to trade, it is past 9. 45.. Obviously, i'm not going to be buying right now, because it's kind of left the station without me.

So let's see what i can do uh should i bet against it. Should i is it gon na take a breather i'll, wait, i'll, wait all be patient. Calm cool collected: that's how you won in this game. I don't know that i'm just saying it.

Maybe the people who are erratic and freaking out make more money. It's just something fun to say: i don't know if it actually has any statistical backing. Someone should run a study on that who makes more money, calm, cool collected traders or people who are extremely erratic. I don't even know i need to focus on my own training when i could just ask you folks, like i literally i really honestly do not have to like worry about my training whatsoever.
I'll, just ask you i'll just ask you all right. What's the spy doing the spy trying to reverse this trend? One two: three: four: five red days trying to put in like a bit of a valley off this low rsi trying to get a bit of a pop. I respect it same thing with the q's, but remember the queues now have it's awkward. The queues are going to be a tough trade today, which means i'm going to try to trade it, because why make it easy and profitable, when you can make it hard and painful um two gaps to the upside one gap, to the downside on the qs.

We're getting a messy looking chart to be honest, my biggest loss was when i freaked out fair, fair, fair fare. I really wish i could be patient and get a call on tesla when it drops under 650. patient write it down, put it on a little sticky on your computer and tell yourself you're not buying a tesla call until it's below 650. folks understand today.

I'm i mean do what you want and i wish you the best of luck, but it's pretty much like hitting the reset button at 2pm like if you're today. If you want to actively trade before there, you might want to just pause at two, like lock in your gains lock in your monster gains, because i know you're. All gon na have monster gains by two because you're awesome traders, but then just take a bit of a breather and be like okay, what's gon na happen at two, because that two you're gon na see spikes up spikes down and it's gon na all happen within Seconds portions of a second, the natural language processing programs. At all these fancy, high frequency, training firms and hedge funds are gon na.

Go bonkers. They're gon na lose their damn mind, so calm cool collected do what you need to but understand you might wan na. Go mostly flat or all flat heading into two and pay attention for whatever trend is created and if it was already with the trend that you have great hop back in burn a day trade. It's worth the risk to burn a day trade opposed to like.

If you get the trend right today, you could make mega money because we see gigantic trends being formed after the fed result. Nah i got yolo uv xy calls kuduri's just going all in i like it. I like the cuttier jib. I still don't know what that means, but it's fun to say all right.

What else do we have all right? The code? Oh, i should comment that out. So it doesn't run later without you guys voting. That would be breaking the rules of the game. Uh.

The market's still pushing amc, fighting back would love to see it up in the 13s red box popped up to 11 kind of coasting tesla chilling at 6.75. That's a very nice level uh above this i think, you're kind of watching like 685 690 and then from there you're gon na watch 700 flat uh, but the overall market it is holding strong above yesterday. I like this. This is a strong reversion like let's look at the four hour chart or actually we could better see it in the futures market right here, uh, just a little bit more filled out we're fighting back.
We basically sold off sold off sold off. We had bullish divergence. The market went lower, the rsi was higher. This is a mismatch between price action and momentum, as in the bears were weaker i.e, the bulls were stronger than they were, even though the price went lower.

This is a mismatch and you're, basically looking for a break at this point of 3800, which is roughly equivalent of the spy at 380, which is also what you see right here. So, let's just call it 380 385. If the scot the spy can push above that, that's looking good, it might act as resistance, it might do whatever i don't know, but i do know it doesn't really matter, because it could have a nice trend up until two, but i personally will be doing my Best to be completely flat heading into the meeting at two and i'm just gon na wait and will i get the best entry? No, but if i get the trend right, it's not gon na matter, because i'll make buku bucks anyway and i'll finally be able to afford more cheez-its patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, 379. dude.

This is getting a little. Let's get a little hot! Don't you guys think getting a little bit hot in here? Are we gon na turn back over? You guys did vote red on the day. 54 percent of you said red on the day. Is this the point to get a position row reggie spy, giving it up a little bit but rdbx holding strong tesla hang on? Are we seeing some cracks in the army here apple, a little bit of a hit microsoft coming down a little bit target target's, still strong, never mess with target walmart flat, as could be procter and gamble, trying to bounce back target's, looking good um.

What do we see in bitty bitty, bitcoin trying to run back up to 22k, but not necessarily capitulating or anything like that? Actually, a pretty nice overnight recovery in bitcoin and ethereum, but the lows are pretty low. All right, our right or right looks a little bit heavy is the tesla party over i, i kind of want to play a bit of a counter trend move. I just want to wait a little little bit, but we're getting far away. Man, if i got in if i did a quick bet against the market, i would have to bet the intraday high, which i mean that doesn't seem bad, but in the futures market it does suck all right.

Let's try this. Let's give this um, no, all right! All right, matt, all right matt, you could do this matt just wait, two minutes: why not the market's gon na? Be there i'm just trying to hype myself up, i'm nervous to place my own trade. I trust your trades a lot more than i trust my own trades. Should i do it? Yes, no, maybe so! Yes, no, maybe so someone tell me that i'm gon na be right.
I just need confidence. I need confidence from you, guys, alrighty already already already already whoa. Well good thing. I waited a second good thing.

I was a nervous nelly this morning because that could have been bad hey that could have been something now, i'm actually just seeing.

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