Pelosi Blasted For INSIDER TRADING!
DumbMoney w/ Matt Kohrs
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Up because you're about to get angry. Hey. Richard before you go a little little bit of a curveball because we have some news just out this coming from that says that house dems proposed ban on stock trading and that they plan to make that proposal early next month. I love your thoughts on that given the conversations we've had over the years about the fed uh and fed members trading or now.

Now uh. No longer trading. How you feel about members of congress trading. There's been an issue um in the news or their spouses or their spouses uh.

Given politicians and her husband's involvement in trading. Yeah. Paul pelosi. Gained a lot of attention.

I i worry a little bit that with regard to the fed. Which is what i care about you need to have people. Liz is a good example of with market backgrounds who understand how markets operate and the strictures that they put in place. And you know how that derives from my successor at the dallas fed uh.

I'm worried that they're going to take away any sense of market sensibility. So i hope they don't screw that down too hard with regard to the house and the senate clearly people have taken advantage of inside information forever. I am not against they're tapping that down. And i'm sorry to see that paul pelosi of nancy pelosi and others are appear.

It's all appearance right now. We don't know the facts to have taken advantage of inside information so something needs to be done. But let's be careful with the fed you need people. Rob kaplan.

By the way was a great assistance to the committee and to the chair. He understood markets so i'm a little bit worried about this as we go through time. I've definitely taken advantage of insider information. That's kind of why i've said this before i'll say it again there's two things that i think need to be really discussed about this number.

One is it's always let's stop congress from trading stocks a lot of the things we talk about let's just even use. Paul. Pelosi or nancy pelosi or many of the top gainers in our congress trading pool they're trading options this is one of my biggest fears in this whole debacle is everyone's like let's stop them from trading stocks. So even if that's one they're like okay cool.

We won't trade socks. They are trading millions and millions and millions dollars of worth of options let's not let them get in that little i guess technicality of we just said stock trading. We're talking about trading. I think there is a very real possibility that that's how they like find this particular like loophole they're like fine.

We'll just trade options. We just agreed to not trade socks. So that's a big fear of mine and the other side of this is even there. It's paul pelosi training and obviously.

He's married to nancy pelosi and so then they're talking about spouses. But like what if you have kids what if you have cousins was it if you have aunts or uncles. What if you have friends all this stuff. It's there's other clear loopholes.
What if paul pelosi is like fine. We'll get a divorce. But i'll still just live with you and we'll talk every day and we'll act like we're married. But in the eyes of the law.

We'll just not be married can she then give him information. There's too many things to worry about of like okay. What if you're in congress and you get married what if you get divorced what if you have positions when you come into office. Do you have to get out of them i still think the easiest solution to all of this is there has to be notifications given out publicly before they trade.

So even the day before i am completely fine with that i think that is a very very fair solution to this problem of if the pelosi's want to trade cool you file. It today and you can execute the trade on the 29th just a one day heads up because right now. It's a 45 day window. And then when it gets to the public.

There is a potential for it to be another 45 days so right now in the eyes of the law. It can be a 90 day period. A three month period before we find out anything why not just file reports people can look at the website. As they want and the next day they're allowed to trade exactly what was in the report as long as there is a notification to the public of what's going to happen before it actually happens.

I think that's a fair solution. I think that's an absolutely fair solution let them keep trading. But let's just get the information in a more timely manner. I think that's the best way to really solve what the hell is going on.

But it is absolutely disgusting.

24 thoughts on “Pelosi blasted for insider trading!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Junio siller says:

    Until they actually do something serious about these crooks I won't believe a single thing they say. We have found a new planet habitable for humans, lie, we have achieved world peace lie, we no longer have debt lie.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tack jirenjack says:

    NEW world order

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Geri Burke says:

    Yes. I agree. Great idea.
    But they will probably still find a way to get the edge. I've no faith anymore.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pablo Jimenez says:

    mateo you are right about that

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CVillain says:

    No politician, their family or anyone in msm as well as their family or banks should be allowed to trade

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CVillain says:

    It took years for people to realize this??? 😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike says:

    Matt I get what you mean but if they are trading options how can they notify a position the day before accurately? If they attempt to buy SPY call options but the market opens red the next day well then they have to abort their thesis hence nullifying the previous days comments about the positions they plan to enter

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dad RN says:

    I guess if drunk driving is cool in the Pelosi family, then insider trading is kinda meh. As someone who uses the Napa roadways, I feel totally safe knowing drunk Pelosi is cruising.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leshic says:

    I think it should be treated similar to CEO's and insiders who naturally have access to inside information.
    I could have sworn, that black-out periods exist, not only for CEOs, staff, and other people, but also all their immediate family, and those family members names much be listed as potential beneficiaries from insider trading..
    2nd idea – Limit trades to only Mutual Funds with >10, or 20 securities in them, or Indexes, but the black out period still exists.

    I understand the damage and conflict of interest for law makers to trade.
    At the same time, wouldn't you want the person who makes rules for Drivers of cars, to actually drive a car and understand, and experience driving a car.
    Otherwise, the rules being made will be ridiculous…
    Like a mechanics setting rules for the chiefs in restaurants. It's just asking for trouble..

    What's the best solution? I gave some ideas, but I don't know if they are the best..

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anthony peters says:

    Lmao the music que

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J L says:

    She’s a disgrace and I hope they all go to hell.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OBNXIS says:

    I'd love to hear Martha Stewart's take on the matter, LOL She did 5 months in jail and 2 years of probation for 48k

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stuart abel says:

    Stand by for high frequency ‘PelosiETFs’ following every trade as they are made for outsized market gainzz

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Sawvell says:

    100% agree with you. There needs to be transparency with every trade BEFORE the trade happenes.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Striped 1 says:

    Pinocchio 🤣

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tektoniks Architects says:

    "We're aware people are committing crimes….but they've been doing it so long, so WTF."

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ty Powell says:

    Why would the Democrats/rhinos getting rich on the current “system” vote for a bill that would be hindering their ability to get rich…🧐 me thinking it’s bullshit!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars erasemelater says:

    Insider trading benefits are not for all 🙂

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stuart abel says:

    Spot on solution to the problem

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Hobbster says:

    Trump was so right about all these crooks in the swamp. Hope people realize this now.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C Y says:

    Make them sell all the stock they have and it will crash the market.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SomaticZX6R says:

    She’s as crooked as they get.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars That 1 guy says:

    I like your idea about them making a public announcement regarding their investment plans.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SirZeets Beats says:

    “The Queen of the Stock Market”

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