Day Trading: Stock Market Open || Sick Day #2
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The Matt Kohrs Show
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Foreign. Why do people do this? I came as close as you could physically come to yourself without yourself. The muscle group that got the best workout for me this morning was my finger I am not saying I myself because I didn't myself, but it took every ounce of my physical control to not myself while hanging from the air and I'm walking through the parking lot. This is how I walk I'm just.

well, there's two of us because it was with my completely real girlfriend so it's kind of like like we're walking. we're talking that kind of a vibe. Uh Hey welcome back to the Mad core show where I'm at your course and this is the show I'm still sick. This is day two of me being sick.

I would say I don't feel as bad as I do you did yesterday, but I'm still feeling sick. Um I'm really starting to think that chugging water like that's the secret. like the amount I mean these big dudes easily I think I drank six or seven of these yesterday. I've already had one today and we're going to be running it back.

We're going to be trying to drink another six, seven, eight of those today. uh I think that's the big secret I really really do. Also a thing I tried last night was I found like a a sinus opening bath bomb so I threw that in the bath and I'm not gonna lie I was a little bit dubious of it working, but it really did. It really really did work yesterday.

so I was uh, thoroughly surprised about that. Um, should you be trading day trading when you're sick? No, you probably should have. In fact I couldn't do like basic math yesterday or this morning. but here we are because we're just on that content hamster cycle.

That's what we're doing. that's 100 what we are doing. Uh so if any of you have like those secret home remedies, you're like my great great grandma always did this when she was sick and she was only sick for a day, let me know. I'm I am down to use my body as a guinea pig for the rest of us to find out if it works.

but thus far my process has been Zinc Emergency Vitamin D DayQuil Sudafed and as much water as I can like physically handle it's just I mean how many P breaks did we have to take yesterday? A lot of people have been bringing up tequila and I don't know if you just want me to rip tequila or if it actually would help or not I need to know if these tequila suggestions are real or not. Vitamin D3 Uh, go to an IV bar I think I'm gonna do that tomorrow. Uh, down a bottle of Nyquil that's what I did last night. So I took that awesome sinus opening bath bomb bath and then I put as much not equal in my mouth as it like could fit last night.

and then I slept for like 12 hours straight just like completely knocked out. so it worked. I'm waiting for some stronger roids. Yeah I don't want to take that 100 tequila tequila just masks symptoms Pedialyte So that's like the fluid electrolyte thing I think we already got that covered.

Rum released the cracking garlic and lemon. Okay so a couple people are saying garlic. What's the what's the reasoning behind garlic? like I'm not getting attacked by vampires people? Maybe I am. Maybe maybe my issue is 100 vampires I I I've now seen a couple of people say garlic and I'm just curious.
what Matt can we do an over under on the P Break number we can bet on? yeah you should. but I don't want to know the number because if I know it like it'll be in my mind. so you guys should like construct the over under number on my P breaks like by yourself. Uh because it's kind of a lot.

not a fair bet if I know what the number is, you're a vampire. witchcraft eat a garlic clove I Just want everyone to know that I have a sinus infection I don't have a vampire? well maybe I do. but like I don't think there's a vampire in my house. Antibiotics dude I don't like I like I took so many antibiotics growing up like I just don't want it.

oh man s chat GPT oh dude what a call out Brilliant Brilliant, idea here. Let me fire up the old chat: GPT Uh, your session has expired. Okay, uh, we're experiencing exceptionally high demand. Please hang tight while we work on our scaling systems.

Uh uh okay. dude, this they they can't even handle how popular they are. Get notified when we're back. Yeah, no.

unfortunately. I can't use it so we're never going to know the home remedies. But fortunately the Market's looking green. How many of you please raise your hand? Please raise your hand.

Let the rest of the class know how many of you are going to be up big on your degenerate call options when the Market opens in about 24 minutes. How many of you were like I think I'm gonna swing this baby over I meant garlic is an antibiotic. So you're saying the thing that really fought against like Edward Cullen's of the Twilight series was antibiotics. That's all she had to do.

Uh, FFA grounds all U.S flights that was about an hour ago and then also an update on that FFA lifts Nationwide flight grounding order that was five minutes ago. So if you were a person who's watching this in an airport right now and you're extremely pissed off because all the flights got mixed I Just want you to know that the flights are back on. You need tumeric and ginger. Does anyone really know what turmeric is like I know we all say it and I think we say too confidently.

uh I swung 400 shares or Tesla at 5K and Tesla calls I'm always stoked when you guys make money I lost money yesterday I lost too much money yesterday but I'm gonna keep myself accountable uh from a mom spicy food sinus massage and if worst comes worse, a neti pot Vanessa I appreciate that and I actually did eat some spicy Ramen last night Uh, I Don't know if Steve's listening right now, but shout out to Steve for the recommendation and shout out to Vanessa Yeah, but I found that Ramen is always a solid go-to Uh, and that's one of the nice things about being in New York is you can actually get some pretty like high quality, super high quality. Ramen So uh, very, very happy about that. Uh, this is one of the work Matt Your camera is drunk. What did my camera do? It looks fine to me I don't know folks.
uh WebMD Vitamins AI Ingredient mono, mono ingredient, mono 662 turmeric What are we looking at there? Oh but anyway. um, super super stoked, super super soaked about the ramen selection here in New York Honestly though for those of you who have been in New York and for those of you who have been in DC this is going to be a little bit of a hot take and I didn't want to piss people off this early in the Stream I think Washington DC actually has better Ramen and I know that's crazy I know Washington DC isn't really uh, thought of to be known for its food but DC actually has good food I just want to put that out there I Know it's not ever ever known for it, but you can get a pretty wide high quality selection of pretty pretty good food in DC I Used to work there before this in a lifetimes ago. I used to be a coder at Capital One at the bank in DC Um, that was my first job out of college and it was kind of shocking coming from Penn State the middle of nowhere pencil talky where you had like no quality food options and then I went to DC and I was like wow, look at all this like truly quality like food. uh and one of my favorite things.

um I don't know if you guys have heard of it, but just this is going to be very specific to all the people who are from DC in here if you have the opportunity to ever get Ramen at Jinya Jinya By far my favorite Ramen place that I've ever eaten at. uh I Love it, love it, love it, love it Jinya which I think it's technically in Virginia Uh, but hey, it's in the Nova area so uh I know this is specific. Maybe there's like three of you in here who are familiar with the DC Virginia area, but if you get Ramen Ramen from Gina is where it's at. it's 100 where it's at.

It's so good it's like disgustingly good. You just keep showing it into your mouth. Uh genius. King Sergio knows it, lipster knows it.

Those who know they know Virginia is a chain restaurant. It's around the U.S Oh, is it I've had that particular one I Don't know if it's like the OG one there in DC but Junior something about it like the one place I went to. Oh man do they just know what's up. If that's even better, can we invest in Jenya? I Think this is the the year that we should invest in Texas Roadhouse and Jinya is that an option.

Is Jinya publicly traded? because if so, I'm gonna put my I was just talking to my tax guy last night I know you might be thinking Matt you were streaming all day yesterday and you were sick af after that stream I'd have a half hour conversation with my uh CPA dude, my tax guy and uh, my brain was not functioning at all. my neurons were just turning off. my brain was essentially in a vegetable State and I was just there like not understanding what he was saying I don't think he was understanding what I was saying because it didn't make sense at all. Um, but he was telling me that I need to um, uh, what's this A Seth a self-employed something.
There's like a self-employed retirement account that I'm supposed to like put money into and write it off against my taxes. but I think I might take all that money and put it into Texas Roadhouse is that ice in your Nespresso Yeah, yes it is. That's the best way to have these guys. If you drink straight up espresso, it doesn't taste that good.

Taxer: I barely even tell her. Well uh, all right, what time is it? dude, my brain today I don't know who in class today is gonna have to keep me like together. but don't let me make any stupid trades. I'm gonna call out all my trades before I make them.

and if you think that they're absurdly stupid, uh, do not hesitate. A set fire, right? That's it. I Did it last year and I apparently have to do it again this year. Apparently it's a thing that you just do like every single year.

Um, fun fact. It's that Sapphire array that I split up 50 50 between Occidental Petroleum and Rum for rumble. Shout out to the Rumble family. Uh, but that's exactly where I put I went basically 50 50.

oxy and rum and that was my entire Sep contribution last year. Um, all right so someone in class you're in charge of making sure I don't do anything stupid and blow up my account. Uh, with all that being said, I guess we should talk about a little bit Of Market stuff. How do I switch this over? Is this working today? Hey, it's working.

Uh, so we had a nice breakout on Friday the 6th. then we had a realistic retraction on Monday and then we also basically back tested this trend line. Yesterday we popped from there and if you look at pre-market trading, things are looking pretty green. G-r-e-e-n To the point that yes, I do think we are gonna go bullish today I am leaning bullish today but I do want to point out we also have now because we're going so strong in pre-market training.

There is now a downside: Gap fill to the high of yesterday which happens to be 390 65 390 65 is the downside Gap film. So an ideal scenario in my world is as soon as the Market opens, we quickly go down about a dollar twenty, we get that Gap fill and then we bounce right off of that and basically rip up to the high. uh, which would be around 393 394 and I'm talking about the high from Monday so I want to make sure there's not a gap, we're going to open up higher. so I want this downside? Gap Phil I want to bounce off of that and then I basically want to rip up to 394, test that, and then I want to put 396 in our site.

in my book. that would be a perfect, perfect perfect day. Will that happen? I Have no idea The amount of DayQuil Sudafed and other various vitamins coursing through my body right now. Is that such a level that it would probably choke a goddamn horse? So take everything.
I say usually you should take it with like a pinch of salt. Today we should take it with like a singular grain of salt. This is the show. I'm going to be relying on you guys to kind of run Today Show So I'm just going to be here.

Who knows, we might be taking a nap midday. We might just completely quit and switch over and start playing like Runescape or something or Balloon Tower Defense No one knows where Today's Show is gonna go like I Cannot make it more explicitly clear that I don't even know what I said two minutes ago like this is just all the ramblings of a Madman and you might be thinking Matt that's normally the show, but this is the ramblings of a Madman who also has copious amounts of I don't know, whatever random medicines in my system. Uh, speaking of Medicine I don't know where I put my extra Sudafed I think I lost my Sudafed uh. Anywho, look for the downside.

Gap Phil I Just want to throw that out there to everyone. Uh, but yes, the overall Market still I mean rum. Side note: not really impactful on the S P 500. So Rumble has had back to back like 10 plus game days and it's up another 1.66 percent Jimmy ripped 8.5 yesterday up another three percent Tesla Here it was down.

Yesterday we got some positive news out of the orders in China and I know a lot of you guys are watching Bior. Um I'm happy that it's up. I'm still a bag holder in Bior myself and when you take I got in at four dollars, but then when you take in the one for 25 reverse split uh, you would multiply that by 25. So really my average cost basis now is a hundred dollars.

so I'm still severely severely down honestly I want Bior to keep ripping just so I can maybe potentially finally get out of this piece of shit play? uh I hate this trade I hate this investment I hate this company. If anything, I should have just shorted it. Um, but the reason it's up is there's a good batch of pharmaceutical plays I Guess the medical nursing Services industry were moving yesterday and also uh, they had a public statement that they're on like scheduled to get some FDA approvals I think closer to the end of the year. Whatever it is, there was like a positive, fundamental statement from the company.

so that's why it's partly up. The golden question is how far can this potentially run? Uh, like I said, my break-even point is a hundred dollars. So I'm I'm not even at a tenth of getting my money back. Uh, so we'll see how it all goes.

We'll see how it all goes. What do we have here? Um, um. Okay, so there's Bior, which had a crazy movement up 156 yesterday. It's up another 20 in pre-market I Figured we could watch it.

We could watch Rumble because that's been running Gme that's been running. We could watch Tesla Uh, it's been highly volatile and I know some of the degenerates in here are have been playing it. so we're gonna be popping around on the different charts throughout the day. Just so everyone knows, stock futures rise after Nasdaq's third straight winning day, why are things going up? There's optimism that maybe the FED will not be as hawkish because it does seem like inflation is Cooling and also optimism surrounding the whole reopening of China the Dow the S P and the NASDAQ are all green green oil back up to 77.
I'm still bullish on oil I Think this is one of the strongest medium-term plays I'm talking maybe for like half of 2023, maybe all of 2023. but I'm talking about like a kind of a lengthy swing trade. I'm not going to be invested in oil for the long term, but uh, I got into this since October November Something like that, we've been talking about it for a bit. I'm still in Oxy I still love it and also pretty much all the oxy uh, credit spreads we've been doing with puts pretty much all of them have been hitting so easy money.

there. Five things to know before the Bell opens today: Wednesday January 11th the NASDAQ is on a hot streak. Yes, it is basically here. we can check out the queues.

Uh, ever since this trend line breakout, we've been seeing some strength uh Gap up similar to the Spy. We'd love to see it take out uh, 275, 276 that sets up almost 280 and things are like we sold off it Consolidated and now we're seeing the push to the upside. Uh, it's basically the question is, wherever it goes to when it comes back down for a breather, is it going to put in that higher low? Because if it puts in a higher low then we might be able to take out the recent highs around. whatever.

The mid-290s roughly the same thing on the spies. the Spy Wells Fargo scales back mortgage. Biz This is kind of a big deal because Wells Fargo is responsible for a lot of mortgages that are given out in the US so for them to pull back it kind of tells you something wild is going on. Pal shakes off political pressure.

hey, you know what? I'll just play this clip. uh Steve will be able to explain it better than I can the chair Jay Powell In a speech largely focused on Central Bank Independence and less so on the economy and monetary policy, speaking in Stockholm Uh, we'll say that price stability is the Bedrock of the economy. He'll say it provides the public with immeasurable benefits over the long term. However, he says restoring price stability with high inflation can require unpopular policies, at least in the short term.

Uh. Then he turns to his Uh General topic here, which is that the FED must continuously earn its independence and do so by delivering on its mandates of Maximum employment and price stability. Preserving the Fed's independence means the Powell says we should stick to our knitting, the FED should resist. He says temptation to quote broaden our scope and then he goes on to say that new goals for the FED without a statutory mandate from Congress can end up threatening the Fed's independence.
Specifically, he talks a bit about climate change here, saying climate change policy. She should be left to elected officials. The federal responsibilities on climate change should be limited to the narrow area of assessing potential Financial Risk to its Bank supervision responsibilities. It is inappropriate.

Powell says for the FED to use its tools to promote a Greener economy and it makes a very definitive statement. We are not He says and will not be quote a climate change policy maker. So that's pretty much it from a short speech that Powell is delivering in Stockholm Not much on the economy there Carl Uh, but maybe he's happy to let the comments of other Fed officials which have been on the hawkish side. we could pause it right there.

so we listened. Jerome Powell Speaking at 9am yesterday at some fancy schmancy conference over there in Sweden and I would say the biggest thing that came from it was more of he really doubled tripled out on saying hey, we are not a climate uh, go green policy maker, that's not not us. We're not going to be in support again for that, We're not going to be against it, it's just out of our purview. I would argue that was the biggest development the world's Bank Warning Why the World Bank slashes Global growth Outlook Well, that's the main thing you need to know is uh, globally right here Global Growth has slowed to the extent that the global economy is perilously close to falling into a recession.

I Know many of you might be like hey, it feels like we're kind of already in a recession, but uh, I guess it's just not to the point that they've kind of agreed with you. Um, and that's when it kind of comes to like at least in the U.S We have the nber the National Bureau of economic research and it's going to be really tough for them to ever declare a recession when unemployment is this low and the job market is this tight. Um, you might be saying hey, but the economy has been retracting and you're right on that. but I guess in their opinion, they look at other things and once again, when unemployment's this low, the job market is this tight.

Uh, they're taking that into account on top of the fact that yes, the GDP Court over quarter is kind of going in the wrong direction and WWE uh, kind of doing some crazy stuff. Actually, the corporate drama playing out in WWE could be a pro wrestling storyline in its own right. Vince McMahon The company is controlling shareholder and frequent participant and it's scripted soap opera style narratives. Retired over the summer after company investigation revealed that he had paid millions of dollars in hush money to women who made sexual misconduct claims against him.

His daughter Stephanie took over as co-ceo alongside former president Nick Khan but Vince McMahon didn't go quietly. He pushed his way back into the company last week, effectively crowding himself executive chairman as the WWE explores a possible sale. In turn, Stephanie McMahon stepped down as co-ceo on Tuesday who's his daughter so basically he was leading it. Then he went down because of sexual misconduct claims and she became co-ceo and now he's back into the picture and she's stepping down.
I Sell rumors have picked up after defying broader media stock trends by actually Rising Last year WWE shares have already are already up a whopping 31 so far this year through Tuesday's close so the reason WWE is up and the volatility is high is because people are looking at it as a potential acquisition. So make sure you're paying attention to it today, especially if you're looking for some degenerate High volatility trades FFA orders Airlines to pause departures after system outage. that was about an hour and a half ago and then about 20 minutes ago. Uh, they are now back online so for about an hour it was a huge pain in the ass.

but all flights in the US were grounded. Uh, so finally hope like we took care of it or they took care of it. Uh so I'm sure maybe you guys have been hearing about it, but for about an hour they were down. which uh, obviously pissed a lot of people off.

Uh, there's no evidence of a Cyber attack at this point, but the President directed Dot to conduct a full investigation into the causes. so no one really knows what happened, but it was just a computer outage. But anyway, it is back on track. Mortgage refines demand surges as homeowners take advantage of the lower interest rates.

So interest rates have been coming down a little bit because like of really just classic supply and demand. But over the past 10 to 11 months, the real estate sector has really, really really cooled off. The average contract interest rate for the 30-year fixed mortgages with conforming loan balances of 647 000 or less decreased last week to 6.42 from 6.58 So still Sky High Like if you're looking at the magnitude of it, but it is coming down. So people who got locked in at like incredibly High rates, well, they're refinancing to at least a little bit better.

Um, once again, magnitude straight up. Sky High Like you kind of want this below five, ideally below four if you can get it. Uh, so still high. and I believe.

at this point, it's still above. Like where things really started to rip in 2021 in terms of the real estate market. Uh, but people just when interest rates were low, they were getting in at amazing deals. And then obviously with the FED jacking up their interest rate.

and there's kind of like a trickle-down effect of when the Fed's jacking up their interest rate. things such as mortgage interest payments, they also go up. Uh, so coming down from 6.58 to 6.42 still high, but trending in a I I suppose a favorable favorable. Direction Now in terms of what's going on today, a whole bunch of NADA So in all reality, not the worst day to be sick because Wednesday January 11th none scheduled so no big reports or anything like that.
I Do want you to know that tomorrow is going to be a big day 8 30 a.m We get the CPI report. Obviously, we will be starting the stream early tomorrow to cover this because it's going to prompt a whole heck of a lot of volatility. And then 11 30 Ballard one of the more hawkish leaning Fed members will be speaking Barkin is at 12 40 and then we get the federal budget at 2 p.m So nothing really going on today. Hopefully we just get a nice bullish push to the upside type of a day.

But tomorrow, Yes, there are a lot of reports coming out tomorrow. Now with all that being said, uh I want you to be aware that there is a downside gav fill to oh, was it 390 65, 390, 65. I just want to map this out for you 390.65. this is the downside: Gap Fill play Uh, are we gonna hit it today I have no clue I can't tell the future I wish I could I'd be infinitely wealthy if I could.

Uh here. we'll have Gme up just because it had such a crazy push yesterday. But let's get ready. Let's get ready for that.

Bell to go. Ding ding ding ding Uh oxy. how is Oxy looking because oil is continuing to go up as it should because just I mean the oil plate. It's just so evident to me.

Uh, and maybe I'm wrong on it. But like just basic supply and demand and we know that the US government is going to step in if it ever gets below 70.. in my opinion, there's just not much risk in going long in the energy sector right now because we know what the Strategic petroleum Reserve that the Biden Administration has to refill it. Um, so I know some people are talking about Bbby.

Please be careful with that one. Uh, there might be some volatile moves. To the upside, don't get tricked into being a bag holder. It's going to come crumbling down.

The company has literally be has been telling us that they're heading towards bankruptcy. It's not going to end well. Yes, there might be volatile movements in the upside, but it's an active trade. A very active trade which is completely completely different than an investment.

Don't get caught being a bag holder on Bbby. Uh AMC up quite a bit. We have bior up 20 I See some people talking about AMC up nine percent in pre-market Uh, ape was flat yesterday so we have another day of AMC outperforming. Ape is so shitty.

Honestly, what Adam Aaron has been doing has been incredibly shitty. Uh, here we'll throw Tesla up there. Uh, WWE how much is this one up? It went up 2.76 yesterday, up 2.5 this morning. That's WWE All right.

Dingy ding ding ding. The casino is open. Uh and yes, I did get the volume figured out at least today. So you have Bbby that was up 29.

That's in the lower right, so more than happy to have whatever the big movers are up in the screen. AMC is just doing nothing I guess how's Mullen doing is Mullen coming down? No. Mom's actually up up four percent. Um, what else has been like the big movers we have? Mullen Bior.
We're gonna be switching up the charts quite a bit today just because there's a lot of big Movers P-r-t-y uh up 28 I Mean there's just a lot of movers right now. So like I said uh, uh, who is most squeeze this month? Okay, well Marcus he's wrong. You can't call out squeezes like that. If he's right, he'll be uh, right, just by Pure Luck I mean you don't see that Just very very evident.

Hopi I mean copy and was like yeah, it's gonna squeeze Yeah, it's going to squeeze. Um, if it squeezes, that'd be fun. It would give us something to talk about. but Mullen when it goes up, it's just going to be like the previous times: Pumped up Pump Dump pump.

Massive dump pump. Massive dump. uh I don't know how high this pump will be I don't I just wholeheartedly believe it will not stay at whatever value it ends up pumping too. I Think it's going to end up getting rugged? Very, very, very hard.

uh bior of 20 percent bed bath not really pushing. Maybe Bior will AMC's up seven percent Jamie's up 2.3 SI is down Tesla is up 2.4 percent. What else do we have going on? What are the other? Movers Jordan Shout out Good morning, Good morning, good morning. Uh, so you guys know the name of the game.

Kind of just waiting for the market to open. Uh, actually speaking of the market open where we oh, we opened up in kind of I would say we opened up in a neutral leaning bullish manner. I'm looking at some of the market internals right now. um I think the Market's about to take a hit looking at some of these internals.

but I think it will also be able to recover off of that Market Internals opened up neutral leaning bullish. Uh I think we're a smack scenario I Think there's going to be a smack? Maybe we're just gonna go for that downside. Gap Fill Remember, there is a downside gaffle I Put that out on locals. Um, but I'm not going to be doing anything until 10 a.m at the absolute earliest myself.

Chat: GPT Does it open a poem about the status of chat GPT Chat GPT Oh chat GPT With AAA So smart, but alas, it's at capacity, leaving us to wait for a chance to chat. With its wisdom and wit, we long to be part of its conversation. But for now, we sit on the sidelines patiently waiting for the day when chat GPT is ready to play again. Okay, well, we can't use that right now.

What are your thoughts on all cryptos? except Bitcoin going to Zero if they're all declared Securities I don't think they'll go to zero. It's just they'll most likely get hit with massive fines because it means they've been trading unregistered Securities Um, but like there are markets for Securities We're looking at it right now: the New York Stock Exchange the NASDAQ IEX they trade Securities So if they are declared as Securities they they have a place to trade. It's just that the organizations that got them going there's like there's a chance that they could get hit with. like serious fines.
Foreign. Oh man, my fucking nose guys. Uh, while we're waiting for this all really get rocking today. Quick shout out to one of today's stream sponsors: I'm talking about Brick House.

If your New Year's resolution is to be a little bit healthier, check it out Or specifically, if you want the veggie fruit mix that I've been on lately. Uh, Uh, really? I I Do truly believe that Wild Berry is the best one, but hey, what this is It's if you're trying to be a little bit healthier. Obviously, diet is something you should look at. fruit, veggies.

That's what you want to be checking out. It's just the core tenant of any solid diet. Check it out: either will work pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video. You can get 15 off if you use the code Matt m-a-t-t for 15 off.

Beyond the fruit and veggie mix which it goes, you can put it right on your phone I mix it with my protein shakes. Um, they have other pretty awesome things. This caffeine pill is not to be messed around with it very very much. Works They have the fruit and veggie bar I do like this flavor.

the chocolate berry the best but the vanilla one is also good. So anyway, check it out. Uh, pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video code Matt M-a-t-t for 15 off? Shout out to Brickhouse Nutrition? Um, shout out to Brick House how are the markets looking and hang on? I'm getting okay. Yes, the market internals are still neutral leaning bullish.

Um, still wouldn't be that surprised I mean we saw a little bit of a smack there I Don't think that was like the most surprising thing. Very quick recovery. Uh, if you're looking for the major levels, yes, there's the downside. Gap filled to 390.65.

Uh, we also know 394 is a big breakout level. and then we also know there's a gap fill somewhere in the 396s if you're looking for some bullish slash bearish targets. uh I myself am leaning bullish on the day just looking at the pre-market strength. looking at the internals right now.

Uh, leaning bullish. But even with my own bias, it doesn't really matter because I'm just going to be waiting until 10 and waiting to see how things look at that moment in time. B-o-b-i-o-r has given up all its pre-market gains. Uh, just a couple more cents to go.

AMC is up 7.4 sold off, and now it's not moving at all. Uh, ape is selling off up 1.33 Uh. so trying to hold on to its pre-market gains? Uh, gme up even more up 3.7 Uh, sold off like the spy and is now pushing Bed Bath and Beyond is up 25 and Tesla's up three percent. Uh, rum is slightly green on the day SI is getting murked as it kind of all predicted that it would um, not really the most surprising development there thus far.
Interesting, open leaning, bullish and we'll see if it can end up holding. Mullen is very much green. Uh, how much is mulling up very much green? It's up Three percent. Uh, beating up Three percent is not very much green.

Three percent on a penny stock. That's not even a portion of a penny. There's only a portion of a penny. man.

I had 1.5 000 shares of Mmtlp. It's showing Zero my portfolio. What's your advice on this? What can I do? Uh, there's probably nothing you can do. You could hope that Finra looks into it and tries to figure it out, but uh, it went to a private company there as an individual.

The main thing you could do right now is hope that some sort of regulatory body looks into Mmtlp. I've done a little bit setting of the Mmtlp position and I want to be very, very clear about my opinion on it. Mmtlp. You guys got screwed.

People who own Mmtlp got screwed. um I Don't know if it's Finra I Don't know if it's the Mmat Trch leadership I don't know if it's a combination of the two I wholeheartedly believe Mmtlp investors got screwed. It's just kind of a question of who screwed you I'm leaning towards Finra just based on like some of the things that I found. and the main thing being why was Mmtlp ever trading when there's public commentary from both the Mmat CEO and the Trch CEO that they never approved it to trade.

So that's the thing that I find to be the most like kind of crazy in the whole story. the shutdown of trading on the eighth that doesn't really I guess like interest me too much I think it's just the confusion there is about the two-day settlement settlement window. Um, so I don't find that to be that like that much of Smoking Gun evidence I find it more crazy that Mmtlp was even training to begin with Am I still holding my position on LMNOP you know it? Hey Matt you talked yesterday about the indicator that was mainly used Now forget to look it up. Thanks! Talked about an indicator that was mainly used now I'm not quite sure MC remember the amount of Um medicine in my system Matt Do you still believe in HEX cryptocoin? or is that just a phase? Uh I Hope it works I have a lot of it, but we'll see I mean we're very much in a crypto winter right now.

So I'm not like in the short term, that optimistic on any crypto at all at all at all at all. Uh, but I'm hoping as soon as we get out of fighting these economic headwinds right now of a very hawkish monetary policy I'm hoping by the time we get to 2024 that things can go back to Rip City? Uh, 2023, it's It's going to be a rough year I Want to be very, very clear about that? With all of you? it will be a rough year. It's things are leaning uh, bearish for a very evident reason. Um, when everything was just easily easily ripping in 2021, understand that the Federal Reserve was being extremely dovish.
They were giving out stimulus checks. People were sitting at home because of the Rona period and they had nothing else to do but YOLO those stimulus checks into their accounts. The environment we're in right now is very different. People aren't getting stimulus checks.

The Federal Reserve went from being supportive of the economy with quantitative easing to providing headwinds. They're restrictive with quantitative tightening. People are not watching the market as much. their back kind of doing their normal jobs were not locked inside anymore.

Um, so the ease at which things were going Rip City in 2021, It's just impossible right now. we're just not in that type of an environment. Uh, we are in the opposite macro environment. Exactly.

We are 100 in the opposite macro environment. Um, so the thing. the way things were so easily like getting squeezed and ridiculous things were playing out. Circa 2021 Um, which is already that type of craziness is already like a low odds type of a situation.

The odds are now even lower than that. So like, could something squeeze? Yes, it could. But if you're just looking at it of like the chance or the likelihood or anything like that, it's just wildly different. So any of these people who are telling you that like no like this is gonna squeeze tomorrow, this is going to squeeze this week.

Please understand how full of shit they are. Um, they just absolutely are. I Mean look at like just the charts of some of these popular retail plays like look at the charts of anything of like some of the mega Blue Chip stocks of all of 2022, It just went from the top left to the bottom right. Things have been selling off because we are in a restrictive environment.

Is the GW forming on Tesla What is a GW Do you mean a double bottom? A A DB a double bottom? Yeah. Bottom: slightly higher. Trying to push spies looking strong could very well be a double bottom and very much did a pump the market to get people to the left behind at all-time highs. Yeah, pretty much what.

I find interesting about it is when the market was ripping at the end of 2021, the Fed's like Hey we're gonna sell all of our stuff so there's no like ethical breaches. So they all the FED members basically sold on an all-time high. Um, you said you can't make a decision based on moving averages. for example, because it's a too common of an indicator, it's okay Matt maybe I'll remember No, you could definitely make decisions on a moving average.

The thing we were talking about yesterday was statistically do does price action Trend towards the moving average I disagree with that but moving averages Um I Think simple moving averages and exponential should be understood and also used I Like moving averages I Like exponential moving averages. Um, what we were talking about yesterday was like just this concept of it. like trending to a moving average. um I Don't like.
maybe it's this statistically significant I Don't think it is just because the market does have a bias to the upside. and since the market has a bias to the upside You Could argue that the market has a bias towards moving away from moving averages because technically it's going up. Um, but I I'm not against them by any mean by any any means. No, there you go.

Lars Meet Kevin is cuter. The nose of Dallas Are you saying meet Kevin is cuter than I am I Think we kind of look similar in all reality. uh MVP if me and Matt sat down and talked, you would know what I meant. um happy to I mean hey all I want to do is share better training, ideas and methodology in the market.

I know sometimes when you chat here uh your amount of characters is capsule. feel free to DM me if you need a longer message on like something like Twitter uh happy to share it I mean hey and anything that works that makes people more, uh, profitable better Traders I want to share that with the entire group you look related Yeah Kevin and I were just we're brothers from different mothers, same father, different mothers Matt Out of curiosity: what percentage of time are you looking at rumchat versus YouTube chat versus other chats? um I look at them both simultaneously. so like the way I have my monitor set up over here is I have rum chat I have YouTube chat like they're just right by each other. Uh so I look when I'm look when I'm looking at chat I look at both 100 of the time.

but sometimes I just take chat down and I might be looking at like charts or news or a video or something. but if I'm looking at chat, the way it's set up is like both chats are right there. Uh me Kevin has more girth. that's why they call me Kevin me m-e-a-t Kevin after dark.

that's funny. Um, the difference between Kevin and I is he has less muscle like I'm a more muscular, beefy, thicker person. Uh, but his bank account is far thicker than mine. um I think meet Kevin's only a year or two older than I am I think he's 29 or 30.

Me: Kevin's younger than you think he is but I think he's 29 or 30 and he's just fucking killed it. The dude owns a plane I think he spent 13 mil on a fucking plane. Uh so I might have more thickness but his bank account by far has more thickness. Me Kevin is skinny yeah I think he like was actively trying to lose weight this past year and he did a great job.

I think he's a maybe a runner or something like that. Bior halted. Yet to the downside. uh, he lost a ton of weight and he's a re guy because that's been married with kids.

Yeah I mean he's married I believe he has two kids. Uh, he's kind of winning the game of capitalism I know some people like him I know people don't like him I'm a fan of them I think sometimes uh, he speaks in a matter of fact way that pisses people off because like maybe like I don't know I think he tells things how it is and like he doesn't worry about um other people's like the emotional state and I think sometimes that gets them in water but uh I respect them like at a certain point you have like maybe you don't like them but you have to respect them because by many definitions he is successful. so like he he can at least be learned from uh but I like him I'm friends with him I think he's a cool guy. he's really nice to me.
uh rum Chatters are a lot cooler than YouTube chat into shit. do you think you spent 13 million Matt you're working with him. It's okay to admit you owe your audience speak matter of fact to us. work with yeah so some crazy person said that like I work for me Kevin I've there was a video from like I don't know something that kind of reminds me of being like uh just you know sometimes there's people out there who you're like.

this would be the video if you gave a camera to a meth head. um so I was watching one of those videos or apparently from one of those videos said meth head accuse me of working for me Kevin I've never worked for me Kevin uh and then yeah I love how people like believe it, they're like yeah no this like uh meth head told me he worked for him and I was like this is just crazy uh right now how much does AMC have to go up for us to get back to pre-ape? Um well the total value AMC is trading at 466 AP training at 145. So together that's like six dollars. Before ape came out, it was trading at 18.

So if it's trading at six, that means it's falling off 66 percent. So another way to say that is this whole thing where Adam everyone was like shorts will choke on that. um he was greatly greatly wrong. His whole thing his whole big Ploy of like silence doesn't mean inaction of like we're gonna destroy the shorts.

um no uh ever since then it's down 66 18 down to six dollars and that was from August until now. So like in half a year. uh, the shorts have just raked Adam Aaron and all the AMC investors over the coals. rumchat voted for Brandon Rumble chat honks when you speed past them AMC is not squeezing.

is that good? Today it's up 13 Apes up 3.65 But we have so much farther to go. so much farther to go I went to run AMC back then and got stopped out. When did you do that? Is this where the cooler chat happens or is it just thicker chat? That's always a fair question. So has a a profited from ape? uh he's profited from selling AMC uh Adam Aaron himself has cleared about like 40 mil in profit from selling AMC shares and right now he'll publicly say he's like I'm not selling for a while now.

Um, that's because of his own rules that he's not allowed to so like he's kind of grandstanding. Publicly, he's like I'm gonna hold now. Um, but he literally is not allowed to sell now so it's kind of weird. Uh, you're wrong AAA Never said he would destroy the shorts Maybe By saying choke on that, he meant choke on all the money you can have.
So uh, Robin Chat has dinner with A.A hey, he's just a suit AMC is so considered a penny stock I wouldn't consider it a penny stock. uh sorry. Matt why is AAA not allowed to sell at the moment? Thanks man! Uh, because of their own rule that the CEO at any moment in time has to have I think it's like eight years worth of pay as stock like and then the CFO has to have six years and then the rest of the executive board has to have four years. Like the basically uh, like a year.

A year and a half ago they made up rules that like the owners of like the leaders of the company have to have skin in the game. uh and it's based on like X years of pay I think it's like eight, six, and four or something like that. I'm sure someone in here could like, uh, say uh, the exact numbers foreign followers on Rumble So I can live stream Please share my link uh, and encourage everyone to follow. If just so, I can get to live streaming.

Hey So everyone in Rumble right now a chat just came through. Follow that link. uh, click on the link and follow. Rumble Just a hundred of you need to do it.

So a guy who's been in here since like literally, day one can live stream on Rumble Uh, we're definitely always supportive of Rumble So if a hundred of you people in here could just be awesome and give uh Sensei a follow, it's right there. You can follow the link. he just posted it as a rumble rant. uh AAA Played retail and while I didn't trust them I didn't know when to get out I can't help if I have it I have a guess.

So I've been holding Bior for months. Why does it say I'm invested for 12 days? Did they do a reverse split? Yeah, they did. They did a 25 for One reverse split. Yes, they did.

Okay, what time is it? It's almost 10 a.m which means I'm almost allowed to trade. Almost allowed to trade. Almost almost almost. Unfortunately, as things currently look, uh, there is the current bar.

I'm like gonna. it's just chop. I'm not seeing anything too too nuts. Um, the internals of the market are leaning bullish.

I Want to be very clear about that? they are leaning bullish I'm just checking out some other things. All right. So my body's a little bit bullish, but I'm still very very very much aware of the downside. Gap fill that we have on spy.

Uh, all right. Interesting. interesting, interesting. boir had a downside of volatility Hall started trading again.

Uh, up one percent on the day, so it was up quite a bit more. but giving back those gains, giving back those gains. Matt Look up Aoc's latest tweet. All right, let me look this up: AOC AOC Ronnie Jackson from Texas I'll never give up my gas stove if the Maniacs in the White House come from my stove.
they can pry it from my cold dead hands. Come and take it. Did you know that the ongoing exposure to NO2 from gasos is linked to reduced cognitive performance? That's actually pretty funny. Uh, that's I'll give her that one.

That's fucking hilarious. Uh. also such a weird thing to like like die on that particular Hill of like I want my gas stove like pry my gas stove out of my cold dead hands? oh man, uh, you seem very negative about AMC Hopium is what made us run last time. Remember that verifiably false.

There were a lot of, uh, monetary policy things going on and structural things going on that made AMC. So if you're saying if we had the same amount of hopium right now as we did in like January of 2021, that there would be the same odds of it moving. That is 100 false. Um, 100 false.

It's a completely different situation now, and it wasn't necessarily hoping back then, there was so much more going on and the current situation I would argue is like not even close to being as favorable as it was in 2021. I die on the hill with that guy and I don't even own a gas bill. It's called principles Maybe. But I was also just making a joke because it was funny.

Like should the government be able to take your gas stove I Don't know folks. I Didn't even know there was a big political debate about gas stoves. My brain is essentially mush right now. I Just think it's funny that someone's like you could take my gas stove with my cold, dead hands.

Uh YouTube Chat has cable gasp. Is that true? Does YouTube Chat have cable? Rumchat is accusing YouTube Chat of having cable. Does anyone really pay for cable anymore? I Prefer to spend more money by paying for all the Individual Services I like to pay for Netflix Disney Apple with the Paramount add-on Hulu Peacock HBO YouTube TV Um so I prefer to pay even more money and still be restricted from the things that I can watch I mean all the cool people are paying more money these days from Chat has antenna TV I actually do have an antenna for like some of the local channels which I'm a fan of. uh I just watched you for the news Albert you get the gold star of the day! Congratulations Albert you are today's recipient of a gold star which as soon as you accrue, three can be turned in for a crisp hand shake.

so only two more to go unless you've already previously won a gold star. But yeah, for any of those who don't know about the gold star, uh, when you say anything particularly that I like or if you answer a question or basically I kind of give them out willy-nilly. Um, but for every grouping of three stars, they can be turned in for one crisp handshake from me. So congratulations Albert you are.

you're almost there. Do you think Gme is setting up for a Gamma squeeze? No, it would be awesome if it does. I mean Gme? Well, we don't need bior anymore because it's sucking but AMC is looking good. Gme is looking good.
they're looking good. but I'm not going to be that person who's hopium and Kobe I'm like gosh, squeeze again if it does squeeze I would love it I'm down so much money on these plays I would love to for them to rip the kingdom come so I can get out with some money but I refuse to be the person who's like God's gone on squeeze hey YouTube chat your beeper just went off Ooh Elon's tweeting when did late night comedy shows become nothing but lame democrat-leaning political commentary and then Elon said good question in Teresa day do you think the Spy is setting up to pay puts? um, let me check. No, no I don't. Uh I think there could be a flush and in a perfect perfect world? Uh, it would work out that way, but not yet.

Oops, the system is not going to take this traded. No trade here. Um I have no trade yet. no active trades I Am leaning bullish I Prefer the bullish Direction But we're just waiting.

Patience, Patience patience, patience, patience, patience. internals I Just want to point this out. Are still leaning bullish if we look at some of these bigger. Players Let's check them out.

Uh, let's throw up the five minute. Uh so Mullen not doing squat? Definitely not a bigger player? Uh Tesla Looking good up 2.7 looking to get above 122.50 Microsoft uh Popped up selling off still up 1.3 on the day Apple Not looking the best but break even on the day, but the trend not ideal Nvidia Sold Popped sold down 1.4 AMD doing literally the exact same thing Intel just selling down one percent Micron uh Popping Selling up point two percent um Amazon What in the world? Amazon Uh Amazon's looking good uh Amazon's having a great day up 3.5 getting above that 90 resistance ripping up to 93 Amazon is winning today Walmart Pop sold off up barely on the day Target Sold popping right now barely green on the day Coca-Cola Selling straight Pepsi Selling straight off Uh AMC Rip City up 14 Gme Rip City up 8.9 WWE down point two Bior up three after getting sold off ape uh, finally following along up. six point or up six percent right now. uh AMC is outperforming Rumble uh is up 1.8 but not really moving.

seems like a consolidating type of a day long on toilet paper in the Matt core's household for sure. Um, so I mean Tesla's looking good Amazon's looking good Apple's not looking that good uh meme socks are playing out thus far. Aim scene: ape looking good. Let's see what it can bring bring about some people are asking about tail Ray tilray's looking good up seven percent.

Didn't get beat up though after its earnings. Yeah, it's kind of coming back. How's MJ looking? How's MJ mjmj the uh marinara sector getting kind of really beat up, but um, in the short time frame looking a little bit bullish but longer time frame definitely getting beat up. Uh, the Spy sold popped.

sold now. just kind of consolidating, waiting for some sort of movement. uh AMC moving Gme moving Tesla moving. so uh, we have some things popping but as of now, uh, the Spy turning back around.
now if it were just me, like if I was just training with my gut right now I'd be going long at this point on the Spy but I'm trying to stick with, uh, suppose the algorithm here. so if I miss it I miss it. but no trade, no trade, As of now. Rumchat listens to boy bands and rocks highlighted hair.

Rumchat is that true? Do you listen to boy bands and rock highlighted hair? Because that's what you're being accused of. That is 100 percent. Uh uh um. Meme: Rally hard.

Hey F that's a good title. Meme stocks, Rally hard. AF Uh, let me live streaming. Oh brother, oh brother oh brother.

Okay, switch the title there. So while we're watching, these memes continue to rally and rally and rally. Uh, let me see if there's any breaking news that we should be going over because I've not gotten any Uh signals to trade yet FFA Lifts U.S Ground stop after technology outage delays, thousands of flights TX has recovered 5 billion worth of liquid assets according to the lawyer. That's interesting.

That's the major thing I'm saying. Is there any other breaking news? Any other breaking news we should be monitoring? K-Pop Group breaks barrier with Coachella booking Christian pulisic out a couple months with the latest injury uh Christian pulisic off injured for Chelsea Visibly frustrated after he tried to continue but clearly wasn't right. That was the great and clean Johnstones challenge that caused the injury. uh I guess he like busted open his knee.

All right. Market is popping. Internals are still looking pretty pretty good but nothing yet. My the robot.

The parrot robot has not fired yet. All right. Any other breaking news you guys should know as we're watching Gme rip up 10.3 AMC is up 19 percent. Rum is up 3.2 Uh.

Bed Bath. Those Bed baths Still moving. Bed Bath is up 34. Wow.

So Bed Bath AMC Gme all Rip City Vince McMahon sells the WWE to Saudi Arabia's government for billions? Is this true? Uh. being reported that WWE going to be sold to the Saudi Arabian government? Wow. Wow. Wow.

Wow. What else? Bear Market Rally Uh, definitely has the vibe of the Bear Market Rally short squeeze trade still on Bbby AMC Gme I'm curious about the current short interest. Oops, let's see what they all are. So Gme has a short interest of estimated short interest is 23.4 on Gme, AMC has an estimated short interest of 21 and Bed Bath and Beyond has a short interest of 39.4 So it goes 23, 21 and 39..

So uh, Jimmy 23, AMC 21, Bed Bath, and Beyond 39. uh, all have a considerable short interest. Remember, that's only part of the story though. You have to look at the float.

You have to look at the cost to borrow. Uh, there's a couple things you need to know beyond SI You have to look at the utilization. The Is it being talked about by Finn Twit? is it being talked about by Um Reddit It's like, is there the following: Jimmy AMC Well Actually, they're all looking pretty good. Bed Bath is up 31, AMC's up 20 and you have Gme up 12..
the start of it? Uh, if you're a day trader, Yeah, I'm sure you're stoked. Um, if you've been in this for a while now, it's a step in the right direction. but we have quite a ways to go. Quite a ways to go.

Studio Genes What else do we have momentum for? Bed Bath and Beyond started yesterday continues today with the stock spiking 22 today on heavy volume. Short Interest has already increased 220 000 shares this morning, an average cost of almost 242. Once again, that is for Bed Bath and Beyond Uh, Air Force Offensive lineman Hunter Brown as a 21 after a medical emergency. Holy shit, that's scary.

That's really scary. scary scary. All right, All right, All right, All right. I Still haven't made any trades yet.

Uh. I've been watching the Spy for my active trades and it's just lower highs, higher lows. It's perfect consolidation. Not really too much to trade off of quite yet.

just waiting. patience. I Think patients will very much pay, don't want to get chopped up the way I was yesterday? Uh AMC Getting smacked just before five dollars down to 470 Jimmy Getting smacked at 20 down to 19.50 they're getting smacked simultaneously because of Uh basket trading. Uh, very very high likelihood that AMC and Jamie are being traded in a basket a little bit different from a derivatives basket, which is funny for those of you who know, you know and that's a hilarious joke.

But to the rest of you, uh, we'll have to talk about it later. What the fuck? Dude, things are moving. Things are moving. Hey, while we're waiting for something to happen, oh, his forehead is killing.

Oh, is a hair out of place? My hair is doing crazy stuff today. Don't worry about that cooterie. Uh, my brain is fried right now. I Need to be drinking water? You guys aren't reminding me about my water? Yeah, But are you hedging your calls by buying more shares? It's the only way to hedge.

You should hedge your shares by buying calls. and you should hedge your calls by buying shares. It's never ending. If you want to bring your risk to zero, you just buy more shares and you buy more calls.

You just buy, buy, buy, buy. The more you're long, the more you're hatched foreign. That's just the perfect way to hedge. The perfect way to hedge.

Oh dude, we are rocking today. We got some serious numbers. Well hello everyone. If you haven't already hit the like button, hit the Subscribe button.

It's the only thing that's gonna help me be not sick. The only thing that will help me be not sick is by you guys digitally engaging with me. Are there any tax people in here that like are very familiar with taxes? Uh, thanks for fixing it. Almost give me an annual aneurysm.
That's what I'm here for to make all the people who are locked up in my basement feel a little bit better. Um, can you raise your hand in class today? If you know about taxes yourself or tax, Can you check Bbby wondering if it has legs or if I should cut my cut my 250 calls well or text doesn't really tell you about legs I would tell you about the price action tells you about legs. So based on price action if I were in Bbby calls I would hold because the momentum is clearly to the upside. Uh, that might change.

So I'd keep moving my trailing stop loss up behind me. Um but it does have a very it has a short interest of 39. Uh, will bed bath move up and just stay at this view that value? No, it's going to end up pumping and kind of dumping. Not the exact same scenario.

but look at like Revlon uh there are. There's clearly a precedent for the large potential upside movement when you're talking about bankruptcy because people they hear bankruptcy. so they come in and short it. But then if you want to like screw with those people.

you buy it and you put pressure on the shorts and get it to squeeze. So could Bed Bath and Beyond squeeze 100 Will it stay at whatever value it rips to no eventually Bed Bath and Beyond A core according to the leadership team is going to fail which is sad, but it's just the way of the world. Welcome to the world of capitalism. Taxes I'm your guy SS Dobbins So I was talking to my tax guy and he was telling me that I need like a 199a filing or something like that one nine.

Are there any like small or medium business owners in here? It's like a 199a like deduction or something like that. Section 199a allows a deduction for income attributable to domestic production activities. For specified cooperatives, the deduction is allowed to equal nine percent of the lesser of the QP I don't know what the fuck that means. Uh, but something about a 199a saving people a shitload of money.

Um so any. and apparently it's something that like small and medium-sized business owners should be doing because it can save you a lot a lot of money. Um, it's a 199a Have you guys heard of that? Has any tax person in here? Heard about that because I didn't follow it? file it last year. but I think I should have.

Yeah bro. I Get taxed all the time with your question not a 10.99 No, no, not a 1099. I'm talking about a 199a. I'm just saying if you guys are business owners, you got that sole proprietorship that LLC Probably worthwhile to talk to your tax person about a 199a qualified small business deduction.

The qualified business income deduction Qbi is a tax deduction that allows eligible self-employed and small business owners to deduct to up to 20 of qualified expenses. In general, total taxable income in 2022 must be under 170. 000 for single filers or 134 000 for qual uh joint followers. It's a 20 deduction, but who's allowed to get it? I'm just curious.
like who's allowed to get a 199a? Is it true that if you're following filing a single, it's 170 000 and jointly it's 340. Ned is a certified tax expert? Yeah, but Ned and I aren't talking right now Matt Don't file at all. You'll save a ton of money 1998 as long as you don't make more than 150 11. it is worth looking into.

Oh, most service businesses don't qualify or S Corp or Partnerships both Services don't qualify for it S Corp Yeah, sounds like something I need to look into. Maybe maybe your boy is going to be able to sell save himself a bit of money? Maybe just maybe. uh well the push and bed bath is still holding but Gme AMC not so much. I wonder if this is all being led by Bed Bath Bed Bath has some news with potentially just like the bankruptcy shorts getting squeezed right here and I wonder if AMC and Jamie if people are like, well, bed bass up we might as well buy these and one thing leads to another and starts to rip.

but um Jimmy Getting smacked hard at 20 AMC getting smacked hard at five dollars? Are you an LLC Yeah, definitely Huh? Are you up now in my Bior position? No. uh, remember, you have to take the reverse stock split into account for me to be positive on my Bior position I wasn't at four dollars, but then they did a 25 for One reverse split. Which means that uh now I need it to be above a hundred dollars. Uh, so it's not even close to that.

Uh, not all business incomes qualified Qbi excludes capital gains or losses, dividend, interest, income earned outside of the US Canada certain wage and guarantee payments made to the partner Cheryl Uh no. I think all of mine would still do it Uh, S Corp LLC all qualify Uh C Corp does not well I have an LLC with an S corp tax designation. so I'm pretty sure I do qualify and all of my training accounts are in my own name, so that has nothing to do with the business at all. So I think I am good to go Boi B I O R to 101.

Oh, we're getting a little bit of a spy breakout. All right. how are the internals looking? Let's check it out. Actually, the internals are now getting kind of worse.

Uh, who knows though. maybe this pop will help it bring I Don't know. Be careful, it's attempting to break out, but the internals are not looking the best right now. Uh, at least the trend.

the th

4 thoughts on “Power hour! meme stocks rally into close”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Ryland says:

    Dude you look Tired! Relax.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenny Griffin Jr says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Mirisciotta says:

    I did tequila with my latin X GF before. Actually alot. Not sure if it works. I always get too drunk.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DdevilxX says:

    I have been on Virgin Galactic, commercial space travel will be a thing sooner than I think we expect,

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