Reacting To The Most Degenerate Options Trader
The Matt Kohrs Show
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Foreign a little bit earlier, but make sure you like it's up to the channel. Most rewarding treats to ever cross our path at. Wall Street Bits every Trader To indulge the WSB lifestyle suffers the same elusive dream to become so rich off a special parade that generations of wealth are created in one. Fell Swoop Many a time we've seen creators reach Heights in the upper six digits only to subsequently lose it all and agonize The Bling loss of watching their wealth burn to Ash But today that changes.

It is my honor to bring you the story of holocisms. one of our own. a man who Rose from Humble Origins to make over seven million dollars with a span of one month. A man who will spend the remainder of his life living in abundance and opulence, living chess.

Say it. Honestly, our dream. Where did this man come from? How did he make so much cheddar? And how can we also achieve that level of bag? Let's toss this salad. A long time redditor since 2011.holicism spent much of his early years on the website posting to League of Legends and Fire Emblem boards, even coming to mod some other video game sub called Team Fight Tactics.

And like so many gamers, he one day decided enough was enough and he needed to lose weight. so he sought weight loss consultation on various reticulates on and off since 2018.. How do you survive? It's multi-week water fast, which sounds very strange. you just have to take a bunch of electrolysis.

Any one of us could be hollisisms. His Origins are much like many of ours and as such I mean it when I say he is truly one of our own. But all that changed in 2021, a year when Our Hero's life got flip turned upside down. Having belonged to the peasant cast in early 2021, Policisms watched The Rise and reign of GameStop and deep value from his vantage point on the sidelines helplessly licking Windows As the boys made their money, watching it all unfold, Policisms was determined to throw some skin in the game at the next twice in a lifetime.

Opportunity appears that in April 2021 Hollisisms acquired a keen interest in two particular meme stocks GameStop of course and AMC on Reddit Forum's true stock and WSB Elite Hollisism's extensively read the due diligence of esteemed Apes who believed the stocks were destined to rise and reclaim their January short squeeze highs. The rising scholar of Reddit stock tips subscribed to the theory that GameStop and AMC would continuously short squeeze and directly transfer money from the Hedge fund's Pockets into his pockets. Some of the DD he was reading predicted an AMC price of over four hundred thousand dollars worth 168 trillion, which is eight times higher than the US GDP. Nonetheless, some of the DD was at least conceptually sound and holocism selected to tangle with AMC Entertainment, a movie theater stock with continuously decreasing Revenue His DD predicted AMC would make a decisive move higher between May 13th and June 2nd specifically so there was no time to dally.
entire family had to their name and gambled their life savings he saw as his redeeming chance to earn thick cheese. On May 12th, when AMC was trading for about 10 and change, the Mad lad purchased 205 call options At the Nine Dollar Strike expiring at the end of the following week, the purchase cost approximately 33 600, almost all of his family's entire net worth. Based on his strike, we can estimate each call had a Delta of about 0.7 With 205 calls, this equated to a Delta of about 143.50 This means that for every dollar AMC Rose Holly could expect 14 500 gain for each dollar it dropped. He would lose approximately the same up to the value of his total investment if AMC were below nine dollars.

On May 28th, his whole 33 600 and likely his relationship with his kids and any Prospect of his wife staying faithful would disappear into the void. Holly packed his bags with liquid courage and a pinch of madness, he was all in itial results were relatively modest but still quite impressive. By Monday May 17th a week into his Moon Mission window AMC rose from a little over ten dollars up to over 14 dollars. Gamma had increased his Delta further and the Prince of Madness was sitting on well over a hundred thousand dollars.

The stock did wallow for the next two days and on May 19th, our man ditched his calls for a forty thousand dollar gain. Was that enough? Not even close. You gotta pump those numbers up. The big dog was now sitting on over 72 bands and as we all know, it is biologically impossible for a WSB degenerate to hold more than one percent of his money in cash.

To this end, Holly aped out even harder after one minute and 48 seconds precisely. he took his whole Wad and blew it all on 610 call options, all expiring on June 18th, varying strikes at 12, 20 and 40 dollars. After a slight fifty thousand dollar downtick that nearly gave the big guy a hemorrhage, AMC recovered by May 24th and Holly was back in the green. It was clear skies ahead and the great Orangutan was so confident that the time for AMC to rock.

it was now cashed in his diverse set of calls to go all in on a single position. 76 000 on 815 calls at the 14. this was it. One shot at making dreams come true or he would never financially recover.

Would this trade? Crash and Burn Like so many gamblers before, the Apes had other ideas. AMC Absolutely caught fire in the last week of May Financial advisors were losing their as people cashed in their life insurance policies to buy shares of a Dying movie theater chain Kramer ripped ass on live television and didn't even try to play it off. The internet meme machine was operating at maximum Force just two days into decline AMC was worth over 19 and Hollisism's calls were worth over 350 Grand From his starting point just two weeks prior, the champion 10xed his portfolio. but it wasn't enough.

With adrenaline kicking at 1200 horsepower, the madman got lost in the wind and rolled up his calls, once again, selling his whole position and then flexing the cash to immediately by 2077 calls at the 20 straight the expiration two days later. For the next two days, the wild Boy would gain or lose about a hundred grand for every one dollar. AMC went up and down. If AMC did not rise above 20, his entire investment would go up in smoke.
But Holly didn't earn his money by being a little. he was all in and what a good move it was. Over the next 24 hours, AMC galloped higher with great avarice, doubling to over 27 by market close on May 27th Prince Holly's position ballooned from 350 000 to over 1.5 million I'm not even gonna calculate his percentage gain from his original 33 000. already this was the WSB story we've been waiting for.

new millionaire of humble Origins who rejected the old school 401K Financial Advice: What's 1.5 million to an ape play holocisms Someone Please remind me well to Holly 1.5 million is worth exactly 20, 111 shares and 2500 calls at the 27 strike inspiring the very next day. The Lunatic Counted to zero and threw his skin back onto the skillet with an expiration date The next day. if AMC dropped below 27 by market close, about a million dollars would get flushed down the crapper, but it would not be so on expiration date of Friday the 28th AMC blew up to over 30 dollars by 10 AM Holly was now sitting on over 2.6 million enough to live the rest of his life comfortably. But what good is money when you've got shares to buy? The king of Apes sold his positions and then rolled it right back into the oven.

locked and loaded with 53 000 shares and 2500. extra expiring later that afternoon, the big man could not be stopped or could he? AMC took a minor dump that afternoon and Holly's position got sliced in half as his 36 dollar calls expired. Some people might take that as a sign not to press their luck, but the wild one saw his life flash before his eyes, said screw that and slithered his way into some more dinero. You see, Holocisms is a Theta gang Warrior at heart.

he hangs out in theater's Discord and knows the gang's power moves top to bottom. He pulled a fast one on the other apes and was able to claw Back Forty Two thousand dollars from covered calls by the late afternoon. Damn! Even if his whole trade failed from this point forward, he still made over nine thousand dollars from his original starting value with over 1.4 million left in shares going into the following: Monday Holly took a smoke break over the long Memorial Day weekend and geared up for the next trading day when the market reopened on June 2nd Holly sold almost 40 000 shares and used the money to buy out of the money calls expiring three days later. with no regard for risk, the Prince of Degeneracy got back in full-footed What happened next is for mature audiences only by the grace of Wall Street in the patron saint of Cinema AMC mini absolutely mind-boggling jump that very day from Thirty to sixty dollars, the dying movie chain charged higher like a dragon out of hell carrying Holly's portfolio to over 6.3 million dollars God sake of his family the Unholy Prince of Apes took his gains, converted his tenders into cash and with the help of his wife and his girlfriend, achieved post-nut Clarity before deciding his next unspecial.
Clarity It must have been one hell of a maneuver because the next day on June 3rd Holly suddenly had an extra million dollars I have no idea where it came from, it was just there. The hedge funds probably decided to give him an extra million just to get the out of the way policisms had done it from 33 000 to 7.626 million Army of Apes achieved what millions of degenerate Traders can only dream of. We can only assume that when he went to his financial advisor to get some consultation, the old man blew a gasket and required extensive repair before putting a plan together. Dude, let us never forget the barbarism and unfettered courage that led to this otherworldly success policisms.

We congratulate you with every ounce of our strength. And if you'd be so willing to accept a crown from Theta Gang even though you clearly went your own way, then please accept this token of acknowledgment and receive your coronation as Imperator of House Theta That who wants to be king I Hope you guys all enjoyed this story. Keep in mind results not typical. You're much more likely to wind up at two feet in a hall of scissors.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time. That's just crazy. Hey, make sure you show. Kamikaze Cash A Bit of Love Check out the video, subscribe to the channel drop like I mean just insane.

This is seven mil.

11 thoughts on “Reacting to the most degenerate options trader”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Santos Rito says:

    Bro best video ever.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Montsho Jahi says:

    Do you think this Taylor Swift deal is a Game Changer for AMC

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chimichanga says:

    Yeah I put in 50k and right now sitting on 6 k. Thank you adam

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THE NEW AGE says:

    So In the end did Adam Aaron screw the shareholders of Amc in the end?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WheelerRickTHETIEGUY says:

    Noooooooooo! ….is what I kept yelling!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Dizzle says:

    That's what was going on back then calls not buying the stock. While other was buying the stock and holding they was playing options 😂. I did buy stock didnt hold tho got in at 6.30 got out at 55.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Walkowiak says:

    Thx for that great content! Very nice job!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WakeUpDon says:

    Matt knows nothing about health it's actually hilarious😂 he said "a water fast? Do you just have to drink electrolytes? As if the added electrolytes will feed you nutrients or as if there's not electrolytes already in the water😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kamikaze Cash says:

    I guess I’m going to have to keep creating dank trades video, huh?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DIM says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aly Antczak says:

    Matt you up?

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