They Ruined AMC
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I am seeing some of the most strange beta behavior from grown men who literally want to walk around behind. Adam Aaron all day, every day just holding his sir sir. Is that okay? Oh oh, are we sitting down now? Sure Sure. AMC and Ape combined to be less than a dollar before September It's possible.

Uh, it's unfortunate for me because I'm so invested in AMC I'm still invested in Ape I don't have calls I don't have puts on I haven't played options on AMC or Ape in many, many moon. um I disown it and I kind of forget about it. My reasoning for not getting out is the same Mantra of like a captain goes down with its ship and I'm not saying that's right I know financially it's not right, but emotionally morally it feels like the appropriate thing to do. But yet that doesn't stop me from telling you guys the truth I Built my following from people who pre who I thought appreciated me telling the truth I understand I've lost some of my following because some of them didn't want the truth.

they wanted Hopium. If you're here for opium, I'm just not the guy because I've seen it time and time again. Hopium does not make you money I'm doing this to make money I am in the market to make money I Don't know how to be more clear about this I trade to make my net worth go up I Don't trade to have likes and a group of sycophantic cultics liking my on Reddit and Twitter I don't care about that. their likes, their admiration does not improve my trades I Trade to make money I Don't know how to be more clear about this.

I Was very excited about AMC because I saw it as a money making opportunity and on top of that, it seemed like a good way to not only Stick it to the Man but potentially reform some of the downfalls of market and Market structure. For example: I'm against pattern day trading for example: I think Ftds are ridiculous I think the opaqueness of the reporting is insane and I think the delayed nature of the reporting is insane I Think political politicians doing political Insider training is borderline treasonous. It doesn't make sense to me. There are many things that go on in and around the market that make no sense to me and until my final breath, I will fight to get that fixed.

That fight does not necessarily necessarily correlate with gargling. Adam Aaron's all day Every day like I See on Twitter I am seeing some of the most strange beta behavior from grown men who literally want to walk around behind. Adam Aaron All day, every day just holding his Sir sir, Is that okay? Oh oh, are we sitting down now, sir sir, Where? Where Oh where where do we go? These are grown men literally given the opportunity for half an ape share, they would follow this guy around and hold his for him. I Find that strange? Maybe there's certain things in life that when you have an opinion, you should stand by it in a steadfast manner, such as be a good person.

Okay, cool. That seems like a good rule that maybe you shouldn't change. But when it comes to the market, if you are incapable of changing your opinion, if on any aspect of your trading investing career, if you think you should come up with an opinion and stick with that opinion in that thought process every day. every single trading day for the remainder of that investment, You're stupid with new information.
You should always reconsider what's going on. whether you're long or short. Whatever you're in, whatever you're not in, you should always be on your toes thinking. Is this smart? Is this not smart? Has it run enough? Has it not run enough? What is my risk? It's always a game of reevaluating if you are incapable of reevaluating based on new information.

I'm telling you this and I know you're gonna think I'm a prickly person saying this I Understand that. but I'm saying this because I'm actually trying to help you. The market is not a place for you If you come into the market and you think I'm coming up with an opinion, I'm never going to reevaluate and I'm just going to stand there holding some old dangif ridden dudes in my hand. This is not the place for you I am gonna save you money by telling you, don't be in the market and that's crazy for me to say because I think a lot of people should be in the market I Think the market is the best wealth generating tool mankind has ever come up with.

but that doesn't mean it's appropriate for every single person. And right now, there's a very loud minority of people, particularly on Twitter and Reddit who don't understand that they are going to be just losing money. The market is going to eat them alive. They are not only going to end up worse from engaging in the market, but they're gonna end up exponentially worse.

It's just gonna be, um, almost like a degenerate gambling downfall. Like a true gambling addict is losing money. losing money, losing money losing money I feel for them even though I don't like them as people even though I think they're stupid even though I don't think that they are just inherently good people that I want to talk to I'm still going to respect them to a certain degree because they are retail Trader I Do defend retail Traders I Do defend what's going on in the world of being an individual Trader in that attempt to help them I'm informing them the Market's not the place for them to be if they want to be out of the market and continue to gargle Adam Aaron's and think that he's some sort of financial Messiah go for it. but they're wrong and that's an interesting thing about religious faith.

And financial faith is with religious Faith No one's ever going to be proven right. No one's ever going to be proven wrong because a lot of the answers are kind of existential when it comes to financial faith. We have this thing called charts that tells us charts tell us who's right and who's wrong when you have absolute losers telling you that the gamma squeezes a day away. Trust me.
I've been trading for years. The gamma squeeze is a day away. You better buy more because it's looking real good looking. super super good guys.

It's just. uh. they're fucking wrong. I Don't understand how anyone but the I actually do.

I get how people fall for it. It's other people who want opium. It's other people who are as uninformed about the market that put way too much money into a play and they just need it to come around because of the negative ramifications of what could happen if it doesn't turn around for them. They broke the cardinal rule.

don't bet more than you're willing to lose. So they're They're going around and they're just on. Twitter and Reddit they're getting each other off for hoping. It is what it is.

Dude Adam Erin's a piece Regulators are peace. market makers are a piece. There's three giant pieces and if you can't see that by now, dude, What?.

27 thoughts on “They ruined amc”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harlem Grows says:

    Glad u been keeping it 100 with us, compared to all these other youtubers that spew fake hopium bs! P.s f$$k tray!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Margherio says:

    Matt= lame in the game 💯

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cody Truluck says:

    I got my initial investment out at $40 thank god. I wont lose that at least. Is what is is. AMC isnt even worth selling at this point. I will never invest instocks again. Moved most of my money into utility crypto.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Jassby says:

    we get the charts but this is the most manipulated stock in the last 25 years. They need shares, and how many times can you rinse and repeat…trillions of times??? A Mini squeeze happened Jan 21 and then again in May 21. The 3rd quarter's earnings I predict will be even better than the 2nd quarter and the election of board members is in November. We have lost so much because of the poorly run and crooked system and this needs to stop. I feel Law suits will be starting shortly against the SEC, AA and it might have to be a group effort…. anyways I will be patient…. I still feel we have a chance and if they were smart, they would give us a controlled short squeeze amount of maybe 250-300.00 vs all the litigation that is about to come.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam says:

    Thank you so much for your honesty, I really appreciate it. I bet, and bet big but I knew the risk and it didn't come true. Now I need a way to really learn the market so I can make my net worth go up. I am with you, riding this sicking ship until the end.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle T Hoeppner says:

    Peak fear I’m more bullish than ever. I still believe this can squeeze. Dilution happened before the January and June run ups. People are so damn pessimistic

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richard marous says:

    I lost 40k in the stock market in the last 2 years and I never lost money before.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doodle Bob says:

    Ur a lil kid

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZJ90x says:

    Matt you're a real one

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigDax says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bradlios Music&Fun says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BIG MONEY JO 🤑 says:

    We got played so hard. Everyone laughing at AMC/APE holders . I’m down 5k. Wish I would have put that on NVIDIA or Tesla . Anything but this crap. They made us all HODL but when u read the comments there are a bunch of ppl who sold for profit. Great job guys . Load of bullshit but hey u never lose till U sell 😂. Money gone. 💸

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Collective Risk says:

    I was first involved with AMC as a recovery play with the squeeze potential being icing in the cake, i as well chose to to hodl and any money spent it gone, while I am indeed sad for the shares I let go it is my own fault for choosing to not sell when all this was laid out for us and what to expect…the question for a long time is how much can AMC raise, where will our bottom be, will there be a new wave of investors from our lows post RS, I haven’t added in awhile except to round off the stack to keep my extra shares after the conversion because I do not see the answers to these questions yet but am still on the look out 🤔best of luck to everyone no matter what they decide to do with their own $

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Super Montana says:

    You got my back again. You Top man Khors, true man

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kasapper says:

    The most notorious Shill Youtuber

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TR 223 says:

    Maybe after all this time the amateurs figured out why shorting is such a good idea in the first place. Corruption, manipulation, etc. I'm sure many have become better at technical analysis and understanding the market but lost all their money holding on to one stock. What a shame.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MANXEON says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EM Double U says:

    Where were you when everyone was fighting to save our chances Matt? Now you come back to cast blame on others when you should have just stayed away. Just go away duck boy.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerad Thon says:

    The market is rigged for the most part.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CluckLord says:

    Should of got puts, damn.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Schmidty says:

    Im honestly sick. I drank the koolaid and i just sold for a huge loss. But they are going to ride to the ground so i took my loss and hopefully can move on. Such a fucking gut punch.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Momma Knows Bestest🧧Jack Hsieh Couturier says:

    Buy the dip and sell at peak

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fernando rodriguez says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WhiteCrow says:

    the beep is more annoying than the swear words would be, just saying

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars STFLZZ says:

    I don’t understand how my average share price is now higher than the ALL TIME HIGH after the reverse split. How is that even possible? Just absolute bullshit. Never getting my money back.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marco Wissel says:

    AA has AMC made bankrupt… He has exploited all APEs

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kel444 says:

    Matt long time no see your videos, but I stop watching not for hopium I stopped because of the emotional swings everyone had on amc.

    But I’m still holding 😔 moon or 0. Worst case I learned a lot. Thanks broski

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