This Guy Called Out All Apes
Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs
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This this guy is crazy. Oh i don't like flexing or look at bill gates he's a billionaire. He wears a slayer bill gates is a geek bill gates is a fucking nerd we're going to laugh at him. He's a fucking who even uses windows hahaha single-handedly basically invented software fuck him nerd.

Nobody windows has had a good product in 15 years, microsoft, one of the leading companies in real time right now, like does not realize how dominant of a company it is so bill gates, is a geek. If you want to be a rich geek, fine, he looks like a geek. If you want to be a rich geek. Okay, that's your goal! I just want to be rich and i don't want anyone to know who i am and i want to be rich and not famous, and nobody know me.

I just want to be a little geek cool. Then go invent fucking. Some software fuck off go invent some software fuck off um. I mean i'm not here to defend bill gates, but i would say, like most people know him, i would say that he is infinitely more known, and i guess that's how you define famous than cobra tate here, all right.

We got to get more of this guy. The very back of the bugatti there just so they can see the 5.2 million euro brigadier imperial sport number 18 of 60 in the world, the other one in the balkans, owned by andrew taking boxing chamber, i came from nothing my rise was meteoric. Is this? Guy? Is he sipping on some espresso there? Is he team cappuccino? I might have to change my opinion on this guy ocean indiana gary indiana, detroit luton, the worst town in england. Now i'm sitting around with so much money.

Someone said to me yesterday, your guy, that's like three million euro. I was offended this supposed to be 5.2 million euro. Do you have any idea how much options cost some bugatti? You think that i too get pissed off about that. When people look at me and they're like matt, that shirt looks like it's 20 bucks and i'm like go fuck yourself.

It's 25, get it right, asshole! You know what's interesting about tate and i'm like kind of putting it together of why i don't think it's real! Listen to the cadence of him speaking, the bouncing of it is so perfect that it like it feels like scripted like he speaks in a very unique cadence, but it's like a perfect cadence. It's strange. I don't know, i don't think it's real sunroof was free. My g, it cost more than your house v-a-t rolf 5.2 am i'm going to buy another bugatti or a pagani or a currency.

I've already started sending emails. I have to buy something else. People still seem to think i'm broke. I have absolute disdain for the poor because i started lower.

All i too have disdain for the poor if you're poor, listen up, fucking, just kate's right, poor people suck man how the fuck does he say this shit and look at the light like it has to be fake. It has to be trolling. There's other people on twitter all these other mudder coaches, that they start better than me. I'm gon na try to do this.

The age old adage of start poor, get rich that i started at the bottom of the bomb and the reason i got rich is because i am not stupid. I am not arrogant if you are poor you're one of those not arrogant, not arrogant. Those three things. You're, the too arrogant to listen too stupid to learn or too lazy to try it's impossible to be poor with.
Unless you are one of those three peas and stage one to becoming rich is to identify which one you are. Are you late holy fuck? That's crazy! Lazy, arrogant or stupid how the fuck does this guy have a following? How hard do you really work? How much tv did you watch yesterday? Did you have enough all of it? Yes, you're, a fuck up. Are you arrogant when i sit here and say, look big dog, i'm gon na teach you how to make money. Do you sit there go? I don't want to listen to this guy because i don't think myself.

Yes, you can do yourself with me fucking broke. Would you brokey where's your bugatti? No, you haven't. Fucking got one where's your compound. When seal team six come through you're gon na fucking die you're.

A loser. Wait is seal team six now hunting poor people. I must have missed the fucking memo, but i didn't know that poor people were being hunted down by seal team sic. What the fuck i hate the poor.

They all deserve it. I hate the poor, they all deserve it. You heard it here. First from our field, correspondent, cobra tate, you cannot give up you're in the most fantastic place on the planet, for making money hustlers university and the only person who could ruin that is you most of you are happy to be losers, part-time.

You want to escape. That's why you joined you, don't want any loser. Most of you are happy to be a loser part-time. I just like i wake up, i'm like i'm so fucking stoked, i'm a loser like i was gon na have a bad day and then that day became a good day.

When i realized i'm a fucking loser because that's like what gets me excited 30 more, but then that new video game comes out i'll just play the video game, i'll just be a loser for two more weeks, then i'll get back to trying to escape the matrix. It doesn't work that way because you jump in and out of complacency from i'm happy to be a loser and do loser things to. I can't be a loser anymore. When you jump in and out you never get momentum, you cannot quit.

You cannot give up. You need that momentum to break free when a rocket is flying out towards the moon to escape the atmosphere. It doesn't fucking pause halfway up the sky, does it no, it keeps going every single second you're, not in hustlers university. There are things happening conversations happening that you're not watching.

That could be the one little piece of information you need to break out. It could be that one little sentence that changes everything you're in hustlers university and you're gon na make money, but it ain't easy. It ain't gon na be given to you on a plate. You're gon na have to work you're in competition with the entire world.
Everyone wants to escape. You cannot be lazy. Every single spare! Second, you have needs to be dedicated towards tussle's university, every fucking. Second, if you take a break to eat or drink water, you're a stupid, arrogant, poor person, i want to make that clear games, no more loser, antics, no more dumb shit.

You are in the place where the money resides you're there, you're amongst it, i'm just listening. Like he keeps like hating on video games, imagine someone like dr disrespect or ludwig or tim, the tatman or fucking ninja, who are all multi-multi-millionaires nick merks uh, all of them shroud they're just like shit. I should quit these video games amongst the people who are gon na, be the future millionaires and billionaires of earth you're amongst the professors from the war room hand-picked by the top g top striker emery andrew take the third. You are finally in the right place at the right time.

You are the only person who can make this work and you're. Also, the only person who can fuck this up. Why is he out of frame university is the greatest thing that exists on the face of the planet, for people who are trying to escape the matrix. I will show you how, but you still have to do the work.

There are people who are going to join this program and they're going to quit and they're going to waste their only opportunity, as in there's going to be a lot of people who join the program, realize that it's shit and they're not going to get refunds and He's going to get more rich escape the matrix and they're going to give up on hustlers university, cancel the subscription to save 49 and go back to being a peon and a wage away. Don't be one of those people what's with the frame dude, never fucking get them in the frame inside university, become hustlers university. Welcome to the metaverse inject it into your brain and if you only exist amongst the money you're going to end up with some money. Welcome all right, we have one more, oh fuck yeah.

He has a sword. I guarantee you, don't walk around your house with a sword. I don't because you're not coming. How did he know fuck? Maybe this guy knows what he's talking about.

I guarantee you, don't walk around your house with a sword how the fuck this guy is good commander. I'm a commander. You know like when you command the troops into battle. That's me: that's how i live my life, so i walk around my house with a sword and i make threats like old school threats like one of the musk there's two fucking things i do in this world and that's what's gotten me to the next level.

I walk around my house with a sword because i'm the goddamn commander and i make threats, write that down you fucking peon the tears. I will run you through or i challenge men to duels like oh, you can't do. I don't have a sword. You have your full-grown man, you got sword so i'll walk around with a sword because i'm unconventional i do not comply the world at large, has told you watch netflix eat the bugs watch disney, don't have a sword, don't walk around with a sword.
That's what they want you to do. Don't you understand, i'm just i'm victory, trying to get on a plane with him. Like imagine. If you're tate's friend you're, like fuck, we have to go on another goddamn flight and you know it's like a four-hour fight with the tsa they're like you set off the metal detector.

Sir, like what do you have there he's like it's my fucking sword, you can't bring a sword onto american airlines. He's like the fuck. I can't you didn't sneak netflix watching pussy. This is an act of rebellion like all of my life is an active rebellion.

I hope he hires me to make ads for him. I want to make an ad for hustler's university because he's all about the matrix and everything i'd be like i would come on screen. I'd have a nice green screen and maybe i'd be in like a monastery or um on top of mount everest or maybe in a monastery on top of mount everest, and i would show up in a very formal outfit. Maybe it'd look like steve jobs to like you know, embody a billionaire and i'd have two pills, and i was like what pills do you want in one pill? You could continue to be a fucking loser, pussy, arrogant, stupid, weak, a goddamn, fucking beta, or you have another option for a low low price of 49 a month.

You can master your own universe, sword, not included for 36 fake monies. What do you get you get to sit in purple chairs and look at your phone. You get to drink some fucking white claws at some restaurant. You get two.

Why would you park a car, this close to a pool you just get to fucking smoke and your lambo join the war room? The warm is the greatest global network which exists on planet earth. The war room is a global organization with members bases and influence in over 70 countries. Our network contains a varied expertise which allows us to exert influence globally. Every member has either achieved or is working towards the ultimate goal of all intelligent men.

Freedom in a world of slavery, who is the war room for it's for men who understand something is missing so like, let's not gloss over the misogynistic implications of this. Like he's just saying, women cannot be fucking. Sword-Wielding warriors, the warm has member-only summits in every country of operation, let's just all sit with poor posture smoking, a stogy, let's just walk around with our shirt, two-thirds unbuttoned. I want you to fully understand something: there's been a small tear in the fabric of the matrix and out of the billions of people on the planet.

You are lucky to see it like this is so fucked. This is unchecked psychopathy, so i could join the war room for 4 000, a phd program for 300 fitness program for 200, the iron man wow, look at all these programs body language and you could be a master of chess for two hundred dollars a package deal. You could get it all for eight grand folks. We have a new goal.
We need to make eight grand, so i can buy the elite package deal body language he's in his 30s. How did he become an expert on everything body, language body, language, body, language? He even has body language like this is a spin-off course, but he has body language for pets as well. I would assume body language what you will learn the secrets of being trusted and listened to how to speak convincingly and be believed you'll even learn how to lie. I have a feeling that he actually might be able to teach that part of it pretty well fucking.

This is insane what is this world coming to?.

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