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Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs
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I have a beneficial long position in the shares of AMC & GME either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives.

Me so hey, oh, hey, oh hi! Welcome back to the show we're here to talk about stocks, we're here to talk about a very particular group of stocks. Yes, we'll be covering the insanity of amc jimmy a little bit of strength and close here both are currently in the green, but i also want to talk about a subject that to many people is it's just a gateway? Subject: we're here to talk about devil's lettuce, we're here to talk about jazz cabbage, we're here to talk about sticky icky, we're here to talk about wacky tobaccy, we're here to talk about all that good stuff, because we're seeing some federal developments on all of it. And i think it's important and i think it might represent some potential opportunity in the market, so we will be talking about tilray, sndl mj, all that good stuff, because tomorrow there is an important vote that i just want everyone to be prepped for um. So i'm excited to talk about it, but for all of you, people who are like.

Oh no, that's what leads to heroin and meth. This is probably not going to be the stream for you, but if we're being honest, were any of my streams really for you. That's, i feel, like that's a pretty fair question so with all that being said, as i'm doing this wildly unprepared, let's get into it - oh hey, if you haven't already sign up for attendees, it's pin to the top of chat. It's in the description of the video you get boom free options, flow boom, free social sentiment of wall street bets boom, free social sentiment on crypto.

That's that's what you get um so sign up for it spin to the top of chat, just download it to your iphone. It's not enough for android we're going to be giving you that link soon, but right now, if you have an iphone and really, if you don't have an eye, get an iphone, i'm not here to shill apple, but seriously. No one likes to text with people who have green text box get get a blue text box. I get it there's many other problems going on but like even if i'm like responding, and i want to put a cool emote and i'm like oh ha ha.

That was funny, but i want to say lol and then, if we're in a group chat and like it's, your emphasis to all the texts and you're, just ruining group chats for everyone um so basically stop being so selfish is what i want to talk about. But anyway, yeah sign sign up for that. Where are we okay tilbury? We got to talk about that, but first just so, you know gme just slightly went red on the day. It's down by one percent amc cruising above 30.

We are currently up 3.5 percent on the day bed bath and beyond up one percent, but taking a little bit of a dip, so it would be nice to see if gme can also join the green party. Speaking of the green party, let's talk about tilray tilray, tilray tilray. It has recently shot up a decent amount up 70 percent in the past. I don't know two weeks, so that's pretty solid uh looks like it might want to be testing this area around 9.50.

So till ray uh, probably the largest company - that you could get exposure with to marinara. You could also talk about cgc, canopy growth company. You could talk about sndl, you could talk about all of them or you could talk about the etf that tracks the whole sector. Mj such as that red-headed lady from spider-man, mary jane um, that one's currently trading at 11, but all having a decent day, mj's up 2.4 sndl, is currently up down.
Five until ray is currently up five uh. If it comes to individual equities, i do like to rate the best just because it's the biggest and to me this is currently a battle of attrition. What companies can survive the longest in terms of a burn rate, because we are just waiting for the very very slow government in the u.s to stop dragging their feet uh. Once again, i do like till ray the best.

I know many of you are in sndl. Maybe because you feel like it's a cheaper stock and you like buying more but remember, that's a psychology trick. Remember it's all about the total money you invest and the return on that money, not the return per share like especially with the rise of fractional share trading. I think you could think about it that a little bit better and it's really what company do you think is going to have the biggest percentage return.

So why are we talking about these now when they've been kind of doing quite a bit of nothing? For quite a long time, well right here bill to federally legalize cannabis. Heads to house floor. Could the second time be. The charm u.s house of representatives may soon possibly vote to federally legalize marinara on wednesday march 30th at 1 pm the house rules committee, the committee that considers all bills reported for policy and fiscal committees and determines whether and in what order to schedule their consideration on The floor will determine which amendments to hr 3617 will be allowed to advance to the house floor, so we're going to get a little bit more development, obviously tomorrow wednesday march 30th.

Why is this of any importance aside from the fact that it has ridiculously been a scheduled one, controlled substance considered the most dangerous and addictive for five decades? Maybe some people don't really recognize that and i don't really care if you like to partake in marijuana. I don't really care if you absolutely disdain it, but we should all agree that it is not a schedule. One controlled substance considered the most dangerous and addictive. I mean i don't know if many people have internalized that fact that they put weed up there with like crazy stuff, crazy stuff, meth heroin rocket fuel they're, just like yeah.

No also that plant that people smoke is is also that bad for five decades. That's insane. Anyway, descheduling news for this magnitude has shown to peak cannabis, stock market prices and trading volume. Obviously just saying hey if it goes legal like it's better for the companies that in itself could be a separate release.
But let's break this down to understand what has been lurking behind the scenes because causing a lot of volatility, so this is actually good read through, especially if you're invested in these stocks, but before we get into some of these other things. The one thing i wanted to say the fact that it is 2022 and yes could. We argue about the insanity of weed being a schedule, one controlled substance. Yes, we could argue about that.

It is insane if you're arguing it's not insane you're, also wrong, but on the more of the human level, the fact that we're in a country where, in some states people do whatever they want and they're not going to get in trouble and then in other states There are people actively serving many many years in prison that is an egregious up by our entire government. People have had to dedicate their life to sitting behind bars because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time with pot their entire life ruined. Literally, if you're in certain states, you're fine right now crossing the border could be the difference between spending life in prison and someone saying: okay go home, be safe. That is such an like it's! So it's beyond dehumanizing, i'm having a tough time articulating the right words, because i can't come up with the right words that could possibly convey what it means to have your life ruined gone done, because it's something that is like just the way it's like, and this Has a very, very deep history, not only for uh, let's say religious zealots who are against it, but then also kind of like the anti or like the alcohol community like and i, when i say the community, i mean the laws that were originally written.

This has a very, very deep history of like under handed like political deals, uh lack of taxation like it's a crazy story, how we got here, but the fact that people have done that really, for i mean at its core level, to make more money or to Protect their own business interests is how we've gotten this classification for weed uh like to put any dollar value higher than like just like what i would consider innocent people spending their entire lives behind bars. It's just so it's so insanely stupid, but silver lining of the situation is hey. It's potentially going to get to the house floor to vote. That's a good thing.

Remember, that's not a done deal from there. It goes to the senate and then from the senate has to go to the president um. I thought president biden was like very very supportive uh, and maybe this is something that i just missed, but uh apparently he's not as supportive as i thought he was like. I thought biden was like one of these, like hey what up cool bro like we're gon na legalize it like we're gon na.

You know, as i like pander to a particular like voting base like i'm gon na help people out and hear what they want, and this is one thing i've been told uh. That was my opinion on this scenario, but apparently i was wrong in his support of this president. Joe biden's new budget again proposes to continue a rider blocking washington dc from legalizing recreational marijuana sales. It also includes a separate long-standing provision to protect state medical cannabis laws from federal interference, however, and additionally proposes to change the name of several government bodies by removing mention of the stigmatizing term drug use, so he'll remove the stigmatizing term drug rules, drug abuse, but he Won't get rid of the rider blocking it in washington dc and for some reason, it's gon na also be in the new budget, which is like this pork bale of stuff is like absolutely stupid, so a little bit of an update there, especially for b people in The capital of the country, but in terms of new mexico, businesses and law offices, prepare for illegal recreational marijuana.
On april 1st recreational marijuana will become legal in new mexico law. Officials in texas, where is still illegal, are getting ready to respond. If you are close to these two areas, i ask: please be careful, don't be in a place where you can get your fine in new mexico and then you drive across the border and you get in trouble in texas um. We live in a crazy time, but obviously it's just what the laws are.

No one said laws had to be logical. Let me pause that. So that's a little bit of an update right there. That's why recently we've been seeing some enthusiasm in all these mara, nara type plays uh, so pay attention to tilray sndl mj cgc.

All those have the potential really this week to maybe have some uh continued volatility so wanted to give you that update there. Let's go back to whatever's going on here, i'm looking for jamie to go green, just two more dollars. Amc is already cruising at green. It's at 30, 50.

bed, bath and beyond is at 27 a nice 2.5 percent gain. So we can watch till rain and close as well. Oh, and just so you know uh in terms of these plays i actually currently have like. I don't think i have any, maybe in my long-term account i might have some, but i have like no active positions for stock or options just trying to be transparent on that one, a politician not doing what they said they were going to do, get the f Out of here david, i know it's surprising, i was surprised too ooh, ooh matt.

I love you brother, but i think you got this a bit backward if the fed removes it from schedule, one that just moves it to states to regulate. Most of these prosecutions are at the state level, not federal, f the fed yeah, but even if it's on the state level like with the federal level, they already have it at the worst one. So even in the off cases that they're going to look to them. Like they're, going to look to the federal government for a bit of guidance so like them having it scheduled at the worst possible schedule, is just not a good look like.
I know it doesn't completely alleviate it, but like the fact that at some point enough people in congress voted they're like yeah. Let's put it in that level is a mess up. It's a huge mess up. American marinara stocks stand to do the best.

If the fed legalizes, m-o-s-o-s, m-s-o-s etf, kira, leaf crisco green thumb, mainly otc because they operate in us what joe he already got hidden, so i can't bring him back joe. Please don't leave. Of course you don't hold amc. You just take money from apes while stringing them along lmao, joe jojo jojo joe.

Please don't leave if you're hearing this, i hope you're here uh you already got banned but, like i just hope, you're listening you're stupid. I just said i don't own. These marijuana plays, and you somehow did a simone biles level of mental gymnastics to say, hey, i uh, he said amc. He said he admitted it.

He admitted he doesn't have amc joe you're dumb. You were so so so dumb. Obviously i have amc. Obviously i have gme, listen man, you're gon na get way farther along in life.

If you just clean out whatever's going on in your ears - and you just listen for a second, i would love to know your retort. Unfortunately, you were already banned and we're not going to be able to bring you back, because we can't not that i want to anyway, but you're dumb dum dum dum dum all right. Thank you just wanted to just wanted to quickly get that out later joe uh spce is up today. Do you think virgin galactic hits the same previous highs in the future.

I mean like you're, talking you're. If it comes to fruition, we're talking like far out in the future like multiple years nah, i left and blocked you joe, you didn't block me. We kick you like, for example, you can't block me when it's my channel joe joe you're painfully dumb. Oh man, it hurts my brain.

It hurts my brain joe joe got them paper hands. We all have a joe in our lives. Um. Do i it's possible, i mean just space travel but i don't think it'll be happening anytime soon, especially because they've been just well.

You could tell from the chart running into some problems. Is it just me or does amc daily chart, look like a mirror compared to back in june one dollar for the question four dollars to trigger people thanks mark uh, let's look at the chart. Let's look at uh, i mean when this happened back in june. It was much more rapid like so.

We were down down down one two, three, four, five six. This was a seven day occurrence of just like this explosion. Here we're kind of building up the momentum. Well, i mean, even if we counted this as the consolidation one, two three four five six i mean i see green bars so yeah, like that's a similarity, but in terms of like this time around, we ran up into resistance, formed a perfect cup and handle, and Then, within one i guess week of trading, we exploded, i guess cup hand like maybe if you're using this as your cup and then your handle.
How many days did it take to film one. So we ran up one two, three, four, it's it's similar. It's similar a lot of similarity of the fact that we're just seeing a bunch of green and a lot of excitement, i would say, uh, i'm not seeing too much of an overlap in the same thing, but this this is what i even called out in the Video on thursday was how we need consolidation um, so i actually wouldn't mind today. If it hey, i like it green, even if we can just coast, but even if it holds.

If we get one two three days of consolidation, i mean i made that video. You can check it out last week on thursday i was like this is a good thing. We want consolidation. Consolidation will make the move more sustainable um, it's very fun, to see days like yesterday, but when you have those back to back to back, it becomes less and less sustainable.

So, overall, honestly, today, we've had quite the range. So it's hard to kind of call that a consolidation. This is more like a wild day and you're also kind of seeing that on gme. But if we just kind of coast and the high and the low range are kind of tight and then all of a sudden we're doing that right below a key breakout level, i wouldn't mind seeing one two three days of consolidation.

In fact, i would argue, that's actually a healthy thing. All the joes in chat, say hi, i mean all the other. Joes are they're looking good today, they're having a good day. It was just that one particular one who he's like can't even accept the fact that we're talking about another stock and he's like he just admitted it.

He just submitted it. I have a question i i like, and i don't mean this rhetorically. I mean this very, very legitimately, who else like has public proof of their amc and jamie ownership in terms of these followers uh like people with a following uh. Once again, i don't mean that, like rhetorically sarcastically, like who else is on something like public, where you in real time on your own end, can check that they still have the stock um.

I don't know if there's other people who have followings on reddit or twitter uh or youtube on public, but if they are like have anyone else like shown their like, i guess they're like a picture of their account. Like has anyone else even done that my mom? I give everyone my personal passwords see i find that's. The easiest. Nori is smart nori and i are on the same page, um yeah.

It's just it's way way easier for me to give everyone my login just so you can see it at whatever is like most convenient for you and obviously ducklord dollar. Sign 69 is gon na, be my password keenan grace all right shout out to keenan oh and meet kevin. So basically it's the group of me kevin keenan and myself i'm happy with that. But if you guys want to check mine, ducklord dollarsign69, you can just log in some people don't get it.
I arguably made more money from what i've learned because of matt. At this point, i don't care if you know once they're, not i'm learning all buggy. We still love each other, we still love each other. All all buggy is like kind of my coach captain for just my like rider my ride or die club stop giving out my password, the flaming ginger, it's unironically matt's password, but none of us check.

Hey is someone gon na check, it might work, it might or might not give you access to my myspace. Did i sell my gme called no still in it still in it, you never know it might be a crazy day. Yes, i'm sitting here arguing that, like okay, i think it's a little bit more healthy for some consolidation, but i also don't like i i mean i recognize that it can still just go nuts at any second uh. First time in life made over 1k in two days: option training.

Congratulations! You wouldn't believe the things i heard on this crypto stream. I just watched something about alphas sounds like a good stream sounds like a good stream. Uh shave everything. What is your only fans share? Lmao shave that forced me at gunpoint to buy more afc.

Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man, do you have calls on amc? I do not do not do not do not if that changes. I will happily let you know what else do we have? What is the training volume on mc great question, 198 mill with the 10 day, average being 93 gme coming at 16, mil with the average volume being 11. shave legs if it reaches 40? By friday i mean i have some hairy legs, but like the full leg or below my knee, i need to understand the particular bet that we're getting into what platform do i use for options? Think or swim um gme currently has a short interest of 24. There was a net decrease today, uh they borrowed 880 returned 1.4.

The cost to borrow is 19 percent wax my legs, that sounds painful like too painful and amc short interest just below 21 21., a net return. Today they returned three mil borrowed one and the cost. Tomorrow, going up a little bit, 3.4 percent shave, my eyebrows, i don't my eyebrows are my calling card made 5k this week, 10k down in the last 12 months, but i'm a half glass, half glass, full kind of guy. I like that chris you've been talking about weed stocks, a lot lately.

What is holding you back from investing just curious um. I mean i feel like we've just been talking about like like the past. I don't know two or three days. I i probably should invest something i like i have no like, i think maybe it happens soon.

Maybe it takes a long time eventually. I do think there will be federal legalization. I think there's going to be money to made um, but it's more of i guess capital allocation recently. It just hasn't been moving, so i want to like allocate my capital, the things that are moving opposed to just like trading sideways um.
If some steam picks up and there's volatility back in the sector, i'm more than happy to put some money into it. Is there a platform? That's not payment for order flow. That has options. Whenever you engage in options, you're inherently going to be engaging in payment for order flow, it's a different market of how options are actually traded and executed.

It's a derivatives market, so, unfortunately, all the places that are non-payment for order flow for stocks. If you're trading options on them, it's still payment for order flow just because of how that market is set up. Uh shout out wrench capital. Oh brother is right.

Baby last call for rocket boarding, bring your bag lunch shout out to wrench capital uh. Definitely one of my favorite amc content creators. If you don't know about him, he just commented in chat but find his youtube, some great great content and also a sick voice. He sounds a little bit like this hi, i'm wrench capital and we're here to deadlift weights and talk amc it so in case you're like oh.

I don't know how to like spell but like maybe i can auditorily match if i'm on the right channel or not. That's what he's gon na sound like so alpha shockingly accurate alpha guy, then of course charlotte you, you get it uh! You keep talking about amc, but you don't own any. Ah you got me i've. Never everyone's! All about this amc thing.

What is amc wait? Who even said it draits drats? Your name is dumb, but like are you saying i should get into amc like is that i thought everyone was just talking about bed bath and beyond. Today, uh he's probably already left. My issue is like when i make fun of these people they leave too quickly. It's not fun.

I come on lol, says one who wears a duck shirt. What hang on lol says the one who wears a duck shirt i i can guarantee all of the women in this chat and all the men some publicly and some privately are going to tell you that my singular duck shirt is better than your entire wardrobe. I you sound like a guy who doesn't even doesn't even know what a chair is like honestly, or this is a code red we might be we're dealing with someone that has no fashion sense, no fashion sense facts. Oh man, oh man, blasphemy burn them at the stake.

All right, we'll put it up to a vote or actually this sounds more fun. Hey, ding, dong! What's your name, it starts with a d, but is it draits? Is it drats whatever your name is? I need you to keep talking so we can find out if we're gon na ban you or not um, but let's get to it. Let's get to it. Uh coin flip simulator.

I am a benevolent god. I will give you your own opportunity, you can pick it uh. What do you want to keep you here? You get to pick heads you stay or tails, you stay, but you get to pick it and then we're going to flip it, and you know how it goes. Do you want to take heads i saw heads, i just need you to confirm it.

I don't want anyone be like matt didn't play by the rules of the game, confirm that you want heads for you to stay heads. Please, okay, he said it. He said it. He said it.
He said it. Let's, let's get ready to rumble, he gets to stay. We, what that seems hardly fair, the guy who is making fun of the duck shirts gets to stay. We can't ban him everyone calling for his band.

I it's the game he picked and he picked right. We can't hello, i guess i have to buy a duck. Shirt now uh, you probably should fair, is fair scripted all right. He survived, it barely got through he shorted yeah.

He probably did short it. That's a freaking. I found that coin in a dark bowl. It was he short ladder attacked uh.

When can we expect to see when can we expect to see the short interest on amc curious, how many shorts just covered today? Well, it's, i guess, like kind of awkwardly a two-day delay but like from the action of today, you'll see in two days because of the two-day settlement cycle so from like two days ago. You could kind of see what's going on and right now we are seeing a net return of about 3 million shares, which is a a little bit of a spike, but does that make sense what happened two days ago? Well, i think the big day is actually tomorrow, so it's saying that at earliest, so basically march 25th and backwards uh. Today there was a return of three mill. I'm curious to see what tomorrow's number is, because yesterday was such a big day.

So that's something important to look for tomorrow. Three mill we've definitely seen bigger numbers in return shares like we've seen upwards of 10 mil, let's see if we can actually bring that up return shares. Where would that be share, lin security lending volume? No, i want the returns average age of no. I don't want that one on loan.

I just want this metric of. Is it on this list threshold? Why am i blind? No, i can't see it. I don't know where it is. It's probably somewhere in here.

Lots of lots of options, but overall i'm going to be paying attention to this number tomorrow return shares throughout the full day. Are you holding your gme call option? I am it doesn't expire for a bit. I have onload returned wait. Where was that hey? Where was that on loan? Oh returned, so, as you can see well that doesn't seem right um, but we're kind of just coasting on loan returned three mil three mill, we're kind of just bouncing in this realm, not too much, but i'm curious.

If there will be a spike - and we can kind of correlate that to the price action that we saw in amc on the 28th, so are we still in a t2 settlement yeah when they short letter attack, matt sells all of his shares using payment for order To flow through dark bulls and then uses naked shorts to short amc, lol, ha ha uh. What price, in your non-financial opinion, does amc potentially get wild wild um? The level i'm looking at for, like insanity to ensue, is around 45. resistance resistance resistance. I think above that, it'll be a straight shot to 52 and then from there things can get real crazy, but i'm looking at quite a bit of volume, traded right around that 45 mark.
What is the short interest on your doctor? I thought it was zero, but there's actively duck short interest in our own chat, but by the rules of the game. I can't kick him out. We got ta. The rules are the rules, god be fair to the game.

He picked right. You got ta honor that you got ta honor, that matt just joining hal on the way down; fudgery thanks; no, no! No! It was just a circuit, breaker hall. You see those to the upside. You see those to the downside um, it's just a percentage move in a certain amount of time, so it can happen to the upside or the downside.

Today we saw it to the downside. Usually it's people just complaining about it to the upside they're. Like hang on we're ripping, why would you stop it and they're like? Why does it never happen to the downside? It happened to the downside, and then people are still like whoa wait. What's going on it, it happens both ways and both on amc and jimmy we've seen it in both ways.

It's just an automated thing. What date and levels are you looking for your relationship to get wild all of them simultaneously? Spy is running. You know. I just heard my futures in my like my program here: uh my futures trade, just locked in some gains going into close nice nice locked in a quick 250.

easy peasy, lemon squeezies macaroons is totally showing two-faced vibes with dark knight. With those coin, flips rachel gets it uh. What did you think of prague? Earnings made me sad well more, so the price action today is what made me sad if i were to target my sadness. If macquarie's doesn't shout me out, do i even exist? Kinky kong? You exist, you've made some kick-ass nfts and you just have some good vibes.

You just have some good old vibes. I got way more prague today, cootery buying on the dip veto. Can market makers technically drive the price down hard enough to force a circuit breaker halt? Uh, probably in very illiquid stocks, it would be the more illiquid they are the less action there is it'd be easier for them to do that type of thing. Matt.

We need some new benchmarks. 36. You gave away your shirt 40 eat, another can of peas and 45, a fire gummy bear um. I mean we've done the peas and we've done hot food.

We need new things. I would do like a shirt whatever like giveaway, maybe on like a crazy day. Whoever's, like the closest to the closing price, we could do a giveaway. I could write you a super secret message in one of the shirts and mail it to you super secret, though i'll just give you my password, my password to all my logins a mike tyson, edible foot.

I thought it was a mike tyson, edible ear. People thought it was offensive. I thought it was particularly funny that he like made that hey gme is now green. Amc is green as well.
Iwm is green, bbby is green, snort wasabi sounds painful. Do a crazy, tick-tock dance, my tick tock, i'm just not good at tick tock, not that i'm really good at any of the social media stuff, but i really haven't figured out my tip my tick tock voice, yeah. I need to really hone in on my account. I had one video that did, okay, which i was stoked about.

I know in the world of tick tock, it's not much, but i got 7 000 views on one. So i was pretty pretty pretty excited. Watch out, demelio sisters, matt your tick tock is too zoomed in on your face, says you cootery, it might be. I don't know what are what are my other tick tock? How do i become the third dimelio sister is.

What i'm asking you need. More franklin franklin. Would probably help opening a honey, lobe farm? That's not really for tick. Tock, that's a little bit more for like just a really good business investment.

Tick tock voice should be your og youtube nathan, for you, vibes, oh, like make it super awkward like go out of my way to make it like as awkward as i possibly can. That's a that might work. I could start by shaving my legs, like just one quiet, tick-tock, no sound of just me shaving, my legs. You need to have no talent.

Well, i already, thankfully, have plenty. No talent start a gardening channel, very wholesome all right, asmr shaving. I feel like that's something that you could only film like once a month because you'd have to let it regrow my i just i guess. Aren't there like supplements or something i could take that'd be kind of nuts.

I will be the third to melio sister. It's gon na work, you're all laughing at me now saying ha ha matt. What a weird joke! It's not gon na be a joke. You're all gon na say sorry to me.

You're gon na be like he actually became the third dimelio sister eth is looking good bitcoin's, looking good crypto's, looking good loopering another solid day up 11 percent, so i'm pointing out the similarities of amc and jimmy yeah. They look suspiciously similar right now. Look at this! The same time frame up up and up down and down and down a little pop, giving it up right now, uh pretty much the exact same thing, luna's up a lot. That's a funny story! Mark uh! Look at the what ticker! Why wonder why the cold? Shoulder on bbig matt: oh it's because i've been paid to not talk about it by hedge funds, very big hedge funds, who only work in dark pools and short stocks; short short only hedge funds, who also are lifeguards at dark pools and they sell ladders.

Short ladders. Not normal ladders - short ladders, barely unusable. Ladders is the reason i don't so. The people who have paid me to not talk about bbig, let's review their lifeguards at dark pools, they only short stock and they sell very, very small, some would say short ladders and they have been known to be used in various assaults or one could say, attacks If you want to know uh, no, all the all the bbig content, that's that's the primo content.
I put that on only fans. It's all only fans uh. I can check out bbig if there's enough demand i'll break my contract, but just for you it's up 13 and i actually had a nice technical breakout. I mean your next watch is 360., be careful for the gap bill down to 258, but i'd be watching 360 and then from there i'd be watching 382 and after 382.

That's when the party becomes really fun on bbig. I have no bbig position uh, but that's what i would watch 360 383 and then you might be talking about a crazy movement. Is this a recording? Yes, it's just a real time: recording shaving wall, goodbye horses playing him back. Why do you accept this kind of contracts? Matt just pure pure, unadulterated greed, just money, money, money, money, money, um? I need all this money because i just like to burn it like i just i know, there's a lot of people who are like, i heat my house with a central like an ac unit.

I heat my house with coal. I heat my house with gas. I heat my house with wood. I heat my house by burning hundred dollar bills so obviously when it gets cold and thankfully we're getting into the summer, so i don't have to keep accepting these contracts, but it's mostly just for warmth, and i don't know i don't like the poor that i feel When i'm getting warmth from like 10 or 20 dollar bills, something about the prestige associated with only getting your warmth from burning hundred dollar bills, i like it it's a different type of warmth, both physically and emotionally.

It's a little bit of my my own, my my it it's it's amazing uh, how's it going matt i've been here since january. You were the first. I watched. I've learned a lot from you and i thank you for it truly by chance how many shares of amc do you own uh? I actually don't even know off the top of my head um, it's a four figure amount and i also then i have a three figure amount of gme um.

There's many of you in here who probably have much more there's. Probably many of you in here who have less, but i have a four figure amount of amc share account and then a three figure share account of gme and i just kind of sit on them. It's actually really easy to just sit and wait and sit and wait. It gets funky when you get into options because all of a sudden, you're tracking, your capital, you have expiration dates.

You have to decide if you're gon na exercise or roll, but when you're just sitting on chairs it's like easy, peasy lemon squeezies. Why would he even share the amount i mean? I don't yeah, it's kind of curious of like. Would it make like if, knowing the amount of shares i do or don't have impacts your decision? Then you shouldn't be in the play like whatsoever. You should be in the play for you.
Nothing i do is a buy, sell or hold signal like whatsoever, so whether i had all of the shares or none of the shares that shouldn't impact, what you're doing, what's your average cost, someone actually tried to figure this out this morning. So my issue is that i switched from weeble to public, so i lost my average cost it's somewhere in the low 30s. I know that low 30s is roughly where it's at i heard matt eats cottage cheese like cereal, honestly, i'm kind of scared of cottage cheese. If i'm being completely forthcoming with all of you, it probably tastes fine, but something about its appearance and what i expect it to feel like in my mouth really is off-putting and i don't mean like off-putting like i would eat cottage cheese off of pudding.

I mean off-putting like like it seems no bueno to me just to clarify all the super duper alphas were duck, shirts, the lone brown wolf. That's that's the account name that i would trust for information about alphas and not just alphas, but super duper alphas. I was physically just curious, i'm in the money and i'm willing to lose no pressure from anyone. All me, brandon crush it.

Man that eats cheese off pudding, that's going to be the newest reddit post, confirmed shill macours eats cottage cheese off of pudding. I knew it knew it knew it knew it knew it confirmed, show uh. Where is mullen at mullen235 down four percent prog down 23 oil coming back up a little bit actually went sub 100 earlier today. Now it's at 104.

mullen is not okay. Well, that sounds ominous. I mean it's down: 10 cents. Oh, the 210 inverted say what sound the alarm.

The 210 inverted no way jose. U s! Uh! I think it's like 10 y or something like that did they invert. It looks like they may have. Why is this not, for, i don't think they technically did? Well, maybe they did.

Why can't i line this up properly? What was the lowest hang on? I mean they might have we're like really roughly. In the same, i don't think they technically did, though, at what was the high point here at 125. Where were we at at 125? Oh wait, they were like really close. They were flirting, they were really really close.

Uh they actually technically might have depend like now. We're just getting like very it's like very, like super close, i think, there's a saying - and i don't remember the idiom, but something about like uh. What what is this thing? I don't know way too close. The difference is finer than a hair frog, the hair on a frog.

I think that's the saying a 0.008 gap according to cnbc. What does the 10-2 inversion mean? It means the world's actually over it's like kind of a mind. Calendar thing. No jokes aside.

It's basically when the yield payout for the two year is greater than the yield payout for the ten year. So it's when the two-year is kind of actually running up in this current scenario faster than the 10-year. The reason people talk about the two in the 10-year inversion is because historically, we've never had an inversion without a recession coming within the next 18 months, finer than a frog's fur. That's the saying, because we're here trying to think of the sayings the world might be ending um some people say it's fear-mongering and not that like worthwhile to pay attention to other people are like no, it's actually pretty serious.
You might want to do a little bit of dd in it, but from the high level. What it's actually saying is that people are leaving bonds they're, leaving the two-year bond. That's why the yield going up is because, when yields go up when the bond price goes down, so for the bond price to go down, people have to be selling, which is saying that people don't have confidence in this maturation date, which is within two years. So they don't.

Let's call this short term from now two years out, it's saying that they don't have much faith in the world, at least as it pertains to the us in the next two years. I think there's a way to get these charted up and i've tried it before with this, compare favorites, no compare or add symbol. So i do this and it's just a percentage thing. Oh wait, yeah! This is just a percentage gain on the year.

I want to know the actual magnitude. Does anyone know on tradingview how to get these to be compared to each other, but not just their percentage? The actual like magnitude there has to be a way to do it. How can we confirm if we are in a recession uh, i believe it's defined as two quarters two fiscal quarters of economic retraction after amc squeezes. Will you be looking for future short squeeze plays? Do you think amc will squeeze this year um? I have no idea if it will squeeze this year, will i be looking for short squeeze plays uh.

If the particular reasoning, i guess resonates with me, i wouldn't be opposed to it, but i think a lot of this stuff, it's better to find something that you like for the long term and maybe in the mid medium term, you could just sell like cover, calls Or something like that against it, but in terms of a date for the squeeze, do i think it'll squeeze this year? I have no idea and also remember the squeeze itself is just not guaranteed. There's going to be a lot of people boasting around and saying it has to happen, it has to happen, it has to squeeze no, it doesn't those people, don't know what they're talking about they're lying to you? Is this going to piss some of you off because, like i'm not conforming to your bias 100, but then to the rest of you who actually care about your money and actually care about learning the markets and actually care about taking reasonable risk reward setups? You should know that nothing in the market's ever guaranteed. Oh andre, thanks for tagging me wait. Here's the chart, oh spicy, here i'll bring this up, so everyone can see it.
I appreciate you sharing this, so this is on bloomberg, but you have the u.s. Oh, i wonder if i can pull this up but yeah it looks like we went just below zero for, like a very, very brief moment, y u.s. I wonder if i just need to do that: u s! Y bonds? U s! Treasury! They! Don't! Let me do the comparisons. I thought there would be a 210..

The fives in the 30s inverted uh. Yesterday, the day before i wish there was an easier way to compare it. But, yes, it does look like we have this picture a little bit of an inversion. Even just briefly, i appreciate that.

Well, i don't appreciate the inversion. I appreciate you sharing it with me. Amc pretty much just consolidating same with jimmy. I would argue this is actually healthy.

Of course you want it green, but technically amc is still green. Gm is down five percent. Obviously i would prefer just be at zero or slightly green, but overall i'm not gon na get my panties and a twist over that one imagine putin pushes the button the same day as the moas. I generally go out happy.

I think you're wrong. Invert is what maverick and goose did to that megan top gun. Are we ever gon na get the second top gun movie? I feel like it was supposed to come out forever ago, and here we are not with the second top gun movie. Thank you.

Thank you, andre. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you nope.

What didn't wait? Oh, it has to be on the daily, so on the it must just do. Let me drop this. Let me get over to this interesting. It must just update once a day of like the closing price, perhaps interesting, all right, market kind of strong amc and jimmy uh pretty much flat.

Amc is very much flat relative to yesterday, so just a premium burn day. Sorry to all the people who had calls because you it was kind of a do-nothing day unless you got out early this morning, then huge. Congratulations jimmy! It was green at one point, but pretty much still a do-nothing day, uh bed bath beyond we're. Seeing a lot of similar scenarios right now, the market is ripping.

It is up 1.2 percent ding, ding, ding ding. The casino is closed. Wow wow wow still a fun day like not as fun as it was over the past two days, but still very much a fun day. That's what i have for you.

Here's the plan, um we'll be posting vod content on the main channel on the crypto channel. Obviously, also on rumble uh so be on the lookout for that i might even try to post one of those tiki takis uh, so be on the lookout for that and then other than that, for tomorrow, wednesday, the 30th, i will be doing a normal screenshot stream Schedule i'll be here bright and early crack of dawn at 9 00 a.m. I appreciate every single one of you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you shout out to everyone who dropped a like shout out to all the new members of the moon gang and shout out to all the existing apes within this crazy rocket ship. We call home. Thank you.
I appreciate it even if you spent a second of your day with me. It means the world to me. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. I hope you have an absolutely b-e-a-you helpful day i'll make sure to catch you in the next video have a good one. Peace, you.

10 thoughts on “Oh brother”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James S says:

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmummmmummmummmoooooongang πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸŒšπŸš€!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richie Rich says:

    That waiting 2 min is annoying

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bald Bull says:

    Joe clearly smokes weed hahahahaha I mean the viewer that was trying to talk shit

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pam Law says:

    I use weed sue me

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Ø says:

    turning it off thanks to the iPhone plug

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bard fox says:

    You must be drunk

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E'relevant says:

    First one

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bard fox says:

    England bradford bling bling

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bard fox says:

    First one

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bard fox says:


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