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The Truth May Surprise You || Martin Shkreli
Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs
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Crazy is going on with health insurance. Here and i don't want to really really misspeak and get something wrong. But your drug when that price went from 1350 to seven 750 were people paying for it out of pocket. Yeah.

I mean i think every drug company. The biggest fear they have is anybody paying out of pocket. That's just something that nobody no drug company ever wants to have a patient pay out of pocket. Because it's obviously the it's again it's the scariest thing.

I mean imagine going to a dwayne reed or walgreens. Um swiping your prescription and they bring you up for 25 000. Or 5 000. Or something like that it's scary.

I mean. It's crazy um and that does happen. And that's why we took our drug out of pharmacy. Um and put it in in a sort of like a private pharmacy.

Where we made sure a patient would never see a bill no matter what so i don't trust. Cvs and walgreens always get it right like some pharmacists would just press. The wrong button and ask the patient for 75 grand um. So we made sure insurance covered it beforehand before sending the drug to the patient um.

If that was taking too long. We would just send the drug to the patient immediately if there was no insurance. We'd ask them to fill out a form and then send it for free. So like when you have these high priced drugs and if you know the market.

You know every company that has vertex biomarine astrazeneca lexion. You know there's no shortage of drug companies. That made a living make a great living for patients and for themselves um on orphan drugs. They're three hundred thousand dollar drugs you don't wanna bill anybody three hundred thousand dollars.

I certainly didn't wanna bill anybody that for for dara from either you're happy to build their insurance. But you know you don't wanna build them personally so that's why you have this closed distribution hub. Where you can iron out all those details with insurance and again. What people don't understand is this is a really small drop like only a couple thousand people use their 2 000.

People a year. So it's really like not some like budget breaker like oh. My god. It's so expensive like the insurance company's like yeah whatever next you know you know they don't even think about it.

It's not even a question like it sounds crazy. Because if you don't know the. Industry it sounds like. Oh my god.

18 now it's 750. That's madness insurance company doesn't give a there's trillions of dollars of healthcare. Spend. This is a small drug they care about things like you know are people using the right generic for lipitor are people you know using an expensive drug when they could be using a generic that's the kind of stuff.

Why is this guy going to the to the uh. See his doctor every week. He should be going every month at most those are the kinds of things that that insurance companies worry about um prices on pharmaceuticals are seldom um. Especially ones that sell below 100 million or seldom even even thought about you know they worry about drugs to sell a billion or more um.
They want to make sure that if you're going for botox that they're gonna charge you for like half or all of that because it's not really medically necessary for for aesthetic reasons. But if you have a life saving medicine you need insurance always covers that they're just there's never they're gonna say no and in the edge cases. Where they do say no i want people to get the drug are you crazy i mean why wouldn't i you know it doesn't cost us anything to make it so for us. It's easy to give it away and in fact we gave away 1400 out of those 2 000.

Patients got our job for free. So we got paid on 600 people so when you get paid on only a fraction of your customers you need to get paid a lot when you get paid. Otherwise you can't afford to give away medicine at all and that's what's happened in the past. When i've raised prices and other drugs.

A lot of it has been because there's just not enough um sort of profit to even bother making this medicine. So we've seen big companies say. I'm not going to bother making this medicine. And the 800 people or thousand people that need it are just not going to get it at all if if pfizer or merck or whoever says yeah we're not going to bother with that we don't care.

If matt needs it or matt's mom needs it or whoever. Because you know we're pfizer you know we have to worry about our big blockbuster medicines so people like me buy it we need to stay in business. So we'll raise the price and then we can guarantee that every single patient can get it and there'll be a backup supply. There'll be a patient hub to call.

If you have a problem all that stuff that the other company wouldn't provide before so to me. It's really sort of uh. The criticism comes for people that don't understand the industry. Everybody i talk to in the industry is sort of like oh i get this my company did this once you know or whatever.

The case is so like it's easy to like look at this really complicated industry. That has a lot of moving parts and and make some bold claim about it or have some extreme feeling about it. But when you actually peel back the layers and understand it it's a lot sort of sort of simpler than than it than it looks.

15 thoughts on “The truth may surprise you martin shkreli”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonny says:

    Does anyone in the comments have experience with this and can verify what he’s claiming?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars donkey limit says:

    Martin Shkreli did EXACTLY what the drug companies do, he just tried to do it way faster.

    "something insurance companies get to think about"

    And we wonder why premiums are so high? And we wonder why the cost of healthcare in the US is WAY higher than anywhere else?

    "people in the industry say 'oh, i get it'"

    B you got ultra greedy, and use your lesser lizard friends as the bar for morality…. People like this should be no where near medication or anything that another human relies on.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Megalotone says:

    So the media and congress were making a display out of him because insurance companies were unhappy. All while actual fraud goes down? They did this man dirty.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cory ryder says:

    no its truth may scare you

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mason T says:

    Here's why this is still bad, he made insurance pay for the extremely high price of the drug but, whats insurance? you guessed it… Its POOLED MONEY. At the end of the day, he still robbed the people for profit.

    In fact, this entire issue was rectified in the Dirty Money documentary.

    Also, you can't say for sure that 100% of people who needed this drug were using insurance to pay for it. Outlandish.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BellBiv Deveau says:

    If that’s true what he said than I owe him an apology

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 208gk says:

    I have severe pain colitis disease n basically my colon is screwed. I have to get infusion every 6 weeks at the cemo center and Pfizer makes the med and the cost it $31,872.00.. every six weeks. Until my bodie rejects the meds πŸ™ ugh if your healthy.. don’t take it for granted.
    I wish amc would squeeze. Working 55hrs a week to make ends meet and to deal with health issues is so hard.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ceracen says:

    Martin Shkreli is a snake.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KD Sweaty says:

    Well the liberals ought to love this guy for bilking big pharma.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LingLing Chang says:

    This guy seems reasonable….why does the internet make him out to be the devil reincarnate

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S B says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carter says:

    I’ve always been a fan of Martin.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Carrasco says:

    Why are you giving this looser a platform?? Disappointed.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chop Shop says:

    First and it took 15 minutes to get the notification. Slackers!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Devin Kinder says:

    Yo Matt

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