The Government is Crashing The Market?!
Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs
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On more of a personal level to you of like okay, i i just don't get it. I see why the markets are coming down. You understand that you're like i get it, we're not being supported by the central bank anymore, but matt explain this to me. Please, because i keep being told that the economy is good, when my bank account is telling me things are not great.

This is the exact graph. You need to understand inflation compared to earnings. This is the devil. That's been on your back of why, even though you're being told things are great, even if you've been riding the markets, equities and crypto to the downside and making more money while you're still feeling financial pressure, consumer price inflation 8.6.

The issue here is people's hourly average earnings is not close. It's up to 5.6, so your favorite politicians out there are going to be telling you that things are better. Hey people are being paid more, it's a great time to be an american because you are making more money and the issue is the data set that they're using they're like saying from april of 2021? Until now it's gone up. Is this technically accurate? Is it mathematically accurate 100? Is it another piece of political where they're, citing a very certain aspect of a data set? Just i don't know to get reelected to make.

You feel good when they're not giving you the full story. 100. The average hourly wages have gone up, but unfortunately, have not gone up the same amount as inflation. What does this mean? Even with the increase in hourly wages and don't even get me started on the fact if you haven't gotten a raise, but even if you have, unfortunately for you to be break, even your race has to be more than 8.6.

That's just to break even in terms of you having the same spending power once again. This is just classic politics, they're gon na brag and brag and brag about how good hourly wages are. Unfortunately, life is getting more expensive to the degree that is not outpacing it, which is really that financial burden that you're most likely feeling on your back at this exact moment and that's beyond the fact that you're like i get it the market selling off, i get It crypto selling off i get it bonds, selling off you're already all aware of it, but even if you're like dude, i'm not even looking at that. Why am i still feeling this pain? This is exactly why the economic situation is not as positive and not as straightforward as it's being pitched to you.

I know the families all across america are hurting because of inflation. I understand what it feels like. I come from a family where, when the pa, when the price of gas or food went up, we felt it. It was a discussion at the kitchen table fact number one.

The current administration is at zero percent to blame for inflation. It was prompted by the pandemic, which led to supply chain issues, and it was exacerbated by putin's war on ukraine, which has led to a particular bottleneck in the world of food such as wheat and corn, and also on gas such as petroleum-based products and natural gas. Oil gasoline all that stuff and it has zero to do with his big spending and when i say his i mean the entire current administration. These are facts, suck it up buttercup.
Speaking of suck it up buttercup. What is to blame is the ultra mega republicans. It's kind of like when you used to get like a like a holographic card, but then there's like ultra rare ones. I think that's, where he's going with it, that one's a little bit up to debate like we have republicans.

We have mag of republicans, and now we have a new breed, an ultra mega republican. His quote: was this ain't, your father's republican party, so our fathers did not have the ultra mega republicans, but the current party does ain't your father's republican party. You would logically follow this up with okay. Well, what's he doing to battle it? President biden will be battling inflation by lowering costs taking on the deficit and increasing your pay, also lowering taxes.

What is the republican plan to fight inflation? They want to increase costs, increase the deficit, lower your pay and increase taxes. It sounds like they want to do the exact opposite thing to fight inflation. Now, a lot of you might be thinking, but hey matt. That goes against the transitive property of logic of them.

Saying they want to do the exact opposite thing to get the exact same end. You're right, i don't know it's stupid. This is politics folks, they're all full of we literally just listened to a half coherent conversation of how one side of the thing is saying: we're going to get you more money, we're going to lower taxes, we're going to raise your wages, we're going to defeat inflation. The other side is depicted as a monstrosity that wants to do the exact opposite to you, and this is, it happens to be biden right now, because he's in office trump did it too they they're all pieces of.

Am i making fun of biden 100. I think he's a dope if trump were up there, i'd be making fun of him. Don't take this to be like oh matt's, again, spider. That must mean he likes trump.

He must be some sort of, like ultra mag of republican they're, all pieces of they're. All liars, we were basically told that we're too stupid to understand the intricacies of what's going on so like you just have to trust the person who's like at the helm of the wheel, and i think what was that interesting quote that really jumped out at me. The average american is sitting at the dinner table wishing the government would fix their problems. Maybe it's like super.

Like libertarian and hippie of me. I was raised by a hippie, but i i just think any time that the government thinks that this, like they're too big. They have too much power they're. All.

I think every single person who gets to that high level of politics is an egotistical maniac. I think it is truly incapable of the humans mind in psychology to aspire to that level of a career-long politician or just to that level in general, without having something diabolically wrong in your brain. Is it an important position? Yeah? We need it because i guess that's how we run. None of these people are a person i would to like have at my dinner table, left right in the middle something's up in their brain, and you just saw a perfect example of it right there in real time where everything we get a question is asked: it's A roundabout answer that has nothing to do with the question whatsoever: they're always continually bashing the other side.
Why? Let the truth get in the way of a good story in the way of a good retort? We don't operate in the time where truth matters we operate in the time of. What's a good soundbite. What can i say? Let me distort data and statistics that any way i possibly can to try to like elicit a couple more votes. We have deviated so far in the current u.s political spectrum, away from objective truth to emotional anger.

If i can get more people to hate the other side, i might be able to get back into office, that's how politics is run left right in the middle is no matter who it is at all times their pieces of, and the market's coming down and inflation Is sky high and the crypto market's capitulating the bond market's capitulating, the equities market's about to capitulate hourly wages for the average person who we're told they're so in tune with they just really care about it is going down even though inflation well, it's rising, but inflation Is outpacing it literally? None of these people in politics would be able to survive in the current averaging american lifestyle. That's the issue all of these people in politics, especially when it comes to finances and interest rates and savings, are making rules for people, and i would bet any amount of money. They could not sustain that lifestyle. The people that they're making rules for you think any of these congress, men and women - could survive on the minimum wage that they're talking about survive with the taxes that they're talking about.

You think you could take any of these politicians be like hey. You have to go start a small business and good luck surviving under the current small business taxes. All of these politicians are good at exactly that. They are good at being politicians.

It is few and far in between to find a politician who actually has an expertise in anything besides doing anything necessary to elicit a couple more votes. They have no skill set, besides being a politician, that's it that's. Why we're up? We are up because the people making rules have only experience in the political arena. They don't have it in being.

What did they talk about a teacher, a firefighter a small business operator? They were few and far in between they're making rules for lifestyle and a way of being in this country that they simply do not understand because they have never lived it. Maybe i'm wrong folks, i'm 27, i'm a! I recognize i'm in my life and i didn't even know one of our presidents had a peanut farm until today. Maybe i am a little bit too green in this situation. Maybe i don't know what's going on, but this is just my estimation of what's happening right here.
Maybe i'll watch this in a couple years i'll be like. Oh, that was a horrific take and i just don't know enough about the world, but the way i view this world right now is if they weren't in congress, they'd be criminals.

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